municipality foča-ustikolina local biodiversity action plan
municipality foča-ustikolina local biodiversity action plan
MUNICIPALITY FOČA-USTIKOLINA LOCAL BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN (SUMMARY) 2013 1 2013, Local Biodiversity Action Plan for Municipality Foa-Ustikolina (LBAP) Team members for development of LBAP document: Mensud Borovic, Municipality Foca-Ustikolina, - LBAP coordinator Ermin Osmanspahic, Municipality Foca-Ustikolina, - team member Nihad Hadziahmetovic, Municipality Foca-Ustikolina, - team member Armin Omerbasic, Municipality Foca-Ustikolina, - team member Elvedin Uzunovic, Municipality Foca-Ustikolina, - team member Photo - main page: Municipality Foca-Ustikolina Photos (in the text): Municipality Foca-Ustikolina (Armin Omerbasic – Assistant for Public Services, Events and IT Services) Interested groups: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Local government of Municipality Foca-Ustikolina Touris association of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton Educational institutions Forest and agriculture associations Public sector Private sector NGO sector International organizations Media Stakeholders: 1. Minisitries in Government of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton 2. Cantonal Administration for Forestry of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton 3. Public enterprise “Bosansko Podrinjske Sume” 4. Public communal enterprize „Usce“ Ustikolina 5. Local communities 6. Hunting association „Grebak“ Ustikolina 7. Sports and fishing association „Halil Sofradzija“ Ustikolina 8. Pensioners Association „Ustikolina“ 9. Association of Scouts „Stolac“ Ustikolina 10. Primary school „Ustikolina“ 2 11. Youth aliance „Ustikolina“ 12. Association of Agricultural Producers “Foca-Ustikolina” 13. Neighbouring municipalities in the region 14. Radio and TV station of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton 15. Local citizens Local consultant for development of LBAP document: Aleksandra Mladenovic, Master of Biological Sciences The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe; Country Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina Lejla Suman, project manager / coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina This document is developed in the frame of the project: “Local Biodiversity Action Planning Network in the Western Balkans (SEE BAP II)”, which is implemented by ECNC-European Centre for Nature Conservation, in cooperation with The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, with financial support provided by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland”. 3 LIST OF ACRONYMS GDP Gross domestic product BiH Bosnia and Hercegovina BPK Bosnian-Podrinje Canmton Ca Calcium CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Cl Chlorine CO2 Carbon dioxide ECNC European Center for Nature Conservation ESPO Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context EU European Union EUNIS European nature information system FBiH Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina GIS Geographic Information System GMO Genetically modified organisms HACCP Hazard analysis and critical control points HCO3 Bicarbonate IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature JP Public enterprize LC Least concern LD Hunting Association LBAP Local biodiversity action plan 4 LEAP Local environmental action plan LR Lower risk Mg Magnesium MHE Mini hydro-power plant MZ/LC Local comunity Na Natrium NEAP National environmental action plan NFP National focal point NP National Park NT Near threatened NGO Nongovernmental organization O.Š. Primary school PHARE Poland and Hungary: Assistance for Restructuring their Economies PMF Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics REC CEE Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe RS Republic of Srpska SEE BAP South Eastern European Biodiversity Action Plans SR Socialist Republic SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats TO Tourist organization UNDP United Nation Development Program UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe VU Vulnerable WWF MedPo World Wide Fund for Nature Mediterranean Program Office 5 FOREWORD Dear citizens, Geographical position of Municipality Foca-Ustikolina and its natural surrounding create good preconditions for this part of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be ecologically preserved area, the area of pleasant and healthy living and area attractive for tourists. The teritory of our municipality is recognizable by richenes of plant and animal species as well as preserved nature. In the frame of the project “Local Biodiversity Action Planning Network in the Western Balkans (SEE BAP II)”, which is implemented by ECNC-European Centre for Nature Conservation, in partner cooperation with The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe and with financial support provided by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland”, the document “Local Biodiversity Action plan for Municipality Foča-Ustikolina” is developed. By development of document “Local biodiversity action plan” and its implementation, our goal is to get support from local and international institutions and organizations for the biodiversity protection in the municipality and to prevent biodiversity endangering for us and future generations. In addition, we hope that this document will contribute to expanding your knowledge about natural environment of Municipality Foca-Ustikolina. Mayor of Municipality Foca-Ustikolina Mr. Zijad Kunovac Ustikolina, 2013. 