- Gospel Synergy


- Gospel Synergy
February 2007
The Barrett Sisters
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Page 1
Volume 9 Number 2
February 2007
Hey Andre:
Hey man, I want you to know that you are a genius. It took me a while to
get it but I got it now. I am putting GospelSwap on all my literature.
Arthur Sutton & Gift of Praise
Page 5
Dear Andre,
EXCUSES (Part 2)
“The Minister
of Business”
Dr. Robert Watkins
I just got finished reading the magazine. I was totally impressed with the indepth articles, the quality of the layout and look , and the detail. I feel
priviledged to be included in this issue. YOU are totally professional. GOd
BLESS YOU for your extra effort. I”ll call you soon—Karen Mire
Page 9
“The Celebration
Delivers Great Joy
While Celebrating
By: Latatia Washington
Page 14
What A Wonderful World
The Best of the Barrett Sisters
I very impressed with the gospel.fm station and the work you are doing. I
will now make the fm station my internet listening channel. I heard a song
that I wanted to buy, however when you click on the buy tab it takes you to
Gospel Swap but not the CD you want to buy or even download. I tried
searching but could not see where to find that particular song. What do I do?
I also sent a copy of the downloadable magazine to our Minister of Music
(Cory Ratliff). Hope to hear from you soon. I am just astonished at the
progress you have made and are making, you have come a long way.
PRAISE GOD! Sherry Murray
Page 10
Political Synergy
Page 23
The Belle Report
Sharing information about what going on!!!
Page 24
Gloryland Gospel
Page 16
Chicago’s Own
Jennifer Hudson is
all smiles as she
Wins Golden Globe
Page 18
A plea for our executives
to save the artists and
for our artists to save
the execs
Page 26
Gospelpower.fm Playlist
The Best Independnet Gospel Music Online!
Add us to your favorites and listen as you surf or work on the
Net. Commercial Free gospel music 24/7.
Page 27 & 28
Gospel Swap Playlists
List includes most requested and sold!
We welcome your feedback please send to
[email protected]
Order Your Subscription online at
WORDS BY: James Walker
Page 2
Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership. It
is the essence of principle-centered parenting. It catalyzes,
unifies, and unleashes the greatest power within people.
What is synergy? Simply defined, it means that the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts.
The essence of synergy is to value differences-to respect
them, to build on strength, to compensate for weakness.
Synergy is almost as if a group collectively agrees to subordinate old script and to write a new one.
Value the difference in the essence of synergy-the mental,
the emotional, the psychological difference between people.
And the key to valuing those differences is to realize that all
people see the world, not as it is, but as they are.
The person who is truly effective has the humility and reverence to recognize his own perpetual limitations and to
appreciate the rich resources available through interaction
with the hearts and minds of other human beings.
Synergy works it’s a correct principle. It is the crowning
achievement of all previous habits. It is effectiveness in an
interdependent reality-it is teamwork, team building, the
development of unity and creativity with other human beings.
Publisher/Editor Andr’e L. Carter
Webmaster - Andre A. Carter
My Pastor Rev James T. Meeks
House of Hope of Chicago
724 E. 114 St. Chicago, IL 60628
Contributing Writers
Andr’e L. Carter, Shelle Belle,
Attorney Joseph Smalls, Latatia Washington,
Dr. Robert J. Watkins, Tijuana Agnew,
James Walker
Marketing And Promotions
Gloryland Gospel
Glory To God TV
Cover Design
Terrence Suttle - Tsuttle@fuzionitsolutions
Valeda Williams - [email protected]
Legal Advisor
Attorney Arthur Sutton
Synergy is collectively working together but at the same
time each party maintains their own identity. There should
be more positive synergy in the body of Christ. It doesn’t
matter what assignment God gives each of us we are all
placed in an interdependent position. If you are a gospel
announcer brokering your time you are looking for sponsors and advertisiers to help pay for your time. If you are a
gospel artists you are interdependent on the gospel announcers to play your music. We live in a world of
SNERGY, God has given each of us a dream.
It is up to us to put the correct pieces of the puzzle together
that will make our dream and vision a reality. Bottomline
we live in an interdependent world, in order to move to the
next level we have to position ourselves to maximize on
our positive synergy. God Bless!
One year subscription $15.00 USD
Available online Please notify subscription
department of change of email address.
Submission of manuscripts, illustrations, and or
photographs must be accompanied by a self-address
envelope for the return materials. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited materials.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is
Send change of Email address to:
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The opinions expressed by the authors who contribute to Gospel Synergy Magazine are their own and does not necessarily
reflect those of Gospel Synergy Inc. All work is copy written. Reproduction of any material appearing in Gospel Synergy
Magazine without prior written permission is prohibited. However, any articles, photographs, graphics, or other mediums
accepted for publishing becomes the property of Gospel Synergy Inc, unless other reproduction rights, terms and conditions
are negotiated and approved prior to publishing.
Page 3
Black History Month 40 Acres and A Mule?
By: Andr’e L. Carter
February is the month that African
Americans celebrate Black History. This
is the month when we recognize the
many contribution that African Americans were responsible for in the building
of America. There will be a lot of events
going on all over the country including
special sales by major mainstream business that take advantage of yet another
opportunity to generate cash. Chances
are we, once again, will overlook many
black businesses as we run to catch a
bargain or sale for Black History Month.
I started to think about Black History
month in November while trying to come
up with an article that would best fit this
28 day month of celebration. After I reviewed the article over and over in my
head as well as writing a rough draft,
this is what I came up with...
At Last Recognition In America
Volume I
I had never met a person with so much
passion for his God given purpose. We
became very good friends for the next
five or six years. We communicated daily
as he shared with me the many sacrifices he made, at the expense of his family, to publish this book. His main objective was to get this book into the Chicago Public School system as well as
the State of Illinois Public Library system.
were forced to give up their discoveries
once their racial identity became known.
Most of the patent inventions in this
book were obtained by so-called free
men. The term “free men” is the misnomer. We found that many of the inventions by both slaves and so-called black
free men were not acknowledge or accepted. Consequently, recognition of the
invention was denied if the inventor was
known to be black.
At that time, I had a little money and
plenty of time to invest in his dream. The
more he shared the more excited I became. This was going to be a huge success and I want to be a part of it!
We had planned a strategy and set out
to make it a reality. But, here it was the
“80’s” and he was getting more resistance than acceptance. We went to many
black organizations, such as the NAACP,
Urban League, Operation Push, Nation
of Islam and many prominent blacks with
money and influence, to help market this
powerful book of unknown black inventors.
We were always well received and had
many promises but that was it. I developed a great respect for James and his
dream. I don’t know whatever happened
to him. It has been twenty years. I kept
one copy of this book because I knew
that one day it would come in handy. So
this is the day and this is the month that
I can share this great book with you.
This book does not contain well known
inventors such as Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver, etc. because an enormous amount of information has already been printed about well
known inventors. This is a reference
book about unknown black inventors
and their contribution to the building of
I know he had printed 3,000 copies. We
used most of them as “give-a-ways” but
I don’t believe he was able to complete
his vision because we had lost touch over
the years. Blacks, according to the facts
that were uncovered, were called upon
to help industrialize the United States in
the 1800’s. Many of the black inventors
listed in this book are identified only by
I met James in the summer of 1982 after their first initial and last name. This was
he had completed the first of three se- done during the 1800’s, in order to conries. I don’t recall how we met but
ceal their identities, because many blacks
There are five areas that are covered in
this book: Agricultural, Consumer Inventions, Electrical, Mechanical and Industrial Inventions. Not only does these
inventions affect all of us as consumers,
but they also influence the course of industry and technology in general.
A Reference Handbook of Unknown
Black Inventors and their Contribution to America
Compiled by James C. Williams
Copyright 1978 by James C. Williams. Printed and bound in the
United States of America.
World Rights Reserved.
Published by B.C.A. Publishing
180 W. Washington, Suite 802
Chicago, IL 60602
Library of congress Catalog No.
International Standard Book No.
Page 4
Please refer to page 7 where we have
listed a few inventions from each category. It is my prayer that you will support a black business this month!
for my project because I have no
Opposite: “I can talk to family and
friends about the benefits of working
with me.”
Excuse: “I can’t get new clients because
no one cares about me or my company.”
No More Excuses Part 2
confessed the phrase “I can’t…” what
she really was saying was “I’m not
going to try.” When she thought about
what she couldn’t do, immediately
thereafter excuses began to flow.
Remember, she said, “I can’t swim
because I am scared”.
As the leader of your vision, how will
you excel to the next level? What is your
plan to creatively reach new clients,
make more money or deliver better
services? Are you excited or
apprehensive about your future?
Excuses begin in your mind. Many
people fail in their mind even before
I’ve discovered that success in any
they get started. It wasn’t until I
endeavor is a matter of focus. Many
convinced Gabrielle to stop saying what
people give up on their dreams because
she couldn’t do and start confessing
they have focused on what they can’t
what she could do that made all the
have and what they can’t do.
difference in the world. I’ve discovered
When a person says they can’t do that words, negative or positive, have
something, they are really saying they the ability to control our thought life
won’t try. The phase “I can’t” has and ultimately control our actions.
sabotaged more people’s success than
What have you said lately that you can’t
lies, slander or deceit.
do or that you couldn’t have? Following
For example, when my oldest daughter, every “I can’t…” is always followed by
Gabrielle, was four years old, she a dreaded excuse. The power of your
wanted to learn how to swim. For future is dictated by what you say today.
weeks, Gabrielle would talk about
Relative to your business and ministry,
“swimming and splashing in the water”.
let’s conduct an exercise to rid you of
She even sang songs about the water
the “I can’t...” syndrome. Take out a
in preparation of one day learning how
sheet of paper and write down
to swim. She was excited.
statements that you have previously said
Like all of us, the moment of truth came you can’t do or can’t have, then write
for Gabrielle. As she stood on the side down the complete opposite. You will
of the pool, she said, “Daddy, I can’t begin to notice a change in your
get in water because I’m scared”. She thinking. For example:
clung unto me in sheer fright. We tried
everything to get Gabrielle in the water.
We even took her to get professional Excuse: “I can’t work on my business
lessons from a local swimming coach. because I don’t have time.”
Nothing worked.
