Urban Design Studio Laboratorio di Progettazione Urbanistica
Urban Design Studio Laboratorio di Progettazione Urbanistica
Politecnico di Milano, Facoltà di Architettura e Società Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Pianificazione Urbana e Politiche Territoriali Master of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design a.y. 2009/2010 Urban Design Studio Laboratorio di Progettazione Urbanistica Professors: Patrizia Gabellini, G. Bertrando Bonfantini, Antonio Longo, Marco Mareggi Tutors: Giulia Fini, Federico Zanfi 7 MILAN URBAN REGION Wed 31th March 2010 Agenda > Few general geographical notes on the region and on its recent changing > An attempt to decipher a palimpsest - both territorial and descriptive - through three steps > Every step will briefly outline an interpretative research on the Milanese Urban Region and a narrative/descriptive perspective related to the same investigation field. Fonte: DiAP Politecnico di Milano, 2006, La città di città. Un progetto strategico per la regione urbana milanese, Provincia di Milano, Milano 1. Urban region field: some geographical notes > The urban region consists of two different fields. The dry high plain in the North and the irrigated low plain in the South. They are two distinct geographical fields, two totally diverse environments, including the form of urbanisation. The North is the place of the so called “diffused city” (or “infinite/endless city”). Infinite non only in terms of boundaries but also in its stratification of spatial/social relations. > Two territorial bands exist: high dry plain (highly permeable soils), the lower irrigated plain (less permeable soils). Today the lower plains are more productive but in the distant past they were an environment hostile to agricultural activities. > The boundaries of the lower plain still limits the natural expansion of urbanisation and so this has resulted in a South Milan Agricultural Park. The reasons for this state is that for long periods the agricultural land use has been in competition to urban land growth and development. The Dry High Plain The Irrigated Low Plain A Third Median Zone: an area of large agricultural farm activity coinciding with natural springs Fonte: DiAP Politecnico di Milano, 2006, La città di città. Un progetto strategico per la regione urbana milanese, Provincia di Milano, Milano Fonte: DiAP Politecnico di Milano, 2006, La città di città. Un progetto strategico per la regione urbana milanese, Provincia di Milano, Milano Milan: Province and Municipalities Fonte: Garda E., 2007 “Le dimensioni di Milano”, in Bolocan Goldstein M., Bonfantini B. (a cura di), Milano incompiuta. Interpretazioni urbanistiche del mutamento, Franco Angeli, Milano pp.161-168. Milan: recent experiences of inter-municipal planning processes Fonte: Garda E., 2007 “Le dimensioni di Milano”, in Bolocan Goldstein M., Bonfantini B. (a cura di), Milano incompiuta. Interpretazioni urbanistiche del mutamento, Franco Angeli, Milano pp.161-168. 2. The change > The city of Milan has deeply changed in the last 30 years in its dimension, in its functions and in its spatial patterns. > This changes have been the product of a great fragmentation of decision makers and different phenomena across the urban region. > Today this fragmentation is producing a conflict between place and node of the global network: while the economy is still performing well the functioning and the liveability of the urban region are at risk. 2.1 Some data to explain the change Fragmentation in the local economy > There was a decrease of 21,5% jobs in the manufacturer sector > There was an increase of 37,6% jobs in the service sector (20% of them in innovative enterprises: 176.000) > From 1991 and 2001 the number of enterprises has increased of 43,7% and also their workers (+7,5%: from 1.665.000 to 1.790.000) 2.2 Some data to explain the change The impact on mobility > 320.000 people pass every day through Central Station of Milan > 30 millions passengers every year pass through the three Milanese airports with an increase of 100% in 10 years > 700-900.000 cars approximately enter every day in the core city 2.2 Some data to explain the change Fragmentation in the population structure > The Municipality of Milan has lost 480.000 inhabitants (1/3 of its population) in the last 30 years. > They have moved within the Province of Milan in the hinterland until the ‘80s and afterwards in the other bordering provinces: Bergamo, Lecco, Como, Varese, Lodi. > Percentage variation of population from 1991 to 2001 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 Variazione % 91-2001 Bergamo 681417 727.758 807.914 874.035 909.692 973.129 7,0% Como 361667 405.975 476.209 511.425 522.147 537.500 2,9% Cremona 381816 351.160 334.281 332.236 327.970 335.939 2,4% Lecco 216046 233.069 265.359 286.636 295.948 311.452 5,2% Lodi 180436 172.912 175.844 179.102 184.025 197.672 7,4% 2.324.717 2.983.903 3.727.841 3.839.006 3.738.685 3.707.210 - 0,8% 1.274.154 1.582.421 1.732.000 1.604.773 1.369.295 1.256.211 - 8,3% Provincia di Milano Comune di Milano Novara 274421 303.481 327.901 337.271 334.614 343.040 