notes - Kist Livestock Auction
notes - Kist Livestock Auction
TERMS & CONDITIONS A photo ID is REQUIRED to get bidding numbers to buy. 1. We strongly urge buyers to thoroughly examine the horses that 11.Theauctioneerwilldeclineanybidmadebypartieswhohave defaulted in former purchase, or by persons who. in his/her interestthem.Theywillhavetobacktheirjudgementwithmoney. judgement,arenotresponsiblebidders.Purchaserswhofailin Allsalesabsoluteandfinal. anyrespectwhatsoevertopayforhorsesshallbedeclaredin default.Anyhorsepurchasedbyadefaultermayberesoldat 2. THERE IS NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED BY THE public or private sale without notice for purchaser’s account. OWNER OF ANY HORSE OR THE CONSIGNOR OF ANY HORSE costsofsuchresaletobebornebydefaulter.Shouldsuchresale AS TO THE SOUNDNESS, CONDITION, MERCHANTABILITY OR failtosatisfythedefaulter’saccountinfulldefaultershallpay FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY HORSE forthwithtotheHermanson-KistHorseSalestheamountowing, OFFERED IN THIS SALE. ALL HORSES ARE SOLD “AS IS” failingwhich,theundersignedmaybringsuitagainstdefaulter. WITH ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEFECTS EXCEPT AS THE PURCHASER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS, EXPRESSLY ANNOUNCED FROM THE AUCTION STAND OR AS INCLUDING ATTORNEY’S FEES, INCURRED BY HERMANSONEXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN. KIST HORSE SALES, IN COLLECTION OF AMOUNTS OWING FOR HORSES PURCHASED, OR IN ENFORCEMENT OR 3. TERMSOFSALEARECASH.Buyerspayingwithcheckmusthave INTERPRETATION OF THIS CONDITION OF SALE. currentletterofcreditfromtheirbank.Allforeignbuyersmustpay inU.S.Currency. 12.Ifanypersonshallpurchasealotandnotpayforitas prescribed above,nothingshallpreventtheauctioneerortheownerfrom 4. Titletoandriskoflosspassestothebuyerwhentheanimalis compellingthepurchasertopayforitiftheauctioneerorseller announced “sold” by the auctioneer. Effective from the time of shallsodeemfit. purchase,thebuyerassumesresponsibilityforthemaintenance and care of the animal and agrees to care for such animal in 13.Sellingpositionsaretobedrawnbysalemanagementandsold incatalogorder. accordancewithapprovedhusbandrypracticesandthestabling policies of the Hermanson-Kist Horse Sale. The buyer further agrees to indemnify and hold the Hermanson-Kist Horse Sale 14. THE ACCURACY OF ALL INFORMATION OF THE CATALOG PAGE(S) IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSIGNOR. harmlessfromallloss,costandexpensearisingfromtheillness, Consignorshallhavetheaffirmativedutytoexaminethecatalog injury or death of persons caused by the buyer, the buyer’s page(s),onwhichhorsesconsignedbyhimappear,priortosale agentsoremployeesorbytheanimalsubsequenttothetimeof andreportanyinaccuraciestoHermanson-KistHorseSales,so purchase. thatitmaymakeanappropriateannouncementattimeofsale. 5. Thesalemanagement,auctioneersandemployeesactasagents 15.TheHermanson-KistHorseSaleswillmailallregistrationpapers fortheseller,butassumenoliabilityforeitherbuyerorseller.Any within 3 weeks after the date of sale, after all checks have representationsmadebythesalemanagementaremadeonbehalf clearedthebank. oftheseller. IfnewownerwantsbredmarestobePGcheckeditmustbedone atnewowner’sexpensebeforeleavingtheyard. 6. Thehighestbidderisthebuyer.Ifanydisputearisesbetweenor amongtwoormorebidders,soleauthoritytosettlethedisputeas he/sheseesfitisreservedbytheauctioneer,andhisdecisionshall Werequestthatprospectivebuyerswhoareunknowntothisfirm, reporttoourofficeandmakeknowntheirintentiontobidand befinal.Theauctioneerreservestherighttorejectanyorallbids. furnish bank references if payment is to be made by check. Horseswillnotbedeliveredtobuyeruntilpropersettlementhas 7. The right to bid is reserved for all sellers in this sale unless beenmade.Thereisnoguaranteeofanyhorsesoldinthissale, otherwiseannounced. except when the owner makes a specific guarantee. In such case,rightofrecoursemustbedirectedtotheseller. 8. AcurrentnegativeCogginstestreportwillbefurnishedonevery horse sold in this sale. Health certificates for transportation Anyhorsenotavailabletosellinitsturnwillbesoldattheendofthe purposeswillbeissuedonsaledayuponrequest. saleonthedayitislistedtosell.Iftheconsignorishandlinghis ownhorse,hewillberesponsibleforhavingitreadytosellin 9. All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk and thepositiondelegatedtohim.Ifahorseisnosaled,itmustbe Hermanson-Kist Horse Sales assumes no liability for any donebeforethehorseleavesthering.Otherwise,thesalewill accident,orforlossbyfire,theft,orinjuryinanymanner.Buyers beconsideredfinal. andspectatorsarecautionedtobecarefulwhileonthegrounds andparticularlywhilehorsesarebeingshownorsoldinthesale EXAMINE HORSES PRIOR TO PURCHASING. ring. COGGINS TEST: ALL HORSES IN THIS SALE HAVE BEEN REQUIRED TO HAVE BEEN TESTED NEGATIVE FOR EQUINE INFECTIOUS 10.Buyerisresponsiblefor$15.00transferfeeforQuarterHorses; ANEMIA (COGGINS TEST). TESTS COMPLETED WITHIN SIX also $15.00 transfer fee for Paints. Registration papers will be MONTHS OF SALE DATE. given to the buyers as soon as checks have cleared or credit * NO ALLEY TRADING ALLOWED * established.The buyer shall be responsible for transfer. Attention All Drivers Be very careful where you park your vehicle at the sale this weekend. If you happen to block someone in, and we have to page you to move your vehicle, we will page ONLY ONE TIME, and then we will call the TOW TRUCK. (NO EXCEPTIONS ON THIS!) In the past, it cost 3 people $200 to get their vehicle from the impound center. • Don’t park 3 deep in a row. • Don’t park under a horse trailer unless it is your own. USE COMMON SENSE - PLEASE! The Management Kist Livestock Auction Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 1 Consignor’s Lot index 4KLivestock.................. 11,39,59,91,151,264,280,294, 298,303,308,311,313 Aadland,Jack........... 83,124,147,174,185,254,266,278 AmmonRanch.............................................................67-71 Archuleta,Archie........ 15,92,116,153,178,190,265,281, 295,297,302,307 Berger,Bill&Vicki..................................... 66,162,175,216 Berger,Talli................................................................... 3,48 BevingQuarterHorses.............................................104-108 Billadeau,WadeorLayne...................................43,226-227 Chaney,Jeff......................22,38,49-50,94,154,159,187, 217,230-231 Davis,ZachandKim........ 4,45,63,76,110,177,182,184, 218-219,267 Degenstein,Bruce&Brenda.....................................136-137 Dunford,Jay................................................................... 119 Eberline,Dave....................................................64,113-114 Elwood,Danny....... 10,26,37,90,117,152,191,263,279, 293,299,304,309,312 Feist,Jesse..................................................................... 282 Fink,Rollin................................................................ 24,186 Fors,Steve...............................................................240-241 Frenzel,Kathy&Randy................................................... 203 FroelichRanch................................................................ 157 Gerhardt,Dallas........................................................ 84,169 Greenley,Jaime............................................................... 146 Gustafson,Darrel.............................................. 53,134,155 Hacker,Lane........................................................... 165,200 Hacker,Rich......................................47,121,140,284-285 Hanson,Katie................................................................... 27 HardyPerformanceHorses...............ABC,72,115,212,238 HaseleuQuarterHorses-Bruce&Renee.................... 9,156 HaseleuQuarterHorses-Todd........................................ 101 Heimer,Joe&Channie...................................................... 42 Heitmann,Luke................................................................... 7 Herbst,Tammy............................................................... 126 Hermanson,Dave.................1,6,12,18,28-29,35,41,52, 54-55,73,82,95,103,122,125,141-142,171,188-189, 201-202,205-206,207-208,220-221,232-235,244-251, 253,262,276,283,296,301,306,310,314 Horner,NateandLinsey...................................................... 2 Huntley,Jaden.......................................................... 96,132 Kathrein,Lee................................................................... 242 2 Kelly,Patty...................................................................... 210 Kiehl,Arlow...............56,149,255-256,277,292,300,305 Klasinksi,Charlie............................................................... 75 Larmon,Don......................................... 23,51,93,118,170 LazyVCKellyRanch............................... 213,225,236,243 Linter,Lisa...................................................................... 268 Lohman,Gary......................................................... 112,150 Long,Tanner................................................................... 102 LuckyHRanch............................................................. 5,78 Magilke,JR......................................................229,269-275 Martin,Trent&Dawn...................................................... 260 Matlick,Marc...................................................... 21,97,131 Maxwell,Melissa............................................................. 158 MeyerHorseCo.................................. 13,36,133,176,179 Miller,Doug....................................................... 60,135,183 NagelQuarterHorses-Robert&Kim........... 30-34,127-128 Olson,Tanner...................................................................... 8 Peterson,Casey.............................................................. 209 Peterson,Jim............................................ 17,120,161,204 Piatz,Pete....................................................................... 100 PitchforkLivestock.................................................... 65,215 Quinn,Alonzo..................................... 19,74,109,111,163 Roehrich,Patrick,&Marcy................................................ 61 RubyHorseCo.......................................................... 44,228 Rutten,Mike&Heather................................................... 237 Schaad,Matthew.............................................................. 25 Schrock,Rudy............................ 46,77,138,160,164,199 Schuchard,Randy............................................................. 85 Schulz,Michael........................................................192-197 Schwartz,Randal.................................................... 222,252 ScottCattle....................................................................... 57 SmithQuarterHorses-Taryl........................................... 211 SpurRanchQuarterHorses................... 16,79,98,123,198 Stringer,Robert.........................................180-181,258-259 Sykes,Dean.................................................................86-88 Tenneson,Terry........................................................ 80,139 Tescher,Doug..................................................257,286-291 Timian,Ashley................................................................ 214 Timian,Tim/Ashley......................................................... 239 Tvedt,George&Sally...........................20,40,130,172-173 TwistedWoodRanch-GaryDassinger.....................166-168 VigenHorseCo.-Brent&Bryce........... 14,62,99,129,143 Vigen,Gary......................................................... 58,89,147 Weinhandl,Logan....................................................223-224 Wendt,Dean..................................................................... 81 WeningerQuarterHorses.........................................144-145 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 3 DL Smooth Runner DateFoaled:5-8-07 Owner:DaveHermanson 1 922060 APHABlackSolidGelding TERRON KENO Lots 1-206 HIGH CLASS RUNNER DASH FOR CHLOE SMOOTH BLACK TUX SMOOTH BLACK LADY GO BLACK EYED LADY jACK N AROUND POCO LINDY STAR ON A HIGH SHAWNE RUN BLACK TUX BETCHA SHEEz SMOOTH BLACK EYED TWISTER BLUE LAVELLA Black,black,4-socks,whiteface,broke.Usedatsalebarnthiswinter. Frosty Sun DateFoaled:6-4-08 Owner:Nate&LinseyHorner BayRoanGelding ROSY SWEET CHOICE ROY R SWEET BONNIE jAY SWEET PC BOONLACIOUS BOONS LONSUM BLUE ARROW BLUE BIRD Amigoisa7-year-oldRedRoanGelding.Stands15.1hands.I’veusedhimtogatherbulls DateFoaled:5-20-03 Owner:ZachandKimDavis 4 447912 ROYAL KINGS NINER ROYAL CRESWOOD DUN TARI SHESA PRETTY DUN SANDRAS PLAYGIRL Omalley DateFoaled:6-28-05 Owner:LukeHeitmann WESTERN PINE GradeRedRoanGelding Fancys Hancock AQHABuckskinGelding ROYALS TAHOE PANCHOS SUNDOG 3 DateFoaled:2007 Owner:TalliBerger FRANK A GORUP DIAL MISS KING FRANK A GORUP COPPERS FIRST LADY TARIS CATALYST LEO’S WAR CAT LITTLE ACORNS BOY SURE SANDRA 7 4795044 AQHABuckskinGelding MACHO DEAN DUSTY’S BONNIE LR’S PANCHO PANCHO BUMP BUMP B PUMP WESTERN WATCH WATCH N WAIT N WONDER CREEDS WONDER ETAH POCO PINE LEOETAH PINE LEO’S STREAMLINE AQHAGreyGelding Good-sizeBuckskingeldingneedsajob.Beenbehindcattle.Experiencedrider. Gus GradeSorrelGelding Gusisabig15.2,1100lbs.ranchgelding.I’vedoneeverythingfromdraggingcalvestothe firetodoctoringcattleinthepasture,he’sreallygoodtogetalongwith.Knowshowtocover country,watchesacowgood.Questions?Call701-260-8714 9 Elvis DateFoaled:5-13-11 Owner:HaseleuQuarterHorses BruceandRenee SONNY VISTA BAR GENUINE ONYX FOGGY EVENING FANCYS BILLY jOE 8 DateFoaled:2000 Owner:TannerOlson FANCY ROAN BAR GradePaintBlackGelding SONNY DEE BAR MILARGO DOLL DEACONS FOG SNIPS EVE SISSY SKIPPIT BILLIE jOE RAINY DAY LARRY Nice,big,blackgelding.Gentle.Willbestartedundersaddle.4-socks&blaze.BeingElvis wasbreedingstockIdidn’ DAVIS LADY Midnite Playboy BLUE LADYS DAY Home-raised,goodlooking,rancherdeluxe&beentothetrack.Hewonthesaddleatthe QuinnSaddleHorseRaces, ran4thinhisonlyoutatFt.Pierre.Hasdoneeverythingonthe ranch.Heisthetoughest,goalldayhorseIhaveeverrode.He’sgotcharacter&charisma.,605-365-7353 DateFoaled:5-21-09 Owner:DannyElwood SQ Tiger Torch DateFoaled:5-19-06 Owner:LuckyHRanch PLAYBOYS SAN DOC KING OF THE TIGERS TIGER SAFARI SKIP LIL MAY SOLANOS LUCK SQ MISS SANzABURN BURNT APRIL PEPPY SAN BEAU 5 4795750 AQHASorrelGelding KING TRAVEL TIGER SISS WIMPY STAR jACK STYLISH NURSE SOLANOS PEPPY SAN VENTURES LADY LUCK TWO D SKIP BURNT UM UP Boomerisaverygoodlooking,strong,sound15.1hh,coppersorrelgelding.Hehasbeen rodeoutsideacrosscountry,thoughthesnowbanks,etc.Heisgorgeousmoverwithagreat headset.Wefeelhewouldmakeanoutstandingranchhorse/headhorsecombo. 10 5239201 BACA BAR BEAU 4 6 4626766 RIVER DUST CODY MOOLAH’S CHOICE ROSIE SWEET jIMINEY SWEET SATELLITE STORM BOON DOX jOHN SUN LACE TWO HAT BARRET LONSUM RUST Big,strong,ranchbrokegelding.Hehasbeenusedinasalebarnthiswinterandhasbeen usedtoropeafewcattleinthepasture.HehasbeenstartedtrackingtheHeel-O-Maticaswell. Quietandgentleandreadytogoinanydirection.15.2hand,1,200lbs. Amigo DateFoaled:4-18-04 Owner:DaveHermanson GoodBuckskincolor.Lotsofshapeandlooks.Broketoride. 2 5086817 King Royal Doc Star DECK OF STARS DECKA HOBBY HALF MOON HOBBY AQHASorrelGelding PLAYBOYS GUARD BACA TEE BAR LITTLE CHICKITO LITTLE BEAU PIC SKIPA STAR OPAL DECK HOBBY HORSE BORROWED CASH Nice,youngranchgelding.Gentle. Thank You For Attending the Sale! Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Ozzy You Can Do It DateFoaled:2003 Owner:4KLivestock 11 APHASolidGrayGelding BEDUINO WIN A DASH STRIKIN’ BUNNY STRIKEN’ DIAL LITTLE DIAL CREDIT Hehasrunoutover27,000ontrack.Hehasbeenhauledtoafewweekendruns.Usedfor everyfacetofranchworkandverysolidhorsetouse.Gentle,good-minded,andworksarope, too.Outstanding,geldingthatsveryversatile. De Incredible Poco DateFoaled:5-2-06 Owner:DaveHermanson 12 4799285 AQHAGrayGelding POCO BUDDY BUENO POCO DE jESSIE POWERS LIL KITTEN POCOS BAR PISTOL MISS INCREDIBLE POCO MISS INCREDIBLE RENO POCO DIEGO 007 TABANOS jUNE BUG COLLINS jESSIE LIL POCO KITTEN POCO MARKET TUTOR PISTOL INCREDIBLE KID RENO ROBIN DateFoaled:3-31-07 Owner:MeyerHorseCo. AQHABayRoanGelding TWO ID BARTENDER RHINESTONE BARTENDER ALL EYES ON jACKIE RED EYED RHINESTONE LONE STAR REDNECK ROSANNA REDNECK TRICK’S BANDOLEO BARON BELL SIR THE IDOLIzER jOSIE CAN MISS ROXY GIRL CHARMIN CHARGER ROXY KAY DR FOLLEYS LAST Roxisabigprettybayroangelidngthatstands15.2handsandisstout.Thisgeldingisvery gentle broke to ride. We have used him out checking fence and gathering cattle and mares. Roxridesgreatfortrailridesalso.WehavestartedtrackingtheHeel-O-Maticandslowcattle. Heshowspromiseasaperformancehorse.100%sound, Rosco 14 DateFoaled:6-years-old Owner:VigenHorseCo.