A portrait of the - Notre Dame School


A portrait of the - Notre Dame School
327 West 13th Street
New York, NY 10014
Notre Dame School
of Manhattan
AnnuAl RepoRt 2014-2015
A portrait of the
Notre Dame School
of Manhattan
The Creative Process
Chez Nous
erceiving the world through art brings life and color to the
school community at Notre Dame. Art enriches each of
our students and it centers around the fourth floor art studio
at Notre Dame School in the Village, a place known all over the
world as a center of artistic expression. Art is deep within the
bones and vibrations of the neighborhood where Notre Dame
students go to school each day.
Art at Notre Dame came to life with a vision of the Altman
Foundation working in collaboration with ND’s first president,
Sr. Mary Dolan, S.U. in 2005. Together, they built a light filled art
studio on the top floor of the building and shaped a curriculum
that year after year, brings out the artist in each student. No
matter what course of study they decide to pursue after high
school, all our young women experience the creative process
and discover how it may be applied to their lives and their life’s
work. Art teacher, Katie Walters introduces her students to the
steps of making art and opens them up to the larger ideas and
possibilities of what art can do. That it can be a tool of social
justice…even transform the world around us.
Ms. Walters, has been known to say, “The artist is not a special
kind of person, but every person is a special kind of artist.”*
This expression beautifully fits the approach to art at Notre
Dame School. Each ninth grader takes an intro to studio art
class and then, may choose to enroll in increasingly higher level
art classes through all four years of high school.
on tHe CoVeR
Notre Dame’s newest neighbor, The Whitney Museum of American Art opened a few blocks from
the school last May and is infusing the entire school community with a new buzz of inspiration.
Ms. Walters, has
been known to say,
“the artist is not
a special kind of
person, but every
person is a special
kind of artist.” *
*The artist is not a special kind of man,
but every man is a special kind of
artist. (from Christianity and the
Machine Age, 1940)
—Eric Gill (1882-1940) was a well
known British sculptor, engraver,
typographer, painter and artist.
He was also a religious and social
philosopher for whom life was more
than art, because it was the highest
art, the art of being human.
letter from the president
Fall 2015
Dear Friends,
This academic year we are focusing
on one line in particular from our
mission statement. “The rich cultural,
racial, and ethnic mosaic of Notre
Dame’s community and its urban
location enhance global awareness.” Often,
visitors to Notre Dame remark that the
diversity of our students makes our school
a little United Nations.
We are truly blessed by this richness. Just a
few weeks ago, in his address to the United
Nations, Pope Francis reminded us of the
value of all people when he stated, “Every
creature, particularly a living creature, has
an intrinsic value, in its existence, its beauty
and its interdependence with other creatures.”
It is in this spirit that we embark on a new
academic year.
As you review the pages of our Annual
Report 2014-2015 you will meet a small
sample of our student artists whose works
explore their cultural identity, the role of
women, acceptance of individual differences,
and appreciation of the beauty of our planet
Earth. You may also notice how blessed we
are that we can visit and explore the High
Line and the Whitney Museum, both located
down the block from Notre Dame School.
Indeed, New York City has become our campus.
Our mission of education, in the
spirit of Anne de Xainctonge, is
possible because of your generous
contributions to our Annual Fund.
We rely on the Annual Fund to
close the gap between our tuition and the
actual cost to educate each girl. Due to your
generosity our students excel academically.
We are proud to include in this report the
college acceptances of the Class of 2015
as an example of some of our students’
academic achievements.
As you read through the Annual Report, I hope
you realize that we could never have such
a wonderful school without your financial
support and your prayers. Please know that
I am ever grateful for such generous support
from our benefactors who allow us to excel.
If you have not joined us yet, please make a
commitment to become one of our financial
supporters. Your contributions will make a
direct, positive impact in our students’ lives.
Together, let us collaborate in our mission
of education so that our girls become
“women for others” who live Gospel values.
We depend on your generosity so we can
continue to thrive as an independent school.
We are Chez Nous. Are you?
Dr. Virginia O’Brien, SU
letter from the principal
Annual Fund overview and Highlights
Fall 2015
Dear Friends,
The pages of Notre Dame’s Annual
Report invite you to view the works
and hear the voices of our student
artists. Guided by ND’s incomparable
art teacher, Ms. Katie Walters, these
promising young women have learned
to create pieces that are personally meaningful and aesthetically accomplished.
Whether they go on to work in the arts or
not, what they have learned in their studio
classes Chez Nous has prepared them for
college-level critical thinking and expression.
At Notre Dame our respect for the artistic
process extends beyond one department.
In fact, we consider the teaching of any
subject to be an art. Our teachers don’t
read from one script. They come from a
range of academic and professional preparation programs. They possess a variety of
instructional techniques, and each has a
style his or her own. What they have in
common is a passion for their subjects, a
dedication to their craft, and a devotion to
their students.
Learning is also an art Chez
Nous. Our students, like students
everywhere, learn to take notes,
solve problems, read complex
texts, and write critical essays.
But ND students are also asked
to wonder, to explore, and to experiment.
They may find themselves in front of the
classroom, as well-prepared experts on a
topic, leading a discussion. They are asked to
assume active roles in their own learning.
Their education is never static or routine—
it is vibrant, engaging, and artful.
On behalf of all the artists in our building,
teachers and students alike, I’d like to thank
our patrons, the givers to our Annual Fund.
It is your support that makes the creative
energy of our school possible. Because of
your generosity, we can offer this unique
kind of education to young women who
might not be able to afford it otherwise.
So, please, take a bow! And I hope you will
consider an encore contribution.
With gratitude,
Jaclyn Brilliant
September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2015
Gifts to the Annual Fund go directly toward
the education of our promising Notre
Dame students. The Fund helps bridge the
gap between the cost of educating each
girl, and the tuition paid. It also allows us to
enhance the curriculum, provide the latest
technology, offer professional development
for our teachers, and maintain our fine
We at Notre Dame are grateful to our
generous donors who have helped us to
reach new goals, contributing record
support in the past year.
Some highlights include the following:
Despite the continually challenging
economic climate, contributions to the
Annual Fund have remained strong,
with over $1,000,000 in donations.
Foundation support continued to
play a pivotal role, with over
$385,000 contributed.
Through its Scholarship Fund, Alumnae
Sisters and ND Partners Program,
Notre Dame was able to
provide scholarship and financial
assistance to students who
demonstrated need.
Annual Fund support comes from the
entire Notre Dame community,
including alumnae, parents, trustees,
alumnae parents, friends, foundations
and corporate matching gifts.
We are Chez Nous
ND students on a sketching trip to the High Line.
