GPS/GNSS Book Catalog


GPS/GNSS Book Catalog
Book Catalog
Your ONE Source for GNSS Products and Solutions
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We Carry All the Essential GPS/GNSS Titles!
Books Are Arranged Alphabetically By Author
MEMS-Based Integrated
P. Aggarwal, Z Syed, N. El-Sheimy,
A. Nouereldin
Artech House, 2010
Due to the micro-scale size and
low power consumption of
Microelectromechanical Systems
(MEMS) they are now wide used.
This book focuses on the application of MEMS inertial
sensors to navigation systems. Shows how to minimize
cost by adding and removing INS sensors, give integration
strategies, case studies, alignment for MEMS-based nav,
extended KF.
(#2471) $109, 197 pages, hardcover
The Measurement of Time:
Time, Frequency and the
Atomic Clock
Claude Audoin & Bernard Guinot
Cambridge University Press, 2001
A comprehensive introduction
to the physics of time and time
measurement, this book discusses the
stability & accuracy of atomic frequency standards, different
types of oscillators and atomic clocks, and the uses and
developments of these devices, including GPS. It is useful as
an introduction to the time and frequency fields.
(#1211) $59, 346 pages, softcover
Wireless Positioning
Technologies and
Alan Bensky
Artech House, 2008
This book is about wireless position
estimation, using GPS to explain
and demonstrate the application of
fundamental distance measuring principles. It is aimed at
working engineers wanting to expand their knowledge of
wireless services. Basic engineering math is helpful.
(#2468) $95, 305 pages, hardcover
GNSS for Vehicle Control
D.M. Bevly, S. Cobb
With 150+ illustrations and 180+
equations, the book explores GNSS,
vision-aided GPS, and vehicle
dynamic estimation using GPS.
Covers today's most critical topics,
with vehicle models, pseudolites,
highway vehicle control, unmanned ground vehicles, etc.
(#2470) $119, 284 pages, hardcover
A Software-Defined GPS and
Galileo Receiver: A SingleFrequency Approach
Kai Borre, Dennis M. Akos, N.
Bertelsen, P. Rinder, S. Jensen
Birkhauser Press, 2007
The text and DVD allow the reader
to study and then create an SDR
(software defined receiver). A powerful and practical book.
(#1625) $79.95, 176 pages, softcover, CD included
Algorithms for Global
Kai Borre and Gilbert Strang
Wellesley-Cambridge Press 2012
Good mathematics and great
technology now produce highly
accurate positions. This replaces
Borre and Strang's earlier book, Linear Algebra, Geodesy
and GPS (our former #2433). This book describes the ideas,
the hardware, and the algorithms that make this accuracy
(#2473) $90, 473 pages, hardcover
Celestial Navigation …
When Your GPS Fails
Mark Breach
Trafford Publishing, 2004
A companion to your sextant and
watch. This book can provide you
with an alternative to GPS and
LORAN. Includes tables for using sun, planet and moon
observations to determine position.
(#1013) $25, 142 pages, softcover
Introduction to Random
Signals and Applied Kalman
Filtering, 4th Edition
R. G. Brown and P. Y. C. Hwang
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997
Excellent introductory text on Kalman
filtering, with necessary background
material given in the first three
chapters. Many applied examples are given. Two full
chapters are devoted to applications of Kalman filtering to
GPS and integrated INS.
(#1026) $169 , 479 pages, hardcover. Be sure to add
the Solutions Manual. NEW (#1026A) $20, softcover
handwritten manuscript
The 3-D Global Spatial Data
Model: Foundation of the
Spatial Data Infrastructure
Earl F. Burkholder
CRC Press, 2008
The 3-D GSDM examines the longused spatial data model for geodesy
and addresses the new digital-based
data collection, storage, manipulation, adjustment and
visualization procedures using modern 3-D techniques and
tying together recent significant advances in the surveying
and GIS fields, including GNSS.
(#2461) $99, 364 pages, hardcover
Fundamentals of High
Accuracy Inertial Navigation
Averil B. Chatfield
AIAA, 1997
Focuses on the physical and
mathematical principles forming the
basis for inertial navigation. It differs
from other books on the subject
by treating aspects of the blend of inertial navigation
technology and geodesy. Accuracy, criteria and evaluation
are also discussed.
(#2440) $124.95, 339 pages, hardcover
C.D. de Jong, G. Lachapelle, S.
Skone, I.A. Elema
Delft University, 2002
This book is based on the
graduate and undergrad courses
in hydrography offered at the
Department of Geomatics
Engineering of the University of Calgary and the
Department of Mathematical Geodesy and Positioning
of Delft University of Technology. Purposed to present an
introduction to and a detailed overview of the broad field
of hydrography.