6 SUMMARY Local Biodiversity Action Plan for Municipality Foca-Ustikolina is developed during 20122013 in the frame of the project “Local Biodiversity Action Planning Network in the Western Balkans (SEE BAP II)”, which is implemented by ECNC-European Centre for Nature Conservation, in partner cooperation with The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe. The local community, as the main actuator of activities aimed to rehabilitate the poor conditions of living environment is, at the same time, the main 'guardian' of own biodiversity. For municipality Foca-Ustikolina biodiversity presents one of the most important preconditions for economic and social development. The inhabitants of municipality Foca-Ustikolina have a rich tradition in the collection of medicinal and aromatic plants, wild berries and mushrooms, which present one of the ways for creating a permanent and additional income for families. In the municipality Foča-Ustikolina there are objective conditions for production of healthy and organic food because the land is unpolluted and is not treated for many years. Also, Municipality Foca-Ustikolina is located on the river banks of the Drina and Kolina, which offers many opportunities for sports and recreation for residents and visitors. The diversity and richness of fish found (particularly Danube salmon and trout) and active care for protection of these species allowed the establishment of sport fishing organizations which existing in this area today. Rafting on the Drina River has a long tradition and presents a major potential for the development of tourism in this area. Upper Drina Region is surrounded by high and middle-high mountains of Dinarides and therefore this region is ideal for development of hiking and mountain tourism. At the end, but no less important, is the richenes of spiritual and cultural values that always going together with biodiversity, because the nature and people are inseparable part of the system. Municipality of Foča-Ustikolina belongs to Bosnian-Podrinje Canton, which has a large number of natural resources and ecosystem services, such as: production of healthy food, water potentials, great tourism potential of the Drina River and its tributaries, deposits of gypsum, springs of mineral and drinking water, rich forests and hunting areas, which create various opportunities for investment and development of pro-biodiversity oriented businesses. Municipality Foca-Ustikolina is relatively young municipality established in 1996, after the signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Dayton Peace Agreement) through the reintegration of parts of the prewar Foca Municipality in the Federation of BiH as well as settlement Dragomilici from municipality Kalinovik. The 7 municipality was (on the regional level - Bosinan-Podrinje Canton and local - municipal level) participated in the preparation of several strategic documents which contains plans to use ecosystem services on a sustainable way. All of the above mentioned facts demonstrate great concern of municipality for own environment and openness of local government for further development, cooperation and improving the conditions for the biodiversity and environment protection. During the preparation of the document “Local Biodiversity Action Plan for the Municipality Foca-Ustikolina”, through a series of consultations (among the members of the Municipal LBAP team) and discussions at the wider stakeholders meetings, and based on the guidelines that Municipal team received during training, the “vision” related to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Municipality of Foca-Ustikolina is defined. 'Preserved biodiversity with the use of ecosystem services, in which educated young people and natural resources represents driving force for development – through education to preserved ecosystem' Through the participatory process, LBAP team members of Municipality Foca-Ustikolina organized a series of consultative meetings with wider stakeholders from municipality and Bosnian-Podrinje Canton, in order to obtain a real picture of the state of biodiversity in municipality and examine public interest and the needs of the local population. As a result of those meetings priorities were defined, the problems and the possible solutions were considered, goals are defined and activities to achieve goals are proposed. Also, the main actors and potential donors are defined and beneficiaries of the results are suggested. General characteristics of Municipality Foča-Ustikolina are: humid-continental climate type, partially affected by the altitude of the area (The Ustikolina settlement and surrounding area are located at an altitude of 420 m. The rest of the municipality territory -with respective slope parts is above this altitude with two dominant mountain peaks Stolac (1.520 m) and Kacelj (1.674m); more sites with mineral resources; Drina River Basin (except one small part of the village Dragomilići which belongs to Bosna River Basin); most of the municipality is covered by forests (55,5% area of municipality) and agricultural land (43% area of municipality); only 0.8% is construction land and 0.7% water lands, the land is not used sufficiently, particularly