developments - WakeMed Foundation


developments - WakeMed Foundation
W I N T E R 11
Learn why the ongoing expansion of WakeMed
Children’s services, including important care for
premature babies, is so important.
New Tower Has A Lot of Heart
A photo retrospective of WakeMed Children’s.
WakeMed expands heart & vascular services.
A heartfelt thank you to the thousands of people,
businesses and organizations that helped make
WakeMed Children’s Hospital a reality.
A special night for WakeMed Children’s.
Society of 1961 Gala
If You Build It, They Will Come…
Learn why the continued growth and your continued
support of WakeMed Children’s is vital to our community.
Love Light
Thank You
Young musicians from Ravenscroft School were featured
entertainment at the Children’s Hospital grand opening.
winter 11
Guests of the Foundation welcomed award-winning
documentary filmmaker Ken Burns to the gala.
is to transform health care through philanthropy by
raising friends, funds and future leaders for WakeMed Health & Hospitals.
26 The Ronald McDonald Family Room was dedicated as
part of the 2010 Love Light Ceremony.
WakeMed Foundation Board Chair Gordon Grubb shares a brief
history of the Just For Kids Kampaign.
1 4 F U N D R A I S I N G AT A G L A N C E
Ken Burns was the guest speaker at the
Society of 1961 Appreciation Gala.
Foundation staff share WakeMed’s dedication to
advancing quality health care for anyone in need.
Our purpose is to help the health system turn
your goodwill into medical achievements that
touch the lives of thousands of patients each year.
Images from some of the many events that benefited the Just For Kids Kampaign.
2 0 2 0 1 0 F O U N D AT I O N D O N O R S
2 8 N E W F O U N D AT I O N B O A R D M E M B E R S
3 2 C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 1 U P D AT E
Plans for a much-needed expansion of the WakeMed Level IV
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
3 3 T H E L AT E S T N E W S F R O M W A K E M E D
(919) 350-7656
[email protected]
Jack Radford Executive Director
Michael Gulley Director of Annual
Giving and Stewardship
Karen Zelden Director of Major Gifts
Stephanie S. Allen Executive Assistant
Mary Jo Gurule Project Manager
Blair Reynolds Major Gifts Program Specialist
Krystin Jorgenson Financial Specialist
A Lesson in Just How Much People Care
2011 Foundation Board Members
R. Gordon Grubb, Chair
Sheldon M. Fox, Vice Chair
J. Blount Williams, Treasurer
William R. McNeal, Jr., Secretary
Virginia Anthony
Richard F. Baker
Audie P. Barefoot, Jr.
Julian D. Bobbitt, Jr.
Paul L. Brunswick
Holly J. Burge, MD
Timothy E. Carroll
R. Michael Condrey
William L. Dawkins
Sharon M. Foster, MD
R. Michael Gray
Richard B. Guirlinger
Robert C. Hatley
Wm. Charles Helton, MD
James L. Holmes, Jr.
Gary. K. Joyner
Howie J. Jung
John P. McConnell
Shrin Rajagopalan, MD, PhD
Kristin G. Replogle
John L. Rigsbee
Kyle G. Rose
Peter M. Scott III
Melba T. Sparrow
F. Jefferson Stocks
winter 11
n February 22, 2008, members of the WakeMed Foundation Board
listened intently to a proposal delivered by WakeMed Health &
Hospitals President & CEO Dr. Bill Atkinson. He talked about the
obstacles families face when trying to access specialty children’s
services in Wake County and about the “holes” in the availability of
important children’s health care services in our community. He also told us about
WakeMed’s already bursting-at-the-seams pediatric hospital units and the hospital’s
immediate need to expand children’s services and facilities to keep pace with the needs of
our growing region.
Dr. Atkinson and the team who developed the proposal genuinely cared about the health
of area kids. They were pleased to learn that the Foundation Board did, too. The proposal
to raise funds for the construction and expansion of WakeMed Children’s services and
facilities was unanimously accepted by the Board.
The Foundation Board and staff then launched the $20 million Just For Kids Kampaign to
build the first children’s hospital in Wake County and expand children’s services and
programs. It was the first WakeMed project entirely dependent on philanthropic support
from the Foundation and the community. Support from the Foundation and community
was and continues to be critical to WakeMed because, as a private, not-for-profit hospital,
WakeMed is totally self-sustaining. Patient revenue often isn’t enough to cover capital
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
projects, like the construction of WakeMed Children’s Hospital,
Today, WakeMed Children’s Hospital is officially complete,
that help the health system keep pace with regional growth.
dedicated and open. And, the people and places that care about
As the campaign gathered steam, it was evident that more
WakeMed and area kids number in the thousands. To date, the
people as well as businesses, schools, foundations and
WakeMed Foundation Just For Kids Kampaign has received
physician practices truly cared about area kids. So many people
$9.9 million. The next phase of the project, which is to expand
came forward to help us and to contribute to the Just For Kids
the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), will allow us to
Kampaign. The campaign has and continues to teach us a lot.
provide more services, programs and children’s specialists to
Most importantly, we learned that generosity has many faces.
meet the needs of our region.
We met so many people and heard so many stories about the
We dedicate this issue of Developments to the many, many
ways families benefited from WakeMed Children’s services,
people and places who truly care about WakeMed and the
physicians and staff. It was really quite humbling.
health and welfare of children in our community. On behalf of
the WakeMed Foundation, thank you for your continued
support of the Just For Kids Kampaign.
Chairman, WakeMed Foundation Board
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From the grand opening festivities last May, to patient move-in on July 8, to today - the staff, administration, pediatric specialists
and volunteers of WakeMed Children’s Hospital continue to focus on positive healing rather than illness or injury. Our newest gem
on the Raleigh Campus continues to attract pediatric patients from our community and beyond.
Thanks to you, our community, the new Children’s Hospital is now a reality. Located on the top floor of the new E Tower, it is the
first and only children’s hospital in Wake County.
This world-class center for children was built without using the health system’s capital dollars. The entire $8.5 million came from
generous individuals, businesses and organizations that understand the ongoing need to grow WakeMed Children’s facilities and
services in order to serve our growing population.
While it is impossible to thank everyone who contributed to the creation of the new Children’s Hospital, we share with you some of
the people and places that represent the WakeMed mission, the spirit of the WakeMed Foundation Just For Kids Kampaign and our
community’s love of children.
(l to r) Gordon Grubb, Chair WakeMed Foundation Board; Mark Piehl, MD, Medical Director of WakeMed Children's Hospital; Ron Doggett; Brenda Gibson; Dr. Charles Helton;
Tom Oxholm; Billie J. Redmond, Chair, WakeMed Board of Directors; Dr. Jerry Bernstein; John L. Rigsbee; Dr. P.M. Shah; Dr. Ray Cheely; Dr. Lance Landvater; Dr. Tom Young;
Dr. Courtney Mann; Betsy Gaskins McClaine; Elizabeth Rice; and Dr. Bill Atkinson, President & CEO.
Individuals & Families
The people who contributed their time and talents and made financial gifts to the Just For Kids
Kampaign easily surpass 20,000. Their reasons for giving are both thoughtful and personal. We asked a
few of our gracious donors why they chose to support the Just For Kids Kampaign.
The Staff Lounge in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit is
dedicated to the Citizens of the Village of Particelle, Italy,
as a result of a gift from Chuck & Sue Re Corr. Some of the
villagers protected Sue’s father, an escaped British
prisoner of war during World War II. The Re Corrs
discovered Particelle and members of the families who
protected Sue’s father on a trip to Italy and continue to
visit the area each year.
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Wes and Janet Chesson’s generous gift in honor of their
dear friends Dr. Jerry & Peg Bernstein led to the creation of
the Jerry C. Bernstein, MD Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in
WakeMed Children’s Hospital. The unit was dedicated on
September 26, 2010.
The Noël family made a gift to the
Just For Kids Kampaign to honor
the employees of Noël Group on the
company’s 30th anniversary, and to
ensure that the families of their
valued employees have access to
high-quality health care services.
Pictured: Marc and Cecile Noël.
Large & Small Businesses
WakeMed Foundation Boards Past & Present
From international corporations to one-person shops,
businesses throughout the region made significant
contributions of time, in-kind gifts and dollars to
make WakeMed Children’s Hospital a reality.
Whenever we had a need, an area business was there
to help us, and they continue to enthusiastically lend
their support as we move into the next phase of the
Just For Kids Kampaign. Here are some examples of the
generous and targeted gifts we received from the
business community.
A special plaque outside the WakeMed Children’s Hospital Teen Room
reflects the Foundation’s sincere appreciation for Quintiles and the
company’s special gift to help WakeMed continuously improve
Children’s services.
General Parts International Inc. and
the Temple Sloan family helped the
Foundation launch the Just For Kids
Kampaign with a very generous $1.5
million gift and energized the business
community to support the initiative.
When stone was needed
for the construction of
the Children’s Hospital,
Wake Stone Corp.
stepped up without
hesitation to provide it.
The WakeMed Foundation is privileged to be governed by many of
the area’s top business executives, legal minds and health care
leaders. From those who were with us at the beginning of the project
in 2008 to those who currently serve on the Foundation Board, we
thank you for your continued commitment and dedication to the
children of our community.
Wallace F. Andrew, Jr., MD
Virginia Anthony
Daphne A. Ashworth
Richard F. Baker
Audie P. Barefoot, Jr.
Julian D. Bobbitt, Jr.
Paul L. Brunswick
Holly J. Burge, MD
Timothy E. Carroll
R. Michael Condrey
William L. Dawkins
Sharon M. Foster, MD
Sheldon M. Fox
Brenda C. Gibson
R. Michael Gray
R. Gordon Grubb
Richard B. Guirlinger
Robert C. Hatley
Wilson Hayman
Wm. Charles Helton, MD
James L. Holmes, Jr.
Gary K. Joyner
Howie J. Jung
Katherine O. Keener
John P. McConnell
William R. McNeal, Jr.
Thomas B. Oxholm
J. Gregory Poole, Jr.
Shrinivas Rajagopalan, MD, PhD
Kristin G. Replogle
John L. Rigsbee
Kyle G. Rose
Peter M. Scott, III
G. Milton Small, III
Melba T. Sparrow
F. Jefferson Stocks
Kyle M. Szulik
Michael A. Weeks
J. Blount Williams
Charles M. Winston, Jr.
Carol B. Yochem
Campaign 2011 – The Next Level
Created in 2004 by forward-thinking friends of the Foundation, Campaign 2011 – The Next Level is a fundraising initiative to help
ensure WakeMed can meet the medical needs of adults and children in our community today and tomorrow. Half of the campaign
dollars support WakeMed’s capital projects such as new cardiac care facilities, Cary Hospital and Emergency Services expansions, and
the construction of WakeMed Children’s Hospital. The remaining funds will boost the Foundation’s endowment to bolster WakeMed’s
future financial strength.
Advice When We Need It
The Campaign 2011 Advisory Council was
established in 2009. Its members provide
strategic advice, counsel and support to
assist the Foundation and Volunteers in
meeting campaign objectives. We are very
Our Driving Force
fortunate to have some of our
The Campaign Cabinet serves as the governing body of the campaign and drives
community’s greatest minds sharing their
the initiative. We thank members past and present for their forethought and
experience and expertise with us.
loyalty to the WakeMed mission. PICTURED: It’s hard to find the words to properly thank
Jeffrey T. Barber
Wesley M. Chesson III
Jack O. Clayton
Ron E. Doggett
Jill S. Gammon
Ronald P. Gibson
R. Gordon Grubb,
ex officio
J.G. Loftin, Jr.
Thomas B. Oxholm
J. Gregory Poole, Jr.
Billie J. Redmond
O. Temple Sloan, Jr.
E. Stephen Stroud
Matthew J. Szulik
James A. Walker
G. Smedes York
winter 11
such special individuals like Ron Doggett (Cabinet Chair), Brenda Gibson (Cabinet Vice-chair) and
Tom Oxholm (Immediate Past Chair, Foundation Board) who support and lead so many Foundation
initiatives. Their generosity is immeasurable.