(#1150) $46.50, 353 pages, hardcover
Introduction to GPS: The
Global Positioning System
Ahmed El-Rabanny
Artech House, Inc., 2006
Great for introducing GPS to
engineers without extensive math,
helping them get to work quickly.
The book covers applications, signal
structure, modernization, the integration of GPS with other
systems, the main measurements being utilized in the
field today, satellite orbits, the errors and biases that affect
GPS measurements, along with their mitigation. Includes
information on precise point positioning.
(#1221) $59, 201 pages, hardcover
Digital Terrain Modeling:
Acquisition, Manipulation
and Applications
N. El-Sheimy, C. Valeo, A. Habib
Artech House, 2005
This book fills a large gap on digital
terrain models (DTMs). Includes
the essential elements of DTMs and their applications in
environmental modeling and mapping. Mathematically
rigorous, highly advanced, complete and cohesive.
(#1478) $75, 257 pages, hardcover
Galileo: Europe’s Guiding
Star. The European Global
Navigation Satellite System
Back Ordered
ESTEC, with 17 Contributing
Faircount Ltd, 2007
A collection of articles describing the recent past and
future of the Galileo system.
(#2452) $20, 128 pages, softcover
EGNOS: The European
Geostationary Navigation
Overlay System: A
Cornerstone of Galileo
European Space Agency,
ESA, 2007
EGNOS is a first-generation
augmentation system employing
differential techniques, designed to improve the
performance of GPS & Galileo. It is planned to serve the
needs of maritime, land transport, time and aeronautical
TO ORDER VISIT or call 1-800-NAV-0885 or (703) 256-8900
We Carry All the Essential GPS/GNSS Titles!
Books Are Arranged Alphabetically By Author
applications in the European and neighboring regions.
(#2450) $67, 564 pages, hardcover
Aided Navigation: GPS with
High Rate Sensors
Jay A. Farrell
McGraw-Hill, 2008
Designed as a graduate-level
textbook, this edition adds aided
navigation and a classroom text
structure. It presents a systematic
method for designing and analyzing aided navigation
systems, along with the theory to support the
(#2462) $115, 539 pages, hardcover
The Global Positioning
System & Inertial Navigation
Jay A. Farrell and Matthew Barth
McGraw-Hill, 1998
The engineer's guide to both
GPS and INS. The book provides
a top-to-bottom look at GPS and
INS including guidelines for building integrated GPS/INS
(#1137) $63, 340 pages, hardcover
GNSS Aided Navigation and
Tracking: Inertially
Augmented or Autonomous
James L. Farrell
American Literary Press, 2007
A new approach. By exploiting
modern capabilities and insights,
inertial processing is made
dramatically simpler than conventional methods.
Provides several original flight-validated formulations and
algorithms not currently in use. Includes major advances in
multiple areas:
ŠŠ full use of fractured (discontinuous ambiguous) carrier
ŠŠ rigorous integrity for separate SVs
ŠŠ unprecedented robustness and situation awareness
ŠŠ high performance from low cost IMUs
ŠŠ cookbook steps
ŠŠ new interoperability features
ŠŠ insights for easier implementation
(#2451) $100, 286 pages, hardcover
You can also order this book directly from the author at
Integrated Aircraft
James L. Farrell
Vigil, Inc., 1976
With a new preface added for
today's perspective. A classic,
comprehensive development of
navigation system integration
principles and techniques. Includes
advanced INS analysis, estimation with discrete examples,
nav modes and dynamics, nav measurements, nav and
tracking operations, nav functions and data flow. A must
for anyone wishing to realize optimal results from an
integrated nav system.
(#1275) $35, 351 pages, softcover
Geometric Geodetic Accuracy
Standards and Specifications
Federal Geodetic Control
NGS, August, 1989
This document is a guideline for the
planning and execution of geodetic
surveys using GPS relative positioning techniques. The
standards are designed to meet classification requirements
for a wide range of 3D relative positional accuracy
(#2435) $9.95, 48 pages, softcover, CD included
Radionavigation Systems
Borje Forssell
Artech House, Inc., 2008
Republication of the 1990 classic. This
book is still in use by many practicing
navigation engineers. C. Hegarty and
E. Kaplan say that after describing the
basic principles of navigation system
operations that rely on range and/or angle measurements,
Dr. Forssell goes into standard error definitions and
calculations. The remaining chapters focus on GPS as well
as its predecessor systems.
