The Lander Leopard News The Lander Leopard News is Back!


The Lander Leopard News The Lander Leopard News is Back!
The Lander Leopard News
October 2013
Volume 2, Issue 1
The Lander Leopard News is Back!
By Alvin Cai
Hi everyone. The LLN is back and ready for action. For all of you who don’t know what the
LLN is it’s our school newspaper. Our newspaper consists of many fun activities like
mazes, word searches, and lots of other fun things. The newspaper covers sports, fashion,
and things that are going around in school and around Lander. Every issue has some
mystery teachers and mystery students so be on the lookout for them. If you have any
questions or comments on the newspaper you can tell Mrs. Edwards or a member of the
LLN. So I hope all of you are excited that the LLN is back because we are.
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Survey of the
Welcome Back, Lander!!!!!!!
Survey Director, Logan Ferritto
Q: What’s your favorite
 Zombie
 Mummy
 Big Foot
 Other
Vote online!
4th Grade Mystery Student
By Alexis Ochi
Welcome back Lander, I hope your summer was great!
Mine for sure was awesome. I warmly welcome the new
kindergarteners to Lander school. You will love kindergarten
a lot. There are two fun activities, the Halloween party and
the hayride. The newspaper staff loves writing for you and I
hope you love reading the paper because we work really
hard on this. On the newspaper there are coloring contests
(grades k-2 and grades 3-5), games, and puzzles. We are
having sign-ups for fourth and fifth grade and everyone may
not make it but you can submit something and we might
put it in the newspaper, YAY!
They have blonde hair
The person is a girl
She wears glasses
She is in girl scouts
K-2 Mystery Teacher
By Julietta Puletti
She has brown eyes
She has long hair
She is a dance teacher
She is pretty
She got married this summer
3 –5 Mystery Teacher
By Katie Voronkin
1. She has blonde hair
2. She is a 4th grade teacher
3. She wears glasses
By Brynn Lorkovich
5th Grade Mystery Student
By Alvin Cai
1. Her favorite food is pickles
2. She is a girl
3. Her favorite sports are volleyball
and cheerleading
4. Her favorite subject is math
5. Her favorite color is pink
6. Her favorite game is Minecraft
Can you guess who this mystery
student is?
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Interview with Mrs. Staley
Reporter, Camryn Brown
Mrs. Malenda’s Math Club Me: Hi! Mrs.Staley, how are you?
By: Delaney Lancry
Me: What made you decide to
start this math club?
Mrs. Malenda: I wanted to start
this math club because I wanted
kids who like math to have a
chance to work with kids outside
of math class, and like math
without worrying about grades.
Me: What are some activites you
do in your math club?
Mrs. Malenda: In math club you
play math games, solve logic
math problems, you learn math
tricks, and have fun using math.
Me: What is your objective of
your math club?
Mrs. Malenda: My objective of
my math club is for kids who like
math to have a place that they
can talk about math, be
challenged, and have fun with
Me: Do you choose who is in the
club or do you sign up?
Mrs. Malenda: The students sign
Me: How do you sign up?
Mrs. Malenda: There will be an
information sheet and sign up
Me: How often does the group
Mrs. Malenda: Twice a month.
Join Mrs. Malenda’s math club!
Mrs.Staley: Good
Me: Is this your first year teaching?
Mrs. Staley: No it is my 7th year
Me: What did you major in college?
Mrs.Staley: I majored in Elementary Education. Now
I’m getting my masters at John Carroll
Me: Are you married?
Mrs. Staley: Yes I am. my husband is a football coach at
John Carroll.
Me: What do you do for fun?
Mrs. Staley: I like to run, play volleyball, and I like to
Me: Why did you apply to Lander?
Mrs.Staley: I applied to Lander because I heard it was a
good school.
Me: One last question: how did you know you wanted
to be a teacher?
Mrs.Staley: I love working with kids every day and helping them believe in them selves
Me: Thanks.
Mrs.Staley: Anytime.
Interviewing Marco Ochoa!
By: Marissa Dalessandro
Marissa: Hi! How are you today?
Marco: Great, how are you?
Marissa: I am great, so how does it feel being student of the month?
Marco: Good because last year I didn’t get student of the month.
