Focus 29
Focus 29
06 HyPR-Active in Mexico 10 Brazilian journalists learn about our monorail KDN No : PP13957/06/2011(029765) 23 Open Day a one-of-a-kind event 29 When every drop of blood counts ISSUE 29 Scomi’s monorail recognised for product excellence Contents ISSUE 29 03 - All eyes on the finish line 04 - Scomi Oiltools China makes an impression at exhibition - Thais share their DF expertise 05 - Texans set the PACE for exceptional service 06 - HyPR-Active in Mexico - Learning the tricks of time management 07 [email protected] [email protected] - ImmaPure creates excitement at forum - Understanding ImmaPure 08 - ‘Investing’ in our country’s future SCOMI MARINE CO-ORDINATORS 09 - Tap into the amazing ‘Ideas For Tomorrow’ 10 - Brazilian journalists learn about our monorail 13 - Scomi’s Monorail recognised for product excellence 14 - Ministry of Finance delegation gets briefing on Scomi monorail Capabilities 15 - Talking CSR with Babson College, USA students 16 - Mumbai staff learn how to tackle fire - James does us proud with award honour 17 - Talk drives home the importance of HSE - Mumbai staff celebrate International Women’s Day 18 - New leadership traits introduced via LCA 19 - Scomi is 8 20 - Scomi Marine says ‘thank you’ with a lunch - A ‘colourful’ way to come together as one 21 - Reaching out to staff in a new way - Rewarding staff for their loyalty 22 - Giving ‘em a taste of Billy Bob’s Texas 23 - Open Day a one-of-a-kind event 24 - It’s a wrap for Project Pyramid Season 3 27 - Where there’s an end… there’s always a new beginning 28 - Indonesians pledge to go green - Gary delivers the goods ! 29 - When every drop of blood counts - Reaching out to the needy 30 - Love is All Around Scomi Global Headquarters - Find your thrills on Heartbreak Hill 31 - Hatches & Matches EDITORIAL TEAM [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SCOMI ENGINEERING CO-ORDINATOR [email protected] SCOMI OILTOOLS CO-ORDINATORS [email protected] [email protected] The paper used for this publication is environmentally friendly All eyes on the finish line W e are now on the cusp of the second half of FY2011, which means we are already in the final lap of the race towards Formula 2011. With the finish line in sight, we cannot afford to slow down and lose momentum, despite a bumpy ride. Instead, we need to consolidate and build upon our strengths in order to ride out the challenges and stay on course to meet our goals – to invest in global technology companies in the Energy & Logistics sector and deliver returns in excess of 25% by this year. How are we taking action to position ourselves to take advantage of the upturn and meet our goals in the run-up to the finish line? Firstly, we must stay committed to our cost reduction programme and ensure that it is consistent with long-term strategy. For example, we have set a 25% ROCE target for FY2011 which is being achieved through efforts to make the business and operations more efficient and sustainable. While we are aligning operations to create the lowest possible cost structure, we are also making sure that the efficiencies captured are scalable. Second, we must be adaptable and flexible in managing unpredictable situations. For instance, there is no one size fits all when it comes to country strategy and management. As an international organisation, we have to adapt to unique needs while optimising economies of scale in each individual location. Using this strategy, we have made positive inroads into Brazil, besides India. There, we are recognised as one of only three global monorail manufacturers able to meet Brazil’s tender requirements. Not only were we invited to participate in Brazil’s monorail tender exercises, but we have successfully won the first monorail project in Brazil - the Monorail Line 17 also known as the Gold Metro of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Third, we emphasise high performance. As a high performance team, we need to increase agility, learn to manage risk in new ways and adapt to a world of greater uncertainty in which rapid decision-making and flexible options are imperative, which ties in with the second point earlier. In terms of risk management, we need to broaden the scope of our risk management practices to include new areas, such as geographic risk exposures and third-party risk whilst aligning to internal control without stifling the entrepreneurial drive. Fourth, we are refocusing operations towards the East, where demand is being driven by growing purchasing power and the rapidlyexpanding middle-class in emerging markets like Brazil, India, China and Indonesia as well as developed markets like South Korea. These dynamic markets offer a huge potential for growth and a robust appetite for our innovative solutions especially in the OFS and urban transportation businesses. Fifth, we are leveraging on our brand strength by expanding our portfolio of products and services and strengthening customer retention. We have had exciting success in our customer retention strategies. Namely, the Scomi Engineering team was awarded the KL Monorail Fleet Expansion Project worth RM494 million in December 2010. Leveraging on our brand further, Scomi was one of 48 parties invited to participate in what has been deemed as Malaysia’s landmark divestment exercise. This involved the divestment of a 32.21% equity stake in Pos Malaysia Berhad by Khazanah Nasional Berhad, the investment holding company of the Government of Malaysia. Although we were unsuccessful, I am pleased to mention that Scomi was one of the final two bidders in this tender exercise, attesting to the quality of our bid. By acting on these strategies and effectively implementing them, I trust that every challenge we face can be transformed into real opportunities to benefit our stakeholders in every market in which we operate. We must deliver solutions that make a real difference in the lives of customers across the globe. That is the underlying principle of Formula 2011. Best regards, SHAH HAKIM ZAIN Group CEO FOCUS | JULY 2011 3 china | Scomi Oiltools China makes an impression at exhibition In our effort to continuously build a presence in China, Scomi Oiltools China participated in the 11th China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (CIPPE), through our agent Xi’an Kosun Machinery Co. Ltd. At the exhibition, we featured our solids control equipment range such as our SCM Shaker and Extra Life Shaker Screens. Information about our solids control equipment was on display and Scomi Oiltools’ representatives Wang Yong Sheng and David Wang met with visitors to introduce our products and technology to them. Forty thounsand visitors attended the event that saw the participation of 1,500 exhibitors from 45 countries. Contributed by: David Wang - Scomi Oiltools, China thailand | Thais share their DF expertise As part of our support to our client, Scomi Oiltools in Thailand arranged for a five-day course on Drilling Fluids (DF) Technology for engineers of the PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Ltd. Thailand. The course was held in Bangkok from 28 February to 4 March 2011. The course was conducted by Scomi’s Global Research and Technology Centre (GRTC) trainer Erwin Ariyanto. He covered the basics of drilling fluids, drilling hole problems, solids control and Scomi’s latest mud system that was developed