BUILDING on HISTORY - Cincinnati Museum Center


BUILDING on HISTORY - Cincinnati Museum Center
2009 Annual Report
July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009
Cincinnati Museum Center will
be known for its commitment
to understanding the richness
of our past, present and future
by providing world-class
learning experiences for
children and adults.
Cincinnati Museum Center is a one-of-a-kind, multimuseum complex housed in Union Terminal, an historic
Art Deco train station and National Historic Landmark.
Museum Center’s major offerings include the Cincinnati
History Museum, the Cincinnati Historical Society
Library, the Duke Energy Children’s Museum, the
Museum of Natural History & Science and the
Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater.
Museum Center is the largest cultural institution in the
city of Cincinnati, with more than 1.3 million visitors per
year. Museum Center’s permanent and temporary exhibit
are supported and complemented by a state-of-the-art
collections and research facility, The Geier Collections
& Research Center, educational programs, teacher
professional development programs, day and overnight
camps, public lectures and programs, tours of historic
sites and community-wide cultural events.
2009 is the 50th anniversary of Museum Center’s
14,000 acre Richard & Lucile Durrell Edge of
Appalachia Preserve, owned and managed jointly
with The Nature Conservancy as Ohio’s largest privately
owned protected natural area—one of the most biologically diverse collections of natural systems in the Midwestern United States. The Eulett Center, completed
in 2008, is Museum Center’s research and education
facility at the preserve. It has increased research capabilities, greatly expanded opportunities for educational
programming and made the Edge of Appalachia an
enhanced resource for the Adams County community.
M ission
Cincinnati Museum Center inspires people of all ages to learn
more about our world through
science; regional history; and
educational, engaging and
meaningful experiences.
Cover Photo: Tom Schiff
Photo: Robert Webber
BUILDING on History
Dear Friends,
After such a landmark year, full of milestone achievements and celebrations, we are honored to
announce that Cincinnati Museum Center has been awarded the 2009
National Medal for Museum and Library Service, the nation’s highest
honor for museums and libraries. This annual award recognizes
institutions for outstanding social, educational, environmental
or economic contributions to their communities. Cincinnati
Museum Center will receive the National Medal at a White
House ceremony held later in Washington, D.C., and a $10,000
award in recognition of our extraordinary community impact.
Cincinnati Museum Center is the incredible result of merging legacy
institutions, a children’s museum and OMNIMAX Theater that breathed life back into a National
Historic Landmark. U.S. presidents and young children alike have been awestruck by the grandeur
and beauty of our iconic home—Cincinnati Union Terminal. Since its 1933 opening, Union Terminal
has welcomed more than 150 million visitors. Now, as home to Cincinnati Museum Center, visitors
are encouraged to share dialogue, are inspired to become lifelong learners and are led to develop
insights from the voices of our past, the world around us and question how we can impact the future.
Recognized recently by Forbes Traveler magazine as the 17th
most visited museum in the nation, Cincinnati Museum Center is
a key regional and national destination, bringing new money to our
region, creating $87 million of economic impact, through relevant
and thought-provoking exhibits and programming and by providing a center for community dialogue and understanding. Perhaps
Marie Dornbusch, a Cincinnati public school teacher wrote it best,
“…I bring students from all academic levels, abilities and economic
backgrounds. We all leave inspired and fueled to learn more about
our world and all that’s in it.”
Douglass W. McDonald
R. Keith Harrison
President and CEO
Chair, Board of Trustees
2009 Annual Report
The National Medal is a tribute to the quality of our passionate staff,
trustees, donors, members, volunteers and community partners
whose unwavering dedication to our mission and efforts have made
us a unique asset and vital community resource. On behalf of the
staff and Board of Trustees, thank you for your contribution to making Cincinnati Museum Center one of our nation’s best museums.
Full of milestones,
achievements and
celebrations, the
2008–09 fiscal year
was one to remember!
Memorable events included Union Terminal’s
75th Anniversary and
Diamond Jubilee
Gala, the Duke Energy
Children’s Museum’s
10th Birthday, the first
ever Learning Through Play conference and a community
viewing of the inauguration of our nation’s first African
American president, among others.
Visitors were awed at the sight of Union
Terminal’s majestic dome, framed by the vibrant
colors of Rozzi’s fireworks, at the Frisch’s
Fireworks & Family Picnic Night.
(Photo: Robert Webber)
(right) Francie Hiltz, board member and chair of
the Diamond Jubilee Gala, and her son Peter,
chair of the Gala Express, begin the evening on
the dance floor.
(opposite) Reakirt Auditorium was one of several spaces at Union Terminal filled with people
at the community viewing of the presidential
Cincinnati Museum Center celebrated Union Terminal’s
75th Anniversary with fanfare in a year-long series
of programs and events that included the Frisch’s
Fireworks & Family Picnic Night; a partnership with
WVXU and the National Public
Radio StoryCorps Project; a
time capsule ceremony; Project
Vintage Fashion, a period fashion
show in partnership with the
University of Cincinnati’s DAAP
fashion design department,
sponsored by Macy’s; a 1940s
weekend and historic tours with
Cincinnati Heritage Programs.
The crowning celebrations in October, the sold-out
Diamond Jubilee Gala, and highly popular Gala Express,
were great successes. Board member Francie Hiltz,
Diamond Jubilee Gala chair, said, “Through great fortune,
Union Terminal has survived changes in our society and
has been re-adapted to serve a noble purpose—the
education of our community.” It was an elegant evening
that honored Union Terminal’s past, present and future.
The Gala Express after party was chaired by Francie’s
son, Peter Hiltz, and featured a Hollywood DJ, a buffet
of classic Cincinnati foods and a crowd of fashionable
young people. In total, the events raised more than any
other event in our history!
Another milestone celebrated in October 2008 was the
10th birthday of Duke Energy Children’s Museum, which
is consistently ranked among the top ten children’s museums in the country. The 10th Birthday was celebrated
with a special exhibit, Adventures with Clifford The Big
Red Dog™. In addition, there were performances by
Grammy-nominated children’s musician
Zak Morgan, and a family-friendly party for
longtime members and founders of the
children’s museum. As part of the celebration, Duke Energy Children’s Museum also
recognized 10 Difference Makers in the
Cincinnati community who have improved
and enriched the lives of area youth. These
individuals were nominated by their peers,
selected by a panel of judges and honored
at a special luncheon.
Another Duke Energy Children’s Museum first was the
Learning Through Play: Start School Right! conference
in March. Museum Center partnered with area agencies
and educators, offering nearly 400 attendees opportunities to learn about brain development, school preparedness, health and parent support, and the ways in which
play can be used as a tool for learning.
2009 also marked
an important
national historic
event, the election
of our country’s first
African American
president. As a
center for community and dialogue,
Museum Center
invited the public to
come together and
watch the historic
inauguration of our
44th president,
Barack Obama. More than 2,000 people joined together
to watch the telecast of the inaugural parade and
ceremony. People young and old, from all walks of life,
cheered side by side. Museum Center held this event
with support from Radio One and the United Food and
Commercial Workers Union Local 1099.
These are all moments that contribute to the story of an
institution that is a treasure to the community, and to the
architectural icon that it calls home. As we move into
2010, Cincinnati Museum Center will celebrate 20 years
at Union Terminal. With nearly two decades of service,
Museum Center is a national model of excellence.
2009 Annual Report
After 76 years,
this magnificent
building has been at the
center of countless historic
moments. The first of which
was its construction in
the midst of the worst
economic depression in
U.S. history. When it was
dedicated in 1933, with a
$41 million price tag (more
than $650 million today),
Union Terminal was like
nothing anyone had ever
seen. Privately financed, the
vision for this grand train
station, with its majestic
dome ceiling, mosaics, basrelief sculpture and stunning Art Deco architecture, inspired supporters of the project to invest. There were few
1930s-era projects of that scale; among them the Empire State Building, the Golden
Gate Bridge and Rockefeller Center.
Union Terminal operated as a passenger rail station from 1933 to 1972. During WWII,
as many as 34,000 people came through the building each day as military personnel
were shipped across the country for basic training and deployment. In 1942, Edgar L.
Willig, originally from Price Hill, tells of a “secret” train trip that he and his 500 fellow
Navy sailors took from Norfolk, Virginia to San Francisco, stopping in Cincinnati. He
thought, “Wow! How could I let my family know?” Before leaving Norfolk, he wrote a
quick note in a Reader’s Digest magazine and asked a passerby to send a telegram to
his parents. After a long day of travel, they stopped at Union Terminal. “A huge crowd
greeted us with resounding applause and cheers. I’ll never forget it! I was home. And
to my surprise and delight, cheering louder than any others were my Dad, my Aunt Ella,
and my younger brothers, Don and Ken. Without permission, I broke out of line and
hugged my family for the first time in a year!”
Moments like these, in combination with the broader historic significance of Union
Terminal, make this building a treasure. It is why we must preserve this National Historic
Landmark for future generations.
Photo: Robert Webber
(right) Volunteer genetic resources manager,
Darry Whitsett, extracting DNA from redshouldered hawks as part of a collaborative
project with local ornithologist Cheryl Dykstra.
(Photo: Robert Webber)
Cincinnati Museum Center
realizes that history is made
each and every day. Perhaps nowhere is that statement more true than
in the field of science. At Museum Center’s
Geier Collections & Research Center, curators are
contributing to the fields of science and history through
original research. In the past year, upon being awarded
a competitive $100,000 grant from the National Science
Foundation, Curator of Zoology Herman Mays, Ph.D.,
established a state-of-the-art DNA laboratory. Centered
around a new DNA sequencer, the lab has allowed
Museum Center, as well as scientists and students from
neighboring institutions, to use molecular genetics for a
wide variety of applications.
Volunteer Darry Whitsett works in the Zoology Department
extracting DNA and cataloguing biological samples from
all over the globe. She says, “I am excited to participate in ongoing, active research that has implications
for understanding evolution, extinction and the impact
of our changing world on animal species. I really love
having a job that is both fun and contributes to scientific
knowledge.” In addition to using the molecular genetics
lab for our own research, Museum Center shares the lab
with Xavier University, the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical
Gardens, Northwest High School, Cincinnati Country
Day School and Thomas More College. Previously, for
the kind of analysis that is done with the DNA sequencer, these organizations would have to contract with
large universities or commercial labs. “Students doing
research tend not to see this equipment,” says Dr. Mays.
“They typically send the project
off to other labs after a certain
stage, but because we share
the DNA lab, it allows students
to see research projects from
beginning to end.”
The new research lab at
Museum Center’s Eulett Center
at the Richard & Lucile Durrell
Edge of Appalachia Preserve
System in Adams County has
made some advances of its own.
In 2009, scientists from The
Smithsonian National Museum
of Natural History and Kansas
University, both world-authorities
in their disciplines, flower flies
and earthworms, visited the
preserve to teach identification
and to document biodiversity. Working in partnership
with the Geier Center DNA lab, three worms are being
analyzed for possible new species status and one new
species of flower fly has already been recorded. Preserve staff are learning more about these species’ life
history and ecology, and their role in the natural areas
managed at the preserve.
