Focus 26
Focus 26
Contents Our CEO… From the starting grid 03 - Staying Ahead of The Race EDITORIAL TEAM [email protected] [email protected] SCOMI ENGINEERING CO-ORDINATOR [email protected] SCOMI OILTOOLS CO-ORDINATOR [email protected] SCOMI MARINE CO-ORDINATOR [email protected] SCOMI INTERNATIONAL CO-ORDINATOR [email protected] IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT 04 - Monorail’s Trial Run a Big Success in Mumbai 06 - Staff Attend Monorail Car Send-Off 07 - Scomi Meets With Egyptian Minister PIT STOP : PROJECT BEST 08 - The Making of Successful Entrepreneurs… 10 - Global Leaders Going Green for Businesses, Carbon Has Other Costs Too 12 - Project EnviroUS Roars to a Brilliant Start IN POLE POSITION 14 - Scomi Among 20 Shortlisted for Awards - Scomi Meets Malaysian PM in India US BEGINS WITH U Malaysia 15 - VP of HR Receives Prestigious HR Award - Indian Journalists Get First Hand Look at Malaysia’s Monorail 16 - Staff Cheer-On New & Improved Scomi Sports Club 17 - Scomi & NPC Honour Two Journalists - Miri Staff Go for Zero 18 - Kemaman Execs Plot Their 2010 Targets 19 - Scomi KMC Elated with Success of Hypr-Drill - Scomi Treats Media Staff Indonesia 20 - Scomi Indonesia Brushes Up on Training - Scomi Marine’s RT Kris Conducts Maiden Sea Trial 21 - Victory Team Rushes to Help Tea Plantation Workers 22 - Indonesians Treat Orphans to Theme Park Visit 23 - Scomi Banjarmasin Cyclists Take To The Streets - Indonesians Lend a Hand To Sick Kids Thailand 24 - Thais Have Fun Time at GLaD Training India 25 - e-Learning a Fun Way to Brush-up On HSE Training - Indians Happy with GLaD Training Turkmenistan 26 - Scomi Oiltools in Turkmenistan Gets a New Home Pakistan 26 - Pakistanis Commit to Greening Their City Dubai 27 - Nijumone of Dubai Flies The Safety Flag Sudan 27 - Scomi Oiltools Participates in Sudan’s SAPEG Exhibition USA 28 - Scomi US Helps The Needy Through Toys for Tots Run Mexico 29 - Mexicans Learn to Save Lives - Mexicans Get Competitive on The Greens Formula Bash 30 - It’s Denim & Green for New Year Staff Gathering HATCHES Our CEO… From the starting grid Dear colleagues, Staying W Ahead of The Race e find ourselves already in the second half of 2010, deftly shifting gears as we keep pace with ever changing and increasingly challenging business environments. I trust we will once again break new ground and improve our performance in 2010. Over in India, the Mumbai monorail is gaining momentum and increasing its pace of implementation. The recent delivery of the first monorail car to Mumbai and its subsequent trial run on India’s Republic Day were two other milestones that filled us with great pride and joy. In Malaysia, we spent the first quarter of 2010, implementing key initiatives across the board to increase operational efficiencies and streamline operations to strengthen resources for future growth and investment. In April, Scomi Marine announced the completion of the disposal of its associate company, CH Offshore Ltd. With this disposal exercise, Scomi Marine is now in a better position to explore various investment opportunities with better returns. Following this, Scomi Engineering recently signed an agreement to dispose its Machine Shop business for USD107 million to Sumitomo Corporation Asia Pte Ltd to further strengthen its business and focus its resources in the growing transportation industry. So far the year has been somewhat challenging yet fulfilling and to maintain this upward trend, we must resolve to push ourselves harder in achieving our goals and objectives. We must keep challenging ourselves. Stretching further, reaching higher than we ever have in the past. If we channel our energy in the right manner, we can successfully transform challenges into opportunities. That said, let’s keep our spirits up and our eyes fixed on the finish line, sure in the knowledge that we will sow great rewards. Best regards, Shah Hakim Zain Group CEO FOCUS | JUNE 2010 3 in the driver’s seat Monorail’s Trial Run a Big Success in Mumbai S comi Engineering Bhd Malaysia, the builder of India’s first monorail network was proud to be part of the thrilling experience to test run the coaches on India’s historic 60th Republic Day on 26 January 2010. The monorail car had arrived at Mumbai’s Navasheva Port on 13 January 2010 and 10 days later made its way through the city to the Wadala Depot where it was lifted onto the 500 meter test track. 4 June 2010 | focus The trial run itself was conducted over a 100-metre stretch to check the track alignment and the smoothness of the running tyres besides giving MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority) officials a chance to spot any glitches that might exist in the system. Scomi even sent four specially trained monorail drivers to test the system for the Mumbai trial run. Among them was S. Panudoorai, an Indian-born motorman and engineer working with the Kuala Lumpur monorail system for 10 years. Scomi was pleased with the timely delivery of the first car as it was a reflection of the capabilities, commitment and reliability of the company in meeting key milestones exactly as planned to satisfy the client’s requirements. The considerable efforts made by Scomi and our entire international team in Malaysia and India made this possible in record time. in the driver’s seat Scomi even sent four specially trained monorail drivers to test the system for the Mumbai trial run. Our President, Syahrunizam Samsudin said, “Hand to heart, I would like to thank all of you at Scomi Rail for the hard work, sleepless nights and dedication in making this a success. Well done again.” The MMRDA hopes to eventually build a monorail network across Mumbai to act as a feeder service for the railway and the Metro. The monorail system is ideal as it can easily reach places where heavier transportation systems cannot. It also has a higher passenger-carrying capacity. With 14 monorail trains of four coaches each planned, at least 500 commuters can be ferried to and fro at any one time. The 19.4-kilometer proposed route between Jacob Circle and Chembur is expected to be completed by 2011 with a cost close to 2,500 crores. The trial run at Wadala was flagged off by the Maharashtra Chief Minister, Ashok Chavan. Contributed by: Rozina Ali, Scomi Engineering KL FOCUS | JUNE 2010 5 in the driver’s seat S Staff Attend Monorail Car Send-off 6 june 2010 | focus comi Rail achieved a key milestone for the Mumbai Monorail project on 13 January 2010 when the first monorail car arrived in Mumbai. This monorail car will play a pivotal role in the preliminary systems interface testing for the Mumbai Monorail project which is critical in ensuring that the system runs smoothly. Earlier on 2 January, a ‘bon voyage’ party was organised at Scomi’s North KL Facility (NKLF). In his speech Scomi Engineering President, Syahrunizam Samsudin said he recognised the hard work and dedication of the Rail Production Team in achieving this milestone. The Chairman of Scomi Engineering, Datuk Zainun Aishah and GCEO, Shah Hakim Zain were given the honour to unveil the first monorail car (packed for delivery) and to start the engine of the low-bed truck. Just before the first car rolled out of Scomi’s NKLF, a short prayer was recited for its safe delivery. This also marks Scomi’s first monorail to cross Malaysian borders. It was a truly momentous beginning for Scomi in 2010. Contributed By: Rozina Ali - Scomi Engineering, K.L in the driver’s seat Scomi Meets with Egyptian Minister G roup CEO of Scomi, Shah Hakim met with the Egyptian Minister of