Opposite: “I can do at least one thing
I finally figured out that it was her everyday towards my business.
thinking that kept Gabrielle from her
dream of being a swimmer. When she ”Excuse: “I can’t afford to hire anyone
Page 5
Opposite: “I can write letters to 30
people who could profit from my
products and services.”
Your business and ministry can reach
new heights. As the leader of your
vision, it starts with you believing in
God and your ability to stay focused
on your assignment. Have confidence
that you can have everything you need
in your life to become a success.
Start believing in your vision as with
Paul did in a letter to the saints at
Philippi when he wrote, “I can do all
things through Christ…” (Philippians
You, too, can do all things to fulfill your
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“It was probably no different a thousand
years ago. Kids find one little thing and
make a game out of it.
“Linus’ Rubber Band”
It’s just interesting, in these days of high
tech games, that you can have just as
much fun with a group of friends and a
tape ball.
I guess it’s my all-time favorite Peanuts
It made me think of all the things that
comic strip.
we “just have to have.” How important
It’s one of the old ones, when the kids’ are they, really?
heads weren’t quite so round.
Linus was just as content with a rubber
There’s Lucy and her baby brother band as he was with a pile of toys.
Linus, who is sitting on the floor,
Let me ask you, are you content with
surrounded by toys.
what you have?
Lucy is disgusted by all the fun he is
having, so she scoops up all the toys and If not, what would it take? At what point
would you say, “Now I’m content”?
storms out of the room.
I like the example of Paul in the Bible.
He said, “I have learned to be content,
whatever the circumstances. I know
what it is to be in need, and I know what
it is to have plenty. I have learned the
Linus begins to play with the rubber secret of being content in any and every
band, and soon he is having more fun situation, whether well fed or hungry,
than ever. He is ecstatic!
whether living in plenty or in want.”
Then she must have a pang of guilt,
because she decides to toss him one
solitary rubber band. “Have fun with
that,” she says.
Lucy returns from stashing the toys, and
sees Linus going crazy with the rubber
band. She yanks it away and says, “I
didn’t mean for you to have THAT much
Wait a minute. How could he be
content…and hungry?
I can see being content when you have
plenty, but how can you be content when
you are in want?
Here was Linus, happy when he was
surrounded by toys. Then he was just as Here’s how. Remember this.
happy when all he had to play with was Contentment comes from within.
Contentment is not circumstance-based,
a rubber band!
it is soul-based. Your level of
Yesterday my daughters had some contentment starts in your soul. If you
friends over, and what did they do? are content in your soul, then it doesn’t
Threw a softball around in the back yard. matter what is going on around you.
My son spent the afternoon playing So the question is, how can you be
football with some guys from church.
content in your soul?
A while back the kids were playing a I think we find answers in that same
game in the street using a stick and a passage of the Bible, in Philippians
ball of tape.
chapter four.
I thought, “We did the same things when Do you feel discontent, or restless, or
I was a kid.” Then I thought,
even worried? Then first of all, pray
Page 6
about it. Take that situation to the Lord
in prayer.
And while you are talking to Him, be
thankful. Tell Him all the things you are
thankful for. I admit, this requires some
trust. You trust that God is real and that
He has the power and the desire to help
And I think He does. Philippians 4:19
says, “…my God will meet all your
needs according to His glorious riches
in Christ Jesus.”
When you step out like this, to put some
trust in God to help you, this very act of
trust will begin to calm you. It’s called
the “peace that passes understanding.”
And one more thing, you need to control
what you let yourself think about. If you
let your mind dwell on your needs and
worries, your peace will fade. You will
be as discontent as ever.
Philippians 4:8 tells us to think about
things that are good. When we spend
our time thinking about the good things
in our lives, contentment just has a way
of sneaking up on you. Think about the
good things, and you can literally feel
contentment settle on your heart.
So do you feel like Lucy today, but you’d
rather have the contentment of Linus?
Then pray and trust God. Be thankful,
and think about the good things.
Remember: contentment is not based on
your circumstances, but it comes from
within, from your soul.
And the first step toward contentment
in your soul is to begin putting some trust
in God.
E-mail me…[email protected].
May God bless you today! With
Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.
40 Acres and A Mule
continued from page 4
Agricultural and Consumer
Name: Henry Blair
Invention: Corn Planter
Date: Oct 14, 1834
Patent No.: Designated “Colored”
Invention: Cotton Planter
Date Aug. 31, 1836
Patent No.: Desibated “Colored”
Name: H. Lee
Invention: Animal Trap
Date” Feb. 12, 1867
Patent No.: Designated “Colored”
Name: W.S. Campbell
Invention: Self-Setting Animal Trap
Date: Aug. 30, 1881
Patent No.: 246,368
Name: J. Standard
Inventions: Refrigerator
Date: July 14, 1891
Patent No.: 455,891
Process for Manufacturing
Carbon Filaments
June 17, 1882
Patent No.: 252,386
Name: Sarah Boone
Invention: Ironing Board
Date: Apr. 26, 1892
Patent No.: 473,653
Apparatus for
Cooling and Disinfecting
Jan. 2, 1886
Patent No.: 334,078
Name: G. T. Sampson
Invention: Clothes Dryer
Date: June 7, 1892
Patent No: 476,416
Granville T. Woods
Steam Boiler Furnance
June 3, 1884
Patent No.: 299,894
Name: George F. Grant
Invention: Golf Tee
Date: Dec.12, 1899
Patent No.: 638,920
Improved Telephone Transmitter
Dec 2, 1884
Patent No.: 308,817
Electrical, Mechanical and
Industrial Inventions
P. B. Downing
Electric Switch for Railroads
June 17, 1890
Patent No.: 430,118
Name: P. D. Smith
Invention: Patato Digger
Date. Jan. 21, 1891
Patent No.: 445,206
E. R. Robinson
Electric railway Trolley
Sept. 19, 1893
Patent No.: 505,370
Name: D. A. Fisher
Invention: Furniture Caster
Date; Mar. 14,1876
Patent No.: 174,794
Name: T. Elkins
Invention: Refrigerating Apparatus
Date: Nov. 4, 1879
Patent No.: 221,222
Apparatus for thr Transmission of
Messages by Electricity
April 7, 1885
patent No.: 315,368
Lewis H. Latimer
Water Closet for Railroad Cars
Feb. 10, 1874
Patent No.: 147,363
Name: W. Johnson
Invention: Egg Beater
Date: Feb. 5, 1884
Patent No.: 2992,821
Incandescent Electric Light Bulb
with Carbon Filament
Patent N.: Sold to United States
Electric Co.
Name: E.R. Lewis
Invention: Spring Gun
Date: May 3, 1887
Patent No.: 362,096
Co Inventor of teh Globe for
Electric Lamps
March 21, 1882
Patent No.: 255,212
Page 7
O’connor and Turner
Alarm for Boilers
Aug. 25,1896
patent No.: 566,612
J. W. Smith
Lawn Sprinkler
May 4, 1897
Patent No.: 581,785
These are just a few of the many inventions by black free men who
played an important roll in the building of America. What if the
decendents of these inventors where
paid for these inventions?
“The Celebration Project”
Delivers Great Joy While
Celebrating Jesus!
By: Latatia Washington
at the request of a promoter who was visiting
my church and asked me to put an ensemble
together to participate in a festival in Chartres,
France. I named our group JourneySong,
since it was the reason we were journeying
to France (to sing). I think that destiny caused
me to name my group JourneySong. Life is
a journey and to make that journey easier,
we need a prophetic song..
WGJ: This is in fact our third release. You
can obtain it online at
www.myspace.com/myjourneysong or buy
individual tracks at www.gospelswap.com
for only 99 cents.
LSW: Name other CDs produced,
released and/or created by JourneySong:
WGJ: There’s “JourneySong and Friends,”
LSW: Tell us about JourneySong’s CD “Adore” (a beautiful compilation of 12 songs)
“The Celebration Project” released and currently, “The Celebration Project.”
December 17, 2006:
LSW: In addition to your church, The
WGJ: The “Celebration Project” is a 6-song Apostolic Church of God, where else has
promotional, part one of a larger work that JourneySong performed?
Many have been inspired by her gifts and
ministry of music. Thousands are receiving
joy, being blessed, delivered and set free
through the inspirational sounds of Dr.
Willetta Greene-Johnson and her very talented
singing group, “JourneySong.”
Through the following interview with Willetta
Greene-Johnson (“WGJ”), it is my desire to
provide our readers a “sneak peek” into the
world of Willetta Greene-Johnson (whom
some would consider a musical genius) and
JourneySong, her phenomenal Christian
singing group, who are truly anointed and
moved by God!
will be released in the fall. I wanted to write
a Christian CD that allowed for a little fun, a
little spring in the step, a little Latin and a lot
of horn section. You can do aerobics to
“Celebrate” and wind down with “Just
Because You’re God” and worship Him.
The Holy Spirit birthed Celebrate You Jesus
and Thine is the Kingdom (2005). Jamonte
Ford really lays out Celebrate. I fell in love
with Just Because You’re God, written by
and performed worshipfully by Evangelist
Precious Holmes. Man, I love Linda
Greenwood in Kurt Carr’s For Every
Mountain, and Bill Richards, well, he’s the
cool one in our group, he leads Bless You
Lord. If you love Jesus and smooth jazz,
you’re going to “love” Bless You Lord!
WGJ: In the past, in Chartres, France, at the
Goodman Theatre (Canton Ohio), with the
Canton Symphony Orchestra, Park District
events, a fundraiser for Senator Barack
Obama, and churches all throughout Chicago
and suburban areas.
LSW: Is JourneySong currently working
on another CD or project?
WGJ: The 2nd half, “Celebration II”, is
coming near the year’s end. A release concert
is planned (stay tuned). You may find our
itinerary at http://www.myspace.com/
LSW: In your own words: Who is Dr.
Willetta Greene-Johnson?
LSW: What did JourneySong hope to
provide its listeners when producing “The
WGJ: I am first of all a Christian. I’m Celebration Project”?
married to Arnold Johnson (my wonderful
husband of 20 years). We have an 18 year
old son whom we are very proud of. I love
to worship God and believe in the power of
the scriptures. Hopefully, my love for Jesus
is expressed through the songs I write,
orchestrate and/or produce.
LSW: Who is “JourneySong” and how
did it come into existence?
