
Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley, Inc. 3202 Shalom Way, South Bend, IN 46615
Volume 7, Number 7
March 2013/ Nisan 5773
Confronting Anti-Semitism:
Taking Action Against Hate
David Kurzmann, ADL Chicago
Sunday, March 17
10:15 AM—12:15 PM
Temple Beth-El
How many times have you heard
young people complain about someone making an anti-Semitic joke or
remark? How often did they tell you
that they didn’t know how to respond or were afraid to speak up?
If we want to empower our youth
to take action when they encounter
anti-Semitism, we must give them
the right tools. The Anti-Defamation
League’s Confronting Anti-Semitism
Program helps Jewish youth, their
families, and other community
members to develop the essential
skills needed to:
Confront insensitive or hateful
comments and behaviors;
Challenge anti-Semitic myths
with facts;
Respond to hate-motivated incidents in school and the community at large;
Utilize national and regional
resources to fight anti-Semitism
on all levels.
This event is geared for 6th-12th
graders and their parents, but anyone interested may attend.
Please turn to ADL on page 15
Our community tops 2013 Campaign goal
Our 2013 Jewish Federation Annual Campaign opened on a high
note with a generous opening pledge
from Kurt Simon in celebration of his
99th birthday. It is with a sense of
gratitude and satisfaction that we
also wrap up our campaign on a high
note with a closing figure approaching 604,703. It is certainly gratifying
to know that we live in a community
that understands the meaning of
tzedakah and tikkun olam. We can’t
thank our entire community enough
for stepping up to the plate and helping us reach our goal. Every gift is
important to the success of the campaign, and we thank you for your
participation. (Donor listing may be
found on page 10). We also thank
our dedicated volunteer Campaign
Cabinet and the many workers who
made the 2013 campaign so successful.
Yet there is also a bittersweet
feeling as we bring this campaign
Please turn to CAMPAIGN on Page 10
Federation welcomes Sikh community
The Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Federation of St.
Joseph Valley invites all of our Jewish families to join us to welcome
our neighbors from the St. Joseph
County Sikh community on Sunday,
March 10 at 4:00 PM for an informational presentation by Tina Rekhi.
Tina Rekhi, a member of the Sikh
community and board member of
the United Religious Community,
will give a short presentation on the
history and beliefs of the Sikh religion, followed by a children’s dance
performance and light refreshments
provided by the Sikh and Jewish
With over 60 Sikh families in our
community, and 25 million followers worldwide, Sikhism is consid-
ered the fifth largest religion in the
world. The religion originated in Punjab, India, in 1469, differentiating itself
from India’s more dominant religions
of Islam and Hinduism.
“The Community Relations Committee is honored to sponsor this interreligious event with the Sikh community and to share fellowship in an informal atmosphere,” stated CRC Chair
Bob Feferman. “Please join us.”
Our Community New s
Our Community News
Volume 7, Number 7
March 2013
Shevat –Adar 5773
Jewish Federation
of St. Joseph Valley
3202 Shalom Way
South Bend, IN 46615
Phone: 574-233-1164
Fax: 574-288-4103
Web: www.thejewishfed.org
Charles Simon, President
Debra Barton Grant,
Executive Vice President
Mitchell Wayne, President Elect
Terry Feldbaum, Vice President
Ilene New, Vice President
David Ravitch, Secretary
Mara Boettcher, Treasurer
Ina Rosenberg,
Immediate Past President
Marilyn H. Gardner,
Exec. Vice President Emerita
Melanie Brown
Robert Feferman
Anita Fishman
Bonny Hoover
Ruth Hutt
Brian Kordansky
Barbara Lerman
Benjamin Silver
Vitaliy Soloveychik
Rozi Wax
Annual Campaign
Douglas Barton
Men’s Campaign Chair
Sandra Barton
Women’s Philanthropy Chair
March 2013
From the desk of the Executive Vice President
Sharing our Cuban connection
I was honored last
month to chair the Small
Federation Executive Institute in Havana, Cuba. It
began when professional
leaders from 25 small Jewish Federations met in a
conference room in a Miami hotel, each laden with
gifts, supplies, and medicines for the Cuban Jewish
community. There were
boxes shipped from
Springfield, IL, a duffle
bag schlepped from Chattanooga, an obscenely
oversized suitcase from
Portland, Maine. There
were cases of pencils,
medicines, adult diapers,
crayons, cold remedies,
soaps, toothpastes, and
dozens of other items. I
entered the room with our
three boxes and two suitcases full of donations
from the St. Joseph Valley
Jewish community.
For the next hour we
“balanced the donations”
Lori DeMike, Kitchen Manager
by Debby Grant
so that no individual carried more than 22 pounds
of drugs (Cuban law). We
then adjourned to another
meeting room to share our
backgrounds and trip expectations. Everyone being from “small” communities, our stories about
our home towns were
similar—aging populaces,
children growing up and
leaving, fear about future
campaigns, and trying to
do more with less. We
then shared our anxieties
about going to a Communist country, what we
could say and do. Was it
safe? (Yes.) Can you drink
the water? (At your own
risk.) Will the police interrogate me? (Only if you
are doing something
wrong.) What will happen
when I go through customs? (They’ll take your
picture, stamp your passport and pass you on
through). The questions
went on for thirty minutes
until everyone felt at ease.
Very early the next morning we boarded the plane in
Miami. We deplaned in
Havana, Cuba, stepping
out on the tarmac on a
warm, sunny day, a mere
40 minute flight from Miami, but worlds apart
from the place we had just
left. I was so happy to be
back in Cuba, returning
almost exactly a year after
our Cuba Community
Trip in February, 2012.
From the get go, Cuba is a
feast for the eyes—the
many 1953 Chevys which
were everywhere, the billb oard s
p ro claimi ng,
Please turn Cuba on page 22
Karen L. Dwyer,
Office Manager/Editor
Lizzie Fagen, JFS Director
Emily Hahnenberg,
Administrative Associate
Nitzan Lahav Paster, Associate
Lea Lehavi, Israeli Shlicha
Mike McComish, Associate
Regina Rozenblit,
Accounting Manager
Susan Sobczak, Receptionist
Anna Soloveychik,
Program Director
Our Community News is
published monthly by the
Jewish Federation of St. Joseph
Valley for the Jewish
community in Michiana.
Menorah made from spoons.
The accomplishments of the Jewish community in Cuba, in the face of a very difficult environment and a severe shortage of resources is nothing short of remarkable. It speaks of the
dedication and commitment of their leadership.
The mission of the Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley is to
serve the Jewish people—locally, in Israel, and throughout the
world—through coordinated fund raising, community-wide
programming, social services, and educational activities.
March 2013
Our Community News
Chris Nicola, author of “The Secret of Priest
Grotto: A Holocaust Survival Story” to
speak at Yom HaShoah events
Chris Nicola one of the leading American cave specialists
and co-author of “The Secret of Priest Grotto: A Holocaust
Survival Story” will be the guest speaker for our Holocaust
Remembrance programs April 7 and 8.
In 1993, Nicola was exploring Ukraine’s famous Gypsum
Giant cave system. There he discovered evidence of habitation and began to pursue the story of how 38 Jews survived
the Holocaust by taking refuge in the caves.
After years of research to find the survivors, Chris is now
dedicated to raising awareness of the Holocaust genocide
through telling the amazing story of the courageous families
who found refuge underground and lived in complete darkness, only leaving their cave at night to search for food and
Through the Priest’s Grotto Heritage Project, Nicola
trains youth in Borchev, Ukraine to work as archeologists
with local museum staff to locate, protect, and preserve the
cave artifacts. We hope to show Chris’s new film “No Place
On Earth” at this years Michiana Jewish Film Festival May
20th -23rd.
Please join us to hear about his incredible story.
Schedule for Days of Remembrance
Yom HaShoah, April 7-8, 2013
Sunday, April 7
Benton Harbor, Temple B’nai Shalom
Chris Nicola: The Secret of the Priest’s Grotto
Monday, April 8
County Court House Remembrance Program
In the Courtroom of Judge Michael Gotsch
10 AM to Noon:
Unto Every Person There is a Name
Continuous reading of names of victims of the Holocaust *
12 Noon—1 PM: Chris Nicola
The Secret of Priest’s Grotto: A Holocaust Survival Story
Monday evening, April 7 7:00 PM
Jewish Community Commemoration Service
Candle Lighting and Service at the Jewish Federation
Chris Nicola: No Place on Earth
* To participate in Unto Every Person There is a Name, please call
the Federation office, 233-1164 to schedule a time to read names.
In the Bankoff Gallery at the Jewish Federation
New Works
On Exhibit through
April 4, 2013
Indiana Women’s
Caucus for Art
Artist’s Reception on Sunday,
March 17, 2013
2—4 PM
Judy Wenig-Horswell
Federation Book Club
The Jewish Federation Book
Club will meet on Monday, March
11 at 11:30 AM. We’ll be discussing
“The Immortal Life of Henrietta
Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot.
Her name was Henrietta Lacks,
but scientists know her as HeLa. She was a poor Southern tobacco farmer who worked the same land as her
slave ancestors, yet her cells—taken without her
knowledge—became one of the most important tools
in medicine. The first “immortal” human cells grown
in culture, they are still alive today, though she has
been dead for more than sixty years. If you could pile
all HeLa cells ever grown onto a scale, they’d weigh
more than 50 million metric tons—as much as a hundred Empire State Buildings. HeLa cells were vital for
developing the polio vaccine; uncovered secrets of cancer, viruses, and the atom bomb’s effects; helped lead
to important advances like in vitro fertilization, cloning, and gene mapping; and have been bought and
sold by the billions.
Yet Henrietta Lacks remains virtually unknown,
buried in an unmarked grave.
Now Rebecca Skloot takes us on an extraordinary
journey, from the “colored” ward of Johns Hopkins
Hospital in the 1950s to stark white laboratories with
freezers full of HeLa cells; from Henrietta’s small, dying hometown of Clover, Virginia—a land of wooden
slave quarters, faith healings, and voodoo—to East Baltimore today, where her children and grandchildren
live and struggle with the legacy of her cells.
Intimate in feeling and astonishing in scope, The
Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks captures the beauty and
drama of scientific discovery, as well as its human consequences.