Marissa: Ok, how do you think you got student of the month this year?
Marco: I did lots of things to help the teacher, like helping other classmates.
Marissa: Great, would you tell your classmates and friends how to get student of the
Marco: Yes, because you are getting an award for being kind to others.
Marissa: Amazing, would you ever want to get student of the month again?
Marco: Yes I would because it’s a real honor but I think I can get it only once, so
that’s a bummer.
Marissa: Ok, do you think people will look up to you now that you are student of the
Marco: Yes, but no one has asked me how to achieve student of the month and I am
not the only student of the month.
Marissa: All right, were you excited to hear you were student of the month?
Marco: Yes, also I was shocked because I didn’t even know how I got it then I
remembered helping the school and the teacher.
Marissa: Amazing! Great job doing outstanding work to get that amazing award!
Marco: Thank you very much!
Marissa: Your Welcome and have a great day good bye
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The Origin of Halloween
Editor, Molly Xiao
Most of you know Halloween as the day you dress up as something cool and get
free candy. Well, did you ever think of why you even celebrate Halloween first
place? Well, if you did, I’ll answer your questions right in this article. The original
word Halloween is a short way of saying “Hallows Eve” or “All Saints Day”.
Halloween is celebrated on October 31st. It was believed that the dead spirits
would rise and mingle with the living on this day. The Celts (a person inhabiting a
group in Europe and Asia Minor in prehistoric Roman Times) would leave food at
their doors encouraging good spirits and wearing scary masks and costumes to
scare off the bad ones. So we celebrate Halloween because we are honoring the
Celtics because they wore masks and scared of the bad spirits. I hope this article
answered your question and I hope you have a Happy Halloween! Have fun trickor-treating!
Mrs. Gregoire’s Halloween Memory
By Maia Langan
This Halloween people are getting ready
to scare the life out of families who are
willing to get a little scare inside them.
During Halloween people are dressing up
as princesses, ghosts, pirates, and other
great kinds of costumes! Families love
Halloween because it’s a holiday that you
can dress up as whatever you want and
go walk house to house and best of all
you get candy!! But you only get it if you
say “Trick or Treat”. When you’re done
getting candy go home pour all your
candy in a pile and enjoy. Have a SPOOKTACULAR HALLOWEEN!
Reported by, Madison Bean
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Halloween Costumes
By Samantha Walters
Are you having trouble figuring out a perfect costume for
Halloween? Then this may help you. You can make so many
costumes on your own. This is even a fun thing to do with your
friends and family! If you walk around your house you probably have
a costume right in front of you. For example, if you go to your closet,
and maybe you have a black turtle neck then you could be a cat. Do
you have a favorite sport? If you like football throw on a team shirt
and you could be a football player. Boxes are great to use. You could
change it into a phone or a robot. Go in your kitchen there is
silverware, tin foil and table cloths. If you are having trouble finding a
costume be creative and look around your house. Find something
you like, try to turn it into a costume. If you can’t find anything
maybe take a trip to a thrift store. If you still need a costume I bet
you won’t be needing one anymore!
Halloween Fun
By Kaylie Cornelius
Most kids are excited about Halloween and the Halloween party. Some
are also excited to see if they get to go to the Goblins in the Garden at
Holden Arboretum. Most kids know what they want or already have
their Halloween costumes. A lot of people have Halloween decorations
out like pumpkins and scary stuff like ghosts, zombies, etc. If I was one
of the people who didn’t already have a costume I would think about
what I want and make sure I go and get it soon so that I can get it before
the stores run out of them.
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Fall Fun
Hi! This is your reporter Iulia Marginean bringing you the latest news. Fall is the
time for kids to be kids. Do you love leaves? How about jumping in them? Raking
them is not as much fun as jumping in them. In fall the weather is not too cold or
too warm. Don’t you just love to see the leaves fall? The colors of the leaves are
red, green, yellow brown, and some orange. Also in fall there is Halloween. It’s
about candy, dress up, costumes, and make up, as well. One of my favorite parts
is picking the fruit. Yum!!! Remember this is your reporter, Iulia Marginean
bringing you the latest news. Goodbye!!!