Cathy Bauer
Carolyn Brink
Karen Clifton
Donna Dinkelaker
Mary Fitzpatrick †
Lois Goettke
Stanley Hedeen
Jenny Bauer †
Kathleen Brinker †
Tyler Closson
Jacob Dinkelaker
Ellen Flasherty
Wayne Gover †
Joseph Heekin
Leah Abboushi
Katie Adams
Al Adamson †
Eric Baumann
Jherek Britt
Brian Clymer
Margaret Dorn †
William Fleece
Joyce Graeter †
Mary Carol Hellmann
Judith Bausher
Toni Brock
Meredith Coats
Diana Douning
Thomas Flege
Eileen Graf †
Ruth Hemme †
Barbara Beato †
Lori Brookover
Robyn Cody
George Dover
Terry Flesch
Mary Grafe
Julieanne Hensley
Betty Adamson †
Dave Beato †
Jim Bruckmann †
Laura Coleman
Michele Dover
Caleb Flum
Robert G. Graham
Meghan Hepp
Ken Addison
Kevin Adduci
Merri Adkins
Michael Adom
Scott Agee
John Agnew
Dottie Agricola †
Wayne Beckwith
Joe Brumm
Susan Collaros
Mary Margaret Droege
Albert Foltzer †
Robert M. Graham
Henry Heppard
Glenda Bedinghaus
Jean Bruns †
Lucinda Colwell
Robert Foppe
Grace Gratsch
Judy Hereford
Patricia Bender
Andrew Brunsman
Donna Combs †
Angela Du Chenault
Ashley Ford †
Bill Graver †
Jessica Hester
Emily Benken
Veronica Buchanan
David Conner
Janice Forte †
Andrew Gray
Maureen Heverin
Shelley Bergdall
Donald Buckley
Michael Cook
Christopher Francis
Danny Green
Kathryn Hicks
Bob Bergstein
Marilyn Buckley
Lesta Cooper-Freytag
Jan Francis †
Deangelio Green
Brian Hiles
Gary Berkowitz
Jim Budnik
Ann Corder †
Bill Frank †
Steven Greene
Bill Hindman
Marlene Berning
Judy Budnik
Frank Corder †
Katherine Franz
Loretta Greenland †
Errin Hinrichsen
Richard Berning
Jeanette Buehler
Dorothy Costello
Nina Frazier-White
Don Grever
Mary Hinton †
Janet Bertog
Win Buehler
Ali Cox
Veronica Freeman
Jeanne Grever
Barbara Hirsch
Brad Besson
Carol Buquo
Charlotte Cox †
Dave Frey
Nicholas Griffith
Michelle Hirschfeld
Herbert Betz
Ruth Burkhard
Richard Craig
Donald Frey
John Groh
Elisa Ho
Richard Biedinger
Martha Burkhart
Holly Crawford
Drew Frey
Rodney Grubb †
Carol Hockensmith †
Bruce Bishop
Wilma Burlage †
Phyllis Crawford †
Joseph Frey †
Robert Grueninger
Larry Hoehn
Julie Bishop
David Burton
Richard Crawford
Harry Freyer
Nancy Gulick
Theresa Holdgrave
Kevin Bishop
Susan Bushelman
Emily Creditt
Bradley Frick
Monica Gundler
Patricia Homan
Mark Bishop
Susan Byrley
Edward Creighton
Roslyn Friedman
Katrinka Hadley
Carolyn Honkomp †
Mary Bishop
Jeanette Byrne
Susan Crossland
Jean Frolicher †
Timothy Haffner
Evan Honnert
Kelsey Bladh
Bill Cacini
Martin Crume
Paige Fryer
Dick Halberstadt
Shirley Hoodin
Fiona Blainey
Christina Cahalane
Michael Crusham †
Richard Fuchs †
Germaine Hale
Jianna Hopkins
Harold Blatt
Guy Cameron
Matthew Cullinan
Marjorie Gabel †
Bob Hale
Deborah Horman †
Beverly Bodnar
Barbara Campbell
Theresa Cunningham
Andrew Gantzer
Bebe Hales
Angela Horner
Barbara Bok
Carol Campbell †
Andrew Curran
Cynthia Gapen
Christopher Hall
Whitney Howard
Barbara Bolten
Paige Campbell
Caroline Curtis
Mary Garke
Nathaniel Hall
Kenna Howat
Aalap Bommaraju
Patsy Campbell
Gregory Dahlem †
Dru Garms †
Alexandria Halmbacher
Devontay Howell
Leanne Bommarito
Thomas Campbell
Sarah Daigneault
Michael Gay
Kila Hanrahan
Susan Howell
Rachel Borgemenke
Michael Cannane
Benton Dammel
Scott Farwick
Judith Gehr
Catherine Hansel †
Michael Howles
Marta Borkin †
Richard Cantwell †
Melissa Danner
Harry Fehring
Katherine Geraghty
Nicole Hansel
Carolyn Hoying
David Axt
Jill Bader
Maureen Bailey
Jeremy Baird
Pavel Bakhtinov
George Balz †
Francisco Borrero
Jean Cassell
Pacita David
Stephen Felton
Thomas Gerity
Ashley Hargrove
Kay Huber †
Erin Boszor
Loree Celebrezze
Andrea Davis
Tiffany Fernandes
Louise Gerl
Deborah Harmeling
Craig Hudson
David Bowling †
Cathy Chapman †
Jeffrey Davis †
Jodi Ferner
Arna Gerritsen
Allyson Harmon
Mary Hudson
Taylor Bradley
Chappy Chapman †
Katie Davis
John Ferner †
Thelma Gholson
Dana Harms
Scott Hudson
James Bramlage
Mary Chase
Kellie Davis
Dorothy Fiedler
Charlotte Gibson
Andrea Harrison
Judith Huff
Nancy Bramlage
Victoria Chesser †
Marquita Davis
Ray Fiedler
Bruce Gibson
Diana Hart
William Huffman
Tina Bamert
Jason Bareswilt
Edward Barkley
Roger Barnaby †
Pat Bramlage
Virginia Chizer
Lauren Dean
Michael Filacchione
Matthew Giesting
Bev Hater †
Mary Frances Huhn
Dolores Braun
Carol Christopherson
Tanya DelValle
Justin Fine
Lawrence Gilbert †
Kimberly Hatton
Terry Huizing †
Maryann Bremke
Chien-Mei Chuang
Jason Dennison
Adam Finke
Donald Gillum
Brenda Hauser
Jai-Ru Hung
Patricia Brennan
Strong Chuang
Leigh Deuter
Emily Finke
Lelia Gillum
Debra Hausrath
Eugene Huschart
D’Angela Barnes
Curtis Battle
Caitlin Bauer
Carlton Brett
Jim Churchill
Jessica DeWar
Mary Fischer
Nancy Glasgow
Rita Hawk
Carol Imbus †
Jessica Brewer
Joe Civitello
Megan Dice
Mary Fisher
Randy Glenn
Kyle Haynes
Linda Infalvi
Hazeleen Brewster †
James Clark †
Alexandra DiFrancesco
Sam Fitton
Hannah Glorius
Megan Heck
Aurelia Irwin
Joe Agricola †
Charles Akard †
Richard Alcorn
Barbara Alexander †
Jose Algenio †
Rebecca Algenio †
John Altshool
William Ambrosius
Cynthia Anderson †
Heidi Anderson
Sammi Anderson
Preston Andriot
Rhonda Andriot
Robb Andriot
Alex Apyan
Polino Aronson †
Liz Ashcraft
Kimberly Athey
Bill Atkins †
Mark Aull
Kaleigh Autzen
Chris Axt †
2009 Annual Report
Cheryl DuPriest
Dick Durham
Carolina Dwyer
Rod Earhart
Barbara Ebel
Kristin Eckerlin
Regina Eckert
Irene Eder †
Elaine Efkeman
Charles Ehlers
Audrey Elliott
Nathan Ellis
Mary Engbersen
Judy Enginger
Dorothy Englert
Mackenzie English
Joyce Erke †
David Eschmeyer
Mike Estes
Ryan Evans
Theresa Falkenstein
Deborah Faris
Michele Farivar
Jacob Farrish
† Indicates 10+ years of service.
This list includes all volunteers who served for any part of the fiscal year (July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009).
Sheryl Levine
Cheryl Levy
Mary Lewis †
Frederick Leymann
Don Lichtenberger †
Marie Lichtenberger
Bob Limoseth
Ruey-Shing Lin
Sue Lindy
Jessica Link
Stephen Lochetto
Janet Lockwood
Sue Lohbeck
Erin Lombardi
Elizabeth Long
Nathanael Longacre
Christopher Lorentz
Michael Lottman
John Luebering †
Patricia Malarkey
Abby Malcolm
Kyle Maloney
Donna Mancini †
Judith Mann
Arvella Marion
Marie Markesbery
Jane Markowski
Melanie Marsh †
Marina Martinez-Ortiz
Anna Martinovich
Thomas Marx
Dawn Mason
Bob Mason
Jason May
Thomas Maynard
Ann McConn
Laureen McCorkle
Elaine McGuire
“I see the museums
as an educational
Photo: Todd Joyce Photography
April Isch
Christopher Jackson
Sean Jackson
Sherry Jackson
Heather Jamison
Neal Jeffries
Barbara Jennings
James Jenny
Jan Joerg †
Dick Joerg †
Dennis Johnson
Raymond Johnson †
Barton Jones †
Brenda Jones
Elmer Jones
Michael Jones
Sharonna Jones
Michael Jordan
Noreen Jutte
Richard Kaesemeyer
Megan Kaiser
George Kampouris
Frank Kane
Elizabeth Kareth †
Timothy Kathman
Janis Keating
Mary Keegan
Frank Kellogg †
Aubrey Kelly
Eric Kelly
Phyllis Kemper
Suzanne Kemper
Jennifer Kennedy
Laura Kenny
Santha Ketavarapu
Carolyn Ketchum
Sarah Kilbarger
Jack Kindell
Nicole Kiner
Leigha King
Melissa King
Carol Ann Kirievich
Jeremy Kite
Brenda Klaas
Paul Klatte †
Hans-Henning Kloepper
Kurt Kloesz
Heidi Kloos
Robert Knapke
Judy Knapp
Florence Knoechel
Tim Knoll
David Koehnke
Bill Koewler †
Stephanie Kogan
Paul Kohrs †
Norbert Koopman
Katherine Koppenhoefer
Regina Kortas
Margaret Kortekamp †
Mary Kramer
Lindsay Kreyenhagen
Gene Kritsky
Marilyn Kroll †
Lois Kruse †
Paul Krusling †
Rose Krusling
John Kuhn †
Ruth Kuhn
Momoyo Kuyama
Henry Laboda
Roger Laib
Ryan Lammi
Kathleen Landers
Kat Lang
Nicholas Lang
Candice Larkins
Beatrice Lask †
Adrian Lavery
Mike Lawrence
James Lawson
Julainne Layman
Caroline Lee
Adriana Leigh
Jean Lemon †
Hamilton Lempert
Michael Levengood
Donna Levi
Indicates 10+ years of service.
This list includes all volunteers who served for any part of the fiscal year (July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009).