Barbara K. Allen
Emily H. Andrews
Audie P. Barefoot, Jr.
Jerry C. Bernstein, MD
Thomas W. Bradshaw, Jr.
Paul L. Brunswick
James P. Cain
Raymond L. Champ
Andrew F. Cook III
Ron E. Doggett
Brenda C. Gibson
Ronald P. Gibson
William B. Gwyn, Jr.
Glenn B. Harder
James L. Holmes, Jr.
David W. Jessen
Robert L. Jones
J. Tiff Mann, Jr., MD
Harvey L. Montague, Sr.
Robert X. Morrell, Jr., MD
Robert G. Mulligan
Thomas B. Oxholm
J. Gregory Poole, Jr.
Charles K. Re Corr
Kenneth G. Reece
Larry Robbins
J.R. Shearin
O. Temple Sloan, Jr.
J. Ray Sparrow
James A. Walker
J. Michael Weeks
Creating Awareness in Western Wake County
The Western Wake County Council has been
charged with creating awareness about how
WakeMed serves Western Wake County
residents and assisting in successful
Foundation fundraising efforts. The Council’s
ongoing efforts translate into generous gifts
Motivating Medical Staff Members
to the Just For Kids Kampaign and the entire
In 2007, 10 current and
Campaign 2011 initiative. The Council has
former physician leaders from
effectively helped to establish WakeMed as an
WakeMed’s two medical staffs
important member of the Western Wake County community, and we
came together for the first
thank current and former members for their energy and creativity.
meeting of the WakeMed
PICTURED: Board member and long-time Foundation friend John Rigsbee is the
Foundation Physicians
chairman of the Western Wake County Council.
Council. The Council was
established to motivate
members of our medical
staffs, employees and community friends to promote
and support Campaign 2011, and the members have
done just that. In 2008, the Physicians Council focused
Virginia Anthony
Daphne A. Ashworth
Audie P. Barefoot Jr.
Paul L. Brunswick
Ron E. Doggett
Kenneth A. Eller
Robert C. Hatley
Gail E. Jordan
Larry M. Jordan
M. Regina McLaurin
Wallace H. Mitchell
Harvey L. Montague Sr.
John C. Powell
John L. Rigsbee
Melba T. Sparrow
Pattie L. Stephenson
on raising $1 million from the physician community
for the Just For Kids Kampaign. To raise money and
create awareness about WakeMed services, the
Physicians Council created the Pediatricians and
Physicians Aligned with Children Today (PACT)
initiative. To date, the Physicians Council has raised
$850,000. We thank the members of the Physicians
Council – past and present – for bringing the
Foundation, Campaign 2011 and the Just For Kids
Kampaign into the hearts and minds of their colleagues
and patients. PICTURED: Dr. Jerry Bernstein is the Council’s
chairman. Under his leadership, the Council launched the first
PACT Challenge which has raised $850,000.
Robert S. Alphin, MD
Wallace F. Andrew, Jr., MD
Michael L. Anthony, MD
Jerry C. Bernstein, MD
Scott C. Bilbro, MD
Holly J. Burge, MD
Dana D. Copeland, MD, PhD
Michael O. Ferguson, MD
R. Merrill Hunter, MD
Robin F. Koeleveld, MD
Lance E. Landvater, MD
H. West Lawson, MD
Keith R. Mankin, MD
Thaddeus L. McDonald, MD
Robert X. Morrell, Jr., MD
James F. Palombaro, MD
James V. Perciaccante, MD
Priyavadan M. Shah, MD
Susan T. Weaver, MD
Pediatric Intensive Care Nurse Station
Physicians & Practices
No matter the cause, individual physicians and area practices have always generously supported WakeMed services and people
through WakeMed Foundation efforts. The Just For Kids Kampaign is no exception. Physicians and their staff continue to
contribute to the Just For Kids Kampaign in special, personal ways. From memorializing a colleague to designating funds for a
particular piece of equipment, providers create their own unique ways of giving. Here are several examples of the types of gifts
made to our ongoing campaign by doctors throughout our community.
Memorial Scholarships
During her lifetime, Dr. Marilyn Hicks, a pediatric emergency
medicine physician and past president of Wake Emergency
Physicians PA (WEPPA), was a true champion and advocate
for sick and injured children. With the help of the
Foundation, Dr. Hicks’ colleagues and friends established
the Marilyn Hicks Memorial Fund to support and assist
present and future pediatric emergency medicine fellows in
their quest to become experts in their field. WEPPA
continues to remember Dr. Hicks with their ongoing support
of the Just For Kids Kampaign. As a result, the WakeMed
Children’s Hospital Conference Room is named in her honor.
Support from
Non-pediatric Providers
Generosity for the Just For Kids
Kampaign also comes from specialists
who are not directly involved in
children’s health care issues such as
Cary Cardiology PA and Carolina
Cardiovascular Surgical Associates.
Technology Designations
A first-hand look at the new
Children’s Hospital motivated the
Raleigh Pediatric Associates staff to
further advance the technology
available for kids and providers. They
raised funds to purchase an iPad and
two iPods for the hospital.
For a complete list of physicians and practices who have supported the Just For Kids Kampaign, please see page 20.
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Foundations & Organizations
Many philanthropic entities and organizations from our city, region and
state continue to support the WakeMed Children’s and the Foundation’s
mission to build bright, healthy futures for area kids. We realize that the
Just For Kids Kampaign is just one of their many suitors, and we are
privileged to receive their gifts. PICTURED: In addition to their highly anticipated visits
to pediatric patients at WakeMed, the Carolina Hurricanes Kids ‘N Community Foundation
made a gift to the Just For Kids Kampaign to fund a special game for the Children’s
Emergency Department at the Raleigh Campus. The EyeStep interactive, virtual game system
entertains kids and frees parents to focus their attention on their sick or injured child. It was
installed last fall in the Children’s Emergency Department waiting room.
WakeMed Employees
WakeMed employees participated in the Just For Kids Kampaign through the
annual employee giving campaign and other efforts. To date, employee
gifts from their fundraising efforts total more than $1,000,000.
WakeMed Volunteers
By their mission, The Volunteers at WakeMed Cary Hospital and The
Volunteers at WakeMed Raleigh Campus are focused on supporting
WakeMed Health & Hospitals patients and services. Their helping hands
and open hearts are ever-present throughout our facilities and the
community. It’s no surprise that when the WakeMed Foundation asked the
volunteers to consider a gift to the Just For Kids Kampaign, they generously
responded. The WakeMed Foundation thanks The Volunteers of WakeMed
Raleigh Campus for their $50,000 pledge and the The Volunteers of Cary
Hospital for their $20,000 pledge to the Just For Kids Kampaign.This money
has been used to help fund the new Ronald McDonald House Family Room
in the Children’s Hospital.
PICTURED: Sally Perdue, president, The Volunteers at WakeMed Raleigh Campus; Susan
Hester, director, WakeMed Community Services; and Pat Quick, president, The Volunteers at
WakeMed Cary Hospital.
Sponsored by North Hills, the fourth annual St. Timothy’s School Spring Sprint
drew hundreds for the run and walk. Proceeds benefited WakeMed Children’s
Diabetes & Endocrinology Center.
Koka Booth Amphitheatre at Regency
Park’s Bonnie Raitt concert and Movies by
Moonlight series raised more than $4,000
for the Just For Kids Kampaign.
In its second year, the Foundation’s Winter Chill Tennis Challenge
got people out of the cold and onto the courts for an evening of
tennis, fundraising and activities at Raleigh Racquet Club. The
tournament has raised more than $5,000 for WakeMed Children’s.
Koka Booth Amphitheatre
Regency Park, Cary
Jack Radford,
executive director,
accepts a check
for $10,000 from
The 12th annual
Charity Golf Outing
sponsored by The
Volunteers at
WakeMed Cary Hospital. (pictured l to r) Mary Jo Gurule, Virginia Anthony,
Western Wake County Council, and Jack Radford with members of The
Volunteers at WakeMed Cary Hospital Board of Directors Denise Galloway,
board president, and Susan Alvey, golf committee chair. Thank you to our host,
MacGregor Downs Country Club.
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Models for Charity and Saks Fifth Avenue Triangle Town Center hosted a
fashion show to support the Just For Kids Kampaign. Thanks to our models,
(pictured l to r) Dr. Jamila Fletcher, Dr. Ed Piqueras, Dr. Duncan Phillips, Dr.
Jerry Bernstein, Dr. Travis Honeycutt and Dr. Tara Bastek.
Even though we live in a high-tech world, some messages – like the continuing need for
advanced children’s health care services and facilities in our area – are best delivered in
person. Here are glimpses of just a few of the events that gave the Foundation leadership
and campaign committee members opportunities to tell the WakeMed Children’s story
and educate the public about why their support is important.
Team Virginia Tech/Anybody but Carolina took top honors at
the first-ever McConnell Golf Challenge at Raleigh Country
Club. The tournament raised $65,000 to help expand and
renovate the WakeMed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and
provide needed children’s programs and services.
Ravenscroft School named WakeMed Children’s Hospital its
charity of choice in conjunction with the Parent Association’s 5th
Annual “The Market” event. Students and their parents as well
as faculty and staff in the lower, middle and upper schools raised
$3,016.68. An anonymous friend also donated $2,500, bringing
Ravenscroft’s total gift to $5,516.68. The funds were used to
purchase educational technology for the Children’s Hospital.
Kisco Senior Living
and the WakeMed
Foundation hosted
an evening of fine
dining and
entertainment that
yielded nearly
$6,000 for the Just
For Kids Kampaign.
A portion of the proceeds from the Wake County New Vehicle Dealers Association’s
2010 International Auto Expo were given to the Just For Kids Kampaign.
Representatives from the Wake County New Vehicle Dealers Association, Curtis
Media Group and McGraw Media presented the $5,000 check to WakeMed President
& CEO Dr. Bill Atkinson. Pictured front, l to r: George Anderson, Wake County New
Vehicle Dealers Association; John McGraw, McGraw Media & Wake County New
Vehicle Dealers Association; and Dr. Bill Atkinson, WakeMed Health & Hospitals.
Back, l to r: Jack Radford, WakeMed Foundation; Phil Zachary, Curtis Media Group;
and Dr. Mark Piehl, WakeMed Children’s Hospital. The Just For Kids Kampaign will
once again be the charity of choice for the 2011 International Auto Expo.
Above: Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, is
celebrated in such places as India, Malaysia,
Nepal, Thailand, Japan, South Africa,
Myanmar and Cary, NC. The Triangle IndianAmerican Physicians Society hosted a Diwali
celebration at Cary Hospital in 2009 and
launched a physician challenge which raised
$50,000 for the Children’s Hospital.
Left: During October, five Raleigh restaurants
participated in the first annual Supper Club - a
series of private wine dinners which raised
more than $5,500 for WakeMed Children’s.
Thank you to Solas, Cafe Helios, Market
Restaurant, Sushi Blues, and Zely & Ritz for
hosting a special night to help raise money for
the much-needed expansion and renovation of
the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at WakeMed
Children’s Hospital.
When patients and their families reach the fourth
floor, they are greeted with the sight of a huge
fish tank, bright colors and fun bubble motifs.
If you build it, they will come...
Because of your generosity, children in our area have access to a
The National Perspective
highly sophisticated, yet kid-friendly facility where advanced
Our nation’s shortage of pediatric specialists is a growing
pediatric services are available.
concern throughout the United States, our state and our
And, as we quickly learned upon opening our new hospital’s
region. “Imagine that your child, who has already been
doors: “If we build it, they will come,” meaning our
suffering for some time, is diagnosed with a neurological issue,”
community’s need for pediatric specialists and services
says Mark Piehl, MD, a pediatric intensivist and medical
continues to grow. But, like all U.S. children’s hospitals, we
director of WakeMed Children’s Hospital. “Now imagine your
must compete to attract the limited supply of pediatric
pediatrician telling you that the closest pediatric neurologist is
specialists and subspecialists in our nation.
