2013 Annual Report - Atrium Medical Center


2013 Annual Report - Atrium Medical Center
2013 Annual Report
Letter from Atrium’s President and CEO ...................................................................... 2
Letter from the Foundation Board Chair and President ............................................. 3
Walter and Nellie Evans ................................................................................................. 4
John and Wendy Parks .................................................................................................... 6
Richard and June Haller .................................................................................................. 8
Dr. Ralph Talkers ............................................................................................................ 10
LCNB National Bank ...................................................................................................... 12
Pablo Alarcon Cabrera ................................................................................................... 14
Magic Moments Gala ....................................................................................................... 16
Endowments .................................................................................................................. 18
Financials and Statistics ............................................................................................... 20
Foundation Leadership and Staff ............................................................................... 21
Foundation Volunteers .................................................................................................. 22
Our Donors ..................................................................................................................... 24
Major Sponsors .............................................................................................................. 24
Sponsors ......................................................................................................................... 24
Play For Pink Tournament Fights Breast Cancer ........................................................ 25
Patrons ............................................................................................................................ 25
The Lasting Legacy of Heath and Mary Valentine ...................................................... 26
Contributors ................................................................................................................... 27
93rd Charity Ball Offers Traditional Fun, with a New Twist ...................................... 28
Friends ............................................................................................................................ 29
Talent of Artist Alice Stransky Brightens Our World ................................................. 31
Mason-Deerfield Rotarians Support HEAL Program .................................................. 32
March of Dimes Awards Grant to Atrium’s Maternal Child Health Center ............ 34
Honorary Gifts ................................................................................................................ 35
Memorial Gifts .............................................................................................................. 35
Heritage Society .............................................................................................................. 36
Gifts In-Kind .................................................................................................................... 40
To develop charitable gifts and resources dedicated to
building healthier communities in southwest Ohio.
To be the most respected, responsive and supportive
source for health care philanthropy in southwest Ohio.
2 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
2013 Annual Report 1
Grateful to Share Your
Memorable Moments
Dear Friends:
At Atrium Medical Center, our patients and their loved ones entrust us to
share some of life’s most memorable moments. Together, we rejoice at the
birth of a healthy newborn. We sigh with relief when surgery goes well, heart
attacks and strokes are thwarted, and tests reveal good news. We cling to
hope when the prognosis looks bleak. And we feel the pain of a loved one’s
passing when it comes.
It’s our privilege to respectfully lend our expertise and caring in these
moments of joy and sadness. We’re grateful to touch lives in such a
meaningful way.
But we know we’re only one part of the care team. Thanks to your support,
we have the leading-edge technology and comprehensive services our
patients need to thrive. You give your time, talent and treasure so that your
families, friends and neighbors can get compassionate, expert care when
they need it, close to home.
In 2013, donors and friends of Atrium Medical Center Foundation focused
on making moments matter for those who suffer from debilitating strokes,
trauma, and memory, seizure and movement disorders. The Moments Matter
campaign and Magic Moments gala are helping patients build confidence,
achieve independence and function at their highest level.
We are deeply grateful to you for every gift that brings moments of care,
comfort and hope to our patients and their loved ones. Together, we are
making a significant difference, one life at a time.
Carol J. Turner, FACHE
President and CEO
Atrium Medical Center
2 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Every Moment Matters
From the moment 30 years ago when Atrium Medical Center Foundation came
into being, life changed for the better in southwest Ohio.
Gradually at first, then gaining momentum, the Foundation has touched
lives and improved health for thousands of men, women and children in our
region. Powered by the generosity of nearly 10,000 donors since 1984, we’ve
brought open heart surgery and the da Vinci surgical robot to Atrium, along
with major improvements to neuroscience and trauma care, cancer services,
diabetes, dialysis and care for women and children.
The Foundation’s skilled leaders — both dedicated community volunteers
and professional staff — have made every moment matter as the Foundation
has grown and evolved. We’re proud that the Foundation has given back more
than $12.5 million to our communities over the past 30 years. Today, all funds
support Atrium Medical Center and our partners in care.
At 30 years young, we’re just getting started! In this report, you’ll see how
2013 was full of excitement as individuals and families of all ages, businesses,
foundations, organizations and hospital employees, physicians and volunteers
joined us in making every moment matter. Among the highlights:
• The Magic Moments gala brought together nearly 700 magic-makers
to honor Dr. Jerry Hammond and Patricia Miller Gage and her late
husband, G. Robert Gage, and net more than $100,000 for the Moments
Matter campaign for Atrium’s Neuroscience and Stroke Program.
• The late Walter and Nellie Evans, long-time Foundation supporters,
are touching future generations of patients and caregivers, even after
their passing.
• LCNB National Bank, with a long history of service to our region, steps
up to ensure the best health care for southwest Ohio.
• Individuals from an Eagle Scout to an artist to committed members
of the community and the Atrium family contribute in personal,
meaningful ways.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who’s been part of the
Foundation’s journey since 1984. Together, we’ve accomplished remarkable
things. Please join us as we create a dynamic future that continues to make
every moment matter.
Barbara W. Strait
Chair, Board of Directors , 2013
Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Michael D. Stautberg
Atrium Medical Center Foundation
2013 Annual Report 3
A Lifetime of
Loving and Giving
October 3, 1945. Nagoya, Japan.
Walter Evans closed his 118th
wartime letter to his wife, Nellie,
with these words:
Stay sweet, Darling, and count the days on your
little fingers. We will have so much fun. The
radio is playing “The Very Thought of You,” my
favorite. Won’t it be fun to drink and dance and
be happy again?
And they were indeed happy. After a 64-year union, Nellie passed
away in early 2009 at age 88 after an increasingly debilitating series
of strokes and heart attacks dating back to the mid-1970s. Walter
followed in October 2012 at age 95. During their lifetimes, Walter and
Nellie were generous donors to Atrium Medical Center Foundation,
assisting major programs such as the Heart Center and the Maternal
Child Health Center.
“But their support did not end with their passing,” explains Michael
Stautberg, Foundation president. Walter and Nellie were members
of the Heritage Society, for those who include the Foundation in
their estate plans. Through their estate, Walter created a charitable
trust, the Walter and Nellie Evans Endowment Fund, to provide
and enhance locally based expert education seminars for Atrium
caregivers in neuroscience, rehabilitation and behavioral health.
“Walter told me often how grateful he was that Atrium helped ‘keep
his Nellie with him,’ ” Mike recounts. “This major gift to the Moments
Matter campaign is testimony to that gratitude, to Walter and Nellie’s
great love for each other.”
4 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
The Walter and Nellie Evans love
story begins in wartime. Freshly
graduated from Pennsylvania
State University with a degree in
engineering, Walter was deployed
to France in 1942. He returned
home briefly in 1944 for officer
training. While stateside, he
married his long-time love, Nellie
Rash, whom he had met during his
college days at Penn State. Soon
after their wedding, Walter was
deployed again, this time to Japan.
“Walter had started a campus
donut shop, using his mother’s
‘secret’ recipe,” recalls fellow Penn
Stater Bill Sandston, a former
Armco executive and long-time
friend of the Evanses. “Although I
didn’t know Walter personally at
the time, I knew his donuts! The
shop was a successful venture
made all the more so because it’s
where he met his beloved Nellie.”
After a brief time spent in
Indianapolis, Walter and Nellie
settled down in Middletown in
1948, where Walter worked for
American Aggregates Corporation.
He retired 41 years later as vice
president of the corporation’s
Middletown-based subsidiary,
American Materials Company.
Nellie had earned a bachelor’s
degree in journalism and a
master’s degree in library
science, both from the University
of Kentucky, and worked as a
librarian. In 1952, she joined the
Middletown Journal as its society
columnist and also penned a
number of feature stories for
the paper.
Walter was a charter member and
director of Brown’s Run Country
Club, where he and Nellie were
avid golfers, and Nellie was
an enthusiastic bridge player.
From their first meeting in Walter’s donut shop at Pennsylvania State University, Walter
and Nellie Evans were meant to be together. They spent most of their 64-year marriage in
Middletown, supporting each other and the community.
Dick Slagle, a former Armco
executive and four-time director
of the Middletown Chamber
of Commerce, remembers first
meeting Walter when both men
held leadership positions at the
club. “Walter was a benevolent
man of great integrity,” Dick says.
“He also was a great storyteller and
would laugh louder than anyone at
his own stories!”
In life, Walter and Nellie Evans’
support strengthened Atrium
Medical Center’s ability to care
for their neighbors in southwest
Ohio. Today, through the Walter
and Nellie Evans Endowment
Fund, the power of their love for
one another lives on, touching
future generations of patients and
2013 Annual Report 5
Changing the World, Close to Home
Giving back to the community is
what motivates John and Wendy
Parks to invest in Atrium Medical
Center Foundation and other worthy
local causes.
“John and I try to give back to the communities
where we live and work,” Wendy says. “Atrium
Medical Center is not only a place where I work,
6 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
but it is also a place that our family and friends have
used over the years, from surgeries and cardiac and
neurological testing to treatment and emergency care.
Our daughter, Samantha, was born here four years ago.”
Wendy, director of system service line marketing for
Premier Health, and John, a principal at Clark Schaefer
Hackett, recently became members of the Foundation’s
Beacon Society, donors whose accumulated gifts to
Atrium Medical Center Foundation total $5,000 or more.
“We didn’t specifically set out to become members at
this philanthropic level,” says Wendy, who joined the
Atrium team 13 years ago. “Instead, we make regular
contributions to the Foundation’s annual campaigns
and other appeals. Most of these contributions are at
a low to mid-level range — nothing extraordinary.”
Wendy and John, residents of Springboro, are clear
on why they have made the Foundation a regular
recipient of their charitable dollars for more than
a decade.
“We’re not big-time donors to national organizations,”
John points out. “We believe in giving to local
organizations, where we can see how the dollars are
used, to help our communities.”
The couple is enthusiastic about the Foundation
“One campaign especially close to our hearts was
the cancer center campaign, which raised funds to
provide additional amenities for patients and their
families,” Wendy shares. “My father passed away from
cancer a few years ago. Having that memory fresh in
our hearts, we were happy to do something to support
other families fighting the battle against cancer.”
Wendy and John Parks, with daughter Samantha, believe in
supporting local organizations. Their gifts to Atrium Medical
Center Foundation have earned them recognition in the Beacon
Society donor feature in Atrium’s lobby.
DeClark Peace (also a long-time Foundation board
member) have been two of my mentors and strong
influences over the years,” he says.
The Parks intend to keep up their support. “If you
believe in a cause, make it a priority,” Wendy
says. “Not all of this support needs to be a grand
gesture. Sometimes it is the seemingly small
efforts of many individuals that add up to make the
biggest difference.”
John, Middletown High School Class of 1988, says
both he and Wendy have had great role models for
giving, starting with their parents and including other
citizens and co-workers. “Tom Hackett and Candice
2013 Annual Report 7
A Passion for Excellence
“If your hospital is going to have
a heart center, it better be a good
one.” That, according to Richard
Haller, is why he and his late wife,
June Leighton Haller, so generously
supported establishment of
Atrium’s Heart Center. The Hallers’
commitment to excellence in health
care led them to contribute to
enhancing Atrium’s Cancer Center
as well.
8 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
“My father taught me that you must strive to leave
a place better than you found it,” Richard explains.