at GRTC and successfully field-tested. A total of 18 engineers attended the course and judging by the active participation and positive feedback from them, the course was a big success. Contributed by: Erwin Ariyanto – Scomi Oiltools, KL 4 JULY 2011 | FOCUS | usa Texans set the PACE for exceptional service I exceptional service. Performance Management Development & Coaching Skills meanwhile covered the importance and benefits of an effective performance management system. On the final day we covered the Balanced Scorecard Methodology and the components that make up PACE. n March 2011, the US North Texas District of Scomi hosted a training workshop conducted by Azah Othman of the Group Learning and Development (GLaD) department in Malaysia. The attendees included US Business Unit Manager, Mike Fox, US Sales Manager Bob Fink, US Finance Controller Tam Nguyen, Senior Accountant Doan Dang, US Safety Manager Sid Harvard, US Administrator Jennifer Hamilton as well as other key operations personnel. The three-day event talked about Scomi’s focus in aligning its global divisions to its Corporate Strategy and Corporate Goals. There were a few modules to the training with the main module being Performance Assessment & Capabilities Enhancement (PACE). Other topics included Customer Service, Performance Management Development & Coaching Skills and the Balanced Scorecard. To help facilitate greater understanding of key objectives in the modules there were group activities such as role-playing. These activities enabled the group to actively participate, practice, observe and utilise these key learnings. Beginning with the first line of communication - customer service, is where each employee can begin his or her journey to success. Effectively listening, determining and understanding customer expectations, whether internal or external, are the key factors to delivering The objectives of this workshop were to facilitate an understanding of performance measurement components and how it could help in promoting employee growth, identify leadership qualities and improve skills within the organisation. It was time well spent for all and truly pleasurable, fun and inspiring. One could not leave the last day without realising how these programmes, once implemented and utilised across the globe, would help build a very large organisation of top quality people. Contributed by: Joanna Martin - Scomi Oiltools, US FOCUS | JULY 2011 5 mexico | HyPR-Active in Mexico Thanks guys! It was a great effort on our part I This was a great opportunity for us to not only grow our knowledge but to also showcase to our customers the range of products and services in our arsenal. On hand to train GSM and Global Drilling Fluids was our trainer from the Global Research and Technology Centre, Erwin Ariyanto. As these are software developed by Malaysians, with an Indonesian training our Mexican customers, we obviously needed a translator. We were therefore truly grateful to Miguel Rosales from the Scomi Mexico t was time for some HyPR-Active action for two drilling fluids companies in Mexico when our proprietary drilling fluids software HyPR-Calc and HyPR-FORM was introduced to them. office who willingly obliged to assist Erwin as interpreter during the training sessions. It was a productive training session for the participants and they certainly appreciated the effort. Contributed by: Miguel Rosales – Scomi Oiltools, Mexico india | learning the tricks of time management S taff in Mumbai were honoured to have Dinesh Chelvathurai from Scomi’s Group Learning and Development (GLaD) conduct various training sessions on time management in India recently. To get the ball rolling, participants were divided into groups to perform various activities that required time management. This was great, as time management is an important subject. The various activities brought out some hidden talents many didn’t realise they had. It was an interesting set of activities as everyone ended up laughing like mad hares. More noticeably the participants have also applied what they learnt on time management to their day to day work commitments. 6 JULY 2011 | FOCUS For the uninitiated, time management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity. Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals. This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include goal setting, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organising, scheduling, and prioritising. Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but today the term has broadened to include personal activities as well. A time management system is a designed combination of processes, tools, techniques, and methods. Time management is a necessity in any project development as it determines the efficiency of a project’s completion time and scope. Contributed by: Zhiraan Rajagopal - Urban Transit Pvt. Ltd., India | malaysia IMMAPuRE CREATES ExCITEMENT AT fORuM T he excitement was apparent when Scomi Oiltools introduced ImmaPure at the Petronas Management Unit’s very first Malaysia E&P HSE Forum 2011 on 31 March. A highly sophisticated and innovative water treatment system, ImmaPure was developed by Scomi Oiltools Norway to purify waste water especially in the oil and gas industry. A one-day event, the forum was held to discuss the Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) issues faced during exploration and production of oil and gas in Malaysia. Participants comprised of invited guests from Petronas, the Department of Environment, Shell, Exxon Mobil and others in the industry with only seven companies invited to showcase their products at the forum. Now that ImmaPure has been introduced, we look forward to a successful future for this product in the South-East Asian market. Contributed by: Ida Haryani - Scomi Group, KL Understanding immaPUre TwenTy six Technical and non-Technical personnel from malaysia, indonesia, Thailand, russia and india aTTended a Technical sales Training session on scomi’s very own immapure waTer TreaTmenT sysTem from 19-20 January 2011 aT scomi’s global research Technology cenTre (grTc) in malaysia. O rganised by the Strategic Development Department, the training was conducted by Asbjorn Dysvik from Scomi Norway, the designer of the ImmaPure system and our resident water treatment specialist. At the session, participants were exposed to the general concept of waste water treatment in the market including the different types of waste water and the current treatment methods available. After this basic introduction, our very own Immapure technology was introduced to us. Apart from having the capability to exceed current stringent water discharge regulations in most countries, ImmaPure also leaves a small footprint, is fully automated besides requiring low maintenance and minimum consumables, giving it a high potential for success in the market. The ImmaPure system is currently installed on rigs and at the Sandnessjoen facility in Norway, systematically delivering excellent operational results. The hands-on experience in the lab during our training certainly went a long way in deepening our understanding of the system and we are now confident of going out and marketing this product. All in all it was a fruitful training session and of great assistance to the sales teams from the various targeted markets. Contributed by: Ida Haryani – Scomi Group, KL FOCUS | JULY 2011 7 malaysia | ‘investing’ in our country’s future G roup CEO Mr. Shah Hakim represented the Scomi Group when he was invited to attend the prestigious Invest Malaysia 2011 Conference from 12-13 April in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Shah Hakim was invited to sit on the panel for the session entitled ‘Making Malaysia a Regional Oil and Gas Hub’. This year’s Conference centred on the message of transformation to the passage of implementation and took an in-depth look at the implementation initiatives of the Government-led Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and its impact on select sectors and listed companies on Bursa Malaysia. Over the years, the Invest Malaysia Conference has also served as a platform for major policy announcements that Over the years, the Invest Malaysia Conference has also served as a platform for major policy announcements that affected the business environment and the economy. 