Art Around the School
ouR MiSSion
Notre Dame School of Manhattan offers a Catholic education for young women
in the tradition of Anne de Xainctonge. Inspired by this 17th Century pioneer in
women’s education, Notre Dame promotes academic excellence for girls, an
awareness of God in their lives and engagement in the world around them.
At Notre Dame in the 21st Century, the school’s small, nurturing environment
encourages each student to be open to personal and intellectual growth.
The rich cultural, racial and ethnic mosaic of Notre Dame’s community and its
urban location enhance global awareness. A challenging curriculum prepares
talented young women for college and for lives of leadership and service.
SCHool pRoFile
Class Size
28 Students
Chartered by University
of the State of New York
Accredited by Middle States
Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools
Provisional Member NYSAIS
New York State Association of
Independent Schools
Member National Catholic
Education Association
Students come from over 90
elementary and middle schools in
the New York metropolitan area.
no ndiscriminator y polic y as to S tudents
It shall be the policy of the Corporation to admit students of any race, color, national or
ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally available to
students at the school, and not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or
ethnic origin in the administration of the education policies and programs of the school.
Like a Greenwich Village gallery, Notre Dame frames and displays student
work throughout the building bringing creativity and color into the everyday
experience of walking through the halls and stairways.
2014-2015 Gift Club Members
The Notre Dame Annual Fund offers several Gift Club opportunities.
We are very grateful to our gift club members for their generous donations.
Anne de Xainctonge Associates
$25,000 or more
the Honor Society
Cardinal’s Scholarship Program
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Carson
Cornelia Connelly Center for Education
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Dolan
Sarita Kenedy East Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Nathalie Frank ’35†
Marina Medina & Dr. Marilu Maria D. Galvan
Scholarship Program
Estate of Mrs. Jane Anne Gavaghan,
Marygrove ’46†
Inner City Scholarship Fund and
the Partnership for Inner City Education
Ms. Joanne Burns
Br. Brian Carty, F.S.C.
Ms. Joan Clark
Louis Gerstner, Jr. Foundation
Mr. Gael Hugo Gremaud
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Lacaze
Parutta Leeyawanich ’88
Antoinette LeQuire-Schott ’59
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Milot
Mary O’Connell ’75
Ms. Julia Pilcer
Mr. Antoine Roy
Washington Square War Veterans, Inc.
Mother Genevieve Guild
Brooklyn Benevolent Society
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Columbia
Columbus Citizens Foundation
Patricia Cullen ’73
The Y.A. Istel Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Ann Lopez
Ms. Mary Ellen O’Brien
Dr. Grace C. Pilcer
Mr. Arthur Strehle
Carolyn Wahlig Szostek ’65
Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund
president’s Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Colby
trustees’ Circle
Chez Nous Circle
Credit Suisse Americas Foundation
Jane Chen Firester ’88
The Joseph Horvath Memorial Scholarship
Mr. Richard A. Norton
Agnes McComiskey Quinn ’61
Norma Moglia Reidy ’77
Ms. Elizabeth Roth
St. Joseph School of Yorkville
Barbara Rowbo Seymour ’77
Dr. David Stuhr
Alexandra Rynczak Teper ’81
Tri-State Italian American Congress
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vecchio
Friends of Nick Foundation
Mary Burke Heyman ’55
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Houlihan
Sisters of St. Ursula
principal’s Circle
1912 Club
Ms. Kathleen A. Baum
Kathleen Dunne Carberry ’69
Elsie, Ubaldo and Vivian Cardia Fund
Dr. Mariann Drago Casarella ’67
Estate of Thomas P. Coffey
Patricia DiTolla ’62
Jane Clifton Dockery ’61
Brigid Frey Dzierzanowski ’74
Ms. Laureen Fredella
Mr. & Mrs. William Haddad
Barbara Haggerty ’78
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Hayakawa
Hunts Point Alliance
Mr. James C. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Knapp
Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Leonard
Edith Dalton Marinucci ‘56
M. Holt Massey Charitable Trust
Mary Ellen Masterson McGary ’66
Elizabeth McGuckin ’80
Thelma Milliken Negley ’66
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nicholson
Mr. Vincent O’Brien
Ms. Gloria Picariello
Stephanie Pinto ’62
Mr. & Mrs. John Raslowsky
Mrs. Jack Richlin
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Sciscent
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Sikula
Siobhan Sinnott ’80
Mr. & Mrs. John Spollen
Lisa White ’71
Xavier Jesuit Community
Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Betancourt
Mr. Alfred Bozzuffi
Breakthrough New York
Ms. Jaclyn Brilliant & Mr. Anthony Jenks
Dawn Tennant Calabia ’58
Barbara Nesbitt Cautero ’51
Patricia Connelly ’61
Mr. & Mrs. John Conroy
Felicia DiSalvo ’87
Mr. Daniel Dougherty
Futures in Education
Ms. Jeanne Gallagher
Mary Ann Paszkiewicz Gordon ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Halloran
Nancy McNamara Haney ’58
Suzanne Augresani Katz ’84
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Lacqua
Mr. & Mrs. Kostantinos Mallas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarry
Barbara McInerney McGovern ’70
Jeanine Ramos Monteiro ’84
Mr. & Mrs. Yeong Oh
Maria Cristina Rodriguez O’Neill ’68
Theresa Veltri Paccione ’69
Karabelle Lastique Pizzigati ’67†
Arlene Deninger Prendergast ’60
Ms. Donna Provenzano
Suzanne Drucker Robotham ’68
Kathleen Koppinger Rowe ’63
Elizabeth Hofmann Salazer ’83
Chrystia Slywotzky ’72
Virginia Williams Suttell ’48
Mr. Tom Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Valonis
Patricia Hughes Villacorta ’42
Penny Puza Weber ’67
† deceased
S E n i o R A R T Co n C E n T R AT i o n
SARA BEniTEz ’15
With an honest voice Sara Benitez investigated
the complexity of her cultural identity. What
originally started as a desire to paint an image
of the Virgin of Guadalupe, turned into a desire
to show her journey of growing up in the two
different cultures of Mexico and the United
States of America. Sara shows us various aspects
of her culture through a variety of mediums
and compositions.
Throughout Sara’s concentration she takes the
viewer into actual moments she remembers,
or feelings that she has had. She focuses on
the experience of leaving one’s homeland
and the burden of taking care of the ones
that you love amidst outside pressures.
Her art fluctuates from showing stereotypes, to showing her feelings about
the stereotypes. She courageously
explores her journey growing
up and the way that it has shaped
who she is today.
The last image of her concentration
shows a little Mexican girl erasing
her accent on a school chalk board.