“Programs like these help make Atrium Medical Center
not only a pillar of its community but also of the
region.” The Hallers are members of Atrium Medical
Center Foundation’s Heritage Society, for those who
have included the Foundation in their estate plans,
and the Beacon Society, for donors whose accumulated
gifts to the Foundation total $5,000 or more.
Both Richard and June were born in Cincinnati.
June grew up in Middletown, where she attended
Middletown High School. Richard is a Walnut Hills
High School alum. Introduced by June’s cousin, the
couple married in 1960. They had been married for 53
years when June passed away at age 83 after a long
battle with dementia.
A Miami University (Oxford) graduate in health and
physical education, June remained active all her life.
She was on the tennis team at Miami and continued
to pursue the game. Her real passion, however, was
gardening. She was a member of the Middletown Garden
Club and served as its president. June occasionally taught
physical education as a substitute in the Middletown
School System and was instrumental in bringing the
Body Recall fitness program for seniors to Middletown
through the Church of the Ascension, where she was a
lifelong member.
“We remember June fondly,” says friend and former
neighbor Pat Dupps. “Her energy and joy for life touched
everyone she knew. And her gardens! They were always
beautiful and such an expression of love.”
After graduating from DePauw University (Greencastle,
Indiana), Richard joined the military, becoming an
advanced observer. Sergeant Haller might have been
deployed to Korea, but with less than a year left to
serve, he was exempted from an extremely dangerous
tour of duty. Richard went on to earn an MBA at Indiana
University and joined Armco in 1953 as a trainee in the
raw materials department.
Thus began a long and fulfilling career. Richard retired
in 1977 as a marketing executive. He left his mark on
the company, having been part of the team that assisted
Armco through some challenging times.
The Hallers and their three children — Haven, Rick
and Margot — lived on The Alameda for many years.
Today, the Haller children live in Georgia, Oklahoma
and Texas, and Richard resides in Monroe, Ohio.
Richard and June have been blessed with six
grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Looking back on his life, Richard credits learning the
value of hard work as one of his most important life
lessons. His father planted that seed by ensuring his son
benefited from attending Camp Fairwood in Michigan,
starting at age 11. Richard and June’s son, Rick, continued
the family tradition as a camper and counselor at Camp
Kooch-i-ching in International Falls, Minnesota, which
offers boys a unique blend of residential camp and
wilderness tripping. Today, both Richard and Rick remain
involved with the 90-year-old camp.
“You have to work hard to create something valuable
and lasting,” Richard notes. “June spent a lot of time in
Atrium’s emergency room. The dedicated people there
got to know her, and I will always be appreciative of the
excellent and compassionate care they gave her.”
Richard and
June Haller
were married 53
years. The four
generations of
their family include
three children,
six grandchildren
and two great
The couple have
been generous
supporters of
Atrium Medical
Center Foundation.
2013 Annual Report 9
When Every Moment Matters
The theme of this year’s annual
report – Every Moment Matters – is
especially relevant for Ralph Talkers,
MD, medical director at Atrium
Medical Center’s Emergency Trauma
Center (ETC) and a long-time donor to
Atrium Medical Center Foundation.
“When you’re seriously injured, being able to reach
a Level III Trauma Center in five, 10, 15 minutes is
critical,” says Dr. Talkers. “Can you imagine if trauma
care was half an hour or an hour away? Chances for
a full recovery are greater because Atrium Medical
Center is right here, serving our communities, with
the only Level III Trauma Center in Butler and Warren
Dr. Talkers speaks not only as a medical director at
Atrium but also as a resident of Franklin Township. He
and his wife, Irene “Rene,” have raised four children
in this area and want the best in emergency medicine
for other area families.
10 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
“Foundation supporters absolutely can be proud of the
difference their generosity makes in emergency care,”
says Dr. Talkers. “The ETC team sees it every day. For
instance, we now have therapeutic hypothermia equipment,
helping us to prevent the loss of brain function, thanks to
the Foundation.”
When a patient suffers a heart attack or other trauma that
causes loss of blood flow to the brain, sometimes brain
damage can result. Atrium’s advanced technology results
in the highest likelihood of saving the brain by cooling the
body internally. Proceeds from the Foundation’s annual
Charity Night at the Tables, co-sponsored with Atrium
Family YMCA, have helped to purchase this and other vital
ETC equipment.
Dr. and Mrs. Talkers not only support the Foundation
financially, they also contribute their talent, enthusiasm and
hard work. For instance, they co-chaired the Foundation’s
highly successful annual campaign in 1997 to equip area life
squads with Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) bags, and
volunteered for the first Charity Night at the Tables in 2010.
“Ralph is a wonderful physician — and a wonderful person,”
says Barbara Strait, former Foundation board chair. “He
and his excellent team want the very best for every patient
coming to the ETC and realize that donations to the
Foundation have helped to fund some of the ETC’s life-saving
Dr. Talkers says, “Rene and I believe that supporting the
Foundation should be a priority for physicians, because
generous donors absolutely enhance the work we do.
I have seen so much good that Foundation support brings
to the ETC, making every moment matter. Together, we
are strengthening care for our neighbors right here in
southwest Ohio.”
Dr. Ralph and Irene Talkers, above and left, are
long-time supporters of Atrium Medical Center
Foundation’s efforts to build healthier communities.
At top left, the Talkers family gathers for a photo
on vacation. At top right, Dr. Talkers stands with
equipment, funded by the Foundation, that enables
EMS squads to transmit a patient’s heart monitor
readings directly to Atrium’s Emergency Trauma
Center before the patient arrives at the hospital.
2013 Annual Report 11
The Hometown Bank Supports
the Hometown Medical Center
The year that Ulysses S. Grant left
the White House and Rutherford B.
Hayes moved in ... when Thomas
Edison unveiled his phonograph
invention ... and Billy the Kid was a
big newsmaker ... Lebanon Citizens
National Bank was formed in 1877
to serve hometown people.
Today, the bank now called LCNB National Bank —
a locally managed public company headquartered
in Lebanon — has 36 offices and more than 300
employees in nine Ohio counties. But it continues to
focus on the people and businesses in the hometowns
it covers.
As one way of fulfilling its mission, LCNB supports
institutions that enrich the well-being of its
employees and customers. LCNB has been a loyal and
consistent supporter of Atrium Medical Center and
the former Middletown Regional Hospital since 1996.
12 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
“As a community bank, we try to make our dollars go
as far as possible in helping with the quality of life in
the communities we serve,” says Stephen P. Wilson,
chairman and CEO of LCNB. “A good local bank is an
economic driver for a community, and a good local
hospital enhances the quality of life and makes this
area better for all of us.”
Steve, who has been with LCNB for 38 years, says he
especially likes that each year Atrium Medical Center
Foundation presents a specific project for pressing
needs, where LCNB can direct their contribution.
“Different people within our organization might
have other favorites, but I was especially pleased
when LCNB was able to help with the PALS bags
campaign,” he reports. “I loved that project. But all
the Foundation’s projects have been meaningful and
The Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) campaign
in 1997 raised money to help injured and ill infants
and children by equipping Butler and Warren county
emergency medical services departments with
child-sized medical equipment. With the PALS
bags, area first responders gained the supplies,
information and equipment to most effectively
resuscitate and care for infants and children of all
ages and sizes.
Steve has taken advantage of opportunities to
tour Atrium Medical Center and also has visited
the Emergency Trauma Center and hospital rooms
when his relatives have been admitted. “I am
impressed with the kindness and expert medical
care people receive at Atrium,” he says. “Atrium
plays a strong role in our communities’ health
and wellness. It’s a natural for us to support that.”
The City of Lebanon and the banking industry have
weathered many changes since LCNB National Bank was
founded in 1877, but the hometown bank is thriving today.
At top are the bank’s executive team. Seated are Stephen
Wilson, left, and Steve Foster, right. Standing, left to right,
are Robert Haines II, Matt Layer, Eric Meilstrup, Bernard
Wright Jr. and Roy McKay.
2013 Annual Report 13
Eagle Scout Bridges
Atrium’s Past and Present
Walking the Atrium Medical Center campus, visitors to
the Caregivers Memory Garden often admire the view
of the hospital through the MRH Memorial Archway.
This handsome archway is a remarkable tribute to
the founders of Middletown Regional Hospital, with a
plaque describing that achievement. The structure’s
two base columns are constructed of bricks from the
original hospital, while the arch is made of bricks from
the new medical center.
14 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
“We only imagine, build and see
our achievements because of the
foundations laid by others before us.”
Above, Eagle Scout Pablo Alarcon Cabrera, center, celebrates completion of the MRH
Memorial Archway with, left to right, his parents, Martha and Walter Alarcon; John
McKinney and Dr. Jeffrey Hoffman, Atrium Medical Center; Mike Schneider, Baker Concrete
Construction; and Jeffrey Heil and Dan Moore, O’HEIL Irrigation Company. The photos at
left document construction of the archway, which required 700 hours from 50 volunteers
to complete.
What’s even more remarkable is this 10-foot tall
archway was the Eagle Scout project of Pablo Alarcon
Cabrera of Boy Scout Troop 947, West Chester. The first
Eagle Scout to approach the hospital about a project,
Pablo initially met with Atrium administration when
he was 16. The idea grew from a simple memorial
wall to a dramatic archway. Pablo took every step
necessary to see the project through, including
collaborating with Atrium Medical Center Foundation
for fundraising.
“Construction began March 29, 2013, and 50
volunteers — fellow Scouts, friends, family and
members of sponsoring businesses — put in 700 hours
to build the archway,” says Pablo.
“Pablo is an exceptional Eagle Scout,” praises John
McKinney, Atrium’s director of facility management
services. “We provided plans and pathways, but he did
everything from arranging meetings and preparing
marketing materials to creating a budget and
scheduling to actually laying bricks and mortar and
teaching volunteers how to do so.”
To help make the project a reality, Pablo enlisted
the help of local businesses who provided expertise
and materials. Partners on the project included
Baker Concrete Construction, Benchmark Masonry
Contractors, Blankenship Masonry Inc., O’HEIL
Irrigation Company, City of Middletown, Contractors
Materials Company, Hightech Signs, SHP Leading
Design, Structural Design Group, Spurlino Materials
and The Kleingers Group.
In recognition of Pablo’s outstanding efforts, the MRH
Memorial Archway was named the 2013 Eagle Scout
Project of the Year by the Boy Scouts of America Dan
Beard Council.
Pablo has a deep respect for the hospital founders
who, nearly 100 years ago, started providing the
region’s health care. “We owe so much to those who
came before us,” he says.
The graduate of Lakota West High School is the son
of Walter and Martha Alarcon of West Chester. The
family moved to the United States from Peru in 2003.
Pablo and his sister were born in Belgium.
“My grandfather was a stonemason in a rural jungle
town in Peru. Seeing how far my family has come
because of hard work, dedication and opportunities
offered to us, I want to make the most of the fantastic
opportunities I have,” Pablo says. “I also feel that I
need to give back.”
Pablo is now a student at The Ohio State University.
His plans? To become a doctor.
2013 Annual Report 15
Gala Raises More
Than $100,000 for
Neuroscience and
Stroke Care
Nearly 700 donors, volunteers and friends
made magic together as Atrium Medical Center
Foundation celebrated its third gala, Magic
Moments, on May 18, 2013. From all parts of our
region, Foundation supporters gathered at the
Sharonville Convention Center to honor local
heroes and support a future with new hope
for those suffering from stroke, trauma, and
memory, seizure and movement disorders.