(#2460) $79, 392 pages, hardcover
Geographic Information
Systems Demystified
Stephen R. Galati
Artech House, Inc., 2006
This is a theory-based rather than
hands-on approach, developed
to give a sound understanding of
GIS principles before going on to
applications in the latter third of the book. Covers GIS,
geodesy, earth models, coordinate systems, and then
applications and environments
(#1627) $89, 270 pages, hardcover
Applied Optimal Estimation
Arthur Gelb, Editor
MIT Press, 1974
This classic and respected work
places major emphasis on practical
applications, treating the subject
more from an engineering than
a mathematical point of view.
Theoretical and mathematical concepts are developed
sufficiently to make the book an excellent, self-contained
(#1925) $41, 374 pages, softcover
GPS Positioning Guide
Geodetic Survey Division
EMR Canada, 1993.
Provides the background
and procedural information
needed to effectively apply GPS
technology. Guidelines include GPS
fundamentals, basic positioning concepts, GPS positioning
techniques and procedures for applying GPS. Glossary and
(#1230) $28.80, 106 pages, softcover
GNSS Applications
and Methods
Gleason, Gebre-Egziabher
Artech House, 2009
Emphasizing application
development, this unique resource
offers a highly practical overview of
GNSS, including GPS and more exotic
areas, such as remote sensing and
space weather monitoring. Included software contains
valuable processing tools and real GPS data sets to help
professionals rapidly advance their future research and
development projects.
(#2465) $120, 507 pages, hardcover, CD included
Global Positioning Systems,
Inertial Navigation, and
Integration, 2nd Edition
Mohinder S. Grewal, Lawrence R.
Weill, Angus P. Andrews
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007
An updated guide to GNSS and INS,
including solutions to real world GPS/
INS problems with Kalman filtering
(#1910-2) $99.95, 525 pages, hardcover
Kalman Filtering Theory and
Practice, 3rd Edition
M. S. Grewal and A. P. Andrews
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
A thoroughly updated introduction
to Kalman filtering with applications.
Excellent treatment of practical
considerations involved in
implementing a Kalman filter, especially with respect
to numerical stability problems. Includes diskette with
FORTRAN Kalman filter and related programs.
(#1029) $128.99, 576 pages, hardcover
Principles of GNSS, Inertial
and Multisensor Integrated
Navigation Systems
Paul D. Groves
Artech House, Inc., 2008
Aimed at nav professionals and
usable as a college text. This book
covers principles of navigation along
with a summary of not only GNSS systems but also Loran,
(#2459) $119, 518 pages, hardcover
Server Side Assisted-GPS
Neil Harper
Artech House, 2010
Assisted-GPS (A-GPS) is a technology
that greatly enhances GPS
performance and capabilities. This
innovative book offers a detailed
explanation of the way that an A-GPS server operates
from a practical point of view. Practitioners learn how
A-GPS improves critical aspects of GPS such as time-tofirst-fix (TTFF), yield & error minimization, Focuses on
handset-assisted A-GPS where the server can make use of
additional information and perform more effective hybrid
TO ORDER VISIT or call 1-800-NAV-0885 or (703) 256-8900
We Carry All the Essential GPS/GNSS Titles!
Books Are Arranged Alphabetically By Author
calculations. Includes example code in Java for all key
functions, along with sequence diagrams in UML that help
ensure a solid understanding of the material.
(#2466) $99, 239 pages, hardcover
Global Positioning System,
Theory and Practice, 5th Ed.
Hofmann-Wellenhof, et al.
Springer-Verlag, 2001
Comprehensive treatment of
GPS and its use for survey, precise
measurements, navigation, attitude
determination and more. Includes updates on the space
segment, anti-spoofing, Keplerian orbits, processing
techniques, relativistic effects, multipath, RINEX and new
GPS applications.
(#1177) $71.75, 382 pages, softcover
GNSS: Global Navigation
Satellite Systems: GPS,
GLONASS, Galileo, & More
Lichtenegger, Wasle
Springer/Wien New York, 2008
This book is the extension of "GPS
Theory and Practice" and includes
the Russian GLONASS, the European Galileo and additional
systems. It describes the reference systems for coordinates
and time, satellite orbits, satellite signals, observables,
math models for positioning, data processing and data
(#2456) $95, 516 pages, softcover
Navigation: Principles of
Positioning and Guidance
Hofmann-Wellenhof, ed.
Legat, Wieser, Springer/Wien New
York, 2003
This book was developed over the
years as a University of Graz text and
is meant to be an A to Z treatment of
navigation. For overview, not in-depth coverage. Excellent
classroom text.
