Hanukkah 5772 תבט–ולסכ DECEMBER 2011
Hanukkah 5772 תבט–ולסכ DECEMBER 2011
כסלו–טבת DECEMBER 2011 Hanukkah 5772 From Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove Next Year in Jerusalem T ceremony in the synagogue, as past participants here is a story told of the 18th-century will affirm, the group experience in Jerusalem and rebbe, Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev. A the educational travel in Israel offer a lifetime of dreamer of Zion, the rabbi always believed memories. that a return to Israel was just around the corner. There is also already a movement afoot to repeat Whenever a wedding was announced in the our Young Family Israel Trip. Several families have community, he insisted that it be declared that soexpressed interest in a June 2013 Israel adventure and-so would be marrying so-and-so on such-andfor a younger age cohort and their siblings. This trip such date in the holy city of Jerusalem, but if for will be a fun, educational and hands-on some reason, the Jewish people had yet way to engage with Israel. As parents, to return to Israel on that date, then the we don’t know what travel decisions our wedding would be celebrated in the city of Most importantly, children will make in the years ahead, Berditchev. know that to be but our decision to take our children Three hundred years later, it is no when they are young guarantees that longer far-fetched to plan our celebrations Jewish is to live in they will always see a trip to Israel as in Israel. The rebirth of the modern state anticipation of a “return” to a place they have been of Israel requires that all of us understand before. And that is a gift beyond words. and express our Judaism in relation to the the next time you Planning ahead is a virtue that doesn’t living, breathing national expression of always come easy – at least to me. But Jewish life. In the past few years, we have are in Israel. I have learned that people plan trips visited Israel three times on congregational and family vacations well in advance. trips. Each trip served a different segment of our community, and every trip strengthened the bonds Formal announcements of these Israel experiences will be forthcoming and I am sure there will be other trips to Israel between our congregants and between all of us and Israel. and to Jewish communities around the world. For the moment, As we approach the end of 2011, we are already beginning to consider yourself informed! Save the dates. Contact my office to plan the next two trips. We are booking rooms for a December add your name to a list for more information. 2012 B’nei Mitzvah family trip. As with the December 2010 Most importantly, know that to be Jewish is to live in trip, this opportunity is aimed at families who will have anticipation of the next time you are in Israel. What a blessing it just celebrated or will soon celebrate their s’machot in the is to live in a time when that dream is a reality. synagogue. While there is no substitute for a bar/bat mitzvah To find out about the December 2012 B’nei Mitzvah family trip to Israel, please contact Rabbi Cosgrove’s office at 212-369-2600, x120 or [email protected]. Volume 64 · N°. 4 · DECEMBER 2011 · Kislev / Tevet 5772 · From Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove...........................2 From Rabbi Steven I. Rein................................3 Schedule of Religious Services..........................4 Hanukkah at PAS.............................................5 Synagogue Family...........................................6 From Rabbi Neil Zuckerman.............................7 Adult Education & Events..................................7 Youth Education & Events...............................12 כסלו–טבת Congregational School Schedule....................12 Young Family Education.................................12 High School & Youth Groups...........................14 [email protected] Contributions.................................................15 Calendar........................................................19 A Look Ahead...................................Back cover cover : The Congregational School Zayin class made hanukkiyot out of objects as an assignment for The Jewish Lens, a program that teaches students about photography while they explore Jewish values, holidays and history. Two teams were chosen to have their work published in the Bulletin. Congratulations to David Hoffman, Teddy Kaplan, Noah Paige and Jason Semaya for the work pictured here. 2 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin WELCOMING NEW CLERGY