Fall Oaks - Annual Report Edition


Fall Oaks - Annual Report Edition
Meet our Leadership Team!
Fall 2013 • 1
Mercy Welcomes New President and Principal 4
Over 100 years of Educating Young Women 6
New YMI Scholarship 7
Vietnam a life changing experience 8
WorldStrides Heritage Music Festival Silver Award 10
On Campus 11
Athletics 16
Graduation 18
Annual Report 24
Class Notes 36
Stay Connected 42
In Memoriam 43
MPC Events 44
Calendar of Events 47
Dear Mercy Community:
When Sister Frances Xavier Warde traveled with a small group of Sisters from
Ireland to Pittsburgh in 1843 to establish the first Mercy community she came
to a country that was working its way to the west (the first wagon train set
out from Missouri over the Oregon Trail in May of that year) and beginning
to develop major cities and towns away from the Atlantic. In 1854 Sister
Mary Baptist Russell along with seven other Sisters of Mercy arrived in San
Francisco; a rough and tough town in the throes of a major cholera outbreak.
The Sisters encountered strong anti-Catholic sentiment, death threats and
uncertain living conditions. But these women were resilient, strong in faith, determined and bold.
The Sisters of Mercy would move throughout the U.S. to start health care systems, housing projects,
colleges, universities, elementary and high schools and to lead on the important issues of the day from
poverty to immigration to equality for women. Those of us who serve as lay leaders in Mercy schools
are very aware that we follow in awesome footsteps.
As you see from this issue of The Oaks, Mercy Burlingame has new leadership. Ivan Hrga and I join a
leadership team that brings enormous talent to the school. We have different gifts, years of experience,
perspectives from previous schools and careers, varied backgrounds. Together we relish the opportunity
to make Mercy High School the “go-to” high school on the Peninsula. Check the web site, blogs and
other Mercy publications for news about programs and new initiatives in academics, the arts, athletics
and service opportunities.
We have done something a little different in this issue of The Oaks by including our Annual Report.
Previously the Annual Report has been sent out as a separate publication. The Sisters of Mercy in
Burlingame and all of us at the high school have been making a concerted effort to “go green.” There
are campus-wide recycling and composting efforts, the school’s iPad program has reduced the use
of paper and energy costs and we are always on the lookout for additional environmentally sound
The Annual Report celebrates all those who have made it possible for Mercy Burlingame to live up to
Catherine McAuley’s dictum that “No work of charity can be more productive of good to society than
the careful instruction of women.” No words can truly express how much we appreciate the generosity
of our parents, alumnae, alumnae parents, friends, foundations and other donors that make it possible
to instruct the wonderful young women who grace our presence each day.
Enjoy the stories in this issue that celebrate what Mercy High School is all about. Check out our web
site to keep up-to-date with the latest happenings. Visit us – we always take pleasure in having the
opportunity to meet you and show you around the school!
Karen Hanrahan
Fall 2013 • 3
Mercy Welcomes New
President and Principal
President Karen Hanrahan brings a wealth of professional experience and expertise that will help to shape Mercy’s future.
She is originally from Cleveland, Ohio and most recently resided in Baltimore, Maryland where she was assisting the
Little Sisters of the Poor with a $25 million dollar campaign. Prior to this, she served as President of Seton Keough High
School. Karen holds a Master’s degree and has more than 25 years experience in Catholic education with a focus on
advancement, admissions, and administration. Karen has extensive community experience serving on numerous boards.
Karen has a passion for girls’ sports and loves attending the athletic events to support the girls!
Ivan Hrga has an impressive history of educational success which will be an asset to Mercy in his new role as Principal.
Ivan served as the Assistant Principal for Academics at St. Francis High School in Sacramento, a Catholic girls’ high school
of 1100+ students with a prestigious reputation for academic excellence, athletic championship and service traditions.
During his tenure there Ivan implemented iPad technology, a program for special needs learners, expanded AP course
work and initiated an outstanding process for accessing student progress and faculty achievement. Ivan holds a Master’s
degree, a teaching credential and administrative credentials and has taught in both coed and single gender schools.
He is a graduate of Serra High School and is very familiar with Mercy having participated in the Tri-School program
as a student.
Meet our Leadership Team!
Leadership Team members pictured on the front cover L-R: Assistant Principal
Betsy Pfeifer, Admissions Director Francesca Ohanessian, Assistant Principal Natalie
Cirigliano, President Karen Hanrahan, Principal Ivan Hrga, Director of Advancement
Mary Lund, Director of Mission Integration Sandy Flaherty and Director of Finance
and HR Kay Carter. Not pictured are Campus Minister Angie Simonetti and Athletic
Director Daniella Gilmartin-Matteucci who joined the Leadership Team this year.
4 • The Oaks
Welcome BBQ
Mercy Burlingame President Karen
Hanrahan welcomed parents back from
summer at the annual President’s BBQ.
Both she and Principal Ivan Hrga
welcomed the parents who stated how
excited their daughters were to be
back at Mercy!
President Hanrahan encouraged parents
to become involved with the Mercy
Parents’ Club and that they hoped to see
as many parents as possible supporting
the various events.
The Mercy community looks forward to an
exciting and rewarding 2013-14 school year.
Fall 2013 • 5
Over 100 Years of
Educating Young Women
A heartfelt thank you to four teachers who have changed the lives of so many Mercy students!
It is with a heavy heart that we said goodbye to Cynthia Yabes, Joan Nocetti, Jeanne Biernat
(pictured above l to r) and Joyce Nocetti (at right). The words of Catherine McAuley “Show
your instructions in actions as much as you can” truly represent the way these four women lived
their lives as teachers. Each of these amazing teachers was dedicated to academic excellence,
committed to the true spirit of Mercy and always went the extra mile for their students. We will
miss their warm smiles, sense of humor and genuine love for the Mercy community.
Sr. Katherine Doyle receives Catherine McAuley Award
Each year, Mercy High School presents the Catherine McAuley Award to a
person or group who represents a commitment to Catherine McAuley’s vision
and the education of young women. This year at the Making A Difference
Scholarship Benefit, Bob Grassilli, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Mercy
High School Burlingame was proud to present this award to Sr. M. Katherine
Doyle, RSM. Bob spoke to the group about Sister’s many accomplishments
this year and stated, “We are most grateful to Sister Katherine for being our
Interim President this year. Sr. Katherine joined our community during a time
of transition and has led the search for our new President, Karen Hanrahan,
reconstituted the Board of Directors, and is leading the search for our new
Principal. She has done an outstanding job leading the Mercy community this
year bringing forth a renewed sense of mission and commitment to all that it
means to be a Mercy school. On behalf of the Mercy HS Board of Directors,
faculty and staff, it is my honor to present Sister with this award.”
6 • The Oaks
Pictured (l-r) George Terry (YMI), Tom Fourie (YMI), former NDB Principal Rita Gleason, former Interim Mercy President
Sister Katherine Doyle, RSM, Serra President Lars Lund and Jack Albrecht.
New YMI Scholarship
The Young Men’s Institute awarded $75,000 to the Tri-School community of Serra, Mercy, and
Notre Dame, Belmont in May 2013. Each school received a check for $25,000 to be used for an
annual YMI scholarship of $2,500 per year (for 10 years) to a junior student for his or her senior
year tuition. Each school has agreed on criteria for scholarship recipients. In addition, they must be
residents of San Mateo County and practicing Catholics.
The Mercy High School YMI Scholarship of $2,500 will be awarded annually to a Mercy junior who
is a practicing Catholic, is in good standing with the school, represents the values of YMI and who
has exhibited a consistent commitment to community service and Christian leadership. Receiving
the scholarship for Mercy High School is Student Body President, Camilla Ron ’14 pictured at right.
2013 YMI Essay Contest
Three Mercy students placed in the 2013 YMI annual
nation wide essay contest! Pictured left: center Emily
Gonzalez ’15 was awarded $600 for 3rd place; left,
Jordan Gentry ’15 was awarded $300 for 5th place;
and far right, Julianna Kirkpatrick ‘15 was awarded
$100 for 11th place.
Fall 2013 • 7
Vietnam a life changing experience
“The real
heart of
the trip was
with the
we met.”
Ten students from Mercy traveled to Phat Diem, Vietnam, for a Faith Immersion over Easter
Break 2013. They were accompanied by French Teacher, Liz Barthe, and Service-Learning
Coordinator, Jessica Mueller. The group stayed on the campus of the Phat Diem Cathedral
and collaborated closely with the diocesan priests, sisters, and pre-seminarians who live,
work, pray, and study on the Cathedral compound.
The Faith Immersion program at Mercy is founded on the pillars of community, spirituality,
solidarity, and justice. While part of the trip included service (in this case teaching
English to children, sisters, and pre-seminarians), the real heart of the trip was developing
solidarity with the people we met—growing in relationship as brothers and sisters in
one human family, and taking on one another’s joys and concerns as our own. This
movement towards solidarity was initiated by the incredible hospitality of our hosts, and
the unconditional invitation to be a part of their lives: “You are our sisters—you are always
welcome in this place, and we hope you will return!” We ate every meal with the Catholic
community, washed dishes together, worshiped together at the Easter Triduum services,
traveled together to visit Catholic shrines, played soccer, sang songs, and learned from one
another’s culture and language.
We learned about some of the challenges of being Catholic in a communist country, and
grew in deep appreciation for the integrity and persistence with which our hosts live out
their faith and strive to make a difference in their communities by caring for those who
are left behind. The timing of our trip to Vietnam was appropriate, as our Faith Immersion
brought us deep into the Joy of Easter. — Jessica Mueller, former faculty
8 • The Oaks
Immersion and
Travel 2013
Mercy students
traveled to
Salinas, Costa
Rica, Spain and
“After working for only four hours on the farm,
I was amazed by the hard work people put into
growing our food every day. It made me appreciate
everything I eat.” —Yena Kim ‘15
Fall 2013 • 9
WorldStrides Heritage Music Festival Silver Award
For the first time, Mercy High School Burlingame, Music Director Pam Matthews and the Honors and Advanced
Chorale, competed in the WorldStrides Heritage Music Festival held each year in San Diego. Mercy girls performed
well and at the end of the competition came away with a Silver Award. This was quite an accomplishment, as this was
the first time that the group had participated in this music festival. Special thanks to all who helped with fundraising
for the trip. Your generosity allowed the girls to experience this wonderful opportunity! Congratulations again
to Ms. Matthews and all the girls for a job well done!
Giving Back
In August Mercy High School Students collected school
supplies for the less fortunate. The girls brought in basic
school supplies giving low income children the chance to start
school with some brand new supplies! Campus Minister Angie
Simonetti and Sandy Flaherty, Director of Mission Integration
delivered the supplies to Sr. Patsy Harney, RSM who works with
Mercy Housing in San Francisco. The girls did a great job of
bringing in supplies – and it was greatly appreciated!
10 • The Oaks
On Campus
Grace Osborne Wins
Grand Prize
Grace Osborne, Class of 2013, won the Serra
International Club Essay Grand Prize! This essay contest
sponsored by the Serra Club of San Mateo together
with its parent organization Serra International, is held
annually in an effort to raise the awareness of boys
and girls to possible vocations for themselves. This
contest is open to seventh through twelfth grade
students in Catholic schools and CCD programs in the
mid-peninsula area. This year’s essay subject was to
describe in 500 words or less “What is my commitment
to my faith?” Grace focused her essay on why
commitment is key to any relationship, especially one
with God. She described how she was able to overcome
personal events in her life with the help of her faith,
and how it motivates her to stay committed to it. At
the luncheon held at St. Gregory’s this past April, each
participant read their essay. They were judged, and
Grace was awarded the $500 College Scholarship as
this year’s Grand Prize winner! Grace is pictured above
with her father, mother and religion teacher Peter Diaz.
“The Network of God”
Three Mercy sophomores, Yena Kim, Jenna McCormick
and Amangeet Samra recently won the National Catholic
Campaign for Human
Development prize with
their project, "The Network
of God." Their attention to
detail and ability to make a
deep connection with the
material really paid off...way to
go” stated Ms. Jessica Mueller,
former Campus Ministry and
Service Learning Coordinator. The judges were very impressed
with both the creativity and the thoughtfulness of the artwork
and stated that it conveyed a very powerful message about
poverty in the United States, its causes and how people of
faith can walk with “two feet” to address it. The prizes are
divided into a $500 prize for the group, a $500 gift for Mercy
and a $500 gift in your groups name to a CCHD funded
organization in your area. The girls will be presented with
their prize at next year’s national Catholic Youth Conference
in Indianapolis in November. Way to go Mercy!
Mercy Students win 6 out of 8 Awards
For the 2nd year in a row, our girls did very well in the yearbook/layout categories of the
California Press Women 2013 High School Communications Contest. The girs won six out of the
eight awards given, including first place! The Contest inspires students to excel in their quest
for excellence. The yearbook category provides an opportunity for high school journalists to be
rewarded for their efforts. Entries are judged on creativity, effectiveness, impact and clarity.
1st Place: Demiana Khoury ‘13 & Annabelle Carberry ‘13, “Pinktober”
3rd Place: Demiana Khoury, “Got Church?” Glennda Hou ‘13, “Beyond the Individual”
Demiana Khoury, “Found in Translation”
Honorable Mention: Glennda Hou, “Beyond Belonging”
Glennda Hou, “Beyond Basics” Fall 2013 • 11
On Campus
Top: Don Ciucci, Kaufusi Tuitavake, Debby Ciucci and Sister Katherine Doyle
Left: Sister Katherine Doyle and Allison Barri
Juniors Receive Top Awards
Each year, Mercy student accomplishments are recognized within the school
community at the Awards Assembly. We are proud of our students and
the achievements they have made in so many areas. They truly live out the
mission of our school in their daily lives. Juniors Kaufusi Tuitavake and
Allison Barri were tow of the highest awards at this year’s assembly.
The Spirit of Mercy Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Moira ‘90, Cindy ‘92
and Angelina ‘99 was awarded to junior, Kaufusi Tuitavake ‘14 The Spirit of
Mercy Memorial Scholarship was established on May 9, 2006. This annual scholarship is awarded to a junior student who
exemplifies the Mercy spirit and the values that guided Moira O’Donnell, Cindy Caughman Corona and Angie Ciucci’s
lives: “faith, love, courage, compassion, generosity, social justice, and a joy for life.”
The Sister Mary Gabriel and Sister Consolata Nelson Memorial Scholarship went to junior, Allison Barri. This scholarship
was established in 1988 and is awarded to a junior student who displays Sister Gabriel and Sister Consolata’s enthusiasm
for challenges, either academically or in extracurricular activities and loyalty to the Mercy spirit.
Perspective in Motion...
Mercy National Art Honor Society
students were invited to a private tour at the Cantor Art Center at Stanford. The
students enjoyed drawing, sketching, and studying Contemporary paintings and
sculpture. A walk through the Cantor Art Center is a journey representing antiquity
to modern day. The collection covers the spectrum from Oceania and Asia -textiles, sculptures, ceramics -- to a large Rodin collection (indoors and out) -- to
installations by Alexander Calder and Andy Warhol in the contemporary galleries.
12 • The Oaks
On Campus
Mercy Welcomes Mercy Burlingame
and Mercy SF Alumnae Daughters
Mercy High School, Burlingame welcomed the Class of 2017 Alumnae Daughters!
This year, Mercy has five daughters of Alumnae of Mercy San Francisco and eight
daughters of Mercy Burlingame Alumnae.