(#1528) $79.95, 369 pages, hardcover
Physical Geodesy
Bernhard Hofmann-Wellenhof and
Helmut Moritz
Springer/Wien New York, 2005
A new book patterned after the 1967
original of the same title by Moritz
and Heiskanen. This book adds GPS/
GNSS measurement and technology
to the classic explanations of the
earth's shape and its gravity field. Modern gravitational
measurement and analysis techniques are described.
(#1480) $79.95, 403 pages, softcover
Spread Spectrum Systems
for GNSS and Wireless
Jack K. Holmes
Artech House, 2007
A modern treatment of spread
spectrum (SS) comms, including
direct sequence and frequency
hopping. The book helps you understand the performance
of SS systems under the influence of jamming and with
and without coding. You find details on the synchronization
of SS systems, including initial acquisition and tracking.
(#2454) $149, 855 pages, hardcover
Global Positioning System:
A 7-Volume Collection
Edited by The Institute of
Publisher: The Institute of Navigation
The classic GPS monographs, "the
Red Books," which we believe
provide the best collection of juried
GPS technical papers. A "must have" for any well stocked
GPS library. The complete set is only available on CD-ROM.
There are no paper copies for Vol. II or Vol. VII
Vol. I: 1980, Classic GPS Technical Papers, (#1201) $20
Vol. II (on CD only, #1202): 1984, More of the Classic
Vol. III: 1986, Receiver Design Enhancements,
Differential GPS, (#1203) $20
Vol. IV: 1993, DGPS Error Sources, WAAS, Carrier Phase
DGPS, (#1204) $30
Vol. V: 1998, RAIM Technology and Issues, (#1206) $40
Vol. VI: (Sold only on the CD-ROM with Volumes 1-VI,
see #1210), 2000, GPS Augmentations
Volume VII: 2010, Integration of Navigation Systems,
CD only, (#1210A) $90
Set of Volumes I–VI , CD-ROM, (#1210) $144
GNSS Markets
and Applications
Len Jacobson
Artech House, Inc., 2007
Written for functional managers
and staff who are concerned with
entering or growing a GNSS business
and who interact with the engineers
who are developing GNSS products and services. Technical
aspects are treated in a general manner to give the reader
enough information to work in marketing effectively.
(#2453) $79, 216 pages, hardcover
An Introduction to GNSS:
GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and
the Global Navigation
Satellite Systems
Charles Jeffrey
NovAtel, 2010
are treated in detail. Derived algorithms to process sensor
data and a comprehensive explanation of the error
dynamics are provided.
(#1143) $215 352 pages, hardcover
Understanding GPS:
Principles and Applications,
2nd Edition
E. Kaplan, C. Hegarty, Editors
Artech House, Inc., 2006
An engineer's guide to
understanding and utilizing today's
GPS technology. Includes sections on
fundamentals, receiver operation, effects of interference
on signal tracking, GPS performance, differential GPS,
integration with other sensors, GLONASS, and the
INMARSAT overlay, and projections for future GPS markets
and applications. The 2nd edition adds the integration of
GPS with vehicles, cell phones, nav and comm receivers,
classes of satellite broadcast signals and the Galileo system.
(#1024) $139, 680 pages, hardcover
Avionics Navigation Systems,
2nd Edition
Myron Kayton & Walter R. Fried
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997
This book was written for the
navigation system engineer, whether
user or designer and presents a
unified treatment of the principles
and practices of modern navigation sensors and systems.
(#1014) $175, 773 pages, hardcover
Introduction to Geodesy:
For Undergraduate Study
Muneendra Kumar, Satish K.
Sharma, Chandra S. Khare
Coordinates, New Delhi, India, 2009
This is an easy to understand
textbook on the science of geodesy.
Only typical formulas and equations have been included
to familiarize students with the complexity of ellipsoidal
computations. Derivation steps are kept to a minimum.
Great care has been taken to write and compile the text in
a straightforward sequential progression.
(#2469) $34, 120 pages, softcover
GPS Satellite Surveying,
3rd Edition
Alfred Leick
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004.
A clear, brief primer on GNSS, useful
for anyone beginning to work in
GNSS, including support staff.
(#2467), $20, 86 pages, color photos, softcover
Comprehensive coverage of
theoretical aspects (including
derivations) and practical
background information. Includes
Inertial Navigation Systems
with Geodetic Applications
Scale replicas of the
Christopher Jekeli
Walter de Gruyter, Inc., 2001
Covers all aspects of INS including
sensor technology and the
estimation of instrument errors
and their integration with GPS
for geodetic applications with complete mathematical
derivations. Both stabilized and strapdown mechanizations
Perfect for displays
or awards
The smaller model is perfect for award presentations
or tabletop displays. The larger size is ideal for trade
shows, exhibits or as part of a permanent lobby display.
