REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF NAPLES, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1964, AT 9:00 A. M. Roll Call: Present: Archie Turner, Mayor Robert L. Combs Goodloe McDowell M. J. Casey Miller, Councilmen Absent: Francis Ford Carl 0, Hoffmann Joel Kuperberg, Councilmen Also Present: Vincent P, Wood, Jr., City Manager David C Spingler, City Attorney Bert L. Pinkston, Building-Tax Official W, Ru Wilson, City Engineer Julius Lesser, Recreation Director Cr.) ,•••n•4 Cr.:1 Fred Winter, Fort Myers News-Press David Lyon, Collier County News Rev, David Lanier Mike Powers, Miami Herald Thomas R, Brown John lammuri Henry B. Watkins, Jr. Members of All Star Little League Mayor Turner welcomed and recognized individually each member of the All Star Little League selected to compete at Sarasota. He expressed appreciation of the City of Naples, the managers, and the some 250 other boys participating in the Little League program for support of the recreational program, Each of •theu'slx pa i r-ticip'atin4 teams were represented.in this group Of AllEStaes; L. Following invocation by Rev. David Lanier, motion made by Mr. McDowell, seconded by- Mr. Combs, that theHminutes , of the ReqularMeetinq of July 1, 1964, be approved as presented, and the reading thereof dispensed with, Motion carried. Agenda Item 3. Reports: (a) Zoning Board . of LAppeals ,(1) r - Appeal No. 117 from Rutenberg Construction Co. re. rear yard variance of approximately 10'6" for construction of covered bdat slip at : Lot 5, Block 11, Agualane Shores No. 6 (1922 - 5th. Street South). With'motion made by Mr, McDowell,seconded by 4 Mr. Combs, Oe decision of Zon-ing Bomcat-ofiA'ealt-uhcateofJulis_ was approved, and Appeal No. 1 17 denied, Motion carried. • •., ' • t'ro- Item 3 (a) (2) Appeal No. 1 1 F 1 (continued)''from Mr. and Mrs. George M. Galt, re. side yard variance of 10 feet for proposed residence at 19th. Avenue South, between 1st. Street South and 'Gordon Drive. With mot)o% bx Mr, _McDowell, second by Mr. Combs, decision of : Zoning toard'of AepealS dated July 10, 1964, approved. and Aepeal No. 111 (continued) granted. ROI] Call vote: t. 3 Mr. 'Combs Mr.A4cDowell Mrs. Miller Mayor Turner • t*" • `.: • • ! t_ • Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried, Memorandum to the Mayor and Council from Zoning Board of Appeals dated July 10, 1964 was duly noted, in which Council was requested to clarify Section 28-143 of the existing Zoning Code of Ordinances (Section 28-127 in the new proposed ordinance) as to intent regarding Zoning Board of Appeals authority. This item to be further discussed at the August 5th. meeting. Agenda Item 3 (b) Sign Committee. Councilwoman Miller having been absent from the City due to her husband's illness was not familiar with the sign requests and not prepared as a Committee member to make recommendation to Council so moved that the item be stricken from the agenda, to be replaced on agend - for August 19th, meeting. Motion seconded b Mr. McDowell, and carried. Mayor Turner took this opportunity to welcome back Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Miller to Naples following Mr. Miller's recent illness and successful recovery. Item 3 (c) Parks Board. City Manager Wood reported verbally on the meeting of the Parks Board held July 6. at which time two items were discussed - (1) the tree planting program for this summer which involved five projects as outlined by Manager Wood, the first being 10th. Street that is not planted from 5th. Avenue South to 17th. Avenue North, Water Plant No. 2. Mr. Wood had recommended, and the Board approved, the placing of sabal palms along this street for the reason it is a slow growing palm with very low maintenance and would not interfere with utiliIn conjunction with this, additional ties, particulary the overhead wires. fill will be placed around the lake at Water Plant No. 2. Project No. 2 involved the ficus trees, particulary on 8th. Terrace and 9th. Avenue North, in Lake Forest. The recommendation was that every other tree be removed and that they be planted on Crayton Road in the Moorings where there is more room. The trees being taken out will be replaced by good sized palms so that in time the area will be rid of the ficus trees. Project No. 3 was to take the smell cocus plumosis palms and plant them along 5th. Avenue North going into the City shop area with the idea this street could be used as nursery stock to be thinned out as the palms get larger. The palms had been removed from the Cambier Park nursery because of the drainage line being installed. Project No. 4 would be to thin out some of the mahogany trees on Crayton Road in Coquina Sands and use them in Lake Forest