Mercy Burlingame Alumnae and Daughters (l to r)
Kathleen Gallagher Aven ‘82 and daughter
Alexis; Laura Gillard Blue ‘85 and daughter Gina; Nicole
Briggs Sandkulla ‘85 and daughter Holly; Valerie Bragg
McGuigan ‘75 and daughter Caitlyn; Nazira Kury-Arnold ‘98
and daughter Kimberly; Lisa Tonelli Luciano ‘87 and daughter
Alexis; Jodi Guetershol Massucco ‘89 and daughter Hayley;
Kristin Schweitzer Bright ‘84 and daughter Vivian.
Mercy SF Alumnae
and Daughters (l to r)
Eileen McGurk Helbig ‘81 and daughter
Meagan: Patricia Montserrat Naughton
‘85 and daughter Emily; Lisa Hatlen
‘85 and daughter Bianca; Margie Florin
Curran ‘86 and daughter Michelle; not
pictured Patricia Barberini ‘88 and
daughter Sophia.
Fall 2013 • 13
On Campus
Drowsy Chaperone Tri-School Productions students
enchanted their audience with a captivating performance!
Excerpted from Serra High School Spring 2013 “Traditions”
Tri-School Productions students from Mercy, Notre Dame and Serra brought the Roaring Twenties to life with a fast-paced
quick-witted rendition of The Drowsy Chaperone in March. “Our Tri-School production featured typical characters of
the Vaudeville era,” noted Tri-School Musical Director Gennine Harrington. “The choreography reflected the period with
authentic styles of the Charleston and tapping. The costumes illustrate a very glamorous era.”
Glamorous indeed, Amanda Odasz ’13 (Mercy), Christina Won Pat (NDB) and Katherine O’Toole ‘13 (Mercy) dazzled the
crowd with old-Hollywood starlet charm. Casonova Aaron Gabriel (Serra) added comic relief as Adolpho, an over-thetop ladies’ man. Mercy freshman Cat Bigelow, who loved the 1920s-style choreography, said cast members of the upbeat
show enjoyed the camaraderie. “Becoming involved in Tri-School Productions is a great way to meet new people,” she
added “We all share a common interest and it’s a great way to bond with your friends.”
14 • The Oaks
Tri-School Productions 25th Anniversary Season!
The Complete Works
of William Shakespeare
Fall Play at Serra
October 25, 26 &
Nov. 1, 2 - 7:30 p.m.
The Wizard of Oz
Spring Musical at Serra
March 28, 29 &
April 4, 5 - 7:30 p.m.
March 30 - 2:00 p.m.
On Campus
ASL Service Learning
Helping a Child to Read
In keeping with the Mercy mission, American
Sign Language (ASL) instructor, Alison Bell
wanted our girls to be involved in a service
learning project. The girls have created sign
books for the 3 year old programs at the
Honolulu School for the Deaf and Blind and
St. Mary's School for the Deaf in Buffalo, NY.
Unfortunately, about 45% of children who
are deaf, never reach above a fourth grade
reading level; and there are not many books
out there that provide basic signing stories
for kids.
The ASL 3 classes have created ABC books from scratch. These books include kid friendly words and pictures along
with the girls' pictures of the correct sign to use. Our ASL 4 class created their own story books. The girls were given
free range of creativity to write any story that they wanted and they were amazing; one group did an wonderful story
about a Pirate and another wrote about a fat panda that eats every day of the week! These gifts will be a wonderful
addition to any child’s library of books and the girls were extremely excited to be able to help another child to learn to
read! Girls were happy to pose with the finished books above.
Finding Nemo
In May, the ASL 4 class performed “Finding Nemo” for the
St. Gregory’s K-6 classes. It was a wonderful performance
led by Alison Bell, American Sign Language teacher. The
St. Greg’s kids loved learning sign at the beginning of the
performance and laughed and asked questions at the end.
The Mercy girls wowed the audience! Teachers were in awe
of how poised our girls were. What a great way to promote
Mercy and the wonderful education the girls receive here!
Aspiring Artists Compete
Congresswoman Jackie Speier and The House
of Representatives presented Certificates of
Recognition for Outstanding contribution to the
2013 Congressional Art Competition, to Mercy High
School Art students for their abilities and talent. This
Congressional Art Competition started in 1982 has
had over 650,000 high school students participate.
This competition promotes art education and gives
students a chance to gain national recognition
for their creativity. This year, over 80 schools in
Congresswoman Speier’s (District #14) submitted
over 150 works of art to be judged.
Fall 2013 • 15
Six Mercy Athletes
to Compete at College
Six Mercy athletes will continue their sports
careers at the university level. Juliette
Hackett will join the prestigious women’s
Crew Team at Princeton University, Katrina
Vukasin will play D-1 Waterpolo for Long
Beach State University, Marka Ballard will
play D-2 softball at Kutzton University, Carly
Eppler will play D-3 soccer for the College
of Wooster, Ix Chel Mendieta will play
D-3 soccer for the University of Rochester
and Sara Delucchi will join the Chapman
University D-3 Track and Field
team. Congratulations!
Senior Athletes Honored
Senior Spirit Athlete of the Year: Danielle Tioyao
Senior Tri-Athlete: Kathryn Doherty
Sara Delucchi Senior Athlete of the Year!
Sara Delucchi received the 2013 Senior Athlete of the Year Trophy for athletic excellence
during her Mercy career. Sara was a leader on our cross country and track and field
teams as well as on the campus of Mercy High School. She embodies the term scholar
athlete with a cumulative 4.250 GPA. She contributes to the school community as the
SBO Secretary senior year as well as being on class council from her freshman through
junior years. She has lead in athletics as a two time captain in cross country and a senior
captain this spring season in track and field. Many of her teammates follow her example
and strive to achieve in the many ways Sara has found success. In her four seasons of
varsity cross country, she has been recognized by the league by receiving honorable
mention in 2010, 2011, and 2012. She was part of the CCS qualifying teams in 2009, 2011,
and 2012. This past fall she was a member of the varsity team that recorded the highest
finish in the league (2nd) in school history and the highest CCS finish (6th) in school
history. Sara will continue cross country and track and field at Chapman University.
16 • The Oaks
West Bay Athletic League
WBAL All League Honors
Winter Athletes
2nd team all league: Haley Fanfelle
Honorable Mention: Penina Tuiasosopo,
Samantha Weglinski
1st team all league: Kayla Cullivan,
Samantha Dean, Sarah Feller,
Kimber Odasz
2nd team all league:
Joelle Ourtiague
Honorable Mention: Ashling Duffy,
Shannon Grady, Galilea Prado
Spring Athletes
1st team all league: Ali Lyons,
Christine Doherty, Natasha Dulik
2nd team all league: Alyson Lee,
Madeline Gaumer
Honorable Mention: Vanessa Zheng,
Mariah Pechina, Lauren Campagna
1st team all league: Marka Ballard,
Samantha Dean
2nd team all league: Ixchel Mendieta
De La Torre, Kesaia Langi
Honorable Mention: Sabrina Miller
Track and Field
1st team all league: Olivia Feller
Cheer Around the Bay First Place
In March the Mercy spirit teams competed at "Cheer
around the Bay". The competition is near a dear to
their hearts, as it is right in our backyard and hosted
by El Camino High School. Mercy spirit squads
performed a clean sweep winning 1st place in all 4
category's. The category's include Varsity Cheer,
Varsity Song/Pom,JV Song /Pom and Hip Hop.
Fall 2013 • 17
2013 Mercy Graduates
Receive Highest Honors
Rebecca Re
received the Mercy High
School Principal’s Award
for General Excellence.
This is the highest
honor our school offers.
It is conferred upon a
graduating senior who
exemplifies the spirit of
Mercy by putting the
welfare of others above her own interests. She is
chosen for her generous service, dedication to
the Gospel message, and general achievement
in curricular and co-curricular aspects of school
life. Rebecca is currently attending California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.
Amanda Odasz received
the Mercy High School
Board of Directors
Award for Academic
Excellence. This
award honors a senior
who is distinguished
by scholarship in
maintaining the highest
grade point average over
four years in a college preparatory program.
Amanda was this year’s Valedictorian. Amanda is
currently attending Northwestern University.
18 • The Oaks
Grace Osbourne received the Mercy
High School Sister Amy Bayley
Leadership Award. This award honors
the senior whose actions and example
encourage and inspire fellow students
to strive together to achieve those
goals which promote the growth and
well being of the Mercy community.
Grace is currently attending Saint
Mary’s College of California.
Cerena Miravalles received the Mercy
High School Mother M. Baptist Russell
Service Award. This award honors
the senior who shows consistent
commitment in serving those in need.
She carries on the spirit of Mother
Baptist Russell, first Sister of Mercy in
California, whose response to people
in need was immediate and practical.
Cerena is currently attending
Seattle University.
Sara Delucchi received the Mercy High
School Sister Mary Gabriel Award
for Excellence in Sportsmanship.
This award honors the senior who
exemplifies outstanding sportsmanship
by her faithfulness to the team spirit
and her undaunted loyalty to her team
members at all times. Sara is currently
attending Chapman University.
National Merit Scholars
Each year the National Merit Scholarship Program recognizes
and honors about 50,000 academically talented high
school students. This year Amanda Odasz (Class of 2013
Valedictorian) was named as a National Merit Scholar Finalist
and Juliette Hackett (Class of 2013 Salutatorian) received a
Letter of Commendation. As a Finalist, Amanda Odasz will now
continue on as one of about 8,300 students to compete for a
Merit Scholarship award in the 2013 competition. All winners of
Merit Scholarship awards are chosen from the Finalist group,
based on their abilities, skills, and accomplishments without
regard to gender, race, ethnic origin, or religious preference.
We congratulate both Juliette on her Letter of Commendation
and Amanda on becoming a Finalist and to wish her well as
she continues on in this National Merit Scholar competition.
Fall 2013 • 19
Katherine Anna Aiello-Coppola
Shelby Nicole Aissa
Concepcion Patricia Alvarez
Angela Patricia Balistreri
Marka Helen Ballard
Carolina Marisol Monica
Gianna Katharine Bianchi
Tessa Teotima Blue
Caroline Nicole Bluestone
Chastity Mae Bonifacio-Gama
Katherine Amy Brignoli
Sarah Celine Capili
Annabelle Josephine Carberry
Mia Anna Casetta
Daniela Alise Cavagnaro
Jordan Michele Chase
Paloma Valentina Ciardella
Yvette Noelle Cotter
20 • The Oaks
Allison Marie Cox
Megan Nancy Dahlberg
Janine E. Dana
Liliana Vida Davidovich
Sara Louise Delucchi
Kristen Kane DiGioia
Christine Marie Doherty
Kathryn Elizabeth Doherty
Natasha Lynn Dulik
Alexandra Nicole Dwyer
Melissa Dalida Elian-Carrillo
Carly Ann Eppler
Zaina Fakhouri
Haley Nicole Fanfelle
Jacklyn Elizabeth-Rena Ferrari
Elizabeth Antoinette Ferraro
Sara Hayden Fisher
Sydney Lauren Flak
Julia Grace Formanek
Andrea Maria Fusaro
Gabrielle Juan Geronimo
Gabrielle Marie Giuseponi
Danielle Christine Griffith
Juliette Marie Hackett
Paige Vail Halas
Nina Rose Hall
Alexandra G. Healy
Glennda Hsin Yi Hou
Emily Skyler Huth
Katherine Emily Jaen
Jayanne Nicole Jimenez
Shannon Annemarie Jordan
Nicolette Michele Kellenberger
Alessandra Marie Kelly
Demiana I. Khoury
Yuna Kim
Lauren K. Larrarte
Elizabeth A. Lawrence
Class of 2013!
Thuy Minh Le
Alexandra Melinda Levaggi
Laura Lopez
Jacqueline Luis
Erin Elizabeth Lynch
Annalise Claire Lyons
Sofia Carolina Maguina
Jasmine Marie Mallory
Isabelle Ault Manning
Eliana Rose Marks
Alina Fortuno Marquez
Ryah Ann Hisham Massarweh
Ixchel Mendieta De La Torre
Sarah Jean Metling
Norelle Christiene Ind Miranda
Cerena Kyanna Chan Miravalles
Oruba Manahi Mizirawi
Cristina Aurora Molina
Amanda Marie Mullady
Marguerite Rose Murphy
Jazzel Nguyen
Katherine Anne O’Toole
Amanda Odasz
Linda Clelia Caroli Olmos
Grace Therese Osborne
Joelle Elise Ourtiague
Leslie Azucena Paco
Marisa Nicole Pashby
Shivani V. Patel
Rebecca Nicole Re
Caroline Marie Rodriguez
Paola Alejandra Rosales
Colleen Ann Sammons
Morgan Louise Sanders
Shay Lorelle Scerri
Amanda Schneider
Nitasha Kumari Sharma
Jeanette Marie Silva-Torres
Valerie Ariana Smith
Sabrina Zakia Sohail
Maya Jen Stuart
Samantha Claire Takizawa
Natasha Meneses Tchikovani
Danielle Kirsten Tioyao
Nicoletta Maria Torre
Fatima Esbeidy Vazquez
Samantha Elizabeth Vigil
Erika Alexandra Villalobos
Katrina Laur Vukasin
Jacqueline Ann Warner
Samantha Weglinski
Miranda Maria Anne Wiss
Alexi-Marie Zagar
Olivia Alden Zell
Vanessa Zheng
Hayley Noel Zimmerman
Fall 2013 • 21
Mercy Burlingame and Mercy SF
Alumnae Daughters Graduate!
Mercy Burlingame: top row l to r - Alexandra and mom Anna Schaffer Levaggi ‘82; Mia Cassetta and mom Liz
Lucchesi Casetta ‘83; Anita Bender Sanders ‘85 and daughter Morgan; Colleen and mom Karen Gallagher Sammons
‘82; Jeannette and mom Miriam Campos Silva Torres ’79. Bottom row l to r - Nina Hall and mom Cynthia Ashford
Hall ‘75; Megan and mom Theresa Christensen Dahlberg ‘85; Ixchel Mendiata De La Torre and mom Kim Torres ‘85.
Mercy SF: top row l to r moms - Jane Jaber Khoury ‘88; Suzanne Severn Brignoli ‘81; Sarah Newsom Healey ‘78; Jill
Cantwell Scerri ‘80; Katherine Ghiorso Cox ‘75; Alicia Pashby; Kellene McKeever Lynch ‘73. Bottom row daughters
l to r - Demaina Khoury, Katherine Brignoli, Ali Healy, Shay Scerri, Allison Cox, Marisa Pashby and Erin Lynch.
22 • The Oaks
Class of 2013 awarded more than $8.3 Million in Scholarships and Grants
Recent Mercy graduates are currently attending prestigious colleges and universities such as Princeton, Dartmouth,
University of Notre Dame, Colgate, NYU, Northwestern, UCLA, and Cal.