Top: Dr. Jerry Hammond, left, was honored as the Physician Hero. Wilbur Cohen, right, was named a Community Hero at the Foundation’s first
gala in 2007. Middle: Left to right, Barbara Strait, 2013 Foundation board chair, presents the Community Hero award to Patricia Miller Gage
and her late husband, G. Robert Gage, while Carol Turner, Atrium President and CEO, and Larry Hollingshead, Atrium board, look on. Above:
Members of the Gala Committee are, left to right, co-chairs Rick and Saundra Pearce, Carole Schul, Barb Strait, Gina Pennington, Rebecca
Wilber, Laurie Mitchell, Tina Breitenbach, Sarah Kaup, Neila Barnes, Sara Mahoney, Pat Dupps, Frances Sack, Beth Marchant, Patti Gage and
Sharon Flagel. Not pictured: Barb Chappell and Sara Tompkins.
16 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Magic Moments netted more than
$100,000 to support the Foundation’s
Moments Matter campaign for Atrium’s
Neuroscience and Stroke Program.
Proceeds are helping to ensure that
Atrium keeps pace with advancing
neuroscience care so patients and their
families find all the care and support they
need, close to home.
Held every three years, the gala honored
Physician Hero Dr. Jerry Hammond and
Community Heroes Patricia Miller Gage
and her husband, the late G. Robert Gage,
for their leadership and impact on the
region’s health and well-being. Guests
enjoyed an elegant dinner and fine wine,
plus a silent auction, raffle and afterdinner cabaret.
Leading the magic-making efforts
were gala co-chairs Saundra and Rick
Pearce. They were joined by a dedicated,
hard-working steering committee that
included Neila Barnes, Tina Breitenbach,
Barb Chappell, Pat Dupps, Sharon Flagel,
Patricia Miller Gage, Sarah Kaup, Sara
Mahoney, Beth Marchant, Laurie Mitchell,
Gina Pennington, Frances Sack, Carole
Schul, Barbara Strait, Sara Tompkins
and Rebecca Wilber. Hundreds of
ambassadors, hosts, hostesses, sponsors
and patrons helped to create a truly
magical evening.
Special thanks to the gala’s major
sponsors: Cintas; Contech Engineered
Solutions; Freund, Freeze & Arnold, LPA;
and J.P. Morgan. We’re grateful to all our
generous sponsors for creating a fun and
memorable event.
Stay tuned for more details on the
Foundation’s upcoming fourth gala,
which will celebrate the hospital’s
100th anniversary.
Live music, a silent auction, an elegant dinner and fine wine combined to create
an evening full of magic moments. Nearly 700 guests from throughout the region
came together to support the Neuroscience and Stroke Program at Atrium Medical
Center on May 18, 2013.
2013 Annual Report 17
the Future
With Love
Two generous sisters who passed
away more than 20 years ago
continue to change lives here in
southwest Ohio. That’s the power
of endowments at Atrium Medical
Center Foundation.
Nadine and Beryl Orr, long-time Middletown residents, made a lasting impression
in their respective fields of nursing and education during their lifetimes. Their
legacy of professional excellence lives on thanks to an estate gift of approximately
$850,000 that created the Nadine and Beryl Orr Nursing Excellence Endowment in the
mid-1990s, following Nadine’s death in 1993 and Beryl’s passing in 1976.
Since then, their bequest has generated approximately $1 million to fulfill the Orrs’
intentions: funding scholarships for hospital nurses, helping them to advance their
professional accreditations and assisting with nursing education at the hospital.
The foresight and philanthropy of these two women enables an average of 50 to 75
nurses each year to further their educations and careers.
Sometimes an endowment helps with patients’ individual needs. The Jim Geran
Cancer Care Endowment, established in his memory by his family in 2008, each year
helps meet the pressing personal needs of patients with cancer, such as gas cards for
transportation to treatment or medical equipment for the home.
In 2013, the three daughters of the late Perry and Janet Thatcher decided their
parents’ legacy could touch even more patients at Atrium Medical Center. They
established the Perry D. and Janet L. Thatcher Neurosciences Endowment as part of
the Foundation’s Moments Matter campaign for Atrium’s Neuroscience and Stroke
Program. This followed their generous creation of the Perry D. Thatcher Cancer Care
Services Endowment in 2012.
“Endowment gifts ensure that health care in our region will continue to improve for
generations to come,” explains Candice DeClark Peace, JD, CPA, chair of the Foundation’s
Investment and Planned Giving Committees. “Endowments offer a unique and lasting
way to honor a loved one and to create a fund whose annual income will be used only
for the specific purpose designated by the donor.”
The number of endowments at Atrium Medical Center — and their assets — continue
to grow. Named endowments are always an option. If you are considering establishing
an endowment with Atrium Medical Center Foundation or would like more information
on the endowment process, please contact the Foundation at (513) 420-5144 or
[email protected].
18 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Endowments at Atrium
Medical Center Foundation
Bold type indicates endowments established June 2012 – June 2014.
Cancer Care Services Endowment Fund
Cardiac Telemetry Unit Endowment
Dr. E. Ronald Oches Endowment
for Children’s Health
Cardiology Ancillary Services Endowment
Nadine and Beryl Orr Nursing
Excellence Endowment
Mary Jean Cohen Cancer Care and Clinical
Research Endowment
Outdoor Artwork and Landscape
Feature Endowment
Joan Davies Scholarship Endowment
Peace Chapel Improvements Endowment
Dr. Jack Davis Endowment Fund for HEAL
and Children’s Health
Jeanne R. Sandston Cardiology
Ancillary Services Endowment
Endowment Fund for Education and
Special Projects
Dana Buchanan Shafer Memorial
Endowment Fund
Walter and Nellie Evans Endowment Fund
Patricia Ann Slagle Nursing
Scholarship Endowment
Friends In Need (FIN) Fund Endowment
G. Robert Gage Cardiology Endowment Fund
G. Robert Gage Memorial Scholarship for
Allied Health Professionals
Jim Geran Cancer Care Endowment
Dr. Jerry and Jean R. Hammond Endowment
Perry D. Thatcher Cancer Care
Services Endowment
Perry D. and Janet L. Thatcher
Neurosciences Endowment
Mary Prentice Valentine Caregiver
Appreciation Endowment
Norman and Pat Hayes Endowment Fund
HEAL Endowment
Health and Wellness Partnership Endowment
Stuart Ives Endowment Fund
Arlie and Mary Rose Kemplin Endowment
Kidney Care Endowment Fund
Maternal Child Health Center Endowment
Middletown Area Federation of Women’s
Clubs Endowment for Women’s Health
and Wellness
Lucy M. Nelson Endowment Fund
2013 Annual Report 19
Make Every Moment Matter
Thanks to the generosity of caring individuals, families, businesses, foundations and community groups, patients
at Atrium Medical Center benefit from advanced technology and caring services, close to home. Atrium Medical
Center Foundation ensures that every gift supports the Foundation’s mission of building healthier communities
for all who live and work in southwest Ohio.
In 2013, 850 donors – including 175 new donors – contributed $1,321,032 to further the Foundation’s charitable
work. These gifts reflect both pledges and cash contributions.
Every gift is used for its designated intent. Every dollar is put to use where it will have the greatest impact to
touch lives and improve health.
GIFTS RECEIVED IN 2013: $1,321,032
Atrium Auxiliary Middletown ........$90,677
Atrium Employees ............................ $66,610
Admissions ........................................11,945
Businesses........................................ $540,309
Surgeries, Inpatient ........................ 2,809
Foundations/Trusts ........................ $299,631
Surgeries, Outpatient ..................... 1,920
Individuals ..........................................$307,533
Births ........................................................864
Middletown Area Federation
of Women’s Clubs .............................. $16,272
Emergency Visits............................ 58,132
Gifts reflect pledge and cash contributions.
Foundation endowments and investments
stood at $18,635,000 at the end of 2013.
Past Foundation Projects
Outpatient Visits ......................... 180,483
Open Heart Patients ............................ 94
Interventional Heart
Procedures ......................................... 3,282
Cancer .................................................. $119,259
(Angioplasty, stent or other
interventional procedures)
Other Heart Procedures ...................808
Maternal Child Health
Center Visits ...................................... 13,818
Cardiac Care.......................................$106,194
Community Health
and Wellness ......................................$40,200
Atrium’s People
Dialysis ..................................................$12,000
Employees ............................................1,617
Development ..................................... $46,698
Medical Staff .........................................340
Employee Assistance
Friends In Need.................................... $4,356
Volunteer Hours ............................ 39,900
Family Birth Center ...........................$12,803
HEAL .......................................................$35,691
Maternal Child Health Center ...... $40,583
Miscellaneous Support .....................$13,566
Patient Guest Services ................... $24,500
Program ............................................... $46,698
Trauma/Emergency Services ...... $70,083
Women’s Services ............................ $49,950
20 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Volunteers .............................................. 270
David A. Pearce
Don L. Pelfrey
Kirk R. Reich
Michael J. Schneider, Chair
Michael D. Long, Vice Chair
Michael J. Scorti, Secretary
Nancy L. Gross, CPA, Treasurer
James B. Kleingers, PE, PS, LEED AP
Development Committee Chair
Candice DeClark Peace, JD, CPA
Investment Committee Chair
Planned Giving Committee Chair
James Papakirk, JD
Annual Fund Committee Chair
Gene A. Snow
Nominating Committee Chair
Walter H. Roehll, Jr., MD
Rhonda L. Seidenschmidt
Barbara W. Strait
Jeffrey S. Zollett, MD
Carol J. Turner, FACHE, President and
CEO, Atrium Medical Center
Martha Oches, President, Atrium
Auxiliary Middletown 2014-2015
Michael D. Stautberg, President,
Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Special thanks to Saundra Pearce,
RN, MSN, FACHE, whose term
ended in 2013.
Dr. Bruce & Neila Barnes
Heritage Society Co-Chairs
Joseph E. Beatty
Education Committee Chair
Gregory W. Siewny, MD
Physician Liaison Committee Chair
Charles W. Anderson
Anthony J. Checroun, MD
Pat Dupps
Thomas P. Farrell
Patricia Miller Gage
Jerry D. Hammond, MD
Sarah R. Kaup
Michael D. Stautberg
Dawn Hensley
Development Associate
Samuel R. Lobar
Director of Major Gifts
Virginia M. Peters
Donor Management Specialist
Jessica A. Woodard
Development Manager
Top photo: The Foundation’s board of
directors includes, standing left to right:
Kirk Reich, Joseph Beatty, Dr. Walter Roehll,
Jr., Michael Long, Martha Oches, James
Kleingers, Dr. Gregory Siewny, Pat Dupps,
James Papakirk, Dr. Anthony Checroun,
Rhonda Seidenschmidt, Nancy Gross, Dr.
Bruce Barnes, Patricia Miller Gage and Don
Pelfrey. Seated left to right are Sarah Kaup,
Michael Scorti, Barbara Strait, Gene Snow
and Neila Barnes.
Not pictured: Michael Schneider, Candice
DeClark Peace, Charles Anderson, Thomas
Farrell, Dr. Jerry Hammond, David Pearce
and Dr. Jeffrey Zollett.