50 miles away and cannot see your child for two months.
Unfortunately, it’s a reality for many U.S. families.”
The most significant ways U.S. families feel the shortage of
pediatric health care providers relate to distance and time.
The National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related
Institutions (NACHRI) recently studied the pediatric specialist
shortage issue. Its researchers found critical shortages in
multiple specialties, including pediatric surgery,
gastroenterology and pulmonology. In at least 16 states, there
are actually no physicians who represent certain subspecialties.
In these states, families must travel long distances to receive
care. For example, children with neuro-developmental
disabilities travel an average of 73 miles to see a subspecialist.
A treatment room means children can have necessary treatments in the
hospital without leaving the floor. This also helps to maintain a child’s
patient room as a “safe place,” free of uncomfortable procedures.
winter 11
The average distance to a pediatric gastroenterologist is
32 miles.
Our Specialists at
WakeMed Children’s
While there remains the need to
continue to recruit additional
specialists and subspecialists to
Wake County and WakeMed
Children’s, we are very fortunate to
already have numerous highly
qualified pediatric specialists
working closely with us. They
specialize in:
• Audiology
With its 25 new inpatient beds and 12 new observation beds all in private rooms specifically
designed for families, the new hospital offers needed increased capacity.
• Anesthesiology
• Cardiology
The pediatric subspecialty shortage is not only inconvenient for families. It may also
negatively impact a child’s ability to receive timely care. “The prevailing benchmark in
children’s hospitals for wait times to schedule appointments is two weeks,” according to
NACHRI. “However, for certain pediatric subspecialties experiencing physician
shortages, the wait time far exceeds this standard.” Children can wait up to 10 weeks for
an appointment with specialists such as endocrinologists and gastroenterologists. Even
children in Raleigh and the rest of the Triangle face some of these barriers to care.
• Dentistry
• Diabetes & Endocrinology
• Emergency Medicine
• ENT/Otolaryngology
• Gastroenterology
• General Pediatrics
• Hospital Medicine
& Intensive Care
The Local Perspective
• Infectious Disease
The growth in WakeMed Children’s patient volumes and referrals is a direct reflection
• Neurology
of our growing area’s needs. As Wake surpasses Mecklenburg as North Carolina’s most
• Orthopaedics
populated county, more families are coming to WakeMed for pediatric services in
• Outpatient Rehabilitation
general and for pediatric subspecialty care in particular.
• Psychology
• Radiology
Children’s Referrals
• Surgery
Pediatric subspecialty referrals to WakeMed Children’s grew by 30 percent in just the
• Urology
past year. WakeMed Children’s is second only to the WakeMed Heart Center for
referrals from physicians throughout the region.
October – April
Children’s Case Volume
Children’s Diabetes & Endocrinology
Last year WakeMed’s pediatric case volumes surpassed all other hospitals in
North Carolina.
Type 2 diabetes among U.S. children is reaching epidemic
proportions, and Wake County is feeling the effects. When
endocrinologist Bill Lagarde, MD, director (WakeMed Faculty
Physicians - Children’s Diabetes & Endocrinology) came to
WakeMed and Wake County in 2007, his patient visits averaged
91 per month. Today, that monthly average has soared to 300.
“We are currently recruiting additional pediatric specialists,
says Dr. Piehl. “But, in order to attract the best of the best, we
need to offer the best facilities, the best equipment, the best
technology and the best support staff.”
Pediatric specialists and subspecialists receive lower salaries
than their adult counterparts. Reimbursement for their
services is also lower. What attracts a pediatric provider to an
area is:
Children’s Subspecialty Care Growth
The words “If you build it, they will come” ring true particularly
when looking at the growth in pediatric subspecialty case
• a dynamic market where they have the opportunity to hone
their skills
• a state-of-the-art facility run by an administration that is
volumes and the opening of WakeMed Children’s Hospital.
receptive to their needs
While WakeMed has been successful in attracting more
To continue to attract the best pediatric specialists and
pediatric subspecialists to Wake County, WakeMed statistics
subspecialists to our area, we must continue to keep our facility
clearly reveal that our work is not complete. Once a pediatric
up to date. We must provide the right technology to meet the
subspecialist joins WakeMed, his/her caseload is almost
needs of pediatric providers and their patients. We must
immediately full, signaling an even greater need for pediatric
constantly look at what services area children need and what
subspecialists than we imagined. Here are several examples:
we can do to help.
Pediatric Surgery
With the addition of WakeMed Children’s Surgeon-in-Chief
Duncan Phillips, MD, and the growing reputation of WakeMed
Children’s as a center of excellence for pediatric surgical care,
more children are coming to WakeMed for procedures.
• Dr. Phillips’ surgical case volume has increased from 690 in
2009 to 900 in 2010 – double the surgical case volume
average among U.S. pediatric surgeons.
These are the reasons why the WakeMed Foundation Just For
Kids Kampaign and the community’s ongoing support is so
critical to area children. WakeMed Children’s needs the
Foundation and our entire community to help ensure current
and future generations have access to the right health care
experts, technology and facilities close to home. Doing this
isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon, and one that is critically
important to run.
• Pediatric surgeries now account for 20 percent of total
surgeries performed at the WakeMed Raleigh Campus.
Our play room is fully equipped with toys, games and videos.
We also have a similarly appointed room for teens.
winter 11
New tower has a lot of heart
s WakeMed’s reputation as a leading
Heart & Vascular Services provider
continues to grow, so does our need to
expand to meet the needs of the
increasing volume of patients who come
to us for expert cardiovascular care.
To meet that growing demand, WakeMed Heart & Vascular
recently expanded its footprint with the addition of the new E
tower on the Raleigh Campus. Floors two and three of the
tower are strategically designed to
accommodate additional heart and
vascular patients and the advanced
technology and care they require.
The floors boast wide hallways
and very spacious rooms organized
into three zones – one for patients,
one for caregivers and one for
family and loved ones. Each room
has the exact same configuration
Each floor is thoughtfully appointed with comfortable furnishings
and organic elements in keeping with our focus on creating a
healing, restful environment for patients and family members alike.
to further enhance patient safety.
Floor two holds 20 intensive
care beds specifically for Heart & Vascular patients. Additional
space to accommodate more beds is available for future
expansion. Each room is 60 percent larger than the current
intensive care rooms in the main hospital. The beds are
located in the middle of each room and are equipped with
latitude arms that contain all the mechanisms and utilities
necessary for patient care.
Built on the same easy access concept, the nursing
stations are strategically situated so that nurses have a direct
view of patients at all times. The stations are equipped with
the most advanced technology, monitors and supplies so
nurses have what they need right at their fingertips to deliver
outstanding care.
Floor three houses 41 intermediate care beds for Heart &
Vascular patients. Each room is private and is equipped with
its own restroom and shower.
As the busiest heart program in North Carolina, the
WakeMed Heart Center treats more heart patients than
any other hospital in the state. Our outstanding staff of
cardiologists, surgeons, nurses and other specialists use
the latest technology and techniques to perform more
than 28,000 procedures a year.
Thank You to Our Foundation Supporters
We are grateful to our supporters – individuals, businesses and organizations – for their interest and investment in WakeMed
Health & Hospitals and in the WakeMed Foundation. It is the support of our donors that provides the Foundation with its ability
to help enhance the overall health and quality of life for the people in our communities. Thanks to the generosity of each donor,
our patients receive an unparalleled level of care. All individual and organizational contributions to the Foundation go directly to
the continuation and improvement of health care services. Every effort has been made to recognize all donors; however, if
someone has been overlooked, please notify the Foundation office.
Gifts received during calendar year 2010 (1/1/2010 – 12/31/2010). For a complete listing of Campaign 2011 supporters, visit
BBH Design, PA
Dr. & Mrs. William K. Atkinson II
Mary Mac and Tom Bradshaw
Dr. James W. Britt
Capital Urological Associates, P.A.
Capitol Broadcasting Company
Carolina Cardiovascular
Surgical Associates
Carolina Gastroenterology, PA
Timothy Carroll and Magee McKechnie
Cary Cardiology, PA
Cary Oil Foundation
Janet & Wes Chesson
Cii Associates, Inc.
Curtis Media Group
Dr. Carrie A. Dow-Smith
Dr. Laurie L. Dunn and
Mr. Crawford Crenshaw
Fairway Outdoor Advertising
First Citizens Bank
Sheldon and Debbie Fox
Karen Freeman and Robin Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Pazhayidathe K. George
Drs. Mark L. Graham II and
Laneta Dorflinger
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hayman
Dr. James R. Hedgepeth
Dr. Robert C. Helms
Dr. and Mrs. R. Merrill Hunter
Jeffers, Mann and Artman Pediatrics
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jobe
John Rex Endowment
John Rex Foundation
Kids ’N Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Knier
Dr. and Mrs. Dhruva Kumar
L. G. Jordan Oil Co., Inc.
Dr. William H. Lagarde
Dr. & Mrs. Murthy Manne, MD
Bill and Faye McNeal
Fielding and Kim Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Noël
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Poole
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Presson, Jr.
Raleigh Children and
Adolescents Medicine
Red Hat Inc.
Bobby and Karen Rice
Dr. Mary-Cassie Shaw and
Mr. Charles W. Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simson
Southern Piping Company
Surtronics, Inc.
winter 11
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Sutton
Matthew & Kyle Szulik
Drs. Lori A. and Anthony J. Tackman
TeleHealth Services
Triangle Children's
Gastroenterology Center, PLLC
Drs. Aimee R. Andrews and
James M. Troutman
Dr. & Mrs. P.K. Vyas
Wake Endoscopy Center
Wake Radiology Consultants, PA
Dr. Katherine S. and Mr. Boyce White
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Young
Corporate Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor
Absolute Collection Service, Inc.
Craig Jackson & Partners
Advertising, Inc.
General Parts, Inc.
Helton Foundation
Gold Sponsor
Riley Contracting Group, Inc.
Silver Sponsor
BBH Design, PLLC
Highwoods Properties, Inc.
Progress Energy
Wachovia Bank, NA
Bronze Sponsor
Bank of America
Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC
First Citizens Bank
Four Oaks Bank
The Mang Group
Poyner Spruill, LLP
Smith Moore Leatherwood, LLP
SunTrust Bank
TCG Graphics
Yates, McLamb & Weyher, LLP
Corporate Patron Sponsor
Aggio Medical
Beacon Prosthetics & Orthotics
Capitol Broadcasting Company
CaptiveAire, Inc.
Cranfill Sumner & Hartzog, LLP
Epstein, Becker & Green, PC
Harris Wholesale, Inc.
KDI Capital Partners
Kilpatrick Stockton, LLP
Medical Mutual Insurance
Company of NC
Noel Group, LLC
North State Bank
Paragon Commercial Bank
Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein, LLP
Regions Bank
Towers Watson
Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC
Your Local Dignity Providers
Apex Funeral Home
Brown-Wynne Funeral Homes
and Crematory
Mitchell Funeral Home at Raleigh
Memorial Park
Raleigh Memorial Park and
Society Member Sponsor
All American Relocation, Inc.
Bell Family Foundation
Bev’s Fine Art, Inc.
Burt’s Bees
Capstone Bank
Centurion Construction Company Inc.
Freedom Federal Credit Union
Gregory Poole Equipment Company
Grubb Ventures, LLC
Hunton & Williams, LLP
Johnson Lexus of Raleigh
LarsonAllen, LLP
Michael Jordan Nissan
Mid-Atlantic Infrastructure
Newcomb and Company
Red Hat Inc.
Smith, Anderson, Blount, Dorsett,
Mitchell & Jernigan LLP
Starr Electric Company, Inc.