Auburn University
The University of Alabama
Arizona State University
The University of Arizona
Azusa Pacific University
Chapman University
Dominican University of CA
Harvey Mudd College
Holy Names University
Loyola Marymount University
Marymount College
Menlo College
Mills College
Notre Dame de Namur University
Occidental College
Otis College of Art and Design
Pepperdine University
Saint Mary’s College of California
Santa Clara University
Scripps College
University of Redlands
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Southern California
University of the Pacific
Whittier College
UC Berkeley • UC Davis • UC Irvine
UCLA • UC Merced • UC Riverside
UC San Diego • UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo • Cal Poly
Pomona • CSU Bakersfield • CSU
Channel Islands • CSU Chico • CSU
Dominguez Hills • CSU East Bay •
CSU Fresno • CSU Fullerton • CSU
Humboldt • CSU Long Beach
•CSU Los Angeles • CSU Monterey Bay
• CSU Northridge • CSU Sacramento
• CSU San Diego • CSU San Francisco
• CSU San Jose • CSU San Marcos
• CSUSonoma • CSU Stanislaus
Colorado State University
Regis University
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Denver
Connecticut College
Fairfield University
University of Connecticut
University of New Haven
American University
Gallaudet University
The Catholic University of
Emory University
Savannah College of Art and
Chaminade University of Hawaii
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Boise State University
University of Idaho
DePaul University
Loyola University Chicago
Indiana University at
Saint Mary’s College
University of Notre Dame
University of Kansas
Loyola University, New Orleans
Tulane University
Amherst College
Boston College
Boston University
Clark University
Massachusetts College of Art
and Design
Northeastern University
Suffolk University
University of Massachusetts, Williams College
Bates College
Michigan State University
University of Michigan
College of Saint Benedict
St. Olaf College
Carroll College
The University of Montana,
Missouri State University
Saint Louis University
University of Missouri, St. Louis
Mississippi State University
University of Mississippi
University of North Carolina at
Creighton University
Dartmouth College
University of New Hampshire
Seton Hall University
Albany College of Pharmacy
Colgate University
Fordham University
Hofstra University
Manhattan College
Mount Saint Mary College
New York University
Pratt Institute
Roberts Wesleyan College
Rochester Institute of
Syracuse University
John Carroll University
Kenyon College
Ohio University
Ohio State University
Xavier University
George Fox University
Lewis and Clark
Oregon State University
University of Oregon
University of Portland
Willamette University
Bryn Mawr
Bucknell University
Carnegie Mellon
Drexel University
Duquesne University
Franklin and Marshall College
Saint Joseph’s University
University of Rhode Island
Charleston Southern
Baylor University
University of Utah
Lynchburg College
Marymount University
Bennington College
University of Vermont
Gonzaga University
Lewis & Clark College
Seattle University
University of Puget Sound
University of Washington
Washington State University
University of Wyoming
Fall 2013 • 23
Mercy High School
Annual Report
Financial Report 2012-2013
(Unaudited – Report as of 8/12/13)
school profile
Revenue & expenses 2012-2013
Operating revenue Non operating revenue $
Operating expenses Non operating expenses $ (8,646,057.00)
$ (384,466.00)
Depreciation $
founded | 1931
Maximum Enrollment | 500
Tuition | $18,987 - tuition and fees
TYPE | Catholic College Preparatory
Association of Schools and Colleges
Revenues 2012-2013
Revenue & Expense
Temporarily Restricted
(includes Tuition Assistance/Scholarships,
Mercy Parents' Club and special projects)
$ 52,456.00
Alumnae Phonathon
$ 51,101.00
Mercy Parents’ Club
$ 34,650.00
General Donations
$ 13,023.00
Making A Difference
$ 199,407.00
Parent Pledge
$ 201,728.00
$ 261,489.00
Scholarships and
Special Projects
$ 235,945.00
24 • The
Annual Report
Honor Roll of Donors
Partners in Mission
Mercy’s Annual Giving Program provides the opportunity for our entire Mercy Community to partner with us as we
advance the mission of Mercy High School. Our Annual Giving program provides sustainable revenue & long-term
support for our programs and has an immediate impact on the young women at Mercy. The Annual Giving revenues
are used to enhance student curricular and co—curricular programs as well as provide support for specific programs
as designated by donors such as tuition assistance, academic departments, athletics, Mercy Mass, endowment, named
scholarships, sponsorship support to various events and other special projects. Gifts include not only donations but
stock transfers, planned gifts and bequests.
Mercy’s Annual Giving Program ensures we are continuing a legacy of high achievement both in and out of the
classroom & a strong financial foundation not only for today but for the future. Each of these donors is truly a
“partner in mission” with Mercy High School. Thank you for your generosity.
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013
Gifts of $50,000 or more
Mrs. Jean Ward Bone ‘36
Sister Marian Curran, RSM ‘40
Daughters of Charity Foundation
Mercy High School Bowl-a-thon
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Archdiocese of San Francisco
The Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert
Mercy High School - MPC
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Romeo
Young Men’s Institute Council #32
Gift of $10,000 to $24,999
Dr. Janet Andrews, D.D.S. ‘70
Ms. Peggy Andrews ‘68
Ms. Elaine Andrews ‘69
Ms. Nancy Andrews ‘72
Mrs. Mary Andrews Barry ‘74
Dr. and Mrs. Norbert Bischofberger
Mr. Kevin Domecus and Ms. Laura Brucken
The Drum Foundation
Mr. Robert Grassilli, Jr.
Human Services Management Corp.
Mrs. Clare Carey Willard ‘43
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Penelope Stack
Alexander ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anstice
Miss Valerie Armento ‘69
Mr. Bert Arnold and Mrs. Shar BeckheyerArnold
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bigelow
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bones
Ms. Mary Louise Castillo
Mr. George Caughman
Sister M. Ellene Egan, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gentry
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glasser
Kibblewhite Precision Machining
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lavelle
Lorilane Company
Drs. Daniel and Anna McNay
Mercy High School Alumnae Association
Merrill Lynch
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Milliken
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pellizzari
Mrs. Clare Pool Purpura ‘75
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, West
Midwest Community
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Mrs. Sandra Stoppoloni
The Guardsmen
Dr. Aileen Whelan, M.D. ‘76
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams, Jr.
Boston Private Bank & Trust Company
Mr. Daniel Carter and Mrs. Kelly Lyon-Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Casolo
Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Daulton
Mr. and Mrs. David Dissmeyer
Mrs. Jacqueline Legorreta Erdman ‘75
Mr. Mazen and Mrs. Faria Stephan Fakhouri
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Filice
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Formanek
Mr. and Mrs. John Fruehe
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Gardner
Mrs. Carolyn Gaul
Genentech, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Gimbal
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greene, Jr.
Ms. Belinda Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. John Healy
Mr. and Mrs. William Kibblewhite
Mr. Paul Knudson
Dr. Eric Lim and Mrs. Pamela Lim
Drs. Michael and Susan Marks
Mr. and Ms. Ray Martinelli
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nappi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Popa
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rapaich
Dr. and Mrs. Hans Ribi
The Tesi Foundation Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Veronello
Dr. Karie Willyerd
Gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, Jr.
Mrs. Rita Raffo Arnold ‘75
Mr. Said-Paul and Mrs.Maricar Floresca
Mrs. Irene Garibaldi Aubright ‘46
Ms. Nancy Ayoob
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Baldisseri
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ballard
Mr. Gary Bell
Mrs. Frances Bruni
Dr. and Mrs. John Chamberlain
Ms. Natalie Cirigliano ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Don Ciucci
Mr. William B. Clinton and Ms. Silvia C.
Mr. and Mrs. David Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. De Ocampo
Mr. and Mrs. Craig DeBrine
Ms. Pam Delucchi
Honor Roll of
2013 •• 25
Honor Roll of Donors
Tom Delucchi
and Mrs. Gary DiGioia
and Mrs. James Doherty
and Mrs. Charles Dougherty
and Mrs. Casey Eichler
Selvan Ekambaram and Dr. Parimala
Mr. Mark Etter and Ms. Paula Perse
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher
Mrs. Mary Lou Bisagno Flocchini ‘52
Mr. Christopher Floresca and Ms. Ma Cristina
Mr. and Ms. Larry Fox
Mr. Bart and Mrs. Carol Cafferkey Gaul ‘85
Mrs. Julie Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hance
Ms. Jessica Hsu
Dr. Juan Jaen and Ms. Anita Galeana
Dr. and Mrs. Rey Joves
Junipero Serra High School
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kissick
Knights of Columbus, Council, No 1346
Mrs. Kathy Lautze Krause ‘68
LaGauloise Societe Francaise Des Secours
Lam Research Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Larratt
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lieberman
Mr. Eric Linak and Mrs. Aurora Salgado Linak
Mr. and Mrs. Collin C. Luttringer
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Magana
Mr. and Mrs. Noe Maguina
Mr. and Mrs. William Mariani
Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Massucco
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. McGuigan
Mr. Arthur Micheletti
Mr. and Mrs. William Miller III
Dr. and Mrs. Noel Miranda
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mizirawi
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Modesitt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Naughton
Dr. and Mrs. Christian Posse
Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew D. Reyes
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Rosales
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Rozansky
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan III
Mr. and Mrs. Renato Santos
Mr. Rex Sherry
Mr. John Shields, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Simon
26 •• 2012-13
The Oaks
Annual Report
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Lino Siu
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Takizawa
Mr. and Mrs. Don Tanklage
Mr. Rob Thomas and Ms. Marya Zlatnik
Mrs. Michele O’Connor Tyler ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warner
Wells Fargo Bank
Ms. Elise Wen
Mr. Daniel Whelan
Mr. Sai Sun Wong and Ms. Anna Ho
Gifts of $500 to $1,499
Mr. Alvaro Barraza and Ms. Felice Stahl
Atlas/Pellizzari Electric, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Bartlett
Ms. Angela Conde Barton ‘89
Mr. Steven Bell and Mrs. Lillian Jones-Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bianchi
Mrs. Gloria Bigelow
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Blue
Mrs. Mary Danielski Bona ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bongard
Mrs. Patricia Bove
Ms. Barbara Gilivich Bowden ‘53
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brignoli
Mrs. Teresa Boland Brogan ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown
Mr. and Ms. John Cagney
Mrs. Patricia Hanton Camarena ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Erubel Campos
Miss Elizabeth Caserza ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cattaneo
Mr. and Mrs. Liam Chawke
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Chircop
Class of 1972
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Colabianchi
Mrs. Mary Jo Dungan Compton ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Dame
Mr. and Mrs. Mike D’Arcy
Mr. and Mrs. William Davidovich
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred dela Cruz
Mrs. Barbara A. Delucchi
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Denuccio
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Diaz
Mr. Peter Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander P. Douglas
Mrs. Mary Schwarz Egan ‘56
Ms. Irma Encinas
Ms. Machelle Eppler
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feller
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferrari
Dr. Neira “Becky” Fineman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flak
Mrs. Annamaria Flamburis-Soberanis
Mr. Dan L. Flores and Dr. Karen A. Flores
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Folan
Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Furrer, Jr.
Dr. Antonio Galletto
Mrs. Elizabeth Galletto
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gee
Mr. Anthony Geraldi and Mrs. Virginia
Wooten Geraldi
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Giorgi
Mrs. Margot Fourie Giusti ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gomes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gordon
Mrs. Catherine Casey Grabinski ‘86
Mr. James and Mrs. Colette Regan Grady ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grogan
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hackett
Mr. and Mrs. John Halas
Mrs. Mary Lou Brignolo Harris ‘56
Ms. Esmeralda Herrera
Holy Angels School
Ms. Katherine Hooper ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. David Hooper, Jr.
Ms. Eileen Horan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Imburgia
Mr. and Mrs. Moon Jee
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaprielian
Mr. and Ms. Walter Kent, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug E. Killin
Mr. and Mrs. Seryong Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Klase
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lahey
Miss Kathleen Lama ‘87
Ms. Jennifer Lambdin and Mr. Mark Schack
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Langi
Dr. and Mrs. Francisco Leite
Ms. Catherine Lesser
Ms. Stacey Longwich ‘98
Lucky Chances Casino & Fine Dining
Mr. and Mrs. John Luis
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lustenberger
Ms. Marian Marsili ‘71
Mrs. Catherine Irvina Johnson McGowan ‘39
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Mendez
Morning Glory Montessori School
Mrs. Mary Burke Morris ‘58
Mr. and Ms. Christopher Morrisey
Mrs. Susan Lepine Morro ‘59
Mr. and Ms. David Moutoux
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moyer
Mrs. Mary O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Odasz
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oosterman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Bernabe Oropeza
Mr. C. Joseph Passalacqua
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Patricio
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pechina
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perez
Mrs. Katherine Lacunza Pompili ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Romeo
Mrs. Catherine Dunleavy Rosaia ‘72
Honor Roll of Donors
Sister Janet Ruffing, RSM ‘63
Mrs. Susan Dryer Scheid ‘63
Ms. Christina Schonbrun
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mrs. Joan Serreira-White ‘56
Ms. Angela Simonetti
Sisters of Presentation Alumnae Association
Mr. and Mrs. Faysal Sohail
Mrs. Mary Dwyer Spellman ‘49
Mrs. Casey Sternsmith ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Tannhauser
Mr. Charles Thone and Mrs. Eileen BenisanoThone
Mr. Barry Thornton and Ms. Susie Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Till
Triton Container International, Inc. Of North
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Venturoni
VISA Givingstation
Mrs. Patricia Price Willis ‘58
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson
Mr. and Ms. Andy Zanoff
Gifts up to $499
Ms. Kellie Abreu
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams
Mrs. Kathleen Adams-Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Addy
Miss Johanna Agius ‘92
Mrs. Theresa Brosnan Aiello ‘70
Mr. Jeff Aiello
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Ajam
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Albers
Mrs. Joan Field Albert ‘53
Mrs. Marsha Stanford Aliamus ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alioto
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Allara
Mrs. Shirley Milano Allen ‘52
Mrs. Jamie Johnston Allen ‘79
Mrs. Lorre Morris Allison ‘64
Mrs. Colette Almeida Altomar ‘63
Mrs. Shirley Aquilina Ames ‘56
Mrs. Wendy Turner Ames ‘66
Mrs. Marie Bayley Andel ‘83
Mrs. Gina Mei Anderson ‘95
Ms. Karen Rossi Anderson ‘60
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Andrews
Mrs. Alayne Gordon Andrieu ‘57
Ms. Marisa Borruso Angius ‘00
Ms. Lisa Ciardelli Angstadt ‘81
Mrs. Patrice Baron Antosik ‘69
Mrs. Lana Appenrodt
Apple Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. John Aquilina
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Aquino
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Aquino
Ms. Raeann Arias
Miss Lisa Armento ‘78
Mrs. Erin McHale Armusewicz ‘81
Mrs. Lorraine Hickey Arnaudo ‘54
Mrs. Helene Thompson Ashby ‘52
Ms. Mary Asturias ‘69
Ms. Karen Atkinson
Ms. Nellie Aurich
Auto Exotic
Mr. and Ms. Alex Ayllon
Mrs. Margaret Littmann Baccelli ‘46
Mrs. Barbara Maeder Bailey ‘80
Mrs. Margaret Sullivan Baker ‘82
Mrs. Marge Hoey Baker ‘50
Mr. and Mrs. Joe La Mariana
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balistreri
Bank of the West
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barbanica
Mrs. Rosalind Cistulli Barcos ‘57
Miss Lynnette Barlesi ‘86
Ms. Cathy Barranti
Ms. Marianne Barrett ‘78
Mrs. Laverne Barrett-Marzalek
Mr. Ron and Mrs. Katie Olson Barri
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Paul Barthe
Mr. Paul W. Bartke
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Barulich
Mrs. Betty Battaglia
Ms. Diane Battaglia-Dillon ‘63
Miss Joan Battaini ‘75
Mrs. Noel Bayley
Ms. Janice Bazzani ‘69
Mrs. Pam Meuser Bazzani ‘68
Mrs. Becky Beck
Beck Brothers
Mr. Ron Bedrosian
Mrs. Yvette Bedrosian
Mrs. Kathleen Sullivan Begley ‘66
Paul Begley
Mr. Gary Beil
Ms. Janet Bejinez
Mrs. Judith Snowdon Belanger ‘58
Mrs. Agnes Belluomini
Mrs. Andree Adams Benson ‘59
Miss Roberta Bentley ‘53
Ms. Margaret Bentson ‘69
Ms. Patricia Bentson ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. August Benz
Mrs. Heidi Simi Berens ‘70
Mrs. Aimee Terry Bergan ‘91
Ms. Mary Schultheis Berges ‘61
Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley Berry ‘64
Mrs. Pauline Bertolino
Miss Mary Bertolino ‘70
Ms. Helen Berube
Mr. and Mrs. Manoj Bhatnagar
Miss Anne Bianchini ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Biernat
Mrs. Jacqueline Blaise
Ms. Louise Bluestone
Mrs. Cathy Duffy Bodie ‘68
Mrs. Rosemary Baldanzi Bogert ‘63
Mr. and Mr. Jack Boggeri
Mrs. Tula Bologna
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonitz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonitz, Sr.
