Nota 2 - Kerajaan Negeri Sabah
Nota 2 - Kerajaan Negeri Sabah
Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia HARTA INTELEK DI MALAYSIA KOTA KINABALU 0ctober 2014 1 SEJARAH Oct. 1990 – Pejabat Cap Dagangan dan Jamin Hak – Tertubuhnya Bahagian Harta Intelek Mar. 2003 – Tertubuhnya Perbadanan Harta Intelek (PHIM) 2005 – Penjenamaan semula MyIPO – Perisytiharan 26 Apr. sebagai Hari Harta Intelek – Penubuhan Mahkamah Harta Intelek 1950 Jul 2007 Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 2 MyIPO Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 3 Apa itu Harta Intelek (IP)? Ciptaan Minda: Ciptaan, karya sastera dan seni, dan simbol, nama, imej, dan reka bentuk yang digunakan dalam perdagangan 4 cont'd HARTA Harta Tidak Alih Contoh: Rumah, Tanah, Kereta Harta Boleh Alih (Harta Tidak Ketara) : Harta Intelek Nilai cap dagangan: Coca-cola Microsoft McDonald’s Bonia Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 5 IP IS A PROPERTY – HAS VALUE!! Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 6 HARTA INDUSTRI HAKCIPTA Rekacipta (Paten) Rekabentuk Perindustrian Lukisan, Kerja-kerja Rekabentuk Cap Dagangan Buku & Penulisan Petunjuk Geografi Rekabentuk Susunatur Litar Bersepadu Tarian, Nyanyian, Seni Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 7 Akta yang ditadbirkan •Akta Hakcipta 1997 • Akta Cap Dagangan 1976 •Akta Paten 1983 Akta Rekabentuk Perindustrian 1996 •Akta Petunjuk Geografi 2000 •Akta Rekabentuk Susunatur Litar Bersepadu 2000 Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 8 9 HAKCIPTA • Hak ekslusif yang diberikan kepada pencipta karya untuk mengawal karya mereka di Malaysia untuk tempoh masa tertentu • Tempoh perlindungan: HAhayat pencipta dan selama 50 tahun selepas – -semasa kematian pencipta (karya seni, sastera dan muzik) – -50 tahun dari permulaan tahu kalendar berikutnya (karya lain) • *Perlindungan secara automatic • examples • *HOLLYWOOD AND BOLLYWOOD INDUSTRIES.. • *COMPUTER SOFTWARES, BOOKS , JOURNALS.. Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 10 HAKCIPTA Initiatif baru pindaan Hakcipta • Memperkenalkan sistem pendaftaran pemberitahuan secara sukarela HA • Memperkenalkan sistem pendaftaran badan perlesenan dalam kutipan bayaran perlesenan • Memperluaskan bidangkuasa Tribunal Hakcipta Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 11 CAP DAGANGAN Tanda yang digunakan dan boleh membezakan barangan / perkhidmatan seseorang dengan seseorang yang lain di dalam industri yang sama - Perkataan - Logo - Gambar - Nama - Tempoh perlindungan: 10 tahun dari tarikh pemfailan; boleh diperbaharui setiap 10 tahun - Tips: penggunaan cap dagangan yang merujuk secara langsung kepada sesuatu barangan atau perkhidmatan tidak dibenarkan Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 12 CAP DAGANGAN Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 13 CAP DAGANGAN TM5 Form Manual (RM) Online (RM) Expedited (RM) 370.00 350.00 370.00 [Applicant to File] TM5A Form 250.00 [Request for Approval for Expedited Examination] TM5B Form 1200.00 [Request expedited examination applicant] TM31 Form 650.00 650.00 650.00 1020.00 1000.00 2470.00 [Request for advertisement] Total Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 14 NILAI CAP DAGANGAN /JENAMA Data daripada untuk tahun 2011 dan 2013 BIL CAP DAGANGAN TAHUN 2011 (mil) TAHUN 2013 (mil) 1. 71,861 79,213 (3) 2. 69,905 78,808(4) 3. 59,087 59,546(5) 4. 55,317 93,291(2) 5. 42,808 46,947(6) 6. 35,593 41,992(7) 7. 35,217 37,257(9) 8. 33,492 98,316(1) 9. 29,018 28,147(14) 10. 28,479 25,843(15) Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 15 PETUNJUK GEOGRAFI Terma geografi yang digunakan pada sesuatu barangan bagi menunjukkan: - Ianya adalah tempat atau kawasan asalnya; - kualiti dan ciri sesuatu barangan; di mana kualiti dan ciri kemanusiaan tersebut adalah berkenaan dan pada dasarnya boleh dianggap berpunca dari tempat asal geografi. -Tempoh perlindungan: 10 tahun dari tarikh pemfailan; boleh diperbaharui setiap 10 tahun Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 16 PETUNJUK GEOGRAFI HA "Darjeeling Tea" "Bordeaux Wine" "Tuscany Olive Oil" Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 17 PETUNJUK GEOGRAFI