Investment, Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin on 12 March 2010 while on a trip to Egypt with his investment delegation. The aim of the meeting was to discuss means of cooperation in the areas of transport and logistics services as well as laying the foundation for an investment cooperation programme to boost the company’s investment volume and business in the Egyptian market. At the meeting, the two reviewed private investment opportunities in infrastructure and logistics associated with transportation, oil industries and the manufacturing of trains and buses. along with the benefits and socio-economic returns of the project. During the meeting, our Group CEO made it clear he was looking forward to collaborating with Egypt in this field given the country’s economic importance in the region and the scope of the Egyptian market. This was the fourth visit by Scomi’s delegation to Egypt in less than two years. The goal this time was to set an ambitious investment programme in this field. The Egyptian minister was receptive to the proposal of both countries working together saying that as part of the technical and investment collaboration programme started by the government of Malaysia, Egypt would benefit from Malaysian techniques in economic development. The meeting was also attended by the Vice-Chairperson of the General Authority for Investment (GAFI), Nevin El-Shafei, and officials from the Authority and the Ministry of Investment. Shah Hakim also presented to the minister the company’s efforts to implement the sky train FOCUS | June 2010 7 pit stop : project best Theof Successful Making Entrepreneurs… A major new study in December 2009 by Hal Gregersen, an INSEAD professor highlighted the key skills that innovative entrepreneurs need to develop to become successful. These five skills are a “way of life” for innovators and drive home the point that innovative entrepreneurs are developed and made rather than born. Research involving identical twins suggests that only 20 25% of our creative ability is genetically driven, meaning that 75 - 80% comes from the world we live in and from the creative actions we perform. 8 june 2010 | focus pit stop : project best According to Professor Gregersen, the five key discovery skills are: 1. Associating – Creative entrepreneurs “connect the dots” to make unexpected connections. They combine pieces of what may seem disparate pieces of information until they arrive at innovative new ideas. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, was interested in calligraphy and this eventually led to his company producing user-friendly, graphics-based Macs. Several years later, when Jobs was trying to figure out the Macintosh screen, and the “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) sort of image, he connected the dots back to what he had learnt in calligraphy to what might be on the screen and it was a key component of making that whole computer work. In 1948, George de Mestral decided to take his dog for a walk in the mountains. When he returned home the dog was covered with burrs. He inspected one of the many burrs that stuck to his pants and saw the small flexible hooks that enabled the seed-bearing burr to cling to the tiny loops in the fabric. George de Mestral looked at nature and replicated it by making suitable machinery to produce Velcro. 2. Observing – Some of the most innovative entrepreneurs are “intense observers”. Take for example Scott Cook, the founder of Intuit. He got the initial idea for Quicken software by observing how frustrated his wife became in doing their finances. Manually it was frustrating and irritating. She purchased some software that was equally frustrating and irritating. It was at that point that Cook thought he might be able to develop a product that could help his wife solve that problem more effectively. After a sneak preview of an early Apple computer, Cook got a rich sense of what it might look like to have a user interface and a mouse and so on, and be able to have things like checks on the screen that looked like what they should be. From this observation sprang Quicken. 3. Experimenting – When Jeff Bezos, the founder of internet retailer Amazon, was growing up, he used to spend time on his grandfather’s farm in the summer. When machinery broke down on the farm, his grandfather would try to fix it himself, with some help from Jeff. They would experiment, trying this and that, until it would finally work again. If the animals on the farm got sick, his grandparents wouldn’t call the vet, but rather experiment and try to treat the problem themselves. So Jeff grew up with that kind of attitude and mindset, that “if I am confronted with a challenge, I can figure out a solution”. That kind of experimentation spilled over into Amazon. At first, the idea had been to sell books via the internet without inventory. That was the initial idea. We sometimes forget that it took him seven, eight, nine years of experimentation to build the capacity to have warehouses full of books. As a consequence of his experimentation, Bezos built this business model that we now call Amazon today. 4. Questioning - Questions are at the core of what we do. We can be observing the world or experimenting, but if we have no questions in our mind, we are unlikely to get any observations or insights or “eureka” moments. This kind of questioning attitude and mentality is rampant in innovative entrepreneurs. When Michael Dell was asked if he had any favourite questions he liked to ask when he wandered around the world, he replied, “If I had some favourite questions, everybody would know the answers. Instead, when I’m wandering around the world, I try to construct a question for every conversation that might generate information that I never had before”. For most of these innovative entrepreneurs, that’s just how they think. 5. Networking - Typically, when we think of networking, we think of this in terms of jobs, a career or maybe social life. But when it comes to creativity, it takes on a different meaning. Innovators are intentional about finding diverse people who are just the opposites of who they are, that they talk to, to get ideas that seriously challenge their own. Creative and innovative entrepreneurs look for people who are completely different in terms of perspective and regularly discuss ideas and options with them to get divergent viewpoints. There could be differences in gender, industry, age, country of origin, or even politics. And those sorts of diverse inputs in terms of conversations enabled them to get new ideas. David Neeleman, founder of JetBlue Airways and now CEO of Azul Airlines in Brazil, got the idea for paperless ticketing or e-ticketing by talking to one of his employees about the frustration of having to carry around paper tickets in order to give them to passengers flying on their planes. That conversation then led to a new idea and a way of doing things differently. In today’s rapidly changing world, we need to be creative and innovative to be competitive and we need to continually be on the lookout for new ideas in terms of products as well as processes. Maintaining the status quo is no longer acceptable. Scomi has defined New Ideas as one of its core values or core competencies. As a competency, it can be taught and we will be conducting workshops on Creativity and Innovation, the first one was recently conducted in Perth, Australia. It is open to all grades and will be conducted in various locations as shown in the training calendar. Creativity is all about the mindset and we need to ensure that we have an open mind and positive outlook that together with necessary skills, can help us unleash the creativity and innovativeness within us. Contributed by: Dinesh Chelvathurai - Scomi Group, KL FOCUS | june 2010 9 pit stop : project best L Global Leaders Going Green for businesses, carbon has other costs too EADERS from around the world converged at Copenhagen, Denmark, for the UN Climate Conference recently, where they weighed the costs and remedies of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. The costs they considered primarily were those to the environment, particularly in regards to climate change. For businesses, carbon has other costs too. They include issues such as our reputation with stakeholders - investors, partners, current and prospective employees and, most of all, customers. These stakeholders assess how companies address sustainability to decide where they will invest, who they will do business with, who they will work for, and who they will buy from, based on what they see. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak places great importance on this national green strategy. The National Green Technology Policy was implemented to chart the country’s development to propel green technology as the new driver of economic growth. The policy is said to include the setting up of a legislative and regulatory framework that would support the development of green technologies and promote a culture of ‘resource use optimisation’. It will also seek to promote low-carbon technology and ensure sustainable development while conserving the natural environment and resources. 10 june 2010 | focus To promote the green technology, Najib, in his Budget 2010 speech, announced the Government would establish a RM1.5 billion fund to provide soft loans to companies that supply and use green technology. For suppliers, the maximum financing is RM50 million and for customer companies RM10 million. The Government will bear 2% of the total interest and provide a guarantee on 60% of the financing amount with the remaining 40% provided by banking institutions. And finally, there was the issue of the costs in real monetary terms. The costs associated with energy were considered volatile and rising, so cutting consumption and improving efficiency is essential to the bottom line. Over the last few decades, demand for electricity in Malaysia grew almost 10 times, from 8,140-gigawatt hour (GWh) in 1980 to 78.72 billion GWh currently. This has necessitated a significant amount of capital investment to be made for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in the country. Carbon considerations Added together, these costs elevate carbon to a c-suite concern. Top executives are being asked to quantify and reduce corporate energy use and environmental footprints, streamline supply chains, meet regulatory requirements, and modify information technology (IT) departments to drive more energy-efficient operations. To develop policies that are both good for the planet and for business, corporate leaders must address all aspects of their companies, including operations, IT and product lifecycle management. pit stop : project best They must develop strategies to increase business efficiency, using environmental stewardship and energy consumption as new business barometers. They must maintain a public commitment to meaningful and achievable goals, with transparency in reporting progress to meet those goals. They must take the lead in driving energy conservation and environmental stewardship through the value chain and across their industries. They must develop a strategy that reduces costs, lowers complexity, and increases operating and energy efficiency. They must look for ways to improve IT operations to generate more computing performance without increasing power consumption. They must respond to social and regulatory pressure with verifiable energy conservation initiatives to address energy and climate challenges. They must develop energy and environmental strategies and policies to improve business and brand position. That’s a pretty tall order, and while each of these issues is complicated enough on its own, together they can seem positively overwhelming. They require a framework that helps identify and prioritise environmental efforts by illustrating how problems and opportunities can be broken down into distinct areas and then segmented into manageable projects to be addressed. Building a framework Overall, this framework covers seven business components that are common to virtually any enterprise or organisation dealing with energy and environment issues. Strategy: The creation of an enterprise-wide energy and environment strategy as part of an overarching corporate social responsibility plan can help companies address “green” issues, resulting in improved financial and environmental outcomes. Issues to be considered include the alignment of a company’s environmental strategy into an overall business strategy and translating environmental values into an improved brand image. People: The impact of employee behaviour and policies on the environment is significant. Commute time and business travel form a large part of an individual’s carbon footprint. The use of online collaboration tools and policies that reduce commuting and travelling can also reduce costs. Companies are further discovering that their environmental policies and practices can help attract and retain top talent. Information: With data growing between 35% and 70% annually in some industries, it’s critical for companies to better manage their data infrastructure. Optimised collection, analysis, tiering and storage of key information help companies comply with reporting mandates while minimising their data footprint. These same strategies improve business operations by improving information access and systems response. They help reduce storage needs through sharing, elimination of redundancies and compression. Product: As companies begin to understand the environmental impact of their products or services across the entire product lifecycle, they can design products that lower environmental impact. Streamlining product development and manufacturing also means less material, waste, and energy. Concurrently, an examination of the product or service lifecycle often helps businesses find and exploit market opportunities. Finally, the need to reduce energy consumption is increasing the energymanagement intelligence built into certain products. IT: IT is greatly stressing power and cooling infrastructure. According to IBM’s estimates, IT kilowatt-hour usage has increased five-fold in the past five years. This IT-related energy use contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. CIOs and IT managers rightly view this situation as an economic and environmental crisis. Corporations need IT energy-efficiency strategies to help them focus their efforts. A thorough understanding of IT energy consumption, operations, and constraints is the foundation for improvement. From there, companies can devise strategies to help them improve IT efficiency and resiliency, address emissions, reduce energy costs, and measure their success against business goals. Property: Companies need to reduce the cost and greenhouse gas emissions of their physical assets – from office buildings to truck fleets. The process starts with determining and managing the environmental impact of physical assets and properly maintaining all property for energy-efficient operations and reduced environmental impact. Business Operations: Corporations need to