Dr. Margaret Mackesy Booker ‘60
Mrs. Marisa Nastrini Borba ‘59
Mrs. Joanne Johnson Borg ‘59
Mrs. Loretta Santero Boris ‘49
Mrs. Robin Leach Bosche ‘70
Mr. John Bove
Mr. and Mrs. Emlyn Bowen III
Ms. Katrina Bowman
Mrs. Lou Ann Marciniak Boyette ‘65
Drs. Patricia and Charles Bradley
Mrs. Patricia O’Keefe Brandes ‘68
Mrs. Celeste Cozzoli Brasuell ‘68
Ms. Helen Moran Bredderman ‘60
Mrs. Cheryl Furrer Breining ‘82
Mrs. Eileen Kane Brennan ‘70
Ms. Barbara Longinotti Brennan ‘57
Mrs. Mary O’Brien Brennan ‘58
Mr. and Mrs. August Brenner
Mr. Mitchell Brewer and Mrs. Elisabete
Mrs. Cynthia Verona Briem ‘86
Mrs. Karyn Kowalski Bristow ‘66
Ms. Amy E. Brooks
Mrs. Katherine Martorana Brouchoud ‘66
Mrs. Shirley Miramontes Brown ‘49
Mrs. Geraldine Doherty Brown ‘64
Mr. Daniel Brown
Mr. Daniel Brown and Ms. Susan Goerss
Mrs. Carmel Kinsella Brown ‘81
Mrs. Claire Gaul Brown ‘81
Ms. Ann Brucken
Mrs. Kathleen Collins Bruga ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brunzell
Sister Marguerite Buchanan, RSM
Mrs. Jean Kelly Buckley ‘75
Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Sandy Ascariz Bunker
Mrs. Pamela Kenefick Bunnell ‘59
Mrs. Lauri Ann Carney Buono ‘75
Mrs. Donna Ruggeri Burdick ‘47
Mrs. Marilyn Gagliardi Burns ‘57
Mr. Sean Burr and Mrs. Alma Cruz-Burr
Dr. Dorothy Bushnell, IHM ‘58
Mrs. Patricia Morton Butler ‘50
Mrs. Mary Ann Lovi Button ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buzzo
Mrs. Maureen McCue Byrne ‘56
Ms. Mary Ann Byrnes
Mrs. Peggy Kennedy Byrom ‘54
Mrs. Lilia Ramos Cady ‘52
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Calalang
Ms. Michelle Calderoni ‘06
Honor Roll of
2013 • 27
Honor Roll of Donors
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Kathleen Ruiz Caldwell ‘75
Mrs. Gladys Lagomarsino Callan ‘47
Ms. Colleen Callanan
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Callanan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Callen
Mr. Jeffrey Margolis and Ms. Yanhia CaminoMargolis
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Campagna, Jr.
Ms. Charlotte Campbell ‘53
Mrs. Marilyn De Lucchi Campillo ‘50
Mrs. Sharon Smith Campodonico ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Canevaro
Mrs. Nancy Pasco Cann, EdM ‘61
Sister Judy Cannon, RSM
Ms. Sheila Canzian ‘69
Ms. Heidi Caparro
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Capili
Mr. Gary Capurro
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cardinale
Ms. Justine Carion ‘11
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Carion
Sister Judy Carle, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Carman
Mrs. Darren O’Malley Carmassi ‘75
Ms. Lorraine Carmassi
Ms. Kay Carter and Mr. Chuck Evans
Mr. Vince Casalaina
Ms. Victoria Casella ‘55
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Caserza
Mrs. Pat Casey
Ms. Barbara Giomi Cashion ‘54
Ms. Monica Castillo
Mrs. Lora Freschet Cattell ‘75
Mrs. Deborah Waskowiak Caughman ‘67
Mrs. Maria Becher Cava ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cavagnaro
Mrs. Catherine Palomba Cavalieri ‘76
Mrs. Charmaine Johnson Caward ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cecil
Mrs. Cristina Solis Centurion ‘90
Ms. Elizabeth Chadwick ‘38
Ms. Emily Chambers ‘08
Mrs. Patricia Carmody Chapman ‘57
Mrs. Rita Ahern Chaput ‘39
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Chase
Mrs. Brenda Buckley Chavez ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Yiping Chen
Ms. Sophia Cherolis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chinca
Mrs. Sandra Leiva Ciach ‘85
28 • 2012-13
The Oaks
Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ciappara
Mrs. Melanie Meisel Cirigliano ‘73
Ms. Jillian Cirigliano ‘99
Mrs. Nancy Cooney Clark ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Clark
Mrs. Terry Abrahamsen Clark ‘53
Class of 1957
Mrs. Barbara Lenardon Cleary ‘66
Mrs. Barbara Sullivan Clegg ‘52
Mrs. Diane Corollo Clement ‘69
Mrs. Michelle Cleary Cody ‘72
Mrs. Evelyn Neumayr Coglizer ‘81
Ms. Margaret Colapietro ‘62
Mrs. Sheila West Cole ‘64
Ms. Bianca Coleman
Mrs. Sharon Mazzei Colgate ‘60
Ms. Gina Rosaia Collins ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Collins
Mrs. Maryanne Vetter Collins ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Colom
Mrs. Joanne Lawler Comolli ‘73
Ms. Kelsey Connolly ‘12
Mrs. Carol Flanagan Cooke ‘78
Miss Maria Del Pilar Coranado ‘90
Ms. Eileen Corpuz
Mrs. Jacquelynn Mitchell Cortopassi ‘56
Ms. Peggy Cosgrave ‘64
Mrs. Deborah Bangert Cosko ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cotter
Mrs. Mary Monast Cravalho ‘50
Mrs. Antoinette Heath Craviotto ‘83
Mrs. Kathryn Baciocco Crawford ‘71
Ms. Ida Magnani Crawley ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crockett
Crosby-N Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crowley
Mrs. Elizabeth Jobst Cruz ‘61
Mrs. Diana Gaul Cull ‘62
Ms. Mary Cullen ‘73
Mrs. Mary Acosta Cummins ‘78
Mrs. Dania Dezerega Cunningham ‘61
Mrs. Jacquelyn Ryan Curran ‘51
Mrs. Madeline Cutino
Mrs. Theresa Christensen Dahlberg ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dana
Miss Virginia Danne ‘43
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Dannis
Mrs. Martha Murphy Darcy ‘81
Mrs. Patricia Ivancich Dassios ‘97
Mrs. Vivian Ellenburg Davis ‘56
Ms. Virginia Anne Day
Mr. and Mrs. Victor De Fries
Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio De Jesus
Ms. Victoria De Martini ‘68
Mrs. Linda Pors De Ville ‘60
Mrs. Nadine Salacone Dean ‘64
Mrs. Debra Martin Dean ‘71
Mrs. Nancy Leddy Dehoff ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Del Carlo
Ms. Nancy Battaini Del Colletti ‘67
Mrs. Cristina Bellafronte Del Grosso ‘96
Dr. Lea Del Rosso DVM ‘85
Mrs. Joan Loretz Del Secco ‘47
Mrs. Patricia Koch Delaney ‘57
Mrs. Josephine Titone Deluca ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeMartini
Ms. Sharon Hawkins DeMartini ‘56
Mrs. Mary Ann DeMoss
Mr. Luc Deschaumes and Ms. Katherine Loh
Mrs. Nancy Conway DeSmedt ‘53
Mr. and Mrs. Felicito Desuasido
Sister Sheila Devereux, RSM
Mrs. Valerie Vierra Devincenzi ‘59
Miss Michelle Devincenzi ‘82
Mrs. Anne Holderegger Dickman ‘42
Mrs. Ann Egan Diedrich ‘40
Ms. Suzanne Dike ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dillon
Mrs. Barbara Beresford Dinelli, Sr ‘58
Mrs. Joan Primeaux Diskin ‘77
Mr. Charlie Doherty
Mrs. Janice Isble Dolan ‘74
Mrs. Ruth Curran Dolim ‘41
Ms. Clare Dolim
Mr. and Mrs. John Dombkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Domingo R. Domingo
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Donnelly
Mrs. Merlanne Caviglia Doran ‘57
Mr. Jeremy Doss and Ms. Alicia Duran-Pitts
Mrs. Mary Moran Douglas ‘54
Sister Mary Katherine Doyle, RSM
Mrs. Danielle Clarke Draper MFT ‘67
Mrs. Sandra Levy Dreweatt ‘55
Mrs. Vivian Lehr Drewis ‘77
Mrs. Christina Beck Drogin ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dubetz
Mrs. Cindy McDonald Dunleavy ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. James Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eagles
Mrs. Barbara Amato Earnhart ‘57
Mrs. Tracy Baldocchi Eberling ‘89
Mrs. Dona Pesino Edlund ‘65
Ms. Kathy Jacobs Edwards ‘76
Ms. Bernadette Eichensehr ‘76
Mrs. Joan Bottini Ekstrom ‘70
Mr. Rossy Elian and Mrs. Maria Carrillo
de Elian
Mrs. Betty Jo Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Epidendio
Mrs. Judy Epidendio Etchamendy ‘64
Miss Joan Evans ‘47
Mr. Daniel Eversole and Mrs. Alma
Mrs. Patricia Conroy Exum ‘55
Mrs. Carol Lynch Eyer ‘56
Ms. Annette Fajardo ‘75
Mrs. Irene Falk-Shannon
Ms. Peggy Doherty Fallon ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Fama
Mrs. Catherine Murphy Fama ‘67
Ms. Janice Fambrini ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Fanfelle
Mrs. Jeanne Danielski Fansler ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Fanucchi
Mr. and Mrs. David Farella
Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Mary Faretti ‘46
Mrs. Colleen Thompson Farrar ‘01
Mrs. Joan Plimley Favero ‘62
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fee
Mrs. Paula Baldanzi Feliciano ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Felong
Mrs. Colette Maeder Felten ‘84
Mr. Gary Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Fernandez
Ms. Caren Ferrari ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Ferraro
Ms. Julia Ferraro ‘15
Ms. Kelcie Ferreira ‘06
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferretti
Mrs. Peggy Ferris
Mrs. Rosemary Powers Fidler ‘53
Mrs. Judith Caselli Field ‘62
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Finocchiaro
Ms. Jennifer Fiore ‘89
Mrs. Jennifer Mullin Fisher ‘86
Ms. Sandra Flaherty
Ms. Patricia Flanagan ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flanagan
Mrs. Ann Turner Flinn ‘58
Mr. and Ms. Jose Flores
Ms. Lorin Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Fontenot, Jr.
Mrs. Ann Devlin Ford ‘57
Mrs. Carolyn Quinn Foster ‘55
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fourie
Mrs. Sally McCrillis Fourmont ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. John Fraher
Sister Rosann Fraher, RSM
Ms. Shawna M. Fraher
Mrs. Michele Larsen Francesconi ‘83
Mr. and Mrs. Gilberto Francisco
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Franco
Mrs. Ellen Huson Frank ‘63
Mrs. Virginia O’Shaughnessy Franklin ‘75
Mr. Larry Franzella
Mr. Steve Frie and Ms. Anne Carey
Ms. Rey Friel ‘64
Mrs. Natalie Friscia
Ms. Natalie Frye ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. Cal T. Fugitt III
Mr. Larry Furey
Mrs. Dulce Gagan
Mrs. Marie Gahn
Mr. and Mrs. Nazareno Galea
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Galeazzi
Ms. Joan Galeno ‘72
Mrs. Christine Peterson Galioto ‘79
Sister Toni Lynn Gallagher, RSM
Ms. Elizabeth Gallagher ‘68
Mrs. Jeannie Britschgi Gallagher ‘57
Ms. Carol Galletta
Ms. Maria Galletto ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Galli
Mrs. Marilyn Treglia Galli ‘60
Ms. Nancy Eli Galli ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. George Galloway
Mr. Thomas Galvin
Mrs. Joan Cunningham Ganey ‘51
Mrs. Erica De Jesus Garcia ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Garcia
Mrs. Maryann Pool Geddes ‘74
Mrs. Lori Breining Gelvin ‘69
Ms. Georgette George ‘50
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Germino
Mrs. Helen Getchel
Mr. and Mrs. Al Ghafouri
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Ghidossi
Mrs. Patti Disco Giacoletti ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gibbs
Mrs. Elinor Oelze Gibson ‘50
Ms. Janet Gilmore ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. John Giuseponi
Ms. Rita Gleason
Mrs. Lisa Davies Gomez EdD ‘84
Mrs. Alicia Marin Gonzales MSW ‘80
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Gonzalez
Mrs. Marta Gordon
Ms. Katie Sullivan Gordon ‘96
Mrs. Nancy Cafferata Gorell ‘76
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM
Mrs. Marguerite Comstock Gorzell ‘70
Mrs. Susan Cooks Gott ‘58
Ms. Sabina Gotuaco
Ms. Anne Gouailhardou ‘52
Mrs. Sue Piva Goudreau ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gould
Mrs. Agnes Evans Gower ‘46
Mrs. Giuia Abano Grady ‘90
Mrs. Heidi Bly Granken ‘83
Mr. and Mrs. John Grant
Mr. and Mr. Gerald Grant
Mrs. Julie Faubel Grant ‘65
Mr. Bruce Grantham
Mrs. Catherine Alich Granville ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graydon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Greco
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green
Ms. Marie Gribble ‘05
Mrs. Joyce Girdish Griffin ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Grosso
Mr. William Grout
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guglielmi
Ms. Susan Guillen
Mrs. Margaret Coyne Gutierrez ‘62
Mrs. Linda Murray Hagarty ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hagey
Mrs. Cynthia Ashford Hall ‘75
Mrs. Kathy O’Leary Hammond ‘61
Mrs. Margaret Belvini Hanacek ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanson, Jr.
Mrs. Kathryn Hogan Harke ‘71
Ms. Julie Harkins
Mrs. Patricia O’Halloran Hartnett ‘53
Ms. Lynn Harvey ‘73
Mrs. Denise Hammer Harvey ‘64
Ms. Jamie Hazelton ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heath
Mr. and Mrs. Gill Henderson
Ms. Jessica Hernandez ‘09
Mrs. Barbara Campi Herrera ‘73
Mrs. Lori Wilson Hervatine ‘74
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hickey
Ms. Caroline Hickey ‘02
Mrs. Diane Lewis Hier ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Todd High
Mrs. Barbara Inserra Hill ‘69
Mrs. Marlene Kleinert Hines ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hipp
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoffmann, Sr.