Sara described this image with
nuanced feelings, saying that at the time
she felt proud to lose her accent, knowing
that she had learned the correct lesson,
but looking back on her younger self she
contemplates her identity and what she
has actually gained and lost.
2014-2015 Gift Club Members
Crown & Anchor Club
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Abad
Rosana Gonzalez Agostini ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Amaxas
Mrs. Catharine Anagnost, Marygrove ’46
Jennifer McCabe Anderson ’91
Mr. & Mrs. Andres Andino
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Angelo
Angelina Arlia ’92
Eileen Armieri ’78
Nora Perez Arvidsson ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Balik
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Battle
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Baum
Rev. Vincent Biagi, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Bianco
Mrs. Frances Cestone Birmingham
Ms. Mary Kate Blaine
Kathleen MacElroy Blank ’44
Rev. Kenneth Boller, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Borghesan
Monique Sulle Bowen ’90
Mary Catherine Sheldrick Boyle ’64
Mr. & Mrs. Neil D. Bradley
Maureen Brophy ’55
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brucaliere
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Butler
Aimee Chaplain ’96
Noreen Coady-Navin ’76
Nancy Breen Coey ’61
Adrianne Hopper Comerford ’82
Edwina Morgan Conrad ’55
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Corrigan
Mr. Anthony Costantini
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Cruz
Mr. & Mrs. James Cuddihy
Helen Cerna Dajer ’53
Ms. Carol Jeanne Dale
Rose Gallagher Dale ’44†
Patricia Connors Daver ’60
Janet Molloy Degen ’64
Mary Susan King Delahunty ’61
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Delulio
Carol Gose DeVine ’66
Rosemary DeNatale Dineen ’73
Felicia DiSalvo ’87
Deborah Divorl ’75
Jane Simpson Dolan ’81
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Duffy
Lilian Migliorini Evans ’84
Brenda Ewald ’60
Maureen Flaherty ’68
Jean Ann Hoban Flynn ’61
Mr. & Mrs. James Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Franz
Mr. & Mrs. Sandro Frasca
Mary Jane Drucker Gabbay ’63
Lisa Galeano ’88
Dr. Marilu Maria D. Galvan
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Gemelli
Ellen Beitz Geraghty ’68
Muriel Flynn Gonzalez ’70
Elizabeth Morales Gregg ’66
Christina Terminelle Harley ’77
Dr. William A. Healy, Jr.
Victoria Hernandez ’70
Patricia Aloma Hicks ’63
Christine P. Hillenbrand ’73
Mr. James Hillman
Rita Ryan Holland ’80
Sheila Lewis Houde ’54
Patricia Cook Hult ’60
Josephine Mary Lawlor Jamieson ’85
Ms. Ann V. Kane
Patricia Sheehan Kirwan ’60
Moira Gleason Kowal ’77
Jeanine Schupbach Larkin ’79
Ms. Joan Lavella & Mr. Al Corkett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Licciardi
Catherine Vadasz Licitra ’91
Mr. Michael Long
Dr. Patricia Maier ’75
Mr. & Mrs. John Malcaus
Josephine Martinez ’06
Ann Masterson ’72
Jane Masterson ’64
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Matos
Jean Cody McCall ’93
Kathleen Powell McClearn ’75
Alice McGillion ’68
Rosemarie McGrath ’59
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGoldrick
Frances Dellunde McIntyre ’56
Ann Connolly ’71 & Gordon Medenica
Elizabeth McNamara Melcher ’76
Irene Uhnak Messina ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Connie Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mongelluzzo
Mr. Christopher Morris
Noreen Doyle Morris ’59†
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Moscardina
Eileen Murphy ’80
Mary Maloney Murphy ’52
Mrs. Maureen Nally
Hilary Newman ’85
Robin Newman ’85
Mary Wendelken Nixon ’42
Mr. & Mrs. John Noonan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Brien
Diana Priolo O’Brien ’82
Eileen O’Brien ’73
Mrs. Michael O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. David Ocasio
Ms. Judy O’Connell
Kathleen O’Connell ’84
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. O’Halloran
Ms. Catherine M. O’Hara
Dr. Gabriella Oldham ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S.J. Oleksiuk
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P. Olivan
Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. O’Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Osorio
Patricia Masterson Palacios ’69
Ms. Rosemary Paparo
Ann Parise ’73
Ms. Theresa Pena
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pesola
Lorraine Pucher Petersen ’73
Leigh Combes Phillips ’60
Geralyn McBennett Randazzo ’78
Mr. & Mrs. George Reber
Marcia Halleran Reidy ’63
Mary Ellen Milazzo Roche ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rodriguez-Morick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ross
Eileen Ryan ’75
Dr. Tara Ryan ’77
Amalia Garcia Samoylenko-Russian ’56
Lillian Gonzalez Sarro ’73
Alison Turnbull Schoew ’71
Cheryl O’Rourke Schmidt ’65
Mr. & Mrs. John Sciancalepore
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Sciangula
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sciolto
Brigid Scott ’74
Rosaria Scotti ’36
Sue Ellen Mulligan Sheeley ’63
Freyja Helmer Sindemark ’78
Gabrielle Solleder ’75
Sara Stalkus ’66
Mr. & Mrs. David Stanke
Ms. Manola Tejada
Louise Pociecha Toth ’61
Maria Rivera Trudeau ’60
Ms. Maria Vega
Dr. Valerie Venterina
Natividad Villaluna ’85
Mary Zingone Vinci ’81
Lucile Darracq Viscardi ’40
Mary Werthman ’53
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. T.D. Wilson
Betty Lou Jeffrey Wright ’48
Ligia Trujillo Yousri ’41
† deceased
S E n i o R A R T Co n C E n T R AT i o n
“When I was little, my father would draw
cartoons for me. These little moments have
resulted in my great appreciation for comics and
cartoons.” Kyanna Johnson based her 12-piece
art concentration on two themes, comic book
art and the concept of feminism in modern
times. “As an African-American woman in
America, the feminist movement is extremely
important to me, and as a member of the Chez
Nous community, I have learned to appreciate
my values as a girl.” In Kyanna’s series, a girl
discovers “something unordinary in her ordinary
life.” The image of the tree illustrates the issues
women face, and within the tree, the girl finds
a nest filled with solutions to problems.
The image of the “Venus” female symbol with a
fist protruding appears on the girl’s cape. In her
transformation into a super hero, she has built
the confidence to confront issues. “She goes
back to the tree and fights back, but not in a
physical manner. She simply says the
words, ‘Stand up, then speak out.’”
KyAnnA JohnSon ’15
Kyanna’s research led her to
the work of Anita Steckel
and her piece Giant Woman
on Empire State Building.