AND STAFF From Rabbi Steven I. Rein An American Hanukkah Legend E very year we retell the familiar story of the small cruse of oil which lasted for eight days. This year, let’s tell a different story, a legend that hits closer to home. In the winter of 1777-78 the Continental Army was camped at Valley Forge, and the consensus in the camp was that General Washington was losing. A young Jewish soldier, originally from Poland, nevertheless continued to pray for his General’s success. On the first night of Hanukkah, after his comrades had gone to sleep, the soldier took out the hanukkiah that his father had given him years before, lit the first candle and began to cry. Suddenly he felt a gentle hand touching his head. He looked up and saw General Washington! The General asked, “Why are you crying, soldier?” The young soldier spoke from his heart, “I am crying and praying for your victory. I know that with the help of God we will win. Today they are strong, but tomorrow they will fall because justice is with us. We want to be free in this land. We want to build a home here for all those who flee from the hands of cruelty, for all who suffer across the ocean. They will fall and you will rise!” General Washington thanked the soldier and then inquired about his unusual candleholder. The soldier explained that Jews all over the world light candles on Hanukkah, the holiday of the great miracle. Washington asked joyfully, “You are a Jew, from the nation of Prophets, and you say we will be victorious?” “Yes, sir,” the soldier answered with conviction, “we will win just like the Maccabees won, for ourselves and for all those who come here after us to build a new land and new lives.” The General’s face was shining in the light of the candles. He shook the soldier’s hand and disappeared into the darkness. As we know, the soldier’s faith was justified, and against expectations, Washington – like the Maccabees – was victorious. The young soldier was certain that the General had forgotten their encounter. But on the first night of Hanukkah following the war, the soldier answered a knock on his door to find General Washington standing at the threshold. When the General saw the Hanukkah candles, he proclaimed, “Behold the wonderful candle. The candle of hope of the Jewish People.” He continued, “This candle and your beautiful words ignited a light in my heart that night. Soon you will receive a Medal of Honor from the United States of America…but tonight, please accept this token from me.” He hung a golden medallion on the young man’s chest and shook his hand. As tears filled the young man’s eyes, he saw on the medallion an etching of a beautiful Hanukkah menorah. Under it was the inscription “A token of gratitude for the light of your candle – George Washington.” There are several versions of this story with different dates and details. One of them is in the children’s book Hanukkah at Valley Forge by Stephen Krensky, which you can find in the Rothschild Library. While some might challenge the veracity of the story, because the soldier’s identity is unknown, and other facts do not check out, here are its truths: Like generations of Jews before him, that soldier served as a light unto the nations (Isaiah 42:6), bringing inspiration and courage to a nation in its birth pangs. And he did so in a way that brought about a very American miracle, as the light from one religion gave comfort and courage to someone of another faith. Today the world desperately needs such tolerance and cooperation. This Hanukkah, let us tell this story, and may the lights of Hanukkah remind us even in the darkest of nights that miracles do happen. Shabbaton 2012 Jewish Family in the 21st Century: Changes, Opportunities and Challenges Friday – Sunday | January 20 – 22, 2012 The Shabbaton offers something for everyone: sessions on parenting with Dr. Wendy Mogel; discussions about baby boomers and grandparenting with Rabbi Kerry Olitzky; a panel examining the changing Jewish family with Mogel, Olitzky and Dr. Steven Cohen; and even a comedy performance. Don’t miss it! Check your mailbox and inbox later this month for a full schedule and registration information. www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 December 2011 Kislev / Tevet 5772 3 Schedule of religious services / Friday, December 2 6 Kislev 6:15 pm | Musical Kabbalat Shabbat featuring the Congregational Singers Musical Kabbalat Shabbat is a fast-paced, participatory Friday evening service enhanced with musical instruments and singing. Supported by the John and Jennifer Monsky Musical