where there are trees missing. No. 5 - taking every other ficus from 8th. Avenue North between 10th. and 13th. Street and replace with a tree that would be less harmful to the sewers and eventually rid them entirely on that street. The serond item on the Parks Board agenda was that of the Australian pine situation, the Board feeling the City should work in conjunction with the Naples Mosquito Control Board to arrive at some method of controlling the pines now in existance and an ordinance that would prevent further planting. Motion b y Mrs. Miller, second by Mr. McDowell acknowledoting the reeort of the Parks Board, Motion carried. Agenda Item 4. Old Business (a) Appointments to Parks Board, Recreation Board and Airport Zoning Authority. Decisions not having been reached - 3 as to appointments to Parks Board and Recreation Board, motion made by Mr. McDowell, seconded by Mr. Combs to strike the item from the agenda. Motion carried. Councilman McDowell moved that Mayor Turner and Councilman Kuperberg be appointed to the Airport Zoning Authority, Motion made by MT. McDowell, seconded by Mr. Combs, instructing City Attorney Spingler to prepare a Resolution • requesting County Commission to establish this Board and appoint two members of the Commission to serve with the two members a..ointed b the Cit Council all in accordance with Florida Statutes. Motion carried, and Resolution No. 1077 approved when presented by Attorney Spingler, 0) Item 4 Consider action on first recommendation of Off-Street Parking Committee, Mayor Turner stated Councilman Hoffmann had requested that no action be taken until his return to the City and read a letter from Chairman Bell requesting Council to act on recommendations in the first Parking Report, to be supplemented upon his return to Naples in August, after further research of the parking problem has been made. With Councilman Kuperberg's request also to be present when action is taken"by Council, motion made by Mr. McDowell, seconded by Mr. Combs, and carried, that due to the requests of Councilmen Hoffmann and Kuperberg, absent from this meeting, the item be stricken from the agenda and replaced on the agenda for the next regular meeting on August 5th. Item 5. New Business: (a) Receive Bids 10:00 A.M, - Recreation Department deferred until 10:00 A.M. Agenda Item 5 (b) Seawall Permits. With Mr, Wood's explanation that he places this item on the agenda for each meeting in order that should applications for permits'be made, no delay would ensue, motion made by Mrs. Miller, seconded by Mr. McDowell, and carried, that the item be stricken.from the agenda due to the • fact ,no,permi ts have been requested. Item 5 (c) Correspondence. (1) Mayor Turner read letter from Naples Mosquito Control . Boardjrequesting,Councit_consideration of . an_ordinance whiclh_woujd probibi .t. theAlanting of .Australian. Pines and removal or trimming Pf...6)0Sang tre q s , P3 that effective jnsect_control can,be obtained. ( 2 ) A letIer con, tinuing protests of par king of trucks and other equipment in front yards of i-esidences, . s P eci. fi C all Y to ownership of property on 3rd. Street South.,..81ock 20, Tier 3, read by Mayor Turner. This item now being considered as.a'Ort of_the . proposed new zoning ordinance, no further discussion on the subject. (3) Letter from Junior Chamber of Commerce requesting Council consider an increase in the 1964-65 budget to provide additional funds for publicizing and promoting the tourist economy. (4) Letter from Naples Civic Association re combining City and County Tax offices with decision as to time of change left to discretion of Council. (5) Attorney Spingler presented to Council the Opinion of Circuit Judge Archie M. Odom in which he ruled against the City of Naples in favor of the Vincent . M. Conboy suit, Case Numbers. and 1901, and pronounced Ordinances 400 and 615 of the City of NapjesjInv .a. 1 .0 and unenforceable; directed the taxing authorities toTeassess . theAtopertY owned - 4 - by the developers involved in the litigation for the years 1962 and 1963 and assess these properties for tax purposes as would have been done had the contracts never axisted. Attorney Spingler explained procedures to be taken should appeal be made and relation to preparation of a dual roll to be produced by Tax Assessor-Collector Bert Pinkston before meeting of Council as Board of Equalization on August 11th. Mayor Turner recommended, and Council concurred, that Attorney Spingler be authorized to consult with counsels for the developers involved and to return to Council recommendations re an appeal. Manager Wood corrected a statement of the news media reference lower water rates charged in Isles of Capri by an independent