WGJ: We are an urban worship ministry
(singing group) dedicated to demonstrating
a different, more transparent model of
Christian music than the current industry’s
standard. I founded the group (6 years ago)
WGJ: Too many good Christians are
downtrodden and or serve the Lord, but they
don’t know how to celebrate Him. The
scripture doesn’t say the service of the Lord
is my strength, it says, “the JOY of the Lord
is my strength”. Joy strengthens us to do the
service that He requires. I hope that listeners
will experience God’s joy flowing through
them and freedom to celebrate Jesus,
celebrate being one of God’s elect and, right
in the midst of celebrating, receive
LSW: Is “The Celebration Project”
JourneySong’s Third (3rd) CD released?
Page 9
Currently in rotation on Chicago’s #1
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Political Synergy
Black History Month
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Page 10
Gospel Synergy Magazine Announces New and Improved Music
Distribution Website:www.gospelswap.com
In January of 2004 I was
dealing with a challenge.
It seems like just when
thing are going well and
you are able to see the
light at the end of the tunnel something
happens, that can easily knock you off
your course. This was just another obstacle. Another challenge that I would
have to over come. I was having car
trouble and not able to get around as I
had previously. I was upset! I asked
God why?
His answer was, “where is your faith!”
All was not lost, I had access to the
Internet the very next day I was online
sending and receiving emails. That’s
when I received an email from Johnny
Brown founder of a company called
Gazelle Village based in Cedar Rapids
Iowa. After a few conversations he
asked if I would like to start an online
distribution service for Gospel Music.
God was truly in the mix! After much
research regarding online distribution,
in March 2004. Gospel Synergy Magazine was prepared to launch the Gospel Swap. The Gospel Swap is a unique
online distribution service dedicated to
all categories of independent gospel
music. Quartet, Traditional, Praise &
Worship, Gospel Rap, Contemporary,
Holy Hip Hop, Gospel Jazz, & Christian Contemporary, more categories
have been added as we continue to
There is a minimal fee for the artist to
place their music on Gospel Swap. Our
service offers the artist the market standard 2 minute sample clips of each song
on their CD a free webpage (EPK). The
artist would be compensated for his or
her works. All songs would be downloaded for $.99.
Our service offers free membership for
$.99 per single downloads as well as
paid subscriptions for gospel music lovers who would like to build their own
play list. Our service also offers a personal messaging system to support and
encourage the artists. There is no charge
for visitors to listen to 2-minute sound
clips via our streaming audio server.
We are happy to announce that during
the first month of the New Year we have
added many new features. We have
worked diligently building many relationships since launching Gospel Swap
to offer independent artist more resources to help promote their music
God is truly in the blessing business. He
will never leave you nor forsake you
when man lets you down, He’s right
there to give you what you need. I was
“We are happy to provide this service at a Empowerment Meeting at the beto the many independent gospel artist ginning of 2006. I met Rev. Nathan
who would like to share their music Edmond who owned an Internet Staministry with the world,” Music down- tion that was dormant for two years.
load sites may be all the rage, but Gos- We communicated and he asked if I
pel Swap is a new theme on an old idea. would be interested in being the ProWe will also offer vintage gospel music gram Music/Director. This is just how
that will only be available on our site. God does it. I was in the right place at
Each song is reviewed for quality and the right time. Since taking on the posicontent.
tion www.Gospelpower.fm listeners
generated 135,000 new listeners by the
God gets all of the glory! Taking all end of the year.
things into consideration God was preparing us during our first year we had My son finally won my attention, inApril
157,650 visitors with less than 1,000 of 2006 Gospel Synergy Magazine
songs. In 2005 we had 1,014,927 with converted to an online publication. We
2,500 song , in 2006 we had 1,656,007 were able to successfully complete nine
with 5,000 songs. Our objective this issue by the end of the year. There is so
year is to generate traffic on 2.5 million much more that I would like to share
visitor. The first month of the New Year but I don’t want to hinder God’s plan.
we have added at least 100 new songs All I can say is that God has truly blessed
and we have had 200,000 visitors to me in ways that I cannot and will not
our site. These are great numbers and try to explain.
tis is just the beginning of the year. Look
at God.
I have moved out of the way to allow
God to do what he does best. I have
I believe this is going to be a great year learned to be still and listen when he
for gospel music as more and more speaks to me. I have so many testimogospel artist are getting their own nies that I would like to share but only
websites and joining the many services when the time is right. In the mean time
and opportunities that can be generated please visit www.gospelswap.com and
support the artist... God Bless!
From The Desk Of:
Vincent M. Newton
President: Torontogospel.ca
Congratulations on the completion of
your Gospel album! All the hard work,
dedication, and countless hours making
the CD have finally paid off. I believe
that music itself is a Ministry. Countless
lives have been transformed by Gospel
music. I am sure you are very excited
and eager to promote your latest
Unfortunately, there are very few
websites for Gospel musicians to
expand and promote your Ministry. I
have discovered several websites that
cater to independent artists, but they all
have one thing in common – Gospel
music is always left out! Imagine that,
the most beautiful music in world –
Promoting Your Album
You need to add another dimension
to your Ministry. Having an online
presence will allow you to reach Millions
of people worldwide. Everyday, I
receive emails from people who want
to purchase Gospel music.
The Gospel Artist Promotion
Program (GAPP) was developed to
ensure that your music Ministry touches
as many lives as possible. Your Ministry
deserves all the exposure it can handle.
By now, you have probably performed
at dozens of local Church events and
Gospel concerts. I am confident that
countless individuals have been blessed
by your message in song.
Promote your work, it makes sense to
place your album in front of individuals
who actually enjoy listening to gospel
music. These are the same people who
attend church, gospel concerts, and sing
in the Church Choir. These are the
people who will support your Ministry.
These are the people who will spread
the word. This is where you need to
may not even get noticed at all. Instead
of reaching millions of people
worldwide, your project ends up
collecting dust on a shelf.
The few sites that sell Gospel music also
sell a variety of other types of music.
People who frequent these sites are
unlikely to end up purchasing a Gospel
album. Instead, they may purchase a
Rock, Hip-Hop, or R&B CD. As a
result, your album ends up getting “lost
in the crowd.”
There Will Always Be Something
Special About Alive Performance!
Attention Independent Artists!
Going out to a Gospel Concert is
always fun. People will always enjoy a
good concert. Having said that, giving
live performances does have its
limitations. For instance, you are
limited by time and space. Your
concert is scheduled at a specific date
and location. Once you step off the
stage, the music stops. You can no
longer Minister to your listeners.
I also believe that there are lots of
talented individuals and groups who
have not been discovered. They have
decided to use their voices and/or
instruments to spread the Gospel. Since
the major Gospel labels cannot sign
every artist, many talented singers and
musicians are left out in the cold. Lack
of talent or motivation is not the
problem. The real culprit is lack of
exposure. Album promotion is an issue Share Your Ministry With Millions
that every Gospel singer must tackle. If Of Individuals Who Love Gospel
not correctly, your project may have Music
little success. Even worse, your album
Page 12
What Is The G.A.P.P?
The Gospel Artist Promotion
Program (GAPP) was developed to
ensure that your music Ministry touches
as many lives as possible. Your Ministry
deserves all the exposure it can handle.
By now, you have probably performed
at dozens of local Church events and
Gospel concerts. I am confident that
countless individuals have been blessed
by your message in song.
Editors note: Our goal is to provide
gospel artist with additional resources
to promote your music online please
visit our partner and link page for more
Deacon Ezra Williams
Predestined Praise
Ezra Williams was born in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Deacon Ezra attended
the Philadelphia School System, where
he received his initial musical training.
He became proficient at many of the
woodwind instruments including the
clarinet, oboe, bassoon, and bass
clarinet. While in school, Ezra sang with
the All City Choir and performed with
the All City Orchestra. In 1975, God
granted Ezra the gift of playing the
piano: he began to use his talent to play
hymns during his church services. In
1977, he began to expand his talent to
other churches as a drummer. While in
the church Ezra’s’ fellowship with God
grew and he was soon ordained a
Deacon. He is currently a member of
the House of Prayer Church of the
Living God.
As God increased his talent for playing
the piano, he was also developing
Deacon Williams’s abilities to direct and
give vocal instructions. As his God given
talent elevated him to Minister of Music,
Deacon Williams has served Minister
of Music for many churches in the Tristate area. With the unique ability to
transform an established hymn, God
began to inspire Deacon Williams with
original songs of praise, worship and
inspiration to share with the world.
Thus, his first recording, “Touch Me
Lord” with the aide of the Predestined
Praise singers is offered with humility
and honor.
1. Down At The Cross
2. Calling Holy Spirit
3. In All My Lord’s Appointed Ways
4. Inside Out
5. One Day
6. Only Jesus
7. Right Now
8. Touch Me Lord
9. When It’s Over
10. En La Cruz
Touch Me Lord was the debut CD released by Deacon Ezra Williams and
Predestined Praise in 2002. All songs
were written and arranged by Deacon
Williams. Each song expresses his love
for God. The words to each song will
minister to you where you are, the songs
high lighted is blue tells a special story.
I listened to the CD more than once
Right Now ministered to me where I
am Right Now!
Page 13
1. Just Another Day In The Battle
2. Yes
3. I Want to Rest Like Jesus In The
4. I Want To rest Like Jesus In The
Storm (Reprisal)
5. There’s A Cross
6. I Need Thee
7. Jesus Never Looks Back
8. How Great Thou Art
9. I Still Got My Joy
10. For This Is My Son
11. Meet Me There
12. Hallelujah
13. I Still Got My Joy (reprise)
14. Yes (Instrumental)
There’s A Cross, was released in 2005,
all but one of the songs was written by
Deacon Ezra Williams. There’s A Cross
will take you another level through the
exceptional lyrics and musical arrangements. Deacon Williams love and passion for the Lord is expressed though
the choice to choose the right lead for
each song. Which can be felt through
each song. It is evident that God placed
the lyrics in his heart as he sat in meditation with the Lord to produce There’s
A Cross.
Download your favorite song online
at www.gospelswap.com... Currently
in rotation on www.gospelpower.fm
Chicago #1 Internet Gospel Station
What A Wonderful World
The Best of the Barrett Sisters
The Barrett Sisters I had been kicking ideals around in my
head as to what to do for the February
Black History issue and many things
came to mind. It was during the holiday season when I picked up my mail
at the post office. I received a press
release regarding the Barrett Sisters.
