2015 Vestry Report - The Church of St. Bartholomews


2015 Vestry Report - The Church of St. Bartholomews
The Church of St. Bartholomew
The Guards’ Chapel
Installing the new sign
Doors Open at St Bart's
June 2014
Investiture Ceremony
The Order of St George, April 2014
Marriage of Alicia Noonan
and Jonathan Adams
May 2014
February 24, 2015
New Year’s Eve Gala, 2014
Fr David at the 175th Anniversary of the
Parish of Eganville, May 2014.
His first parish,1984-88
Marriage of
Josh Robbins and Danielle Blondin
October 2014
Birthday cake for two
Governor General's Foot Guard's ensemble at
Guard's Christmas Carol Service
Christmas Pageant
Baptismal Font and new plaques
Our Governor General David Johnston greets
parishioners on Remembrance Sunday
Ordination of
Kristy Reimers-Loader
May 2014
(former student
at St. Barts)
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 35
In the fall of 2010, Parish Council approved the following mandate for this committee:
The Nominating Committee for the Church of St. Bartholomew’s is a standing committee of the parish whose
mandate is to recommend annually to Parish Council a slate for both elected and appointed positions.
Following review and approval by Parish Council, the slate will be recommended by the Chair of the
Nominating Committee (or designate) to Vestry. The composition of the Committee will include the Chair
(appointed by Vestry), the Incumbent, and a Warden along with two others, whose appointments are
approved by Parish Council. The Committee may also be requested by Corporation throughout the year to
help in identifying resources required for parish programs and activities. Meetings will be called by the chair
periodically throughout the year in order to achieve the Committee’s mandate.
In 2011, in addition to seeking people to fulfill the many roles and responsibilities needed to carry out the
work of the parish, the Nominating Committee established two general principles to guide the selection of
names to present to Vestry each year: (i) for most positions it is an advantage to have a term of 3 years to
ensure continuity and to allow for turnover so that no one becomes over-burdened; (ii) people holding
positions in the parish are being asked to give careful consideration to identifying their eventual successor
and suggesting possible names to the Nominating Committee for consideration. This year, the Nominating
Committee sought again to apply these principles. Given the shortage of volunteers, however, this did not
always prove possible and we are especially grateful to those who have agreed to prolong their term of
service and/or to serve again after a relatively short period.
Thursday morning
Meditation group
Respectfully submitted,
Craig MacDonald (Chair), David Clunie, Brian Eckert, Carol Matson
Sean Edward Tattersfield,
first baptism using the new font.
May 2014
Mayor Jim Watson opens our Bazaar
Carole Schmidt retires as our
Sunday School Coordinator
June 2014
Happy Bazaar Volunteers
page 34 - The Church of Saint Bartholomew, The Guards’ Chapel
St Bart's on November 9, 2014
Remembrance Sunday
Discussion of St Bart's Day, October 25, 2014
Other Parish Officers
Looking back on 2014
We celebrated
May 4, 2014
August 24, 2014
Sean Edward Tattersfield
Beatrix Emma Bresalier
December 15, 2013
Adrienne Gaudreault
Altar Guild
Pam Mallon
Lay Administrators / Readers / Sidespersons 8:15
Brian Eckert
Lay Administrators 10:30
Ray Perrin
Readers 10:30
Fran Flavelle
Intercessors 10:30
Alice Lurie
Sidespersons 10:30
Martine Cappon
Bazaar Convenors
Mary Capson
Liz Heatherington
Envelope Secretary
Ron Burrows
Julia Laku
Youth Coordinator
Brian Eckert
Facilities & Property: Exterior
Rob Nelson
May 17, 2014
May 31, 2014
August 8, 2014
September 27, 2014
October 11, 2014
Alicia Erin Noonan and Jonathan Paul Adams
Anne-Marie St.Laurent & Gerald William Doyle
Emily Katherine Conrad & Reed Darryl Bernard Morrison
Carol Lynn Malko & Michael James Beall
Danielle Catherine Blondin & Joshua Nathanael Robbins
Judy Wiesinger
Pastoral Care - Armstrong Center
Nancy Millson
Pastoral Care - Parish
Laurie Mason
Coffee Hour Co-ordinator 8:15
Jane Billings
Coffee Hour Co-ordinator 10:30
Linda Assad-Butcher, Rosemary MacDonald
Carol Matson
We remember fondly
Funerals and Memorials
January 29, 2014
February 13, 2014
February 19, 2014
February 27, 2014
June 6, 2014
June 14, 2014
June 25, 2014
July 19, 2014
July 28, 2014
August 14, 2014
August 21, 2014
September 23, 2014
October 18, 2014
December 5, 2014
December 22, 2014
Rachel Burton
Raymond Phillips
Olive Eva Hobbs
Rae Katherine Campbell
Mercelina Lipo
Gwendolyn (Stainton) Peart
Ralph Lucien Hennessy
Randolph Gherson
Nigel John Hopkins
Hilary Anne Nicolson
Tibor Michael Gatszegi
Geoffrey Franklin Bruce
Erik John Spicer
Elizabeth Purton
Keith Berridge Campbell
Ann Clarke Edwards
Community Communications
Jane Billings
Michèle Corriveau and Jake Harding
Pub Nights
Lisa Samson
Cornerstone Meals Coordinator
Sandra Ferguson
Counters/Depositors Coordinator
Jim Bradford
Flower Convenor
Sandra Ferguson
Gardeners Liaison
Carol Matson
Church Staff
Parish Administrator
Ruth Honeyman
Music Director
Tim Piper
Clement Olomoi
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 33
In light of its mandate, the Nominating Committee makes the following recommendations to Vestry:
The following documents have been prepared for the 2015Vestry Meeting and are presented here in the
same order as the proposed draft agenda.
Church Wardens
Rector’s Warden (appointed by the Rector)
Rob Nelson
People’s Warden
Brian Eckert
Deputy Warden
Sheila Perry
Deputy Warden
Judy Wiesinger
page no.
Draft Agenda for 2014 Vestry Meeting ………..……………………………………………...……….…..….. 6
Draft Minutes of the 2013 Vestry Meeting ……………...………..………………………………….……...… 8
Rector’s Report ……………………...……………………………………...……...…………...…………….. 12
Lay Members of Synod
Regular Member
Rob Nelson
Regular Member
Brian Eckert
Regular Member
Sheila Perry
Judy Wiesinger
Parish Council Members
(to be elected by Council)
(to be elected by Council)
Rector’s Warden
Rob Nelson
People’s Warden
Brian Eckert
Deputy Warden
Sheila Perry
Deputy Warden
Judy Wiesinger
Bill Turner
Member at Large
Michael Beall
Member at Large
Ward Heatherington
Member at Large
Gary Toft
Member at Large
Gina Watson
Stewardship Committee Co-Chairs
Rob Nelson
Report of Corporation to Vestry …………………………………………………………………...………….. 18
Organization and Committee Reports
Music/Choir ………………………………………………….…………………………...……...….…… 19
Organ Recital Committee ………………..……………………………………………………..………. 20
Sunday School ……………………………………………….……………………..…………………... 21
Altar Guild ………………………………………………….…………………………..………………... 23
Pastoral Care (Garry Armstrong Home) ……………………………………………..……….………. 24
Cornerstone Meals Project …………...…….…………………………………………..………………. 25
Envelope Secretary’s Report …………………………………………….……………..……………... 26
Coffee Hour …………………………………………………………………..…………….…….….…... 27
St. Bart’s Bazaar …………………………………………………..……………………….…….….…... 27
Treasurer’s Report …………………………………………...……………………….………….………...….. 28
Report of the 150th GIFT Continuation & Stewardship Committee ……...………………….……….…… 31
Report of the Nominating Committee ………………………………………………………………………... 32
Bonnie Robinson
One of the four regimental colours newly
framed and relocated.
