21-Day Pure Radiance Cleanse Manual
21-Day Pure Radiance Cleanse Manual
21-Day Pure Radiance Cleanse Manual © 2015 by Marnie Reasor, www.ResplendentHealing.com All rights reserved. No portion of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including fax, photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except as granted under the following condition: A reviewer may quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, blog or website with written approval from the author prior to publishing. Disclaimer This manual is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The author shall not be held liable or responsible for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information contained in this program manual or for any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by any treatment, action, or application of any food or food source discussed in this program manual. The statements in this manual have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Permissions and Inquiries To request permission to reproduce any passage or portion of this manual or inquire about private consultation or workshops, contact Marnie Reasor at: [email protected]. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 2 Contents Welcome page 4 Levels: Optimizing your Cleanse to Increase Weight Loss page 5 Weekly Guide page 7 How Much Can I Eat? page 10 Your Detox Kit page 12 How to Make Your Detox Shakes page 14 Foods to Enjoy page 15 Pantry page 32 What to Avoid page 35 Quick Guide page 42 How to Eat page 43 Ideas for Meals and Snacks page 45 Cooking Tips page 48 Exercise page 48 Cleanse-Boosting Supplements page 49 How to Reintroduce Foods after the Cleanse page 51 Appendix A Food Combining page 56 Appendix B Super Foods to Support Detoxification page 59 Appendix C Mindful Eating page 61 © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 3 Welcome to the 21-Day Pure Radiance Cleanse! Congratulations on taking this step to empower yourself! Detoxifying your body releases toxins so you can feel amazing and have more energy to do the things that you love. The cleanse also will help you balance your hormones and restore your body to optimal health. Over the next 21 days, you’ll learn how to bring your hormones into balance by eating nourishing foods that give you lots of energy, clear your liver of toxins, and regulate your blood sugar. And you’ll benefit from learning these new ways of eating cleaner, healthier foods with you long after the cleanse ends. Once you’ve made the essential changes to your eating habits and toxins are released, you’re likely to experience more energy, greater hormonal harmony, clearer skin, better digestion, weight loss and deeper sleep. My top 3 tips for success: 1. Eat real food. 2. Stop eating 4 hours before bed. 3. Listen to your body and notice how food makes you feel. Thank you for making vibrant health a priority! (Your body will thank you, too.) Warmly, Marnie Tip: Print this manual out and put it in a binder for easy reference. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 4 Levels: Optimizing Your Cleanse to Increase Weight Loss Everything in this manual is designed to help you make optimal food choices that will release toxins, balance your hormones, and help you lose weight. If you’d like to take your cleanse to the next level or speed up weight-loss, you can choose from Levels 2 and 3, which are a bit more intense. Each level increases in intensity. You can also choose to mix and match from Levels 2 and 3. If this is your first cleanse, don’t feel like you need to level up. You are making more than enough changes by doing the basics of the cleanse (Level 1), and you are sure to and see positive changes in the way you feel. Level 1 Optimal food choices that will help you detoxify. See Foods to Enjoy and Foods to Avoid sections. Enjoy Vegetables and fruits Animal proteins, eggs, and fish Beans and gluten-free grains Nuts and seeds Fats and oils Avoid Sugar and artificial sweeteners Caffeine, coffee, tea, sodas and flavored drinks Alcohol Dairy Gluten, soy, corn, yeast and MSG Level 2 For additional weight loss. You can do one or all suggestions. 1. Decrease or avoid nuts, nut butters, coconut milk, bananas, avocados, hummus, and garbanzo beans. These items are healthy, but they can slow weight loss. 2. Go Paleo: avoid grains and beans. 3. Replace 1 or 2 meals per day with a detox shake/smoothie during weeks 2 and 3. Level 3 Food combining principles to help digest, detoxify and burn fat more efficiently. Foods digest at different rates in your digestive tract. If you eat certain foods together, they ferment in your digestive tract, are not converted to energy, and cause weight gain. So sad. Food Combining* The easiest rule to remember is not to eat grains or beans with poultry or red meat. Just start with the 2 main rules. Two Main Rules 1. Do not combine grains/beans/starch with animal proteins (poultry or red meat). For example, do not eat chicken with rice or steak with a white baked potato (sweet potato is fine). 2. Do not combine grains/beans/starch with fruit (including tomatoes and avocados, © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 5 which are types of fruit). Note: You can eat fruit 20 minutes before eating grains/beans/starch. Wait 2 hours after eating a grain/bean/starch before eating fruit. Three Minor Rules 1. Do not mix white potatoes with animal proteins (poultry/red meat). 2. Fish and white potatoes/grains/beans/starch are okay as long as there is no fruit sauce. 3. Eggs and cheese**work with grains/beans/starches. *See Appendix for food combining chart and more details. **Cheese is not allowed on the cleanse. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 6 Weekly Guide Pre-cleanse preparation 1. Read Foods to Enjoy and Foods to Avoid sections and make a grocery list. 2. Stock up on fresh fruits, vegetables, pastured meat and eggs, condiments and healthy snacks. 3. Remove junk food (potato chips, ice cream, candy, etc.) and other foods to avoid from your cupboards or segregate them from your family’s food. Tip: Experiment with some new foods. Try raw coconut oil, raw almond butter, raw sauerkraut, and Mary’s Gone Crackers, coconut milk, coconut aminos, apple cider vinegar, high-quality mayonnaise (Hain’s), almond flour or cacao nibs. Note: Prioritize buying antibiotic-free meats and eggs. Organic fruits and vegetables are the second priority. Week 1 1. Add more healthy foods to your diet (see Foods to Enjoy and Super Foods, Appendix B. 2. Completely eliminate all gluten, dairy, sugar, artificial sweeteners, processed and packaged foods, corn, soy, yeast and MSG. See Foods to Avoid. 3. Wean yourself off alcohol, caffeine, coffee, black tea, sodas and artificial sweeteners. Drink half the amount you usually consume each day. For example, if you drink one cup of tea per day, drink one half cup the second day and one quarter cup the third day, etc. You can substitute green tea or yerba mate during the transition as you withdraw from caffeine. By Day 8, you will be completely caffeine-free. At this point, eliminate green tea and yerba mate as well. 4. Start taking 1 AdvaClear capsule per day with meals; morning is best. See specific instructions in the chart below. Do not follow the directions in the Metagenics brochure. 5. Start taking the shake on day 5. If fatigue, headaches, congestion or body aches are interfering with your ability to function, this means that your body is releasing toxins too quickly. Take fewer scoops of the shake. We will talk more about this during our coaching calls. Tip: Many people find that substituting coffee with Tecchino (gluten-free) and sodas with KeVita or GT’s Kombucha helps them transition their tastes to healthier choices. Level 2: Completely eliminate alcohol, caffeine, coffee, black and green tea, sodas, and artificial sweeteners the first week. Note: You can post these pages on your refrigerator for quick reference. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 7 Enjoy Vegetables and fruits Animal proteins, eggs, and fish Avoid Sugar and artificial sweeteners Caffeine, coffee, tea, sodas and flavored drinks Alcohol Dairy Gluten, soy, corn, yeast and MSG Beans and gluten-free grains Nuts and seeds Fats and oils Day AdvaClear capsules UltraClear shake Total scoops/day 1 1 cap, 1x day (1 total) --- --- 2 1 cap, 1 x day (1 total) --- --- 3 1 cap, 1 x day (1 total) --- --- 4 1 cap, 1x day (1 total) --- --- 5 1 cap, 1 x day (1 total) 1/2 6 1 cap, 1 x day (1 total) 7 1 cap, 1 x day (1 total) 1/2 scoop 1 x day 1 scoop 1 x day 1 scoop 1 x day 1 1 Week 2 1. What you are eating stays the same. Continue eating foods chosen from Foods to Enjoy and Super Foods. 2. Completely eliminate all alcohol, caffeine, coffee, caffeinated teas and sodas. This includes green tea and yerba mate. 3. You will begin to increase the scoops in your shakes and AdvaClear capsules. 4. Days 14 and 15 are the deepest days of the cleanse as you eliminate toxins with the shakes and supplements. You may feel more tired than usual. Rest as much as you can and don’t give in to temptation when feeling tired. Support yourself and enhance your detox with Epsom salt baths, gentle exercise, or visit an infrared sauna. 5. If fatigue, headaches, congestion or body aches are interfering with your ability to function, this means that your body is releasing toxins too quickly. Take fewer scoops of the shake. Level 2: Use one or two of your shakes as a meal replacement on Days 12-17 to facilitate faster weight loss. You can add extra fiber to make it more filling. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 8 Week 2 Day AdvaClear capsules 8 1 cap, 1 x day (1 total) 9 1 cap, 1x day (1 total) 10 1 cap, 2 x day (2 total) 11 1 cap, 2 x day (2 total) 12 2 caps, 2 x day (4 total) 13 2 caps, 2 x day (4 total) 14 2 caps, 2 x day (4 total) UltraClear Shake Total scoops/day 1 scoop 1 x day 1 scoop 1 x day 1 scoop 2 x day 1 scoop 2 x day 2 scoops 2 x day 2 scoops 2 x day 2 scoops 3 x day or 3 scoops 2 x day 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 Week 3 1. Continue with the healthy eating habits you developed during weeks 1 and 2. 2. Remember to take it easy on Day 15 and find a way to reward yourself for your hard work. 3. You will notice mental clarity and an increase in energy as the week progresses. Keep making healthy choices even if you feel the urge to slip back into old eating habits. You can do this and finish strong. Level 2: Use one or two of your shakes as a meal replacement on Days 12-17 to facilitate faster weight loss. You can add extra fiber to make it more filling. Day AdvaClear capsules 15 2 caps, 2 x day (4 total) 16 2 caps, 2x day (4 total) 17 1 cap, 2 x day (2 total) 18 1 cap, 2 x day (2 total) 19 1 cap, 2 x day (2 total) 20 1 cap, 1 x day (1 total) 21 1 cap, 1 x (1 total) UltraClear shake Total scoops/day 2 scoops 3 x day or 3 scoops 2 x day 2 scoops 2 x day 1 scoop 2 x day 1 scoop 2 x day 1 scoop 2 x day 1 scoop 1 x day 1 scoop 1 x day 6 4 2 2 2 1 1 Congratulations! You did it! Your body thanks you! Now it’s time to go to How to Re-introduce Foods to see how to test each food that you’ve removed from your diet by adding them back one at a time, every three days. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 9 How Much Can I Eat? Your Guide to Serving Sizes These are approximate daily guidelines for servings sizes. The amounts vary by your frame, weight, and activity level. Aim to get 25 grams of protein per meal or 75 grams per day. Animal proteins (2-3 servings per day) Serving size: 3-6 oz. animal/fish or 2 eggs Fish: 2-3 times per week maximum Eggs: 3 times per week maximum (common food allergen) Beef or lamb: twice per week maximum Tip: A serving of protein should be about the size of the palm of your hand. Level 3: Food combining: do not eat poultry or red meat with grains or beans. (Fish plus grains/beans is okay.) Vegetable proteins - Beans/legumes and whole grains (0-2 servings per day) Servings size: 1/3 cup beans + 2/3 cup grains = 1 complete protein Vegetarians will need to eat more fish, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds to get enough protein. Tip: Beans can help reduce excessive hormones in the blood stream. Note: There is rice protein in the detox shakes, but it doesn’t count as one of your servings because it’s metabolized differently. Level 2: Remove grains and beans for a Paleo-style cleanse. They are stored quickly as fat and can be hard to digest for some people. Level 3: Food combining: Do not eat beans/grains with meat or poultry. Fresh Vegetables (6-8 servings per day), about 40% of your diet. About 1 pound per day is ideal. You can eat an unlimited amount of low and medium-carb vegetables (see Foods to Enjoy section) Serving size: Leafy vegetables = 1 cup Serving size: Root or crunchy vegetables = ½ cup Fresh or frozen, preferably organic. Tips: • Eat a variety of colors. • Add them to your shake or smoothie. • Be sure to add oil or fat to your vegetables to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. • If you think you need more carbohydrates, add more vegetables, not grains. Fruit (0-2 servings per day) Serving size: ½ cup or 1 medium piece Fresh or frozen, preferably organic. Tips: • Use dried fruits only as a condiment, not as a snack. • Serving size of dried fruit: 1 tablespoon per day maximum © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 10 Fats - Oils, nuts, seeds, avocado (1-2 servings per day) Serving size oil: 2 Tablespoons maximum on cleanse (more after the cleanse) Serving size nuts/nut butters or seeds: 2 tablespoons per day maximum Serving size avocado: ¼ avocado Serving size nut milk: 1 cup Water (filtered or spring water) Serving size: MANDATORY - Drink half your body weight in ounces per day. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., you need to drink 75 oz. of plain water per day. This is absolutely necessary to help your body detoxify. Note: Any other liquids you drink, such as herbal teas or other drinks listed in Foods to Enjoy, do not count toward your minimum daily water requirement. For example, you cannot substitute herbal tea for water. Level 2: Drink a mug of warm or room temperature water with the juice of ½ fresh lemon before you eat breakfast. Level 2: Add a tiny pinch of sea salt to your water to increase absorption and hydration. Food Chart – Your Diet Should Look Like This If you are in doubt about what to eat, just follow these simple guidelines from Michael Pollan’s Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual: • Don't buy things your great-grandmother would not recognize as food. • Don’t eat food that can be advertised. • Avoid products with more than 5 ingredients. • Don’t eat foods with ingredients a normal person would not have in her pantry. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 11 Your Detox Kit Detoxification helps you expel and metabolize toxins and minimize your weight. We are exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Research has shown that many of the chemicals in our environment disrupt our endocrine, reproductive, nervous and immune systems. The following are examples of toxins: • Pharmaceutical and over-the-counter medications (antibiotics, the Pill, etc) • Air and water pollutants • Antibiotics and hormones in our meat, fish and dairy • Pesticides and herbicides in our fruit and vegetables • Preservatives and additives in processed foods • Trans fats • Heavy metals (fish, vaccinations, silver fillings, paint, etc.) • Household cleaning products • Personal care products (shampoos, lotions and skin care) • Cigarette smoke Metagenics Clear Change 10-Day Program We will be using the Metagenics Clear Change kit. It provides antioxidants to support healthy liver function and support the body’s ability to eliminate toxins. By decreasing your body’s toxic load, your body can concentrate its energy on purification and weight reduction. The kit also provides essential amino acids and vitamins. This program is designed to enhance the body’s natural metabolic detoxification process while providing adequate fuel for both cleansing and other daily activities—providing energy and support for overall well being. UltraClear RENEW or UltraClear Plus (if you are taking blood pressure medications or diuretics) UltraClear supports liver detoxification function by providing antioxidants and macronutrients, such as quality protein and carbohydrates, plus specific micronutrients (e.g. vitamins and minerals) that provide nutritional support. It is scientifically designed blend of targeted nutrients—including quality rice protein—supports energy metabolism and the elimination of toxins. It is a medical food and can be used as a meal replacement. Notes: • Do not worry about the 9 g of sugar in the shake—these are metabolized differently than dietary sugars. • UltraClear should be consumed within 30 minutes of mixing with liquids for maximum benefit. Discard any unused portion. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 12 AdvaClear dietary supplement AdvaClear capsules supports daily detoxification for optimal vitality and health. The formula provides methylated B12 and folic acid and enhances the activities of liver detoxification. These antioxidants detoxify harmful chemicals and heavy metals, protect your cells from toxins, and boost your immune system. You can make a smoothie with Ultra Clear by adding fruit and vegetables (see Recipes), or simply add water or unsweetened nut milk and shake in shaker. Please see How to Make Your Detox Shakes. Be sure to buy some straws. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 13 How to Make Your Detox Shakes Here are some examples and ideas for making the most of your detox shakes. Experiment and see what you like. Two Ways to Drink the Shake 1. Just add water! Add 8 oz. (1 cup of water) to 1-2 scoops of UltraClear and stir in a glass or shake in shaker cup. 2. Make a smoothie in the blender; then add UltraClear powder after blending. Consume the smoothie within 30 minutes after preparing. Note: Do not put UltraClear protein powder in the blender. It ruins or de-natures the protein and makes so your body cannot use it. Instead, make the smoothie in the blender, add the powder to a glass, pour shake over powder and stir. It is best to drink your shake 20-30 minutes before a meal or right before a meal. New studies show that when you drink a liquid meal (shakes, smoothies or green drink) alone, your blood sugar can spike by 50%. Liquid meals are a relatively new phenomenon. It is okay to drink a meal replacement shake for 1-2 weeks, but this is not a healthy long-term habit to develop. Level 2: Replace 1-2 meals with smoothie or shake on Days 12-17. Your body will have less work to digest food and can focus its efforts on detoxification. If you are hungry, of course, please eat. Some excellent choices include: cooked vegetables, soup, hardboiled egg, turkey deli meat or a cup of lentils. The best meals to replace are breakfast and dinner. Basic Recipe UltraClear powder (Do not add to blender) 1 - 2 cups (8-12 oz) unsweetened coconut, almond, hemp or rice milk (plain, vanilla, or chocolate) ½ cup (max) frozen berries or other fruit Water or ice (depending if you like a thick or thin shake) Level 2: Add 1 teaspoon green powder like Vitamineral Green (HealthForce) or Amazing Grass Chocolate Green SuperFood. These green powders are not protein powders, so it’s okay to add them to the blender. See e-Cookbook for smoothie recipes. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 14 Foods to Enjoy Vegetables Enjoy all vegetables, except white potatoes and corn. In order to balance hormones and lose weight it’s best to choose low-carb or medium-carb vegetables. Top vegetable families to add to your diet: 1. Greens 2. Cooked cruciferous vegetables help the liver detoxify excess hormones: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Romanesco, kale, mustard greens, collard greens, Bok Choy, rutabaga, kohlrabi, turnips, daikon, watercress and arugula. 3. The alliums: onions, garlic, shallots, scallions (green onions), chives and leeks. Tips: 1. Buy fresh or frozen, not canned. Choose local and seasonal fruits and vegetables for the highest levels of vitamins and antioxidants. 2. Buy organic to avoid pesticides that interfere with your hormones. 3. To find out which fruits and vegetables most heavily sprayed with pesticides, see the “Dirty Dozen” guide online. In the lists below, fruits and vegetables that are labeled “organic” are on the “Dirty Dozen” list. These are the ones to prioritize buying organic. Greens Lettuce (all organic): Loose leaf Romaine Butter Bibb Mesclun salad mix Red leaf Spring mix Other greens: Spinach (organic) Chicory Watercress Radicchio Arugula Escarole Dandelion greens Purslane Cooked greens: Kale (organic) Beet greens Mustard greens Bok Choy Turnip greens Swiss chard Collards (organic) Red chard Good news! Leafy greens are a natural appetite suppressant. Sprouts Bean sprouts Alfalfa Broccoli Sea vegetables from Maine, not California or Japan: Kelp/kombu Nori Arame Wakame © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com Dulse 15 Fresh herbs Cilantro Tarragon Oregano Basil Thyme Parsley Dill Marjoram Rosemary Chives Mint Sage Low-carb vegetables: Tip: Low-carb veggies should be your top choice for the cleanse! Cruciferous: Broccoli Cauliflower Cabbage: Coleslaw Romanesco Sauerkraut Kohlrabi Kimchi (raw, fermented) Onions: Garlic Shallots Scallions/green onions Chives Leeks Mushrooms: Portobello Shitake White Oyster Button Endives Bamboo shoots (jarred) Radishes Cucumber (organic) Zucchini Yellow squash Other low carb vegetables: Asparagus Celery (organic) Ginger Tomatillos Capers Pickles (raw, fermented) Moderate carb vegetables: Eggplant Sweet potatoes Olives (raw or jarred) Green beans Pimentos (organic) Hot peppers (organic): Chili peppers Okra Bell peppers, red or yellow (organic) Jalapenos Yams Water chestnuts Poblano peppers Higher carb vegetables: Tip: Eat these in moderation. Avocadoes (fruit) Beets (organic) Carrots Snap peas (organic) Celery root Squash: Spaghetti squash Brussels sprouts Parsnips Pumpkin Hearts of palm (jarred) Rutabagas Jicama Fennel Artichokes and Jerusalem artichokes Turnips Peas Daikon Tomatoes (organic only to avoid GMO) Acorn Butternut squash Winter squash © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 16 Level 2: Avoid higher carb vegetables to speed weight loss. Level 2: Avoid nightshade vegetables if you have any inflammation: Tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, chili peppers, tomatillos, cayenne, paprika and chipotle powder. Level 3: For food combining purposes, avocado and tomatoes are considered fruits. Do not mix with grains or beans. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 17 Fruit • • • • Fresh or frozen, not canned Choose fruits with a low glycemic load for optimal sugar metabolism to help you lose weight Dried fruit can be used as condiment, but not as a snack. It’s very high in sugar and mold. Fruit in the morning weakens adrenal and thyroid glands and can cause fatigue. Eat fruit with fat or protein for best results. Low glycemic load—optimal Blueberries (organic) Strawberries (organic) Blackberries Boysenberries Grapefruit Moderate glycemic load Apples (organic) Cherries (organic) Plums (organic) Peaches (organic) Persimmons Pomegranates High glycemic load—only small amounts Oranges Pineapple Cantaloupe Honeydew Papaya Guava Banana (greenPlantain tipped) Raspberries Cranberries Pears Kiwi Kumquat Pluots Nectarines (organic) Apricots Tangerines Watermelon Figs Grapes (organic) Pomelos Mango Rhubarb © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 18 Meat/Animal Proteins Chicken, dark meat is fine (pasture-raised, free-range, local or at least hormone/antibiotic free) Turkey (hormone/antibiotic free) Sausages, chicken or turkey (not pork) Beef (grass-fed, or at least hormone/antibiotic free) Beef hot dogs (grass-fed only) Beef jerky (grass-fed) —see Pantry below Bison, buffalo Lamb (grass-fed is best) Duck Cornish hen, quail, goose, pheasant Game: venison, elk, boar Tips: -Do not eat beef, bison, lamb, duck, venison more than twice a week during the cleanse -Avoid: Pork (ham, bacon, pork chops, pork roast, pepperoni, pork sausage, salami) Note: If the meat is not pasture-raised, grass-fed, or hormone and antibiotic-free, it is factory farmed. To learn more about the food industry, see the movie, Food, Inc. Be sure to do a Google search on “pink slime” and “meat glue” for more information about massproduced meats. Eggs (2-3 per week maximum)* Chicken or duck (local, pasture-raised, non-pasteurized, free-range, soy-free) *Do not eat any eggs if you have an autoimmune illness. Avoid: Fake eggs like Egg Beaters or All Whites Tips: -Eat the entire egg, not just the egg white. -Avoid: Fake eggs like Egg Beaters or All Whites. Fish Wild-caught fish Best choices: Salmon (Wild Alaskan or Norwegian only), not Atlantic (pollution) Cod (not in summer—worms) Caviar Sardines Red snapper Ocean perch Monkfish Sole (grey and lemon) Salmon roe Halibut Bass Pickerel Flounder Octopus Mahi-mahi Grouper Trout Fluke Dover Dorado © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 19 Avoid: • Farmed fish, unless organically farm-raised or line-caught (Whole Foods farmed fish is okay) • Raw fish (sushi/sashimi = parasites) Tuna (mercury), swordfish (parasites), tilapia (farm-raised), bottom feeders/dwellers: catfish, scallops, shrimp, lobster, crab, clams, mussels, oysters, etc. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 20 Legumes/Beans (Vegetable Proteins) 1 complete protein = 2/3 cup grain + 1/3 cup beans, lentils or split peas All beans are okay to consume except soybeans. Lentils Kidney Navy Pinto Mung Red White Black Aduki Fava Blackeyed peas Split peas Great Northern Garbanzo/chickpeas Preparation notes: • Wash and soak dried beans (except lentils) for 6 hours or overnight. • Cook beans with a square of kombu to increase digestibility. • If you are using canned beans, rinse with water twice. Note: According to Dr. Mark Hyman, “Beans are a great source of fiber, protein and minerals, but they do cause digestive problems for some and if you are diabetic, a mostly bean diet can trigger spikes in blood sugar. Again, moderate amounts are ok – meaning about up to 1 cup a day. Some are concerned that beans contain lectins that create inflammation or phytates that impair mineral absorption….Eat beans sparingly – lentils are best. Stay away from big starchy beans. From http://drhyman.com/blog/2014/11/07/pegan-paleo-vegan/ Level 2: If you want to lose weight and reduce sugar cravings, minimize legumes, beans and grains since they are stored quickly as fat. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 21 Gluten-free Grains* 1 complete protein = 2/3 cup grain + 1/3 cup beans, lentils or split peas There are four forms of grains: grain, bread, pasta, or cracker Quinoa Millet** Taro Brown rice Buckwheat*** Teff Wild rice Risotto (gluten-free) Oats (gluten-free) Basmati rice Tapioca Amaranth Notes: *Any grain can raise your blood sugar or cause an autoimmune-like reaction in your body. Grain-based flours are even worse and can spike your blood sugar very quickly **Millet is gluten-free, however it is a goitrogen, which suppresses the function of the thyroid gland. ***Buckwheat is gluten-free, but some people have a cross-reactive symptoms as if they ate gluten. Avoid: Corn is gluten-free, but please avoid as part of the detox. See Foods to Avoid. Examples: Tortillas, polenta, cornmeal, chips and grits Preparation Note: Instead of using flour or cornstarch to thicken sauces, use arrowroot or kudzu. You can find these in your local health food store. Level 2: Minimize beans and grains, which are stored quickly as fat, if you want to lose weight and reduce sugar cravings. Gluten-free options • Crackers and Pretzels: Mary’s Gone Crackers and Pretzels • Flour substitutes: Coconut, almond (sprouted if possible); avoid rice flour (highglycemic) • Indian breads: Dosa and papadums (make sure they are wheat-free) Pasta substitutes: • Zucchini noodles made with a vegetable spiralizer • Spaghetti squash • Kelp noodles (Sea Tangle Noodle Company) • Soba buckwheat noodles (labeled gluten-free) • Mung or black bean fettuccini (Explore Asian brand) • Shiratake noodles, tofu and soy-free (Miracle Noodle) Eat these in moderation No more than twice per week and not if you are trying to lose weight: • Noodles made from grains: quinoa pasta, brown rice pasta (Tinkyada or Trader Joe’s) © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 22 • • • • Gluten-free bread (toasted), in freezer section (Rudi’s Gluten-Free Multigrain, Udi’s, Food for Life, Manna, Dave’s Killer Bread, or Canyon Bakehouse) Baking mixes (Pamela’s GF Baking mix or Bob’s Red Mill Wheat-Free All Purpose Baking mix) Pie crust: Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free Pie Crust Mix Mochi rice snack (found in the refrigerated section near tofu) Watch out for gluten-free junk food! Rice cakes, cereals or anything that has been popped (popcorn), puffed or flaked (corn flakes) or labeled “instant.” Beware of gluten-free snacks; they have a lot of sugar and simple carbohydrates that elevate your blood sugar levels (a major cause of hormonal imbalance) and increase cravings. Examples: Gluten-free pretzels, rice crackers, cookies, etc. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 23 Raw Nuts and Seeds Nuts and seeds • Nuts and seeds are high in omega 6 oils. Consuming too many omega 6 oils leads to inflammation, obesity, heart disease and cancer. Most Americans consume too many omega 6 oils in comparison to omega 3 oils. The average Western diet actually contains 10-25 times the recommended amount of omega-6 oils in relation to omega 3 oils. The ideal ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 is 1:1. • They are hard to digest and contain anti-nutrients like phytic acid that block the absorption of minerals and cause mineral deficiencies--not to mention you do not absorb all those minerals you are working so hard to eat! • Roasting makes the fats rancid and kills the enzymes needed to digest them. Note: Traditional societies soaked nuts and seeds for 8-12 hours to remove the phytic acid and then dehydrated them in the sun. You can soak your nuts and seeds, then dehydrate them for 12 hours on the lowest oven temperature possible, 170 degrees or less, or in dehydrator. See recipe for Crispy Nuts in the e-cookbook. Bottom line: Raw nuts and seeds are your best option if you do not prepare soaked and dehydrated nuts and seeds. Make sure your nuts are labeled “raw” or “non-irradiated.” For a list of nut milks, see What to Drink. Level 3 - Food combining tip: Do not eat nuts or seeds with dried fruits (trail mix) Raw nuts • Almonds (non-irradiated/non-pasteurized is best) • Walnuts • Cashews • Pine nuts • Coconut, shredded, unsweetened Sprouted or raw nut butters: Almond, cashew, coconut butter and sesame (tahini) • Be sure to refrigerate nuts and nut butters so they do not become rancid. • When buying nut butters, sprouted is best, raw is the next best, and roasted is ok if it is the only one you can find. Nut flours: Almond or coconut Look for blanched, finely ground almond flour. If you have a sensitive digestive tract, try Honeyville Farms or Wellbee's Super Fine Almond Flour. Avoid: Brazil nuts, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, and chestnuts. Peanuts are actually legumes, have a high glycemic index, and contain a toxic mold that produces, aflatoxin, which is known to cause cancer. Please do not feel peanuts or peanut butter to children! © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 24 Seeds • • • • Sesame seeds Pumpkin seeds Sunflower seeds Chia seeds Chia, hemp, and flax seeds contain omega 3 oils, but only 10% is absorbed since they are from a plant source. Avoid: Flaxseeds—they contain phytoestrogens and raise estrogen levels. Notes: • If you have excess estrogen, PMS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, a history of cancer or any cysts or tumors, eat seeds and nuts in moderation as they have estrogenic activity and tend to “grow” things like tumors. • Eat sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds in moderation. Sunflower seeds absorb radiation from the soil and the sun. Pumpkin seeds remove lead from the soil. Level 2: Avoid nuts, seeds, and nut butters if you want to lose weight. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 25 Fats and Oils • • • Buy organic, cold-pressed, expeller-pressed oils only Store all oils in a dark, glass jar in the refrigerator (except coconut oil) Yes, please eat healthy saturated fats! See Resources below. Olive Oil, extra virgin Suggested brands: Premium 100% Greek Kalamata oil (Trader Joe’s), California 365 (Whole Foods), Corto (Costco), Simple Truth extra virgin or Private Selection (Kroger), and Newman’s extra virgin. • Pour in a mason jar and refrigerate so you can spoon out as needed to prevent it from becoming rancid. Note: Be sure your olive oil is 100% olive oil. Many brands are diluted with vegetable oils. Coconut oil, raw, virgin (for cooking or frying) There are many brands. Nutiva and Artisana are my favorites. If you do not like the taste of coconut, Spectrum makes a refined coconut oil, but refined is not as beneficial as virgin coconut oil. Red Palm oil or palm shortening, raw virgin (for cooking or frying), not hydrogenated Spectrum All Vegetable Shortening (palm oil), Nutiva Red Palm Oil, Buttery Spread, or Shortening. Look for RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) trademark to ensure it is sustainable. Hemp seed oil (on salads, do not cook with) Nutiva brand Sesame seed oil (in moderation, cook only with low heat) Spectrum brand Safflower oil (only in very small amounts) Spectrum brand Argan oil Zad brand Mayonnaise homemade with eggs, olive oil, safflower oil, or sesame seed oil Hain’s Safflower Oil Mayonnaise (not reduced-fat) or Sir Kensington’s Mayonnaise © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 26 For followers of the Weston A. Price Foundation: Duck fat, tallow (beef fat), schmaltz (chicken fat) are healthy! On the cleanse, consume only a small amount of fat to encourage liver detoxification. See www.WestonAPrice.org for more information about nutrient-dense health suggestions based on the philosophy of Weston A. Price. Good news! We will add back real butter after the cleanse. Did you know? Coconut oil and duck fat are the only fats that burn human fat! Avoid these oils and fats • Flax oil—it goes rancid fast even if refrigerated. If you need flax seed oil, buy in capsules and keep in refrigerator • Always avoid these oils: Canola, vegetable, corn oil, rapeseed, grapeseed, sunflower, safflower, rice bran, soy, cottonseed, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, shortening, Crisco, margarine, fake butters (Earth Balance, Country Crock, Benecol, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, etc.) • Anything you can spray from a can: Pam, olive oil sprays, etc. • Products labeled “Low-fat” or “Non-fat” contain unhealthy oils Resources • The Great Cholesterol Myth: Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won't Prevent Heart Disease by Jonny Bowden PhD and Stephen Sinatra, MD • The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet By Nina Teicholz © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 27 Seasonings and Condiments Sea salt (unrefined), Celtic or Himalayan Lemon and lime Ginger Thai seasonings: galangal, horseradish, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves Horseradish, wasabi (dye-free) Black or white pepper Red pepper flakes Sauerkraut or kimchi (raw, refrigerated, no sugar or vinegar): Farmhouse Culture brand Pickles (raw, refrigerated, no sugar or vinegar): Bubbie’s brand Apple cider vinegar with the “mother”: Bragg’s Vinegars: balsamic, red wine, white distilled, or mirin (rice wine) Coconut amino acids (to replace soy sauce) Fish sauce (gluten-free): Red Boat brand or Thai Kitchen Hot sauce Salsa, homemade or gluten-free/low sugar: Jack’s brand from Kroger or Costco Tomatillo salsa Ketchup (ingredients should be tomato puree, vinegar, sea salt, spices and a small amount of sugar (no corn syrup). Mustard (ingredients should be mustard seed, vinegar, spices, and salt) Vanilla extract (alcohol-free for smoothies) Salad dressings (should only have the oils listed above): Tessemae's and Brasswell’s brands (refrigerated section, Whole Foods) Braggs: Ginger Sesame-Vinaigrette, Braggberry, Pomegranate Vinaigrette and Hawaiian Bolthouse Farms: Classic Balsamic and Raspberry Merlot Hilary’s Eat Well Raw Foodz Wilderness Family Naturals (available online) Spices: All spices are fine. Emphasize cinnamon, turmeric, cumin, coriander, and ginger during the cleanse. Fresh and dried herbs: Cilantro, basil, dill, chives, tarragon, thyme, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage and savory Note: • • • • • Be sure to read labels to make sure that no sugar or natural flavors have been added. Choose products that are labeled gluten-free and GMO-free. Many people have a MSG-like reaction to Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, so please avoid. Consume only a small amounts of mustard and cayenne as they are constrictive (hold fluids), which is not what we want when trying to release and cleanse. Baking soda and aluminum-free baking powder are fine for baking. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 28 Sweeteners Cleanse-friendly sweeteners Use no more 2 tablespoons per day • Maple syrup (grade B, unrefined) • Raw honey • Molasses • Stevia (Caution - may cause sugar cravings): Sweet Leaf’s Sweet Drops Stevia Clear (not flavored), no Truvia • Coconut palm sugar for cooking • Rapadura or sucanat (whole cane sugars) for cooking • Carob powder • Cocoa powder (raw) • Cacao nibs • Cinnamon (add a pinch to your tea) Dark Chocolate, 80% or above Eat no more than 1-2 squares per day • Taza 85% Super Dark Chocolate Mexicano disc or 87% bar • Taza Stone Ground Sea Salt and Almond Bar (80%) • Alter Eco Dark Blackout 85% • Lake Champlain Dark Chocolate 80% • Endangered Species Natural Dark Chocolate 88% • Sweet Riot 85% • Valrhona Noir Extra American 85% • Madecasse Strong and Complex 80% • Organic Panama Extra Dark 80% Chocolate (bitter) • Lindt 85% © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 29 What to Drink Drink your drinks at room temperature or warm, no ice (well, some in your smoothies is okay). Ice water freezes digestion, slowing it down, which can lead to weight gain. Water Drink half your body weight in ounces Spring or filtered water Artesian water (Evamor brand) Avoid: bottled tap waters like Dasani and Aquafina Everything below in moderation, these liquids do not replace your need for pure water in half your body weight in ounces. • Sparkling mineral water: Gerolsteiner (the best choice), Pellegrino, or Mountain Valley Note: Sparkling waters are dehydrating. If you are removing soft drinks: Add a squeeze of lemon or lime, or blueberry or cherry concentrate to sparking water or carbonated water with a splash of coconut water. Kombucha is a great substitute for soft drinks as well. Coffee substitutes: • Tecchino (gluten-free) and Dandeblend Tea: For a satisfying treat, add ½ teaspoon gelatin and coconut milk to your tea Best brands: Numi, Traditional Medicinals, Yogi, Choice, and Rishi • Lemon Ginger Green Tea drink (see recipes) • Herbal iced tea (Red Zinger Blackberry + fresh mint) • Moringa tea (leaf powder) • Warm, organic herbal teas (non-caffeinated): Dandelion root Nettles Mint Rooibos Ginger Chamomile Yogi Detox Yogi Cream of Carob Original Kombucha, GT’s Raw Kombucha (2 g sugar or less): Original Gingerade Cranberry Lavender Trilogy Citrus KeVita* (2 g sugar or less): Coconut Blueberry-cherry Strawberry/acai Mojito-lime-mint Mango Hibiscus berry © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com Hibiscus Bilberry Multi-green Lemon-cayenne Tangerine 30 *Added stevia to KeVita may cause sugar cravings, so be careful Beet kvass, a fermented beet juice: Zukay brand Note: If you are new to fermented foods or beverages like kombucha, go very slowly as they may cause gas. Some people do not react well to kombucha; others love it. Nut milks • Coconut, unsweetened canned, full fat (not lite), avoid boxed coconut milk • Almond, unsweetened or homemade • Hemp milk, unsweetened • Rice milk, unsweetened (Small amounts, very high sugar) • No soy milk! Other drinks Coconut water (less than 1 cup per day): Harmless Harvest, Nature Factor, Amy and Brian. Watch out! Most brands are highly processed. Coconut water is not a health food. Use it as a treat, sparingly. Vegetable juice that’s freshly juiced from a juice bar (not V-8)—Example: Celery, spinach, parsley, cucumber, lemon, with ½ green apple. Do not juice carrots or beets. Broths: Vegetable, chicken or beef (homemade) or Imagine brand chicken or vegetable broths for cooking. Avoid: Fruit juice, sodas, diet sodas, flavored powders (Crystal Light), coffee, black, white or green tea, alcohol, Vitamin water, sports drinks (Gatorade) and anything in an aluminum can. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 31 Pantry Where you find quick snacks, meals, and the best brands Cupboard Butternut squash soup: Imagine brand in a box Chicken broth, add to soups. This is not a nourishing tonic: Imagine brand only. Canned wild salmon or herring: Vital Choice brand online is best Beef jerky (grass-fed): Nick’s Sticks, Sophia’s Survival Food, PaleoJerky and PaleoStix are available online Nuts: Best to buy packaged, not from bin, and you can freeze them. Veggie-Go’s fruit strips (Mountain Berry Spinach or Sweet Potato Pie (NakedEdgeSnacks.com) Simple Mills Almond Flour Muffin mixes (Banana, Pumpkin, Chocolate, Focaccia) Chocolate bars PaleoKrunch or PaleoBars (StevesPaleoGoods.com) Nut milks (unsweetened): almond, coconut, hemp, rice Coconut butter Coconut flakes (unsweetened) Coconut flour Seaweed: Maine Seaweed Company Dried mushrooms Sun-dried tomatoes Tomato paste, tomato sauce, and spaghetti sauce (organic, low-sugar), JARS, not cans San Marzano tomatoes from Italy (organic) or Rao’s Tomato Basil Marinara, Bionaturae or Eden tomato sauce BBQ sauce (gluten-free): Paleo Chef Peach BBQ (StevesPaleoGoods.com) Refrigerator Jars of olives and capers Bubbie’s pickles, sauerkraut (Farmhouse Culture), kimchi Nut butters, sprouted is best, order online, Better than Roasted and JEM Specialty Nut Butters, Dastony, or Maranatha (raw) Luncheon/deli meats: Applegate Naturals or Boars Head Natural (Publix) Unsweetened almond milk: Califia Farms Mayonnaise: Mayonnaise Hain’s Safflower Oil (not reduced-fat), Sir Kensington’s, DeLouis Fils Freezer Chicken tenders (gluten-free): Applegate Naturals, my favorite! Hip Chick Farms chicken in the frozen section Chicken and maple sausages or turkey sausages (gluten-free): Applegate Naturals Turkey burgers: Applegate Naturals Lamb patties: Atkins Ranch Almond flour (keep in the freezer to preserve it) Frozen berries Frozen vegetables, Trader Joe’s French green beans © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 32 Frozen chicken or beef broth: The Brothery or Wise Choice Market available at www.thebrothery.com or www.wisechoicemarket.com Meals on-the-Run Chipotle—beans and brown rice (no tortilla), or chicken or beef over salad (no beans/rice) Panera—wild Alaskan salmon salad, no dressing, just lemon juice or chicken options (antibiotic-free) Prepared Meals Nashville My Paleo Works meal delivery. Everything they serve is approved on the Pure Radiance Cleanse except pork and bacon. Website: MyPaleoWorks.com Honest Table meal delivery. Offers nutritious and plant-based meals with a combination of protein, whole grains, fiber and healthy fats. Be sure to request the gluten-free and dairy-free options. Website: TheHonestTable.com Wild Alaskan Salmon & Seafood Company, at frozen salmon, available at farmers markets and the Turnip Truck Website: WildAlaskanSalmonAndSeafood.com Porter Road Butcher sells homemade chicken and beef broth. Locations: 4816 Charlotte Ave (West Nashville) and 501 Gallatin Ave (East Nashville) Website: PRButcher.com San Francisco Bay Area Square Meals Location: 2127 Polk St. Website: SquareMealsSF.com. Lilah Belles is another option, but it is low-fat, so you will need to add coconut oil or olive oil to your meals. Location: 1207 Divisadero St. Website: LilahBelles.com Three Stone Hearth in Berkeley is my favorite. They produce Weston. A. Price inspired foods with much attention to high quality meats, organic vegetables, broths, and fermented foods. The only thing to be aware of is that many of their soups and stews mix grains/beans with meats, which is a difficult combination to digest. They deliver throughout the Bay Area. Location: 1581 University Ave. (Berkeley) Website: ThreeStoneHearth.com © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 33 Throughout the US Artisan Bistro frozen meals are high in protein and low in carbs to keep you full and reduce insulin resistance, so you can stabilize blood sugar spikes, and achieve weight loss goals. All meals are gluten-free and peanut-free, with tree nut, dairy and soy-free options. They use clean ingredients such as all natural meats, wild Alaskan salmon and whole organic vegetable servings. Frozen meals delivered to your door. To order, go to www.artisanbistropro.com and enter practitioner code: 707776 © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 34 What to Avoid Sugar Why avoid? Sugar takes your body on a blood sugar roller coaster, increases cravings and overeating, causes insulin resistance, produces excess estrogen, blocks progesterone receptors, and raises cortisol (the stress hormone) levels. This makes it harder to burn fat and belly fat accumulates. For these reasons and so many more, eliminating sugar is one of the fastest ways to balance your hormones. Sugar: White, brown, cane sugar, corn syrup, beet sugar, evaporated cane juice, turbinado, confectioners sugar, date sugar and or raw sugar/sugar-in-the-raw. Hidden in: Much of your processed food as fructose, high fructose corn syrup, dextrin, dextrose, D-mannose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, lactose, malt syrup, maltodextrin, maltose and syrups. “Healthy sugars”: Agave, fruit juice concentrate, brown rice syrup, beet sugar, demura sugar, xylitol and barley malt. Alcohol-based sugars: Erythritol, xylitol, maltitol, mannitol, lactitol, sorbitol, isomalt, hydrogenated starch hydrolysates, and glycerol (also known as glycerin or glycerine). Artificial Sweeteners (Fake Sugars) Why avoid? Artificial sweeteners are known as excitotoxins* or neurotoxins. These are chemicals cause damage or death to nerve cells. They act like cocaine by overexciting your brain cells to such an intense and rapid firing of nerve endings that the cells run out of chemical messengers, then die a few hours later. Excitotoxins also decrease serotonin levels. Although artificial sweeteners are sugar free, they can still raise your blood sugar and cause sugar cravings. Found in: Aspartame, Splenda, Equal, Truvia and Sweet-n-Low, anything labeled “sugar free”, sodas, diet sodas, juice and many processed foods. *If you have any problems with depression, anxiety or Attention Deficit Disorder, avoid excitotoxins like the plague. Resources: To learn more about why to avoid excitotoxins, read Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills by Russell Blaylock, MD. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 35 Caffeine Why avoid? Caffeine raises cortisol, blocks progesterone receptors, and prevents deep sleep. Found in: Coffee, black tea, green tea, white tea, yerba mate, energy drinks like Red Bull and Jolt, etc. Note: Dark chocolate (80% and above), which does contain caffeine, is the exception on the cleanse. Why you don't want elevated cortisol levels Too much stress, sugar or caffeine raise cortisol, the stress hormone made by your adrenal glands. When your cortisol levels are high you’re more likely to: • Gain weight, especially belly fat • Produce too much estrogen • Feel anxious, depressed, or have difficulty concentrating • Experience extreme fatigue when your adrenals crash • Develop hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) • Have trouble sleeping (you may feel tired, but wired) • Lower your serotonin levels • Produce high levels of androgens especially testosterone, leading to PCOS and infertility • Increase glucose levels that raise blood sugar, increasing insulin resistance and putting you at risk for diabetes Coffee and Decaf Coffee Why avoid? Coffee contains a resin that accumulates in the liver and prevents the break down of fats and the processing of toxins, many chemicals, including hormones like estrogen and cholesterol as well as xenobiotics. Xenobiotics are chemical compounds (e.g. drugs, pesticides and carcinogens) that are foreign to living organisms. The liver and body consider coffee and alcohol toxins. The liver has to focus on detoxifying it, but then does not have time to process hormones like estrogen. As a result, too much estrogen circulates in the body, which contributes to fibroid and tumor growth. Coffee can also cause hormones to fluctuate, which can result in hot flashes and night sweats. By cutting out coffee, your body can focus on processing estrogen properly so that tumors do not grow and the ones that exist have a chance to shrink. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 36 According to Dominique Richard, MD, coffee’s acidic pH keeps inflammation elevated. It is very dehydrating and increases urination. For every cup of coffee you consume, you lose the equivalent of 24 ounces of water. Coffee also stimulates gastric acid secretion, and it leaches the calcium out of your bones. Many people like the laxative effect that coffee has, but this does not address the root problem of constipation; it only masks it. Coffee actually causes constipation. Sodas and Flavored Drinks Why avoid? Sodas cause weight gain (especially diet sodas), raise estrogen levels, pull calcium out of the bones, and are dehydrating. The liver must detoxify sodas before it can process hormones, which leads to hormonal imbalances like PMS and high cholesterol. Also, the caramel coloring in sodas is carcinogenic. Avoid all sodas, including diet and de-caffeinated. Coke, Coke Zero, Pepsi, Sprite, Ginger Ale, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, etc. Other Drinks And avoid fruit juice drinks (Snapple), flavored powders (Crystal Light), Vitamin Water, sports drinks (Gatorade), and anything in an aluminum can. All Alcohol Why avoid? Alcohol is sugar. It slows down the body’s fat-burning ability, raises estrogen levels, and increases the risk for breast cancer. When the liver has to detoxify a toxin like alcohol, it cannot focus on metabolizing fat or hormones (estrogen, progesterone, cholesterol, thyroid hormones, etc.). Instead of burning fat for fuel, your liver must burn the alcohol. Sleep quality is poor after consuming alcohol. Note: If you drink more than 3-4 drinks daily, you may need to consider a medically supervised detoxification to avoid possible health complications like stroke or seizure. Also, consider getting support at Alcoholics Anonymous or Celebrate Recovery to address the underlying reasons you drink. Pork Why avoid? Pigs carry many viruses and parasites. Even if the pork is fully cooked, the larvae from the parasites can hatch in your digestive system. Pork is not a detox-friendly food. So sad, since bacon is delicious! : ( Found in: Bacon, sausage, pepperoni, salami, pork ribs and prosciutto. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 37 Dairy Why avoid? Dairy is a very common food allergen. It causes weight gain, acne and hormonal imbalances. It increases insulin resistance and mucous in the body. Milk is how animals deliver hormones to their young to make them grow. If you have fibroids, ovarian cysts or tumors, fibrocystic breasts, endometriosis or if you do not want to “grow” anything else, it’s best to leave dairy out of your diet. Milk contains addictive morphine-like substances called casomorphins, which can make it hard to quit. According to Mark Hyman, MD, very few people can tolerate milk and for many, it contributes to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Found in: Milk, cream, buttermilk, ice cream, frozen yogurt, gelato, kefir, cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, ricotta, cottage cheese, yogurt, butter, ghee, whey, casein, curds, evaporated milk, condensed milk and Cool Whip. Where it hides: Chocolate, custards, creamy cheese sauces, cream soups, chowders, margarine, puddings, frozen treats, bread, crackers, baking mixes, canned foods, salad dressings, shakes, drink mixes, nougat and paneer. Other names: Artificial butter, milk solids, calcium caseinate, casein, caseinate, whey, delactosed whey, demineralized whey, dry milk powder, dry milk solids, evaporated milk, hydrolyzed casein, hydrolyzed milk protein, iron caseinate, lactalbumin, lactoferrin, lactoglobulin, lactose, lactulose, magnesium caseinate, potassium caseinate, recaldent, rennet casein, sodium caseinate and zinc caseinate. Soy Why avoid? Soy estrogens (isoflavones) are phyto-endocrine disrupters. Even at dietary levels, they can prevent ovulation and stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Soy foods can stimulate the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors and cause thyroid problems. Soy suppresses the thyroid and can lead to hypothyroidism with symptoms of lethargy, constipation, weight gain, and fatigue (From “Myths & Truths About Soy” from the WestonAPrice.org). Found in: Tofu, edamame, soy milk, soy cheese, tempeh, soy sauce, tamari, natto and miso, soy nuts, soy protein isolates (e.g. in energy bars and protein shakes), soy burgers, imitation meats, and soy isoflavone supplements. Good news! After the cleanse you can add back tamari sauce, miso, tempeh and natto since they are fermented and safe to eat. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 38 Corn Why avoid? Corn is a common food allergen, causes inflammation, and raises blood sugar levels due to its high glycemic load, which causes hormonal imbalances, and contributes to weight gain. Corn is fed to cows and pigs to fatten them quickly. It also contains many strains of fungi, especially aflatoxin, a known carcinogenic. Found in: Corn on the cob, popcorn, polenta, chips, tortillas, grits, hominy, maize, high fructose corn syrup, cornstarch, and corn-fed beef or chicken. Note: After the cleanse, eat only organic corn or corn products labeled “GMO free”, otherwise corn is almost always genetically modified. Wheat and Gluten Why avoid? Gluten is an appetite stimulant and contains addictive morphine-like substances called gluteomorphins. It alters estrogen and thyroid hormone levels, causes inflammation and leaky-gut syndrome, which lead to bloating and weight gain. Wheat and gluten are not healthy for anyone, even if you are not gluten-sensitive. Anyone with a thyroid problem should eat a 100% gluten-free diet to avoid worsening her symptoms. Found in: Grains, wheat, barley, rye, bulgur, couscous, spelt, oats, kamut, wheat germ, bran, duram, kasha, flour, farina, faro, graham, semolina, seitan (fake meat) and einkorn. Hidden in: Cereal, bread, chips, bagels, cakes, cupcakes, crackers, breadcrumbs, breading, biscuits, rolls, cookies, croutons, doughnuts, buns, orzo, pasta, noodles, udon noodles, pancakes, waffles, pastries, crusts, pretzels, scones, stuffing, matzo, muffins, sauces, syrups, salad dressings, broths, soy sauce, hoisin, gravy, bouillon, MSG, marinades, thickeners, malt vinegar, panko and roux. Resources: To learn more about why to avoid gluten, read Grain Brain by David Perlmutter, MD or Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD. MSG What is it? Like artificial sweeteners, Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is an excitotoxin and neurotoxin, which you read more about in the Artificial Sweeteners section above. Why avoid? MSG causes hormonal changes: imbalanced levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol and thyroid hormones, excess DHEA and insulin levels, and can cause obesity and depression. The brain damaging effect potentially triggers or worsens learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease and more. Found in: Canned soups, crackers, meats, salad dressings and frozen dinners. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 39 Other names: Natural flavors, glutamic acid, glutamate, monopotassium glutamate, calcium glutamate, monoammonium glutamate, magnesium glutamate, natrium glutamate, hydrolyzed protein or hydrolyzed anything, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, yeast extract, torula yeast, yeast nutrient, autolyzed yeast, textured protein, whey protein, soy protein, soy sauce, vetsin, ajinomoto, umami, carrageenan, gelatin, bouillon, broth, stock, maltodextrin, oligodextrin, citric acid, citrate, barley malt, malted barley, malt extract, Brewer’s yeast, pectin, modified food starch, lipolyzed butter fat, dextrose, milk powder, reduced fat milk (skim, 1%, 2%), annatto and certain amino acid chelates, including citrate, aspartate and glutamate that are used as chelating agents with mineral supplements. Also avoid: Anything labeled as ultra-pasteurized, flavored, flavors or flavoring, seasonings, enriched, vitamin enriched, pasteurized, protein fortified, enzyme modified, enzymes, fermented, protease, low-fat or no-fat. Yeast Why avoid? Yeast can grow in your gastro-intestinal tract, leading to a candida over-growth, which can cause imbalances in estrogen and thyroid hormones. Symptoms include sugar cravings, bloating, fatigue, depression, anxiety, menstrual cramps, bladder infections, and vaginal itching, to name a few. Watch out for candida overgrowth if you are taking the Pill, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), antibiotics or have taken medication on a daily basis. Found in: MSG, bakers yeast, nutritional yeast, brewer's yeast, yeast extract, torula yeast, autolyzed yeast. Also found in bread, pastries, stock cubes and gravies. Resources: To learn more about why to avoid yeast, read The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health by William Crook, MD. Other Food Items and Additives • • • • • • • Processed foods Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats Processed, cured meats like bologna, salami, and hot dogs Additives, preservatives, and dyes Artificial colors and flavors Carrageenan (thickener) Fluoride (tap water, toothpaste) © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 40 Chewing Gum and Mints Why avoid? These are filled with sugar or artificial sweeteners. They tell your body to start releasing digestive enzymes because it thinks food is on its way to the digestive tract. This can cause enzyme deficiency, making it difficult to digest food and absorb nutrients because you do not have enough enzymes. Don’t waste your enzymes! Your body only has a certain amount for your lifetime. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 41 Quick Guide Print out this pocket guide and take it with you to the grocery store. Foods to Enjoy • Meats: all meats except pork • Fish: salmon (Wild Alaskan), halibut, grouper, red snapper, trout, cod, mahi mahi, monkfish, flounder, sole, dover, ocean perch and sardines • Vegetables • Fruits • Gluten-free grains: brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, gluten-free oats, buckwheat, amaranth, risotto (gluten-free), tapioca, taro, and teff • Beans: all beans/legumes except soybeans • Nuts and seeds: raw almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, coconut, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and chia seeds • Oils: extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, sesame seed oil, and hemp seed oil • New foods to try: coconut oil, raw almond butter, raw sauerkraut, coconut aminos, apple cider vinegar, and Mary’s Gone Crackers. Savvy Shopping • Plan ahead! Plan your meals for the week and shop accordingly. • Schedule two days per week to cook or prepare food, for example, Sunday and Wednesday. • Don’t make impulse buys of food that may tempt you away from the cleanse. Stick to your list. • Don’t shop while you’re hungry—you’re more likely to buy whatever is easiest (and it might not be the healthiest option). • When prioritizing which organic foods to buy, begin with meat, eggs, and later dairy (after the cleanse)—you get the most bang for your buck this way. Tips on Eating Out • Focus on eating a clean meat and vegetables. • When dining at restaurants, I find that the safest choices are usually fish, duck, lamb, beans and rice, a vegetarian dish or a salad. • Try to eliminate variables that add stress to your life. If you know you are going to eat out with a friend, suggest going to Chipotle where you know you can get beans and rice or clean chicken/beef over salad. Keep it simple and stress-free. • Note: almost all restaurant salad dressings are made from canola, soybean oil, or olive oil diluted with these oils. You can carry a very small bottle of olive oil with you and ask for some lemon or balsamic vinegar as a dressing. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 42 How to Eat Here are some tips to help you feel nourished, optimize digestion, absorb nutrients and get the biggest bang for your buck. Isn’t it kind of strange that humans are the only creatures who need directions on how to eat? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Stop eating 4 hours before bed (6 pm if you go to bed at 10 pm, etc). This is one of the most important tips for success! If you are really hungry before bed, eat fruit, an apple with 1teaspoon almond butter, eggs, lentils, vegetable soup, or vegetables since they are the fastest to digest. Wait to eat 2 hours or more between meals. You can snack every 2-3 hours if you are hungry. Otherwise, eat every 4-6 hours. Don’t graze or snack/nibble all day. Your body cannot detoxify if you are constantly eating and digesting. Give your body time to rest so it can detoxify. Drink very little 1 hour before and during meals so your digestive enzymes are not diluted. Focus on getting your water in 2 or more hours after meals so your food is digested. Eat until you are 80% full so your digestive enzymes have room to work. Do not microwave your food or drinks—changes the molecular structure of your food and your body does not recognize or absorb the nutrients. Sit down to eat—do not watch TV or stand at the counter Do not eat in the car. Chew your food—chewing releases enzymes in your saliva that help break down the food and absorb nutrients. Not chewing causes gas, heartburn, cramps, constipation and diarrhea. Sit down and chew your shake/smoothie/green drink so your body knows that food is coming so it will release digestive enzymes Don't chew gum or mints. Your body thinks you are about to eat and starts releasing digestive enzymes. We have a limited amount for our lifetime, so don’t waste them. Try to eat 1 vegetarian meal per day during the cleanse so you body can focus on detoxification. Don't eat the same food every day. Eat a variety and rotate your foods. Eat breakfast! This gives you fuel for the day and boosts metabolism. Observe how you feel after eating –energetic and focused or lethargic, bloated, or foggy? Eat the foods that make you feel great. Notice if you feel worse after nuts, eggs, nightshades, or citrus fruits--these are common food allergens. I know you do not want to eliminate anything else during the cleanse, but keep these in mind. If you are not used to eating certain vegetables, try encouraging yourself to eat 3-4 bites. I did this years ago and over time I grew to love cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (Okay, I still don't like Bok Choy or radishes, but I gave them a chance.) Focus on foods you can eat and changing your habits. For example, focus on eating more vegetables and exercising. Don’t dwell on what you cannot eat. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 43 • Spend some time listening to your life, mediating. Ask yourself: “What am I really hungry for? How am I feeling? Sad, angry, anxious? What can I feed myself other than food? How can I feed my soul?” © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 44 Ideas for Meals & Snacks Breakfast Be sure to eat a healthy breakfast to start the day off strong. It is best to protein and vegetables. • Dinner leftovers • Soup + brown rice or quinoa • Quinoa Breakfast Bowl • Sautéed Summer Veggie Quinoa + ½ cup beans (dinner leftovers) • Sweet Potato Hash with Turkey/Lamb or Black Beans • Pumpkin Pudding • Old Fashioned Soaked Oatmeal • Add a Pumpkin Coconut Biscuit or Carrot Banana Muffin to any of these, or to an egg dish Eggs • Egg Muffins • Fried egg sandwich with Coconut Flour Pancakes + chicken maple sausage • Green Eggs in a Basket • Fried egg over sautéed spinach + sauerkraut + fresh sliced tomatoes • Summer Squash Frittata • Scrambled eggs /omelet + dinner leftovers Lunch Make your heartiest meal earlier in the day before 3 pm—not dinner. • Leftover meat and vegetables from dinner (burger + sweet potatoes) • Complete Meal Salad Bar • Soup + Mary’s Gone Crackers • Soup + leftover protein (Butternut Squash Soup and Herby Turkey) • Slow Cooker Turkey with Cranberry Sauce over salad greens • Turkey sandwich (coconut pancake, mayo, mustard, lettuce) • Herby Turkey + salad greens • Rosemary Lemon Thighs + sweet potatoes • Waldorf Chicken Salad + salad greens • Salmon Salad sandwich (toasted rice bread) or over salad greens • Egg salad sandwich (toasted rice bread) with mayo and lettuce • Brown rice bowl with sautéed vegetables and Asian vinaigrette • Vegetable Curry Stir Fry + rotisserie chicken or over cauliflower rice or quinoa • Leftover breakfast: Quinoa Breakfast Bowl or Sautéed Summer Veggie Quinoa © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 45 Dinner Make this the lightest meal of your day unless you are really hungry. The detox works better if you do not eat a big meal at night (4 hours before bed). • Complete Meal Salad Bar • Baked salmon + ½ c Roasted Asparagus + 1 cup Catalan Kale + ½ cup brown rice • Meat Sauce with Chunky Tomatoes and Vegetables + spaghetti squash, + 1/4 cup sauerkraut • Lemon Pepper Blasted Chicken with Roasted Root Veggies • Herbed Meatloaf + Pureed Cauliflower • Fish Tangine with Tomatoes, Capers and Cinnamon + quinoa or rice • Lentils and Quinoa + Basic Broccoli + Asian salad dressings • Rosemary Lemon Thighs + sweet potatoes (great leftover for lunch) Snacks (protein + fat) Mid-morning (10 - 11 am), afternoon (2 - 4pm) or before bed (8 - 9pm) • If you are hungry before bed, your best options are fruit, vegetables or eggs since they digest the fastest. • You can drink one of your detox shakes as a snack as well Savory • Lunch or dinner leftovers • 1 cup of soup or lentils • 1 hard-boiled egg + ¼-½ avocado + balsamic vinegar and sea salt • 2 slices of deli turkey meat rolled up with sauerkraut and/or avocado, lettuce, tomato, mustard (you can ask the deli to slice it thickly to make a sturdy roll-up) • Herby Turkey, over salad, or on its own • Celery + hummus (2 T) or almond butter (2 t) • 5 Mary’s Gone Crackers with almond butter (2 t), hummus (2 T), or black bean dip (3 T) • Crudité and ½ cup black bean dip • Cucumber salad: sliced cucumber, dill, olive oil, salt, and lemon/apple cider vinegar • Nori sheet wrap with brown rice, sautéed vegetables, and Asian vinaigrette • Basic Broccoli + Asian vinaigrette • 3 pickles • 1/3 cup olives • ½ cup cherry tomatoes Sweet • Baked green apple with coconut oil + cinnamon • Apple or pear with almond butter (2 t.) • 1 grapefruit © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 46 • • 1 piece of fruit Trail mix: shredded coconut flakes, raw almonds or walnuts, cocao nibs or chocolate chips (Enjoy Life brand) For the suggestions below, limit to 1 serving per day maximum • 1 square of 80% or higher dark chocolate • Banana pancake + 1 teaspoon almond butter (this is high glycemic, so be careful) • 1 square of Marnie’s Fantastic Frozen Fudge • 1 Pumpkin Coconut Biscuit • 1 Carrot Banana Muffin More Meal Tips • If you have a favorite recipe, Google it with “paleo” and you are likely to find a healthier version. Just be sure to avoid bacon on the cleanse. • See the blog list in Resources for some of my favorite recipe blogs/resources. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 47 Cooking Tips The best cooking items are stainless steel or ceramic. • Avoid aluminum and Teflon • Store food in glass or stainless steel containers as much as possible • Avoid plastic storage containers and plastic water bottles • Use a stainless steel or glass water bottle • Do not grill more than one to two times per month (grill pans are fine) Note: Some people like cast-iron, but it can upset your stomach and the iron is not the type that your body can absorb. Exercise Exercising a minimum of 20-30 minutes daily is necessary to help your body eliminate toxins and get your lymphatic fluids moving. Taking a walk is the easiest way to do this. If you are already exercising daily, continue with your routine. As you eliminate foods and detoxify, you may find that you have less energy to keep up with your normal routine. Listen to your body and choose gentle exercise like walking and stretching until you feel ready to return to your regular exercise schedule. When you have more energy after the cleanse, it’s important to include exercise at least three times per week as a lifestyle. Exercise helps maintain your weight and boosts your metabolism. There are so many options these days to keep your body in shape: • Walking – 30 minutes or more per day is optimal • Burst or high intensity interval training (HIIT) • Pilates • Biking • Stationary bike • Elliptical training • Stretching • Jumping rope • Weight training • Rebounder © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 48 Cleanse-Boosting Supplements L-Glutamine powder Heals the intestinal lining and reduces sugar cravings. • Jarrow or NOW brands: Take 1 teaspoon in a glass of water upon rising (empty stomach). Do not eat or drink anything for 20 minutes. You can take an additional 13 teaspoons or 3-6 capsules when sugar cravings occur throughout the day. Take for 21 consecutive days for best results. Green powders Add an extra green boost to smoothies or add to nut milks or water for an afternoon pickme-up. • Barley Life Xtra by AIM, my favorite. Order from: http://myaimstore.com/marniereasor • Vitamineral Green by HealthForce Superfoods • Green Superfood by Amazing Grass, also cocoa flavor • Perfect Food Raw by Garden of Life Probiotics Help restore intestinal flora and digestive health. • Mega Flora by Mega Food • Natren Trinity (dairy-free), capsules • Practitioner brands: Metagenics, Pure Encapsulations, Thorne Note: Tums, Pepcid, Nexium, and all medications destroy your good bacteria, so be sure to replenish with probiotics. Omega 3 oils Improve fat burning, bind heavy metals, balance hormones, boost mood, support the heart, relieve joint pain, and nourish the skin, hair and nails. • Nordic Naturals is the only over-the-counter brand that I recommend. EPA Xtra formula is best for the cleanse. • Practitioner brands: Metagenics, Thorne, Standard Process, and NutriWest *Buyer Beware: Please, please do not buy at Walmart, Walgreens, Costco, etc. The omega 3 supplements sold there are rancid and filled with toxic heavy metals. Digestive enzymes Aid in digestion and help with food intolerances. • Digest Gold by Enzymedica • Practitioner brand: Pure Encapsulations and Ness © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 49 Fiber and colon cleansers Promote healthy blood sugar levels and reduce cravings with dietary and soluble fiber. Avoid psyllium husks and senna. • PGX Fiber Singles, Unflavored Granules by Natural Factors: konjac-mannan, sodium alginate, xanthan gum, medium chain triglycerides (MCT). Take 15 minutes before meals, or mix with your shake or smoothie. • Colon Max by Advanced Naturals and Cleanse More by Renew Life (same): magnesium, cape aloe, rhubarb, slippery elm, marshmallow, triphala • Fiber Smart by Renew Life: flax, guar gum seed, probiotics, FOS, glutamine, fennel, slippery elm, marshmallow, triphala • PaleoFiber by Designs for Health (sold by practitioners): acacia gum, cellulose, guar gum, cranberry seed powder, carrot fiber, inulin, citrus fiber, apple pectin, glucomannan, psyllium husk, flax, prune and probiotics Magnesium-based colon support Increase healthy bowel movements, relax muscles and nerves, and improve sleep. • Natural Calm: magnesium powder • Oxy Powder: oxygenated magnesium (www.oxypowder.com) Suggested reading: Fiber Menace by Konstantin Monastyrsky, www.GutSense.org This book explains why consuming large amounts of fiber leads to more constipation and recommends taking magnesium and vitamin C as healthier alternatives. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 50 How to Reintroduce Foods after the Cleanse Congratulations! You did it! You nourished your body with healthy foods for 21 days and released toxins with the help of your shakes and supplements. Now that you have made it to the finish line, I know it is tempting to have a big feast of everything you missed during the cleanse. However, slowly adding back each food one at a time is the best way see what works for your body long-term to keep your hormones balanced and the extra pounds off. Write down a few of the symptoms you experienced before the cleanse: low energy, afternoon slumps, problems with mood, irritability, headache, lack of concentration, brain fog, difficulty sleeping, sugar cravings, PMS, congestion, runny nose, constipation, bloating, skin break outs, itchiness, difficulty losing weight, etc. You can also go back to the “Toxicity Questionnaire”, take it again, and compare your original results to how you are feeling now. Note: I have seen clients experience symptom relief with their periods after just 21 days on the cleanse. However, it can take 3 months to see hormonal symptoms like PMS, endometriosis or menopausal complaints to subside. If you see a shift, you may want to continue another 2 months for optimal results. What has improved? What would you like to maintain? I suggest adding one food back at a time, every 3-4 days. As you re-introduce a food, notice if any of your old symptoms return. Reactions to foods can cause all kinds of symptoms if you are sensitive to them. See list of the symptoms you might have experienced before the cleanse above. Keep in mind that foods that are considered “healthy” may not be healthy for you. For example, I have a friend who is allergic to coconut, so she gets really sick if she eats coconut milk or coconut oil. Coconut is a fantastic food, but not for her. As a society, we are conditioned to pop a pill like Pepcid if we have heartburn rather than looking at what caused the pain. Headache? You need more Advil, no doubt. Your body talks, so please listen to what it is saying. Address the root cause, often the offending food, rather than suppressing the symptom. For example, instead of reaching for a cup of coffee to fight fatigue after you indulged in a pasta lunch, consider finding an alternative or eliminating pasta/gluten. Your body does not like it. Get off the roller-coaster. Are you ready to decide that eating anything that makes you feel tired is not an option for your new lifestyle? Focus on optimizing your energy. You now know what it feels like to feel great! If you feel an old symptom return, ask yourself what you ate over the last 12 -72 hours. Believe it or not, food sensitivities can take up to 3 days to appear. Helpful hint: Keep a food journal of what you eat and any symptoms you experience, especially if they are slow reactions or subtle. For some people, food sensitivity reactions do not appear for 72 hours. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 51 Foods to test*: Gluten/wheat, dairy, soy, corn, and yeast (nutritional and baker’s) Directions: 1. Add one food back every 3-4 days. Do not test several foods at the same time. For example, pizza contains both gluten and dairy. 2. If you think you might be sensitive to one thing more than another, start with the one you are not as sensitive to. For example, if you have reacted to dairy in the past, start with something like corn to see your reaction, then test dairy. 3. Choose a healthy option of the food you are testing. For example, high quality raw cheddar rather than a processed American cheese slice. 4. For the most accurate test result, eat the food on an empty stomach in the morning. 5. Eat the food in a large amount several times per day for 3 days. For example, if you want to test wheat/gluten, eat a waffle for breakfast, a sandwich with wheat bread for lunch, and pasta for dinner. 6. Notice how you feel the next day. How are your energy levels, skin, mood, and digestion? 7. You may notice a symptom while you are eating the food, 30 minutes later, or even 3 days later. Stop eating the food; you do not need to keep testing it. 8. Wait 3 days after your last symptom appeared and re-introduce the next food on the list. 9. If you do have a reaction, take the food out of your diet for 3 -6 months, and reintroduce it. Sometimes the gut can heal and tolerate a food after you have removed it for a period of time. Exceptions to this rule are often dairy, gluten, soy, nuts and eggs since they are common food sensitivities. 10. Optional: If your symptom is very mild, consider rotating the food in your diet only every 3-4 days. You may be able to have it in small amounts occasionally. 11. Good news: If you eat a food and you do not notice any symptoms, you can add it back to your diet. *Delay having caffeine, coffee, sugar, alcohol until after introducing foods so you will not skew the results. Even though you may not have a food sensitivity to these, they do cause a drug-like reaction in your body. They will sneak back into your diet at some point anyway. When this happens, notice how you feel afterwards. Do you crash a few hours later, feel dehydrated, irritable, jittery, or nauseated? Do you want even more of it to make that feeling go away? Maybe you could just have it every once in a while for a special occasion like a night out with friends or on the weekends? These are things you want to avoid or at least have in moderation to keep your hormones balanced and your body feeling great. Some of the forbidden foods are going to slip into your diet and you may decide to indulge in them on special occasions. Keep in mind that what you eat 90% of the time is what influences your hormones and metabolism the most, so don't worry about the other 10% unless you get really sick from the offending food. When you do eat them, enjoy the experience and consider taking digestive enzymes or probiotics for extra support. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 52 Tip: If you eat a food that causes symptoms and you feel really sick, you can take AlkaSeltzer Gold (not Cold) to help get the food out of your system faster. These are hard to find except online, so you could take a regular Alka-Seltzer, but keep in mind it contains aspirin and may cause an upset stomach. What not to add back on a regular basis: Artificial sweeteners, sugar, gluten, sodas, caffeine, coffee, peanuts, corn, MSG, and yeast are not the best options for healthy eating even if you are not sensitive to them. Foods Permitted on Maintenance Plan The purpose of this cleanse is to help you balance your hormones, boost your metabolism to keep your weight under control and optimize energy levels. It is a jump start to a new way of eating for life. Now that you have completed the cleanse, and you see how great you feel, you continue with these healthy habits to keep your hormones at an optimal level. So, leave the junk out of your diet, avoid sugar, keep vegetables at 40-50% of your diet, eat a high quality meat or protein with 1 tablespoon of fat at every meal, and you will be well on your way to vibrant health. Try to drink caffeine only when needed so you do not become dependent on it. Eat white potatoes on occasion since they spike blood sugar levels and cause weight gain. Enjoy them with grains, beans or fish, but not with meat or poultry. Important tip: Do not eat the same food every day. Eat a variety of foods and rotate them every day to optimize nutrition and to avoid developing new food sensitivities. Dairy: Many people are unable to consume dairy in any form, so don’t be discouraged. Butter is the exception. However, some who are sensitive to dairy may be able to eat butter, ghee, or whey protein without a problem. Experiment with goat and sheep’s milk or cheese. Dairy is known to cause weight gain, so be careful. If you have any hormonal imbalances, dairy products other than butter or ghee are not recommended. • • • • Butter and ghee (clarified butter): yes, please eat butter! Raw is best, cultured or organic from grass-fed cows. Brands: Organic Valley, Kerrygold full-fat, TJ’s organic sweet cream, Pure Indian Foods ghee Whey protein: found in protein powder, grass-fed, un-denatured. Be careful, quality varies. Brands: Metagenics UltraMeal Whey or Tera’s Organic Whey (found in health food stores) Yogurt: organic, naturally cultured from whole milk (full-fat), not fat-free or 2%, from grass-fed animals. Greek yogurt is great and has more protein. Also try goat or sheep’s yogurt. Note: Make sure it is plain, no sugar or fruit added since they kill the good probiotics. Buy plain yogurt and add your own fruit or honey. Avoid these ingredients: artificial sweeteners, corn starch, whey concentrate, pectin, and locust bean gum. Brands: Wallaby Organic, Dreaming Cow, and Straus Bonus article: http://www.grassfedgirl.com/the-real-deal-with-greek-yogurt-whichwhey-to-go/ Kefir: a fermented yogurt drink, plain, full-fat, whole milk, from grass-fed animals. 53 © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com • Cheese and cottage cheese, raw, whole cheese from grass-fed animals, artisanal • Cream, crème fraiche, whipping cream: fresh or cultured cream from grass-fed • • • cheeses animals. Brands: Vermont Creamery or Organic Valley Milk: If you must drink milk, choose raw, (unpasteurized) or milk from grass–fed cows, goats, or sheep. Full-fat, non-homogenized milk is your best choice. Avoid skim, low-fat, 2%, etc. Children need full-fat milk for optimal brain function. Beware: milk may contain cancer-causing rBST growth hormone, GMO ingredients, and antibiotics. Make sure it is labeled “rBST free.” Ice cream: full-fat from grass-fed cows Brands: Jenni’s Splendid, Strauss, Three Twins, Cruze Farm Girl, or Talenti gelato Coconut milk or cashew ice cream: Coconut Bliss, So Delicious, Larry and Luna’s Coconut Bliss, Cashewtopia Never eat: Margarine, fake butters like Smart Balance, Cool Whip or Reddi-Whip. Resource: Find raw milk in your area at RealMilk.org. Soy: Tamari sauce, miso, tempeh and natto are fermented and safe to eat. Tamari is a wheatfree version of soy sauce. Note: When you re-introduce soy, have a Japanese dinner of miso soup and sushi with soy or tamari sauce. Always avoid: Tofu, edamame, soy milk, soy cheese, soy nuts, soy protein isolates, soy burgers, imitation meats, and soy isoflavone supplements Corn: All corn is genetically modified unless it is organic. When you buy corn products like tortilla chips, make sure they are labeled GMO-free. No matter how good the corn is, it is still high glycemic and contributes to weight gain. Wheat: Is not recommended for anyone. If you have a thyroid condition or any hormonal problems like PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, or menopausal symptoms, do not eat wheat. If you do not have any of these conditions and you want to indulge, the best options are sprouted grain breads like Food for Life’s Ezekiel Bread or Alvarado Street Bakery products. Meats: • Pâté is a super food! It is a great source of protein, B vitamins, vitamin A, iron, CoQ10, and amino acids. Talk about nutrient-dense! Find a source that comes from pastured chickens, duck, or beef. It should have a red color, not yellow. Serve on celery sticks, in Bibb lettuce wrap, or on top of a cucumber slice. Remember that meat does not mix well with grains, so skip the toast points. • Pork: If you must consume pork, find a local, farmer who raises pastured pigs. Lard is great to cook with! Stick with uncured meats like bacon, salami, or prosciutto. Avoid nitrates and nitrites, which are commonly used to preserve meat. If you eat © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 54 • pork chops or pork loin, be sure to marinate in an acidic medium like raw apple cider vinegar for 24 hours before cooking to kill bacteria. Pork rinds: My favorite