But, I didn’t pay it any attention until I
“The Sweet Sisters of Zion”
received a call at the beginning of the
year from a publicist who wanted to
Because of the special vocal blend, know if I had reviewed the CD and
Delois Barrett-Campbell, Billie Barrett DVD. I was honest and said no. I
Green-Bey and Rodessa Barrett- Por- haven’t taken the time to do so.
ter - Internationally known as the
Barrett Sisters - have lifted their melo- That evening I popped the DVD into
dious voices in gospel music for more my player to check out “Say Amen,
than 50 years.
Somebody,” I was blown away. The
next day I called Delois to let her know
Throughout their career, the Barrett that I had received this wonderful press
Sisters have been associated with ce- release. I had never seen nor had I ever
lebrities and big names in entertain- heard about this documentary. But,
ment including Rev. James Cleveland, more importantly I wanted to know if
the Mighty Clouds of Joy, Shirley they, Delois Barrett and the Barrett SisCaesar, The Caravans and Patti ters were going to receive any comLaBelle. They also have performed at pensation for the re-release of this
countless churches and in many presti- documentary. I wasn’t surprised when
gious concert halls including Lincoln they said no!
Center in New York; Constitutional
Hall; Washington D.C.; Orchestra Hall I have been in the magazine business
in Chicago; and the Theatre DeVille in for a while and I know that most of the
artists only had one objective and that
was singing. Even though Thomas
The Barrett Sisters have toured in- Dorsey and Roberta Martin was doing
ternationally more than 50 times and all that they could at the time to change
have performed for several dignitaries that. There are many trailblazers who
including the King of Sweden and the signed contracts and agreements withPresident of Zaire, Africa. In 1982, the out having an attorney review the conBarrett Sisters were featured in the criti- tracts. And for that reason many were
cally acclaimed documentary, Say never compensated for their contribuAmen, Somebody and in 1990 they tions to gospel music.
were selected to appear in the PBS
special, Going Home with Patti LaBelle. Even though it was the 80’s gospel
Long time recording artists, that was the music was still not as popular as it is
year the Barrett Sister’s released today. Most of the artist live for today
“What A Wonderful World” on I Am because most of the money they would
make would come from preforming and
Page 14
working the church market. At that time
there were a few church services on the
radio Saturday nights and from six a.m.
to noon on Sundays. That was pretty
much the norm, at that time. But things
were gradually changing.
Delois set up a time and a day for me
to meet with the three of them to see
what could be done. There’s really not
to much that can be done because there
was an agreement on contract involved.
But, neither party can find the agreement. From what I could see this particular documentary rights have been
sold a few times. The timing is right the
package will be sold during black History Month.
My only concern was will the Barrett
Sister be paid? I have known the
Barrett Sister for about ten years. They
are all up in age now and have had
health issue and not able to travel like
they did back in the day. But there music will live on forever. Delois shared
with me that most of the artist in the
documentary have gone on home to be
with the Lord.
They also shared with me that out of all
of the recording and the labels that they
have worked with, they only have one
CD that they own all of the rights to.
Most of their music is no longer in print
and is hard to find but my search on the
Internet revealed that the Barrett
Sister’s music is still available online.
All you have to do is go to any search
engine and type in the their name and
you can find many of their recordings.
Some are available through Ebay where
some people are taking advantage and
the opportunity to sale various items
Personally, I refused to promote the Say
Amen, Somebody because of my personal relationship with the Barrett Sister. After being at their home as well as
celebrating various events over the year.
I know their struggle. I know they have
no monies coming the sell of their music for their many years of spreading the
good news in song as they traveled all
over the country and abroad. I feel that
its only right that I help them in what
ever way I can at this time.
I am asking everyone reading this issue
to support the one project that the
Barrett Sisters owns the rights to. This
project is now available online, all songs
can be downloaded for only $.99.
www.gospelswap.com. Their music has
also been added to rotation on
Chicago’s #1 Internet Gospel Station
www.gospelpower.fm - Where we play
the best mix of gospel music online!
During Black History Month we will Herbert McFadden says: On Friday
feature the Best of the Barrett Sister 12/1/06 10:19 PM
every Saturday between 1 pm and 4
God Bless you Barrett Sisters, you have
pm along with other trailblazers.
blessed me in many ways, seeing you
Delois, Billie, and Rodessa Barrett be- live for the very 1st time years ago in
gan singing in the Chicago-based Morn- DC, then in 2006, I had a chance to
ing Star Baptist Church in the 40’s as visit you at your home in Chicago, it
children. Under the direction of their was a dream come true just to sit &
aunt, Mattie Dacus, they were originally talk to you about the History of your
known as The Barrett and Hudson music down thru the years, Billie,
Singers before becoming The Barrett Rodessa & Delois God is Proving his
Sisters. Delois was recruited for The work thru your song Ministry (Keep on
Roberta Martin Singers while a high Singing) (Another Days Journey)
school senior at Englewood High. Af- because I know (He Loves you & me)
ter graduation, she joined Martin’s Luv Herb
group full time and remained a member
for 18 years. Rodessa Barrett became
a choral director of Galilee Baptist
church and Billie Barrett became a
church soloist after taking voice lessons
at the American Music Conservatory.
They formed The Barrett Sisters in 1962
and have remained together ever since.
Their first LP was recorded for Savoy
in 1963.
Page 15
SBAYLOR says: On Wednesday
11/22/06 4:55 PM - I love the
Barrett Sisters we miss your voices
Rev. David Foreman/ Nu Gospel
Tones says: On Sunday 11/5/06
7:50 AM
The Barrett Sisters are personal friends,
who I’ve sung with, cooked in Delois’
home she is my godmother, Billie and
Rhodessa aunts, and I’ve traveled with
them. They have inspired me enough
that Nu Gospel Tones who was
organized by Rev. M. Randy Carter
and I, in New Haven CT to sing the
songs of the world Famous Barrett
Sisters. We love the best...! Their style
has given us an unique blend that is a
credit to Delois Barrett Campbell and
the Barrett Sisters we appreciate the
ground work they have laid for singers
like us who loves traditional gospel
music. They have opened doors for me
and now our group. Thank you Barrett
Sisters you are the greatest! Nu Gospel
Tones can’t wait to sing with you...
Chicago’s Own
Jennifer Hudson wins
Golden Globe Award
Sacha Baron Cohen’s raucous satire
“Borat: Cultural Learnings of
America for Make Benefit Glorious
Nation of Kazakhstan” also was a
strong contender.
Yet the group has a strong history of
forecasting eventual Academy
The other musical or comedy Awards winners and providing
nominees were the fashion-business momentum for certain movies and
comedy “The Devil Wears Prada,” the stars as Oscar voters begin to cast
road-trip romp “Little Miss their ballots.
Sunshine” and the tobacco-industry
Such Globe best-picture winners as
satire “Thank You for Smoking.”
“Shakespeare in Love,” “American
Helen Mirren was the clear favorite Beauty,” “Gladiator” and “Chicago”
for best dramatic actress as Elizabeth went on to win the same prize at the
II in “The Queen.” Forest Whitaker Oscars. Globe voters were off target
was heavily favored for dramatic the past two years, anointing 2004’s
actor as Ugandan dictator Idi Amin “The Aviator” as best drama, a prize
in “The Last King of Scotland,” that went to “Million Dollar Baby”
though Peter O’Toole had strong at the Oscars, and 2005’s “Brokeback
prospects as a lecherous old actor in Mountain,” which lost to “Crash”
come Oscar night.
Beverly Hills, CA — Jennifer
Hudson went from “American Idol”
cast-off to Golden Globe supporting
actress winner for her role in
“Dreamgirls.” A truly international
lineup of films and performers was in
contention at Monday night’s Golden
Globes, with “Babel,” “The Queen,”
“The Last King of Scotland” and
“Borat” competing in the run-up to
the Academy Awards.
Warren Beatty was to receive the
Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s achievement.
“Babel,” a saga of families on three
continents linked by tragic events in Hollywood’s second-biggest film
the African desert, led with seven honors, the Globes are something of
nominations, including best drama a dress rehearsal for the Oscars,
and supporting-acting honors for whose nominations come out Jan. 23.
Brad Pitt, Adriana Barraza and Rinko The Oscar ceremony will be on Feb.
Martin Scorsese’s mob movie “The
Departed” was next with six
nominations, including best drama
and best actor for Leonardo
DiCaprio, who had a second leadactor nomination for the African
adventure “Blood Diamond.”
There was no clear front-runner for
the best-drama prize, whose other
nominees were the Robert Kennedy
tale “Bobby,” the suburban comic
drama “Little Children” and the
British-royalty story “The Queen.”
85 members, while about 5,800 film
professionals eligible to vote for the
But all four of 2005’s acting
recipients at the Oscars — Philip
Witherspoon, George Clooney and
Rachel Weisz — also won Golden
Nominations for the Oscars closed
Saturday, so the outcome of the
Globes cannot affect who gets
While the Oscars are a formal,
dignified affair in a theater, the Globes EditorNote:
are looser, with stars, filmmakers and
studio bosses sharing drinks and There was no doubt in the minds of
dinner at tables in a hotel ballroom. everyone that Jennifer Hudson would
win an Golden Globe award for her
“You have within a very small circle perfemance in Dreamgirls. She has
all the most important people in generated a strong fan base and we
Hollywood,” said Philip Berk, who are all prayerful that she will no doubt
heads the Hollywood Foreign Press win an Oscar for her performance.
Association, which awards the
Globes. “There’s liquor on the table
and wine. We serve a fabulous meal.
But once the show begins, the actual
process of the awards is very
The musical “Dreamgirls”
lookedlike a favorite to win the best
musical or comedy Globe, though
The foreign press group has roughly
Page 16
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music ministry.
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Page 17
A plea for our executives to save
the artists and for our artists to
save the execs
WORDS BY: James Walker
Over the years, I have written many
articles, essays and commentaries on
the music industry, legal issues and
general entertainment matters.
This article however has been one of
the toughest for me to write as I see
the state of our gospel industry.
As a former news reporter, I covered
over 100 homicides, but the recent
slayings of many jobs of black execs in
gospel music as well as the overall black
music community, leads me to feel we
are witnessing career assassinations of
many brothers and sisters who helped
build this gospel industry the past 15
years. Let’s look at the last few years
of “our Industry” and the changes in
leadership as we became a billion-dollar
industry that corporate America now
wants to profit from.