By Gianna Balog
My favorite season is here, Fall! The leaves are changing colors and
falling from the trees. I love the smells and colors of fall. Now is the
time for sweatshirts, football games and bonfires. Families are going
apple picking and making apple crisp and pies. Halloween is almost
here! It’s time to carve pumpkins and find a costume. I can’t wait for all
that candy! Can you?
School Lunches
By Jaiden Varanese
Question: “Do you like school lunches?”
Yes: Jaiden Varanese
I think school lunches are nutritious and healthy. We have good sized lunches. We get to pick out
two to three sides for our meal. One of my very favorites is Master Pizza! It is kept nice and warm
just the way a lot of people like it. That is why I say yes to school lunches.
No: Megan Brough
I think school lunches are horrible. Our schools lunches are not enough food for some kids. Our
time’s too short to eat all of our food and we end up throwing it all away. Then we are hungry for
the rest of the day. That is why I say no to school lunches.
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The Report Card, By Andrew Clements
Review written by: Katie Voronkin
The Report Card by Andrew Clements is a wonderful book! This story is realistic fiction and I think
you would enjoy it. Nora Rowley is a 10 year old 5th grader in Ashworth Elementary School, and
she has a secret bigger than anyone. Nora was born extremely smart but she would never show
her parents how smart she was. Ever since Kindergarten to 5th grade Nora has been hiding how
smart she is. All she ever wanted to be was normal.
On the late bus, Stephen, her best friend, kept on whining and begging Nora to show him her
grades. Eventually Nora said yes, but that’s when she found out she got grades she didn’t expect.
Many thoughts ran through her mind. How was she going to explain to her parents? What did the
school think? When she got home her mother had prepared a special dinner for Nora, her sister
Ann, and her brother Todd on report card day. Her sister Ann got perfect grades straight A’s! Her
brother Todd got a couple A’s and B’s.
Then, it was Nora’s turn. Read to find out what happens next!
An Interview with my Grandma
Reporter, Emily Warsheskie
I am interviewing my grandma because in 1965 she started kindergarten at Lander Elementary
I am in 4th grade and I wanted to know what it was like for my grandma so I asked her these
1.) Who was your 4th grade teacher?
a. Mrs. Geotz
2.) Did you have a playground?
a. The same thing but only blacktop not mulch.
3.) How did you get home?
a. The bus but most people walked.
4.) Who was your principal?
a. Mr. Hild.
5.) How were the lunches at Lander?
a. Everyone walked home for lunch except the bus riders so I had to pack my lunch.
6.) What did you wear to school?
a. No jeans for boys and girls had to wear dresses or skirts.
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Middle School Report
Golden Retrievers
By Yash Ghosh
Reporter, Lindsey Urban
Hello, my name is Yash Ghosh. As
you read this you might have
thought, “Didn’t he go to a
different school?” To answer
your question, yes I did go to the
middle school.
Anyways, this is the middle
school report. This is for 5th and
4th graders. If there are not
future schedule changes here is
the 6th grade schedule:
1st period
4 period
5th period
6th period
7th period
Golden retrievers are kind, friendly,
and confident dogs. They are great
family pets. Golden retrievers are
patient with kids. They are trusting,
calm, and naturally intelligent.
Golden retrievers are active, fun, and
You may have questions about
this schedule, here are some
Golden retrievers are very nice and
make great pets.
The colors of golden retrievers are
light gold and dark gold. Their
topcoat is water resistant, wavy, and
shed a small amount throughout the
year. The undercoat is soft and keeps
them cool in the summer and warm
in the winter.
The height of golden retrievers is 2224 inches if it’s a male. If it is a female
the height is 20-22 inches. The
lifespan of golden retrievers is usually
11 years of age.
Explos are like specials.
Recess is sort of like advisory.
There is no snack.
If you are worried about getting
lost, don’t be. After the second
day you’ll be fine. That’s it for
this report. Thank you.
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A New Year for LLN
Written by Mrs. Edwards
The Lander Leopard News welcomes new 4th and 5th grade staff members for the 2013-2014 school
year! This year student interest grew for LLN so we have expanded our newspaper to include both
reporters and cartoonists. Molly Xiao is our new Editor-in-Chief and helps design the newspaper. Our
reporters brainstorm ideas for stories, conduct interviews, and write articles to report news. Our
cartoonists come up with original ideas for cartoons and create comics that are published monthly on
our LLN website. Both reporters and cartoonists help take photographs and distribute the paper. I
am very proud of their work and accomplishments. Lander looks forward to the LLN staff’s continued
success this year. Go Leopards!