HA Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 18 Definisi: Seksyen 3(1) Akta RBP 1996 "...... Reka bentuk perindustrian ialah ciri bentuk, tatarajah, corak atau hiasan yang digunakan pada sesuatu barang melalui apaapa proses atau cara perindustrian, iaitu ciri yang ada pada barang siap, merupakan ciri yang menarik dan dinilaikan dengan pandangan mata ………" . REKABENTUK PERINDUSTRIAN (ID) Rupa bentuk luaran secara keseluruhan yang memberi penampilan yang unik pada suatu barang atau produk HA yang dihasilkan secara perindustrian ( 3 dimensi, 2 dimensi) Tempoh perlindungan: 15 tahun dari tarikh pemfailan Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 20 REKABENTUK PERINDUSTRIAN HA Hendaklah baru dan tidak dizahirkan kepada awam di Malaysia sebelum tarikh pemfailan Tiada dalam DaftarReka Bentuk Perindustrian Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 21 • Idi HA • ID yang tidak diberi perlindungan: • Bertentangan Dengan Ketenteraman Awam / Prinsip Moral dan Tiada Nilai Estetik Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 22 5. Ciri-ciri barangan yang TIDAK mempunyai nilai estetik yang jelas Kotak Tin Kertas dinding • Rekabentuk yang bertentangan dengan ketenteraman awam atau prinsip moral (Sek 13) • Termasuk agama dan moral • Pencipta asal • Syarikat atau Individu 1.Permohonan tunggal - Satu reka bentuk satu kelas 2. Permohonan berganda - Dua atau lebih reka bentuk yang berkaitan dengan kelas yang sama atau set barang 3. Permohonan yang berkaitan (Association) - Reka bentuk berdaftar yang sama digunakan ke atas barangan lain - Reka bentuk berdaftar yang sama dengan pengubahsuaian digunakan ke atas barangan yang sama atau barangan lain tetapi tidak layak menuntut kebaharuan - Pemilikan kepada pemilik yang sama 4. Permohonan terbahagi (Divisional) - Satu atau lebih reka bentuk dikecualikan apabila memfailkan permohonan awal • Permohonan baru • Fi permohonan • Permohonan berganda (1st) (reka bentuk seterusnya) Borang RBP1 RM 500 (480) RM 500 (480) RM 500 (480) • Satu set representasi barangan - RM200 / sudut pandangan Pernyataan yang berhubung dengan representasi sesuatu barang yang padanya reka bentuk perindustrian itu digunakan yang menunjukkan ciri-ciri representasi itu yang berkenaan dengannya kebaharuan dituntut. • Dalam tempoh 6 bulan sebelum tarikh pemfailan ; a) ia dipamerkan dalam pameran rasmi atau pameran yang diiktiraf; atau b) ia telah dizahirkan oleh seseorang selain daripada pemohon bagi reka bentuk yang sama terhadap barangan-barangan lain. Pemilik reka bentuk berdaftar membuat permohonan untuk mendaftarkan reka bentuk yang sama pada barang yang berlainan REKABENTUK SUSUN ATUR LITAR BERSEPADU Susun atur tiga dimensi unsur-unsur sesuatu litar bersepadu yang dimaksudkan untuk dikilangkan Tempoh perlindungan: 10 tahun dari tarikh mula ia dieksploitasi secara komersial 15 tahun dari tarikh ianya dicipta sekiranya tidak dieksploitasi secara komersial *Perlindungan secara automatik Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 31 REKABENTUK SUSUN ATUR LITAR BERSEPADU Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 32 PATEN “Hak eksklusif yang diberikan terhadap rekacipta samada produk atau proses untuk menghasilkan cara baru bagi membuat sesuatu ataupun untuk penyelesaian teknikal terhadap sesuatu masalah” Tempoh perlindungan: 20 tahun dari tarikh pemfailan Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 33 KRITERIA UNTUK MENDAPATKAN PATEN Baru - Ada langkah merekacipta - Dapat digunakan pada bidang industriindustri - Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design PERKARA YANG TIDAK BOLEH DIPATENKAN (Sek. 13(a)) a) penemuan, teori saintifik dan kaedah matematik; Tidak boleh dipatenkan Penang, Malaysia (Nov 14, 2006 17:35 EST) A Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) scientist has discovered a 10mm fish at maturity, believed to be the second smallest fish in the world, in a peat swamp in Perak. The unidentified new species was discovered by USM’s School of Biology lecturer Assc. Prof Dr Khoo Khay Huat. The fish was unofficially called “Perak fish”. Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 35 E= mc 2 a b r πr Ukurlilit 2 πr c 2 Keluasan 2 2 c = a + b Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 36 PERKARA YANG TIDAK BOLEH DI PATENKAN (Sek. 13(a)) b) Kepelbagaian tumbuhan atau binatang serta proses biologi bagi penghasilan tumbuhan atau binatang kecuali mikro organisma buatan manusia serta proses penghasilannya Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 37 c) skima, peraturan atau kaedah menjalankan perniagaan atau permainan; Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 38 Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 39 d) Kaedah merawat manusia atau binatang melalui pembedahan atau rawatan Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 40 LOCAL ACHIEVEMENT USM - Telah berjaya mengkomersialkan 83 produk Contoh: HA - Typhidot (1994) - Typhidot M (1996) - Bancroftian Filiriasis (2005) Telah berjaya memasarkan produk mereka di luar negara (25 negara) dan telah mendapat pulangan sebanyak RM 45.5 M (2009) (sumber: website USM) Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 41 • CONTROVERSIAL PATENTS CASE 1 USE OF TUMERIC POWDER IN WOUND HEALING HA of Mississippi Medical Centre ) (Assignee: Uni. Claims: A method of promoting healing of a wound, which consist essentially of administering a wound healing agent consisting of an effective amount of tumeric powder to said patient. Patent revoked on 4 Feb. 1998 (request by Indian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 42 • CONTROVERSIAL PATENTS CASE 2 BASMATI RICE HA (Assignee: Ricetech, Inc. Texas) Initial claims ( US 5 663 484 on Sept. 2, 1997): basmati rice plant (which when cultivated in North, South or Central America or Carribean Islands), specific basmati line, seeds from both rice plant and the new line Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 43 • CONTROVERSIAL PATENTS CASE -cont’ new revisedHA claims: -specific to 3 new line of rice plant and seeds from the new rice plant line (US 5 663 484 C1 on Jan. 29, 2002): -request by Govt. of India after 30 months Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 44 PROSEDUR PENDAFTARAN PATEN PERMOHONAN Permohonan diperiksa untuk menentukan tarikh pemfailan PEMERIKSAAN PERMULAAN Laporan formaliti PEMERIKSAAN AWAM (public inspection)/18 bulan PEMERIKSAAN SUBSTANTIF / SUBSTANTIF UBAHSUAI Laporan carian dan pemeriksaan FI – RM290 (PATEN) DAN RM100 (UI) GERAN ATAU PENOLAKAN Warta kerajaan TEMPOH PERLINDUNGAN 20 tahun Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design SPESIFIKASI PATEN •Drawing •Abstract •Claim(s) •List of drawings •Detailed description on the drawings •Title •Description (perihalan) Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 1 Bicycle portable as a bag FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a portable bicycle, that is a two-wheeled, single-track, pedal-operated unit when used, which can be folded up to the size of a handbag, to be carried easily or stored in a small place when out of use. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION It is increasingly a requirement of bicycles that they should be reliable, meet the requirements of traffic safety and be able to be quickly set up and taken down. Furthermore, they should have small dimensions and small spatial requirements so that they can be stored anywhere, thus for example in an apartment, possible under a piece of furniture or a bed, in the hall, at a desk, beside or under a work-bench in the place of employment without causing injuries to passers-by with their protruding parts, e.g. pedals etc. It should be possible to carry such a portable bicycle by hand, folded-up, in a public vehicle without hindering or injuring anyone or causing an accident; the bicycle must be light so that carrying it will not require great physcial effort; and placing the bicycle in operation should not require special skill. These requirements are not fully met with any of the bicycles produced so far, as regards their form, weight and design. The present exterior form and design of the bicycles go back nearly a century, utilizing a frame welded together of thin-walled steel tubes, a fork, a rear wheel driven by pedals through a chain drive and a front freely-rotating wheel which can be steered by a handlebar, a saddle, a brake and auxiliary units. Depending on