Laerskool Koedoeskop se nuwe leiers Laerskool Thabazimbi se
Laerskool Koedoeskop se nuwe leiers Laerskool Thabazimbi se
P08 14 November 2014, PLATINUM BUSHVELDER, Tel: 081 309 3876 / 072 026 0414, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected] Hoërskool Ellisras kondig leiers aan Lephalale²'LH+RsUVNRRO(OOLVUDVKHWKXONRPLWHHYRRUVLWWHUVKRRIOHLHUVHQNRVKXLVKRRIOHLHUVYLU EHNHQGJHPDDN 5DVVLHVVHKRRÀHLHUVLV.\OD Strydom en Johan Pitout. Rassies se komiteevoorsitters is, van links, Sarel Haasbroek (akademie), Johan Ross (sport), Bertus van der Merwe (sosiaal), Johan Pitout (hoofseun), Kyla Strydom (hoofmeisie), Lindi-Lee van der Merwe (orde en dissipline), Hilde vanStaden (bemarking) en Simond Steenekamp (kultuur). Rassies se koshuishoofmeisie en –seun is Angelique Jacobs en Tyronne Roos. /DHUVNRRO7KDED]LPELVHKRRÀHLHUV Thabazimbi – Die Laerskool Thabazimbi se hoof- en RQGHUKRRÀHLHUVLV Donderdag 6 November gedurende die leierinhuldigingsgeleentheid aangekondig. Die voorreg om 2015 se hoofseun te wees, het Stiaan Joubert, seun van Isak en Petra, te beurt geval terwyl Ruvé Blaauw, dogter van Jacques en Isabel, as hoofmeisie ingehuldig is. Voor is, van links, Ruvé Blaauw (hoofmeisie) en Stiaan Joubert (hoofseun). Agter: JD Jordaan (onderhoofseun), Petra Keyser (onderhoofmeisie), Kayla van der Merwe (onderhoofmeisie) en Cobus Marais (onderhoofseun). Setaria - After two very successful events during 2012 and 2013, the members of the New Way Christian Church based in Thabazimbi decided to host yet another incredible event on Sunday 23 November in celebration of Jesus. The Carols by Candle Light event, which will be a free event to all attendees, will be hosted in Setaria for all of the surrounding communities. The event kicks off at 17:00 at Setaria Recreation Club, close to Northam Platinum. The following will take place: Artist - free for the public, Concert - promise to be brilliant!, Food and drink stalls, Christmas tree and free sweets for all the kids and of course Carols and candles. Your attendance will ensure a memorable evening, touching hearts and lives in the Setaria and surrounding communities. Please remember to invite your friends and family to this joyful event. Hope to see you there! For any enquiries please contact Ilse Stander at 082 2006 179. Mogolparkrun Laerskool Koedoeskop se nuwe leiers Lephalale - The Mogol Parkrun event number 21 of Saturday 8 November’s results are as follows: 0HQ¶VSODFLQJV&DOHE.KRNKROROR608QDWWDFKHGZDV¿UVWRYHU the line in 18:04 - 8th time in 12 appearances, Ernest Morolong (SM3034) of Eskom Athletic Club (Limpopo), was second over the line in 18:43 ZDV¿UVWWR¿QLVKRQFHEHIRUHDQG6HOOR/HIRND608QDWWDFKHG was third over the line in 20:24. Current standing in the men’s annual points competition: Andre Stevens (Unattached) 1514 pts, Erhard Geyser (Mogol AC) 1451 pts, Coenraad Pretorius (Unattached) 1218 pts.Women’s placings: Benise Geyser 6:RI0RJRO$&ZDV¿UVWWKRYHUDOORYHUWKHOLQHLQ WKWLPHLQDSSHDUDQFHV+LOGHJDUG6Q\PDQ9:8QDWWDFKHG was second (16th overall) over the line in 26:10, and Nadia Slater (SW258QDWWDFKHGZDVWKLUGWKRYHUDOORYHUWKHOLQHLQ Current standing in the women’s annual points competition: Marietjie Nel (Mogol AC) 1576 pts, Benise Geyser (Mogol AC) 1555 pts and Elize Combrinck (Unattached) 1524 pts.The following runners recorded the best age grade scores:Caleb Khokhololo (SM20-24) was graded 71.40% IRUWKHWLPH¿UVWRYHUDOO(UQHVW0RURORQJ60ZDVJUDGHG 70.08% for the time 18:43 (second overall) and Erhard Geyser (JM10) was graded 65.53% for the time 24:57 (11th overall). Full results and a complete event history can be found on the Mogol Parkrun results page. Koedoeskop – Die Laerskool Koedoeskop het op Maandag, 10 November, gedurende ‘n spanningsvolle dag en na ‘n lang naelkoutydperk, uiteindelik 2015 se leiers aangekondig. Die hoofseun en hoofmeisie is onderskeidelik Gustav Grobler en Amore Odendaal. Die Koedoeskopleiers is, van links, voor: Gustav Grobler (hoofseun), Mariska Du Plessis, Amore Odendaal (hoofmeisie) en Christiaan Potgieter ; agter: Melissa Frits, Scott Denton, Joanita Du Toit en De Wett Viljoen.