Our 5th grade LLN Staff:
Our 4th grade LLN Staff:
Reporters: Madison Bean, Camryn Brown, Alvin Cai, Reporters: Riley Anderson, Gia Arnold, Gianna Balog,
Marissa D’alessandro, Ryan Davidson, Kathy Du, Katie Kelsay Blanchard, Kaylie Cornelius, Katie Demello,
Eippert, Myah Goodman, Seth Jones, Haley Lackner, Cassidy Feng, Wynter Gant, Samantha Konecek, Megan
Paige Lamson, Delaney Lancry, Maia Langan, Brynn Linsky, Iulia Marginean, Wale Onamusi, Dominick
Lorkovich, Alexis Ochi, Marco Ochoa, Natania Pollard, Oslowski, Laney Sipos, Ryan Tarek, Lindsey Urban, and
McCartney Puhalla, Julietta Puletti, Grace Rocco,
Emily Warsheskie.
Shrinidhi Shah, Shane Trivisonno, Jaiden Varanese, Cartoonists: Allie Collette, Joey Dilella, Kimberly
Katie Voronkin, Samantha Walters, and Molly Xiao.
Faithbell, Madison Ferrell, Emily Folliett, Ayden Freeman,
Cartoonists: Sean Averell, Josh Davidson, Logan
Steven Ribovich, Camila Sardo-Longo, Gino Tierney, Gia
Ferritto, Brynn Gillen, Jimmy Shaw, and Krystal Tatum. Varanese, Tommy Vertanessian, and Lexie Warren.
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By Alexis Ochi
After a 10 game streak… the Indians have done it! For the first time in
6 years the Indians made the playoffs!!!
The Indians went from 94 losses last year to 92 wins this year!
It was the first playoff game. It was game time on a Wednesday. We
faced The Tampa Bay Rays. The game was sold out!
The game wasn’t looking good for the Indians…
The first pitch of the 3rd inning the Rays got a run-1-0 Rays.
When the game was over the Indians were not the happy ones.
Tampa Bay won, 4-0…
I’m sure that Cleveland is still happy for how far we got!
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Cleveland Browns Team
Reporter, Marco Ochoa
Today the Cleveland Browns
are playing and kids all over
Lander Elementary are in the
team spirit and rooting for the
Browns! Kids all over the school
are wearing Browns jerseys but
some kids wore brown, white,
and orange clothing. So many
kids were in the team spirit so
we took some pictures to show
you. Let’s cross our fingers and
hope that the Browns win the
Reporter, Ryan Davidson
The 2013 preseason was tough, we had a good running back named Dion
Lewis, but he broke his leg so he’s out for the year. We have a new
offensive coordinator named Norv Turner, a new coach named Rob
Chudzinski, a new defensive coordinator named Ray Horton, and a whole
new front office. The Browns looked okay in the first 2 regular season
games. However our QB Brandon Weedon looked horrible. But then
Weedon sprained his thumb! So the Browns put in Brian Hoyer. Hoyer
turned out to be awesome! We won all the games when he played but no
one thought it would happen. BUT IT DID!! When Hoyer is under pressure
he runs the ball, then he made a poor slide and got hit hard. He tore his
ACL ligament. We found out he was out for the season :[. The Browns
haven’t won since. The Browns were never that good. Everyone thought
we would get better but we haven’t. I think personally that the Browns
will not be that good for the rest of the season. We lost our running back,
one of our best players, Trent Richardson to the Indianapolis Colts for
Willis MaGahee another running back. In addition we also received a first
round pick in the 2014 draft. It seems like we’re really preparing for next
year. Right now we have 3 wins and 4 losses and the Browns are about to
have 5 losses because we’re facing the Kansas City Chiefs - a team that’s
never been beaten this year.
2014 should be much better because we have many draft picks, and most
of our injured players should be healed!
GO BROWNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Boots, Color, and Pattern
Fall Fashion
By Riley Anderson
By Marisssa Dalessandro
So, you want to know
the latest fashion, huh?
Then keep reading! Hi,
I’m Riley Anderson
here to talk about the
latest fall fashion.
What’s New:
Boots are so in because
it’s getting colder by
the day, so no more flip
flops! I love bright,
orange boots!
Of course bright colors
and patterns are in
style. Don’t you think
flower patterns look
adorable on jeans?
I hope to give you good
tips about fall fashion.
Remember, what is in
style is your look more
than anything. So rock
your own style!
Hey girls! Welcome back to fashion
in the LLN! The first thing is the
clothing for fall. The perfect thing is
scarves, scarves and more scarves!
The cutest scarves I see are the ones
that are knitted in Kohl’s. There is
also great clothing with amazing fall
colors you can purchase at Kohl’s!
Personally I love Kohl’s all together
because you can find anything you
can think of there! For shoes I
suggest Target and Kohl’s…. of
course Kohl’s again! But I shopped at
both of these stores and found that
they sell cute fall boots and that’s
why I picked these two stores to tell
you girls! Thanks for reading and
happy Halloween!!
October Fashion
By Puhalla McCartney
This month’s fashion is all about brown, purple, orange,
black, white, dark green, and red. You should wear
Halloween clothing too. Make sure you wear those colors
and have fall jewelry. You should also add any accessories
with that outfit. That’s this month’s fall fashion.
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Follow the Rainbow
By Katie Demello
This year the rainbow loom bracelet kit is the “New Big Hit”, as people say. You can
make fishtail bracelets, a regular bracelet, a doubled x rainbow bracelet and more!
Throughout the school and other schools across the country a lot of kids, teens,
and even parents wear the bracelets. A lot of people ask each other, “How do you
get those bracelets?” They are fun patterns and you can choose from a variety of
colors to keep the creativity flowing. So follow the rainbow and get in on the fun
The New Trend
Reporter, Gia Arnold
Have you seen the awesome new rubber band bracelets? Well, they’re the new
trend. Look for wrists, necks, and ankles and you’ll probably
notice them on almost every single person you see! You will either see single, fish
tail, starburst and more on all different people. I make them and they are super fun
to make! They are easy to make and are awesome to make for friends and family.
You can make these marvelous bracelets for everyone! Some color combinations I
like are blue, green, and purple or pink, green, and white, but you can make them
any color you want. You can buy all your supplies at Michael’s or Five Below. You
can also learn how to make
different kinds of bracelets by searching
it on YouTube or different websites.
I hope you have fun trying the new trend!
Fashion Tips
By Katie Eippert
I can’t tell you how to dress, but I can give you some tips like:
Everyone has their own style; that’s why everyone is dressed differently. Don’t be afraid to add
your own touch like a ribbon in your hair or bracelets on your arms. This is what makes an outfit
unique.Don’t wear an outfit just because you think it will make you “cool”. Wear clothes that
make you happy and comfortable. Don’t be afraid to experiment with clothing. Make an outfit
unique with a pair of colored or patterned jeans or whatever you like. Remember to be unique
and most importantly be yourself! Follow these tips and you’ll be a stylish reflection of yourself!
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Check out October’s
featured cartoonists:
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Can’t get enough LLN cartoons? Then
check out more here on our website:
More LLN Cartoons
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Pumpkin Hunt
Can you find all of the pumpkins hidden in this month’s newspaper? Hint: there may be more than
one kind of pumpkin!
LLN Puzzles & Games
The LLN welcomes a new Director of Puzzles & Games, fifth grader Jimmy Shaw! Jimmy selected a
September word search and a sports crossword puzzle for your puzzle enjoyment this month.
Coloring Contests
LLN coloring contests are back! Grades K-2 can color pumpkin Garfield and grades 3-5 can color the
trick-or-treaters. Turn in your completed coloring contest entries to the LLN mailbox in room 24 no
later than Tuesday, November 19th. The LLN staff will review all submitted entries and will select
two from each contest to be published in next month’s newspaper! Submit your best artwork and
good luck. 
Pumpkin Hunt: There are 9 pumpkins
hidden in this month’s issue. Can you
find them all?
Next month in LLN:
Read articles from all of our new
reporters!! It will be an issue you won’t
want to miss. See you before Thanksgiving