Our Community News
Caring Connections
by Lizzie Fagen, Jewish Family Services Director
Reaching out at Passover
At our seder tables on
Passover, we begin the
Maggid section of the Haggadah (telling of the story
of EXODUS from Egypt),
by uncovering and lifting
the plate holding the matzah, the bread of affliction
our ancestors ate in Egypt
”Ha lakhma anya…” and
invite all who are hungry
to eat with us (the fulfillment of physical needs)
and all who are needy to
join us in celebrating Passover (the fulfillment of
spiritual yearnings). We
re-experience our servitude in Egypt so that we
never forget what it
means to be a slave or an
out-cast. Reaching beyond
ourselves to help others,
we realize, is a sign of
freedom. (Celebrate! The
Complete Jewish Holidays
Handbook, 1994, p. 25).
Jewish Family Services
and our Jewish Federation
take this teaching of
“reaching beyond ourselves to help others as a
sign of freedom” to heart.
For the past four years,
Jewish Family Services
has served the Jewish
community at large by
practicing the mitzvah of
Passover food is given to
those during the Passover
season to ensure that everyone has what is needed
to prepare a seder. But
Jewish Family Services
could not perform this
yearly mitzvah without the
community’s strong help
and support. This year we
are so excited to have the
community’s support for
Maot Chittim in the following ways:
1. Each year, Jewish Family
Services has donors who
give significant amounts
of money to be used for
Passover items and giftcards. These donations
have already begun.
2. Each year community
members give nonperishable Pesach food
items to be used in our
Maot Chittim gift bags.
3. Last year the Federation
partnered with the South
Bend Hebrew Day
School’s 4th grade class’s
WSBT reading challenge
where the students
reached their goal of
reading a prescribed # of
minutes and then nonperishable food items,
paper goods and gift
cards were donated by
sponsors of the 4th graders Reading Challenge to
our Kosher Food pantry
and Maot Chittim Initiative. This year, Jewish
Family Services and the
South Bend Hebrew Day
School have taken this
partnership further by
incorporating the K-6th
March 2013
Senior Activity Group March 2013
The Senior Activity Group meets at Tanglewood
Trace Retirement Center from 12:30 to 2:00 PM for an
activity followed by an extended coffee break with
discussion and socialization. Individuals not living at
Tanglewood are also welcome to participate. There is
no charge for this program.
March 7th
12:30-1:30 PM—Art with Todd Hoover
1:30-2:00 PM—Coffee Break and Snacks
March 14th
12:30-1:30 PM—Exercise with Joanna Wyner
1:30-2:00 PM— Coffee Break and Snacks
March 21st
12:30—1:30 PM– Music with Chris Robinson
1:30—2:00 PM— Coffee Break with Snacks
Please call Lizzie Fagen with any questions about
this program. Please call 574-233-1164.
The Federation’s Senior Activity Group has been generously underwritten by the Ronald S. & Nancy Plotkin Cohen Endowment Fund.
Jewish Programming at Tanglewood
Join us on Monday, March 18th at
12:30 PM in the Market Place Room at Tanglewood for our monthly Jewish Program.
Rabbi Michael Freidland will join us to
speak about Pesach. And of course, we’ll
have time for refreshments and visiting.
Seniors living in other senior living
communities are always welcome. For transportation,
call the Federation office at 574-233-1164.
grade students into the
4. Finally, the Federation’s
SABABAH teen and
tween youth group,
along with their youth
group leader, Lea Lehavi, will organize our
Maot Chittim gift baskets (for later distribution) on SUNDAY,
March 10 from 2:00 PM
to 4:00 PM when they
meet at the Federation
for Good Deeds Day.
Our community helps
each other in so many
ways. Thank you from all
of us at Jewish Family Services for your repeated
acts of giving. And thank
you also for understanding that TRUE freedom
comes when we reach beyond ourselves to help
one another.
From our family to
yours. Chag Kasher
Sameach! May you have a
meaningful and joyous
Passover season.
March 2013
Our Community News
Jewish Family Services Lunches
March Lunch ‘n’ Learn
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at 12 Noon
Presenter: Nitzan Lahav, JFS Social Worker
Nitzan is one of our JFS social workers. Her topic is
A Look into the Israeli Welfare System
Nitzan graduated from Bar-Ilan University in Israel and
has practiced social work in Israel for 7 years and 1 year in
the United States.
Lunch with Lea:
Green Israel
Israeli Technologies
and Efforts to Keep Green
Monday, March 11 at 12 PM
At the Jewish Federation
Bring your own lunch. We'll provide sodas and something to nosh.
Cost is only $5.00 for lunch.
Pre-Pesach Community Lunch
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 12 Noon
Free Lunch and Learn
Education Programs for
Menu: Mac’N Cheese, Pasta bar with a variety of sauces,
Garlic Bread, Salad, Lots of “Chametz “ desserts!
Entertainment will be provided by Chris Robinson on
the piano.
Please RSVP by March 18: 574-233-1164
Cost of lunch is only $5.00 per person!
Caregivers of Older Adults
Thursday, March 7, 2013 12:10—1:30 PM
Medicare/Social Security
Present: David Seymour, Public Affairs Specialist
Social Security Administration
Transportation available. Please call if you need a ride.
Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:10—1:30 PM
Negotiating the Legal Maze
Presenter: Michael Murphy, elder-law attorney
About Diabetes and Nutrition
Sponsored by Alzheimer’s and Dementia Services of Northern
Indiana and Real Services. Please call Leah Kelly Schrock at
2574-284-7132 to register.
On February 13, Susan Szczechowski, Dietician and
Certified Diabetes Educator, spoke at our Lunch ‘n’
Learn Series about self-management and control of Diabetes through meal planning, glucose monitoring, medication regimes, and complication prevention.
learned the importance of:
♦ Having an A1C blood sugar analysis every 3 months
♦ Having blood pressure checked at each doctor’s visit
Alzheimer’s expert Teepa Snow to give
seminar on helping families cope
Sunday, April 21, 2013
1 PM to 4 PM
at the Jewish Federation
For family care givers
Monday, April 22, 2013
8:30 AM—11:30 AM
at the Jewish Federation
Directed to professionals;
caregivers are welcome
with a target of less than 130/80.
♦ Having a cholesterol/lipid profile done twice/
Other routine exams recommended are:
♦ A yearly dilated eye exam
♦ A daily foot examination along with an exam at each
doctor’s visit to check for pulses and sensation.
♦ A yearly urinalysis for protein.
♦ And “weigh-ins” at doctor visits.
For an appointment with Ms. Szczechowski to discuss
meal planning and adequate nutrition, call 574-647-3213
or e-mail: [email protected].
More than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease
and 34,000 of them live in northern Indiana. It’s such an
ominous epidemic that it has replaced cancer as the most
feared illness among seniors. Nationally renowned dementia care expert Teepa Snow will present two free hands-on
seminars, one for families struggling to cope with dementia
and Alzheimer’s and one for professional caregivers.
To register, please call 574-232-4121 or toll free 888-3030180. Space is limited so make your reservation early.!
Our Community News
March 2013
Passover Greetings
Jewish Family Services Passover Appeal
Maot Chittim Appeal for
“Kosher for Passover “
food donations
Best wishes for a
Happy Passover
The Officers and Staff
of the Jewish Federation
of St. Joseph Valley
It is that time of year when Jewish Family
Services asks the community for donations
of Kosher L’Pesach food items so that everyone in our community is able to join in a
Seder meal recounting the miracle of our
redemption from slavery to the joyous responsibilities of freedom.
Wishing all our friends
a joyous Passover
Kosher L’Pesach food items should be
stocked in our local grocery stores as well as
at Midwest Kosher Deli, by the beginning of
March. Cash donations, along with giftcards from Martin’s Super Markets and
Midwest Kosher Deli are also welcome. Donations can be dropped off at the Jewish
Linda and Mark Toth
We thank you in advance for your extra
generosity at this time of year. It is a needed
blessing for many. Indeed, your valued
support of the Federation is helping make
the world a better place, and we thank you
Please complete the Passover Appeal
Form on page 8 when you make your gift
in-kind or monetary gift.
Donate online at www.thejewishfed.org to
make a difference right now.
Wishing our friends a
joyous Passover
Robbie & Paul Grimstad
Happy Passover
Gayle Silver
Marvin & Joyce Mishkin
Kosher Food Pantry:
Our Warmest Wishes
for a Happy Passover
Debby and Scott Grant
Jonah, Benjamin, and Sam
Passover Greetings
Wishing all our friends
a joyous Passover
Birgit & Hugh Metzger
Posi Tucker & Family
Wishing all our friends
a joyous Passover
Our warmest wishes for
a Happy Passover
Louis Baker
Muriel Hurwich
and Family
March 2013
Our Community News
Passover Greetings
Our warmest wishes
for a Happy Passover
Wishing all our friends
a Happy Passover
Dayle and David Piser
Dan, Megan, & Kayla New
Leah and Neil Silver
Corky & Erv Karlin
Our warmest wishes
for a Happy Passover
Our Warmest Wishes
for a Happy Passover
Our warmest wishes
for a Happy Passover
Babs and Mel Waks
Anita and Stu Fishman
Marc and Ilene Golden
Wishing all our friends
a joyous Passover
Tammie & Alan Brown
Josh, Dana, David
Hank and Freddy
Peri & Beverly
Our warmest wishes
for a Happy Passover
Our Warmest Wishes
for a Happy Passover
The Soloveychik Family
Happy Passover
Passover Greetings
Best wishes for a
Happy Passover
Evie Rosenstein
Happy Passover
Ruth and Judy Heumann
Our Warmest Wishes for a Happy Passover
Sara and Abe Marcus
Sharon Schulman
Dan Hektor and
Tela Schulman-Hektor
Rabbi Allen and Judy Schnall
South Bend Warehousing & Distribution Corp.
With all best
wishes for a Happy
Lynda & Charles
Wishing All
Our Friends a
Joyous Passover
Lisa & Steve
Our Community News
March 2013
Yes, this Passover I want to help the Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley feed the hungry, care for the sick, and celebrate Jewish life.
Name____________________________________________________________ Phone______________________________
Enclosed is my tax-deductible gift of $___________
Enclosed in—Kind gift (Grocery Gift Cards, etc.)