because significant surface is coverd by mines; organized exploitation of medicinal and aromatic plants, hydropower potential of the rivers, which has not been used yet, the representation of environmental topics in the educational and extracurricular system. Due to the lack of data on biodiversity of Municipality Foča-Ustikolina, the LBAP document is created and based on information taken from the available strategic documents: Study of Vulnerabilities of Space of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton (2009); Sustainable Development 8 Strategy of the Municipality Foca-Ustikolina (for the period 2012-2016), and other publications (“Ecological and vegetative regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina” and “Natura2000 Bosnia and Herzegovina”). There are no official or estimated data available on the structure of the animal world/resources in the municipality and number of certain species. Present vegetation of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton provides favourable conditions for the development of various types of hunting and other fauna such as: Brown bear (Ursus arcotos), Wolf (Canis lupus), Wild boar (Sus scrofa), Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), Wild cat (Felix catus), Badger (Meles meles), Skunk (Putoruis puterius), Weasel (Mustela nivalis), Squirrel (Sciuridae), Hare (Lepus europeus), Fox (Vulpes), Marten ... Concerning the birds here is encountered: Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), Mallard (Anas platyrehyncha), Pheasant (Phasianidae), and Magpies, Crows (Corvus corone), owls and others. The most interesting for protection are Grouses (big and small) since they are protected by EU Directives and at the national level as well. In the Municipality FocaUstikolina stakeholders have recognized (as the problem) that population of grouse’s decreaseing every year and disappearance of grouses in forests on locations: Debelo brdo, Grebak and Kacelj. The reason for this is destruction of habitats due to deforestation and illegal logging (which are their main habitats). Currently, there are no natural areas under protection in the municipality Foca-Ustikolina. Draft of Physical Basis developed for Spatial Plan of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton predicts places which will be under protection (a number of natural areas and sites), areas suitable for tourism and recreation as well as areas of special importance for Canton. From mapped potential Natura2000 habitats in BiH, in the municipality of Foca-Ustikolina following are presented: acidophilous beech forests (Luzulo-Fagion), limestone cliffs with vegetation and dry continental grasslands (Festuco-Brometalia) which are important sites for Green-veined Orchids (Orchis moris). Based on the overviev of the current status of biological and landscape diversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (IV National Report to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity – 2010 Biodiversity Targets National Assessments), the area of Municipality FocaUstikolina (with neighboring municipalities) is classified as area with specific ecosystems (refuge of tertiary flora) where anthropogenic pressures are expressed. Some of the pressures on biodiversity that are defined at the national level and which have been identified by the municipality as well are: conversion of habitats, unsustainable use of nature resources, deforestation/illegal logging, hunting and illegal hunting, the constant pollution of the all spheres of environment, devastation and destruction of ecosystems, 9 degradation and defragmentation of ecosystems, disturbing the wild world, unsustainable collection of economically important species, uncontrolled use of pesticides and fertilizers, uncontrolled import of foreign species and manipulation with GMOs. Stakeholders and LBAP team members defined the priorities for biodiversity protection in Municipality Foča-Ustikolina: Priorities related protection of habitats and landscapes (to clean illegal waste dumps and to arrange the areas, to build regional sanitary landfil and to protect cultural heritage) Proirities related species protection (protection of “Drina walnuts”, protection of local varieties of apples, protection of the diversity of wildlife and fishes, protection of grouses (big and small) as a rare species in the mountainous part of the municipality. Priorities related probiodiversity oriented businessess (through the promotion of healthy food made on traditional ways and using local products) Based on selected priorities, five-year action plan (for the period 2013-2018) and one-year action plan are developed. These planes could be review periodically in order to be in compliance with regulations and other strategic documents of the municipality, Canton and higher levels. The document “Local Biodiversity Action Plan for Municipality Foca-Ustikolina) was adopted by the Municipal Council on March 11th 2013. 10 VISION During the preparation of the document “Local Biodiversity Action Plan for the Municipality Foca-Ustikolina”, through a series of consultations (among the members of the Municipal LBAP team) and discussions at the wider stakeholders meetings, and based on the guidelines that Municipal team received during training, the “vision” related to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Municipality of Foca-Ustikolina is defined. 