Mrs. Kelley Pehrson Holden ‘75
Dr. Lee Emrey Hornberger ‘65
Ms. Melinda Horwitz
Mrs. Eugenia Dubbiosi Hovland ‘59
Ms. Lynette Hovland ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Huete
Mr. Jerry Huffman
Ms. Tracy Hughes
Mrs. Marianne Rapalus Hurley ‘64
Mrs. Mary Syracuse Hutchinson ‘75
Mr. and Ms. Peter Hwang
Ms. Katherine Hwang ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Ick
Miss Kay Ingalls ‘60
Ms. Sharon Irving ‘70
Ms. Maria Iskiw ‘60
Mrs. Catherine Neurauter Jabczenski ‘79
Mrs. Penelope Bellinger Jackson ‘60
Mrs. Wendy Fowler Jacobs ‘79
Mrs. Joan Devlin Jacobs ‘56
Ms. Ana Jacuinde
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy G. Jauregui
Mrs. Maureen Plant Jeske ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jew
Miss Mary Ann Johnson ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnston
Mrs. Joan Ward Joiner ‘58
Mrs. Dorothy Grier Jones ‘45
Ms. Susan Jones ‘68
Mrs. Tracy Jones-Busalacchi
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Joyce
Honor Roll of
2013 •• 29
Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Barbara Julius ‘72
Mrs. Margaret Kane Jung ‘68
Mr. Darrell Justus
Mrs. Mary Kaileh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kaine
Ms. Lesley Kalkbrenner ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. Panagiotis Kalogerias
Mrs. Rinia Kam
Mrs. Juanita Kamm
Mrs. Marsha Zanetti Kane ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kannengeiser
Mrs. Maryann Siebert Kantmann ‘59
Mrs. Julie Britton Kanzaki ‘82
Ms. Dorothy Kearney
Mrs. Margaret Brady Keate ‘67
Mrs. Rosemarie Welp Keebler ‘60
Ms. Karen Keenan, Esq. ‘70
Mrs. Jennifer Corsiglia Keim ‘88
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly
Mrs. Jane Mason Kelly ‘40
Mrs. Mary Ann Bartels Kelly
Mrs. Therese Morasci Kennealy ‘66
Ms. Margaret Kennedy
Mrs. Diane Mullany Kenning ‘57
Ms. Ellen Kerrigan ‘68
Mr. and Ms. Ken Kershner
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Kessler
Ms. Carmen Kestekyan ‘06
Mrs. Diane Sheehan Key ‘55
Mrs. Jacqueline Olson Keyser ‘56
Dr. and Mrs. Isam Khoury
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Killin
Mrs. Pandora Quan Kimm ‘86
Mrs. Arlene Johnson Kirby ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kirchner
Ms. Jessica Kittel
Mrs. Rachelle Kam Klepper ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Klink
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Knutson
Ms. Cheryl A. Koel
Mrs. Marina Jurasin Kol ‘89
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kong
Ms. Angela Koros
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koulakis
Mrs. Jeanne Yanke Kucsak ‘86
Mrs. Martha Schwarz Kulisch ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Kury
30 • 2012-13
The Oaks
Annual Report
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Arley J. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Corbett Kyle
Sister Marilyn Lacey, RSM ‘66
Mrs. Maureen Dempsey Lami ‘49
Mrs. Patricia Scanlon Lane ‘80
Ms. Judith Larratt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larratt
Mrs. Marilyn Dematteis Larson ‘57
Mrs. Editha Laurente-Blue
Mr. John J. Lavelle
Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Lavelle
Miss Beverly Lawler ‘67
Mrs. Joan Retchless Lawson ‘50
Ms. Patricia Ortiz Leach ‘71
Mrs. Joan O’Grady Leaver ‘42
Mr. Robert Grady Leaver
Mr. and Mrs. Scott O. Leaver
Ms. Michael Ann Leaver
Mrs. Catherine Bender Lee ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee
Ms. Fanny Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Lee
Ms. Beth Lehrer
Mrs. Maureen Rubis Leimbach ‘59
Mrs. Mary Lenigk
Ms. Maureen Leonard ‘89
Ms. Sabine Leurent ‘63
Mrs. Eileen Pool Lewin ‘78
Mrs. Judith Bianchina Lindstrom ‘59
Mrs. Sheila Gannon Linn ‘56
Ms. Anneli Loeffler
Mrs. Diane Natoli Loftus ‘75
Mrs. Lorraine Eli Lohmeier ‘57
Mr. Daniel Lonergran
Mrs. Doris Geib Long ‘53
Ms. Nikki Lukas Longfish ‘98
Mrs. Jacquelyn Tremaroli Longhini ‘81
Mrs. Gayanne DeRosa Loring ‘72
Mrs. Sonia Magro Lough ‘84
Ms. Nita Alioto Louise ‘62
Mrs. Pamela Bianchi Lucero ‘74
Mrs. Teresa Ford Lucey RN, BSN ‘85
Ms. Ann Lund
Mrs. Chris Lusardi ‘68
Mrs. Sheila Casey Luskin ‘82
Mr. Douglas Lutz
Mrs. Catherine Lutz
Mrs. Chris Lepine Luvisi ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. George Lynch
Mrs. Carolyn Gustafson Lyon ‘55
Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons
Mrs. Barbara Clooney Lyons ‘66
Mrs. Jo Arata Macaluso ‘67
Mrs. Betty Smith Mackin ‘53
Mr. and Mrs. David F. MacMillan
Ms. Kathleen Houle Maddox ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Maffei
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Maffei
Ms. Malena Magallanez ‘12
Ms. Barbara Magner ‘82
Ms. Kimberly Magni ‘93
Mr. Tim Maguire
Miss Peggy Maguire ‘83
Father Michael Mahoney
Ms. Sharon Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Maldonado
Ms. Anna Mallory
Ms. Julie Malone ‘76
Mrs. Kathleen Johnson Manca ‘61
Mrs. Kathleen Lyons Manchester ‘65
Mrs. Elizabeth Canziani Mantegani ‘72
Mrs. Susan Cavalli Mantell ‘77
Ms. Marta Marckwordt
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Marquez
Mrs. Janice Grippi Marsac ‘61
Ms. Mary Doherty Marson ‘63
Mrs. Helen Ryan Martin ‘55
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Martinez
Ms. Ramona Martinez ‘47
Mrs. Catherine Scalmanini Marvier ‘64
Mrs. Deborah Morrissey Mason ‘78
Mrs. Madeline Estelita Mathiesen ‘66
Mr. Daniel Mathiesen
Ms. Laura Matteucci
Ms. Jo Ann Mattner ‘72
Mrs. Carol Johnson McAdams ‘54
Ms. Patricia McAdoo ‘65
Mrs. Elizabeth Meaney McCabe ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. Niall McCarthy
Mrs. Joanie Rollandi McCarthy ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCarthy
Mrs. Julie Monteverdi McCarthy ‘67
Ms. Kelly McCarty
Mrs. Sandra Schill McClaskey ‘86
Mrs. Joan Rutherford McCorkell ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. James McCormick
Mrs. Marie McCormick
Ms. Lauren McCreery
Mrs. Maura Mackesy McDonald ‘64
Sister Marietta McGannon, RSM
Ms. Sheila McGee ‘63
Mrs. Mary Morasci McGee ‘74
Ms. Michele McGill
Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis
Mrs. Nannette McGuire McGrath ‘59
Mrs. Cynthia Perry McGrew ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McHale
Ms. Patricia McIntyre ‘73
Ms. Kathleen McKay
Mrs. Diane Henneberry McLaughlin ‘78
Mrs. Marianne Bock McLaughlin ‘67
Mrs. Patricia McLoughlin McMahon ‘60
Mr. Graeme McMillan
Mrs. Frances McVeigh
Mrs. Marsha Kriletich McVey ‘71
Mrs. Kathleen Romo Mefford ‘67
Mrs. Florence Meisel
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Meissner ‘63
Mrs. Claire Weeks Melodia ‘60
Mrs. Martha Melton
Ms. Ysela Mena
Mr. and Mrs. John Mendez
Ms. Diane Isola-Meneguzzi ‘83
Dr. Jane Merdinger, Ph.D. ‘70
Mrs. Peggy Mewshaw Mergen ‘47
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Pauline Fantin Merritt ‘44
Ms. Suzanne Michelony ‘67
Ms. Ann Middlebrook ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller
Mrs. Frances Milliken
Mrs. Mary Hustedt Milton ‘66
Mrs. Joan Escalante Mineishi ‘76
Mrs. Joan McKean Miner ‘55
Ms. Eileen Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Zamin Mitha
Ms. Micaela Molina
Mrs. Christine Freeman Molinaro, CPA ‘82
Mr. Tom Monaghan
Ms. Joan Monaghan ‘72
Mrs. Susan Torriglia Monahan ‘60
Mrs. Diana Fish Mongini ‘64
Mrs. Arlene Navarret Moock ‘71
Mr. Stuart Moock
Ms. Genevieve Murphy Moore ‘77
Miss Karen Williams Morales ‘88
Mrs. Kathleen Doherty Moran ‘53
Mr. Robert Morehead
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Morello
Mrs. Joan Ervin Moreno ‘71
Mrs. Theresa Moreno
Ms. Katherine Morgan ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Morsello
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Mountain
Mrs. Kristine Hansen Muller ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mumford
Mrs. Patricia Colapietro Mundy ‘64
Mrs. Noreen Brosnan Murphy ‘72
Sister Anne Murphy, RSM ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Murphy
Ms. Patrice Murphy ‘78
Ms. Lori Murphy ‘74
Ms. Sarah Murphy ‘00
Ms. Bobbie Murray
Ms. Cathy Murray
Mr. Peter Muscat
Mr. Muwaffaq Mustafa and Ms. Andrea Ritner
Mrs. Beverly Minotto Muzio ‘49
Mrs. Catherine Lehane Myers ‘72
Ms. Rosalie M. Natole
Mrs. Susan Kleinert Nedwick ‘59
Ms. Maureen Nerli ‘53
New York Life Foundation
Mrs. Bette Nicolopulos
Mrs. Gina Beltrano Noble ‘87
Ms. Joyce Nocetti
Ms. Joan Nocetti
Mrs. Carol Ann Bocci Nulk ‘55
Mrs. Kathleen Rocca Nunes ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nurisso
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Obertelli
Miss Joanne O’Brien ‘61
Mrs. Renee Saraceno O’Brien, RN, PHN ‘68
Mrs. Barbara Lindstrom O’Brien, Baker ‘58
Mrs. Rita O’Grady O’Connor ‘39
Ms. Ann O’Connor ‘88
Mrs. Susan Campi Odom ‘74
Mrs. Dianne Koch Offield ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ohanessian
Ms. Barbara Olds
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Olmos
Mrs. Margaret Olsen
Ms. Kathleen O’Marie ‘59
Miss Kathleen O’Meara ‘58
One Cause
Mrs. Regina Scalmanini O’Neal ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Opilas
Mrs. Susan Galli Opsvig ‘66
Oracle Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Orantes
Mrs. Deanna O’Regan
Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Maeve O’Reilly ‘06
Mrs. Sandra Glenn O’Rourke ‘63
Mrs. Evelyn Schweinfurter
O’Shaughnessy ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Oshima
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Toole
Our Lady of Angels Church
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ourtiague
Mrs. Patricia Quiriconi Owens ‘70
Ms. Paula Paco Varona
Mrs. Joyce Padua Zonca ‘85
Mrs. Kathryn Kiesel Page ‘92
Mrs. Joanne Grund Page ‘70
Mrs. Judy Meyer Palumbo ‘62
Mrs. Jeanette Fambrini Papapietro ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Paragas
Ms. Priscilla Paras
Mrs. Eithne Wait Pardini ‘83
Mrs. Claire Smith Parent ‘51
Mrs. Debra Galeotti Parenti ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pariani
Mrs. Catherine Rach Parrish ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Pashby
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Passalacqua
Mrs. Arlene Passalacqua
Miss Tina Passalacqua ‘92
Mr. and Mrs. William Passmore
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pastorino
Ms. Jeanne Amaroli Patterson ‘69
Mrs. Stephanie McGinty Pattison ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Patzelt
Mrs. Lorraine Welch Paul ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Paulino
Ms. Maria Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Perez, Jr.
Mrs. Carol Haines Peters ‘66
Ms. Erin Vannucci Peterson ‘79
Ms. Mary Petrini
Ms. Suzanne McGinty Petrocchi ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pfeiffer
Mrs. Cristina Demattei Philipps ‘72
Ms. Joan Phillips ‘53
PIA/HCC Speciality
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pieracci
Mrs. Trina Taylor Pierce ‘72
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pieri
Ms. Laurie Piscitello
Ms. Vivian Plein
Mrs. Jackie Ralston Polati ‘61
Mrs. Gail Sutter Pollock ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Porter
Ms. Stephanie Porter ‘09
Mrs. Marianne Ferguson Powers ‘51
Ms. Kimberly Powleson ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Prado
Mrs. Patricia Conway Putkey ‘60
Mrs. JoAnn Lyons Quadt ‘53
Mrs. Noelle Ottoboni Quilici ‘75
Mr. John Raffo
Mrs. Joan Porter Raiter ‘63
Ms. Marcela Ramirez ‘95
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ramos
Mrs. Stacey Griffin Randall ‘87
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rauenbuehler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Re
Mr. and Mrs. James Reed
Mrs. Ann Williams Regan ‘59
Dr. Catherine Riordan Regan, Ph.D. ‘62
Mrs. Catherine Conklin Regan-DeCicco ‘59
Ms. R. Reichmuth
Mrs. Helen Fagan Reidy ‘48
Ms. Eileen Bartlett Reisner ‘70
Revolution Prep, LLC
Mrs. Kathleen Thompson Reynolds ‘62
Dr. Ernest F. Ribera, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilberto Ricarte
Mrs. Bebe Faas Rice ‘49
Ms. Susan Rice, Ph.D. ‘66
Mrs. Kathie Johnston Rice ‘62
Ms. Mary Creehan Richardson ‘63
Mr. Bert Ripple
Dr. Marlis Risso ‘88
Ms. Rosalia Rivadeneyra
Ms. Araseli Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robbins
Mrs. Kristine Waldvogel Robinson RNC ‘87
Ms. Marge Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roby
Mrs. Cynthia Terry Rockwell ‘77
Ms. Angi Ventura Rodriguez ‘74
Dr. Judy Rogers Rogers-Bianchi ‘57
Mrs. Arlene Figoni Rohrer ‘59
Mrs. Gail Trowbridge Roll ‘56
Ms. Connie Romeo
Mr. Ricardo Ron
Sister Ann Rooney Rooney, RSM ‘59
Ms. Katherina Roque Roque Panomvana ‘94
D. Katherine Rosa Rosa ‘70
Ms. Lynne Rosaia ‘69
Mrs. Mary Brisbois Rose ‘49
Ms. Jean Roselli
Mr. Ernest Rossi III
Mrs. Jane Dunn Rotha ‘57
Ms. Susan Roughgarden
Ms. Marian Rouse ‘72
Sister M. Janet Rozzano, RSM
Ms. Elena Ruggiero ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Ryan
Sister Patricia Ryan, RSM ‘49
Honor Roll of
2013 •• 31
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Eileen Kirby Ryan ‘52
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sadlowski
Mrs. Amy Mei Sadur ‘93
Mr. Ken and Mrs. Anita Bender Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy L. Sandkulla
Mrs. Doris Coplen Santana ‘43
Save Mart Supermarkets
Mrs. Catherine Crocker Sawicki ‘72
Mrs. Lorraine Mozzini Sbragia ‘60
Miss Lois Scampini ‘46
Mrs. Pamela Bleichner Scannell ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Scerri
Mrs. Ann Marie Wunderlich Schaffer ‘55
Mrs. Linda Brusatori Scharff ‘69
Mrs. Libby Schaul
Mrs. Kimberly Sanchez Schlom ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmidt
Mrs. Patricia Siegel Schmolze ‘68
Mrs. Jamee Constantinos Schorno ‘83
Mrs. Veronica Friel Schwarz ‘62
Mrs. Mary Sullivan Schwedhelm ‘65
Mrs. Mary Wertz Schymeinsky, RN ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi P. Sciabarrasi
Mrs. Geraldine Barry Seil ‘39
Ms. Elaine Servetto ‘75
Mrs. Mark Severi
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sevieri
Mrs. Denise McCullough Shaffer ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. William Shaughnessy
Mrs. Ruby Silver Shaw ‘57
Mrs. Dava Kotta Sheehan ‘83
Ms. Ellen Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Silva
Ms. Andrea Silva ‘68
Ms. Judith Silva ‘77
Mrs. Olga Muzzi Silvestri ‘51
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Simi
Mrs. Carol Johnson Simmons ‘55
Mrs. Mary McCann Simmons ‘37
Ms. Patricia Mazza Simoni ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Simonson
Mrs. Laura Pometta Simpson ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Sinajon
Ms. Maryann Smetzer ‘71
Mrs. Virginia Thompson Smith ‘48
Miss Kathy Smith ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Solorzano
Congresswoman Jackie Speier ‘68 and Mr.
