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LOND250313couv_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:12 Page4 20 foreign rights list Contact: Andrea Field. Foreign Rights Manager tel.: +33 1 56 80 26 76 [email protected] Elsa Misson. Foreign Rights tel.: +33 1 56 80 26 89 [email protected] www.xoeditions.com www.oheditions.com Tour Maine-Montparnasse 33 av. du Maine, BP 142 757555 Paris Cedex 15, France Spring 2013 LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:17 Page1 2000-2013 Over a decade of bestsellers Out of 297 books published 䉴 80% 231 titles on to the bestseller list ( ) made it 䉴 70% 173 have been widely sold abroad of all titles excluding translations ( 䉴 titles) 75,000 10 times larger Average print-run: copies than the average print-run for French trade publishing 䉴 reference commercial fiction and mass-market non-fiction The brand XO is a for readers of Christian Jacq Guillaume Musso José Frèches Romain Sardou Leila Souad 27 Million copies in the world 29 languages 17 Million copies in the world 36 languages 1.7 Million copies in France 18 languages 895 000 copies in the world 21 languages 2.3 Million copies in the world 36 languages 1.6 Million copies in France 23 languages LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:17 Page2 p. 3 p. 6 p. 8 䉴 Guillaume Musso 䉴 Anne Plichota and Cendrine Wolf 䉴 Anne Plichota and Cendrine Wolf Next Susan Hopper v1. The Lost Perfume Oksa Pollock p. 10 䉴 Bernard Minier The Circle p. 11 䉴 Nicolas Vanier Belle and Sebastian p. 12 䉴 Mireille Calmel Richard the Lionheart v1. Saladin’s Shadow p. 13 䉴 Gilbert Bordes The Newfoundland Violin p. 14 䉴 Romain Sardou America: The Red Hand p. 15 䉴 Christian Jacq Cleopatra’s Last Dream p. 16 䉴 Cyril Massarotto The Forgotten One p. 17 䉴 José Frèches I, Confucius… p. 18 䉴 Max Gallo A History of the First World War. 1914: The Fate of the World p. 19 䉴 Élisabeth Teissier Are you her Mars? Is she your Venus? LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:17 Page3 Next Guillaume Musso Demain The #1 best-selling novelist in France 2011 & 2012* She is his past…he is her future. ©Paul Thomas Gooney et Hayden Verry/Arcangel Images • “A breath-taking suspense novel paired with a poignant romantic comedy through the lens of time. A guaranteed success.” RTL • “A love story that challenges the laws of time, (...) an intricate plot (...) as rich as one could wish and that surprises you right until the end.” Le Figaro Littéraire • “In his 10th novel, Guillaume Musso orchestrates a clever mix of genres and weaves a gripping suspense plot over the backdrop of a love triangle. Impressive.” Metro • “What an acrobat! Guillaume Musso is a magician of suspense, an extra-temporal acrobat who constantly works on improving his show.” Le Parisien NOVEL 444 p. Published February 28, 2013. Photo © Emanuele Scorcelletti Emma lives in New York. At age 32, she is still looking for Mr. Right. Matthew lives in Boston. He lost his wife in a terrible accident and is raising his four-year-old daughter alone. A serendipitous e-mail encounter and correspondence leads them to believe they may finally have found happiness. Anxious to see each other, they agree to meet in a small Italian restaurant in Manhattan. The same day at the same time, they both push open the door to the restaurant and are shown to the same table. And yet, they never cross paths. A game of lies? A figment of the imagination? Some form of manipulation? Caught in a form of NEXT: reality beyond their comprehension, Matthew #1 BESTSELLER and Emma quickly come to understand that SINCE neither of them was simply stood up… PUBLICATION A mysterious and moving adventure. A genius plot on the fringe of reality. Diabolical, intense and captivating suspense. n Guillaume Musso is a phenomenon. Through his ten novels, translated the world over, this 39-year-old has conquered the hearts of millions of readers, and has imposed an original style, where suspense and emotion are closely woven together. *source GFK 3 LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:17 Page4 10 bestsellers in 10 years Almost 17 Million copies sold worldwide An ever-growing success *source GFK At the top of the charts in 2012!!! Praise for Guillaume Musso in France… • “Fascination ensues. We dive into the ‘Musso mystery’ like children jumping into puddles with both feet at once.” Le Parisien • “A jaw-dropping revelation pushes Call from an Angel into the thriller genre more intensely than ever before for Musso.” RTL • “Musso’s style is as effective and cinematic as ever.” Le Point 4 • “A romantic thriller dressed in pink and black […] A story that could happen to any of us.” France Info • “Endearing characters and suspense. The investigation keeps us holding our breath right up to the end.” France 2, midday news • “Guillaume Musso confirms his true talent as a storyteller.” TV Mag/Le Figaro LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:18 Page5 Sold in 36 languages ALBANIA BRAZIL BULGARIA CHINA CROATIA CZECH REP ESTONIA GERMANY GEORGIA GREECE HUNGARY ITALY ISRAEL JAPAN KOREA LATVIA LEBANON LITHUANIA > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Bota Nova Fronteira/Prumo/Verus Itzok Zapad Shanghai 99 Ibis Grafika/Ljevak Euromedia Eesti Raamat Blanvalet/Aufbau/Pendo Palitra L Modern Times/Esoptron Upius Haz Rizzoli/Sperling Miskal/Kinneret Shogakukan Balgungsesang Zvaigzne ABC Sama Alma/Baltos lankos MACEDONIA MONTENEGRO NETHERLANDS NORWAY POLAND PORTUGAL ROMANIA RUSSIA SERBIA SLOVAKIA SPAIN SLOVENIA SWEDEN TAIWAN THAILAND TURKEY UK VIETNAM … and abroad! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Toper Nova Knjiga Arena/A.W. Bruna Pantagruel Albatros Bertrand Rao/Allfa Geleos/Eksmo Alnari Ikar Planeta/Martinez Roca Ucila Damm Crown Amarin Dogan Egmont Hodder/Gallic Nha Nam Visit Guillaume Musso on Facebook and on http://www.guillaumemusso.com • “A little mysterious, a lot romantic and plenty entertaining.” Cosmopolitan (UK) • “Riveting and full of emotion.” Elle (Germany) • “A subtle alchemy of suspense and feelings…impeccably structured.” La Reppublica (Italy) • “Smoothly and efficiently written. [Musso] tackles major subjects with great narrative tension.” (Dziennik Polski) • “A novel that allows us to forget the humdrum of daily life and even to escape. A novel that makes us dream.” The Kyunghyang Daily News (South Korea) • “French author, Musso’s beautiful and thoughtful love story, is good for the soul and spirit.” Cosmopolitan (Taiwan) 5 LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:18 Page6 A NEW SERIES BY THE AUTHORS OF Anne Plichota and Cendrine Wolf Susan Hopper v.1 The Lost Perfume Fantasy series for young adults in 3 volumes Illustration © Laura Csajagi 396 p. Published on March 21, 2013 Partial English translation available 6 A unique and endearing protagonist, a haunted mansion in Scotland, both zany and unsettling characters and… a mystery to solve! After the resounding success of their first series, Cendrine Wolf and Anne Plichota are embarking on a new adventure: Susan Hopper, a new cocktail dreamed up by these fantasy-loving authors. Susan is three years old when she loses her parents in a terrible fire. For ten years, she lives between an orphanage and foster homes, each experience ending in failure. Until one day, she meets the Hoppers. She and Eliot, age 15, a “Child of the Night” suffering from a genetic disorder, are immediately drawn to each other and bond through their nightly adventures. As she arrives at the Hopper’s mansion, Susan begins sharing strange dreams with Eliot, his grandfather Alfred and their little dog Georgette. All four of them are thrown into the heart of a very dark secret, sparked by a curse tightly linked to Susan’s family history, in a world where the living dead, ghosts and wandering souls intermingle… n LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:18 Page7 F A new protagonist. A new dark tale. Anne Plichota: 44 years old, she lives in Strasbourg with her 14-year-old daughter. After studying the Chinese language and culture, she spent some time in Korea and worked in China. She has had several jobs: Chinese teacher, nurse’s aide, public letter writer and librarian. She enjoys working; English and American literature; Gothic literature; listening to people and hearing about their stories. Cendrine Wolf: 43 years old, she lives in Strasbourg. She studied sports and worked in the socio-cultural environment, in so-called “problem” neighborhoods. Dynamic, spontaneous and determined, she loves illustrating, speed in every shape and form, and fantasy literature. 