Both come with a display stand. Call for pricing and
availability. (#9024, 9023)
We Carry All the Essential GPS/GNSS Titles!
Books Are Arranged Alphabetically By Author
network adjustments, adjustment computations,
propagation, carrier phase techniques, ellipsoidal and
conformal map models, datum transformation, etc.
(#1028) $102.95, 560 pages, hardcover
Statistical and Adaptive
Signal Processing
D.G. Manolakis, V.K. Ingle, S.M.
Artech House, 2005
The authoritative volume offering a
unified, comprehensive and practical
treatment of spectral estimation, signal modeling, adaptive
filtering, and array processing. With over 3,000 equations
and 300 illustrations, you get balanced coverage of
implementation issues, applications and theory, useful to
professional engineers as well as students.
(#1628) $129, 794 pages, hardcover
Stochastic Models, Estimation
and Control
Peter S. Maybeck
Academic Press, 1992. Republished
2001 by NavtechGPS.
This set is still the definitive work on
this topic. Thorough coverage of the
fundamental concepts of stochastic
processes, estimation and control, including practical
experience and insights. Ideal class textbook. Spiral
notebooks for easy study.
Vol. II: 289 pages, (#1278) $57
This textbook guides the reader
through the theory & practice
of satellite orbit prediction and
determination. It covers elaborate
force models as well as precise
methods of satellite tracking. The accompanying CD-ROM
includes relevant data files for applications with all source
codes written in C++.
(#1200) $82, 369 pages, hardcover, CD included
The Set, Vol. I-III: (#1280) $147
Solutions Manual for Vol. I: (#1281) $47
Getting Started with GPS
Simon McElroy, et al.
Published by the Texas Society of
Professional Surveyors, 1996.
A thorough, but simple look at using
GPS for land surveying, primarily
presented through a mixture of easyto-follow text and cartoon illustrations.
(#1476) $45, 181 pages, softcover
Global Positioning System:
Signals, Measurements &
Performance, Revised
2nd Edition
Pratap Misra and Per Enge
Ganga Jamuna Press, 2011
As reviewed by Dr. Penina Axelrad,
"This is an excellent graduate level
textbook on GPS crafted by two master teachers. It
provides a comprehensive overview of the key elements
of GPS and focuses specifically on the algorithms for
signal processing, position, velocity and time solutions."
This printing has an updated Chapter 3, "Future Global
Navigation Satellite Systems," focusing on new signals. First
printing errata are corrected.
(#2500-2) $85, 569 pages, hardcover (NavtechGPS is
the sole distributor.)
A textbook, this content requires
no prior knowledge of probability
and is developed with a new look at
conventional approaches. The book
concentrates on basic topics and
includes a simplified treatment of a number of advanced
ideas. Avoiding extensive math, the author relies on
application examples to clarify points.
(#2431) $85, 454 pages, softcover
New Potential of LowFrequency Radionavigation
in the 21st Century
Integrity Prediction and
Monitoring of Navigation
Wouter J. Pelgrum
Self published, 2007
Pieter Bastiaan Ober
Integricom Publishers, 2003
The assessment of the integrity of
navigation systems and their relation
to the positioning requirements and
the chosen position estimation and
failure detection algorithms are discussed. An important
distinction is made between integrity prediction, based
on system models only, and integrity monitoring, which
additionally uses measurement data in the integrity
assessment information that is traditionally not exploited to
the fullest extent.
(# 2432) $70, 146 pages, softcover
Gerard Offermans & Arthur Helwig
Walter de Gruyter, Inc., 2003
Vol. III: 291 pages, (#1279) $57
Athanasios Papoulis
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1990
O. Montenbruck & E. Gill
Springer Pub., 2000
Integrated Navigation System
Eurofix, Vision, Concept,
Design, Implementation & Test
Vol. I: 423 pages, (#1277) $67
Probability & Statistics
Satellite Orbits
Eurofix is an application of the
concept of integrated navigation
and it combines satellite based
radionavigation systems such as GPS (or GNSS) and the
terrestrial radionavigation system Loran-C (or the Russian
equivalent Chayka).
(#1142) $99, 299 pages, softcover
GPS has enabled accurate,
affordable, and almost ubiquitous
positioning and timing. The everimproving performance of GPS has
long fueled the thought that GPS - and GPS alone - was
to be the designated future of radio positioning and
(#2455) $99, 295 pages, softcover
(Also downloadable online for free)
Applied Satellite Navigation
Using GPS, Galileo and
Augmentation Systems
R. Prasad, M. Ruggieri
Artech House, 2005.