2,5% Pavia 506511 518.193 526.389 512.895 490.898 493.753 0,6% Piacenza 299138 291.059 284.881 278.424 267.633 263.872 - 1,4% Varese 477055 581.528 725.823 788.057 797.039 812.477 1,9% 6.569.038 7.652.442 7.939.087 7.868.651 7.976.044 0,5% Regione Urbana 5703224 Fonte: D’Ovidio M., Tornaghi C., Boffi M., (2006), “The post-fordist Regional Morphology. The Case of the Metropolitan Area of Milan: from Industry-based City to High-services Region”, Dept. of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, working paper. > Demographic changes in the 1991-2001 decades The map shows in pale blue the areas of population decrease and in pink and red those that have gained population. Fonte: D’Ovidio M., Tornaghi C., Boffi M., (2006), “The post-fordist Regional Morphology. The Case of the Metropolitan Area of Milan: from Industry-based City to High-services Region”, Dept. of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, working paper. > Families with children Couples with children mainly tend to ‘colonise’ the semi-urban areas of the region. The higher rates of couples with children are shown in green whereas the lower rates are shown in blue. Fonte: D’Ovidio M., Tornaghi C., Boffi M., (2006), “The post-fordist Regional Morphology. The Case of the Metropolitan Area of Milan: from Industry-based City to High-services Region”, Dept. of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, working paper. > The aging of the population The aging of the population is a typical and common issue in large size urban conglomerations. Darker tones refer to the areas having higher percentage of aged population > In the same period the number of households keeps growing as a consequence of the continuous reduction of the average number of components > Today the 58% of households has one or two members Milan urban region, view from satellite 1972 Milan urban region, view from satellite 2001 2.2 Some information to explain the change The impact on urban form > The urban region has no longer a Christallerian pattern as it had until quite recently. A stratum of urbanisation has stretched over the ancient framework of centres. > Urban diffusion, conurbation of intermediate centres, thickening of linear urbanisation, flow of settlements down the valleys from the Alpine foothills, are the evidence of a profound re-design of urban hierarchies within and outside the urban region. Fonte: D’Ovidio M., Tornaghi C., Boffi M., (2006), “The post-fordist Regional Morphology. The Case of the Metropolitan Area of Milan: from Industry-based City to High-services Region”, Dept. of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, working paper. > Spatial pattern of the housing estate built in the 1991-2001 decade Darker tones refer to higher percentages of recent housing on total housing. The spatial pattern suggest the “colonisation” of the areas ‘in between’ of the metropolitan region. S. Boeri, A. Lanzani, E. Marini (1993) Il territorio che cambia. Ambienti, paesaggi e immagini della regione milanese, Abitare Segesta, Milano. A chaotic image: the mosaic of the Regional Technical Maps (data source: 1981) Main settlement contexts within the Milanese region: Urban contexts; Reticular contexts and Low density contexts The linear attractors: urban transformations along a path The hybrid machines: transformations through complex and isolated objects The islands: transformations through planning of introvert territorial sectors The repetition areas: transformations through spontaneous iteration of the same - simple - object The clusters: transformations through the sum of punctual substitutions The metamorphosis areas: transformations through diffused and almost invisible displacements P. C. Palermo, a cura di (1997) Linee di assetto e scenari evolutivi della regione urbana milanese. Atlante delle trasformazioni insediative, Franco Angeli, Milano. Gli ambienti insediativi della Lombardia Reticular urbanization of Vimercatese region Settlement patterns, erosion of the rural open space system and development of non-residential built stock Reticular urbanization of Magentino and Saronnese region Settlement patterns, erosion of the rural open space system and development of non-residential built stock Polycentric urban settlement of Milanese Brianza Settlement patterns, erosion of the rural open space system and development of non-residential built stock G. Basilico, S. Boeri (1997) Sezioni del paesaggio italiano. Art&, Pordenone. The territorial section from Milan to Como C. M. Cassia, M. Orsini, N. Privileggio, M. Secchi (2004) To Milano – Per Milano, Hoepli, Milano. > The book recognize the image of a 'Transversal City' in the North Milan: from Malpensa Airport on the west to Orio al Serio Airport on the east. > This image was able to give recognisability to a latent urban condition. > It identifies a new relationships with the inner city and open to a critical horizon of projects for the contemporary territories of this part of the urban region. > The authors recognize some different signs on this territory that has taken places over a long period of time, trough different forms modalities, needs