Traditions Fund. Saturday, December 3 7 Kislev Parashat Va-yetzei 9:15 am | Sanctuary Shabbat service Bar Mitzvah of James Ringler, son of Yves Ringler & Keren Coplan-Ringler 4:30 pm | Minha/Ma’ariv כסלו–טבת Friday, December 9 13 Kislev 5:00 pm | YFE Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Birthday Blessings (p. 12) 6:15 pm | Friday Evening Service Saturday, December 10 14 Kislev Parashat Va-yishlah 9:15 am | Sanctuary Shabbat service Bar Mitzvah of Jeremy Werner, son of Craig Werner and Jodi Green 11:15 am | YFE Shabbat services (p. 12) 4:30 pm | Minha/Ma’ariv Friday, December 16 20 Kislev 6:15 pm | Friday Evening service Friday, December 23 27 Kislev 6:15 pm | Friday evening service Saturday, December 24 28 Kislev Shabbat Hanukkah/Parashat Mi-ketz 9:15 am | Sanctuary Shabbat service 4:30 pm | Minha/Ma’ariv Friday, December 30 4 Tevet 6:15 pm | Friday evening service Saturday, December 31 5 Tevet Parashat Va-yiggash 9:15 am | Sanctuary Shabbat service 4:30 pm | Minha/Ma’ariv Saturday, December 17 21 Kislev Parashat Va-yeishev 9:15 am | Sanctuary Shabbat service 4:30 pm | Minha/Ma’ariv Daily minyanim Monday-Friday at 7:15 am; Sundays and Legal Holidays at 9:00 am. Minha/Ma’ariv Sunday-Thursday at 5:45 pm. Any changes are noted when they occur. Daily services are at the usual times during Hanukkah. The hanukkiah will be lit from Tuesday evening, December 20 through Tuesday evening, December 27. Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove and Rabbi Steven I. Rein will preach and conduct services together with Cantor Azi Schwartz, Cantor Shiree Kidron, and the Synagogue Choir, with Neil Robinson at the organ. Hanukkah 5772 at PAS Wednesday | December 7 Thursday | December 8 Sunday | December 11 4 Thursday | December 22 7:00 pm | YCG Annual Latke-Vodka Hanukkah Party (page 10) 7:00 pm | Yiddish Fest (page 10) 11:00 am | Project Ezra Hanukkah Party (pages 10 & 14) 1:30 pm | Family Hanukkah Celebration (page 13) 7:00 pm | YPG Hanukkah Happy Hour (page 11) 7:30 pm | Moonbeams (page 11) Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Lighting the Hanukkah Candles The Congregational School Zayin class made hanukkiyot out of objects as an assignment in The Jewish Lens, a program that teaches students about photography while they explore Jewish values, holidays and history. Two teams were chosen to have their work published in the Bulletin. Congratulations to Sarah Backer and Marissa Parks for the work pictured here. B eginning at the far right, put the candles in the Hanukkiah from right to left, the direction of Hebrew writing. Light the candles from left to right, so each night you light the newest candle first. If possible, place the Hanukkiyah in a window, so that it is visible from outside the house. First Night Only d www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel hanukkah. Praised are You Adonai, our God who rules the universe, who made us holy by giving us mitzvot, and commanded us to light the Hanukkah lights. Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam sheh asah nissim la-avoteinu ba-yamim ha-hem u-va-z’man ha-zeh. Praised are You Adonai, our God who rules the universe, who accomplished miracles for our ancestors in ancient days, and in our time. Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam, sheh-heh-heyanu, v’kiy’manu, v’higiyanu la-z’man ha-zeh. Praised are You Adonai, our God who rules the universe, granting us life, sustaining us, and enabling us to reach this time of year. December 2011 Kislev / Tevet 5772 5 בני מצוהB’nei Mitzvah James Ringler Synagogue Family December 3 | Parashat Va-yetzei James is excited to become a Bar Mitzvah. He thanks all his teachers from the Early Childhood Center and the Congregational School, his tutor Ronit Aranoff, the Cantors, and Rabbi Rein and Rabbi Cosgrove for helping him prepare for his special day. James’ Torah portion is Va-yetzei. He has enjoyed examining the story of Jacob and its relevance to him as a Bar Mitzvah. James is in 7th Grade at Collegiate School. He enjoys many subjects, especially English and math. James plays basketball, tennis, and baseball, and loves bodysurfing. James’ favorite hobby is art and drawing. Outgoing and sporty (he shoots a mean 3-pointer), James enjoys being a team player and believes in fairness and honesty. James thanks his family for all their love and support. Jeremy Werner December 10 | Parashat Va-yishlah Jeremy has been coming to Park Avenue Synagogue since he was in kindergarten. Jeremy loves to have fun and is the class clown. Jeremy attends Robert F. Wagner Middle