Global Exchange - Atlanta International School


Global Exchange - Atlanta International School
Global Exchange
Early Learning Center Opens
With Familiar AIS Faces
Special Edition:
2012-2013 AIS Annual Report
Neil Johnson, VICE-CHAIR
Kevin O’Halloran, TREASURER
Charlie Bostwick Scott Britton Wendy Clark
Verna Cleveland
Chi Colberg Christian Fischer
Marc Fleury Jim Harvey Wendie Hayler Roland John Fadlo Khuri Crissy Klaus
Beth Kytle ‘98
Dennis Lockhart Chris Lowe Trish Marcucci Mike McCarthy Larry Mock
Cecile Noziere Dan Reardon Frank Thomas Benny Varzi
Andrew Whitney
Emily Willingham ADAIR
Laura Winchester
Kevin Glass, Headmaster
Gerry Hull, Trustee Emeritus
Olga Plaut, Trustee Emerita
Roy Plaut, Chairman Emeritus
Monique Seefried Ph.D., Trustee Emerita
Deputy Head of Secondary School/Head of Upper School
Jeff Holcomb
Head of Operations and Finance Paul Saeger
Annual Fund Manager KATHRYN BANKS
Special Events and Alumni Relations Coordinator Natalie Keen
Development Database Manager Mandy Gee
Manager, Digital Communications & Design Laura Stidham
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
Global Exchange
Message from the AIS Board Chair and Headmaster
Around AIS
Early Learning Center Debuts
Approaches to Learning: The Heart of Middle School
10 Design Joins Core Subjects in the MYP
12 Photo Story: If These Walls Could Talk… Sandy Ferko’s Office
14 Retirements: Diane Dear, Kathryn Turman and Christiane Box
Early Learning Cener Debuts, Page 6
Staying Connected
16 Alumni Class Notes
19 2012/2013 Reunions
21 Settled in Seattle
Final Word
22 Congratulations, Class of 2013
24 Honors Assembly 2013
25 Colleges and Universities
Sandy Ferko
On the Cover:
Kevin Glass
Chiara Visconti Di Modrone-Pervanas
Deb Sudbury
‘95, Antonella Pervanas ‘27, Martina
Allegra Porter ‘09
Streidinger Parker ‘94, Patrick Parker
Carina Box ‘04
Tricia & Bill Hirsch
‘24, Veronica Plaut McDaniel ‘97, Lana
Maggie Dozier
Jutta Schlicker-Martinez
McDaniel ‘27
Laura Stidham
Alexandra Zdonczyk ‘13
Kathryn Banks
Jay Denslow
Peter Metcalf
Jennifer Ruppel
Jennifer Weyburn
Dawn Hawkins
All material, except where specified, copyright Atlanta International
School, 2013. All rights reserved.
Message from the AIS Board Chair and Headmaster
Deb Sudbury
Chair of the Board of Trustees
his year was a great one at AIS! Our community of learners and families grew
with the opening of the AIS Early Learning Center in the Alex Horsley Building
in August, launching our long-awaited full-immersion programs in 3K and 4K
French, German and Spanish. Long an aspiration of the school to open an immersion
pre-K program, we exceeded our enrollment target for the ELC during year one, and
anticipate bringing the ELC to full capacity in the next academic year. We expect the
learning benefits of this program to be significant for the school in that students will be
jump-starting their language acquisition journey with two full years of immersion which
will allow them to access our inquiry-based learning in 5K and beyond at a higher level.
Given the interest in the ELC program, we will continue to educate our community and
prospective families that 3K is the main entry point for our Primary School Program. Last
fall, we also completed the first joint three-program (PYP, MYP and DP) re-authorization
visit for the IB. All three programs were successfully reauthorized and received positive
feedback from the IB visiting teams. In Secondary School, we launched the new schedule,
which increased curricular contact time in general as well as increased IB-DP Math time
by 33% and IB-DP HL Science time by 16%. The new schedule additionally offers
expanded time for the arts and afforded the opportunity to launch Design as a core
course. This past year, we also successfully piloted the new Faculty Appraisal System
with a group of faculty in Secondary School. The appraisal system, already in progress
within the Primary School, has been implemented school-wide for 2013-14. When
fully implemented, the new appraisal model will be a tool for continued professional
growth and ongoing development of our excellent faculty based on defined professional
standards. The system will allow for multiple inputs including peer, self, supervisor,
student and parent feedback.
Kevin Glass
The school continued its focus on ever-improved financial and risk management and
upgraded facilities and maintenance staffing and programs. The Board has remained
committed to budgeting within reduced tuition increases, the lowest in over a decade
at AIS. Like many other schools, AIS is walking the tightrope of balancing pressures on
tuition, attempting to maintain the affordability of the school for many of our families and
continuing to finance and realize the school’s longstanding, mission-driven commitment
to financial aid. While the school has effectively reached its enrollment capacity, we
continue to believe that through careful financial stewardship we can navigate the
competing concerns of ensuring continued qualitative improvement in our programs,
improving our financial aid offerings and showing restraint in tuition increases.
To that end, the Board and development team are focused on growing additional
financial aid funds through the Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program. As a refresher,
the Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program allows taxpayers to direct a portion of
their state tax liability to a private school at no cost to the taxpayer. The team worked to
identify and approach C corporations and taxable trusts, which are allowed to direct a
much larger portion of their state tax payments to the school through this program. Other
private schools have sourced over $1 million dollars annually through this program and
AIS is working hard to find the individual, corporate and trust taxpayers who can help us
reach this level of funding. The needs in our community are great in the financial aid area,
so we ask your kind assistance in helping us find non-tuition sources of financial aid
funding. Turning to other non-tuition revenue sources, we are also striving to improve
membership in our leadership giving society, The 1984 Club, as well as ways to increase
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
participation by former parents, friends and trustees of the school. A planned giving push to fund an endowment, establishment of
relationships with additional foundations and corporate donors and solidifying the relationships we currently enjoy with foundations
and corporations were also areas of interest and focus.
Finally, and most importantly, we come back to what brings us together as a community--our wonderful students. We would like to wish
a warm congratulations to our AIS Class of 2013! Our graduation ceremony on May 24 was a heart-warming and memorable occasion for
our students, families, faculty and community to celebrate the accomplishments of these graduates. At 81 students, it was
the largest graduating class in the history of AIS. They have chosen to attend over 45 different colleges and universities in the US and
internationally. The class included graduates who were admitted to multiple Ivy League and top ten schools, prestigious British
universities such as Oxford and who received full-ride scholarships to Bard College (POSSE Scholar), Washington University in St. Louis
(Stamps Scholar), Bennington College (Presidential), Vanderbilt University (Ingram) and Northeastern University (Presidential Scholar).
Two students were also named Foundation Fellows at the University of Georgia; the list could go on and on! Our graduates also achieved
a 96% pass rate on the IB, which is remarkable indeed considering the worldwide pass rate of 79%. We are so proud of all our graduates
who validate through their service, accomplishments and lives the dedicated work of this school and its tremendous faculty.
As always, we are honored to serve the community which has given so much to us. Walking down the halls, visiting with our students,
observing our dedicated faculty and chatting with our community are all reminders of the great work done every single day at AIS. It
is a special place which deserves the best efforts of all of us.
With sincere thanks and warm wishes for our community,
Deb Sudbury
Kevin Glass
Board ChairHeadmaster
Financial Aid Tax Credit Update!
We want to thank all of you who participated in the Financial Aid Tax Credit in 2013.
Through the generosity of parents, alumni, grandparents, C-corps and friends, nearly
$500,000 was raised this year alone for the school’s financial aid program. Since AIS began
participating in this program in 2008, an incredible $1,239,879.75 in total has been raised
in support of financial aid at the school.
The $58 million cap was met in May for the 2013 tax year. PLEASE LOOK FOR MORE
Please visit for more information.
Around AIS
Early Learning Center
Opens With Familiar AIS Faces
By Courtney Fowler, Global Exchange Editor
This past August, a long-anticipated dream became reality when
Atlanta International School opened the doors of its new Early
Learning Center (ELC) in the Alex Horsley building, launching a
full-immersion preschool program in French, German and Spanish
for three- and four-year-olds.
The cognitive benefits of early language acquisition are without
question. “Studies have repeatedly shown that second-language
learning increases critical thinking skills, creativity and mental
flexibility in young children,” explains Headmaster Kevin Glass.
“The ELC will produce ‘graduates’ who are better language modelers for non-native speakers in our dual-immersion Primary program, thereby eventually resulting in raising all levels of language
acquisition, literacy and learning outcomes at AIS.”
Construction began on the new facility, located on Peachtree Avenue and across from the Adair Art, Science and Design building,
in the fall of 2011. Named in honor of the school’s founding headmaster, the Alex Horsley building is a one-story, residential-scale
facility built to EarthCraft specifications. Horsley and his family
were able to participate in a groundbreaking ceremony before his
death in December 2011.
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
“The ELC follows the IB-PYP curriculum, which is delivered through
a play-based inquiry program,” explains Maria Voutos, ELC Coordinator. Voutos, a trilingual veteran educator, came to AIS last year from St.
Andrews International School in Bangkok, Thailand. “The ELC is truly a
happy place to be, where all children are celebrated and their successes
honored. Most of the children in the ELC have come to believe that
learning a second (or third or fourth!) language is a normal part of 3K
and 4K.” The ELC, which is overseen by Lower Primary Head Dusty
Fretwell, ended its first school year with 35 students enrolled in 3K and
54 students enrolled in 4K.
While sending a child to preschool for the first time can be an emotional experience for most parents, it was even more so for Veronica
Plaut McDaniel ‘97, who was one of the first students to ever enroll at
Atlanta International School. Her daughter, Lana, was in the first group
last fall to enter the ELC as a 3K Spanish student.
“Walking into those doors at the Alex Horsley building last August felt
unreal! My parents (AIS founders Olga and Roy Plaut) came to witness
the first day of school, and I held back tears the whole time,” says
McDaniel. “My pride in my parents’ efforts at this place continues
to grow as I see all the people’s lives they continue to touch,
Around AIS
including ours now as parents. Lana comes home wanting to know how
to translate everything into French and German and plays make-believe
games by going on a plane to India and China, meanwhile understanding
why we have to pick up trash on the beach when people around us are
not being principled! I have fond memories of AIS as a student, and as
a teacher here, I enjoy striving to help open up the world around us for
our students. But, I never could have imagined how much my own child
could benefit from this warm place!” McDaniel, a teacher and coach at
AIS, and husband Mark hope that younger son Mateo will be joining his
sister at AIS in the coming years.
Lana was not the only child of an alum in the inaugural ELC group this
past fall. Asher Hawkins, son of Trace ’93 and Emily, joined Lana in the
3K Spanish track. And, Antonella Pervanas, daughter of Chiara Visconti
di Modrone-Pervanas ’95, was in the first group of 3K students in the
French track. Chiara and her husband, Angelos, moved with Antonella
and younger daughter Verde back to Atlanta from Italy last summer.
“Many years later, to be back at AIS as a parent is both a surreal and
amazing experience. Although the school has changed significantly, the
feel of the place as a nurturing and dynamic community is as present as
ever,” says Visconti-Pervanas. “I am proud that my daughter has started
her scholastic life at the ELC, especially since it was founded on the
vision of Mr. Horsley, a man who was also a very present and influential
part of my academic life. I always marvel at how things seem to come
full circle in our lives, and nothing is more telling of this then having
Antonella happily thriving at AIS today!” Modrone-Pervanas is newly
appointed to the AIS Board of Trustees as the alumni representative, a
role that Trace Hawkins held for many years.
Lana, Asher and Antonella
were actually preceded as
the first alum child at AIS
by Patrick Parker,
son of Martina
Streidinger Parker ’94
and Mason Parker, who
started at AIS as a 4K
student in the German
Trace Hawkins ‘93 and Asher Hawkins ‘27
track in the fall of 2011.
“I think it’s wonderful that alums are now sending their children to AIS,”
says Sandy Ferko, head of counseling. “It’s a real testimony to
their teachers and the experiences they had at AIS as students.
I hope someday my own grandchildren will come to AIS!”
Around AIS
AIS Salutes Our First ELC Students:
Class of 2027 (3K)
Nadia Aref
Lino Bartolo
Leela Basole
Sarah Bisbis
Jael Booker
Anna Porter Brodnax
Dwayne Carter
Lilo Cassimatis
Mikey Falco-Furnad
Lily Floyd
Micaela Gianella
Alex Goetz
Alex Goldsmith
Eve Gordon
Alexa Grossman
Utshaho Gupta
Asher Hawkins
Maya Joshi
Ana Sofia Keber-Diaz
Robert Kottke
Adrian Lytle
Nolan McClenaghan
Benjamin McCormack
Lana McDaniel
Antonella Pervanas
Nymah Pieper
Anthony Reznick
Anouk Robbiani-Paulete
Bella Rodriguez
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
Victoria Saigal
Eva Schoen
Josh Smith
Maanav Vats
Aurora Williams
Tala Zein
Class of 2026 (4K)
Everett Abbensetts
Amelia Adler
Maiya Boyd
Tessa Brinson
James Chambers
Teah Charkawi
Nico Cheeks
Liam Clayton
Leif Cunningham
Cameron Davoudi
Julius Decoufle
Benoit Delly
Gianmarco Di Pelino
Sofia Diaz
Lilya Elchahal
Joelle Elchami
Amelie Francois
Oscar Garcia-Ide
Lilly Glass
John Greene
Dennis Guan
Leah Guess
Emma Guillot
Zara Hendriksen
Olivia Herndon
Hayley Husken
Louise Kyle
Adelaide Lockwood
Patricia Lopez-Alvarez
Tomas Mathias Piwowarczyk
Hamilton Meadows
Malia Merritt
Theo Michel
McLeod Misner
Sascha Moffitt
Gonzalo Molina Garcia
Sophie Moreira-Chauvel
Chloe Morrell
Kolby Moss
Nathaniel Onasanya
Daniela Palatchi
Zachery Pemberton
Angela Piquin
Anisa Prempeh
Jadon Rajagopal
Zoe Reece
Lucas Rogers
Austin Rolley
Arman Sharif
Tiago Smith
Abigail Starks
Wes Winburn
Meyline Szczepanski
Elea Weimer
Around AIS
“Approaches to Learning”:
the Heart of Middle School
By Jennifer Ruppel, MYP Coordinator, and Jennifer Weyburn, Head of Middle School
Editor’s Note: According to the International Baccalaureate Organization, the
core of the MiddleYears Program (MYP) features five contexts for learning that
“provide the main focus for developing the connections between the disciplines,
so that students will learn to see knowledge as an interrelated, coherent whole.”
They are: Approaches to Learning (ATL), Community and Service, Health and
Social Education, Environments, and Human Ingenuity.The below article focuses
on the first context; more information can be found by visiting the IBO’s website
Succeeding in middle school can be a daunting proposition, particularly
for grade 6 students. Students switch classrooms each period and juggle
the expectations of at least nine teachers. How can students stay afloat?
Fortunately, the key idea of Approaches to Learning is woven into classes
and advisory, and it helps students. In fact, Approaches to Learning (the
abbreviation ATL suits us well here in Atlanta) started as a key concept
in the IB Middle Years Program and has expanded to be fundamental to
all three IB programs (grades pre-K-12).
Approaches to Learning (ATL) provides avenues of support for our
newest Middle Schoolers and sets the standard for students taking
ownership of their learning. It puts each subject’s skills and content
into a reflective context for students. Students are frequently asked
to consider these key questions: “How do I learn best? How do I know?
How do I communicate my understanding?” By using ATL as a common
thread for the classes and advisory periods, students gain a sense of
ownership, responsibility, and empowerment over their learning.
ATL is at the core of the IB Middle Years Program. Learning
Specialist, Jessica Packman highlights the importance of this skill strand:
“ATL specifically identifies and nurtures the brain structures behind
learning. Without ATL, optimal learning will not occur.” The explicit
focus on learning skills ensures that they are directly taught and
practiced in a purposeful way -- not simply leaving mastery of these skills
to chance. Teaching these skills is crucial to students’ success. As Darren
Rollins, history teacher, points out, “I have more success with students
when I give them a path or structure to learn something.” In fact, each
subject group collaborates to document strategies and materials to give
students those paths to unlock the subject’s content and skills.
Though students may think that language classes are the main venue to
exercise their communication muscles, ATL reminds students and faculty
alike that being “fluent” is key even in the more quantitative subjects.
Math teacher Kelly Chiapetta emphasizes the need to teach communication in math: “Especially in math, communication is important. It’s not
only about obtaining the correct answer, but it’s also about finding strategies to draw conclusions.” ATL ultimately prompts teachers and students
to think of the necessary organization, collaboration, communication,
information literacy, reflection, problem solving, and thinking skills to be
successful not only as middle school students, but as lifelong learners.
Naturally though, no two students learn alike. As Packman notes, ATL
helps students to form “individualized ideas and stretched cognition.”
Students will ultimately each find their own answers to the central
questions that this skill strand poses. The International Baccalaureate
Organization’s focus on educating the whole child is apparent in its
description of ATL, stating that the aim is to create “lifelong learners
who have been explicitly taught the skills of effective thinking and
learning, from information processing to managing emotions”
(“Approaches to Learning”).
While it’s important that grade 6 students, and all secondary school
students for that matter, know how to evaluate electronic sources, they
also must grow in their ability to navigate relationships with peers and
adults. These social/emotional aspects of ATL get significant attention in
the Middle School advisory program. Throughout the 6th grade, students
consider their identities as individuals as well as their ability to be a
member of a team, especially at large events like Aqua Vitae and Field
Day. In addition to in-class and advisory reflections, student-led
conferences “are a wonderful opportunity for students to reflect on the
key ATL questions. This allows them to ‘own’ their learning,” according
to Kath Gregurke, Head of English and 7th grade advisor. Teachers
and parents watched in awe and admiration as students led their own
conferences, leading a reflection on their strengths and weaknesses as
learners and setting goals for the rest of the school year.
Despite the many changes the incoming 6th graders face, ATL provides
an overarching skill focus from 6th to 10th grade. 6th grader, Claudia
Beroukhim, affirms the power of ATL saying that reflecting on her
learning helps her to “know when I need to ask for help. In this school,
you have to do a lot more critical thinking, applying, and evaluating.
It’s helpful for your teachers to know that maybe you’re not used to
writing and explaining. But I’m getting a lot better now.” There are
many people ready and willing to help to help those incoming 6th
graders. As Julia Chen, another new 6th grader, points out, “This
(middle school) is totally new for us. We are testing the water.”
Each year of the MYP will certainly bring new challenges, but the
continued emphasis on ATL helps keep students focused on becoming
a better learner…equipped to not just survive but thrive.