Through the year, her process
of making art has strengthened,
allowing her to put ideas onto
paper. Kyanna says, “What if we all took the time
out to make art that actually meant something
to us, rather than making something that just
looked pretty? The meaning of art would be a
lot different to us.”
Art in the City
The names of contributors to the 2014-2015 Annual Fund are listed below in the following
categories: Alumnae, Parents of Students, Parents of Alumnae, and Friends. We at Notre
Dame are deeply grateful for the moral and financial support of all our contributors.
Estate of Nathalie FRANK†
Rosaria SCOTTI
Lucile DARRACQ Viscardi
Ligia TRUJILLO Yousri
Patricia HUGHES Villacorta
Kathleen MacELROY Blank
Eileen REILLY Gunderman
Betty Lou JEFFREY Wright
Virginia WILLIAMS Suttell
Barbara NESBITT Cautero
Mary MALONEY Murphy
Helen CERNA Dajer
Sheila LEWIS Houde
Maureen BROPHY
Mary BURKE Heyman
Edwina MORGAN Conrad
Photo ops abound as part of every art museum field trip the school takes.
Students visited a Jeff Koons exhibition in the Whitney Museum of American
Art’s former site. They also visit The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the
Rubin Museum of Art.
Nancy McNAMARA Haney
Dawn TENNANT Calabia
Noreen DOYLE Morris†
Antoinette LeQUIRE-Schott
Rosemarie McGRATH
Leigh COMBES Phillips
Patricia CONNORS Daver
Patricia COOK Hult
Arlene DENINGER Prendergast
Brenda EWALD
Catherine McDONOUGH Corcoran
Patricia MURPHY Carlin
Maria RIVERA Trudeau
Patricia SHEEHAN Kirwan
Nancy BREEN Coey
Jane CLIFTON Dockery
Jean Ann HOBAN Flynn
Mary Susan KING Delahunty
Agnes McCOMISKEY Quinn
Louise POCIECHA Toth
Patricia DiTOLLA
Stephanie PINTO
Patricia ALOMA Hicks
Mary Jane DRUCKER Gabbay
Mary Ellen GLYNN Horan
Marcia HALLERAN Reidy
Kathleen KOPPINGER Rowe
Sue Ellen MULLIGAN Sheeley
Edith DALTON Marinucci
Frances DELLUNDE McIntyre
Amalia Garcia SAMOYLENKO-Russian
† deceased
ALUMnAE (continued)
Elizabeth DRUCKER Condrige
Deirdre DUNDON McCormack
Janet MOLLOY Degen
Mary Catherine SHELDRICK Boyle
Mary Ellen MILAZZO Roche
Cheryl O’ROURKE Schmidt
Eloise O’SHEA Wyatt
Carolyn WAHLIG Szostek
Carol GOSE DeVine
Mary Ellen MASTERSON McGary
Thelma MILLIKEN Negley
Elizabeth MORALES Gregg
Myriam OTERO Rasulo
Dr. Mariann DRAGO Casarella
Karabelle LASTIQUE Pizzigati†
Penny PUZA Weber
Josephine ZITO Berical
Ellen BEITZ Geraghty
Diana BERRIDO Bello
Suzanne DRUCKER Robotham
Maria Cristina RODRIGUEZ O’Neill
Kathleen DUNNE Carberry
Patricia MASTERSON Palacios
Anne MEALY Girard
Lorraine RICCOBONO Mahony
Irene UHNAK Messina
Theresa VELTRI Paccione
Loreta DiRUSSO Emanuel
Muriel FLYNN Gonzalez
Barbara McINERNEY McGovern
Virginia O’BRIEN, S.U.
Alice PRAJKA Dunatov
Dale DRUCKER Prifti
Rosemarie LaVECCHIA Vignone
Alison TURNBULL Schoew
Dr. Gabriella OLDHAM
Patricia CULLEN
Rosemary DeNATALE Dineen
Lillian GONZALEZ Sarro
Eileen O’BRIEN
Lorraine PUCHER Petersen
Brigid FREY Dzierzanowski
Nora PEREZ Arvidsson
Brigid SCOTT
Deborah DIVORL
Rosana GONZALEZ Agostini
Dr. Patricia MAIER
Kathleen POWELL McClearn
Eileen RYAN
Gabrielle SOLLEDER
Noreen COADY-Navin
Elizabeth McNAMARA Melcher
Elizabeth HOFMANN Salazer
Suzanne AUGRESANI Katz
Kathleen O’CONNELL
Jeanine RAMOS Monteiro
Josephine Mary LAWLOR Jamieson
Brigid FREY Dzierzanowski
Moira GLEASON Kowal
Norma MOGLIA Reidy
Barbara ROWBO Seymour
Dr. Tara RYAN
Christina TERMINELLE Harley
Felicia DiSALVO
Marcella FITZGERALD McHale
Freyja HELMER Sindemark
Geralyn McBENNETT Randazzo
Monique SULLE Bowen
Jean CORLEY Fischer
Jeanine SCHUPBACH Larkin
Angelina ARLIA
Rachel WALDEN Cranston
Elizabeth McGUCKIN
Rita RYAN Holland
Jean CODY McCall
Susan GALLAGHER Dowling
Alexandra RYNCZAK Teper
Jane SIMPSON Dolan
Mary ZINGONE Vinci
Jane CHEN Firester
Jennifer McCABE Anderson
Catherine VADASZ Licitra
Talya Marie PINTO Santillan
Samantha ALCALA
Norma CARMONA Morgan
Adrianne HOPPER Comerford
Diana PRIOLO O’Brien
S E n i o R A R T Co n C E n T R AT i o n
Maura based her concentration on “…what
connects all humans, both physically and
metaphysically: anatomy, and the ability to love
and feel emotions.” She researched perception
and human relationships by conducting a
survey of her friends via questionnaires.
In several of her works, she represents the
loving hearts in Maura’s family that
have deeply influenced
her life.
The artist Dustin
Yellin inspired
Maura to make
a single image out
of layers of several
different images.
Through the process
of creating this art concentration, Maura came away
with the suggestion that “we
all take a look at what makes us similar before
deciding that we are radically different from
one another... that acceptance and tolerance
for differences are some things that could easily
make the world a better place, and the easiest
way to see those differences in a more positive
light is to first recognize what is all the same...
like a heart.”
