CD Data - Duplium


CD Data - Duplium
CD Data
Please use the fo llo wing guidelines when creating a master for production of compact discs.
CD-R (one-off) is the preferred medium, however, Duplium Corporation accepts a variety of source formats. Call your Duplium customer service representative if you are using a format that is not listed.
CD/ CD-R (Recordable)
• C D/CD-R acceptable formats: CD-Audio, CD-Rom, CD-XA, CD-i, CD-V,
Photo CD and Enhanced CD.
• The CD-R disc must conform to the industry standa rd s outlined in“ The
• A previously manufactured CD may be used as your source media.
• C Ds should be sent in jewel cases, not light envelopes. Tape the jewel
case closed during shipment to prevent scratching.
• C heck program functionality on as many drives and computers as possible.
Orange Book” (Philips).
• Discs should be of high quality, free of errors, viruses, scratches, finger
• Disc should not be appendable or a multi-session recording unless it is
application specific i.e. Photo CD.
prints, labels and dirt.
• Do not write on the disc with anything other than a felt tip pen.
• Avoid CD-Rewritables, packet writing and UDF (Universal Disk Format)
• CD-R should be recorded as a single session recording (Disc-at-Once), not
• Media must be free of digital uncorrectable errors (CU’s).
• Music titles should include valid ISRC information.
• It is advisable to defragment the hard disk drive of the recording system
• When creating a regular CD-Rom, select Mode 1,not Mode 2.
• Philips industry spec for CD Audio is 74 minutes (650 MB) therefore you
must specify if the source is a long Play (77+min). Some long plays are
outside of Industry spec therefore any master exceeding 77+ minutes
prior to recording to ensure optimum data transfer.
• Ensure that your data is free of viruses.
• A completed CD Audio Track Sheet showing song titles, track
numbers, and timing information should be submitted with each audio
must accompany a CD Playing Time Disclaimer
• The program and PQ points will be identical on the replicated discs.
4mm DAT
• ATC (Absolute Time Code) or SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture
• R-DAT must be recorded at 44.1kHz samplingfrequency.
and Television Engineers)time-code should be recorded on the tape
• A t least 10 seconds of silence is required before the start of track 1 and
uninterrupted from the beginningof the tape to at least 10seconds after
after the last track.
the last track.
• A completed CD Audio Track Sheet showing song titles, track
• There must be a minimum of 3 seconds between tracks.
Note: Duplium Corporation will make an exact replica of the
numbers, and timing information should be submitted with each audio
original and will not make adjustmentsto times between tracks.
• Start ID and track number of each track must be programmed onto each
tape at the start of each song.
• DAT tapes must be with DDP files.
• W ith every order please submit a completed Duplication Rights form.
DVD-R (Rwecordable)
• CD image can be supplied on CD-R or DVD-R in DDP (Disc Description
Protocol) or CMF (Cutting Master Format) formats.
• Only one DDP-image is allowed per data carrier (CD-R or DVD-R).
• Only one DDP-image is allowed per data carrier (CD-R or DVD-R).
• The DDP-Files must be stored in the ROOT-Directory.
As part of our mutual anti-piracy efforts, we must ensure that all rights pertaining to sound recording are respected. Every mater will be analyzed with
Eclipse Image Analysis software. Virus check will be done on every CD-ROM master. CD Audio master will be verified with thw RepliCheck.
RepliCheck is a copyright identification service that helps reducing the risk of replicating pirated CD content. CD-Text can be edited to the CD audio
with additional charge. CD Audio disc can be registered with Gracenote (iTunes's database) with additional charge.
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