system, than those of the City of Naples. The rates for the City of Naples are: $ 3.00/1st. 3000 Isles of gal. inside City, and $ 4.50/1st. 3000 gal. outside City limits. Capri are: $ 6.00/1st. 3000 gal. Mr. Pinkston asked opinion of Council as to what disposition should be made of the septic tanks now on the In properties of those owners presently being connected to sewers. discussing steps that can be taken as health measures to enforce cleaning out and filling up of the septic tanks, City Attorney Spingler advised the City might advise but not command. Mr. Pinkston was authorized to sufficiently notify the public of the hazards connected with failure to comply with the request. Returning to Item 5. New Business: Receive bids (10:00 A.M.) on (a) chairs, chair carriers and understage trucks for Recreation Building. Bids opened and read by City Manager Wood, as follows: (1) 275 Shepards Naples, Florida. folding chairs (2) 45 stack (3) chair (4) underchairs carrier stage truck $ 3,080.00 $ 708.75 Furniture Fair Naples, Florida. 519.00' $ 20.00' Institutional Sales Co. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 576.00 25.00 573.30 6.50 American Seating Co. Atlanta, Georgia 2,513.50* Motion made by Mrs. Miller, seconded by'Mr. Combs approving Manager Wood's recommendation that bid be awarded to Furniture Fair for (2) 45 choirs, stack fiberglass and (3) 1 chair carrier to lift stack chairs, and that bid be awarded to in nerican Sooting Company of Atlanta for (1) 275 chairs, folding metal with upholstered seats, and (4) 4 understage trucks to store folding chairs; necessary funds to be transferred from the Contingency Fund. Motion carried. $ 190.00* - 5 - Mayor Turner presented under Correspondence a late communication from the Exchange Club of Naples in the form of a Resolution passed by the Club on July 6th. in which request was made for consideration by Council to enact an ordinance increasing the occupational and business license fees presently levied against firms in the City and appropriating a portion of the gross revenue collected to be used solely for advertising and promoting the tourism industry in Naples. . This communication was acknowledged by Council. Cnk) Meeting adjourned at 10:15 A. M. km..01 Ittt ,LA4L/IA) Elsie Lehman, City Clerk Archie Turner, Mayor NO. 117. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS IN AND FOR THE CITY OF NAPLES, FLORIDA DATE OF HEARING BEFORE BOARD APPEAL FROM RUTENBERG CONSTRUCTION CO. July 7, 1964 9:30 A.M. IN RE: Rear yard variance of approximately 10'6" @ Lot 5, Block 11, Aqualane Shores #6 (1922 - 5th Street, South) for construction of covered boat slip SUMMARY OF FACTS: Permit denied by Building Official because boat slip is less than 15 feet from the main dwelling. FINDINGS OF BOARD: Motion was made by Mr. N. Wallingford that the decision of the Building Official be affirmed and, that the decision of this Board is that Appeal No. 117 be denied. Motion was seconded by Mr. H. B. Watkins, Jr. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mr. Reardon, aye; Mr. Wallingford, aye, Mr. Watkins, aye; Mr. Bremerman, aye. Motion carried with no dissenting vote. REASONS IN SUPPORT OF FINDINGS: 1. The covered boat slip is less than 15 feet from theaain dwelling. 2. 3. ACTION TAKEN BY CITY COUNCIL: 3X, A ( Lova/a oa'axi NO. 111 (Continued) ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS IN AND FOR THE CITY OF NAPLES, FLORIDA DATE OF HEARING BEFORE BOARD APPEAL FROM: Mr, & Mrs, Geo. M. Galt July 10, 1964 9:30 A.M. IN RE: Side yard variance of 10 feet for proposed residence @ 19th Avenue, South, between 1st Street, South and Gordon Drive. SUMMARY OF FACTS: Permit was denied by the Building Official because setback variance requested was not needed. FINDINGS OF BOARD: Motion was made by Mr. H. B. Watkins, Jr. that the decision of the Building Official be reversed and, that the decision of this Board is that the Appeal of Mr. & Mrs. Geo. M. Galt, be granted with a stipulation that to offset the side yard variance requested on 19th Avenue, South, that the owners agree, in writing, as a matter of record, to observe a minimum 50 foot front yard setback on Gordon Drive, and, that this permit be granted specifically on the plot plan submitted. Motion was seconded by Mr. George Reardon. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mr. Reardon, aye; Mr. Watkins, aye; Mr. Wallingford aye; Mr. Dale Bremerman, nay. Motion carried with one dissenting vote. REASONS IN SUPPORT. OF FINDINGS:, 1. Unique land situation 2. Lack of buildable land on this site 3. Keeping in mind site pattern visability, safety factor observed with a minimum 50 foot front yard setback on Gordon Drive. ACTION TAKEN BY CITY COUNCIL: