2015 JUNE LINK VOL 32 ISSUE 2 - ccons
2015 JUNE LINK VOL 32 ISSUE 2 - ccons
LINK JUNE 2015 The Official Newsletter of the Columbus Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society COLUMBUS CHAPTER ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY www.columbus.vc.ons.org/ VOL 32 ISSUE 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Bertie Ford, RN, MS, CCONS President 2014-2015 (614-581-2177) The Calling Oncology Nursing Month has been a busy month for my Genentech Colleagues as we recognized and celebrated the oncology nurses in our territories. We at Genentech know… Nurses Rock!! While providing a sweet treat, acknowledging contributions to the profession, sharing a meaningful poem (The Calling…found on Pinterest) has meant a lot to us, it has also meant a lot to our nurse colleagues. So glad we were able to pay tribute to nurses in this way. As oncology nurses…we have all had the calling, for some it happened when they were elementary students, others were teenagers, others in college. Some have had other professions before answering the call, such as social workers, bankers, teachers, pharma reps. We serve our profession in so many different roles. We are where we are meant to be, whether it is a staff nurse, educator, clinical nurse specialist, nurse practitioner, manager, research nurse, pharmaceutical specialist, nurse navigator, administrator etc…Our specialty is where we were meant to be as well. How blessed we are that we can change specialties fairly easy…whether it is in a certain modality…surgery, radiation oncology, medical oncology, bone marrow transplant, inpatient or outpatient. Nurses can specialize in gynecologic oncology, neurooncology, thoracic oncology, and hematology, just to name a few, such flexibility just in the field of oncology. For many of us, our skills are not limited to the jobs where we receive a paycheck. We volunteer in our professional organization, serve on boards, advocate for our patients in so many different ways, in free clinics, health screenings, mission trips. This year CCONS sponsored a table at the Leukemia Lymphoma Society Man/Woman of the year Gala for the first time. We had a good time and supported their mission, which benefits patients in central Ohio. We are resources for our family, friends and neighbors. We are nurses 24/7. I am writing this message with a heavy heart as I have begun the process of navigating the way for my mom. We are fairly certain she has a cancer diagnosis. An orange sized mass in the lung is hard to dismiss as something not cancerous. She has received a pet scan and an MRI of brain. She had a ct guided biopsy of adrenal gland that lit up on the pet scan. As of yesterday, she has been diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC (Adeno). Still awaiting marker results, but all should be known when she sees her medical oncologist at the Seidman Cancer Center. As many are aware, my area of specialty currently is lung cancer. I am grateful for the knowledge I have of lung cancer, and the awareness of the treatments and the best physicians available for her care. Praying for the best. So, as Oncology Nursing month wraps up, so does the CCONS chapter meeting calendar until the fall. We still have exciting activities on the horizon. We will take our usual summer break for chapter meetings and back in September with our first ever vendor fair. In July members of CCONS: Lisa Francisco and Sonia Alcott will be representing us at ONS Leadership weekend. The CCONS Board will be busy reviewing policies and procedures and working on our board retreat so we are ready to dig in for the fall. We have two elected positions to fill…director at large and secretary. th We will support the ACS Pan-Ohio Hope bicycle ride on July 25 as we have done in years past. I will be getting my bike on with a few other CCONS members…Jamie Ezeklian, Jan Sirilla to name a few, as we will be riding in th Pelotonia…August 8-9 …My plan is 100 miles. There is a lot going on, enjoy your vacations, your family and see you in September. COMMUNITY CORNER HAVE SOME FUN AND GIVE BACK ALL AT THE SAME TIME: VOLUNTEER FOR THE HOPE RIDE WATER STOP JULY 25th Since the initiation of the American Cancer Society’s Pan Ohio Hope Ride (POHR), CCONS has manned a Columbus area water stop. Join us on July 25th at Prairie Oaks Metro Park – Darby Bends Lake in Hilliard, Ohio from 9:00 – 2:30 (although the hours are usually shorter). The