Bottom photo, from left to right: The
Foundation staff is Virginia M. Peters,
Michael D. Stautberg, Dawn Hensley,
Jessica A. Woodard, Samuel R. Lobar.
2013 Annual Report 21
Kelli Gill, Co-chair
Barbara W. Strait, Chair
Dr. Will and Marcia Andrew, Co-chairs
Autumn Adams
Joseph Bidwell
Lindsay Albrinck Lee
Jill Alsup
Jerry Hammond, MD
Carol Cobb
Melissa Bowlin
James Kleingers, PE, PS, LEED AP
Fred and Amy DeBiasi
Ed Carlisle
James Papakirk, JD
Sherry Emerick
Cindy Carter
Candice DeClark Peace, JD, CPA
Dave Harrison
Marty Cole
David Pearce
Ruth Kelly
Gaye Copas
John Sawyer
Lindsay Lanham
Lisa Duncan
Scott Shelton
Kimberly Munafo
Karen Feldmeyer
Michael J. Schneider
Kim Phillips
Carolyn Fogarty
Carol J. Turner, FACHE
Ted Ripperger
James Fox
Jeffrey Zollett, MD
Kate Schwartz
Doug and Rhonda Koenig, Co-chairs
Barbara W. Strait
Lisa Galloway
Debbie Gibson
Ralph Talkers, MD
Christie Gray
Kelly Hall
Sherry Hill
Robyn Hoffman
Gay Johnson
Charlene Kurtz
Diane Marts
John McKinney III
James B. Kleingers, PE, PS, LEED AP,
Joseph Beatty
Thomas P. Farrell
Wendy Parks
Shobha Patel
Nancy Ray
Laura Salome
Jan Schuster
Terrie Smith
Beth Steele
Shawn Taylor
Jesse Thornton
Sara Tompkins
Marquita Turner
Ingrid Waggoner
Melissa Waites
Kathy Watson
Amy Wolf
Julie Woodrey
Sheree Young
22 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Sara Tompkins
Marquita Turner
Mike Wertz
James Papakirk, JD
Walter H. Roehll, Jr., MD
Barbara W. Strait
Joanne Morgan
Amy Newland
Caroline Strait
William C. Keck, JD, Chair
Candice DeClark Peace, JD, CPA,
Planned Giving Chair
James Keys, Jr., JD
Michael J. Schneider, Chair
Jonathan McCann
Sarah Kaup
Peter McColgan
James Papakirk, JD
Andrew N. Singer, JD
Candice DeClark Peace, JD, CPA
Patti Stoll
Donald Pelfrey
Walter H. Roehll, Jr., MD
Barbara W. Strait
Gene Snow, Chair
Joseph Beatty
Patricia Miller Gage
Sarah Kaup
Mike Long
Donald Pelfrey
Barbara W. Strait
Candice DeClark Peace, JD, CPA, Chair
James Papakirk, JD, Chair
Nancy Gross, CPA
Dr. Bruce and Neila Barnes, Co-chairs
James Papakirk, JD
Charles Beck
Donald Pelfrey
Frank Chapman
Mike Scorti
Wilbur Cohen
Mike Sims
Candice DeClark Peace, JD, CPA
Barbara W. Strait
Donald Pelfrey
W. Thomas Scott, MD
Rick and Saundra Pearce
Magic Moments Gala Co-chairs
Doug and Rhonda Koenig
Moments Matter Co-chairs
Kelli Gill
Moments Matter Co-chair
Kirk Reich
Moments Matter Business Chair
Dr. Subodh Wadhwa
Moments Matter Physician Chair
Dr. Gregory Siewny, Chair
Daniel Dobrozsi, Co-chair
Charles W. Anderson
Dr. Anthony Checroun, Vice Chair
Steve Dobrozsi, Co-chair
Joseph Beatty
Dr. Jerry Hammond
Martha Cole
Anthony Checroun, MD
Dr. Jeffrey Hoffman
Chris Cooley
Martha Cole
Dr. Andrew Krebs
Stephanie Cooley
Ramon DeSousa
Dr. Barry Robertson
Larry Curless
Jayne Floering
Barbara W. Strait
Mary Dobrozsi
Patricia Miller Gage
Dr. Subodh Wadhwa
T. Duane Gordon
Sarah Kaup
Gary Gross
Mike Long
Robyne Head
Michael J. Schneider
Don Johnson
Carole Schul
Donna Kramer
Rick and Saundra Pearce, Co-chairs
Gregory Siewny, MD
Mike Long
Neila Barnes
Dan Smith
Bill McCall
Tina Breitenbach
Barbara W. Strait
Saundra Pearce
Barb Chappell
John Wells
Donald Pelfrey
Pat Dupps
Tom Sauer
Sharon Flagel
Mike Scorti
Patricia Miller Gage
Sarah Sparks
Casey Boyce, MD
Little Blessings Campaign Chair
Sarah Kaup
Freund, Freeze & Arnold, LPA
Sara Mahoney
Patricia Miller Gage
Beth Marchant
Madeline Hensley
Laurie Mitchell
Jane Kern
Gina Pennington
Leslie Kurtz
Frances Sack
Mary Jo Lane
Carole Schul
Mike and Sara Mahoney
Barbara W. Strait
Lisa Martinez
Sara Tompkins
Susan Moore
Rebecca Wilber
Angie Stautberg
Betsy Zelek
2013 Annual Report 23
Touching Lives, Improving Health
Atrium Medical Center Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following donors for their support and
commitment in 2013. Your gifts make every moment matter for patients and their loved ones.
EPreward, Inc.
N-Stock Box, Inc.
Assembly of Jesus Christ
Mr. Walter B. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pancoast
Atrium Auxiliary Middletown
Freund, Freeze & Arnold, LPA
David and Karen Pearce
Baker Concrete Construction
Patricia Miller Gage
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pelfrey
Barnitz Fund – Chase
Greater Cincinnati Affiliate of
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Piccioni Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breitenbach
Charity Night at the Tables
Children’s Medical Center, Inc.
Cintas Corporation
Clark Schaefer Hackett
Cohen, Inc.
Contech Engineered Solutions
John and Pat Dupps
Mr. Richard A. Haller, Sr.
Robert H. Reakirt Foundation – PNC
Bank, Trustee
Kiwanis Club of Middletown
Erdis G. Robinson Trust
Mr. and Mrs. William Lahmann
Estate of Perry D. Thatcher
Mrs. Marilee A. Levey
Carol J. Turner
March of Dimes Foundation –
Ohio Chapter
Mr. Heath Valentine
Middletown Area Federation of
Women’s Clubs
Middletown Community Foundation
Wausau Paper
William O. Barnitz Fund – Chase
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Zollett
SPONSORS: $2,000 TO $4,999
AK Steel Corporation
First Financial Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Kiefhaber
Akers Packaging Service, Inc.
David and Jayne Floering
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kleingers
American National Insurance
Fraternal Order of Eagles #528
Doug and Rhonda Koenig
Frost Brown Todd
Tom and Tammy Laine
Arthur Harvey Foundation
Graydon Head
Big Lick Retreat, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Grossmann
Laine & Lane Marketing
Brower Insurance
Dr. Jerry Hammond
Mr. Jerrold Twohig and
Dr. Judith Burichin
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hardin
Lebanon Optimist Club
Lily Ann Schulz Memorial Baseball
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman
Hilltop Obstetrics & Gynecology
Mrs. Barbara K. Chappell
Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc.
Loyal R. and Anita Juengling Memorial
Fund – Middletown Community
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur M. Cohen
Anita Scott Jones
Middletown Cardiovascular Associates
Kelly Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Jones
Dr. Percy D. and Laurie Mitchell, Jr.
Economy Linen and Towel Service, Inc.
J.P. Morgan
Fifth Third Bank
Kastle Technologies
National Council of State Boards of
Nursing, Inc.
24 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Mrs. Martha Oches
Shumsky Enterprises
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Osterman Cron
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Siewny
Mr. and Mrs. John Venturella
Otterbein Senior Lifestyle Choices
Standard Textile
Wal-Mart #3571
Phi Beta Psi Sorority
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
Western & Southern Insurance
Premier Physician Services
Ms. Alice Stransky
Tina Whitacre
Quintiles, Inc.
Ms. Yvette Stransky
Mark and Molly Williams
John and Jennifer Ridge
The Dupps Company
Shook Construction
The Urology Group
PATRONS: $1,000 TO $1,999
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Saul and Donna Banks
Susan Cracraft, DO
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Akers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck
CTI Restaurants
American Savings Bank
Debbie Branscomb
Flagel & Papakirk, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Anderson
Ms. Suzanne Buchanan
Mr. DeWitt Chapple, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Fondersmith Fund,
Youth Advisory Council – Middletown
Community Foundation
Atrium Medical Staff
Dr. and Mrs. Kunil Chris Chung
Ken Gaines, MD, MBA
Play For Pink Tournament
Fights Breast Cancer
Mike Roe, Sr., owner of Kingdom Sports Center in Franklin, wanted
to raise money to help breast cancer causes. He decided to make
the money work even harder by using it close to home.
In April 2013, Kingdom Sports hosted a Play for Pink basketball
tournament. Seventy teams of grade school and high school players
participated, with proceeds totaling more than $1,500. The funds
were donated to Atrium Medical Center Foundation to be used to
expand mammography services, making it easier for women to get
life-saving mammograms close to home or work.
“My mom, Vivian Roe, had breast cancer a few years ago. She’s
doing fine now, thanks to some wonderful, caring and skilled people
at Atrium Medical Center,” Mike says.
Many members of Mike’s family helped with the event – wife Debbie,
son Michael, brother Steve and even Vivian herself.
The tournament has become an annual event at the 60,000-squarefoot sports complex located on Watkins Glen Drive, says Mike. The
2014 Play for Pink was held April 4–6, 2014 and raised another $1,500.
“Most every family has been affected by breast cancer in some way,”
Mike points out. “A mammogram detected Mom’s cancer. Early
detection is so important, and Atrium’s expanded mammography
services will save lives.”
On behalf of Atrium Medical Center
Foundation, board chair Barbara W. Strait,
left in pink jacket, gratefully accepts a
donation from Vivian Roe and the Play for
Pink tournament. Also pictured, left to right,
are Sam Lobar, Foundation; Michael Roe, Jr.;
Mike Roe, Sr.; Debbie Roe; Steve Burkhardt
and Bethany Muncy.
2013 Annual Report 25
Fred and Sue Gibson
Samuel and Laura Lobar
Dr. and Mrs. Barry A. Robertson
John and Lisa Gossett
Ms. Mary L. McKibben
Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Roehll, Jr.
Jason and Christie Gray
Miami University Middletown
Mr. William L. Sandston
Gross & Co., Inc.
David and Angie Miller
Sanger & Eby
Dave and Karen Harrison
Miriam G. Knoll Charitable Foundation
David and Carole Schul
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks
Joanne R. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Scorti
Hightowers Petroleum Co., Inc.
Jim and Marilyn Noll
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. James Peace
Sinclair Community College –
Courseview Campus
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hollingshead
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Pennington
Huhtamaki, Inc.