transform business processes to reduce environmental impact on all operations. Consider energy or water consumption as a start. Understanding and controlling these costs can be achieved only when a company measures its existing use and compares it to conservation benchmarks. “Smart” systems can greatly increase efficiency. Any transformation plan adopted must be communicated to key stakeholders. Regardless of the outcome at Copenhagen, they will undoubtedly impact all the costs associated with carbon. And it’s clear businesses need to begin addressing those costs now or pay a variety of higher prices later. Source: Star Publication (M) Berhad by Ou Shian Waei Managing Director, IBM Malaysia FOCUS | june 2010 11 pit stop : project best Project EnviroUS Roars To a Brilliant Start E nvironmental awareness is building in Malaysia and with the recent Copenhagen Accord, the Government has placed further emphasis on preventive measures to mitigate and minimise negative environmental effects at the source, to intensify conservation efforts and to ensure a sustainable development of both exhaustible and renewable energy resources. world community is facing two of the world’s most pressing issues namely climate change and energy security. A long advocate of the Government’s call to environmental consciousness, Scomi has intensified its efforts by embarking on a GREEN Journey to create a business culture that is more environmentally friendly. During the launch, Business Unit Heads were presented with potted plants to signify the start of the project. While we at Scomi recognise there are many ways to conserve our natural resources, most important of all is the need to understand the practical ways of managing our natural resources. This can be effectively achieved by ensuring the programmes we launch are translated into real actions on the ground. The past decade of rapid economic growth and industrialisation has caused serious environmental challenges in Malaysia. The 12 june 2010 | focus To embark on this new journey, Project EnviroUS was launched on 8 January 2010 to facilitate US in our quest towards a greener Scomi. The main areas of focus will be our Product, Process and Support Services. GREEN activities such as waste reduction, energy saving as well as reuse and recycling initiatives were planned to realise the goals of the project and to keep in line with Scomi’s Formula 2011. All Scomi staff are urged to embrace Project EnviroUS and commit fully to its implementation. The road to our future sustainability may be challenging. However unity and commitment under the spirit of US will drive US successfully to our target destiny – a GREENER Scomi. pit stop : project best GREEN INITIATIVES Among the Green Initiatives implemented under Project EnviroUS are Environmental E-Bulletins and bi-weekly E-Tips. These documents help spread the word on current environmental issues that can and should be addressed by all Scomi staff be it at the workplace or at home. So far two E-Bulletins have been released. E-Bulletin No. 1 highlighted the outcome of the Copenhagen Accord and the Malaysian Government’s approach to implement it in Malaysia. E-Bulletin No.2 covered the importance of public transportation in reducing further environmental devastation. E-Tips meanwhile focuses mainly on how to reuse, reduce and recycle waste produced in the office. These tips encourage everyone to pay attention to what they dispose of and to try to be more responsible when throwing away rubbish. Scomi EARTH HOUR 2010 Pledge: TURNING LIGHTS OFF FOR CLIMATE CHANGE SUSTAINABLE LIVING Green Luncheon Talk @ Corporate Office Every year on Earth Hour, hundreds of millions of people, organisations, corporations and governments come together to make a bold statement about their concern for climate change by doing something quite simple — turning off their lights for one hour. Earth Hour symbolises that by working together, each of us can have a positive impact in the fight against climate change, protecting our future and that of future generations. It only takes 10 days to fill up the Petronas Twin Towers, if Malaysians, particularly people living in Kuala Lumpur continue to produce and dispose of 1.5kg of waste per day! Umesh Ramalingam from Alam Flora Sdn Bhd began his talk with an informative video showing how much waste Malaysians produce daily and how companies in Malaysia have begun introducing and implementing Green Initiatives among their staff. Organised by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF), Earth Hour 2010 took place on 27 March at 8.30 p.m. (local time) with many iconic buildings and landmarks all over the world standing in darkness. People across the world from all walks of life turned off their lights and joined together in ensuring the sustainability of one thing we all have in common – our planet. This year, more than 50 Scomi staff pledged to participate in Earth Hour. Many spent the hour of darkness having private parties with friends and families, some had barbecues, some played games and some just lazed around watching the stars from their driveways and gardens. Held on 1 March 2010, this luncheon attended by almost 40 Scomi staff, highlighted the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling daily wastes. Doing this diligently would not only help protect our environment but also reduce the need and dependency on natural resources, conserve energy as well as reduce costs for producing materials from scratch. FOCUS | june 2010 13 in pole position Scomi Among 20 Shortlisted for CR Awards S comi Group Bhd was honoured to be among 20 shortlisted companies in the StarBiz-ICR Malaysia Corporate Responsibility Awards 2009 that saw the participation of over 300 companies. Scomi was shortlisted as it had satisfied the panel’s requirement to receive a minimum performance across all four CR dimensions – marketplace, workplace, environment and community. Scomi Group Bhd’s Chief of Staff, Puan Rohaida Ali Badaruddin, received the certificate on our behalf. In her speech, Securities Commission Chairman, Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar who was also the Chief Judge of the Awards said new legislation and voluntary standards were continually being introduced to ensure companies were made accountable for their impact on the environment and society. She also said that communicating this accountability to stakeholders was important and that companies should be looking to report how CR was being integrated across the company. Kanesan Veluppillai updating the Malaysian Prime Minister about the recent developments in the Mumbai Monorail project. Country President of Scomi India, Suhaimi Yaacob is at the far left. Scomi Meets Malaysian PM in India P The awards-giving ceremony was graced by His Royal Highness Raja Nazrin Shah, the Raja Muda of Perak, who is also the patron of the Awards. rime Minister of Malaysia the Honourable Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak arrived in New Delhi on 19 January for a five-day state visit accompanied by a high-powered delegation comprising Malaysian ministers from the Ministries of Trade, Works, Human Resource and Education, lawmakers, business delegates and other officials. The event was jointly organised by The Star and the Institute of Corporate Responsibiity (ICR) Malaysia, together with its working partners, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Securities Industry Development Corp. The official sponsors were HSBC Bank Malaysia and Canon Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd. In Delhi, Scomi