'Preserved biodiversity with the use of ecosystem services, in which educated young people and natural resources represents driving force for development – through education to preserved ecosystem' In accordance with defined municipality vision, in the LBAP document, problems were identified; goals and activities were defined as well as measures that Municipality FočaUstikolina will undertake in the next five-year period, through consultations of local administration with wider stakeholders. 11 BIODIVERSITY OF MUNICIPALITY FOCA-USTIKOLINA The data on biodiversity of Municipality Foca-Ustikolina mentioned in the LBAP document are taken from the available strategic documents: Study of Vulnerabilities of Space of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton (2009); Sustainable Development Strategy of the Municipality Foča-Ustikolina (for the period 2012-2016), except where another source is quoted, for specific questions (“Ecological and vegetative regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina” and “Natura2000 Bosnia and Herzegovina”). From the ecological and vegetation point of view, according to Stefanović (1983), the territory of the whole Bosnian-Podrinje Canton belongs to the transitional illyrian-moesian area (Upper Drina area/ Gorazde- Foca Region). Illyrian Province covers most of the territory. On the north-east bordering with Moesian province where we can found the mixing elements of both provinces and based on all elements transitional Illyrian-Moesian area is created. Moesian province covers the northeastern and eastern parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and is presented as trans-Illyrianmoesian area (based on ecological and vegetative regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina) which normally occupies the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. The main characteristic of the area is humid-continental climate type (with very favorable hydrothermal regime during the vegetation period). In the period from June to early September, it is evident that rainfalls are reducing and temperatures increasing. The ratio between rainfalls and potential evapotranspiration is very negative in vegetation period and has a value of 0.83, which with relatively small water reserves available to plants makes this area a very xerothermic. Duration of vegetation period is from 140 to 200 days1. On the Foča area a greater influence of Mediterranean climate type is present. Transnational Illyrian-Moesian Province area is characterized by mountain belt of oak forests (Quercetum-frainetto cerridis and Quercion farnetto). Internaly, there are the forests with zonal communities of clean oak, oak, sessile oak, Balkan oak; azonal hygrofit communities in the lowlands, etc. Degradation forest thickets formed alliance Prunion spinosae Through the forest degradation the forest shrubberies (Prunion spinosae) are created. The mountain beech forests have a strong bandwidth here. In this zone, vegetation colorit is complemented with various phytocenoses; canyon ecosystems with paleo-character (Fago1 Source: Study of Vulnerabilities of Space of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton, Institite for Spatial Planning of Republic of Srpska , december 2009. 12 Corylenion colurnae: Beer hazels, Balkan chub, Walnut, Hornbeam, etc.), as well as various communities of oak (Quercion petraeae-cerridis). Mountainous forests of beech, fir and spruce are enriched with succession of white pine, spruce, etc.). Under-mountain areas are characterized by forests of spruce. In the entire forest fund of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton the following pieces are dominating: beech (Fagus sylvatica), sessile oak (Quercus petraea), Italian oak (Quercus frainetto Tenore), Turkey oak (Quercus cerris). These pieces are pillars of the highest volume and increment of wood pulp. Areas important for biodiversity in municipality Foca-Ustikolina 13 FACTORS THAT THREATENING BIODIVERSITY IN MUNICIPALITY FOCA-USTIKOLINA Based on the overviev of the current status of biological and landscape diversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (IV National Report to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity – 2010 Biodiversity Targets National Assessments), the area of Municipality FočaUstikolina (with neighboring municipalities) is classified as area with specific ecosystems (refuge of tertiary flora) where anthropogenic pressures are expressed.Some of the pressures on biodiversity that are defined at the national level and which have been identified by the municipality as well are: conversion of habitats, unsustainable use of nature resources, deforestation/illegal logging, hunting and illegal hunting, the constant pollution of the all spheres of environment, devastation and destruction of ecosystems, degradation and defragmentation of ecosystems, disturbing the wild world, unsustainable collection of economically important species, uncontrolled use of pesticides and fertilizers, uncontrolled import of foreign species and manipulation with GMOs. Concerning landscape diversity following pressures have been identified: the construction of major infrastructure (such as transport networks); the construction of energy facilities (power transmition towers, pipelines); the construction of water installations and plants (waterwells, trench, reservoirs-retention, dams, etc); agricultural interventions (melioration, reparceling, the depletion of habitat by monocultures, the use of pesticides and fertilizers); uncontrolled urbanization and raralisation; mismatch between development goals across sectors. PRIORITIES: BASED ON WHAT CAN BE ACHIVED WITHIN THE AVAILABLE FUNDS At the first meeting of stakeholders interested to create a Local Biodiversity Action Plan, held in the municipality of Foca-Ustikolina, SWOT analysis has been made, as a part of the Action Plan, with the present participants. There is no protected area on the territory of the municipality, so it is not relevant indicator of the value of biodiversity that exists in the municipality. Present participants recognized the presence of some species that live in the municipality and in the region, which are important for protection (grouse, otter, shoot, grayling, special varieties of walnuts), as well as the strength of the municipality in relation to the value of 14 biodiversity. It is noted the significant presence of herbs, collected by population what increases their household budget, as well as a wealth of wildlife and hunting facilities, which are good preconditions for the development of tourism. There are waste of capacities for repurchase and processing of medicinal plants in the municipality, which implies that with good prospects, Local Community has the greatest benefits. River Drina,with villages formed around, is outstanding resource of the municipality, what makes the condition for a good geostrategic position. The absence of heavy industry, what is not good for economic growth of the municipality, has a positive impact on biodiversity, otherwise would undermine the current status. The municipality has developed a number of strategic documents, such as the Strategy for Sustainable Development 2012. - 2016. LEAP 2012-2018., while Forest Management Plan was made at the Cantonal level. All of these documents will help the municipality of FocaUstikolina to properly focus its development for the welfare of its citizens and residents of neighboring municipalities, with whoom establishing cooperation on capacity building in various fields, from economics and social issues, culture, environmental protection to the mprovement of the state of biodiversity. Weakness in the municipality, which may adversely affect the preservation and promotion of biodiversity, present stakeholders recognized the lack of local (municipal) tourism organizations, which would carry out the promotion of the municipality and the entire region. There is no enough of accommodation available for visitors, who visit the municipality and enjoy the natural resources, especially during local events, such as "Ustikolina summer" fishing on the river Drina, Drina rafting etc. Accommodation facilities are used mainly in the neighboring municipalities of Gorazde and Foca. The problem in this municipality, as in many other, is the use of space in an unsustainable way for tourism, because the degradation of the natural landscape. Local administration is willing to support the use of European and other funds, but there is insufficient capacity in the municipality, it is not selfsustainable in terms of budget and human resources. Of opportunities for biodiversity conservation in the near future, present stakeholders listed currently actual Reform of the forests of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosnia-Podrinje Canton, which will include European Guidelines for Compliance with European Regulations. In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in subsidies for local varieties and species are emphasized, and assistance for their certification is provided. Due to the location of the municipality, access to IPA funds and the possibility of cross-border cooperation is one of the great features that have not been used adequately enough. 15 The threats, defined as factors threatening biodiversity in the municipality of FocaUstikolina, are fires, floods as well as mined areas that pose a major problem for the use of natural resources, but on the other hand has a positive effect on the protection of biodiversity, because there is no excessive exploitation, habitat disruption or reduction of the number and abundance of species. However, because of the wealth of mineral resources, potential threat, if it does not comply with the laws and respect the study of environmental impact, is the opening of gypsum mine in the municipality. Exploitation of natural resources and raw materials may not be a threat to biodiversity and the environment, if done in a controlled and sustainable manner, where the main responsibility has a company that performs exploitation, but also the local community that should perform monitoring and control, and comply with the rules for sanctioning of irregularities. There is no complete legislation related to forest management in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, what is one of the paradoxes given that the Federation of BiH has the ultimate authority to use the main resources on the entire territory of the Federation of BiH (especially the Drina River banks, the occurrence of sediment after the flood, unsustainable and uncontrolled exploitation of gravel what causes destruction of habitats and biodiversity in the whole catchment area Drina River and everything is under the