(Brent&Bryce) GradeBlack&WhiteGelding Roscoisabigprettyblackandwhitepaintgeldingthat’ssuperquietandgentle.Nicehorse tobearoundandridesgentle.Formoreinfo701-331-2483 Trigger DateFoaled:2005 Owner:ArchieArchuleta 15 GradePalominoGelding Triggerisaflashy9-year-oldPalominogelding.Brokeontheranchthenmovedtotown,riddeninseverallongtrailridesandparades.Usedsomeasabreakawayhorseandriddeninthe queencontest.Carriesflags.Smoothgaitsanddoesflyingleadchanges.Easytocatch.Sound. Tuff DateFoaled:2006 Owner:SpurRanchQuarterHorses GradeBayGelding Tuffridesgentleandquiet.Hastrackedsomecattleandhasalsobeenusedinthefeedlot. Anybody can ride him, would make a great family horse. Tuff has a big heart and a great personality. Patch DateFoaled:2007 Owner:JimPeterson CEDARS APRIL BALMY L BLOB BESTY KAI WAHINE KAI 17 GradePaintGelding Patch is broke, quiet, gentle. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale jET LARK RITA BARS CEDAR CHANT APRILS CLOUDY DUSTY BALMY DAMSEL’S BLOB HOT COCA COLA KAILUA Wellbroke,goodlooking.Beenusedatsalebarnthiswinter. Mr Bow Bob 5026534 DateFoaled:7-1-07 Owner:AlonzoQuinn 19 AQHABuckskinGelding PINE WAMPY POCO CANDY REBEL POCO GATOR CHAMP POCO GATORS QUESTION SKIP PATTY PINE PASS ‘EM UP PASS EM WEST KALUA TRUCKLE FEATURE FEATURE STARLET MISTY’S STARLET WAMPS POCO ROBIN Thishorseis15handisoutofaAAAmare.Usedhimasaponyhorseattheracetrackin 2012.Heneedsmoreridingwithagoodcowboy!Duetomyage,health,andlackofriders,I’m sellingmyhorses. Bruce DateFoaled:2005 Owner:George&SallyTvedt 20 GradeBrownGelding Brokegood,allaroundfamilyhorse. Tigers Red Fox DateFoaled:2007 Owner:MarcMatlick 21 AQHABayRoanGelding SMART CHIC OLEANA CHICS RED FOX HAPPY FOXY LADY EDDIE HANCOCK ONE TIGERS HANCOCK DOLL A TIGERS LITTLE DOLL SMART LITTLE LENA GAY SUGAR CHIC HAPPYS CARDINAL DRY CREEK WINDY EDDIE 70 50 HAPPY HANCOCK 8 AL TIGER MISS REAGAN Bayroan,4whitelegs,stands15.1,ranchbroke.Usedlastspringcalvinganddrugcalves atbrandings.Veryathletic.Formoreinfocall307-680-5156. HL Metallic Chex DateFoaled:5-8-12 Owner:JeffChaney 5494547 22 AQHABayStallion HIGH BROW CAT METALLIC CAT CHERS SHADOW 16 APHABayTobianoGelding APRILS MASTER LARK A STARRY FEATURE 13 4976483 18 874864 MASTER LARK GATORS POCO Wellbrokeandgentle.Lotsoflooksandshape.Beenropedon. Roxy Baron Bell DateFoaled:6-3-03 Owner:DaveHermanson Lots 1-206 AzE BEDUINO ROMANY ROYAL jOANN-CAT DASH FOR CASH BARBARA MEYERS SAIL ON BUNNY DIAMONDS AND LACE BUGGED CREDIT LUE DIAL Heza Hot Master DOC’S HICKORY CHEX RIO HICKORY PLAY CHEX RIO HIGH BROW HICKORY SMART LITTLE KITTY PEPTOBOONSMAL SHESA SMARTY LENA DOC BAR MISS CHICKASHA FRECKLES PLAYBOY DOC OLENA CHEX OwnsonofMetallicCat,2009HorseoftheYearwithNCHAearningsof$650,000plus.His firstoffspringsshowedthisyear.Onewontheopenprosandhadthreecoltsintheopenfinals. Heisaproducerofover$100,000infirstcropshown.HLMetallicChex’sdamisNCHAmoney earnerof$85,660,sheisaproducerofover$90,000.TheMetalliccoltson64headattheNCHA FuturityProspectSaleinFt.Worthaveraged$45,000perhead.Thiscolthastheprettiesthead youcouldputonone,akindeye,littleears,andabigframewithtwowhitefeetintheback.This coltisreallightonhisfeetandaquickmover.Ifyouarelookingforabigtimeprospecthereheis. 5 Ceejay Peppy DateFoaled:4-20-08 Owner:DonLarmon 23 5170045 AQHAGrayStallion BADGERS TROPHY PRIMAVERAS CEEjAY Lots 1-206 CEEjAY NUEVE KROGS BEE MAN HR SOUTHERN BELLE HAYS SAGE GIRL PEPPY SAN BADGER CRIER’S MARIE TACHO PEPPY MISS MEG 80 PAPRIKA PINE KROG’S LADY BEE FRECKLES SMOKE QUIEN SABE SAGEHEN CeeJayisverybroke.Drugcalvestothefire,gentle,andsound. IW Coy Little Echo DateFoaled:4-13-08 Owner:RollinFink 24 5072477 AQHAPalominoGelding OLE CODY BE IW FANCYS ECHO BLUES FANCY FANTS WAR LEO IW COY LITTLE SPICE MT SWEET jACKIE DE DOCS jAYHAWKER PEPITA SOLIS ROSEMONTS DOC DOCS SARAH jANE MAUCHO PLAIN jANE DateFoaled:5-20-07 Owner:DannyElwood DOC’S jAYBIRD TEXANNA PINE DOC SOLIS OH SAN BADGER DOC A’LOCK PLATO’S GIRL TWO-EYED MAUCHO FIDDLERS LADY LOOK 26 5096096 AQHABuckskinGelding BIG SHOT SAN SAN PADRINO PRESCRIPTIONS NINE BASIC BLACK CAT BASIC BLACK KITTY GO FOR THE ROSE CHIC Broke,shapeyBuckskingelding. BIG SHOT KING MISS SAN BEE PRESCRIPTIONS HANK MISSY TAFFY MR BASIC BLACK TINY BLACK CAT VAN’EM AND GO CANDY CUSTER 5025589 27 AQHAGrayGelding FROSTY’S FOG jT EAGLE KROGS HAPPY GAL TEE j DOUBLE jACKIE AUBURN HILLS TEE j jACKIE LEOLA FROSTY FEATURE CODYS CHESS DOCS SHADY BLUE HAPPY HARRIET jACKIE BEE jACKIE BOO jACKIE BEE LADY LEOLA BARS ThisgeldingwasraisedintheBadlands.Usedtomovecattle,hasdonebarrels,rodeon trailrides. 6 SMART LITTLE KITTY FRECKLES PLAYBOY LENAS PLAYGIRL TANYA LENA DOC’S HICKORY GRULLA SAN SMART LITTLE LENA DOC’S KITTY jEWEL’S LEO BARS GAY jAY DOC O’LENA POCO WIMPY PINE Daughter of #1 leading sire. Mare earned $98,627, NCHA Open Challenge Co-Reserve Champion,AugustaOpenChampion.BredandraisedbyLonnieAllsup. Zig Zagged Levis 29 5000268 AQHASorrelMare MISS CC WILSON KINGS SPANISH ROX DOC O’LENA SMART PEPPY FRECKLES PLAYBOY LENAETTE DOC BAR jAzzY SOCKS GAY BAR KING MISS SPANISH ROX Lotsofshapeandlooks.Sirehaswon$27,000andsired$312,000inmoneyearners.Her damwon$26,000andproduced$151,000.Thismarewaswellstartedasa2-year-old,then wenttothebroodmareband.Sheisrealcowywithabigstop.BredandraisedbyLonnieAllsup. Docs Country Dun DateFoaled:6-26-13 Owner:NagelQuarterHorses Robert&Kim 5533698 30 AQHADunStallion HOLIDOCS HUSKER HOLIDOCS RSj BOSTON DEE BUDS YELLOW WOLF WINGS GOLDIE DUN TEE j MISS DELL LEO HOLIDOC COTTONWOOD BUTTERFLY BOSTON DEE BAR HEIDIS REBEL BUDS COUNTRY BOY TEE j MISS HONEY GOLD FINGERS TEE j LADY DELL Tucker is a big, well built colt with a great color and pedigree. He has a very friendly dispositionandlookstobeveryathletic,soheshouldmakeasuperridinghorseforranchwork, pleasure,orevenakid’sproject.HisfoundationpedigreeincludesDocQuixote,JodyFairfax, andSonnyDeeBarjustoffthepapers.Call701-400-0175formoreinfo. Hickorys Desperado DateFoaled:7-15-13 Owner:NagelQuarterHorses Robert&Kim 5533691 HIGH BROW HICKORY HIGH BROW BOY DOCS GOOD GIRL Medora Auburn Hills DateFoaled:5-27-07 Owner:KatieHanson HIGH BROW CAT DOC WILSON Tailormadegeldingthathasbeenusedforall-phasesofdayworkaroundtheranch.Lopes collectedwithabigstop.Hastrackedbigstringsofcattleonhiminthepasture,sortanddoctoredcattleonhiminthepen.Heisashandyasthepocketonshirt.Reallycowyandwantsto ride.Perfecttogotothearenaandmakearopehorsedeluxe! Mr Matloak HIGH BROW HICKORY SARENAS PLAYGIRL AQHASorrelGelding DOCS SELENO AQHABayMare SMART LITTLE LEVI 25 5159364 28 4589661 SMART LITTLE LENA Big,pretty,Palominohorsebeenusedforallphasesofranchwork,wouldmakenicearena prospect. DateFoaled:4-1-08 Owner:MatthewSchaad DateFoaled:6-1-04 Owner:DaveHermanson DateFoaled:1-23-07 Owner:DaveHermanson THE OLE MAN WINDY BEE CODY YELLOW BAR PAL SANDY SUGAR BARNEY BONANzA CASA ANNETTE WATCH jOE TONY MISS SPICE DECE Docstwoeyedbadger Lenas Play Kitten RED MAN REBEL MS BLONDIE IS HAPPY TERI IS HAPPY 31 AQHARedDunStallion DOCS HICKORY GRULLA SAN DOCS PRESCRIPTION GOOD HARD ROCK WHISPERING GORDO TWISTER jET SPECIAL jIM DOC HAPPY TERI Desperadoisanice,stockybuiltcoltwithagreatoldtimepedigreeandanicedisposition.He isaquicklearnerandlookstobeveryathleticwhenheisrunningaround.Hewillmakesomeone asuperriding/ranchhorsesomeday.Call701-400-0175formoreinfo. Visit our Facebook page at hermanson.kisthorsesale Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Blues Roxy Chic DateFoaled:5-19-13 Owner:NagelQuarterHorses Robert&Kim 32 5535077 AQHABayRoanMare FREE AMBROSE BLUE RIBBON TRIP SUPER zIPPO CODY BLUE zIPPO LADY BLUE CRIMSON LADY DateFoaled:6-28-13 Owner:NagelQuarterHorses Robert&Kim FREE AMBROSE BLUE RIBBON TRIP CHOCOLATE CHIP TE MISS CINNAMON CHIP POCO BONANzA MISS RBM ROAN BAKER STEEL GRAY LADY RBM DUSTER WOLF SALLY SIX TIGALEO MISS TINO POWER RBM DUSTER WOLF zERO’S jANE SIX TO SIX TYROAN POWER TY POW jEAN DUSTER MYRTLE 33 AQHABayMare VAL N TINE BLUES AQHARedRoanGelding IM STEEL GRAY 5533705 ROAN AMBROSE ROSALIND FREENEY ROWDY BLUE MAN TRIPS RED RIBBON TES IMPRESSION DOUBLE SCANDAL KELDI BONANzA POCOS COWGIRL Tyisaprettystrawberryroangelding.Hestands15handsandisstout.Thishorsehasalot offootandboneandisrawmade.Wehaveusedthishorseforranchchoresandhavestarted himropinginthearena.Tyhasagreathandleandbigstop.Helopesnicecirclesandhasa smoothwayofgoing.WethinkTyhasthepotentialtomakeaveryniceropehorse,ranchhorse, orjustridehimdownthetrails.Heisgentleandwillingtodoajob.100%sound,novices.www. Barbaro Chula Zack DateFoaled:5-15-06 Owner:DannyElwood 4924374 PEPPY SAN BADGER MISS DUAL DOC SMART LITTLE LENA DOCS FANCY PEPPY DOC TARI LINTON’S LADY DOC jAzzY jOE LENA LUTHENA DUAL PEP SMART FANCY LENA zACK T WOOD zACKS jAzzY LU jAzzY LENA LU Cowhorseandropehorse.Reallybroke. Waite N Shine DateFoaled:4-12-10 Owner:JeffChaney 5288652 GENUINE DOC DIAMONDS SPARKLE DOC O’LENA STARLET SEGUIN DOC QUIXOTE jAMIE TIVIO MAXI LENA DOUBLENA SHINERS LENA DOC 34 5458866 DOCS SULENA AQHABayMare TES CISCO KID CISCOS DAKOTA KID Rj WINNING COLORS HIO CAIN OH MY OH MAY VEESEVEN CUTLASS TES IMPRESSION RF SKIPS ROMAN MARCI RENO’S REPLACEMENT DUDES MS CHESTER OH HIO SILVER CHARLET CAIN jACK BEE SUPER VEE SEVEN SKIPETT Brandyisanice,prettyfillywithafriendlydispositionandagreatoldtimepedigree.She shouldmakeagoodridersomedayforeitherpleasureridingorranchwork.Whendoneriding her,breedherandshewillraisesomegreatridinghorses.Call701-400-0175formoreinfo. DOCS TIVITO DOCS TIVITO LENA FREDRICKA OwndaughterofShinersLenaDoc,CarolRose’sstallion.Hesoldfor$250,000atherdispersal sale. He has money earnings of $91,800 and a producer of $150,000. This mare is super brokeandgentlewithnobadhabits.Anyoneinthefamilycangetalongwithher.Shehasbeen rodealotofoutsidemilesanddoesnotshyfromanything.Sheisonehandbroke. Driftwood Streak DateFoaled:4-8-07 Owner:4KLivestock X0670302 DateFoaled:5-7-05 Owner:DaveHermanson 4749018 35 AQHARedRoanGelding PEPPY SAN BADGER POWDER RIVER PLAYBOY PLAYBOYS REWARD MEGA POWDER SMART LITTLE LENA MISTYS LIL MEG SENORITA MISTY PC BRONSIN BRONSINS PROSPECT MOSSBAR AMBER CASSY CATS PROSPECT TIDY CAT SQUIRE OLD CASSY CAT CASSY DEE WellbredRedRoanandbroketoride.Lookslikeacalforheelhorse.Usedatthesalebarn thiswinter. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 39 AQHADunGelding STREAKIN TERRY STREAKIN TYLER MISS FLASHY CHICK Littlelenas Prospect 38 AQHASorrelMare SHINING SPARK DateFoaled:4-30-12 Owner:NagelQuarterHorses Robert&Kim 37 AQHASorrelStallion CHULA DUAL Sidney is a pretty, well built filly with a “I’m pretty and I know it” attitude, but a friendly disposition.Shehasagreatoldtimepedigree,goingbacktoBonanzabloodlines,withCowmans PocoandBlueValentine2timesjustoffherpapers.Sheshouldmakeagreatriding/ranchhorse somedayandthenanicebroodmarelater.Call701-400-0175formoreinfo. Dakotas Brandy Girl 36 4933936 STEEL GRAY BAKER Roxyisabig,stout,oldtimebredfillywithaspunkypersonality.Shewillmakesomeonea greatriding/ranchhorsesomedayandthenasuperbroodmarelater.ShehasBlueValentinetwo timesjustoffherpapersandgoesbacktoZippoPineBarandTeeJRoman.Call701-400-0175 formoreinfo. Mis Val N Tine DateFoaled:5-19-07 Owner:MeyerHorseCo. BUCKSKIN WAGNOR BUKETA KATY MAS BUBAS KAY MAS STREAKING SIX LEGACY IN LACE CHICK’S DECK MISS FLASHY MOON SEMINOLE CHARLEY TETSE FLY INDIAN WHEAT OH MY KATY Goodlooking,primeofhislife.Thisfancydunhorse,hasmadealivingontheranchsorting, calvingandgatheringcattlefromthepastures.Hehashadalotofoutsidemilescoveredonhim andisverywillingtoplease.Lopesoutofhistrackswithabigstop.Turnsoverhishocksandis softintheface.Gentlewithtonsofabilityandlooks. Chilli DateFoaled:2010 Owner:George&SallyTvedt 40 GradeHalflingerBlondeGelding Quieteasytocatch.60daysofriding.Beendrovesinglesome,beenniceandquiet.We raisedChillifromababy,hehasalwaysbeeneverybody’spet. 7 Lots 1-206 VAL N TINE BLUES ROAN AMBROSE ROSALIND FREENEY ROWDY BLUE MAN TRIPS RED RIBBON HEzA SUPER zIPPO jD zIPPOS CODY TEE j CRIMSON PAPPY MAjOR LADY Mr Roan Wolf 070 CTR Skips Ace DateFoaled:4-20-02 Owner:DaveHermanson 41 4296036 AQHABayStallion SILVER IRISH Lots 1-206 SILVER PASS SKIP ANNALEE DOUBLE SKIP’S jOE SKIPS SUGAR DEXTER SUGAR BAR RITA Wellbrokegentle.Ranchused. SKIP’S BID SILVER IRIS SKIPPA PASS SCOTTISH BRIGHT SKIP’S STINKER NIFTY RAE LE ANN CANE SUGAR BARS DOUBLE RITA 5241623 DateFoaled:3-27-09 Owner:Joeand/orChannieHeimer TILLIE FRECKLES Nice15handRedDunmare.Hasbeenonthecattle.Goanywayyouwantwithmare.Ride herorwouldmakeanicebroodmarewithherbreeding.Moreinfocall406-222-1172. zANABAR jACK zANABAR DODGER MARTY TUCKER SONNY DEE MANN DUNNY SHI ANN DUNNY SHI 43 AQHADunGelding zAN PARR SUN GEORGIA jACK SCOTCH STRING VIKING LADY GRAND BONANzA LIzA MANN ELLI SKIP SHI PRETTY WAUKETTE DateFoaled:5-12-09 Owner:RubyHorseCo. 44 5415224 TUF N BUSY DOCS TUF N BUSY IMA GAMBLYNN BjS DOC CHECKERS CHEX LADY BONANzA LADY KEYO BONANzA Prettybaygelding,brokeandgentle.Bredtobeaworkinghorse. Vegas DateFoaled:2003 Owner:Zach&KimDavis 45 GradeQH/PonyBayPaintGelding SMART CHIC OLENA GAY SUGAR CHIC HICKORYOTE QUEENS PROMISE QUEjANA QUEEN Performancepony!BeentotheLittleBritchesfinalsinflags,goats,andbarrels.Vegasisnot forabeginner.Heisaperformerthatcankeepupwiththebighorsesallday.Themoreyouride Kid broke. 3 years of riding and driving. 8 46 GradeWhiteMale DOC O’LENA SMART PEPPY GAY BAR KING CHICY LITTLE DOC’S HICKORY jAzABELL QUIXOTE QUEjANA QUIXOTE DANCIN SIS OwndaughterofthegreatSmartChickOlenawithNRHAearningsof$13,500,NCHAearningsof$110,450,aHallofFamesireandaNRHA$5,000,000sire.BythedamHickoryotewith NCHAearningsof$23,373andhasproducedoffspringearning94.5perfpointswith1ROM AQHA,1SupPerfAwardAQHA,andNRHA/NRCHAmoneyearners.Thismareisverygentlefor anyonetoride.Sheisafinishedcutterwithasuperbreininghandle.Shehaspreviouslybeena 75-year-oldlady’sranchhorseandsheiscurrentlybeingriddenbya6-year-oldgirl.Sheistruly theperfecthorseforanyone.Sheistheproducerof2NCHAmoneyearners.PeptosChicOlena withNCHAearningsof$26,359andSweetPeptosPromisewithearningsof$1,127todate. Thismareisopenbecauseshewaspurchasedfora6-year-oldtoshowintheShortStirrups. Theyounggirlhaslostinterestandthisiswhythisgreatmareisforsale.Sheisopenandready toshoworbreed.Afantasticsuperbrokehorseforanyone! DateFoaled:4-1-09 Owner:JeffChaney 50 5507702 AQHASorrelMare HIGH BROW CAT CATS MERADA MERADA LENA DOC’S SOLANO MISS COMANCHE SOLANO GLO’S MISS MARTHA HIGH BROW HICKORY SMART LITTLE KITTY FRECKLES MERADA CATALENA KATE DOC BAR SUSIE’S BAY LEO GLO ABEL MISS MARTHA BythegreatstallionCat’sMerada,hisbreedingfeeis$5,100.HehasNCHAearningsof $177,900.Thismareismadethewayoneshouldbe.Shehasaprettyheadwithlittleearsand abigframe.Thismareissuperbroke,shehasbeenusedoutsidegatheringcattle.Noteveryday youcanfindamarethatisbredlikethisforsale.Super,superbroke. Smart Jose Cowgirl DateFoaled:3-5-05 Owner:DonLarmon 51 4645236 AQHARedDunMare SMART LITTLE LENA DAM: PONY MARE DateFoaled:2008 Owner:RudySchrock AQHASorrelMare SMART LITTLE LENA SIRE: STRAIT FROM TEXAS (APHA) Turbo 3699341 DateFoaled:5-31-96 Owner:JeffChaney AQHABayGelding BUENO CHEX KEEPING BUSY GAMBLING DOC BAR MACH RA MAE IMP CHEX DOCS FALINE RICKY LARK CARMALITA GOLD 49 Chic Olenas Promise Solanos Lady Cat Nicedungeldingwithblacklegs,maneandtail.Ifyouarewantinganiceranchhorseortrail horse,thisistheone.100%soundandsafeforanylevelridertoride.Isgentle,easytocatch andshoe.Hehasbeenusedontheranch,doctoringandcalving.FMI:701-898-1448. Tuf Bonanza Chex GradePalominoGelding Fredisa4-year-oldpony.Fredisa50inchthickmadePalominogelding.Heridesanddrives. DOC O’LENA SUNFLOWER SANA TENINO SAN MISS TENINO SAM GOODBYE LISA COLONEL FRECKLES FRECKLES COWBOY GOLD GOLD FINGER CANDI TENINO SAN MISS TENINO SAM GOODBYE LISA 5034839 DateFoaled:5-28-07 Owner:WadeorLayneBilladeau 48 DateFoaled:2010 Owner:TalliBerger AQHARedDunMare Dee Dunn Mann GradeBrown&WhitePonyGelding Fred MR SUN O LENO SUN O TENINO 47 DateFoaled:5/2007 Owner:RichHacker Chasewouldmakesomeagreatranchpony.Rideswell.Anyquestionscall507-240-2318. 42 Miss Tenino Freckles Chase SMART jOSE jNO DIXIE MR CRIMSON SHOES COWGIRL SHOES CATRINA COWGIRL DOC O’LENA SMART PEPPY jOSE UNO CUTTER’S DIXIE EASY CRIMSON SOFT SHOES SOCIAL’S REWARD COWGIRL COGDELL Joseyiswellbroke.Shewillcutorsortcattle.Verygentleandsound. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Wimpy Flashy Lad DateFoaled:2004 Owner:DaveHermanson 52 4572047 AQHABayGelding DOCS PRESCRIPTION DOCS WIMPY LAD KROGS WHIz MOUNT KROGS FLASHY LADY FLASHY BLUE LASS DateFoaled:4-21-10 Owner:DarrelGustafson 53 5289548 AQHAPalominoMare TOPSAIL WHIz GEE WHIz IT SHINES LADYS SPARKLE SCOOTERS PACE BAILOUT SCOOTS CHAMP CHAMPS LEO LYNX TOPSAIL CODY jEANIE WHIz BAR SHINING SPARK LUCKY LADY GLO zAN PARR SCOOTER PRETTY PACE LEO SUGAR LYNX LAST CHAMP Senor Peppy Rojo DateFoaled:4-19-02 Owner:GaryVigen DateFoaled:6-24-11 Owner:DaveHermanson LITTLE CANOSO SAN ROjO PEPPY LA SOLA SAN BORDER BEDUINO MOONTONYA MY ROCKET BARON jRT PEPPYS ROCKET PESOS SUPER SALTY POCO jUNIOR BONNER POCO jRS PEPPY PEPPY DIXIE REPLAY DateFoaled:4-20-12 Owner:DaveHermanson BEDUINO A CLASSY CHICK MOONSPLASH FEEDBACK ROCKET WRANGLER MY BARONESS SUPER LITTLE PESO GO SALTY PESO jESTICS POCO PINE SANDY LEE SOXS FLYING BLUE ROMEO BMQ EXCALIBUR OH FLYING EXCALIBUR MS FLYING PACIFIC KING OF FOUR MAC KINGS SILVER SHADOW HANDY PATT DK KINGS LUCKY GAL IMA LUCKY jOE SHESA LUCKY MAGNOLIA SHESA BLACK MAGNOLIA Extremelyfancymare!Shehasbeenshowninafewopenshowslastsummeraswellas 4-H.Showninhalter,horsemanship,andwesternpleasure.Lopescadence,hasabigstop,and pivots correctly. Starting to cow up on cattle some and is showing some promise as an arena prospect.Shehasalsodonesomelightdutydayworkaroundtheranch-checkingpastures, andhasbeenonmanytrailrides.Greatdispositionwithlotsofprofileandquality.Soundto breedandwouldmakeanassettoanyone’sbreedingprogramaswell. Bucky Laroo DRY TIVIO BADGER BECCAWOOD HEzA DUN BREEzE jOKES ROYAL BREEzE jOKES ON ROYAL 55 DRY SAN PEPPY MOLLY TIVIO CIDERWOOD BECKYS COPY DUN WITH A BREEzE SHEzA HEART DECISION POCOS ROYAL EBONY LADY jOKE BOX Lotsofshapeandlooks.Nicecolt. Quincys Sugarboy DateFoaled:7-2003 Owner:ArlowKiehl 5016472 DateFoaled:6-20-07 Owner:DougMiller 56 4453729 AQHAChestnutGelding A LITTLE TOO COOL QUINCY COOL NO MISTAKEN GOLD BOUNCING jOE ROPER TjB SUGAR BABE SUGAR BOYS MEG IMA COOL SKIP ALITTLE PROUD MAKE NO MISTAKE COWBOYS jUBILEE QUINARIUS CHICO ROSIE BAR ROPER SUGAR BARS BOY MISS HELLION HANK Good broke for man or woman. Good trail horse. Good disposition. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 60 AQHABuckskinGelding POCO DIEGOS jESSIE jESSICA jIMMY AQHAGrulloGelding jESSIE TOM CAT 59 AQHABlueRoanMare POCO DIEGO 007 5476531 PEPPY SAN BADGER LITTLE HATCHET MR SAN PEPPY LA SOLITARIA POCO BUENO 2 HOLLYS SWEETNESS SENIOR PEPPY FORTY DIXIE WILL DO WT jESTERS BO REBEL Goodcolored.Lotsofshapeandlooks. When Sparks Fly 5237684 DateFoaled:6-13-09 Owner:4KLivestock AQHARedDunGelding CHICKS BEDUINO 58 AQHADunGelding Romeos Gal 54 X0702223 4323770 Snickersisabigdungelding.He’sbeenusedasatrailhorsebyayounggal.Verygentle andeasytocatch. Thisyoungmareisverybroke.Wehavestartedbreakawayropingoffher,someheelingand sheispatternedonbarrels.Thismarewouldmakeagreatrodeohorse. JRT Rocket Border 57 GradeGreyGelding ThisisareallynicegreygeldingraisedbyClarenceIverson.Boughtasacolt.Beenused asaranchhorse. Wellbrokeranchhorse.Doneallphasesofranchworkusedatsalebarnthiswinter. Zan Par Champion DateFoaled:2003 Owner:ScottCattle MR POCO BLACKBURN PRETTY jO LENA DOLLIE CHOCK POCO BUENO THURMOND SORREL jESSIE jAMES DALFA DO IT MR BLACKBURN 41 MR 14’S SUSIE jIM HANK jR CLASSIC CLAUDETTE 15.3hh,PrettyBuckskingelding.Hehasbeenonlotsoftrailridesandhasbeenusedto gathercattle,heridesrealniceandquiet.Easytocatchandbearound,hewouldmakeagood pickuphorseorropehorseorjusttrailride.100%sound536-599-4797 RNR Shinin Lena 5175566 DateFoaled:5-5-09 Owner:Patrick&MarcyRoehrich SHINING SPARK SPARKIN HOT LIL HOTSHOT EXPRESS MEGA POWDER RNR LENA MEGA POWDER LENAS GENUINE QUATRO 61 AQHASorrelMare GENUINE DOC DIAMONDS SPARKLE SAN PARR EXPRESS LIL HOTSHOT BAR POWDER RIVER PLAYBOY MISTYS LIL MEG CISCO LENA GENUINE DOC DOLLY DoubleRQuarterHorseRanchisproudtoofferforsaleRNRShiningLena.Sheisa2009 owndaughterofSparkinHot,andoutofamarebyMegaPowder.Sheisverycalm,alwaysmild mannered,easygoingandfriendly,withadesiretoplease.Themajorityofherridetimehas beenonthetrail.But,shehasbeenhauledtotownafewtimes.Sheissoftinthemouthand ribcage.Shehasasmuchflexandbendasyouaskfor,andgreatlateralmovement.She2tracks andsidepassesverywell,andshehasbeenworkingonniceturnarounds.Shehasagreatstart andquietmind.Wefeelsheisasuitableforavarietyofridersanddisciplines. 9 Lots 1-206 CROTON WIMPY jUDY DOC BAR jAMEEN TIVIO CROTON WIMPY MAY DAY jUDY REDMOUNT BLUE KROGS DREAMER MR FLASH CADILLAC LITTLE BLUE LASS Ivey 62 Cherokee Seeker 4419014 DateFoaled:4-27-03 AQHAPalominoGelding Owner:VigenHorseCo.(Brent&Bryce) ILL SMOKE YA ONE SMOKIN CHICK Lots 1-206 DUBS EASTER BUNNY HESA DIAMOND SEEKER KIT KATS PRIDE SARAH CAT MIA RED BARON MIA CHEROKEE LADY THREE DUBLOONS TEE DOWN BOOTS GOLDSEEKER LEO GEM MISS 74 MR HEPCAT TAYLORS SUGAR SARA Big,prettypalominohorsethathasbeenhauledandranonbarrels.Canusehimontheranch orhaulhimtojackpots.Ridesgentle.100%sound.Callformoreinfo701-331-2483 Ikes Doctor DateFoaled:4-15-11 Owner:Zach&KimDavis 63 5406532 AQHABayGelding DVA MAXI DRIFTWOOD ORPHAN IKE PEACE SIGN FANCYS BILLY jOE FANCYS LISA WITCH DOCTOR BLUE WILYWOOD DVA MISSY PEPPY ORPHAN DRIFT POCO BEGGARETTE FANCY ROAN BAR SKIPPIT BILLIE jOE DOCS WITCH DOCTOR COUGAR DELITE Home-raised, nice colt that should make a really good horse in whatever direction you,605-365-7353 64 Gunnin Down Beavers 5498772 DateFoaled:2010 Owner:DaveEberline AQHAChestnutMare PLAYGUN GUITAR GUN DAINTY LENA SMARTEST LITTLE PEP LITTLE PEPPYS BEEVER BEEVERS jOYCE FRECKLES PLAYBOY MISS SILVER PISTOL SMART LITTLE LENA DAINTY OAK PEPPY SAN BADGER BARB A DOC CAPTAIN DULCIE BEEVERS MARILA Jetisarealprettyhome-raisedmare.Babydollheadandbighip.Hasbeenincuttingtraining withGregBeutenmillersinceshewasa2-year-old.Jethasalotofcowandhugestopandis readyfortheshowpen. Dinomite Dandy 4739203 DateFoaled:2005 Owner:HardyPerformanceHorses DOCS OKIE QUIXOTE PLAY ME OKIE MS PLAYBOY DOLL DOC O DYNAMITE CHARMING DANDY DOLL CRYSTAL CHARM ABC AQHASorrelGelding DOC QUIXOTE jIMMETTE TOO FRECKLES PLAYBOY CHRISTY DOLL DOC O’LENA GAY BAR DIXIE EDDIE 40 CRYSTAL STREAK Roan Roanie DateFoaled:3-14-03 Owner:PitchforkLivestock 4430727 65 5190433 AQHABayGelding MR jOES SONG MR jOES BAR SONG CROSS BAR jO SNAzzY RED BARON SNAzzY RED ROSES LAKOTA DIAMOND ROSE THE CIRCUIT BREAKER SKIP O CHI MR SKIP IMPRESSIVE SHES A TEARDROP PRETTY TEARDROP Homegrown,1owner,stout,4x4gelding.15.2hands.Sound,sane,novices.BothBrands onpaper.N/N.HissireisanAQHAChampionSire.RoanRoanieisacowboycadillac. MR BARON RED WATCH jOES SONG WATCH BOBBY jOE CROSS BARS jACKIE MIA RED BARON WATCH SHES SNAzzY MR DIAMOND CUTTER DAKOTA ODYSSEY GAL Snazzyisathick,5-year-oldbaygelding,stands15.2hands.Lotsofshapeandbone.Rides Major Jody Pep DateFoaled:3-26-05 Owner:AmmonRanch 67 4712748 AQHAGrullaMare HIGH BROW HICKORY HIGH BROW WIzARD APRIL LOVE 093 jESSIES WRANGLER TWO TIMMING DOLLY PEPPYS KALI DOLL DOC’S HICKORY GRULLA SAN jODY FAIRFAX LON jESSIE j jAY DOCS WRANGLER DEE MAjOR PEPPY ROYAL MELON KALI DOLL Oneofthecutestgrullamaresyouwilleverfind,outproducesherselfeveryyear.Hersireis atalentedsonofHighBrowHickory,LTE$229K,thathasearnedAQHApointsinteampenning. Also,hasacrosstothelegendJodyFairfax,3rdatNCHAFuturityandWorlds.Allofherbabies haveeitherbeenhomozygousforblackordungenes.Andshehasadaughterdoingverywell inthecuttingpendownsouth,weareretrainingadaughtertoputinreinedcowhorsetraining. InfoaltoagrullasonofHolidoc, 68 Lenas San Highbrow DateFoaled:3-27-04 Owner:AmmonRanch 4577078 AQHADunMare HIGH BROW HICKORY HIGH BROW SAN PEPPY ROSE O LENA DANCER GAY BAR LENA GBL SNIPPER SAN SHEBA SAN REED DOC’S HICKORY GRULLA SAN MR SAN DANCER ROSE O’LENA DOC O’LENA GAY DEENA BARS RUPERT REED BOWSON SAN Fancycowbreddunmare,bornandraisedonourranch,asababyshewouldtrackcalves upanddownthefence.Shehasbeenanexcellentproducerforus,allofherbabieshavebeen dunfactored,mosthavebeengrulla,Ibelievesheishomozygousfordunfactor.Hersireis3/4 bloodbrothertoHighbrowCatandisoutofagooddaughterofGayBarLenaonthebottom, doesn’tgetawholelotbetterthanthat!SheisinfoaltoSmartCharcoalChexforanearlyApril baby.SmartCharcoalChex,blacksonofSLLandoutofamultipleproducing(over$250K) BuenoChexmare.HeisaNRHAandNRCHAmoneyearner,hasAQHAPointsinreining,working cowhorse,ranchhorsepleasure,andranchsorting.Hehasearned3consecutiveAQHARegion 2ChampionshipsinSeniorWorkingCowHorseandoneChampionshipinRanchSorting,hehas beenNRCHAWorldqualifiedinLimitedOpenBridlethelast3years.SmartCharcoalChexisa fullsiblingtoCarolRosegreatmareLilSmartyChex.Wearekeepingher2-year-oldgrullafilly, shewillbeenteringtrainingthisspringandshehasproducedanAQHAperformer. DateFoaled:6-7-03 Owner:AmmonRanch 69 4456196 DOC O’LENA ILL BE SMART SMART PEPPY AQHARedRoanGelding SONNY DEE BAR 10 DateFoaled:4-22-09 Owner:Bill&VickyBerger Silver Smart Lena Beenthere,donethatranchhorse.He’sthemostsoughtafterranchhorseonourplace, extremelycowy,beenranchropedonextensively,onehandneckrein,bigstop.406-230-1906 66 Mr Joes Snazzy Song SUGS CHITA SUGS RAMBLING BENITO DOCS RIO RAMBLER AQHAGrayMare DOC BAR POCO LENA PEPPY SAN ROYAL SMART DOC’S SUG PANCHITA STREAK BENIOT PAT STAR BITTER SWEET RIO OwndaughterofI’llBeSmart,LTE:$77,400,leadingNCHAandNRCHAsirewithoffspring earningsinexcessof$14million,andoutofaSugsChitamare.TrevorBrazillerodeaSugsChita throughthe2011NFR.Thisbeautifulmarewasbornandraisedonourranchandhashadsome verynicebabiesforus,allhavebeeneithergray,grulla,orblack.Shehasadaughterexcellingin cuttingtrainingdownsouth.Thisbabyshouldbeatopprospect.InfoaltoSmartCharcoalChex Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale TL Dawn DateFoaled:4-8-96 Owner:AmmonRanch 70 352290 AQHABlackMare PEPONITA PEPA LENA STARzAN STARRY PRIDE jIFFEY PRIDE DateFoaled:6-30-07 Owner:AmmonRanch LHT TWAYNAS BID jET N ROCKET MISS TOP jET DECK MISS LOVE BAR AQHAGrullaMare POCO jUNIOR BONNER CE POCO SLIDIN IN TOM ROCKY TOP DISCOUNTS IMAGE CE POCO SUGAR POCO CHULUPA POCO BUENO 2 HOLLYS SWEETNESS POCO BUENO TOM MISS ROCKY RASTUS POCO DISCOUNT BILLEjO CODY POCO DIEGO 007 SKIRTS RED Broketoride,quietandgentle,lovespeople.Greatfoundationpedigree,shouldbehigh% foundation.Willbe100%colorproducerasabroodmare.UCDavistestedhomozygousfordun 72 Good Classic Rain 4750941 DateFoaled:4-30-05 Owner:HardyPerformanceHorses FROSTY FEATURE GOOD FEATURE POLLY GOOD ROMAN MAC FOUR RAINY DAYS FIGURE FOUR 358 Ranchrode,stoutgelding.Goodinthehills. AQHABayStallion TRUCKLE FEATURE MISS LEO FROST GOOD PACIFIC jORDAN POLLY DO UNIKIA MAC’S FAIR LADY EDDIE EIGHTY DRIFTING TULE DateFoaled:5-24-07 Owner:DaveHermanson ROMANS SONNY IMAGE ROMANS SILKY RO LITTLE SILKY RO BLACK ON LINE AES POCO DEES BAR SMOKEY MAES SHADOW TEE jAY ROMAN SONNY D’S HONEY SILKS CLABBER BOY LITTLE POCO RO POCO BLUNDER SENIOR jETS MARK OF CLASS LUCKYS REAL SHADOW TWINKLE MAE GRAY Broke,quietandgentle.Beeninthebox,trailrode.Wantstobegentle.Catchhimwhereyou findhim,ifnothe’llfindyou. Mister Four Jet DateFoaled:6-1-10 Owner:AlonzoQuinn 74 X0692870 AQHASorrelGelding RARE FORM MEMES BOY SAY CHARLIE TARSAL CARNIVAL ISLAND GOLD ON THE ISLAND THE SIGNATURE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU MIGHTY TE EASY ODYSSEY TOM ROLFE PEACEFUL UNION GOLD ALERT CONEY ISLAND This horse has a lot of color, has 30 days of riding. Will make someone a nice horse. Due to myageandhealth,alsoalackofridersI’msellingmyhorses. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Brownie DateFoaled:2004 Owner:Zach&KimDavis 76 GradeBrownGelding Nice,gentlegeldingthatissafeforthewholefamily.Ouroldestgirlhasrodehimontheranch anddrugcalvesonhimwhenshewas7-and8-years-old.Brownieisnot100%sound,butdoes Patches DateFoaled:2009 Owner:RudySchrock 77 GradeBrown&WhitePaintPony,Male Quiet,kidsponydeluxe.Broketorideanddrive. Georgias Lil Star DateFoaled:3-26-07 Owner:LuckyHRanch 78 5144262 AQHASorrelGelding GRAYS STARLIGHT SOULA jULE STAR jAMES WOODROW GEORGIASPURDYESTLADY HERCS MIDNITE OIL 928190 APHASolidPalominoGelding BEDUINO A CLASSY CHIC TWAYNAS DASH GINNS BID jET CHARGER jOHNS ROCKETTA RILLITO DECK LOVE BAR Quiet and gentle, has been rode on hunting trips in the Big Horns, used for gathers and brandings,aneasygoingmarethatpacksagenuinespeedpedigreeincludingDashForCash, Beduino,JetDeck,Prepotente,andTopDeck. BELLA COQUETTE 73 Smokey Maes Tee Jay AQHABayMare TOMS TOP ROOSTER 71 5171670 75 4842847 CHICKS BEDUINO Nice,stoutGDofthelegendaryPeponita,hersirePepaLenaisaNCHA$earner,andhas anicefoundationbottomside.Shehashadseveralnicebig,stoutgrullababiesforus,Ialso believethatshecarriesasplashwhitegene.InfoaltoSmartCharcoalChexforamid-Mayfoal. Sheshouldhaveafancy,fancyblackbabythat’ CE Poco Belle DateFoaled:2006 Owner:CharlieKlasinski PEPPY SAN BADGER DOC’S STARLIGHT DOCS OKIE QUIXOTE OAKALOLA HAIDSS PEPRICO PRITTIE LADY zAN HERCS LITTLE BROTHER SUNSET TARI OIL A14hhownsonofSoulaJuleStarandhefeelslikeit.Heisextremelycowy,surefooted,and handy.Soonerhasbeenusedinthefeedlotduringthewinterpullingsickcattleandalsosorted yearlingsatthecommunitypasture.Thislittlegeldingisn’tforbeginningriders. 79 Chisum DateFoaled:2002 Owner:SpurRanchQuarterHorses GradeChestnutGelding ChisumhasbeenrodeintheBadlands,onwagontrains,andalsotrailrides.He’sgentleand quiet,brokeforanyone.He’sbeenusedonalltypesofranchwork. Turbo DateFoaled:7-years-old Owner:TerryTenneson 80 GradeBayMiniGelding Heisapproximately35inchestall.Hasbeenshowninleadlinewitha2-year-oldgirland usedonaminiature2wheelcart.Heislikeadogthatfollowsyouaround. JT Rocket Hancock DateFoaled:6-3-07 Owner:DeanWendt 81 5024637 AQHABlueRoanGelding MINTED CHARM RORY THE CONQUEST MS VANDY REED jOE BEE jACK VANzINA BEE LUKESVANzINA MR RACE RUNNER EASY CHANGE REED BONANzA WIBAUX SUE PONDIE jOE jACK MISS GREY BEE LADYS LUKE LIL SUGAR MOON Broke to ride and gentle. Coggins, good black hooves. Been used to pen cattle in the sale barn.Rodebyanelderlyman. 11 Lots 1-206 SHESA LEO LENA PEPPY SAN BONITA TIVIO HESA DOC O’LENA LEO’S LIL STAR COWBOY 2 DUSTER MISS STARRY SKIP’S PRIDE jIFFY BAR Top Jet Natasha Gunem Young Ace DateFoaled:4-9-03 Owner:DaveHermanson 82 4404478 AQHAPalominoGelding YOUNG GUN Lots 1-206 YOUNG RIO GUNNER MONEY TALKS RIO DOCS ACEY DEUECY DOUBLE ACEY DEUCEY DOUBLE CRIMSON LADY FRECKLES PLAYBOY LENAETTE DOC QUIXOTE MONEY FROM HOME DOC BAR ISLA TIVIO WARES CRIMSON BOY WARES DOUBLE STAR Lotsofshapeandlooks.Whitefaceandwhitesocks.Broke. Poco Rowdy Frost DateFoaled:2007 Owner:JackAadland RAWHIDE RED BUCK BONITAS KINGLET AVISO PEPE POCO FROSTYEYED LADY LADY POCO WATCH 83 MR BARON RED IMA TYREE LENAS BONITA MISS KING BAILEY OLD DOMINION POCO NIETA ELENA WATCH FROSTY jACK LADY POCO RACK Thisisareallynicegeldingthatwasstartedasa3-4yearoldandriddenuntilthesonlost interest.Hehasnotbeenusedforawhile,butisnowwithatraineranddoingverywell.Heis ridinggoodandissoundandgentle. Custers Hook DateFoaled:4-21-09 Owner:DallasGerhardt 5222493 84 AQHABlackGelding EL TAUR EL TAUR DOT PEPONITAS POCO DOT PEPONITAS POCO PINE PEPONIT PINE SASSY POCO PINE BAR MAID PINE POCO SCOOTER SUGAR BABY PINE PEPONITAS POCO PINE POCO APRIL FORTY PEPONITA PINE MISS RAVEN BARS PINE BARTENDER NELL zAYDIN AcehasbeentotheBadlands,beenusedinthebrandingpen.He’sbeenranchedon.Ponied horseswithhim.StartedtrackingtheHotHeelsandsteersinthearena.Gentle.Sound. Cool Cat Rey DateFoaled:6-1-09 Owner:RandySchuchard 5245108 HIGH BROW CAT BLACK CATAMOUNTS REY RACH REY POPPIN PEPONITA LITTLE MISS POPPIN jACEE DOC STAR DateFoaled:5-17-13 Owner:DeanSykes 86 AQHAGrulloFilly HIGH BROW HICKORY HIGH BROW’S MIRAGE QUILTED BLANKET INDIGO MEGA MEGA HOLLY FRECKLES PRETTY FROSTY POCO DOC’S HICKORY GRULLA SAN MR SAN PEPPY SILKY QUILT MARTHAS MEGA jAC WILLOW KIT CODY HEzA PRETTY POCO TRULY POCO LEO Nice,grullofillybyHighBrowsMirage(agrullosonofHighBrowHickory)outofabigpretty grullomare(agranddaughterofMartha’sMegaJac) BuckskinGelding TWO EYED RED BUCK Pending 85 AQHABlackGelding HIGH BROW HICKORY SMART LITTLE KITTY OLLIE REY RACH BEE PEPONITA SNOOKIES BABY DOC’S TOM THUMB jACEE STAR Thisisaverynice4-year-old.Wellbuiltwithaprettyhead.HeisbyNorthRidgeRanch’s NCHAearningHighBrowCatStallionandoneofDonStrain’stopproducingmares.Herfoals havegrossedover$100,000NCHAearnings.Allofhercoltswanttobegoodhorses.Verykind andgentle.Iwouldcallthishorseabrown,butheispaperedblack. Mega Holly Freckles DateFoaled:4-30-06 Owner:DeanSykes 4860290 87 AQHAGrulloMare MARTHAS MEGA jAC INDIGO MEGA WILLOW KIT CODY HEzA PRETTY POCO PRETTY FROSTY POCO TRULY POCO LEO HOLLYWOOD jAC 86 MAINLY MARTHA KID FIVE CODY OTTER RUN RED ANT BARON SIOUX VANITY PINE FROSTY GREY HANCOCK KINGS BEAUTY TWO Big,prettygrullomare.AgranddaughterofleadingreiningsireMarthasMegaJac.Shehas Pending DateFoaled:7-20-13 Owner:DeanSykes 88 AQHAGrulloStudColt HIGH BROW HICKORY HIGH BROWS MIRAGE QUILTED BLANKET TWO EYED jONESY SH LENAS CUTTIN SMART SMART TARIS PEPPY DOC’S HICKORY GRULLA SAN MR SAN PEPPY SILKY QUILT TWO EYED TWISTER SOLANOS SONITA SMART PEPPY LENA SR MISS TIVIO TARI Fancygrullostudcolt(nowhite)byHighBrowsMirage(agrullosonofHighBrowHickory) outofabig,strongmare.Thiscoltisstallionmaterialorafancygelding.Canbeseenatwww. Patches DateFoaled:16-years-old Owner:GaryVigen 89 GradePaintPonyGelding Patchesisa16-year-oldPaintPony.Beenusedinall4-Heventsandtrailrides.Gentleand wellbroke. PG Gunner DateFoaled:5-3-08 Owner:DannyElwood 5130906 PLAYGUN PG GOLDEN GUN DOC HOLLY LADY ONE WAR TINKER SHIVERS WAR SHIVERS PENNY 90 AQHASorrelStallion FRECKLES PLAYBOY MISS SILVER PISTOL DOC HOLLYWOOD GUARD’S LADY WAR LEO BRADY LADY SHIVERS jOKER TEARI Wellbroke,gentle. Fall All Breeds Horse Sale - October 3-5, 2014 12 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Poco Rebel Frost DateFoaled:5-22-08 Owner:4KLivestock 91 5168909 AQHAGrayGelding TOMICHIS IMAGE SWEET COUNTRY GAL MR BONDIE CHOICE POCO KINGS GINGER DUDES WINDWALKER PLAYIN STYLISH PLAYBOYS MOM PADDYS IRISH WHISKEY MISS IRISH POCO MISS POCO 085 92 Peppers Easy Handle DateFoaled:4-7-06 Owner:ArchieArchuleta 4889479 AQHAGrayGelding SMART LIL HIGHBROW PEPPERS HIGHBROW LIL PEPPER LYNX STAR HANDLE BAR DOC HANDLE BARS DREAM MISS DAINTY DREAM AQHASorrelGelding DOCS STYLISH OAK Big,strong,upstandingprimeagedgeldingthathasdoneallphasesofranchwork.Calved