State Street Global Advisors
T.A. Loving Company
Wake Stone Corporation
Waste Industries USA, Inc.
Williams Realty & Building Company
Physician Practices
Platinum Society Member
American Anesthesiology
of North Carolina
Francis J. Abdou, MD
Robert S. Alphin, MD
William R. Bolding, MD
F. Gregory Brusino, MD
James B. Collawn, MD
William B. Corkey, MD
William D. Crocker, MD
Earl H. Crumpler, Jr., MD
Walter E. Daniel III, MD
Russell P. A. Ford, MD
Edgar C. Garrabrant III, MD
Justin B. Hauser, MD
Brendan L. Howes, MD
Bruce H. Janson, MD
Michael C. Lish, MD
Andrew G. Lutz, MD
Robert N. Marshall III, MD
Bryan A. Max, MD
Karen V. Meyers, MD
Michael J. Neville, MD
Deborah Q. Pellegrini, MD
Ralph S. Ramos, MD
Jeremy K. Reading, MD
Robert E. Seymour III, MD
Elee E. Stewart, MD
Kassell E. Sykes, Jr., MD
Scott J. Tyrey, MD
Reed M. VanMatre, MD
Paul R. Woodard, MD
Jeffers, Mann & Artman Pediatric
and Adolescent Medicine, P.A.
The Physicians at Jeffers, Mann &
Artman Pediatric and Adolescent
Medicine, P.A.
Wake Radiology Consultants, PA
Robert A. Cerwin, MD
Robert E. Schaaf, MD
Richard J. Max, MD
Bryan M. Peters, MD
Charles V. Pope, MD
Alan B. Fein, MD
David Ling, MD
Claire M. Poyet, MD
William T. Djang, MD
Holly J. Burge, MD
John Sierra, MD
Michael L. Ross, MD
Andrew C. Wu, MD
William G. Way, MD
Dennis M. O’Donnell, MD
Karen A. Coates, MD
J. Mark Spargo, MD
Susan L. Kennedy, MD
Joseph W. Melamed, MD
G. Glenn Coates, MD
Elizabeth A. Rush, MD
John Matzko, MD
Kerry E. Chandler, MD
Carroll C. Overton, MD
William J. Vanarthos, MD
Lyndon K. Jordan III, MD
Joseph B. Cornett, MD
Philip C. Pretter, MD
M. Rans Douglas, MD
Margaret R. Douglas, MD
Imre Gaal, Jr., MD
Randy D. Secrist, MD
Thomas L. Presson, Jr., MD
Philip R. Saba, MD
Steven R. Mills, MD
R. David Mintz, MD
Michael D. Kwong, MD
Melissa C. Lipton, MD
Louis F. Posillico, MD
Duncan P. Rougier-Chapman, MD
Paul A. Haugan, MD
Carmelo Gullotto, MD
Richard E. Bird, MD
Russell C. Wilson, MD
Eithne T. Burke, MD
Susan M. Weeks, MD
Peter L. Leuchtmann, MD
Nikunj P. Wasudev, MD
Mark D. Marchand, MD
David I. Schulz, MD
Catherine B. Lerner, MD
Laura T. Meyer, MD
Brent A. Townsend, MD
Jared B. Bowns, MD
Sendhil K. Cheran, MD
Danielle L. Wellman, MD
Wake Radiology Oncology
Services, PLLC
Andrew S. Kennedy, MD
Scott L. Sailer, MD
Gold Society Member
Raleigh Pathology
Laboratory Associates
Dana D. Copeland, MD, PhD (retired)
D. Emerson Scarborough, Jr., MD
Cheryl A. Szpak, MD
Shrin Rajagopalan, MD, PhD
Michael H. Weinstein, MD, PhD
Matthew J. Snyder, MD
Matthew R. Plymyer, MD
Michael A. Huening, MD, PhD
Christine N. Sillings, MD
E. Grover Smith, PhD
Wake Emergency Physicians, PA
Aimee R. Andrews, MD
Michael A. Beasley, DO
Gay M. Benevides, MD
Jill L. Benson, MD
Brendan C. Berry, MD
Seth J. Bleier, MD
Terrence D. Brayboy, MD
Richard C. Butler, MD
Jose Cabanas, MD
Gregory J. Cannon, MD
Jerfi D. Cicin, DO
Jeffrey J. Cook, MD
Toni M. Czito, MD
Valerie J. De Maio, MD
David A. Dubow, MD
Olly C. Duckett, MD
Scott N. Fairbrother, MD
Craig R. Frater, MD
Benjamin T. German, MD
Amy W. Griffin, MD
Robert Hagan, Jr., DO
Penny J. Hamilton, MD
Jonathan N. Ho, MD
Stephanie Hughes, MD
H. Clarke Ibrahim, DO
Christopher Johnson, MD
Philip B. Johnson, MD
Gautam Khandelwal, MD
Anita J. L’Italien, MD
Craig T. Lauder, DO
David L. Leader, Jr., DO
Shiley Lechner, MD
Allison Levi, MD
Heather Lewis, MD
Miha S. Lucas, MD
Jonathan Malin, MD
Craig A. Mangum, MD
Courtney L. H. Mann, MD
Erik A. Manring, MD
Joy C. Martin, MD
Dana Mathew, MD
Jonas J. McAlarney, MD
Rodney L. McCaskill, MD
Cary C. McDonald, MD
James A. McShane, MD
J. Mitchell Merritt, MD
Donna Moro-Sutherland, MD
Alison Murphy, MD
J. Brent Myers, MD
Herbert L. Myles, Jr., MD
Branson H. Page, MD
James F. Palombaro, MD
Robert S. Park, MD
Swapnesh M. Patel, MD
Eduardo A. Piqueras, MD
Sanjay Premakumar, MD
Jennifer L. Raley, MD
David H. Rosenbaum, MD
Mary K. Rupp, MD
Samy R. Saad, MD
Kimberly R. Singletary, MD
Graham E. Snyder, MD
R. Mark Steffens, MD
Geeta Subramaniam, MD
Paul J. Swiersz, MD
Douglas R. Trocinski, MD
Carrie H. Vice, MD
Michael J. Utecht, MD
Joseph G. Wiater, MD
Matthew M. Young, MD
Justin Zanone, MD
Silver Society Member
Carolina Rehabilitation &
Surgical Associates, PA
Catherine A. Duncan, DO
James S. Fulghum III, MD
Christopher J. Godbout, MD
Michael D. Gwinn, MD
Wing K. Ng, MD
Patrick J. O’Brien, MD
Mark Reznik, MD
Bronze Society Member
Cary Cardiology, PA
Priyavadan M. Shah, MD
Dhiren N. Shah, MD
Rama G. Garimella, MD
Pratik V. Desai, MD
Sunil J. Desai, MD
Joshua C. Macomber, MD
Pavlo Netrebko, MD
Raleigh Children and
Adolescents Medicine, PC
Marjorie B. Carr, MD
Leigh S. Lehan, MD
Thomas J. Sena, MD
James Todd Harris, MD
Richard R. Gessner, MD
Ben M. Meares, Jr., MD
Jamila Forte Fletcher, MD
Rasheeda T. Monroe, MD
Sarah E. H. Owrey, MD
Harrison G. Tuttle, MD
Bradley K. Vaughn, MD
Neil C. Vining, MD
Scott M. Wein, MD
Robert T. Wyker, MD
Patron Society Member
Capitol Pediatric and
Adolescent Center
E. Ruffin Franklin, MD
Benny Jawaid, MD
Steven Kubicki, MD
Miriam Medero-Eng, MD
Shilpa Rajagopal, MD
Jeffrey Ryan, MD
Laura Steinberg, MD
Wendy Taylor Book, MD
Carolina Cardiovascular
Surgical Associates, PA
Wm. Charles Helton, MD
R. Merrill Hunter, MD
William A. Killinger, Jr., MD
Lance E. Landvater, MD
Robert B. Peyton, MD
David L. Robaczewski, MD
Center for Digestive Diseases and
Cary Endoscopy Center, PC
H. Paul Singh, MD
Rajendraprasad V. Makam, MD
Darren Wohl, MD
Growing Child Pediatrics
James M. Poole MD, Owner
Sarah Adkins, MD
Michelle Bae, NP
Kelly Bradley, NP
Frederick Burroughs, MD
Kristen Camplin, NP
Kelly Carney, MD
Leslie Clapp, MD
Linda Collazo, MD
Kathleen Flynn, MD
Jennifer Foster, NP
Dirk Hamp, MD
Stacy Herbert, NP
Soma Johnkutty, MD
Mandy Johnson, NP
Michael Knudsen, MD
Edie Kocis, MD
Virginia McLean, NP
Megan Miller, NP
Colleen Parrish, NP
Katherine Peppers, NP
Jeff Perrin, MD
Robert Poole, MD
Meredith Ross, NP
Carolee Rule, MD
Dori Thomas, MD
Nina Verdino, MD
Joanne Wagner, MD
Leah Weeks, NP
Sharmell Wilson, MD
Robin Zenick, MD
Kamm McKenzie OB/GYN
Raleigh Orthopaedic Clinic, PA
Daniel J. Albright, MD
Wallace F. Andrew, Jr., MD
Joseph U. Barker, MD
Matthew T. Boes, MD
David W. Boone, MD
G. Hadley Callaway, MD
John B. Chiavetta, MD
William M. Isbell, MD
Jeffrey K. Kobs, MD
Carroll D. Kratzer, DPM
Kevin J. Logel, MD
Keith P. Mankin, MD
Mark R. Mikles, MD
Leonard D. Nelson, Jr., MD
Dwayne E. Patterson, MD
Cara B. Siegel, MD
Lyman S. W. Smith, MD
Society Member Sponsor
Wake Endoscopy Center, LLC
Michael P. Battaglino, MD
Subash C. Gumber, MD, PhD
Indira M. Reddy, MD
Neeraj Sachdeva, MD
Christopher John Schwarz, MD, PhD
Ronald Paul Schwarz, MD
Wake Orthodontics &
Pediatric Dentistry
C. Randall Macon, DDS
F. McGowan Collie, DDS, MS
Stephen C. Pretzer, DDS
Erin L. McCutchen, DDS
David J. Kornstein, DDS
Brooke W. Schrader, DMD
Walter B. Parrish, Jr., DDS, MS
Burton A. Horwitz, DDS, MSD
Individual Supporters
Silver Society Member
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Ron E. Doggett
Bronze Society Member
Dr. and Mrs. William K. Atkinson II
Jack and Martha Biggio
Brenda and Ron Gibson
Ms. Kathleen K. Gormley
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Knaup
Tom and Deb Laughery
Jay and Jenny Loftin
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Martin
Ms. Judith F. O’Neal
Mr. W. Stan Taylor
Patron Society Member
Emily and Bill Andrews
Blanche and Zack Bacon
Timothy Carroll and Magee McKechnie
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Friberg
Eileen and Mike Hendren
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Jessen
Eve and Roddy Jones
Dr. Meera Kelley
Mr. G. R. Ketchum
Jean and Ben Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McConnell
Ms. Claire L. Moritz and
Mr. Daniel D. Addison
Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Gary H. Pendleton
Mr. Jack Radford
Tom and Joyce Sanders
Drs. Robert E. and Diane G. Schaaf
Ms. Georgia A. Sumiel
Society Member
Amanda Adey
Emmett and Anna Aldredge
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Alexander, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey E. Alley
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace F. Andrew, Jr.
Ms. Rebecca E. Andrews
Robert and Kristen Ange
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. E. Denton Arledge
Ralph and Daphne Ashworth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. W. Earl Bardin
Mr. and Mrs. Audie P. Barefoot, Jr.