Charge my credit card $____________
Please complete below to pay by Credit Card: (You may also pay on-line at www.thejewishfed.org)
Visa MasterCard __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Expir. Date:_____________ 3-digit code_____
Credit Card Account Number
Cardholder’s Signature
Send to: Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley, 3202 Shalom Way, South Bend, IN 46615 ! Phone: 574.233.1164 ! Fax: 574.288.4103
March 2013
Thank You
We want to thank
each and every one of
you for your contributions, food trays, visitations, and calls that we
received in memory of
our dear companion
and cousin,
It has been so gratifying to receive this
outpouring of love and
warm feelings for a
man who touched all
our lives. Truly his life
was a blessing and we
are all blessed to have
shared in it.
Our love to you all.
Mary Lou Gordon
Lynda & Chuck Simon
In appreciation.
The family of Morris
Katz sends heartfelt
thanks to the community for the many kind
words of condolence
and the many donations sent in Morrie’s
memory to his favorite
philanthropic organization.
Cookie Katz
Sahara & Ken Katz
Our Community News
Memorial Contributions to
Jewish Federation Designated Funds
We welcome contributions to our various funds listed below. Individual acknowledgment cards are sent for
each contribution.
The Jewish Federation expresses its sincere appreciation for these generous
From the following contributors:
Mitzie and Howard Schrager
Nancy and Ron Cohen
Sherry & Don Medow
Barb and Mike Katz
Babs & Mel Waks
Sally and Jerry Brumer
Evelyn Rosenstein
Shish Rubin
Debbie and Bob Rosenfeld
Leah and Neil Silver
Birgit & Hugh Metzger
Marlene & Gene Abrams
Kevin Carmichael
Melissa Thomet
Betty & Mel Sandock
Dayle and David Piser
Tammie & Alan Brown
Ruth and Bob Gross
Judy and Mort Ziker
Marilyn Oppenheim
Sally and Roger Hamburg
Marjorie and Paul Goldwin
Phyllis & Jerry DeVorkin June and Eli Glazer
Marjorie Baer
Elaine Clearfield
Diane and Bill Sarnat
Beverly Brooks
Muriel Hurwich
Sylvia Katz
Sara and Jay Leopold
Larry Boetsma
Melanie and Livy Zeitler
Marilyn Brown
Reggie & Judd Lowenhar Cookie Katz
Tracy Bosscher
Hilda, Arnold, and Gordon Reingold
Board & Staff of the Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley
To the following programs/funds:
Kurt and Tessye (z”l) Simon Seniors Living with Dignity Fund
Jewish Family Services/ Kosher Food Pantry
Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley
Jewish Welfare Fund/Annual Federation Campaign
Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund
Ronald S. & Nancy Plotkin Cohen Endowment Fund
Ruth and Ben Levy Senior Services Fund
Congratulations and Best Wishes to:
Lynda and Chuck Simon on their Wedding Anniversary
Sara and Abe Marcus on the birth of their granddaughter
Lynda and Chuck Simon on their granddaughter Anne’s Bat Mitzvah
Jaye and Shane Galloway on their daughter Anne’s Bat Mitvah
Bina and Rabbi Dovid Margulies on engagement of their daughter
Chelle and Bobby Medow on being honored by Torah Mi Tzion in St. Louis
Laurie Katz on birth of her granddaughter
Rochel and Dovid Goldberg on the engagement of Elchonon to Tzipi Gross
Yehudis and Yaakov Bechhofer on the engagement of Shamshi to Rochel Becker
Happy Birthday to:
Marilyn Brown
Rene Frank
In Appreciation:
Lizzie Fagen
Adele Paskin
Dr. Alon Shemesh
Get Well /Thinking of You to:
Ira Anes
Diane Sarnat
Don Medow
Naida Cohn
In memory of:
Kurt Simon
Betty Schpok
Rosa Gelder
Arthur Schulman
Mimi Meltzer
Morris Katz
Naomi Spigle
Marion Lebermuth
Billie Manis
Mogens Nielsen
Geoffrey Newman
Essi Katz
Leah Dunning
Beverly Rubin
Dr. Philip Zeitler
Our Community News
March 2013
2013 Jewish Federation Campaign
Together, we do extraordinary things.
Our Jewish Federation Annual Campaign is the foundation
of all we do, and we can’t do it without you, our generous
and loyal supporters. As of February 28, 2013, we have received commitments for $604,703 from 541 donors.
Thank you for supporting our Jewish community.
Campaign (Continued from Page 1)
year to a close, knowing
that several of our major
donors passed away and
will not be with us next
year. They were instrumental both financially
and in nurturing leaders
by sharing their time, talent, and knowledge.
Every year it is more of a
challenge to reach higher,
to do more, and to cultivate leaders, and yet our
Federation continues to
offer everyone in our community educational, informational, social, and emotional support. We keep
our focus on our local
community, but never
lose sight of the needs of
Jews around the world.
If you have been
touched by a Federation
program this year or in
the past, remember that it
is your support financially
— and being present that
makes a difference in the
quality of Jewish life here
in our community.
If you have not yet
made your gift to the 2013
Annual Campaign our
real goal has always been
100% participation and we
still need your support.
As we enjoy and celebrate
surpassing our campaign
goal this year, there is always more to be done.
We need your help!
Please call Debby Grant
to find out how you can
be involved in the campaign or in Federation
leadership, especially now
as we move into our strategic planning sessions to
plan for the future. We
look forward to your involvement in the 2014 Annual Campaign. Together,
we do extraordinary
things. Let us continue to
do so.
Douglas Barton, Men’s Campaign Chair
Sandy Barton, Women’s Philanthropy
Deena & Rabbi Dovid Abraham
Paul Abrams
Ron Adelsman
Anna and Mark Alber
Sheri Alpert
Stephen Alpert
Lillian Altman
Ira Anes
Sarah Anne Anes
Anonymous (22)
Beverly Arnold
Dr. Peri Arnold
Becky and Dan Asleson
Mary Sue Austin
Donna Ayres
Amy and Max Baim
Louis Baker
Timothy and Mary Baker
Billie and David Bankoff
Effie and Doren Barak
Bette Barron
Jon Barron
Dr. Douglas Barton
Sandy Barton
Marzy and Joe Bauer
Judy & Rabbi Jacob Bechhofer
Sharon and Scott Beisel
Frida Belenkis
Dorothy Berebitsky
Harold Berebitsky
Shirley Berebitsky
Susan and Gary Bernstein
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Birnbaum
Mark Black
Don and Judi Bleich
Dr. Joyce Block and
Dr. Henry Weinfield
Cathy and Steve Blum
Dr. Susan Blum
Maureen and Steven Bluth
Lyudmila Bobova
Tianna & Brian Boeker
Mara Boettcher
Anita F. Boorda
Jay Brockman and Jean Ketcham
Marsha Brook
Melvin Brook
Sara Brook
Beverly Brooks
AJ and Robert Brown
Karen and Larry Brown
Marilyn Brown
Minette and Irvin Brown
Dr. Payton Brown & Family
Seth Brown & Marya Lieberman
Tammie and Alan Brown
Alicja and Michael Brownstein
Drs. Marc and Rachel Bruell
Jody and Dan Bruetman
• Janet B. Berman Lion of Judah Endowment
• William Frank Philanthropic Fund
• Marcus-Schulman Family Endowment Fund
• Irwin and Andra Press Endowment Fund
• Dorothy and Dr. Herbert Schiller Endowment
• Shirley & Samuel Raitzin Endowment Fund
March 2013
Our Community News
2013 Jewish Federation Annual Campaign Donor Honor Roll
Brumer Family
Rabbi & Mrs. Meir Bulman
Cynthia and Andrew Burch
Marianne Burdeen
David Cangany
Beverly Chamberg
Dr. Peter Cholak and Zabe Williams
Anita Cibelli
Ciliberti Family
Lynne & David Clayton
Beverly Cohen
Jill and Joel Cohen
Dana and Richard Cohen
Nancy Cohen
Ronald Cohen
Joan and Stan Parkes Cohen
Naida and David Cohn
Jeff Cohn
Stuart Cohn and Nedra Kennelly
Brady Cole
Jody and William Comer
Ramona Cornett
Dr. Candace Corson-Knowles
and George Knowles
Marni and Donald Cronk
Phyllis and Jerry DeVorkin
LouAnn Dobbins
Susan Elfin
Michelle and Eliezer Eli
Alana and Yair Elias
Michael Eliasohn
Judith & Joseph Engelsberg
Terry Satinover Fagen
Robert Feferman
Rabbi Shoshana Feferman
Jim Feinstein
Terry and Alan Feldbaum
Mendel Feldleyfer
Yevgeniya & Robert Feldleyfer
Dr. E. Michael Feltman
Ben Finan
Lynne and David Fischgrund
James Fischoff
Mary Fisher
Anita and Stu Fishman
Barbara Fizdale Fleenor
Karen Fleischer
Wendi Fogelson
In honor of Rae Forgash
Irene (Rene) Frank
Kim and Seth Frank
Loretta Frank
Maxine Frank
Newton Frank
Robert Frank
Stephen Fredman
Michelle and Robert Freel
Jody Freid
Dr. Michael Freid
Leah and Rosa Frenkiel
Fagen-Friedland Children’s Fund
Rabbi Michael Friedland
and Lizzie Fagen
Moshe Friedland
Sharon & Hillard Friedman
Lee Friend
Nana and Dr. Gary Fromm
Jaye and Shane Galloway
Marcie and Dennis Gamble
Dr. David Gardner
Marilyn Gardner
Rosa Gelder of blessed memory
Lenny Gentner
Sharon and Donald Gentner
Debora and Gerald Genyuk
Lisa Gerber
Dr. Steve Gerber
The Gettlemans and Bushnells
Dena & Rabbi Jonah Gewirtz
Dan Gezelter & Carey Gaudern
Marianne Surges and Neil Gilbert
Sharon and Stephen Gilbert
Alyssa Gillespie
Leslie Gitlin
Dr. William Gitlin
Delphine and Gerald Glaser
Eli Glazer
June Glazer
Dr. Joseph Glazier
Linda Glazier
Mina and Dr. Wayne Gleiber
Moe and Sheila Glenner
Janina and Abraham Goetz
Joseph and Rita Gold
Dora Goldberg
Dovid and Rochel Goldberg
Margaret Goldberg
Paul Goldberg
Steven Goldberg
Ilene and Marc Golden
Nancy and Mitchell Goldstein
Sarah and David Goldstein
Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Goldwasser
Marjorie Goldwin
Dr. Paul Goldwin
Sally Goloubow
Ruth Goltz
Jim and Judith Goodkin
Elizabeth and Milton Gould
Gloria Gour
Eduard Grabshteyn
Debby and Scott Grant
Kathy and Bruce Greenberg
Jason Gresl and Lara Turner
Robbie and Paul Grimstad
Steve Gruber
Tira and Moishe Gubin
Emily Hahnenberg
Dr. David Halperin
Sally and Roger Hamburg
Julia Hanberg
Barb and Phil Hartman
Mitchell Heppenheimer
Aviva & Yohonatan Hershberg
Judy Heumann
Mrs. Ruth Heumann
Christine and Lee Hoffman
Terry Hoffman
Women’s Philanthropy:
We are. We can. We do.