150th Anniversary Co-Chairs
Liz Heatherington
Tony Kellett
Nominating Committee Chair
page 32 - The Church of Saint Bartholomew, The Guards’ Chapel
Craig MacDonald
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2014 - page 5
1. Opening Prayer
2. Appointment of Vestry Clerk
A motion will be presented seeking Vestry approval of the proposed appointment.
The committee oversees the Diocesan GIFT Campaign, identifies how we can support and inspire each
other to meet our financial responsibilities as Christians and ways to work together to individually and
collectively change lives.
3. Adoption of Agenda
A motion of approval will be sought.
4. Adoption of the Minutes of February 23, 2014 Vestry Meeting
A motion of approval will be sought.
5. Rector’s Report
Following remarks by the Rector and any discussion, Vestry will be asked to accept the Rector’s
Report as contained in the written “Reports to Vestry” document prepared for meeting.
St. Bart’s thank offerings do not yet meet the requirements for operating expenses to provide worship
and support ongoing programs. Additionally, future capital needs must be financed. Ongoing generous
financial support from parishioners is necessary to meet these needs.
The committee reports to Corporation and in 2014 provided focus on the following:
 Monitored donations related to the 5 year St. Bart’s Anniversary/GIFT Campaign to ensure
the financial objectives are achieved: as of the end of 2014, the third year of the campaign,
St. Bart’s donations under this program totalled nearly $715,000;
 Provided regular communications in the bulletin using the GIFT & Stewardship Corner to
communicate the importance of generous and regular givings necessary to operate and
support the plans of the parish;
 Assisted in the planning of the November annual Stewardship Appeal program; and
 Planned the Congregational Day on October 25th for parishioners to discuss the success we
are experiencing and to identify how we might build on these strengths over the longer term.
6. Warden’s Report on behalf of Corporation
Following brief remarks by the Wardens and any discussion, Vestry will be asked to accept the
Corporation Report as contained in the written “Reports to Vestry” document prepared for the
7. Organization and Committee Reports
Included in the “Reports to Vestry” document prepared for Vestry are written reports from: the
Director of Music, Organ Recital Committee, Sunday School, Altar Guild, Pastoral Care
(Garry Armstrong Home), Cornerstone Meals Program, Coffee Hour, St. Bart’s Bazaar and the
Envelope Secretary.
In 2015, the priorities for the committee will be to:
 Continue to monitor the donations against pledges for the St. Bart’s Anniversary/GIFT campaign
to ensure commitments are met;
 Regularly communicate using the GIFT & Stewardship Corner of the bulletin about the
importance of thank offerings to support worship at St. Bart’s and service in our communities;
 Introduce a welcome letter package for new parishioners and encourage others to become
 Assist in the planning of the annual Stewardship Appeal in November; and
 Introduce a Legacy Gift Program to encourage parishioners to leave a tax preferred gift or other
estate planning instrument in their will to sustain our spiritual home in the future.
Respectfully submitted by Bonnie Robinson and Rob Nelson: Co-chairs
Following any discussion thereon, Vestry will be asked to accept these written reports.
8. Treasurer’s Report
Proposed Operating and Facilities Budget for 2015 and Financial Results for 2014
Carol Devenny, our Treasurer, will make the above-noted presentation, which also reflects the
outcome of previous discussion within Corporation and Council.
Motions will be sought to: receive the 2014 Financial Report; approve the proposed Operating
Budget included in the 2014 Vestry Report; and authorize a financial review process for 2015.
Marriage of Reed Morrison and Emily Conrad
August 2014
page 6 - The Church of Saint Bartholomew, The Guards’ Chapel
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 31
Notes from page 29:
1. 2 per cent increase over FY14 actual
2. Consistent with prior year
3. Rental of rectory at $2,500 per month
4. Sunday school for 42 weeks at $200 per week funded by a parishioner
5. includes 2% salary increase
6. Additional honoraria required to cover Father David's sabbatical 15 weeks @ $205
7. Represents 1% actual increase in Rector's salary. "Ecops" Equalized Cost of Priestly Service is
$8700 more that Rector's cost to parish as assessed by diocese.
8. Amount assessed by the Diocese is calculated based on the average of all parish income and
expenses in the preceding 3 years, less certain exemptions such as: capital expenditures for
projects relating to structure, services, site and environmental initiatives, health, safety and
accessibility initiatives. The Diocese calculates PFS by adding the total net assessable parish
income for all parishes together; each parish's net assessable income is then expressed as a
percentage of the total next income of all of the parishes. Each parish's fair share is this
percentage of the approved diocesan budget.
9. Includes salary for Piper for 12 months, musicians
10. Assumes additional bookkeeping support in FY 15
11. Assumes contribution from monies raised from GIFT
Capital Expenditures-Actuals 2014
Estimated 2015-17
Capital Improvement Details
Washroom upgrade/accessible
Repaint Church Hall
Church sign
Sound system
Repair Roof in Link
Masonry repair
Church and Rectory Landscaping
Hall Wall - complete rebuild northwest wall
Hall Wall - design and plans for permits
Church touch-up (internal)
A motion seeking reception will be put to Vestry.
12. Appointment of Rector’s Warden
The Rector will comment on his choice as Rector’s Warden.
13. Report of the Nominating Committee/Confirmation of Church Officers
Following upon this Report, motions will be presented to Vestry regarding:
Election of Peoples’ Warden
Election of Lay Members of Synod
Ratification of Deputy Wardens
14. Appointments by the Rector and Wardens of the Treasurer, Envelope Secretary and
Signing Officers
Motions on these appointments will be put to Vestry.
15. Other Business
16. Closing Prayer and Adjournment
Ross Peterson's Retainer
Ross Peterson's Retainer
Sub Total (before HST)
Contingency @ 10%
Total with Contingency
*To be approved at Special Vestry
Rob Nelson and Bonnie Robinson, Co-Chairs of the Campaign Committee will elaborate on
their report. $7,500
Lighting & Fan
10. St Bart’s 150th Campaign/GIFT Report
page 30 - The Church of Saint Bartholomew, The Guards’ Chapel
Parish Council 2014
Adrienne Clarkson,
Princess Patricia’s Canadian
Light Infantry,
unveils a new
memorial plaque to
their 100th Anniversary
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 7
FEBRUARY 24, 2013 - 12:00 P.M.
Linda Assad-Butcher
Anthony Kellett
Rob Nelson
Meriel V.M. Bradford
Marie Kiar
Joanne Nelson
Carol Burrows
Palle Kiar
Clement Olomai
Ronald Burrows
Julia Laku
Sheila Perry
Hugh Dale-Harris
Wolfgang Lassl
Richard Remillard
Carol Devenny
Christina Lubbock
Andy Robinson
David Clendinning
Mary Mahoney
Bonnie Robinson
Sally Doherty
Pamela Mallon
Gary Toft
Brian Eckert
Brian Mallon
Bill Turner
Don Eldon
Carol Matson
Gina Watson
Laurette Glasgow
Grant McDonald
Catherine Welch
Barb Hallam-Price
Anne McDougall
J.D. Younger
Ward Heatherington
Mary Morican
These minutes should be read with reference to the attachment entitled:
 Documents for 2014 Vestry, February 23, 2014
Meeting brought to order by Rev. David Clunie at 12:18 p.m.
1. Opening Prayer – led by Rev. David Clunie , Rector
2. Appointment of Vestry Clerk
Motion to approve proposed appointment of Shannon Worek as vestry clerk.
Moved by: Carol Matson; Seconder: Bill Turner. Carried.
Adoption of Agenda
Operating Statement
page 8 - The Church of Saint Bartholomew, The Guards’ Chapel
General Givings
Facilities rental
Rectory rental
Other Income (Sunday school recovery)
Total Revenue
Operating Costs
Utilities/PT - church
Rectory property tax
Sexton Salary and supplies
Altar Guild including Liturgical
Altar Flowers
Adult Education
Sunday School
Clergy-David (in Equalization)
Clergy-Housing Allowance
Cornerstone Meal program
Equalization/ Parish Fair Share
Grounds/ snow clearing
Music and Choir
Bank Charges
Other/ Rector Discretionary
Total Operating expenses
Revenue over expenses before investments
GIFT Contribution
Investment income from Diocese
Unrealized Gain on investments
Contribution from Hobbs for music
Revenue over expenses
Motion to approve agenda as is.