Jerry and Carolyn Pennington
Kingdom Sports Center
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Philbin
Premier Health – Finance Division
LCNB National Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk W. Reich
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Strait
Dr. and Mrs. Subodh Wadhwa
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Ware
Warren County Foundation
Patti Wilkins
Dr. and Mrs. Scott L. Zollett
The Lasting Legacy of Heath
and Mary Valentine
From the depths of grief can come new life and hope. In life and in
death, Heath and Mary Valentine’s generosity is improving care at
Atrium Medical Center and comforting those at the end of life in
southwest Ohio.
When former Middletown resident Heath Valentine passed away
unexpectedly in Florida in April 2013, his family followed the example of
giving that Heath had set. They requested that memorial contributions
be made to Atrium Medical Center Foundation to support the Mary
Prentice Valentine Caregiver Appreciation Endowment. “We knew how
much Dad appreciated the care that our mother received at Atrium, and
we wanted to honor that,” says daughter Heather Valentine Mitten.
Heath established the endowment in 2011 in memory of his wife, who
spent 100 days at Atrium Medical Center and eventually lost her battle
with cancer. The endowment supports two programs that recognize
nurses and non-nurses for extraordinary, compassionate care. In 2011,
Heath explained, “Mary needed special attention day and night from
bedside care providers as well as from hospital-wide staff. Everyone
was extremely capable and caring. I, for one, am forever grateful for the
care they gave Mary.” At the time of Heath’s death, his intention to fully
fund the endowment remained incomplete.
The family of Heath Valentine, who
passed away in 2013, requested that
memorial contributions be made
to the Foundation to support the
Mary Prentice Valentine Caregiver
Appreciation Endowment, established
by Heath in memory of his wife.
Heath and Mary had included Hospice Care of Middletown in their estate plans, unbeknown to Hospice. At Heath’s
unanticipated passing, Hospice received nearly $900,000 — its largest gift to date — as the sole beneficiary of the
Valentines’ trust. Knowing the Atrium endowment still needed funding, Hospice’s board of directors unanimously
agreed to fulfill Heath’s documented wishes and grant the remaining $70,000 to the Foundation.
“We are deeply grateful to the Valentine family for their support, and to Hospice Care of Middletown for their
generous partnership in honoring Heath’s wishes,” says Michael D. Stautberg, Foundation president. “The
Valentines’ gift is inspiring Atrium’s caregivers to achieve excellence for the patients and families we serve. What a
truly fitting tribute to Heath and Mary.”
26 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Rick C. Adams
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Furlong
Beth A. Marchant
Alliance Printing & Mailing Services
G & J Pepsi
Mr. and Mrs. David Martin
Alpha & Omega Building Services
Elizabeth and David Gaston
Lisa Martinez
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Genenbacher
Mason-Deerfield Rotary Club
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Gerber
Virginia McClure
Atrium Credit Union, Inc.
Kelli and Rob Gill
McGill Smith Punshon Inc.
Atrium Medical Center Laboratory
Mr. Jose G. Gonzalez and Ms. Virginia
John McKinney III
Atrium Medical Center Respiratory
Care Employees
Ms. Deborah R. Gray
Donna C. Banks
Great Wolf Lodge
Dr. L. Bruce and Neila Barnes
Tina Gregory
Mary Boosalis and Tom Olsen, MD
Theresa Groff
Mr. Scott and Dr. Casey Boyce
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Gruwell
Kelley M. Brandel
Pauline Hamblin
BRG Apartments
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Hammond
Brio Tuscan Grille at The Greene
Ms. Terri Hammond
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Brockman
Sheila and Jeff Hawley
Jennifer Brown
Mrs. Teresa R. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bruner
Robyne L. Head
Cakes by...Pam Sturkey
The Hensley Family
Ms. Anita Carroll
Hightech Signs
Chapel Electric Company, LLC
Mr. Fred Hilkowitz and Dr. Heather
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Checroun
Mr. and Mrs. James Ciesick
Marty Cole
Phyllis B. and Timothy H. Costello
Ms. Sandra Cramer
Larry and Letitia Curless
Dr. and Mrs. Scot W. Denmark
Dick and Charlotte Nisbet Fund –
Middletown Community Foundation
Pamela J. Hollihan
Laberta Holowiecki
Hospice Care of Middletown
Hunter IGA Express – Vince Vaske
Integrity Continuing Education
Rhea Jeffers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jett
Darlene Gay Johnson
Dickerson Distributing Company
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Kah
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dillman
Kohl’s “Associates in Action” Program
Stephen and Wendy Dobrozsi
Kori & Everhart Advanced Dentistry
Ms. Devon Dullaghan
Dr. William D. Langworthy
JoAnn Duncan
Eugene and Elizabeth Lolli
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Long
Mr. Jay Evans
Louis B. McCallay Fund – Middletown
Community Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. D. Brian Fogarty
Pam Fordyce
Kathleen Fox
Bernice L. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraunfelter
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Frazer
Melea Miller
Miller Insurance
Wendy L. Mitchell
Tom and Vicki Monce
Amy Mossman
Beth A. Mullins
Robyn Myers
Mrs. Betty Lou Nein
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Neumann
Amy Newland
Nordstrom Films, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oches
Sheri O’Flynn
Gail Owen-Fisher, RN
Dan and Debi Padgett
John and Wendy Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Paterchak
Rick and Saundra Pearce
John Perdiue
Ron and Virginia Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Poulliot
Dr. and Mrs. G. Michael Pratt
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Ray
Nancy Ray
Dr. and Mrs. Juan C. Reina
Dr. Kelly and Ted Ripperger
Ms. Carol Roberts
Roosevelt Surgical Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rose
Michele and Tom Rudolf
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schaefer
Vince and Michelle Lovejoy
Michael and Jan Schuster
Tammy Lundstrom, MD
Donald F. Schwerin
Magnode Corporation
Dr. Tom and Bonnie Scott
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Magone
Doug and Rhonda Seidenschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mahoney
Julia R. Shock
Thomas J. Maloney, Jr.
Andrew and Susan Singer
2013 Annual Report 27
Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Snow
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
John and Sheila Wade
Society of Financial Service
Professionals – Cincinnati Chapter
Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Takahashi
Ingrid Waggoner
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Talkers
Tari Walker
The Children’s Medical Center
of Dayton
Watson’s Dry Cleaners
Mr. Earl A. Spencer
Tom and Ceil Stabler
The Kidney and Hypertension Center
Mr. Tim Stall and Dr. Tammy Stall
Thompson Hine LLP
Barbara Steel, MD and Mr. Jeff Moore
Sharon K. Thornton
Beth Steele
Sara and Andrew Tompkins
Dr. Malcolm Steiner and Carolyn
Hartwell, PhD
Marquita Turner
Hannah M. Sparks
Ms. Jane Strathman and
Mr. William Petrarca
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Street
US Bank
Tamara Vashakmadze, MD and
Ramon DeSouza
Dr. Phuong Vuong and Dr. Anh Dang
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
WesBanco Bank, Inc.
Western & Southern Life
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Williams
Fern Wills
J. Scott and Jessica Woodard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wortley
Tim and Kathleen Wourms
Sheree Young
93rd Charity Ball Offers
Traditional Fun, with a
New Twist
For the 93rd annual Charity Ball on December 7, 2013, the ingredients
that attendees love were certainly there: dinner, dancing and fun at the
Pendleton Art Center in Middletown.
But this signature event of the Middletown Area Federation of Women’s
Clubs offered something quite new this year.
“We had a casino!” says Frances Sack who, with husband Dan, cochaired this year’s ball. “Besides fitting our theme of ‘Moon River Cruise,’
gambling enabled us to appeal to a younger crowd – and it worked.”
Approximately 230 attendees walked a wooden gang plank into the
events room decorated with a riverboat theme. The Knights of
Columbus 1610 manned the gaming tables where attendees wagered
play money, later used to bid on prizes.
“The best part of the evening was knowing our efforts help an
endowment at Atrium Medical Center Foundation that provides
medical services to uninsured or underinsured Middletown-area
women,” says Frances.
Frances and Dan Sack co-chaired the
2013 Charity Ball sponsored by the
Middletown Area Federation of Women’s
Clubs. Proceeds support an endowment
established by the Federation at Atrium
Medical Center Foundation to cover the
costs of medical care for Middletown-area
women who cannot afford it.
With the Jim and Melinda Armbruster family as honorary chairs, the 2013 Charity Ball raised nearly $16,000, adding
to the more than $1 million dollars donated to the hospital over the years to fund equipment, education programs
and new services that would have been delayed or not available without the Federation’s support.
“We are deeply grateful that this ball, the oldest running event in the city, has always been devoted to helping our
hospital improve health,” says Jessica Woodard, development manager, Atrium Medical Center Foundation.
28 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
FRIENDS: $1 TO $249
Brenda Abney
Linda Bell
Dr. and Mrs. JW Campbell
Ace Exterminating Company
Leslie E. Bellamy
Mary Campbell
Autumn M. Adams
Betsy and Floyd Bender
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Adams
Mrs. Virginia Benedett
Mr. Steve Cantrell
Ms. Janice Adams
Kathy Bere
Gregory Scott Carder
Advanced Eye Solutions
Betsy Zelek Marketing Services
Mrs. Heather Carder
Ms. Reyna G. Aguilar
Carol and Joseph Bidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Carlson
Mandi Alcorn
Big Al’s Muffler & Brake
Ms. Wilda Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Alder
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Billington
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Allen
Emiilee L. Bird
Cassady Schiller & Associates, Inc.
Ginger R. Alley
Ms. Missy Black
Dr. Shobashalini Chokkalingam, MD
Jill Alsip
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred F. Black, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Cieslak
Amy E. Anders
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Blanton
Cincinnati State – Middletown Campus
Dr. and Mrs. Dale Block
Rev. John Civille
Mr. Dan Anslinger, Sr.
Mr. Jeremy R. Bodey and
Ms. Lauren Mattiace-Bodey
Ms. Crista V. Clancy
Mr. Matthew J. Appenzeller
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Apple
Arbor Care Tree and Lawn Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Armbruster
Art Avenue Custom Framing
Rebecca Arthur
Assisted Transition of Southwest Ohio
Lori Atkinson
Atrium Fountain Proceeds
Atrium Medical Center Care
Management Staff
Atrium Medical Center Education Dept.
Atrium Medical Center Pharmacy
Mr. Robert Averbeck
Ruth Bailey
Karen Baird
Ron and Sharon Baker
Mr. Joseph Barger
Rebecca Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Bartilson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Barton
Marjorie Batten
Linda and Richard Baxter
Joe and Cindy Beatty
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bohannon
Mr. Douglas Bontrager
Monica Borchers
Ms. Ronda Bowman
Darlene Breedlove
Breitenbach McCoy-Leffler
Funeral Home
Lisa Brenner
Lisa Brookbank
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Broussard, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Brown
Brown’s Run Country Club
Ms. Jennifer Brumby
Joey Brumfield
Ms. Heather D. Bryant
Midge Bailey Bryant
BT Graphics
Diane M. Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Buchert
Dr. and Mrs. John Burley
Mr. and Mrs. Justin L. Burnett
Kimberly A. Burton
Ms. Robyn Buskirk
Dr. Daniel A. Butler
C. D. Bramlage & Company
Clemans-Nelson & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Jessica N. Collins
Casey S. Combs
Pat Combs-Brannaman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Conley
Mr. Roger W. Conner
Chris and Stephanie Cooley
Gaye Copas
Jay Cotterman
Counseling Alliance PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Cox
Margo E. Cox
Bethany M. Coyle
Lee Anne Craft
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Craycraft
Melissa A. Curtis
Mrs. Roberta B. Daly
Roger and Bonnie Daniel
Ms. Kimberly L. Daniska
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Daulbaugh
Mr. Richard Davies
Gay Davis
Jon S. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Denard
Mrs. Carolyn G. Dennin
2013 Annual Report 29
Christina Dennin-Mapes
Aurelia and John Fraley
Marsha Halsey
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dietz
Suzanne Francis
Joan Hamilton
Kimberly B. Dillon
Fricker’s – Middletown
Kathy Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiStaola
Frontier Motors, Inc.