8 JULY 2011 | FOCUS affected the business environment and the economy. Following the Conference, the Invest Malaysia investment roadshow will be conducted in select countries throughout the year in order to cohesively bring the Malaysia story to international investors. Speaking at Invest Malaysia 2011 was Malaysia’s Prime Minister (who delivered the keynote address), policy makers, policy drivers, government officials, regulators and senior management of select publiclisted companies in direct engagement with international fund managers. The Conference, now in its seventh year, was organised by Bursa Malaysia and profiled quality companies that demonstrated exemplary growth and excellence, domestically and regionally, on the back of a challenging economic environment and strong market fundamentals. Among the companies showcased were those in the sectors of oil and gas, plantation, financial services and healthcare. | malaysia Tap into the amazing ‘Ideas For Tomorrow’ H ere is an interesting site for Scomi Group employees from around the world. Hailed as “A site to inspire better futures for cities”, the ‘Ideas For Tomorrow’ blog is an initiative of the Scomi Group and was inspired by Scomi Group CEO Mr. Shah Hakim Zain. For those new to the blog, ‘Ideas For Tomorrow’ creates a platform to discuss issues that relate to cities globally, and to inspire innovative solutions. As the brainchild of Mr. Shah Hakim, this blog complements Scomi’s market expansion as it continues to build infrastructure for the world’s busiest cities. The blog contains a multitude of amazing ideas, ranging from furniture to rail transportation and covers basically anything that plays a part in creating a great new future for our cities. If you would like to contribute to this blog please post your articles to the Global Marketing team: As valued employees of the Scomi Group, you are encouraged to post your ideas as who knows, you may trigger off some brainstorming of global proportions. We’re also seeking to help people with vision make the changes they want to see in their cities so your participation is of paramount importance. [email protected] [email protected] Contributed by: Global Marketing - Scomi Group, KL In our blog, you will come across many companies, artists and individuals, young and old. You will realise that everyone who has a stake in the future of our world has a voice in our blog. Please note, if you’re negative, derogatory or rude, you may not be allowed to pollute the atmosphere for too long, because we care about our environment! So come aboard today and share with us your ideas for tomorrow. FOCUS | JULY 2011 9 brazil | BrAziliAn journAlisTs learn aboUt oUr monorail 10 JANUARY JULY 20112011 | FOCUS | FOCUS | brazil A We are happy to report that the journalists’ visit ended on an encouraging note as they left having developed some very positive opinions about Scomi and the monorail system in Kuala Lumpur. group of journalists from Manaus, the capital of the state of Amazonas, Brazil was invited to Kuala Lumpur by the Scomi Group with the objective to get to know Scomi and its subsidiaries better and to understand how the KL monorail has contributed to the public transportation system of our city. The journalists who were here from 6-11 April 2011, were from four different organisations - Monica Prestes & Bruno Kelly from the newspaper ‘Jornal A Crítica’ (A Critical Journal), Valmir Lima from the newspaper ‘Diário do Amazonas’ (The Diary of the Amazonas) while Roberto Ximenes represented the magazine ‘Manaus Casa & Costrução’ (Manaus Home and Construction) and Auxiliadora Tupinambá, Radio CBN, Amazonas. Scomi’s Sales & Marketing representative Osmar Ferreira and PR representative Maria Emilia from Brazil accompanied the journalists. While in Kuala Lumpur, the group made visits to various places such as the monorail depot and the Operations Control Centre (OCC), Scomi’s North KL Facility (NKLF) and Scomi’s Global HQ. Later they also attended a meeting with representatives of Malaysia’s Land Public Transport Commission or SPAD. On their first day here, the journalists met with officials from the Brazilian Embassy in the afternoon and stayed for a dinner hosted by the Embassy. FOCUS | JULY 2011 11 brazil | The next day was spent with Tan Sri Syed Hamid Syed Jaafar Albar, Chairman of SPAD. During the meeting, Tan Sri covered a wide area of topics on land public transportation that included the light rail transit (LRT), mass rapid transit (MRT) and monorail. He illustrated how these means of transportation had contributed positively to the public transportation system of Kuala Lumpur. In the afternoon, Head of Operations for KL StarRail, Hadi Amran led the Brazilians on a tour of the monorail depot and the OCC. Dinner was hosted by our Group CEO Mr. Shah Hakim Zain. Over dinner, Mr. Shah Hakim treated our guests to a very special dessert made with Malaysia’s ‘King of Fruit’ – the ‘durian’. Although it was their very first taste of the fruit, the journalists sportingly took a mouthful of the ‘durian’ chocolate cheese cake served to them. Later that evening, Mr. Shah Hakim told the journalists about the two monorail projects 12 JULY 2011 | FOCUS Scomi was currently bidding for - a project in Manaus and another in Sao Paulo. Mr. Shah Hakim also told the Brazilians that in the event Scomi was awarded the projects, Scomi would work hard to deliver a successful monorail solution in time for Brazil’s World Cup in 2014. of the Manaus government’s plan to construct the monorail in their city. The next day, the journalists were taken on a tour of NKLF in the morning. They were then given the afternoon off to compile their notes and begin writing articles for their respective publications in Manaus. We are happy to report that the journalists’ visit ended on an encouraging note as they left having developed some very positive opinions about Scomi and the monorail system in Kuala Lumpur. They rode on the monorail as often as possible during their trip and all of them commented on how safe, efficient and affordable the monorail system was. On the eve of their departure, some of the Brazilian publications had already published the articles of the visiting journalists. The contents of the articles were positive as it showed great support The journalists spent their last day in Kuala Lumpur, watching