Approaches to Learning Skills
•organizational skills and attitudes towards work
•collaborative skills
•information literacy
•problem-solving and thinking skills
•subject-specific and interdisciplinary conceptual understanding.
Around AIS
Design Joins Core
Subjects in the Middle
Years Program
By Peter Metcalf, Design Technology Teacher
In response to recommendations from previous International Baccalaureate school reviews, AIS has introduced Design as a full IB MYP subject.
Taking its place in the curriculum alongside other core subjects such
as English, Mathematics and Science, Group 8 Design consolidates the
school’s offerings and brings it into line with other IB schools around
the world.
Fields of study for this year’s personal projects range from toy making
and multimedia to electronics and consumer products. Cross-curricular
links will enable students to make strong connections with their other
studies; in some situations, students are able to draw on their own cultural background and tap into a rich community that furthers enhances
the design experience
Essentially a course in problem-solving, students develop their skills in
researching, generating of creative ideas, manufacturing and evaluating.
This past year, the design faculty were invited to participate in a trial
of the new IB MYP Design syllabus. This was a great opportunity for
students and teachers alike to have input into the shaping of the new
curriculum and trial of the new syllabus. Very few schools around the
world are given this honor, and it is a tribute to the reputation AIS has
within the IBO. In addition, John Davenport traveled to The Hague
to assist with the development of curriculum support materials for
international distribution to teachers.
Following the design process, students are encouraged to work independently towards the solving of a design brief. Communication skills are
of the utmost importance as students gather and interpret information
and data before sketching potential design solutions. The design process
encourages students to follow an iterative approach to problem-solving
that is just as applicable in Mathematics, the Sciences and any of the many
other subjects students study across the curriculum. In fact, this year
grade 10 students have been trained to apply the design process when
attempting their personal project.
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
The Adair Art, Science and Design Center provides an outstanding
environment in which to foster creativity. Specialist faculty have been
recruited from around the world to assist students in their explorations
into both the digital and product design strands of this course.
Around AIS
Mock Trial Team rides
out Hurricane Sandy in NYC
AIS’s Mock Trial team followed up a top-five finish in the prestigious Empire City Mock
Trial Invitational competition last October with a different sort of adventure: a front-row
seat to Hurricane Sandy. The team’s trip home was delayed several days by the historic
storm’s arrival in New York City, which they watched safely from the same Brooklyn
Bridge hotel that served as headquarters for the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Environmental Advocate Philippe
Cousteau addresses AIS students
The grandson of Jacques Cousteau, legendary conservationist and co-developer of scuba technology, Philippe Cousteau was inspired from childhood to
become an explorer, social entrepreneur and environmental advocate.
In a speech to AIS Upper School assemblies this spring, Cousteau explained
that he aims to build upon the legacy of his family - plus use new avenues,
like his show “Going Green” on CNN - to transform environmental conservation by engaging young people to change the present and the future.
As Cousteau said, we are all connected, no matter where we live, and all of
our choices have consequences. He urged us to choose not to procrastinate
on this issue before it is too late and to make an effort to minimize our
environmental impact. His suggestions included eating lower on the food
chain, examining what we consume and how we consume it, and educating
ourselves and others about environmental problems.
-Alexandra Zdonczyk ‘13
AIS “Shakes” up
Social Media
Upper School students rode the “Harlem
Shake” wave earlier this year to a new record
in visits to the school’s YouTube channel:
12,326 views as of August, to be exact. The
AIS eagle mascot and other costumed Upper
Schoolers took over the ASD lobby in
February to stage the AIS version of this
popular Internet meme. To see it, please visit
if these walls could talk:
Sandy Ferko’s Office
By Laura Stidham, Manager, Digital Communications & Design
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
For a time capsule of Atlanta International School’s
student body, look no further than Sandy Ferko’s
office. Every inch of her office is covered in
mementos from her tenure as a counselor at AIS.
Every one has a story to tell…
Photos wallpaper her cabinets so her family will always feel
The Class of ‘95 filled Plaut Plaza with sand, water, palm trees
and gold fish—thus Plaut Pond was born. They made sure to
hang a sign courtesy of the Class of ’95 with their signatures.
International flags left behind at senior graduation events
parade their way into a permanent residence in Sandy’s office.
Sandy keeps collages from all of her Model United Nations
trips with students: (top to bottom) University of Virginia 2008,
Dublin, Ireland 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2011, Duke
University 2004, Duke University 2005.
Alums love to send teddy bears to Sandy. There is even one
from the family of a kindergarten student when Sandy was the
only counselor at AIS as well as a uniquely squeaky lop-sided
doll from Rudi Waldscheutz ’95.
In loving memory of Vivien Mai, Class of ‘05
Vivien passed away in his sleep during his freshman year at
college. This painting was one of Vivien’s and was given to AIS,
in his memory, by his parents.
Graham Belton, Class of ’06, gifted Sandy with a tribal statue
while working in Mali with the U.S. Peace Corps.
Travis Stabler, Class of ’99, slam dunks in the old gym.
Supposedly the first slam dunk at AIS—or at least the first
captured on camera.
Paul Seefried, Class of ’01, wanted to leave his own “slam
dunk” by giving Sandy his certificate from the Goethe Institute
of Excellence in the Study of German.
As a prank, the Class of ’97 placed flyers on windshields all
over campus as well as the local grocery store bulletin board:
Last seen somewhere around the Rose and Crown Pub in Buckhead.
HEIGHT: 5’6”
HAIR: ash blonde
CAR: Champagne Oldsmobile Eighty-Eight
If you see our grandma, please call (404) 841-3848 and ask for
Dorrita. We LOVE you grandma!
Class of ‘02 Francisco Martin-Rayo’s Winning the Minds:Travels
Through the Terrorist Recruiting Grounds ofYemen, Pakistan, and the
Somali Border.
Ohio State is Sandy’s alma mater. Class of “She’ll Never Tell”
Decorative Chinese artwork depicting the Year of the Ox from
Sandy’s first trip to China in 1997. She escorted AIS students
to the Model United Nations which was held at Beijing
International School while Alex Horsley (AIS founding
member and former headmaster) was headmaster there.
The silver dog tags are a souvenir from the Broadway
production of Miss Saigon and an overall memento of her
first trip with students to New York City in 1995.
The end of the 2012-2013 school year also marked the end of an era at AIS, as longtime faculty members Diane Dear (22 years of service), Kathryn
Turman (13 years of service) and Christiane Box (23 years of service) retired. The three were honored and celebrated at an end-of-year event, where
many tributes to each of them were shared. The letters below – one from a student, parents and a teacher – reflect the love and esteem in which these
longtime teachers are held in the AIS community:
Diane Dear
Primary School, English
To Diane Dear:
I’ll never forget being a lion tamer. I was amazed that at the young and fragile age of six, I was allowed the opportunity to wield a whip
and boss around my lion-clad peers. But with great power comes tremendous responsibility – and to be honest, just a tiny bit of fear. I was
a very rambunctious child I know, but even though I feigned courage, I was in reality very anxious and nervous about getting on stage.
You were there for me when I felt like the cowardly lion, weak at heart.Thanks to you and your many words of encouragement, I quite
literally walked into the lion’s den a few days later with a sense of higher purpose... and without wetting my pants.
A few years later, sixth grade I think it was, our class went to Europe.You were there with us and our French group in France. One day, on the snowy ski slopes of Albertville, I’d
had a little too much of falling over myself. I wanted to quit, and was very near crying when you found me, sprawled across the ground, with a bad attitude and a missing ski.
After I made it abundantly clear that – no, I didn’t want to try again – you took me inside to the cabin for a warm cup of hot chocolate. I’ll never forget sitting in those big
plush chairs across from you, cradling my mug and surveying in safety the outside scene of my tumbling peers. You made me feel so much better, mollifying my wounded pride
with words of encouragement – just like you had all those years ago. Somehow, you knew exactly what to say, and I felt imbued with the courage to try again. And so I did:
rather unsuccessfully, but happy nonetheless. I can’t tell you how much that moment meant to me.
You always had a word of encouragement for me, even when I was in high school and far away from your classroom. Each time I saw you, I felt like the small child I had been
all over again: safe and warm.
When I think of my time at AIS, I get a flood of emotion that is like hundreds of tiny colored memories. My time with you shines very brightly among them. I have come far
since then, but it is due to those early memories, made with you among others, that I am who I am today. You and the other preschool teachers worked magic, cultivating my
confidence even when I didn’t think it stood a chance! Thank you. I will never forget you for that.
I am sad to hear of you’re leaving AIS, sad for those who will not have the opportunities to learn from you as I did. I feel extremely lucky to have been at AIS when you were,
and particularly lucky to have been under your gentle tutelage during such a fragile time in my life.
I hope that your next adventure is as exhilarating and as full of love as you made mine!
In love, admiration, and gratitude, Allegra Porter ‘09
Kathryn Turman
Secondary School, English
Dear Kathryn,
Well, it’s hard to imagine a teacher who has impacted Jeremy, Alex and Derek more than you over the course of our 25-year tenure at AIS.
Although they never aspired to be writers or journalists and certainly didn’t graduate from high school English as your valedictorian,
their success today in their continuing education and careers can be directly traced back to Dr.Turman’s dreaded critical analysis IB
papers. Captain Hirsch may never understand Shakespeare, but you can feel great pride in knowing that not only did he recently
graduate from the most highly competitive program in the United States Air Force, he earned the Distinguished Graduate Award for
Weapons School in part due to a paper assigned over the six- month course. Unfortunately, none of us have top secret clearance capability
to read his paper on unidentified aerial vehicles (UAVs), but believe it or not, he earned top grade and is now published. Amazing how it all works when they get a chance to
write about their passion!
Meanwhile, Alex is now in her third year of law school and has been a TA for her writing professor for over a year.Turns out she has a talent for writing briefs concisely and
accurately. Both are greatly appreciated by the Assistant Attorney Generals and Judges for whom she has served.The girl really knows how to study, analyze and write!
Last, but never least, Derek still hasn’t recovered from having to get through Midaq Alley, but we are sure he will be fine once he begins engineering helicopters for the Army.
After a year of college English, he maintains that at least one of his high school papers could have been an “A.”
So, as you see, long lives Dr.Turman across the oceans and throughout the ages. Bill and I truly appreciate all that you and so many other teachers have given to our children.
After helping to raise hundreds of our AIS kids, we wish you, Diane and Christine many happy years of a well-deserved retirement.
All our best, Tricia and Bill Hirsch (Parents of Jeremy ‘01, Alex ‘03 and Derek ‘12)
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
Christiane Box
Secondary School, German
Jeder hat in tiefstem Dank derer zu gedenken,
die Flammen in ihm entzündet haben.
-von Albert Schweitzer
How do you say good-bye to a retiring member of our faculty who has helped shape AIS through her 23 years of service? And how do you adequately
acknowledge someone who, in many of our minds, has reached iconic status? I had to ask for a double extension on my deadline to attempt an answer to
this question with this article, and I am still struggling with how I can do her and her countless contributions to the school justice with mere words. Mine
won’t do. I had to consult a dictionary - multiple times.
First entry looked up: Icon. The very first definition that came up read as follows: A religious icon is defined as a supreme personality of godhead. Sticking
to the realm of mortals, we are left with a supreme personality. Well, this is a promising start and can surely serve as one adequate descriptor of Frau Box.
Anyone who meets her is undoubtedly left with the impression of just having met a strong personality, someone truly special, someone they will not
easily forget, someone who, in the shortest of conversation, has pushed them to be just a little bit better, just a little more knowledgeable, just a little
more reflective, just a little more open-minded, just a little more caring.Yes, Christiane Box does embody the IB learner profile, and I am sure she has
lived and shared it long before its theoretical inception.
When Patrick Hurworth coined the indelible phrase of “Christiane, the icon,” he must, however, have an even more far-reaching interpretation in mind.
So, it is back to the dictionary for me: icon is also used, particularly in modern culture, in the general sense of symbol — i.e. a name, face, or even a
person readily recognized as having some well-known significance or embodying certain qualities.
Evidence of the significance that Frau Box has for AIS is all around us: engaged students, who are thriving; colleagues, who are seeking her advice and
guidance; a library stocked with current German books and accompanying reviews; the Sunshine Club that celebrates and empathizes with the
significant events in our faculty’s lives; thousands of dollars raised for the Bethania Orphanage through her German Cake Sale; the 100% marker for
faculty contribution to the annual fund drive; the validation of the students’ work through the annual Senior Lunch. As German Subject Leader and first
language coordinator of the Secondary School, she laid the groundwork for much of our successes in groups 1 and 2, and it is exemplary of her devotion
to AIS that the first time I met her was when she came to my husband’s little start-up business right after our move to the US to lobby for his contribution
to the Spring Benefit!
All of this commitment did not go unnoticed. In 2011 the faculty chose Christiane Box as the recipient of the prestigious ECIS award. This distinction
clearly communicated the school’s appreciation for her “significant and noteworthy contribution to the promotion of international education and
understanding”, the fact that she “has proven to be an exemplary citizen by exhibiting personal integrity, ethical professional practices, high personal
expectations, a positive attitude and demeanor toward others”, and that she has “contributed above and beyond normal obligations” while demonstrating
“the ability to excel at inspiring and leading others.” (Citations from European Council of International School)
At the heart of a teacher’s world, however, lies his or her work with the students in the classroom. Christiane Box has been an extraordinary educator. As a
non-native speaker of English, I was about to call her a great pedagogue, until I had the good sense to consult the dictionary one more time, and found that
in English this “false friend” connotes an educator who is pedantic, strict and stiff, and therefore describing the exact opposite of her teaching style! Since
I obviously cannot rely on my own portrayal of Frau Box as a teacher, I once more consulted an expert: Dr. Richard Leblanc of York University, who in
1998 published certain requirements for good teaching that adequately describe her approach to her craft:
GOOD TEACHING is as much about passion as it is about reason. It’s about not only motivating students to learn, but teaching them how to learn, and
doing so in a manner that is relevant, meaningful, and memorable. It’s about caring for your craft, having a passion for it, and conveying that passion to
everyone, most importantly to your students. GOOD TEACHING is about listening, questioning, being responsive, and remembering that each student
and class is different. It’s about pushing students to excel; at the same time, it’s about being human, respecting others, and being professional at all times.
GOOD TEACHING is about humor. GOOD TEACHING is about caring, nurturing, and developing minds and talents. It’s about devoting time, often
invisible, to every student. It’s also about the thankless hours of grading, designing or redesigning courses, and preparing materials to further enhance
instruction. GOOD TEACHERS practice their craft not for the money or because they have to, but because they truly enjoy it and because they want
to. Good teachers couldn’t imagine doing anything else. (THE CORE Association for Experiential Education Schools & Colleges Professional Group
Newsletter, Spring 1999, Vol. 2, # 1)
Frau Box not only lived these principles of good teaching in her classroom, but shared them freely with us, her colleagues, challenging and guiding us
towards the same standards. Her students surely recognized her efforts on their behalf. One of them chose her as his STAR teacher, the one educator who
inspired him the most and was most instrumental on his path to becoming an outstanding high school student. Countless testimonies of alumni sharing
memories on the occasion of her retirement also give testimony to the lasting impact of her lessons in their lives.
With Frau Box’s retirement, AIS has to say good-bye to a great educator, an engaged and caring colleague, a committed member of our community. In
addition, in her years at AIS, Christiane Box had continued to serve as a strong voice linking us to the roots of the school, reminding us of where we come
from and how to live our mission true to the intentions of the founders. It is up to us to carry it on, all of it - I know she will be watching!
So, how do you say good-bye to a friend, colleague and mentor if you really are not prepared to see them go? Well, you don’t. We thank her for all she has
done, wish her the best for a retirement filled with happiness and new adventures, and simply say:“Tschüs, Christiane, we will see you around!”
Jutta Schlicker-Martinez
Alumni Class Notes
Felina Lerch is married with three
Duden Yegenoglu is with the US
children and lives in Reno, Nevada.
State Department. She is the economic officer in the US Embassy in Bamako, Mali.
Bobbin Singh got married in
December to his wife, Julia, in her
hometown of Oahu, Hawaii.
(Day) and Nic
are the proud
parents of two
sons, Julien and
Laleh Khadivi lives in San
Francisco. Her book, TheWalking, the
second in a trilogy, was published this
spring. She credits the teachers and classes
at AIS for her “knowledge and love of
literature and history” and with helping
her begin her journey as a writer.
Natalie Lerch Ban recently joined
the faculty at the University of Victoria in
British Columbia.
Corey Pray lives in Austin, Texas
and works as a Petroleum Storage Tank
Inspector for UT Arlington, contracted
with the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality.
Nina Box and fiancée Frank Seeburger
were joined at a party in their honor by
AIS alums Raphael Pinto, Josh
Gunnemann, Valentin Lemoine,
Tomer Woelz, Kevin Roman and
Alex Wallace.
David Rueckel lives in Munich, Germany and has recently started a new job with
Catella Real Estate, a German Investment
Manager with a Swedish parent structure.
Rob Raville
and wife Megan
welcomed a
daughter, Adelaide,
who paid a visit to
Ms. Ferko at AIS.
Her dad and
classmate Robert
Nicki Bennett met her husband, Thom-
as, in Ethiopia, and later worked with him
in the Congo and Afghanistan. They married
in 2011 after finishing a two-year mission in
Pakistan. After a stint at UN headquarters
in New York, they moved to South Sudan
in early 2012. Nicki works on humanitarian coordination with the UN, and Thomas
works for the European Commission’s humanitarian aid department. They both adore
their work and living in Juba.
Jason Lerch is a scientist in the
neuroscience and mental health program at
the hospital and faculty in the department
of medical biophysics at the University of
Toronto and the Hospital for Sick Children.
He conducts research in childhood mental
health disorders (autism, ADHD, etc.) and
brain imaging methods.
came along.
Frederic Eger in Germany this summer.
AIS classmates Corey Pray and Sacha
Berkman flew over for the occasion.
Reed Thodeson recently began
his new job as a Social Media and Communications manager for,
an online start-up that creates online retail
sites for car dealership parts departments. He
has had the opportunity to run ad campaigns
and marketing promotions using social media
for dealerships across the country.
Jon Cooper is pursuing an MBA at
the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton
School of Business, where he met up with
Anders Petersen ’95.
Thaddeus Keefe has opened 1Kept, a
Buckhead restaurant offering “a new blend of
American Cuisine and southern influences.”
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
Lisa Herbrechtsmeier married Jan
Marine Captain Christina Hayes
graduated from The Naval Academy and,
12 years later, has recently transitioned
from being captain in charge of a unit in
Okinawa, Japan, to the role of operations
officer for the squadron, which is comprised of three companies. Her squadron is
considered frontline should action escalate
in Korea.