hosted the business forum - ‘Malaysia- India Economic Relations: The Way Forward’, which was jointly organised by the three apex business chambers in India - Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM). There to brief the Malaysian Premier on Scomi’s involvement in the Mumbai Monorail project were Scomi Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Shah Hakim Zain, Kanesan Veluppillai - President, Scomi International, Suhaimi Yaacob - Country President of Scomi India and other senior Scomi officials. In Chennai, Scomi were the principal sponsors of the Partnership Summit 2010 held on 23 January. During his visit the Malaysian Prime Minister stressed on stronger trade relations between India and Malaysia and the need for speeding up the signing of comprehensive economic cooperation agreements between the two countries. Contributed by: Irina Abdullah - Scomi International, KL 14 june 2010 | focus Malaysia | us begins with u S comi Group Bhd’s Vice-President of Human Resources, Mastura Mansor was conferred the “Pride of HR Profession Award” at the World HRD Congress 2010 held at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai from 11-13 February this year. VP of HR Receives Prestigious HR Award Besides receiving this world-class prestigious award, Mastura was also invited to speak at the event. Her presentation touched on the theme of this year’s Congress that was “The New HR Challenge - Innovative Talent Strategies For Tough Times”. Mastura was assessed on a multitude of competencies that include her strategic perspective, business goal management, risk management, team orientation and people management, networking, being a change agent, customer focus, business acumen, performance management and excellence in achievement. The Congress, run by professionals for professionals, is governed by an advisory council that guides the strategic intent of the Congress to its logical success. The “Pride of HR Profession Award” is the highest honour an individual can receive for his or her contribution to HR. Mastura was chosen for her leadership and contribution to the field of HR and to recognise her as a thinker and doer who is a role model and believer in change. Congratulations Mastura for this outstanding achievement. Indian Journalists Get First Hand Look at Malaysia’s Monorail S ix journalists from six leading media publications in India visited Malaysia for a first hand look at Scomi’s successful monorail achievements in Kuala Lumpur. They were here from 10-13 January 2010. While here representatives from Scomi took the media delegation on a tour of the city’s transportation infrastructure and briefed them on the unique selling propositions of the monorail as a viable public transportation system to ease congestion in the city. Their visit also included a guided tour of Scomi’s state-of-the-art North KL Facility, a Rapid bus ride and a monorail ride. Kanesan Veluppillai – President, Scomi International was on hand to receive the delegation. Aside from soaking up all the relevant information on monorails, the delegation also got a closer look at Scomi’s involvement in Malaysia’s urban transportation, our first monorail project in Mumbai as well as all the varied businesses of the Scomi Group, both at the local and global level. Later the delegation was briefed about the setting up of Scomi’s local office in India where the hiring of local Indian talent was carried out. The journalists were also informed about plans for the setting up of the monorail coach factory in India targeted for 2011 as well as plans for the establishment of a low floor CNG bus factory there. Matters of work aside, the journalists enjoyed sightseeing in Putrajaya, Malaysia’s administrative capital as well as tours of the city’s famous landmarks. The media that were represented were the Times of India, Daily News & Always (DNA), Deccan Herald, NDTV Profit, Hindustan Times and The Telegraph. Contributed by: Irina Abdullah - Scomi International, KL FOCUS | june 2010 15 us begins with u | Malaysia Staff Cheer-on New & Improved Scomi Sports Club S taff of Scomi gave a warm welcome to their new and improved Scomi Sports Club (SSC), officially launched on 5 April 2010 at Wisma Chase Perdana in Kuala Lumpur. Committee members of the new SSC represent all Business Units including Yayasan Scomi from all locations in Malaysia WCP, NKLF, Kemaman, Johor, Labuan and Miri. The objective of the new SSC is to encourage every staff to participate in at least one SSC event be it a sports event, a recreational activity or a welfare cause. Also launched that day was the logo design competition for 16 june 2010 | focus the new SSC that was opened to all staff. With a hefty RM500 prize awarded to the winner, it’s no wonder we received such overwhelming response. At the same event, Scomi also launched its Scomi Sports Carnival 2010 with the formation of four ‘houses’ – green, red, blue and yellow with every staff assigned to a particular house. The Chef De Missions are Syahrunizam Samsudin for the Green House, Hilmy Zaini for the Red House, Steve Bracker for the Blue House and Mukhnizam Mahmud for the Yellow House. Now that the Sports Carnival 2010 is in season, let us look forward to the upcoming events. All the best, everyone – may the best house win! Malaysia | us begins with u Scomi & NPC Honour Two Journalists T he National Press Club (NPC) and Scomi jointly presented the NPCScomi Journalist of the Year award to The Star’s Managing Editor, P. Gunasegaram and the Utusan Group’s Assistant Editor, Zaini Hassan recently at the National Press ClubNAZA Award Night. Apart from this, the NPC-Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin SM Amin 1Malaysian of the Year award went to cartoonist, Datuk Mohd Nor Khalid, or “Lat” for his drawings on Malaysian life. Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin SM Amin, founder of the Naza Group, was also posthumously awarded the National Press Club (NPC) Business Visionary Award 2010 by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Miri Staff Go for Zero S taff of Scomi Oiltools in Miri scored yet another QHSE milestone when they charted 740 days of Goal Zero in all their Malaysian Shell projects resulting in Shell achieving the best ever ‘Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF)’ of 1.1. Certificates were presented to all service contractors in recognition of their contribution, directly or indirectly, towards Shell achieving this success. Scomi also had the honour to chair the March Monthly HSE meeting in Shell, Miri. Well done and congratulations to all our teams working on the Shell projects. Contributed by: Mohd Izam - Scomi Oiltools, Miri, Malaysia FOCUS | june 2010 17 us begins with u | Malaysia Kemaman Execs Plot Their 2010 Targets E xecutives of Scomi Oiltools and Scomi KMC in Kemaman held their Scomi Kemaman Executive Meeting from 15 to 16 January 2010 to discuss, plan and finalise the Operations Calendar for Year 2010. Also present were Area Manager, Izuddin together with Rozali Sidek from the Corporate Office who recently took over the reins as Country Manager of the Malaysia Operations. Ahmad Norazizan, the Materials Management Manager was also present to join the Kemaman team for the meeting. It was a serious but exciting two days as everyone enthusiastically contributed ideas and worked together to finalise the plans for 2010. Contributed by: Sharifah Asmah - Scomi Oiltools, Kemaman, Malaysia Great start team! Keep the momentum going… It was a serious but exciting two days as everyone enthusiastically contributed