the Formula 1 race live at the Sepang International Circuit. What a wonderful way to wrap up their time here. Contributed by: Nadia Hasbi - Scomi Rail (Brazil Project Office), KL | malaysia Scomi’s Monorail recognised for product excellence C ongratulations to Scomi Engineering for being honoured with the prestigious ‘Special Award for Product Excellence’ under the Innovative Product category at the Industry Excellence Award 2010 on 24 March 2011. Scomi Engineering submitted its Monorail under its subsidiary Scomi Rail for the Product Excellence award organised by the Malaysian Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). Last year, Scomi Engineering was shortlisted for the award, making this year’s win all the more victorious. The Special Award is given to a Malaysian company who has pioneered an innovative product engineered through technology that meets international standards and has a positive impact on its users. Presenting the trophy and certificate to YBhg Datuk Zainun Aishah Ahmad, Chairman of Scomi Engineering was The Honourable Minister of International Trade and Industry, Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed. It comes on the back of last year’s win for Scomi Group Bhd that was presented with an Industry Excellence Award under the ‘Export Services’ category. Well done, Scomi for proving time and again that we are indeed a force to be reckoned with. Contributed by: Rozina Ali - Scomi Engineering, KL The award is a significant recognition of Scomi Engineering’s organisational excellence and quality achievements in developing a Monorail engineered through innovative technology. FOCUS | JULY 2011 13 malaysia | MiniSTry OF FinanCe delegation gets briefing on SCOMi MOnOrail CapabiliTieS S comi took great pleasure in playing host to 27 members from the Government Procurement Department of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) when they visited our North KL Facility (NKLF) on 3 March 2011. On hand to receive the delegation was President of Scomi Engineering, Syahrunizam Samsudin and the company’s senior management team. It was an important visit for the delegation as the objective of the visit was to learn 14 JULY 2011 | FOCUS and understand about the production and process flow of Scomi's monorail technology. As part of the briefing, Syahrunizam delivered an in-depth presentation about the monorail system and followed that by inviting the delegates to a special viewing of Scomi's monorail – SUTRA, which is being produced for India's first monorail project. The visit was an opportunity for Scomi to also share our experiences, knowledge and achievements in manufacturing excellence whilst introducing to the delegation our in-house capabilities – our people. The team from MOF later expressed their gratitude to Scomi for the presentation and viewing, adding that they had learnt much about our operations and the advantages of the monorail system. Contributed by: Nur Balkish Hood - Scomi Group, KL | malaysia Robert Schlemmer, Technical Advisor from Scomi Oiltools also gave a presentation on Scomi’s oil and gas products and services, speaking at length about our green initiatives to reduce contamination and promote recycling via our products and services. Nathawat Khunprasit, Head of Research & Development from Scomi Rail, enlightened the students on the environmental aspects and advantages of monorail as a means of transportation. He touched on the construction as well as the technology of monorail, which is able to eliminate 200 tonnes of carbon dioxide per day from the environment. Babson College, USA, is ranked No. 1 among all business schools in the US for entrepreneurship education. The visit to Scomi’s NKLF was arranged by Universiti Tun Abdul Razak who played host to the delegation. Besides Scomi, the delegation also visited various Government agencies and business entities such as Bursa Malaysia, Maybank and the Malaysian Palm Oil Board. Contributed by: Nur Balkish Hood - Scomi Group, KL Talking CSR with Babson College, USA students S comi was honoured when students of Babson College, USA dropped by for a visit to our North KL Facility (NKLF) on 17 March 2011 to learn more about the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The visit was also part of the requirements of their course on ‘Social Responsibility in Malaysia’. To share our CSR initiatives, Mastura Mansor our Vice-President of Group Human Resource and Internal Communications presented Scomi’s work on Project Pyramid. She explained that the objective of the project was to benefit the community and the environment at large and that it involved all Scomi employees in Malaysia and at selected global locations. FOCUS | JULY 2011 15 india | MuMbAI STAff LEARN hOw TO TACkLE fIRE F ire Fighting and Safety Training was organised for staff of the Wadala Project Office in Mumbai in order for the staff to be familiar with all the necessary safety measures in case of fire. The training was based on classroom lectures and included a session on how to operate a fire extinguisher. It was conducted by our System Safety Manager Haresh More and guest Shirish Bhaisare, the Deputy Chief Fire Officer of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. A wide variety of topics were covered during the training including the definition of fire triangles, smothering, cooling and starvation as well as a rundown of different types of fire and the correct fire extinguishers to be used. There was also practical training. Once classroom lectures were completed, all participants gathered at the assembly point for a practical demonstration. Solvent ‘diesel’ was poured on a fire already in progress and was subsequently extinguished using a DCP and AFFF Foam extinguisher. Rescue methods and evacuation procedures were also demonstrated. We are happy to note that all our participants took a keen interest in the knowledge that was imparted to them. Contributed by: Zhivaan Rajagopal - Urban Transit Pvt. Ltd., India James does us proud with award honour C ongratulations to S. Selvaraja Chinnasamy, who also goes by the name James, for receiving the ‘Rashtriya Udyog Rattan Award’ (National Industrial Award) by the Indian Achievers Forum in Delhi recently. Selvaraja, 55, is the General Manager of Business Development in India and the Malaysian responsible for helping Scomi introduce India’s first monorail currently being built in Mumbai. Speaking about this honour, Selvaraja said the award has brought a good 16 JULY 2011 | FOCUS name to not only Scomi and Malaysia but also India, Scomi’s partner country. He said the award was also a reflection of India’s recognition of Malaysian technology expertise in monorail and paved the way for Scomi to venture into the urban transportation sector. Prominent Indian politician Sunil Shasthri, who is also the Chairman of the Lal Bahadur Shahstri Foundation, presented the award to Selvaraja. Incidentally, Selvaraja is also Vice-Chairman of the Bukit Bintang MIC division in Malaysia. The ceremony was held in conjunction with the 27th Indian Achievers Summit and Expo in Delhi. Contributed by: Global Marketing, Scomi Group, KL | malaysia TALk DRIvES hOME ThE IMPORTANCE Of hSE A s part of the initiative to raise awareness on Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) issues, a talk entitled ‘Safety Moment’ was organised at the Scomi Global headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Steve Bracker, President of Oilfield Services (OFS) and Group Chief Safety Officer officiated at the event saying, “HSE is the responsibility of each person, for themselves and the people surrounding them.” Specially invited to deliver a talk on ‘Stress Management and Emotional Intelligence for Extraordinary Performance’ was specialist speaker Dr. Brahma Balakrisnan from Beacon International Hospital. In his talk, Dr. Brahma spoke about the selected from the all correct entries. importance and techniques of stress The ‘Safety Moment’ talk was championed management. Although it was a pretty by the HSE Department OFS Malaysia stressful topic he still managed to throw in Operations. To all who attended, a big some light moments that made ‘thank you’ for being conscious of us laugh. One such moment ‘Safety More the importance of health and was when he said in a Moments’ will safety issues. serious tone that the only be coming your people not facing stress way with useful were dead people, which Contributed by: Laila Wilfred - Scomi information caught us off guard and Oiltools, KL and tips. drew laughter from the audience. Our colleagues were also tested on their knowledge of safety measures during an emergency via a quiz and 20 winners were | india MuMbAI STAff CELEbRATE INTERNATIONAL wOMEN’S DAy At the Wadala Site Office, the gentlemen showed their ‘softer’ side by taking the initiative to treat all the ladies working with them to a delicious lunch. The ladies were genuinely surprised, with everyone commenting on how special it made them feel. Truly a touching moment! T he International Women’s Day, is celebrated on 8 March every year. Today International Women’s Day is a major day of celebration for women all around the world. In different regions, the focus of the celebrations range from general celebrations of respect, appreciation and love towards women to celebrations of women’s economic, political and social achievements. In other regions however, the original political and human rights theme designated by the United Nations runs strong and political and social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide are brought to light and examined in a hopeful manner. To our women colleagues in Mumbai and to all women in the world, Happy International Women’s Day 2011. Contributed by: Zhivaan Rajagopal - Urban Transit Pvt. Ltd., India In Urban Transit Private Limited (Scomi Mumbai), women are treated with equal respect as their male colleagues in regards to work load. However on 8 March 2011, things were different. The ladies were treated to a sumptuous lunch and showered with gifts by their male colleagues. What a lovely gesture! FOCUS | JULY 2011 17 malaysia | New leadership traits introduced via LCA T he Leadership Capabilities Assessment (LCA) is unique to Scomi and takes into consideration our business requirements, the requirements at different job levels as well as Scomi’s brand values. This set of leadership behaviours aligns every Scomi employee to the brand vision, brand values and attributes. a nd Br Borderless Thinking New Ideas r ou Realising Potential s Dynamic Partner Br A d ve nt u Astutely Adventurous Brand Vision a n d alues V Innovatively Responsive The following are three leadership capabilities applicable to ALL Scomi employees. SCOMI’S LEADERShIP CAPAbILITIES PerSoNAl leAderSHIP (Professionalism) PeoPle leAderSHIP (developing Talent) BuSINeSS leAderSHIP (Meeting Targets) Competencies: • Positive Attitude • Self Conduct • Building Relationships Competencies: • Coaching • Teamwork • Communication Competencies: • Drives Operational Excellence • Business Minded • Discipline in Meeting Targets The LCA replaces the ACE. Under LCA every employee must demonstrate Scomi’s Leadership Capabilities and these will be measured under the new performance review form called Performance Assessment and Capabilities Enhancement (PACE). PACE fRAMEwORk Goal Oriented Working Together Customer Responsible PerforMANce ScorecArd (PSc) • • 18 JULY 2011 | FOCUS Watch out for PAce coming your way soon! Linking strategic objectives to individual objectives and targets Using SMART objectives leAderSHIP cAPABIlITIeS ASSeSSMeNT (lcA) • • To develop leaders at all levels Same leadership capabilities for all levels develoPMeNT & cAreer • • Strengths and Development discussions Building career plans and opportunities | malaysia Scomi is 8 13 May marked another milestone, the 8th anniversary of Scomi’s listing on the Malaysian Stock Exchange. The Scomi Sports Club (SSC) decided it was reason to celebrate and then we thought let’s make it a global bash. So we got all our locations to celebrate Scomi’s birthday with….cupcakes. All our locations were certainly game for it and across the globe we had many merry celebrations, with offices decorated, birthday messages posted, lunches together and of course cupcakes. Scomi is 8 this year and we look forward to more celebrations coming up. Contributed by: Meena - Scomi Oiltools & Shanizar - Scomi Group, KL FOCUS | JULY 2011 19 malaysia | | india A ‘colourful’ way to come together as one T Our staff busy tucking in to a hearty lunch Scomi Marine says ‘thank you’ with a lunch C orporate Office staff of Scomi Marine were treated to lunch in a show of appreciation for their continuous support and teamwork in 2010. The lunch was initiated by the Human Resource & Internal Communications department and was held on 15 March 2011 at The Peranakan Restaurant in Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya. he colorful festival of Holi is celebrated on Phalgun Purnima every end February or early March. Holi festival has an ancient origin and celebrates the triumph of ‘good’ over ‘bad’. The colorful festival bridges social gaps and renews relationships and on this day, you will see people hugging and wishing each other ‘Happy Holi’. Holi celebrations begin with the lighting of a bonfire on Holi eve. Numerous legends and stories associated with the Holi celebration makes the festival more exuberant and vivid. People rub ‘gulal’ and ‘abeer’ on each other’s faces while happily saying, “bura na maano Holi hai”. Holi also gives Indians a wonderful chance to send blessings and love to dear ones wrapped in a special Holi gift. This year, the Corporate Office & Project Office of the Mumbai monorail project celebrated Holi on 18 March at about 6 p.m. at the Project Office grounds. Most of our employees joined in the fun, while others were not so fortunate as they were still engaged in meetings and discussions about the Project. Anuska, Gaya, Michelle, Naeem and Amit from our Corporate Office organised this year’s ‘Holi’ gathering. They were mindful to provide us with non-chemical colours that are easier to wash off. Contributed by: Zhivaan Rajagopal - Urban Transit Pvt. Ltd., India The President of Scomi Marine also took the opportunity to brief everyone on the challenges and the business expectations for this year, adding he was optimistic everyone would show the same commitment as they did last year. The gathering was also part of an employee engagement activity that included celebrating the birthdays of five colleagues whose birthdays fell in the first quarter of this year. Contributed by: Fazlina Mohamed Amanullah - Scomi Marine, KL 20 JULY 2011 | FOCUS | malaysia rewarding staff for their loyalty reaching out to staff in a new way W hile job-hopping maybe the preference of many in various other companies, we at the Scomi Oiltools operations at the Kemaman Supply Base in Malaysia are very fortunate to have so many employees who have committed their careers to our company. While on a visit to our base, Steve Bracker, President of Oilfield Services took the opportunity to present tokens of appreciation to these long-serving and loyal employees. Needless to say our colleagues were extremely delighted that their loyalty was being recognised, more so since they were being honoured personally by Steve himself. Contributed by: Meena Kanthaswamy - Scomi Oiltools, KL recipients for the long Service Award... 