jurisdiction of the Federation, as the Drina river in the first category watercourse and the of high entity importance). The legislation of the Federation of BiH is disadvantageous for the municipalities due to the centralized decision-making process, without a clear understanding and a respect for the recommendations from the Local Communities. Also, one of the most threats for the genetic diversity is demograffic procces of abandoning of the municipalities in a rural area, the abandonment of traditional land and lack of interest, but also the lack of incentives from the state, for the preservation of plant and animal genetic diversity. Finally, in order to make everything functional and to achieve positive results in efforts to preserve biodiversity, need for the political agreement on the establishment of a common organization that would deal with the problems and solutions related to the environment, for what in the municipality of Foca-Ustikolina positive and lasting agreement is not achieved yet. 16 PRIORITIES,GOALS AND INDICATORS At the first meeting of stakeholders involved in creation of Local Biodiversity Action Plan in the municipality of Foca-Ustikolina, among the other proposals by the municipal LBAP team on the workshop in Podgorica, proposals highlighted were those relatied to the protection of habitats and landscapes (iligal dumpsites regulation, the need to build Regional Sanitar landfills, protection of cultural heritage), proposals for species protection (protection of Drina walnuts, local varieties of apples, diversity of wildlife and fish and protecttion of grouse - a rare species in the mountainous part of the municipality), as well as proposal for businessess based on biodiversity trough activities for thee promotion of healthy food, based on traditional way of preservation and useof local products. Stakeholders who attended the joint meeting submitted their proposals according to their capacities and areas of operation. Suggestions are: Promotion of healthy food (Association of Agricultural Producers Foca-Ustikolina), rafting on Drina River and building trails for kayaking in the locality of Black Rock (Reconnaissance Detachment "Stolac" Ustikolina), protection of rivers and springs and water supply of the population, reducing the impact of sewerage system on biodiversity and reducing of negative impact of storm water on biodiversity (community Ustikolina) Protection of seedlings and fish stocks, marking districts saplings, river ranching with seedlings (Sports- fishing Association Ustikolina). A particular problem in the municipality of Foca-Ustikolina is the lack of an integrated sewerage system and wastewater treatment systems. Currently, the municipality is going one, one of the leading projects in accordance with the guidelines set out in the Strategy of Sustainable Development and LEAP, construction of sewerage system with wastewater treatment. Rivers Kolina and Drina in ther flow part trough municipality Foca-Ustikolina are threatened by urban wastewater and waste water originating from economic activities, particularly agriculture including the wildlife therein and on the banks. The construction of the collector and the wastewater treatment plant is planned, which will provide favorable conditions for the life of many species, especially seedlings as a protected species in the international and national levels, but also indirectly for predators that use the animals of lower trophic levels that live in and near the river as a food. Based on all the above suggestions of stakeholders in the municipality of Foca-Ustikolina, for biodiversity conservation and development of the Local Biodiversity Action Plan, defines the priorities of the municipality and made a five-year and one-year Action Plans. 17 PRIORITIES GENERAL GOAL SPECIFIC GOALS INDICATORS Protection of endangered species Improve the status of natural populations of species that are protected by EU Directives and Conventions Protection of wild species (grouse, wolf, bear, lynx) Increased number of populations of endangered species Protection Action Plans done at the municipal level, the percentage of marked individuals, the percentage of marked individuals recorded during follow-up, Protection of fish stock of rivers Kolina and Drina, with a special focus on seedling Increased number of seedlings in the Drina River, improved state of fish stock in the river Kolina, functioning system of collectors and Waste Water Treatment plants built Protection of local, indigenous species and breeds Made an inventory of indigenous species in the municipality, Improvement Plan made, increased number of cattle and cultivated species, increased number of received subsidies for the cultivation of indigenous species 18 and breeds Protection of habitats and landscapes Establishmnt of initial balance of habitats, degraded under the influence of anthropogenic factors Regulation of waste disposal at the municipal and regional level Waste Management Plan made, project documents for the municipal landfill, defined,space for landfill established ,system of transport of municipal waste established with transfer stations at the whole area of municipality, the number of towns covered by municipal landfills Removal, rehabilitation and mappping of illegal dumpsites in order to protect the degradation of habitats that represent potential Natura2000 habitats in the municipality