Moved by Brian Eckert ; Seconded by Don Eldon. Carried.
(Notes: see page 30)
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 29
December 31 2014 Balance Sheet
Adoption of the Minutes of February 24, 2013 Vestry Meeting
Motion to receive Minutes of 148th Vestry of Church of St. Bartholomew.
Moved by Carol Burrows; Seconded by Nancy Chance. Carried.
The following is a summary of our balance sheet as at December 31 2014
Rector’s Report
See the Rector’s Report as contained in the written “Reports to Vestry” document prepared for
$ 86,867
Remarks by the Rector
Richard Remillard (Deputy Warden) and Carole Schmidt (Sunday School Coordinator) will both
be vacating their roles in 2014. Rev. Clunie thanked them both for their work and years of
Parochial Funds
Hobbs Bequest
With regards to the Sunday School, Chelsea Honeyman will continue as a paid teacher, thanks
to a donation from an anonymous parishioner. There is no active youth group at this time, but
we hope to have one in the future.
Motion to receive the Rector’s Report.
Moved by Meriel Bradford; Seconded by Sheila Perry. Carried.
1. Distributions during the year included Gary J. Armstrong Centre ($4,000 for 2013 and 2014) $5,000
to St. Luke's Table and $5,000 to Ottawa Pastoral Care
2. Capital Expenditures of $30,200 including Ross Peterson retainer($11,000), sound system, masonry
3. Bequest received during 2014 set up as new trust account with the Diocese
4. $724,934 GIFT donations received to December 31, 2014. Funds used to purchase organ and
capital improvement. St Bart's share of Diocese campaign fully paid in the amount of $170,500. All
future monies received transfer to St. Bart's.
5. Font, Regimental Colours framing and 150th Anniversary Book special projects fully paid by
Corporation’s Report
See the Corporation’s Report as contained in the written “Reports to Vestry” document prepared
for meeting.
Remarks by the Wardens (Rob Nelson)
The Corporation is charged with carrying out the wishes of vestry, specifically the budget. Rob
Nelson thanked the members of the corporation for their time and efforts.
Motion to accept the Corporation’s Report
Moved by Don Eldon; Seconded by Carol Burrows. Carried.
Respectfully submitted by
Carol Devenny, Treasurer
Organization and Committee Reports
See reports included in the “Reports to Vestry” document prepared for Vestry: the Director of
Music, Organ Committee, Sunday School, Altar Guild Coordinator, Pastoral Care (Garry
Armstrong Home), the Envelope Secretary, and Coordinator of the Cornerstone Meal Project.
Don Eldon paid tribute to the organ committee for their work.
Newly installed shields of
Governors General
David Johnston and Michaëlle Jean
page 28 - The Church of Saint Bartholomew, The Guards’ Chapel
Motion to receive the reports listed above.
Moved by Brian Mallon; Seconded by Andy Robinson. Carried.
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 9
8. Treasurer’s Report
Refer to the Treasurer’s Report for more information.
Proposed Operating and Facilities Budget for 2014 & Financial Results for 2013
(Carol Devenny, Treasurer)
Financial Results for 2013
The financial statements for 2012 and 2013 have been reviewed by McCay Duff, Chartered
We came in slightly under budget ($2,300) in 2013.
Operating and Facilities Budget for 2014
In general discussion, questions were raised regarding SOCE and Brodribb Capital, which are
both set aside for social outreach. Over the past few years, the church has contributed about
$100,000 to outreach through SOCE. Prior to this fund, outreach was a budget line item of
about $20,000 which came from offerings.
The projected offerings for 2014 are $358,000. The active Stewardship Committee will plan a
strategy for meeting this target; however Carol Burrows made the point that this target is a
challenge implicit in approving the budget.
Motions to: receive the 2013 Financial Report; approve the proposed Operating Budget
included in the 2013 Vestry Report; authorize withdrawals from the Broadribb Fund
commonly knows as the Capital Fund and GIFT monies for proposed capital projects in
the 2014 Vestry Report; authorize a financial review process for 2014.
Moved by Tony Kellett; Seconded by Ward Heatherington. Carried.
St. Bart’s 150th Campaign/GIFT Report
Rob Nelson and Bonnie Robinson, Co-Chairs of the Campaign Committee
Bonnie Robinson introduced the team (Carol Burrows, Meriel Bradford, Rob Nelson and Tony
Kellet) and thanked them for their work, as well as Ron Burrows for his dedication on a weekly
basis. Rev. Clunie also thanked the GIFT campaign committee for continuing on as a regular
Stewardship committee.
In terms of the Envelope Secretary’s report, note that 1/3 of givings are from only 30 families,
and there is a significant risk of a shortfall when these families leave.
For 2014, the committee will be focusing on three things:
1. Keeping momentum going on the GIFT campaign until the end of the 5 years.
2. Working on ways to encourage and inspire people to financially support St. Bartholomew’s;
this includes expanding the congregation.
3. Continuing to find ways to increase fellowship and a sense of community, possibly through a
congregation event in the Fall to participate in strategic planning.
page 10 - The Church of Saint Bartholomew, The Guards’ Chapel
Coffee hour after the 10:30 services is well attended. The introduction of blue mugs for new comers seems
to work. Many parishioners have been seen talking and welcoming these visitors to our family at St.Bart's.
We accept donations to keep it supplied with (free trade organic) coffee as voted in by Vestry. As well, we
buy tea, sugar, cream, milk, juice, cookies and napkins. The sign up sheet on the wall by the kitchen is a
challenge to get filled with names. It still has a few dates open until the end of June and we encourage you
to take a turn to lighten the load!! This is our last term as your coffee convenors and we thank you for all for
your support.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard & Mary Capson
The Bazaar at the Church of St Bartholomew has a long tradition. In 1878 Lady Dufferin, the wife of the
Governor General of Canada, held a Bazaar in the Tent Room of Rideau Hall for “our little Church” which
collected $2,000. This past year- November 2014, thanks to more than 100 volunteers from our
Congregation, over $13, 000.00 was raised for the work of our Church which includes the lunch programme
at the Cornerstone Women’s Shelter, the Bale for the North and the Ministry to the Garry J. Armstrong
Centre. Our Bazaar has become an established tradition in the wider community, and people come from all
corners of Ottawa to purchase Books, Gifts, Attic Treasures, Home Baking, Toys, Knitting, Christmas
Decorations, Jewellery and then pause for refreshment at our superb Tea Room. We were honoured this
year to welcome His Worship Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa, who kindly opened our Bazaar and enjoyed
the fine sandwiches in our Tea Room before greeting the public as they entered the Church Hall. Volunteers
included not only the outstanding Table Conveners, but also workers who set up and took down all our
tables, greeted, baked, made telephone calls, assisted with security, made posters, helped with advertising,
assisted the disabled, kept things clean and tidy and many other tasks! To our marvellous Table Conveners,
please accept our accolades, and to all the others who assisted in so many other ways as noted above, our
heartfelt thanks.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Capson and Liz Heatherington
Co-conveners, Annual Bazaar
The Church of St Bartholomew
Table Conveners (alphabetically):
Attic Treasures (Jennifer Barbarie and Katherine Robinson), Baking (Michael Beall),
Books (Joan and Tony Kellett), Christmas (Sandra Ferguson), Financial Services (Mark Ellis),
Gifts (Carol Matson), Jams and Jellies (Betty Bell and Sheila Perry), Jewellery (Ruth Honeyman),
Knitting (Diane Anido, Mary and Penny Muller), Publicity (Shannon Worek),
Silent Auction (Julie Wurtele and Peter McLaine), Sandwiches (Ellen Zeiss),
Tea Room (Linda Assad), Toys and Games (Gina and John Watson),
Ways & Means (Clement Olomoi).
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 27
Motion to receive GIFT report.
Moved by Merial Bradford; Seconded by Wolfgang Lassl. Carried.
During 2014, $346,667 in donations was received from 205 parishioners (families or individuals), and
from 43 visitors and ‘in memoriam’ donors. This compares to 222 parishioners and 37 other donors in
2013 who gave $316,011. From the 2014 donations, $3,295 was designated to be sent to the Primate’s
Fund (PWRDF), $172 to the Sunday School African Project, $324,140 was for general parish operations
and $19,060 was for special parish projects (i.e. the Font $6,000; the GGFG Colours $5,560; the St.
Bart’s History Book $6,500; the Organ $1,000). There were additional cash receipts of $3,310 from
unidentified donors in Sunday collections and at special services, which compares to $4,145 received in
2013. The above figures do not include bequests or ‘gifts-in-kind’.
11. Other Committee Reports
In 2014, there were 109 envelope users, 86 PAR system users, and 18 parishioners gave single or
occasional gifts. In 2013, there were 122 envelope users, 81 PAR users, and 24 parishioners giving single or occasional gifts.
During 2014, ‘in memoriam’ gifts totaling $9,112 were received to honour Rachel Burton,
Keith Campbell, Rae Campbell, Catherine Curfoot-Mollington, Ralph Hennessy and
Ray Phillips. The font was given in memory of Ron Thompson and Patrick Mahoney by the families of
Jane Billings and Mary Mahoney.
Motion to approve all reports.
Moved by Christina Lubbock; Seconded by Sheila Perry. Carried.
Rob Nelson has been re-appointed as Rector’s Warden.
Motion to approve the report and the following:
Election of Peoples’ Warden
Election of Lay Members of Synod
Ratification of Deputy Wardens
Moved by Tony Kellett; Seconded by Gary Toft. Carried.
The following table gives a more detailed breakdown of amounts given by our 205 parishioners in 2014
using ten ranges.
Respectfully submitted
Ronald Burrows, Envelope Secretary
% of
200 – 399
400 - 999
1000 – 1499
1500 – 1999
2000 – 2999
3000 – 3999
4000 – 5999
6000 – 9999
10,000 ++
page 26 - The Church of Saint Bartholomew, The Guards’ Chapel
Report of the Nominating Committee/Confirmation of Church Officers
Carol Matson for Nominating Committee:
The committee only had to meet twice, as everyone who was approached to fill a role accepted
the responsibility. The committee hopes that people will also think of succession planning for the
roles they are currently occupying.
The 205 parishioners’ donations (222 in 2013) ranged widely in amount. At the lower end, 24 (38) gave
less than $200, constituting less than 1% of total donations. Toward the upper end, 53 (48) gave $2,000
or more, constituting 66% (60%) of parishioners’ total gifts.
40 – 199
Appointment of Rector’s Warden
Appointments by the Rector and Wardens of the Treasurer, Envelope Secretary and
Signing Officers
Motion to approve all appointments
Moved by Don Eldon; Seconded by Brian Mallon. Carried.
Other Business
Closing Prayer and Adjournment by Rev. Clunie at 13:40
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 11
Overview of the past three years
Three years ago we made the decision to purchase a new pipe organ. That was part of the GIFT/150
Anniversary Campaign. The campaign and fund raising was very successful and by the end of 2012 we
had pledges to allow us to afford the organ, the remodeling of the back of the church and the promise of
extra funding for ministry, outreach and capital projects.
may be particularly anxious, depressed or isolated, or who receive few visits from family or friends. I come to
them with no “agenda” – they are free to talk about anything they wish. My reward, apart from the
friendships developed, is hearing the wonderful “lives lived” stories from so many people!
My sincerest thanks to the people of St. Bart’s and St. John’s for their generous support; to Nancy Millson for
her dedication and encouragement; and to the splendid team of caregivers and administrators at the “Garry
Respectfully submitted,
(The Reverend Canon) Jim Beall
At the beginning of 2013 the organ contract was signed and it was delivered in August of that year.
Meanwhile extensive renovations had been completed to accommodate the organ. We were able to
remove the steps at the back of the church and make our worship space accessible.
On St Michael and all Angels Day, September 29, 2013, we dedicated the new organ. Outside the
church many improvements were made including re-grading, sodding and installing an underground
watering system. The rectory was successfully rented after a number of inside renovations were
This past year 2014, has been a busy year of consolidating all the changes we have gone through. On
October 25, we held a “St Bart’s Day” to look at what we have been doing and to ask questions
regarding directions we should pursue. It was an extremely worthwhile exercise and you can read about
the findings in the report available in the church.
We also changed Music Directors. In the process, we learned how very important music is in our church
life and just how much it is valued.
In this year 2015, we will be trying to assess what we learned from the St Bart’s Day and how to
incorporate this into our parish life. This will happen in the context of our planning for our 150th
Anniversary Celebrations that begin in 2017.
Our regular Sunday pattern continues with the Book of Common Prayer being used at our 8:15 service
and the Book of Alternative Services used at 10:30 (first Sunday BCP). Over the past few years we have
been increasing the number of “Family Services” at 10:30 to incorporate our Sunday School and Youth
into the worship. We held four of these in 2014 and hope to hold at least six this year.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School members regularly come in for communion and we are working on getting them into
the church a little earlier in the service. Carole Schmidt has been our Sunday School coordinator for
over five years and stepped down from that role in June. I want to thank her for her terrific dedication
and good work in keeping our Sunday School viable and interesting—a real accomplishment in today’s
Chelsea Honeyman had been working alongside Carole and now takes over with the help of Meiping
MacIsaac. Our Christmas Pageant again was a great success. Emma Riddell and Gillian Campbell were
to organizers and motivators for the lovely occasion.
We at St Barts are blessed to have many dedicated parishioners interested in participating in this
outreach endeavour. St Barts is represented at Cornerstone by the following parishioners/friends
of the parish - Mary Mahoney, Jane Little, Joanne Nelson, Bev Hyde, Jane Breen, Jenni Barbarie,
Nancy Hooper, Linda Assad, Busy Dale-Harris, Bonnie Robinson, Lynne McGuffin, Nancy Colton,
Rosemary MacDonald, Liz Heatherington, Ellen Zeiss, Sheila Perry, Barbara Konst, Carol Matson,
Ann Ericsson, Janet McLaine, Claire Schofield, Joanne Delamere, Ann Clayton, Felicity Davis,
Kitty Jones, Marilyn Myers, Pam Mallon, Pat Morris, Jane Mather, Anne McDougall,
Carnia DePellegrin, Mary Armstrong, Charlotte Ward, Betty Smallridge, Jonathan Adams,
Alicia Adams and Sandra Ferguson.
Menu planning, food preparation and serving the monthly noon meal to 35-40 residents of Cornerstone
Shelter provides a wonderful opportunity for fellowship. In some months the first Saturday is part of a
holiday weekend which means giving up time with family to prepare and serve a tasty meal to the
Cornerstone ladies. The budget is $125/month with funding from donations by parishioners, weekly
givings, team members and Janet Uren's theatre productions. Donations to this project can be made
by placing an envelope on the collection plate clearly marked 'Cornerstone Meal a Month'.
We gratefully acknowledge the leadership shown by Moira Esdaile to residents of The Rockcliffe
Retirement Residence who monthly joined Moira and her family in a major sandwich-making-bee to
provide a healthy supper to Cornerstone residents. The Rockcliffe provided $50/month towards
expenses and provided the car and driver for delivery to the Shelter. Moira has been a generous donor
and in September hung up her apron after being involved with this outreach since arriving from Toronto
where, from her church, she fed many, many homeless people.
Cornerstone administration greatly appreciates St Bart/s
contribution to the Meal a Month program and residents
are generous in their praise of our menus.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Ferguson, Coordinator.
Admiral Ralph Hennessy's burial at the
National Cemetery June 2014
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Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 25
The Anglican The Anglican Pastoral Care Team continues to bring God’s love and hope to the residents
of the Garry J. Armstrong Home. We are supported and encouraged by Father David and by the prayers
of our St. Bartholomew’s family.
We are delighted to report that Betty Smallridge has returned to our group after a leave of absence.
Betty brings a wonderful enthusiasm to her work at the Armstrong Home and the residents she visits
look forward to seeing her. Elizabeth Dale-Harris continues to be the mainstay of our team. Always
dependable and loyal, her residents also look forward to her visits. We are sorry to say, “Good bye” to
Dianne Bussmann. Dianne was with us for only a short while, but was a valuable visitor. She left to
continue her volunteer work in another field.
So now we are three. Elizabeth, Betty and I try to be at the Armstrong Home at least once a week,
usually more. Our aim is to bring Christ’s love not only to the approximately thirty Anglicans who live
there, but also to the staff, other residents and family members. We comfort the lonely, depressed and
confused, sit with the sick and dying and are often the resident’s only visitor. Anyone who is interested in
pastoral care visiting should please contact Nancy Millson at 613-745-4893.
We are also very happy to report that Father Jim Beall continues to be the official ecumenical, interfaith
chaplain at the Armstrong Home. His ministry is being funded by the kindness of the people of St.
Bartholomew’s Anglican Church and St. John’s Lutheran Church. Jim visits a huge percentage of the
one hundred and eighty residents at the GJA Home. He is in close contact with the nurses, aides, social
worker and recreation staff and so is poised to visit those most in need. His cheeriness, his openness
and his ability to listen to both residents and staff have made him an invaluable asset and we thank you
for helping to provide his funding.
On the first Tuesday of every month, we have our Anglican Church service. Father David very kindly
comes and celebrates the Eucharist. On average, we have about thirty five residents in attendance. We
sometimes have a rather vocal parishioner who will call out “Amen” or will answer rhetorical questions.
David never misses a beat and incorporates her comments into what he is saying. After the service,
there is always a long line of residents at the back of the chapel to thank David and shake [or kiss!] his
Our team also helps with Memorial Services, Remembrance Day and other occasions. Nancy is the
chair of the Spiritual Care Committee. Again this year, our Christmas cards were delivered to the
residents and as many staff as possible. The week after Palm Sunday, we will deliver palm crosses to
everyone. Both these gifts are appreciated by all and are looked forward to each year.
We will continue our work at the Garry Armstrong Home with your blessings.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nancy Millson
The Ecumenical Chaplaincy of the Garry J. Armstrong Home has three principal areas of ministry:
1.) Pastoral visiting of and care for all residents of the Home, including people of all Faiths, or of no
identified faith. In 2014, I visited more than 150 Residents, and met several dozen family members.
After the removal of the old badly cracked font, a new one was fashioned, in part from the old. The top of
the old font with its distinctive three dimensional cross was kept intact. That top or lid became the
defining template for the new font in terms of dimension and appearance. Wood carvings from the
“extra” privacy screen were inlaid into the new font. The inscription at the base of the old font was
transferred to a new plaque on the lid. The font was given as a memorial by Jane Billings “In memory of
Ron Thompson” and Mary Mahoney “For the Children.” I would like to thank them and Pam Mallon, the
other member of the “Font Committee” for seeing this project through to such a satisfactory conclusion.
Barbara Hallam-Price was our Music Director until September. In the time she was with us she helped
enormously in the installation of the organ and worked out many of the inevitable problems that come
with a new instrument. All through the winter and spring Barb and the choir produced wonderful music,
most especially in the Lenten and Easter season. Barbara’s resignation was a great loss for us and we
wish her well in the future.
Two organ recitals were held with Barbara giving a stunning and beautiful recital in March.
We were indeed blessed that Tim Piper was available to take over. He had taken off organ duties at our
Cathedral for two years to be with his family and also to compose. Just at the time we needed someone,
he had independently decided it was time to come back to parish musical life. We have all benefited
from his musicianship and enthusiasm. Most Sundays Tim composes a musical setting for the psalm
and they have been a source of great inspiration. Tim also has had extensive experience with youth
choirs and has already worked with the Sunday School children for Christmas Pageant and family
services. He hopes to begin a Youth Choir at St Bart’s possibly later this year.
Our Honorary Assistant Priest
We have been blessed by the presence of the Rev. Laurette Glasgow over the past two years. In
addition to her thoughtful and inspiring sermons, Laurette led an Advent Conversation series in
December that was most meaningful for those who attended. Laurette shared her Holy Land experience
with us throughout the year and was able to link us to the Rev. John Organ. John preached in June
about his current position as the Executive assistant to the Bishop of Jerusalem.
Laurette’s “day job” is Special Advisor for Government Relations for the Anglican Church of Canada and
our Diocese. In October Laurette brought our Primate, Bishops and the executive team of our national
church to St. Bart’s for a day long presentation by politicians, government leaders and members of the
media to help our church better relate to them. It was a tour de force that greatly impressed those who
came. It can also be added that those who came were greatly impressed with St Bart’s. Laurette is doing
a unique job for the larger church, using her great experience as a former Canadian Ambassador.
Sound System
2.) Provision of pastoral and sacramental Services of the Church, as requested by residents or family
members, including prayers at bedside; the Sacraments of the Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Last
Rites; funeral or memorial Services at the Home or gravesite.
The sound system was upgraded with new microphones and speakers. We were able to use some of
the hardware from before which helped in the cost. Also, we now have updated units for the hard of
hearing. The universal consensus is that it makes a great difference to our worship experience.
3.) Consultation with other members of the care teams at the Home regarding the well-being of
Christmas Eve
It has been my privilege to serve as Chaplain of the Home for the past four years, enabled by the
sponsorship of the Parishes of St. Bartholomew’s and St. John’s Lutheran, Crichton Street. This
ministry is both valuable to the Home and rewarding for me personally. My focus is with residents who
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Last year I signaled that we would try an earlier service time on Christmas Eve. Accordingly, we held our
service at 7:30pm and had 25 more in attendance than last year’s later time. Therefore for the
foreseeable future we will use the 7:30 time. The 4:00 pm service continues to draw standing room only
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 13
Altar Guild
Each November our Altar Guild holds an annual meeting. I am always amazed and grateful for the
number of members who are part of the guild. It is without question the ministry we could not do without.
The amount of work and care involved is truly inspiring and their dedication makes me thankful of what
they do for us every week of the year. I thank, on your behalf, Pam Mallon for coordinating the ministry
and the great dedication she brings to it. Also for the work of Sandra Ferguson who manages our
flowers and the special decorations that mean so much on Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving.
Serving Others
St Bart’s continues with its dedicated ministry at the Garry Armstrong Long Term Care Home on the
nearby island. The Rev. Pat Blyth began this outreach and it continues under the leadership of Nancy
Millson. Nancy coordinates pastoral ministry at Garry Armstrong with a team from St Bart’s as well as
others in the community. Her team visits the residents weekly and gathers them in for a monthly service
in their chapel that I take.
St Bart’s funds an ecumenical chaplain at the Garry Armstrong Home, currently held by the
Rev. Jim Beall, a former rector of our church. It is also supported by St John’s Lutheran Church.
The Cornerstone Lunch Program draws on four teams of members from St Bart’s to prepare and serve a
lunch, once a month at one of the homes for women. We are grateful for all the work done and
especially to Sandra Ferguson who coordinates all the teams. As in the past we thank Janet Uren for
donating the proceeds from the St Bart’s night of her play to the work of this lunch program.
We also supported a new ministry of our diocese, St Luke’s table that serves lunches in the basement of
St Luke’s Church in Chinatown. We are also supporting another of the Diocesan ministries, the Ottawa
Pastoral Centre. They offer affordable counseling and it is a lifeline for many inside and outside the
church. Our grant from the SOCE fund will go to their fund for people unable to afford some or any
I am grateful for the compassionate work of Laurie Mason, our parish pastoral care person. Laurie has
visited a surprising number of members who are unable to come to church on a regular basis.
Much of the pastoral work in our church is carried on informally and I commend all those who have
helped others in visiting, giving rides to church or medical appointments. Many of you have been grateful
for the “Flower Ministry” that Fran Flavelle does in bringing our Sunday flowers to various people after
the service.
On our St Bart’s Day our leader, the Rev. Monique Stone asked the fifty people present “How many of
you help with other non-profit groups outside the church?” She was astonished to see that virtually
everyone was doing some other work. I certainly want to acknowledge that service being done in the
community by our members and take comfort that our communal worship can inspire and recharge our
spiritual and emotional batteries for the work we are called to do.
The Guild’s three teams continue to work on a three-week rotation schedule to assist and to support our
Rector in preparation for 1) all Sunday services; 2) special services pertaining to Christmas, Lent and
Easter; and 3) baptism, confirmation and first communion, wedding, and funeral/memorial services. In
2014 we prepared for two baptisms; five weddings, and 17 funeral/memorial services.
The responsibility for maintaining and preparing the sanctuary for worship is ongoing. Pam Mallon, as
Co-ordinator of the Guild, served on the Font Committee with the two donors and the Rector. Bob Coté
of Dimension Cabinets who designed and built the font was also commissioned to design and build a
large cabinet for the Vestry to store vestments and fair linen.
Responsibility for the Altar Flowers remains under the guidance of Sandra Ferguson. We are very
pleased that, over the past year, many parishioners have requested flowers for the Sanctuary on
Sundays and during the festivals at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas as memorials or thank
offerings, and have contributed a total of $3,230 towards the Altar Flower expenditures for 2014.
The Guild’s Annual Meeting was held on November 18 in the Parish Hall. Members of the Guild
discussed with Fr. David our liturgical needs for our Christmas services and the upcoming year.
It is noted, with regret, that Fran Flavelle has found it necessary to resign as a member of the Guild, and
Marion Newton was unable to continue as a member of Guild due to ill health. We welcome Ann Wesch
and Felicity Davies as new members. Thank you to each member of the Guild who gives her time and
commitment to the care of our Sanctuary; to Busy Dale-Harris who launders our fair linen; to Sandra
Ferguson who decorates our church for our celebrations during our festivals (Christmas, Easter, and
Thanksgiving); to Ruth Honeyman, Parish Administrator, who is our liaison in the office providing the
Guild with timely information; and to Fr. David who gives us his constant support and guidance. We are
looking for and would be pleased to welcome new members to the Altar Guild. If interested please
contact a member of the Guild or Pamela Mallon at 613-733-0690.
Members of the Altar Guild:
Jane Breen, Mary Capson, Busy Dale-Harris, Felicity Davies, Joanne Delamere, Sally Doherty,
Chris Edwards, Deborah Fraser, Barbara Konst, Jean MacIsaac, Pamela Mallon, Carol Matson,
Janet McLaine, Sheila Perry, Shannon Worek, Ann Wesch, Julie Wurtele and Ellen Zeiss
Sandra Ferguson (Spare Member and Seasonal Decorator), Nancy Millson (Spare Member),
Joyce Bryant (Honorary Member)
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Mallon, Co-ordinator
In the diocese my wife the Rev. Linda Hill and I coordinate the Fresh Start program for all the clergy that
have just moved to a new parish. The Fresh Start program gives advice and direction into what to
expect in a new parish. It also helps clergy in the sometimes difficult transitions that both they are their
congregations may experience. I am also the chaplain for the Governor Generals Foot Guards.
Young chefs hosted our Pancake Supper Feb 17
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Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 23
Christmas Pageant
Parish Life
The Christmas pageant – once again helmed expertly by Emma Riddell and Gillian Campbell – was held
on 21 December. This year’s production of “A Brand New Star” was enhanced by the efforts of St. Bart’s
new music director Tim Piper. For several weeks before the pageant, Tim came in from the church
during the sermon to rehearse the pageant music with the children; this definitely improved their
familiarity and confidence with the material, and I am very grateful to Tim for his help! Many thanks go
also to parent volunteers who brought their children to rehearsals, ran over lines at home, and helped
with the frantic costuming on the day of the show. The pageant just wouldn’t work without you!
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Regiment and St. Bart’s
This year marked the 100th Anniversary of the PPCLI. The regiment made their way across Canada stopping
along the way at many cities. On September 19 the PPCLIs came to St. Bart’s to rededicate the memorial
window and plaque. Their current Colonel- in-Chief, Adrienne Clarkson, spoke about the Princess Pats and
the St Bart’s connection just before she unveiled the new plaque that will be installed behind the pulpit next
to the original one.
A Few Innovations
Service of Remembrance with the Governor General’s Foot Guards — Nov 9, 2014
Welcome, Meiping!
It has become our custom to have the Foot Guards with us on the Sunday before Remembrance Day.
St Bart’s is also their regimental chapel and this day marks that kinship between us that has always existed
since their inception and was made official in 1972, their 100th Anniversary.
There have been a few changes of note to the Sunday School this year. Firstly, thanks to the generosity
of a St. Bart’s parishioner, we have been able to fund a second regular teacher. Meiping MacIsaac
teaches our senior class (Grades 3-6), while I am once again teaching our junior class (Pre-K to Grade
2). Given our challenges last year in finding volunteers to instruct our senior students each Sunday,
Meiping’s consistent and enthusiastic presence has been of great benefit to our older students!
The Governor General is the Colonel of the Foot Guards and he was present this year. Our Bishop John
Chapman presided at the Eucharist, Dr Dan Cameron was our piper and members of the Foot Guards Band
provided music along with Tim Piper and our choir. In addition to active and former Guards present there
were two pews filled with members of the Princess Pats.
New Curriculum – “Whirl”
The Sunday School also saw a change to its teaching materials this year. As part of a move to engage
the children more directly with the liturgy and church year, we adopted Augsburg Fortress’ new “Whirl”
program. This is a lectionary-based curriculum that integrates lessons, activities and a short weekly
video to introduce children to the same stories and themes that their parents will be hearing in church
that week.
Family Services
Further to integrating our students more actively into the St. Bart’s community, we experimented this
past fall with holding family services on a slightly more frequent basis than in years past (approximately
every six weeks). As in years past, the children volunteered by reading, greeting, and taking up the
collection; we also tailored the music (with the help of Tim Piper) to include favourites for all ages. This
year, the bulletins for the family services have featured artwork specially created by the students for the
occasion (you may remember their portrait of St. Bartholomew from last autumn!). We hope to continue
these more frequent family services in the winter if the number of students warrants.
On the subject of numbers, this year’s Sunday School attendance patterns are typical of those in
previous years. We had 22 registered students in the fall term, with 20 of those students attending three
times or more. After the Christmas Break, our attendance saw its usual drop. This decline is mainly
attributable to the colder weather and to the children’s other extracurricular activities (including hockey
and dance). While we welcome all students equally, regardless of their frequency of attendance, it is
undeniable that regular attendance helps foster a sense of community and belonging in the Sunday
School and the larger St. Bart’s community; with this in mind, I am hopeful that parents will continue to
make an effort to bring their children to Sunday School whenever possible – Meiping and I are grateful
for it!
The Governor General, Honorary Colonels, Commanding officer of the Guards and the Regimental Sergeant
Major processed with me to the back of the church to recognize the new locations of the two stands of
regimental colours. After working with the regiment it was agreed that the colours would be cleaned and
mounted and installed on the church walls by the choir and organ. They are much more visible now and do
not constitute a fire hazard either. We are grateful to Bryan Brulotte, Tony and Joan Kellett and Jim and
Meriel Bradford for the financial and practical support in the relocation.
The Governor General gave a short talk about the relationship between St Bartholomew’s and Rideau Hall
and how much it is appreciated.
Shields of the Governors General at St Bart’s
Two new shields of Michaëlle Jean and David Johnston were dedicated by our bishop in the presence of our
current Governor General David Johnston.