20 yEARS E ffective communication is key in business. However often times, it gets mired in conference calls and large staff briefings and before we know it, communication becomes a one-way channel consisting mainly of relaying information and nothing more. Well, Steve Bracker, President of Oilfield Services decided he wanted to change the way he communicated with staff in Quarter 1, 2011. So instead of holding one quarterly staff briefing, Steve has broken up this process into many smaller, personal dialogue sessions. Steve also took the initiative to travel to as many locations as possible to meet directly with staff. In Malaysia, he travelled to each of our locations and met with all staff who were certainly thrilled with the opportunity of meeting him in person. In locations where we usually hold conference calls, we will be coming your way in the next quarterly dialogue session. Contributed by: Meena Kanthaswamy - Scomi Oiltools, KL Ibrahim Embong Norlizah Ngah Alladdin Mat Ali Nazly Nasir Mohd Yusri Awang 10-12 yEARS Mohd Ghazali Rahman Mazlan Che Wel Zulkifli Mohamad M Azli Mustaffa Zuraimi Adnan Pauzi Abdullah M Afzan Che Ismail Zaidi Wahab Mohd Asri Wahab Mohd Ziat Abdul Halim Adnan Yaakob Kamaruddin Kadir Mastrie Mamat Mohd Soberi Muda Fauzi Boto Dzul Tawang Wan Rosmadi Wan Su Kholid Othman Azmi Omar Salbani Ismail 17-19 yEARS Sharifah Asmah Zahari Jaafar Tuan Semoni Zulkifli Hassan Abu Bakar Omar Sohamai Alias Zaid Ismail Shabudin Mohamad Mohamad Sani 13-16 yEARS Asmarida Rahman Mahdi Abdullah Zakri Zakaria Shariman Jaafar Che Zulkifli Harman Harun Nadzri Mat Din Zahari Ismail Mohd Azri Wahib Nurazima Mohamad Imran Embong Muhammad Abdullah Md Hasim Abdullah Kamarudin Abu Bakar FOCUS | JULY 2011 21 usa | Giving ‘em a taste of billy bob’s Texas F ollowing the training for the North Texas district by Azah Othman of the Group Learning and Development (GLaD) department from the corporate office in Malaysia, we decided to give everyone an experience they’d never forget. Since it was also the first visit to Texas for some of the employees, we thought it would be great to introduce them to the historical culture of the area. So we headed to Billy Bob’s Texas, the World’s Largest Honky Tonk. It is also a great place to experience the Western culture and heritage of Fort Worth Texas, known to the locals as Cowtown. It’s where you get to see real live cowboys, watch rodeos, eat steak, buy saddles, clothes, hats and souvenirs and basically kick your heels with some good ol’ country and western dancing. 22 JULY 2011 | FOCUS Billy Bob’s Texas is a type of bar that provides musical entertainment usually in the form of country music. It is also a great place to experience the Western culture and heritage of Fort Worth Texas, known to the locals as Cowtown. It’s where you get to see real live cowboys, watch rodeos, eat steak, buy saddles, clothes, hats and souvenirs and basically kick your heels up to some good ol’ country and western dancing. Inside Billy Bob’s our guests had the opportunity to sit on a very large bull and have their photo taken to preserve those fun memories as evidenced by the big smiles on everyone’s faces in the photo. It was lots of fun and memorable for us all! Contributed by: Joanna Martin - Scomi Oiltools, US | malaysia Open Day a one-of-a-kind event staff of scomi engineering eagerly gathered on 18 march 2011 to hold their inaugural department open day at the north Kl facility (nKlf). T he Open Day is a platform for every Division/Group to share with others everything there is to know about their respective Divisions and Groups through presentations and exhibitions. As such, each department identified their team members and delivered presentations on their responsibilities, processes, targets, achievements and dreams. This event was held with the objective to build better relationships among staff and a better sense of understanding of each other’s work and duties that would in turn create an environment of teamwork and efficiency. The event kicked off at 9 a.m. with a ribbon-cutting ceremony by our President, Syahrunizam Samsudin. Later everyone was invited to view the creative, colourful and attractive booth designs that were set-up. Presentations from each Division/Group were held throughout the day as well as tours of the Coach and Rail manufacturing facilities. In total, there were 11 Divisions/Groups that participated. Upon entering the area, employees will be required to collect their Open Day Passports. These passports enabled us to collect ‘stamps’ and ‘stickers’ from booths that we visited and for every presentation we attended. Our passports were then submitted to Human Resource Department to be recorded as one eight-hour training day session. The most interesting activity that caught our attention was the ‘Personal Protective Equipment’ (PPE) competition organised by the Facilities and Maintenance Department. For this competition, a RM30 Secret Recipe cash voucher was given to the fastest person to put on protective gear made up of a harness, gloves and goggles. This was definitely a crowd-puller. The Research & Development team did not miss out on the excitement as they offered an Apple Ipod Nano to whoever that could answer their questions after going through their booth. There were also lots of delicious cupcakes, chocolates and lollypops up for grabs when visiting other booths. At the closing ceremony, our President bestowed the day’s honours to the well deserving winners. They were Mohd Yuza of MRT for Best Presenter; the Research & Development Department for Best Booth and the Rail Manufacturing Division for Best Overall Team. The day ended with a special performance by our very own Scomi band, Audacious, led by Mohd Farish Nizar. The band performed at the centre of our rail manufacturing facility and our President was invited as their special guest singer. He sportingly sang ‘Hotel California’ to the cheers of everyone present. Many were heard remarking on how they didn’t know our President was such a talented singer! It was an experience not to be forgotten. As part of the Scomi Engineering team, I would like to congratulate all employees for their participation and effort in ensuring our Open Day was a great success. It was truly an enjoyable and unforgettable experience for everyone as this proved to be a great opportunity to bring all of us closer together. Contributed by: Aida Narina Abdul Ghaffar - Project GAME Engineer, Scomi Rail, KL FOCUS | JULY 2011 23 malaysia | It’s a wrap for Project Pyramid Season 3 R ealising the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), members of Scomi’s