Lions of Judah
Pomegranate Society
Sandy Barton (*LOJE)
Janet Berman (*LOJE)
Nancy Cohen
Terry Feldbaum
Muriel Hurwich
Carol Kapson
Sherry Medow
Linda Mintz
Dr. Etta Nevel
Ilene New
Joan New
Donna Richter
Ina Rosenberg
Debbie Rosenfeld (2013)
Evelyn Rosenstein
Diane Sarnat
Cari Shein
Lynda Simon (LOJE*)
Tessye Simon z”l (LOJE*)
Cheryl Waldman
Carin Weingarten (2013)
Babs Waks
Barbara Wind
Judy Ziker
Billie Bankoff
Bette Barron
Susan Blum
Marilyn Gardner
Lisa Gerber
Leslie Gitlin
Maggie Goldberg
Sally Goloubow
Cookie Katz
Laurie Katz
Mona Medow
Cristyne Porile
Pam Rubenstein
Shish Rubin
Jennifer Schwartz
Anne Silverman
Gloria Wolvos
Cheryl Ziker
*LOJE designates a Lion of
Judah Endowment promising a
gift at this level in perpetuity.
Our Community News
March 2013
Thank you to our donors for your generous support!
Peter Holland & Romana Huk
Marlene Hollenkamp
Bonny Hoover
Todd Hoover
Dr. Keith Howell and Family
Aimee and Jeffry Hurdle
Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hurwich
Muriel Hurwich
Robert Hutt
Ruth Hutt
Irina Ivanova and Sergey Ivanov
Esther Jacobseigh Ann and Ben
Nadine and Wilbur Jarvis
Dr. Lionel Jensen
Vivian and Marvin Kagan
Ina Kahal
Matt Kahn & Janine Felder-Kahn
Pamela Kahn
Sharon and David Kalling
Carol Kapson
Craig Kapson
Corinne and Erwin Karlin
Erwin Karlin
Barbara Brown Katz
Bernard Katz
Essi Katz of blessed memory
Helene Katz
Morris Katz of blessed memory
Muriel “Cookie” Katz
Muriel S. Katz
Paulette & Harlan Katz
Dr. Sam & Mary Ann Katz
Steven A. Katz
Julie and Jack Keller
Amanda and Dave Kerk
Ilana and Michael Kirsch
Elaine and David Kirshenbaum
Shonnie and Lou Klatch
Rachel Klatch
Daryl Kleiman
Natalie H. Klein
Paul Klein
Channie and Avromi Klor
Golde Konefka-Kronenberg
Lilac and Brian Kordansky
Alla and Anatoliy Kostylev
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Kricheff
Lesley & Michael Krueger
Claudia and Tom Kselman
Paula and Anthony Kupferer
Paula and Gary Leece
Dr. Alan Leichter
Barbara Lerman
David Lerman
Lisa and Billy Lerman
Mechal Lerman
Naomi and Shlomo Lerman
Razel and Ted Lerman
Rivky and Shragi Lerman
Tsipi and Gerald Lerman
Sondra and Albert Levin
Bobbi and Michael Levin
Adam Levine
Danny Levine
Sandra Levine
Naomi and Maurice Levitt
Cathy and Jeffrey Levy
Susan and Edward Levy
Nancy Lichtenstein
Cathy and Yair Liker
James Linder
Bekki and Kuppel Lindow
Lynne LoSecco
Sarah and Steve Lotter
Reggie and Judd Lowenhar
Emiliya Luban
Vladimir Luban
Vadim and Tatyana Luban
Jenny and Jonathan Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Leland MacMillan
Samantha Manewitz & Frank Connolly
Myrna and Gary Marcus
Ruth and Joseph Markley
Sue Marsh
Laurie & Alexander Martin
Brian May & Jennifer Woodell-May
Toni and Bruce McDougal
Rosann McGuire
Sherry and Don Medow
Ossie and Dan Meisel
Fran Mesirow
Birgit and Hugh Metzger
Ashley and Joshua Miller
Linda and Richard Mintz
David Mirkin
Lene Mirkin
Sam Mirkin
Sherril Mirkin
Joyce and Dr. Marvin Mishkin
Leorit & Zalman Mittman
Robert Mitzman
Jeanette Morgenroth
Karen and Jerald Morris
Chaya and Fred Nebel
Sarah and Robert Nerenberg
Mikhail Netsmekh
Etta and Bernard Nevel
Daniel New
Ilene New
Jeffrey New
Jim New
Joan New
Megan New
Geoffrey Newman
Drs. Tzvi & Rachel Novick
Nunez-Gross Family
Susan W. Oliver
Marylyn Oppenheim
Adele Paskin
Nitzan and Amir Lehav Paster
Ella Paston
Elky & Rabbi Reuven Pelberg
Anna Petkova
Laura and Dr. David Pflum
Charlene Pippenger
Dayle and David Piser
Dr. Ben Plotkin
Meira & Rabbi Raphael Pollack
Dr. Barth and Helen Pollak
Cristyne Porile
Dr. James Porile
Dr. Tracy Poston
Celene Potysman
Patrick, Karen, Rachael
& Daniel Powers
Elli and Paul Price
Lynda and Jeff Price
Yael Prizant
Pinky and Buddy Raab
Radmila Ragimbekov
Renada and
Chingiz Ragimbekov
Ruslan Ragimbekov
Daniel Ravitch
Julie and David Ravitch
Catherine and Ron Ravitch
Jody and Kirk Reinbold
Beatrice & Milton Reisman
Pamela Rerick
Faye Resnick
Donna Richter
Dr. Mark Richter
Karen & Tony Riffer-Reinert
Sue and Evan Roberts
Steven Rodin
Sandy Roland-Hall
Herschel Rolnick
John Roncz
Audrey and David Rose
Ann and Elliot Rosen
Dr. Charles Rosenbaum and
Ms. Mona Medow
Ruth Rosenbaum
Carol and Charles Rosenberg
Ina Rosenberg
Irving Rosenberg
Larry Rosenberg
Michael and Lisa Rosenberg
Vicki and Sheldon Rosenberg
Debbie Rosenfeld
Mildred Rosenfeld
Robert Rosenfeld
Naomi and Rabbi Yisroel Mayer
Evelyn Rosenstein
Nancy S. & Rabbi Elliot Rosenstock
Jill Ross
Steve Ross
Betsy and J.W. Rossow
Michelle and Martin Rottenberg
Regina and Mark Rozenblit
Valentina Rozenblit
Tonya and Dennis Ruben
Pam Rubenstein
Phyllis and Jean Rubin
Joshua Rubin
Laury Rubin
Shish Rubin
Yelizaveta Ryzhkova
Mitzie and Dr. David Sabato
Alice Frost Saffren
Florence Saltzman
Judy & Steve Saltzman
Esther & Dovid Samber
Amanda and Brad Sandler
Betty Sandock
Diane and Lou Sandock
March 2013
Our Community News
Thank you to our donors for your generous support!
Emily and Jacob Sandock
Susan and Mark Sandock
Pauline Saretsky
Diane Sarnat
Dr. William Sarnat
Mira and George Satori
Arielle and Jeff Sax
Margaret & Martin Schaffner
Stephanie Scharf
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Schiff
Stephanie & Ted Schlossmacher
Sandra and Rick Schpok
Debbie Schrager
Mitzie & Howard Schrager
Sally Schreiber
Arthur Schulman of blessed memory
Tela Schulman-Hektor & Dan Hektor
Alice Schuster
Cheri Berman Schuster
Jennifer & Bruce Schwartz
Rivka & Yehuda Seligson
Gita and Lev Shapiro
Mikhail Shapiro
Dr. Ilene and Richard Sheffer
Barry Shein
Cari Shein
Debbie & Dr. Alon Shemesh
Sura Shikhman
Nina Shor
Judy and Sidney Shroyer
Steven Shub
Harvey Sieff
Sharon and Jeff Siegel
Betty Signer
Cynthia & Harold Silberman
Paul Silberman
Gayle Silver
Leah and Neil Silver
Robert Silver
Tikki and Rabbi Tzvi Silver
Valerie and Benjamin Silver
Zachariah Silver
Ann Silverman
Irene Silverman
Ron Silverman
Charles S. Simon
Kurt & Tessye Simon of blessed memory
Lynda B. Simon
Debra & Rabbi Eric Siroka
Anna and Fedor Sirota
Ei- Colette & George Wolfson
Myrna and Robert Wolosin
Gloria Wolvos
Richard Wright
Joanna and Matt Wyner
Tova & Rabbi Moshe Yachnes
Robert Yamplosky &
Diane Rapaport
Mirra Yeselevich
Heidi Zavatsky
Shira and Rabbi Amiram Zeiger
Terry and Jeffrey Zelvy
Cheryl and David Ziker
Judith Ziker
leen and Albert Slein
Vitaliy & Anna Soloveychik
Nancy and Charles Stanton
Sorah and Jeremy Stein
Rita Stephan
John & Barbara Gentner Stephenson
Richard Stern
Sara Stewart & Mitch Yaciw
Simone Street
Marissa & Philippe Sucosky
Sukhotinhskya Family
Susan and Gary Sussman
Cindy and Mike Tachman
Julie Tafelski
Temple Israel, Valparaiso
Leona Thornton
Rabbi and Mrs. Avi Tkatch
Drs. Avishalom & Debbie Tor
Linda and Mark Toth
Bradford Trevathan
Posi Tucker
Peggy and Richard Tucker
Ruth Tulchinsky
Will Turbow
Janet and Arnold Valencia
Iris and Al Vanderhoof
Nataliya Vdovina
Miriam Viktora
Elsye Vodnoy
Shelley Vodnoy-Papai
Michal and Shlomo Wadler
Temima and Eliezer Wainhaus
Babs Waks
Cheryl Waldman
Dr. Ray Waldman
Byra Warner & Gary Horvath
Suzanne Watson
Rozi and Alan Wax
Bonnie Waxman
Kalvin Waxman
Monika and Mitchell Wayne
Rabbi Rob Weber
Judy and Dr. Richard Wein
Nelson Weindling
Carin and Dr. Harvey Weingarten
Eileen Weingarten
Leonard Weingarten
Shirley Weingarten
Marie Weiss
Melody and Dr. Richard Weiss
David and Rose Wenger
Maria and Donald Wertheimer
Barbara Wind
Dr. Joseph Wind
Shirlee Wishinsky
Eleanor Wiswell
Morton Ziker
Zina Zilbert
Doreen and Harold Zisla
Bernadette and Thomas Zoss
Our apologies if we inadvertently
missed you. If you don’t see your
name, you may be on our anonymous
list. If your name is missing, please
call Karen at the Federation office to
make sure your pledge has been recorded and to make sure that your
name is listed accurately.