inaugural CCONS water stop in 2007 is pictured at left, with rider James Bond, a 20 + year cancer survivor, and his son! James has ridden every year, including 2013 a few months after his fourth bone marrow transplant! He and his wife, Kathleen, the POHR founder, joined us in 2014. (below) The inaugural CCONS Water Stop 2007 We foster the ‘party atmosphere” while serving Gatorade®, water, fruit, and creature comforts (band-aids, aspirin, ibuprofen, ‘butt butter’, sunscreen) and cheer on the approximately 500 riders who bike the 328 miles from Cleveland to Cincinnati to raise money for ACS Hope Lodges and other patient programs. Your children are welcome to join us and receive a letter documenting this community service. Come for the entire event or just a couple hours (we just need to staff the duration of the stop!) E-mail Jennifer Guy at [email protected] who is coordinating this Community Outreach activity if you can join us. It is great fun, even if it rains!!! Rupa Ghosh-Berkebile, James & Kathleen Bond, Jen Guy At the 2014 POHR Water Stop 2013 POHR Wet Water Stop NEW CCONS COOKBOOK $10 Over 180 pages of CCONS’ favorite recipes in celebration of our 30th Anniversary Ask any board member CONGRATULATIONS TO CCONS MEMBERS… …Gail Rhodes, Beth Stevens, and Meghan Rout who are 2015 winners of the CCONS Congress Scholarship Awards. …2015 CCONS Rookie of the Year: Erin Ferlet …2015 CCONS Mentorship Award: Diana McMahon …2015 CCONS President’s Award: Barb Paxson …2015 Outreach Ohio Mentorship Award: Diana McMahon …Kris Mathey on her ONS Emerging Leader Award! …Lisa Smith received an ONS Foundation Congress Scholarship supported by ONS Foundation Endowment! 2015 CCONS CALENDAR OF EVENTS Go to www.columbus.vc.ons.org/ for event details SAVE THE DATES June 4-Summer Social Event at the Columbus Museum of Art July 25-POHR Water Stop … Amy Tootle and Misty Lamprecht who were two of the authors of the application that won The James Blood and Marrow Transplant team the Beacon Award for Excellence from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). The national three-year bronze award recognizes the unit’s 75 nurses for exceptional patient care and professional nursing practice. It is based on unit systems and a work environment that foster evidence-based practice and excellence in patient care. The Beacon Award will presented in May 2015 at the National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Exposition in San Diego. The unit has the further distinction of being the only bone marrow transplant unit to ever receive this honor. CCONS has the following opportunities for interested members: Program Committee, Community Outreach Chair, Director-at-Large, Secretary, and Site Liaisons August 8-Faith Mission Cookout August 23-CCONS Board Retreat September 10-CCONS Products Fair September 28-Breast Health Fashion Show @ Makoy Center You are invited to attend board meetings to get more information. Contact any of the board members and join us! CCONS welcomes as our new historian, Sandy Black, as well as Beth Stevens & Lisa Francisco as membership committee members. Don’t forget to add www.columbus.vc.ons.org/ to your ‘Favorites’ site on your PC, iPad, or smart phone! This is the home page for ‘all-things’ CCONS. Just about every chapter document, form, policy manual, guideline, staff contact information, you name it - is housed on this site. It’s your one-stop-shop for chapter operations and management resources! CULTURAL COMPETENCY We had 25 attendees for the excellent cultural competency program held at the Worthington Inn on May 30th. The Community Outreach Committee and Angie Edwards did a great job planning the event. CCONS MAY RECOGNITION CELEBRATION CCONS PRESIDENTS/FOUNDERS DAY LUNCHEON February 28, 2015 CCONS received a Citation of Recognition from Columbus, OH Mayor Michael B. Coleman who proclaimed that February 28, 2015 and each February 28 hereafter, be known in the city of Columbus as The Columbus Chapter of The Oncology Nursing Society Day! SAVE THE DATE-APRIL 7 & 8, 2016 The 26th SPRING CONFERENCE WOW ! Thank you! The 26th conference was a very successful conference due to the fabulous Committee and support from the Participants, Speakers, Vendors, Venue, and the CCONS Board. Speakers came from across the country and presented to about 160 participants. Participants gained valuable knowledge, insight, and inspiration to share with their colleagues and survivors. Most