ideas 18 june 2010 | focus Malaysia | us begins with u m! a e t e h t o t s n io t la u t a Congr Scomi KMC Elated with Success of HyPR-DRILL 2010 began on a high for staff of Scomi KMC when their new High Performance Water Based Fluid system or HyPR-DRILL passed a field test at Betty Field (BE-18ST1) shortly after being handed over to their client, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd. Prior to its introduction to their client, the R&D team at Scomi KMC’s Global Research and Technology Centre in Kuala Lumpur lab-tested the HyPR-DRILL extensively in addition to pre-training a team for its eventual roll-out. Although drilling operations were suspended for eight days due to bad weather, the open hole left unattended for this period of time was found intact upon resumption of drilling operations. The inhibition of the HyPR-DRILL was found to be excellent and the rheology remained stable during the whole section. Drill cuttings at the shaker were also of amazing integrity and shape while bits, stabilisers and other tools were pulled out shining clean to the surprise of everyone present. Scomi Treats Media Staff S comi lived-up to its tradition of treating media staff, this time to a delicious luncheon at the publications’ premises. The separate luncheons were held to celebrate Chinese New Year. Speaking of the luncheons, Scomi International Pte Ltd President, Kanesan Veluppillai said it was Scomi’s tradition to express the Group’s friendship and kinship to associates and friends alike in a very Malaysian way every festive season. The decision to hold the event at the respective media publications’ premises instead of a hotel was to enable more people from each publication to attend. The luncheon for the Star Publications (M) Bhd was held at the Cyberhub on Level 2 of Menara Star on 9 March while the luncheon for Sin Chew media staff was held at the Activity Hall at the Sin Chew Daily Building on 25 February. A review of the system revealed that HyPR-DRILL had the fastest Rate of Penetration (ROP) with minimum torque, saving Petronas Carigali more than two days of rig time. Less than 3% NPT was also achieved. The team at Scomi KMC were elated with these findings, more so since Petronas Carigali has stated how keen they are to continue utilising this new performance fluid system. Contributed by: Iftekhar Ali Khan – Scomi Oiltools, Malaysia FOCUS | june 2010 19 us begins with u | Indonesia Scomi Marine’s RT Kris Conducts Maiden Sea Trial S comi Marine’s latest addition to its fleet, MV RT Kris performed her sea trial for three full days from 10-12 March 2010 at Marco Polo’s shipyard in Batam. The sea trial was conducted to evaluate its engine, major systems and the overall performance of the vessel to determine any potential problems with her operating mechanics and instrumentation before the actual delivery to her new owner. The classification body that certified the sea trial was the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), assisted by PT Rig Tenders (PTRT) and Marco Polo’s key personnel. Scomi Indonesia Brushes Up On Training S comi Indonesia sent their employees for an intensive Group Learning and Development (GLaD) training session in Jakarta from 15-19 February 2010 to brush up on 'Work@ Scomi, Performance Management Development & Coaching Skills and Competency Based Assessment'. During the test, the Main Engine and Auxiliary Engine were found to be working well. The anchor handling winch, tugger winch and capstan test were also reported to be in a good condition while the anchor drop was fine despite being slow due to the gypsy chain that had to be clutched in during the releasing and heaving of the anchor. At the end of the training session, participants were clearly all geared-up and ready to apply their newly acquired skills to their daily work. The assessment for the Dynamic Positioning System onboard the vessel was also reported in satisfactory situation. Meanwhile the Fire Fighting testing was conducted with success as the water pressure at the outlet of the pump was at 15 bar with a distance of 150 metres and a height of 50 metres as per the vessel’s technical specifications. It is strongly recommended that all employees attend the GLaD training session as it is truly a fun and knowledgeable experience. With the vessel’s bollard pull test successfully conducted on 19 March, the RT Kris was delivered by end March. Contributed By: Azah Othman - Scomi Group, KL Contributed by: Iskandar Ahmad - Scomi Marine, KL The training was held at the Grand Flora Hotel and was indeed beneficial to those who attended. Having a tireless trainer who made the learning experience enjoyable with loads of fun certainly went a long way in keeping participants on their toes. 20 june 2010 | focus Indonesia | us begins with u Victory Team Rushes to Help Tea Plantation Workers T he Victory Team at PT Scomi Oiltools, one of the teams in our CSR Project Pyramid rushed to help over 60 workers buried under a landslide that occurred on 23 February 2010 at the Dewata Tea Plantation in Tenjolaya Vllage. bedding, clean water and other supplies. The landslide, triggered by continuous heavy rain over a couple of days, also caused severe damage to infrastructure, blocking roads, cutting communications and making the village almost unaccessible. The village is in Ciwidey, West Java province, 60 kilometers from Bandung. Led by Bambang Widodo, Senior Drilling Fluid Manager, our Victory Team departed to Ciwidey on 12 March 2010 at 6.00 a.m. on a journey that took five hours. They said it was indeed a sad sight but a fulfilling experience for them as they were able to do their bit to help. Once at the scene, our team members found the victims living in temporary tent shelters and in desperate need of food, clothes, Contributed by: Ary Rismy - Scomi Oiltools, Indonesia Team members started by collecting items and donations from employees at the office and then used the project’s CSR seed money to buy further necessities. FOCUS | june 2010 21 us begins with u | Indonesia Indonesians Treat Orphans to Theme Park Visit F or their Project Pyramid CSR activity, colleagues at PT Scomi Oiltools, Indonesia sponsored the children of the Panti Asuhan Terpadu Yatim AlAndalusia orphanage to an educational yet fun day at ANCOL in Jakarta. The Ancol Samudra Gallery is a theme park built to create awareness on animal conservation. The 72 children living at the orphanage had an absolutely wonderful time there entertaining themselves with the animals. The team members who accompanied the orphans on this special day also spent time talking to the kids about the animals there and the environments they lived in. Although their team had initially planned on taking only 30 kids, the decision to take everyone was made possible thanks to the encouragement and support they received from all their other colleagues, especially Country President, Wan Ruzlan Iskandar and Business Unit Manager, Ken Carlsson. To ensure everything went according to plan, the team pooled their resources and collected further funds over and above the Project Pyramid allocated amount so a donation could be made to the centre as well. More than enjoying Ancol themselves, team members cherished the joy they had brought the children that day. Contributed by : Mila Masyhur - Scomi Oiltools, Indonesia 22 june 2010 | focus Indonesia | us begins with u Scomi Banjarmasin Cyclists Take to The Streets All lined-up and ready to sweat it out! I Conquering the main … roads of Banjarmasin Indonesians Lend a Hand to Sick Kids I n line with Scomi’s