Alexi Piasecki has recently finished
her practical experience position at the
CDC and will be moving to Cameroon in
September where she will be serve as a
Peace Corps volunteer for 27 months. She
will be working with the Ministry of Health
and acting as a Community Health Educator
where she looks forward to applying the
skills and tools she has learned these past
two years at Rollins School of Public Health
(Emory University) in the field.
Whitney Wilson has
joined the Corcoran Group
in real estate sales in New
York City.
Members of the Class of 2003 visited
Philadelphia recently to visit Carla
Weeks; their trip included a tour of
Anthropologie headquarters (Carla’s
employer) as well as a visit to a corn field!
The group included Greta Modesitt,
Elizabeth Case Nergen, Andrea
Moore, Carla Weeks and Alexi
Catie Warner completed medical
school at the Medical College of Georgia
and is doing a pediatric residency in New
York City next year. She wants to specialize in pediatric dermatology and hopes
to complete her dermatology training in
Philadelphia after she leaves NYC.
Alex Hirsch is starting her third year of
law school at the Charlotte School of Law.
Her brother, JEREMY ‘01, is in the U.S. Air
Force, while DEREK ‘12 plays baseball and
is in ROTC at Wofford College.
Ethan Lyle recently graduated with a
Katrin Trietsch gave birth to her
daughter, Martha, on March 28, 2013.
She and her family live in Germany.
James Brindley is working for the
UN in Uzbekistan. He works as a
communications assistant and editor for
United Nations Development Programme
and Children’s Fund’s country offices.
He also does related work for the Asian
Development Bank and a local NGO.
He has had the opportunity to draw on
his THIMUN experience when organizing
MUN events in the country.
Bachelor of Arts in Government from
Harvard University. He just started his new
job at the law firm Ropes & Gray LLP in
their Practice Development branch. In the
time after graduation and before the start
of his current job, Ethan worked with a
small startup company called Become
A Leader, Inc.
Matan Katz is in China working on his
Master’s Degree in Trade and Business.
Lauren Olens taught in China for a
year, followed by visits to Japan and Brazil.
Olivia Jones has finished her degree at
the University of Kent with Upper Second
Class Honors in Business Administration
and French. The graduation ceremonies
were at Canterbury Cathedral. She plans
to live in London.
Emilia Hermann will attend Harvard
TC Winter graduated from Claremont
McKenna as a Middle Eastern Studies
(Arabic) and Spanish major in May. He has
joined the US Special Forces for a five-year
commitment with the new “18X” program.
Designed for foreign language speakers, the
program posts personnel to strategically
important countries where they work “by,
with and through” local people and the local
military, sometimes acting as a bridge to our
own armed forces.
University this fall to pursue a Master’s
in Public Health before returning to the
Unversity of Pennsylvania to complete
medical school.
Graham Belton completed a Master’s
Degree at Georgia Tech this spring before
embarking on a month-long trip to Cameroon with the organization, Engineers Without Borders. He will begin work in early fall
with Schlumberger, an oil company, with
whom he will eventually work in Ravenna,
Marine Lieutenant Andre Parreira
serves on the same base in Okinawa, Japan,
as Captain Christine Hayes ’01.
Nico Hawley-Weld spent
this year working as a math
and science instructor and is
now building infrastructure
to support tech startups and
social enterprise in Victoria, BC, Canada.
He starts a master’s degree in Agricultural
and Biological Engineering at the University
of Illinois this fall, as a Jonathan Baldwin
Turner Fellow, focusing on sustainable innovation in food, energy, waste/recycling,
and manufacturing.
Emika Ijuin works for the civil engineering consulting firm, Walter P. Moore, where
she does project management and civil site
design. She is currently located in Houston
but will move to the Austin office in 2014.
graduated from
John Carroll
University and
starts a Master’s
in Nursing with
emphasis in
midwifery in
St. Louise this
summer. She came
to AIS from Nepal.
Alumni Class Notes
Naman Kanakiya has been accepted to
the Emory University School of Medicine
and will start this fall.
Adam Dindorf graduated from
university last November and officially has
a BA in Theatre & English Literature. His
parents, former AIS teachers Tom and
Gaynor Dindorf, and brother James are
enjoying Leipzig International School.
Emily Robey-Phillips will begin
her final year at Georgia Tech this August.
She spent this summer in D.C. working for
Congressman John Lewis as part of a special
program that covers all living and travel
expenses for an internship with the federal
government. Emily has also been awarded
the Boren Scholarship for spring 2014 at the
Russian Presidential Academy of the National
Economy & State Service, in Moscow. She
studied there in 2011 and is excited to return
next year.
Ari Levinson graduated with honors
from New York University.
Arsalan Akhavan remains busy at
NYU with academic classes, a minor in
producing and his work in studio, which
recently culminated in a Script Analysis
project involving a 20-minute cut as the
protagonist of a play (Ralph from “Awake
and Sing!” by Clifford Odets) in addition
to scenes from plays by Moliere, Oscar
Wilde, Noel Coward, George Bernard
Shaw and William Shakespeare.
Ariana Fabian is double majoring
in anthropology and French at Hendrix
College. She participated in programs in
France and India and visited Spain during
her summer break.
Neema Ebrahim-Zadeh, a student
is the final amateur category before turning
professional. In addition, Oliver races for the
University of Colorado at Boulder; his team
placed second in the nation at Collegiate
Division 1 National Championships in
Ogden, Utah.
Charlie Geddes took a skydiving jump
while in Argentina this summer.
at Stanford University, spent the summer in a
Biomedical Optics program at Massachusetts
General Hospital in Cambridge.
Jonathan Olens is a student at
Syracuse University. After a Birthright trip
to Israel, he interned at WSB-TV in Atlanta
this summer.
Anusha Sthanunathan and Aude
Broos, who just finished Michigan and
UPenn respectively, took a backpacking
trip to Ecuador before they each work in
Chicago and New York respectively.
Adrien Pellerin received rave reviews
for his role as “Philip” in Mauritius, his last
play this spring before graduating from
Rice University.
Saxon Bartsch won the Atlanta
Hedge Fund Challenge and a prize of
$10,000 in scholarship monies this spring.
He beat 50 other teams from Georgia Tech,
Emory, Georgia State and UGA. The teams
were comprised of one to three graduates,
doctorate or undergraduate students in any
degree program (Bartsch was a team of
one). The Atlanta Hedge Fund Challenge
(AHFC) is a regional competition between
student teams at Emory, Georgia State,
Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia
in which a panel of hedge fund managers
chooses the best investment idea.
Giles Geddes, Patrick Kiessling
and Julia Lancaster ‘11 interned
at Porsche North America this summer,
during which they had a lunch date with
Sandy Ferko.
Brice Williams spent the week after
graduation in Guhawati, India working
for Operation Smile.
Dixon Adair helped Atlantans herald the
Year of the Snake, having been invited to coemcee the 2013 “Spring in Atlanta” Chinese
New Year Gala Performance on February 11,
2013. He was flown from DC to Atlanta by
the Association of Chinese Professionals for
the weekend of practice and performance.
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
Oliver Flautt currently races for the
Lupus Racing Team, an elite amateur bicycle
racing team that is dedicated to raising awareness of the autoimmune disease and increasing funding through the Lupus Foundation of
America. Oliver is a Category 1 racer, which
Winter 2012/13 Reunion Atlanta Young Alums
In attendance at the reunion: Ciara O’Halloran ’09, Alia Reid ’09, Annie Farrell ’09, Eve Laurent ’09, Adrien Pellerin ’09, Ana Buling ’09, Julius Gebhard-Koenigstein ’09, Rocio
Elise Brandau ’09, Dixon Adair ’10, Rana El-Nahas ’10, Christoph Koehler ’10, Joanna Palmer ’10, Tatiana Manidis ’10, Victoria Hampton ’10, Christina Rutte ’10, Julia Lancaster
’11, Neema Zadeh ’11, Jonathan Olens ’11, Guilmerme Silva ’11, Sam Jactel ’11, Lindsey Sanborn ’11, Manon Audibert ’11, Hannah Melville ’11, Amy O’Halloran ’11, Kirsten Wenz
’11, Shakeem Grohmann ’11, Dasha Vzorov ’11, Paolo Fornasini ’11, Ana Paula Shelley ’11, Ryan Kristensen ’11, Anastasia Owen ’11, Oliver Flautt ’11, Alia Moussly ’11, Anton
Gebhard-Koenigstein ’11, Elliott Fretwell ’11, Emerence Lodise ’11, Arthur Marques ’12, Anna Zuver ’12, Maura Fitzpatrick ’12, Derek Hirsch ’12, Michael Sandmeir ’12, Libby
Porter ’12, Alex La Palme ’12, Amelia Perry ’12, Giles Geddes ’12, Steven Holzapfel ’12, Nadine Marfurt ’12, Sydney Proctor ’12, Constance Noziere ’12, Theresa Schmidt ’12,
Michael Pierce ’12, Inye Nosegbe ’12, Alejandro Garcia ’12, Giselle Fernandez ’12.
TOP LEFT PHOTO (l to r) Anna Wilner ‘09, Amelia Zuver ‘09, Kirsten Wenz ‘11,
Pan Nimmanonda ‘09
TOP RIGHT PHOTO (l to r) Neema Ebrahim-Zadeh ‘11, Andrea Pava ‘10,
Dasha Vzorov ‘11
BOTTOM PHOTO (l to r) Dixon Adair ‘10, Friend of AIS, Chris Rutte ‘10,
Joanna Palmer ‘10
Winter 2012/13 Reunion London
(l to r) Olivia Jones ‘08, Lizzie Huntley ‘03, Cassie Huntley ‘07, Sashi Leff ‘07
(l to r) Florian Raff ‘98, Sandy Ferko, Paige Turbeville ‘97
Winter 2012/13 Reunion New York
(l to r) Aria Curtis ‘06, Kate Mischaikow ‘06, friend of AIS, Alexandra Panzer ‘04
(l to r) Brittany Pavon ‘05, Eden Smith ‘05, Emilia Hermann ‘05, Aria Curtis ‘06
Winter 2012/13 Reunion San Francisco
(l to r) Sandy Ferko, Fran Burlingame ‘97, Arun Wiita ‘98, Alice Blanco Jaitla ‘97
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
(l to r) Afrooz Family ‘06, Kevin Glass
Settled in
By Carina Box ‘04
Seattle-living class of 2004 members (l to r) Ellison Fidler, Stephan Prochow, Carina Box, Carey Rosser, Sinan Sutcu and
Philipp Witte.
On a sunny day in February, six members of the class of 2004 convened near the Space Needle for brunch and a photo opportunity.
Ms. Ferko had recently learned that 10% of our graduating class had
settled in Seattle and wanted to know why so many of us moved to
the opposite site of the country. Here are the answers from the group,
which included Carey Rosser, Sinan Sutcu, Ellison Fidler, Philipp
Witte and Stephan Prockow.
Why did you move to Seattle?
Carey: I moved to Seattle because, after a six-year long distance relationship, I decided it might be time to move in with my husband.
Sinan: To work at Xbox.
Ellison: I moved to Seattle to work for the Cascade Bicycle Club, a
non-profit ( and to live outside of Georgia.
Philipp: After graduating with my Master’s Degree in Aerospace
Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2010, I was debating between
getting my PhD and going into industry. I decided to apply to several
jobs to determine what opportunities were available. Ultimately I
accepted a job offer with Boeing in Seattle through their accelerated
hiring program. Now I am working as a structural design engineer
on the new AT (Advanced Technology) winglet of the 737MAX.
Carina: I moved to join my boyfriend (who works with Philipp at
Boeing). Working at Deloitte Consulting, I was able to request an
internal transfer which allowed me to change cities and also move
to the Human Capital Service Area where I help other companies
develop training programs and materials.
How long have you been in Seattle?
Carey: I would like the record to reflect that we were here first! Even
though I didn’t move out here full time until 2012, we’ve been here
since 2010.
Sinan: Almost three years.
Ellison: I’ve been in Seattle since June 2012.
Philipp: I have been in Seattle for almost two years now.
Carina: I moved to Seattle in September 2012, but I currently spend
more time in Florida due to a work project.
What is your favorite restaurant in the area?
Carey: I don’t know. I like a lot of places. I don’t really think I have
a favorite.
Sinan: Capital Grill
Ellison: Hmmm...I really like the taco truck in Ballard, but I’ve had a
lot of tasty pho around too.
Philipp: My favorite restaurant in the area is List. List has an unbeat-
able happy hour with half-off entrees, and there are usually interesting
people to talk to at the bar.
Carina: I have to say Portage - a small French restaurant in Upper Queen
Anne with amazing service and impeccable food!
How do you like to spend your weekends in Seattle?
Carey: I spend my weekends doing dog training, skiing, hiking, building things in the back yard, going to Canada, grilling a wide range of NW
seafood (and then eating it...)
Sinan: Taking walks with my corgi, Buster, and being lazy
Ellison: Busy! I’ve been seeing a lot of music, been to a number of museums (although I try to hit those up on Thursdays!), played in a lot of parks,
volunteers with some people, and I started joining some boys in a park for
pick-up soccer games on Saturday mornings.
Philipp: During the summer I spend my weekends hiking and kayaking,
and during the winter I spend them either skiing or snow-shoeing.
Carina: I enjoy being home instead of in a hotel, catching-up with friends
I’ve not seen during the week and occasionally skiing or taking a walk near
one of Seattle’s many bodies of water.
What is your favorite spot in the city?
Carey: The library at the top of the federal court house, because it has the
best view in town. Unless it’s foggy and then it just has the same view as
everywhere else.
Sinan: The entire city is very scenic. Literally breathtaking views everywhere!
Ellison: I really like the Fremont Peak Park. It’s got this amazing view of
the locks and a tiny bit of the Sound and at sunset you can see the sun dip
behind the mountains and all the lights come on in Ballard. I’ve volunteered
for a few work days there and those are fun too. For such a great spot, it’s
super tiny, so it’s kind of hidden!
Philipp: My favorite spot in the city is probably the Elliot Bay Terminal
Trail along the Seattle waterfront.
Carina: I enjoy taking the ferry to Bainbridge Island and walking around its
adorable downtown shops and parks.
Anything else to add…?
Carey: If anyone gets arrested in Washington, feel free to give me a call
Sinan: Nope
Carina: It has been wonderful having members of the classes of ’04 and ‘05
(Arianna Gutierrez, Lamya Khoury, Brian McElhaney, Catie Warner) come
visit. Let us know if you’re in town!
Editor’s Note: Carina is still awaiting Stephan’s answers.
congratulations, class of 2013
The 81 members of the Class of 2013 had an extremely successful year,
matriculating at 47 different universities in the U.S. and abroad
and earning an impressive $7.6 million in merit scholarship money,
not including HOPE scholarship funds.
and West, and 17 enrolled in schools in Canada, the United Kingdom,
Germany, Australia, Sweden and The Netherlands. Two are taking
gap years. The list of schools to which the students are matriculating
appears in following pages.
Of the 81 graduates, 37 will attend 15 colleges in the Southeast,
including 20 students who will remain in Georgia to take advantage
of the HOPE scholarship programs at UGA, Georgia Tech and Georgia
State. Of the remaining graduates, 26 enrolled in 21 universities North
In keeping with AIS commencement tradition, this year’s graduates
are listed with their countries of affiliation:
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
congratulations, Class of 2013!
Amelia Midori Abe
Canada, Japan, USA
Marc Leopold Albers
Brazil, Germany
Anisa Mercedes Amin
India, UK, USA
Clémentine Marie Christine André
Norman Stefan Arroyo
Cuba, Germany, USA
Ekua Awotwi
Ghana, Nigeria
Julia Grayson Barringer
Zinka Bartolek
Alexandra Therese Birkbeck
USA, Vietnam
Marie Boudard
Belgium, France, Vietnam
Leah Elizabeth Bracey
Cape Verde, USA
Oliver Douglas Branch
Asha Ililanga Campbell
Jamaica, USA
Hugo Cap
Jenny Y. Chang
Taiwan, USA
Emily Elizabeth Cohen
Costa Rica, USA
Coralis Colón-Vega
Puerto Rico, Sweden, USA
Brian Davies Cook
Sarah Marie Darradji
Algeria, USA
Anaïs de Potesta de Waleffe
Belgium, USA
Urvashi Atul Deshmukh
India, USA
Niklas Gabriel Dorsch
Christopher Ferandel
Guatemala, Mexico, USA
Louise Sarah Charlotte Forbes
Emily Louise Forde
Aaron Zhu Freedman
Hannah Mei Freedman
China, USA
Lorenzo Jose GonzálezLamassonne
Colombia, USA
Mathias T. Guenther
Germany, Turkey, USA
Connor Joseph Hagan
McKenzie Leigh Hagan
Mohammadullah Hassan
Jeremiah George Hassett
Netherlands, USA
Julia Allison Henry
Jamaica, USA
Owen L. Hill
Taiwan, USA
Naomi Holzapfel
Ashton Morrison Imber
Sarah Raphaëlle Jactel
France, USA
Shea Lynne Johnson
Canada, USA
Christopher Nicholas Jordan
Yeon Joo Kim
South Korea
Sloane Amalie Klene
Ekaterina Koposova
Finland, France, USA
Nia Marie Lassiter
Clara Marie Lefort-Le Corvec
Samuel Alexander Levine
Israel, USA
Tristan David Alexandre Litré
Philippines, USA
Samuel Baden Locke
Olivia Jeanne-Marie Lodise
France, USA
Marin Lučić
Kate Victoria Maddox
Imogen Carole Martin
Australia, USA
Ivanna Martinez-Gonzalez
Mexico, USA
Myrtil Nioka Mitanga
DR Congo, Germany, USA
Sara Salam Ayanaw Muche
Ethiopia, USA
Tegan Rose Oglesby
Sevana Chanel Ohanian
Armenia, USA
Anastasia Philbrook
Greece, USA
Miles David Reardon
Dorothy Helen Récaborde
France, USA
Nina Alexandria Riggio
Italy, USA
Bridget Elizabeth Schilling
Julia Gabriella Elisabeth Schlicht
Sarah Katherine Schmitt
Nicolas Affonso Seidler
Brazil, Germany, USA
Sydni Mariah Session
Karl Ludwig Konstantin Seuss
Germany, USA
Shreya Harshad Shah
India, UK, USA
Alejandro Guillermo Shelley
Mexico, Puerto Rico
Nichole Augusta Smith
Haiti, USA
Olivia Marie Soultz
Maximilian David Sprott
Germany, England
Helen Martin Tuggle
Plamen Plamenov Valkov
Bulgaria, South Africa
Leila Kristiana Varzi
Iran, USA
Lucien Jehan Patrice Viala
Elizabeth Kelley Weal
Ellenor Kate Whitfield
Brice Fletcher Williams
Colombia, South Korea, USA
Catherine T. Wooster
Alexandra Noelle Zdonczyk
Argentina, USA
AIS Honors Assembly 2013
“The faculty of AIS believes that the successful completion of any worthwhile endeavor is reward in itself, that there is intrinsic value in each
experience which students should perceive as the reward for a job well-done.Therefore, AIS participates in very few outside awards programs but
encourages each student to work to accomplish the most that he/she can.”