of the speakers donated their honorariums to their designated charity or non-profit organization as well as donated books. Donated honorariums sponsored 2016 Spring Conference registrations, the ACS: Pan Ohio Hope Ride, Social Services Emergency Funds, and the Advance Practice Professional Education Fund. Participants donated about 200 cans of food and $55.00 to the Columbus Cancer Clinic. The Silent Auctions and 50/50 Raffles will provide CCONS Scholarships and the donation to the ONS Foundation. This year, the conference included a Thursday lunch and awarded more CE’s. Lucky participants won a 2016 Congress registration, Three (3) won ONS Memberships, and Two (2) won Spring Conference 2016 registrations. Please welcome Gretchen Gunderson (Mount Carmel Health Systems) and Cathy Phillips (Columbus Cancer Clinic) to our fabulous committee. Save the Date 27th Annual SPRING CONFERENCE KALEIDOSCOPE OF ONCOLOGY CARE April 7 & 8, 2016 Welcoming New Committee Members and Opportunities to gain professional experiences and networking. Meetings are held after CCONS Chapter meetings. Please contact Ilene or Lisa if you would like to join the Committee. [email protected] or [email protected] Thank you for all you do CCONS BOARD INTERNS CCONS is pleased to welcome Blair Selva to the newly created position of Board Intern. Blair has attended several board meetings and is learning the ropes to potentially serve in a leadership position on the board. CCONS is looking for a second board intern. Please go to the VC Leadership or Resources page for the application if you are interested in interning with the CCONS Board. CCONS would like to additionally congratulate Blair Selva on her new position as a nurse educator with Quintiles. NATIONAL NEWS CCONS at CONGRESS Eight Regional ONS Chapter Officers Programs Scheduled for 2015 ONS is pleased to announce we’ve doubled the number of Regional Chapter Officers Programs (formerly called miniretreats) to eight for 2015. Mark your calendars and plan to attend one of the programs How did you celebrate Oncology Nursing Month? Share your stories & pictures with the chapter- send to [email protected] nearest you: Denver, Saturday, May 9, Marriot Denver West (RSVPs are not being accepted via [email protected]) Oklahoma City, Saturday, June 6 Madison, WI, Saturday, June 27 Atlanta, Saturday, September 19 Dayton, OH, Saturday, September 26 Los Angeles, Saturday, October 3 Philadelphia, Saturday, October 10 New Orleans, Saturday, October 17 CELEBRATING NURSING WEEK 2015 For the second year, The James Cancer Hospital Stefanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center (SSCBC) 4th floor Medical/Oncology & Chemotherapy Nurses have raised money for Camp Kesem. I learned of the camp from colleague, Leslie Dunlea (right) who is a camp board member. Camp Kesem is a week long, summer camp for children, aged 6-16, who have been touched by a parent with cancer. The camp is free of charge for the family and the children can return to camp yearly. This year the camp will have a counselor/child ratio of 3:1 and the approximate cost per child is $500. Inspired by this camp and the work that they do, I decided last year that I wanted to celebrate oncology nurses by sending a child to this camp. We collected money from colleagues and held a bake sale and were able to donate close to $1000 to the camp last year. This year I kept a ‘spare change’ jar at my desk, emailing co-workers to drop their spare change and we had another very successful bake sale and we are able to donate over $830 this year to the camp in honor of the SSCBC 4th floor nurses. For more information on Camp Kesem, go to www.campkesem.org. This year the camp could use a couple more nurses to add to the counselor list. I plan to volunteer next year but missed the request window this year. I know it is last minute, but if any of you are interested and have time off from June 28th through July 3rd, possibly splitting the time with another nurse perhaps, please contact me at [email protected]. You are required to stay at the camp overnight and would dispense prescribed medications. The camp is at Camp Willson in Bellfountaine, OH. Submitted by: Barb Paxson, RN THE ADVANTAGES OF NON-CNE EVENTS AT CONGRESS ® By Gena Middleton, MS, RN, CNS, AOCNS , Account Manager, ONS:Edge Improving patient outcomes is the common goal of all oncology nurse education, yet sometimes important disease state and