Natura 2000 potential habitats mapped in the municipality, the size of the cleared area, the weight of waste collected, the size of the revitalized area Establishment of active monitoring and control system of forest ecosystems in the municipality, according to the Forestry and economic principles Number of educated municipal warden, the number of municipal regulations relating to the protection of forest habitats, illegal logging decreased, reduced percentage of sold timber " on the 19 stump", study / studies on the state of forests in the municipality made, with conservation measures and the active protection of resources and potential Natura 2000 habitats. Promotion of businesses based on biodiversity Promotion of Establishment of a functional healthy foods based system of collection-purchasing and on traditional ways processing of herbs and berries of storing and preparation of local products Number of educated collectors of medicinal plants, the amount of collected herbs and berries, the purchase price, the amount of purchased material, the amount of material processed, the quantity of primary products made Extending the content of existing public municipal events related to the promotion of healthy food and products Number of interested exhibitors / manifestations, the number of visitors of the events interested in consuming the products, the number of events where possible to promote healthy food and products Joining the certification system of products (products with The number and type of certificates, 20 geographical origin , FairWild certificate, etc.) number of placements of certified products, number of manufacturers interested in certification of its products 21 A FIVE YEAR ACTION PLAN – MUNICIPALITY FOČA-USTIKOLINA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, 2013-2018. PRIORITIES MAIN GOAL SPECIFIC GOALS ACTIVITIES Protection of endangered species Improve the status of natural populations of species that are protected by EU Directives and Conventions Protecting of wild species (grouse, wolf, bear, lynx) Large mammals marking, STAKEHOLDERS DEADLINE FOR ACTIVITY REALISATION 2015. Biologistsecologists, Faculty of Monitoring of Natural population Sciences, researchers and Estimated experts, NGOs, number and areas where status of similar activities population of are protected implemented species whose actors Development of can convey the Action Plan for experience, al kind of speies media, population in Raising public rural parts of awareness of the the importance municipality, of preserving schoolchildren the wildlife SOURCE OF FINANCING AND FUNDS NEEDED STAKEHLDERS – BENEFICIARIES Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Cantonal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, donors, funds Biologistsecologists, scientific community, Ministries, population in rural parts of the municipality, media, schoolchildren 30.000 EUR 22 Media campaigne Promotional and educational activities Protecting of fish stocks in Drina and Kolina river, with a special focus on seedling Development of Plan for the Protection of Rivers and sources of nutrient pollution, Construction of wastewater treatment plants based on a "wet areas" Experts,ichthyol 2015. ogists, Fisherman associations, engineers, building companies, municipality, media, population, schoolchildren Municipality, FBiH, donors, loans, bank 2.000.000 EUR Fisherman associations, population, municipality, media Establishing a system to reduce the negative impact of storm water on biodiversity 23 Maping protected aria for seedlings fishing, Seedlings ranching Awareness raising of residends and fishermans about the importance of preserving the fish stocks in rivers Media campaigne Promotional and educational activities 24 Protection of local, indigenous varieties and breeds Development of inventory of local, indigenous varieties and breeds Making assessment of indigenous varieties and races with the development of Protection Action Plan Municipality, Agricultural Departtments of municipality and Canton, Agriculture Experts, Universities for Agriculture, Institutes, Ministri of Agriculture, Agricultural Associations 2016. Ministries of Agriculture in BPC i Federation of BiH), donors, bank, loans, Agricultural Associations Agricultural producers, municipalities, tourists and visitors, tourist organizations, media Organization of Agricultural Department service for problem solving Giving municipal subsidies for cultivation of indigenous varieties and 25 species Assessment of opportunities for placement of products indigenous varieties and breeds Raising public awareness of the importance of preserving indigenous varieties and species and genetic diversity Media campaigne Promotional and educational activities 26 Zaštita staništa i pejzaža Establish initial balance in habitats that are degraded under the influence of anthropogenic factors Regulation of waste disposal at the municipal regional level Development of Munipal Waste Management Plan Defining the site for landfill and transfer stations Preparation of project documentation Municipality, BPC, Federation of BiH, municipal Utility Company, consulting firms, consultants in the field of waste management 2018. Municipality, BPC, loans, Federation of BiH, donors Municipality, Local Communities, residents 4.000.000 EUR Building of municipal landfill Establishing a system of collection and waste