Pyramid Project initiative, one team from Scomi Oiltools, Indonesia lent a helping hand to young children suffering from cancer at Rumah Singgah, one of the centres run by the Indonesian Cancer Kids Foundation. Wanting to bring a smile to the face of these youngsters, the staff brought with them loads of goodies such as educational t was a mixture of excitement and exhaustion as Scomi Banjarmasin Bicycle Club members and their families finished their 5 km ride along the Banjarmasin main road. balanced through sports. The Club also aims to strengthen relationships and teamwork amongst staff. The cycling activity will be a monthly affair organised on Sunday mornings. Formed on 3 January 2010, the Scomi Banjarmasin Bicycle Club of PT Batuah Abadi Lines / PT Rig Tenders Banjarmasin aims at promoting cycling activities to develop a more healthy worklife Hats off to Pak Herman and Rehan for being the pioneers and making this happen! Contributed By: Fazlina Mohamed - Scomi Marine, KL toys and books on 10 February 2010. A monetary donation was also made to the home. Apart from handing over the goodies, staff took the opportunity to spend some quality time interacting with the kids. The centre provides help for children stricken with cancer by offering them temporary accommodation, transportation and education while they undergo treatment. Contributed by: Ary Rismy – Scomi Oiltools, Indonesia FOCUS | june 2010 23 us begins with u | Thailand E mployees of Scomi Oiltools in Thailand had a fun time when Dinesh Chelvathurai, Chief Learning Officer of Scomi Group was in Thailand from 15-18 February this year to conduct Group Learning and Development’s (GLaD) Finance for Non-Finance programme. Thais Have Fun Time at GLaD Training Finance course that we hope would improve our business performance going forward! Besides relishing the thought of leaving office work behind for a few days, the employees also looked forward to having some fun and getting to know each other better during the course of the training. The company was able to gather most of their key employees from all across Thailand including from the Songkhla and Lankrabue offices. They also had participants from the machine shop, Scomi OMS Thailand and from OFS Myanmar. Since the course was held at a very nice hotel right next to the office, everybody took the opportunity to dress in their best. The highlights of the course included the opportunity to learn more about their colleagues outside the confines of the office during the various teamwork exercises. Some of them learned invaluable information at the Finance for Non-Finance course that the facilitators hope will improve their business performance going forward. Of course no article about Thailand would be complete without mentioning how good the food was. Everyone agreed that the training was very beneficial for their own personal development as well as their jobs and look forward to many more training courses in Bangkok in the near future. Contributed by: Nicholas Doust – Scomi Oiltools, Thailand 24 june 2010 | focus India | us begins with u e-Learning a Fun Way to Brush-up on HSE Training E ducating employees on Health and Safety risks and related behaviour has always been a challenge. So staff at Scomi Oiltools decided to use e-learning as the new medium to overcome these challenges and allow people to learn at their own pace. As such the first set of e-learning modules for Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Training was introduced in March 2010. Developed in-house by QHSE Supervisor, Saju Kuttappan, these modules featured videos, graphics, audio, animation, text and a selfservice menu option including a course completion quiz allowing the learner to work through the content in a manner appealing to them and thus learning effectively. These modules also allowed the learner to explore different learning paths. The first module introduced was on ‘Electrical Safety’ designed for general electrical safety awareness on electrical hazards and its control measures, targeted for all employees. Account Executive, Jigneesh Bhatt was the first to complete this e-learning module and received his certificate of completion shortly after. This initiative piloted in the Mumbai office received good response from our Mumbai staff, paving the way for more such e-learning modules in the future. Contributed by: Saju Kuttappan – Scomi Oiltools, India Indians Happy with GLaD Training I t is said that an organisation is only as good as its people and that human resource is one of the most important assets a company has. This holds true for us at Scomi, as we had an in-house training session conducted by Group Learning and Development (GLaD), a training dedicated to enhancing the knowledge and developmental skills of our employees. This year GLaD went out of their way to have a trainer come down to India to conduct training on the topic Work@Scomi as well as a Competencybased Assessment at the Mumbai Office. The trainer, Azah Othman ensured participants kept attentive and actively involved in each of the sessions. It was indeed a platform that enabled all of us to come together and work cohesively, a core requirement for building teamwork and thereby the organisation. The sessions were very interesting and the presentations highly effective and motivational. We are sure this investment in training will take us in the right direction to achieve our corporate vision of Formula 2011. We thank GLaD and Scomi for giving us the opportunity to attend the trainings in India and look forward to more. Contributed by: Azah Othman - Scomi Group, KL FOCUS | june 2010 25 us begins with u | Turkmenistan us begins with u | Pakistan Pakistanis Commit to Greening Their City S taff of Scomi Oiltools in Pakistan recently launched a ‘plant’ campaign in the city to create more awareness to rising carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in the environment. Since funds were scarce, team members stepped up and contributed 2% of their salaries so they could buy the essential items required for the programme. Seated, 3rd from left, Asri Omar - Business Unit Manager Scomi Oiltools in Turkmenistan Gets a New Home T he Scomi Oiltools Ltd - Turkmenistan, country office, relocated on 15 March 2010 to a new premise. The new office with a total office area of 331 square metres is ideal to cater to our current and future growth. The eight-story office building located in the city center at Yimpash Business Center, has also given us prestigious neighbours made up of international companies such as Conoco-Phillips, Polimeks, Turkish Airlines, Petrogas, European Bank, Commerzbank of Germany, Berlanga & Turkuaz and many more. The picture accompanying this article shows all of us at our brand new “Scomi Branded” office. You can now reach us at: Yimpash Business Center, Office 101 (A) 54, Turkmenbashy Street 744013 Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Tel: +993 12 457750 Fax: +993 12 457751 Contributed by: Asri Omar - Scomi Oiltools, Turkmenistan 26 june 2010 | focus It was truly touching to see how all members of the team committed wholly to the project and as a result 1,000 saplings were planted in various parts of the city. Stalls were also set-up to distribute saplings amongst the general public and to discuss with them the current environmental issues facing planet earth. The group’s activities garnered a lot of public interest as many people walking by stopped and asked about the programme. What was very pleasing was that many of these passers-by also took part in the activity themselves. It