-From the AIS Profile
Congratulations to the following students recognized at this year’s assembly:
Departmental Awards
Group 1: First Language
Leila Varzi
Group 2: Second Language
Clementine Andre
Kenzi Hagan
Group 3: Social Sciences
Connor Hagan (Economics)
Marin Lucic (History)
Amelia Abe (Geography)
Group 4: Science
Alexandra Zdonczyk
Group 5: Mathematics
Brian Cook
Brice Williams
Group 6: The Arts
Aaron Freedman
Sarah Schmitt
Thespian Award
Connor Hagan
Lorenzo Gonzales
Tristan Litre
Group 8: Technology
Jack Cohen
Matias Ferandel
Maggie Baillie Memorial Award
James Schweigert
Harvard Book Award
Claire Adair
Scholar Athlete Awards
Alexandra Zdonczyk
Lucien Viala
Hendrix College Book Award
Ana Ioachimescu
AIS Service Award
Ekua Awotwi
Helen Recaborde
Tegan Madden Oglesby
Nina Riggio
Johns Hopkins Book Award
Anna Benkeser
New College Junior
Scholars Award
Lydia Katrin
Elizabeth Abe
State & National Recognition
Class of 2012 Valedictorian
Alexandra Zdonczyk
New College STEM
Matei Dan
Raja Khuri
Class of 2012 Salutatorian
Lucien Viala
Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute Award
Liam Simkins-Walker
Georgia Merit Certificates
Claire Adair
Anna Benkeser
Liam Simkins-Walker
Kesha Kanakiya
Governor’s Honors Recognition
Matias Ferande
Kesha Kanakiya
Rochester Institute
of Technology Awards
Anna Benkeser
Kesha Kanakiya
Syracuse University Book Award
Sabena Quan-Hin
University of Pennsylvania
Book Award Barnard College Book Award
Caroline Hutchinson
Sophie Archer
National Art Honor Society Award
Vanderbilt University Robert
Barnard STEM
Naomi Holzapfel
Penn Warren Award Tammy VuPham
Imogen Martin
Leila Yavari
Brandeis Book Award Nina Riggio
Wellesley College Book Award
Neeki Memar
National Choral Award
Kesha Kanakiya
Bryn Mawr College
Leila Varzi
Yale Book Award
President’s Book Award
Brice Williams
Sarah Stebbins
Charlotte Goguillon
John Philip Sousa Band Award
Journal Cup
Columbia University Book Award
Sloan Klene
Alexandra Zdonczyk
Keanu Mitanga
National Orchestra Award
ECIS Awards for International
Dartmouth College Book Award
Aaron Freedman
Marina Brand
Quincy Jones Musicianship Award
Robin Boudard (Middle School)
Emory University Book Award
Myrtil Mitanga
Brice Williams (Upper School)
Lizzy Sandlin
Jones Day Mock Trial Scholarship
Alan Preis (Faculty)
Sarah Stebbins
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES 2009-2013 acceptances
*Schools at which 2013 graduates enrolled
Agnes Scott College
American Academy of Dramatic Arts
American University*
American University of Paris
Appalachian State University
Auburn University*
Babson College*
Bard College*
Barnard College*
Bates College
Belmont University*
Beloit University
Bennington College*
Berklee College of Music*
Berry College*
Birmingham-Southern College*
Boston College*
Boston University*
Bowdoin College*
Bradley University
Brandeis University
Brigham Young University*
Brown University*
Bryn Mawr College*
Bucknell University
Butler University
California State Polytechnic
University, Pomona
California State University,
Long Beach
California State University,
Monterey Bay
Carleton College
Carnegie Mellon University*
Case Western Reserve University
Chestnut Hill College
Claremont McKenna*
Clark University
Clemson University
Colby College
Colgate University*
College of Charleston*
College of the Atlantic
College of Wooster*
Colorado College*
Colorado State University
Columbia College
Columbia University*
Connecticut College
Cooper Union*
Cornell College*
Cornell University*
Dartmouth College
Davidson College*
Denison University*
DePaul University*
DePauw University
Dickinson College
Dominican University
Drexel University
Duke University*
Earlham College
Eckerd College*
Elmhurst College
Elon University*
Aeronautical University
Emerson College*
Emmanuel College
Emory University*
Eugene Lang College:
The New School*
Florida A&M University*
Florida Institute of Technology*
Florida International University
Florida Southern College
Florida State University
Fordham University*
Franklin and Marshall College
Franklin W. Olin College
of Engineering
Furman University*
George Washington University*
Georgetown University*
Georgia College and
State University*
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Institute of Technology*
Georgia Perimeter College*
Georgia Southern University*
Georgia State University*
Gettysburg College
Goucher College
Grinnell College*
Guilford College
Hampshire College
Harvard University
Harvey Mudd College
Haverford College*
Hendrix College*
High Point University
Hillsdale College
Hofstra University
Howard University
Illinois State University
Indiana State University
Indiana University
at Bloomington
Iowa State University
Ithaca College
Jacksonville University*
John Carroll University*
Johns Hopkins University*
Kalamazoo College
Kennesaw State University*
Kenyon College
Kettering University
Knox College
Lafayette College
Lake Forest
Lawrence University
Lehigh University
Lewis & Clark College*
Louisiana State University*
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University New Orleans*
Lynn University*
Macalester College
Manhattan Marymounat
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology*
Mercer University*
Miami University, Oxford
Middle Tennessee
State University
Middlebury College*
Millsaps College
Montana State University
Mount Holyoke College
New College of Florida*
New School for Jazz
and Contemporary Music*
New York School of
Interior Design
New York University*
North Carolina State University*
Northeastern University*
Northern Wyoming
Community College
Northwestern University*
Oberlin College*
Occidental College*
Oglethorpe University
Ohio State University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Oregon State University
COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES 2009-2013 acceptances cont.
*Schools at which 2013 graduates enrolled
Oxford College of Emory University*
Pace University, New York City
Parsons: The New School for Design*
Pennsylvania State University,
University Park
Pitzer College*
Point Park
Pomona College
Portland State University
Pratt Institute*
Presbyterian College
Providence College
Purdue University
Quinnipiac University
Reed College*
Regis University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rice University*
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rollins College*
Sacred Heart
Saint Louis University
Saint Mary’s College*
Salve Regina University
San Francisco State University
Santa Clara University
Sarah Lawrence College
Savannah College of Art and Design*
School of the Art Institute
of Chicago*
School of Visual Arts
Sewanee: The University
of the South
Simmons College
Skidmore College
Smith College
Southern Methodist University
Southern Polytechnic
State University*
Spelman College
St. John’s College*
St. John’s University
St. Olaf College
Stanford University*
State University of
New York: Stony Brook
Stetson University
Suffolk University
Swarthmore College*
AIS Global Exchange / 2013
Syracuse University*
Temple University
Texas A & M University
The Art Institute of Atlanta
Towson University
Trinity College
Trinity University
Tufts University*
Tulane University
Union College
United States Military Academy*
United States Naval Academy*
University of Alabama
University of Alabama
at Birmingham
University of Arizona
University of California: Berkeley*
University of California: Davis*
University of California: Irvine
University of California:
Los Angeles*
University of California: Merced
University of California:
San Diego
University of California:
Santa Barbara
University of California:
Santa Cruz
University of Chicago*
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado: Boulder*
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
La Trobe University*
University of Melbourne*
Universite Catholique
de Louvain*
British Columbia, Concordia*,
HEC Montreal, King’s, McGill*,
Ottawa*, Toronto*, Universite
de Montreal, Universite de
Quebec a Montreal*, Waterloo,
Western Ontario
Academy of Art, Bath,
Birmingham, Bristol, Central
School of Speech and Drama,
East Anglia*, Edinburgh,
European Business College:
London; Exeter, Imperial*, LSE*,
Kent, Kings, Leeds, LIPA*,
Manchester, Newcastle*, Oxford*,
Southampton, Surrey*, University
of the Arts:London; UCL, UWE,
York St John’s*, York*
Sciences Po*, Universite de
Versailles Medical School*,
Universite Paris V-Descartes
European Business
College:Munich; Erlangen*,
Hochschule Deggendorf*,
Jacobs University: Bremen*,
Karlshochschule International
University*, Technische
Universitat Muenchen,
Universiteit Mannheim*,
Universitat Karlsruhe
Trinity College Dublin
Universita Bocconi*
Erasmus*, Internationale
Hogeschool Fysiotherapie*,
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen*,
University College Utrecht,
University of Amsterdam
Northern Ireland
Queen’s College Belfast*
Dundee, Edinburgh, St. Andrews*
European University Barcelona,
University of Seville*
St. Gallen
Cardiff, Glamorgan, Swansea*
Annual Report / 2012-2013
Message from the Director of Development
henever I tell people that I raise money for a living, the reaction is always
the same. The usual response is, “Oh.You’re a… fundraiser. There is NO WAY I
would do your job.”
I typically answer by saying that there isn’t a better job in the world! I get to work
with amazing people—parents and students, trustees and companies, teachers and
alumni—from all over the globe, who are bright, passionate, caring, and generous.
And, all of them love this incredible school and its wonderfully diverse and vibrant
community. It’s truly a dream job!
Stewart Lathan
Director of Development
Indeed, AIS is a great place, and 2012-13 was a great year for giving to it! Through
the hard work of volunteers and the Development Office team last year, we were able
to raise, in total, an astounding $1,859,009 for Atlanta International School. It was a
record year, and we are so grateful to all the parents, alumni, faculty, staff, trustees,
parents of alumni, grandparents, friends and organizations who supported the school.
There are many ways to make a financial contribution to the school, but our primary
source of gifts is through our Annual Fund. Those unrestricted dollars are so valuable
because they make up the nearly 10% of the school’s operating budget that tuition
doesn’t cover each year. In the past five years, we have made significant headway in
raising total contributions and participation in the Annual Fund—nearly doubling
our total from the 2008-09 school year. One of the most significant ways we’ve been
able to increase our giving total is by growing our 1984 Club, AIS’s leadership giving
society (Annual Fund donors who contribute $1,984 or more). These 161 donors
were responsible for 85% of the total dollars raised last year.
Equally important—and on the rise—is our rate of participation in the Annual
Fund both from parents and alumni. Last year, 72% of our parents participated
in the annual fund, representing a 20% increase from just five years ago. Alumni
participation is increasing as well, with 18% of our alumni giving to the Annual
Fund in 2012-13. Of course, I won’t be satisfied until we reach 100% for both
groups. 2013-14 could be our year!
One of the most significant changes in the last five years is the emergence of
Georgia’s Financial Aid Tax Credit program. Through the generosity of parents,
alumni, grandparents, C-corps and friends, nearly $500,000 was raised this year
alone for the school’s financial aid program. Since AIS began participating in this
program in 2008, an amazing $1,239,879.75 in total has been raised in support of
financial aid at the school.
Thank you again for making it easy to tell people I have the best job in the world,
and for making AIS one of the best schools in the world. Atlanta International School
wouldn’t be the same without your support and generosity. We are profoundly
Stewart Lathan
FinanciaL report
2012-13, ending June 30, 2013
Tuition and Fees
Charitable Contributions (net)
Other Income
Total Revenue
$23,036,121 100.0%
Salaries and Benefits
Buildings and Grounds
Depreciation and Amortization $1,859,625
Educational Materials and Supplies $1,546,320
Total Expenses
$22,242,766 100.0%
$793,355 2012-13 GIVING
Unrestricted Restricted
Annual Fund
$818,552 $25,250 $843,802 Spring Benefit (gross) $283,050
Other Income 2%
Contributions 6%
Educational Materials
and Supplies 7%
Auxiliary 1%
Administrative 9%
Depreciation and
Amortization 8%
Buildings and
Grounds 6%
Tuition and Fees 91%
Salaries and Benefits 70%
2012 Financial aid Tax Credit: $389,416
Atlanta International School /
2012-2013 Annual Fund
A special thanks to our parent and alumni volunteers who
cheerfully give their time to make phone calls and write notes
with personal enthusiasm:
The Annual Fund is the most important fundraising
effort at AIS. All contributions raised through the
Annual Fund go directly into our operating budget
to help fill the gap between tuition revenue and our
operating expenses. The worthwhile investments help
support all areas of the school-from faculty salaries to
financial aid to day-to-day classroom programs.
To accomplish the goals of the Annual Fund, it
takes the support of the entire community: parents,
trustees, faculty and staff, alumni, alumni parents,
grandparents and friends. In 2012-2013, more than
$800,000 was raised in unrestricted monies.
Marlo Elchahal
Trace Hawkins
Mary Johnson
Richard MacKelfresh
Dawn Michel
Lisa Mohr
Kim Nottingham
Susannah Parker
Deslie Quinby
Eleanor Ratchford
Theone Rutledge
Christina Smedley
Lucy Soto
Stephanie Strong-Wren
Deb Sudbury
Stefan Terwindt
Leslie Thomas
Roxanne Varzi
Board Development
Committee Chair
Christian Fischer
Annual Fund Chairs
Wendi McAfee
Terri Proctor
1984 Club Chairs
Linda Bruner
Susie Cogan
Shefali Patel
Parent Division Chairs
Alex Curtis
Constance & George Heery
AIS Parent participation increased to 72% in
2012-13, with two grades in each division winning
pizza parties for the highest parent participation. In
Primary School, Grade 2 (89%) and Grade 5 (82%)
came out on top. In Secondary School, Grade 7 (82%)
and Grade 11 (83%) fought hard to reach the top in
a very close Secondary School competition. This
year, over 79% of our parents participated either
by giving directly to the Annual Fund or through their
participation in the Spring Benefit. Faculty and staff
and the Board of Trustees held their long-standing
tradition of 100% participation.
Faculty Chairs
Early Learning Center
Luz Forero
Lower Primary
Marie Luce Van Asten
Upper Primary
Diane Dear
Secondary School
Christiane Box
In 2012-2013, there were 161 members in our leadership giving society, The 1984 Club, named in honor
of the year the school was founded. Their gifts raised
82% of the unrestricted monies for the Annual Fund.
Alumni Class Agents
Mihkel Allpere
Lisa Box
Carina Box
Marlys Brothers
Laetitia Butler
Brianna Carbonell
Megan Doyle
Caroline Geiger
Cate Hilenski
Cassie Huntley
Eva Imbsweiler
Arvand Khosravi
Beth Kytle
Fasil Muche
Ciara O’Halloran
Amy O’Halloran
Rodrigo Ortiz Gomez
Paul Seefried
Thomas Striedinger
Martina Striedinger Parker
Corley Thomas
Parent Volunteers
Brad Baer
Juliane Beiten
Carolin Binder
Therese Birkbeck
Stephanie Brun de Pontet
Heidi Deringer
Mary Beth Drummond
Anita Elchahal
2012-2013 Parent Participation BY GRADE
70% 72%
3K&4K 5K
3rd 4th
9th 10th 11th 12th
July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
Total Giving Contribution Formula
(Contributions made between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013)
To fully acknowledge the valuable – and often times multiple – contributions our supporters make, this formula is used by the Development
Office to calculate each donor’s total giving contribution and is used to
determine membership in our leadership gift society, The 1984 Club.
Gifts of Cash or Securities to Unrestricted
or Restricted Annual Fund
+Matching Gifts from employers*
+Special Event participation (less any goods or services received)**
+Special Event item purchases (less the fair market value)
+In-kind gifts for the school’s operations (according to fair market value)
+Auction item donations (according to their original fair market value once they are sold)
=Total Giving Contribution for the year
* Individuals must give a minimum of $1,984 personally in order to receive Spring Benefit tickets.
** Your Annual Fund pledge is a separate commitment from any Spring Benefit participation.
Every effort has been made to include all contributors and to verify the correct listing of donor names.
If your name has been omitted or listed incorrectly, we apologize and would appreciate notification.
= Development volunteer
Founders’ Council
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Branch
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Charman
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Fischer
Mrs. Marianne Halle
Ambassadors’ Society
($10,000 – $19,999)
Dr. Mark F. Baucom and Dr. Anne Baucom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cain, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Doyle
Mr. Marc J. Fleury &
Ms. Nathalie Mason-Fleury
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Floyd
Dr. Peter Z. Guan & Ms. Vivian Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry G. Hull
Dr. Nicholas Hume &
The Reverend Dr. Janice J. Hume
Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Klaus
Mr. & Mrs. Willis E. Lowe III
Mr. & Mrs. Dean W. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. O’Halloran
Dr. & Mrs. Manish Patel
Mr. Mark Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Ratchford, Jr.