Norwood, Men of Standard and The
Caravans to mention a few. Mannery
is no longer with the company.
(Reportedly he resigned, but after what
he built how could a company not offer
the house to keep him?)
Tara Griggs-Magee: aside from
Demetrus Stewart, Griggs-Magee is
arguably, the most talented of several
female executives to be terminated.
There are widespread allegations and
rumors that not only was she let go by
Sony Urban, but she was escorted out
Vicki Mack-Lataillade, a creative of the building with security and no one
genius, builds arguably the most has heard anything from her in recent
successful gospel label ever in Gospo weeks or in terms of her future career
Centric bringing us the likes of Kirk steps.
Franklin, Tri-ni-tee 3:5:7 and Kurt Carr.
She merges or sells her company to Lastly, Max Siegel: after helping the
Zomba a year or two ago and today is label, by any means necessary, build
no longer with Gospo Centric. Verity to a gospel powerhouse, he
(Reportedly her contract was not shockingly announces his retirement to
renewed and she has until end of the go work with the Dale Earnhart race
year to leave.).
car companies. Very strange and
unexplainable to many.
Mickey Carter, a talented lawyer, who
worked in the business affairs and And, even further, while one of the
publishing offices of Zomba prior to the respected and most talented Gospel
BMG-Zomba merger. He’s no longer Industry execs, Jazzy Jordan leaves
with the company, for whatever then returns to Verity, we are told in a
press release, “there will be no
President at this time of Verity”
Alvin Williams, powerful young
brother working for Music World/Sony And, let’s not overlook Ms. Brenda J.
and building their gospel presence. He’s Culpepper and her pioneering to bring
no longer even working on the music us the East Coast Mass Choir and early
label side anymore, moving to Gospel works of Kirk Franklin, John P. Kee
Music Channel. Indeed, a promotion, and Lucresia Campbell and how the
but the corporate gatekeepers should industry has overlooked her talents for
have kept him in the music industry for years. She should be running Verity
his vision and thinking outside of the right now. Or even Telisa Stinson, who
created Men of Standard, and the list
goes on-and-on. All and all, these
Monica Coates: a young, rising star firings, resignations, departures or
at Verity, worked on various great whatever you want to call them, really
albums including Richard Smallwood, pain me first as a gospel music lover,
Twinkie Clark and Donnie McClurkin’s but then scare me as it appears our black
is strangely no longer with the company. gospel music may be controlled by
No one knows the whole story.
corporate giants now who have no
Jackie Patillo introduces us to Israel, connection to the very people who
Lisa McClendon and Stephen Hurd developed the music.
EMI’s Shawn Tate, one of the classiest
guys and brilliant marketing minds in
the industry, single-handedly, helps
build the EMI Gospel company to its
current success, including great
marketing work on Tri-City Singers &
Donald Lawrence, Smokey Norful and
Darwin Hobbs to name a few. Tate is
while heading up A&R at Integrity, but
gone, shown the door.
she’s now with Zomba. How could
Jerry Mannery: helps build Malaco Integrity not create an environment that
and a slew of great gospel artists keeps this diamond in the rough and
including Mississippi Mass, Dorothy
beautiful Godly being?
Page 18
According to Nielsen SoundScan,
gospel music sales experienced a doubledigit percent increase. As of July of 2006,
nearly 18 million gospel music albums,
including those sold on the internet, were
purchased by consumer, placing millions
of dollars into corporate bank accounts
of these major companies.
So we must wake up and realize that in
5 years, the Gospel music industry could
be as big as other genres and make even
more billions for the corporations.
In this new millennium, gospel music,
like hip-hop, will become big business,
controlled by bean counters and
corporate titans who have no idea of The
Reason Why We Sing.Sony will control
Verity, Gospo Centric, Sony Urban (if
still there), and all of the Zomba gospel
companies, a total of nearly 60%-65%
of the market share and billboard charts.
In a billion dollar industry, its scary to
see one company have this much
dominance and control AND a loss of
black execs.
Given all of the moves, I pray first for
all of the executives previously
mentioned as examples above.
Secondly I challenge the execs who are
still able to release the debt of the gospel
artists, turn over their masters and do
whatever to empower the artists before
your departure. Let the artist out of this
corporate circle that they never planned
for when signing with a small Verity or
Gospo Centric. None of these artists
could have forseen these mergers, and
the corporate gorilla they now work for
and signed to for 5-7 plus LONG years.
Thirdly I urge the gospel music
community, from Black Gospel Promo,
to the leaders of Gospel Industry
Roundup, to Gospel Flava to Gospel
City, The Stellar Awards, The
GMWA,Gospel Today and even the
Bobby Jones Retreat staff to organize
and call a Summit or meeting to discuss the law firm of Walker & Associates,
the serious plight of our industry and get L.L.P.
a game plan to preserve our jobs, our
music and our future.
He has worked with or represented the
Our talented executives are being shown likes of Bobby Jones, Twinkie Clark,
the door, resigning or simply put: no James Hall, Donald Lawrence, Hezekiah
longer in the house to shape, drive and Walker, Yolanda Adams, and many
more. If you have any comments you
control our music.
can email Attorney Walker at:
It is critical that we unite now and call a [email protected]
private, close-door meeting to discuss or visit www.walkerandassoc.com
the state of our industry and how we
can maintain control of our music, the
My Opinion
direction of our industry and the overall
ministry of gospel music as it goes forth.
This is a great subject that needs to be
Admittedly, as one of the most active addressed and discussed. Many artist get
law firms in gospel music, we have had caught up in the performance and enour battles with these labels and tertainment side. Becasue that is what
executives over the decades, but at the they do. Its impossible to wear all of the
end of the day, most of us were pushing hats. Its all about the choices that we
for the preservation, integrity of our make that determines our success or
music, our artists and our gospel industry failure.
and community.
This article is relevant because of the
Look carefully at what happened in hip- many changes that are taking place in
hop: a music from the street with DJs the music industry. Allow me to point
and rap artists selling music out of their out that many trail blazers have never
trunk and maintaining its authenticity and been paid their royalties because many
integrity, now, controlled by artist were persued and signed their
corporations who will allow violence, rights away. Most of this was done bedrugs and material glamorization to cause contracts and agreements were
permeate our black music stations and being signed without being reviewed by
an entertainment attorney.
As a result, our children, instead of
hearing Al Greene and Marvin Gaye, are
given messages of “Get Rich or Die
Trying”, “I’m A Playa”, “It’s All About
the Benjamins’ and “F*** The Police”.
This does not have to be the case, God
has placed many people in position to
provide a service in every aspect of the
entertainment field. There are many
books on the subject as well as conferIf we do not do something now, the risk ences to educate artist when it comes to
is that all consciousness could be lost in owning the rights to their creativity.
our Gospel Music and it will merely be
controlled by big corporate businesses We must use the knowledge that is prowith no intention of saving souls and vided and allow wisdom and not emoChanging Lives or employing people tions control our destiny. A perfect exthat truly live and believe in The Gospel. ample is the article regarding the Barrett
Sisters and their 60 year contribution to
Founder of the Urban Impact Summit gospel music. We must change with the
James L. Walker, Jr. is an attorney with times or be left behind.
Page 19
The 22nd Annual Stellar
Award Winners 2007
Instrumental CD of the Year
Contemporary Group/Duo of the Year
Myron Butler; Set Me Free; EMI
Ramsey Lewis; With One Voice; Narada
CD of the Year
Kirk Franklin; Hero; Fo Yo Soul
Special Event CD of the Year
Donald Lawrence presents The Tri-City
Singers; Finale: Act One; EMI Gospel
Traditional Group/Duo of the Year
Keith Wonderboy Johnson & The
Spiritual Voices; Just Being Me; Verity
Rap/Hip Hop Gospel CD of the Year
Da’ T.R.U.T.H.; Cross Movement
Records Presents... Da’ T.R.U.T.H. ;
Cross Movement Records
Contemporary Male Vocalist of the Year
Tye Tribbett & G.A.; Kingdom
University presents Tye Tribbett & G.A.,
Victory LIVE!; Sony Gospel
Children’s Performance of the Year
Youth For Christ; The Struggle Is Over;
Emtro Gospel
Provided By: Shelle Belle
Nashville, TN — The results of the 22nd
Annual Stellar Awards were announced
on Saturday, January 13, 2007 from the
Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville,
The energized award show was hosted by
Kirk Franklin, Mary Mary and Tye
Tribbett. The awards show was also
highlighted by performances from Kirk
Franklin, Tye Tribbett, Vickie Winans,
Richard Smallwood, The Caravans and
many others. Look for the show to air in
the coming months. Until then, check out
the complete list of the nominees, with the
official winners highlighted in Blue.
Artist of the Year
Donald Lawrence presents The Tri-City
Singers; Finale: Act One; EMI Gospel
Song of the Year (Songwriter; Song;
Isaiah D. Thomas; “I Will Bless The
Lord”; GospoCentric
Choir of the Year
Donald Lawrence presents The Tri-City
Singers; Finale: Act One; EMI Gospel
Producer of the Year
Donald Lawrence; Donald Lawrence
Presents the Tri-City Singers-Finale: Act
One; EMI Gospel
Group Duo of the Year
Myron Butler & Levi; Set Me Free;
EMI Gospel
New Artist of the Year
Myron Butler & Levi; Set Me Free;
EMI Gospel
Male Vocalist of the Year
· Myron Butler; Set Me Free; EMI
Female Vocalist of the Year
Dorinda Clark-Cole; Live From Houston
- The Rose of Gospel; GospoCentric
Traditional Male Vocalist of the Year
Bishop G.E. Patterson; Bishop G.E.
Patterson & Congregation - Singing the
Old Time Way Volume 2; Podium
Contemporary Female Vocalist of the
CeCe Winans; Purified ;
PureSprings Gospel
Traditional Female Vocalist of the
Shirley Caesar; I Know The Truth ; ShuBel Records
Quartet of the Year
Keith Wonderboy Johnson & The
Spiritual Voices; Just Being Me; Verity
Music Video of the Year (artist, song/CD
title, label)
Donald Lawrence presents the Tri City
Singers; Finale: Act One; EMI Gospel
Recorded Music Package of the Year
[art credit / album (artist) / label]
Denise Trotman (art direction and
design); Ronald Cadiz (photography);
An Invitation to Worship (Byron Cage);
Praise and Worship CD of the Year
Contemporary CD of the Year
Donald Lawrence presents The Tri-City
Singers; Finale: Act One; EMI Gospel
Kevin Burroughs Neeley; Fingers of
Fire - Volume 1 ; MTF Records
Traditional CD of the Year
New Life Community Choir featuring
John. P. Kee; The Reunion ; Verity
Urban/ Inspirational Single /
Performance of the Year (Artist; Song;
Tye Tribbett & G.A.; “Victory”; Sony
Traditional Choir of the Year
Hezekiah Walker & LFC; 20/85 - The
Experience; Verity Records
Page 20
Check your local listings
for airing in your area...