Barry Dennis
Mr. William Spencer
32 • 2012-13
The Oaks
Annual Report
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Maureen Sullivan Spencer ‘49
Mr. and Mrs. George Spiteri
Mrs. Joanne Peterson Spotswood ‘63
Mrs. Frances Muth Stainton ‘48
Mrs. Kaye Beresford Stallard ‘57
Mr. and Mr. James Stansberry
Mrs. Gina Stathacopoulos
Ms. Kathleen Morrissey Steger ‘79
Mrs. Marti Coffman Steiner ‘73
Mrs. Marie Sullivan Steinmetz ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stenson
Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Stewart
Mrs. Joanne Giovannini Storkan ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stoye
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strupeni
Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Suarez
Mrs. Giuli Anne Duca Sutton ‘68
Mrs. Maureen Jolly Szostak ‘63
Mrs. Antoinette Asturias Talbott ‘60
Ms. Lauren Tanedo-Manzur ‘00
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Taylor
Mrs. Mary Kathryn Dale Taylor ‘55
Ms. Delia Teixeira
The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Mrs. Joyce Raffo Thibault ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. John Ralph Thomas, Jr.
Ms. Ellen Thompson ‘04
Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson
Mrs. Martha Thomson
Mr. Bob Thornton
Mr. Shawn and Mrs. Patricia Habeeb
Thrapp ‘75
Miss Sandra Tilch ‘63
Mrs. June Draga Tilton ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tioyao
Mr. and Mrs. William Toland
Ms. Yvonne Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Tongson, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Pat O’Donnell Tormey ‘54
Mr. Settimo Torrano
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Torre
Mrs. Heather Manders Torres ‘99
Dr. and Mrs. Tato Torres
Mr. and Mrs. William Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tortorich
Mrs. Rosemary Lavoie Toschi ‘67
Mrs. Kathleen Monley Towner ‘59
Mrs. Laurel Dimminger Trask ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Treglia
Ms. Dalina Trejo
Mr. Matthew T. Trulio
Mrs. Julie Ruggeri Tuckey ‘51
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Uccelli
Ms. Caterina Uliana ‘74
Ms. Gail Ullenes, and PIA/HCC Specialty
Mr. and Ms. Joseph Nezwek
Mrs. Jane Pesino Urmini ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Urrutia
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Valdez
Mrs. Patricia O’Brien Valencia ‘56
Mr. Jerome Valladao
Ms. Karen M. Valladao
Ms. Linda Vallejos
Mrs. Phyllis Demma Van Hagen ‘62
Mrs. Mary Woodward Van Zytveld ‘74
Mrs. Lisa Wilson Vande Steeg ‘77
Ms. Audrey Dancel Vandenbroeck ‘98
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vandeveld
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vargas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vellandi
Mrs. Barbara Bushnell Vigil ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vigil
Miss Kathryn Vilece ‘90
Ms. Marian Waddell
Mrs. Dorothy Wagers ‘35
Mrs. Catheirne Wagner and Mr. Elpidio
Mrs. Barbara Dillon Wagner ‘58
Mrs. Maureen Kelleher Waldrum ‘72
Mrs. Claudia Allain Wallace ‘60
Dr. Michelle Porrazzo Walsh ‘87
Mrs. Theresa Sweeney Walsh ‘72
Ms. Yvonne Walters
Mrs. Hazel Stergar Walton ‘63
Mrs. Mayuree Wangcherdchookiat
Mrs. Meave Fallon Ward ‘90
Sister Mary Waskowiak, RSM ‘66
Mrs. Marve Parsons Watkins-King ‘49
Ms. Marion Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Weaver
Mrs. Catherine Hudelson Wedell ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weglinski
Ms. Anne Britschgi Wegner ‘55
Mr. and Mrs. James Welch
Mr. Raymond Whelan
Mrs. Helen Whelan
Mrs. Eileen O’Day Whitcomb ‘71
Mrs. Kathleen Jennings White ‘72
Ms. Marjorie Silva White ‘74
Mrs. Peggy Mullin White ‘38
Ms. Blanca Whitehead
Ms. Allison Whitehead ‘04
Mrs. Charlotte Kolloch Wiard ‘58
Ms. Kathleen Bigot Wieder ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Wienckowski
Mrs. Nanci Arata Wilborn ‘64
Mrs. Catherine Collins Wilkinson ‘63
Mrs. Bonnie Pischoff Willacker ‘58
Mrs. Carole Arnberger Williams ‘51
Mrs. Virginia Derby Williamson ‘66
Mrs. Patricia Fuldner Wilson ‘77
Mrs. Barbara Caballero Wise ‘61
Mrs. June Wisecarver
Dr. and Mrs. Randolph Wong
Ms. Lai Lui and Mr. Alfred Wong
Ms. MaryAnn Woodall ‘66
Mrs. Patricia Barnes Woolston ‘60
Mr. Tom Wooten
Ms. Ann Morton Worth ‘45
Mrs. Margaret Trembley Wyman ‘46
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Yabes
Mrs. Belinda Bachman Yamashiro ‘84
Mrs. Annie Young
Mrs. Barbara Rouse Young ‘66
Ms. Christy Young ‘03
Ms. Denise Young ‘98
Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Sylvia Yuet-ping Ho
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Yup
Mr. and Mrs. Dave R. Zapata
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zaru
Ms. Francine Zelaya ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmerman
Mrs. Mary Conway Zodrow ‘60
Gift in Kind
123 Awards.com
231 Ellsworth Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams, Jr.
Aitken’s Peninsula Swim School
Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Penelope Stack
Alexander ‘78
Alana’s Cafe
Ambassador Toys
American Bull Bar & Grill
American Cat Sailing Charters
American Youth Sailing Force
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa
Atlas Academy
Bay City Bike Rentals & Tours
Beach Blanket Babylon
Beadzilla Jewelry Creations
Being Yoga
Bel Mateo Bowl
Mr. Steven Bell and Mrs. Lillian Jones-Bell
Belmont Iceland
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benz
Berkeley Repertory Theatre
Big 5 Sporting Goods
Blue & Gold Fleet
Ms. Louise Bluestone
Body Kneads
Bohannon Foundation
Boulder Creek Golf & Country Club
Bow Thai Café
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown
Bundy Opticians
Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Sandy Ascariz Bunker ‘82
Byington Winery
Cache Creek Casino Resort
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Campagna, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Canevaro
Charles M. Schulz Museum & Research
City Sightseeing San Francisco
Classic Kids Photography
Clif Family Winery
Club Cal-Neva Hotel & Casino
Coastside Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Colson
Mr. Matt Consenza
Cooper-Garrod Estate Vineyards
Costco Wholesale
CYW Photography
Mr. Peter Diaz
Disneyland Resort, Dept. 35R
Ms. Olivia Dillan
Don Pico’s
Emerald Hills Golf Course
Mr. Kirk Eppler
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Filice
Fine Arts Museum of SF
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Ms. George Flynn
Frank, Rimerman & Co. LLP
Sister Toni Lynn Gallagher, RSM
Mrs. Erica De Jesus Garcia ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glasser
Mr. Robert Grassilli, Jr.
Mr. Derek Groff
Mrs. Flora Comins Hoffman ‘51
Dr. Juan Jaen and Ms. Anita Galeana
Gimbal’s Fine Candies
GoKart Racer
Great America
Great Jump
Guittard Chocolate Co
Gymboree Corporation
Hillbarn Theater
Hiller Aviation Museum
Holy Cross Cemetery
Hyatt at Fisherman’s Wharf
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
Ice Center at San Mateo
Il Fornaio
Image Perfection
Jacuzzi Winery
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Doug E. Killin
K&L Wine Merchants
Kerns Fine Jewelry
Kleid Design Group
La Fonda de San Mateo
Laser Quest Mountain View
Learning With Lindsay
Legarza Basketball Camp
Lucinda Page Designs
Mr. and Mrs. John Luis
Mr. Paul Manning
Marriott Hotels-S.F. Airport
Mrs. Joann Varni McKee ‘59
Mercy High School - MPC
Mercy High School - Student Body Officers
Michael Merrill Design Studio
Millbrae Dance Academy
Mr. and Mrs. William Miller III
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Milliken
Mollie Stone’s Markets
Mr. Rob Morris
Mountain House Restaurant
Mozzarella di Bufala Pizzeria
Music At Kohl Mansion
Ms. Olga Musselman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nappi
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Norteye
Nazareth Ice Oasis
Numis International Inc.
Oakland Athletics
Oakland Zoo
Oil Stop Inc.
Old Monterey Inn
Mr. Joe Orlando
Pacific Athletic Club
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Passalacqua
Paul Strom Salon and Day Spa
Peninsula Family YMCA
Peninsula Gymnastics
Peninsula Pet Resort
Penman Photographic Artists
Planet Granite San Francisco
Podesta Construction, Inc.
Prestige Portraits
Ridge Vineyards, Inc.
Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Romeo
Romeo Vineyards
Ms. Leslie Rose
RP Diamond
Sacramento River Cats
Sam’s Chowder House
San Francisco Giants
San Francisco Maritime Park
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco Zoological Society
San Jose Sabercats
Sanguine Skin Care Studio
Scoma’s Restaurant
Sea Bowl
Sharks Ice at San Jose
Silverado Resort and Spa
Skin Care by Shannon
Sonoma Raceway
South City Car Wash, Inc.
Steelhead Brewing Company
Mrs. Joanne Giovannini Storkan ‘66
Sue Oda Landscape Architect
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sullivan
Sylvan Learning Center
Teresa Halton Photography
The Beach House
The Cheese Cake Factory San Francisco
The Container Store
The Fish Market Restaurant
The Great Dickens Christmas Faire
Thomas Fallon Photography
Toboni Vineyard Oakwild Ranch
Ms. Kim Torres ‘85
Tri School Productions
Trio Salon
Val’s Steak House
Vintage Peanut Jewelry
Winchester Mystery House
Winter Lodge
Yerba Buena Ice Skating and Bowling Center
Yosemite Mountain Sugar Pine Railroad
This Annual Report includes gifts received
from July 1, 2012 thru June 30, 2013.
Please contact Mercy’s Advancement Office with corrections and accept
our apologies for any inadvertent omissions. 650.762.1190
2013 • 33
Honor Roll of
Honor Roll of Donors
making a Difference
Making a Difference
Mercy’s Making A Difference Scholarship Benefit was a huge success
raising $200,000 for our financial aid program! Since its inception,
Making A Difference has raised $975,000; we have come a long way
from our first year in which we raised $24,000!
Event Chair Clare Purpura did a fantastic job along with the support of
our Honorary Committee and Steering Committee. Keynote speaker
Lorraine Paul was inspirational and student speaker Jasmine Mallory ’13
brought home to everyone how Making A Difference transforms lives!
We couldn’t have hoped for a more successful evening that not only
raised funds for tuition assistance but celebrated all that it means to
be Mercy!
This annual benefit is Mercy’s premier fundraising event—with proceeds
providing significant tuition assistance for students to help them attain
their fullest potential through a Mercy education. Many recipients are
students who might not otherwise be able to attend Mercy without
this support. More students than ever now need financial assistance
to attend Mercy, and in recent years, low and middle income families
have been particularly hard-hit by increased costs and a challenging
economy. A special thank you to all those who were our sponsors
or made a gift to Making A Difference - your generosity is deeply
appreciated! We hope to raise even more next year.
Making A Difference Sponsors
$25,000+ Catherine McAuley
The Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert
$10,000+ Platinum Sponsor
Dr. and Mrs. Norbert Bischofberger
The Drum Foundation
Clare Pool Purpura ‘75
$5,000+ Gold Sponsor
Bank of America
Mr. Robert Grassilli, Jr.
Merrill Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Romeo
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, West
Midwest Community
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Mrs. Sandra Stoppoloni
$2,500+ Silver Sponsor
Penny Stack Alexander ‘78
Peter and Kelli Benz
Boston Private Bank and Trust Co
Mrs. Jacqueline Legorreta Erdman ‘75
Aileen M. Whelan, M.D. ‘76
Annual Report
34 •• 2012-13
The Oaks
$1,000+ Bronze Sponsor
$500+ Blue & White Sponsor
Ms. Mary Louise Castillo
Ms. Natalie Cirigliano ‘02
Class of 1972
Mr. Kevin Domecus and Ms. Laura Brucken
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Mary Lou Bisagno Flocchini ‘52
Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Furrer, Jr.
Junipero Serra High School
Mr. and Mrs. William Kibblewhite
Kibblewhite Precision Machining
Mrs. Kathy Lautze Krause ‘68
Miss Kathleen Lama ‘87
Mr. and Mrs. William Mariani
Drs. Michael and Susan Marks
Drs. Daniel and Anna McNay
Mercy High School Alumnae Association
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Milliken
Mrs. Susan Lepine Morro ‘59
Mrs. Catherine Dunleavy Rosaia ‘72
Sister Janet Ruffing, RSM ‘63
Mr. John Shields, Jr.
Ms. Angela Simonetti
Mrs. Casey Sternsmith ‘99
Ms. Elise Wen
Mr. Daniel Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson
Mrs. Irene Garibaldi Aubright ‘46
Mrs. Barbara A. Delucchi
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Denuccio
Ms. Irma Encinas
Mr. Dan L. Flores and Dr. Karen A. Flores
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Gimbal
Mrs. Margot Fourie Giusti ‘70
Mrs. Catherine Casey Grabinski ‘86
Ms. Eileen Horan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Imburgia
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaprielian
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Donnell
Dr. Mario and Mrs. Katherine Lacunza
Pompili ‘78
Mrs. Patricia Price Willis ‘58
$250+ Crusader Sponsor
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, Jr.
Miss Valerie Armento ‘69
Mrs. Rita Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Paul Barthe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Barulich
Ms. Diane Battaglia-Dillon ‘63
making a Difference
making a Difference
Mrs. Becky Beck
Miss Anne Bianchini ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bigelow
Drs. Patricia and Charles Bradley
Mrs. Jean Kelly Buckley ‘75
Ms. Colleen Callanan
Ms. Kay Carter and Mr. Chuck Evans
Ms. Gina Rosaia Collins ‘99
Mrs. Mary Jo Dungan Compton ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cox
Ms. Mary Cullen ‘73
Mrs. Patricia Ivancich Dassios ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. Felicito Desuasido
Mr. Peter Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. David Dissmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty
Mrs. Cindy McDonald Dunleavy ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eagles
Sister M. Ellene Egan, RSM
Ms. Annette Fajardo ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Folan
Mr. and Ms. Larry Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John Fraher
Mr. Larry Franzella
Ms. Rey Friel ‘64
Mr. Larry Furey, Partners In Mission
Ms. Carol Galletta
Ms. Maria Galletto ‘78
Mr. Bart and Mrs. Carol Cafferkey Gaul ‘85
Genentech, Inc.
Ms. Janet Gilmore ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. John Giuseponi
Ms. Rita Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greene, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Lou Brignolo Harris ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Howard
Miss Kay Ingalls ‘60
Mrs. Margaret Kane Jung ‘68
Mr. Darrell Justus
Ms. Jennifer Lambdin and Mr. Mark Schack
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Larratt
Mrs. Eileen Pool Lewin ‘78
Ms. Stacey Longwich ‘98
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Ms. Patricia McAdoo ‘65
Mrs. Catherine Irvina Johnson McGowan ‘39
Mrs. Mary Burke Morris ‘58
Ms. Bobbie Murray
Mrs. Catherine Lehane Myers ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nappi
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ohanessian
Miss Kathleen O’Meara ‘58
Mr. and Mrs. Philip O’Reilly
Mrs. Lorraine Welch Paul ‘68
Ms. Susan Roughgarden
Mr. and Mrs. Faysal Sohail
Mr. Barry Thornton and Ms. Susie Friday
Mrs. Michele O’Connor Tyler ‘68
Mrs. Barbara Bushnell Vigil ‘61
Miss Kathryn Vilece ‘90
Wells Fargo Bank
Ms. Francine Zelaya ‘93
Save the date!