Covers the basics of navigation
satellite systems, with required
navigation performance and equations, Galileo service
and security issues, legal and market policies of GPS
and Galileo re commercial, public utility and safetyof-life applications. Integration of navigation with
communications, especially wireless systems, is discussed
as well as some of the open issues in these areas.
(#1156) $95, 290 pages, hardcover
Radio Engineering for
Wireless Communication and
Sensor Applications
Autonomous Ground Vehicles
By Ümit Özgüner, Tankut Acarman
and Keith Redmill
Artech House, 2011
This unique book explains the key
aspects that make autonomous
vehicle behavior possible. It focuses
on providing professionals with
a practical understanding of the
relevant technologies, including presenting the basic
autonomous control and feedback techniques for vehicle
velocity control and car following, steering and lane
following, obstacle avoidance, lane change, and parking
operations. From maps, path planning, and obstacle
avoidance scenarios to cooperative mobility among
autonomous vehicles, vehicle–to-vehicle communication,
and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, this book
presents the most critical topics in the field today.
(#2472) $127, 278 pages, hardcover
Antti Raisanen and Arto Lehto
Artech House, Inc., 2003
Applications from wireless comm
and nav to sensors and radar. This
practical resource addresses the
generation, control, detection and
utilization of radio waves as well as details of radio link,
amplifier and antenna design, noise and modulation
theory. Also includes a useful review of biological effects
and safety standards.
(#1220) $95, 396 pages, hardcover
TO ORDER VISIT or call 1-800-NAV-0885 or (703) 256-8900
We Carry All the Essential GPS/GNSS Titles!
Books Are Arranged Alphabetically By Author
NEW! GPS/GNSS Antennas
B. Rama Rao, W. Kunysz, R. Fante, K.
Artech House, Inc., 2003
This unique book offers the newest
and most comprehensive coverage
of GPS/GNSS antennas. Providing
over 410 references and taking into
account the requirements of modernized systems and key
developing applications. This practical resource addresses
critical antenna performance requirements, provides
guidance on the design of adaptive arrays and signal
processing techniques, covers a wide range of antenna
designs, and much more.
(#2474) $120, 404 pages, hardcover
Beyond the Kalman Filter,
Particle Filters for Tracking
Brank Ristic, Sanjeev Arulampalam,
Neil Gordon
Artech House, 2004
For most tracking applications the
Kalman filter is reliable and efficient,
but it is limited to a relatively restricted class of linear
Gaussian problems. To solve problems beyond this, particle
filters are proving to be dependable methods of stochastic
dynamic estimation.
(#1141) $121, 302 pages, hardcover
Applied Mathematics
in Integrated Navigation
Systems 3rd Edition
Robert M. Rogers
AIAA, 2007
For those directly involved with the
design, integration, test and evaluation
of navigation systems. This edition
includes additional background material, exercises and
additional applications. Selected exercise software is in a
companion CD-ROM.
(#1144-2) $90, 334 pages, hardcover
Applied Inertial Navigation:
Problems and Solutions
O. Salychev, 2004
Many changes are happening in
the inertial technology and INS/
GPS integration techniques and
this new book is dedicated to the
new generation of inertial systems
research and development.
(#1139) $90, 306 pages, 93 figures, in English,
North American
Datum of 1983
Charles R. Schwarz, Ed.
National Geodetic Survey, Dec. 1990
A detailed description of the datum,
including history, assessment,
methodology, execution/results and
(#1632) $35, 256 pages, softcover.
Satellite Geodesy, 2nd Ed.
Gunter Seeber
Walter de Gruyter, Inc., 2003
This book covers the field of
satellite geodesy and is intended
to serve as a textbook for advanced
undergraduate and graduate
students, as well as a reference
for professionals and scientists in
the fields of engineering and geosciences, geodesy,
surveying engineering, geomatics, geography, navigation,
geophysics, and oceanography.
(#1529) $83.00 358 pages, hardcover
Introduction to Geodesy:
The History and Concepts
of Modern Geodesy
James R. Smith
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997
A revised edition of the author's
Basic Geodesy. This book avoids
complex formulas and equations
and provides a basic understanding
of geodesy. Topics include: traditional survey positioning
techniques, geodetic systems, physical geodesy, the World
Geodetic System, satellite geodesy, GPS, gravity measures,
electromagnetic distance measurement, projections.
(#1450) $80, 224 pages, softcover
Global Positioning System:
Theory and Applications
J. Spilker & B. Parkinson; P. Enge &
P. Axelrad, Eds.
AIAA, 1996
A comprehensive and classic
reference on GPS. Volume I is more
fundamental than Volume II, which
contains advanced material. This standard GPS reference is
for any organization serious about working with GPS.
Volume I: (#1132) $119.95, 703 pages, hardcover
Volume II: (#1133) $119.95, 643 pages, hardcover
Geodesy, 3rd Edition
Wolfgang Torge
Walter de-Gruyter, Inc., 2001
A complete revision reflects changes
in geodesy in the last 20 years. The
increased accuracy of geodetic
products and their high data
rates have significantly increased
the contributions of geodesy to
geodynamics research, strengthening the role of geodesy
in geoscience. Includes recent examples of instrument
results and an extensive reference list.
(#1530) $49.95, 416 pages, softcover
Fundamentals of Global
Positioning System Receivers:
A Software Approach, 2nd
James Boa-Yen Tsui
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005
receivers. This work provides a comprehensive reference
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a cutting-edge approach expected to dominate future
integration of GPS receivers into cellular phones.
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An Album of Map Projections
USGS Professional Paper #1453, 1989
This album is a first attempt to
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It uses consistent and concise
non-mathematical descriptions
accompanied by standardized visual portrayals.
(#1600) $35, 249 pages, softcover
A-GPS: Assisted GPS, GNSS
and SBAS
Frank van Diggelen
Artech House, 2009
Assisted GPS (A-GPS) allows
GPS to work better & faster in
any location. This unique book
teaches the technical aspects of
A-GPS and emphasizes practical
implementation. It reviews standard GPS design and will
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A-GPS enables the computing of a position in the absence
of precise time – a unique topic. Describes how to design
and analyze a high sensitivity GPS receiver.
(#2463) $92, 400 pages, hardcover.
GPS for Land Surveyors,
3rd Edition
Jan van Sickle
Ann Arbor Press, 2008
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Paul Zarchan, Howard Musoff
AIAA, 2005
A practical guide to building
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Kalman filters can be designed. The book contains a
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A working resource for engineers;
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We Carry All the Essential GPS/GNSS Titles!
Alphabetical Listing By Title
Book List Alpha
A-GPS: Assisted GPS, GNSS and SBAS, Frank van
Diggelen.................................................................................. 6
Aided Navigation: GPS with High Rate Sensors,
Jay A. Farrell ................................................................... 3
Algorithms for Global Positioning, Kai Borre and
Gilbert Strang................................................................. 2
An Album of Map Projections, USGS........................... 6
An Introduction to GNSS: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo
and the Global Navigation Satellite Systems,
Charles Jeffrey........................................................................ 4
Applied Inertial Navigation: Problems and
Solutions, O. Salychev, 2004............................................. 6
Applied Mathematics in Integrated Navigation
Systems 3rd Edition, Robert M. Rogers........................ 6
Applied Optimal Estimation, Arthur Gelb, Editor..... 3
Applied Satellite Navigation Using GPS, Galileo
and Augmentation Systems, R. Prasad, M. Ruggieri..5
A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver: A
Single-Frequency Approach, Kai Borre, Dennis M.
Akos, N. Bertelsen, P. Rinder, S. Jensen............................. 2
Autonomous Ground Vehicles, By Ümit Özgüner,
Tankut Acarman and Keith Redmill.................................. 5
Avionics Navigation Systems, 2nd Edition, Myron
Kayton & Walter R. Fried...................................................... 4
Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements
& Performance, Revised 2nd Edition, Pratap Misra
and Per Enge........................................................................... 5
Global Positioning Systems, Inertial Navigation,
and Integration, 2nd Edition, Mohinder S. Grewal,
Lawrence R. Weill, Angus P. Andrews............................... 3
Global Positioning System: Theory and
Applications, J. Spilker & B. Parkinson; P. Enge & P.
Axelrad, Eds............................................................................. 6
Global Positioning System, Theory and Practice,
5th Ed., Hofmann-Wellenhof, et al.................................. 4
GNSS Aided Navigation and Tracking: Inertially
Augmented or Autonomous, James L. Farrell.......... 3
GNSS Applications and Methods, Gleason, GebreEgziabher................................................................................. 3
GNSS for Vehicle Control, D.M. Bevly, S. Cobb........... 2
GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS,
GLONASS, Galileo, & More, Hofmann-Wellenhof,
Lichtenegger, Wasle.............................................................. 4
GNSS Markets and Applications, Len Jacobson....... 4
GPS for Land Surveyors, 3rd Edition, Jan van
GPS/GNSS Antennas, B. Rama Rao, W. Kunysz, R.