School, where he plays the flute in the school band; he also plays flute in the Manhattan BoroughWide Band. He loves acting and played the role of Simon in last year’s Children’s Acting Company production of 13: The Musical. He spends every summer at Tranquility Camp in upstate New York. Jeremy is the middle child between his older brother Robert and his younger brother Andrew. He loves the family cats Victor, Cleo, and Jaguar. Jeremy and his family want to thank Rabbi Cosgrove and Rabbi Rein, Cantor Schwartz, his tutor and Ronit Aranoff, for helping him prepare for his Bar Mitzvah. Anna & Ronald Wolf on the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Michelle Wolf, and to big brother Gregory. Jonathan & Stefanie Ruch on the birth of a son, Jack Moshe Ruch, and to big sister Izabella. Allison & Jason Sheller on the birth of a daughter, Sarah Haley מזל טובMazal Tov Sheller, and to big brother Robert. Evan Behrens & Dara Stern | Eli & Gisele Ben-Dor | Jonathan & Meredith Berger | Greg & Daniella Coules | Barbara Gerstel | Sidney Goldfarb & Naomi Vilko | Jonathan & Pamela Henes | Ari House & Jessica Levitas | David & Alexandra Kay | Casey Klein | David & Simone Levinson | Matthew & Cindy Mark | Cheryl Weiss Mercuris | George & Monique Newmark | Eugene & Polina Rey | Barry & Teri Volpert | Daniel & Jennifer Wainstein ברוכים הבאיםWelcome Josiah Klebaner & Jennifer Korff on the loss of his father, Professor Benjamin Joseph Klebaner / Dr. Barton Lilenfield on the loss of his mother, Freda Lilenfield / Susan Mercandetti Haass & Dr. Richard Haass on the loss of her mother, Mary Mercandetti / Jodi Hirsch Rein and Rabbi Steven Rein on the loss of her grandfather, Howard Berger. המקום ינחםCondolences Know someone ill, elderly or homebound? The PAS Bikur Cholim Caring Committee – in loving memory of Dr. Albert & Phyllis L. Cornell – fulfills the mitzvah of visting the ill by reaching out to those in need through telephone calls, visits, and holiday packages. The Caring Committee’s trained volunteers are committed to providing confidential hands-on support and companionship to the members of our congregation. To arrange for this mitzvah, please call Rabbi Cosgrove’s office at 212-369-2600, x120. Have something to celebrate? An anniversary, a publication, recovery from an injury, or anything else for which you are grateful? Sponsor a breakfast kiddush any weekday after the morning minyan. For more information, contact Sam Rosenberg at 212-369-2600, x105 or [email protected]. 6 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin ADULT EDUCATION & EVENTS For additional descriptions of the classes and events listed here as well as fees, if any, and instructions on how to register or RSVP, please look at the Fall Program Calendar or on www.pasyn.org under Adult Education. From Rabbi Neil Zuckerman Israel Education – For Our Children, for Our Teachers I write this article on Tuesday, October 18, the day Gilad Shalit was freed after five years in captivity. As I watched the news this morning with my son, fully aware of how complicated Israel’s decision must have been and listening to my son tell me how dangerous this will be for Israel’s future, I had two thoughts. First, I recalled a Talmudic principle, “If confronted with a certainty and a doubt, the certainty is preferable.” I told my son that as Jews, we are always thinking about the future, and yet, we have no idea what the future holds. But we know for certain that the Israeli government had the opportunity to save one life, one Jew, and fulfill one of the most important mitzvot in our tradition. I told him, let’s just live in the moment, let’s embrace that certainty, and let’s live for today. My other thought came from Erica Brown, a well-known Jewish scholar. She wrote, “In the past 54 years, Israel has exchanged 13,509 prisoners for 16 soldiers. Gilad is not the first, and he probably won’t be the last. And if this is the craziest thing we do as a people to show what the value of one life means to the rest of the world, so be it. We are crazy about survival – the survival of each and every one of our people.” I read these words to my son. I told him how proud I was to be part of a people that puts such value on human life and believes that every life is a treasure. I told him how proud I was that the State of Israel exists as a living entity, which lives by values like this and models them to Jews and non-Jews around the world. As an educator at Park Avenue Synagogue, I want all the members of our community to feel this pride and connection to Israel, along with