various ‘houses’ participated actively in Project Pyramid Season 3. All four teams, at the heart of the effort, organised exciting and memorable activities not only for the community at large but also for everyone at Scomi. Scomi Sports Club (SSC) has recorded their journal of activities in this magazine and would love to share it with everyone globally. In this way, we can see for ourselves that making CSR a part of our lives is an absolute must. YELLOW TEAM iNiTiATivEs d’royals help save our precious wildlife D’Royals invited the World Wildlife Fund Malaysia (WWF) to present a talk on endangered wildlife to the staff at Scomi. During their talk, WWF representatives shared heartbreaking facts about the decreasing number of wildlife in Malaysia, specifically tigers. They also said that indiscriminate harvesting of seafood was also disrupting our marine system. The talk enlightened everyone on ways in which we could help preserve our wildlife and marine life for the future generation. d’royals set up knowledge website D’Royals launched an interactive educational website where visitors can acquire facts and knowledge relevant to the projects accomplished by the Yellow Team. This website is a genuine gesture of theirs to impart the gift of knowledge to everyone at Scomi. 24 JULY 2011 | FOCUS | malaysia RED TEAM iNiTiATivEs Comred stops violence against women ComRed invited the Women’s Aid Organisation of Malaysia to present a talk on violence against women. The talk was a real eye-opener for Scomi staff as the presenters discussed the main causes of violence towards women and ways in which the victims could seek help. Comred helps those who need it most ComRed members in Kemaman visited the Orphanage of Dar Al-Yusof, donating a bicycle and 40 school bags as a token of their affection for the kids there. A separate visit was also made to a disabled children’s centre where a talk was given to not only the kids but their parents. They concluded the visit with a showering of gifts to the children. BLUE TEAM iNiTiATivEs blue avatar breast Cancer awareness Programme Calling themselves Blue Avatars, team members tookup the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign as their initiative for philanthropy. As part of their commitment to this initiative, the team invited Dr. Azlina Firzah for a talk on breast cancer. During her presentation, Dr. Azlina covered a wide range of topics from the early symptoms of breast cancer to effective prevention measures that can be adopted. The talk gave staff a chance to see that there was hope for breast cancer patients even though no cure as yet been found for the disease. blue avatars clean-up beach The Blue Avatars headed to the beach at Kampung Aru in Labuan, East Malaysia this time to carry out their Coastal Clean-Up Project. It was their unique way to help preserve the environment we live in. With their noble efforts, the future of our beaches is in safe hands. FOCUS | JULY 2011 25 malaysia | GREEN TEAM iNiTiATivEs fairies and elves rub shoulders with staff The Green Team who went by the name Fairies and Elves, treated Scomi staff to a free 10-minute shoulder massage. It was the perfect chance for us to unwind and kickback from the daily stresses of work. fairies and elves bring joy to kids The green Fairies and Elves visited the cancer unit for kids at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM). It was sad seeing so many children at such a tender age having to cope with an illness like cancer. As caring corporate citizens, the Fairies and Elves donated eight LCD TVs to University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre’s (UKMMC) Children’s Pediatric and Oncology Ward as a means of bringing some joy to the kids warded there. fairies and elves help out islamic school Fairies and Elves in Kemaman in Terengganu, Malaysia initiated a programme with the local community at Bukau Tinggi, Kemaman to donate textbooks and school tables for Year 6 students of Sekolah Islam Darul Taqwa. With the help of other volunteers, the Fairies and Elves also painted classrooms and raised RM2,000 to purchase additional books for the students. The project was jointly organised with the principal of the school who thanked Scomi for their wonderful deeds. 26 JULY 2011 | FOCUS GreAT joB, everyoNe! We would like to thank members of all the teams for their efforts and contributions in making Project Pyramid Season 3 a resounding success. We are certainly looking forward to having you join us in more CSR initiatives in the next season. Contributed by: Shanizar Ahmad Shahar - Scomi Group, KL | malaysia Where there’s an end… there’s always a new beginning 4 MARCH 2011 WAS THE EVENTFUL AFTERNOON THAT MARKED THE CLOSURE OF PROJECT PYRAMID SEASON 3, SCOMI’S CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) INITIATIVE TO FOSTER SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYEES IN COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES.. I and Cendol, popular local delicacies in Malaysia, were served as an afternoon treat. n celebration, an exciting ‘Debat Perdana’ or Premier Debate was held, much to the amusement of everyone who attended. Representing the four houses were Meena and Mohd Hirzi who verbally sparred for the Yellow House also known as D’Royals and Mohd Tifli and V. Kanesan who stood proud for ComRed. Fighting for the right to be the best for the Blue Avatars were Andrew Fernandes and Lee Choong Wei while the Mean Green Machine was represented by Mohd Shahril and Hamadah Mahir. With fairly simple rules, each debating team was given 90 seconds to make the strongest argument on why their team was the best compared to the others. Their logical and illogical arguments made the representatives as entertaining as standup comedians. It was amusing to witness the various house representatives giving it their best shot as they tried to win over the judges - our Group CEO, Mr. Shah Hakim; Syahrunizam Samsudin, President of Scomi Engineering; The afternoon’s celebrations were concluded with the announcement of the Debate Champion. After thorough deliberation by the panel of judges, emcee for the day, Mastura Mansor then declared the Mean Green Machine as the debate champs. First runner-up went to Blue Avatar followed by ComRed and D’Royals. Amidst much cheering, the Mean Green Machine was presented with their winning trophy. Steve Bracker, President of Scomi Oiltools; Rohaida Ali Badaruddin, Chief of Staff and Sharifah Norizan Shahabudin, Chief Legal & Governance Officer. While arguments were underway, the rest of the team cheered their mates on, keeping them fired-up to argue their case even better and win the debate. It wasn’t all business at the closing event as Scomi’s very own in-house band, Audacious kept everyone further entertained with their music. To add to the festivities, Rojak Mamak Later Mr. Shah Hakim presented tokens of appreciation to all house captains. They were commended for their team effort and commitment in making Project Pyramid Season 3 a great success. Mr. Shah Hakim then officially launched the Scomi Sports Carnival 2011. With this launch, more exciting and fun-filled activities await us. Contributed by: Shanizar Ahmad Shahar & Ainul Yasmin - FOCUS | JULY 2011 27 indonesia | Indonesians pledge to go green A ll employees of Scomi OFS Indonesia including their engineers pledged to lead