Thank you to our 2013
Annual Campaign Volunteers
Sandy Barton, Women’s Philanthropy
Douglas Barton, Men’s Campaign
Ira Anes
Sarah Anne Anes
Donna Ayres
Billie Bankoff
David Bankoff
Mel Brown
Tammie Blackman Brown
Karen Dwyer
Susan Enamorado
Bob Feferman
Alan Feldbaum
Terry Feldbaum
Anita Fishman
Stu Fishman
Bob Frank
Jaye Galloway
Steve Gerber
Marjorie Goldwin
Paul Goldwin
Robbie Grimstad
Bonny Hoover
Ruth Hutt
Ruthie Isaacs-Holzer
Lionel Jensen
Carol Kapson
Craig Kapson
Ilana Kirsch
Lou Klatch
Brian Kordansky
Barbara Lerman
Lisa Lerman
Al Levin
Mike Levin
Abe Marcus
Linda Mintz
Dan New
Ilene New
Jeffrey New
David Piser
Howard Prager
David Ravitch
Ina Rosenberg
Jill Ross
Regina Rozenblit
Cheri Schuster
Yehuda Seligson
Ron Silverman
Charles Simon
Rozi Wax
Mitch Wayne
Richard Wright
Ian Wulfsohn
Our Community News
Community Relations
March 2013
Michigan enacts Iran Contracting Law
2013: The year of “Never Again”
By Bob Feferman, CRC Chair
January 27th, known as
the International Holocaust Remembrance Day,
is the date that marks the
liberation of Auschwitz.
This year, to commemorate the occasion, President Obama said that the
United States resolves “…
to stay true to the principle of ‘Never Again.'”
Now, as Iran races to develop nuclear weapons,
we must ask ourselves the
question: What have we
done to live up to the
words, “Never Again”?
As Americans, we can
be proud that over the
past several years, the U.S.
government has instituted
increasingly tougher sanctions on Iran. Today,
American companies, including their foreign subsidiaries, are prohibited
from doing business in
Iran with the exception of
the sale of food and medicine. Unfortunately, the
same cannot be said of our
foreign friends and allies.
The truth is that with
the exception of the European Union’s boycott on
Iranian oil, for much of
the world it remains business as usual with
Iran. China, Russia, South
Korea, and India might
say the right things, but
they simply aren’t taking
substantial action to curtail their commerce with
Iran. And for many of the
world’s corporate actors,
business with Iran has
never been better. What can
Americans do?
It is time to ask ourselves
some tough questions, and
take action. Are we aware
that our taxpayer dollars
fund government contracts
with foreign companies
doing business in Iran? Are
we aware that manufacturers of the foreign cars we
buy - like Nissan and
Mazda - are actually producing cars in Iran? Why
are our pensions invested
in foreign companies doing
business in Iran that help
enrich the regime?
These questions are very
troubling given the facts
about Iran. Iran is illegitimately ruled by a regime
responsible for the murder
of American soldiers in Iraq
and Afghanistan, and civilians in Israel. It is a regime
responsible for supporting
its close ally, Syria, in its
brutal repression that has
cost the lives of over 60,000
civilians. It is a regime
guilty of the most egregious
abuses of human rights including the rape, torture,
and murder of political and
religious dissidents. And it
is a regime that continues
to openly threaten genocide
against Israel.
If that is Iran without a
nuclear weapon, imagine it
with one. Where is the outrage? What happened to
“Never Again”?
As Americans, we cannot
go to foreign countries and
Federation Board members Brian Kordansky, left, and
Dave Ravitch, right, with Michigan State Representative
Al Psholka were honored by United Against Nuclear Iran
(UANI) for their role in initiating and supporting Iran
Contracting Legislation passed by the Michigan state legislature in December. The bill was authored by Rep.
Marty Knollenberg and Senator Roger Kahn. Michigan is
the 7th state to enact this legislation.
tell them who they can do
business with. Yet we can
tell them something else: If
you, as a company, do business in Iran, you should not
count on earning our hardearned taxpayer dollars
through government contracts. If you produce or
sell cars in Iran, we will not
buy your cars. And if your
company helps to enrich a
regime that kills Americans
and threatens the destruction of Israel, we will not
invest in your company.
The CEO of the advocacy
group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), Ambassador Mark Wallace, said it
most succinctly: “We need
to bring Iran to the point
where it will have to choose
between having the bomb
or having a functioning
economy.” Those of us at
UANI regularly pressure
companies to leave Iran,
and advocate tougher sanctions against the regime.
By visiting our website,
UANI.com, Americans can
take action, and inform
the world’s bad actors that
their irresponsible corporate behavior must stop.
Experts have warned us
that 2013 will be the year
of Iran. It could be the
year Iran gets the bomb,
or is persuaded to end its
race to the bomb.
It will also be the year
that we are put to the test:
Have we truly learned the
lessons of Auschwitz? Are
we truly committed to
“Never Again”?
Let us commit to making this year, 2013, the
year of “Never Again,”
and do whatever we can
to economically pressure
this brutal and dangerous
regime to end its pursuit
of nuclear weapons.
Bob Feferman is Chairman
of the Community Relations
Committee and Outreach Coordinator for the advocacy
group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI).
March 2013
Our Community News
This month we start out
with birth announcements:
Mazel Tov to Michal and
Shlomo Wadler on the birth
of a baby girl, Odeliah.
Sinai Synagogue. Congratulations to her family
on this wonderful event.
Congratulations to Rabbi
Congratulations to Rabbi Dovid & Bina Margulies
Yitzie and Rachie Kenzer, on the engagement of their
on the birth of their daugh- daughter, Bassie to Moshe
ter , Batsheva Chana.
Meisels of Cleveland.
Mazel Tov to Aliza and
Mazel Tov to Rabbi
Daniel Crook, who wel- Dovid & Rochel Goldberg
comed daughter, Shifra.
on the engagement of their
Yair and Alana Elias, cele- son, Elchonon to Tzipi
brated the birth of their son, Gross of Los Angeles, CA.
Yuval Moshe. Mazel Tov.
Rachel Ebersole Skelton
and Jeremy Skelton welcomed baby girl, Rivkah.
Congratulations to all.
Called to the Torah:
Mazel Tov to Anne Galloway, daughter of Jaye and
Shane Galloway who celebrated her Bat Mitzvah at
Temple Beth-El. Congratulations also to happy grandparents, Chuck and Lynda
Zoe Gezelter, daughter of
Carey Gaudern and Dan
Gezelter, was called to Torah for her Bat Mitzvah at
Congratulations to Elsye
Vodnoy whose granddaughter Abby Wright was
named to the Fall 2012
Dean's List at the School of
Visual Arts, New York.
Abby is the daughter of
Elsye’s daughter, Laurie
Congratulations to Clark
Hoover, son of Bonny and
Todd Hoover, who is being
honored at the Jewish Free
Loan Association Award
Dinner. He is the recipient
of the Salter Family Foundation Client Recognition
ADL (Continued from Page
After the program at Temple David Kurzmann will meet
with members of the Community Relations Committee at
1:15 PM at the Jewish Federation. The leadership from
our local synagogues are invited to attend this meeting as
well to discuss how our community deals with antiSemitism.
David Kurzmann is Assistant Director of the AntiDefamation League in Greater Chicago and the Upper
Confronting Anti-Semitism was created in the 1980’s in response to a survey of youth indicating that middle and high school
students were regularly experiencing anti-Semitic comments,
taunts, and harassments in their communities. Rather than confronting these displays of prejudice, many youth remained silent.
We are pleased to announce that the 3rd Michiana
Jewish Film Festival will be held this year at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center from May 20 through
May 23, 2013.
The Film Committee, under the leadership of Pam
Kahn, is in process of screening films for the festival
and sponsors will soon be solicited.
JOIN OUR LIST OF SPONSORS! Sponsorship levels
run from $180 to $2,500. Call 574-233-1164 to find out
how you or your company can be a part of the 2013
Michiana Jewish Film Festival!
Get a taste of the Michiana Film Festival with
the screening of HANNAH ARENDT
Thursday, March 7, 2013 at 7:00 PM
Browning Cinema, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center
Tickets are $7, $6 faculty/staff, $5 senior citizens, and $4
all students. Call the Box Office at 574.631.2800 or order
online at performingarts.nd.edu
Thursday, March 14
7:00 PM
Saturday, March 23
3:00 PM
Browning Cinema
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center
The stories in this film examine the dire consequences of bullying,
but they also give testimony to the courage and strength of the
victims of bullying and seek to inspire real changes in the way we
deal with bullying as parents, teachers, children, and in society as
a whole. The Bully Project aims to be a catalyst for change and to
turn the tide on an epidemic of violence that has touched every
community in the United States and far beyond.