The first twenty shields were painted by Lt-Cdr Alan Brookman Beddoe, OC, OBE. They were a gift of the
late Herbert Kitchener Harris given in 1974. Mr. Harris died before completion of the work, but his widow
Kathleen Harris saw that the work was finished and ensured that the shields were given to St. Bart’s as a
memorial to her husband.
The last six Governors’ General shields, plus the two added, were given to St Bart’s by the Royal Heraldry
Society of Canada. A number of members of the society were present.
The entire service was a moving occasion and when our Governor General was asked, in a television
interview a month later, to pick one memorable occasion in the past year he replied, “The wonderful
remembrance service at St Bartholomew’s!”
Respectfully submitted,
Chelsea Honeyman
Sunday School Director
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Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 15
Christmas Bazaar
Financial Results
By far our largest undertaking outside Sunday worship is our annual St Bart’s Bazaar. Opened by our
Mayor, Jim Watson, the Bazaar attracted an enormous number of people from the community.
Liz Heatherington and Mary Capson once again produced an event that was a joy for all who were
involved. I thank Liz and Mary for their committed leadership, that begins even before spring and carries
on right through the event itself and to the mini-bazaar that follows. As they have said it is a huge team
effort and I, with them, thank so many of who you did so much.
Detailed financial results are available from the office.
For the April 2014 recital there were a total of 118 tickets sold (31 general, 84 senior and 3 students) as
well as a donation of $200 and Audio-Visual sponsorship by Grant McDonald. The net revenue for the
April recital was $861.66. The June recital resulted in a total of 62 tickets being sold (18 general, 41
senior and 3 students) as well as an event sponsorship of $1,000 (Domicile Development) and AudioVisual sponsorship by Grant McDonald. The net revenue for the June recital was $321.00. Thanks to
the sponsorships the 2014 Recital Series resulted in net revenue of $1,182.66 plus hall rental fees of
Focussing on specific events for our young people is the way many churches are trying to engage youth
from approximately 13-25 years of age. We began in the fall with a baby sitting night arranged by Gina
Watson that proved a great success with parents and kids. Gina and Karen McClure will be forming a
“Youth Committee” with me to continue these events in 2015.
Open Doors
We began a new tradition we hope to continue of having an open house on the Saturday in June when
Doors Open is on in Ottawa. Thank you to Judy Wiesinger and all who helped to make us better known
in our community.
The inaugural October 2013 recital, which was attended by 200 people, was complimentary for
parishioners, but guests purchased 43 tickets for a total of $860. In addition, Létourneau sponsored the
guest organist and the charge for the audio-visual system was generously covered by Grant McDonald.
The recital made a modest profit when hall rental and reception costs were accounted for.
Future plans
With the departure of Barbara Hallam-Price, the Committee has been suspended. New activities
involving the organ will be at the direction of our new Organist and Director of Music, Timothy Piper.
Church Sign
Respectfully submitted by the Organ Recital Committee
Our new church sign was installed in early 2015. It was the result of a collaboration of our “Sign
Committee” and Bernhardt Signs. I want to thank Sandra Ferguson and Anna Lee Chabot for working
with me on the design, size and location. On the advice of Doug Bernhardt, we are waiting to determine
whether it needs to be illuminated at night. The old sign will be refurbished and mounted on the church
itself to the right of the front door.
Olive Hobbs Bequest
We are extremely fortunate to have received a sizable bequest from the estate of Olive Hobbs. Olive
was a long-term parishioner of St Bart’s who lived the last fifteen years of her life at the Edinburgh
residence. She was a regular at our monthly service there. Olive worked for the Department of External
Affairs and was posted to a number of overseas offices. Her most memorable was Moscow during the
height of the Cold War. We are proposing to Vestry to use part of money to fund our choral scholars.
In addition to use the bequest to complete the last major capital need, the replacement of the outside
wall in the church hall and renovation of the hall washrooms.
We all benefit from well over 12,000 volunteer hours of time that is given to St. Bart’s and its work.
This is a wonderful testament to our Christian witness that is now in its 148th year! Many of these hours
are given to worship; readers, sidespersons, lay administrators and servers to name some. Our Parish
Council and other committees undertake a lot of work and much of it never seen by most of us.
Clement Olomoi continues to keep St Bart’s clean and at its best and Julia Laku manages our Nursery
with great care. Richard and Mary Capson are stepping down from their coordination of the Coffee Hour
after the 10:30 after many years. So much or our fellowship comes from that coffee time and I thank
them for the great job they have done.
The Church Administrator position is in great part a ministry and we are all grateful for the superb job
Ruth Honeyman does for us. She is the friendly and unruffled voice we hear when we call or visit. On
behalf of all of us I thank her for giving so freely of her abilities to the very great betterment of St Bart’s.
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It has been a busy year so far for the St. Bart’s Sunday School! Following Carole Schmidt’s retirement
in June 2014, I have had some big shoes to fill as the new Sunday School director. Thankfully, my
training from Carole on Sunday School traditions and procedures has helped bring a sense of continuity
to the program to our returning students. This year, I have paired this continuity with a few new initiatives
that seek to integrate the children even more fully into the life of St. Bart’s and the wider church
Lively Traditions
The Chicken Fund and the Christmas pageant - both longstanding Sunday School traditions - were once
again a success, with high levels of participation from both students and parents.
Chicken Fund
The children’s yearlong fundraising, combined with a generous donation from a parishioner, raised a
total of $271 for the Chicken Fund this year! The students voted to purchase the following items for
those less fortunate in other parts of the world:
From Plan Canada: three sets of baby chicks, two sets of fruit trees, and a sheep.
From World Vision: Medicines and antibiotics for 10 children and water filters for a family
From Anglican Gifts for Mission: A crank radio to receive community news in remote areas,
vaccinations for a mother and baby.
I want to note how impressed I am with the students’ thought and care in choosing their Chicken Fund
gifts each year. Anyone who’s witnessed their deliberations knows that the children spend the money
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 21
As we look to 2015, I feel confident that St. Bartholomew’s will continue to enjoy a rich tradition of music
making. I look to build the choir, and to bring new challenges and musical offerings to both our
choristers and the congregation. I also hope to have our young people singing more in church, as we
gauge interest in the possibility of having a junior choir, or some type of means for our youngsters to
participate actively in the musical life of our congregation.
Church Administration is an increasingly complex task. The bulk of these duties fall upon the Wardens,
Treasurer and Envelope Secretary. Ron Burrows labours long and hard for us in keeping track of
donations and income tax receipts. I have been extremely well supported by our four Wardens,
Rob Nelson, Brian Eckert, Sheila Perry and Judy Wiesinger and I am delighted that they are all planning
to stay on.
Respectfully submitted,
Timothy Piper
Organist/ Music Director
The Stewardship Committee is to be thanked for a variety of efforts they have made. Among their duties
they keep watch on our Stewardship needs, providing updates (with the treasurer) and monitoring the
GIFT/150 campaign. They were the planners and organizers in the St Bart’s Day.
Under the leadership of Barbara Hallam-Price as chair an Organ Recital Committee was formed in the
summer of 2013 including Grant McDonald, Meriel Bradford, Ruth Honeyman, Andy Robinson and
David Clunie (ex-officio). The Committee’s role was to plan and carry out a number of organ concerts to
introduce our new instrument to the parish and to a wider audience.
The inaugural organ recital was held on the afternoon of Sunday, October 20, 2013 and featured
Matthew Larkin, organist from Christ Church Cathedral. Thanks to additional audio-visual services the
audience was able to follow the organist closely on a screen placed in the sanctuary. As a result of
generous sponsorship by the organ builder, and other financial support, we were able to offer the
concert and reception at no charge to parishioners. Some 200 people attended and the press coverage
of the event in the Ottawa Citizen by Richard Todd was very positive. Quoting--“St. Bartholomew’s
Anglican Church is among the most exquisite and intimate of Ottawa churches.” Sharing these qualities,
the new Létourneau organ, inaugurated Sunday afternoon, is almost as fine to behold as to hear. The
pipe case is made of solid, lustrous walnut arranged to allow the rose window to be seen from anywhere
in the sanctuary.”