product-specific information is not discussed during CNE offerings. Industry-sponsored events provide critical information related to cancer treatment options, new and expanded indications for FDA-approved products, safe administration guidelines, strategies for managing potential side effects, and patient education resources. As a Congress attendee, you’ll have the opportunity to network with peers at these events, share your patient management experiences, and ask questions to industry representatives and nurse educators who have extensive product knowledge and clinical experience. Upon returning home, you can share the key points about specific agents with your colleagues. Your active participation in non-CNE educational events plays an important role in providing safe and quality care to patients. These events also serve to provide pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers with clinical nurses’ perspectives, including the patient journey and challenges with administration, adherence, and access. They use this information when developing educational resources and support programs designed to meet the unique educational needs of oncology nurses, patients, and caregivers. Get involved to learn from others and share your expertise! ONS:Edge is hosting many non-CNE learning opportunities this year, including product theaters, lunch and dinner programs, and receptions to encourage networking. Keep an eye on the ONS:Edge Live Events page for upcoming non-CNE opportunities at Congress and beyond! LEGISLATIVE NEWS ONS’ course Advocacy 101 teaches the basics of the legislative process enabling nurses to advocate from for their patients and profession. This on-line Jen Guy-Chair, Amy Tootle, Sarah Eichnercourse will take place: Kincaid, Tammy Lamb, & Jill Beavers-Kirby 5/20/15 - 6/17/15 9/23/15 -10/21/15 The course is free to ONS members and offers 4.70 contact hours. Registration for the next course has passed; September 16th for the last course of 2015. LEGISLATIVE UPDATES Report format: a) Ohio House bills are grouped together in order of bill number; b) Ditto for Ohio Senate bills; c) Ohio bills that have passed the legislature, signed into law and effective date reported previously have been removed unless there is an issue/concern with rule-making, such as by the Ohio Board of Nursing; d) New bills or process information included are underlined; e) The ONA Health Policy Council’s position is noted when applicable; f) “NO CHANGE” signifies that nothing has happened since our last report. If you want more information about a specific bill, contact the responsible committee member noted in parentheses. Ohio Legislation: HB 4: Narcan availability: removes a provision in the law expanding availability to some of the public that required the Narcan prescriber to be present when the drug was distributed. Passed the House, in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. NO CHANGE (Amy Tootle) HB 64: Establishes the biennial budget for the State of Ohio & must be completed by June 30th. The budget bill covers July 1st, 2015 - June 30, 2017. PASSED by the House. Many changes to Governor Kasich’s requests. House passed version includes: a provision giving the General Assembly authority to decide who qualifies for Medicaid, taking it away from the governor; requires all Medicaid recipients, children and adults regardless of income, to have such an account and pay some premiums with the exception of the aged, blind and disabled; taxes liquid nicotine/electronic cigarettes; proposed language to allow nursing procedures to be performed by unlicensed personnel were modified; multiple changes to the Governor’s tax proposals made. Sent to Senate, referred to Finance Committee (Jennifer Guy) NOTE: both the House passed version & the pending Senate version are political documents in essence saying ‘these are the things that are important to the majority of the respective body’. The final budget will be a series of compromises based on the respective positions of the legislative chambers. SB 9: Establishes data collection aimed at reducing infant mortality, especially among minority women and authorizes in-home services to be covered by Medicaid that can impact same. Assigned to Medicaid Committee, hearings pending. NO CHANGE (Sarah Kincaid) SB 17: To require the Medicaid program to cover the eligibility expansion group authorized by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and