Please check the ratings of this film to make sure you find it
appropriate for your family.
For more information check out: performingarts.nd.edu
Our Community News
From the desk of the Israeli Shlicha
A long-term relationship:
Six month ponderings
‫י"ח באדר ה'תשע"ג‬
Dear community,
I think it’s safe to say that my being
here for one year is a long term relationship. It’s a relationship that you as a community
have been involved in for the past 12 years. So let’s take a
minute to make sure we are doing this dance the best we
can. So, why am I here? I am here to give each and every
one of you an easy access to Israel, to make sure that the
bridge between the two biggest Jewish communities is
the world will stay strong and solid.
As your Shlicha I want to be a productive resource
to this community. I’m trying to do so by creating a program for Jewish youth to be together, doing things that
are in the spirit of Israel and Judaism. I also have various
adult programming such as “Lunch with Lea” and Israeli
movie night for you to get to know all the different perspectives Israel enfolds. I teach at the Jewish youth educational programs in the community and try to educate
about Israel. We have a monthly “Happy Hour” for
young adults, and various events about Israel.
My goal is to help and embrace the Jewish identity
for those who have it close to their hearts and try to develop one into life of those who don’t. I also travel the
different non- Jewish communities and organizations in
the area. Doing so I hope I can help and improve Israel’s
image and importance, and by that to empower our Jewish community.
I invite you to contact me directly and tell me about
things that you think I can do in order to make myself
more productive and meaningful in the time I am here. I
urge you to take part in these programs so we can truly
say that the St. Joseph Valley Jewish community has a
wonderful bridge to Israel.
Thank you to Imagine
That for providing
Purim Carnival Prizes!
March 2013
Please join us for visit from
Sayed Kashua
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at 4 PM
Hesburgh Center Auditorium,
University of Notre Dame
Novelist, satirist, journalist, creator of a hit TV show in Israel,
Sayed Kashua has been widely praised for his literary eye and
deadpan wit. In a humorous, tongue-in-cheek style, he addresses
the problems faced by Arabs in Israel, caught between two
worlds. He will talk about his new book Second Person Singular:
A Tale of Love and Betrayal, Honesty and Artifice.
The event will be followed by a reception. Free and open to the public.
Café Ivrit
Thursday, March 7 at 8 PM
Miss Ulpan? Don’t let your Hebrew get rusty!
Join Bekki Lindow and Lea Lehavi for
Hebrew conversation (and coffee and
doughnuts) at Krispy Kreme, 5615 N.
Main St., Mishawaka.
Israel Movie Night Returns!
Thursday, March 21 at 7 PM
Jewish Federation
The film is a touching comic-drama in
which an El-Al flight attendant and an
abandoned Chinese boy accompany each
other on a remarkable journey, one that
takes them both back to a meaningful life.
Free—and we’ll provide popcorn!
Young Professionals, College Students 21-35,
Come to our next Happy
Our next social hour for Young
Adults hosted by our Israeli
Shlicha will be at
Bar Louie
on Saturday, March 16 at 8:30 PM
Please RSVP to Lea to let her know to watch for you!
574-286-3890 or 233-1164.
March 2013
Our Community News
SaBaBaH News
invites you to get excited before
All SaBaBaH
Age Groups are
invited join us on
Sunday, March 10
From 2 to 4 PM
For International
Good Deeds Day
SaBaBaH joins with Jewish
Family Services to prepare
Maot Chittim
First Come, First Served! T-Shirts
for participants will be distributed! Call in your reservation!
RSVP to Lea at 574-286-3890, 574-233-1164, find her on Facebook
or email her at [email protected]
Sunday, March 17, 2013
10:30 AM to 12:15 PM
At the Jewish Federation
♦ Learn about Passover
♦ Story Time
♦ Arts & Crafts
♦ Snacks
Please RSVP to Nitzan, 574-233-1164
SaBaBah Tweens
hosted the Winter
Skating Party
PJ Library Babies,
Tots, & Blocks
Play Date Schedule
Babies, Tots and Blocks is our PJ Library program that provides age appropriate play for children ages 0 to 5 on
the 2nd Monday of each month from
9:30 to 11:00 AM.
Lea learns to skate.
Mark these dates on your calendar:
Monday, March 11 Pesach
Monday, April 15
Yom Ha’Atzmaut
Monday, May 13
Monday, June 10
Young SaBaBaH enjoy games at their
first meeting.
SaBaBah Teens
made shalach
manot for Purim
All are welcome– come join us this
month even if you and your toddler have
never joined us before!
Questions or suggestions for the group
should be addressed to Lizzie Fagen at 574233-1164.
Ha 2013
Our Community News
March 2013
March 2013
Our Community News
JUNE 24 -JULY 19, 2013
Camp Ideal is dedicated to promoting and sharing the
values and ideals of the Jewish tradition along with its
commitment to provide children with a safe, enjoyable,
growth-filled summer experience. We use our outdoor
setting in a creative way to enhance the camp experience for your children. Camp Ideal provides opportunities for children to play and have fun with new adventures while learning to appreciate their heritage and to
develop positive personal and social values.
Camp Ideal is located on the beautiful campus of the
Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley. The outdoor recreational area includes a picnic shelter, basketball court,
baseball field, playground equipment, and sand pit for
games and sports. The picnic shelter is the headquarters
for all camp activities. Rainy day activities take place in
the Youth Lounge in the Jewish Federation Building.
Field Trips
Our Camp Staff is under the direction of Israeli Shlicha
Lea Lehavi assisted by Moshe Friedland. The counselors
are trained, responsible, and professional. Campers are
carefully supervised at all times.
What is a camp day like? Every day campers enjoy
many fun and educational activities in a variety of areas
such as arts, music, sports, nature, Jewish life, Israel and
much more. Also we have swimming twice a week, a
weekly field trip to a nature reserve or a park, Kabbalat
Shabbat on Friday and many other trips and programs.
Time and Schedule: Camp runs Monday to Friday from
9 AM to 4 PM, with an option of early care or late pick up.
Our four-week camp season starts on Monday, June 24
and continues through Friday, July 19. There is no camp
on July 4.
Arts & Crafts
Unity Garden
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REGISTRATION FORM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
Session Dates & Fees:
Non-Refundable Registration Fee per child: Members* ! $10.00 ! Non-members $25.00
Session Fees:
Early Bird
Week I
June 24—June 28
Week II
July 1 — July 5 (4-day week) $150.00
Week III
July 8 — July 12
Week IV
July 15—July 19
All four weeks:
After April 15
Savings of
$15 per we NT
Call 574-233-1164 for financial aid, multi-child, multi-week discounts. Early care or late care available for an additional charge.
All Camp Fees are due June 15 unless prior arrangements have been made.
* Members of the Federation make a minimum $18 contribution to the Jewish Federation Annual Campaign.
! Please send me an enrollment packet today.
Camper’s name (Last, first,)
Age & Birth date
Grade (Fall of 2013)
Session (s)
Camper’s name (Last, first,)
Age & Birth date
Grade (Fall of 2013)
Session (s)
Street Address (Camper’s Residence)
Email address
Please mail with Registration Fee by April 15th for the best value to Jewish Federation, 3202 Shalom Way, South Bend, IN 46615.
Register on-line: www.thejewishfed.org/camp ideal
Our Community News
March 2013
Est Gezunterhait (Eat in Good Health) Passover Chicken by Deena Abraham
When Pesach approaches
and we plan menus some
dishes are easier than others. There isn’t much challenge to making a good
“Kosher for Passover”
soup, salad, brisket, etc.
Usually, I dedicate this
column to baked goods or
something similarly less
easy to make for the holiday. A good cake or lasagna made with matza
rather than noodles is
more along the lines of the
recipes that we search for.
We want something that
doesn’t quite taste like
Pesach food. (Usually
your best bet is to just
wait eight days.)
In truth, many of the recipes we make throughout
the year can easily be
adapted for Passover use.
This is especially the case
now that so many products are available. One
thing that’s never too hard
for me to come up with
recipes or ingredients for
is chicken. I have enough
recipes that I use during
the holiday and really
don’t bother to look for
anything new or more
Then, a year or two ago, I
noticed duck sauce with
Duck sauce is something
that I don’t use on a regular basis, but I had seen
recipes that use it for
chicken and decided to
purchase a jar. After all,
it’s good to try something
new. I was actually pretty
excited about having a
new chicken recipe for the
holiday. I searched and
found a recipe that was
simple and sounded like
something my family
would really like. And
then – I didn’t make it. For
whatever reason, I just
stuck with my usual recipes and didn’t try out the
new chicken recipe. I wasn’t sure what the shelf life
of duck sauce was, and
didn’t really want to just
save it for next year. So,
sometime in the summer I
chicken. Why not? And it
was a really good recipe!
By the way, I’m not sure
how many of the local
chain grocery stores carry
supervised duck sauce.
Martins on the south side
might. I bought mine at
Midwest Kosher Deli.
2 onions, sliced
1 chicken, cut up
13-15 cloves garlic, divided use
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Paprika, to taste
Basil, to taste
8 oz. tomato sauce
½ c. duck sauce
Place the onions in a baking dish and top with the
chicken. Crush three
cloves of the garlic and
rub into the chicken.
Sprinkle the spices over
the chicken pieces. Pour
the tomato sauce and
duck sauce over the
chicken. Scatter the garlic
cloves around the chicken.
Cover the dish and bake
at 350 degrees for 1 ½
hours. If desired, you can
then uncover the dish and
bake for an additional 1530 minutes.
While we are working
with both Passover and
sauces, here’s my recipe
for barbeque sauce. I’ve
been making this for
years. This can be used for
basting either chicken or
meat, but I like to pour it
over chicken and then
bake it in the oven.
1 ¼ c. ketchup
1 c. vinegar
¼ c. apple juice
¼ c. brown sugar
¼ c. honey
1/3 c. oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp. salt, or to taste
Pepper, to taste
Combine all ingredients
in a pot. Cook over medium-low heat for 30 minutes. The sauce will
thicken. Store covered in
the refrigerator.
One more recipe – and it
is also very simple. You
can adjust the amounts of
the seasonings according
to your taste preference.