Making A Difference
Scholarship Benefit
10th Anniversary
May 1, 2014
Keynote Speaker
Penny Stack Alexander '78
Green Hills Country Club
Millbrae, CA 6:30 p.m.
Event Chair
Kelli Benz
The Making A Difference Scholarship Benefit dinner is being generously
underwritten by the Board of Directors allowing 100% of all donations and
sponsorships to benefit our students in need of financial assistance.
For more information visit our website at www.mercyhsb.com.
Honor Roll of
2013 •• 35
Class Notes
Let us know what you are up to!
We love to have information for the Class Notes section
of the Oaks, as well as information we can use in an article! Use the enclosed envelope to send us your news and photo
or e-mail us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Mary Lou Bisagno Flocchini writes,
“Well...here goes...I now live in Reno NV.
For the past 12 years with my husband
of 59 years. We moved our family meat
business here at that time from San Jose
California. Three of our five sons work in
the business including our Buffalo Ranch
in WY, for the past 30 years. We have
7 grown children and 19 grandchildren,
pretty much spread out all over the
county and one in Italy. Bud, my husband
and I are involved in our parish here in
Reno, St. Rose of Lima. I am the Sacristan
and keep pretty busy. We keep busy
with family and the church. We love it
here in Nevada. Never thought I would
leave California, but never say never. My
experience at Mercy was such a blessing
and privilege. I think of those years often
with much gratitude. If anyone is ever in
Reno, give me a call.”
Kay Conklin Regan-DeCicco writes “My
news involves what I have been doing
since retirement. I am Chairman of the
Board of Directors of Literacy Volunteers
of Ocean County, New Jersey. For the
past several years many non-profits
in New Jersey have suffered financial
setbacks, as I’m sure is true of the rest
of the country. Many funding sources
cut back and many dried up completely
during the financial downturn. Ours
was no exception. We had to “think
outside the box” in order to survive as
an organization and continue to serve
the many functionally illiterate people
who depend on us. We decided to join
36 • The Oaks
together with six other Literacy Volunteer
groups in the state to create one
organization which will be more efficient
and (hopefully) much more effective for
our clientele. Building a new legal and
organizational structure, satisfying the
differing needs of existing organizations,
cajoling reluctant participants, finding
increased funding and assuring we meet
the needs of all our clients and volunteer
tutors is the most exciting job I never got
paid to do in my life!”
Eugenia Dubiosi Hovland and Lynette
Hovland ‘81 are pleased and proud that
there will be another Mercy (Burlingame)
girl in the family when Eugenia’s grand
daughter and Lynette’s niece, Michela
Hovland begins Mercy as a freshman
this fall. Michela’s older sister Jacqueline
graduated from Mercy, SF in 2008 and
despite living in San Francisco, Michela’s
first high school choice was Mercy,
Margaret Mackesy Booker, writes,
“Congratulations on Mercy’s new
President! On another front, I (plus my
two sisters Joan and Maura) are Mercy
alumnae. I graduated from Stanford with
both a BA and PhD and now sit on the
Board of Directors for the 1990 Institute
which promotes understanding between
the peoples of the U.S. and China through
cross-cultural education. We are offered a
Teacher Workshop on CHINA’S GROWING
GLOBAL IMPACT this past summer to
high school teachers in the Bay Area...
Teachers received a stipend, breakfast and
lunch, plus curriculum materials. Both
Stanford and Cal are participated. The
workshop is especially appropriate for
history and social science teachers.”
Maria Iskiw writes, “My retirement
consists of two volunteer jobs. First,
I manage the financial affairs of my
church. Secondly, I am helping an 80+
year old lady study to pass the GED
tests so she can receive a high school
diploma. It’s never too late. She is an
inspiration to me.”
Susan Torriglia Monahan is singing with
Santa Clara U choir once a month and
still enjoys working at Mission College.
Completed her 14th year as Regional CoChair of the WACAC College Fair.
Patricia Conway Putkey (PHOTO above)
was vacationing in Ireland in May and
was delighted to locate Mercy Convent
on Baggot Street in Dublin. She had
her picture taken standing next to the
Catherine McAuley statue.
Carolyn Buhs, SNDdeN (PHOTOS) in
February wrote, “Greetings from Malakal,
South Sudan! This month of February
has been full of blessing for me! On 1st
February, the 49th Anniversary of my
First Vows... These past seven weeks
we’ve been teaching over 100 studentteachers in a four year Intensive eight
week primary teacher training course.
Besides teaching the student-teachers
in the four year program, we also teach
Foundation English to those teachers
Class Notes
1961 Carolyn Buhs SNDdeN (left
top) sent this photo of a tribal dance
performed by Shilluk tribe at the
graduation celebration of studentteachers; (top right) Carolyn’s
Solidarity group at the annual
December Assembly in South Sudan
1963 Maureen Marconi and
husband Alan
1970 Lora Connolly
1972 Elizabeth Fajardo pictured at the
San Mateo County Fair.
who want to learn English. Arabic has
been the language of education, but
with Independence, South Sudan wants
all education to be in English. On 20th
February we celebrated the Official
Blessing and First Graduation of eight
In-Service student-teachers. We began
with prayers and the singing of the
prayerful National Anthem, followed
by the Blessing of the College... The
speeches were uplifting...we enjoyed
a poem, “Beautiful Sudan” by Henry, a
Third Year student-teacher. Songs were
sung and we enjoyed watching three
cultural dances: Dinka, Nuer, and Shilluk...
We thank God for such a memorable
day.” Carolyn also wrote in again in June,
“...In two weeks we will begin our Second
Teaching Practice. Our students are
looking forward to the challenge. Thank
you for keeping us in your prayers. We
continue to pray for justice and peace for
all in this new country.” Carolyn teaches
at the Solidarity Teacher Training College,
Malakal, South Sudan.
Jackie Ralston Polati writes, “My
wonderful journey, I graduated in 1961.
My memories of Mercy High school
are wonderful! I’ve been married to my
hubby EJ Polati for over 50 years. We
raised 5 children who have blessed us
with 10 grandchildren and a little 2 year
old great grandson!”
Maureen Murphy Jenkins writes, “No
personal news.....my youngest daughter
just earned her Masters Degree in
International Relations with an emphasis
on Development and is putting her skills
to use in Kabul, Afghanistan with Aga
Maureen Marconi writes, “My husband,
Alan, and I enjoyed a fun week in Cabo
San Lucas at the tip of Baja at the end
of April. We are off to Europe for most
of the summer but will be back in plenty
of time to attend my 50th high school
reunion at Mercy.”
Cathy Scalmanini Marvier writes,
“This Fourth of July will be the 1 year
anniversary of my retirement and am
I ever having fun! I volunteer several
places, take mahjong lessons, swim a mile
almost daily, and have become a “lady
who lunches”. (It took about 1 week to
say “How did I ever find the time to go
to work.”) In September, I take my annual
train trip to visit my grandbabies at Ft.
Benning. This year, I break my journey for
2 nights to visit Gail Fiske Shugart ‘64 in
Alpine, Texas. We last saw each other on
graduation day. We should have plenty to
talk about!”
Janet Lee Stewart writes, “Good morning,
Thought I’d catch you up on my life here in
the Mother-lode. Enjoy being a Rekie Master
and have wonderful individuals and groups
up here to work with. When I’m not having
fun with my grandchildren, my dog Mikie,
gardening and friends..I’m involved with
Red Cross/CERT and DAT. On call for any
and all emergencies. Hope my old
classmates are doing well and would like
to invite them up here for a visit.”
Lorraine Welch Paul is the new Principal
of Jesuit HS in Sacramento.
Lora Connolly (PHOTO) was appointed by
Governor Brown as Director of the California
Department of Aging (CDA) in April of 2012.
CDA administers programs funded primarily
through the federal Administration on Aging,
centers for Medicare and Medicaid, and
Department of Labor. These programs are
authorized under the federal older American
Act, the state Older Californians Act and
Medi-Cal program.
Elizabeth Fajardo (PHOTO) won First Prize
and Best of Show at the San Mateo County
Fall 2013 • 37
Class Notes
1974 (l to r) Penny Stack Alexander ‘78, Ginny Morasci Cattaneo ‘76, Therese Morasci
Kennealy ‘66, Mary Morasci McGee ‘74, Suzanne Smith Morasci ‘72, Nora Morasci
Mercy Art Instructor from 1961-1993
1977 (back row): Sheila Brosnan ‘77, Emma Gould ‘16, Kathleen Glasser ‘16,
Lori O’Rourke McEnnerney ‘77, Shannon Grady ‘16. (front row) Julia Hurley ‘16,
Brian McEnnerney and Cami Fruehe ‘16
1975 Cindy Casey Franco and husband Bill
Fair for her essay “Sister Petronilla and
the Lost Girl.” Sister Petronilla was a
beloved teacher at Mercy Burlingame
and also a teacher at Elizabeth’s
grammar school where she first met her.
Elizabeth’s story “Almost Sisters,” won
third prize and both were published in
the SM Fair Anthology 2013.
Kathleen O’Leary writes, “My daughter
Colleen had a baby girl on May 8th, Keira
McKinley Jimenez and her son Aedan
Patrick Huntziker is 8 years old. My son
Jimmy has 2 daughters, Natasha Lucia
McTiernan 5 years old and Gabrial Ann
McTiernan 3 years old.”
Ramona Murray Prieto was named the
first female Deputy Commissioner in
the 83 year history of the department in
October of 2012 by California Highway
Patrol (CHP) Commissioner Joe Farrow.
Ramona is a 36 year veteran of the
California Highway Patrol and also
becomes the first woman of Hispanic
descent to assume the second-incommand post of the largest state police
agency in the United States.
38 • The Oaks
Mary Morasci McGee (PHOTO) sent in a
photo from her nephew, Ginny Morasci
Cattaneo’s son, Chase Cattaneo’s
wedding to Maria Fruentes in Santa
Barbara California this past July. See
above photo for Mercy girls who were at
the wedding (Mary’s sisters, sister-in-law,
Penny, and mother Nora Morasci, Mercy
Art Instructor from 1961-1993.)
Cindy Casey Franco (PHOTO) writes, “I
have just begun my 35th year as a flight
attendant and Purser with United Airlines.
I stay with our international destinations,
flying primarily to Japan. My husband,
Bill, and I have lived in Morgan Hill for the
past 18 years, and we own an auto repair
business in Campbell.”
O’Rourke McEnnerney (PHOTO)
coaches the “Orange Giants” team,
on which her son Brian plays 3rd
base. Several Mercy girls helped out
as buddies for kids on SF Little League
Challenger baseball teams this season.
The Challenger Division provides an
opportunity for any boy or girl over
six-years-old with a disability, physical
or cognitive, to join a baseball team, get
some exercise, and learn some baseball
skills with other kids in an informal,
supportive environment.
Jenny (Genevieve Murphy) Moore writes,
“After 20+ years at big law firms, I just
moved my estate planning practice to
Bancroft & McAlister, a small firm with
offices in Marin and San Francisco. It’s
been great for my husband and me to
make this change now, as our younger
son heads off for college – nothing like a
new business to offset that empty nest
feeling! The icing on the cake is that one
of my law partners is also a good friend
from law school days. When we run out
of work to talk about, we trade stories of
our four kids, all of whom will be college
students this coming year!”
Moira Murphy-Trabert writes, “Greetings
Mercy High: I just wanted to update you
with my new address. My family and I
have recently relocated back to California
after living in Scottsdale, Arizona for the
past 12 years. We loved living in Arizona
and hope to some day call it home once
again, but for now my husbands career
brought us back to Cameron Park,
Class Notes
1983 Antoinette Rose Heath Craviotto,
husband Mike and daughters Alli and Meggan;
left Antoinette with her daughters.
1997 Patricia Ivancich Dassios’ children
Alexandria (5), John (3), and Margarita (1)
California. It is truly beautiful up here,
so peaceful, we love living in the country
it’s so green compared to the desert and
it already feels like home. Our only son
Spencer had some adjusting to do, since
we did move him in the middle of the
school year, during his Christmas Break,
but he is enjoying his new school and
has already made some wonderful new
Julie Greene is Executive Director of
Solar Cookers International, a nonprofit
organization dedicated to saving lives
and changes lives in fuel-scarce, sun-rich
regions of the world. Julie loves this work
as it builds on the values she learned at
Mercy. In winter 2013, she attended the
book signing of former Mercy AP English
teacher and friend Pat Bracewell, whose
novel Shadow on the Crown was released
in February. (“Great read,” Julie writes.)
Julie and her husband, Charley Cross,
live in Sacramento, California. Their six
children live in locations as exotic as
Mountain View and San Luis Obispo,
California, and Dunedin, New Zealand.
Theresa Stanghellini Holm writes, “Well,
I am moving to Sonoma, CA mid summer
to be closer to my daughter and looking
for work there. I love it there and will truly
enjoy it. I would love to get together with
Mercy girls and enjoy a mercy visit.”
Antoinette Rose Heath Craviotto
(PHOTOS) writes, “My husband Mike
and I just celebrated our 25th wedding
anniversary. Not only did we celebrate
our anniversary, Mike turned 50. But the
most exciting news is that both of my
daughters graduated college. My oldest
Alli, 23, graduated from the University of
San Francisco with a Degree in Nursing,
RN. She worked so very had, and it all
payed off. She is a fabulous nurse. My
youngest Meggan, 22, graduated from
Notre Dame De Namur, Belmont with
a Degree in Communications. Meggan
played ball for NDNU on a softball
scholarship and loved every minute of it.
She is looking for a job in event planning.
As for me I am a school office assistant in
an elementary school in San Mateo and
love it. Life is good!!!!”
Anne Coykendall Wilhoit writes,
“I am residing in Singapore with my
husband David and daughters Amanda
age 13 and Katie age 17. In early
2012, I accepted the role of Head of
Communications and Development at
The Winstedt School – a mainstream
private school for children diagnosed
with a Learning Disability or Learning
Difficulty. I’m also enjoying volunteer work
with Caring for Cambodia, a not for profit
working in the area of education in Siem
Reap, Cambodia.”
Elena Ruggiero has been working with
Linda Bulgo’s Musical Productions for the
past year, a musical theatre company for
children ages 7-12 in San Francisco. (www.
lindabulgosmusicalproductions) She
recently closed the play “Prelude to a Kiss”
with Custom Made Theatre Co. and will be
performing with 42nd Street Moon in the
musical “I Married an Angel” in October.
Patricia Ivancich Dassios (PHOTO) is
married to her husband Angelos whom
she met 13 years ago. They have three
children, Alexandria (5), John (3),
and Margarita (1) and they reside in
Hillsborough, CA. Patricia received her
undergraduate degree and a Master of
Nonprofit Administration degree from the
University of San Francisco. She currently
spends much of her time as a community
Fall 2013 • 39
Class Notes
1997 Erica de Jesus Garcia’s children
Elliott, Emma and Mia
2003 Cheryl Curry ‘83, Chantel Ross ‘03,
volunteer serving as a trustee of the
CuriOdyssey board, a member of the
ArtPoint Board supporting the Fine Arts
Museums of San Francisco, a member of
the Mercy High School alumnae board,
as well as a member of the PARCA and
San Francisco Ballet Auxiliaries.
lining! The YPLC not only enjoys the
monthly networking opportunities,
but also recognizes Bay Area young
professionals in an upcoming campaign,
Bay Stars: Top 20 under 40 – San
Francisco’s Finest. Along with the YPLC
events, Jessica coordinates the annual
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Breath of Life
Gala held this November in San Francisco
and an upcoming Chef’s Dinner in 2014. If
you are a young professional interested in
joining the YPLC and learning more about
Bay Stars, please email Jessica at jalbee@
Erica de Jesus Garcia (PHOTO) and
husband Michael (Mercy Faculty)
welcomed their third child, Elliott, on
February 20, 2013, 6 lbs. 3 oz. 19 inches.