space. It teaches
the kids to be
Tara Knipper
Cornerstone Society and
Treehouse Club Member
Kathleen Luhn
Lindsay Luken
Molly Luken
Judith Lundquist
Emrys Lynch
Francis Maag
Geoffrey MacIntyre
Andrea Maguire
Louis Mahrt
Cyndie McKee
Bob McLaurin
George McMahon †
Sharon McMullen
Kenneth McMullin †
Tara McQuitty
Lamont Meadows
Howard Meineke
Gene Meister
John Melzer
Vickie Memmel
Jean Menke
Rose Menke
Mary Jo Mersmann
Marlene Metzner
Dave Meyer †
Kaniaulono Meyer †
Mason Jane Milam
Arnold Miller †
Carolyn Miller †
Jean Miller
Jennifer Miller
Kelsey Miller
Orloff Miller
Earl Mills
Suzanne Mink
Hector Miranda
Marion Mitchell †
Dave Moccia
Diane Moccia
Chris Mock
William Modrall
Nicholas Moeggenberg
James Moffett
Alan Mohr
Ed Molloy
Carole Moonitz
Sandy Moonitz
Fred Moore †
Jan Moore
Kate Moore
Kayla Moore
Zachary Moore
Charlie Moorman
Ann Moreton †
Al Morgan
Janet Morgan
Regeana Morgan
Sharon Morgan
Carol Morgenthal
Rie Mori
Janet Mott †
Eileen Mullen †
Mike Mullen
Joelle Murray-Lauck
Ollie Musekamp
Suzanne Musgrove
Frank Myers
Andras Nagy
Robert Nawalaniec
Amanda Neace
Bethany Neal
Richard Neale
Chris Neely †
Erin Nichols
John Niehaus †
Marjorie Niesen
Sheryl Nisly-Nagele
James Nordlund
Breanne Nugent
Brendan O’Brien
Kathy O’Brien-Burke
Christine O’Connor
Margaret O’Connor
Casey O’Hara
Seth Olson
Alison Oppenheimer
Heather Orr
Jeanna Osborn
Sara Oser
Gale Ossenbeck †
Mary Lou Osterfeld
Ami Owen †
Sharon Owens †
Thomas Palmer
Michael Papp †
John Parlin
Craig Paul
Ellie Paulsen
Miearra Payne
Michael Pennington
Jean Perin †
Christopher Perry
Anthony Perzigian
Jim Pesta
Lynn Peterson †
Gerald Pfarner
Patricia Pieritz †
Harley Piltingsrud
Ruth Podesta
Irmela Pogue †
Katheryn Pointer
Brian Porter
Lois Praechter
Linda Pratt
VO L U N T E E R S /youth program
Lois Pratt †
Al Prost
Bunnie Prost
Mark Pyle
India Rabb
Mary Rabe
Megan Raczon
Garry Raffenberg
Raychel Randall
Ellen Ranz †
Joshua Rapaport
Harry Rapien †
Rebecca Rasch
Irlene Rastani
Richard Rastani
Nicholas Reckelhoff
Ann Reckers
Christopher Reckers
Donald Reckers
Pat Reeb
Micah Reese
Eliza Rehard
Emma Rehard
Kevin Reilly
Margaret Rein
John Repasky
Jene Rice
Jo Ann Rice †
Joseph Rutter
Helen Ryan
Mary Louise Sahm
Betty Salzer
Richard Salzer
Mona Sanders
Richard Sanders
Mykl Sandusky
Tracy Sanger
David Savage
Judy Savage
Jewel Schaen †
Michael Schaen †
David Scherer
Joseph Schindler
Nancy Schlemmer †
Ruth Schlemmer †
John Schmidt
Kelly Schmidt
Michael Schmidt
Nikolas Schoonmaker
Stephanie Schriml
Shirley Schrimper
Fred Schroeder †
Janet Schroeder †
Keith Schroer
Sara Schuster
John Schwab †
Paul Rich
Audree Riddle
Opal Riddle
George Riechmann †
Thomas Rielage
Barbara Rizzi †
George Rizzi †
Cynthia Robertson †
Sarah Rocheleau
Harry Roeder
Ronald Roehrig
Paul Roemer
Brian Rohling
Richard Rohling
Steven Rolfes
Ellen Rootring
Karen Ross
Joyce Rubenbauer †
Matthew Ruter
Christina Rutherford
Andrea Schwallie
Alan Schwemlein
Marilyn Schwiers
Charollet Schworer †
Timothy Scully
Linda Sears †
Michelle Sears
Jerome Seiter
Marissa Sendelbach
Samantha Setterlin
Tristan Seufert
Julianne Seyfried
Carol Shannon
Michael Shannon
Terry Shannon
Betsy Sheets
Elizabeth Shelley
Mary Ann Shulz
David Shuster
Anwer Siddiqui
Anna Silverman
Deborah Silverman
Jadie Simon Hilberg
Jack Simon †
Betty Simonson †
Jim Simpson
Linda Simpson
Bethany Sininger
Ken Skirtz
Michele Skora
George Slama
Dekisha Smith
Jeannie Smith
Marie Smith
Ruth Smith †
Joshva Smitherman
Arlene Solomon
Charles Specter †
Jennifer Spiller
Brooke Stacey
Larua Stautberg
Marjorie Stear
Craig Steele †
Bill Steeves †
Judy Stein
Jennifer Steinhardt
Drew Stocker
Bonnie Strassell
Sarah Strassell
Robert Stuebing
Sara Sugarman
Leeanne Suggs
Blanche Sullivan
Lynn Sullivan †
David Sumner
Ashley Sunderhaus
Ted Sunderhaus †
Dean Swartz
Tyler Swinney
Nikko Taite
Kenneth Tankersley
Mike Tanner
Margaret Taske †
Wendy Taylor
Luis Tellez
Malcolm Tennyson
Robert Terwillegar †
Marilyn Theis
Thelma Thomas
Brian Thompson
Elizabeth Tinklenberg †
Diana Tisue
Truman Toland †
Michael Tolston
Randy Tomlin
Patrick Trader
Christine Trenholm
Kay Truesdell
Amanda Truitt
Mark Tsuang
Serena Tsuang
Casey Tucker
Dallas Turner
Eric Turner
Phyllis Uffman
Ursula Umberg †
Chris Unger
Alyson Utterback
Allison Valenzano
Patrice Vales
Sue Ann Vallo
Ian VanDonkelaar
Joe Vaughan
Maureen Vaughan
Nancy Vaughan
Geraldine Vehr
Paul Veid
David Verdin
Mindy Verdino
Laura Vincent
Judith Wacksman †
Dennise Wagenlander
Cody Waits
Donald Walker †
Donald Walsh †
Martha Walther
Tom Ward †
Jerry Warner †
Mark Warner
Mark Watkins †
Andrew Webber
Robert Webber
Helen Weber
Marilyn Weber
Rose Marie Weckenmann
Woody Weinstein
† Indicates
2009 Annual Report
Melissa Wells
Cyndi Wenck
Mary Wendeln
Melissa Werner
Gerald Wernke
Mary West
Kimberly Wharton
Whitney Wharton †
Mary Whipple
Shanna White
Anne Whiting †
Chuck Whiting †
Dorinda Whitsett †
Melissa Wilkerson
Patricia Will
Amber Williams
Jessica Williams
Kara Williams
Scott Williams
Henry Wilson, Jr.
Lauren Wilson
Sonja Wilson †
Janet Winandy
John Wischmeyer
Mary Ellen Wittekind †
Jacalyn Wittmer
Emily Woeste
Nena Womer
Tanya Womer
Karli Wood
Jennifer Woodrum
Christine Woods
Maura Wottreng
Bill Woycke
Irene Wright †
Carolyn Wyatt †
Walt Wyatt †
Philip Yannarella †
Luigina Yerino
Nancy Yore
William York
Stephan Yovan
Karen Ziegler
Mark Zigoris
Roger Zimmerer †
Lori Zwick
10+ years of service.
This list includes all volunteers who served for any part
of the fiscal year (July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009).
Youth Program
Briagenn Adams
Montel Adkins
Quianna Alexander
Amber Appelton
Larry Barber III
Terry Bayes
Timothy Berry
Katelyn Berry
Kayla Berryhill
Dani Bestfelt
Nicole Bishop
Emily Bolin
Ashley Brewster
Janine Butler
Anthony Byrd
Lawrence Carter
Malcolm Carter
Gabriella Chronis
Jared Clifton
Ciara Coleman
Brandie Cordray
Rachel Cordray
Jason Davis
Brittany Davis
Oscar DeFrancsco
Katrina DeJagerKennedy
Richard Dennis
Jenny Kate DiGirolamo
Burkett Evans
Sarah Evans
NyAsia Evans
Zipporah Fant
Destiny Feltha
Abigail Fenton
Kamyia Fletcher
Diondre Frye
Jacob Gray
Anna Green
Michael Greer
Micaiala Hamner
Bryanna Hardy
Caitlin Harrington
Evan Harris
Devonte Harris
Jalen Harris
De’Anthony Hedges
Kyia Hill
Devon Hollins
Mary Holt
Ben Holt
Iiyob Howard
Amani Irby
Simon James
Amber James
Kristen Jansen
Adrian Johnson
Marek Johnson
Kelsey Johnson
Beverly Johnson
Brittan Kappel
Michael Karaus
Megan Kecskes
Kevin Kerth
Alisah Knox
Devin Knutson
Michael Lail
Erica Landry
Benjamin Lee
Olivia Letcher
Joshua Lindsay
Donai Long
Da’Isha Long
Heather Luken
Bria Lumpkin
Kathryn Macon
Jordan Macon
Bryan Raub
Caleb Reed
Kyle Reed
Mick Robertson
Maria Rockett
Susan Romer
Sierra Roundtree
Bridget Schmidt
Adam Schmidt
Becky Schultz
Claire Seid
Isa Shakir
Imani Sherman
Samantha Smith
Whitni Smith
Aaron Smith
Malika Smoot
Erin Stanforth
Zach Stansell
Rachel Stieritz
Sarafina Sweatt
Derrick Thomas
Grant Thomas
Stephanie Thorton
Graham Turner
Nakai Velasquez
Melvin Walker
Myles Washington
Brett Weiler
Briana Weiler
Brandon Welch
Andre’a Martin
Aviance McBride
Rebekah McDonald
Hakeem McGee
Molly Mersmann
Shaquilla Metts
Rariety Monford
Stephanie Moore
Tyler Moorman
Briana Neal
Bria Neil
Miracle Pankey
Zach Penn
Shontral Pope
Taylor Posey
Jessica Powell
Nicholas Pranger
Kiryana White
KiAire Whittaker
Amon Whittle
Kyria Williams
Kiedra Wilson
Bria Wyatt
Brittany Wyatt
Alli Yerian
Joseph Young
Joseph Young
Elizabeth Zinnecker
Evan Zuelke
Board of Trustees
R. Keith Harrison, Jr., Chair
David T. Bohl
Phillip C. Long
John M. Tew, Jr., M.D.
Global Product Supply Officer,
The Procter & Gamble Company
President, Kibler Lumber
Director Emeritus, Taft Museum of Art
Shenan P. Murphy
Professor of Neurosurgery, The Mayfield
Clinic, UC Neuroscience Institute
George H. Vincent, Past Chair
Cynthia O. Booth
President & CEO, COBCO
President & CEO, Grubb & Ellis/
West Shell Commercial
Anne Drackett Thomas
Robert W. Olson
James L. Turner
Attorney At Law, Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP
Group Executive, President & COO,
Duke Energy Corporation
Managing Partner & Chairman of the Board of
Directors, Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP
Jane Garvey, Vice Chair
Vice President, Marketing & Communications,
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Francie S. Hiltz, Vice Chair
Civic Leader
Otto M. Budig, Vice Chair
President & CEO, Cincinnati Bell
A. David Davis
President & CEO,
Axcess Financial Services Inc.
Thomas H. Quinn
James C. Ellerhorst
Scott Robertson
Office Managing Partner, Deloitte
Chief Executive Officer,
GBI/Globe Business Interiors
Susan B. Esler
President, Budco Group Inc.
Civic Volunteer
Albert W. Vontz III
President, Bardes Corporation
Heidelberg Distributing Company
Joey D. Williams
Western Ohio President & CEO,
Chase Bank
Vice President, Human Resources &
Communications, Ashland, Inc.
Yvonne C. Robertson
Deliaan (Dee) Gettler
Lois Rosenthal
President, Trusthouse, Inc.
Director, Uptown Arts
Senior Vice President, Development,
Duke Energy Corporation
Carrie K. Hayden
Judith K. Stein, M.D.
Civic Leader
Civic Leader
Mary Zalla
Executive Vice President & Chief Risk Officer,
U.S. Bank
Cynthia Walker Kenny
Steven Steinman
Owner, Cynthia Kenny Creative
Edward D. Diller, Governance Chair
Ronald A. Koetters
President, Sims-Lohman/
Moellering Industries
Partner-in-Charge, Cincinnati Office,
Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Chairman & CEO,
Monarch Construction Company
Merrie Stewart Stillpass
Douglass W. McDonald, President & CEO
Gary Z. Lindgren
Robert A. Sullivan
President & CEO, Cincinnati Museum
Center at Union Terminal
Executive Director,
Cincinnati Business Committee
President & CEO, Fifth Third Bank,
Greater Cincinnati
David E. Foxx, Vice Chair
Chief Executive Officer,
d.e. Foxx & Associates, Inc.
Mark J. Hauser, Treasurer
Chairman, The Hauser Group
Richard J. Hidy, Secretary
John F. Cassidy
Civic Leader
Gregory C. Wolf
Managing Director, Landor Associates,
Cincinnati and Chicago
The Board of Trustees as of June 30, 2009.
Urban Planner, Amberley Village Council
Trustees Emeriti
Compton Allyn, Ph.D.
Neil A. Armstrong
Benjamin Bethell
Helen Black
Hazeleen Brewster
Catharine Chapman
Frank Corbin
John Crowley
Frank G. Davis
Directors Emeriti
John Diehl
Martiné Dunn
Theodore Emmerich
Priscilla Haffner
John Hauck
Timothy Hoberg
James Johnson
Gregory Kenny
Robert D. Lindner, Jr.
Kenneth Lowe
Alice Lytle
Craig Maier
Cortland Meader
Daniel Meyer
Jennifer Mooney
George H.
Musekamp III
Valerie Newell
H.C. Buck Niehoff
John O’Steen
O’dell M. Owens, M.D.
Jack Partridge
John Weld Peck
George Perbix
David Phillips
William C. Portman III
Carole Rigaud
John Ruthven
George Schaefer
Elizabeth Schiff
Joseph S. Stern, Jr.
Michael Stough
Ronald Tysoe
Dean Windgassen
DeVere Burt
John E. Fleming, Ph.D.
Gale E. Peterson, Ph.D.
(left) David Conzett, curator of the history
collections, talks to members of the 1788 Club
about a Cincinnati-made Civil War artilleryman’s
shell jacket from 1863. Front row: (L to R)
Joan Thomas, Serena Tsuang and Rosemary
Schlachter. Back row: (L to R) Ron Tisue, Kim
Vincent and Carrie Hayden.
Photo: Robert Webber
The Geier Center houses Museum Center’s research
laboratories, along with the science and history collections of more than three million objects. This past year,
specially arranged tours have been organized for donors
and for the public. David Conzett, curator of the history
collections, remarks “While Museum Center curators
are the stewards of significant scientific specimens,
historical artifacts and works of art, which we
hold in public trust, the museum’s collections, whether on exhibit or in storage, are
meant to be shared with the people of
greater Cincinnati.” He says, “These special tours of the collections and research
facility give our community access to the
artifacts we preserve for them and for
future generations.”
Expansive collections, cutting-edge research
and scientific advances, it is all happening at
Museum Center, and it is all intended for the benefit of
the community here in Cincinnati, and beyond.
2009 Annual Report
(bottom) The lab at the Eulett Center is
equipped with cutting-edge technology. There
is also a large multi-purpose room, classroom,
sleeping quarters for visiting researchers
and a kitchen. Former Ohio Senate President
Doug White helped secure funds to construct
the Eulett Center. Front row: (L to R) Kay
McDonald, Jan Portman, Shirley White and
Doug McDonald. Back row: Wym Portman and
Doug White.
With all the engaging exhibits, programming and events,
this past fiscal year marked the third highest attendance
ever! In fact, in 2009, Forbes Traveler magazine ranked
Forbes Traveler ranked Cincinnati Museum Center
the 17th most visited museum in the United States!
Cincinnati Museum Center has had a
number of incredibly popular exhibits,
none more popular than last year’s
BODIES: The Exhibition, which brought
in more than 312,000 visitors from all
over the region. The exhibit that followed,
Dinosaurs Unearthed, was by no means
smaller, with its life-size, roaring, moving
dinosaurs. After opening in mid-February,
attendance had already reached 100,000 by
the end of May, with more than three months
left! With more people spending vacations at
home, the exhibit and companion OMNIMAX
film, Dinosaurs Alive, reached more visitors
than anticipated. Both the exhibit and the film
presented new fossil evidence that proves the
existence of feathered dinosaurs.
(right) Students explore the RACE: Are We
So Different? exhibit in the Cincinnati
History Museum.
Cincinnati Museum Center the 17th most visited museum
in the United States! Museum Center was ranked among
museums in New York, Washington D.C., Boston, Los
Angeles, Houston, San Francisco and Chicago.
Union Terminal has continued to serve as a key venue
for national political figures. Presidents Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Harry Truman and George W. Bush, presidential candidate John Kerry and First Lady Laura Bush
have all visited Museum Center. In 2008 alone, Vice
President Joe Biden and President Barrack Obama
In 2009, Museum Center also presented the
exhibit RACE: Are We So Different? This exhibit, in the Cincinnati History Museum, explored
the social constructs and history of race and
how race affects our daily lives. Programming included
numerous lectures, a film festival and a series of forums
on race held at Museum Center, and other area organizations. The exhibit and related programming provided a
space for meaningful conversation and dialogue about
an important topic, opening people up to new ideas and
ways of answering the question, are we so different?
addressed the public on campaign stops at Union
Terminal. Museum Center has taken the national stage
in a number of ways. In 2008, Museum Center’s exhibits
department collaborated with The Ford Motor Company
Fund and the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service to produce a ground-breaking exhibit titled
Freedom’s Sisters. The exhibit tells the story of 20
African American women who played pivotal roles in the
civil rights struggle. Freedom’s Sisters is currently on a
nationwide tour.
Museum Center also organized an exhibit in partnership
with Tavis Smiley and Arts and Exhibitions International,
called America I AM: The African American Imprint.
Covering more than 13,000 square feet, the exhibition
documents moments of courage, conviction and creativity, solidifying the imprint African Americans have made
across the nation and around the world. Museum Center
is responsible for managing the more than 200 artifacts
in the exhibit. The exhibition’s producer, John Fleming,
Ph.D., is director emeritus of Museum Center.
This summer, Museum Center’s vice president of
museums, Tonya Matthews, Ph.D., served as an academic and content advisor to the 2009 Smithsonian
2009 Annual Report
Folklife Festival. The annual outdoor festival is an international exposition of living cultural heritage, held on the
National Mall in Washington, D.C. It is curated by the
Smithsonian Institution’s Center for Folklife and Cultural
Heritage. After working with the festival curator as an
advisor and facilitator, Matthews performed as a storyteller and poet at the festival. “It’s an amazing transition
to move between ‘thinker’ and ‘poet’—but
we need more thinker-poets among us!
It was a fabulous opportunity to share
yet another dimension of the incredible Museum Center community with a
national and international audience,” said
Matthews. Matthews’ performances at
the festival culminated with a combined
poetry reading with Freedom’s Sisters
honoree, renowned poet Sonia Sanchez.
Museum Center may be increasing
its visibility nationally, but the greatest
impact is still made locally, on the Cincinnati community.
Museum Center makes a significant economic impact by
providing jobs and revenue for the city. A 2008 economic impact study, conducted in partnership with the
University of Cincinnati’s Economic Center for Education & Research, examined 12 months of activity. The
findings reported that Museum Center had an economic
impact of $87 million, and is responsible for creating
and maintaining more than 1,100 jobs. For every dollar
Museum Center spends on operating and capital expenses, there is a $3.58 return to the region’s economy.
“We’re very pleased with the results of this study,” said
Doug McDonald, president and CEO. “Oftentimes,
when people think about arts and culture organizations,
they do not take into account the economic benefits, in
addition to the educational.”
(above) Tonya Matthews, Ph.D., Museum Center’s vice president of museums, takes to the
stage at the 2009 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
in Washington D.C.
(left) America I AM: The African American
Imprint exhibit creator, media mogul Tavis
Smiley, standing with Doug McDonald, Museum
Center president and CEO, and Cornel West,
Ph.D., African American scholar from Princeton
University, in front of the flag of the Black
Brigade of Cincinnati at the premiere of the
exhibit at the National Constitution Center
in Philadelphia.
Since July 2007,
supporters have
committed more
than $8 million to
Museum Center’s
Museum Center is successful because of
the generous support of donors, members,
staff and volunteers. In 2008 alone, more
than 700 volunteers donated nearly 84,000
hours of service! Outside of their time, volunteers also contributed their money. In February,
Museum Center launched a 3-day Volunteer
Telefundraiser, asking its
own volunteers to make
a financial contribution. One volunteer
provided a matching grant that
gave the fundraiser
the momentum it
needed to be a
success. In total,
volunteers gave
more than $10,000.
Museum Center’s volunteers continually amaze us with
their generosity and spirit.
Continuing to balance the budget has enabled us to set
our sights farther into the future and begin ensuring the
long-term sustainability of our programs. In a quiet but
persistent effort since July 2007, Museum Center has
been working with its closest friends to add substantially
to its endowment.
So far, supporters have committed more than $8 million
—most of that since the economic downturn. The campaign’s foundation was a $1.5 million bequest from the
late Dr. George Rieveschl, Jr., in 2007. The Robert and
Adele Schiff Family Foundation committed $1 million
in operating and endowment funds over six years. One
anonymous donor, impressed with the achievements
of scientific research at Museum Center, is providing
$1 million to endow the position of curator of
vertebrate paleontology. Another anonymous
donor made a $1 million cash gift for
general endowment support. The Helen
Steiner Rice Foundation contributed the
valuable intellectual property rights (IP)
of Helen Steiner Rice, the internationally renowned poet and writer; and an
endowment gift of $750,000 to support
Members for 25+
Consecutive Years
Dr. Daniel Aaron
Dr. & Mrs. F. Jay Ach
Mr. Agathon A. Aerni
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ambrosius
Miss Annie W. Anderson
Mrs. Joseph B. Andrews, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Neil A. Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Baker
Ms. LaVaughn Bardes
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Barkalow
Ms. Joyce L. Beck
Mr. Henry J. Behrens
Mrs. Lois G. Benjamin
Mrs. Mary M. Bergstein
Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Bernet, Sr.
Mr. Edward E. Betz, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Beuttel
Mrs. Robert L. Black, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Blatt
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Blount
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Boehringer
Mr. Kenneth R. Borisch
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn D. Boutilier
Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Brown, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Bruckmann
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Buente
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bunnell
Miss Ruth Ann Busald &
Mr. Robert Busald
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Buse, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Bushman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Busken, Jr.
Mr. Owen B. Butler
Dr. & Mrs. Jacque Cain
Mr. & Mrs. Louis O. Chabut
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Choate
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Cochran
Dr. & Mrs. John Cohen
Dr. & Mrs. Loren Cohen
Dr. Mitchell B. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Conklin
Mr. & Mrs. Don Conover
Mr. & Mrs. L. Barry Cors
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Creasy
Mr. Louis Dauner &
Dr. Geraldine Wu
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. DeBrunner
Ms. Lily Ann DeMar
Mr. John A. Diehl
Mr. & Mrs. Wiley Dinsmore
Mrs. Suzanne Dunbar &
Mr. Rick Dunbar
Mr. Matthew Duvall
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Eilers
Dr. Donna T. Endress
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Epstein
Mr. James M. Ewell
Ms. Barbara Farber
Mrs. Regina Fischer &
Ms. Grace Berner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fluharty
Mrs. Jane Alice Foster
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Frondorf
Mr. Frederic Gahr, Jr.
Mrs. Shirley Gallagher &
Mr. Stan Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Don Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Gardner
Mr. Harry H. Garrison
Ms. Lois S. Gettelman &
Ms. Julia Hahn
Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Glueck
Dr. Frederick Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Goldschmidt
Mrs. Elizabeth D. Goldsmith
Mr. Alvin A. Gould
Ms. Deborah Grayson &
Mr. Bruce Meizlish
Ms. Loretta Greenland
Mr. & Mrs. Guenther R. Hager
Mrs. Jan C. Hall
Mrs. Leroy Hall
Ms. Mary Ann Hamill
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hancock
Mrs. Charles Harper
Dr. & Mrs. Donald K. Hawley
2009 Annual Report
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Hazen
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Heckscher
Mr. Donald J. Heimbrock
Mrs. Edwin L. Heinle
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Heinzelman
Ms. Mary L. Heiselmann &
Ms. JoAnn Dellegrotti
Ms. Elizabeth Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Henley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Huenefeld
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Judd
Ms. Joan Kattwinkel
Mr. & Mrs. Roy C. Kepferle
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kilfoil
Miss Patricia Kisker
Mr. Benjamin F. Klein
Ms. Judith A. Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Krehbiel, Jr.
Miss Helen L. Kropf
Mrs. Elizabeth B. LaBare
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Lamb
Mrs. Dorothy K. Larsson
Mr. & Mrs. George Laycock
Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Leake
Mrs. Jean Lemon
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Long
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Longshore
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Loughrey
Mr. & Mrs. Merrel B. Ludlow
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Lytle
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Maslowski
Mr. David Mason
Mr. & Mrs. R. David Mathias
Mrs. Robert M. Mauk
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood W. McIntire
Mr. Leroy J. Memering
Mr. J. Michael Meretta
Mr. Clifford R. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Akila J. Misali
Ms. Lorenia Moore
Ms. Diane Morand
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Narburgh
Mr. & Mrs. Stan D. Neumann
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Newman
Dr. & Mrs. Melvyn M. Nizny
Ms. Dorothy A. Oechsler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Herron
Mrs. John B. Oliver
Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Otten
Ms. M. Elizabeth Pape
Mr. & Mrs. Howard P. Pecquet
Dr. Aaron W. Perlman
Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Petit
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Porter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin L. Pritz
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Randolph
Mr. & Mrs. George U. Rath
Mr. John P. Reading
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Reder
Dr. & Mrs. Dillon Rhodenbaugh
Mrs. Barbara J. Ries
Mr. Douglas O. Robinette
Mr. & Mrs. Snowden Rowe
Mr. John E. Ryan &
Ms. Joyce Doering
Ms. Joyce J. Salinger &
Mr. James Salinger
Mr. Christoph R. Schmidt
Mr. Eugene H. Schmidt
Miss Juliann Schmidt
Mr. Milton W. Schmidt
Mr. Paul W. Schuch
Dr. & Mrs. G. Alan Schwemlein
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Sedacca
Mrs. Robert Senior
Mr. & Mrs. Jon L. Seymour
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Shannon, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Shields
Dr. Siegfried E. Sieber &
Ms. J. McCauley
Mr. Mark Silbersack &
Ms. Ruth A. Schwallie
Dr. Edward Silberstein &
Ms. Jacqueline Mack
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld
Ms. Patricia A. Songer
Mr. & Mrs. John Starkweather
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob K. Stein
Mr. Edward L. Stephenson
Mr. Garrick C. Stephenson
Dr. Mark Stephenson &
Dr. Carol Merry
Mr. Charles J. Stone &
Ms. Kathleen E. Sharp
Ms. Elizabeth A. Stone &
Mr. Walter E. Geier
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Striker
Mrs. Lenore Stulbarg
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Swormstedt
Mr. Robert Tait & Ms. Elizabeth Tait
Mr. & Mrs. F. Keith Taylor
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Thomas
Mr. Vernon F. Thomas
Mrs. Florence E. Thompson
Mrs. Maurice B. Tobin
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Todd
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Trefzger
Ms. Joyce Trestel
Miss Madge Van Buskirk &
Ms. Clara Dantic
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Varley
Miss Hedda W. VonGoebben
Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Vontz III
Mr. Allen G. Waddle
Mrs. Joan C. Walson
Mr. Edward R. Walton &
Ms. Patsy Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Weakley
Mrs. Carson R. Whiting
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Williams
Mr. Richard P. Windisch
Dr. & Mrs. Henry R. Winkler
Dr. & Mrs. Jerome F. Wiot
Mr. Jonathan Worstell
Miss Mariam A. Zabel
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Zepf II
1788 Club
Dr. Ira & Linda Abrahamson
Mrs. Margot Jacobs
Mr. Lawrence A. Leser
Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Lindner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Lindner, Jr.
Mrs. Romola N. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Long
Dr. & Mrs. Compton Allyn
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Mashburn III
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Alpaugh
Mrs. Debra R. McMillan-Ash &
Mr. William F. Ash
Mr. & Mrs. J. Leland Brewster II
Mrs. Lela C. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Brown
Dr. John L. Carter & Dr. Ruth C. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Castleberry
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Huenefeld
Mrs. Caroline H. Davidson
Katharine M. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. W. Stuart Dornette
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Dorsey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Drackett
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore H. Emmerich
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Erschell
Harry & Linda Fath
Mr. & Mrs. Ashley L. Ford
Kay Copelin French
Jane Garvey & John Lanier
Mr. & Mrs. Philip O. Geier, Jr.
Shelly & Michael Gerson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goering
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Goering
Cortland J. & Annette M. Meader
Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Merten, Sr.
Bonnie & Dan Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Moulas
Mr. George H. Musekamp III
Mr. & Mrs. Svet Nankovitch
Dr. Patrick J. Nugent &
Ms. Mary Kay Rehard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Perbix
Dr. Gale E. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ruthven
James A. & Elizabeth York Schiff
Mrs. Nancy L. Schlemmer
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Schubert
Jeremy F. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Stegman
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Tew, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Vidal
Mrs. Ann L. Helmsderfer
Mr. & Mrs. Harris K. Weston
Timothy E. Hoberg &
Caryl A. Yzenbaard
Mr. John H. White, Jr.
Dr. John H. Wulsin
Mrs. Phyllis Hopple
Mr. & Mrs. Eric B. Yeiser
Hopewell Council
Mrs. Romola N. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Anderson
Mrs. Charles Wm. Anness
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Bohl
Mrs. Lela C. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Chapman
Mrs. Caroline H. Davidson
Katharine M. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Everingham
Jane Garvey & John Lanier
Mr. James D. Geier &
Mr. Gregory Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Philip O. Geier, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goering
Priscilla & Frederick Haffner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hartkemeier
Timothy E. Hoberg &
Caryl A. Yzenbaard
Mrs. Margot Jacobs
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Jolson
Mr. Lawrence A. Leser
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Lindner, Jr.
Mrs. Debra R. McMillan-Ash &
Mr. William F. Ash
Bonnie & Dan Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Svet Nankovitch
Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Buck Niehoff
Dr. Patrick J. Nugent &
Ms. Mary Kay Rehard
Mr. & Mrs. John A. O’Steen
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Perbix
Wym & Jan Portman
Giving Club members are able to engage with the Cincinnati History Museum and Cincinnati Historical Society Library (1788 Club), the Museum
of Natural History & Science (Hopewell Council) and Duke Energy Children’s Museum (Treehouse Club), through special events and programming.
Cynthia S. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ruthven
Kathryn Shahani
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Skidmore
Mr. John G. Smale
Ms. Sonja A. Wilson
Mr. Dean L. Windgassen
Jo Ann Withrow
Treehouse Club
Katharine M. Davis
Jason & Sarah Farler
Ms. Consuelo W. Harris
Mr. Tom & Dr. Tara Knipper
Dr. Patrick J. Nugent &
Ms. Mary Kay Rehard
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Pierce
Dr. Elsira Pina & Dr. Charles Mehlman
James A. & Elizabeth York Schiff
Mrs. Nancy L. Schlemmer
Ms. Andrea Tortora &
Mr. Bob Schwartz
Christie & Gregory Wolf
The Legacy Society
of Cincinnati Museum Center
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. C. David Beato
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bloom
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Burkart
Dr. John L. Carter &
Dr. Ruth C. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Chadwick W.
Christine, Jr.
Ms. Caroline S. DeMar
Mr. John A. Diehl
Mr. & Mrs. Ashley L. Ford
Susan & William Friedlander
Dr. James M. Garvey
Dr. & Mrs. Walter B. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. William Haller
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson M. Hoffmann
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Koehler
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph L. Krumm
Mr. Frank Loveland
Mr. & Mrs. Douglass W. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Melvin
Ms. Victoria L. Memmel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Moore, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Buck Niehoff
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Perbix
Mrs. George Rieveschl, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ross, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Snowden Rowe
Ms. Amy Scrivner &
Mr. Chris Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Specter
Mr. G. Richard Thomas
2009 Annual Report
Mr. Mark A. Watkins
Mr. John H. White, Jr.
Ms. Sonja A. Wilson
Miss Mariam A. Zabel
If you have made provisions for Cincinnati Museum
Center in your estate plans and would like to be
included in the Legacy Society, please inform us.
In Memoriam
Marc Bohlke
Ruth S. Britt
Charlotte S. Fullgraf
Phillip O. Geier, Jr.
William S. Hauer
Nelson M. Hoffman
Deborah G. Horman
Frank W. Kellogg
Howard A. Meineke
Ruth E. Probst
Stanley M. Rowe, Jr.
The Honorable
Robert L. Schuler
S. Charles Straus
Lois Volkman
Edward T. Wallace
Ruth W. Westheimer
Harris K. Weston
Gibson R. Yungblut
G. Richard Thomas is a member of the Legacy Society of Cincinnati
Museum Center, which recognizes the generosity of those who have
included us in their estate plans. Dick grew up in Pleasant Ridge, lived
for a time in Wyoming and Montgomery, and now lives in Mason. He
spent his career with the food distribution giant SYSCO, which his
father co-founded. Not long after Museum Center opened in 1990,
Dick and his late wife Jane sat down to review their retirement assets.
Several charities in Cincinnati were important to them, including Cincinnati Museum Center. So they set up a charitable remainder trust (CRT),
which pays Dick annual income that can grow as the value of the principal grows. After his lifetime, the principal will become a permanent
part of the endowment of Cincinnati Museum Center.
Dick still comes to Museum Center three or four times a year to check
out new OMNIMAX films. “I love the OMNIMAX!” He purchases a
membership each year for himself and each of his adult daughters.
“I think the programs at Museum Center are really great. I like everything you do.”
Program Fees &
Exhibit Rentals
Food, Parking,
Retail & Rentals
Hamilton County
Levy Support
(All Categories)
Private Foundations
& Support
Hamilton County
Levy Capital
Other Capital $73,293
City, State and Federal
& PR
Support Services
Capital Maintenance/
1% Interest
Hamilton County
Levy Operating
City, State and Federal
Private Foundations $376,411
Corporate $735,084
Individual $1,270,278
Exhibits, Educational
Programs & Research
Andrea Tortora
serves on the
advisory board of Duke Energy Children’s Museum. Her first exposure to the
Children’s Museum was before she even
had children of her own, when she went
along with a friend. Years later that same
friend asked her to join the Children’s
Museum advisory board. At this point
Tortora’s oldest son was nearing age 2,
and they were already members.
the maintenance of the IP and to process her records
and archives making them available to the public. An
anonymous donor, a trustee, plus the John Hauck Foundation have each committed $250,000. Trustees have
committed substantial resources and Procter & Gamble
has committed $1 million for operating and capital funds
over five years. Each of these donors, and other donors,
have chosen Museum Center as a wise and fruitful
investment in their community and have laid the groundwork for long-term sustainability.
In addition to volunteers and donors, Museum Center’s
members make up the core audience served by exhibits
and programming. In fact, the past fiscal year ranks as
the highest average number of member households
ever, at 21,515!
There are so many ways to support Cincinnati Museum
Center. Thousands of individuals have committed their
time and money. You, our advocates, our volunteers, our
members, our staff and donors, make possible all the
wonderful work that takes place here every day.
2009 Annual Report
Tortora says, “I really enjoy my work on
the board because it is so actionable and
hands-on. Helping to plan the Children’s
Andrea Tortora
Museum’s 10th Birthday celebrations
was great fun. I saw the Difference Makers Award as a wonderful way for Museum
Center to give back to the community, but also to let the community know that Museum
Center cares about all the good works taking place that most of us never hear about.”
Now on their visits, she and her family are branching out to the
Museum of Natural History & Science and the Cincinnati
History Museum. She says her son’s world has really
opened up, and she notices that when they travel to
other cities he now asks if there are museums there
that they can visit, too.
She says, “As a parent, I really enjoy how simply walking through the doors at Museum Center can spur so
much learning. And given all the time we spend at the
Children’s Museum, we’ve found it to be a great educational
tool. It’s been fun to watch Max gain more confidence to tackle
the treehouse climbing, or to attempt building a huge tower in the construction area.
And now that we have a new baby in the family, he’s getting early exposure, too.”
Children’s Museum’s 10th Birthday Bash
Doug McDonald, Museum Center president and CEO, and Jack Dominic,
CET VP and Station Manager, cut the ribbon with some excited young Clifford
fans, at the opening of the Adventures with Clifford The Big Red Dog™ exhibit.
Regenerations Campaign Gifts and Pledges
annual fund and mission support
Grand Rotunda Society
Mural Society
Anonymous *
The Procter & Gamble Company *
Estate of Dr. George Rieveschl, Jr.
Robert & Adele Schiff
Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. J. Leland Brewster II
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hidy
Mr. & Mrs. Douglass W. McDonald
Rev. Christopher F. Neely
Ohio Valley Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Olson
Dr. Judith & Mr. Steven Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Steinman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Eric B. Yeiser
Anonymous *
Helen G., Henry F. & Louise Tuechter
Dornette Foundation, Fifth Third Bank,
Lucile and Richard Durrell
Special Fund II *
Hamilton County
John Hauck Foundation
H.C.S. Foundation
Helen Steiner Rice Foundation *
Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas Hiltz
Dorothy M. M. Kersten Trust
National Park Service
National Science Foundation
State of Ohio
The Procter & Gamble Company *
Lois & Richard Rosenthal
Robert & Adele Schiff
Family Foundation
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. J. Leland Brewster II
Mrs. Lela C. Brown
Charles H. Dater Foundation
Duke Energy Foundation
Fifth Third Foundation
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
Philip O. Geier, Jr.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Philip O. Geier, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Keith Harrison, Jr.
Paul & Mabel Horman
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
Ms. Deborah G. Horman
Institute of Museum & Library Services
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Ohio Valley Foundation
PNC Foundation
Robert H. Reakirt Foundation
Ms. Joan Rieveschl
Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Vontz III
Helen Steiner Rice Foundation *
John Hauck Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Hauser
H.B., E.W. and F.R. Luther Foundation,
Fifth Third Bank, Co-Trustee
Lois & Richard Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Tysoe
Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Vontz III
Otto M. Budig, Jr.
Helen G., Henry F. & Louise Tuechter
Dornette Foundation, Fifth Third Bank,
Franklin L. Folger Trust
Mr. & Mrs. R. Keith Harrison, Jr.
Lois & Richard Rosenthal Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Vincent
Mr. & Mrs. Harris K. Weston
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Bohl
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Diller
River City Furniture
Lauri & Scott Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rouse *
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Tew, Jr. *
John and Susan Tew —
Cincinnati Museum Center Fund *
Anonymous Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Martiné R. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Ellerhorst
Ms. Susan B. Esler &
Mr. Steve Skibo **
Hayfields Foundation
Lee & Dan Hoffheimer
Johnson Grossnickle and
Associates, Inc.
Christie & Gregory Wolf
Ms. Mary E. Zalla
Great Clock Society
Under $10,000
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cassidy
Duke Energy Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Duszynski
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Z. Lindgren
Dr. Tonya M. Matthews
Dr. Patrick J. Nugent &
Ms. Mary Kay Rehard
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Quinn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar P. Robertson
Ms. Sandra L. Shipley
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Stillpass
Mr. & Mrs. Joey D. Williams
Jane Garvey & John Lanier
*Indicates a gift made via The Greater Cincinnati Foundation.
**Indicates a gift made via Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund.
These lists reflect those donors who have made gifts or pledges to the Regenerations
Campaign from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2009. The Regenerations Campaign raises
endowment support for Cincinnati Museum Center.