the shape of the frame these bicycles may be men's bicycles, where the saddle and the handlebar are connected horizontaly with a tube, or lady's bicycles where no similar horizontal tube is used, or bicycles to be folded up, for both men and women and which, after usage, in order to take up less room can generally be dismantled at one point of the frame or folded up at a hinge by turning one wheel on top of the other. Among these bicylces there are those which have been made lightweight for racing but have geometries and dimensions corresponding to those of ordinary bicycles. A common characteristic of these bicycles is that they require much room, they are heavy, storage is a problem, and they cannot be carried in the form of a bag Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 3 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The invention eliminates the above drawbacks and provides a bicycle with a shell structure which can be folded up in a hinged form to the size and form of a handbag without disassembly of its frame and structure and then, from the folded state of a portable bicycle having the form of a bag, constituting a compact unit it can be converted to a two-wheeled, single-track, pedal-operated vehicle to be used safely. Setup simple and quick and does not require special knowledge, without the need to hint for the key position or connection of its parts and without assembling it from separate units, and without the risk that its drive chain, cog belt, or other parts of the transmission might become loose, fall off or move into a position unsuitable for operation, because these parts are included in the shell structure. The elements of the portable bicycle of the invention can be pushed into one another and turned on hinges, then fixed reliably, while the bicycle can be adjusted to the size of the cyclist. To meet the safety requirements it is provided with a hydraulic brake operated by Bowden cable or rod control acting on the rear and front wheel brakes as well as with auxiliary units, such as a headlamp, and a rear stoplight, the latter constitutes, at the same time, the handle for the folded bicycle. The shaft of the driving pedal is formed so that the pedal lever can be turned or sunk into the space formed for this purpose in the shellstructured frame, while the pedal itself can also be turned in. The saddle bar can be pushed into the frame and the hinged lower part of the saddle can be fitted after loosening into the frame. Being turned off, the rear wheel together with the chain sprocket, chain and its bracket-like holder can be turned into the rear part of the frame together with the wheel-covering. The parts of the portable bicycle can be fixed in a folded position so that they cannot get damaged or get caught while carrying. Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING The invention will be described in detail by means of the accompanying drawing in which: FIG. 1 is a side-view of the portable bicycle in its open state for use; FIG. 2 is a similar side view of the portable bicycle with its front-wheel being tilted into the frame space; FIG. 3 is another side view of the portable bicycle, with its rear wheel being swivelled into the rear part of the frame; FIG. 4 is a further side view of the rear frame part showing how it is pivotally connected to the front frame part; FIG. 5 is a side view of the portable bicycle where the handlebar has been fitted into the front frame part and the saddle bar is pushed into its holder; FIG. 6 is a side view of the portable bicycle folded up in the form of a suitcase by turning the saddle bracket into the front frame part; FIG. 6a is a front view of the portable unit of FIG. 6; FIG. 7 is an axial section illustrating the structural parts of the handlebar; FIG. 8 is a cross section of the handlebar along the line A--A in FIG. 7; FIG. 9 is a front-view of the handlebar; Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 5 SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION One of the main units of the portable bicycle is the elongated front frame part or first casing 1 formed as a hollow shell structure which is connected to the saddle support or third elongated