7 LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:18 Page8 Anne Plichota and Cendrine Wolf Oksa Pollock Volume 1, The Last Hope, March 15, 2010, 496 pages Volume 2, The Forest of the Lost, May 17, 2010, 368 pages Volume 3, The Heart of Two Worlds, March 14, 2011, 368 pages Volume 4, The Cursed Ties, March 15, 2012, 384 pages Volume 5, The Reign of the Felons, November 12, 2012, 336 pages FA N TA S Y S E R I E S Full English translation of V.1 available T O TA L PRINT RUN: 300,000 COPIES! Fantasy series for young readers in 6 volumes This originally self-published series has become a true phenomenon. 17 years old, Oksa Pollock has gone from being a school girl in London to fulfilling her destiny as the Young Graciousness – ruler – of Edefia, an invisible former utopia hidden near Earth. Dessin © Laura Csajagi In volume 5, Oksa and the Run-for-your-Lives have finally made it back to the Outside! Now back in London, The Young Graciousness must face new challenges… she is reunited with both her mother and Gus, her best friend, but her heart is bruised: Tugdual, the Gothic object of her affections, fled to join Orthon who he just learned is his biological father. Thirsty for revenge, Orthon uses all his wits and strength to take over the world, which has grown weak after all the recent calamity. The Runfor-your-Lives decide to lead an attack on the Felons, leading to a cruel battle in which manipulation, cunning and supernatural powers are the weapons of choice. But the line between Good and Evil has never been so blurry… The magic continues, more fantastic than ever! Warning, this book is magical. Once we get to know Oksa, we can’t live without her, or without the amazing Pollock family and the extravagant creatures of their world... n Visit Oksa Pollock on Facebook 8 LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:19 Page9 …and the phenomenon spread to 27 foreign publishers: Brazil: Suma / Santillana group Bulgaria: Riva Catalunia: Columna Croatia: Skolska Knjiga Czech Republic: Jota Estonia: As Tea Kirjastus Germany: Oetinger verlag Hungary: Könyvmolyképzœ Kiadó Israel: Dani Books Italy: Sperling & Kupfer Japan: Nishimura Korea: Sodam & Taeil Latvia: J.L.V Jumava Montenegro: Prosvetno Delo 䉴 Poland: Czarna Owca Portugal: Presenca Romania: Allfa Russia: Olma Media Serbia: Mono I Manjana Slovakia: SPN Mlade Leta Spain (World Castilian and Catalan): Planeta Sweden: Rabén and Sjögren United Kingdom: Pushkin Press Taiwan: Sun Colors Turkey: Artemis / Alfa Group Vietnam: Nha Nam LEAD TITLE FOR PUSHKIN PRESS’ NEW CHILDREN’S LIST. TO BE LAUNCHED IN THE UK IN JUNE 2013!! 9 LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:20 Page10 Bernard Minier The Circle Le Cercle After the resounding success of ICED, Police Chief Martin Servaz is called to investigate another complicated crime. THRILLER Photo © Gaelle Humbert 572 p. Published October 15, 2012 Partial English translation available Bernard Minier grew up at the foot of the Pyrenees. He has received several Short Fiction awards. Iced was his first novel and became a rapid success. June 2010. In the middle of a World Cup match, Martin Servaz receives a call from a long-lost lover. A dozen kilometers away in the town of Marsac, Classics professor Claire Diemar has been brutally assassinated and a dog-breeder eaten alive by his own animals. And what of the mysterious e-mail indicating that that Julian Hirtmann, the most twisted of all serial killers, is back…?! Why are death and violence looming over a small university town in Southwestern France where Servaz was a student in his youth and where his daughter now studies? With the help of Irene Ziegler and Esperandieu, Servaz will uncover the existence of a very vengeful group and reopen painful wounds from his past. He will learn of betrayal and of depravity and will not walk away unharmed. Bernard Minier plunges readers once again into a perfectly constructed dark and oppressive atmosphere, driven by a gripping plot, and pushes the limits of the genre. n A L R E A DY 32,000 COPIES SOLD! 䉴 RIGHTS ALREADY SOLD IN 7 COUNTRIES: MULHOLLAND/HODDER (UK), MINOTAUR/ST. MARTINS (US via HODDER) ROCA (SPAIN), PIEMME (ITALY), DROEMER (GERMANY), REBIS (POLAND), GABO (HUNGARY) NOMINATED FOR THE ELLE READER’S PRIZE IN 2012 AND 2013! 10 Full English translation available • An oppressive atmosphere, a suspenseful plotline, a relentless foray into our deepest, darkest fears. • Already 170,000 copies! • A revelation! Sold in 9 languages! 2 C O G0 1 1 CRI NAC N O VM E PRI EL ZE LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:20 Page11 Belle and Sebastian Nicolas Vanier Belle et Sébastien Nicolas Vanier is France’s Jack London: 1.3 million copies sold in France Nicolas Vanier delivers a brilliant new version of Belle and Sebastian, a story of friendship between an orphan and his Great Pyrenees dog in the middle of World War II. High up in a village in the Alps, where chamois race with groundhogs and where mountain summits kiss the clouds, life was sweet until the Germans came and the Beast appeared: a blood-thirsty monster who wanders the mountains killing sheep. The whole village wanted to kill it. All except one. Sebastian, a wild boy raised in the shadows of the mountains, has sworn to defend the Beast. He is surrounded by Cesar, his taciturn grandfather, Angelina, like a sister to him, and William, the young village doctor. They are all trying to go about their lives despite German occupation and avoid Lieutenant Peter Braun’s malicious surveillance. While Angelina, a baker, must provide more bread to Braun’s troops at all costs, Dr William is helping Jewish people cross the borders to freedom. One evening, on Christmas 1943, William is wounded and cannot reach a Jewish family waiting for him on the summits. Angelina, Sebastian and Belle will risk their lives to make sure the fugitives make it safely to freedom. War, though, is full of surprises and the truth is never what we expect. In a splendid setting, this is a magnificent story of bravery, friendship and love. n NOVEL 374 p. To be published May 23, 2013 When he is not off exploring the Arctic, Nicolas Vanier lives in the Loire Valley with his wife and two children. He is the author of many travel books and adventure novels, amongst which Gold in the Snow is currently being adapted for the big screen. His four previous novels published by XO have all been best-sellers. BELLE AND SEBASTIAN: THE MOVIE • A new feature film directed by Nicolas Vanier to be released in France for Christmas 2013 • Rights to Belle and Sebastian – the movie have been sold in: CANADA, AUSTRALIA/NZ, SOUTH KOREA, INDIA, GERMANY/AUS/SWITZ, GREECE, ITALY, BENELUX, PORTUGAL, BULGARIA, HUNGARY, POLAND, CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA, ROMANIA, FORMER YUGOSLAVIA, MIDDLE EAST, TURKEY BELLE AND SEBASTIAN: THE BACKGROUND • A live-action TV series and a series of novels by Cécile Aubry (1960s) • A cartoon (1980s) © Nicolas Vanier FIRST PRINT RUN: 60,000 COPIES 䉴 NICOLAS VANIER’S NOVELS ARE SOLD IN 7 LANGUAGES LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:20 Page12 Mireille Calmel Richard the Lionheart. v1: Saladin’s Shadow Richard Cœur de lion. v1: L’Ombre de Saladin After 3 volumes on Eleanor of Aquitaine (almost 1 Million copies sold), now, Richard the Lionheart. NOVEL FIRST PRINT RUN: 30,000 COPIES Photo © Bruno Lévy / Photo12.com 418 p. Published March 18, 2013 This is the first of two novels by Mireille Calmel on Richard the Lionheart. This warrior and poet springs back to life through Calmel’s magical pen. 1189. A new king dons the crown of England. He is called Richard the Lionheart. His team of confidants includes his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, widow of Henry Plantagenet and Eloin Rudel, his lover and mistress. It also includes the power of the three swords of the legend of Avalon: Excalibur, Marmiadoise and Durendal. Will their light be enough to stave off the betrayal and lies of John Lackland, the youngest of the Plantagenets in England or Saladin, commander of the Infidels, who is quickly gaining power in the East? Under Loanna de Grimwald’s watchful eye, the only crusade against these shadowy enemies will be one of courage, love, and abnegation. Without fail. n 䉴 Born in 1964, Mireille Calmel has been writing since she the age of eight. Like many authors, her writing career started discreetly, with songs, short stories, plays. Then, she took several years to write her first novel, Eleanor's Bed (XO, 2002), the success of which was like a fairytale come true for Mireille. She has published a total of 7 novels with XO, all of which have been best-sellers. Mireille lives in the Aquitaine region with her husband and two children. 12 MIREILLE CALMEL’S WORKS ARE SOLD IN 14 LANGUAGES! “Mireille Calmel returns with her special recipe for mixing medieval history and Arthurian legend in a well-structured plot.” Carrefour Savoirs “While plunging into history, we are swept away by the gripping rhythm of an adventure novel.” La Manche Libre “This novel mixes history and Arthurian characters in a maelstrom of passion, war and love…Bestselling author Mireille Calmel dresses a spicy narrative which will captivate avid readers of the genre.” Sud-Ouest LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:20 Page13 Gilbert Bordes The Newfoundland Violin Un violon sur la mer The story of a man torn between the call of the open sea and an impossible love. After The Winter Children, Gilbert Bordes delivers a portrait of the life of fishermen and their passions. At the beginning of the 20th century, the terre-neuvas left Brittany for the shoals of Newfoundland off the Canadian coast to fish for cod. These fishermen lived for months confined to a boat, but paradoxically found it very freeing. The ocean, the wind and the clouds were their allies and their worst enemies. Among them was Yann Beaurelec, 19 years old and the son of a doctor, who boarded the Queen Mary on the spur of the moment. Heartbroken after the disappearance of the mysterious Francesca, he thinks he has lost her forever. To distance himself from his father, who did everything possible to ruin his relationship with Francesca, he believes this new adventure will allow him to start over from scratch. He carries only one souvenir of his former life – the violin left to him by the beautiful Italian girl before she disappeared. From Paimpol to St-Pierre-et-Miquelon, from Bordeaux to the Mediterranean coast, Yann proves to be a gifted terre-neuva, like his grandfather before him. As he pursues his destiny, along with it comes friendship, then love. But will this adventurous existence be enough to contain the passion consuming him? n NOVEL 374 p. Published February 14, 2013 Partial English translation available “A captivating reconstitution of the very rough profession of the terre-neuvas is at the heart of this adventure novel.” Tele-Z “A fresco in the great tradition of maritime novels… and a breath of fresh air!” Notre Temps “Gilbert Bordes mixes love and friendship in this novel of passion and brings the hard moments of the terre-neuvas back to life.” L’Est Éclair © AFP Photo/Diarmid Courreges FIRST PRINT RUN: 20,000 COPIES! Gilbert Bordes was a teacher and a journalist before turning to writing. He has written numerous novels, both contemporary and historical, and divides his time between his two passions: writing and violin-making. 13 LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:20 Page14 Romain Sardou America: The Red Hand America, La Main rouge* From the birth of the thirteen colonies to the present day, a merciless hatred grows between two families… A ruthless vendetta with a dazzling historical perspective NOVEL Photo ©Emanuele Scorceletti 440 p. Published October 1st 2012 Partial English translation available 1733. One man embarks on a new journey, the other returns home. Englishman, Philip Muir has boarded a ship with one hundred or so pilgrims to populate the newly formed 13th American colony: Georgia. Meanwhile, the pirate most hated by the British crown, Irishman Charles Bateman, has just left prison in Britain to set sail for his hometown, New York. In exchange for his freedom, the infamous buccaneer promised to erase all ties with his past, convert to Protestantism and marry Flora van Cortlandt, daughter of his mysterious benefactor Cornelius van Cortlandt. Philip discovers uninhabited wilderness. Charles returns to a city filled with enemies and bad memories. Philip dreams of a more just world. Charles wants to destroy the current one. With strong, intoxicating and rebellious women pushing them forward, the two men become a part of history and amass great fortune. It seems nothing will get in the way of their rise to success. Unless, that is, they cross paths. In the middle of the American Revolution, the Muirs and the Batemans are waging a war of their own, stronger than ever, and run the risk of losing everything. From unbridled ambition, rivalry, betrayal, and impossible love, Romain Sardou tells the story of two men caught up in turmoil: two unforgettable destinies; two faces of America. n AMERICA: •210,000 CO P I ES •2 4 WEEKS ON THE BES TSELLER LIS T Born in 1974 of a long line of artists, Romain Sardou developed a passion at a young age for opera, theatre * America: The Red Hand can be read independently of America: The Thirteen Colony. and literature. He left the lycée in the year before graduation with the “This is a superb tableau, somewhere between thriller firm intention of becoming a and family saga, with the birth of the United States as a playwright. After living 2 years in Los Angeles, where he wrote backdrop.” France Dimanche scripts for children, he came back to “We do find all the ingredients of success: discovery, France and wrote a very successful conflict, passion, money, a good guy, a bad guy…” first novel Forgive us our Sins Femme Actuelle followed by other successful “By blending fact and fiction, the well-documented medieval thrillers, contemporary Romain Sardou navigates from port to starboard with a thrillers, as well as a philosophical novel. His works have been knack for action and dialogue.” Aujourd’hui en France translated into 21 languages. 14 LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:20 Page15 Cleopatra’s Last Dream Christian Jacq Le Dernier rêve de Cléopâtre For the first time, the legendary love story and power struggle between Cleopatra and Caesar as told by Christian Jacq. Without Caesar, Cleopatra could never have regained Egypt; without Cleopatra, Caesar could never have established lasting peace in the Orient. Queen at age 18, Cleopatra dreamed of reforming her country, only to be exiled by her young, power-hungry brother. In exile, her destiny was to die in despair, far from her kingdom. But Cleopatra would not accept this destiny. She makes it her goal to recover the jewel of Alexandria whilst the Orient is on fire and at arms in the bloody battle led by Caesar and Pompey. Then Cleopatra, a young, highly-educated and breathtakingly beautiful woman, meets Caesar, the conqueror of all conquerors who seduces with wit and irresistible charm. The two fall madly in love and become the most powerful couple in the world. They are determined to bring Egypt back to its former splendor. With the mythical Hermes as her guide, Cleopatra the Greek becomes Cleopatra the Egyptian. A crazy dream pushes her forward: restoring the Egyptian throne. Their passionate love thus superposes a new political reality, putting an end to years of crisis and conflict: East and West come together and prosperity returns. n NOVEL 416 p. Published October 15, 2012 Partial English translation available. 䉴 • 100,000 COPIES ALREADY SOLD! • SOLD IN 6 LANGUAGES! Photo © Françoise Jacq 15 W E E KS ON THE FICTION BESTSELLER LIST! Christian Jacq became a world-wide success with his Champollion and Ramses series. His novels sparked an unprecedented mass-market passion for ancient Egypt that remains active to this day. His world-famous series at XO • The Stone of light • Queen Liberty • The Mysteries of Osiris 15 LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:20 Page16 Cyril Massarotto The Forgotten One Le Premier oublié With great finesse, humor and sensitivity, Cyril Massarotto brings us to the edges of the mind, memory and familial love. NOVEL Photo © Bruno Levy / Photo 12 234 p. Published September 17, 2012 Partial English translation available A few months ago, Madeleine started forgetting things. Oh, you know, little things. Nothing to worry about. But then one day she forgot where she had parked her car. In a panic, she tried to call her husband, Max, but could not seem to find his number anywhere in her address book. And come to think of it, is Max actually his name? Her son Thomas confirms that her husband’s name is Max, but that he passed away several months earlier. The diagnosis is in: Madeleine has Alzheimer’s. A mixture of tender and bitter, The Forgotten One has two narrators: Thomas and Madeleine, both dealing with Alzheimer’s in their own way. Thomas is the first of Madeleine’s children who she forgets: the forgotten one. Yet Thomas, a writer who has lost his inspiration, is her primary caregiver and spends all of his time with her, to the point of exhaustion. Madeline, on the other hand, lives through the progressive and implacably dehumanizing experience of her illness. n 䉴 RIGHTS SOLD IN 3 LANGUAGES: ULLSTEIN (GERMAN), EKSMO (RUSSIAN), CROWN (COMPLEX CHINESE). Born in 1975, Cyril Massarotto lives near Perpignan. For a long time, he was the lyricist for his band, Saint-Louis, before starting to feel limited by that creative outlet. So he upped the ante in 2006, by trying his hand at writing. And it was a success! Cyril Massarotto has now published a total of four novels with Editions XO. In 2008, he decided to leave his job as the director of a nursery school and to devote himself entirely to music and writing. 