We would love to hear from you
Send Feedback and comments to
[email protected]
Evelyn Foxx
Genre: Gospel
Secondary Genre:
5AM Praise
Genre: Gospel
Secondary Genre: Holy Hip Hop
Gospel DUO 5AM PRAISE! Two
biological Sisters on a Mission for
Christ! The swarms of arms lifted up
at their shows testify to their energy
Evelyn allows her voice to be a ves& annointing. They are 5AM Praise
sel for God to use, as she beautiful
and they put the Praise back into
delivers his message through her voPraise & Worship! Gotta listen!
cals and songwriting abilities. As soon
as you listen to her materail you fill
the spirit working through her. Get
ready to be touch through her music!!!
Genre: Contemprary Christian
Secondary Genre: Gospel
Serenity consists of four young ladies.
They are Tameka Thomas, Kira
Allison, Briana Crowder and Jarina
McLain. We are a contemporary
young and energetic group that has a
combination of traditional as well as
a contemporary sound seeking to
minister to the nations.
Joyce Pierce
Genre: Contemporary Christian
Secondary Genre: Singer/
Cecil “:BigC” Ford
Genre: Gospel
Secondary Genre: Urban/R&B
Joyce Pierce’s debut solo effort is an
eclectic offering of spiritual music
with pop, r&b and gospel.
Thomas Sligh & Treasures of
Heart Ministries
Genre: Gospel
Secondary Genre: Contemporary
BigC is a urban gospel artist/
producer who is not afraid to take
the gospel to the streets with music
that will make you dance, and
praise while at the same time being
“fed.” Same message... different
An energetic and diverse “live” Worship and Praise Experience with no
boundaries, in giving God the Glory...
Page 21
I beleive 2007 is going to be a great year
for gospel music. Our goal is to provide
a resource guide to help spread the good
news. The more sites you make your
music available online the greater your
chances are of being discovered. Our
rates are reasonable and affordable. We
offer online distribution as well as
airplay. What more could you ask for?
top of the charts for close to a decade, is
arguably the biggest of the local names.
But others, including Tamela Mann, Fred
Hammond and Beverly Crawford, have
impressive resumes, too.
Get Your Year
Started Off Right
by Getting Rid of the
Now that we are in the second month of
2007, look at what God has already done!
He is truly blessing our socks off with our
brand new site! The readers are coming, our
following is growing and God is blessing.
The challenge now is to stay the course and
not allow any junk to clutter our path. Unlike
some people, already I’m hearing some of
the same things from last year….”I’m tired,”
“I’m busy,” and “I need to make some
money.” Well here’s a thought. Consider
taking care of you this year. Consider not
over loading yourself or trying to attend
every event in fear you will miss something.
What God has for you is for you! Believe
that and know that it is real.
For the past few years it seems like I have
worked non-stop…seriously. However I’ve
learned there’s a big difference between
working non-stop and working smart and
from here on out my hope is to work smarter.
Life is too short to do anything else.
with us and sharing your product and CD’s
to the masses, e-mail our New National
Sales Manager, at [email protected]
To e-mail me directly, you still can reach
me at [email protected] or at
[email protected].
Don’t forget to also check us out at http://
www.myspace.com/thebellereport. We have
a lot of friends and would love to have you
as one too. To join, the key word to
remember is [email protected].
Now go on and have a great day and do
something for you today! Believe it or not,
if you turned your phone off for a few hours,
lets say, on a Saturday morning, the sun
would still rise and the day would still move
forward. Take care of you! No one else can
do it better!
Dallas Becoming
Gospel Haven
Houston, TX — Few would mistake
Dallas for Detroit or Nashville
In the meantime, know that all is well.
Whenever I am out of town, Mojo is well
taken care of in a beautiful little doggie spa.
So don’t worry about him.
Also thank you to EVERYONE and your
feedback on our new site. GLAD you like
it! Now to get on board with advertising
One of the newcomers is Mr. Hammond,
a gospel veteran who called Detroit home
for a quarter century (although he was
born in San Antonio).
The singer moved to the Dallas area in
March 2005 not for his career, he said,
but to improve his spiritual life. He
immediately joined the Potter’s House, led
by Bishop T.D. Jakes, a vocalist and
music leader in his own right.
“I came here first and foremost to get
replenished,” Mr. Hammond said. “You
give out so much in gospel music and
ministry, and you never get a place to
“My whole reason for moving here was
the Potter’s House with Bishop Jakes –
not to be a part of the music ministry or
to be on the praise team, but to sit on the
front row.”
Mr. Hammond, who has a house and
recording studio overlooking Joe Pool
Lake in Cedar Hill, said he knows his
decision to move to Texas was the right
one – but it didn’t come easily. “Atlanta
was where I was headed,” he said. “My
mom lives there. My sister lives there. I
just love the city. But the Lord would
never release me.”
Here at www.thebellereport.net, our new
site, we are excited about what God is doing
and pray that we make some smart moves!
He is growing us. He is giving us vision for
new ideas that we pray will be a blessing to
In the coming weeks, we still have many
more surprises we will be sharing with you
and always welcome your opinion.
Some are natives who never left, despite
opportunities elsewhere for fame, fortune
and awards. Others moved here to be
closer to figures – in music and in the
church – whom they admire.
But the Dallas-Fort Worth area is slowly
becoming more like those cities in one
aspect: A growing number of prominent
black gospel artists call the region home.
Already a haven for megachurches and
their nationally known preachers, North
Texas is developing a vibrant gospel music
Kirk Franklin, who’s been at or near the
Page 22
He said he chose North Texas instead after
turning on the television one day and
seeing Bishop Jakes.
“He just ministered to me,” the singer said.
“And I said that I needed to make a
decision based on the Word. When I got
here, the whole city was what I needed.”
Bil Carpenter, music historian and author
of Uncloudy Days: The Gospel Music
Encyclopedia, said the Dallas area’s rise
as a gospel music center is largely
attributable to one artist: Mr. Franklin, a
three-time Grammy winner whose albums
million in sales,” Mr. Carpenter said.
“Kirk Franklin has almost singlehandedly made Dallas a music center
based on his success.
“Dallas is the new gospel Mecca in the
same way that Detroit was the epicenter
for the Motown sound in the 1960s.”
The 36-year-old singer, who was born and
raised in Fort Worth, now lives in
something said, ‘Move to Dallas.’ I fell in
love with Dallas. My husband fell in love
with the Dallas skyline.” The Crawfords
were at the Potter’s House when Bishop
Jakes preached his first sermon there in
1996. While they continued to live in
Nashville, Tenn., “Dallas never got out
of our spirit,” she said.
Eventually, Bishop Jakes asked her to
perform in the stage version of Woman
Thou Art Loosed. She did, and the couple
soon joined his church and moved to
Texas. Mrs. Crawford signed with Bishop
Jakes’ music label, Dexterity.
Like other artists, he acknowledges that
Dallas has its drawbacks, like a dearth of
major recording studios. Still, he said, it’s
right for him.
She and her husband, a pastor, hope to
move to Florida one day to run their own
church. But for now, North Texas is home.
“It’s accessible,” he said. “People can get
in and out from the airport. Musicians,
backup singers, don’t really mind coming
“A lot of times we don’t understand why
God sends us places, but we go,” she said.
“It’s just Dallas’ time. A lot of people are
coming to Dallas to do their albums ...
because they want people like Kirk and
Fred to produce their albums.”
Mr. Franklin said he’s never seriously
considered relocating.
“I’m at home,” he said. “Why would I
Like Mr. Hammond, for her much of the
draw was a desire to affiliate with Bishop
Jakes and the Potter’s House.
“We had been dealing with Bishop Jakes
on his Woman, Thou Art Loosed
conferences,” she said. “And finally
“Dallas has always had great talent. It’s
kind of the best-kept secret in gospel,”
David Mann said. “It just hasn’t got the
credit that it’s due. You have singers that
haven’t been discovered. You have some
wonderful ministers around there who are
still singing locally.”
His wife added: “There’s a lot of talent
here. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere
FHammond Family
Fred Hammond 25th
Anniversary Tour
Mr. Carpenter, the music historian, agreed
with that assessment, but added that the
abundance of megachurches in the area,
beyond the Potter’s House, is another
attraction for gospel performers.
Those churches – including Oak Cliff
Bible Fellowship, Friendship-West Baptist
Church and others – have become a
proving ground of sorts for artists, much
as Harlem’s Apollo Theater once was, Mr.
Carpenter said.
Florida native Beverly Crawford (left),
who made her name while working with
gospel legend Bobby Jones in the early
1990s, moved here with her husband,
Todd, in 1999.
Franklin’s group the Family, have come
into their own as stars of playwright Tyler
Perry’s touring road productions.
“An artist can go into one of the services
wall-to-wall people, and if they win the
crowd over, they can walk out with
hundreds if not thousands of dollars’ worth
of sales,” he said.
New York, NY — It’s the Fred Hammond
25 th Anniversary Tour with Fred
Hammond, Kenny Lattimore, Chante
Moore and comedian Jonathan Slocumb.
The tour will kick off March 13th and run
through April 29 th . Don’t miss your
chance to be apart of this tour as well.
For information on hosting a show in your
city, call 972-293-2885.
“A tour of megachurches is a part of every
major gospel artist’s promo campaign.
And no city seems to have more
megachurches than Dallas.”
Another duo with roots in North Texas is
the husband-and-wife singing team of
David and Tamela Mann. They live in Fort
Worth, where they spent time growing up.
The Manns, former members of Mr.
Page 23
For a location near you visit us online
Provided By
Attorney Jospeh Smalls
As we continue to thank God for
allowing us to see another year let us
remember to pray for the entire gospel
music industry. It is the prayer of
Gloryland Gospel that each and every
artist presented throughout this year,
and who continue to proclaim the Word
of our Lord and Savior in song, will
sincerely seek God in every action
throughout the year. Below you will
find the latest in Gospel Quartet
Industry News.