onhimextensivelyayearagoandgatheredseveralbigstringsofyearlingcattleonhimlastfall. Solidgeldingthathasabrightfutureinthearenaorbackontheranch. HIGHBROW HICKORY SMART LITTLE KITTY COLS LIL PEPPER LYNX TOOTER DOC BAR CAMELOT CLABBER DODO’S CONCHO LUCKY DREAM Ike,aswecallhim,hasbeeninourfamilysincehewas2-years-old.Hasbeenextremely gentleandeasytohandlehisentirelife.Hewouldliterallyfollowyouintoyourhouseifyouwould lethim.Beenrodeonseveralhuntingtripsinbig,roughcountry,packeddeerandelkonhim. Hashadgunsshotoffofhim.Allthekidsridehimdoubleandtriple.Hasneverhadanyhealth issueswhatsoever.Canbeturnedoutforyearsonendandwillmeetyouatthegatetobecaught andthereisnofunnybusiness.Ifyouarelookingforanice,gentlefamilygelding,youcando anythingon,don’tmissIke.Sound,safe,andverygentle. DateFoaled:4-2-08 Owner:DonLarmon 93 5125961 Trappin Cats DUN WITH A BREEzE A GOLDEN DISCOUNT TWO BEA WINONA SNIP ID jACK ID BARS BARS BAYOU Arealprettygelding.Beenusedonranch.Gentleandsound. La Grange Lily DateFoaled:2-26-07 Owner:JeffChaney 94 5023686 AQHASorrelGelding HIGH BROW HICKORY HIGH BROW CAT SMART LITTLE KITTY DUAL PEP DUAL LENA PEARL SHORTY LENA PEARL PEPPY SAN BADGER HAIDAS LITTLE PEP DOC’S HAIDA DOCS BUDHA MS BEAULAH BUDHA MS ROAN FRECKLES DOC’S HICKORY GRULLA SAN SMART LITTLE LENA DOC’S KITTY PEPPY SAN BADGER MISS DUAL DOC SHORTY LENA PEARL TARI Very nice young cutting horse. Been on cattle for 2 years. Don’t miss this young son of HighbrowCatandoutofmoneyearningdaughterofDualPep.Hestands14.1hands,isstraight leggedandcorrect.Thisisaverynicehorsethatisgreatminded.Heissupergentleandhas agreatpersonality.Heissoundineveryway.Hewillspeakforhimself.www.huntleyhorses. com,701-391-9587 Dots Jessie San DateFoaled:2008 Owner:MarcMatlick 97 5128141 AQHABuckskinGelding zANDY jAMES POCO ETERNAL SPRITE RIKA KA SAN FELIPE TE BIRD BIRD CROPPIE DOTS jESSIE BUCKS MISS MAzIE ETERNAL LIGHT FIRE zANE REY DE PEPPY RIKA MAC POCO GOOD BIRD jACKS GEM Foundationbredgelding.Usedonbigcountryranchandstartedropingandlogginginthe arena.Formoreinfocall307-680-5156. Flashys Young Peppy 5371627 DateFoaled:4-14-10 Owner:SpurRanchQuarterHorses YOUNG GUN YOUNG GUNS BADGOLENA BADGER ECHOLENA AQHASorrelMare MR SAN PEPPY SUGAR BADGER DOC BAR TERESA TIVIO DOC BAR HOLLY BAR MAID FRECKLES GAY KING CANDIED CLOVE 96 5334462 DateFoaled:4-5-10 Owner:JadenHuntley AQHARedDunGelding SAILORS COOL BREEzE STEARNS BAR DONDI OAKWOOD REBEL TWO BEA CHICKAREE TWO ID BARTENDER jACK EYED SNIP BAR NONE SULTAN BAY CHARGE DOC’S OAK DOCS STYLISH FRECKLES PLAYBOY LENAETTE PEPPY SAN BADGER DOC’S STARLIGHT SPARTA TIVEO SONS ROAN SUGAR Lotsofshapeandlooks.4socks,whiteface.Extrawellbroke.Comeoffof6666. YELLOW CAKE USE Golden Discount 95 5075013 DateFoaled:2-4-07 Owner:DaveHermanson Lots 1-206 SILENT REBEL FROST DYNAMITO SILENT TOMICHI COUNTRY FROST SWEET MISTY LADY LADIES CHOICE BONDIE GAL TAILWIND DUDE GEISHA’S SUGAR Stylish Irish ADAIRS FLASHY DOC GMS FLASHY PEPPY PEPPY SAN CHERYL 98 AQHAGrayGelding FRECKLES PLAYBOY LENAETTE PEPPY SAN BADGER DOC’S BARETTA COUNT THE GOLD 89’ERS FLASHER PEPPY SAN BRUCE’S CHERYL Beenusedonafeedlot,heelinganddoctoringcalves.Hewillsidepasstogates.Reallyrides andreadytogototherodeopen.2-year-oldgrandsonhasbeenridinghimintheroundpen. Don’toverlookthisflashylittlegelding. NOTES OwndaughteroftheHaidasLittlePep.NCHAearningsof$425,010andaproducerofover $10,000,000.Thismareissuperbroke,gentle,withnobuckandnononsense,sheisallbusiness.Shehashadalotofoutsidemilesandshewillworkacow.Shehasdrugcalvestothe fire,justanicemarethatisprettyheadedwithalittleneckandalittlehead.Ifyouarelooking foragreatmareheresheis. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 13 99 San Par Nic 4588449 DateFoaled:5-19-04 Owner:VigenHorseCo.(Brent&Bryce) REMINIC Lots 1-206 zAN PARR NIC SPARKLES ROSEzANA CT MR SAN PEPPY SAN PEPPY DELIGHT FANCY HAzEL AQHASorrelGelding DOC’S REMEDY FILLINIC zAN PARR BAR DIAMONDS SPARKLE MR SAN PEPPY CUTTER’S SUSIE QUE BONITA GOLD RUSH DELIGHTFUL GINGER Big,shapeygeldingthatreallywantstoride,superquietandgentleshouldfitanyphasesof ridersandwouldmakeanexcellentarenaprospect.Shouldbestartedontheheadsidebysale dayformoreinfo.701-331-2483 CSR Roan Bar Tater DateFoaled:5-6-10 Owner:PetePiatz 100 5310883 AQHABayRoanGelding RED CEDAR BARK CEDAR SIOUX REP SIOUX REP COUNTRY jOHN RED CjR jOSEY jO CALLIE BLACKBURN FANCY ROAN BAR jENNY LEE BARK REPETITOUS BALDA SIOUX COUNTRY BAR RED BROWN PESO DOLL MR BLACKBURN BILLY CALLIE DIAMOND DateFoaled:9-24-08 Owner:BevingQuarterHorses 5106524 104 AQHADunMare MR BLACKBURN 41 MR BLACKBURN CHAMP SHEILCUT FORTYS LAST CHANCE BLACKBURN 014 BLACKBURN 897 PRETTY BUCK LADY COWAN 6 POCO CHAMP HOLLY jAMIE MR BLACKBURN 40 MISS BONITA ELEVEN EL NINO’S DUDE BLACKBURN 97 FoundationbredmarethatisexposedtoPocoCuffStripe, Blackburn 085 DateFoaled:6-29-08 Owner:BevingQuarterHorses 5106523 105 AQHABayMare MR BLACKBURN 41 MR BLACKBURN CHAMP SHEILCUT FORTYS LAST CHANCE BLACKBURN 014 BLACKBURN 897 PRETTY BUCK LADY COWAN 6 POCO CHAMP HOLLY jANIE MR BLACKBURN 40 MISS BONITA ELEVEN EL NINO’S DUDE BLACKBURN 97 Foundationbredmarethatisagoodproducer.ExposedtoPocoCuffStripe,adunlinebred Broketorideandgentle. 101 Niftys Blackburn 5321118 DateFoaled:5-14-10 Owner:HaseleuQuarterHorses(Todd) HES A NIFTY jAC NIFTYS SUPER SONIC YOURS ETERNALLY POCO T FORTY GO MISS FORTY jC MISS ROANY AQHAPalomino HOLLYWOOD jAC 86 NIFTY ROSE LEE ETERNAL SUN BARS THERMOLENA POCO BUENO DOC BAR MODEL T FORTY ROANEO EAGLE SKIPPERS GOLDEN MISS Nice, Taz 102 DateFoaled:2006 Owner:TannerLong GradeBayQHMare BeentotheSandhillsandBadlandsmanytimes.Chasedcattle.Quiet. Golden Hill Peppy DateFoaled:6-1-04 Owner:DaveHermanson 4614690 HOW TOO SPANIARD BADGERS POP A SAGE POP A TOP SAGE FIGURE FOUR 236 MISS jACQUELINE 087 MISS jACQ CORD Broke,broke,andgentle.Usedatsalebarn. 14 Blackburn 087 Blackburn 990 DateFoaled:4-23-99 Owner:BevingQuarterHorses FORTYS LAST CHANCE MISS BONITA ELEVEN MR BLACKBURN 41 BLACKBURN LADY BUCK BLACKBURN 40 PRETTY BUCK LADY COWAN 5 MR BLACKBURN 11 HARRY’S CINDY PRETTY BUCK LADY COWAN 5 PRETTY BUCK LADY COWAN 11 100%foundationbred.ExposedtoMrPocoBlackburn004.Ihave3fullsistersathomeand sheistheoldest.Tryingtoreducetomakeroomfornewfillies.Goodproducerandagentle DateFoaled:4-28-96 Owner:BevingQuarterHorses AQHABayGelding BONANzA PINE SPANISH BONITA POP A TOP CORD QUIEN SABE SAGEHEN WHEELING PEPPY SPRING FEVER GIN TONTO CORD MISS jACQUELINE 5 106 AQHABuckskinMare MR BLACKBURN 40 Poco Blakburn 049 103 3872330 3452040 MR BLACKBURN 41 PERTY BUCK POCO MR 14’S SUSIE FORTY CABALLEROS POCO BLAKBURN 005 POCO CHIPS KRIS 107 AQHADunMare PRETTY BUCK LADY COWAN 6 MR BLACKBURN 14 BERT’S SUSIE BEE MR BLACKBURN 40 POCO SIz POCO CHIP SPARKLY LOUISE 100%foundationbredmarethatisanexcellentproducer.Onlyreasonsheishereistomake roomforyoungfilliesintobroodmareband.ExposedtoMrPocoBlakburn004.Gentleandeasy Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Poco Blakburn 081 DateFoaled:5/3/98 Owner:BevingQuarterHorses 3676433 108 AQHADunMare MR BLACKBURN 41 MR 14’S SUSIE BARON SIOUX SIOUX FADED jEANS jEANS FLASHY Nice,bigmarewithgoodfoundationbreeding.ExposedtoMrPocoBlakburn004.Wekept3 filliesoutofthismaresothattellsyousheisagoodproducer.Gentleandeasytohandle.www. Memes Island DateFoaled:5-29-09 Owner:AlzonzoQuinn X0688601 109 AQHASorrelGelding RARE FORM MEMES BOY SAY CHARLIE TARSAL CARNIVAL ISLAND GOLD ON THE ISLAND THE SIGNATURE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU MIGHTY TE EASY ODYSSEY TOM ROLFE PEACEFUL UNION GOLD ALERT CONEY ISLAND Thisnicelookinggeldinghasalotofspeed,willhave30daysridingbysaletime.Duetomy ageandhealth,alsoalackofridersI’msellingmyhorses. Ikes Dawson Wood DateFoaled:5-30-10 Owner:ZachandKimDavis 110 AQHABayRoanGelding WILYWOOD DVA MISS PEPPY ORPHAN DRIFT PEACE SIGN POCO BEGGARETTE CIDERWOOD TKM DAWSON WOOD DRIFTS DOLL WERED WILLIE DAKOTA COUNTRY QUEEN MISS QUEEN TEEN DVA MAXI DRIFTWOOD ORPHAN IKE DAWSON FE Home-raised,nicelookingcoming4-year-old.45-60daysridingbysaleday.Hewillhave the ability to do just about anything you want to do with him. [email protected], 605-365-7353 Big Joe DateFoaled:5-9-11 Owner:AlzonzoQuinn 5503349 RARE FORM MEMES BOY SAY CHARLIE FISHERS DASH MISS DASHING FLIGHT SPARKLING FLIGHT 111 AQHASorrelGelding THE SIGNATURE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU MIGHTY TE EASY ODYSSEY FIRST DOWN DASH FISHERS FAVORITE GO FLIGHT SPARKING WONDER BigJoeisawellbredgelding.Hehasafullbrotherrunningbarrelsat2Dclassandisa moneyearner!Takealook.Duetomyageandhealth,alsoalackofridersI’msellingmyhorses. Thank You For Attending the Sale! Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale DateFoaled:3-15-05 Owner:GaryLohman 4699574 112 AQHASorrelGelding POCO DOUBLE PEPPY POCO HOLLYS SALTY SMOKYS PRESCRIPTION KEE YAzzIE zIPPOS SUGAR CHICK LITTLE ROCKET CHICK POCO KING TUCK MISS DOUBLE PEPPY MR SOLANO SMOKE DOCS GOLDEN HOLLY HEzA FANCIE BEAU DU SOLEIL BOTTLE ROCKET MY SUGAR CHICK Goodusinghorsewithanicehandleandgroundcoveringwalk.Stands14.2andisactually achestnutwithaflaxenmaneandtail. Dusty Guns Pending DateFoaled:2013 Owner:DaveEberline 113 AQHAGrayStallion PLAYGUN GUITAR GUN DAINTY LENA jR FRECKLES DUST OF FRECKLES jESSIE STARDUSTER FRECKLES PLAYBOY MISS SILVER PISTOL SMART LITTLE LENA DAINTY OAK COLONEL FRECKLES SANDHILLS BIRDY SENOR STARDUSTER MISS jESSIE HILL GuitarGunisa3/4brothertoDaintyPlaygirl(1998OpenFuturityChampion).DustOfFreckles dam of 3 NCHA money earners totaling $7,634, also point producer in heeling. Dusty is eligibleforIowaandMinnesotaCuttingFuturities.Realprospect,takealook! Unibrow Pistol DateFoaled:2013 Owner:DaveEberline Pending 114 AQHASorrelRoanStallion HIGH BROW HICKORY HIGH BROW RED DUNNY DANDY KATY SMART LITTLE PISTOL CHITTIS SILVER PISTOL CHITTI GLO DOCS HICKORY GRULLA SAN COLONOL FRECKLES KATY LYNX SMART LITTLE LENA MISS SILVER PISTOL MR jOE GLO CHITTI BANG BANG Unibrowisa1/2brothertoColorSilverPistol(2010APHAReserveWorldChampionSenior CuttingHorse).Hehasgoodconformationandshouldwatchacow. Captain Flipmia X0605524 DateFoaled:2002 Owner:HardyPerformanceHorses COLONEL FLIP FLIPMIA DOC O MIA TRIPLE SHARP STAR COOL TRIPLE TEE BAMBIS BOGIE 115 AQHABayGelding COLONEL FRECKLES NOCHE CORTA DOC O’LENA FRECKLES MIA LADYBUG’S CHARGE TRIPLE SHARP LEO’S LOTSA LUCK SABRES BOGIE Handy-sizedhorsethatreallyknowshowtohandlehimself,quickandsure-footed.Ranch used.FMI:406-230-1906 Nemo DateFoaled:2006 Owner:ArchieArchuleta 116 GradeBlackGelding Nemo is a really big, beautiful, flashy black gelding with 4 white stockings up to his knees, with4blackfeet.We’veownedhimsincehewasa3-year-old.He’sbeenriddeninparades, grandentries,andisgreatontrails.Ridesaloneorwiththeherd.Hassmoothgaits.Nicefamily typegelding.Saddlesup,loads,tiesandhaulswithnoproblems.Nobadhabits,sound,very gentle,andpretty. 15 Lots 1-206 PERTY BUCK POCO PRETTY BUCK LADY COWAN 6 MR BLACKBURN 14 BERT’S SUSIE BEE BARON BELL TWO EYED SUE MR BLACKBURN 88 MISS FLASHY WHEELS Pocos Mustang Wired Cold DateFoaled:5-29-06 Owner:DannyElwood 117 4893851 AQHASorrelStallion PEPPY SAN BADGER BULL PEPPY REY Lots 1-206 STARLET SEGUIN LECTRIC PLAYBOY LECTRIFIED OL LUCY BROWN MR SAN PEPPY SUGAR BADGER REY jAY EMILOU RINGO FRECKLES PLAYBOY LECTRO MILLIGAN SON OFA DOC MISS j B REED DateFoaled:2011 Owner:SpurRanchQuarterHorses DateFoaled:2008 Owner:DonLarmon Smart Joanne DateFoaled:6-6-97 Owner:JackAadland MAXS DEjA DUDE MISS LITTLE FROST SMART LITTLE LENA SMART PEPPY HESA COMMANDER DOCS REFLECTION SHEzA SNICKERS TRUMP AN ACE DIAMOND DARLENE MESSALINA Beenusedonaranch,gentle,sound,nobadhabits.16hands.Blackasacrow,3white feet.Fullmaneandtail. McCues Blue Moon DateFoaled:5-22-08 Owner:JayDunford 946931 119 APHABlueRoanGelding CATALENA SON EVANS GOjI EVANS YO YO EVANS CANNON D CANNON D MCCUE SCOOP ME MCCUE CATALENA BOY DAKOTA ANNIE EVANS DOC DUSTED jEAN EVANS KT BLACK TY AFFAIR AWHE DAISY ANN ICEE BLUE MCCUE GIVE ME THE SCOOP Heisbroketoride.Saddlehimupandhewillwalkoffeverytime.Nobuck.Hepicksuphis leadsnicely,lopesnicecircles,andissoftinthebridle.Hehasbeenusedtomovecowsandrode outside.Heisasharplooking,gentle,BlueRoan.Formoreinfoandpicturescall701-209-1694 120 To Impress Ashwood 5441331 AQHAChestnutGelding DateFoaled:5-6-09 Owner:JimPeterson MY SKIP ASHWOOD MY PARKER ASHWOOD DEBBIE PARKER KANSAS IMPRESSED RAVEN IMPRESSION QUINCYS SHADY ANN SURE SKIPPA ASHWOOD SUE BULL PARKER PRETTY PAM VANDY LOVE IMPRESSED ME MY KANSAS KITTY jOE QUINCY CjS DREAM GIRL Skipisbroke,quiet,andgentle. Sparky DateFoaled:May2005 Owner:RichHacker 121 GradeWhite&BrownGeldingPony Sparkyisagood,ridingpony.Stands13handstall.Anyquestionscall507-240-2318. Seven S Royal Lady DateFoaled:3-30-01 Owner:DaveHermanson 4131796 SMART CHIC OLENA ROYAL CHIC OLENA ROYAL jODIE BAR SEVEN S zANADAY SEVEN S zANS LADY SEVEN S SPECKETTA Extra,wellbroke.Ranchused.Lookatherpedigree. 16 AQHASorrelMare APHABlackGelding MAXS Dj VODOO 122 AQHASorrelMare SMART LITTLE LENA GAY SUGAR CHIC TRIPLE ROYAL jODIE jO BAR zAN PARR BAR MAY DAY HOBBY SPECULATOR LEO’S YELLOWBIRD 124 3618889 DOC O’LENA 118 GradeRedDunGelding Goodlooking.Ridesgentleandquiet,bigstop.Sirewaschampioncuttinghorseanddam was3rdintheworldteampenning.Thiscolt’sgotabigheartwillingtoworkandlearn.Cutter wouldbeanawesomeropingorranchprospect. Ranchandteamropinghorse,realgentle,realthickmade. Diamond DJ 123 Cutter DOC BAR POCO LENA PEPPY SAN ROYAL SMART COMMANDER KING RED BARS DOC BAR DIAMOND NEVADA ThismarehastheCOAwiththeNCHAandearningsofover$2,000,withlimitedshowing. Giveher30daysridingandshecouldgobacktothepen.Duetofamilydifficulties,shewasnot bredback.WouldmakeawinningAmateurorYouthmare.Soundandreallybroke. Poco De Ebony DateFoaled:5-1-09 Owner:DaveHermanson 125 5181285 AQHABuckskinGelding POCO BUDDY BUENO POCO DE jESSIE POWERS LIL KITTEN CODY BEE NIMBLE PEMBINA EBONY SUPER AGILE POCO DIEGO 007 TABANOS jUNE BUG COLLINS jESSIE LIL POCO KITTEN THE jAC BE NIMBLE CODY LOU FIFTY AGILE BLACKBURN EBONY FILAREE GoodBuckskincolor.Broke.Beeninwheatfieldandfieldlot. Col Royal Blue Cutter DateFoaled:2002 Owner:TammyJHerbst 4243747 BILLS CLASS ROYAL BILL BUCK POCO BLUE COWAN COLONEL jOE WOLFE COLONELS SUGAR BARS HY jULE STAR 126 AQHABlueRoanStallion BILLS ROCK MISS SPARKY WIN PERTY BUCK POCO ROYAL BLUE ANGEL TRIPLE COLONEL jOLENA GLO HY jULE PAULA LEWIS TrueBlueRoancoloratitsbest!CalthrowssuperniceBluebabies.Hepasturebreedsanad issupernicetobearoundandtohandle.Hewasrodeasa3-year-old.Goodoldtimebreeding. Easytocatch,100%sound,turnhiminwithmaresorridehim.Novices,goodoldboy! Docs Dun Dallyin 5458852 DateFoaled:5-20-12 Owner:NagelQH(RobertorKimberly) HOLIDOCS HUSKER HOLIDOCS DEE RSj BOSTON DEE DRIFTWOOD jUSTIN MISS WOODEN LYNX MISS LYNX BOMB 127 AQHADunStallion HOLIDOC COTTONWOOD BUTTERFLY BOSTON DEE BAR HEIDIS REBEL CIDERWOOD MISS POCO jUDY SUE SAN LEO LYNX MISS BEATLE BOMB Dally is a good looking, nicely built young horse. He has a very friendly attitude, and looks to beveryathletic.Withhisgoodlooks,greatcolor,andoldtimepedigree,heshouldmakeagreat performance/ranchhorseorevenastallionprospect.Hisgreatfoundationpedigreeincludes, DocQuixote,JodyFairfax,SonnyDeeBar,OrphanDrift,andDocsLynxjustoffhispapers.We hopetohave30daysridingonhimbysaleday.Call701-400-0175formoreinfo. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Beaus The Guy 5458862 DateFoaled:6-15-12 Owner:NagelQH(RobertorKimberly) FRENCHMANS GUY PC BOON COLLATERAL KING ROCKET MCCUE ROCKETS SHINING DELL SHINING VAN DELL AQHAGrayStallion SUN FROST FRENCHMANS LADY BOON DOX jOHN FROSTY COLORED GUN METAL GRAY BRAzILIN SHINING COMET AMORY VAN DELL Beauisagoodlooking,nicelybuiltyounghorsewithagoodmindandfriendlypersonality. Helookstobeveryathleticandwiththispedigree,heshouldmakeasuperbarrelorropehorse prospect.Hereallylikeskidsandwashalterbrokebya12-year-oldboyasacolt.Hewouldbea greatprojectforaJr.High/HighSchoolboyorgirlthatlikestorodeo.Hisgreatpedigreeincludes DocsJackFrost(2x),LaughingBoy,andBoonBarjustoffhispapers.Wehopetohave30days ridingonhimbysaleday.Call701-400-0175formoreinfo. Gus DateFoaled:8-years-old Owner:VigenHorseCo.(Brent&Bryce) 129 GradeBayGelding Gusisashapey,quietandgentlekindofhorse.He’seasytogetalongwithandwouldmake aniceranchhorseorgotohorse. Pondie Breeze DateFoaled:6-15-02 Owner:GeorgeorSallyTvedt 4334952 130 PONDIE jOE jACK MS BLUE PRINT DR LYNXS GOLD BREEzEE BABY GO BREEzE BY BABY WATCH jOE jACK PONDIES TOMGIRL jUDGES BLUEPRINT MISS KING DUDE DAVIS GOLD ANGEL MARYGOLD LYNX BREEzING MAN TOP TONI Tannerhasdoctoredcalvesinthepasture,pickedupatthe4thRodeo,ranchrodeoed,rode alotoftrailrides,teamropedbothends,butbestofallbeercanbroke. DateFoaled:2007 Owner:MarcMatlick 4989317 131 AQHARedRoanGelding zIPPOS MR GOOD BAR HH RED ROCK SONNYS BITO HONEY HES A KING OLENA jACKS CHICOLENA TWO SLICK CHICK DELIGHT zIPPO PINE BAR TAMERA WESS SONNY DEE BAR CRISTI KINGS GOLD OLENA KINGS ROYAL NINA LOTTA DANDI TWO COMETS DELIGHT Flashylookingbald-faced,14.3handgelding.Hehasbeenriddeninafeedlotandisstarted ropinginthearena.Formoreinfocall307-680-5156. Memphis DateFoaled:2005 Owner:JadenHuntley DateFoaled:4-27-06 Owner:MeyerHorseCo. 