to make an appropriation. Assigned to the Medicaid Committee. NO CHANGE (Sarah Kincaid) SB 55: PA delegation, including to RNs. Introduced, no Committee assignment yet. NO CHANGE. (Amy Tootle) SB 110/HB 96: APN delegation of medication administration; conintuing education requirement mechanisms. Testimony on 4/22; reported out as amended to senate health and human services (4th hearing) Out of state grads would have to return to home state for accreditation, if this bill is not amended. (Tammy Lamb) Federal Legislation: HR 1247: Proposes independent APN practice in the VA system. Introduced, assigned to the Armed Services/Committee on Veterans Affairs has acted. Referred to the subcommittee on health. (Tammy Lamb) S. 578, H.R. 1342, the Home Health Planning and Improvement Act 2015: allows APNs to certify home health services. Assigned to Senate Finance Committee, Assigned to Ways & Means and Energy & Commerce House Committees. NO CHANGE. (Tammy Lamb) HR 1600, the Patients' Access to Treatments Act (PATA). Limits specialty drugs co-payments for specialty prescription drugs to the dollar amount (or its equivalent) of such requirements applicable to prescription drugs in a non-preferred brand drug tier. Introduced, awaiting Committee assignment. Supported by LLS. Ohio Senator Steve Stivers is a co-sponsor. Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. (Tammy Lamb) H.R. 2, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015. Replaces the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula for Medicare provider payment with an improved payment system that rewards quality, efficiency and innovation. Creates an incentive payment program, referred to as the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), which includes nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists and certified registered nurse anesthetists to begin in 2020. Expands who can document the faceto-face encounter required for Medicare durable medical equipment prescriptions to include advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and physician assistants, as allowed by state law. Extends for 2 years: a) Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP); funding for Community Health Centers (CHCs), the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV), the Special Diabetes Program (SDP), Medicare therapy cap exclusion; b) permanently extends the Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) program in Medicaid and Qualified Individual (QI) Program in Medicaid; c) prohibits use of federal health care programs as causes of action for medical liability lawsuits. Signed by the President April 16, 2015, payment change retroactive to April lst. (Jennifer Guy) HR 2083/SB 1132: Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act. Introduced. Establishes mandatory nursing staffing plans for hospitals accepting Medicare; establishes procedures for making staffing data public, protects whistleblowers; establishes fines for violations of the law. Assigned to House Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means Committees(tbd) CCONS Board/Committee Leaders President……Bertie Ford President-Elect……Lisa Francisco Past President….......Kris Mathey Treasurer…Gail Rhodes, Treasurer-Elect…Michelle Elkins Secretary……...Sonia Alcott Director at Large…… Tim Phillips & Erin Ferlet Community Outreach…… Maria Tucker Historian……. Sandy Black Spring Conference….Ilene Lattimer, Patricia Simmers, & Lisa Masten Membership…… Alicia DeFrancesco Nominating…….Shirley Blanton Program….Angie Edwards-Abbey & Lisa Radebaugh Scholarship Chair………Colleen O’Leary Legislation Chair….Jennifer Guy Newsletter and VC……...Barbara Paxson Student SIG……….Diana McMahon Vendor Liaison........Julie Roth Board Intern……Blair Selva LINK SUBMISSION DEADLINES: February 15 May 15 August 15 November 15 PUBLISH DATES: March 1 June 1 September 1 December 1 FROM THE EDITOR HAPPY SUMMER LINK is the official newsletter of the Columbus Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society and is the winner of the 2012 ONS Newsletter Award for a large chapter. It is published quarterly. Submissions are encouraged and will be published, subject to editing. Please submit your information, ideas, and accomplishments to: [email protected] Log on to our CCONS website at www.columbus.vc.ons.org Log on to our Facebook site at www.facebook.com/columbuschapterONS Log on to our national website at www.ons.org