Ms. Joyce A. Hamm
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dobrozsi
Ms. Jean Fudge
Mr. Michael Hamm
Dobrozsi Insurance Agency
Ms. Lynda Fultz
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Hammond
Don Imhoff, Jr., Attorney at Law
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Furchak
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hancock
Michele A. Douglas
Galan’s Fine Gifts
Mrs. Lois Harbin
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Draper
Garland & Johnson Dental
Mr. and Mrs. James Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Leman L. Dunlap, Jr.
Gary H. Kaup, Attorney at Law
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hattery
Kyler T. Dunning
Sandra Gebhart
Cynthia Hay
Monica DuShane, LSW
General Factory / WD Supply
Mark D. Hayden
Ms. Betty Gay Earls
Ms. Bobbie L. Gerhart
Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Hayes
Echoes of Light
Anthony J. Gertz
Tom and Debbie Hazelbaker
Donna Edell
Ms. Vivian Gibbs
Rick and Vickie Heck
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Egginger
Debbie Gibson
Mrs. Marilyn M. Heiger
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elcess
Kim Gibson
Becky Helfinstine
James M. Elder
Ms. Judy Gilleland
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Hellmann
Mr. Anthony B. Elieff
Mr. and Mrs. John Gilliam
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Ellis
Scott and Cissi Glickfield
Jeff and Emily Hendrix
Joyce Ellis
Mrs. Rosemary M. Gloeckler
Matt Hennigan
David and Mary Enochs
Michelle Goffinet
Penny and John Herr
Environmental Assessment Services
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Gramkow
Lori Hickman
Environmental Doctor
Mr. Jay Grandfield
Sherry Hill
Environmental Engineering Services
Great Miami Valley YMCA
Mrs. Anna Hipsher
Equity Property Management
Greater Cincinnati Health Council
HKC Roofing and Construction
Ms. Diane Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Greenwell
Lesli A. Holt
Excel Corporate Care
Mary P. Gregory
Ryan Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Griffith
Mr. Christopher Hopper
Mr. and Mrs. James Felder
Mr. Donald E. Grigsby
Mrs. Elsie Hornbeck
Karen A. Feldmeyer
Mrs. Joann Grimes
The Houchins Family
Denise L. Fenner
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Gross
Aimee Howard
Kenneth O. Fielder
James and Geri Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Howard
Finkelman Real Estate
Michele C. Guido
Cynthia A. Howley
Julie L. Fischmer
Mr. and Mrs. David Gully
Colleen R. Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Flagel
Gerry Gunderson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ifcic
Patrick Flanik
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hageman
J.C. Shew & Associates
Darlene Fletcher
Lacey D. Haines
Carol A. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Hall
Jag’s Steak and Seafood
Sandra Fletcher
Joyce Hall
Jefferson Davis Inn
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Foster
Kelli Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Chester M. Jenkins
Four Bridges Golf Academy
Diane M. Halpin
30 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Melissa Jesse
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kinsey
Jennifer and John Lake
Karen D. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Altert E. Klatt
Kathleen Lamkin
Renee M. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Klein
Mike and Priscilla Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones
Mr. Robert J. Klosterman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Lankfer
Arlene N. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Knueven
Mr. Richard B. Lantis
Margaret S. Jones
Ms. Ella M. Koedel
Mr. William S. Latham
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Jordan
Amy Koger
Deborah and Rex Lawson
Ms. Dianne Judge
Lilly Brown Kohl
Rhonda Jordan Lawwill
Dr. and Mrs. Freddy Katai
Robert J. Korhely
Jan Leary
Mr. Yonathan Kebede
Neva Kovach
Dr. Jeff Leipzig
Bill and Barbara Keck
Donna and Jim Kramer
Ms. Gail Ripperger Lennig
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Keller
Kroger Marketplace
Lindsay’s Shell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kelly
Charlene G. Kurtz
Ms. Cathie Logan
Mrs. Jane Kern
Leslie R. Kurtz
Mrs. Mary L. Logsdon
Ms. Sabra B. King
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kuss
Deb Long
Talent of Artist Alice Stransky
Brightens Our World
The creations of one of Middletown’s favorite artists brighten the day of
patients and visitors at Atrium Medical Center, thanks to artist Alice Stransky.
Alice, who lives in Middletown, and her daughter and agent Yvette Stransky
donated several art pieces, each an “Alice Original©.”
Two paintings were gifted for the silent auction at the 2013 Magic
Moments Gala: “San Pedro Church,” a watercolor, and “Ballerinas on the
Stage,” a pastel.
The artist also kindly donated seven pieces for display throughout Atrium.
Because her style is a favorite with area residents, it’s not unusual for a new
Atrium visitor to exclaim, “That’s an Alice Original!”
Alice was born in Vienna, Austria, and grew up in Czechoslovakia, liking to
draw, sketch and paint. She also lived in Germany and Canada before moving
in 1959 to Middletown, where she took classes at the Middletown Arts Center.
Traveling the world with her husband following his retirement was a great
source of creative inspiration.
Artist Alice Stransky gave thanks for
the care she received at Atrium Medical
Center by donating several of her
original art pieces to Atrium Medical
Center Foundation.
When she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005, Alice turned to Atrium Medical Center.
“With these donations, I wanted to give back, in recognition of the excellent care I received at
Atrium,” she says. “Everyone made such a difference in my recovery.”
“We often hear that we are called upon to give our time, talent and treasure. Artist Alice
Stransky has done all three with her gifts to Atrium Medical Center,” says Sam Lobar, director,
major gifts, Atrium Medical Center Foundation.
Alice was commissioned to create a watercolor of Atrium Medical Center to use in conjunction
with the hospital’s 100th anniversary in 2017. Stand by to see this magnificent work unveiled!
2013 Annual Report 31
Marlene Long
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle McGlone
Mary Beth and Mark Morgan
Shari Lovelace
Bob and Wilma McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. J. Luther Morris
Mr. and Mrs. John Loy
Christina McNeice
Ms. Dianne D. Mosko
Lynx Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McNeil
Mount Pleasant Retirement Village
Kelli Mack
Ms. Michelle McRoberts
Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Mulligan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Madison
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Mears
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Mulligan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David Magnusen
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mahoney, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Methlie
Ms. Jamie Murphy and Mr. Phillip
Virgil and Barbara Maines
Brent and Sue Meyers
Cyndi Mapp
Middletown Ford
Ms. Margaret Mark
Middletown Women Teachers Club
Mr. and Mrs. P. Nevin Markle
Lejeana Miller
Tina Martin
Mr. and Mrs. M. Shane Miller
Mr. Ken Maynard
Wendy Minor
Ms. Susan McAllister
Minuteman Press of Lebanon
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. McCann
Jeffrey A. Mitchell, DDS
Mr. Peter D. McColgan
Ms. Heather V. Mitten
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCoy
Richard H. and Patricia A. Montgomery
McDougall Marketing Group
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. R. Jay Moorman
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Nenni
Paul and Cecelia Nenni
Debra New
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Newlin
Mr. and Mrs. David Nickell
Dr. Dick M. Nisbet
Ms. Jonelle M. Noffsinger
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Nolen
Noonan, Brockman & Pollock, DDS, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Nori
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. James Norris
Mason-Deerfield Rotarians
Support HEAL Program
“We help our neighbors and have fun doing it” is the slogan of the
Rotary Club of Mason-Deerfield. This group of Rotarians, 43 members
strong, presented a check to Atrium Medical Center Foundation to
support Atrium’s Help Endure a Loss (HEAL) program, which helps
families by offering comfort and reassurance in dealing with the loss of
a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, infant or childhood death.
“We support programs in our communities. Atrium is a huge part of
the Mason school system and our area,” says Jerry Kroll, immediate
past president, who points out that the high school athletic stadium
is named Atrium Stadium. “We want to show our support to Atrium
because Atrium supports our communities.”
Atrium also has therapy and medical offices in the Mason-Deerfield
Township region and will be expanding its presence there soon.
Sheree Young, RNC, left, spoke to MasonDeerfield Rotarians about Atrium’s HEAL
program that helps families cope with
the loss of a child. Jerry Kroll, right, is the
group’s immediate past president.
“On behalf of the families served by HEAL, Atrium is very grateful for this generous gift,”
says Sheree Young, RNC, perinatal bereavement program coordinator. “Compassionate
Rotarians are helping parents cope with one of the most devastating things that can
happen to a family — the loss of a child. In addition, Rotary’s support is funding education
about safe sleep for infants, to prevent tragic deaths. We couldn’t be more grateful.”
32 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Ms. Michelle L. North
Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds
Teresa L. Smith
Mrs. Norma Nossokoff
Mr. and Mrs. John Richter
Brittney Snider
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Novak
Ms. Phyllis S. Richter
Robb McKerron Snider, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Novak
Fred J. Rickard, II
Sandra Snowden
Ms. Linda Okonski
Ridgeway Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Snyder
Oncology Hematology Care
Mr. Barney Riesbeck
Jeffrey F. Solarek
Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine
Steve and Beth Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Spangler
Ms. Lori L. Ringley
Sarah E. Sparks
Mr. Tim Ripperger
Ronda Spitler
Pat and David Robbins
Ms. Susan A. Spohr
Zakiya Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Spurlin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Roteck
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Stautberg
Sue Rudd
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stautberg
Ms. Lisa D. Rupp
Mr. James P. Stautberg, Jr.
