Welcome message from our new president, Piya Shult


Welcome message from our new president, Piya Shult
Volume 2
Issue 1
Welcome message from our new president,
Piya Shult
I hope everyone had a good holiday season and that we are all ready to excel
professionally and personally in 2010. I am honored and proud to have been
elected the new president of SAONS and look forward to the New Year.
For those who do not know me personally, I have been an RN for 26 years with a BSN and MS
from the University of Arizona, College of Nursing. Prior to becoming a nurse I was a Medical
Social Worker. Currently I am a Clinical Nurse Educator for University Medical Center where I
teach and coordinate several courses including New Nurse Orientation, Preceptor Workshop Class,
Oncology Nursing Overview Workshop, and Stem Cell Transplant.
I have been an SAONS member for 11 years. My vision and goals as president include maintaining
a high quality of nurse education at each meeting, encouraging cohesiveness, networking among
members, and upholding the visions and philosophy of SAONS and National ONS. I am looking
forward to working with all of you to promote the Oncology Nursing field.
Piya Shult
Our past presidents Susie Bohnenkamp & Virginia LeBaron applied for and received a grant from ONS for
“Ensuring Cancer Care Tomorrow by Developing Nurses Today”. This grant allows our chapter to select student nurses to receive:
•$125 stipend to cover the cost of a student membership with our chapter as well
as chapter meetings for the year
•A voucher for the sponsored student to take the ONS Cancer Basics Course
•ONS Career Resource Guide to educate the student on oncology nursing as a career
•A Cancer Source Book for Nurses from the American Cancer Society
•A Job Shadowing & Career Resource Guide to help the chapter develop a sustainable student
outreach program
The recipients chosen are Sharene Hollenbach and Erica Hall, congratulations to both of them! Sharene and Erica
have also been asked to be Student Representatives to our SAONS Board.
There were many great applicants this year for this award so the Board decided to honor two more applicants, Mei So and Laura
Reyes, by giving them an “SAONS Student Membership Scholarship”. This includes membership to both ONS National and our
SAONS local chapter which provides an opportunity for Mei and Laura to participate and network with oncology nurses.
Congratulations to both of them!
Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday Jan 13, 2010.
It will be @Hacienda Del Sol @ 6pm.
The topic is Geriatric Oncology, and the speaker is Brenda Keith.
RSVP: [email protected]
Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Holiday.
Cathy Parsons, SAONS Program Director
Better Than Ever Program
The Sedona Marathon/1/2 Marathon/5K
Saturday 2/6/2010 @ 0800
Community Outreach
Run through the red rocks of Sedona and you'll never be the same again.
Capture the inspiration of red rock spires, feel the draw of a Sedona Vortex and travel through mountains that are geologically
ancient, that have been peopled for millennia by mysterious rock art dwellers who have long since moved on.
Meet yourself in a new environment as you challenge yourself to run the marathon, 1/2 marathon or 5K.
Hear the call of the canyon as you enjoy the fine dining, pampering spas and arts and culture that make Sedona a world famous
resort and outdoor destination.
Where else can you compete in a world class athletic event, set in world class beauty and grandeur, with four star resorts and
restaurants and world class art venues?
Run in the red rocks of Sedona and you'll never be the same again.
For training information contact:
BTE Program Coordinator
Marisa Allen at:
Phone: (520) 626-7177
Fax: (520) 626-8606
[email protected]
Info from AZCC website
Healthy Children's Program
Sabrina Plattner was videotaped on 2-23-09 and instructed us on what we
need to teach the children; so if you want to help you can contact me to get a
DVD to watch.
Call Susie Bohnenkamp at 520-694-6852 or [email protected]
ONS News & Opportunities
Education Corner/December
“Cancer Pain Breakthrough”
Kathryn Hahn, PharmD, DAAPM, CPE practices community pharmacy
with an emphasis on pain management in Springfield, Oregon. She is
Affiliate Faculty at Oregon State University College of Pharmacy, where
she teaches a six week clerkship in pain management to 4th year
PharmD students. Dr. Hahn is Chair of the Oregon Pain Management
Commission, serves on the board of the Western Pain Society and is Past
President of the Pain Society of Oregon. She has published numerous
articles, serves on the Website Advisory Board of Medscape and is a
State Pain Action Leader for the American Pain Foundation. She speaks
both locally and nationally about pain management, its politics, and
policy. Dr. Hahn was a 2004 recipient of the American Pharmacists
Association One to One Counseling Award, and the 2007 Pain Society of
Oregon Pioneer in Pain Award. She received her pharmacy degree from
the University of Southern California, is credentialed as a pain
practitioner with the American Academy of Pain Management, and is a
Certified Pain Educator.
Thank you Dr. Hahn, you shared valuable information to all of us
regarding treatment of cancer pain. Your encouragement to be
proactive with our patients is an important reminder for our
Therapeutic Specialty Manager with Meda,
Ed Blake
Thank you Ed and Meda for bringing Dr. Hahn to
Tucson and for the wonderful
dinner at Pastiche!
Sonya Liddeke
I was born in Carlsbad, N.M. Raised on a ranch in SE Arizona. Have two brothers and a
sister. My father ranched and worked as an ironworker by trade. Mother is a
homemaker. Graduated high school in Douglas, Arizona. Married and have 4 children and
10 grandchildren. Husband Scott and sons Paul, Tom, Jon and daughter Thersa. Have been
an RN for 11 years and worked for Carondelet the entire time. ICU and Burn Unit until
taking a position in Green Valley with Carondelet Nursing Services. I love nursing and my
hobbies are making jewelry along with other crafty ideas and travel. I also adore spending
time with my grandkids and they love to spend weekends with us. We have lots of family
time with our whole family which numbers 22 when we are together.
Add to our newsletter and showcase what is happening in your clinical
clinical environment or
community. Please send to Kim Blumenfeld [email protected] by the first of the
each month. Next Meeting is January 13, 2010

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