disposal from the populated areas in the municipality 27 Removal of illegal dumpsites, rehabilitation and marking spaces to protect the degradation of habitats that represent potential Natura2000 habitat in the municipality Development of cadastre of illegal dumpsites, Removal of illegal dumpsites, habitat reclamation and reconditioning Marking the potential Natura2000 habitats in municipality, 2018. Municipality, BPC, exsperts, Public Comunal Utilities in municipality and Canton, GIS exsperts, Faculty for Natural Siences Sarajevo researchers and exsperts, inspection Municipality, BPC, Federation of BiH Government, donors, bank Municipality, residents, Local Communities, BPC, scientific community 1.000.000 EUR Marking the potential Natura2000 habitat on the ground, Development and production of promotional materials with 28 information on protected habitats Establishment of the Department for monitoring of potential protected areas. Establishing an active system of monitoring and control of forest ecosystems in the municipality, in accordance with the cantonal and entity Forestry basics 2016. Municipality, BPK, Cantonal Forestry Administration, trainings UC “BPC appropriate forest”, Faculty investments for of Forestry, Hunting Guard / Institute of Forest Service, Forestry, experts in the field of Preparation and forestry, adoption of inspection municipal services regulations relating to the protection of forest habitats, Organizing lectures and educational workshops / Municipality, BPC, FBiH, Cantonal Ministy for Agriculture 50.000 EUR Municipality, BPK, Cantonal Forestry Administration , UC “BP C forest”, Faculty of Forestry 29 Increased control and penalties for illegal logging, Establish a controlled and sustainable system of unsanitary deforestation Development of elaboration / study on the state of forests in the municipality, with conservation measures and active protection as local resources Promotion of business based on biodiversity Promotion of healthy foods based on Establishment of a functional collecting-purchasing Making cadastre of collectors of 2015. Herbos d.o.o., municipality,ind ividual Municipality, Herbos d.o.o., Cantonal Municipality, collectors, buyers, 30 traditional ways of storing and use of local products and processing system of herbs and berries medicinal plants Assessment of the status and abundance of species,herbs and berries Enabling the functional use of buying centers in the municipality, collectors of medicinal herbs, buyers, manufacturers, interested neighbouring municipalities, BPC, Universities og Agriculture, Cantonal and Entity Ministy for Agriculture Ministy for Agriculture, donors, funds 50.000 EUR manufacturers , Herbos d.o.o., BPC, visitors, tourists Establishing cooperation with collectors Organizing educational workshops for collectors of medicinal plants for sustainable harvesting, Encouraging 31 processing of raw materials in order to achieve better placement on the market Establishment of effective cooperation collectors and buyers by providing municipal subsidies Organization of promotional activities on the importance of herbs and berries Extending the content of existing public municipal events related to the promotion of Giving free space at trade shows and events to the individual Municipality, collectors, manufacturers, sellers, media 2014. Municipality, event organizers, FBiH, BPC Municipality, collectors, manufacturersi , sellers, tourists and 32 healthy food and products collectors and manufacturers. 20.000 EUR visitors Donors, fonds, municipality, BPC, FBiH Manufacturers , municipality Branding the products Organizing of public competitions of producers of healthy food with degustation Awards for the best manufacturers Joining the system of certification of products (products with geographical origin, FairWild certificate, etc.) Defining products for certification Determining the most suitable system of certification Consultants, manufacturers /collectors, municipality, BPC 2016. 100.000 EUR Processing of certification 33 34 ONE YEAR ACTION PLAN Activity Responsible for implementation Creating brochures and leaflets about - Municipal team importance of raising awareness of the - Fishermans biodiversity in our local - Hunters community Time frameduration of activities 1 month Lokacija provođenja aktivnosti Municipality FocaUstokolina Assuming activities worth 1.500,00 EUR - Municipal team Presentation of flyers - Fishermans - Hunters and brochures in local - NGOs Continuously communities and educational institutions -Nastavno osoblje about the importance of škole preserving of biodiversity in our local community Identification and - Municipal team removal of illegal dumps PU „Usce” located in the Coastal Ustikolina area of Kolina and Drina 3 month river that negatively affect biodiversity Identification of land and Municipality set up containers for Foca-Ustikolina collecting waste in PU „Usce” populated coastal area Municipality FocaUstokolina 1.000,00 EUR Coastal area of Kolina and 5.000,00 EUR Drina river Populated coastal area of Kolina and 35 of Kolina and Drina river Ustikolina Implementation of the wastewater treatment project that threaten coastal biodiversity of rivers Kolina and Drina -Municipality Foca-Ustikolina -Contractor selected 2 month 3 month Drina river 5.000,00 EUR Left coast of 27.500,00 EUR Kolina river before the delta with Drina river. 36