and reasons. > Some of these signs are the result of large scale organizations > Others can be identified as the sum of minor urban elements > Others are single objects stand as a potential linear centralities. > Environmental system > Cross sectional signs: infrastructures and insediative patterns > Cross sectional signs: production areas location, structure of the outdoor space > The plan for the transversal city considers the fragmentary character of Milan's urban territory. > It focuses on different infrastructural strategies and on the relationship that may be established between different situations, places, and landscape Four main environments are identified from east to west: > The Busto-Castellanza-Legnano junction > The Saronno area > Southern Brianza > The territories comprised between the Lambro and Adda rivers. They are geographically different areas to which the project gives different roles within the transversal city and builds for each a different thematic background M. Zardini (1999), ed. by, Paesaggi ibridi. Highway, Multiplicity. Skira, Milano. The highway as a new urban road, mainly used for short, daily trips within a diffuse urbanity The city is no longer perceived as a homogeneous territory, but accepted in its aspects of discontinuity, rupture, fragmentation The concept of landscape corresponds to a different idea of the city, an idea that privileges multiplicity, heterogeneity, contrast, juxtaposition of different materials Provincia di Milano, DIAP Department of Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano (2007) Progetto Strategico Città di Città, Milano. The Strategic Project Città di Città proposes two new ways of looking at the Milan urban region and at the Province: > AS A CITY COMPOSED BY VARIOUS CITIES > AS A CITY INHABITED BY VARIOUS POPULATIONS The goal is to achieve a better habitability of the urban region “Habitability”: > The concept of “habitability” is an original idea of ‘inhabiting’ which is richer and definitely different from ‘residing’. > It is a non-static, incremental concept, regarding different ways of using and living the territory by resident and non-resident populations. > The Strategic Project clearly focuses on 6 different meaning of “habitability”: 1. RESIDING 2. MOVING AND BREATHING 3. SPACE SHARING 4. MAKING CULTURE AND USING IT 5. PROMOTING A NEW LOCAL WELFARE 6. INNOVATING AND MAKING ENTERPRISE • RESIDING Finding a house, changing and transforming it; stable or temporary residing; being welcomed and welcoming; staying at home and outside, alone and with others. • MOVING AND BREATHING Free moving with different means, in different directions; comfortable waiting spaces; reducing pollution, making the environment healthier, creating the conditions of better breathing. • SPACES SHARING Connecting people in places; offering silent spaces and opportunities to slow down; to multiply meeting places and give chances to unexpected practices, to create conditions of natural and green contexts • MAKING CULTURE AND USING IT Enjoying and being stimulated by various opportunities; To promote quality and culture in various places; To multiply training supply and opportunities to develop learning paths and artistic activities. • PROMOTING A NEW LOCAL WELFARE To value voluntary actions and practices of solidarity; to favour citizens’ involvement; networking and make more affordable social services; support families to face difficulties. • INNOVATING AND MAKING ENTERPRISE Being supported in innovation and in creation of new enterprises; building society and territory; to root enterprises, to favour connections with global networks > AS A CITY COMPOSED BY VARIOUS CITIES… > Intermediate aggregations in the metropolitan area can be legitimately interpreted as single “cities” > They give rise to new urban conditions and may represent a privileged field for new (liveability) policies. > The Strategic Project recognises: THREE + SEVENS + ONE (3+7+1) cities Vimercatese Brianza occidentale Monza e Brianza Collinare Alto Milanese Nord Ovest Nord Milano Milano Adda Martesana Magentino e Abbiatense Sud Ovest Sud Est > It present one interpretative description for each one, useful to orient the use of available resources on the territories and the attempts to work effectively and symbolically on these “cities” > The Strategic Project present eleven interpretative description of different territories: 1. 2. 