Fante, K. McDonald.............................................................. 6
GPS Positioning Guide, Geodetic Survey Division.... 3
Beyond the Kalman Filter, Particle Filters for
Tracking Applications, Brank Ristic, Sanjeev
Arulampalam, Neil Gordon................................................ 6
GPS Satellite Surveying, 3rd Edition, Alfred Leick... 4
Celestial Navigation … When Your GPS Fails, Mark
Breach...................................................................................... 2
Inertial Navigation Systems with Geodetic
Applications, Christopher Jekeli...................................... 4
Digital Terrain Modeling: Acquisition,
Manipulation and Applications, N. El-Sheimy, C.
Valeo, A. Habib....................................................................... 2
Integrated Aircraft Navigation, James L. Farrell...... 3
EGNOS: The European Geostationary Navigation
Overlay System: A Cornerstone of Galileo,
European Space Agency,..................................................... 2
Hydrography, C.D. de Jong, G. Lachapelle, S. Skone,
I.A. Elema................................................................................. 2
Principles of GNSS, Inertial and Multisensor
Integrated Navigation Systems, Paul D. Groves....... 3
Probability & Statistics, Athanasios Papoulis............ 5
Radio Engineering for Wireless Communication
and Sensor Applications, Antti Raisanen and Arto
Lehto......................................................................................... 5
Radionavigation Systems, Borje Forssell..................... 3
Satellite Geodesy, 2nd Ed., Gunter Seeber................. 6
Satellite Orbits, O. Montenbruck & E. Gill..................... 5
Scale replicas of the Block IIR GPS Satellites, Perfect
for displays or awards.......................................................... 4
Server Side Assisted-GPS in JAVA, Neil Harper........ 3
Spread Spectrum Systems for GNSS and Wireless
Communications, Jack K. Holmes.................................. 4
Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing, D.G.
Manolakis, V.K. Ingle, S.M. Kogon..................................... 5
Stochastic Models, Estimation and Control, Peter S.
Maybeck.................................................................................. 5
The 3-D Global Spatial Data Model: Foundation of
the Spatial Data Infrastructure, Earl F. Burkholder..2
The Global Positioning System & Inertial
Navigation, Jay A. Farrell and Matthew Barth............. 3
The Measurement of Time: Time, Frequency and
the Atomic Clock, Claude Audoin & Bernard Guinot..2
Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications,
2nd Edition, E. Kaplan, C. Hegarty, Editors................... 4
Wireless Positioning Technologies and
Applications, Alan Bensky................................................ 2
Integrated Navigation System Eurofix, Vision,
Concept, Design, Implementation & Test, Gerard
Offermans & Arthur Helwig................................................ 5
Integrity Prediction and Monitoring of Navigation
Systems, Pieter Bastiaan Ober.......................................... 5
Fundamentals of Global Positioning System
Receivers: A Software Approach, 2nd Edition,
James Boa-Yen Tsui............................................................... 6
Introduction to Geodesy: For Undergraduate
Study, Muneendra Kumar, Satish K. Sharma, Chandra
S. Khare.................................................................................... 4
Fundamentals of High Accuracy Inertial
Navigation, Averil B. Chatfield......................................... 2
Introduction to Geodesy: The History and
Concepts of Modern Geodesy, James R. Smith........ 6
Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering: A Practical
Approach, 2nd Edition, Paul Zarchan, Howard
Musoff...................................................................................... 6
Introduction to GPS: The Global Positioning
System, Ahmed El-Rabanny.............................................. 2
Galileo: Europe’s Guiding Star. The European
Global Navigation Satellite System, ESTEC, with 17
Contributing Authors........................................................... 2
Physical Geodesy, Bernhard Hofmann-Wellenhof and
Helmut Moritz........................................................................ 4
Introduction to Random Signals and Applied
Kalman Filtering, 4th Edition, R. G. Brown and P. Y. C.
Hwang...................................................................................... 2
Geodesy, 3rd Edition, Wolfgang Torge........................ 6
Kalman Filtering Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition,
M. S. Grewal and A. P. Andrews.......................................... 3
Geographic Information Systems Demystified,
Stephen R. Galati................................................................... 3
MEMS-Based Integrated Navigation, P. Aggarwal, Z
Syed, N. El-Sheimy, A. Nouereldin...................................... 2
Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards and
Specifications, Federal Geodetic Control Committee..3
Navigation: Principles of Positioning and
Guidance, Hofmann-Wellenhof, ed................................ 4
Getting Started with GPS Surveying, Simon
McElroy, et al........................................................................... 5
New Potential of Low-Frequency Radionavigation
in the 21st Century, Wouter J. Pelgrum........................ 5
Global Positioning System: A 7-Volume Collection
Edited by The Institute of Navigation.............................. 4
North American Datum of 1983, Charles R. Schwarz,
Editor ....................................................................................... 6
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