MAURA o’hALLoRAn ’15
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Amaxas
Mr. & Mrs. Andres Andino
Ms. Maria Araujo
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Balik
Ms. Cristina Bertran
Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Betancourt
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Blanco
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Borghesan
Mr. Alfred Bozzuffi
Mr. & Mrs. Neil D. Bradley
Ms. Simone Broussard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brucaliere
Ms. Princess Calder
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Canny
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Cantres
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chan
Mrs. Sharon Cumberbatch
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Delulio
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Fields
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Franz
Mr. & Mrs. Sandro Frasca
Ms. Laureen Fredella
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Gemelli
Mr. & Mrs. William Haddad
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Hayakawa
Ms. Sulia Joa
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Anthony Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Licciardi
Mr. & Mrs. John Malcaus
Mr. & Mrs. Kostantinos Mallas
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Matos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarry
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mongelluzzo
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Msallem
Mr. & Mrs. John Munari
Mr. & Mrs. Severino Napolitano
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nicholson
Mr. & Mrs. David Ocasio
Mr. & Mrs. Yeong Oh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S.J. Oleksiuk
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P. Olivan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Osorio
Mr. & Mrs. M. Todd Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pesola
Mr. & Mrs. Shahed A. Quyyumi
Mr. & Mrs. Solofo Rajerison
Mr. & Mrs. John Raslowsky
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ross
Mr. & Mrs. John Sciancalepore
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sciolto
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Sciscent
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Sikula
Mr. & Mrs. David Stanke
Ms. Manola Tejada
Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Trucchio
Ms. Gillian Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Valonis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vecchio
Ms. Maria Vega
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Vendikos
Dr. Valerie Venterina
Mr. & Mrs. Jozef Warunek
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. T.D. Wilson
We are Chez Nous
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Abad
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Angelo
Mrs. Barbara Augresani
Mrs. Ann Basso
Mrs. Edna Briggs
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Butler
Mrs. Mary Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cray
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Cruz
Mr. & Mrs. James Cuddihy
Mr. & Mrs. Zija Djelosevic
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Duffy
Mrs. Mercedes Epinal
Mr. & Mrs. James Fowler
Mrs. Allyson Gaines
Dr. Marilu Maria D. Galvan
Mr. & Mrs. Fausto Gomes
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hurley
Ms. Ann V. Kane
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Lacqua
Mr. Edward Maier
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGoldrick
Ms. Victoria McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Connie Miller
Mrs. Maureen Nally
Mr. & Mrs. John Noonan
Mrs. Michael O’Brien
Ms. Judy O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. O’Halloran
Ms. Catherine M. O’Hara
Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. O’Malley
Ms. Rosemary Paparo
Mr. & Mrs. James Parker
Ms. Theresa Pena
Mr. & Mrs. Beraldo Reynoso
Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schaedle
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Sciangula
Ms. Rosa Vasquez
Amazon Smile Foundation
Mrs. Catharine Anagnost,
Marygrove ’46
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Baum
Ms. Kathleen A. Baum
Rev. Vincent Biagi, S.J.
Mrs. Frances
Cestone Birmingham
Ms. Mary Kate Blaine
Rev. Kenneth Boller, S.J.
Breakthrough New York
Ms. Jaclyn Brilliant
& Mr. Anthony Jenks
Ms. Joanne Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Carson
Br. Brian Carty, F.S.C.
Mrs. Joan Clark
Estate of Thomas P. Coffey
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Colby
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Columbia
Mr. & Mrs. John Conroy
Mr. Anthony Costantini
Ms. Sandra L. Crouch
Ms. Carol Jeanne Dale
Mr. & Mrs. Tony DeCarlo
Mr. Raymond P. Dolan
Mrs. Virginia M. Dolan
Mr. Daniel Dougherty
Ms. Jeanne Gallagher
Estate of Mrs. Jane Anne
Gavaghan, Marygrove’46†
Mr. Gael Hugo Gremaud
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Halloran
Dr. William A. Healy, Jr.
Mr. James Hillman
Mr. Jack Houlihan
Mr. James C. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Knapp
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Lacaze
Ms. Joan Lavella
& Mr. Al Corkett
Mr. Michael Long
Ms. Ann Lopez
M. Holt Massey
Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Milot
Mr. Christopher Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J.
New York Nativity
Mr. Richard A. Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Brien
Ms. Kathleen O’Brien
Ms. Mary Ellen O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Brien
Mr. Vincent O’Brien
Ms. Valerie O’Keeffe
Ms. Gloria Picariello
Dr. Grace C. Pilcer
Ms. Julia Pilcer
Ms. Donna Provenzano
Mr. & Mrs. George Reber
Mrs. Patricia Richlin
Mr. Antoine Roy
Mr. & Mrs. John Spollen
Mr. Arthur Strehle
Dr. David Stuhr
Mr. Tom Taylor
Xavier Jesuit Community
† deceased
Chez Nous Benefit Donors 2015
Scenes from the Chez Nous Benefit 2015
We thank all of our loyal supporters for making the 2015 Chez Nous Benefit a great success!
The event raised over $125,000 toward scholarship and financial aid for our students.
diRECT donATionS
Ms. Darcy Achzinger
Ms. Dominique Alcantara
Ms. Kathie Geehern Aloia ’74
Ms. Catherine Keely Anagnost
Ms. Sandra Andermanis
Ms. Enid Battle
Ms. Diana Berrido ’68
Ms. Cristina Bertran
Ms. Frances Cestone Birmingham
Mr. & Ms. Fred J. & Elaine Bivetto
Mr. Alfred Bozzuffi
Ms. Francine B. Brennan
Ms. Lisa Bretherick
Ms. Phyllis Senie Breuer ’65
Ms. Jean McGrath Brodeur ’91
Ms. Marylane T. Burry
Ms. Dawn Tennant Calabia ’58
Ms. Vivian Cardia ’70
Ms. In Sook Carlin
Ms. Patricia Carpen
Ms. Meg Castellano
Mr. Leonard A. Cecere
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Judy Chmielewski
Ms. Catherine Clark
Ms. Joan Clark
Ms. Ann Connolly ’71
Ms. Felicia Di Salvo ’87
Ms. Deborah Divorl ’75
Ms. Janice Doerr
Mr. & Mrs. John F. & Lucy Duffy
Mr. Thomas Durkin
Ms. Patience Ezeka-Okwuoha
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfredo & Danni Fernandez
Ms. Jean Ann Hoban Flynn ’61
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Funke, Jr.