Sara Rusk
Ms. Jill K. Stautberg
Caitlyn Russell
Mrs. Kathy Stautberg
Terri Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stautberg, II
Ryan’s All Glass
Stefano’s Italian Cafe & Catering
Dan and Frances Sack
Patti Stepp
Laura Salome
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Stevens-Gleason
Dr. Matthew Sanders
Michaela M. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. Scot A. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Saunders
Drs. Jon and Courtney Sulentic
John and Teresa Sawyer
Mrs. Marion R. Swisher
The Mike Schiller Family
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Swisshelm
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Swope
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Schuerman
Alexandria Talkers
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Seamon
Melissa M. Tallmadge
Melanie and Peter Senderowitz
Lyndsey Tatlow
Mr. and Mrs. David Shaffer
Mrs. Alma Taulbee
Deb Sheets
Leanne Taylor
Scott Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Taylor
Mr. Everett Sherron
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor
Mary Helen Shetter
Shawn Taylor
Nicole Shobe
The Golf Doctor
Robyn A. Short
The Naples Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Sizemore
Mrs. Frances Thomas
Skanska USA
Ms. Jewell Tolson
Ilse Oppenheim Smith
Ms. Sonja Traeger
Mr. Jeff Smith and Ms. Stephanie Gregg
Mr. Rick Trainer
Nancy A. Smith
Ms. Paula A. Trammell
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky V. Smith
Cynthia I. Trangenstein
Mrs. Carol Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Oswalt
Rose Mary Overholtz
Kimbra Paden
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Pague
Mr. and Mrs. Bill K. Parnell
Mr. and Mrs. Ramesh M. Patel
Shobha and Chiman Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearce
Jacquelyn D. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Perry
Ms. Jo-Annette Perry
Pest-Off Exterminators
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Phillips
Daniel J. Picard
Pamela Pierre
Jacqueline Pittenger
Ms. Diane Pleiman
Dr. E. Jason Plumley
Ms. Gloria Poff
Rebecca Ponder
Wilma and Guy Popplewell
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Power
Mr. William T. Pratt
Rhonda S. Proffitt
Alan Prok, MD
Toni Putt and Mark Cowie
Quadrid Productions
Rev. and Mrs. William Rathman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Reich
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Renneker
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Retzios
George C. Revelos
2013 Annual Report 33
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Traud
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Voit
Leighanne and Matthew Williams
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Triick
Ms. Lindsay A. Wallace
Scarlet Williams
Pauline Tucker, RN
Dr. and Mrs. Martin J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Wilson
U. S. District Court, Southern
District of Ohio
Kathleen A. Watson
Funeral Home
Mr. Aaron R. Ugland
The Hon. and Mrs. Anthony G. Valen
Tammy L. Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Van Schoik
John and Jayne Varney
Amy E. Venters
Victory Wholesale Grocers
Mr. Alexander Villalva and
Ms. Kimberly L. Daniska
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Vogel
Carrie Watts
Darlene Wiseman
Mrs. Lynne Waxweiler
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Weisenberger
Amy L. Wolf
Dawn Wolfenbarger
Mrs. Nancy J. Wells
Neal Wood
Robin Wenzel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wertz
Julie Woodrey
Mr. and Mrs. William Wooley
Ms. Jane E. White
Xi Lambda Pi Chapter, Beta Sigma
Phi Sorority
Debbi Widener
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wilkin
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Zalants
Ms. Katie Williams
Ms. Kristen Williams
March of Dimes Awards Grant to Atrium’s
Maternal Child Health Center
The March of Dimes Ohio Chapter is helping Atrium
Medical Center’s Maternal Child Health Center ensure
that newborns get off to the healthiest start possible.
A $21,600 grant is being used to improve screening
for diabetes that develops during pregnancy, known
as gestational diabetes, and ensure that women at risk
receive treatment earlier in their pregnancies. Atrium’s
grant was one of only six awarded statewide by the
March of Dimes Ohio Chapter for 2013.
Gestational diabetes can cause serious complications
at birth. Mothers are more likely to have the condition
in future pregnancies and develop Type 2 diabetes (the
most common form of adult diabetes) later in life. In
addition, their children have a greater risk of becoming
obese and developing Type 2 diabetes at a young
age. Early identification and treatment of gestational
diabetes can improve the health of mothers and their
children for generations.
“The work being done at Atrium could spark
improvements in care for pregnant women throughout
the state,” says Lisa Amlung Holloway, State Director
of Program Services and Advocacy and Government
Affairs, March of Dimes Ohio. “We want to support new
approaches that can improve the lives of babies and
their mothers.”
March of Dimes representatives toured Atrium’s
Maternal Child Health Center and met with center and
Foundation staff. Left to right are Sam Lobar, Lisa Amlung
Holloway, Mike Stautberg, Robyne Head, Kim Pickens and
Carolyn Fogarty.
34 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
In honor of Atrium Medical Center
Nursing Staff
In honor of Dr. Jerry and Jean
Ms. Jane Strathman and
Mr. William Petrarca
Kelly Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McFarland
In honor of my nephew, Mitchell
In honor of W. Greg Banks
Dr. and Mrs. Percy D. Mitchell, Jr.
Kathleen A. Watson
Assembly of Jesus Christ
David and Karen Pearce
In honor of Phyllis Rudokas
In honor of Opsie Banks
In honor of Maxine and Steve Ketchem
Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Howard
Assembly of Jesus Christ
Beth A. Mullins
In honor of Emma Minor Scott
In honor of Steve Cass
In honor of Doug and Rhonda Koenig
and Kelli Gill
Scott, Hall and Jones Families
Lesli A. Holt
Brenda Abney
In honor of loved ones
Mrs. Roberta B. Daly
In honor of Dr. W. Thomas Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
In honor of Wilbur Cohen
Sharon and Ron Baker
Mrs. Kimberly A. Burton
In honor of Sister Jean Sora
In honor of Dorthy Edgerton
Karen A. Feldmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Montgomery
Dawn G. Hensley
Sandra G. Gebhart
Karen D. Johnson
In honor of Edward Fisher
Gail Owen-Fisher, RN
In honor of Virginia Suits
Colleen R. Hughes
Joanne R. Morgan
Mary Beth Morgan
In honor of Jesse Thornton
In honor of Patti and Bob Gage
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mosko
Ms. Heather V. Mitten
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraunfelter
Debra Padgett
In honor of Carol J. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
Michele and Tom Rudolf
Greater Cincinnati Health Council
In honor of Sue Gibson, cancer survivor
Fred Gibson
Terri Ryan
In honor of Dr. Clyde S. Watson
In honor of Samuel R. Lobar
John and Pat Dupps
Ms. Susan A. Spohr
In memory of Richard Adams
In memory of Carrie Balon
In memory of George Berger
Elizabeth A. Gaston
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Cieslak
In memory of William C. Akers, Sr.
In memory of Dr. Jack Barnes
In memory of Marge Berger
Betsy and Floyd Bender
Dr. and Mrs. L. Bruce Barnes
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Cieslak
In memory of Carl Calvin Eugene
Sheree G. Young
In memory of Lorna Emley
Anslinger, RN
Mr. Dan Anslinger, Sr.
In memory of James Armbruster
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dietz
Mrs. Mary B. Enochs
In memory of Pat King Bishop
Ilse Oppenheim Smith
Mrs. Joann Grimes
Samuel and Laura Lobar
In memory of Elaine Blount
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Van Schoik
In memory of Jacqui Boy
Mrs. Lynne Waxweiler
Neva Kovach
Mr. and Mrs. William Wooley
Ms. Sandra Cramer
In memory of William T. Bates
In memory of Kathie Arnold
Laberta Holowiecki
Dr. Kelly Ripperger and
Mr. Ted C. Ripperger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
2013 Annual Report 35
Heritage Society members have included Atrium Medical Center
Foundation in their will or estate plans. Members are as of June 2014.
If you’ve included the Foundation in your estate plans, please notify
us so we may recognize your generosity. Thank you!
Anonymous (3)
William and Penelope Hummel
Mr. and Mrs. William Sandston
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes
Stuart Ives
William and Pat Schaefer
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Barnes
Carrie Jacoby
David and Carole Schul
William O. Barnitz
David Jones
Michael and Betty Sue Scorti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck
Loyal R. and Anita Juengling
Dr. Tom and Bonnie Scott
Paul and Michelle Bendik
Arlie and Mary Rose Kemplin
Lucille Shafor
Ann and Art Bidwell
Edna M. Kinsinger
Dick and Patricia Slagle
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman
Daniel Lacey
Ernest and Wilda Streifthau
Carl and Deborah Coburn
Senator Barry and Marilee Levey
Perry D. Thatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Linder
Heath and Mary Valentine
Catherine Cottle
Nellie Losh
Evelyn Day
Marcia Jean MacClellan
Helen S. Deutemeier
Jim and Sarah Martindale
Atrium Medical Center Foundation
is forever grateful for the
friendship and support of these
Heritage Society members who
recently passed away:
Roger and Ginny Dillman
Louis McCallay
Dr. Jack Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Donahue
Lucy Nelson
Roger Dillman
Jim and Jane Elder
Dr. and Mrs. Dick M. Nisbet
Betty Sue Scorti
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Evans
Neil and Ginny O’Connor
Patricia Miller Gage
Beryl Orr
Della B. Gardner
Nadine Orr
Robert B. Gardner, Sr.
Candice and James Peace
Gary and Nancy Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pelfrey
Peter Hackett
Claire Porter
Thomas and Patricia Hackett
Louise Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haller
Bill and Connie Rathman
Imogene Harmon
Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Roehll, Jr.
Norm and Pat Hayes
Joseph Rumpler
Thomas and Deborah Hazelbaker
David Sanders
36 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
In memory of Robert Breitenbach
In memory of Jack Dupps
In memory of Robert Hale
Dr. and Mrs. L. Bruce Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hendrix
Autumn M. Adams
In memory of Dr. Richard Dysart
In memory of June L. Haller
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Floyd
Dr. and Mrs. L. Bruce Barnes
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Varney
Samuel and Laura Lobar
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman
Patricia Miller Gage
Samuel and Laura Lobar
Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Roehll, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
In memory of Jane H. Elder
Mr. James M. Elder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
In memory of John D. Harbin
In memory of Dr. Charles and
Patricia Buchert
In memory of Emerson and Eli Elieff
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Buchert
Mr. Anthony B. Elieff
In memory of Addison Burnett
In memory of Ann Elyse Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Justin L. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Ellis
In memory of Mary Vincent Chapman
In memory of Barbara Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Floyd
In memory of Charles W. Chappell
In memory of Patricia Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Renneker
Dr. and Mrs. L. Bruce Barnes
In memory of William J. Childers
In memory of G. Robert Gage
Mrs. Marilyn M. Heiger
Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Mulligan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick C. Adams
Samuel and Laura Lobar
In memory of Donna Cohen
Mr. Michael Hamm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
Saundra Pearce, RN, MSN, FACHE
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hardin
Mrs. Lois Harbin
In memory of Kimberly Heck
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heck
In memory of Don Heffron
Mrs. Doris Heffron
In memory of Charles Z. Heiger
Betsy and Floyd Bender
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bruner
In memory of Willard Collinsworth
Donna C. Banks
In memory of Florence Combs
Sheree G. Young
In memory of Elsie M. Crayne
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pelfrey
In memory of Joan Davies
Mr. William L. Sandston
In memory of Dr. Jack C. Davis
Brown’s Run Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kinsey
In memory of Mattie Bell Hendrick
and Vicki Brashear
Mr. and Mrs. M. Shane Miller
Pauline Tucker
Dr. Dick M. Nisbet
In memory of Maxwell Shenk Genshaft
In memory of Lucas Anthony
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hendrickson
In memory of Jim Geran
In memory of Hayden Renae Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
In memory of Robert Gibson
Fred and Sue Gibson
In memory of Robert E. Gloeckler
Mrs. Rosemary M. Gloeckler
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Glickfield
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Bartilson
Samuel and Laura Lobar
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Reich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
In memory of Betty Jackson
In memory of Emma Gonzalez
Middletown Women Teachers Club
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Philbin
Mr. Jose G. Gonzalez and
Ms. Virginia Gimenez
In memory of Elijah Sean Judd
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Retzios
In memory of Dixie and Aurelia Gose
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Spangler
Aurelia and John Fraley
Hilltop Obstetrics &
Gynecology Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Genenbacher
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Ware
In memory of Karen Keller
Mr. and Mrs. P. Nevin Markle
In memory of Jay Guilfoyle
In memory of Martha Dobrozsi
Jill and Philip Alsip
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dobrozsi
In memory of Cecelia Grace Kelly
Stephen and Jennifer Kelly
In memory of Michael Guyler
Stephen and Joanne Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraunfelter
2013 Annual Report 37
In memory of Norman and Martha Kerr
In memory of Pierce McKenzie
In memory of Dr. E. Ronald Oches
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Alder
Mrs. Heather Carder
Mr. and Mrs. James Ciesick
In memory of Aubrey Lynn Klausing
In memory of Ron Melton
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Daulbaugh
Rhonda Lawwill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wilkin
In memory of Judy Mescher
In memory of Lawrence Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred F. Black, Jr.