Ms. Deborah A. Sudbury &
Dr. Heinz-Bernd Schüttler
Mr. James Tausche & Ms. Jane Kamenz
Mr. Charles E. Taylor &
Ms. Lisa Cannon Taylor
Ms. Chiara Visconti di Modrone Pervanas ‘95 & Mr. Angelos Pervanas
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Winchester
Dr. Daniel Zdonczyk & Ms. Cynthia Fleck
Consuls’ Circle
($5,000 – $9,999)
Mr. Dixon Adair &
Mrs. Emily Willingham Adair
Mr. & Mrs. Patrice Andre
Dr. W. Perry Ballard III
Mr. & Mrs. Scott P. Britton
Mr. Ronald Carmichael &
Mrs. Shelley Giberson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Clark, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Colberg
Mr. & Mrs. Miles R. Cook
Mr. Christopher J. Decouflé &
Ms. Michelle T. Caruso-Decouflé
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dimitroff
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dotts
Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Dyson
Mr. James A. Harvey &
Dr. Lilia Cuesta Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Hayler
Mr. Derk Hendriksen &
Mrs. Rebecca Messina
Mr. & Mrs. Roland H. John
Mr. Alan J. Ketzes &
Mrs. Susan J. Mitchell-Ketzes
Mr. & Mrs. Stéphane Leudet de la Vallée
Dr. Sagar Lonial & Dr. Jennifer Culley
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Madrid, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarthy
Mr. Peter McKenney &
Ms. G. Penny McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Padilla
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Paton-Smith
Mr. Roy Plaut & Mrs. Olga Gomez Plaut
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Reardon
Mr. Kevin Reimer & Ms. Elizabeth Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rieker
Ms. Emily C. Sanders &
Mr. Jon M. Margolis
Mr. Todd Schaffner &
Ms. Amelia Pane Schaffner
Mr. & Mrs. Rhett L. Turner
Mr. Brent Yamaato &
Mrs. Joyce Pascual Yamaato
Shutze Guild
($1,985 – $4,999)
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Cal Abel & Mrs. Bree Pattillo
Mr. & Mrs. Lang Adler
Dr. Volkan Adsay & Dr. Jeanette Cheng
Dr. & Mrs. Kelly J. Ahn
Dr. Farooq Ashraf &
Dr. Bernadette Wang Ashraf
Mr. Brad Baer & Mrs. Tosha Hays
Dr. & Mrs. Demir Baykal
Ms. Dana R. Bentata
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Bostwick
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Box
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bradley
Mr. Thomas Brown &
Mrs. Danielle Drapeau-Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Brown III
Mr. & Mrs. W. Andrew Bruner
Ms. Mary Ann Carbonell
Dr. Jack Chen & Ms. Angela Hsu
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Cleveland II
Mr. & Mrs. Milo S. Cogan
Mr. Glenn Cohen &
Mrs. Lynn Pattillo Cohen
Mr. John R. Couvillon & Dr. Jacqui Fisch
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Crawford
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Dan
Mr. & Mrs. James P. P. Dirr
Mr. Antonio Dozier &
Mrs. Nicci Mackey Dozier
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunlap, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Alec N. Elchahal
Mr. & Mrs. Safwan A. Elchahal
Dr. & Mrs. Mikhael Elchami
Mr. & Mrs. P. Foster Finley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Floyd
Mr. William G. Foglesong &
Mrs. Heidi E. Deringer
Dr. & Mrs. Tim Fox
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Geddes
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Goguillon
Mr. & Mrs. Arun Gore
Mr. Jackson A. Hale &
Ms. Kay Vermeulen
Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Herndon
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Isaacs
Mr. Robert Ivanier &
Mrs. Stephanie Brun de Pontet
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno G. Jactel
Mr. Rick Jernigan & Ms. Nelda Mays
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Johnston
Dr. Dimitrios Karmpaliotis &
Dr. Ioanna Kosmidou
Mr. & Mrs. Umesh K. Khaitan
Drs. Fadlo & Lamya Khuri
Mr. & Mrs. Ravi Kumaraswami
Ms. Martha Kytle ‘98 &
Mr. Zeb Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. N. Litré
Dr. Richard C. Lodise &
Dr. Valerie J. Jagiella
Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Loudermilk
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Mazzawi
Ms. Kim T. McEver
Mr. Iain McLaughlin &
Mrs. Caroline McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Arnaud P. Michel
Mr. Philip Mills & Dr. Jill Mills
Mr. Nicholas Misner &
Dr. Alienor Gilchrist
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley L. Mitchell
Mr. Lawrence E. Mock, Jr.
Ms. Lisa Mohr
Ms. Starr Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Morrell
Dr. Thinh Nguyen & Dr. Han C. Phan
Mr. Per B. Normark &
Ms. Cynthia A. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Noziere
Dr. Babatunde Onasanya &
Ms. Carolyn Salas
Stacey Cunningham &
Richard K. Paradies
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Parker
Mr. Pablo Perella-Berdun &
Ms. Paula Holfeld
Mr. Dominique Petitgenet &
Mrs. Sylvie Dardoise
Mrs. Amy Pham & Mr. Thomas Vu
Dr. & Mrs. James Proctor
Mr. & Mrs. David Reiling
Ms. Catherine Reimer
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew M. Richardson
Mr. Eliot Robinson & Ms. Liane Schleifer
Ms. Remedios Rodriguez
Dr. Juan M. Sarmiento &
Dr. Patricia Yugueros
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Schmidt
Mr. Benjamin C. Schüttler ‘08
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Slosberg
Mr. Chee K. Tan & Ms. Lan T. Chiem
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan J. Terwindt
Mr. Philip A. Theodore & Ms. Beth Lanier
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Thomas III
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Towery
Mrs. Jane S. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. H. Benny Varzi
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wagner
Mr. Robert C. Watkins III &
Ms. Stewart Lathan
Mr. & Mrs. James Wayt, Sr.
Mr. D. Andres Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Wilke
Mr. Alan Wilson & Mrs. Moira Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Woodroof III
Mr. Miguel Yelos San Martin &
Ms. Patricia Janiot
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Zurbuchen
July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
Atlanta International School
sincerely appreciates those
individuals who have generously
supported the Annual Fund.
Donors listed here made gifts to the
2012-2013 Annual Fund between
July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013.
Anonymous (57)
Mr. & Mrs. Ty Abbensetts
Dr. & Mrs. Sadique Abdul-Mateen
Mr. & Mrs. Haruo Abe
Mr. Alex I. Acker ‘05
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Adler
Ms. Mariela Aguilera
Ms. Kimberly Aguirre
Mr. Karim Ahmad &
Mrs. Pia Sabharwal Ahmad
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Aibel
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Albers
Mr. & Mrs. Greggory Albright
Ms. Dagmar Alexander
Mr. Amir Alibaksh &
Mrs. Sophie Michel Alibaksh
Mr. Devin M. Allen
Mr. Márcio Amazonas & Ms. Natália Ferreira
Mrs. Charlotte Amelot
Mr. John Amosa
Mr. & Mrs. David Anbari
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley S. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Anderson
Mr. Christopher Anderson
Dr. Vinicius C. Antao &
Dr. Germania A. Pinheiro
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Archer
Ms. Andrea M. Arena
Ms. Rosemary Armstrong & Mr. Jay Burton
Ms. Juliette N. Assi
Mr. & Mrs. William Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Aube
Ms. Edith P. Aubin &
Mr. Dmitri G. Chtchekine
Mr. & Mrs. Philippe A. Audibert
Mr. & Mrs. Opher Aviran
Mr. Kweku Awotwi
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Baker
Mr. Daniel C. Baker
Ms. Sharan K. Bal ‘05
Dr. Victor Balaban & Dr. Jamie Weisman
Ms. Sarah Ballew
Mr. Stan Ballman & Ms. Christiane Buehler
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Balte
Mrs. Kathryn Banks & Mr. Jeff Banks
Mr. Kirk A. Barnett
Mr. Felipe Barral-Momberg &
Ms. Gioconda Secchi-Rossini
Mr. & Mrs. C. Keith Barringer
Mr. Peter G. Barrio & Mrs. Elena Barrio
Mr. Michael Bartolo & Dr. E-A Gould
Ms. Lisette Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Bartsch
Louisa & Armando Basarrate
Dr. Rahul C. Basole & Dr. Anita P. Basole
Dr. & Mrs. Peter S. Bauer
Dr. Raymond F. Beach &
Ms. Genette Ashby-Beach
Mr. & Mrs. John Beadles
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Beale III
Mr. Douglas Beebe & Ms. Tijen Cirig
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Beiten
Mr. & Mrs. Blair N. Belton
Mr. Gerard P. Benech & Dr. Irene Benech
Prof. & Mrs. Paul Benkeser
Mrs. Raelis Berggren
Mr. Alexander V. Berman &
Ms. Margarita Shaulova-Berman
Mr. Gabriel Z. Bettsack ‘00
Mr. Saurav Bhandary ‘12
Mr. & Mrs. Noorudin Bhanvadia
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks W. Binder
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Birkbeck
Ms. Kristin A. Birkness
Mrs. Beatriz Biron
Mr. Jawad Bisbis & Mrs. Nawal Aquachar
Mr. & Mrs. David Bishko
Mr. & Mrs. Gilles Bloch-Morhange
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Boedenauer
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Bohanon
Dr. George Bokuchava &
Dr. Nino Doijashvili
Mr. C. Philip Bolin
Mr. Kevin Bolin &
Ms. Laurel-Ann E. Dooley
Dr. T. Christopher Bond &
Mrs. Nicole A. Bond
Ms. Kristina J. Bond
Dr. Angelo Bongiorno & Dr. Elisa Riedo
Mr. & Mrs. Jamal Booker
Mr. David T. Borland
Mr. & Mrs. Thierry Borra
Mr. Christophe Boudard &
Mrs. Thi Thu Thao Tran
Mr. Floyd Bowman &
Mrs. Christine Dorsey-Bowman
Ms. Carina A. Box ‘04
Ms. Lisa Box ‘01 & Mr. Shawn Hoekstra
Ms. Nina F. Box ‘98
Mr. Gerald Boyd
Ms. Laura Branam
Mr. George G. Branch ‘04
Prof. Oliver Brand &
Mrs. Claudia H. Brand
Mr. Anthony J. Braniff &
Ms. Heidi Baltes-Braniff
Mr. Gregory M. Braunfeld ‘03
Mrs. Ianna Reid Briggs ‘95 &
Mr. Jack Briggs
Mr. Robert W. Brinson &
Ms. Michele L. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Brodnax
Mr. Kallem J. Brooks ‘05
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Brooks
Ms. Marlys Brothers ‘92 &
Mr. Gordon Rowcliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor A. Brown
Dr. & Mrs. C. B. Bruner
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Bryant
Mr. Christian Burkhardt &
Mrs. Ainhoa Merlos San Emeterio
Mrs. Fran Smith Burlingham ‘97 &
Mr. Kevin Burlingham
Ms. Laetitia H. G. A. Butler ‘12
Mr. Harvey S. Cain &
Ms. Michelle Williams
Ms. Lisa N. Calderon
Ms. Khes Muse Caldwell
Ms. Capiz Calloway ‘98 &
Mr. Forrest Hasbrook
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Jean Y. Cap
Ms. Brianna R. Carbonell ‘05
Mr. Joaquin R. Carbonell ‘06
Mr. Selman Careaga & Mrs. Ana P. Letayf
Ms. Kelly E. Carstens ‘05
Mr. & Mrs. Ewout Cassee
Dr. Dimitri Cassimatis &
Mrs. Sudie Nolan-Cassimatis
Mr. Humberto Castillo &
Ms. Janet M. Tirpak
Mrs. Nadine J. Chamseddine
Mr. Pablo Chapa &
Mrs. Barbara Quiroga-Chapa
Dr. Zack Charkawi &
Dr. Shereen Timani-Charkawi
Ms. Susan L. Chase
Mrs. Tiphaine Chauvel
Mr. James C. Cheeks &
Ms. Wendy C. Gutierrez
Mrs. Kelley Chiappetta
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clayton, Jr.
Mr. Francisco Cline &
Ms. Anali Cabrera Cline
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cohen
Mr. David Cole
Mrs. Helga B. Colella
Ms. Anna K. Collura ‘05
Mr. Manuel B. Conde
Mr. Cameron Connerty ‘05
Lt. Col. & Mrs. John Conway
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cooney
Ms.Yanaëlle Cornez
Mr. & Mrs. German E. Correa
Mr. Scott V. Correale &
Ms. Shannon Dawson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Cox
Ms. V. Lane Cox
Ms. Chantal Credolawson-Darras
Mr. Timothy Cronin & Ms. Veronica Kirk
Mr. Gustavo A. Cueto &
Dr. Katia Castillo-Cueto
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cumming
Dr. Christopher R. Cunningham &
Dr. Solveig A. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. C. Brent Currie
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. Hamid Daftarian
Mr. Robert L. Dale
Mr. Thierry Darlis &
Ms. Elyse Bashman-Darlis
Dr. & Mrs. Mounir Darradji
Mr. John Davenport
Ms. Candice L. Davis
Ms. Monica De Leon
Ms. Dorothy A. De Lorme
Mr. & Mrs. Ludovic de Potesta de Waleffe
Mr. John Deacon &
Ms. Caroline Makokha-Deacon
Mr. Dennis Dean
Mr. & Mrs. Clark H. Dean
Mr. Geoffrey Dear & Mrs. Diane M. Dear
Ms. Ruth A. Dearden
Mr. & Mrs. J. Antonio DelCampo
Mr. & Mrs. M. Hans Delly
Ms. Regina Deloatch-Ratliff
Mr. Alberto W. Dent &
Mrs. Alejandra Dent
Mr. Stanley G. DeShazo
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo A. Diaz
Mr. Michael E. Diaz &
Ms. Glianny Fagundo
Mr. Garry Dinnerman
Mr. & Mrs. F. Rogers Dixson, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Dobbs
Ms. Raquel G. Dominquez
Mr. & Mrs. Johannes Dorsch
Mr. Robert P. Doster ‘05
Mr. Sean G. Dougherty ‘98
Mr. Kourosh H. Doulkhani &
Mrs. Linda Doulkhani
Mr. & Mrs. George Dowling
Ms. Alexis Doyle
Ms. Margaret S. Dozier
Mr. Richard A. Driftmeier ‘00
Mrs. Dagmar Droege
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Drummond
Ms. Claire M. Duggan ‘06
Mr. Rodolfo P. Echeverria &
Mrs. Maria L. Gimenez
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Edee
Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Edwards
Mr. Farhad Eghtesadi &
Mrs. Faranak Aldashi
Mr. & Mrs. Helmut Eichhorn
Mr. Todd Eichhorn
Mr. Khaled El Dokani &
Mrs. Karima Abroute
Mr. & Mrs. Markus Engel
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Erdmann
Mr. Paul M. Escalante
Mr. & Mrs. Mauricio Escoto
Mr. Bijan Esmaeilzadeh &
Mrs. Sara Esmaeilzadeh
Ms. Jessica Espadas
Mrs. Rocio Fabbrini
Ms. Jodi Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. Ferandel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ferguson
Mrs. Sandy Ferko
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Fernandez
Ms. Beverly G. Fetter
Ms. Juliana Finch ‘00
Ms. Karen Flanders-Reid
Ms. Johanna M. Fleisch ‘01
Mr. Marcos Flores & Mrs. Peluchi Flores
Miss Pauline E. Florsch
Prof. & Mrs. Nicolas Florsch
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. R. Forbes
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Forde
Ms. Luz E. Forero
Dr. & Mrs. Nino R. Fornasini
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Foss
Ms. Courtney Fowler
Ms. Jessica Frank
Dr. Lorin J. Freedman
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Fretwell
Ms. Rosa Frey
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Frigon
Ms. Shayda L. Frost ‘05
Ms. Maria Galindo
Dr. & Mrs. Lionel Gall
Ms. Kim Gallagher-Valeri
Mr. Ezequiel Galotti ‘04
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gambardella
Ms. Arielle Garber ‘01
Mr. Humberto Garcia-Sjogrim &
Dr. Lucienne Ide
Mr. Marsal Gavalda & Mrs. Jiaxing Weng
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. B. Gayraud
Mr. Thomas Gebhard &
Ms. Bettina Koenigstein
Mr. Marco G. C. Gentili &
Mrs. Eva M. Johansson
Ms. Catalina D. Ghercioiu
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gillett
Mr. Levent Giray & Ms. Deniz Oktar-Giray
Mr. & Mrs. Willi Goetz
Ms. Akriti Gokul
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Goldsmith
Ms. Victoria E. Gómez Patiño
Mr. Carlos Gonzalez &
Mrs. Cristina Bondolowski
Mr. Rafael A. Gonzalez Caloni &
Mrs. Elizabeth Gaubeka Gonzalez
Mrs. Lina Gonzalez Castro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gordon
Rachel L. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Goudie
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Gould, Jr.
Prof. Arash Grakoui & Dr. Holly Hanson
Dr. Damien Grattan-Smith &
Dr. Ashley Hayes
Mr. Joseph S. Grayman &
Ms. Maureen B. McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Gregor
Ms. Kathryn Gregurke
Ms. Mirjam Grunenfelder ‘05
Ms. Tina Guess
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Guillot
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Günther
Mr. Bharat Gupta &
Ms. Tiyash Bandyopadhyay
Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir Gusavac
Ms. Arianna A. Gutierrez ‘05
Mr. Arndt Hafele
Mr. Woodrow A. Hall & Dr. Glennda M. Hall
Ms. Afrah Hamed
Mr. Peter Hamer-Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Harper, Sr.
Mrs. Terri Harrington
Ms. Valerie Hartman
Mrs. Brenda F. Hasham
Mr. & Mrs. Mohammad Hassan
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Hassett
Mr. Trace C. Hawkins ‘93 &
Mrs. Emily Hawkins
Mrs. Jennifer Haynes-Greene
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Heery, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Heighton
Mr. & Mrs. Clemens Heinrici
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. Dayton L. Henry, Sr.
Ms. Emilia A. Hermann ‘05
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Hermann
Ms. Nici Herz
Ms. Erika Hibbert
Ms. Michelle Hibbert
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hiebert
Dr. & Mrs. Marco Hilty
Ms. Alexandra J. Hirsch ‘03
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart H. Hoffmann
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Holcomb
Ms. Tiffany Holland
Dr. & Mrs. Edgar Holmann
Mr. & Mrs. Hayden S. Horne, Jr.