casing 2 which pivots thereon via a pin 4 and to a rear frame part or second elongated casing 3 by another pivot pin 5 (FIG. 1). A journal for the steering post 8 on the casing 6 is formed by the lower bearing 10 (FIG. 7) as well as the outer member 11 of the upper bearing 7 in the front of the frame part 1, the bearings being secured by upper and lower retainer rings 12, 13. The lower part of the steering post 8 is held in its adjusted position in the bearing 7 by the nut 14. The upper part 9 of the steering post is provided with a hinged joint 15 which allows for folding of the steering post 8, where its conical end 16 is clamped by the taper nut 17. The handlebar 18 is on the upper part 9 of the steering post 8, and grips 19 and brake levers 20 are to be found on it (FIG. 9). The upper part 9 of the steering post is fixed to the central part of the handlebar 18 by rotation of the lever 22 of the eccentric 21 (FIG. 10). The conical pins 23 displaced by the pull rod 29, fitting into the bores 26 and 27, are used to secure against turning off. The eccentric 21 also operates the tapernut joint 17 by pulling the rod 25 (FIGS. 7, 10). In the lower-part of the steering post 8 a clamping band 29 operated by the pin 28 is arranged. Here the mandrel 32 is pushed into the hole 33 against a spring 31 by the pull-fork 30 (FIG. 8). The clamping band 29a forms a unit with the fork 34, in which the free-running front-wheel 35 is mounted on the shaft 36 (FIG. 1). The saddle bar 37, at the end of which there is a saddle 39 to be adjusted by a hinge 38, is supported in a suitable clamp 60 by the saddle bracket (FIG. 5). The saddle bracket is held by spring securing pin 40 (see the construction of spring securing pin 51 in FIG. 11) in its position connected to the rear frame part 3. The driving shaft 42 with the crank 44 and the pedals 45 on its two ends as well as the drive chain sprocket 43 are mounted and supported in bearings in the rear frame part 3. In the rear frame part 3 the bracket 47 holding the rear wheel 48 can be swung about the pivot in 50, and the arm-like extensions 47a of the bracket are connected and kept in position by the snap spring securing bolt 51 (FIG. 11). Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 9 2. The portable bicycle defined in claim 1 wherein a spring loaded pin is provided to releasably lock said third casing to said second casing in said erect position. 3. The portable bicycle defined in claim 2 wherein a spring loaded pin is provided to releasably lock said rear wheel assembly to said second casing in said erect position. 4. The portable bicycle defined in claim 3 wherein the spring loaded pin comprises a pair of reversely bent fingers engageable in said rear wheel assembly and releasable therefrom upon depression of a pin carrying said fingers. 5. The portable bicycle defined in claim 1 wherein said first casing is provided with an array of solar cells for generating electricity for a light. 6. The portable bicycle defined in claim 1 wherein said third casing has a stop light formed as a handle enabling the portable bicycle to be carried in said folded condition. Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design SPECIFICATION (drawing) Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design PERBAHARUAN UTILITI Hak Ekslusif yang diberikan kepada rekacipta ‘minor’ ; tidak perlu memenuhi syarat langkah-langkah merekacipta Tempoh perlindungan: 10 tahun dari tarikh pemfailan (5+5 sekiranya pemohon dapat membukti bahawa rekacipta mereka masih lagi releven) (menggunakan Borang 14) Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 54 Contoh perbaharuan utiliti Disposable Blood Sampling Device Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 55 IP DI MALAYSIA – (CAP DAGANGAN) Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 56 IP DI MALAYSIA – (CAP DAGANGAN) NO STATES 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 TOTAL 1 WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN KUALA LUMPUR 1,971 2,389 2,563 3,456 1,498 1,788 2,655 2,278 2,766 2,962 3,660 3,527 3,613 3,616 4,184 3,897 3,874 3,809 4,052 4,011 3,231 65800 2 SELANGOR 1,835 1,927 2,012 2,640 1,253 1,657 2,051 68142 3 PULAU PINANG 639 801 916 1,004 386 436 432 2,900 693 750 828 766 886 1,101 880 936 4 JOHOR 596 568 714 638 290 378 364 421 562 486 702 832 859 900 1,105 991 5 PERAK 282 380 538 441 226 205 224 242 294 333 322 414 392 404 386 497 480 513 450 455 331 7809 6 SARAWAK 186 141 268 309 98 111 147 112 143 186 210 259 218 241 277 356 353 331 430 437 257 5070 7 KEDAH 106 213 206 196 78 111 120 141 188 200 280 257 270 286 273 310 371 310 344 403 309 4972 8 MELAKA 103 110 121 131 79 102 97 123 128 105 182 276 293 353 307 290 298 308 281 351 256 4294 9 SABAH 89 94 96 107 73 80 80 128 128 171 105 112 136 140 214 211 177 324 341 315 214 3335 10 PAHANG 50 56 42 54 17 17 12 36 37 52 69 54 70 138 113 116 110 149 158 200 221 1771 11 NEGERI SEMBILAN 49 60 47 70 50 56 53 43 77 98 65 180 135 114 142 163 237 229 284 176 147 2475 12 KELANTAN 24 43 26 28 28 18 11 35 38 41 44 43 64 118 84 72 101 143 99 142 89 1291 13 PERLIS 24 3 4 17 8 8 22 1 8 20 17 17 18 28 24 29 28 38 15 35 19 383 14 TERENGGANU WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN PUTRAJAYA WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN LABUAN 15 13 13 9 6 10 4 7 13 10 33 33 39 48 69 53 93 99 57 71 83 778 3 ~ ~ ~ 2 18 4 23 2 ~ 7 6 18 44 49 32 28 39 70 59 46 450 2 7 ~ 1 6 2 16 9 3 8 15 5 20 13 11 9 11 15 19 20 30 222 15 16 TOTAL 5,974 ~ 2,586 3,114 3,718 3,514 4,074 4,422 4,418 4,787 4,834 4,747 4,892 5,371 4,290 963 867 1,011 998 759 1,098 1,053 1,461 1,635 1,073 18952 16726 6,805 7,566 9,101 4,098 4,997 6,292 6,499 7,666 8,536 10,257 10,295 11,105 11,966 12,536 12,749 13,056 12,974 13,964 14,679 11,355 202470 Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 57 IP DI MALAYSIA - GI NEW APPLICATION FROM SABAH 1. 2. 3. 4. TUHAU TAMBUNAN KAYU MANIS KENINGAU SABAH BATIK KELARAI TENOM Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 58 IP DI SABAH Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 59 IP DI SABAH COMMUNITY BASED IP AWARENESS OBJEKTIF OUTPUT/ OUTCOME • REGISTRATION OF SERVICE MARKS/TRADEMARKS • GI REGISTRATION FOR HANDICRAFTS PRODUCTS • COPYRIGHT REGISTRATION • IDESIGN REGISTRATION • DATA ON TKDL/TCE • TO INCREASE REGISTRATION OF IP • TO INCREASE AND DISSEMINATE INFOS ON USEFULNESS OF IP PROTECTION (WIDER COVERAGE TO SPECIFIC TARGETED GROUP) • STRENGTHENED COLLABORATION WITH STATE AGENCIES • INCREASE AWARENESS PROGRAMS •TO INCREASE IP AGENTS Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 60 IP DI SABAH 2 IP 5 IP AGENTS IN SANDAKAN DIV AGENTS IN WEST COAST Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 3 IP AGENTS IN TAWAU DIV 61 • LINDUNGI INOVASI/REKA CIPTA • DAFTAR HARTA INTELEK 1.Glass (3500 BC) 2.Abacus (2700 BC) 3.Windmills (200 BC) 4.Paper (105 AD – Europe 10th century – Germany 1400) 5.Printing Press (1450) 6.Steam Powered Vehicle (1672) 7.Mechanical Vehicle (1769) 8.Camera Photography (1820) 9.Telegraph (1837) 10.Modern Public Library (1850-1945 depending on country) 11.Vacuum Cleaner (1860) 12.Telephone (1876) 13.Modern Automobile (1878) 14.Solar Cell (1883) 15.Wind Turbine (1887) 16.Commercial Radio (1920) 17.Electronic Television (1926) 18.Disposable baby diapers (1930's) 19.Commercial Television (1936 UK, 1948 US) 20.Computer printer (1938) 21.Microwave oven (1940's) 22.Video Games (1947) 23.Video Tape Recorder (1951) 24.Laser (1957) 25.Electronic calculator (1961) 26.Spreadsheet software (1962) 27.Personal and laptop computers (1965) 28.Microprocessor chips (1968) 29.Word processing software (Late 1960's) 30.Mobile phones (1973) 31.Global Positioning Systems (1973) 32.Digital cameras (1975) 33.World Wide Web / Internet (1989) 34.Email (1993) 35.Social networking (1994) 36.Google search (1997) 37.WiFi (1999 but hte technology originates from approx 1985) 38.Wikipedia (2001) 39.iPod and iTunes (2001) 40.Facebook (2004) 41.YouTube (2005) 42.Twitter (2006) Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 62 ONE PRODUCT, MULTIPLE IP Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 63 Tingkat 6, Blok C Bangunan KWSP 49 Jalan Karamunsing Kota Kinabalu Tel : 088-233571 Faks 088-257046 Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 64 [email protected] Patent ● Trade Mark ● Industrial Design ● Copyright ● Geographical Indication ● IC & Layout Design 65