132 GradeBlueRoanGelding Verynice15.2handtrueBlueRoangelding.WehavehadMemphisaroundforawhileand hehasbeenagotohorse.Saddlethishorseupanymorningnomatterhowlonghehasbeen sittingandgogetanyjobdone.Sortordoctoroutside,hehasdoneitall.ForhissizeMemphis willreallygetaround.Hewillsidepassupandcramhimselfinanycornertoopenandclose gates.Wehaveropedbullsinthepastureanddrugtheminthetrailer.Thisisafinishedranch,701-391-9587 Visit our Facebook page at hermanson.kisthorsesale Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 133 4812934 AQHABuckskinGelding TYREES WALKER WALKERS MAjOR MISS DESTINY TYLER AN AWESOME COPY AN AWESOME FLAME YO BAR FLAME TYREES WATCH MUSIC WAUKE MAjOR TYLER MOORE MISS DESTINY WIN DADDYS CARBEAUCOPY ENCHANTED THREE LASS THE REDEEMING DUDE jACKS SISSY QUEEN Tyisabig,darkbuckskingeldingthatisprettyandathletic.Hewasraisedinroughcountry androdethroughit.Tyisanicehorsetouseforranchworkortrails.Hehasagroundcoveringwalkandiswillingtowork.WehavestartedTyontheheadsideandheisshowingalotof potential.Thishorsecanrunandcollectupwhenasked.Tyisgentletobearoundandridesthe sameeverytime.100%sound, Shiny Little Whiz DateFoaled:5-2-10 Owner:DarrelGustafson 134 5317491 AQHAChestnutGelding TOPSAIL WHIz GEE WHIz IT SHINES LADYS SPARKLE AQHAGrayMare PONDIE jOE jAKE Sonny Six Shooter Lindan Flamin Joe SMART CHIC OLENA OAKS A SMART CHIC PEPPYS LIVE OAK TOPSAIL CODY jEANIE WHIz BAR SHINING SPARK LUCKY LADY GLO SMART LITTLE LENA GAY SUGAR CHIC DOC’S OAK LITTLE PEPPY RUBY Dashisafinishedreinerandreadytoshow.Hehas6monthsoftrainiingwithNRHAmillion dollarrider-JordanLarson.Thishorseiscapableofplusonesonallthereiningmaneuversand hashadsomeworkdoneoncattle.Heisalsoaverystrongbarrelprospect. DM Tango Bar DateFoaled:4-20-10 Owner:DougMiller 135 5465660 AQHARedDunGelding WATCH DUSTER KING TANGO BAR DUSTER WATCH jOSIE TWIST DUN jUDGIN SHI DUN MISTY BAR SHI SUPER BAR WATCH jOE jACK SUTTON’S BELLE WATCH jOE jACK MISS SABER MCCUE SILENT jUDGEMENT AMBERITAS CHICK SHI THISTLE jACK SUPER BAR NIKKI 15HRedDunGelding.Flashy,4whitesocksandveryquiet.Hehasbeenonlotsoftrailrides andeasytocatch,hehasbeenusedtogathercows,100%soundandheisreadyforarealjob orjusttrailrode.563-599-4797 RSP Spoonfuloflena 4745472 DateFoaled:4-25-05 Owner:Bruce&BrendaDegenstein PEPTOBOONSMAL HES A PEPTOSPOONFUL MISS SMARTY REY CISCO LENA DRY BLUE LENA LIGHT BLUE DOC 136 AQHABayRoanMare PEPPY SAN BADGER ROYAL BLUE BOON SMART LITTLE LENA REY jAY jANIE DOC OLENA FOXY FRECKLES DRY DOC LIGHT BLUE GAL SupercutedaughterofleadingNCHAandNRCHAsireHesAPeptospoonful.Fancybay roanwithblazeand4socks,ridesaroundniceandhashadsomecuttingtraining.Pedigree ispackedfullofmoneyearnersandproducers.CiscoLenaisaproducerofAQHAReserve World Champion, NHRA Futurity Champion and NCHA money earners. 17 Lots 1-206 GUYS BOON BAR 128 137 Lil Gypsys Lena 3792608 DateFoaled:5-15-99 Owner:Bruce&BrendaDegenstein AQHAGrayMare DOC BAR POCO LENA GAY BAR KING DEENA GAY GYPSY BAR LAD PEP’S DONA LOU DING BOB BAR FRONTIER MARIE DOC O’LENA Lots 1-206 GAY BAR LENA GAY DEENA BARS GYPSY’S PEPPER GYPSYS MAY BAR FRONTIERS GOLD Gypsyhasbeenagreatproducerforus.Shewasriddenasa2-and3-year-oldandhas beenabroodmaresince.Bigmarewithlotsofshapeandsubstance.Veryversatilepedigree withmanycuttersandworkinghorses.NotmanyofthosegoodGayBarLenamaresaround. Gypsy’ Choco DateFoaled:2009 Owner:RudySchrock 138 GradeBrownw/StripeMaleMini Smallmini,perfectforbeginners.Broketorideanddrive. Bling DateFoaled:3-years-old Owner:TerryTenneson 139 GradeDappleGrayMinimare Pretty Lady Leigh 4290815 DateFoaled:7-21-02 Owner:WeningerQuarterHorses MR BLACKBURN 40 MISS BONITA ELEVEN MR BLACKBURN 944 MR BLACKBURN 88 DOUBLE BLACKBURN GAL FORTY BUCK GOLDIE POCO PINE POCO BURLEIGH LADY COWAN 2 VANITY PINE MCCUE SKIP SKIPS PRUDY LETTER FLICKA FORTYS LAST CHANCE ThisisanicestoutfoundationDunmarethatweraised.Shehassomegreatoldproven horses on her papers. Mr Blackburn 40 & Mr Blackburn 88 were both AQHA pt. earners andthegreatPocoPinewhowasthe2ndhighestproducerofAQHAChampions.Herdam, VanityPineIshowedandshewasamoneyearnerinpolesandbarrels.VanityPinewas alsoaproducerofmoneyearnersinranchhorseevents&teamroping.PrettyLadyLeigh isexposedtoIndigoMegaforanApril2014foal.Shepreviouslyproduced3dunsand1 Megans Tenino Pep 5077800 DateFoaled:4-25-08 Owner:WeningerQuarterHorses Sheis34”tall,dapplegraywithwhitemaneandtail.Sheisalsolikeadogandlikesalotof attention.Driveswellonthecart.Cartandharnesswillsellafterminiaturehorse. Casey 140 DateFoaled:5-2011 Owner:RichHacker MARTHAS MEGA jAC INDIGO MEGA WILLOW KIT CODY GradeBlackPonyGelding Jaebars Sugar DateFoaled:2-20-05 Owner:DaveHermanson 141 4755728 AQHABayMare SMART LITTLE LENA SMART LITTLE jAE BAR jAE BAR GALI RIGHT ON TIVIO SUGAR N TIVIO NO MORE SUGAR DOC O’LENA SMART PEPPY DOC’S jACK SPRAT LEO’S REDONDA POCO TIVIO DOC’S ALAMEDA SUGAR BARS MISS VICKI CHEX Trainedcuttingmare,hasyouthROMinpenningandsorting,2DBarrelmare.LonnieAllsup raisedher. 142 Codys Native Corona DateFoaled:4-12-09 Owner:DaveHermanson X0686144 AQHAAppendixBlackMare SELECT BARS SELECT A NATIVE DISRUPTESS LEOS QUICK SAN CODYS CORONA LITE CODYANNE TENINO SAN TENINO PAGE GIRL 13handblackpony,rides.Anyquestionscall507-240-2318 MAGNOLIA BAR jOLLY’S FOLLY DISRUPTER MISS ROMA jET ARE D SAN ATTENTION LEO CORONA CODY CHEXANNE LEES PAGE GIRL DateFoaled:9-years-old Owner:VigenHorseCo.(Brent&Bryce) Henry DateFoaled:1999 Owner:JamieGreenley DateFoaled:4-7-99 Owner:JackAadland 146 GradeSorrelGelding 3848406 147 AQHABuckskinMare PLAIN SCOTCH BAR POCO PINE DELRIO Bud is a nice quiet horse that has been used for all phases of ranch work and weekend trail rides.100%sound.Formoreinfo701-331-2483. 18 SCOTCH BAR PINE 143 HOLLYWOOD jAC 86 MAINLY MARTHA KID FIVE CODY OTTER RUN RED ANT MR SAN PEPPY TENINO FAIR LEE’S PAGE BOY SCOTTCOS DELIGHT Henryisa15-year-old,verygentle,sweetgeldingthatlovesallpeopleandotherhorses. Hehasgreatgroundmanners,leads,loads,andstandstiedlikeagentleman,welltrainedwith 6 weeks professional training from 5 Star Stables. Henry is traffic safe and great with farm machineryanddogs,hewouldmakeawonderfulfamilygelding. Lotta Time To Fax GradeGray 145 AQHAGrulloMare Thisisafancysilvergrullomarethathasprovenpedigreeonboththetopandbottomside. ShehasseveralHallofFamersonherpapers:HollywoodJac86isaNRHAHallofFamer;Tenino San&MrSanPeppyarebothNCHAHallofFamers.Shehasproduced2foalssofar,a2012 buckskincoltanda2013dunalinocoltwhowasourhighsellingcoltatthe2013fallsale.She hasbeenexposedtoHolidoc’sHusker,agrullosonofHolidoc.Wearesellingherduetomy ongoinghealthproblems.Needtocutbacksomemore.Youcanseepicturesofheronourweb Wellbroke,beenusedinfeedlot.Black,black. Bud 144 AQHADunMare FOXY FAX FAXY LADY OLINKA SONNY DEE BAR CHUBBY TIME PINE DELRIO HYGRO PINE POCO TRIPLE FAX PATTI PIE DUDE TUFF ORDER PROM’S PEPSI ThismarewonalargePleasureFuturityasa3-year-old.Hasbeenabroodmarethepastfew years.Withacoupleweeksridingcouldreturntotheshowpen.She’sagoodallaroundmare andissoundandgentle. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale JT Ruger Chiq DateFoaled:4-27-07 Owner:GaryVigen 5100871 148 AQHABlueRoanStallion SHAMBO jOE PICKADILLY jET RED BREEzY SKIPPER SKIP ROAN TANA HIGH ROLLING STYLE Big,BlueRoanStallion,quiet,easytobearound,colorproducer,beenrodesome. CD Goldlite 4557931 DateFoaled:5-6-04 Owner:ArlowKiehl 149 AQHASorrelMare CD OLENA CD ROANLITE LITTLE STARFISH LEO BOLD SEEKER DOLLY j GOLD SEEKER MY LAST jACK DOC O’LENA CD CHICA SAN BADGER GRAYS STARLIGHT DOC POPANO GOLD SEEKER BARS SANDY LOU SMITH TWO EYED jACK LUCKY DUN LADY DateFoaled:3-15-04 Owner:ArchieArchuleta DateFoaled:4-25-09 Owner:GaryLohman 5182412 150 AQHABrownMare DR KIRK CHROME E KIRK SISTER BIRDETTE TEXAS HIGH DASHER CASHY STREAK DASHING BLUE STREAK EASY jET LEA LERO jET N ROCKET THOUSAND MILE LOVE ON A HIGH CHERRI OHS STREAKING SIX DASH OF BLUE Fancybredbarrelprospectorpotentialbroodmare.Excellentconformation.Ridden60days asa3-year-old. Uh Huh I Like It DateFoaled:5-15-07 Owner:4KLivestock 5051365 LYNX FRECKLES LIL LYNX FRECKLES jUST A LIL CHANCE BAR HEMP BAR HEMP DANCING DANCING YAWL PERKS SUPER HANK UH HUH UH HUH ABS BARMAID HEMPEN THREE LILLIES BY YAWL DANCING EMPRESS QUINCY SUPER PERK MISS PRINCESS HANK AB BAR LINK WHISKEYS LA BAR Stands16plushands.Hehasdoneeverytaskthereistodoontheranchandisgentle.Has beenhauledtosomejackpotbarrelracings.Sortedandworkedtonsofcattleonhim.Big,strong madegeldingwithlooks,speed,andability. Barbarian Doc DateFoaled:5-1-05 Owner:DannyElwood 4856981 MR CANADA DRY DRY DOC DIVIDEND VANDYS ELITE DR BLUE BARS BARBARIAN GOLD TWINKIES GLOW 152 AQHABuckskinGelding DRY DOC SULLIVAN’S FANCY DOC ELITE PEACHES DIVIDEND HANCOCKS BLUE BOY GOLDIE BARBARA MIGHTY FEAST RAPID GLOW Ranch horse. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale DOC’S SUG OLE jACKIE SCOTTISH COLONEL CUTTER DONNA DOC’S LYNX FRECKLES jEWEL SPANISH ROjO LEO CHANCE IT We’veownedhimfor5years.Beenusedtodayworkoninbig,roughcountry.Imyselfhave personallyhuntedandpackedelkanddeeroutonhim.Heistoughasnailsintheroughcountry, rockfooted.Beenropedanoutsideandwilllookatacow.Wouldmakeaniceteampenningor sortinghorse.Sound. Tarplay 154 3482571 DateFoaled:5-26-96 Owner:JeffChaney AQHASorrelStallion jEWEL’S LEO BARS FRECKLES PLAYBOY GAY jAY DOC TARI ANNIE TARI BARRED ANNIE SUGAR BARS LEO PAN REY jAY GEORGIA CODY DOC BAR PURO’S LINDA MONTE BARRED SOFT STEP BythegreatFrecklesPlayboy.Thisstudhas200AQHAreiningpoints.Heis100%soundto rideorbreed.Hewouldmakeasupershortstirrupsshowhorse.Orifyouarelookingforagreat breedinghorse,hehastheprettiestheadandbigframeyouwouldwantinastallion.Nice,nice stallion.Handbreedorpasturebreed. Little Roanie Blue DateFoaled:4-3-11 Owner:DarrelGustafson 5365288 DUALS BLUE BOON LIL BLUE BOON MISS GAY CHICKASHA 151 AQHAGrayGelding AQHAGrayGelding jACKIES DOC DOCS SILVER COLONEL SCOTTISH SQUAW Reallywellbroke,sound,goodpenningmare. WR Jettin Six 153 4575682 HANSOME ROANIE BOY KRISS KROSS ROANIE SASSY LADY APRIL 155 AQHABlueRoanMare DUAL PEP ROYAL BLUE BOON LITTLE PEPPY SNIP CHICKASHA GAY BAR GILL BARS LEES ROANIE KING HANKINS BO SHASTA REY Wehave6monthsoftrainingonthisgorgeousfilly&sheisstartingtoshowalotofpromise. Hersirehasover$5,000inNRHAearnings&herdamisanowndaughterofHansomeRoanie Boy. Super Sonic Playboy 156 5320713 DateFoaled:4-25-10 AQHABuckskinGelding Owner:HaseleuQuarterHorses Bruce&Renee HOLLYWOOD jAC 86 HES A NIFTY jAC NIFTYS SUPER SONIC YOURS ETERNALLY ILL BET YOUR CHICKEN SMART LITTLE CHICKEN MISS OLENA FOXIE NIFTY ROSE LEE ETERNAL SUN BARS THERMONLENA GALLO DEL CIELO POWDERSUGAR PLAYGIRL AS SMART AS THE FOX MISS OLENA SAN Supernicehorse,around15hands.Hehasalotofheartandisafunhorsetoride.Iwas keepinghimformyself,butIdon’ 19 Lots 1-206 MR BLACKIES jET BLUE QUINCY MISS HANCOCK DELUXE REAL EASY jET LIE FOR ME SPEEDY STINKER jACK MS BREEzY SKIPPER HIGH ROLLING ROANY LIGHTNING jET CAT Docs Gray Lynx Snow Doll Bandit DateFoaled:5-2-99 Owner:FroelichRanch 157 3784813 TWO FOX BANDIT Lots 1-206 PALO GOLD BANDIT MISS BONI BRITCHES RHINESTONE jACK RHINESTONE DOLL CLOUD THREE AQHAGrayMare TWO EYED FOX DEARS WHIRL BAR jIMOAK BONI jO REED TWO EYED jACK DUDES STARLET STEEL ROOSTER MISS DIPTHONG Nice mare that we have bred and rode. She is very athletic and will fit most riders. Big, shapeymarethathasbeenranchedon. My Sweet Zip DateFoaled:5-6-94 Owner:MelissaMaxwell 158 CN543624 zIPPO PINE BAR zIP TO THE MOON SHE’S A SAUCY BAR jL’S CANDY DUST SWEET CANDY BAR TERRY BAR AppaloosaBayMare zIPPO PAT BARS DOLLIE PINE MOONS COPY BAR VENIDA jL’S DIAMOND PONDIE jL’S TINKER BELLE TONTO BARS GILL UNVEILD Hereisababysitterdeluxe.My4yearolddaughterrodeherin15playdays,barrelrunsand trailridesthispastsummer.Shehasbothaslow,easylopeorahighergearifaskedfor.Also wenttotheworldcompetitioninHunterunderSaddlein2004.Forpictures,e-mailrequeststo [email protected] Sparklin Berrywine DateFoaled:4-6-07 Owner:JeffChaney 159 4973760 AQHASorrelMare GENUINE DOC SHINING SPARK DIAMONDS SPARKLE jACS ELECTRIC SPARK HOLLYWOOD jAC 86 MISS HELLO HOLLYWOOD MISS DOLL PINE LAD’S 50 LADS BAYBERRY MILLIE GRAY BERRY MAC BEEBERRY TOO jAY RED jACKIE MY LITTLE FLY CAT MISS FANCY CAT BytheoneandonlyJacsElecricSpark.NRHAearningsof$95,260anda $1,000,000Sire. Thismareisdropdeadgorgeous.Sheisshowready,shecanstillbeshowninallagedevents. Sheissuperbroke.Ifyouhavekidsthatwanttoshow,sheisthehorse.Thismarewasnever shownduetothepreviousownerslackoffunds.Thismareisalsoafinishedheelhorse.She hasbeenhauledtoUSropingsandwonmoney.Sheisgoodinthebox,shedoesnotgethotand sheleavesflatandhasabigstop. Starr DateFoaled:1999 Owner:RudySchrock 160 GradeBayMale Brokegood.Childrencandrive.HasbeenonAmishbuggyhiswholelife. Jewels Little Freckle DateFoaled:5-28-10 Owner:JimPeterson 161 996089 LITTLE PEPPY BADGER HM PEPPYS BANNER STERLING RIVERS jR FRECKLES AMIGA FRECKLES HANCOCK AMIGA APHASorrelTobianoMare PEPPY SAN BADGER LADY DRY DOC STERLING BANNER CASEYS CHOICE COLONEL FRECKLES SANDHILLY’S BIRDY HOTSHOT HANCOCK SCAT’S BAR MAID A Hot Decision DateFoaled:3-12-11 Owner:Bill&VickiBerger 162 5440982 POTENTIAL INVESTMENT A LUCKY DECISION SMOOTH LANDING LADY SWEET TALKIN CHIP WE R TALKIN HOT HOT LITTLE TREASURE AQHABayGelding PRINCIPLE INVESTMENT HOT LITTLE TREASURE HOTRODDERS jET SET CACTUS BLEND zIPS CHOCOLATE CHIP TALKIN SWEET HOTRODDERS jET SET TREASURE SAIL Prettybrowngelding,stands15.2andjustturned3yearsold.Ridesgentle,pleasurehorse bredwithlotsoftalent,aniceyounggelding. Rioscompromise DateFoaled:5-5-08 Owner:AlonzoQuinn 163 5510772 AQHASorrelGelding TAKIN ON THE CASH NO COMPROMISE MS SPECIAL DELIVERY BOCA RIO SHES FOR RIO MOONS RIBBON DASH FOR CASH TAKE YOU ON SPECIAL EFFORT MISS QUICK DELIVERY MR PROSPECTOR NATIVE STREET TOP MOON REDDY NORMA Thisgeldingiswellbrokeforracing.Hehadtwostartsandonesecondplace.Youcankeep onracinghimormakeabarrelprospect.ThedamisatopAAAmare.Duetoage,health&lack ofriders,I’msellingmyhorses. Dave 164 DateFoaled:2000 Owner:RudySchrock GradeBay&WhitePaint Broketorideanddrive. Guner 165 DateFoaled:May2009 Owner:LaneHacker GradeBayGelding Gunerstands13-14handstall.Makeagreatyouthhorse/pony.Anyquestionscall(507)2402318 MGS Twisted Traveler DateFoaled:June2012 Owner:TwistedWoodRanch GaryDassinger 5514076 RIO BLUE BADGER FQHR RIO VALENTINO FQHR MALI jO BLACKBURNS FOR DEE GD BLACKBURNS FAIRY GD FANCY THIMBLENA 166 AQHADunStallion RIO VALENTINO LDK BLUE RIO LETA MCKEAG FROELICHS EDELWEISS FOUR D POCO BOY PRETTY POLLY MONARCH TIM O LENA 700 GO BLUE BOBBY BILIKI Checkoutthispeachdun!Hisuniquecolorisbecausehehastheroanfactor.He’snotjust goodlooking,he’ssmartandathletictoo.Hewillbeabletodowhateveryouwanthimtodo. Roping,ranching,trailridingoranoutstandinghalterhorse,thisguyisreadytogoyourway! NOTES Cluesiswellstartedexcellentpedigree.Shewouldmakeabroodmareorrider. 20 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 167 MGS Twistedwoodghost DateFoaled:6-11-12 Owner:TwistedWoodRanch 5514246 AQHACremelloStallion GD SMART PEP CHEX MG KIT CASH CUTTER CLARKS GOLDEN BABE COOKE COUNTY ETC zIPzAPATTI DEE BAR WALLS GOLD WATCH WAMPYS FIDDLER BUENO GOLD DOC SS PEPPY RODS CRYSTAL MARTY RED DUN RUNNER Bredtoslideandride!Butwithhisdispositionheshouldmakeanexcellenttrailhorse.Ifyou arelookingforastallionprospect,andwouldlikesomebuckskinorpalominocolts,thisguy couldbetheoneforyou. 