Mr. & Ms. Arthur Hovagimian
Ms. Rachel E. Hovington
Ms. Mattie W. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Howell
Mrs. Lynn-Anne Huck
Mr. Greg Hucks
Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Huitt
Mr. Tyler J. Hume ‘98
Mr. Maximilian A. Hunt ‘08
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Huntley
Mr. Patrick Hurworth &
Mrs. Karen Hurworth
Ms. Eva R. S. Imbsweiler ‘06
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Irby
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Israelite
Joran & Inger Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Bjorn E. Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Harlyn A. Jerrold
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Jimenez
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie M. Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Derrick Johnson
Ms. Lydia Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Jones
Mr. & Ms. Marshall Jones
Mr. Clarkson Jones &
Ms. Laura E. Stevenson
Ms. Vicki L. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn G. Jordan
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Joseph
Dr. Ajay K. Joshi & Dr. Richita C. Surana
Mr. & Mrs. Kirit Kanakiya
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Cetin Kara
Mr. & Mrs. Thierry Kartochian
Mr. & Mrs. KC Gazi Kasikci
Dr. Susan Katrin
Mr. Leopoldo Keber & Mrs. Maria C. Diaz
Ms. Deborah A. Kern
Mr. & Mrs. Rohan Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. Aamir K. Khan
Dr. Reza Kheirandish &
Dr. Shabnam Mousavi
Dr. & Mrs. H. Jean Khoury
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kilpatrick
Mr. Doo Hwan Kim & Mrs. Bog Hee Seo
Ms. Kelly King
Mr. Robert Klenberg & Dr. Ming Yang
Mr. & Mrs. James Klene
Prof. Nikolay E. Koposov &
Prof. Dina R. Khapaeva
Ms. Martha E. Korgi
Mr. & Mrs. Christoph Koslowski
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kottke
Dr. Gregg Koval & Ms. Linda Heaviside
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Koziol
Mr. & Mrs. Johannes Krems
Mr. Benjamin I. Kubaryk ‘05
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kyle
Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Lacombe
Mrs. Jennifer Lagrange
Ms. Karen Lamassonne
Ms. Karin J. Lancaster ‘11
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Langer
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Lassiter
Dr. & Mrs. S. Robert Lathan
Ms. Stacey M. Lathem ‘04
Mr. & Mrs. Alan LeBlanc
Mr. Stephane C. Leblois ‘05
Mr. Christian W. Lefort &
Mrs. Christine S. Le Corvec-Lefort
Ms. Heidi E. Leithleiter
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Marc Lemaitre
Mr. Valentin D. Lemoine ‘98
Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Leopold
Dr. Elliot L. Levine & Dr. Rosana S. Levine
Dr. William C. Levine & Dr. Sunisa Levine
Mr. Jacob Levinson ‘05
Mr. Michel E. Levisse &
Mrs. Florence A. Levisse
Mr. Jeffrey C. Levy
Mrs. Leonie C. Ley-Mitchell &
Mr. Jonathan N. Mitchell
Mr. Levan Lezhava &
Dr. Maka Manjgaladze
Mr. Robert J. Light &
Ms.Yupha Vatcharapijarn
Ms. Anna Lima ‘05
Ms. Sabrina Wood Llenza
Mr. Tony Locke & Mrs. Sarah V. Locke
Mr. Dennis P. Lockhart
Mr. & Mrs. Reid Lockwood
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lohmann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Long
Mr. Armando Lopez-Fernandez &
Dr. Elisa Alvarez-Garrido
Mr. & Mme. Franck Loubrieu
Ms. Meredith Lowe ‘09
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Lugo
Ms. Sara Luttrell ‘04
Mr. Stephen E. Lyle ‘08
Dr. & Mrs. Nathan Lytle
Mr. Stephen Macauley & Ms. Luz Soto
Mr. Richard MacKelfresh &
Dr. Jamie MacKelfresh
Mr. & Mrs. John P. MacMaster
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Madden
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Maddox
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mahoney
Mr. Walid Mahran & Ms. Maria Galindo
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Maldonado
Ms. Fay L. Mann
Dr. Keith Mannes & Dr. Catherine Dekle
Ms. Trish Marcucci & Mr. Tom Sheeran
Mr. Markus Marfurt &
Ms. Petra Blickisdorf Marfurt
Mrs. Helen Marquès Shayne
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Marshall
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Martin
Miss Imogen C. Martin
Mr. Robert L. Martin &
Ms. Sally V. Nicholls
Ms. Carol Martin
Mr. Marco A. Martinez-Obregon &
Ms. Ana Maria Gonzalez
Ms. Priyanthi Marzorati
Mr. & Mrs. Massoud Matinfar
Prof. Hiram Maxim &
Ms. Caroline Rumley
Drs. Erwin & Sabine Mayr
Mr. Mauricio Maza Fernandez &
Mrs. Maria A. Scarazzini
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McAfee
Mr. Michael J. McCann &
Ms. Chutirat Meetongpun
Mr. & Mrs. David McCarney
Mr. & Mrs. Sean McClenaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Chandler McCormack
Mr. & Mrs. John McCusker
Mrs. Veronica Plaut McDaniel ‘97 &
Mr. Mark McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. McDaniel
Ms. Myra McElhaney
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell H. McGirt
Dr. Bernard McGuinness &
Dr. Úna Casserly McGuinness
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McNally
Ms. Marguerite McQuire ‘98
Mr. Colin Meadows & Ms. Zora Foote
Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Medrzycki
Mr. & Mrs. Iain Melville
Mr. & Mrs. Asghar Memar
Mr. Charles Mendels &
Ms. Elaine Rosenblum
Ms. Glenys Mendez
Mr. & Mrs. Randy G. Merrill
Mr. Alfredo M. Mesa &
Mrs. Elizebeth K. Ellison
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Luc Michel
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mikan
Ms. Stacey Milholin
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Millkey
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mitchell
Mr. Jason B. Mitchell ‘12
Mrs. Reid P. Mizell &
Mr. Bernard van der Lande
Abeer Moanna
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua K. Moffitt
Ms. Françoise Monier
Ms. Juliaette J. Moore
Ms. Jessica Morehead
Mr. Gerrit Mörking &
Dr. Rosa M. E. Pohl
Dr. Edwin C. Moses
Mr. Rodrigo Tobar de la Fuente &
Ms. Vanenka Mosqueira
Mr. & Mrs. Cory Moss
Mr. Ayanaw Muche
Ms. Adele G. Muir
Ms. Martina Mustroph ‘04
Mr. Jake I. Nadjmazhar &
Mrs. Petra Cermakova
Mrs. Ina Nagel-Schweigert
Mr. Gokul Nair
Mr. Andres Naranjo & Dr. Laura Speake
Mr. Alok Nath & Dr. Sharon Nath
Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Naughton
Ms. Eva Nemeti
Ms. Camilla Nordin
Mr. Edmund Nosegbe & Dr. Clare Babino
Mr. & Mrs. Prescott L. Nottingham
Mr. & Mrs. Felipe M. Nunez
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Nystrom III
Ms. Silvia Obispo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. O’Brien
Ms. Ciara O’Halloran ‘09
Mr. Mikael Öman &
Mrs. Ana Maria Barona-Öman
Mr. & Mrs. Hasan Orlovic
Ms. Ilse Ortega
Ms. Caryn Oxford
Dr.Yesim Ozbarlas
Dr. Roberto Pacifici & Dr. Monica Rizzo
Ms. Jessica L. Packman
Ms. Alana Padilla
Mr. Matt D. Padula &
Mrs. Barbara Brockway
Mr. Seung-Joon Paik &
Ms.Youn Young Choi
Mr. Sabetay Palatchi &
Mrs. Jennifer Gold Palatchi
Mr. Johannes G. Palsson &
Ms. Hyeyoung Kim
Ms. Alexandra E. A. Panzer ‘04
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Panzer
Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Pardy
Dr. & Mrs. Shatul Parikh
Mr. Joon Bum Park ‘05
Drs. Jagdish & Hemlata Patel
Mr. & Mrs. Pankaj D. Patel
Mr. Thomas Patton &
Dr. Jenelle Foote-Patton
Mr. & Mrs. Denis G. Pellerin
Mr. David Pemberton &
Dr. Adina Alazraki
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Pendergast
Mr. Tomás Pérez-Zafón &
Dr. Courtney G. Pérez
Ms. Rian A. Perry ‘02
Mrs. Karen B. Peters
Mr. Mark Peterson &
Ms. Sophia Herbert-Peterson
Mr. Laurent Petit & Mrs. Isabel Carrion
Mr. Serge Petitpre &
Ms. Martha Petitpre-Harris
Ms. Christie Pettitt-Schieber ‘05
Dr. Bryan Philbrook & Dr. Susan Palasis
Dr. & Mrs. Torsten M. Pieper
Mr. Raphael J. Pinto ‘98
Mr. Bruno Piquin & Ms. Giugliana Pessagno
Mr. Pawel Pliszka & Mrs. Renata Cichocka
Mr. Monte G. Plott &
Ms. Patricia G. Etheridge
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Poffenberger
Mr. Alain E. Poiraud &
Ms. Carine Poiraud-Bouton
Dr. Catalin N. Popescu &
Dr. Andreea Popescu
Mr. John A. A. Porter ‘04
Ms. Katherine A. Porter ‘09
Dr. John G. Porter & Dr. Lucy Axtell
Mr. & Mrs. David Porter
Ms. Dianne Potdevin
Ms. Viviane M. Powell
Mr. Alan Preis & Mrs. Kate Preis
Dr. Maxwell Prempeh & Dr. Ngina Jemmott
Ms. Jenny Price
Mr. Joerg Holzapfel &
Mrs. Elke Putzek-Holzapfel
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Quinby
Mr. Amir Rahbar & Ms. Farima Mostofi
Dr. Vivek Rajagopal & Dr. Melissa Babcock
Ms. Rachel K. Ramsay ‘06
Mr. James W. Ratchford ‘12
Dr. Alfonso E. Rea &
Ms. Jennene Cheshire-Rea
Dr. Charles Read & Dr. Shilpa Vyas-Read
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Reams
Mr. Alain Recaborde & Ms. Jean H. Terrell
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Reece
Mr. Rudolph Reece
Ms. Grace Rembert
Mr. Michael Reschauer &
Ms. Amair Marques
Mr. Vitaly Reznik ‘01
Mr. Mark Reznik & Dr. Inna Trakhtenberg
Consul General Hermano Ribeiro & Mrs.
Isabel Villa-Lobos Telles Ribeiro
Ms. Alessandra Ribeiro
Mr. James E. Rice & Ms. Eva C. Gil
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Richard
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Werner S. Richter
Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Sanchez
Mr. Brian W. Robertson ‘05
Ms. Brooks Robey
Mr. Brandon Rogers &
Dr. Melissa King Rogers
Ms. Victoria Rokhlin ‘04
Ms. Cheryl Rolley
Mr. Darren L. Rollins
Mr. & Mrs. Horacio Romero
Ms. Dina Rosas
Mr. & Mrs. Damon A. Rose
Dr. Joseph M. Rosenfeld &
Mrs. Esther S. Rosenfeld
Mr. Juan C. Rozo
Mrs. Jennifer Ruppel
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Rutledge
Mr. & Mrs. Shrikant V. Saboo
Mr. & Mrs. Rohit Saigal
Mrs. Nancy J. Sainvil
Mr. Jorge Salas & Ms. Berenice Chellew
Ms. Stella Salazar
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Salisbury
Ms. Carmen Samanes
Ms. Ashley B. Sanders ‘05
Rev. Allan Sandlin & Ms. Gretchen Nagy
Dr. Jean-Louis M. G. Sankale &
Dr. Jyothi Rengarajan
Ms. Maria Sarmiento
Dr. Jodok Schaeffler & Ms. Carmen Lehner
Dr. Richard A. Schieber &
Dr. Barbara J. Pettitt
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Schlicht III
Mr. Ricardo M. Martinez &
Ms. Jutta Schlicker-Martinez
Ms. Gabriele Schlumpberger
Dr. Thomas J. Schmitt and
Dr. Melinda Wharton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Schoen
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Giso Schroeder
Dr. Benjamin Schwartz &
Ms. Cheryl Keshner
Mr. Thomas E. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Jumbe Sebunya
Ms. Gioconda Secchi-Rossini
Mr. Paul Seefried ‘01
Hon. Cons. Gen. Ferdinand C. Seefried & Dr. Monique B. Seefried
Mr. & Mrs. Christoph Seidler
Mr. & Mrs. Douglass P. Selby
Mr. & Mrs. Hatem Sellami II
Mr. Thad B. Servi & Ms. Barbara Vazquez
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Session
Ms. Urmilla Sethuraman
Mr. & Mrs. Harshad Shah
Dr. & Mrs. Cameron Shahab
Dr. Mohammad Sharif & Dr. Marjan Malek
Mr. Eric Shashoua ‘99 &
Mrs. Marguerite Shashoua
Mr. Robert Shaw-Smith &
Dr. Geraldine Higgins
Mr. Thomas C. Sheeran &
Ms. Anna P. Marcucci
Mrs. Chinequa Shelander
Mr. & Mrs. Juan R. Shelley
Ms. Hannah O. Shore ‘09
Ms. Catherine Hibben Silvo ‘04
Mr. & Mrs. Josh M. Simon
Mr. Jason A. Simons
Ms. Mayte Simpson & Mr. Aristides J. Brene
Mr. & Mrs. Kaizer Siraj
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond N. Slater
Dr. Oteal Sloan
Ms. Eden M. Smith ‘05
Dr. Gregory S. Smith &
Dr. Dominique Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Snoddy
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Soultz
Dr. Panagiotis Sparis &
Dr. Ioanna Skountzou
Mr. Travis J. Stabler ‘99 &
Ms. Marta Polo ‘98
Mr. & Mrs. John Stabler
Mrs. Andrea Q. Stangenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Erik H. Steavens
Mr. & Mrs. Roland A. Stebbins, Jr.
Mrs. Kathleen Steffen
Mr. Stan Steingold & Ms. Jolie Fainberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jay A. Steinworth
Mr. & Mrs. Cristian E. Stelea
Mr. & Mrs. Colin D. Stephenson
Mr. & Mrs. Winburn E. Stewart III
Dr. Bruce S. Stiftel & Dr. Janet E. Kodras
Mr. Michael Stith & Mrs. Tia Alvarez-Stith
Dr. M. Christine Stock &
Dr. Stuart R. Stock
Mr. Iwan Streichenberger &
Mrs. Lorna Street-Streichenberger
Mr. Joseph Strong &
Ms. Florence Wetterwald
Dr. Wei Sun & Ms. Meiqing Zhang
Ms. Brittany M. Pavon Suriel ‘05
Prof. & Mrs. Nikolay Suslov
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sussman
Mr. Turner Swicegood ‘05
Mr. Idriss G. Sylla ‘05
Mr. David Szczepanski &
Ms. Muriel A. S. Dezoteux
Ms. Alexandra Szilagyi
Mr. & Mrs. Colin C. Tamsett
Mrs. Linde M. Rickert Tassell ‘00
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Tausche
Ms. Sarah H. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Bjarne Tellmann
Ms. Stefanie D. Tessler
Mr. Cornelius W. Thomas ‘05
Mr. Chris Thomas
Ms. Alyce W. Thompson ‘03
Mr. Matthew S. Thompson &
Mrs. Myrna Antar-Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Guerry R. Thornton, Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Thurlow
Mrs. Lisa B. Tobin
Mr. & Mrs. F. Edward Toledano III
Mr. Jerome Tracy Tolochko ‘04 &
Mrs. Robin Tolochko
Mr. William T. Tompkins
Mr. & Mrs. Immanuel Triea
Ms. Katrin Trietsch ‘04
Mrs. Paige W. Davis Turbeville ‘97
Mr. John Turman &
Dr. Kathryn L. G. Turman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Turner III
Ms. Kerstin L. Valdes
Mr. Jose Valdivieso & Ms. Sue Wooldridge
Mr. Dominicus Van Asten &
Mrs. Marie-Luce R. Van Asten-Lerat
Ms. Kristine Y. Vanijcharoenkarn ‘05
Dr. Atul Vats
Ms. Poonam Chawla Vats
Dr. & Mrs. Steven B. Vaughn
Ms. Reni Vaughn &
Ms. Pier N. Westmoreland
Mr. Sergey Verba &
Mrs. Svetlana Uspenskaya
Mr. & Mrs. Didier M. Viala
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Vickers
Mr. Lawrence P. Vickers &
Mrs. Amparo Mantilla-Vickers
Mr. Adolfo Villagomez &
Ms. Veronica Roldan
Mr. & Mrs. Detlev von Platen
Mr. & Mrs. Terence A. Waites
Mr. Hanjiao L. Wang & Mrs. Lily Zhao
Ms. Chuan Wang
Ms. Catherine A. Warner ‘04
Mr. Robert J. Warren
Mr. Isaac T. Washington
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Wasserfuhr
Ms. Gina Waters
Ms. Margaret S. Watts
Mr. Keith I. Weal
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Weeks
Dr. Rasmus Wegener &
Dr. Cornelia Wegener
Ms. Ursula Weibert
Ms. Margaret M. Weichert
Ms. Michelle Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Harald Weimer
Mr.Yamba-Yamba Mitanga &
Ms. Herrad S. Welp
Dr. Bruce G. Weniger &
Dr. Paungthip Boonperm-Weniger
Dr. & Mrs. Milton H. Werner, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Hal West III
Mrs. Susan A. Weyburn
Ms. Jennifer Weyburn & Mr. Garrett Kyle
Mr. Mark H. Whitfield &
Ms. Kim L. Ireland
Mr. Mark Wietecha &
Mrs. Marcelle B. DeCuir
Mr. Arun P. Wiita ‘98
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Williams
Mr. Jan J. Williams & Dr. Karen R. Mills
Mr. M. Elliott Williams &
Ms. Tiffany M. Mawhinney
Ms. Anne Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Wilson
Ms. Abasiemek Wilson
Mr. G. Harm Winkeler &
Ms. Andrea Winkeler-Slaats
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan H. Witte
Mr. & Mrs. Tin Choi B. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Wren
Mr. Mark Wright & Mrs. Sara Yeglin
Ms. Jie Wu
Mr. Michel Xhauflair &
Mrs. Charlotte Amelot
Mr. & Mrs. Navid Yavari
Mr. Jeffrey L.Yeates & Dr. Becky Brock
Ms. Lara Yegenoglu ‘05
Mr. Guran Yet & Ms. Ozben Iyigun Yet
Mrs. Hong Yi
Mr. & Mrs. C.J.Young
Mr. Armand Zakarian &
Ms. Zoya Dimitrova
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zaller
Ms. Elena Zapico
Mr. & Mrs. Kouros Zarrabi
Dr. Ramsey Zein & Dr. Abeer Moanna
Mrs. Ning Zhang
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Zigan
Grandparent Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Beale III
Grandparents of Aubrey J. Bohanon
Mr. C. Philip Bolin
Grandparent of Amanda R. Bolin
Dr. & Mrs. C. B. Bruner
Grandparents of Maisie P. Bruner,
Wesley S. Bruner & William P. Bruner
Lt. Col. & Mrs. John Conway
Grandparents of Connor S. Cohen & Sofia C. Cohen
Mr. Stanley G. DeShazo
Grandparent of Makaio D. Mendoza
Mr. & Mrs. George Dowling
Grandparents of Charlotte G. Huck
Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Dyson
Grandparents of William S. Cogan &
Finn D. Cogan
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Floyd
Grandparents of Lily C. Floyd
Mr. & Mrs. Hayden S. Horne, Jr.
Grandparents of Sascha L. Moffitt &
Lucas N. Moffitt
Ms. Mattie W. Howard
Grandparent of Chase Summerlin
Joran & Inger Jensen
Grandparents of Zacharias E. Jensen & Victoria Jensen
Matching Gift Companies
& Foundations
AMB Group, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. S. Robert Lathan
Bank of America Foundation
Grandparents of Gray Mollenkamp &
BNY Mellon Charitable Giving Program
Bonnie C. Watkins
Cisco Systems Foundation
The Coca-Cola Foundation
Ms. Juliaette J. Moore
Colonial Hill Foundation
Grandparent of Aubrey J. Bohanon
Gannett Broadcasting
GE Foundation
Drs. Jagdish & Hemlata Patel
The Home Depot Foundation
Grandparents of Sativa M. Patel &
Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc.