Valerie Barlow
Dr. Karen E. Bass and
Mr. Bryan Singletary
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Batchelor
Teresa and Doug Batten
David and Elizabeth Beam
Ann Bené
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Betts
Dr. and Mrs. David Bird
Ms. Amy C. Blackwell
Harriett and Bo Bobbitt
Mary Mac and Tom Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
W. Bradshaw III
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Brunswick
Dr. Timothy P. Bukowski
Holly Burge and Steven Stafford
Tom and Lynn Burton
Stephanie and Jerry Bynum
Mark and Dawn Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Cavender
Dr. Karen and Mr. Daniel Chilton
Tony Chrissman
Dr. and Mrs. Michael I. Cinoman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O. Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Condrey
Dr. Dana D. Copeland and Mrs.
Martha A. Webb
Mrs. Carmen Cortright
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Coulter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Darden
Dave and Mary Davenport
Bill and Helen Dawkins
Lauren M. Delahunty
Ms. Heather Denny
Margaret Deutsch, MD and
Edward Aul, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. DeVaughn
Dr. Carrie A. Dow-Smith
Gary and Barbara Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Paul
Drs. Bill and Sharon Foster
Sheldon and Debbie Fox
Dr. and Mrs. E. Ruffin Franklin, Jr.
Jay Gaertner and PJ HamiltonGaertner MD
Drs. Margueritte Gilkey and
Thaddeus L. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Gray
Mr. R. Michael Gray
Sallie and Gordon Grubb
Michael G. Gulley
winter 11
Mr. William B. Gwyn, Jr.
Mr. Christopher R. Hammond
Janis Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hayman
Bob Heater
Dr. Victoria M. Herriott
Pandora and Mitchell Holloway
Lauren and Jim Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. N. Page Hornaday, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Howard
Dr. and Mrs. R. Merrill Hunter
Amy and Brian Hutchinson
John S. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. Johnson
Roylyn C. Johnson
Angela B. Jones
Larry and Candy Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Jung
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Kalmer
Dr. J. Keith and Mrs.
Katherine O. Keener
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Kennedy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Koenigshofer
M. Cristina Krasny
Benny and Debbe Langdon
Dr. Stephen Leinenweber and Ms.
Sonia M. Guarda
Mr. Patrick K. Lindsey, CPA
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Martin
William and Susan McBride
Vivian McCoy
Barbara and Tom McGuire
Sharon A. McNamara
Bill and Faye McNeal
Mr. Wallace H. Mitchell
Harvey and Texanna Montague
Sharon M. Murphy
Ms. Frances K. O'Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Oxholm
Randy and Pam Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Patterson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James V. Perciaccante
Dr. and Mrs. John E. R. Perry III
Dr. J. Duncan and
Mrs. Curlee Phillips
Dr. Mark and Meggan Piehl
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Pinna
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Pittman, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Pittman III
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory Poole, Jr.
Mrs. Hilda Pinnix-Ragland and Mr.
Alvin G. Ragland
Dr. and Mrs. Shrin Rajagopalan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ramseur, Jr.
Robert and Maryanne Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. Rory P. Read
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Reynolds III
Ms. Billie Redmond and
Mr. Kemp Harris
Elizabeth Rice
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Rigsbee
Mr. Kyle G. Rose
Skip and Brenda Roy
Elizabeth Rudisill
John and Mary Nash Rusher
Alton and Linda Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Sandreuter
Dr. Carol and Nevis Santos
Lee Ann Scott
Cece & Peter Scott
Dr. and Mrs. Priyavadan M. Shah
Dr. Mary-Cassie Shaw and Mr.
Charles W. Cleary
Drs. Kulbir K. Sidhu and Istvan S.
Mr. and Mrs. Dana E. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. G. Milton Small III
Melba and Ray Sparrow
Patrick and Mary Paula Zaytoun
Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephenson, Jr.
Ms. Harriet M. Stephenson
Carla J. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Thomas
Mr. George T. Turner
Ms. Renee Ure
Marcy and Larry van Schagen
Clint and Luisa VanRoekel
Mr. Ray D. Vaughn
Val Watson
Dr. Susan T. and
Mr. Robert B. Weaver
Dr. Cynthia L. Wells
Mary Ann Wilcox and Steve Bock
Blount and Dargan Williams
Ed and Carol Willingham
Kim Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winchester
Mr. Charles M. Winston, Jr.
Dr. Elizabeth Witman and Mr.
William Witman
Ed and Betty Woodard
Martha and Peyton Woodson
Kathy Wray
Mrs. Carol B. Yochem
Mr. and Mrs. G. Smedes York
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Young
Karen Zelden
Mrs. Joanne P. Zick
Supporting Associations
Kisco Senior Living
Koka Booth Amphitheatre
at Regency Park
Maquet, Inc.
Models for Charity
Ravenscroft School
Saks Fifth Avenue
The Volunteers at WakeMed Cary
The Volunteers at WakeMed Raleigh
Victory 500 Marketing, LLC
Wake County New Vehicle Dealers
Association Inc.
Wolfpack Club
Carolina Gastroenterology, PA
Code Electric
Duke Energy
Dr. and Mrs. Pazhayidathe K. George
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad W. Grossmann
Dr. and Mrs. Hubert B. Haywood III
Henry Wurst, Inc.
Juba Aluminum Products Co., Inc.
Mrs. Viswashanti Kadiyala
Ms. Linda J. Leith
McConnell Golf, LLC
Ms. Regina McLaurin
Mrs. Hilda Pinnix-Ragland and Mr.
Alvin G. Ragland
Mr. and Mrs. W. Trent Ragland, Jr.
Safe Kids Coalition
TeleTracking Technologies, Inc.
Triangle Professional Sports LLC
W. G. Alexander & Associates, PLLC
Alphagraphics #398
Brown Brothers Plumbing
& Heating Co., Inc.
Ms. Sarah L. Caviness
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Decker, Jr.
East Coast Fire Protection Inc
EME Industrial Services, LLC
Engineering Specialties Co. Inc.
Faulconer Construction Co., Inc.
Gouras Walls & Ceilings
Heartland Home Health & Hospice
Dr. Robert C. Helms
Mr. Claude Hosch
Dr. William H. Lagarde
Legacy Healthcare Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Tucker Mann
Ms. Liz Mark and Mr. Barry Peterson
Mr. William K. Normann
North Carolina Community
Ms. Judith M. Orser
Mr. and Mrs. J. Micah Pate III
Professional Builders Supply, LLC
Reedy Branch Farms
Leslie and John Silverstein
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamilton Sloan
Southern Piping Company
Stanley Dentistry
Storr Office Environments
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Summerlin
T.A. Cook Consultants, Inc.
T.R. Vernal Paving, Inc.
Anthony J. Tackman, MD
Triangle Children's
Gastroenterology Center, PLLC
WakeMed Raleigh Campus
Medical Staff
Bill & Linda Walker
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Way, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wright
Mr. Charlie Abbott
Mrs. Mary S. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Adler
Advantage Fire
Adventure Landing
Mr. Ahmet A. Akkas
Ms. Mary Lida Alexander
Stephanie S. Allen
Mrs. Tracy Allen
Ms. Brenda G. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Anderson
Dr. Donna G. Anderson
Andruss, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Anthony
Mr. Robert Armistead
Mr. Drew P. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Atkins
Ms. Janice E. Aton
Ms. Simonette Attiogbe
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Austin, Jr.
Autobell Car Wash
Mr. Joseph G. Aycock
Backyard Bistro
Mr. Francis C. Bagbey
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Baker
Suzanne M. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Barbour
Ms. Sylvia Barbour
Barham's Plumbing Service Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Barnes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baron
Ms. Kathleen Barraza
Mr. Charles L. Barton
Bass Lake Draft House
Mr. Doug Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie R. Bass
Mrs. Glenda O. Bastress
Mr. Bruce J. Battle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Beasley
Ms. Sherry L. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. A. Allen Bednarczyk
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bednarz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bell
Gayle Hansen Bellesheim
Mrs. Jeanette W. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Benthall
Dr. and Mrs. George S. Bergh, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan C. Berry
Elizabeth F. Berry
Mr. Joel N. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Black
Mr. Charles E. Blackstock
Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Blalock
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Blanchard
Ms. Lynetta Blango
Ms. Joanne K. Blase
Mrs. Sabrina B. Bliss
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bodette
Ms. Patricia Bohinc
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Borden
Ms. Paula R. Bost
Boston Scientific Corporation
Srinath Bosula
Ms. Mary A. Boury
Mr. Douglas D. Boyette
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boyette
Ms. Mary M. Bradshaw
Ms. Michelle Brantley
Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Braswell
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bratton
Dr. James W. Britt
Brock Contract Services Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. T. Wayne Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Brown
Mrs. Maria E. Fitzgerald and
Mr. Milo M. Brunick, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence P. Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Buffkin
Leslie R. Bumgarner
Ms. Melissa Burgess
Ms. Martha L. Burrell
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Burton, Jr.
Ms. Donna Busick
Mr. James A. Bustrack
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Claudius L. Byrd
C & S Contracting, Inc.
Ms. Bonnie S. Cagan
Ms. Kathy Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Canfield
Mr. Cornell Cannady
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cantando
Capital Ford Inc.
Capital Urological Associates, P.A.
Carolina Hurricanes
Carolina Mudcats
Carolina Physician Recruitment
Ms. Sandra Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Carroll
Carter Printing & Graphics, Inc.
Reverend and Mrs. George D. Carter
Ms. Lillian Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin O. Carter
Cary Oil Company
Drs. Michael J. and Michele Casey
Mr. and Mrs. William Casey
John and Susan Cashwell
Mrs. Cary Casterline
Ms. Mary Ann Cayton
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Champ
Ms. Pam Chance
Charles H. Wilkinson, Jr. Trust
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Cherny
Mr. William B. Chesanek
Chetola Resort at Blowing Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Childers
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gordon Christian, Jr.
Ms. Debbi Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Clay
CMC South Carolina Steel
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cobb
Michael S. Cole - ColeJenest
& Stone, PA
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Coleman
Ms. Jeanne F. Coleman
Ms. Emily E. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Collins
Mrs. Megan A. Compton
Computer Service Partners
Mr. Andy Cook
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Coppotelli
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Core
Ms. Lisa Coveney
Ms. Laura Cox
Ms. Peggy L. Cox
Ms. Jill Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Ted L. Cramer
Crenshaw Consulting Engineers
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Crooker
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell H. Cross
Ms. Darlene Crumel
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Currie
Custom Brick Company Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Van W. Cuthrell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. D'Alonzo
Mr. John Daly
Miss Freddie L. Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dannelly
Ms. Kimberley A. Daughtry
David Allen Company, Inc.
Davis Landscape Ltd.
Ms. Cecelia Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie H. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Davis
Ms. Patsy P. Davis
Ms. Susan L. Davis
Mr. John F. Deans
Ms. Tina Deleonardis
Mrs. Gina Della Porta
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Deltz, Jr.
Designer Cakes by Jen
Mrs. Jennifer L. Diehl
Mr. Jose N. Dominguez
Ms. Dorothy B. Donohue
Mr. James H. Doughton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doyle
Dr. and Mrs. Julian S. Drew
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Duncan
Ms. Viviane P. Dunham
Dr. Edwin Dunlap, Jr.
Mrs. Jean F. Duren
Mr. and Mrs. Sutton L. Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Edwards
Mr. Chris Edwards
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Edwards
Capt. and Mrs. Lee K. Eggers
El Dorado
Ms. Carol J. Engrahm
Ms. Lynn E. Eschenbacher
Mr. Kenneth G. Evancie
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Everett
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ewing
Mr. Scott Eyers
Ms. Kay S. Fail
Falls Plumbing
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny I. Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Faulkner
Mrs. Lynda M. Federowicz
Dr. Theodore S. Feinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ferguson
Drs. Isabel M. and Robert J. Ferrall
Mr. and Mrs. Jose P. Figueroa
Ms. Abigail Filorimo
Ms. Dwan H. Finch
Mrs. Julie D. Finch
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fleszar
Mr. S. Reid Fogleman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ford
Ms. Annette Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Corey S. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Foust
Mr. Robert G. Fox, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert D. Friesen
Ms. Laura Frushone
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Fryckberg
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond E. Fussell
Ms. Laura Gardner
Mr. James Gartland
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Garver
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Gauley
Mr. Mark C. Gauley
Ms. Holly Gentile
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Giglio
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky G. Gilchrist
Ms. Stacey Gill
Robert & Elizabeth Gillikin
Go Girl Productions
Dr. Brian M. Go and
Ms. Maya K. Zumwalt
Diane L. Godbold
Mr. Randy E. Goins
Mrs. Ellen E. Goldstein
Ms. Katherine Gomez
Mr. Oscar M. Gonzalez
Ms. Mary Alice Goode
Ms. Jennifer A. Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Graniela
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd W. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greczyn
Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Groden
Ms. Irene Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Groves
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Grubbs
Ms. Helen B. Gurganus
Mrs. Mary Jo Gurule
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Haddock
Ms. Harriett N. Haith
Ms. Linda Hales
Mr. John H. Haley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hamlin, Jr.
Mr. Robert J. Hampel
Mr. Matthew Hancox
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Hane
Susan P. Hardee, MLS
Ms. Jacqueline H. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Hartman
Mr. Billy F. Hatcher
Hayes Barton Café & Dessertery
Dr. James R. Hedgepeth
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Heidgerd
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Heinze
Ms. Linda Herman
Mr. Jose F. Hernandez
Mrs. Maria E. Hernandez
Mrs. Lynn M. Hess
Mr. Richard L. Hibbits
Mr. Frank Hielema
Mr. and Mrs. Charles High
Mr. Freddie Hill
Ms. Kirsten Hill
Mrs. Sonia Hines
Ms. Ellen W. Hinton
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Holler
Mr. Curtis R. Holmes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Casper Holroyd, Jr.
Ms. Darlene Holt
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Howland
Ms. Jeannie Hudson
Hungry Howies
Dana & Sid Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Huntington
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Inners
IQ Contracting, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ittner
J. Paul Barbour Trucking
Mr. Craig R. Jackson
Ms. Suzanne Jackson
Ms. Robin Jacobs
Maurice and Lark James
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jankowski
Ms. Julie Jenkins
Ms. Mildred C. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Jennings
JLG Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jobe
Mr. Robert T. Jobe
Mr. Derrick D. Johnson
Mr. G. Kipland Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Johnson
Mr. Samuel H. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Warner R. Johnson
Ms. Daisy A. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Johnston
Jones & Frank
Jones Insurance Agency, Inc.
Ms. Amy Jones
Mr. Fred Jones
Lesley Jones
Just 4 Kids NC
Mr. and Mrs. John Kagan
Mrs. Marjorie L. Kalcinski
Ms. Michelle Keely
Dr. Donna L. Keiran
Ms. Delores C. Keith
Ms. Kathleen M. Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kelley
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Kelley
Ms. Katherine Kendall
Dr. and Mrs. Louis T. Kermon
Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Kielty
Mr. John A. Kight
Ms. Ethel Kilmer
Ms. Pamela Kilpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff King
Mr. and Mrs. Mehrl F. King
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. King
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Kingsbery
Mr. Kevin B. Klotzbach
Knightdale Eye Care P.A.
Mr. Edward A. Koch
Ms. Harriet Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Kost
Ms. Ava G. Krier
Dr. and Mrs. Dhruva Kumar
Ms. Jaime Kylis
Lake Gaston Americamps
Ms. Brenda K. Lancaster
Donna L. Lane, RN
Ms. Kristin Lanham
Mr. Christopher LaPlante
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Larson
Dr. and Mrs. Adeyemi A. Lawal
Mrs. Danielle Lee
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Lee
Dr. Leigh S. and
winter 11
Mr. Timothy P. Lehan
Dr. and Mrs. George S. Leight, MD
Leith Audi
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Leithe
Ms. Sally A. Leitrick
Heather and William Leonard
Mr. Michael Lester
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hardy Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Leland D. Lewis
Lighthouse Beacons
Ms. Maureen Liljenquist
Ms. Denise R. Lippert Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
W. Lockwood, Jr.
Ms. Agnes H. Locus
Mr. Jeff Long
Mrs. Maria M. Lynch
Dr. and Mrs. H. Raymond Madry, Jr.
Ms. Lyn Maness
Mr. Michael Manganillo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Mangum
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mangum
Mr. Jorge Manjarres
Drs. Julia Fielding and
Keith P. Mankin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Manning, Jr.
Marbles Kid's Museum
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Markovich
Mr. David T. Marquina
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward Marslender
Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Massimilla
Dr. John Matzko
Kristin D. McCourtney
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McCoy
Ms. Mavis A. McCrary
Ms. Constance C. McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker R. McDonald
Dr. and Mrs. Bryan A. McGann
Ms. Anne D. McKee
Dr. and Mrs. Sheppard
A. McKenzie III
Mrs. Mimi McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McMichael
McMillan, Pate & Company, L.L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles A. McMurry
Mr. Daniel R. McPhail
Mr. and Mrs. Dougal A. McPhail
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McPhaul
Mr. Francis L. McRackan
Mr. William S. Mears
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Medlin
Mr. William G. Medlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Melzer
Ms. Jennifer R. Merritt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Meynardie
MICA Information Systems, Inc.
Ms. Shelly Micyus
Mr. and Mrs. Pressly M. Millen
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Miller
Mobile Giving Foundation
Modern Service
Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Modrow
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Moody, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Mooney
Dr. Rafael M. Moreschi
Mr. David C. Morgan
Ms. Joanne L. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morisey
Mr. K. N. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Morris
Mrs. Kathleen A. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton D. Moss, Jr.
Mr. Jesse Murphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Murray
Museum of Life and Science
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh D. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nance
Ms. Dawn A. Navarro
NC Chapter of NAPNAP
NC Zoological Park
Mr. and Mrs. Clint H. Neal, Jr.
Neuse Golf Club
Mrs. Ava D. Newsome
Dr. and Mrs. Godofredo T. Ng
Mrs. Carol C. Norris
North State Steel, Inc.
Northwestern Mutual
Financial Network
Ms. Tarra Nowell and
Mr. Mike Madrow
Nutbush Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. O'Connor
Mr. Mark Oday
Ms. Patti O'Donoghue
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ogan
Ms. Patricia T. Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Owens
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Paar
Pam's Farmhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Paniccia
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pappas
PARI Respiratory Equipment, Inc.
Ms. Leanne G. Parke
Ms. Lynda Parker
Ms. Mary Ellen Parker
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Parrish, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pasley
Dr. Dewey H. Pate
Dr. and Mrs. H. Clifton Patterson
Mrs. Cynthia W. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan N. Peed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pendergraph
Ms. Blanche F. Pepi
Mrs. Maureen A. Perlette
Ms. Loren P. Pessolano
Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Peterson
Mr. Claude J. Phelps
Ms. Sandra Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Piechowiak
Ms. Jennifer A. Pinna
Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles C. Pittard
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hampton Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Poe, Jr.
Polar Ice House
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Poole
Mrs. LeeAine K. Powell
Dr. Laura W. Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Prescott
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Presson, Jr.
Ms. Florence A. Prince
Private Care Management, Inc.
Ms. Rebecca A. Procter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Procter
The Puliafico Family
Louis P. Rainey
Raleigh Little Theatre
Mr. Aaron Randall
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ratliff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip O. Redwine, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Reece
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Reif
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Rendleman III
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reynders
Mrs. Blair C. Reynolds
Ms. Tonya Rhodes
Ms. Nancy V. Rhyne
Mrs. Cynthia L. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Riddick, Jr.
Ms. Phyllis Rideout
Ms. Susan A. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Riordan
Roanoke Island Historical
Association, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Roberts
Drs. Lee Ann and John D. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Roberts
Ms. J. Adair Robertson
Ms. Marguerite B. Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Rockwell
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rodgers
Mr. Larry Rosenberg
Mr. Samuel H. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie R. Rouse
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Royall
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Ruth
Mrs. Patricia C. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ryder
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Salva
Ms. Tracy Sanders
Satinsky Consulting, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. D. Emerson
Scarborough, Jr.
Scott & Tammy Scarborough
Schmidt & Catchings Family Practice
Mr. David A. Schmitz
Mr. Perry L. Schneider and
Ms. Sally L. Roggenkamp
School Heart, Inc.
Ms. Elisabeth Schroder
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schuette
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schulte
Ms. Roberta M. Schulte
Schulz Iron Works, Inc.
Mr. Steve Schuster
Mr. Wayne Scott
Service Roofing & Sheet Metal
Company of Raleigh, Inc.
Ms. Stephanie Sessoms
Ms. Barbara Shaw
Mr. J. R. Shearin
Sheraton Capital Center Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Sherlin
Mr. Daniel Sherman
Mr. Steve Shipwash
Ms. Martha A. Silver
Mr. Paul Simson
Mr. and Mrs. Gajendra P. Sirohi
Alton & Katherine Smith
Ms. Christy Smith
Mr. Jerry D. Smith
Ms. Margaret Smith
Pamela M. Smith RN
Ms. Retha Smith
Mr. Spencer Smith
Mr. Walker Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Sneed, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Snyder
Mr. James L. Somerville
South Hills Shopping Center, Inc.
SouthTech Orthopedics
Ms. Linda R. Sparrow
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Spencer
Mrs. Luisa A. Spivey
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Stam
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Stancil
Allen & Connie Stanley
Mr. Gerald Starling
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Stearns
Mr. Michael R. Steele
Patricia Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
L. Stephenson, Jr.
Drs. Tina B. and
Christopher W. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Stotler
Ms. Mary Susan Stragand
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Straub
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Straube
Mr. Jon E. Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strickland
Ms. Sharon K. Strickland
Ms. Hilda C. Stuart
Mr. M. Gray Styers, Jr.
Ms. Mary S. Styres
Mr. and Mrs. William Styres
Sullivan's Steakhouse
Mr. and Mrs. David Summers
Suresteps, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutton
Ms. Frances M. Swagel
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Swanson
Ms. Peggy M. Sykes
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor
Mrs. Jaye B. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus T. Terdik
The Farrell Law Group, P.C.
The North Carolina Symphony
The North Carolina Theatre
Ms. Michelle Thomas
Mr. Richard K. Thomas
Ms. Catherine O. Thompson
Mrs. Gretchen C. Tippett
Ms. Shannon D. Tippette
Dr. Karen A. Todd and
Mr. Frank D. Todd
Mr. Vic Tolomei
Mr. and Mrs. Travis
H. Tomlinson, Jr.
Mr. John Towles
Mr. and Mrs. Emrys Treasure
Triangle Case Work, Inc.
Dr. James M. Troutman
Mrs. Jean B. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Turlington
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Turnbull
Mrs. Beth E. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny M. Turner, Jr.
Mrs. G. Sue Hardison and
Mr. Ken F. Tyndall
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Tysor
Ms. Leigh A. Tysor
Mr. and Mrs. Ozza Tysor
Mr. and Mrs. Alex C. Ugorcak
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Uhlik
Universal American Financial
Services, Inc.
Ms. Crystal Upson
Honorable William A.
Van Nortwick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Vendetti
Mr. Andrew Vessey
Mrs. Danielle L. Vilga
Village Draft House
Ms. Clara S. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Walden
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Walker
Mr. James A. Walker
Ms. Karen Walker
Mrs. Diana Wallace
Alfreda Warren
Ms. Susan E. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Warsaw
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Watkins
WCMS Community Health
Foundation Community Care
Ms. Elizabeth G. Webb
Mr. William Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. James Whitacre
White Memorial Presbyterian Church
Katherine Onderdonk
Mr. and Mrs. Rick White
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. White
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Whitfield
Ms. Heidi Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Williams
Ms. Pat Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Williams
Mr. Waylon A. Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Wilson
Ms. Sarah Winkler
Withers & Ravenel, Inc.
Ms. Zandra W. Wolf
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Womble
Ms. Elaine W. Wood
Ms. Kathy H. Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Woodard
Mrs. Judith T. Woodell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Woody, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Woolard
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Woolner
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wooten, Jr.
Wayne & Lisa Worden
Dr. Lorraine Wright
Mrs. Catherine Wyatt Hudson
Ms. Melanie A. Wyatt
Ms. Ruth C. Wynkoop
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Yeatts
Mrs. Kelly A. Youngblood
Christine Zaineddin, RN
Mr. Paul Zimmer
Zoës Kitchen
Mr. Gregory V. Zwilling
Checks, Cash, Stocks, Bequests,
Life Insurance Policies, Annuities, Trusts
Every donation, large or small, helps make the
difference for thousands of patients who come
to WakeMed Health & Hospitals. To discuss
which contribution option works best for you,
call the WakeMed Foundation office at
(919) 350-7656.
Love Light Ceremony
akeMed’s annual Love Light Ceremony returned last year with the
rededication of the new Love Light Tree, which now stands in the
courtyard on the Raleigh Campus. The ceremony also included the
dedication of the Ronald McDonald House Family Room, now open in the Children’s
“It was truly a special night, not only for WakeMed, but for the families we serve. We
were honored to combine this wonderful WakeMed tradition with the dedication of our
new Ronald McDonald House Family Room, a much-needed
resource for our pediatric families,” explained Gordon Grubb,
chair, WakeMed Foundation Board.
The Love Light tradition started in 1985 with the generosity of
Dr. Bill and Colleen Lee. Dr. and Mrs. Lee dedicated the first Love
Light Tree to the WakeMed Raleigh Campus in memory of their
son, Matthew William Lee (March 5, 1979 – November 26,
1984). Today, this tradition continues throughout the year as
Love Light Tree donations are made in honor or in memory of
someone special.
Each year, WakeMed invites a family, who has been touched by
the care they received at WakeMed, to help dedicate the Love
Light Tree. The Huebner family – John, Nikki and their son
Lauchlin – were our honored guests. In addition to being our
Love Light family, the Ronald McDonald House Family Room was
dedicated in memory of their daughter Chyler.
“We are truly privileged to begin the partnership with WakeMed – serving families of
sick children. It was also an honor to share the evening with the Huebner family,
dedicating the Family Room in memory of their daughter Chyler,” explained Bill
Donovan, executive director, Ronald McDonald House of Durham.
Following the candlelight ceremony, guests moved inside with their families to join
Twinkle, WakeMed Children’s mascot, and Ronald McDonald, for ornament-making,
holiday goodies and pictures with Santa. Guests also enjoyed live music by the Triangle
Youth Philharmonic Association and Triangle Youth Jazz Ensemble.
We would like to thank these organizations and individuals for their generous contributions to
the Ronald McDonald House Family Room: The Volunteers at WakeMed Raleigh Campus, The
(top) Music by The Triangle Youth
Philharmonic set a wonderful tone for
the evening. (middle) John and Nikki
Huebner share the memory of their
daughter Chyler. (bottom) Children
enjoyed Trim the Tree with Twinkle.
winter 11
Volunteers at WakeMed Cary Hospital, Ronald McDonald House Charities of North Carolina,
and the Huebner family for gifts received in memory of their daughter Chyler.
2010 Love Light Tree Donors
Love Light Tree proceeds will go to the WakeMed Foundation Just for Kids Kampaign to help support programs and services at
WakeMed Children’s. Listed below are the donors who supported the 2010 Love Light Tree campaign. Star donors made gifts of at
least $100 in honor or memory of a special person. Light donors made gifts of $25 in honor or in memory of someone special. Thank
you for your generous support!
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morisey
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hamlin, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Paar
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Kelley
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Woodard
Dr. and Mrs. Sheppard
A. McKenzie III
Dr. Donna G. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. D. Emerson
Scarborough, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Hane
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bratton
Mr. and Mrs. Claudius L. Byrd
Ralph & Daphne Ashworth
John and Mary Nash Rusher
Mr. and Mrs. William Casey
Mrs. Mimi McKinney
Mr. Craig R. Jackson
Dr. Brian M. Go and Ms. Maya K.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Szulik
Mr. and Mrs. Pressly M. Millen
Mr. John F. Deans
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward Marslender
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad W. Grossmann
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dannelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Johnston
Ms. Ava G. Krier
Drs. Julia Fielding and
Keith P. Mankin
Honorable William
A. Van Nortwick, Jr.
Louis P. Rainey
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Parrish, Jr.
Dr. Donna L. Keiran
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie R. Bass
Dr. Karen E. Bass and
Mr. Bryan Singletary
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Summerlin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Woolner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Coppotelli
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Howland
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Atkins
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Rice
Ms. Leanne G. Parke
Ms. Phyllis Rideout
Mr. Richard K. Thomas
Maurice and Lark James
Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Holler
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks
Mrs. Danielle Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Bernstein
Tom & Lynn Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Ron E. Doggett
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hayman
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hodges
Dr. Rafael M. Moreschi
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Kelley
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Rendleman III
Dr. and Mrs. Godofredo T. Ng
Drs. Lee Ann and John D. Roberts
Dr. Leigh S. and Mr. Timothy P. Lehan
Dr. Donna G. Anderson
Dr. Laurie L. Dunn and Mr. Crawford
Drs. Isabel M. and Robert J. Ferrall
Holly Burge & Steven Stafford
Claire L. Moritz and
Daniel D. Addison
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Oxholm
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McCoy
Dr. John Matzko
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny I. Farmer
Mrs. Mimi McKinney
Sallie and Gordon Grubb
Mr. and Mrs. Travis H. Tomlinson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Van W. Cuthrell
Diane L. Godbold
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Royall
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Szulik
Ms. Patsy P. Davis
Mr. Jack Radford
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Morris
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Womble
Mr. and Mrs. Pressly M. Millen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie H. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Anderson
Ms. Hilda C. Stuart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Stancil
Mrs. Cynthia W. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. David Fellman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Cherny
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Ted L. Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Greene
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Markovich
Mrs. Marjorie L. Kalcinski
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Adler
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Barbour
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Vendetti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles High
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Canfield
Mrs. Jennifer L. Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Barnes, Jr.
Ms. Loren P. Pessolano
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Mangum
Dr. Laura W. Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nance
Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond E. Fussell
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Straub
Ms. Susan A. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Crooker
Mr. Francis L. McRackan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Lockwood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Warner R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Jennings
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Rockwell
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. R. Tucker Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Kielty
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Wilson
Drs. Michael J. and Michele Casey
Ms. Peggy M. Sykes
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Paniccia
Ms. Joanne K. Blase
Drs. Tina B. and
Christopher W. Stewart
Ms. Simonette Attiogbe
Mr. G. Kipland Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Inners
Allen & Connie Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Straube
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Piechowiak
Mrs. Lynn M. Hess
Susan P. Hardee, MLS
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pasley
Ms. Paula R. Bost
Dr. and Mrs. William K. Atkinson II
Mrs. Maureen A. Perlette
Dana & Sid Hunt
Miss Freddie L. Daniels
Mrs. Beth E. Turner
Ms. Mary Susan Stragand
Patricia Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. John Kagan
Ms. Carol J. Engrahm
Mr. and Mrs. Alex C. Ugorcak
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Groden
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Haddock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pendergraph
Mr. Joel N. Black
Ms. Mavis A. McCrary
Mr. James L. Somerville
Ms. Kay S. Fail
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton D. Moss, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie R. Rouse
Dr. Karen E. Bass and
Mr. Bryan Singletary
Mr. Oscar M. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. King
Barham's Plumbing Service Inc.
Ms. Pamela Kilpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Summerlin
Ms. Patti O'Donoghue
Ms. J. Adair Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bodette
Michael S. Cole - ColeJenest
& Stone, PA
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fleszar
Ms. Mary A. Boury
Mr. Robert J. Hampel
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Prescott
Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Blalock
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bell
Heather and William Leonard
Ms. Dwan H. Finch
Ms. Mary M. Bradshaw
The Puliafico Family
Mr. Vic Tolomei
Kristin D. McCourtney
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky G. Gilchrist
Ms. Lynn E. Eschenbacher
Mrs. LeeAine K. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Manning, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth G. Webb
Dr. Edwin Dunlap, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Procter
Ms. Brenda K. Lancaster
Ms. Suzanne Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reynders
Mr. and Mrs. William Styres
Mrs. Blair C. Reynolds
Mr. Samuel H. Johnson
Mrs. Gina Della Porta
Ms. Jennifer A. Goodwin
Ms. Susan E. Warren
Mr. Gregory V. Zwilling
Mr. Freddie Hill
Mr. Fred Jones
Mr. Jesse Murphrey
Mr. Chris Edwards
Ms. Darlene Holt
Mrs. Cary Casterline
Mrs. Danielle Lee
Ms. Crystal Upson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reid
Mr. Spencer Smith
Srinath Bosula
Mr. Aaron Randall
New Foundation Board Members
The WakeMed Foundation welcomes seven new board members to assist with efforts to advance the mission of the
Foundation through philanthropic initiatives and programs that support WakeMed Health & Hospitals.
Audie P. Barefoot Jr.
R. Michael Gray
A second generation realtor and Triangle native,
Mike Gray is an advisor with CAPTRUST, an
Audie Barefoot is the president and CEO of
investment management and consulting firm
Fonville Morisey & Barefoot Inc. He has been
headquartered in Raleigh with offices in 13 other
honored as Realtor of the Year and has served
markets. Mike is a CPA and former KPMG tax
with numerous professional and civic
partner having relocated to Raleigh with his
organizations, including Raleigh Board of Realtors (past
family in 1994. He has been involved in significant volunteer and
president), NC Association of Realtors, Raleigh MLS, Home
non-profit roles via the boards of The Montessori School of
Builders Association of Raleigh-Wake County, Parade of Homes,
Raleigh, Band Together, Junior Achievement and North Ridge
Raleigh and Cary Chambers of Commerce, Builder Marketing
Country Club. Mike and his wife Susan have two children,
Society (trustee), Urban Land Institute, Wachovia Bank, Triangle
Addison and Roth with the former following her parents to The
Tomorrow and United Way.
University of Kentucky.
Howie J. Jung
Peter M. Scott, III
Howie Jung started a retail hardware business in
Peter Scott retired from Progress Energy in 2008
1976. Today, he and his wife own and operate
where he served as both CFO and president and
two Ace Hardware stores in the Raleigh market.
CEO. Prior to joining Progress Energy, Scott was
He has been an active board member with
the founder and president of Scott, Madden and
several national and regional organizations,
Associates, a general management consulting
including the national Ace Hardware Corporation and the
firm headquartered in Raleigh. He was also a former partner and
Research Triangle Park Chapter of the National Association of
principal in the Atlanta office of the Los Angeles based Theodore
Corporate Directors. He currently serves as board chair of
Barry and Associates. Scott serves on the board of NYSE listed
Paragon Commercial Bank.
Cleco Corporation and the board of governors of RTI
International. He is a member of the Kenan-Flagler School of
Kyle G. Rose
Kyle Rose is a former vice president and regional
Business board of visitors, and member of the St. Mary’s School
board of trustees.
general manager for Fidelity Investments in
North Carolina. He brings a wealth of insights in
Richard (Rick) B. Guirlinger
both foreign and domestic facility development
Richard Guirlinger has been Vice President of
and expansion as well as workforce
Special Projects for General Parts International,
development, government relations, public policy and
Inc., d/b/a/ CARQUEST Auto Parts,
administrative expertise to the WakeMed Foundation Board.
WORLDPAC, Inc., and other subsidiaries since
1988. He is a member of the Michigan
Kristin Gatchel Replogle
Kristin Replogle is a former Senior Speech-
Examination in 1977. Mr. Guirlinger lends his expertise to
Language Pathologist at The Massachusetts
various community boards and committees, some of which
General Hospital. Kristin serves on the NC State
include the Triangle Community Foundation, the Raleigh
University Institute for Nonprofits Advisory
Chamber of Commerce, Wake County Schools and St. Michael’s
Board and on the boards of SAFEchild and the
Episcopal Church. He is married to Annette and has two grown
Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines. She previously served
the boards of Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities and NC
CARES. She is a sustaining member of the Junior League of
Raleigh. Kristin and her husband, John, have four daughters.
Association of CPAs and received his CPA Certificate of
winter 11
WakeMed Foundation
S O C I E T Y O F 1 96 1
ore than 500 friends of the WakeMed
Foundation visited North Ridge Country
Club in November as they welcomed
award-winning documentary filmmaker Ken Burns
during the Society of 1961 Appreciation Gala.
Guests were captivated by Burns as he delivered
a passionate speech, A Treasure House of Nature’s
Superlatives as he reflected on his PBS broadcast,
The National Parks: America's Best Idea. Burns has been
making films for more than 30 years and has directed
and produced some of the most acclaimed historical
documentaries ever made.
Gordon Grubb, chair of the WakeMed Foundation
Board, thanked everyone for their generosity which
helped raise $8.5 million to open the new WakeMed
Children’s Hospital, the first and only for Wake
County. He also encouraged support for the next phase
of the Just for Kids Kampaign – an $8.3 million
initiative to expand and renovate WakeMed’s Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit.
The WakeMed Foundation Society of 1961 was
established to recognize donors who contribute at the
Society Level - $1,350 or above – on an annual basis. It
is named in honor of WakeMed’s founding year, 1961.
Shrin Rajagopalan, MD,
Foundation Board, and
his wife Anne visit with
Ken Burns.
Above: Daphne
and Ralph
prepare for
(l to r) Edward Aul
and Maggie
Deutsch, MD visit
with Bill Foster,
MD and Sharon
Foster, MD.
Above: Tom
WakeMed chief
operating officer,
and wife Debbie;
Left: Dan
Koenigshofer and
wife Diane catch
up with Rich
Bille Redmond, chair, WakeMed Board of Directors,
and husband Kemp Harris enjoy the evening.
winter 11
Tom Oxholm,
Foundation Board
and WakeMed
Board of
Directors, and
wife Becky visit
with Jeanette and
Ron Doggett,
Campaign Cabinet
co-chair and
WakeMed Board
of Directors.
Joey Adcock visits with Jim
Holmes, WakeMed Foundation
Board, and Heather Denny.
Sue and Doug Balog enjoy the evening.
Jack Nichols,
Board of
and wife
Carol Spruill.
Rans Douglas, MD and wife Margaret Douglas,
MD, visit with Cynthia Gregg, MD and Joseph
Cornett, MD.
Dr. Bill Atkinson, WakeMed president & CEO,
and wife Allison meet Ken Burns.
Stan Taylor visits with Etta
Kimbrell and Daniel Addison.
P.M. Shah, MD and
wife Hirsha pictured
with Ken Burns.
Cary Volunteers
Galloway, Beth
Turner and
Regina Brest
visit before
Gordon Grubb, chair, WakeMed
Foundation Board, and his wife
Sallie take a break from the crowd.
Moving Ahead
ur efforts to enhance Children’s Services continue as the Foundation staff
and volunteers set their sights on raising funds for a
much-needed expansion of WakeMed’s Level IV Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit (NICU) – the next phase of the Just For Kids Kampaign.
No other hospital in Wake County houses a Level IV NICU. Level IV is the highest designation a
NICU can achieve and likely the reason so many parents and physicians seek our services.
WakeMed needs to expand the NICU for two reasons:
> Capacity – We have 36 NICU isolettes, but our average daily NICU patient
census is 48. We need more room.
> Technology – Technology is now available that can save more premature
babies’ lives and reduce lifelong complications. Children in our area
deserve every fighting chance we can give them.
We’re taking the lead for children in the Triangle and the region because more parents and
providers seek our neonatal specialization and expertise than any other hospital in North
Carolina, and we need to continue to meet their needs. Even the state recognizes our abilities and
status among providers and has already granted our Certificate of Need for the NICU expansion.
Based on projected costs, our goal is to raise $8.3 million for NICU expansion as soon as
possible. The continued generosity of the community for WakeMed Children’s will determine
our ability to expand the NICU – services and enhancements are part of that expansion.
We hope we can count on your continued support of our mission to ensure bright, healthy
futures for area children. For information about the gift and recognition options available to you,
please call the WakeMed Foundation at 919-350-7656 or visit
winter 11
The latest news from WakeMed
A Message from the President & CEO
William K. Atkinson, PhD, MPH
This year, we have much to be
thankful for, particularly the
outstanding community support we
continue to receive for our Children’s
Hospital. Since opening our doors in
June, our beds have remained full -proof of the significant need we are
meeting for the families we serve.
WakeMed recently completed its
fiscal year in an exceptionally strong position. We cared for
more patients than ever in the history of our organization,
having seen patients from all 100 North Carolina counties and
beyond – with nearly one million patient encounters.
These patients and their providers choose us for everything
from primary and emergency care, to the highest level of
critical care, surgery and physical rehabilitation. WakeMed has
always been an organization where the most difficult cases are
handled with a level of expertise and compassion that
demonstrate the exceptional services we provide to this
community. We have established ourselves as the top provider
in Wake County for trauma, comprehensive disaster
preparedness and response, cardiovascular care, neonatal
intensive care, high risk maternal care, comprehensive
rehabilitation medicine, neuro intensive care and more. This
is our commitment to the communities we are fortunate to
Financially, WakeMed is equally strong and our team
continues to prepare for the changing future of health care. As
a private, not-for-profit organization based in Wake County,
we are here, and our mission remains to serve all the people of
our community. And, we do so without any tax support other
than the limited payments for services we receive from
government-funded Medicare and Medicaid programs. While
WakeMed continues to care for the vast majority of the
uninsured and medically underserved in Wake County, our
organization ended the year with a robust bottom line of more
than $43 million and a 2.26 percent operating margin.
2011 marks the 50th anniversary of our founding. As we
enter the next 50 years, our size, complexity, partnerships
with physicians, and comprehensive scope of critical care
services will serve the community well. But it is you – the
members of our community who have and will continue to
make the biggest difference of all. Together, we have built a
strong, highly valuable asset in WakeMed – one that will have
a significant impact on generations to come.
This year, we will take time to celebrate our successes and
important history, but more importantly, our focus will remain
on our continued strength so WakeMed can continue to serve
the community for the next 50 years. On behalf of the
employees, physicians, volunteers and administration of
WakeMed Health & Hospitals, thank you for your continued
WakeMed Celebrates 50 Years
WakeMed physicians, administrators, employees and
volunteers as well as the community will have opportunities to
participate in WakeMed’s 50th anniversary events throughout
2011. Watch for details, and thank you in advance to all the
Foundation members who
help with historic and other
details as we bring
WakeMed’s past to present
In June, Tom Gettinger joined
WakeMed Health & Hospitals as
Executive Vice President & Chief
Operating Officer. He most recently
served as Executive Vice President for
the Moses Cone Health System and
President of Moses Cone Memorial
Hospital in Greensboro, NC. At
WakeMed, he is responsible for the
planning, financial and operational performance of all health
system facilities.
Physicians, Practices Join WakeMed
WakeMed recently welcomed several additions to its growing
Physician Practices division. They include Wake Specialty
Physicians – City Center Medical Group, WakeMed Faculty
Physicians – Raleigh Cardiology and WakeMed Faculty
Physicians – Carolina Cardiology.
In late November 2010, City Center Medical Group,
downtown Raleigh’s first internal medicine practice, opened
with a single provider – Mary Forbes, MD. Two additional
physicians – Theresa Amerson, MD, and Susan Weaver, MD –
joined in January. Joining the practice on a part-time basis,
Dr. Weaver is also the senior vice president of Medical Affairs
and WakeMed Physician Practices.
Last fall, Raleigh Cardiology joined WakeMed Physician
Practices, and the practice’s providers recently welcomed Jack
Newman, MD, formerly with North Wake Cardiovascular
Center, to their team. WakeMed Physician Practices cardiology
providers will continue to expand with the addition of Carolina
Cardiology and its three offices (Raleigh, North Raleigh and
Garner) in March.
WakeMed to Expand
Presence in Brier Creek
WakeMed purchased 12.5 acres of land in Brier Creek at the
southwest corner of TW Alexander Drive and ACC Boulevard
for our next healthplex facility. Having broken ground, the new
healthplex will include a stand-alone emergency department
with 12 beds, which will be complemented by laboratory and
imaging services. The facility may also include medical office
space. Anticipated to be completed late fall 2011, this facility
will allow us to serve the emergency health care needs of this
growing community.
New Health System Board Members
WakeMed Hospitals – First in NC to
Achieve HF Accreditation
The WakeMed Raleigh Campus and Cary Hospital Heart
Failure programs recently received Society of Chest Pain
Centers national accreditation. They are the first hospitals in
North Carolina to earn this esteemed designation.
WakeMed Has the Only Certified Stroke
Centers in Wake County
After thorough on-site surveys, The Joint Commission has
recertified the WakeMed Raleigh Campus, Cary Hospital, Apex
Healthplex and North Healthplex primary stroke programs.
Wake County’s only nationally certified stroke centers are
located at these WakeMed facilities.
Recognized Quality Leaders in
HF and Stroke Care
The WakeMed Primary Stroke and Heart Failure programs also
earned the American Heart Association’s Get with the
Guidelines™ Silver Performance Achievement Award for
adherence to national best quality-of-care practices. These
practices are proven to positively impact patient outcomes.
National Honor for WakeMed
Mobile Critical Care Services
Congratulations to the WakeMed Mobile Critical Care Services
team for receiving the 2010 Critical Care Ground Award of
Excellence from the Association of Air Medical Services. This
year, the team also celebrates 20 years of service to the region.
Cary Hospital Achieves National
Designation of Excellence
Dick Baker
Robert Cerwin, MD
Lloyd Yates
Joining the WakeMed Health & Hospitals Board of Directors
are Dick Baker, former corporate marketing and sales
executive for IBM; Robert A. Cerwin, MD, radiologist with
Wake Radiology Consultants; and Lloyd Yates, president and
CEO for Progress Energy Carolinas. Baker fills the seat of Jack
Clayton who completed his maximum 10-year term on the
Board. County appointees, Dr. Cerwin has replaced Bill Pinna,
and Yates replaced Paul Coble.
winter 11
WakeMed Cary Hospital is now an American College of
Radiology (ACR) designated Breast Imaging Center of
Excellence. According to the ACR, Cary Hospital offers high
practice standards in image quality, personnel qualifications,
facility equipment, and quality control and assurance.
Medal of Honor for Organ Donation
WakeMed is one of just seven hospitals in North Carolina to
receive silver National Medals of Honor for Organ Donation
from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Only
428 U.S. hospitals received medals for their special dedication
to high-quality care and service.
Help local businesses help us
WakeMed Foundation to launch retail campaign for WakeMed Children’s
We’re partnering with local businesses to raise money for the WakeMed
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit expansion. When you’re out and about, look
for these opportunities to donate at your favorite retail locations:
· Purchase a Twinkle Star
· Round your bill for Change for Children
· Give your spare change in the
Donation Box at registers
· Pay $1 for a Get Well Card for our
pediatric patients
For a list of participating retailers and to
learn how your company can get involved,
visit or call
Produced by the WakeMed Public Relations department. Direct comments to 350-8120 or e-mail [email protected].
Editors: Debra Laughery, vice president, Public Relations, Amy Hutchinson, manager, Public Relations, Becky Scolio, specialist, Public Relations Design: Leesa Brinkley
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