Activities for 2014
Following the success of the inaugural recital in October 2013, the Committee decided to hold a series
of organ recitals in 2014. The objectives of the recital series included: showcasing our new Létourneau
organ, providing community outreach, attracting music students, promoting St. Bart’s as a place of
worship and music, attracting new parishioners and potentially contributing financially to the operations
of the parish.
Initially, we proposed three concerts, with reception to follow, for 2014 (late winter/early spring, June and
September/October). The first 2014 concert was held on the afternoon of Sunday, April 16 with our own
Barbara Hallam-Price as the organist while the second concert on the afternoon of Sunday June 8
featured Wesley Warren. For various reasons a recital was not held in the fall of 2014.
Both of the recitals in the series were very much appreciated by the audience with many compliments
received. The April recital had the best attendance which was attributed to support for Barbara and the
date we had chosen. The June 8 recital occurred on one of the early nice summer weekends after a
rather dismal spring which likely depressed ticket sales and attendance.
After many years of service as warden and lately as Chair of Parish Council, Victoria Harris is stepping
down. Victoria has been an enormous help to me since I came to St Bart’s. She has the “institutional
memory” that is so crucial to the planning process. She has been a key member of our corporation and
we will greatly miss her real insight and love of St Bart’s in both those roles.
Carol Devenny and Grant MacDonald will be leaving their positions and our parish. It is a sad day for all
of us. Grant was instrumental (pun intended) in the process of choosing and acquiring a new organ. He
was chair of that Organ Committee and chair of the Organist Selection Committee. Recently he
continued as chair of the Organ Recital Committee. He brought a great sense of direction and care to all
committee work.
Carol Devenny has been our treasurer for almost four years. She stepped in after the sudden death of
our previous treasurer and helped us bridge that gap. Since then, she has carefully, with skill and
imagination, kept us on track financially. No easy task when we had a major fundraising campaign to
manage at the same time.
She and Grant will be a great loss to us at St Bart’s and we wish them all the best in their new
Looking Forward
We are all aware that 2017 will mark the 150th Anniversary of St Bartholomew’s. I am delighted to
announce that Liz Heatherington and Tony Kellett have agreed to be co-chairs of the celebrations.
Planning will start in earnest this year and it is an exciting prospect to contemplate.
I will be taking what our diocese calls a “Sabbath Leave” beginning in mid April of this year and returning
in early August. This is time off that our Bishop encourages the clergy to take every seven years. One of
the things I am planning to do is to visit the Parish of St Luke’s and St John in Haifa, Israel. Bishop
Chapman proposed “pairing” us with this parish and I will spend some time there working on
Linda and I are enjoying our “new to us” house and are delighted that we are first time grandparents of
Charlotte. It is now seven and a half years since my arrival at St Bart’s. It continues to be a wonderful
community and I am blessed to be your rector and serve in Christ’s name.
Yours in Christ,
David Clunie
Again sponsorships were obtained which made the events a financial success. In addition, all the
concerts helped contribute to the parish budget through hall rental fees.
page 20 - The Church of Saint Bartholomew, The Guards’ Chapel
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 17
Warden’s Report on behalf of St Bartholomew’s Corporation
Dear Members of Vestry,
The essential purpose of the Church of St. Bartholomew is to provide a living window to the triune God
and to ensure that parishioners at St. Bart’s may have the opportunity to strengthen their individual faith
journeys. We are a church not a social club!
Hence by definition the essential purpose of the Corporation is to ensure that Sunday worship creates
an environment in which each of us may recognize how God is working in us every day. We have been
helped to do this through this inspired spiritual leadership of Father David and The Reverend Laurette
Glasgow. You, members of the parish, have helped by your regular contributions. You have given
generously through our GIFT/150th Anniversary campaign and the new organ is a testament to that. We
have all rejoiced in the joyful musical leadership of Tim Piper and our choir. And not least are the myriad
activities and service given by so many of you in the congregation at Sunday worship and throughout
the year.
C.S. Lewis called God, the hound of heaven, and we know that God uses many difference
circumstances to reach us.
Corporation is also involved in many different activities. The members of corporation are our four
wardens, our treasurer, chair of Parish Council and the rector. They work together as a team and report
to Council. They provide Father David and the office with support. They assist in organizing activities
within the parish. They are involved in construction matters both within and outside the church building
and they provide sophisticated fiscal leadership to the dynamic and complex financial affairs of the
The members of Corporation all attended the St. Bart’s Day on Oct. 25 and are helping assimilate the
results of that day. Corporation also works with the Stewardship committee to ensure that a culture of
giving exists at St. Bart’s.
Our insightful Chair of Parish Council Victoria Harris (who is stepping down after many years of service)
ensures that discussion at Council is focused and relevant.
Finally we will miss our gifted treasurer Carol Devenny who is retiring after four years of weekly analysis
and financial guidance. We welcome our new Treasurer Bill Turner.
If you unaware of the activities of the Corporation then we are really doing our job. Didn't Jesus talk
repeatedly about the need to serve in a lowly fashion. We all love St. Bart’s and we thank you for the
opportunity to serve you. In His Name.
The members of Corporation
The Reverend Canon David Clunie- Rector
Rob Nelson- Rector's Warden
Brian Eckert- People's Warden
Judy Wiesinger- Deputy Warden
Sheila Perry- Deputy Warden
page 18 - The Church of Saint Bartholomew, The Guards’ Chapel
Music / Choir
Organ Recital Committee
Sunday School
Altar Guild
Pastoral Care (Garry Armstrong Home)
Cornerstone Meals Project
Coffee Hour
St Bart’s Bazaar
Envelope Secretary’s Report
It was my great pleasure to join the congregation of St. Bartholomew’s as Music Director in September
2014. I was hired after my predecessor Barbara Hallam-Price resigned in August, having decided to
move to Edmonton to care for her mother. I would like to thank Barb on behalf of the entire
congregation for her skills and expertise offered to us during her time here. Barb was Music Director
during a time of great transition at the church, as St. Bartholomew’s welcomed its new pipe organ,
created specifically for the space by Orgues Létourneau. Barb was instrumental in facilitating this
change, monitoring the installation of the instrument and, along with the Organ Committee, creating a
series of organ recitals highlighting the new organ through the 2013/2014 season. Matthew Larkin
played the inaugural recital in October 2013. Then in 2014, St. Bartholomew’s was pleased to have
organ recitals by both Barb herself and Wesley Warren (organist at St. Barnabas Anglican). Both were
very well received.
As I begin my time here at St. Bartholomew’s, the organ is no longer seen as “brand new,” but is quickly
becoming an integral part of regular worship and always a point of great interest for visitors to the
church. It has been a joy and a privilege for me to play this fine instrument, and I commend the parish
for seeing the purchase and installation through. I look forward to seeing the organ used both as an
excellent liturgical instrument, as well as an instrument for concerts and recitals for many years to come.
The year 2014 saw some changes in the choir. With the departure of Barb, some long-time choristers
decided to retire as well after many years of faithful service. We thank all of them for their dedication to
worship at St. Bartholomew’s and wish them well. Moving forward, we look to bring in new choristers,
and are always happy to welcome anyone who likes to sing.
In 2014, our choir was once again supported by a stellar cast of choral interns. The student interns
provide stability to our choir and their musicality and expertise is much appreciated. Through the first
half of the year, we were pleased to have: Susan Brown, soprano; Lydia Piehl, alto; Kevin Burke, tenor;
and Matthew Timmerman, bass. In the fall, we were pleased to welcome some new interns as some
moved on to other things: Molly Drinnan, soprano; Kristen Jerabek, alto, and Alexander Ouellette, tenor.
When Alex joined us, Kevin Burke became our bass intern. I wish to thank all our interns and wish
those who have moved on to other things great success in their future endeavours.
Report to Vestry, February 24, 2015 - page 19