168 MGS Twisting Tufcola DateFoaled:7-18-12 Owner:TwistedWoodRanch 5513897 AQHAGrulloStallion RIO BLUE BADGER FQHR RIO VALENTINO FQHR MALI jO GD LEOS SMOKIN DOC MG TOPSY LEO BAKER MD MISS TINKY TWIST RIO VALENTINO LDK BLUE RIO LETA MCKEAG FROELICHS EDELWEISS SMOKIN PUNK GD BAKERS RASPBERRY TUFCOLA BLACKS STAR GD MINERS NIGHT BABY LookingforSilver?Hereheis-agrullowiththeroanfactorwithmakeshimlooklikesilver. Hewillbebigandathletic.Trailriding,ropingorranching.Heshouldbeabletodoitall.Orifyou arelookingforacolorproducingstallion,Tuffhas12roans,7blacksand3dunsonhispapers. Blues Best DateFoaled:5-11-08 Owner:DallasGerhardt 5167602 169 AQHABlueRoanGelding CATALENA SON EVANS POCOS BLUE CATALENA POCOS MAGIC CHANCE BLACK TWISTY SPICKLEN ROSE MAGIC PEPPER SHAKER CATALENA BOY DAKOTA ANNIE EVANS POCO DEES PRIDE MAGIC PEPPER SHAKER TWISTY HOPE QUINCY SUSIES jOY BLUEBOY QUINCY MAGIC BREEzE BAR Bluehasbeenusedontheranchtochasecattle,checkfences.He’sbeentotheBadlands. IusedhimtoponymylittleboythroughtheBadlandsofMedora.Startedropingthehotheels. Gentle,sound. Buckshot 170 DateFoaled:2008 Owner:DonLarmon GradeBuckskinGelding Buckshotisaoneofakind.Finishedheadorheelropinggelding.Goodintheboxandno buck.Drugcalvestothefire,alsohuntedhogsonhim.Gentleformygrandson.100%sound. Zippyspoco Doc DateFoaled:5-14-06 Owner:DaveHermanson 4926843 171 AQHAChestnutGelding POCO BUENO SALLY jUNE DOCS ADONIS POWDER PAGE POCO zAN PARR jOY O BEAUTY DRY DOC 8 POCO LINDA CODY POCO FACT POCO DOC DE ORO KISS ME DOC jOY POCO CHIP zANS DRY BARMAID DRY LINDA BAR DateFoaled:2006 Owner:George&SallyTvedt DateFoaled:2006 Owner:George&SallyTvedt 172 GradeBlack/WhitePaintGelding Flashypaintteamyouwillgetnoticedwiththisprettysetofgeldings.Blackandwhite,drive realgood.701-489-3223 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 173 GradeBlack/WhitePaintGelding Flashyteamofpaintponies-drivegoodandtrafficsound. Ms Mary Mate DateFoaled:4-15-02 Owner:JackAadland 4310166 SMART LITTLE LENA SMART MATE FRECKLES PLAYMATE FANNIN SUGAR MS MARYS MERCEDES MISS BUCKSHOT DOC 174 AQHASorrelMare DOC O’LENA SMART PEPPY FRECKLES PLAYBOY NIP NAP SON O SUGAR FAN LEE DOC’S GOLD MINE MISS CACTUS HORNET Really a sweetheart. If you have a need for a truly talented mare for the entire family I wouldn’tknowwheretofindabetterone.Youcandoaboutanythingonherthatyoucandoon horseback.Cancatchheranywhere,completelysoundandgentle. Ima Candy Skip DateFoaled:3-19-06 Owner:Bill&VickiBerger 4847116 FOUR DOLCE POKE CLARKS HANDY FOUR CLARKS HANDY LADY MR DANCER DUSTY SNOWY RIVERS SKIP IRISH SKIP SANDY 175 AQHARedDunMare POCO BUENO IMAGE DOLCE HANCOCK CLARKS TEQUILLA DOC POCO HANDY DAKOTA MR jOVAN ACK MISS DANCER BARS IMA IRISHBAR DANDY GIDGETS ROBIN Candyisathickmadedunmare.Stands14.3,ridesquietandgentle,goodbrokefamilymare, trailridesgreat.Usedtogatherbulls& Gunthatwonthewest DateFoaled:3-9-10 Owner:MeyerHorseCo 5304663 NU CHEX TO CASH HD CONTINENTAL CHEX SF SKID BOOTS jOHN GUN ANGIES LITTLE GIRL ANGIE FLOWER 176 AQHASorrelGelding NU CASH AMARILLA CHEX KING OF FOUR MAC BOOGERS BEAR BAR ONE GUN CEE BARS ECHOLS BAR FLOWER HANDY ADAIRE GWisaverynicegeldingwithabigpedigree.Heischerrysorrelandhasabaldwhiteface thatisveryprettyandunique.GWisgentleformostlevelofriders.Hehashadsomereinedcow horsetrainingandwehavestartedhimheeling.Thishorsehasalotofcowsenseandissuper broke.Thishorseisfuntorideforranchworkandisgreatonthetrailsalso.Thishorsecouldgo anydirection.100%sound, Ikes Gray Boy DateFoaled:4-21-11 Owner:Zach&KimDavis 5364363 DVA MAXI DRIFTWOOD ORPHAN IKE PEACE SIGN Wellbroke.Beeninfeedlot.Ranchused. Magnum (Team with #173) FANCYS BILLY jOE RAINY ROAN BAR BLUE LADYS DAY 177 AQHAGrayGelding WILY WOOD DVA MISS PEPPY ORPHAN DRIFT POCO BEGGARETTE FANCY ROAN BAR SKIPPIT BILLIE jOE RAINY DAY LARRY DAVIS LADY Homeraised,goodcolt.45-60rides.HegoesbacktooneofGrandpa’sfavoritemarelines, 21 Lots 1-206 COOKE COUNTY PISTOL COOKE COUNTY GHOST POCODOCPEACNCREAM Maxum (Team with #172) Nats Nifty Pep DateFoaled:5-1-03 Owner:ArchieArchuleta 4416423 BLOB OF PEP Lots 1-206 NIFTY NIG MISS NIFTY CRYSTAL TEE j BLUE CHIP NATS GAL WICKERS CEE TALENT 178 AQHAChestnutGelding PEPONITA BLOB’S MISS REX zERO TROUBLE ACE LL BECACO 431 TEE jAY BADGER CHIP’S BLUE BAR TALENT WICKER’S CEE Dawson Ike DateFoaled:5-10-11 Owner:Zach&KimDavis 182 5380605 CIDERWOOD TKM DAWSON WOOD DRIFTS DOLL ORPHAN IKE IKES DAVIS LADY RAINY ROAN BAR AQHABayGelding ORPHAN DRIFT POCO jUDY SUE ORPHAN DRIFT BETSY DRIFT DVA MAXI DRIFTWOOD PEACE SIGN FANCYS BILLY jOE BLUE LADYS DAY “Pepper”aswecallhim,isarealclassyone-of-a-kindgelding.Hehasanextremelygood handle.Willcutacowonalooserein,excellentpenningandsortinghorse.Pepper’sbeenused inseveralranchhorsecompetitions.Doesthereiningpatternwellandhasplacedhighinseveral ranchhorsecompetitions.Hesidepasses,opensandshutsgatesandhasropedlotsofcattle. Ifyourlookingforareallyniceathleticusinghorse,Pepperistheoneforyou.Easygoing,gets alongwellwithothers.Cleanlegged,soundandgentle. Stout,homeraisedcoltoutofareallygoodmare.Thisguyisthekind,hehasthetoolstodo 179 Dukeisa5yearolddarkgraygelding,stands15.1.Hehasbeenonlotsoftrailridesand usedtogathercows,verynicehorsetobearoundandeasytocatch.Hewillbeagoodhorse foranyonetogoanddosomethingwith.100%sound(563)599-4797 A Nu Black Jaguar DateFoaled:5-1-09 Owner:MeyerHorseCo 5517398 NU PEPPY CHEX NU REMINIC CHEX NICA TWO jACKS MR jAGUAR MISS jO jAGUAR MISS jO DONDI AQHABlackGelding NU CHEX TO CASH FULL SIS REMINIC TWO jACKS WILD jAGUAR zONA BAR DONDI jO jACK GINNY HICKS Jagisaveryprettyjetblackgelding.Hestands14.2handsandiswellmade.Wehave startedJagasaheelhorseandheisshowingalotofpromise.Hehasaneyeforacowand willhaveabigstop.Jaglopesgreatcirclesandissmoothmover.Wehaveusedhimtocheck fenceandridepasture.Heisalsoagoodtrailhorse.Jagisgentleformostlevelsofriders. 100%sound, RS Frosty The Snowman DateFoaled:8-5-11 Owner:RobertStringer 180 1010123 APHAPalomino/OveroStallion TONTO SOCKS TONTO KICKS BALL LITTLE KICKING BALL TERRON UP THE TOWN RS LITE UP THE TOWN jAGGED LITE PC SILVER SOCKS MCCURES POPO DOT KLEATUS SUGARHORN EMPHASIS TERRON KENO WHOLE LOTA LUCK PIPESTEM RED jAGGED MAY Prettypalominogelding.ThispedigreegoesbacktoSunFrost,PeponitaPine,JackNAround, BeatleLuckandRedsHustle.Willmakeaveryniceyouthhorse.Cellphone(701)653-5267 Taylored Terron DateFoaled:5-22-11 Owner:RobertStringer 1010122 TERRON KENO TERRON UP THE TOWN WHOLE LOTA LUCK TAYLORED IN TIN IM TAYLORED IMA PRECIOS CHANT 181 APHABayOveroStallion jACK N AROUND POCO LINDY STAR BEATLE LUCK OHS CHERRY BAR TIN MAN REDEEMING ROSE MOON CHANT MISS CLASSIC RODEO Loudcoloredbiggelding.Shouldmaturetoaround16hands.Wouldmakesomeoneanice ranchhorse.Cellphone(701)653-5267 22 Duke 183 DateFoaled:2009 Owner:DougMiller Ikes Fabulous DateFoaled:5-9-10 Owner:Zach&KimDavis GradeGrayGelding 184 5311993 DVA MAXI DRIFTWOOD ORPHAN IKE PEACE SIGN FANCYS BILLY jOE FANCYS LISA WITCH DOCTOR BLUE AQHABayGelding WILY WOOD DVA MISS PEPPY ORPHAN DRIFT POCO BEGGARETTE FANCY ROAN BAR SKIPPIT BILLIE jOE DOCS WITCHDOCTOR COUGAR DELITE Homeraised, (605)365-7353 Blackburns Remedy DateFoaled:5-15-09 Owner:JackAadland 185 5200915 PR jOLENA PR BAILEYS BOY zANS SUNNY MISSIE SWEET SANDY TIVIO PjS ALAMEDA TIVIO ALAMEDAS CHANT AQHAGrulloGelding PLAYBOYS REMEDY SANjO SALLY zANS RAWHIDE OTOES SUNNY GIRL jESSIE TIVIO WHITES SWEET CHEX PERTY BUCK POCO TIVIO TOOSIE Exceptionallywellbrokeforayounghorse,takeshisleadswell,walks,trots&cantersona looserein.Hasbeenhandledalotandissoundandgentle. TMCR Hickory Smoked 5118710 DateFoaled:4-14-08 Owner:RollinFink REAL GUN HICKORYS REAL GUN HIGH BROW COMET zEBS TROUBLE SWITCH POCO CAYENNE STEP BADGER MUFFIN 186 AQHAGrayGelding PLAY GUN MISS WAR CHIPS HIGH BROW HICKORY FUNS COMET zEBRA STEP APRIL SWITCH BADGER CHAMP MISTY’S APRIL MOON Prettylittlegrayhorsethat’sbeenusedforallphasesofranchwork.Quietandgentle. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Chics Red Reuben DateFoaled:4-30-09 Owner:JeffChaney 187 5383837 AQHASorrelGelding SMART CHIC OLENA GAY SUGAR CHICK DOC QUIXOTE RUBYOTE RED RUBIN zAN DateFoaled:12yearold Owner:DaveHermanson jAE BAR CATALYST MAKIN A MISTY SPLASH GradeBlack/WhitePaintGelding Well broke ranch horse. Been hauled, head & heeled on. Been to college finals & hauled PRCA.Betterheelhorse.Loudcolored&anicehorse. Incredible Poco De DateFoaled:5-2-05 Owner:DaveHermanson 4662669 POCO DE jESSIE POWERS LIL KITTEN POCOS BAR POSTOL MISS INCREDIBLE POCO MISS INCREDIBLE RENO POCO DIEGO 007 TABANOS jUNE BUG COLLINS jESSIE LIL POCO KITTEN POCO MARKET TUTOR PISTOL INCREDIBLE KID RENO ROBIN Wellbrokeandgentle.Lotsofshape. Chico DateFoaled:9yearold Owner:ArchieArchuleta 190 GradeBay/WhiteTobianoGelding Chicoisa9-year-oldandstands14.1hands.He’sbeenriddenlotsofoutsidemilesandused inplaydaysandgymkanas.Hassmoothgaitsandtakeshisleadswell.Heisaneasygoinghorse. Wouldmakeagreathorsetogodownthetrail.Getsalonwellwithotherhorses,nobadhabits,sound. JRS Golden Chapo DateFoaled:3-29-02 Owner:DannyElwood 4213050 HOW D SUPER SOCKS jRS GOLDEN SOCKS SUNNIE SUGARLUMP GLASSIC TULLOCH TULLOCH SHADOW MOLLY MEYER 191 AQHAPalominoGelding TEE jAY SUPER jACK SKIP MAUD MONTLEON SUNNIE HOBO BARS GRAGO’S TOP CAT TULLOCH CHAPOS CADILLAC GO PAR MEYER jET HOME HONEY Topsail Rosalita DateFoaled:4-7-99 Owner:MichaelSchulz DateFoaled:4-19-03 Owner:MichaelSchulz AQHAGrayMare HOWDY TOPPER TOPSAIL DESIRE KING PISTOL SAN PEPPYS DOC TARI MS FATAL ATTRACTION DRY DOC CLOWNING AROUND SANDYS CLOWN DOC BAR MAGIC MAGIC SILVER MISS SILVER GEM BAR 192 AQHAGrayMare DOC BAR POCO LENA MR SAN PEPPY PALLASA LAURELES CLARKS DOC BAR ESTRELLA BARS SONNY SILVER jESSIE GEM BAR Performance bred top & bottom. A top producing mare. Milks like a cow. Bred to foal in early may.ExposedtoVonChicaro,sonofVonReminic,2000NRHAOpenFuturityReiningChampion. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale TEE jAY SUPER jACK SKIP MAE MONTLEON TOPSAIL CODY READY SUGAR BAR PEPO SAN COWGIRL KITTY EL PEPPY TRES TARIS CUTTING TWIST Sheisasuperproducingmarethathashadtenfoalsforus.GranddaughteroftwotimeWorld ChampionReiningHorse,HowDMaeBee.ExposedtoVonChicaro,sonofVonReminic,2000 OpenFuturityReiningChampion.ForMayfoal. Aces Chancy DateFoaled:5-11-08 Owner:MichaelSchulz 195 5102015 AQHABayMare DEALING OUT HMB DEALING ACES HMBS SILKY SUNRISE BEDUINO OF THE NIGHT CHANCY BEDUINO MISS CHANCE ALOT CHICKS BEDUINO DEALING IN DOUGH KAWEAH SUNRISE KINDA QUEEN NIGHT OF THE BEDUINO EASTANGO AIM N SHOOT CHANTEY Nice,quiet,doublebredBeduino.Shapeyandgentle.ExposedtoVonChicaro,soofVon Reminic,2000OpenFuturityReiningChampion.ForMayfoal. Vons Fancy Chicaro DateFoaled:6-11-12 Owner:MichaelSchulz 5448935 VON REMINIC VON CHICARO FLINNS CHARO 4425402 194 3862016 HOW D MAE BEE Gentlebroke,prettygelding. Magic Clown DOCS HICKORY GRULL SAN DOCS SUGS BRUDDER LITTLE MCRIO TARIS CATALYST jAE BAR MINA MAKIN A BIG SPLASH MISTY MARIA Royallybredbigquiet,prettymare.Lotsofshapeandlooks.Easytobearound.Exposedto VonChicaro,sonofVonReminic,2000OpenFuturityReiningChampion.ForMayfoal. 189 AQHAPalominoGelding POCO BUDDY BUENO AQHABayMare TARS LITTLE AMBER 188 193 4406812 HIGH BROW HICKORY HIGH BROWS MCBRUDDER LITTLE MCBRUDDER ChicisBabcockbranded,heisbythegreatSmartChicOlenaandoutofamarethathaswon $50,000plus.Thisgeldinghasseenalotofoutsidemiles.Drugcalvestothefireandropedalotof cattleoutside.Wehavestartedhaulinghimtojackpotsandheelingoffofhim.Heislaidback,good inthebox,leavesflat,andhasalotofspeed.Justasuperallaroundhorsethatisbroketodeath. Little Joe DateFoaled:4-20-03 Owner:MichaelSchulz SUGS BUENO PINE SUGS FANCY FRECKLE DEBONAIR 196 AQHASorrelMare REMINIC VON FRECKLES jAE BAR FLINN CHICARO LENA DOC’S SUG MY PINES BUENO COLONEL FRECKLES DEBONAIR DEE BAR Nicewellbalancedfilly.Prettyhead,bighip,doublebredColonelFreckles.Bredtoridewith thebest.VonReminic,2000OpenFuturityReiningChampion.aa Visit our Facebook page at hermanson.kisthorsesale 23 Lots 1-206 DOC O’LENA SMART PEPPY GAR BAR KING CHICY LITTLE DOC BAR MAGNOLIA GAL RICO zAN RUBIE RED SMART LITTLE LENA Butternut Taris Buenos Pepto Chex DateFoaled:4-26-11 Owner:MichaelSchulz 197 5408833 AQHABlueRoanMare Lots 1-206 BUENO GOLD DOC BUENOS DRIFTWOOD DOC COW LADY CW PEPTOS SAN LENA DAKOTAS PEPTO CHEX MISS PAWNEE CHEX BUENO CHEX DOC SMART LEO LENA CRIMSON WAR COW LADY’S GLORY BOONS MILLIENNIUM SAN jO TRINKA REMMABAR MISS PAWNEE BELL Ifyou’relookingforaversatile,wellbredfillywithanexcellentconformationandaperformancepedigree,takealookatthisfilly. 198 Lonsum Wrangler X0686797 DateFoaled:4-18-09 AppendixAQHASorrelGelding Owner:SpurRanchQuarterHorses LA jOLLAS GOLD GOLDEN TOLTAC TOTALLY TOLLY FREEDOM FLYER FASHIONETTA STARTIN FRESH STREAKIN LA jOLLA POCKATUS GOLD TOLLTAC KIND THOUGHTS EASY jET TRUE FEATURE ROCKET WRANGLER EASY BLUSH Rides gentle and quiet. He’s been tracking cattle and would make an awesome ranch or rodeoprospect.Hewillhavebeenstartedonthebarrelpatternbythetimeofthesale.He’salso beenranonthetrackandistattooed.#405A7 Sonny DateFoaled:2000 Owner:RudySchrock 199 GradeBayMale GradeBlackPonyMare DateFoaled:5-6-03 Owner:DaveHermanson 4352690 LADY TUFCOLA POCO SHILO COMET POCO QUINCY SUE QUINCYS ASHWOOD SUE 201 DIAMON TEE COE MAR HANKS COLT CHENEY HANKS STEP SHI BAR SKIP ROCKYS GRAY LADY MONSIEUR jOE jACK NEW STORMY GAIL TEE jAY BOSS HARDY’S DIAMOND MR TROUBLE STEP MISS HANK EDDIE POCO DEE’S PRIDE SHILO’S DUSTY GAL REAL BARON jACK TUFCOLA LADY POCO DEE’S PRIDE SHILO’S DUSTY GAL MR QUINCYS OHARA RED RUBY Chaseis14handgeldingwellstarted.Hisisgentleandeasytocatch.Heisverysmart. Wholelota Power DateFoaled:6-27-05 Owner:JimPeterson 204 855171 APHABlack/WhiteGelding A CLASSIC WAR DRUM A CLASSIC WAR POWER BLOOD POWER TERRON UP THE TOWN WHOLELOTA PRIDE BLACKBURNS PRIDE DIXIE’S WAR DRUM MS CLASSY CONCLUSION CAPTAIN BLOOD MONEY BARREL TERRON KENO WHOLE LOTA LUCK MY BLACKBURN CODY jENNIES PRIDE luckyisbroketoridequietandgentle. Zanalyst Little Fox DateFoaled:6-5-04 Owner:DaveHermanson 205 4582634 AQHABlackGelding TARIS CATALYST SPARKLES SUzANA PEPITOS PRIMERO PEPITOS LITTLE FOX LITTLE FOX CINCO AQHABrownGelding SHI BLUE VALENTINE MT COWBOYS TRADITION PATTY jACQUELINE AQHAPalominoGelding ASI PICANTE Jadeisaprettyblack12handpony,rides.Anyquestionscall(507)240-2318 Hanks Tradition 203 5195357 POCO SHILO COMET 200 DateFoaled:5-20-10 Owner:LaneHacker DateFoaled:4-24-09 Owner:Kathy&RandyFrenzel zANALYST Quietkidshorse.Broketorideanddrive.BeenonAmishbuggyfor10years. Jade ASI Picante Del Sol DOC TARI MINNICK’S GOLDIE zAN PARR BAR DIAMONDS SPARKLE PEPPY SAN BADGER ROBYN’S GLORY MISTER SAN CINCO MISS LITTLE FOX Goodheaded,lotsofshape.Royallybredandbroketoride,lotsoflooks. Molly DateFoaled:8yearold Owner:DaveHermanson 206 GradeBrownMuleMare PrettiestheadedmuleI’veeverseenandhassomethinginit.Brokeandextragentle. NOTES Wellbroke,gentle,prettyhorse. Boonsmal Bart DateFoaled:4-6-11 Owner:DaveHermanson 5423762 202 AQHARedRoanGelding PEPPY SAN BADGER ROYAL BLUE BOON SMART LITTLE LENA DAINTY LENA DAINTY OAK TWO ID BARTENDER RHINESTONE BARTENDER ALL EYES ON jACKIE jOE STAR jOE AMBERS RENO STAR MISS RENO BAR PEPTOBOONSMAL SMART N PEPTO SEVENS RENO STAT Nicebred,nicecolt.Wellstarted,gentle. 24 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 25 26 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 27 Hi Class Shine DateFoaled:2-27-05 Owner:DaveHermanson 207 4755803 AQHASorrelMare FIRST DOWN DASH FIRST TO SHINE MARCY DARLING SPECIAL SHAKE HIGH CLASS SHAKE CLASS FIVE DASH FOR CASH FIRST PRIzE ROSE SIX FORTUNES MARCY DEE SPECIAL EFFORT SHAKE IT TO EM TRUCKLE FEATURE MARKETINA FirstToShineSI104HighClassShakeROMWinner.HiClassShakehasa95SI.Openbut safetobreed.Prettymare. Exclusive Again DateFoaled:3-3-04 Owner:DaveHermanson 208 4947608 AQHABrownMare RIME MAjOR RIME MARY MAjOR EXCLUSIVE ENOUGH (TB) EXCLUSIVE TWELVE Race section • Lots 207-251 TWELVE FIVE Big,prettymare.ROM.Open,safetobreed. DASH FOR CASH WINTER DREAMS EASY TORO ESTER’S BUNNY EXCLUSIVE NATIVE (TB) ONE IS ENOUGH (TB) AzURE TE (TB) DOUBLE ROSE 209 Perry A on the Rocks DateFoaled:3-22-09 Owner:CaseyPeterson 5183182 AQHASorrelGelding STREAKIN LA jOLLA MR jESS PERRY SCOOPIE FEIN TOLLTAC ROCKIN THE TETONS TETONS DAWN STREAKIN SIX BOTTOM’S UP SINN FEIN LEGS LA SCOOP BEDUINO LITTLE SMOOTHIE KINDOM KEY AzURES MARGE AroyallybredownsonoftheFamousJessPerry.FullbrothertoGrade1winnerRockSolid Jess.This5yearoldgeldingwillhave120daysofridingbysaledate.Barrelpatternwillbe started.Greatbloodline,mindandconformation.Formoreinfocall(306)327-5708 Vcsunfrostmoney DateFoaled:6-28-01 Owner:PattyKelly 210 1016357 5071867 DateFoaled:2008 Owner:HardyPerformanceHorse FIREWATER FLIT FIREWATER FINALE IM A LITTLE BULLY DOC BRUCE DOCS RAQUEL QUALMS TREAT SUN FROST PRISSY CLINE ON THE MONEY RED VCTREASUREDMONEY AFLARFORTREASURE DOC BAR CHANTELLA DRIFTWOOD IKE jOSEPHINE EL BENNIE’S BIG RED DOLLY PRIEST TREASURED FLARING BARRE OwndaughterofSunFrostandoutofadaughterofOnTheMoneyRed,analltimeleadingsireof barrelwinners.Thiscombinationwillproduce“winners.”Veryeasybreedingmare.Sound!Goingout ofbusinessorshewouldnotbeforsale.Rarecombinationofbloodlines.SunFrosthasestablisheda progenyrecordofovertwomillioninearningsinroping,barrel,racing,workingcowhorseandcutting CK Frenchmans Frost 4950920 DateFoaled:4-27-07 Owner:SmithQuarterHorses-Taryl FRENCH GUY YGW FRENCH TWIST RAUDA COUNTRY jOHN RED CK COUNTRY FROST jI GIRLIE TURNER 211 AQHABayGelding FRENCHMANS GUY MYSTICS DAKOTA GOLD CAB LANS DASHER OKAY KAYO COUNTRY BAR RED BROWN PESO DOLL DOC FROSTLINE MLF DAKOTA FLIK Ranchbroke,drugcalvestothefire,pastureropedoffof.100%sound. 212 AQHABayGelding FLIT BAR SLASH j HARLETTA BULLY BULLION FLUENTLY DOCS jACK FROST NELLY BRUCE TOUGH NIGGER FROSTY TREAT Big,shapeygelding,beencalvedonandranchusedreadyforacareerinthearena;would makeanicebarrelorropehorse.Formoreinfo(406)-230-1906 VC Erasmo Pending DateFoaled:5-14-09 Owner:LazyVCKellyRanch,Inc MR jESS PERRY FOUR SIX jESS DASHING FOLLY TWO TON DIGGER VC zEVI DIGGER POTEAU ANNIE 213 AQHABayGelding STREAKIN LA jOLLA SCOOPIE FEIN FIRST DOWN DASH HEMPES FOLLY MR DIGGER TESSIE TWO TON zEVI (TB) FEARFUL SYMMETRY Smart,athletic,greatmovinggeldingstartedonbarrels.EligibleforSpeedhorse,IowaDoubleGold,TexasSiresCup,VGBRA,BitterrootandtheNDQHAbarrelevents.SiredbyFourSix Jess,AAA,sireofAAAT,stakesplacedwinnersof$123,969thru2013.Dam’ssire,TwoTon DiggerAAAstakes-placedwinnerof$42,294.Royalbreeding! Poco Eagle Badger DateFoaled:April2012 Owner:AshleyNTimian MR ILLUMINATOR ILLUMINATORS TONKA MISS TONKA REVENUE APHASorrelMare DOC’S jACK FROST 28 Docs Fire Finale jANS SAN PEPPY jANS SAN SHADY SHADY HANDED 214 AQHAGrayStallion DICK BADGER MISS FROSTY CLEGG DUSTERS REVENUE TONIKA BABY PEPPY SHOW VILLA jAN EAGLES HAND BURKS SHADY BAR Stunning2yearoldandadreamtowork with.Allofhisgroundworkisphenomenaland hehashadhisfirst15rides.Hesends,backs,sidepasses,flexes,saddles,trims,lopessmall circles,isquickandflexible.EasykeeperandreadytogoYOURway.Itrulycannotsayenough goodthingsabouthim.Formoreinfo(701)541-2895.Callme! Dashin Waddie 5378824 DateFoaled:2010 Owner:PitchforkLivestockLLC STREAKIN LA jOLLA STREAKIN WADDIE MISS HAzEL MARIE DASHIN MOON SHADOW DASHIN WILDLY DRIVES ME WILD 215 AQHASorrelGelding STREAKIN SIX BOTTOM’S UP HEMP MEYERS HAzEL MARIE STREAKIN SIX DASH S SHADOW RAISE YOUR GLASS SHES MY THING Lightlyraced,moneyearnerasatwoyearoldatRemingtonPark,OklahomaCity.Patterned on barrels as a 3 year old. An elegant barrel prospect with a solid foundation. Ready to be hauled.Bothsireanddammoneyearnersontrack. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Lil Sun Cody DateFoaled:4-25-11 Owner:Bill&VickyBerger 5367861 216 AQHAGrayMare SUN FROST COLD SUN MOLLY MCWIGGLES FAN A LONG CODY MY CODY ANN FANCY CODY BAR DOC’S jACK FROST PRISSY CLINE HEzA DRIFTBAR CORONA BOON KELLY CODY GRACE DODGER CODY BAILEY FANCY APPLE BAR LilSunCody-Shapeygrayfilly.Goodbred, Much A Flash DateFoaled:4-8-99 Owner:JeffChaney 560059 217 APHASorrelGelding MUCH A MAN MUCH A DANDY FOLLY BARS MISS Big,stoutpaintgelding,beenrodeintheFlintHillsofNebraskaforseveralyears.Hehasa lotofcattleropedoffhiminthepastureandintheropingarena.Heisaconsistent1Dbarrel horse.Honestandgivesyoueverythinghe’sgot.Nobuck,nobadhabits,justagoodbroke horseforanybody. Jess Dawsome DateFoaled:5-17-12 Owner:Zach&KimDavis 5479469 218 jESS EYE SI97 DEEHEIRESS TKM DAWSON WOOD DAWSON QUEEN FANCYS AM I BLUE DASH FOR CASH BEDAWEE MR jESS PERRY DEELISH CIDERWOOD DRIFTS DOLL FANCYS BILLY jOE MISS QUEEN TEEN Homeraised,15-20rides.ByJessEye,SI97,winnerof$45,000,Stakesplacedwinner. NicebigcoltbyJessEyeoutofahomeraisedmarethiscoltshouldreallybeabletoperform. JessEyeisonwaitinglistsandwillbepaidintoallmajorfuturitieswhencoltsareofage.www. DateFoaled:July2012 Owner:Zach&KimDavis Pending MR EYE OPENER jESS EYE DEEHEIRESS SPANISH BAKER LEO TOMS SPANISH MISS TOMS MISS GILL 219 AQHAGrayMare DASH FOR CASH BEDAWEE MR jESS PERRY DEELISH SPANISH ROjO LEO BAKER LU TOMS MISTER GILL TOMS REAL CLASS Homeraised,nicefillybyJessEye,SI97Stakesplacedwinner.The2JessEyesinthesale arefromhisfirstcoltcrop.Hereisagreatplacetogetintothehot,youngsirescolts.Seemore aboutourprogramatourwebsitewww.zkdavisranch.comortheadinthecatalog. (605)365-7353.Fewridesbysale. Visit our Facebook page at hermanson.kisthorsesale Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale AQHAAppendixBayMare BEDUINO A CLASSY CHICK DASH FOR CASH TRIPPY DIP EASY jET CHUDEj’S GEE BEAU MOONSHINE LORETTA BOND ACHIEVEMENT FLORENTINE VILLAGE HERO BIG BUCKS ANNA LORETTA SHINE RaceROM,Big,prettymare.Won$9,205. Kigalia Kat DateFoaled:2-13-99 Owner:DaveHermanson 220 X0667770 CHICKS BEDUINO 221 3845111 AQHASorrelMare ROCKET WRANGLER FIND A BUYER BEDUINO ROCKETE ELAINE DASH FOR CASH HOT KISS TEXAS DANCER MUDDY PACIFIC DASH FOR CASH STRIKING DISTANCE SI 115 ELAINES BEDUINO AzUDASH TAVAS CASH SI 110 TEXAS MUD PAC 98SI.Sellsopen,safetobreed.SirehasSI115,mareSI110. Outrun D Fuzz DateFoaled:1-14-01a Owner:RandalESchwartz 222 4118795 AQHAChestnutMare ROCKET WRANGLER FIND A BUYER RAISE YOUR GLASS NATIVE EMPRESS jET DECK THATS PINE THE OLE MAN POLLYS FIRST DASH FOR CASH PURE D DASH NATIVE NOBLESSE AQHAGrayGelding MR EYE OPENER Jess Spanish DateFoaled:4-6-07 Owner:DaveHermanson PINES EASTER jET OLE FUzz jET FUzzBUSTER Big, powerful, stakes producing mare. Believed to be in foal to Ima Ramblin On (Corona CartelXImaRamblinGalXFirstDownDash) Frechman Cash Bar DateFoaled:6-1-12 Owner:LoganWeinhandl 5468350 223 AQHABayStallion FRENCHMANS GUY SAK EM FRENCHMAN STANS SORREL BAR TEXAS HIGH DASHER SIRA FOR CASH DIAL ME SALTY SUN FROST FRENCMAN’S LADY STANS SAND DOC GOLDEN DOC BAR ON A HIGH CHERRI OHS jET ME jET SALTY BAGGAR DOLL Nicebaycolt,coming2yearold.FrenchmansGuy&TexasHighDashercross.Havehad goodluckwiththiscrossinthepast.Ridingafullbrotherontheranch.Heworksverywell&is agoodranchhorse.CallLogan(701)516-6039 Ninety Nine Moon DateFoaled:5-19-05 Owner:LoganWeinhandl 851086 STRAWFLY SPECIAL NINETY NINE GOLDMINE BIRDS MERRY OLYMIPIC ROCKET SHAMBO ROCKETTE PALANIS PRIDE 224 APHABlack&WhiteGelding SPECIAL EFFORT FLY IN THE PIE MERRIDOC BIRDS LIMIT OLYMPIA jOE BANG UP ROCKETTE SON O MOON SALTY’S PRIDE Bigblack&whitesonofNinety-NineGoldmine.Beenusedontheranchforcalving,branding &hasbeenusedasaheadinghorseinarena.Goodtobearound.Easytoshoe&shouldbea greathorsetotakeinwhicheverdirectionyouchoose.CallLogan(701)516-6039 29 Race section • Lots 207-251 QUINCEYS TIGER LEO QUINCYS FLASHYLASS BOSTON SURENA HOPEFULL SPOTS SUCHA DOLL FLICK’S FLASH MISS FOLLY BARS SIR QUINCY DAN LORI TIGER BOSTON BLUE FROST SURENA LEO Callie Achieves 225 VCJhan Pending DateFoaled:5-12-09 Owner:LazyVCKellyRanch,Inc MR jESS PERRY FOUR SIX jESS DASHING FOLLY DUTCHMANS GUY MISS MUSCLE MACHINE SPIRETTAS SUCCESS AQHASorrelMare STREAKIN LA jOLLA SCOOPIE FEIN FIRST DOWN DASH HEMPES FOLLY FRENCHMANS GUY LAUGHING MUSCLES MUSCLE MACHINE SPIRETTA’S QUEEN (TB) Eligible for Speed horse, Iowa Double Gold, Texas Sires Cup, VGBRA, Bitterroot and the NDQHA Barrel events. Sired by Four Six Jess, AAA sire of AAAT, stakes placed winners of $123,969thru2013.Frenchman’sGuygranddaughter,speeddeluxe.Startedonbarrels.Don’t overlookthisclassyfilly. Shawnees Easy Effort 5487762 DateFoaled:5-28-12 Owner:WadeorLayneBilladeau BULLY BULLION WIN BULLY SHAWNEE Race section • Lots 207-251 WINN SHAWNEE jET MIA CASH TOO MISTY CASH TOO STAR EYED BRANDY 226 5502753 DateFoaled:4-25-12 Owner:WadeorLayneBilladeau BULLY BULLION WIN BULLY SHAWNEE WINN SHAWNEE jET MIA CASH TOO MIA CASH 2000 DOCS GIRL NINETY SIX SPECIAL EFFORT MARY POPPINS SHAWNEE BUG MATRON OF HONOR DASH FOR CASH MADONNA MIA STAR EYED jACK LEOS BRANDY POWDER SPECIAL EFFORT MARY POPPINS SHAWNEE BUG MATRON OF HONOR DASH FOR CASH MADONNA MIA DUSTER DOC BAR STAN’S ANGELIC DateFoaled:4-15-07 Owner:RubyHorseCo 4971796 DASH FOR CASH AVID DASH PASSEM DOLL SPOOK DANCE CLOSE PURSUIT SHADOW DANCIN 228 AQHAChestnutMare ROCKET WRANGLER FIND A BUYER PASS ‘EM UP SHE’S MY DOLL DUCK DANCE DOUBLE THE BET DERUSSA’S ROCKET LUCKY NONE Gentlebroke.15handsbyaAAAhorse. Fall All Breeds Horse Sale October 3-5, 2014 30 229 5502180 AQHAPalominoStallion TOPSAIL TONY LS STRAIGHT TALK ILLUMINATOR KEOTA TOPSAIL TONY MISS DARK PINE TONY jj DARK PINES jACKIE Royal Agate TOPSAIL CODY SHI BAR BEAUTY MR ILLUMINATOR GOLDEN DOC BAR TOPSAIL CODY SHI BAR BEAUTY DANIEL j BEE DARK PINE SPEED LINE 230 3999775 DateFoaled:3-29-00 Owner:JeffChaney AQHABayMare FIRST DOWN DASH ROYAL QUICK DASH HARMEMS CHOICE TINY’S GAY ALL THOSE MARBLES FRESH AND FIT DASH FOR CASH FIRST PRIzE ROSE BEDUINO FLICKA YOUR BIC TINY WATCH GAY’S DELIGHT jET SMOOTH SUDDEN CHICK Thismarehasa106SIandwonnearly$8500onthetrack.Sheisabig,stoutmare,goodmotherwithnobadhabits.Shewasleftopenduetolatefoallastyear.Sheisopenandreadytobreed. Shes An Effort DateFoaled:5-6-10 Owner:JeffChaney 231 5309087 AQHASorrelMare MR EYE OPENER EYE OPENING EFFORT MAROCKETS EFFORT 227 AQHASorrelMare Nice,shapeytwoyearoldthatwouldmakeagreatadditiontosomeone’sridingprogram. Hersireisturningouttobeagreathead/heelhorse.Iexpecthertobethesame.Formoreinfo (701)898-1448 Avid Pursuit Dash DateFoaled:5-11-12 Owner:JRMagilke AQHASorrelMare Nice,shapeylookingfillythatisreadytobegoneonwithhersirehasbeenshowinggreat potentialasahead/heelhorse&iscurrentlybeingshown.Iexpectthismaretobethesame goodmindedcoltashewas.Formoreinfo(701)898-1448 Bullys Winnin Cash Straight Talk Tony DOCS GRAND IMAGE DOCS EUNICE CHARITY REIN DASH FOR CASH BEDAWEE SPECIAL EFFORT MAROCKET DOC’S DRIFTER KATHY HANCOCK GO PITAPAT zIP HOPES APRIL LEO Thismareisabigtimebarrelhorseprospect.Sheisbroketodeathandhasbeenstartedon barrels.Shehasbeenrodeoutsidealotofmiles.Shehasnobuckanddoesnotshyawayfrom anything.Justagoodyounghonestmarethatcouldbethenextbigbarrelhorseforsomebody. Thismareisverylaidbackandhappytoplease. Frosty Dot Com DateFoaled:4-25-05 Owner:DaveHermanson 232 4893458 AQHARedRoanGelding CHICKS BEDUINO ROYAL EVENING SNOW FLORENTINE EXTRA EASY FROSTED SHORTCAKE MS jOHNNIE BE GOOD BEDUINO A CLASSY CHICK DASH FOR CASH TRIPPY DIP EASY jET HEMPEN WILL jOHNNY VITTORO GO SNOOPER Wellbroke.Ranchused.Beenheadedon,startedonbarrels. Mayshego Myriah DateFoaled:4-12-12 Owner:DaveHermanson 233 5450279 CHICKS BEDUINO GREEDY AzURE AzURES MARGE THIS SNOW IS ROYAL KATIES ROYAL GIRL KATIES A STREAKIN AQHASorrelMare BEDUINO A CLASSY CHICK A zURE REQUEST DYNAMO WATCH CHICKS BEDUINO FLORENTINE STEAKIN SIX MISS MOON POLICY Bredtobeabarrelhorse.Nicebigfilly.Lotsofcolor&looks. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Katie’s Royal Girl DateFoaled:2002 Owner:DaveHermanson 234 4287022 AQHASorrelMare CHICKS BEDUINO THIS SNOW IS ROYAL FLORENTINE STREAKIN SIX KATIES A STREAKIN MISS MOON POLICY SAKEM SAN FROST SENTIMENTAL CANDY BAD WRANGLER RODEO ROMANCE ROMANCING THE STAR DateFoaled:4-12-03 Owner:DaveHermanson 235 4464957 AQHABayMare MR EYE OPENER EYESA SPECIAL MISS O TOOLE DASH FOR CASH BEDAWEE SPECIAL EFFORT jETTA O TOOLE ROCKET WRANGLER FIND A BUYER BEDUINO WINDY CITY QUEEN Big,prettymare.Byachampionhorse.Open&safetobreed. VC Cuca Pending DateFoaled:5-15-09 Owner:LazyVCKellyRanch,Inc. MR jESS PERRY FOUR SIX jESS DASHING FOLLY HIGH BROW HICKORY HIGH BROW BOBBI SOX DOX SOX ANNIE 236 AQHASorrelMare STREAKIN LA jOLLA SCOOPIE FEIN FIRST DOWN DASH HEMPES FOLLY DOC’S HICKORY GRULLA SAN DOX SOX ATASCOSA ANNIE EligibleforSpeedhorse,IowaDoubleGold,TexasSiresCup,VGBRAandtheNDQHABarrel events.SiredbyFourSixJess,AAA,sireofAAAT,stakesplacedwinnersof$123,969thru2013. Placedinworldbarrelcompetitionwiththisspeed/cuttingcombination!Mildmanneredmare thatcouldtakeyoumanydirections. Mitch Rapp DateFoaled:5-15-08 Owner:Mike&HeatherRutten 5063642 SIR ALIBI SKIRT CHASIN ALIBI SILK SKIRT DASH FOR CASH KEEN ON CASH KEEN OLENE SUN FROST COUNTRY STAN SAN LADY SAILING LONELY SENTIMENTAL LA RENE ROCKET WRANGLER REFLECTIONS BOSS NOWATA STAR FARAFIELD OKIE 237 AQHAChesnutGelding STREAKIN SIX SLUMBER PARTY ON A HIGH DECEPTIVE DIANE ROCKET WRANGLER FIND A BUYER STRATE STUFF LADY OLENE “MItch” lopes circles, picksupleads.Lopinganicebarrelpatternandpolebending.Not spooky.Mellowpersonality,greatgroundmanners,haulsnicely.SI84.PreviouslyracedLTE $5,468.Boughthimoffthetrackwhilehewasstillracing,nosoundnessissues.Sellingtobuy sonaropinghorseforHSrodeo. Thank You For Attending the Sale! Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Pending DateFoaled:March2012 Owner:Tim/AshleyTimian 239 Pending AQHABayFilly CORONA CARTEL OBSESSED WITH CORONA MIGHT OBSCESSION HOLLAND EASE LV STEPPIN EASY STEPPIN FOR jET HOLLAND EASE CORONA CHICK RUNAWAY WINNER MIGHTY B DOLL FIRST DOWN DASH EASY HENRYETTA MERGANSER STEPPIN FOR GOLD Take a second look at this filly’s OUTSTANDING papers. This filly is bred well, beautiful, correctconformationandmeanttorun.Thislongleggedfillyhasbeenflyingaroundthepen sinceshewasborn.OutofanOWNdaughterofthelegendaryHollandEase,outoftheamazing “ObsessedWithCorona”whostandsatVictoryFarms. Strikers John Pat DateFoaled:4-14-12 Owner:SteveLFors 240 5453001 AQHAGrayMare MR ILLUMINATOR LLE LUMINATOR LLE jEWEL SALTY TEXAN jOHNS SALTY PAT jOHN SMOKEY PAT DICK BADGER MISS FROSTY CLEGG TC LITTLE BOY BLUE SKIPS jEWEL DEE TEXAS HIGH DASHER DIAL ME SALTY COUNTRY jOHN RED SMOKEY TIMBER Nice,young2yearoldfilly.Halterbrokeandreadytostartonbarrelsandwhendone,useas abroodmarewiththepapersshehas. RSF Special Smashed 5472742 DateFoaled:5-10-12 Owner:SteveLFors 241 AQHABayGelding SPECIAL EFFORT SPECIAL EYES TOO ALL YOUR EYES ON ME PINOT NOIR jACKIE NOIR WHO FANCY PANTS RAISE YOUR GLASS GO EFFORTLESSLY MR EYE OPENER AzUSTREAK EASILY SMASHER SMOOTH LOVE TEE j BANDITO FINGER TEE j LIzzY GAL Nicebig,younggelding.Hewillbegreatforsomeonetostartonbarrelswiththebreedinghehas. GR Noble She Comet 3671262 DateFoaled:6-7-98 Owner:LeeKathrein 242 AQHASorrelMare NOBLE TRADTION THE NOBILITY MISS BUNNY TARDEE SHEIK ELM SHEIKS COMET zANS COMET zANS IMPRESSIVE MAGNOLIA GAY TARDEE IMPRESSIVE BUNNY NIGHT SHADE SKIPPA ELM SHEIK’S CUTIE zANS TWO EYED BAR COMET GRAY Nicewellbuiltmare,infoaltoImaRamblinOnSI90.(CoronaXImRamblinOnXFirstDown Dash)LBDApril25,2013. 31 Race section • Lots 207-251 DASH FOR CASH AFTERTHELOVEISGONE EARTH WIND AND FIRE AQHABayMare Beautifulbaymarehasabigstop,lighthandle,hashadmanyranchmiles.She’squickfooted andcatty.Startedlightlyonthebarrelpattern-finishheryourway.Formoreinfo(406)230-1906. Wellbredmare.InfoaltoIlluminatorsTotonka.Sireisachampion. Eyesa Gone 4870637 DateFoaled:2006 Owner:HardyPerformanceHorses TM SAKEM DRIFT BEDUINO A CLASSY CHICK DASH FOR CASH TRIPPY DIP EASY SIX MISS ASSURED REB’S POLICIY MYRIAH 238 Fancy San Frost 243 VC Bay Jess 5563713 DateFoaled:5-1-09 Owner:LazyVCKellyRanch,Inc. MR jESS PERRY FOUR SIX jESS DASHING FOLLY DOCO PLAY VC HIGHBROW OLENA HIGH BROW BOBBI SOX AQHABayMare STREAKIN LA jOLLA SCOOPIE FEIN FIRST DOWN DASH HEMPES FOLLY DOC O’LENA COMMANDER PLAYGIRL HIGH BROW HICKORY DOX SOX ANNIE EligibleforSpeedhorse,IowaDoubleGold,TexasSiresCup,VGBRA,BitterrootandtheNDQHA Barrelevents.SiredbyFourSixJess,AAA,sireofAAAT,stakesplacedwinnersof$123,969thru 2013.Dam’ssireDocoPlayisacuttingsire.Placedinworldbarrelcompetitionwiththisspeed/ cuttingcombinationpreviously.Sheakindthinkingathletebredforthewinnerscircle. Ms Incredible Lady DateFoaled:5-20-11 Owner:DaveHermanson 244 5369709 AQHAGrayMare CHICKS BEDUINO GREEDY AzURE AzURES MARGE Race section • Lots 207-251 POCOS BAR PISTOL MISS INCREDIBLE POCO MISS INCREDIBLE RENO BEDUINO A CLASSY CHICK A zURE REQUEST DYNAMO WATCH POCO MOARKET TUTOR PISTOL INCREDIBLE KID RENO ROBIN JRT Angel N Cash DateFoaled:7-2-09 Owner:DaveHermanson 5304761 247 AQHASorrelGelding BRISCO COUNTY jR CASH N BRISCO MEYERS N CASH HEzA BUNNY ONE GUARDIAN ANGEL ABBYETTA FIRST DOWN DASH EASY HENRYETTA ROLL THE CASH MEYERS ANGEL BUNNY BID LANO LILLY OLE AB TAYLOR SWEET RIDE Gentle,hassixtydaysofriding. Cute Illuminator DateFoaled:4-28-11 Owner:DaveHermanson 5369730 248 AQHAGrayMare MR ILLUMINATOR ILLUMINATORS TOTONKA MISS TONKA REVENUE PEPPYS COWMAN CUTIE CUTE KOKO ASHWOOD DICK BADGER MISS FROSTY CLEGG DUSTERS REVENUE TONKA BABY PEPPYS TEjON BLUE GIRL PEGGY BRAIR ASHWOOD KOKO REE Lotsofshapeandlooks,shouldreallybearider. Prettywithlotsofshapeandcolor.Performanceprospect. Jneens Azure DateFoaled:5-20-11 Owner:DaveHermanson 5369716 245 AQHAGrayMare CHICKS BEDUINO GREEDY AzURE AzURES MARGE PANAMAS ACE REED jNEENS BLUE BADGER PEARL DUPLICATE BEDUINO A CLASSY CHICK A zURE REQUEST DYNAMO WATCH PANAMA BADGER 22 jOAN MITCHELL HANCOCK DUPLICATE PEARL BART Glori N Gracee DateFoaled:5-4-11 Owner:DaveHermanson 5369771 249 AQHAGrayMare MR ILLUMINATOR ILLUMINATORS TOTONKA MISS TONKA REVENUE SNAPPY MAN SAN jK SHERRY SAN BADGER SHERRY TIME BADGER DICK BADGER MISS FROSTY CLEGG DUSTERS REVENUE TONKA BABY SNAPPY SAN jOE HONEY BAR ROBIN DICK BADGER MISS SHERRY TIME Bredtobearider. Lotsofcolorandlooks.Shouldbearealrider. JRT Rock The Border DateFoaled:6-26-11 Owner:DaveHermanson CHICKS BEDUINO BORDER BEDUINO MOONTONYA MY ROCKET BARON jRT ROCKIN CASH MISS RHONDA CASH Bigfillyhashadgroundwork. 