This recipe is a simple allin-one dish. The original
recipe was prepared in
oven bags that had little
slits cut in the top. I just
use regular baking pans.
This works better for me
because I always end up
with more vegetables than
the recipe calls for and the
bags are too full.
4 onions, sliced thickly
2-4 potatoes, peeled and
2-4 carrots, peeled and
2-4 sweet potatoes,
peeled and sliced
2-4 zucchini, sliced
1 chicken, cut up
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Garlic powder, to taste
Paprika, to taste
Arrange the vegetables in
a large pan. Place the
chicken on top of the
vegetables and season, to
taste. Cover and bake at
350° for at least an hour
and a half. If the pan is
very full, longer baking
time is required. (Or, divide everything between
two pans.)
Do you have a good recipe that everyone always
asks for? If so, I’d love to
share it with the community. Send it my way at
[email protected]
or 2926 Erskine Blvd.,
South Bend, 46614. Or,
call me at 287-8872 and
give me the recipe over
the phone. I can’t wait to
hear from you!
Warmest wishes for a
Happy Passover
Amanda & Dave Kerk
Dave’s Property Service
March 2013
Our Community News
Israel at 65
In celebration of Israel’s upcoming 65th Anniversary,
our Federation is sponsoring a PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT titled ISRAEL THROUGH THE YEARS.
SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2013
The 65th Anniversary of the establishment of the State
of Israel is an opportunity for all Jews to demonstrate
pride and gratitude for our cherished homeland.
What speaks to you of Israel? A sunrise on Masada?
Sunset on the Kinneret? An IDF Soldier at prayer?
A scene at the Kotel? A beach near Akko? Bring the
best of your collection with an explanation of what the
photo means to you.
We will scan photos chosen for the exhibit and then
print 8 x 10 enlargements of the photos for display.
You also may submit framed photos.
On SUNDAY, APRIL 28, we will hold a community-wide
Israel Independence Day celebration, with many outdoor activities. Your help will make our event a success!
Many volunteer opportunities are available. Please contact Lea Lehavi if you would like to help. 574.233.1164.
Kapson and Roland Scholarships
available for Jewish students
Applications for both
the Craig and Carol Kapson Scholarship and the
Lillian and Harvey Roland
Scholarship are now available for the 2014 academic
year. Students attending
Indiana institutions are
eligible to apply.
The Kapson Scholarship
helps Jewish students from
our area attend a university, college or technical
institute in Indiana. The
award is based merit and
financial needs. The Scholarship Fund will allow a
new student each year to
be awarded $2,500, with
the remaining funds to be
divided between other students with a minimum
distribution of $750.
The Lillian and Harvey
Roland Scholarship Fund
provides scholarships to
college students of parents
who are active in the Jewish community and/or are
contributors to the Jewish
Federation. This Scholarship will provide $750 to a
student matriculating to
Indiana University who
have demonstrated academic scholarship and financial need.
Interested students
should call the Federation
at 574-233-1154 for an application or go to our website www.thejewishfed.org
to download one. Applications are due May 15,
Israel Photography Show Entry
Contact Phone Number __________________________
Photo Title (If any)_______________________________
Location of Photo________________________________
Approximate Date Taken_________________________
Please submit photos by March 22, 2013.
Enclose a 3 x 5 card with brief commentary on why you chose this photo.
Send photo and card in a clear plastic sleeve
to Jewish Federation Israel Photo Show
3202 Shalom Way, South Bend, IN 46615
Our Community News
Cuba Connection
“Revolucion Socialista,”
pictures of Castro and Che
everywhere, the crumbling infrastructure and
architecture. And the
amazing Cuban people, so
kind, warm and welcoming. The excitement of seeing my Cuban Jewish
friends and connecting
my colleagues with Stan
Falkenstein of Jewish
Cuba Connection and
these incredible people
was exhilarating.
Our first stop was at the
Sephardic Center, one of
three synagogues in Havana, where we received
an overview of the past
and present Jewish community. From 15,000 (preRevolution) to 1,400 today, from a vibrant, diverse community to one
learning “how to be Jewish” again, the Jews of
Cuba are a proud, committed group of people.
With most people earning the equivalent of $22 a
month (retirees receive
about $12), the community exists thanks to the
generosity of Diaspora
from Page 2)
March 2013
Michiana Jewish Historical Society
The Michiana Jewish Historical Society is building a
digital archive and would like to borrow your photos,
scan them, and return them to you. Some of these photos may be used in books that MJHS hopes to publish in
the coming years.
We will be happy to scan any photos, and are especially interested in photos relating to:
Jewry. For three decades,
the Jewish community of
Canada has sent a trailer
of Passover food to make
it possible to observe the
holiday. Jewish groups
from around the U.S.
bring needed drugs, supplies and toiletries. The
Cuban Jews are an inspiration—they are committed to learning about and
sustaining the infrastructure that makes Jewish life
possible: synagogues,
daily minyans, a mikvah,
a Jewish cemetery, a kosher butcher (yes, they
have a kosher butcher!), a
community center, and
programs that enhance and
Businesses and civic life
Family life and holiday celebrations
Organizations such as Pioneer Women, ORT,
Jewish War Veterans, synagogue sisterhoods
Elkhart, St Joe/Benton Harbor, Goshen and
Mishawaka synagogues and Jewish community
Please call the Federation office (574-233-1164) or email
[email protected] and MJHS will follow up.
define their lives. They have
meals programs for those
who need it, a religious
school with more than 100
children, senior programs,
and more—provided by
Jewish Cuba Connection,
JDC, ORT, Jewish Federations and individual small
group missions.
There is so much they
need—basically, everything. Yet through it all,
despite the fact that the
government owns everything (with the exception
of the kosher butcher
shop), the people keep a
positive outlook and aspire to better lives.
Small City Federation Executives (and spouses) traveled to
Cuba to meet and work with the Jewish community there.
We brought 2½ tons of humanitarian supplies with us.
In total, our group of 25
directors and 7 spouses
left 2½ tons (literally) of
supplies with our Jewish
family in Cuba, all
brought in our very heavy
suitcases. Our aching
backs, anxiety, and work
gathering the supplies
meant very little when we
met people who had tears
in their eyes upon receiving a bar of soap, a pencil,
or a bottle of shampoo.
Similar to last year with
our group of 22 Jewish
community members, this
experience is one of the
proudest of my life — one
Jew helping another.
I admit it I have fallen in
love with our Jewish
brothers and sisters in
Cuba and look forward to
bringing many of you to
visit and learn from this
incredible community.
Please let me know if you
would be interested in
making a trip to Cuba in
the future!
March 2013
Our Community News
Sinai Synagogue
Pirkei in the Pub. Our group for those in the 20-40
something demographic in our community to study
Pirkei Avot, Teachings of the Sages, continues to meet at
the friendly Public House, Fiddler’s Hearth. We meet
this month on Monday, March 11. Come join us!
Breakfast with the Sages. Our Shabbat morning Torah study and Breakfast with the Sages starts up again on
January 12 at 9:00 AM. Our sages had fascinating insights into our sacred Torah — come learn from their
insights and offer your own!
Lunch and Learn. Our weekly Lunch and Learn. Join
us for a $3 inflation busting lunch as we study the Book
of Kings Thursdays at noon.
Meditation with Neil Gilbert. At 10:15 AM, on the
2nd and 4th Shabbats of the month, Neil leads a meditation group that focuses on breathing, Hebrew mantras
and introspection.
Finding God. Join us for a new class with Rabbi Steve
Leapman on Sundays, March 10 and 17 at Sinai from 6:30
to 8:00 PM. We will explore questions about finding
God: How do you find God in your life and where does
Jewish tradition suggest we look? The text Finding God
by Rabbi Rifat Soncino will be available for purchase.
Spaghetti Dinner. Mark Sunday, April 21
on your calendar and plan to attend the Sinai Spaghetti Dinner. All you can eat portions will make your whole family happy.
Just thinking about it makes us happy!
United Religious Community
Annual Prayer Breakfast
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Century Center 7:30 AM
Keynote Speaker: Martin E. Marty
Martin Marty, a Lutheran pastor, is an historian of American
religion and commentator on contemporary religious life. He is
a prolific author on American religion and culture. The most
pervasive theme of his writings is that of his commitment to
pluralism. He argues that the only basis for a moral, just, and
humane society is a respect for the beliefs and practices of others. He also believes this does not mean that one should not
have passion about his or her own ways.
Seating is available at the Federation table. Please call Karen at
the Federation office if you would like to be seated with us,
Hebrew Orthodox Congregation
Some Torah learning opportunities at HOC:
Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM: DAF YOMI,
Mesechta Shabbos, taught by Rabbi Meir Bulman
Monday through Friday, 6:20 AM: TALMUD STUDY,
Mesechta Kiddushin, taught by Rabbi Ephraim Goldstein
Mesechta Brochos, taught by Rabbi Dovid Abraham
Sunday - Thursday, 8:00 PM: STUDY PARTNERS
Choice of topics including Chumash, Mishna, Navi,
Gemorah. Rabbi Rephael Pollack, coordinator.
Tuesday night Torah Class for Women, 8:00 PM
CHUMASH In-Depth, taught by Rabbi Meir Bulman
Thursday night Chumash Class for Men, 8:25 PM
PARSHA HASHAVUA, by Rabbi Shelomo Nussbaum
Daily Minyan Schedule: Please go to hocsouthbend.com
Temple B’nai Shalom
Tuesday Classes. Hebrew Classes and Israel Studies
continue on Tuesdays, March 5th and March 12th. From
5:15– 6:15 PM, we have Beginning Hebrew classes with
Sondra Levin and Advanced Hebrew with Lea Lehavi.
Israel Studies follow with Lea from 6:15 to 7:15 PM.
Passover Seder. Temple B’nai Shalom will host a Seder on the second
night of Passover, Tuesday, March
26 at 6:00 PM. Cost for adults and
children over age 13 are $15.00
each. Children 5-13 are $10.00 each,
and children under 5 are free.
Maximum cost per family is $50.00. Please call the Temple to RSVP at 269-925-8021. Payment needs to be received at Temple by March 15. Mail your payment to:
Temple B’nai Shalom, 2050 Broadway, Benton Harbor,
MI 49022.