Ms. Theresa Wright Hayden ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Sharon Heckel
Mr. Tod Aufiero & Ms. Ingrid Henriksen
Mr. & Mrs. Victor and Carmela Jara
Ms. Sherri Kaplan
Mr. Garry Kelley
Mr. Simon King & Ms. Breda Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Dina Kravetz
Mr. Shane Lavin
Mr. Federico Lupo
Mr. Roman Malayev
Ms. Evelyn Schwarz Mao
Marlande Heating Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Teresa Martin
Ms. Claire McCarty
Ms. Frances Dellunde McIntyre ’56
Mr. & Mrs. Jon & Sherrie McKenna
Mr. Tony Msallem
Ms. Alexandra Nichols
Northwestern Mutual Agency
Ms. Letitia Scherer
Ms. Lorraine O'Connor
Ms. Rosemary Paparo
Mr. & Ms. Emil & Ellen Pfenninger
Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Gloria Postell
Ms. Anabela Alves Rivadeneira ’86
Ms. Susan Robertson
Ms. Cristina Rodriguez ’95
Dr. John Philbrick & Ms. Mary Ropka
Ms. Jeanne Schneeberger
Mr. & Ms. Eduardo & Mary Silva
Mr. Richard Silveria
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Nancy Solomon
St. Catherine of Genoa Church
Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Louise Swanson
Ms. Cheryl Thomas
Mr. & Ms. Francis C. & Janet E. Thomas
Ms. Diana Trebbi ’46
Turnabout Plumbing and Heating
Ms. Patricia Valonis
Mr. & Mrs. John Vella
Ms. Ashley Viera ’07
Ms. Melanie Villaruel
Ms. Mary Zingone Vinci ’81
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. & Susan V. Waldo
Most Rev. Gerald Walsh D.D.
Mr. Joseph Warren
Ms. Dana Whelan
Art in the Park
Chez Nous Benefit Donors 2015
Ms. Meredith Ambrose
Ms. Jaclyn Brilliant
Ms. Jean McGrath Brodeur ’91
Ms. Alyssa Budihas
Ms. Vivian Cardia ’70
Ms. Eleanor Cesaria
Ms. Patricia Chacon ’72
Ms. Margaret O'Connor
Corvalan ’72
Ms. Geraldine Del Prete
Mr. Jerry Dellova
Ms. Kaija DeWitt
Ms. Gayle Dizon
Ms. Virginia M. Dolan
Mr. Daniel Dougherty
Ms. Florence Molinari Foti ’77
Ms. Fran Garace
Ms. Geranidez Garcia
Ms. Eileen Gleason ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
& Penelope Grote
Mr. Bill & Ms. Deirdre
Dunn Haddad
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
& Catherine Halloran
Mr. & Ms. Chris
& Anne-Marie Hannon
Ms. Karin Hannon
Mr. Francis Hayakawa
Ms. Laura Lipani Hines ’94
Ms. Marion Hubbard
Ms. Rebecca Richlin Jacobsen
Mr. Craig Kennedy
Ms. Moira Gleason Kowal ’77
& Mr. Peter Kowal
Dr. & Mrs. Michael
& Cindy Lacqua
Ms. Donna LaGreca
Mr. Shane Lavin
Ms. Catherine Vadasz Licitra ’91
Mr. & Mrs. Martin
& Regina Limchayseng
Ms. Maria Basso Lipani ’94
Ms. Daniela Lucchetto ’79
Ms. Stephanie Maher
Mr. Kostantinos Mallas
Ms. Luby Masi
Ms. Claire McCarty
Ms. Melissa Meserve
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
& Taylor Minervini
Ms. Arlene Misilc
Ms. Eileen Murphy ’80
Ms. Nancy Nethery
Ms. Theresa Brolly Daly ‘85
Ms. Donna Dickerman
Sr. Mary Dolan, S.U.
Mr. Charles Fields
Mr. Martin Limchayseng
Ms. Katie Maniaci
Ms. Kerry Murphy
Dr. Virginia O’Brien, S.U. ‘70
Ms. Barbara Rowbo Seymour ‘77
Ms. Patricia Valonis
Notre Dame School
Board of Trustees
Mr. Vincent O'Brien
Dr. Rukhsana Onorato
Ms. Judy Pan ’83
Mr. Michael Pender
Ms. Gloria Picariello
Dr. Grace Pilcer
Ms. Julia Pilcer
Mr. Joseph Licciardi
& Ms. Catherine Pino
Ms. Leah Rodriguez
Ms. Joanne M. Russell
Dr. Eileen Ryan ’75
Ms. Talya Pinto Santillan ’95
Ms. Andrea Singh
Ms. Phyllis Sollecito
Mr. Arthur Strehle
Dr. Aliya Tejani
Ms. Virginia Turezyn ’75
Mr. Lenny Van Eijk
Ms. Mary Zingone Vinci ’81
Ms. Marissa Vitarelli ’15
Ms. Laisha Washington ’99
Ms. Theresa Watson
Ms. Milagros G. Williams ’72
Read more about the 2015 Chez Nous Benefit in
Encore Chez Nous alumnae magazine due out soon.
S AV e
Just up the block from the school is Jackson Square Park, a lovely oasis for
the neighborhood. Notre Dame has become a member of the Jackson
Square Alliance, with our AP Environmental Science class helping to clean
the park each spring. In April, 2015, we held an event “Art in the Park” to
display student work with entertainment by the ND Glee Club.
S E n i o R A R T Co n C E n T R AT i o n
iSABEL oRTiz ’15
A grandmother’s rock collection, familiar to
Isabel all her life, became a fascinating focus
for her art concentration. “My interest in
stones and crystals has grown over the years,
and I decided to base my concentration on
the mesmerizing designs and enchanting
story each crystal holds.”
One piece of artwork is based on the crystal
amethyst. Another is of crystal quartz. Stone
opals were the focus of another painting
that evoked images of the ocean to Isabel.
Isabel researched an artist whose work
relates to hers, Karina Eibatova, who inspired
her with the statement: “… discovering life as
a phenomenon, and in admiring an amazing
planet we live on.” Her work connects to the
notions of nature, peace and love. She, too,
has work that focuses on stones and crystals.
Isabel chose watercolor as the medium
for her project “because these
colors blend beautifully
together and add
mystical scenery to the
paintings.” Isabel struggled at times with
how to translate what she saw in her mind
to paper, “I eventually realized that I cannot
always quickly come up with an idea and
have to create a sketch first.” She goes on
to say, “I am most proud of the paintings in
which I was able to take advantage of all the
paper and create a cohesive composition.”
Special Gifts
president’s Circle Sponsor
$14,190 or more
Carolyn Wahlig Szostek ’65
79th Street Sponsor
Mary Burke Heyman ’55
Patricia Cullen ’73
Jane Chen Firester ’88
Parutta Leeyawanich ’88
Antoinette LeQuire-Schott ’59
Alexandra Rynczak Teper ’81
Contributing Sponsor
Barbara Rowbo Seymour ’77
Patricia DiTolla ’62
Thelma Milliken Negley ’66
Agnes McComiskey Quinn ’61
Norma Moglia Reidy ’77
BNY Mellon Community
president’s Circle Sponsor
$14,190 or more
Chevron Humankind
Matching Gift Program
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Carson
Emerson Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Columbia LexisNexis Cares
Marina Medina
Microsoft Matching
& Dr. Marilu Maria D. Galvan
Gifts Program
Scholarship Program
Modell’s Sporting Goods
Mutual of America
trustees’ Circle Sponsor
$10,515- 14,189
New York Life Foundation
Dr. Grace C. Pilcer
Pitney Bowes
79th Street Sponsor
Target Take Charge
of Education
Ms. Joanne Burns
Bank Affinity Program
Br. Brian Carty, F.S.C.