Two thousand six was a great year for
gospel quartet music. You, the fans of
this genre, did your part by buying the
CDs and DVDs, by attending the
concerts, and by encouraging others to
join the growing number of gospel
quartet fans. Yes, we said “growing
numbers.” The growth may be slow,
but it is steady. There were many
conventions, banquets, and gathering
of quarteters during the year. In some
areas of the country, like Virginia for
instance, quarteters held their first
gospel awards program. More groups
are now being exposed to the world
through the effective use of the World
Wide Web.
Also in 2006, a new label came on the
scene, Low Rush Music, LLC. In a very
short time this label has established itself
as a major player in the Gospel Quartet
Music Genre. Keep an eye on this label
for some exciting releases in 2007. The
Gospel Incredibles recently joined this
So, we expect 2007 to be an even better
year for traditional gospel music. We
encourage you to do whatever you can
to aid in the growth of the number of
fans for Gospel Quartet Music.There
are many good gospel quartet CDs that
deserve to be in our Top 15. It was
becoming increasingly difficult to
“select” just 15 CDs. Therefore, we
have decided to expand the Top 15 to
the Top 20. By visiting the Top 20 Chart
page you will see that five groups have
returned to the Chart.
During this month, Malaco will release
a new CD on one of the most exciting
young Gospel Quartet Groups in the
nation, True Believers. Malaco
currently plans to release eight (8)
newly recorded full length Gospel
Quarter CD’s this year, including music
from The Pilgram Jubilees. The
Sensational Nightengales and The
Jackson Sisters. There will also be a
compilation CD that will contain
selected tracks taken from all of the full
length releases.
Malaco is scheduled to release a new
CD on Spencer Taylor and The
Highway QC’s on February 6,, 2007.
The yet to be titled CD was produced
Gospel quartet presence on the Internet by Darrell Luster of The Sensational
really mushroomed during 2006. Some Nightingales.
of the new websites are Gospel
Quartets USA, Mississippi Gospel By the way, Malaco should be ready to
Quartets, Tennessee Gospel Quartets, release the new recording on Slim and
Gospel Swap, Gospel Synergy The Supreme Angels the first quartet
Magazine and Dream Reality Records. of this year. Also, we have been
And many groups made the decision informed that Malaco intends to
to join the World Wide Web with their increase their roster of gospel quartet
artists.So, expect many gospel quartet
own websites.
Page 24
releases from Malaco this year.
Jay Caldwell & The Gospel
Ambassadors have a new CD. It is a
live recording titled Two Men Follow
Me. The project is on the R. T. G. label.
This label is own and operated by Dean
Shumpert Watts. The CD was recorded
at The Baby Grand Theater in
Wilmington, Delaware. It is not
scheduled to be release until February
2007. However, we have heard the
entire CD and it is one of The
Ambassadors’ best recording to date.
To order your advance copy of the CD
visit www.deaconwatts.com.
Deacon Watts is also working with a
group know as Junior Angels. There
2006 release is titled Blessed. Expect
to hear more about this group. We like
their CD. It should be the subject of a
review by Gloryland Gospel during
Congratulations to the Quartet
Winners of the 2007 Stellar Awards!
Traditional Group/Duo of the Year
Quartet of the Year
Keith Wonderboy Johnson & the
Spiritual Voices - Just Being Me
Verity Records
Traditional Vocalist of the Year
Shirley Caesar - I Know The Truth
Shu-Bel Records
Concerts, Seminars
& Events - 2007
February 16-18, 2007
“In His Presence Conference”
Gateway Convention Center
Collinsville, IL
15 min from downtown
St. Louis, MO
Contact Information
LBD Ministries
info@[email protected]
Visit our website
March 11, 2007
May 24-27, 2007
Delois Barrett Campbell
& The Barrett Sisters
Birthday Celebration
3pm Sharp
First Church of Deliverance
4317 S.Wabash
Chicago, IL
Host Pastor
Rev. Otto Houston
Free Will
Guest Artist
Arthur Sutton
and the Gift of Praise
The Southern California
Gospel Announcer’s Guild
West Coast Conference
Memorial Day Weekend
Rooms for only $109.00 per night.
Call the hotel direct 310-649-1776
Contact Info:
[email protected]
Coming This Spring 2007
Gospel Synergy Magazine
314-381-4512 or 314-443-4512
In Theaters
This Valentine Day
Tyler Perry’s
Daddy’s Little Girls
First Annual Event
currently in rotation
Dr. Willetta Green - Johnson
and Journey Song Artist
Artists featured on
Feb 28 - March 3, 2007
Artist Provided by Gospel Swap
Gospel Heritage
March 29-3,1 2007
2007 Praise & Worship Conference
Power, Passion & Purpose
Washington, D.C. Conventions
Bishop T.D. Jakes Presents
The Men’s Conference & Retreat
Bishop T.D. Jakes, Dr. Myles Monroe, Dr. I. V. Hillard, Dr. Jessie
Duplantis, Dr. William D. Watley
Space Is Limited
Register Now
Page 25
For More Information
or register
Time - Date - Place
We are in the planning stage
Please Call
www.GospelPower.fm Playlist... On Air Now!
The Best independent gospel music online supporting independent gospel everywhere...
Jacquelene Peters
1. Your Love Has Proven
2. When You’ve Been Blessed Patti LaBelle
3. What A Wonderful World The Barrett Sisters
Thomas Jones
4. Remember Me
Dynese Stuart/E Pugh
5. So Much
Da Truth
6. Go
Judith McCallister
7. Bless The Lord
Jacquelene Peters
8. I Want To Love You
9. Clap Your Hands
Adrianne Archie
10.What A Fellowship
Michael Mindingall
11. Sing Unto The Lord
Youthful Praise
12 You Are So Awesome
Donald Lawrence
13. Encourage Yourself
Kelly Price
14. God Is Faithful
McClirkin Project
15.Hallelujah Chorus
Kirk Franklin
16.Lookin Fo U
17.Don’t Forget To Remember L.Hathaway/R. Lewis
Bishop G. E. Patterson
18. Prayer
The Barrett Sisters
19. Jesus Will
Sara Remer
20. You’re All I Need
Mamon & Mamon
21. I Won’t Complain
Malcolm Williams & GF
22. Renew Me
Mark Holley
23. He’ll Bring
Marcy Norman/Ekklisia
24. Sing Praises
Patrice Wilson
25. You Care For Me
Kenny Lattimore
26. I Give You My Praise
Higher Ground
27. Shout
Elizabethtown CC
28. Enter His Gates
Harvey Watkins
29. You Brought It
Youthful Praise
30. Incredible God
Marvin Sapp
31. Do You Know Him
Tim Bowman
32. Glory To Glory
Tim Solomon
33. Just As I Am
Stephen Hurd
34.Great Praise
James Fortune
35.My Dance
36.Fail U
Coko/Faith Evans
37. Endow Me
Karli Bonne
38. Love Is
Kevin Vasser
39. One Touch
New Direction
40. I Came To Jesus
Desmond Pringle
41. Holiness Is Right
Bishop Yvette Flunder
42. I Will Give You Rest
43. Let Go
Octavia Harris
44. Make You A Star
Journey Song
45. Just Because Your God
46.All Things Working
48.It’s Been Revealed
49.He Was There
50.Made It
51.Christ Is All
52.You Ain’t Got Nothin
53. I Need Thee
54. Let It Shine
55. All Things
56. Right Now Praise
57. Be Blessed
58. Right Now
59. I Can’t Give Up
60. Lift Him Up
62. Abundant Life
63. So Good To Be Me
64.Right Now Praise
65. Jubilation
66. I Get My Praise On
67. Pay Day
68. Have You Heard
69. And We Worship
70. You Brought The Sunshine
71. Blessed Assurance
72. Celebrate
73. Higher Reprise
74. Next Voice You Hear
75. I’m Yours
76. Whose Side
77. Secret Place
78 Worship Call
79. Only You
80. Happy
81. Made A Difference
82. Greater Is He
83. Hurting Woman
84. Operator
85. He Will Deliver
86. We Lift Our Hands
87. A Song of Adoration
88. Nothing Without You
89. I Didn’t Mean To
90. For Every Mountain
LaShaun Pace
Karen Mire
Twinkie Clark
Kirk Whalum
Sonya LaChelle
Deacon Ezra Williams
Son’s Of Jerusalem
Valerie Woodard
Ambassodors For Change
Bishop Paul Morton
Deacon Ezra Williams
Dr. C. W. Wallace
Ron Kenoly
Rev. Oscar Hayes & ALF
Tyrone Birkett
Vanessa Bell Armstrong
Ambassadors For Change
Todd Rasean
The Cathedral Choir
The Turner Brothers
E. J. Johnson
Joshua’s Generation
Clark Sisters
Jeff Majors
Hezekiah Walker
Shekinah Glory
Fred Martin
Darnell Davis & Remnant
Robert Houston & T. D.
Kathryn Riggins
Dr. Willette G. Johnson
Steve Perriloux
In A Way
Julia Ann Gardner
Jana long
F.Evans/Shirley Caesar
J. Moss
Tracy Roberson
Mel Holder
Apostle Donald Alford
Karen Clark Sheard
Pennal Johnson
Dr W.G Johnson
Playing The Best Independent Gospel Music On Line
Download your favorite song online www.gospelswap.com today!