a greener lifestyle when they signed the “Say No To Styrofoam” pledge on 4 April 2011. Part of the ‘Green Lifestyle’ initiative, all employees have sworn off Styrofoam and will reduce their use of plastic during work hours. Fully supported by Country President Wan Ruzlan and Business Unit Manager Michael Bartsch, the ‘Green Lifestyle’ launch was held at the Jakarta office in conjunction with Earth Month. india | G ary Phoon, our young scientist from Global Research and Technology Centre (GRTC), did us proud at his first ever outing to present a paper on a GRTC-developed product at the Petrotech 2010 India conference last year. Gary presented his paper on Ultra High Temperature Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids during the Drilling and Completion Fluids session in front of an expert industry audience. Hats off too to the GRTC Team for pushing 28 JULY 2011 | FOCUS To commemorate the event, all staff were presented with a custom-made Scomi Mug and Lunch Bag in the corporate colours of Scomi that included food-grade plastic containers. Part of the pledge included a fine for those who packed their food or drinks in Styrofoam or non-food grade plastic containers. This initiative will be monitored by the Scomi Green Hornets Committee lead by Mila Masyhur and they are serious about collecting the fines and channelling the money into environmental activities. The launch included a talk by our Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) Officer on ways to reduce waste. The talk also highlighted the impact of waste on our health, safety and environment. The ‘Green Lifestyle’ initiative has taken off to a good start with everyone eagerly participating in making our daily life at work and at home more green. Contributed by: Mila Masyhur – Scomi Oiltools, Indonesia GARY DELIVERS THE GOODS! the performance expectations on these types of drilling fluids. It is great to note that we are right there with our competitors in terms of performance levels. Gary has honed his talents at GRTC for six years now and it was a great opportunity for him to be a presenter on an international stage. The conference was held from 31 October to 3 November 2010 in New Delhi, India. Contributed by: Meena Kanthaswamy – Scomi Oiltools, KL | malaysia When every drop of blood counts T he tradition of giving blood as an act of charity continued this year at Scomi’s new Global Headquarters at 1 First Avenue. This time around, Yayasan Scomi (Scomi Foundation) jointly organised its Blood Donation Drive with the University Malaya Medical Centre on 10 March 2011. Yayasan Scomi’s Blood Donation Drive has been an annual event since its formation in 2005 and remains the one activity that receives the most support in terms of participation. Contributed by: Rashidah Awang - Yayasan Scomi, KL Thank you everyone for coming forward in this act of kindness. Despite being relative ‘newcomers’ to 1 First Avenue, Yayasan Scomi nevertheless received encouraging support from staff of various other offices and companies within the same building. We believe the contributions will go a long way in helping to save lives. Reaching out to the needy Y ayasan Scomi (Scomi Foundation) recently sent 10 volunteers from across the Scomi Group of Companies to evaluate the progress of 10 families in Baling, Kedah and another in a remote area in Selama, Perak. The visits were part of the foundation’s Outreach Programme. The programme not only extends financial assistance in providing education, nutrition, health and shelter to the needy but is also tailored to provide counselling and close monitoring of children and their families to ensure they are coping well. Based on the volunteers’ visits, necessary recommendations were made to Yayasan Scomi for additional assistance for families that required it. The visits also provided an invaluable opportunity for the volunteers to experience first-hand, the conditions of those living in remote, poverty-stricken areas. Contributed by: Rashidah Awang - Yayasan Scomi, KL FOCUS | JULY 2011 29 malaysia | love IS All ArouNd scomi GloBAl HeAdquArTers F ebruary has long been a month of romance. For us at Scomi, we believe Valentine is not only for lovers and therefore we made it special for all those who are based at our Global Headquarters. For this occasion, the organiser, Scomi Sports Club (SSC) lent their hands to assist everyone at 1 First Avenue to spread the warm feeling of love and happiness to their colleagues and bosses. On 14 February, Valentine cupcakes were delivered to those who wished to show their love and appreciation to their colleagues, staff and bosses with a message attached on the box. The staff had a great time bringing out the hidden creativity when they had to write simple and sweet messages for their Valentine. The Group CEO, Mr Shah Hakim also took the opportunity to express his appreciation and gratitude to all female employees based here. From thereon, 40 best messages were selected to win 2 free movie tickets to watch “No Strings Attached” with a pack of free popcorn. Proceeds from the sale of cupcakes were then channelled to Yayasan Scomi for their future charitable activities. For this, SSC thanks everyone who took part in this charitable activity. Contributed by: Shanizar Ahmad Shahar - Scomi Group, KL Find your thrills on Heartbreak Hill T At ScoMI we can!! his is how we at Scomi Global Headquarters chill out the healthy way – by starting our very own running club! Having just a handful of runners at first, we have tripled our numbers and are a full-fledged running club today. Despite always struggling to catch our breath, we make it a point to run up the hill at Taman Rekreasi Lembah Kiara, which we lovingly call ‘Heartbreak Hill’. It is a popular spot for jogging and recreational activities as its natural trails and fresh air draws joggers, jungle trekkers and mountain bikers. It is also a popular place for you to test your endurance levels and build your stamina. 30 JULY 2011 | FOCUS The runners in our club are now fit enough to run up Heartbreak Hill in teams of twos or threes and we run come rain or shine every Wednesday evening. Among our runners are Syahrunizam Samsudin, Hilmy Zaini, Mastura Mansor and Yau Yee Meng. Should you join, there’s absolutely no pressure to keep up with the rest – you can walk, jog and if you’re fit enough, run with the fastest in the pack! It’s really up to you. and would like to shape up, join us every Wednesday at 6.00 p.m. for a fun run up the hill. So, if you dare to take up the challenge Contributed by : Shanizar Ahmad Shahar - Scomi Group, KL Besides enjoying the beautiful outdoors and improving your health, it is a great opportunity to meet new colleagues and foster closer ties with your existing colleagues and members of the management. | Hatches & Matches Hatches Dad Baby DOB Sex Location Dad Baby DOB Sex Location : Zuliman Mohd Hanapiah : Irfan Amsyar Zuliman : 1 June 2010 : Male : Kemaman, Malaysia : Craig Addison : James Martin Addison : 6 Dec 2010 : Male : Houston, Texas, US Mom Baby DOB Sex Location : Nor Hafizah Marzuki : Kylasufiah Ziad : 30 July 2010 : Female : KL, Malaysia Matches Sharon Dias (Scomi) Husband : Lancaster Ferie Date : 18 December 2010 Sharon Gangadharan (Scomi) Husband : Resmi Date: 4 November 2010 FOCUS | JULY 2011 31
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