Dr. Kelly Ripperger and
Mr. Ted C. Ripperger
Kenneth O. Fielder
Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Griffith
U. S. District Court, Southern
District of Ohio
Mr. Jeremy R. Bodey and
Ms. Lauren Mattiace-Bodey
In memory of John A. Kramer
In memory of Anna Jane and
Leonard Monce
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lolli
In memory of Jerome John Lane
In memory of Marilyn G. Langworthy
In memory of Kathy J. Morgan
Atrium Medical Center Care
Management Staff
Patti Wilkins
Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Roehll, Jr.
Drs. Jon and Courtney Sulentic
In memory of Lora Mrusek
In memory of Senator Barry Levey
Atrium Medical Center Repiratory
Care Employees
Mrs. Marilee A. Levey
In memory of Wilburn Logsdon
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Carter
Mrs. Mary L. Logsdon
In memory of Frank A. Lolli, II
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearce
In memory of Frank and Patricia Lolli
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lolli
In memory of loved ones
Mrs. Roberta B. Daly
In memory of Susan S. O’Neill
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Floyd
In memory of Oliver Oswalt
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Oswalt
In memory of Vincent Palkowski
In memory of Madison Beatrice Meyers
Laine & Lane Marketing
Mrs. Martha Oches
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kuss
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Stabler
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oches
In memory of Kevin M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
In memory of Joan and Donald Nattress
Mr. and Mrs. D. Brian Fogarty
In memory of H. Dwight Neill
Mrs. Doris Heffron
In memory of Richard C. Nein
Mrs. Betty Lou Nein
In memory of Spencer Edward Novak
Ms. Ronda Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heck
In memory of Cathy Pate
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearce
In memory of Paresh R. Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Ramesh M. Patel
In memory of Noah Paterchak
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Paterchak
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Sargent
In memory of Arlene Pergram
Sheree G. Young
In memory of George, Elaine
and Gary Perry
Ms. Jo-Annette Perry
In memory of Dr. Donald Ray
Nancy Denton Ray
In memory of Ann Jeannette Revelos
Mr. George C. Revelos
In memory of Jypsie Bell Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds
In memory of Journey J. Rhule
Ms. Wilda Carroll
In memory of Nancy Lubberger
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Broussard, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Furchak
In memory of Marjorie
(Robinson) Roosa
Mr. and Mrs. John Gilliam
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Hall
In memory of Jeanne R. Sandston
Mr. and Mrs. John Loy
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Gramkow
In memory of Carolyne Dennin Mapes
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Novak
Mr. William L. Sandston
Mrs. Carolyn G. Dennin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Novak
Christina Dennin-Mapes
Oncology Hematology Care
Ridgeway Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Roteck
In memory of Janis A. Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Maloney, Jr.
Mr. Earl A. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Scot A. Stone
38 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
In memory of Tristan Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Saunders
In memory of Lois “Tot” Schultz
In memory of Gerald J. Stautberg
In memory of Todd Voit and Bob Cowie
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
Toni Putt
In memory of Lily Ann Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stautberg, II
Ms. Deborah R. Gray
In memory of Kellen Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Schulz
Ms. Phyllis S. Richter
Ms. Katie Williams
In memory of Carolyn Draper Wahl
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Draper
In memory of Russell Weatherwax, Jr.
In memory of Harold K. Suits
Betsy and Floyd Bender
Dr. Kelly Ripperger and
Mr. Ted C. Ripperger
In memory of Maia Serenity Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Poulliot
In memory of Walter Summar
In memory of Kenneth Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Gruwell
Kelli Mack
In memory of Benjamin
Harrison Taylor
In memory of Stella and Kendyll
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Williams
Ms. Suzanne Buchanan
In memory of Perry D. Thatcher
In memory of A. J. Willis
Jon S. Davis
Ms. Lisa D. Rupp
Ms. Cathie Logan
Laine & Lane Marketing
In memory of Joseph M. Thomas
In memory of Deborah Woolet
Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Roehll, Jr.
Denise L. Fenner
In memory of Angeline Scorti
Samuel and Laura Lobar
In memory of Mrs. Betty Sue Scorti
Samuel and Laura Lobar
Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Roehll, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
In memory of Dana Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baxter
David and Angie Miller
Mr. Bryan Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor
In memory of Howard and
Barbara Torstveit
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dobrozsi
In memory of Mary Kathryn and
Ruey Shetter
In memory of Glenna Tutt
Mary Helen Shetter
Virginia McClure
In memory of Julie Phillips Sibley
In memory of Heath Valentine
Betsy and Floyd Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Carlson
In memory of Patricia A. Slagle
Mr. William L. Sandston
Mr. DeWitt Chapple, Jr.
Mr. Richard Davies
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Foster
In memory of Keith Ryan Smith
Patricia Miller Gage
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky V. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hancock
In memory of Elizabeth (Betty) Spurlin
Ace Exterminating Company
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Adams
Mrs. Virginia Benedett
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Denard
Mr. and Mrs. Altert E. Klatt
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Madison
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Spurlin
Mrs. Alma Taulbee
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Kiefhaber
Ms. Gloria Poff
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schaefer
Dr. Tom and Bonnie Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Street
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Swisshelm
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Wilson
Ms. Jane E. White
2013 Annual Report 39
4ever Photography
Anita Carroll
Golf Doctor
Brenda Abney
Cincinnati Ballet
Gonzalez-Gimenez Family
Shannon Adkins
Cincinnati Marriott North
Great Miami Valley YMCA
Nancy Agee
Cincinnati Museum Center
Great Wolf Lodge
William and Kelly Alter
City of Centerville
Missy Grooms
Armbruster Florist & Greenhouse
Cleveland Indians
Mr. Richard Haller, Sr.
Brent Arter, State Farm Agent
Coffman YMCA
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Harrison
Atrium Family YMCA
Columbus Crew
Teresa Hayes
Atrium Medical Center
Acute Care Unit
Behavioral Health
Care Management
Education Services
Emergency Trauma Center
Hospital Relations and HEAL
Information Technology
Market Avenue Building
Pharmacy – Inpatient
Pharmacy – Outpatient
Physician Services
Respiratory Care
Strategic Improvement
Columbus Symphony
Tom Hazelbaker
Commercial Fitness Solutions
Carl Heismann
Complete Quilting – Michelle Harney
Hightech Signs
Contractors Materials Company
Hilltop Gift Shop
Cox Media Group
Hilltop Obstetrics and Gynecology
Carmen Cox
JJ and Anna Hipsher
Sandy Cramer
Ryan Holmes
Creative Captures
Holy Family Parish
CTI Restaurants
Horizon Home Care
Keri Cunningham
Hunter IGA Express – Vince Vaske
Dayton Dragons
Ike Vending
Dayton Society of Natural History
Jag’s Steak & Seafood
Carolyn Dennin
James Free Jewelers
Christina Dennin-Mapes
Jersey Mike’s Subs
Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits
Joe Morgan Honda
MaryAnn Terri Devine
Anita Scott Jones
Dorothy Lane Market
Kings Island
Pat Dupps
Michael D. Kinser, DDS
El Rancho Grande
Ella Koedel
EnterTRAINment Junction
Doug and Rhonda Koenig
Environmental Assessment Services
Environmental Engineering Services
Kristian & Associates
Fidelity Home Health
Glenna Fisher
Chris Lacy
Katie Fisher
Lamar Cincinnati
Fisher Homes
Marti Lanham
Flagel & Papakirk, LLC
Rick Lawson
Flowers by Nancy
Leap Frogs
Flowers by Roger
Local 12 WKRC-TV
Four Bridges Country Club
Lowe’s – Middletown
Dr. Mark and Vickie Frazer/
Release Hot Air Balloon Adventure
Mike and Sara Mahoney
Freund, Freeze & Arnold, LPA
Mansell Dental Labs
Friends of John Boehner
Beth Marchant
Fricker’s – Middletown
John McKinney III
Patricia Miller Gage
Michelle McRoberts
Galan’s Fine Gifts
Amanda and Chad Meyers
Nikki Gallagher
Miami University
Garland & Johnson Dental
Middletown Police Department
Generations Obstetrics & Gynecology
Middletown Symphony Orchestra
Brenda Bailey
Susan Bailey
Baker Concrete Construction
Donna C. Banks
BeauVerre Riordan Studios
Berns Garden Center
Joseph and Carol Bidwell
Big Lick Retreat, Inc.
Blankenship Masonry Inc.
Boy Scouts of America Troop 947
Jennifer and Jason Bradley
Debbie Branscomb
Robert and Tina Breitenbach
Brio Tuscan Grille at The Greene
Brown’s Run Country Club
BT Graphics, Inc.
Jacky Burgjohann
Busom Buds
Cathi Byrne
C&C Trophies
Cakes by…Pam Sturkey
Allison Campbell
Casey Carpenter
40 Atrium Medical Center Foundation
Main Line Broadcasting Dayton
MidPointe Library System
Chris Pozzuto
Dr. Ralph Talkers
The Kleingers Group
Rich Minor
Premier Health – Finance Division
The Pub
Mirrors Salon
Premier Physician Group
The Secret Garden
Dr. and Mrs. Percy Mitchell, Jr.
Michelle and Rodney Proffitt
The Spicy Olive
Meg Munafo
Ritzi Jewelers
The Village Spa
Val Murray
Rock Garden Engraving
Sara and Andrew Tompkins
Newport Aquarium
Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Roehll, Jr.
Susie Traud
Niederman Family Farm
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
UBS Financial Services Inc.
No. 2 Son’s Catering & Event Planning
Salon Nouveau
Under Armour Outlet
Norvell Turf Management, Inc.
Salon One
University of Cincinnati
Oberer’s Flowers
Scene 75
UD Arena Ticket Office
Sheri O’Flynn
Steve and Loren Schramm
Kathy Vaske
O’HEIL Irrigation Company
Carole and David Schul
Victoria Theatre Association
Olive Garden
Renee Selby
Larry and Linda Voit
Osborn Brewing
Senior Independence
Weatherwax Golf Club
Otterbein Senior Lifestyle Choices
Simpson Fence – Ron Simpson
Wertz Family Tree Farm
Emily Overturf
Drs. Joe and Diana Small
Whole Foods
Tim Parks
Heather Sowers
Rebecca Wilber
Wendy Parks
Start Skydiving
Wildwood Golf Club
Jennifer Paterchak
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Strait
Wiley’s Comedy Club
Gina Pennington
Alice Stransky, Artist
Kathie Peterka
Yvette Stransky
Funeral Home
Phillips Supply
Structural Design Group
Woodside Cemetery & Arboretum
Judy Poulliot
T & M Merchandising
Yelton Fine Jewelers
Sheree Young
We apologize in advance for any errors and omissions in this report. Please notify the Foundation office at [email protected]
or (513) 420-5144 if you are aware of an error.
2013 Annual Report 41
One Medical Center Drive
Middletown, Ohio 45005
[email protected]