High Steel Society
City of Cincinnati
Lucile and Richard Durrell
Special Fund III *
Ford Motor Company Fund
Robert W. & Isabel Yeatman
Gwinner Fund *
John and Judi O’Steen
Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John A. O’Steen
Estate of Audell Stieringer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Tysoe
Woodward Trust
Anonymous Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Compton Allyn
Mrs. Charles Wm. Anness
Ashland Inc. *
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bloom *
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Bohl
Otto M. Budig Family Foundation
Otto M. Budig, Jr.
Cincinnati Empowerment Corporation
Cincinnati Museum Center Guests
(Wishing Well)
Crosset Family Fund *
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Diller
Mr. & Mrs. Martiné R. Dunn
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. If you have a change or correction,
please contact our Advancement Services Department at 513-287-7074.
Photo: Robert Webber
Ms. Susan B. Esler & Mr. Steve Skibo **
Harry & Linda Fath
Fidelity Investments
Mr. & Mrs. Ashley L. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. W. Roger Fry
Jane Garvey & John Lanier
Priscilla & Frederick Haffner
Hayfields Foundation
Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc.
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Kohnen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Lindner, Jr.
Oliver Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Perbix *
River City Furniture
Lauri & Scott Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rouse *
Jeremy F. Simpson
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Tew, Jr. *
John and Susan Tew —
Cincinnati Musem Center Fund *
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Vincent
Western & Southern Financial Group
Mr. & Mrs. Harris K. Weston
Wodecroft Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Eric B. Yeiser
Cornerstone Society
Anonymous *
4C for Children
Dr. Ira & Linda Abrahamson
Mrs. Martha Adair
Mrs. Romola N. Allen
Alpaugh Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Alpaugh
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Anderson
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Art Links Fund *
Mr. & Mrs. C. David Beato
Mr. Donald Beck &
Dr. Lawrence Eynon
Beech Acres Parenting Center
Lola Louise Bonnell Trust
E. Lucy Braun Endowment Fund *
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Brown
Burke Incorporated
Mr. William Cacini
Camden Foundation
CapTrust Advisors, LLC
Dr. John L. Carter & Dr. Ruth C. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cassidy
Castellini Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Castleberry
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Chapman
Christ Church Cathedral
Cincinnati Bulk Terminals
Cincinnati Mineral Society
Cincinnati-Hamilton County
Community Action Agency
Clark, Schaefer, Hackett & Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Cris Collinsworth
Compliance Resource, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Conley
Convergys Corporation
Ruth J. and Robert A. Conway
Foundation, Inc.
Albert B. Cord Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Coughlin *
Lewis and Marjorie Daniel Foundation
Mrs. Caroline H. Davidson
Katharine M. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. David Dillon *
Mr. & Mrs. W. Stuart Dornette
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Dorsey
The Harriette R. Williams
Downey Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Drackett *
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Duszynski
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Ellerhorst
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore H. Emmerich
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Erschell *
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Everingham
Every Child Succeeds
Mr. & Mrs. Jason M. Farler
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Foxx
Kay Copelin French
Friends of Big Bone, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Garber
Frederick A. and Juliet Esselborn
Geier Memorial Fund *
Mr. James D. Geier &
Mr. Gregory Smith
Mr. Walter E. Geier
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Gerhardt III
Shelly & Michael Gerson
Gettler Family Foundation
Mrs. Deliaan Gettler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Gill *
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goering
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Goering
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Graver
Mr. & Mrs. John Grover
Ms. Consuelo W. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hartkemeier
James T. & Ellen M. Hatfield
Memorial Trust
Health Alliance
Wm G. & Mary Jane Helms Charitable
Trust, Leonard A. Weakley, Jr., TEE
Mrs. Ann L. Helmsderfer *
Hewlett-Packard Co.
2009 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hidy
Timothy E. Hoberg &
Caryl A. Yzenbaard
Lee & Dan Hoffheimer
Mrs. Phyllis Hopple
Mr. & Mrs. William Hopple III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Huenefeld
Mrs. Margot Jacobs
Andrew MacAoidh Jergens *
Mr. James C. Johnson &
Ms. Dale Cheek
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Jolson
Kaplan Foundation
Harris & Eliza Kempner Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Kenny
Kibler Lumber
Miss Patricia Kisker
Mr. Tom & Dr. Tara Knipper
Kroger Company
Mr. & Mrs. S. George Kurz
Mrs. Joseph D. Landen
Mr. Robert G. Laughlin
Mr. Lawrence A. Leser *
Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Lindner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Long
MacGillivray Freeman Films, Inc.
Ruth A. & W.O. Mashburn Jr.
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Mashburn III
Dr. Tonya M. Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. Douglass W. McDonald
Mrs. Debra R. McMillan-Ash &
Mr. William F. Ash
Cortland J. & Annette M. Meader
Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Merten, Sr.
Messer Construction Co.
Bonnie & Dan Meyer
The Midland Company Foundation
Miller Valentine Group
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Moulas
George Justin Musekamp Foundation
Mr. George H. Musekamp III
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm C. Myers *
Mr. & Mrs. Svet Nankovitch
National Investment Services, Inc.
Neuroscience Institute
at University Hospital
Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Buck Niehoff
North American Properties, Inc.
Dr. Patrick J. Nugent &
Ms. Mary Kay Rehard
Ohio CAT
Ohio National Financial Services
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Olson
The Richard & Dorothy Pandorf
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Pandorf
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Peters
Dr. Gale E. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Pichler *
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Pierce
Mr. Harley Piltingsrud
Dr. Elsira Pina & Dr. Charles Mehlman
Wym & Jan Portman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Quinn, Jr.
August A. Rendigs, Jr. Foundation
Ridgeway Foundation
Mrs. George Rieveschl, Jr.
Cynthia S. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ruthven
Ruttle Design Group, Inc.
S.E.C. Charitable Corporation
Schiff-Kreidler-Shell, Inc.
Mrs. Nancy L. Schlemmer
Mr. Clifford Scholes &
Mr. Peter Scholes
Louis and Melba Schott Foundation
Mr. Stephen H. Schott
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Schubert
Recie & Jim Scott
Sena Weller Rohs & Williams
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Sena, Sr.
Kathryn & Vishnoo Shahani
Charitable Trust
Kathryn Shahani
Ms. Sandra L. Shipley
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
Dr. George C. Skarmeas &
Ms. Dominique Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Skidmore
Mr. John G. Smale *
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Spitz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Stegman
Dr. Judith & Mr. Steven Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Steinman
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Stillpass
Ms. Elizabeth A. Stone
Elizabeth Stone/Limestone Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Sullivan
Target Stores
Bruce S. and Caroline C. Taylor Fund *
Ms. Andrea Tortora &
Mr. Bob Schwartz
Toyota Engineering and
Manufacturing North America, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Mark T. Tsuang
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Vidal
Helen B. Vogel Trust
Mr. Leonard A. Weakley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Wernz
Mr. John H. White, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joey D. Williams
Ms. Sonja A. Wilson
Mr. Dean L. Windgassen
Jo Ann Withrow
Christie & Gregory Wolf
T.J. and Hilda Wood Fund *
Woodward Family
Charitable Foundation
Mr. Anthony R. Woodward
Dr. John H. Wulsin
The Craig Young Family Foundation *
Mr. & Mrs. Craig S. Young
Ms. Mary E. Zalla
Mr. & Mrs. Allen G. Zaring III
* Indicates a gift made via The Greater Cincinnati Foundation.
These lists reflect giving totals for the fiscal year of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009.
Annual Fund Donors
(Under $1,000)
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Abernethy
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Adams
Advent Media Group, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Agin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Albers
James Alexander
Liz & Hank Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Allen
American Express
Gift Matching Program
American Paper & Plastic Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Benny A. Anderson
Dr. Christine Anderson
Mr. Harry Anderson &
Ms. Irina Klimova
Mr. William E. Anderson &
Ms. Susan E. Cannon
Mrs. George Andre
Andrew Jergens Foundation
Ms. Elisabeth Anger
Ms. Margaret Anger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Anning
Mr. Danny R. Antrobus
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Don Arrasmith
Ms. Amy Askins &
Mr. J. Chris Schairbaum
Mr. William M. Atkins
Mr. & Mrs. Larry B. Austing
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Axt
Mr. & Mrs. David Backscheider
Mr. & Mrs. William Bader
Mr. & Mrs. Allan J. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Chris D. Baker
Ms. Iris G. Ball
Ms. Tina Bamert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Banks
Miss Mildred Barhorst
Ms. Dorothy E. Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Bazeley
Mr. & Mrs. Allan B. Beach
Mr. Tom Beauvais
Mr. Charles Beckman &
Ms. Mary Kay Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beckman
Mr. Wayne Beckwith
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Beimesch
Mrs. Lois G. Benjamin
Mrs. Joan M. Berg
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Berger
Mrs. Ellen A. Berghamer
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Berghausen
Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Berghausen
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Bergman **
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Beringhaus
Mr. Mark Berkich &
Mrs. Jackie Walker-Berkich
Mr. & Mrs. John Berninger
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Berte
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Besl
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Best
Ms. Mary N. Beyersdorfer
Ms. Eliza L. Biederman
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Billmire
Mr. & Mrs. John Bingaman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Birchak
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bittner
Mr. George Blades
Mr. Charles F. Bleil & Ms. Mary T. Zeis
Mr. Peter Block & Ms. Cathy Kramer
Blue Chip Mailing Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Blum
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boehm
Mr. & Mrs. Julien O. Boesinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bohinski
Ms. Caroline Bohme &
Mr. Eric Hagenauer
Ms. Barbara Bolten
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bomar
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Booth
Mr. Neil K. Bortz
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Boswell
*Indicates a gift made via The Greater Cincinnati Foundation.
**Indicates a gift made via Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund.
These lists reflect giving totals for the fiscal year of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009.
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Botsford
Ms. Eleanor A. Botts
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn D. Boutilier
Boys & Girls Clubs
of Greater Cincinnati
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Brankamp
Mrs. William W. Breidster
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Brengle *
Mr. Stephen Brockmann
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Broering
Mrs. Kyle F. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Brown, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Brown
Ms. JoAnn Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney D. Brown
Dr. Stanley Brown
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Bruckmann
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Bruemmer
Ms. Carol R. Bruestle
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard B. Bruns
Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Buchroeder
Budig Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Budig
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Buechner
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Buente
Mrs. John M. Bullock
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bunnell
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Burchfield
Ms. Rebecca Burket
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Burkhart
Ms. Wilma Burlage
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Burlingham
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Burress
Mrs. Marjorie J. Burress
Mrs. Mary V. Buten
Ms. Ann H. Byrd
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Byrnes
Ms. Mary S. Calvert
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Carle
Mr. & Mrs. David Caron
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Carr
Mrs. Mary E. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Carruthers
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Carter
Mr. Albert D. Cash
Mr. Jim Caskey
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Cassinelli
Mrs. Joan F. Cawdrey &
Ms. Laura L. Rue
Dr. James E. Cebula
Mr. & Mrs. Louis O. Chabut
Miss Helen H. Chatfield
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Choate
Chubb Group
of Insurance Companies
Cincinnati Heritage Program
Cincinnati Presidents Organization
Cincinnati Union Bethel
Mrs. Jackson L. Clagett III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clements
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Clippard
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney L. Cober
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Cody
Mr. & Mrs. John Coggan
Ms. Cathy D. Cole
Mr. Charles Comins &
Ms. Audrey Green-Comins
Ms. Pearl J. Compaan &
Ms. Maria Westreck
Mr. & Mrs Michael Comperchio
Dr. & Mrs. C.J. Condorodis
Mr. Richard Connell &
Mr. Andrew Naylor
Contemporary Club
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Conway, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Coombe
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. Donald I. Corken, Jr.
Ms. Carolanne Corwin
Dr. Robin T. Cotton &
Ms. Cynthia Fitton
Ms. Dorothy H. Cowan
Ms. Joan Craig
Ms. Lee Ann Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Crosset, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Culp
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Damico
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Daun
Mr. Louis Dauner & Dr. Geraldine Wu
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Davidow
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Davison
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Day
Mr. Mark E. Dehler &
Mr. David M. Moeller
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Deters
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Dickhoner
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dickie
Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Dierckes, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Nelson R. Diers
Mr. Thomas R. Dietz
Ms. Jane Diles
Mr. & Mrs. Burl R. Dillow
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Dinkelaker
Mr. & Mrs. George Dirr
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Doerger
Mr. Charles Mark Dolgas &
Ms. Karen M. Abell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dourson
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Dubin
Mr. & Mrs. E. Roy Duff
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Dugan
Mrs. Suzanne Dunbar &
Mr. Rick Dunbar
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Dupree
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Eaton
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Eckerle
Mr. Charles K. Eckert
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome H. Eichert
Mr. Lawrence Elleman
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Engel
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Engle
Equipment Depot Ohio, Inc.