chicharrones are from 4505 Meats in San Francisco. Coffee: Make sure it is organic to avoid pesticides that wreck havoc on your hormones. Consider making Bullet Proof coffee in the blender with butter and MCT oil (medium-chain triglycerides). Tea: Tea has many great health benefits, but be sure to read the label for information about the source and ingredients. It may contain artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, pesticides, or GMO ingredients like soy lecithin and corn starch. Watch out for “silky sachets” since the plastic, a xenoestrogen, can be leached into your drink and cause hormonal imbalances. Green has less caffeine than black and white tea. Brands: Numi, Traditional Medicinals, Yogi, Choice, and Rishi Note: Tea comes from the plant, camelia sinensis, which naturally pulls aluminum and fluoride from the soil. Dominique Richard, MD notes that, “tea is grown in countries where the ground tends to be loaded with toxic metals, which then get absorbed into the tea plants. Therefore, whenever possible, it is preferable to consume younger tea leaves, both because they have a higher content of antioxidants, which detoxify the plant, and because being on this earth a shorter time, they haven’t absorbed as many contaminants in the first place.” Buying organic is the best option, but it does not guarantee the quality of the soil. Vary the type of tea you drink and do not consume large amounts of it. White tea is a good choice, because it is made from young tea leaves that are harvested before they are fully grown. Note about licorice root tea: Dr. Richard says that “it disturbs electrolytes, which can increase hypertension. It will exacerbate diarrhea and increase estrogen, so it should not be consumed by those who have estrogen-dominant diseases.” Alcohol: When you treat yourself to a drink, your best options are organic/biodynamic red wine, vodka, tequila, and sake. Thank you for participating in the Pure Radiance 21-Day Cleanse! I hope you feel terrific! My final advice? Eat real food, keep everything in moderation, and when you indulge, enjoy every bite! © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 55 Appendix A All You Ever Wanted to Know about Food Combining Food combining: Eating foods that your body digests well together. When you do not combine food properly, the foods digest at different rates and ferment in your digestive tract. Food will not turn into energy, but will add unwanted weight around your waistline. So sad. The easiest rule to remember is not to eat grains or beans with poultry or red meat. Just start with this. 2 Main Rules 1. Do not combine grains/beans/starch with animal proteins (poultry/red meat). Fish is okay. For example, do not eat chicken with rice or steak with a white baked potato (sweet potato is fine). 2. Do not combine grains/beans/starch with fruit (includes tomatoes and avocados). Note: you can eat fruit 20 minutes before eating grains/beans/starch. Wait 2 hours after eating a grain/bean/starch before eating fruit. 4 Minor Rules 1. Fish works with grains/beans/starch as long as there is no fruit sauce. 2. Eggs and cheese work with grains/beans/starches. 3. White potato does not work with animal proteins (poultry/red meat except fish) 4. White potato works with fish and grains/beans. Food Combining Chart Food Hours to digest With Not with Chicken 1-2 Vegetables and fruit Turkey, Duck 2-3 Vegetables and fruit Beef, Lamb 3-4 Vegetables and fruit Pork* 4-5 (parasites stay forever) Starches, white potatoes, grains, beans, avocados Starches, white potatoes, grains, beans, avocados Starches, white potatoes, grains, beans, avocados Starches, white potatoes, grains, beans, avocados © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 56 Food Hours to digest With Not with Fish 30 -60 min 1. Vegetable, white potatoes + grains 2. Grains 3. Fruit Sauce 4. Fruit Sauce + vegetables 5. Beans 6. Beans + grains 1. Fruit 2. Fruit 3. Grains Eggs 30 min Everything ---- Vegetables -except white potatoes -tomatoes are fruit 30 min-1hr 1. Other vegetable + fruit okay 2. Grains 3. Grains and beans 4. Beans 2. Fruit 3. Fruit 4. Fruit Grains (starch) (pasta, bread, cracker, whole grain) 90 min-4 hrs Other grains Vegetables Beans Egg Nuts, seeds, or almond milk Fruit 90 min-4 hrs Other beans Vegetables Grains Fish Nuts or seeds Fruit 20-30 min Chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, pork, etc. Vegetables Eggs White potatoes Everything except fruit Everything Fruit --- Ratio: 1/3 c bean: 2/3 c grain Beans (starch) Ratio: 1/3 c bean: 2/3 c grain Fruit Includes tomatoes and avocado (starch) Eat fruit 20 min before a starch or 2 hrs after a starch, in between meals Nuts, seeds 2-3 Goat’s milk, 2 © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com NEVER with grains (on cereal or in desserts: crusts, cakes, pies, cobblers, muffins, fruit bread: banana, pumpkin etc.) 57 soft goat or sheep’s cheeses* Whole milk, yogurt, and hard cheeses *(raw is best) 4-5 Everything --- *Pork and dairy are not allowed on the cleanse. The best things to eat before bed are fruits, vegetables, eggs, and fish since they digest quickly and will not ferment in your stomach as you sleep. Alternatives to common food combining mistakes Sandwiches Yes: Fish/salmon salad or veggie (without fruit, tomatoes) No: Chicken, turkey, duck, beef, pork (grain + animal protein) Tacos Yes: Fish or veggie (without fruit, including tomatoes) No: chicken, turkey, duck, beef, pork (grain + animal protein) Worst Combinations Pasta with tomato sauce (grain + fruit) Pizza (grain crust + tomato—fruit) Trail mix (fruit + nuts) Hamburger, cheeseburger (meat + grain) Steak and potatoes or fries (meat + grain). Try sweet potato or sweet potato fries instead. Desserts with fruit—cobbler, fruit pie, banana bread, pumpkin bread, tarts, cake with fruit (grain + fruit) Try crusts made of coconut or almond instead. Pancakes with blueberries/bananas or biscuits with fruit jelly (grain + fruit) Cereal or oatmeal with fruit (grain + fruit) Note: Of course, it is hard to imagine life without some of these great combinations. Keep in mind that after you have finished your cleanse/weight-loss program, you can have these on occasion (every few months) with a mega dose of digestive enzymes and probably some temporary discomfort. Sometimes it is just worth it to have a favorite comfort food! © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 58 Appendix B Super Foods to Support Detoxification Artichokes: Contain plant compounds known as caffeoylquinic acids, which increase the flow of bile and help to digest fats and remove toxins. Beets: Beets contain betaine, which promotes the regeneration of liver cells and the flow of bile. It also has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism and removal of toxins. Cruciferous Veggies: Cabbage, Brussel sprouts, rutabaga, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, mustard greens, turnips, radish, cauliflower, kohlrabi, collard greens, daikon, kale, bok choy, watercress: support the liver’s detoxification enzymes. They contain potent phytochemicals and antioxidants that support Phase II detoxification. Lemon: D-limonene contained in lemons induces Phase 1 and 2 detoxification to neutralize carcinogens. Its also improves glutathione, a powerful detoxification agent. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Supply the amino acid glutathione needed for Phase II detoxification. Especially rich in glutathione are cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparagus, avocado, dill and caraway seeds. Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, which help protect the liver from free radical damage caused by toxins. Protein: (high quality, organic) Protein is required by the liver for detoxification. Meat, fish and eggs supply the amino acids needed for the conjugation pathways of Phase II detoxification. It is important to eat organic/ free-range meat and eggs to avoid toxins stored in the fats of factory-farmed animals. For heavy metal, toxin- free and environmentally friendlier fish sources refer to www.oceansalive.org. Vegetarian protein sources include: beans, nuts, seeds, and quinoa. Onions, Garlic and Other Sulfur-rich Foods: Fish, meat, eggs, onions, garlic, turnips, radishes, celery, kale, and string beans. These foods are beneficial for the Phase II sulfation pathway, the main detoxification pathway for environmental chemicals and certain drugs and food additives. Essential Fatty Acids: Vital for Phase I detoxification. Eat fresh nuts and seeds and their unheated cold pressed oils as well as cold-water fish such as salmon. Sea Vegetables: Sea palm, dulse, kombu, kelp, hijiki, wakame, nori. Loaded with minerals. Binds to heavy metals and chemical pollutants in the intestinal tract allowing them to be safely eliminated from the body. Fiber is essential for detoxification. Soluble fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains binds to toxins and provides the bulk that allows digested food and toxins to move through the bowel easily. © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 59 Water is essential for detoxification. Two liters per day will help flush toxins and ease elimination. Dehydration causes the accumulation of waste in the body. Herbs: Burdock root, cayenne pepper, cilantro, dandelion root, echinacea, garlic, goldenseal root, ginger, licorice root, milk thistle, parsley, Oregon grape root, sarsaparilla root, yellow dock root: All support detoxification. No matter how good your diet or how clean your environment you will always be exposed to toxins. Strengthening detoxification pathways through specific foods mentioned above will help you stay well! Super Foods to Support Detoxification courtesy of ©Kristin Hoppe, Food Therapy, www.foodtherapysf.com © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 60 Appendix C Mindful Eating Eating Meditation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Take 5 deep breathes in through the nose and out through the mouth. Are you hungry? How do you know? Put your plate of food in front of you Smell food, what do you notice? Taste, chew, swallow, what do you notice? Slow pace, eat each bite chewing thoroughly. Notice flavors, breath for 5 seconds between each bite. 7. Stop when full. How do you know you are full? 8. Are you satisfied? Did you like the food? What do you notice? What did you learn about the manner in which you eat food and know you are hungry? Primary & Secondary Food: A Life In Balance (The following Primary Foods concept and text is excerpted from and provided courtesy of Integrative Nutrition: The Future of Nutrition, by Joshua Rosenthal.) WHAT ARE PRIMARY FOODS? Everything is food. We take in the experiences of life in thousands of ways that affect us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We hunger for play, fun, touch, romance, intimacy, love, achievement, success, art, music, self-expression, leadership, excitement, adventure and spirit. All of these are essential forms of nourishment. They determine the extent to which our lives feel enjoyable, fulfilling and worthwhile. Primary Food is more than what is on your plate. Healthy relationships, regular activity, a desired career and a spiritual practice fill our soul and satisfy our hunger for living. If we are not physically starving, other dimensions of the human experience are much more important than what we put in our mouths, and these dimensions are what The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) refers to as Primary Food. When Primary Food is balanced and fulfilling, our lives feed us, making what we eat secondary. What is currently considered nutrition today is really just one source of nourishment, what IIN calls Secondary Food. Secondary Foods don't come close to giving us the joy, meaning and fulfillment that Primary Food provides. When we use Secondary Food as a way to alleviate or suppress our hunger for Primary Food, the body and mind suffer. Mindful Eating courtesy of ©Kristin Hoppe, Food Therapy, www.foodtherapysf.com © 2014 Marnie Reasor www.ResplendentHealing.com 61
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