16 “Massarotto subtly sheds an optimistic light on his book.” Le Figaro Littéraire “As usual, [Cyril Massarotto] manages to amuse us and move us up to the last page.” La Presse de la Manche “Both tender and bittersweet, this novel based on personal experience is written from two points of view: that of a mother and a son, both dealing with the progression of illness. A difficult subject addressed with elegance.” Ici Paris LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:20 Page17 José Frèches I, Confucius… Moi, Confucius… A fabulous tale of wisdom that will help us to live better. After I, Buddha, José Frèches has now decided to explore Confucius. This man’s teachings sculpted the minds of billions of human beings. He is world-renowned for his wisdom and yet, very little is known about him. With his gift for story-telling, Frèches brings this great figure back to life through a fictionalized biography that guides us toward a deeper understanding of the master’s teachings by showing how he applied them to his own life. We delve into the mystery of circles of power in ancient China and get to know all sorts of people: important, humble, wise… as they walk hand in hand with their master, making the numerous centuries separating us fall away. n PHILOSOPHICAL N A R R AT I V E 304 p. To be published April 25, 2013 “With José Frèches, history and fiction make a wonderful match!” Télé Loisirs “Full of action and incessant plot twists, fictitious frenzy teams up quite well with historic rigor in José Frèches’ work.” Elle “A mix of intrigue and elegance, magic, eroticism and ferocity, an empire is being born.” Gala “A sumptuous reconstitution of a lost world – this is an epic and simply beautiful narrative.” Lire “Love, passion, greed, stories and history. José Frèches’ book dances upon the crest dividing historical novel and popular serial novel.” Le Figaro © José Frèches ON JOSÉ FRÈCHES’ WORK Born in 1950, José Frèches is the author of several highlysuccessful series: The Legend of the Jade, The Empress of Silk, and The Empire of Tears have sold more than a million copies and been widely translated. His romanticized biography of Buddha, I, Buddha, also managed to seduce a wide audience (more than 120,000 copies sold in France and translated into 11 languages). 17 LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:20 Page18 Max Gallo A History of the First World War. 1914:The Fate of the World 1914: le destin du monde A SERIES IN 2 VOLUMES The renowned historian whose books consistently sell over 100,000 copies in France brings us a stunning new account. H I S TO R Y Photo © Richard Schroeder 365 p. Published February 14, 2013 Max Gallo has always been at the forefront of his career as a novelist, essay writer and historian. With a degree in History, a PhD in Literature, and having taught for a long time, he is the author of many novels and biographies. He became a member of the Académie Française in 2007. Among his publications with XO are: the trilogy Bleu Blanc Rouge, as well as the biographies of Victor Hugo, Julius Caesar and Louis XIV which have been hugely successful. 18 Paris, East Station, Sunday 2 August 1914. Everyone is rallied up. All of these men getting ready to leave are so innocent and unaware… They cannot imagine that hundreds of thousands among them will die or be wounded before the end of the year or that this war, meant to be brief and local, would become World War I. In 1914 The Fate of the World, Max Gallo recounts, month after month, the year that changed the world. It would not be until 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall built by the Russians and the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 that World War I would give birth to its ultimate litter: the war in the Balkans. Eighty years later, in the same country where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated on 28 June 1914, the cycle opened by the First World War finally came to a close. 1914 marked the fate of the world. 1914 will be followed by 1918, The Dreadful Victory. n FIRST PRINT RUN: 50,000 COPIES MAX GALLO’S SERIES ON THE SECOND WO R L D WA R : 665,000 COPIES SOLD! HIS WORKS HAVE BEEN TRANSLATED IN 15 COUNTRIES. 