Mr. Michael C. Estes &
Ms. Kimberly Moormann
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Evans
Mrs. Beth Everman
Ms. Elizabeth Everman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Fagel
Ms. Janice Ferguson & Mr. Don Angel
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Ferguson
Dr. & Mrs. Mariano Fernandez
Mrs. Dorothy L. Fiedler
Mr. Raymond Fiedler
Mrs. Shirley U. Filcik
The Honorable &
Mrs. Richard H. Finan
Lee Anne & Jay Finke
Mr. Edwin Finn & Ms. Megan Taylor
First Financial Bank
Dr. & Mrs. Carl G. Fischer
Mrs. Regina Fischer &
Ms. Grace Berner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fisher **
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Fitton
The Adele Bogart Fitzpatrick Fund *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fitzpatrick
Mr. Thomas Flege &
Ms. Bethany Sininger
Dr. John E. Fleming &
Dr. Barbara P. Fleming
Ms. Freda K. Flerlage
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Foltzer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Foster
Mrs. Jane Alice Foster
Mrs. Joyce V. Frame
G.F. Frank and Sons Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Freson
Ms. Roslyn Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fritz
Mr. Craig Froehle & Ms. Lori Aronson
Ms. Jean C. Frolicher &
Ms. Patricia A. Frolicher
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Fullgraf
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gagel, Jr.
Mr. Robert L. Gallowitz
Mrs. Anne D. Garber
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Gartner
Dr. James M. Garvey
GE Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gehr
Dr. & Mrs. Walter B. Gibson
Mr. Ralph P. Ginocchio
Mr. Tom Giordano & Ms. Mary Jo Lane
Ms. Jocelyn Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Gloeckler
Mrs. Katherine Glover
Mrs. Richard J. Goettle III
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Goldschmidt
Mrs. Elizabeth D. Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Goldstein
Mr. Glen Goodwin &
Ms. Vicki Lipstreuer
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Gordon
Ms. Lynne M. Gordon, MFA
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Graeter
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Graham
Mr. Don Gray
Greater Cincinnati
Herpetological Society
Mr. & Mrs. James I. Green
Ms. Loretta Greenland
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Greiwe
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Grimme
Ms. Barbara K. Groh
Ms. Lynda Groh &
Mr. Thad Karbowsky
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Gross III
Mr. C. Richard Groth
Mr. Jeff Grothaus &
Ms. Stephanie Kovalcik
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Gunter
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Guzman
Mr. & Mrs. John Habbert
Mr. & Mrs. R.C. Haberstroh
Mr. & Mrs. T. Richard Halberstadt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hale
Mr. Virginius C. Hall
Mrs. Jacqueline Hammer &
Mrs. Emily Jackson
Richard D. Hannan Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Hannan
Ms. Catherine L. Hansel
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Hardin
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah J. Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. R.S. Harrison
Ms. Tamara Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hauser
2009 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Otto J. Hausknecht
Mr. & Mrs. David Hausrath
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Hay
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hayden, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Heekin IV
Mr. Bruce G. Hehemann &
Ms. Glenda Woolley
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Heidrich
Kim & Gary Heiman Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Heiman
Mr. Donald J. Heimbrock
Helenrose Reis Trust
Mr. & Mrs. David Hendy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Henley
Mr. Walter Herz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Hilvers
Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Hinkley
Ms. Barbara A. Hirsch
Miss Ann E. Hobing
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton A. Hock
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Hoffmann
Mr. & Mrs. Kent F. Holwadel
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Honebrink
Ms. Carolyn Honkomp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hopper
Mr. Paul Hornschemeier &
Mr. Kenneth David Tartar
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Horstmeier
Dr. Robert T. Howe
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hoyt
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Derik Hughes
Ms. Rosemary M. Huhn
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Humphrey
Ms. Jai-Ru Hung
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hunter
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hutchins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hyde
Mrs. Margaret E. Hyer
Ms. Carol A. Imbus
Ms. Aurelia Irwin
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Iverson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ivins
Mrs. Emily Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Jackson
Dr. Ray E. Jacobsen
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Jacobson
Ms. Dottie L. Janson
Mr. & Mrs. LaVere H. Jenkins
Ms. Barbara Jennings &
Mr. Martin Shacat
Mr. James J. Jenny &
Ms. Janice Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jerow
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Joerg, Sr.
Johnson & Johnson
Family of Companies
Mr. & Mrs. Donnie E. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Johnson
Ms. Vicki L. Johnson
Mr. Mark Edward Jonas &
Mrs. Elza Marelic-Jonas
Dr. & Mrs. Edmund W. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Jones
The Honorable & Mrs. Nathaniel Jones
Ms. Ruth E. Jones
Mr. William Jones &
Mrs. Karen Meyers-Jones
Mrs. David J. Joseph, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Juenke
Ms. Kimberly K. Juilfs
Mr. & Mrs. David Jump
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Kaesemeyer
Claire Garrison Kaeser Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Kaeser
Mr. Brian Kathenes
Ms. Janis Keating
Mr. & Mrs. Kreg Keesee
Ms. Ruth A. Keilen
Keim Family Market, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Lorrence T. Kellar
Ms. Arleene Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Don Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Keller
Dr. Robert A. Kemper &
Mrs. Thomas Burgess
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. John Kerechek
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kerrey
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kilfoil
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. King
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kinstler
Ms. Laura Kirkwood &
Mr. William Ruddick
Mr. Steven R. Kirschner
Ms. Wilma D. Kispert &
Ms. Nancy Kispert
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Klain
Mrs. Jane E. Klosterman
Harry & Elsie Knighton Memorial
Fund of the Scioto Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Knoll
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Knoop
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Knose
Mrs. Harvey C. Knowles, Jr.
Dr. David Knutson &
Dr. Anna Goldhahn
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kohl
Mr. Paul Kohrs
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Kolker
Ms. Lisa S. Kopp
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kosky
Mr. & Mrs. Dan R. Kramer
C.J. Krehbiel Company
Ms. Marilyn A. Kroll
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Krombholz
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Krone
Miss Helen L. Kropf
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kropp
Mr. Vince Kuhlman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kukanza
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Kunkel
Ms. Mary Beth Kunnen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kurek
Dr. & Mrs. Steven F. Lakamp
Mr. Patrick C. Larkin &
Ms. Mary C. Henkel
Mrs. Dorothy K. Larsson
Mr. Russell Lascelles &
Ms. Janet Schultz
Mrs. John T. Lawrence, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Lawrence
Mrs. Gladys Lazarus *
Mr. Lowell Leake
Mr. Daniel W. LeBlond
Mr. & Mrs. Steve M. Lemen
Mrs. Jean Lemon
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Leon
* Indicates a gift made via The Greater Cincinnati Foundation.
** Indicates a gift made via the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati.
These lists reflect giving totals for the fiscal year of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Leonhardt
Mr. William J. Leugers
Mr. Mark S. Lewis
Mrs. Al Lewis
Mrs. Marjorie L. Liggett
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Liming
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Limoseth
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Z. Lindgren
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Lindle
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Linnenberg
Mr. & Mrs. David Locke
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lockwood
Ms. Suzanne J. Lohbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Longtin
Dr. & Mrs. Orie L. Loucks
Mr. Dale Louda & Ms. Ann Navaro
Mrs. Lorraine A. Lukens
Ms. Jane C. MacKnight &
Mr. Dennis Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mancini
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Manner
Ms. Lois Marconet
Mr. Sanford R. Martin
Mr. Michael Martone &
Ms. Stella Renaker
Mr. Thomas M. Marx
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Maslowski
Ms. Angelica Mason &
Ms. Maria Nottingham
Mr. John L. Mason
Mrs. Pamela Mason &
Ms. Anquionette Williams-Mason
Mr. James McCausey and
Mrs. Jennifer Arvin-McCausey
Mr. William A. McClain
Ms. Mary McCullough-Hudson &
Mr. Greg Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Earl M. McDaniel
Mrs. Mary Sue McDuffie &
Ms. Lisa Fleischmann
Mr. John M. McHugh
Mr. Mark E. McKillip & Ms. Amira Beer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. McMullin
Ms. Bonnie McNett & Mr. Cam Eicher
Mr. Alexander H. McPhee
Mr. & Mrs. Ken J. McWhorter
Rev. James W. Meade
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Mechley
Ms. Donna Medlock
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Meeks
Mr. Gary W. Meisner, FASLA
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Meister
Dr. C. Nelson Melampy
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Melford
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Melville
Dr. Mary P. Melvin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Merand
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Merz
Ms. Marlene J. Metzner
Mrs. Dorothy J. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. Meyer
Mrs. Mary L. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Meyer
The Mitchell S. Meyers
Jacqueline P. Meyers Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell S. Meyers
Mr. Charles Michel &
Mrs. Dorothy M. Schaeper-Michel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Milburn
Dr. Michael E. Miller &
Dr. Chris Modrall
Mr. Michael H. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Mitchell
Mrs. Marion Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Moccia
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Mohr
Mr. Lars Molander &
Mrs. Mary Louise Imhoff-Molander
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Molloy
Mr. Joel K. Monteith &
Mrs. Barbara S. Mustoe-Monteith
Mr. & Mrs. Sander Moonitz
Ms. Melba Moore
Ms. W. Faye Morello
Mr. & Mrs. Al Morgan
Mr. Barry Morgan & Ms. Amy Abell
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Morgan
Mr. Gary Morgenroth &
Mr. Matthew Morgenroth
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Morton
Mrs. Arthur E. Motch, Jr.
Ms. Joyce Mueller
Mrs. Grace S. Munique
*Indicates a gift made via The Greater Cincinnati Foundation.
These lists reflect giving totals for the fiscal year of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009.
Murphin Ridge Building Supplies, LLC
Mrs. Eunice H. Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Myer III
Mrs. Susan Nadler
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Narburgh
National Association for Interpretation
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Newmark
Mr. & Mrs. John Niehaus
Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Nielsen *
Mrs. Harold F. Nieman
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Nixdorf
Mr. John Noble & Ms. Karen McGarry
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Noll
Dr. & Mrs. W. Patrick Noonan
Northern Kentucky
Community Action Commission
Mr. Charles B. Nuckolls, Jr.
Mr. Nathan L. Nunaley
Ms. Kathleen O’Brien-Burke
Ms. M. Clare Oestreicher
Mr. Blake W. Ogden
Ohio Biological Survey, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Reed R. Oliver
Ms. Gale Ossenbeck
Ms. Mary Lou Osterfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ottenjohn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Palermo
Ms. Rose Palmieri
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Park
Mr. Robert L. Parker
Dr. Larry T. Patterson &
Dr. Mary D. Patterson
Mr. William H. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. C. Richard Paulsen
Ms. Sharon Pawlowski &
Ms. Jennifer Pawlowski
Ms. Kathy Payne
Ms. Grace Pedoto
Mr. & Mrs. D. Lee Penn
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Perbix, Jr.
Mr. John Perentesis &
Ms. Stella Davies
Dr. Aaron W. Perlman
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Persiani
Mr. & Mrs. Leland S. Person
Mrs. Gerald C. Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Pfaller
Ms. Nancy L. Phelan
Mrs. Ruth B. Phillips
Ms. Patricia A. Pieritz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Pope
Miss Janice Popp
Joan Portman Edge of Appalachia
Education Fund *
Ms. Esther H. M. Power
Mrs. Lois L. Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart R. Pray
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Preston
Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Price, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Probus
Mrs. John S. Radcliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Howard N. Ragland III
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Rahe
Mr. Gerald Rapien &
Ms. Cheryl Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Rapien
Dr. Mitchell Rashkin &
Dr. Karen Ohlbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rastani
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Rathman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Raub
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Rauh
Mr. Chris Ray & Mrs. Mary Kidd Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Reazin
Dan & Beverly Reigle
Mr. & Mrs. Bartley L. Reitz
Mrs. Jackson B. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Riccobelli
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rice
Richard Consulting Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. William Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Rider
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rindsberg
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Riordan
Mr. Ross Ristagno &
Ms. Jeanne Oikawa
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Roberson
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Roberts V
Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar P. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Robinson
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rocklin
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Roessler
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ronn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rooney
Mr. & Mrs. David Rosenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Ross
Ms. Mary Lee Rossbach
Mr. Ben C. Rosselot &
Mrs. Carla Sallee-Rosselot
Mr. & Mrs. William Rothfuss
Mr. & Mrs. Snowden Rowe
Ms. Joyce L. Rubenbauer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rubenstein
Dr. & Mrs. Mark W. Rudemiller
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ryan
Mrs. Nelson Ryan
Mrs. Clifford E. Rybolt, Jr.