United States
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Houlihan
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Milot
UniTEd WAy
Ms. Julia Pilcer
United Way of
Mr. Arthur Strehle
Greater Portland
Mr. Richard A. Norton
Dr. David Stuhr
Contributing Sponsor
Notre Dame received gifts in memory of the following
individuals during the 2014-2015 school year:
James E. Ahearn
Sr. Regina Ahern, S.U.
Lorenzo V. Alcid
Kathleen Butler
Barbara Castellano
Mother Christopher, S.U.
Michael Clark
Joseph D. Coady
Lourdes Conill ’82
Mother Marie de Lourdes, S.U.
Maria DiSalvo
Kaitlin Doody
Betty L. Drago
Rosario P. Drago, M.D.
Nancy DuBois Feeney ’66
Captain John R. Fischer
John & Agnes Gallagher
Mary Gallagher
Margaret C. Haggerty
Florence Connor Healy ’27
Ellen McNamara Helgesen ’60
Kathleen Connelly Howard ’59
Elinore Hughes ’41
Sr. Catherine Keating, S.U.
Max & Marcella Koppinger
Lisa Scuderi Lavin ’81
Andrew Makowsky
McCloskey Sisters
Marilyn McKay ’64
Marina Medina
Helen Monahan-Masterson
Sr. Mary Daniel Minihan, S.U.
Dorothea O’Farrell Moore ’28
Noreen Doyle Morris ’59
Mother Myriam, S.U.
George & Isabella Oldham
Nicholas & Josephine Parise
Lillian Paszkiewicz
Ann Picariello
Lorraine Nesbitt Safrath ’46
Vincenzo Scotti
Katherine M. Shannon
George & Helena Solleder
Sr. Mary Walsh, S.U.
(Mother Kieran)
James F. & Dolores Williams
Ralph Zingone
Chez Nous Angels
The following individuals
have notified Notre Dame
that they have included
the school in their estate
Margaret M. Ahern†
Jeanne K. Burchell ’47†
Thomas P. Coffey†
Patricia Cullen ’73
Genevieve Connolly
Cunningham ’33
Suzanne Falcone ’70
Nathalie Frank ’35†
Jane Anne Gavaghan,
Marygrove ’46†
Robert & Penny Grote
Michael & Catherine Halloran
Patricia Norris Klett ’58
Barbara Heidi Loftus ’47†
John R. Joven &
Susan L. Malley†
Patrick O’Malley
Mary Pat Hanigan Peterson ’40
Diana Trebbi ’46
Ligia Trujillo Yousri ’41
in memory of Sr. eleanora Murphy, S.u. Scholarship Fund
Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Leonard
Rosana Gonzalez Agostini ’75
Ms. Sandra L. Crouch
Edith Dalton Marinucci ’56
Antoinette LeQuire-Schott ’59
Leigh Combes Phillips ’60
Stephanie Pinto ’62
Brigid Scott’74
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Valonis
We are Chez Nous
Have you included Notre
Dame School in your
estate plan? If so, please
contact Anthony Burke
at (212) 620-5755 x 348
or [email protected]
† deceased
Great thanks to our many
generous supporters
Ways to Give
Mr. Richard Battaglino
Ms. Cristina Bertran
Ms. Jeanine Bogdanos
Rev. Kenneth Boller, S.J.
Ms. Meg Castellano
Ms. Eleanor Cesaria
Rev. James Croghan, S.J.
Ms. Donna Dickerman
Sr. Elizabeth DiTolla, S.U. ’59
Ms. Patricia DiTolla ’62
Ms. Gayle Dizon
Sr. Mary Dolan, S.U.
Dot Generation of Connecticut, Inc.
Mr. David Stowe
Rev. George Drance, S.J.
Ms. Fran Garace
Ms. Miriam Graue
Mr. Michael Halloran
Ms. Sherri Kaplan
Ms. Carol Keefe
Mr. James Kennedy, Esq.
Ms. Cindy Lacqua
Magis Theatre Co.
Mr. Robert Mastellone
Ms. Kylie McDonald
Sr. Rosemary McNamara, S.U. ’77
Mr. Rodney Mitchell
Ms. Kerry Murphy-Orlando
Ms. Mary Ellen O’Brien
Mr. Vincent O’Brien
The Pearl Theatre
Ms. Marie Pesola
Ms. Catherine Pino
Russo’s Italian Deli
Ms. Grace Sciancalapore
Ms. Andrea Singh
Rev. Anthony Soohoo, S.J.
Mr. Arthur Strehle
Ms. Maureen Sullivan
Ms. Brooke Thomas
Ms. Patricia Valonis
Ms. Jennifer Vecchio
Ms. Rowena Villaruel
Ms. Debra Wilson
Foundation Support & Grants
Notre Dame School depends on the generous support of its alumnae, families
and friends. Your gift makes a tremendous difference in the lives of our students.
The Annual Fund bridges the $4,800 gap between tuition and the significantly
higher cost of educating each student. It also helps us provide tuition assistance
to our bright yet economically challenged young women. Nearly 70% of students
receive financial assistance to afford a Notre Dame education. Be assured of our
prayers and those of the students in thanks for your gift.
During the 2014-2015 school year, more than
$385,000 in grants was received for program
support, scholarships and tuition assistance.
Notre Dame School gratefully acknowledges
the generosity of the following foundations
and organizations:
Breakthrough New York
Brooklyn Benevolent Society
Cardinal’s Scholarship Program
The Carson Family Charitable Trust
Columbus Citizens Foundation
Cornelia Connelly Center for Education
Credit Suisse Americas Foundation
Sarita Kenedy East Foundation
Friends of Nick Foundation
Futures in Education
The Anna E. Gallagher Charitable Trust
Louis Gerstner, Jr. Foundation
The Joseph Horvath Memorial Scholarship
Hunts Point Alliance
Inner City Scholarship Fund
ICSF- Be a Student’s Friend Program
The Y.A. Istel Foundation, Inc.
M. Holt Massey Charitable Trust
New York Nativity
The Partnership for Inner-City Education,
Community Connections
Sisters of St. Ursula Ministry Grant Program
Tri-State Italian American Congress
Washington Square War Veterans, Inc.
Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund
to Make a Gift By Mail
All donations to the Annual Fund are most
welcome. Please mail your check or money
order made payable to Notre Dame School.
Notre Dame School welcomes bequests
from alumnae, friends and family:
Please call Mr. Anthony Burke for
instructions at 212.620.5575 ext. 348.
We invite you to become a Chez Nous
Angel by naming Notre Dame School
of Manhattan as one of the beneficiaries
of your will. It is simple to do. Sample
language might be: “I give, devise, and
bequeath (state amount, asset or
percentage of the estate) to Notre Dame
School of Manhattan at 327 West 13th
Street, New York, NY 10014.” We suggest
discussing your plans with an attorney and
advising us of your decision so that we
may list your name in our Annual Report.
united Way Contributions
important Facts
Did you know that if you make a United
Way contribution through your workplace
your gift can be restricted to Notre Dame
School? The development office will
gladly complete any necessary forms.
Legal Name Notre Dame School
of Manhattan
Our New York City agency code is 042392.
development office
notre dame School
327 West 13th Street
new york, ny 10014
Giving on-line
To make a donation on-line, visit
www.cheznous.org. Click on “Giving”
to Make a Gift of Stock
Anthony Burke
(212) 620-5575 ext. 348
[email protected]
Tax Status
As a 501(c)(3) organization,
all donations to Notre Dame
School are deductible for
federal income, gift, and
estate tax purposes to the
fullest extent of the law.
S E n i o R A R T Co n C E n T R AT i o n
KATiE ionESCU ’15
Katie initially wanted to
pursue how sunsets look
different in various parts of
the world, but feedback on
her first painting expanded
the topic to, as Katie says,
“…making people feel serene
through my sunset paintings.”
Katie’s cousin who has autism
benefits from an art therapy class
in which the experience of painting
is therapeutic. Katie poses the idea
of a new form of art therapy whereby
“People who are unable to paint can
look at paintings that could give them
the same calm feeling that painting
An artist who inspired Katie’s work is her
grandmother, an immigrant from Romania.
Her technique is similar, and Katie is proud to
name her grandmother as an inspiration.
“My overall goal is to help people while doing
something that I love, and if I could do that, I
would feel like the most accomplished artist
in the world.”
We are Chez Nous
2015 College Acceptances
Notre Dame takes great pride in the accomplishments of the 75 graduates
of the Class of 2015. Over 90% of graduates won academic scholarships
to college totalling over $17,000,000. College acceptances include:
Adelphi University*
American Academy of Dramatic Arts
American University*
Barnard College*
Bennington College*
Boston College*
Boston University*
Bryn Mawr College*
Catholic University of America*
Clark University*
College of Mount Saint Vincent*
College of New Rochelle*
College of the Holy Cross*
Columbia University*
Connecticut College*
Cornell University*
CUNY Brooklyn College
CUNY City College Macaulay Honors College*
CUNY Hunter College*
Drew University*
Drexel University*
Duke University*
Duquesne University*
Fairfield University*
Fairleigh Dickinson*
Fashion Institute of Technology
Fordham University*
George Washington University*
Goucher College*
Hampshire College*
Hofstra University*
Iona College*
Ithaca College*
Johnson & Wales University*
Lafayette College*
LaSalle Univeristy*
Lehigh University
Le Moyne College*
Loyola University Maryland*
Manhattan College*
Marist College*
Marquette University*
Middlebury College*
New York University*
Northeastern University*
Oberlin College*
Ohio State University*
Pace University*
Pennsylvania State University
Princeton University*
Providence College*
Quinnipiac University*
Rutgers University*
Sacred Heart University*
St. Peter’s College*
St. John’s University*
St. Joseph’s University*
Seton Hall University*
Siena College*
Smith College*
Spelman College
Stonehill College*
SUNY Albany*
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Stony Brook
Susquehanna University*
Syracuse University*
Temple University*
Trinity College*
Tufts University*
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Connecticut*
University of Delaware*
University of Massachusetts Amherst*
University of Miami*
University of Pennsylvania*
University of Rhode Island*
University of Scranton*
University of Virginia*
Villanova University
Wesleyan University*
*Academic scholarship awarded
Art of the Sketchbook
BoARD oF tRuSteeS
Ms. Parutta Leeyawanich ’88
Rev. Vincent Biagi, S.J.
Ms. Maria Teresa Mata
Ms. Jaclyn Brilliant
Ms. Melissa Meserve
Sr. Mary Dolan, S.U.
Dr. Virginia O’Brien, S.U. ’70
Mr. Raymond P. Dolan
Dr. Grace Pilcer, Ph.D
Ms. Virginia M. Dolan
Mr. Arthur Strehle
Mr. Daniel Dougherty
Ms. Carolyn Wahlig Szostek ’65
Rev. George Drance, S.J.
Most Rev. Gerald T. Walsh, D.D.
Ms. Jane Chen Firester ’88
Ms. Joan Clark, Trustee Emeritus
Ms. Ann Lopez
Ms. Catherine Halloran, RN, MS
A D M i n i S t R At i o n
Dr. Virginia O’Brien, S.U.
Ms. Jaclyn Brilliant
Ms. Karina Vargas
Mr. Anthony Burke
Concept and Design: The Blank Page, NYC Photography: Juliana Thomas
Mr. Robert Grote
Notre Dame’s art class for all ninth graders introduces each student to the
practice of keeping a sketchbook. Ms. Walters says, “Here, she experiments
with the artistic techniques learned in class; value scales, shading, texture,
still life, using a grid, perspective, burnishing with color. The sketchbook
is the place where a student begins to experiment and explore a creative
subject which she eventually, with work and great care, turns into a finished
work of art.”
Ms. Barbara Rowbo Seymour ’77
Vice Principal
Director of Development
Director of Admissions
Results reported on a cash basis.
Amounts pledged are recorded as payment is recieved.
In reports of this kind, some mistakes are inevitable. If your name was omitted
or improperly listed, please accept our apologies. If you have detected an error,
please notify the Advancement Office so we may correct our records.
With love and gratitude to all who are mentioned herein, including alumnae,
parents, friends and current students.
on tHe BACK CoVeR
The mosaic image of Notre Dame School’s crest was created as a student orientation activity
organized by Anne’s Leaders. One hundred and fifty students were each given a postage stamp
sized image from the school crest that they then painted onto a piece of paper that was 2” square.
When assembled, they create the school crest bordered by the names of the 12 values of the school.
327 West 13th Street
New York, NY 10014
Notre Dame School
of Manhattan
AnnuAl RepoRt 2014-2015
A portrait of the
Notre Dame School
of Manhattan