Josh-Pablo M. Patel
Microsoft Corporation
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Mr. Roy Plaut &
SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation
Mrs. Olga Gomez PlautTime Warner Foundation
Grandparents of Lana B. McDaniel
UBS Foundation USA Matching
Gift Program
Mr. Rudolph Reece
Wells Fargo Educational Matching
Grandparent of Zoe M. Reece
Gift Program
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kyle
Grandparents of William W. Kyle
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schroeder
Grandparents of Maria C. Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond N. Slater
Grandparents of Amelia B. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Tausche
Grandparents of Andrea J. Tausche &
Charlotte A. Tausche
Mrs. Jane S. Turner
Grandparent of Alessandro R. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Vickers
Grandparents of Matthew L. Vickers
Honor & Memorial Gifts
In Honor of Christiane Box
Ms. Lisa F. Box ‘01
Ms. Eva R. S. Imbsweiler ‘06
In Honor of Lynn Pattillo Cohen
Ms. Adele G. Muir
In Honor of Diane Dear
Ms. Lisa F. Box ‘01
In Honor of the parents of
Mrs. Julianne Heighton
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Heighton
In Honor of Waytus Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Lassiter
In Honor of Kathryn Turman
Ms. Lisa F. Box ‘01
Mr. Stephen E. Lyle ‘08
In Memory of Alex Horsley
Mrs. Dorothy W. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Varner III
In Memory of Katie Kegel
Mr. Anthony J. Braniff &
Ms. Heidi Baltes-Braniff
In Memory of Mike Marcucci
Ms. Trish Marcucci &
Mr. Tom Sheeran
In Memory of Janis B. Mitchell
Mr. Alan J. Ketzes &
Mrs. Susan J. Mitchell-Ketzes
In Memory of Ali Mousavi
Dr. Reza Kheirandish &
Dr. Shabnam Mousavi
In Memory of Marie Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Thomas III
In Memory of Walker Willingham
Ms. Emily C. Sanders &
Mr. Jon M. Margolis
In Honor of Robert & Jan Kottke
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kottke
Financial aid tax credit
Through the Financial Aid Tax Credit, eligible citizens may redirect a
portion of their Georgia tax liability to support financial aid for the school
of their choice. Since 2008, the Georgia Tax Credit Scholarship program
has provided AIS with over $1.1 million in financial aid funding. These
funds compose a significant portion of the AIS financial aid budget,
supporting students who dually qualify under the state guidelines
and the school’s need-based qualifications.
By re-directing your taxes (up to $2,500 filing jointly or $1,000 filing
single), you will receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit at the state level
against your Georgia income tax liability while providing scholarship
assistance to incoming AIS students who are currently enrolled in public
schools. C-corporations and trusts with a tax liability can redirect up to
75% of their state tax liability. The Georgia General Assembly recently
increased the Financial Aid Tax Credit Scholarship cap to $58 million,
encouraging S-Corporations and LLC partners to donate a $10,000
per year. As a result of these legislative changes, the AIS community
has benefited from a significant increase in financial aid funding. This
year alone, the AIS community has donated over $500,000 through
the tax credit program.
In the school’s efforts to take full advantage of this innovative program,
AIS has partnered with Apogee Georgia School Choice Scholarship Fund.
Your donation to Apogee will allow you to redirect your taxes and benefit
students at AIS. Participation is open to anyone who pays Georgia taxes.
Thank you to the following individuals who made contributions in 2012
to benefit Atlanta International School:
2012 Apogee Donors
Mr. Dixon Adair &
Mrs. Emily Willingham Adair
Dr. Volkan Adsay & Dr. Jeanette Cheng
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Aibel
Mr. & Mrs. David Anbari
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. Philippe A. Audibert
Ms. Nicole Barbee
Louisa & Armando Basarrate
Dr. Mark F. Baucom & Dr. Anne Baucom
Dr. Raymond F. Beach &
Ms. Genette Ashby-Beach
Ms. Kristin A. Birkness
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Bohanon
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Bostwick
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Box
Prof. & Mrs. Oliver Brand
Mr. Robert W. Brinson &
Ms. Michele L. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Brown III
Mr. & Mrs. W. Andrew Bruner
Mr. Harvey S. Cain & Ms. Michelle Williams
Mr. Humberto Castillo &
Ms. Janet M. Tirpak
Mr. Vinay Chandra & Ms. Nandini V. Naidu
Ms. Candace Chapman
Mr. James C. Cheeks &
Ms. Wendy C. Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Clark, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Curtis
Mr. Thierry Darlis &
Ms. Elyse Bashman-Darlis
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dotts
Mr. Ravi Durairaj & Dr. Anissa Durairaj
Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Dyson
Mr. Farhad Eghtesadi &
Mrs. Faranak Aldashi
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ferguson
Mrs. Sandy Ferko
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Fischer
Mr. William G. Foglesong &
Mrs. Heidi E. Deringer
Ms. Luz E. Forero
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Forrer
Dr. & Mrs. Tim Fox
Ms. Jessica Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Fritz
Dr. Henry Frysh
Mr. Marsal Gavalda & Mrs. Jiaxing Weng
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Geddes
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Hayler
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hiebert
Ms. Annalee Higginbottom
Ms. Tiffany Holland
Dr. & Mrs. Edgar Holmann
Mr. James E. Honkisz &
Ms. Catherine Binns
Dr. Eric A. Hunter & Dr. Susan Allen
Ms. Eva R. S. Imbsweiler ‘06
Mr. Robert Ivanier &
Mrs. Stephanie Brun de Pontet
Mr. & Mrs. Harlyn A. Jerrold
Mr. & Mrs. Roland H. John
Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Kirit Kanakiya
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kane
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Keeter
Mr. Alan J. Ketzes &
Mrs. Susan J. Mitchell-Ketzes
Drs. Fadlo & Lamya Khuri
Dr. & Mrs. S. Robert Lathan
Mr. & Mrs. Michel E. Levisse
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. N. Litré
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Manidis
Dr. Keith Mannes & Dr. Catherine Dekle
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Mazzawi
Mr. David McCarney
Mr. & Mrs. Randy G. Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. Dean W. Morris
Mr. Andres Naranjo & Dr. Laura Speake
Mr. Per B. Normark &
Ms. Cynthia A. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. O’Halloran
Mr. Matt D. Padula &
Mrs. Barbara Brockway
Drs. Jagdish & Hemlata Patel
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Paton-Smith
Mr. David Pemberton & Dr. Adina Alazraki
Dr. Bryan Philbrook & Dr. Susan Palasis
The Physicians’ Spine &
Rehabilitation Specialists of GA, PC
Mr. Roy Plaut & Mrs. Olga Gomez Plaut
Mr. Alain E. Poiraud &
Ms. Carine Poiraud-Bouton
Porsche Cars North America, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David Porter
Dr. John G. Porter & Dr. Lucy Axtell
The Quikrete Companies, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Keith C. Raziano
Dr. Alfonso E. Rea &
Ms. Jennene Cheshire-Rea
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Reardon
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Redwine
Mr. Kevin Reimer & Ms. Elizabeth Fisher
Dr. Marcus Remmers &
Ms. Jaquelinne Contreras Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Richard
Mr. Eliot Robinson & Ms. Liane Schleifer
Mr. Daryl Rolley
Ms. Cheryl Rolley
Mr. Darren L. Rollins
Dr. & Mrs. Shahrokh Rouhani
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Rutledge
Rev. Allan Sandlin & Ms. Gretchen Nagy
Mr. & Mrs. Sumeet Sanghani
Ms. Deborah A. Sudbury &
Dr. Heinz-Bernd Schüttler
Mr. Robert Shaw-Smith &
Dr. Geraldine Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Valery Shver
Ms. Maria O. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Snoddy
Mr. & Mrs. Jay A. Steinworth
Ms. Joann Stiefel
Mr. Iwan Streichenberger &
Mrs. Lorna Street-Streichenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Colin C. Tamsett
Mr. James Tausche & Ms. Jane Kamenz
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan J. Terwindt
Dr. Anjum Ullah & Mr. Robbie Kenney
Ms. Reni Vaughn &
Ms. Pier N. Westmoreland
Mr. Theodore Wadley &
Ms. Regina Imbsweiler
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Wasserfuhr
Ms. Gina Waters
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Winchester
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Zurbuchen
Alumni Donors
AIS Legacy Gift
It has become an AIS tradition for
each graduating senior class to give
a Legacy Gift to the school.The gift
is divided into two different initiatives:
the Legacy Scholarship and the Legacy
Gift.The 2013 Legacy Scholarship
award went to Estella Dieci ’14,
who traveled to China with her
father to study at Jilin University
in Jilin China.
Alumni participation in the 2012-2013 Annual Fund set a new AIS record. Over 18% of the alumni community made a contribution to the school.The support of our alumni demonstrates their belief in the school
and the education they received during their time at AIS.
More than 100 gifts were made to the alumni Annual Fund this year. A competition was held in the month
of March to determine which class could reach the highest rate of participation.The class of 2005 triumphed
once again with 40% class participation, resulting in a prize pack of tickets to an exclusive event at the
Atlanta Steeplechase and some AIS gear.
AIS is proud to host a myriad of events throughout the year for alumni, including the annual Back-to-School
picnic, local, regional and international reunions and holiday gatherings.
Class of 1992
Ms. Marlys G. Brothers
Mrs. Korrin Johnson
Dr. Victoria C. Plaut Bartlett
Class of 1993
Mr. Trace C. Hawkins
Class of 1994
Class of 1995
Mrs. Ianna Briggs
Ms. Chiara Visconti di Modrone-Pervanas
Class of 1997
Mrs. Fran B. Burlingham
Mrs. Veronica P. McDaniel
Mrs. Paige W. Turbeville Class of 1998
Ms. Nina F. Box Ms. Capiz K. Calloway Mr. Sean G. Dougherty Mr. Tyler J. Hume Ms. Martha E. Kytle Mr. Valentin D. Lemoine
Ms. Marguerite McQuire
Mr. Raphael J. Pinto
Ms. Marta Polo
Mr. Arun P. Wiita
Class of 1999
Mr. Eric Shashoua
Mr. Travis J. Stabler Class of 2000
Mr. Gabriel Z. Bettsak Mr. Richard A. Driftmeier Ms. Juliana Finch Mrs. Linde M. Tassell Class of 2001
Anonymous (2) Ms. Lisa F. Box
Ms. Johanna M. Fleisch Ms. Arielle Garber Mr. Vitaly Reznik Mr. Paul Seefried Class of 2002
Ms. Rian A. Perry Class of 2003
Anonymous Mr. Gregory M. Braunfeld Ms. Alexandra J. Hirsch Ms. Alyce W. Thompson Class of 2004
Ms. Carina A. Box Mr. George G. Branch Mr. Ezequiel Galotti Ms. Stacey M. Lathem Ms. Sara Luttrell Ms. Martina Mustroph Ms. Alexandra E. Panzer Mr. John A. Porter Ms. Victoria Rokhlin
Ms. Catherine H. Silvo Mr. Jerome J. Tolochko Ms. Katrin Trietsch Ms. Catherine A. Warner Class of 2005
Mr. Alex I. Acker Ms. Sharan K. Bal Mr. Kallem J. Brooks Ms. Brianna R. Carbonell Ms. Kelly E. Carstens Ms. Anna K. Collura Mr. Cameron Connerty Mr. Robert P. Doster Ms. Shayda L. Frost Ms. Mirjam Grunenfelder Ms. Arianna A. Gutierrez Ms. Emilia A. Hermann Mr. Benjamin I. Kubaryk Mr. Stephane C. Leblois Mr. Jacob Levinson Ms. Anna Lima
Mr. Joon Bum Park Ms. Christie Pettitt-Schieber Mr. Brian W. Robertson
Ms. Ashley B. Sanders Ms. Eden M. Smith Ms. Brittany M. Suriel Mr. David T. Swicegood Mr. Idriss G. Sylla Mr. Cornelius W. Thomas
Ms. Kristine Y. Vanijcharoenkarn Ms. Lara Yegenoglu Class of 2006
Mr. Joaquin R. Carbonell Ms. Claire M. Duggan
Ms. Eva R. Imbsweiler Ms. Rachel K. Ramsay Class of 2008
Mr. Maximilian A. Hunt Mr. Stephen E. Lyle Mr. Benjamin C. Schüttler
Class of 2009
Ms. Meredith Lowe Ms. Ciara O’Halloran
Ms. Katherine A. Porter
Ms. Emily A. Robey-Phillips
Ms. Hannah O. Shore
Class of 2010
Mr. Michael A. Phillips
The Legacy Gift Committee decided
to purchase benches for the Early
Learning Center.The new benches will
be located outside the entrance to the
ELC.They will provide a much needed
area for parents and students to gather.
The AIS community would like to
thank the Class of 2013 for their
generous contribution back to AIS.
Marc L. Albers
Clementine Andre
Zinka Bartolek
Asha I. Campbell
Hugo Cap
Coralis Colón-Vega
Anais de Potesta de Waleffe
Niklas G. Dorsch
Louise S.C. Forbes
Emily L. Forde
Aaron Z. Freedman
Hannah M. Freedman
Lorenzo J. Gonzalez-Lamassonne
Mathias T. Günther
Jeremiah G. Hassett
Julia A. Henry
Sarah R. Jactel
Shea L. Johnson
Christopher N. Jordan
Samuel A. Levine
Tristan D.A.Litré
Olivia J. M. Lodise
Imogen C. Martin
Miles D. Reardon
Dorothy H. Recaborde
Sydni M. Session
Ludwig K. Seuss
Shreya H. Shah
Olivia M. Soultz
Lucien J. Viala
Ellen K. Whitfield
Alexandra N. Zdonczyk
Class of 2011
Ms. Julia Lancaster
Class of 2012
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Saurav Bhandary
Ms. Laetitia H. Butler
Ms. Nadine Marfurt
Mr. Jason B. Mitchell Mr. James W. Ratchford 37
Spring benefit 2013
Passport to Thailand
We have travelled to Thailand and back, and we must say that the journey was simply… magical! On April 20,
2013, Atlanta International School brought Thailand to our little campus in the heart of Buckhead. Guests enjoyed
the sights, sounds, taste and even the landscape of Thailand. The AIS Theatre Department wowed the audience with
a moving and memorable performance that included singing and a live musical performance; the highlight was
senior Connor Hagan’s silk dancing from the ceiling in the middle of the crowd. It was a tremendous way to kick
off a spectacular evening! We even had classical Thai dancing to open and close the night. It truly was a night to
remember in Spring Benefit history.
The Spring Benefit began in the late 1980’s to support AIS’s mission of providing the increasingly global Atlanta
community with an outstanding independent school. All proceeds from the Benefit contribute towards financial aid
scholarships, faculty development programs and continued preservation of the historic campus buildings.
This year’s Spring Benefit netted more than $300,000 for Atlanta International School. A truly remarkable element
of this fundraising effort was the $150,000 we raised during the Stand & Pledge campaign for financial aid. Our
amazing journey to Thailand would not have been possible without the time, talent and resources of our devoted
Spring Benefit Council. We give enormous thanks to Myrna Antar, Scott Britton, Linda Bruner, Lorraine Charman,
Lan Chiem, Marcelle DeCuir, Vickie Gore, Roane Loudermilk, Tracie Slosberg and Yupha Vatcharapijarn.
AIS recognizes the generosity of our corporate sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Friends of AIS
In-kind Donors
Agave Restaurant
Alfredo’s Italian Restaurant
Ali Rahimi for Mon Atelier
Alliance Française d’ Atlanta
Antica Posta
Marchesi Antinori
Artiko Stones, LLC
Atlanta Ballet
Atlanta Botanical Garden
Atlanta Falcons
Atlanta Food & Wine Festival
Atlanta History Center
Atlanta International School
Atlanta Opera
Atlanta Shakespeare Company
Atlanta Silverbacks
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
Auto Zone
Babcock Dermatology
Barefoot Mountain
Barking Hound Village
Barnsley Gardens Resorts
Mr. Felipe Barral
Barron London Salon
Ray Beach & Genette Ashby-Beach
Ms. Lucie Behrendt
Mr. Nathaniel Ben-Haiem
Bhojanic Restaurant
Bill Packard’s Magic Man Entertainment
Bits & Pieces
Blabla Kids
Bonefish Grill
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Bostwick
Mr. Wayne Bradley
Claudia Brand
Broadway in Atlanta
Brookhaven Children’s Dentistry
Buckhead Pizza
Buckhead Uniforms
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Cablik Modern Dwellings
Mr. Harvey Cain & Ms. Michelle Williams
Cantinetta Antinori Restaurant
Carithers Flower Shop
Carova Rentals
Cason Photography
Center for Puppetry Arts
Mr. & Mrs. John Charman
Chattahoochee Nature Center
Mr. Jim Cheeks & Ms. Wendy Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Clark
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center
Consul General of France in Atlanta
Cracker Barrel
Creative Discovery Museum
Cypress Street Pint & Plate
Darden’s Delights, LLC
Mr. Seth Deitchman, Financial Advisor
Delta Training Department/
Douglas Israelite
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Diggin Active Inc.
Doc Chey’s Noodle House
Donlan & Greenbaum’s New York Prime
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dozier
Ms. Maggie Dozier
European School of Music
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Fernandez
Fernbank Museum of Natural History
Festivity Boutique
Ms. Beverly Fetter
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Floyd
Flywheel Sports
Fogo de Chao
Foot Locker
Four Beans
Ms. Dusty Fretwell
Frolic Boutique
Mrs. Kim Gallagher Valeri
Susan & Mark Gambardella
Mr. Marsal Gavalda, PhD
Georgia Grille
German Consulate General
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Glass
Cultural Center Atlanta
Gorilla Sacks
Gourmet Innovations
Gymboree Corporation
Hair Brain Salon
Hanson Bay Company
Mr. George Heery &
Mrs. Constance Heery
Marshall Herskovitz,
The Bedford Falls Company
High Museum of Art
High Range Photography,
Mr. Ian Lockwood
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Hoffmann
Ms. Monica Hollman
Mr. Patrick Hurworth
Inside CNN Studio Tour
InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta
IQ Fitness
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Isaacs
Alex & Elisa Jerrold
Johnny Rockets
Lonnie Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Johnson
Julie Bee’s
Just the Thing!