Mrs. Mary E. Ryland
Ms. Catharine B. Saelinger
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence P. Sampson
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Sandler
Mrs. Emma Jane Santel
Mr. Spiros N. Sarakatsannis,
Mr. James Alexander Smith, &
Mr. Jerold S. Freed
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Savage
Mr. & Mrs. Damian G. Scallon
Ms. Janet K. Schenk
Mr. David Scherer
Ms. Caroline Schiff &
Mr. Patrick Schreiber
Ms. Mary Joyce Schleyer
Mr. Andrew J. Schneider
Dr. & Mrs. Harold J. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Schoeny
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schorr
Greg & Valerie Schube
Mrs. Charles H. Schulenberg
Mr. Charles R. Schuler
Mr. John J. Schuler & Ms. Paula Kalyn
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Schulteis
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Schwab
Mr. Seth Schwartz
Ms. Mary D. Schweitzer
Photo: Todd Joyce Photography
Dr. & Mrs. G. Alan Schwemlein
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold C. Shoop, Jr.
Ms. Marilyn Schwiers
Mrs. Mary Jane Showers
Mr. Eugene A. Schwoeppe
Mr. Eli Shupe & Ms. Kay Ruben
Mr. & Mrs. DJ Scully
Ms. Dorothy L. Siegel
Ms. Pollyanna Sedziol
Ms. Phyllis A. Siler
Mr. F. Peter Seidel
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Skirtz
Ms. Peggy F. Selonick
Mr. George R. Slama &
Ms. Margaret B. Drew
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Sepate
Mrs. Julianne Seyfried
Mr. & Mrs. Jon L. Seymour
Ms. Marguerite S. Shaffer &
Mr. Bennett M. Jacks
Ms. Wilda Shaffer &
Ms. Heather Shaffer
Mrs. John Sloneker
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Sloneker
Mr. William R. Small &
Ms. Sandra J. Blinkhorn
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Smith
Mrs. Joan P. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shanahan
Mrs. Norine A. Smith
Mr. Michael Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance E. Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sheakley
Mr. & Mrs. Barry M. Smyth
Mr. Keven E. Shell &
Mrs. Sandra Wittman-Shell
Mr. Randell D. Snure
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Shepherd
Society of Colonial Wars in Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Shoemaker
Ms. Deanna Songy
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Snyder
2009 Annual Report
Dr. Ruth H. Sosis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Specter
Mr. William Spiegel
Mrs. Dorothy M. Spohn
Dr. Judith Spraul-Schmidt &
Mr. Michael R. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Stare
Mr. & Mrs. J. Randall Starkie
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Staubitz
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Stecher
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie W. Steele
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Steinman
Mrs. Bobbie L. Sterne
Mrs. George P. Stimson
Ms. Gloria M. Story
Bonnie & Tom Strassell
Ms. Sarah Strassell
Mr. & Mrs. William Stuart
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sulfsted
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Sullivan
Mr. Frank Tackett
Ms. Margaret Taske
Ms. Patricia Ten Bieg
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Tepe
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Thaman
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Thibodeaux
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Thierauf
Thomas & Friends LIVE
Ms. Cheryl D. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. David Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Thomas
Ms. Irene R. Thomas
Mrs. Florence E. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Thornberry
Time & Optics, Ltd
Mrs. Philip C. Underwood
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Valentine
Miss Madge Van Buskirk &
Ms. Clara Dantic
Mr. & Mrs. L. Dale Van Tine
Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Vazquez
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verket
Ms. Martha Viehmann &
Mr. Richard Boyce
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Volkmann
Ms. Nancy S. Volmer &
Ms. Barbara Volmer
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Vonderhaar
Miss Hedda W. VonGoeben
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph L. Wadsworth, Jr.
Ms. Ruth V. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Justin H. Wallace
Mrs. Joan C. Walson
Drs. Arden H. & Irene T. Wander
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Ward
Mr. Robert Warden &
Ms. Antoinette Pragalos
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Warfel
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Warner
The Warrington Foundation
Mr. Mark A. Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Watkins
Ms. Cynthia Watlington &
Dr. Barbara Twitty
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Weber
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Weber
Mr. Jeffery Wedder
Mr. Richard A. Weiland
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Weis
Mr. Harvey M. Weitkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Wersel
Mr. Richard W. Wesp
Mr. & Mrs. Harold West
Mr. Albert Wettstein
Mrs. H. Whitney Wharton
Mr. & Mrs. James Wheatley
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Whistler
Mr. Leroy Whitehead
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Whitsett
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Wiecher
Miss Lauren Wiederhold
Miss Rachel Wiederhold
Ms. Sarah Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Wissel
Ms. Doris R. Wolf
Ms. Deanna Womack
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wones
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wood
Ms. Barbara Wood
Mr. & Mrs. John Wood
Ms. Victoria Wordeman
Mr. Jonathan Worstell
Mr. William H. Woycke
Mrs. Barbara M. Wright
Mr. Edward W. Wuest
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wurster
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Wurtzler
Eileen Yeoh
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas D. York
Mr. & Mrs. Alex C. Young
Mr. Joseph Yurasek, Jr.
Miss Mariam A. Zabel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zalla
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Zanotti
Zaring Family Foundation
Investment Management
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Zepf II
Ms. Anne Zimmerman &
Ms. Tracy Huebner
Mr. John A. Zinke
* Indicates a gift made via The Greater Cincinnati Foundation.
Gifts In Kind
Central Satellite
Christian Moerlein
Brewing Company
Cincinnati Bell
Cincinnati Mine Machinery Co.
The Cincinnati Reds
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
DECO Dining
Mr. Billy Dick
Dr. & Mrs. Martin E. English
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Foxx
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
General Cable Corporation
Heidelberg Distributing Company
HERS Events
Hewlett-Packard Co.
Landor Associates
LaRosa’s Inc.
M. Hopple and Co.
The Procter & Gamble Company
Skyline Chili, Inc.
Mr. Jim Timmerman
Validex Employment
Screening Services
This list reflects total gifts in-kind
for the fiscal year of July 1, 2008
to June 30, 2009.
Explorer Platinum
Ambassador Members
Explorer Platinum
Benefactor Members
Mr. Tom Beauvais
Mr. Peter Block &
Ms. Cathy Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Byrnes
Mr. Charles Comins &
Ms. Audrey Green-Comins
Dr. Robin T. Cotton &
Ms. Cynthia Fitton
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Davison
Mr. Charles Mark Dolgas &
Ms. Karen M. Abell
Mr. Edwin Finn & Ms. Megan Taylor
Mrs. Anne D. Garber
Mrs. Deliaan Gettler
Mrs. Richard J. Goettle III
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Goldsmith
Mr. Glen Goodwin &
Ms. Vicki Lipstrever
Ms. Barbara K. Groh &
Ms. Kristina M. Groh
Ms. Lynda Groh &
Mr. Thad Karbowsky
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Gross III
Mr. & Mrs. R.S. Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hayden, Jr.
Dr. Robert T. Howe
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. John Kerechek
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Klain
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Krone
Mr. Stephen Kukanza &
Ms. Lynn Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Merz
Mr. Nathan L. Nunaley
Mr. & Mrs. D. Lee Penn
Mr. John Perentesis &
Ms. Stella Davies
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart R. Pray
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Raub
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rooney
Lois & Richard Rosenthal
Greg & Valerie Schube
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Vonderhaar
Miss Hedda W. VonGoebben
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Albers
Mr. Harry Anderson &
Ms. Irina Klimova
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Anderson
Mr. William E. Anderson &
Ms. Susan E. Cannon
Mr. Charles Beckman &
Ms. Mary Kay Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Birchak
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Blum
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bomar
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Boswell
Mrs. William W. Breidster
Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Brown, Jr.
Mrs. John M. Bullock
Mr. & Mrs. Louis O. Chabut
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clements
Mr. & Mrs. James Coombe
Ms. Carolanne Corwin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Crosset, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dickie
Dr. & Mrs. Nelson R. Diers
Mr. Carmen Donsante &
Mrs. Jennifer Florian Donsante
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Eckerle
Mrs. Shirley U. Filcik
Dr. & Mrs. Carl G. Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Fitton
Ms. Freda K. Flerlage
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gagel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gore
Mr. Don Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Grimme
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Gunter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hammond
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. David Hendy
Mr. Paul Hornschemeier &
Mr. Kenneth David Tartar
Ms. Rosemary M. Huhn
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jerow
Mr. & Mrs. Donnie E. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David Jump
Mr. Brian Kathenes
Mr. & Mrs. Kreg Keesee
Ms. Laura Kirkwood &
Mr. William Ruddick
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Knoll
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kurek
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Liming
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Linnenberg
Mr. Dale Louda & Ms. Ann Navaro
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Marggrander
Ms. Angelica Mason &
Ms. Maria Nottingham
Mrs. Pamela Mason &
Ms. Anquionette Williams-Mason
Ms. Bonnie McNett &
Mr. Cam Eicher
Dr. Michael E. Miller &
Dr. Chris Modrall
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Mitchell
Mr. Barry Morgan & Ms. Amy Abell
Mrs. Grace S. Munique
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Noll
Mr. & Mrs. Randall D. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. John Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Reigle
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Riordan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Roberson
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rocklin
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Roessler
Mr. & Mrs. David Rosenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rubenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Sandler
Ms. Caroline Schiff &
Mr. Patrick Schreiber
Mr. John J. Schuler &
Ms. Paula Kalyn
Ms. Marguerite S. Shaffer &
Mr. Bennett M. Jacks
Ms. Wilda Shaffer &
Ms. Heather Shaffer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shanahan
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sheakley
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Shoemaker
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Staubitz
Dr. Judith & Mr. Steven Stein
Ms. Patricia Ten Bieg
Mr. & Mrs. David Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Thomas
Ms. Holly Thompson &
Ms. Jennnifer Coomer
Mr. Robert Warden &
Ms. Antoinette Pragalos
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Warner
Mr. Mark A. Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Lance White
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wones
Mr. & Mrs. John Wood
Explorer Platinum members who joined
or renewed during the fiscal year
(July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009).
Cincinnati History
Advisory Board
Museum of Natural
History & Science
Advisory Board
Children’s Museum
Advisory Board
African American
Advisory Board
Merrie Stewart Stillpass, Chair
Scott Abernethy
Compton Allyn, Ph.D.
Hazeleen Brewster
Frank G. Davis
Edward D. Diller
Theodore Emmerich
Ashley Ford
Timothy Hoberg
Thomas Huenefeld
Eric Jackson, Ph.D.
Steve Kissing
Ronald A. Koetters
William Madison
Jeffrey McClorey
Cortland Meader
Dean Moulas
H.C. Buck Niehoff
Genevieve Pennington
Gale Peterson, Ph.D.
Jo Ann Rice
Ed Rider
Judith Spraul-Schmidt
Tony Strike
Robert Vitz, Ph.D.
Jennifer Walke
David T. Bohl, Chair
Henry Alexander
Robert Bergstein
Helen Black
DeVere Burt
Brian Carley
Catharine Chapman
Deanna Donnelly
Mark Dunford
Jane Garvey
Stanley Hedeen, Ph.D.
Gene Kritsky, Ph.D.
Orie Loucks, Ph.D.
Steven Love
Craig Maier
David Meyer
Kevin Pape
John Ruthven
Judith K. Stein, M.D.
Steven Steinman
Merrie Stewart Stillpass
John M. Tew, Jr., M.D.
Jerry Warner, Ph.D.
Dean Windgassen
Gregory C. Wolf, Chair
Becky Burrell
Stephanie Byrd
Michele Carey
Susan B. Esler
Jason Farler
Marla Fuller
Connie Harris
Brett Heekin
Allison Kropp
Phillip Lanham
Jenny Laster
Danielle Lewis
Tina Macon
Julie Mahorney
Mark McAndrew
Laureen McCorkle
Ben McNab
Elsira Pina, M.D.
Brian Robinson
Elizabeth Schiff
Paul Swanson
Andrea Tortora
Kate Westrich
Claudia Abercrumbie
Amin Akbar
Cynthia O. Booth
Rev. Calvin Harper, Sr.
Mona Harrison Morrow
Roderick Hinton
Donna Jones Baker
President & CEO, Urban League
of Greater Cincinnati (ex-officio)
Robert Killins
Jan-Michele Lemon Kearney
William Madison
William Mallory
Monica Posey
Gwen Robinson
Sean Rugless
President & CEO, Greater
Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky
African American Chamber of
Commerce (ex-officio)
Christopher Smitherman
President, N.A.A.C.P. Cincinnati
Dwight Tillery
David Weaver
Dan Yount
These lists include advisory board members who served for any part of the fiscal year (July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009).
2009 Annual Report
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. If you have a change or correction,
please contact our Advancement Services Department at 513-287-7074.
1301 Western Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45203
Photo: Tom Schiff