䉴 ALBANIA • BRAZIL • CZECH REPUBLIC • DENMARK • JAPAN • HUNGARY • KOREA • ITALY • POLAND • PORTUGAL • ROMANIA • RUSSIA • SLOVENIA • SPAIN • TURKEY LOND250313int_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:21 Page19 Are you her Mars? Is she your Venus? Élisabeth Teissier Êtes-vous son Mars ? Est-elle votre Vénus ? The Little Book of Love, Friendship and Other Affinities. This little book has all the answers! According to your sign, your ascendant and Mars and Venus’ position, Elisabeth Teissier details all of the different astral combinations and their types (passionate couples/loving friendships, codependent couples, fiery couples, cat/dog-lovers couples…). She gives all the keys for understanding relationships, be they romantic, friendly, familial or professional. A veritable astrological guide that reads like a summer beach novel. To be read among friends…or lovers. A simple and entertaining book that helps you to discover yourself and others through astrology as well as the different chords and discords made by mixing the signs of the zodiac. A S T R O LO GY To be published May 13, 2013 All rights excluding the German language are available © Éric Robert FIRST PRINT RUN: 20,000 COPIES Elisabeth Teissier earned a PhD in sociology at the Sorbonne. After modeling for Chanel, she rapidly began working with astrology. The talks she gives throughout the world as well as her books (translated into 15 languages) make her the most famous astrologist in Europe. 19 LOND250313couv_Mise en page 1 25/03/13 19:12 Page2 Adult YoungTitles Adult Titles Antonia Hodgson Katherine Howe John Grisham • The Devil and the Marshalsea. (TBA) • The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane / L’Ensorcelée de Salem. Published by XO in April 2010 Theodore Boone • Kid Lawyer / Enfant et justicier. Published by Oh! in Oct. 2010 • The Abduction / L’Enlèvement. Published by Oh ! in Oct., 2011 • The Accused / L’Accusé. To be published XO Jeunesse in Nov., 2012 • The Activist. To be published by XO Jeunesse in Sept. 2013 Rachel Joyce • The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. Published by XO in Sep. 2012 • Perfect. To be published by XO in Oct. 2013 2000 2013 Young Adult Adult Titles Titles Donald Mc Caig • Rhett Butler’s People / Le Clan Rhett Butler. Published by Oh ! in Oct. 2007 Mitch Albom Kathleen McGowan • Have a Little Faith / Le Vieil Homme qui m’a appris la vie. Published by Oh ! in Oct. 2009 • For One More Day / Pour un jour de plus. Published by Oh ! in Oct. 2006 • The Five People You Meet in Heaven / Les Cinq Personnes que j’ai rencontrées là-haut. Published by Oh ! in May 2004 • The Expected One / Le Livre de l’Élue. Published by XO in May 2007 • The Book of Love / Le Livre de l’amour. Published by XO in June 2009 • The Poet Prince / Le Livre du poète. Published by XO in June 2011 Allen & Sandra Parton Elisabeth Kostova • The Historian / L’Historienne et Drakula. Published by XO in March 2006 Brad Meltzer • The Book of Fate / Mort avec retour. Published by XO in January 2009 Shin Kyung-Sook • Please, Take Care of Mom / Prends soin de maman. Published by Oh ! in March 2010 Rula Jebreal • Miral Published by Oh ! in May 2010 • Endal. Published by Oh ! in Dec. 2010 Kathy Reichs • Virals / Viral. Published by Oh ! in Nov. 2010 • Seizure / Crise. Published by Oh ! on Sept., 2011 • Code. Published by XO in April 2013. Kerry Reichs • Leaving Unkown / L’Épopée du perroquet. Published by Oh ! in March 2012 Gayle Forman Greg Kincaid • A Dog Named Christmas / Un chien pour Noël. Published by Oh ! in Nov.2009 Kurt Cobain • Journal / Le Journal de Kurt Cobain. Published by Oh ! in Nov. 2002 Mimi Alford • Once upon a Story / Une singulière histoire d’amour. Published by Oh ! in Feb. 2012 • Sisters in Sanity / Les Cœurs fêlés. Published by Oh ! in March 2010 • If I Stay / Si je reste… Published by Oh ! in April 2009 • Where She Went / Là où j’irai. Published by Oh! in Nov. 2010 Markus Zusak • The Book Thief / La Voleuse de livres. Published by Oh ! in March 2007 Rebecca James • Beautiful Malice / La Beauté du Mal. Published by Oh ! in June 2010 • Sweet Damage. (TBA) Audrey Niffenegger • Her Fearful Symmetry / Les Jumelles de Highgate . Published by Oh ! in November 2009
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