Helen Kaminski
Umaesh & Kavita Khaitan
Ms. Philippa Kingsley
Kramer Portraits, New York
La Tagliatella
Ms. Karen Lamassonne
Laser Quest
Learning RX
Little Bangkok: Thai & Chinese Cuisine
Local Three Kitchen & Bar
Tony Locke
Dr. Sagar Lonial & Dr. Jennifer Culley
M Crowd Restaurant Group
Ma Cuisine by Adeline
Marie De George Design, Fashion,
Interiors & Art
Mariott Conference Resort
Marketing Inspirations
Marquis Boutique Hotel & Spa
Imogen Martin
Ms. Priya Marzorati
Massage Heights Buckhead
Max Lager’s Wood-fired Grill & Brewery
Metrotainment Cafes
Michael C. Carlos Museum
Milton’s Cuisine & Cocktails
Mobile Laser Tag of Georgia
Mr. Andres Naranjo & Dr. Laura Speake
Nava Sen Spa
Neurosport Physical Therapy
North Georgia Canopy Tours
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Ms. Joyce O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Halloran
Mr. Roberto Pacifici & Ms. Monica Rizzo
Anita Pandey, DMD
Panera Bread
Dr. Shatul Parikh
Passo a Frente
Patrick W. Sola Portraiture
Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital
Chiara & Angelos Pervanas
Karen Peters
Pike Nurseries
Mr. Alain Poiraud
Dr. Maxwell Prempeh &
Dr. Ngina Jemmott
Publix Super Markets
Mr. Robert Pullum
Ms. Deslie Quinby
R. Jean Art
Rachel Lipson Gordon
Rain Asian Fusion
Ratana Men’s Salon
Regal Entertainment Group
Salon Next
Sara Speert Photography
The Schaffner Family
Daniela Schmidt
School of Rock
Sea Glass Fine Art
Shane’s Rib Shack
Mr. Daniel Shubert Jr. & Mrs. Shubert
Six Flags Over Georgia
Smart Glass Jewelry
Sony Computer Entertainment
Southern Sitters & Nannies
Sports Boosters
Spring Benefit Council
Sprong Childrens Shoes
Jay Steinworth & GM Voices
Studio Movie Grill
Taco Mac
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Taylor
Thai Chili Authentic Thai Cuisine
Thaicoon & Sushi Bar
The Big Ketch
The Cook’s Warehouse
The Fox Theatre
The Framers on Peachtree
The Georgia Aquarium
The Honeybee
The Inn at Serenbe
The Melting Pot
The Mosquito Authority of Metro Atlanta
The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead
The Varsity
The Westin Buckhead Atlanta
The Westin Peachtree Plaza
Thomas Fallon Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Guerry Thornton
Tin Lizzy’s Cantina
Total Wine & More
Mr. & Mrs. Rhett Turner
U.S. National Whitewater Center
Ms. Saisamorn Ufer
Uncle Maddio’s Pizza Joint
Universal Tennis Academy
Forough Vakili
Mr. & Mrs. Didier Viala
Vis-a-Vis The Salon
Mr. & Mrs. Detlev Von Platen
Ms. Maria Voutos
Walt Disney World
Mr. & Mrs. James Wayt
Tip & Bruce Weniger
Whistling Girl Photography
White Oak Kitchen & Cocktails
White Salon & Spa
Ms. Anne Williams
Willy’s Mexicana Grill
Ben “Bean” Worley
Yard House Restaurants
Mr. & Mrs. Navid Yavari
Yoga Collective
Young Chefs Academy
Ms. Emma Zigan
Zoo Atlanta
Stand & Pledge Donors
Mr. Dixon Adair &
Mrs. Emily Willingham Adair
Mr. & Mrs. Lang Adler
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Albers
Mr. Amir Alibaksh &
Mrs. Sophie Michel Alibaksh
Mr. & Mrs. C. Keith Barringer
Dr. & Mrs. Peter S. Bauer
Mr. Kevin Bolin &
Ms. Laurel-Ann E. Dooley
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Box
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Branch
Mr. & Mrs. Scott P. Britton
Mr. Selman Careaga & Mrs. Ana P. Letayf
Mr. Ronald Carmichael &
Mrs. Shelley Giberson
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Charman
Mr. James C. Cheeks &
Ms. Wendy C. Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Clark, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Miles R. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Crawford
Dennis Dean
Mr. Christopher J. Decouflé &
Ms. Michelle T. Caruso-Decouflé
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dimitroff
Mr. & Mrs. James P. P. Dirr
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Drummond
Mr. Rodolfo P. Echeverria &
Mrs. Maria L. Gimenez
Mr. Todd Eichhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Fischer
Ms. Karen Flanders-Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Floyd
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Floyd
Mr. William G. Foglesong &
Mrs. Heidi E. Deringer
Ms. Graciela Frecia
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gambardella
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Glass
Mr. Carlos Gonzalez &
Mrs. Cristina Bondolowski
Mr. & Mrs. Arun Gore
Mr. Joseph S. Grayman &
Ms. Maureen B. McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Günther
Mr. Trace Hawkins ‘93 &
Mrs. Emily Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Hawkins
Mr. Derk Hendriksen &
Mrs. Rebecca Messina
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry G. Hull
Mr. Robert Ivanier &
Mrs. Stephanie Brun de Pontet
Mr. & Mrs. Derrick Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Jordan
Dr. Ajay K. Joshi & Dr. Richita C. Surana
Mr. & Mrs. Thierry Kartochian
Mr. Alan J. Ketzes &
Mrs. Susan J. Mitchell-Ketzes
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Klaus
Mr. & Mrs. Ravi Kumaraswami
Dr. Sagar Lonial & Dr. Jennifer Culley
Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Loudermilk
Mr. & Mrs. John P. MacMaster
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Chandler McCormack
Mr. & Mrs. Arnaud P. Michel
Mr. & Mrs. Dean W. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Pardy
Dr. & Mrs. Shatul Parikh
Dr. & Mrs. Manish Patel
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Paton-Smith
Mr. David Pemberton & Dr. Adina
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Pendergast
Mr. Mark Peterson &
Ms. Sophia Herbert-Peterson
Mr. Dominique Petitgenet &
Mrs. Sylvie Dardoise
Dr. Charles Read & Dr. Shilpa Vyas-Read
Ms. Remedios Rodriguez
Ms. Cheryl Rolley
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Schoen
Mr. Benjamin C. Schüttler ‘08
Ms. Deborah A. Sudbury &
Dr. Heinz-Bernd Schüttler
Mr. James Tausche & Ms. Jane Kamenz
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Thomas III
Mr. & Mrs. F. Edward Toledano III
Mr. Adolfo Villagomez &
Ms. Veronica Roldan
Mr. & Mrs. Detlev von Platen
Mr. Mark Wietecha &
Mrs. Marcelle B. DeCuir
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Navid Yavari
Mr. Guran Yet & Ms. Ozben Iyigun Yet
2013 Spring
Benefit Committee
Myrna Antar
Scott Britton
Linda Bruner
Lorraine Charman
Lan Chiem
Marcelle DeCuir
Vickie Gore
Roane Loudermilk
Tracie Slosberg
Yupha Vatcharapijarn
Darcie Adler
Angel Anbari
deLille Anthony
Felipe Barral
Julie Barringer
Stephanie Bell
Marsi Bostwick
Carolina Branch
Petra Cermakova
Tim Cronin
Isabel Coto
Marcy Cowan
Jennifer Culley
Roxana Dan
Shannon Dawson
Angeline Dimitroff
Ellen Dotts
Carrie Doyle
Mary Beth Drummond
Beth Fernandez
Ashley Floyd
Jim Floyd
Luce Fournier
Deniz Oktar-Giray
Stefani Glass
Ramona Goetz
Dawn Hawkins
Lili Harvey
Constance Heery
Linda Herndon
Carol Hoffmann
Martina Johansson
Elisabeth Jordan
Hyeyoung Kim
Veronica Kirk
Karen Lamassonne
Anita Leopold
Susanna Lockwood
Sagar Lonial
Laura Madrid
Karen Malaga
Laurie Marion
Inge Marshall
Caroline McLaughlin
Dawn Michel
Jill Mills
Karen Mitchell
Jennie Odom
Deslie Quinby
Amy Richardson
Ruth Rieker
Kristin Rink
Denise Roberts
Reme Rodriguez
Amelia Schaffner
Denice Smith
Laura Speake
Morgan Stewart
Jennifer Terwindt
Leslie Thomas
Alice Turner
Amparo Vickers
Tip Weniger
Dawn Werner
David Wilke
Lisa Young
Lara Zaller
parent organization
Message from Dawn Hawkins, President
I read an article recently on education in America and the fact that, as our cultural landscape continues to evolve in the classroom, our schools
must learn to truly embrace multi-cultural collaboration. It discussed the ways that cultural differences-values, traditions, languages, racial
attitudes-are natural barriers that can only be overcome if the greater school community is united in a common sense of purpose. And that sense
of community can only be built through open and respectful communication, grounded in a common purpose and inclusive of all stakeholders.
I loved a couple of things about this article, one being that AIS has been growing, nurturing and thriving in this landscape for more than 25 years.
We are so lucky to be part of this truly global community with its incredibly diverse cultural representation, all striving to enrich the experience
of our children and families here at AIS. It’s what drew us to the school as a family. It’s messy, but oh so beautiful.
The other thing that struck me was that the words used throughout this article - “collaboration”, “communication”, “community”, “inclusiveness”are all included and are the core of the Parent Organization mission. Every parent or guardian is a part of the Parent Organization (PO). We all
work to create an inclusive environment where we can foster a strong sense of community as we honor one another’s cultural perspectives. We
strongly encourage every parent to participate, because we believe that the strength of our community is built from collaborative efforts of the
parent body as a whole.
It was another busy year for our community, as parents and students dealt with many changes such the opening of the ELC, new school schedule,
revised carpool and security protocols. These transitions were successful because we have a collaborative community that openly communicates
and has a common sense of purpose. And this collaborative community is nurtured by our continued deliberate focus to enhance the experience
of our families by looking for new ways to make personal connections: connections with families in each grade; connections between new
families and the school; connections with fellow members of our diverse community across the grades.
Our room parents and grade representatives led the charge by creating multiple opportunities to make connections within the grade for
students, parents and families. I hope you were able to attend a parent social and engage in conversation with fellow parents about challenges
and experiences that your children or you are facing. Or perhaps your grade’s families gathered together at one of the wonderful multi-cultural
events put on by the PO during the year. What better way to get to know the new families in your grade than to pull up a picnic blanket at the
Back-to-School Picnic or at WorldFest?
Our Family Ambassador program continued their efforts in embracing our new families as they came into our community. It can be
overwhelming to step through the doors of AIS, and we strive to make sure that the transition is as smooth as possible and that every new
family is connected to someone that helps both parents and students successfully navigate those first days and months at the school.
Our Culture Clubs and Booster Clubs create many wonderful opportunities to make connections that showcase the incredibly rich fabric of
our community. WorldFest is the premiere cultural event and arguably the biggest celebration and best presentation to the greater Atlanta
community. Where else can you spend an afternoon immersing your senses in the tastes, smells, and traditions of 30 or more countries? Over
300 parents, faculty and staff worked together to make WorldFest 2013 a success. All of our Culture Clubs are important contributors to
community life, tirelessly bringing specific cultural events to the school, including German Christmas Market, Persian New Year, Jazz in Black
and White and La Kermesse, just to name a few. Our Sports Boosters and Arts Alliance committees bring passion and commitment to the
continued development of our sports and arts programs. From Spirit Nights to the 10x10 Art show, these groups bring our entire community
together to make connections across grades and language tracks and celebrate AIS beyond the classroom.
Many new faces joined our veteran volunteers this year. These folks from all areas of the school and all corners of the globe greatly enrich
the AIS experience for our children and our families, and I feel truly honored to have been part of this collaboration that is the fabric of
our community. Executive Council
Dawn Hawkins
Susan Mitchell-Ketzes
Jennene Cheshire-Rea
James Session
School Representatives
Bree Pattillo
Lower PS
Ron Carmichael
Upper PS
Sophie Michel-Alibaksh
Parent Programs
Linda Pak Bruner
Middle School
Geraldine Goguillion
Ellen Dotts
Sports Boosters
Shannon Dawson
Carrie Doyle
Kim Valeri
Upper School
David Wilke
Lynne Abe
Veronica Kirk
Tim Cronin
Cheryl Rolley
Development Liaison
Tracie Slosberg
Arts Alliance
Heather Triea
Robyn Bishko
Cultural Clubs
Silvia Nystrom
Amparo Mantilla
Asian Culture Club
Roya Memar
Anne Clotilde Seuge
Deutsch Connection
Sabine Mayr
Leslie Thomas
strategic plan report card
•Primary School: 533
•Middle School: 244
•Upper School: 313
Student Retention
•Primary School:87%
•Middle School: 94%
•Upper School: 94%
•Number of Nationalities of Student Body: 60
•Number of Full-time Faculty Members: 156
•Number of Part-time Faculty Members: 7
•Number of Staff Members: 54
•Average Tenure of Faculty: 17 years of total teaching
experience, 8 years at AIS
•Number of Nationalities of Faculty Members: 34
•Attrition: 15%
Total Enrollment
- 981
•Middle (5-8): $21,362
•Upper (9-12): $22,434
Financial Aid
•% of AIS students receiving Financial Aid: 14%
Participation in IB Program
•PYP: 100%
•MYP: 100%
•IBDP: 100%
Testing Summary:
•% of AIS students attempting full IB Diploma: 100%
•% of AIS students earning IB Diploma: 96%
•Average AIS IB score: 33
•% AIS students earned a bilingual IB Diploma demonstrating
native-level abilities in two or more languages: 41%
•% of all IB candidates worldwide attempting full IB
Diploma: 48%
•% of students worldwide earning IB Diploma: 67%
•World average IB score: 32
•Critical reading average (native speakers of English): 652
•Math average: 648
•% of Class of 2013 receiving National Merit honors: 12%
College Admissions for Class of 2013
(81 Students)
•81 AIS graduates representing 42 nationalities
•81 students enrolled at 45 different universities
•15 students enrolled at universities abroad
•1 student taking gap year
•67% of all 9th-12th and 85% of all 6th-8th grade students participate in extracurricular athletics, competing on 36
different teams.
•AIS teams have qualified for numerous state tournament
competitions and have won two, with eight individual State Champions and two “Coach of the Year” awards.
•The AIS Theatre Department hired an additional teacher to its program in 2012-13. Simon Bell joined the department from London, England, with a background in Physical Theatre &
•AIS Theatre continues to be recognized internationally with its partnership with the International Schools Theatre Association.
•AIS again achieved recognition at the Shuler Hensley Awards
for Excellence in High School Musical Theatre, receiving nine nominations. The Theatre Department stages two Upper School productions and one Middle School production per year, in
addition to grades 11 and 12 IBDP theatre showcases.
•60% of the Upper School students and 40% of the Middle School student body participated in some way in the 2012-13 Theatre Season, with continued support from parents, faculty and alumni. 50 students of all-ages performed at the annual Spring Benefit fundraiser celebrating Thailand. Senior Connor Hagan wowed the crowd with a performance on silks.
Visual Arts
•The Visual Arts Department worked in conjunction with the Arts Alliance to create a new signature event called the 10x10 show. More than 80 teachers, students, faculty and parents created art for the community to view and purchase.
• The Department of Music, with four full-time and two
part-time faculty members, serves the needs of over 900 students in grades 3K-12 with a full offering of academic music classes, music performance ensembles, and an extensive
afterschool private music lessons program.
• In the Primary School, ensembles in chorus and orchestra are offered. •In the Middle School, AIS offers a choir, string ensemble,
and a concert band.
•At the Upper School level, ensembles are offered including three different choral groups, a concert band and orchestra.
•CAS stands for “Creativity, Action, Service.” It is required of
all students in grades 6 – 12 and for the IB Diploma.
•There are 39 CAS groups at AIS, working with organizations
locally, nationally & internationally.
•1,075 alumni who currently live in 22 countries around the world.
•The average age of our alumni is 26 years old.
•AIS is accredited by CIS, AdvancED, SAIS. We are an IB
World School.
Our Mission
To meet the challenges and opportunities of our interdependent, fast-changing world as responsible citizens, young people require flexible
intellectual competence, self-discipline, and a global outlook. To achieve these goals, they need rigorous academic preparation and a passion
to become the best they can be. To thrive in and contribute to this world, they must have a solid sense of self and respect for others—as
individuals, as members of a group, as citizens of their nations, and as members of the global community. Extraordinary individuals will
be called upon to shape the 21st century. The mission of Atlanta International School (AIS) is to develop such individuals.
To fulfill this mission, AIS commits itself to the following goals:
– to sustain and grow the exemplary level of teaching and learning that has earned it a world wide reputation for excellent standards in international and multilingual education within the framework of the International Baccalaureate;
– to develop each child fully by helping each one to live our core values: the joy of learning and purposeful effort as well as mutual respect and understanding in a diverse setting;
– to maintain an optimal size and composition of faculty and students to maximize the opportunities for learning and shared understanding that are necessary for a healthy community;
– to help shape and improve local and global communities through the committed participation of its multilingual students, alumni,
parents, faculty, and staff.
Our Core Values
What We Believe Is Fundamentally Important
We believe that encouraging each student to discover the intrinsic joy of learning and purposeful effort will help each one to set and achieve
high academic standards. Furthermore, we believe it is vital to nurture mutual respect and understanding among all members of our community. Together we cultivate a spirited sense of hope in human potential. We believe the diversity of our community provides an extraordinary
opportunity to enable our students to communicate, create, and collaborate in order to build a peaceful future.
The joy of learning and purposeful effort
We want our students to experience joy in their intellectual, physical,social, and emotional development. At AIS we will create a safe,
stimulating educational environment, promoting the wonder and curiosity that motivate a student to explore learning in and beyond the
classroom throughout life. We believe that achievement derives from sustained, purposeful effort and that our potential is best developed
by learning to think critically, debate confidently, and push our limits. Ours is a community that nurtures and celebrates disciplined and
myriad intelligences, and we approach teaching with the expectation that every student will be successful.
Mutual respect and understanding in a diverse community
We believe that every human being is valuable and deserves respect. We further believe that respect springs from understanding and that
the best way to understand others is by learning to see the world from other points of view. Since each language reflects the values, history,
and way of thinking of those who use it, learning another language is a particularly effective means of understanding and respecting others.
We believe that a cohesive community of students, faculty, staff, and parents from many backgrounds—socio-economic, ethnic, racial,
linguistic, national, and religious—provides an ideal setting for the development of respect and understanding and helps prepare students
to thrive in a diverse, interdependent world.
AIS Non-Discrimination Statement
Atlanta International School practices a full non-discriminatory policy in all school-administered programs and will not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, gender, national and ethnic origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation or gender preference in all of its
admissions, educational and employment policies, programs, and practices.
2890 North Fulton Drive / Atlanta, Georgia 30305 USA / 404.841.3840 /