246 X0702221 AppendixAQHAChestnutMare BEDUINO A CLASSY CHICK MOONSPLASH FEEDBACK ROCKET WRANGLER MY BARONESS MARGIN OF CASH PEPPYS MISS RHONDA Silver Illuminators DateFoaled:4-28-11 Owner:DaveHermanson 5369723 MR ILLUMINATOR ILLUMINATORS TOTONKA MISS TONKA REVENUE HANCOCK SILVER TONKA DESIGN N SILVER DESIGN N GENERAL 251 AQHAGrayMare DICK BADGER MISS FROSTY CLEGG DUSTERS REVENUE TONKA BABY HUM BUG HANCOCK SIMMERS GETIT 101 SKIP N GENERAL SKIP FRENDEE Goodgrayfilly,lotsoflooksandshape. NOTES 32 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 33 Attention All Drivers Be very careful where you park your vehicle at the sale this weekend. If you happen to block someone in, and we have to page you to move your vehicle, we will page ONLY ONE TIME, and then we will call the TOW TRUCK. (NO EXCEPTIONS ON THIS!) In the past, it cost 3 people $200 to get their vehicle from the impound center. • Don’t park 3 deep in a row. • Don’t park under a horse trailer unless it is your own. USE COMMON SENSE - PLEASE! The Management Kist Livestock Auction 34 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 35 36 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Ramblin Man DateFoaled:4-5-13 Owner:RandalESchwartz 252 GradePaintSorrel/WhiteColt CORONA CARTEL IMA RAMBLIN ON IMA RAMBLIN GIRL TEXAS HERO MIDNIGHT DISCO WALTERS DISCO HOLLAND EASE CORONA CHICK FIRST DOWN DASH KIPTYS KISSES RAISE A jET BREAKAWAY BABY DISCO jERRY WALTER VALENTINE Nicecolt,chosenottoregisterbecauseofcost.LBD5-7-13 Cheyene DateFoaled:13YearOld Owner:DaveHermanson 253 GradePalominoGelding Bighorse.Doneeverythingthereistodoonaranch.Broke,Broke. Strekentrophyqtsspook 254 875110 APHABlackTobianoGelding DateFoaled:6-20-06 Owner:JackAadland Q T POCO STREKE QTS STREKEN ACE QUEENS PRINCESS TROPHYS DELIGHT IM A TROPHY SNOWCAP TROPHYS LITTLE NIKI PEPSI POCO BEAU W STREAKER SCENIC VELVET RANDYS LIL QUEEN SPOOKS TROPHY BOY DIAMONDS DELITE SPOOKS TROPHY BOY NECAH BONITA Thisgeldingwasstartedasa3yearoldandriddenforashorttime,thenduetonofaultofhis wasturnedoutandforgottenabout.HewassenttotrainerinJanuaryandrestartedandisriding well,heisgentleandhasnobite,kickorbadhabits.Thisguywillmakeanawesomeranchgeldingforanexperiencedkidthatwantstohavefunonatoughlittleranchhorsewithalotofcolor tobenoticed.Hewalks,trots,andcanterswithagreatbackandsidepasses.Soundandgentle. Halflinger Team DateFoaled:6&8YearOld Owner:ArlowKiehl 255&256 GradeMare&Gelding 6&8yearolds,broketodrive,mareandgelding. Causin A Recall DateFoaled:4-11-07 Owner:DougTescher 997025 257 APHABrown/BayGelding PEPPY NORFLEET CAUSIN COMMOTION STARLITE AMIGO TOTAL RECALL BRANDIS RECALL COY’S INNOVATION MR NORFLEET ETERNALS IMAGE YOU BET AMIGO STARLETTE BARS MARATHON LONG SHOT STAR COY’S MAjESTIC MAN jUYLAN Amigoisagentlebaygelding-gentleusedlastfallinBadlands,chashingcattle,etc.Bigstout gelding,goodfooted. DateFoaled:7-2-11 Owner:RobertStringer 1010119 TERRON KENO TERRON UP THE TOWN WHOLE LOTA LUCK jAGGED TEE jAY jAGS MAGGIE MISTI HAWK 258 APHABayTob/OvrStallion jACK N AROUND POCO LINDY STAR BEATLE LUCK OHS CHERRY BAR TEE jAY TOMMY jAGS SHAG BOWHAWK BAR BRUSH BUENO Nice colt. Almost white. Should make nice youth horse, mature to 15 hands. Cell phone (701)653-5267 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale DateFoaled:5-20-11 Owner:RobertStringer 1010115 APHABayOveroStallion VERSE BARS SHES PRETTY FAR SPECIAL AFFECTS MISS GO QUICK jOE TERRON KENO WHOLE LOTA LUCK MY BLACKBURN CODY jENNIES PRIDE MR FAR VERSE FAR ABOVE THE REST SPECIAL jACKIE TERRON UP THE TOWN UP TOWN PRIDE BLACKBURNS PRIDE Nice,quietgelding,shouldbeeasytobreakout.Shouldmatureto15.1or15.2Cellphone (701)653-5267 260 Exstrem Sonita Lena DateFoaled:5-25-04 Owner:Trent&DawnMartin 4766709 AQHABuckskinGelding DOC O’LENA SONITAS jOY SPORT COURT MIA LENA SKIPPIT COMET jUDGES BAY B PINE SMOKEY TEE SPANISH RAMONA SONITA LENA SONITIALENA ONFIRA ELVIRA ONFIRA COMETS BA B PAL MAYOKS DUN SUGAR BAR MISTY RAMONA Texhasbeenusedasaranchhorseallofhislifeandcangetthejobdone.Heisexcellent toropeoffinthebrandingpenandinthepasture.Heisalwaysagentlemanandisverycowy. Hehasbeenusedatafewranchrodeos.Formoreinfo& Danny DateFoaled:7yearold Owner:DaveHermanson 262 GradePalominoGelding Big,prettyyellowcolored.4socks,stripface.Goodwayoftravelingoutside. TBA Owner:DannyElwood 263 Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA Owner:4KLivestock 264 Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA Owner:ArchieArchuleta 265 Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ 37 Lots 252-314 Jags White Luck 259 Far Above Uptown Pride 266 GNB Smart Lil Twister x778453 APHASorrelOveroMare DateFoaled:4-22-04 Owner:JackAadland CLAYBOY CLAYBOYS TWISTER jESSIES LUCKY STAR SUGS CHITA SMART LITTLE CHITA SMART SMOKIN PEPPER THE SPECIAL DEE HOT WHISKEY MR jESSIE jAMES SWING ON A STAR DOCS SUG PANCHITA STREAK THE SMART SMOKE LADY BADGER PEP Brokegood,hasrunoutallwinter.SteppeduponherinJanuaryandsherodeoffgoodwith noproblems.BredtoablackQHfor2014.Thismarecanbeagreatfamilyhorse.Soundand gentle. Ikes Blue Doc DateFoaled:6-1-12 Owner:Zach&KimDavis 267 5479470 DVA MAXIDRFTWOOD ORPHAN IKE PEACE SIGN FANCYS BILLY jOE RAINY ROAN BAR BLUE LADYS DAY AQHAGrayGelding WILYWOOD DVA MISSY PEPPY ORPHAN DRIFT POCO BEGGARETTE FANCY ROAN BAR SKIPPIT BILLIE jOE RAINY DAY LARRY DAVIS LADY Homeraised,goodlookingcoming2yearoldgelding.OrphanIkewasaPRCAcalfhorse andisnowmygirls’breakaway&goattyinghorse.RainyRoanBarproducesgoodlooking coltsthathavealotofheart&run.Shouldhave15-20ridesbysaletime.www.zkdavisranch. com(605)365-7353 TD Raven Blueboy DateFoaled:3-19-12 Owner:JRMagilke 5466482 FOUR BLUE WIL BLUE RAVEN HANKCOCK BADLANDS SHARON DEE jAE SMOOTH SONI jAE SUNSHINE LASS jAE BONANzA QUINCY Leo Rio Valentino DateFoaled:5-1-13 Owner:JRMagilke Pending RIO BLUE BADGER FQHR RIO VALENTINO FQHR MALI jO SMOKIN PUNK MD PUNKY SMOKES LEO GD MINERS NIGHT BABY RNR Clever Jo DateFoaled:5-21-13 Owner:JRMagilke GradePaint/CrossMare CLEVER AS MY DADDY CLEVER TINKY jO MISS PAPOOSE 88 Broke,friendlytrailhorse.Haulsnicely,lightmouth,bends&flexes. TD Raven Frost DateFoaled:4-23-12 Owner:JRMagilke 5466480 AQHABayRoanStallion FOUR BLUE WIL BLUE RAVEN HANKCOCK BADLANDS SHARON DOC FROSTLINE FROST N NEAT NEAT THIRSTY Lots 252-314 Docs Miss Basket DateFoaled:5-5-12 Owner:JRMagilke 5503107 MY BLUE WARRIOR FIGURE FOUR 315 SKIPS BADLANDS 332 BUCKS MISS SHARON DOCS jACK FROST CHUBBY LADY MCCURE SKIP RON LEO WENT 4 270 AQHADunStallion SMOOTH SLIDIN DOC A SLIDIN DOC FANTACIA BAR WC DRIFTWOOD BUCK MISS BASKET WEAVE BLUE BASKET WEAVE 38 269 SMOOTH BLUE QUINCY CLARKS CODY LEO BAR SONOITA SANSARC SIS ALI jACK MISS GOODING BLUE DESTROYER BASKET WEAVE Mr Bar Chubby Leo DateFoaled:2013 Owner:JRMagilke 274 ROAN BAR CHUBBY CHESTERS BILLY SMOKEY LEO WHIz jACKIES LEO MISS jACKIES CRACKERS DateFoaled:5-11-13 Owner:JRMagilke SONNY DIAMOND jACK RAES SATIN zIPPER MR DEARIE BARRY DAKOTA GIRL 2 jOE QUINCY CLEVER jACKIE MR BLACKBURN 88 EAGLE’S PAPOOSE Pending#5563818 AQHAGrayStallion ROAN jACK BAR SJ Colonel Billy RIO VALENTINO LDK BLUE RIO LETA MCKEAG FROELICHS EDELWEISS SMOKIN B NEVILLE SHAMMYS CANDY GD SAINT MEYERS jET GD BAKERS HOT PINT 273 STAR DAKOTA GIRL 268 272 Pending#5563816 AQHAGrayStallion RNR DAKOTA DANCER DateFoaled:5-3-09 Owner:LisaLintner MY BLUE WARRIOR FIGURE FOUR 315 SKIPS BADLANDS 332 BUCKS MISS SHARON SMOOTH BLUE QUINCY TIMI LEA SONI DEE BLUE BOY QUINCY MISS BONANCA SHOCK AQHABayRoanStallion DARKS DIAMOND DANCER Dixie 271 AQHABlueRoanStallion 5535469 FANCY ROAN BAR MISS PENNY jACK CHESTER THE DUDE MISS BILLY PINE SMOKEY DUSTER TOO DE DE WHIz DAKOTA PRAIRIE PINE BARNES jACKIE TWO 275 AQHAPalominoStallion TWO EYED RED BUCK COLONEL EYED SO WATCH FRECKLES BILLY TWO jACK TWO EYED BILLY jACKY TWO EYED LASSIE MR BARON RED IMA TYREE COLONEL BOOTS BAR SO DUSTY MOORE jOE jACK HONEY BAR BILLYS MISS GILL TWO EYED jACK BUCKS LASSIE Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Tex DateFoaled:4yearold Owner:DaveHermanson 276 GradeBay&WhitePaintGelding HH Docs Smokey Jet 4306249 DateFoaled:4-14-02 Owner:RichHacker CLARKS SILVER DOC Hashadlotsofmilesforhisage.Brokelikeahorse10yearsold.Beenonbarrels. LEE MARS DOC Tony DateFoaled:9yearold Owner:ArlowKiehl 277 GradeBayGelding Baygelding15’tall9yearold&reallybrokeforallkindsranchwork,sound,novices,no buck. 278 Selling on Application DateFoaled:2009 Owner:JackAadland APHABlackGelding ThisgeldinghasbeenriddenbyAmishtrainerandisridingverywell.Nice,big,prettyandlaid backgeldingthatissoundandgentle.HesellswithAPHABreedersCertificate. TBA 279 Owner:DannyElwood LEE MAR 83 jET A SMOKIN LYNNS MIDNIGHT jET SALLYS STRIPPER 284 AQHABayMare CLARKS DOC BAR SILVER BARRIER MR BLACKBURN 28 CROSS L MISS jET A VAN ROjA MIDGET GRAND STRIPPER SHOTGUN SAL Bredtoablueroanstallion,HHBluePocoDell. 285 Woodys Pretty Shasta 3672260 AQHAChestnutMare DateFoaled:4-16-98 Owner:RichHacker ORPHAN DRIFT POCO jUDY SUE BRADYWOOD POCO KING TUCK MISS POCO BLACK MAGIC SCALAWAG DIAMOND SURE SKIPPA RUDY SKIPPA MY MIDGE SHI SHESA PRETTY DOLL SKIPPA COMPANY SOCIAL ELEGANCE SKIPS BIDDER CIDERWOOD BredtoablueroanstudHHBluePocoDell. Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ Medora Checker Star 5331635 DateFoaled:4-21-10 Owner:DougTescher SAWYER WOOD TBA 280 Owner:4KLivestock Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA 281 Owner:ArchieArchuleta BH FROSTY SAWYER FROSTY RED TIME PLAYING BLACK jACK PLAYINGING CHECKERS MISS CHECKER STAR Doc Develita TBA Registration:_____________________________________________ DRY DOC DIAL FLYING BAR jONI OAK WHIz WHIzS DEVIL HULL’S MICHELLE DateFoaled:11yearold Owner:DaveHermanson 283 GradeSorrelGelding Bighorse,4socks,whiteface.Wellbrokeranchhorse.Comeoff6666. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale DRY DOC MOLLY GO DIAL GO FLY BY SHESA BLACKBURN OAK BAR BUCK MISS TAMMY WHIz PONDIE’S PRINTER HULLS MISS CHEF GentleblackStearnsbredmare.ExposedtoMPDMCaptainJack,ablueroanHighRolling RoanybredstudforAprilorMaybaby,throwsblueroanbabies.Wouldbeinterestedinbuying coltnextfall.$400forbluestudcolt. Ima Dandy Barmaid DateFoaled:5-3-01 Owner:DougTescher Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ 287 AQHABlackMare 4078099 288 AQHABayMare BARTENDERS BUCKEYE DANDI ID BARTENDER WATCH BRIANS LEGACY BRANDY PAUL LIL BRANDEE 1992 LIL MISS COWMAN TWO ID BARTENDER SHINE ON BALLERINA WHATA DANDY KID WATCH LACE TWO PAUL’S TEMPTATION MISS BRANDY MACBEE COWMAN’S SILVER LYNN BROWN Agreatmare,butamcuttingbackonmares.Rodeasa3,4,and5yearold!Cutehead,big hip,gentle.Bredtobuckskinstud,FrenchmansGuy,grandsonofJTSDriftinKing.Willbuyback 2014studcoltifitsabuckskin,willpay$400Oct15,2014,DelivertoKistFallSale. 39 Lots 252-314 282 Owner:JesseFeist Sixes 4461241 DateFoaled:4-29-04 Owner:DougTescher MAP GO DOC GO Color:__________________________________________________ CIDERWOOD DRIFTALONG SAN SUNNY DEE FROSTY BRICK N RED SPECIAL EXPRESS BROWN LIGHTNING BLUE STAR MCKEAG MISS CHECKER SUSIE Gentle,solidblackmare-OrphanDrift-Mckeagbloodlines.ExposedtoPocoSanteeStripes, PocoBueno-JackieBeebreddunstallionforMay20thbaby. Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ 286 AQHABlackMare Medora Cowgirl Two 5324151 DateFoaled:4-22-10 Owner:DougTescher 289 AQHAGrayMare jACKIE BEE jACKIE BOO LOU BROCK BADLAND MOON HIO CAIN SUPER TONTO BEE WHIPPET DUDE LEEVA DE WOLF TEE T DOUBLE jACKIE MEDORA COWBOY MEDORA MOON TEE jAY SUPER MOE IDA BEE CAIN SKIP BEE TALLEY DoublebredJackieBee,gentle.Sellsopen. Medora Barmaid DateFoaled:5-17-13 Owner:DougTescher 290 5547748 TBA Owner:ArchieArchuleta Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TEE T DOUBLE jACKIE MEDORA COWBOY MEDORA MOON DANDI ID BARTENDER IMA DANDY BARMAID LIL BRANDEE 1992 Prettybayfilly,JackieBeebred. Poker Chip Medora DateFoaled:7-10-10 Owner:DougTescher 5319177 291 AQHARedRoanMare DOUBLE DRIFT DIAMND ISLE jACKIE BEE MISS WILLOW BAR TEE j DOUBLE jACKIE MEDORA MOON TEE jAY ROMAN SKIP D ROBYN DRIFTS CHIP POKER CHIP DRIFT TEE j WILLA BEE MISS MEDORA COWBOY MEDORA ROBYN LITTLE ROMAN ROBYN 4yearoldredroanmare,linebredJackieBee,exposedtoblueroanHIghRollingRoanybred stud,MPDMCaptainJack.MareisnotDNA’d TBA Owner:ArlowKiehl 292 Registration:_____________________________________________ 296 Dekuns Prince Promise DateFoaled:5-1-02 Owner:DaveHermanson 690670 APHATobianoGelding BANDY DANDY HANNA GIRL OREO MCCUE DOLLIES SNAzzY PRAISE THE LORD jOS STREAK Bj HANNAS PLAYBOY PRINCE OF PROMISE AQHABayFilly jACKIE BEE jACKIE BOO LOU BROCK BADLAND MOON BARTENDER’S BUCKEYE WATCH BRIANS LEGACY BRANDY PAUL LIL MISS COWMAN 295 SNAzzY PROMISE IMA STREAKN DEKUN DEKUN’S BLACKIE jI STORMY Big,stands16.1hands,reallybrokeandranchused,ropedoffofinandoutofthearena. TBA 297 Owner:ArchieArchuleta Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA 298 Owner:4KLivestock Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA 299 Owner:DannyElwood Foaled:_________________________________________________ Registration:_____________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ TBA Color:__________________________________________________ Owner:DannyElwood 293 Lots 252-314 Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA Owner:4KLivestock 294 Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ 40 TBA 300 Owner:ArlowKiehl Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ Socks DateFoaled:6yearold Owner:DaveHermanson 301 GradeSorrelGelding Prettygelding,4socks,whiteface.Wellbroke,beeninfeedyard. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale TBA Owner:ArchieArchuleta 302 TBA 309 Owner:DannyElwood Registration:_____________________________________________ Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA Flash Owner:4KLivestock 303 Registration:_____________________________________________ 310 DateFoaled:11yearold Owner:DaveHermanson GradeSorrel/WhitePaintGelding Broke,gentle.Lotsofcolorandsize. Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA 311 Owner:4KLivestock TBA Owner:DannyElwood 304 Registration:_____________________________________________ Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA 312 Owner:DannyElwood TBA Owner:ArlowKiehl 305 Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Registration:_____________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA 313 Owner:4KLivestock Hoss DateFoaled:8yearold Owner:DaveHermanson 306 GradeSorrelGelding Bighorse,usedonranchandfeedlot.Onlyreasonsold,hewastoobigforhiredmentoget onandoff. TBA Owner:ArchieArchuleta 307 Registration:_____________________________________________ Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ Doblin DateFoaled:11yearold Owner:DaveHermanson 314 GradePalominoGelding Lots 252-314 Bigandgentlebroke,willjustaboutbechocolatewhensheds. Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ TBA Owner:4KLivestock NOTES 308 Registration:_____________________________________________ Foaled:_________________________________________________ Color:__________________________________________________ Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 41 NOTES AmericInn.......................................701-250-1000 Best.Western.Doublewood..............701-258-7000 Best.Western.Seven.Seas ...........(water.park).........................701-663-7401 Comfort.Inn.....................................701-223-1911 Comfort.Suites................................701-223-4009 Days.Inn..........................................701-223-9151 Express.Way.Inn.............................701-222-2900 Fairfield.Inn.....................................701-223-9077. or.701-223-9293 Hampton.Inn...................................701-751-3100 Holiday.Inn......................................701-221-0850 Kelly.Inn..........................................701-223-8001 La.Quinta.Inn.&.Suites....................701-751-3313 Main.Stay.Suites.............................701-223-9119 Motel.6............................................701-225-0687 North.Country.Inn.(Mandan)...........701-663-6497 Radisson.Hotel................................701-255-6000 Ramada.Limited.Suites...................701-221-3030 Ramkota.Hotel.(water.park)............701-258-7700 The.Ridge.Motel..............................701-663-8686 Select.Inn........................................701-223-8060 Staybridge.Suites............................701-223-1499 Super.8...........................................701-225-1314 42 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale NOTES Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 43 44 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale SubScribe Today! 11 issues and 1 Breeder’s Edition per year r 1 year $25 r 2 years $40 Send check or money order! We will not bill for subscriptions. Name Address City State Zip Phone Email Or Subscribe Online Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 45 46 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale Attention All Drivers Be very careful where you park your vehicle at the sale this weekend. If you happen to block someone in, and we have to page you to move your vehicle, we will page ONLY ONE TIME, and then we will call the TOW TRUCK. (NO EXCEPTIONS ON THIS!) In the past, it cost 3 people $200 to get their vehicle from the impound center. • Don’t park 3 deep in a row. • Don’t park under a horse trailer unless it is your own. USE COMMON SENSE - PLEASE! The Management Kist Livestock Auction Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 47 48 Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale BUYeRs PaYinG WitH cHecK MUst HaVe cURRent LetteR oF cReDit FRoM tHeiR BanK BUYER LEAVE HIP NUMBER ON ALL HORSES AND LEAVE HORSES IN ORIGINAL STALLS ALL FOREIGN BUYERS MUST PAY IN U.S. CURRENCY EXAMINE HORSES PRIOR TO PURCHASING ENGAGEMENTS HAVE BEEN LISTED AS PER CONSIGNOR AND HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED PLease BRinG tHis cataLoG to tHe saLe WitH YoU, sUPPLY is LiMiteD If you want to get your registration papers when you pay for your horses, you will need a “Current Irrevocable Letter of Credit” from your bank with you, or you can pay in cash - whichever is more convenient. Otherwise, registration papers be mailed out within 3 weeks after the sale, once all checks have cleared their banks. It is the seller’s responsibility to have a Negative Coggins Test performed, sufficiently in advance of sale, of the horse so results are ready when the horse sells to meet Canadian Import and American Interstate Transportation requirements. When your veterinarian draws blood for the Coggins Test, insure that all necessary criteria are met, including, but not limited to: (1) Report is an original or a carbon copy of the original. Fax or Xerox reports CANNOT be accepted. (2) Report lists only one horse. Multiple horse reports CANNOT be accepted. As a consignor, I recognize that Kist Livestock Auction and Dave Hermanson are only acting to provide a time and place for sale of my horse or horses. I also recognize that all agreements and disputes between me, as seller, and the purchaser as determined by the Auctioneer, Kist Livestock Auction, or Dave Hermanson and that neither Kist Livestock Auction nor Dave Hermanson has any obligation, duty, or liability to me with respect to performance or nonperformance by any purchaser, and that any disputes will be resolved in the District Court for Morton County, North Dakota. Hermanson-Kist 2014 Spring All-Breed Horse Sale 49