3. THE VIMERCATE AREA - a quality area for the new knowledge based economy MONZA AND THE BRIANZA HILLS - a node city in the Brianza polycentric configuration and a wedge of green WESTERN BRIANZA - a dense and multi-polar city which has much to learn in the production of environment and landscape 4. THE SOUTH WEST - a city of water and health 5. MAGENTA and ABBIATEGRASSO - a city of the river 6. ALTO MILANESE - a platform of production, logistics and knowledge 7. THE NORTH WEST - a city of sustainable innovation 8. THE NORTH MILAN - the key connecting area of the urban region 9. THE SOUTH EAST - “overlooking the sea” on the irrigated plain in the Milanese region 10. THE ADDA MARTESANA AREA - sustainable infrastructures and strategic resources for the urban region 11. MILAN - the heart of the urban region and node in a global network of cities > THE URBAN REGION AS A CITY POPULATED BY VARIOUS POPULATIONS… I PENDOLARI - COMMUTERS UTENTI E LAVORATORI TEMPORANEI – TEMPORARY USERS AND WORKERS FRUITORI DI PARCHI E SPETTACOLI – USERS OF PARKS AND CULTURAL SPACES Photos by C. Novak > A CITY POPULATED BY VARIOUS POPULATIONS… > Students, immigrants, commuters, non territorial networks of any kind (relating to sport, culture, profession) make broad and various use of the metropolitan area and propose demands for a new urbanity > The Strategic Project tries to respond to the most relevant demands trough favouring non sectoral policies and projects oriented to develop new public spaces • REPRESENTATIONS of POPULATIONS and of their movements look like nautical maps they introduce to a new metropolitan geography > TOOLS, PROCESS, RESULTS… > The publication of a Strategic Document like a white paper to promote the initiative and the idea (February 2006) > The organisation of a Competition for projects and good practices for improving the habitability of the urban region (March 2006- January 2007) > The publication of the Atlas of provincial policies and projects for a better habitability (March 2007); > The promotion of a small number of catalyst pilot projects > The publication of the final document of the Strategic plan June 2007 A. Lanzani, E. Granata et al. (2006) Esperienze e paesaggi dell’abitare. Abitare Segesta, Milano. Milanese urban region Polycentric Milan The “Pedemontana city” the triangle Milan-Malpensa-Novara Milano and its surroundings; the seamless urban area Milan-Bergamo-Brescia Week-end Milan historical holiday locations, holiday family houses, main weekend roads Routes through the Milanese urban region Inhabiting small urban centres – Seregno and Desio – between living quality and congestion Main site features > Excellent access to Milan also via public transport; > Distinctive and attractive town centres; > High quality welfare; > Public and retail services for residents > Property prices definitely lower than in central Milan New elements impacting urban experience > High traffic congestion, heavy urbanisation and pollution as serious as in Milan itself; > Growing social divide, lower social mobility; > The increase in quality of local services further increased local mobility Seregno historical centre, manifacturing activities in courtyard building; inmingrant houses in courtyard building; redeveloped courtyard buildings; Seregno railway station; suburban fabric; mixed-use productive and residential fabric; public park; Desio historical centre; redeveloped courtyard buildings; newly built residential area; Desio railway station… Structural elements, living spaces, people, governance themes, city ideas References > AA. VV., 2007, “Milano Boom”, Lotus International: rivista d’architettura, n.131, pp.4-123, numero monografico, english text. > G. Basilico, S. Boeri (1997), Sezioni del paesaggio italiano, Arti Grafiche Friulane, Pordenone. > Boeri S., Lanzani A., 1992, “Gli orizzonti della città diffusa / The horizons of the dispersed city”, Casabella, n.588, pp.44-59, english text. > Boeri S., Lanzani A., Marini E., 1993, Il territorio che cambia. Ambienti, paesaggi e immagini della regione milanese, AIM Abitare, Segesta Cataloghi, Milano. > Boeri S., Lanzani A., 1993, “Le tre città della regione milanese”, Casabella, n.607, pp.18-23, english text. > Bolocan Goldstein M., Bonfantini B. (a cura di), 2007, Milano incompiuta. Interpretazioni urbanistiche del mutamento, Franco Angeli, Milano. > Bonfantini B., “Urbanistica a Milano” / “Town Planning in Milan”, Urbanistica, n.109, pp.81-138, servizio monografico, english text. > Bonomi A., Abruzzese A. (a cura di), 2004, La città infinita, Paravia Bruno Mondadori, Milano. > DiAP Politecnico di Milano, 2006, La città di città. Un progetto strategico per la regione urbana milanese, Provincia di Milano, available at: http://www.cittadicitta.it/ (“documenti e pubblicazioni” section). References > Indovina F., Fregolent L., Savino M. (a cura di), 2005, L’esplosione della città, Editrice Compositori, Bologna. > Lanzani A., Granata E., Novak C., 2006, Esperienze e paesaggi dell’abitare. Itinerari nella regione urbana milanese, Abitare Segesta, Milano. > Macchi Cassia C., Orsini M. Privileggio N. Secchi M., 2004, To Milano, Per Milano, Hoepli, Milano, english text. > Morandi C., 2005, Milan. The great urban transformation, Marsilio, Venezia, english text. > Morandi C., 2005, Milano. La grande trasformazione, Marsilio, Venezia. > OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2006, Milan Italy, Paris, available at: http://www.oecdbookshop.org/oecd/display.asp?lang=EN&sf1=identifiers&st1=04 2006051e1 english text. > Palermo P.C. (a cura di), 1997, Linee di assetto e scenari evolutivi della regione urbana milanese. Atlante delle trasformazioni insediative, Angeli, Milano > Zardini M., (1999), ed. by, Paesaggi ibridi. Highway, Multiplicity. Skira, Milano. Thank you for your attention!
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