was a very rewarding experience and many thanks go out to the team for their efforts and devotion as without them this would not have been possible. Now they can truly say they have done their part for the environment. Contributed by: Ammar Najeeb – Scomi Oiltools, Pakistan Sudan | us begins with u us begins with u | Dubai Nijumone of Dubai Flies The Safety Flag C ongratulations to Nijumone M.L., a welder who was presented the Best Safety Observation Card for the month of January 2010. Nijumone received the award in recognition of his leadership in safety procedures, outstanding safety vigilance and contribution to Scomi Oiltools’ Safety Observation Programme. Umar Iqbal, Business Unit Manager of the Gulf Region presented Nijumone the certificate and cash award during our monthly QHSE management meeting. Scomi Oiltools Participates in Sudan’s SAPEG Exhibition As Safety Observation is an important proactive tool in risk assessment, it is Scomi Oiltools’ policy to use the Step Back 5x5 Card and Safety Observation Card to eliminate injuries at the workplace. S In light of Nijumone’s great achievement, we would like to encourage all employees to participate wholeheartedly in our Safety Observation Programme. Who knows? You might very well become the next recipient of our Best Safety Observation Card in the coming months. It was the first exhibition for the Sudan office and we were all excited. Ours was a simple booth but had lots of information with posters, product samples, brochures and of course giveaways and snacks. We attracted people with our motto, “Come grab a snack and gain some knowledge.” Contributed by: Arlene D. Espinoza - Scomi Oiltools, Dubai Scomi was one of the few drilling companies exhibiting and it was an excellent opportunity to be seen and heard. We had nine of our team members manning the booth and they did a great job at marketing us. They were knowledgeable of our products resulting in our booth having a constant stream of visitors. Over the two days we attracted over 400 visitors to our booth. comi Oiltools, Sudan made a good impression at the Sudanese Association of Petroleum Geo-Scientist (SAPEG) exhibition from 3-4 February 2010. The SAPEG exhibition was sponsored by El Zibair Mohd. Hassan of the Ministry of Energy & Minerals with VIP guests such as the Director General of Oil Exploration & Production Association, Azhari Abdel Gadir and Petronas VP E&P Business, Ramlan Bin A. Malek from Kuala Lumpur attending. Keep up the good w – you are a great rork Nijumone everyoneo!le model for Our Sudan team would like to thank our Managers, Yusof Yahya, Mohamed Azhan and Osama Gorashi for getting us involved in this event and giving us a wonderful experience in the process. Contributed by: Rania Ali - Scomi Oiltools, Sudan FOCUS | june 2010 27 us begins with u | USA W hen Houston called our office to let us know that Scomi would like to start helping out our local communities, our office was thrilled to represent our company in such a positive way. The office personnel gathered to brainstorm ideas and we unanimously agreed on the Bakersfield’s Annual Toys for Tots Run. This run involves motorcycle and classic car owners from the Kern County area coming to downtown Bakersfield with toys, money, and food for donation. Drivers then make the annual ride to our local fairgrounds, where everything is collected. At the fairgrounds they will hold different events so that those who did not make the run can still have a chance to donate and enjoy some fun and games with everyone who came for one reason to help. This is the 26th year of the run. In the first year, there were only 50 motorcycles and 75 toys to donate. In 2008, they recorded an astounding 4,000 bikes and cars, USD12,000 in donations, and a quarter tonne of groceries. Donations were given to the local Salvation Army who in turn distributed it to needy families in Kern County. This event meant a lot to us here at the office because of a tragic accident that took place in early September 2009. The original founding owners, husband and wife Jim and Debbie Harmon, were involved in an accident that ended their lives all too soon. What better way then to show our gratitude and thanks to such a giving couple and a great foundation that has helped thousands upon thousands throughout the years. So, Rick Henry got on his bike at the crack of dawn to meet the other riders in downtown Bakersfield to make the annual ride. Our team met up at the fairgrounds where we donated toys, food, and our time. We helped beef-up security by walking around and reporting on anything suspicious and at the end of the day, we helped clean up. Contributed by: Megan Charles - Scomi Oiltools, Bakersfield, USA Scomi US helps the needy through Toys for Tots Run 28 june 2010 | focus Mexico | us begins with u Mexicans Learn to Save Lives Scomi Oiltools staff in Mexico underwent a First Aid Course, learning to give assistance in emergency situations before paramedics arrive at the scene. The objectives of the course were to preserve life, prevent deterioration before definitive treatment and restore the patient to life. The first aid training was about knowing what to do while acting quickly but calmly. Participants underwent intensive practical training that will certainly help them in their work environment. Contributed by : Cinthya Lobato - Scomi Oiltools, Mexico Mexicans Get Competitive on The Greens A golf tournament organised by Club Campestre Villahermosa in the city of Villahermosa, Mexico on 20 March 2010 saw Scomi Oiltools, Mexico doing its part by sponsoring the event, sending its golf team and winning two of the exceptional tournament prizes. Cisco, our Business Unit Manager won a laptop while Jose Atencio, our Sales Manager won a set of golf clubs. We also had loads of Scomi giveaways to keep our brand prominent at the event. It was also a good opportunity for networking that we are glad we didn’t miss. Contributed by : Cinthya Lobato - Scomi Oiltools, Mexico FOCUS | june 2010 29 FormulaBash It’s Denim & Green for New Year Staff Gathering T wo hundred fifty employees of Scomi were dressed in their best denim and green outfits when they attended the staff gathering at the Aliyaa Island Restaurant & Bar in Damansara, Kuala Lumpur. Called ‘Fabulous Fete’, the night was filled with great music, food, lucky draws and games. There to entertain everybody was Scomi’s very own band and the highlight of the evening was the performances by top management of the various business units. 30 june 2010 | focus Muhammad Aqil Danish Born: 17 December 200 Bin Muhd Saufi Son of Sharifa Nazmin 9 (Scomi Engineering, KL) Nur Zahra Jasmin Binti Badrul Hisham Born: 30 July 2009 Daughter of Badrul Hisham bin Ghalam (Scomi Oiltools, Kemaman, Malaysia) Nur Amirah Syifa Binti Azrizal Born: 7 February 2010 Daughter of Nazatuljaliza Bujang (Scomi Rail, KL) HATCHES Tengku Nur Humayraa Auni Binti Tengku Mohamed Hanafiah Born: 16 August 2009 Daughter of Wan Rohaida Binti Wan Nawang (Scomi Oiltools, Kemaman, Malaysia) Binti Zuhasbullah Nur Aleeya Ariesya 09 20 ne Ju 28 tar Born: sbullah Bin Mukh Daughter of Zuha maman, Malaysia) Ke , ols lto Oi i (Scom Damia Sofea Binti Hairul & Dayana Sofea Binti Hairul Born: 22 August 2009 Twin daughters of Hairul Bin Rajab (Scomi Oiltools, Kemaman, Malaysia) Kumaresan Abinaya Born: 1 June 2009 Daughter of Nagarajan Kumaresan and Yoga Lakshimi (PY Oiltools, Brunei Darussalam) Lim Rui Zhe Born: 14 August 2009 Son of Madeline Ho and Jason Lim (Scomi Marine, KL) FOCUS | june 2010 31
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