Big sisters Emma (4) and Mia (2).
Stacey Longwich was a keynote speaker
at the Class of 2013 Senior Day of
Jessica L. Albee
recently joined
the Cystic Fibrosis
– Northern
California Chapter
as a Development
Director. With
her background
in fundraising,
Jessica raises the awareness for cystic
fibrosis and brings young professionals
together through the Young
Professionals Leadership Committee
(YPLC), which is a group of Bay Area
young professionals (25-40 yrs) that
participate in fun monthly networking
events ranging from hiking Mt. Tam,
downtown SF happy hours, and zip
40 • The Oaks
Ashley Dolezal ‘03 and Kristine Dolezal
Gina Rosaia Collins was a keynote
speaker at the Class of 2013 Senior Day
of Recollection.
Chantel Ross (PHOTOS) married the
love of her life, Catie Blas, on July 19th.
Chantel’s Maid of Honor was Ashley
Dolezal ’03, a volleyball teammate and
dear friend. Chantel’s mom is Cheryl
Curry ‘83.
Jennifer Innes writes, “I began
competitive ballroom dancing after
returning home from college. My current
dance partner and I recently placed first
at USA Dance Nationals in Los Angeles
at the beginning of April. We had been
dancing less than a year together. We
placed first in Adult Gold Standard out
of 15 couples. We also placed 2nd out
of 29 couples in the next level, Adult
Novice Standard. (The levels in order
2007 (front to back) Anamarie Urrutia,
Emily Pickens-Jones ‘97, Fae Stone ‘97,
Elaine Mihailoff ‘97, Anna Susa ‘97and
Jacqueline Hanley ‘97.
from beginner to most advanced are as
follows: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Novice,
Pre-Champ, and Championship.) This
coming year we will get new, more
challenging choreography and we will
focus on Novice and begin
Anamarie Urrutia (PHOTO) writes, “Here
is a picture from my bridal shower that
happened last weekend. I and the girls
in the photo graduated 2007 and we did
a recreated Kohl Mansion senior stairs
photos at the house. I am getting married
to Kenneth Johnson at Empire Mine State
Park in July.
Xiara Alessandra
Manio Long
married Antoine
Maurice Long
(Sacred Heart
class of 2008)
on August 26,
2012 at Auberge
du Soleil in the
beautiful Wine
Country. Both the
ceremony and reception took place there,
overlooking breathtaking views of Napa
Valley. Their son, Marco Xavier Long,
served as ring bearer. The wedding party
included Juliana Manio (sister), Ashley
Olivas ‘08, Tanya Pisani ‘08, Ninoshka
Mirkooshesh ‘08, Janee Lucas (sister-in-
Class Notes
Clockwise: 2008 Xiara Alessandra Manio Long and wedding party, Juliana Manio (sister), Ashley Olivas ‘08, Tanya Pisani ‘08,
Xiara, Ninoshka Mirkooshesh ‘08, Janee Lucas (sister-in-law) and Jordyn Lucas (sister-in-law); Xiara and husband Maurice;
2008 Despina Taptelis and her parents; 2009; 2009 Victoria Leroux, Meghan McCann ’09, Sara Compton ‘09, Alexa
Montenegro ’09, Olivia Foy-Claycomb ‘09, Elizabeth Waddell ‘09, and Shelby Molini ‘09.
law) and Jordyn Lucas (sister-in-law).
In attendance were 110 guests of their
closest family and friends, to help the
Bride and Groom celebrate their very
special day!
Despina Taptelis (PHOTO) writes, “I have
just graduated from San Francisco State
University with a major in Liberal Studies
and minor in Modern Greek Studies
(deans list graduate as well.)
I am looking into credential programs for
elementary teaching, though in the mean
time I have been working for nearly four
years for the Belmont school district as a
para educator, specializing on one on one
aid for special needs children, I love it. I
have a Europe trip planned this summer
with my friends and I am really excited
about it, I’ll be going to London Paris and
Barcelona. Other than that I am excited
about my future and the next chapter
that is to come.”
Elizabeth Waddell (PHOTO) writes,
“On Saturday, May 11, 2013, I and two
other fellow Mercy alums graduated
from Sonoma State University. I’ve
attached a photo with the graduates
along with friends who also graduated
the same year from Mercy Burlingame.”
Career Day 2014 Calling Alumnae
In a recent survey the girls expressed an interest in a variety of professions for our bi-annual
career day such as: architect, engineer, high tech firms, biotechnology, marketing/communications,
business, stock market, HR/recruiting, law, social work, nurse, physician, veterinarian, physical
therapist or psychologist. If you are an experienced professional and would be interested
in speaking at Career Day, March 28, 2014, please contact Mary Lund at 650-762-1190 or
[email protected].
Fall 2013 • 41
Catherine’s Legacy
Leave a legacy, remember Mercy in your will!
A planned give may be the largest gift you ever make...
Why do you need a will?
Because it allows you to:
Direct the division of your property the way you choose—not the way the state decides.
Name a guardian for your minor children.
Select an executor (personal representative) who is well-qualified to settle your estate promptly and economically, with careful attention to your wishes.
Devise an estate plan, with the help of a qualified attorney and other advisors, to minimize the taxes on your estate.
Remember Mercy in your Will:
Once you have taken care of your family members, Just a few sentences in your
will are all that is needed. The official bequest language for Mercy High School,
Burlingame is: "I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to Mercy
High School, Burlingame [written amount or percentage of the estate or
description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."
For information on creating your first will or more information regarding estate
planning, contact Mary Lund at 650-762-1190 or www.mercyhsb.com –
click Giving to Mercy – click Planned Giving. Notify Mary Lund if you
2012-13 Bequests:
Jean Ward Bone ‘36
Sr. Marian Curran, RSM ‘40
Clare Carey Willard ‘43
Thank you for
remembering Mercy!
Follow us on (links posted on front page of www.mercyhsb.com)
42 • The Oaks
Mercy High School
Mercy High School
Claramae Caviglia Borzoni ‘52 sister of
Merlanne Caviglia Doran ‘57
Mary Morrison Chisholm ‘54 sister of
Evelyn Morrison Hanson ‘47 and Judith
Morrison Girard ‘59
Sr. Rita Fantin ‘41
Ursula Hutmacher Grathwohl ‘59 sister
of Cecelia Hutmacher Surprise ‘58
Francis Steiss Griffin ‘58
Marie Heckenkemper Haff ‘34 sister of
Anita Heckenkemper Tocchini ‘35
Barbara Boden Hurley ‘42 sister of
Penelope Boden Stack ‘45, aunt of
Penelope Stack Alexander ‘78
Janet Chanteloup Jones ‘51
Arlene Navarret Moock ‘71
Dr. Charles Bradley
father of Beth
Barbara “Nanny”
grandmother of
Betsy Pfeffer,
Mercy HS
Academic Dean
Joe Cirigliano
grandfather of
Jillian Cirigliano
‘99 and Natalie
Cirigliano ‘02,
father-in-law of
Melanie Meisel
Cirigliano ‘73
In Memoriam
Sr. Mary Ellene Egan, RSM
Ruth CLooney relative of Barbara
Clooney Lyons ‘66
Nassib Elian grandfather of Melissa Elian-Carillo’13
Jed Lyons son of Claudia Blackburn Stone 66,
nephew of Christine Blackburn Weintraub ‘67
Mary Vellucci Welch ‘66
John C. Dolim brother-in-law of Ruth
Curran Dolim ‘41, uncle of Judith
Shafer Dolim ‘77 and Clare Dolim
Honorary Mercy Alum
Family & Friends
Catherine Dubrow aunt of Meaghan
Osborne ‘11 and Grace Osborne ‘13
Linda Ryan Murphy ‘70 sister of Nancy
Ryan Hines ‘74, sister-in-law of Sister
Anne Murphy, RSM ‘69
Patricia Gebhardt Rathburn ‘46
Patricia Adams Redwine ‘53
Cecilia Boland Walsh ‘70 mother of
Brigid ‘04 and Molly ‘10, and sister of
Maureen Boland ‘66 and Teresa
Boland Brogan ‘75
Natalie Friscia grandmother of Natalie Friscia ‘16
Enes Common grandmother of
Nazira Kury mother-in-law of Nora Sotelo Kury
Jaimee ‘97 and Kristen Common ‘00
‘77, grandmother of Nazira Kury-Arnold ‘98
Bernadette DeLuca grandmother
Mercy Faculty and Yasmine Kury ‘01, greatof Amanda Galli ‘08 and Jessica
grandmother of Kimberly Arnold
Castech ‘10
Guo Jiang Li grandfather of Vanessa Zheng ‘13
Ronald Battaglia brother-in-law of Betty
William F. Egan husband of Mary
Battaglia, Mercy HS Advancement Office
Schwarz Egan ‘56
Alice Mandoli relative of Christine Tonelli
Mandoli ‘70
Christine McNamee cousin of Haley Fanfelle ‘13
Shirley Pullen grandmother of Erica Maldonado ‘11
Gertrude E. Rutherford mother of Joan
Rutherford McCorkell ‘63, Nancy Rutherford
Prescott ‘64, Carol Rutherford Cohen ‘67 and
Barbara Rutherford Crest ‘68
Leo Quiriconi father of Patricia Quiriconi
Owens ‘70
Victoria Santo great grandmother of Sabrina
Santo ‘15
James Viano father of Roberta Viano
Rutledge ‘57
Mary Frances Vignassa mother to Sister Doreen
Vignassa ‘53
Donald Woodard husband of Eleanor Madden
Woodard ‘54
Frank Zocchi father of Deborah Zocchi Bernard
‘72, Diana Zocchi ‘77, and Donna Zocchi
Ramierez ‘82
A place to meet in quiet beauty...
The Mercy Mass Program
Memorial Celebrations, Conferences,
Meetings and Retreats
Contact us about special pricing
for Mercy friends and family
www.mercy-center.org or 650.340.7405
At each of our school liturgies we pray for those
people who have been acknowledged in the
Mercy Mass Program. Donations are made in
memory of a loved one and to honor others for
anniversaries, birthdays, or at times of illness. To
enroll a loved one in the Mercy Mass Program,
simply contact the Mercy Advancement Office
at 650.762.1190 or [email protected].
Fall 2013 • 43
save the dateS!
MPC Events
Casino Del Kohl
Friday, November 22, 2013
Join us for this entertaining evening of poker, black jack, craps,
roulette and the Wheel of Fortune where the prizes are non-stop!
In between hands, enjoy a cocktail and dinner in the high rollers’
lounge or browse the silent auction and raffle while listening to
live entertainment.
Martinis at the Mansion!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Don’t miss the biggest MPC event of the year featuring live
entertainment, amazing food and of course Martinis!
For more information, to make reservations, or donate to
these events, visit our website at www.mercyhsb.com or
call 650.762.1199.
Photos below and at right were taken at the 2013 Auction and Dinner, “Come Sail Away!”
44 • The Oaks
Mercy Parents’ Club
It is an important goal of the MPC to honor the Mercy tradition of Hospitality,
and in this vein several traditional events are offered at no cost to Mercy
parents so that all families are able to attend. Last school year, MPC
raised over $150,000, and was able to host a combined total of over 1300
Mercy parents, students, faculty and staff at the following no-cost events:
Welcome BBQ, Mother Daughter Tea, Father Daughter Dance, Faculty Staff
Appreciation Luncheon and Senior Mother Daughter Brunch. After deducting
the expenses for these Hospitality events, along with the costs associated with
our three fundraisers (Wine Tasting, Casino del Kohl and “Come Sail Away”
Auction), MPC gave a net cash gift of $34,650 back to Mercy!
Fall 2013 • 45
Sponsored by the Alumnae Association
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Admission: $10.00 (no charge for children under 12)
See the Kohl Mansion in its Holiday Elegance!
• Docent Presentations
• Over 50 Vendors
For more information call the Advancement Office at 650-762-1190.
Kohl Mansion is
turning 100 Years Old!
The historical Kohl Mansion is turning
100 years old in 2014 and we’re
planning to celebrate!
Kohl Mansion’s very popular “Café de Kohl” event will be
postponed until December 2014. It will return next year as
part of a series of events celebrating the 100th Anniversary
of this very stunning historic site.
Check our website www.kohl-mansion.com in January 2014
for details! Questions can be directed to Terri Baldocchi at
[email protected].
46 • The Oaks
of Events
Events 2013-14
Visit our website for details on these and
other events www.mercyhsb.com.
The Complete Works of
William Shakespeare
Tri-School Fall Play at Serra
October 25, 26 &
November 1, 2 - 7:30 pm.
Casino del Kohl
Friday, November 22
6:30 pm
Parent Student Open House
Sunday, November 24
12:30 pm to 3:15 pm
Christmas at Kohl
Wednesday, December 4
5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Tri-School Christmas
Concert at Mercy
Tuesday, December 10
Martinis at the Mansion
Saturday, March 8, 2014
The Wizard of Oz
Tri-School Spring Musical
at Serra
March 28, 29 &
April 4, 5 - 7:30 p.m.
March 30 - 2:00 p.m.
Mercy Dance Recital
at Serra
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Making a Difference
Thursday, May 1, 2014
6:30 pm
Mexican Fiesta
Athletic Fundraiser
Friday, May 9, 2014
Spring Concert at Mercy
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
MercyArtsFest at Mercy
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Baccalaureate Mass
Saturday, May 31, 2014
St. Ignatius Church (USF)
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Annual Alumnae Phonathon
November 4-6, 2013 • 5-9:00 pm
Mercy students and alums will be calling
you during the week of November 4th.
the Oaks is
published twice
yearly for the
Alumnae, Parents,
and Friends of
Mercy High School
Burlingame a
Catholic College
since 1931. Mercy
High School is
sponsored by the
Sisters of Mercy
of the Americas.
West Midwest
In an effort to go green we will only be sending
one Oaks per household. Please share with all.
Thank you!
Karen Hanrahan, President
Ivan Hrga, Principal
Mary Lund, Director of Advancement
Carol Fraher, Director of Public Relations
Main Office | 650.343.3631
Advancement Office | 650.762.1190
Admissions Office | 650.762.1114
Alumnae Office | 650.762.1190
FAX | 650.343.2976
Email | [email protected]
Fall 2013 • 47
Non-Profit Org.
Mercy High school
Mercy High School
2750 Adeline DR
Burlingame Ca 94010-5597
Change Service Requested
Admissions Events
RSVP at www.mercyhsb.com
Coffee and Conversation
Oct. 23rd • Nov. 5th
Join President Karen Hanrahan and Principal
Ivan Hrga for a cup of coffee and learn about
the exciting opportunities available for your
daughter at Mercy. You will also tour the
campus during the school day and speak
with current Mercy students, parents, faculty,
and administration.
Visit Program
Experience life as a Mercy Girl by
spending the day at Mercy
Spend the morning with a current student,
participate in classes, and enjoy
lunch with Mercy students. Dates and
reservations are available online.
Open House
Sunday, November 24th
12:30-3:00 pm
Explore the campus with one of our Mercy
Students. Speak with current faculty about
current course offerings. Check out the wide
range of sports and activities available.
48 • The Oaks