Jewish Federation
Unity Garden Manager &
Gardening Volunteers
The snow may still be flying, but it’s time to start planning for spring planting. Please call the Federation office
if you are interested in helping us provide fresh vegetables for our food pantry.
Our Community News
Midwest Torah Center
Community Seder March 26 at 8:45 PM Have you never
made your own Passover Seder? Want someone to share
a Seder with? Looking for a change of pace and new
ideas for this Passover? If so, the Torah Center’s Seder is
for you. We provide a fun and fast paced Seder with explanations of the Haggadah and Jewish history. Everyone is welcome and all questions are encouraged. Only
$18 per person, $10 for kids 10 and under. Please rsvp at
574-234-9092 or email at info.midwesttorah.org.
Yom HaAtzmaut with Rabbi Shalom Hammer April 16 at 7 PM. Rabbi Hammer, motivational lecturer for the IDF, imparts the importance of finding inspiration in a country
which is consistently threatened. Based on
personal accounts and anecdotes this outstanding and moving presentation convincingly reveals
the vision and passion required to help ensure the future
of Israel particularly considering the aftermath of Operation Pillar of Defense. Incorporating humor and an infectious enthusiasm, Rabbi Hammer will make you laugh
and cry at once!
A light Israeli snack and dessert will be served after
the lecture.
NCSY is going stronger than ever this year with Rabbi
Gutnicki at the helm. Last month alone, 10 new teenagers joined us for local events and for the first time our JR
NCSYers, nine altogether, joined a regional Shabbaton.
Two Sr NCSYers even went to New York to aid hurricane Katrina victims and one to Chicago to explore his
Judaism in even greater depths at the Yarchei Kallah.
Now it’s your turn to join with NCSY and find out how
exciting being with your fellow Jewish peers can be.
NCSY Lounge Night March 6 at 6:30-8:30 PM Our
lounge nights are growing and we want you to help continue the trend. Enjoy pizza, pop and snacks, pool, pingpong and our brand new wii and PS3 games.
Senior Spring Convention March 8-10.. Join us for a
fantastic weekend in Kansas City with friends from all
over the Midwest, live band, great food, an inspiring
Shabbat program, and having a blast seeing what KC has
to offer. Participants will be leaving Thursday night to
arrive at the Shabbaton Friday morning. To register call
the NCSY office at 847-677-6279. Price $175.
For more info on transportation from South Bend,
please contact Rabbi Akiva Gutnicki at 574-383-9524.
March 2013
Temple Beth
Here's what’s happening at Temple Beth-El in March:
♦ Thursday, March 7, 5:30 PM – Book Read “A Man & A
Woman & A Man” by Savyon Liebrecht. Discussion
led by Betty Signer.
♦ Sunday, March 10, 9:45-11:00 AM – Family Happen-
ings, a program for young Jewish children and their
families for the entire Jewish community, led by Anna
♦ Thursday, March 21, 6:00 PM – Brotherhood “March
♦ Sunday, March 31, 4:00 PM – Sisterhood Women’s
Seder — celebrating Passover with a women’s perspective.
♦ Wednesdays, 1:00 PM – Needlework group meets at
Any questions, call Nanci at 574-234-4402.
Temple Beth-El
“Putting the Deli in Delicious! “
Thursday, April 25, 2013
11 AM until 2 PM (Eat in or carry out)
Name_______________________ Phone____________
$12.00 EACH:
(Sandwich on rye & condiment,
slaw, chips, pickle & cookie)
♦ CORNED BEEF *@ $14.00 A LB.
♦ LOAF OF RYE BREAD * $7.00 ea.
♦ WHOLE DILL PICKLE * 1.50 ea.
♦ 2 LB. SALAMI * $16.00 ea.
574.234.4402 PHONE or FAX 574.234.0784.
! CHECK, Payable to Temple Beth-El Memo—Deli
! CREDIT CARD !Visa ! MasterCard
Acct. # __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
Exp. Date ___/___ 3 digit code on back __ __ __
Name on Card______________________________
Federation Office Closed
April 1
12:30 PM Jewish
Programming at
April Our Community News
Federation Office Closed
Federation Office Closed
1 PM Maj Group
12:30 PM Russian Club
1 PM Maj Group
12:30 PM Russian Club
Federation Office Closed
1:30 PM Mich. Jewish
Historical Society Family Tree
12 Noon Pre-Pesach Lunch
1 PM Maj Groups
10:30 AM Qigong
11:30 AM & 5:30 PM Tai Chi
1 PM Maj Groups
10:30 AM Qigong
11:30 AM & 5:30 PM Tai Chi
1 PM Maj
12 Noon Lunch ‘n’ Learn
With Nitzan Lehav Paster
10:30 AM Qigong
11:30 AM & 5:30 PM Tai Chi
7 PM Movie Night: Noodle
7:00 PM Federation Board
1:30 PM Michiana Jewish Hist.
Society Archives
12:30 Senior Activity
Group@ Tanglewood
7:00 PM Bully at
DeBartolo Performing
12:30 Senior Activity
Group@ Tanglewood
8 PM Café Ivrit
7 PM Hannah Arendt at
Browning Cinema, DPAC
12:30 Senior Activity
Group@ Tanglewood
3:00 PM Bully at
DeBartolo Performing
8:30 Young Adult
Happy Hour at
Bar Louie
March 2013 — Adar/Nisan 5773
Our Community News
2:00 PM Artist Reception
1:15 PM CRC ADL Program
10:30 AM PJ Library
Passover Program
10:15 AM ADL Anti-Semitism Program at Temple
11:30 AM Jewish
Federation Book Club
4 PM Sikh Community
12 Noon Lunch with Lea
9:30 AM Babies, Tots
And Blocks
2 PM SaBaBaH International Good Deeds Day
12:30 PM Russian Club
1 PM Maj Group
1:30 PM
Jewish Federation Community Calendar
March 2013
Our Community News Voluntary Subscriptions for 5773
Guardian Angel Subscribers
Sara and Abe Marcus
Patron Subscribers
Marilyn Brown
Nancy and Ron Cohen
Terry Satinover Fagen
Amy Griffin
Dan & Tela Hektor
Carol and Craig Kapson
Karen Kohn
Reggie and Judd Lowenhar
Ida Malki
Evelyn Rosenstein
Diane and Bill Sarnat
Cheryl & Ray Waldman
Double Chai
Sarah Anne & Ira Anes
Marjorie Baer
Louis Baker
Sandy & Doug Barton
Marzy and Joseph Bauer
Shirley Berebitsky
Tammy and Alan Brown
Rich and Dana Cohen
Jerry and Phyllis DeVorkin
Alan and Gail Dowty
Diane and Dick Evans
Anita & Stu Fishman
Loretta and Bob Frank
Marilyn and David Gardner
Steve & Lisa Gerber
Janina and Abe Goetz
Marc and Ilene Golden
Sally Goloubow
Robbie and Paul Grimstad
Ruth and Robert Gross
Sally and Roger Hamburg
Terry Hoffman & Cheri Schuster
Bonny and Todd Hoover
Dr. Keith Howell
Muriel Hurwich
Essi Katz
Helene and Bernie Katz
Laurie and Steve Katz
Norman & Carol Ann Schiller
Janice Lampos
Barbara and David Lerman
Bill and JoAnne Lopatin
Nancy (Davis) & Ed Lowey
Susan Marsh
Babs Maza
Birgit and Hugh Metzger
Ilene and Jeff New
Marilyn Oppenheim
Rick and Emily Peltz
Barbara and Howard Piltch
David & Dayle Piser
Helen and Barth Pollak
Pinky & Bud Raab
Charles & Carol Rosenberg
Ina & Irving Rosenberg
Steve Rosenberg
Betsy and J.W. Rossow
Shish Rubin
Arthur Schulman
Rose and Ben Schwartz
Betty Signer
Gayle Silver
Leah and Neil Silver
Robert Silver
Lynda and Charles Simon
Anna and Vitaliy Soloveychik
Ted Toback
Linda and Mark Toth
Posi Tucker
Ruth Tulchinsky
Janet and Arnold Valencia
Judy & Mort Ziker
Marlene and Gene Abrams
Cooky Alpern
Aviva Baer
Max and Amy Baim
Dorothy Berebitsky
Searle Behr
Janet B. Berman
Anita Boorda
Della Borr
Si and Renee Brazy
Aliza and Daniel Crook
Michael Eliasohn
Jessica Feldman
Newton and Marion Frank
Jaye and Shane Galloway
Dora Goldberg
Lea Goldman
Ruth Goltz
Judy Heumann & Ruth Heumann
Jody and Sheldon Hirst
Corky and Erv Karlin
Amanda and Dave Kerk
Voluntary & Gift
Subscription Orders
! $18.00 Chai
! $36.00 Double Chai
! $100.00 Patron
! $250.00 Guardian Angel
Send your subscription requests to:
Jewish Federation
of St. Joseph Valley
3202 Shalom Way
South Bend, IN 46615
CNC, ID & OD Grinding
Hard Chrome Plating
Mike Mayfield
Susie and Ed Levy
Jean Tenofsky May
Sherry & Don Medow
Ted Minkoff
Lila and Shay Mintz
Linda and Dick Mintz
Adele Paskin
Emily Passovoy
Karen Zubkoff Perna
Michele Rohan
Florence Saltzman
Steve and Judy Saltzman
Betty & Mel Sandock
Hesh & Betty Minkoff Schneider
Mitzie and Howard Schrager
Sharon Schulman
Marvin Szymkowicz
Elsye Vodnoy
Babs and Mel Waks
Marie Weiss
Lester Wolfson
Gloria Wolvos
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Visit us at www.thejewishfed.org
New for our 7th–8th Graders
Camp SaBaBaH
Camp Ideal is growing up and is way-cool!
For our older campers (grades 7-8) we are now offering
a special camp experience with more challenging activities, extended field trips, and team building projects.
Ropes Course
Rock Wall Climbing
Horseback Riding
Extended Field Trips
Philanthropy Camp:
Doing good deeds
was never so fun!
Overnight Lock-In
First Aid Course
Send us your ideas for
things you’d like to do!
Contact Lea Lehavi:
[email protected]
Or call her at