Supporting Independent Gospel Artists Worldwide! All Songs available online at www.gospelswap.com
Page 26
Listen to www.gospelpower.fm
For The Best
Independent Gospel Music Online
New Singles
New Singles
1. Ambassadors For Change - Right Now Praise
2. Pat Lewis - Give them the Flowers
3. William Hymes - Faithful
4. Chaos In Heavenly Places-Changes Long Over Due
5. Kam - Because He Lives
6. Valerie Woodward - All Things
7. Karen Mire - Lord You Know My Heart
8. Thomas Jones - Remember Me - Jazz
9. Mel Holder - Glory To Glory
10. Mel Holder - Holy Is The Lamb
11. Sons Of Jerusalem - Let It Shine
12 Maurice the Group - It’s Been Revealed
13. Ambassadors For Change - Trust Jesus
14. Mamon & Mamon - He’s Just A Prayer Away
15. Tracy Roberson - All I Need
16. Dr. Wiletta Greene-Johnson - For Every Mountain
17. The Barrett Sisters -Wonderful World
18. Sonya LaChelle - I Will Not Quit
19. Available - Lisa Scott- Bailey
20. I Need Thee - Deacon Ezra Williams & Predestined Praise
New Addition CD
New Additions CD’s
1. Ambassadors For Change - A Healing Is For You
2. Pat Lewis - Give them the Flowers
3. William Hymes - November Songs
4. Chaos In Heavenly Places - Soundtrack
5. Kam - I Am That I Am
6. Valerie Woodard - Relationships
7. Karen Mire - The Fountain
8. Thomas Jones - You’re The One For Me -Jazz
9. Mel Holder - Now and Forever
10. Mel Holder - A Gift So Special
11. Sons Of Jerusalem - I’m Going To Tell Jesus
12 Maurice the Group -I’m So Glad I’m Saved
13. Ambassadors For Change - Healing Is For You
14. Mamon & Mamon - The End Time
15. Tracy Roberson - What Do You Believe
16. Dr. Willetta Greene-Johnson - The Celebration Project
17. Sonya Lachelle - You Ain’t Got Nothin
18. The Best of The Barrett Sisters - The Barrett Siters
19. Lisa Scott-Bailey - How Excellent - New
20. There’s A Cross - Dea Ezra Williams & Predestined Praise
www.gospelswap.com once
you enter click search
music type in artist name
or song title and listen to
2 minute sound Clips
before you purchase your favorite track for $.99.
1 Right Now - Deacon Ezra Williams & Predestined Praise
2. Mary Courtney - The Most High God
3. In A Way -Happy 4. Charles Green - Fly Away
5. K.W. A. - He Was There
6. Blood Bought P. I. F. - American Idol
7. Paulette Triplett - The Place
8. More Than Conquerors - We Ain’t Play’n
9. Rev. Dr. R. Singlelary, P. Beasley, Rev. J. Wooden &
Louis Jones - Fly High
10. Darrell Alexander - Free Indeed
11. Minister Greg Harris - Just A Little Talk with Jesus
12. Simply Phia - Joined Together
13. Nat Brown -Wonderful
14. Prenestine Williams Porter - It’s time To Pray
15. Victory Christian Assembly Mass Choir - Over & Over
16. Chris O’Neal - I Need you Lord
17. The Bardby Girls - Rain On Me
18. Lady Peachena - Stay In The Will of God
19. Phillip Carter and SOV - Have Faith
20. Mark Caston & Just For Christ Chorle
1. Touch Me Lord - Dea Ezra Williams & Predestined Praise
2. Mary Courtney - He’s Leading The Way
3. In A Way - Friend 18:24
4. Charles Green - Bring Your Troubles To The Lord
5. K. W. A. - A New Heart
6. Blood Bouught P. I. F.- Shake Down: The Truth Unveiled
7. Paulette Triplett - The Place
8. More Than Conquerors - His Season Our Time
9. Rev. Dr. R. Singlelary, P. Peasley, Rev. J. Wooden & Louis
Jones - The Church Is “Flying High”
10. Darrell Alexandre - Praise Your Pains Away
11. Minister Greg Harris Minister Greg Harris Live
12. Simply Phia - Simply Phia
13 Nat Brown - Family Album of Praise
14. Prenestine Williams Porter - Appointed for Praise
15. Victory Christian Assembly Mass Choir - Victorious Living
16. Chris O’Neal - Got Praise
17. The Bradby Girls - Expecting A Blessing
18. Lady Peachena - The Bishop’s Daughter
19. Phillip Carter and SOV - The Journey Continues
20. Mark Caston & Just For Christ Chorale - He Did It All
Visit us online today www.gospelswap.com
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Listen To www.gospelpower.fm
For The Best
Independent Gospel Music Online
New Singles
1. Kathryn Riggins - Secret Place
2. Minister Ronald J. Materre - Amazing Grace
3. Women of Integrity - Trouble
4. Clarria Smith - Yes, Lord I’ll Follow Thee
5. Theola Booker & Friends - I Need Your Blessing
6. CCJM - Delivered
7. Pilgrim Rest Dallas - Church Medley
8. Ledoria - Reborn
9. Cathy Townsend - Soon I Will Be Done
10. Dr. Willette Green-Johnson - Give It To Jesus
11. Bishop Joe Simon - Lay My Burden Down
12 Sam Hofer - Lethal Action
13. Sam Hofer - The Battle Is The Lord
14. Sister Maxine West - Lord Will Make Away
15. Danioelle Nightingale - Holy One
16. Denise Wolford - Inage of God
17. Michael Ford & New Joy - No Compromise
18. Charle Green - Fly Away
19. Minister Gerry Grant - We’ve Got To Believe
20. Masterpiece Compilation - It’s Worked Out (D.Coley)
New CD Additions
1. Kathryn Riggins - Give Him The Praise
2. Minister Ronald J. Materre - Look At God
3. Women of Integrity - God Is Good
4. Clarria Smith - God Has Got Your Back
5. Theola Booker & Friends - Self Titled
6. CCJM - What A Friend
7. Pilgrim Rest Dallas WFAM - A Live Experience
8. Ledoria - Heaven’s Callin’
9. Cathy Townsend - RE-Born RE- Juvanating RE-Joicing
10. Dr. Willette Green-Johnson - Adore
11. Bishop Joe Simon - Time to Change
12. Sam Hofer - Imagination Station
13 Sam Hofer - Whitestone
14. Maxine West - Sister Maxine West
15. Denise Wolford - When Your # Comes
16. Minister Gerry Grant - Jesus Has Kept Me
17. Rev. Charlie Wells & The Voices of Couds - I Love You
18. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Heaven
19. Lonnie McNamee - The Compilation Masterpiece
20. Get you CD Listed Here... Join Today!
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you enter click search
music type in artist name
or song title and listen to
2 minute sound Clips
before you purchase your favorite track for $.99.
Top Clips Played
1. Dr. Margaret Douroux - The Glow of Glory
2. Dr. Margaret Douroux - Thank You
3. Dr. Margaret Douroux - Already Done
4. Arthur Sutton & Gift of Praise - In This Place
5. Joe Sharkey - If It Had Not Been
6. Pilgrim Rest - Created For Worship
7. Pilgram Rest - Church Medley
8. Ronald J Matterre - Amazing Grace
9. Lady Peachena - Lord Save Our Young Men
10. Witness For Christ - Are You Ready
11. O Lord Is It I - Nat M. Brown Productions
12. Thank You - Minstrel
13. Since I Met Jesus -The Voices of Progressive
14. All Of God’s People - MAMON and MAMON
15 Deliverance Is On The Way-God Will Deliver
16. Church House Rap - KAE DJ Publishing
17. Jesus Is Real - Unity In The Spirit Chorale
18. Simply Serene - Karli Bonne
19. Center Of My Joy - St. Monica
20. Angel Without Wings - Karli Bonne
Editor Choice
1. Portia Young - When I Come Into Your Presence
2. Rev. William Crook - Possessed By His Love
3. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Devotion
4. To Be Faithful - Betty Lester
5. Willette Green Johnson - Adore
6. The 411- Can’t Nobody
7. Secret Place - Kathy Riggins
8. Jesus - Arthur Sutton and The Gift of Praise
9. What A Friend - C.C. M. J.
10. Over & Over - Victory Christian Assembly Mass Choir
11. Grateful - Zi’el
12. Where There’s A Will There’s A Way - Maxine West
13 Can’t Nobody - Women of Integrity
14. God Has Got Your Back - Clarissa Smith
15. Since Jesus - Cathy Townsend
16. Lay My Burden Down - Bishop Joe Simon
17. Dr. Jesus - Elder Charles Scott
18. Never Alone - Jason Allen and The Family
19. It’s Your Season - Van D. Roberson
20. I Heard The Angels Singing - Rev. Charlie Wells and the
Clouds of Joy
Page 28
Free Membership
Three Powerful Women of God - Three Different Styles -With A Message In Their Music
Praise & Worship Gospel Jazz
Christian Contemporary
Traditional Gospel
This is a must have CD to add to your
collection for the New Year as
Jacquelene Dyles-Peters miniters in
song. Her style is unique which she call
Gospel Jazz Praise and Worship. “Your
Love Has Proven To Me” has maintained a rating of 10 star for 25 weeks
since being added to rotation on
Chicago’s #1 Internet Gospel Station
www.gospelpower.fm “Where we play
the best mix of gospel music online.”
Since being added to the rotation in
November Christian Contemporary
Artist Karen Mire has 3 songs that have
been rated 6 stars. This is a great
project all songs were written by Karen
and was produecd by William Hymes.
After the 9/11 tragedy, Julia Ann was
inspired to write the songs for her debut record “Messages” The songs
“Spirit of America” and “Always Remember” were compased as the search
for survivors and victims at the World
Trade Center site. Ms. Gardner feels
that this was a time when all America
joined together in pain and sorrow but
was united in spirit. The hope of Ms.
Gardner is that every listener will also
be inspired to live theuir dreams, find
their purpose in life, work and rejoice
in the giving of joy and happiness to
others. For it is truly up to each one of
us to rise up and make a difference in
the world.
1. Who Am !?
2. I Am Anchored In You
3. You Have Kept Your Word
4. I Give You Worship
5. I Lay It All Down In Worship
6. Overwhelmed
7. Your Love Has ProvenTo Me
8. Watching Your Glory
9. You Are Greater
10. The Angets Cry Holy
11. I Want To Love You
12. I’m Walking In Gods Total Confidence
This fourteen song project will bless
you as Karen shares her ministry in
The Fountain
1. What I Need
2. In Him
3. Sanctified
4. Live In Me
5. Surrender
6. Made To Worship
7. Magnificent Worship
8. The Fountain
9. I Will Praise You
10. No Weapon
11. Lord you Know My Heart
12. It’s Only your Glory
13. It’s Not Enough
14. Invisible Girl
1. Made A Difference
2. The Blood
3. Risw
4. Until I’m What
5. Take time
6. Let It Go
7. Spirit of America
8. Always Remember
Currently In Rotation on Chicago’s #1 Internet Gospel Station
Download your Favorite Song for $.99 online at the all new Gospel Swap
Become A Subscriber and download (50 songs) for $19.99 per month
Details Available Online!