an appreciation for the complexities that a modern Jewish state presents. While we can provide important opportunities to learn about Israel, with lecture series like “Israel in the American Jewish Imagination” (see page 10), I believe that in order to raise the bar of Israel education in this community, the educators in the building need to experience and understand Israel first hand, from an educational perspective, and bring their excitement back to the ECC, the Congregational School, the High School, and all of our adult learners. I am pleased to repeat what Steve Friedman announced at Kol Nidre. We have received a grant to take our entire educational staff to Israel. Next June, we will be travelling as a group to tour the land, expand our knowledge about Israel, understand the joys and challenges of sovereignty, and deepen our love and connection to our homeland. It is an extraordinary opportunity. As excited as I am about what we will experience together in Israel, I am even more excited to bring the wisdom, joy, and passion of our encounter back to this community. I look forward to sharing more details about this trip as they emerge. Adult Bat Mitzvah Class Mondays | beginning January 23 | 7:30 – 8:45 pm | $ Marga Hirsch Few events move us as much as life cycle celebrations—unique moments in our lives that are imbued with personal, spiritual, familial, and communal meaning. Our Adult Bat Mitzvah program is a year and a half journey open to PAS women of all levels and types of Jewish background who did not have the opportunity to experience a Bat Mitzvah and would like to affirm and strengthen their commitment to Jewish growth and learning as adults. Together, we will explore Jewish issues from the unique spiritual perspective of American women in the 21st century, create new rituals, grapple with issues and texts, and develop synagogue skills— trope, prayers and blessings. Participants will celebrate their b’not mitzvah on Shavuot 2013/5773. Space is limited. Prerequisite: Basic ability to read Hebrew, enrollment in Hebrew 101 or instructor’s permission. Cost: $180/semester. To apply, visit www.pasyn.org/Adult Education, click on Classes on the left side of the page, and then click on Classes. www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 December 2011 Kislev / Tevet 5772 7 ADULT EDUCATION & EVENTS For additional descriptions of the classes and events listed here as well as fees, if any, and instructions on how to register or RSVP, please look at the Fall Program Calendar or on www.pasyn.org under Adult Education. Weekly MONDAY (only on December 5 and 12) THURSDAY Hebrew 102 | 6:15 – 7:15 pm | Dina Mann Florence Melton Adult Mini-School Hebrew 103 | 6:15 – 7:15 pm | Vivian Nissan Hebrew 104 | 7:30 – 8:30 pm | Varda Hubara 9:15 – 11:30 am (no class on December 29) Melton Graduate Program: Jewish Denominations 10:30 – 11:45 am (only on December 8 and 15) TUESDAY Library Lunch & Learn Essential Essays (only on December 6 and 13) 8:00 am, after morning minyan | Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove Contemporary Jewish Thought 11:30 am | Rabbi Steven Rein Hebrew 101 6:15 – 7:05 pm | Dina Mann (only on December 6 and 13) Introduction to Judaism 6:15 – 8:15 pm | Rabbi Steven Rein (only on December 6 and 13) 12:00 – 1:00 pm | Senior Staff PAS Congregational Singers 7:00 – 8:15 pm | Cantor Azi Schwartz (no rehearsal on Dec. 29) FRIDAY Talmud Torah: Capital Punishment in the Talmud 8:00 am, after morning minyan | Rabbi Steven Rein SATURDAY WEDNESDAY Florence Melton Adult Mini-School Parashat HaShavua | 8:45 am 6:45 – 9:00 pm (no class on December 28) Context | 6:45 – 9:30 pm (no class on December 28) Melton Graduate Program: Jewish Denominations d on 8 ue ibrar y P ar g kA ve n u e S y n a g o Jewish Peoplehood: Challenges and Opportunities Tuesday | December 13 | 7:00 – 8:30 pm | Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove Library hours de Rothsch L ild The Edm 8:00 – 9:15 pm (only on December 7 and 14) Biweekly Hours: Monday – Thursday, 12:00 – 6:30 pm; Friday, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Librarian Marga Hirsch is generally in The Edmond de Rothschild Library at other times as well – feel free to stop by with questions or for book recommendations! The room is always open, with instructions on the desk for how to check out books in Marga’s absence. Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Monthly/Bimonthly Park East Synagogue The Metropolitan Opera Sponsored by Sisterhood, Architectural Tour Part II Tour of Park East Synagogue Women in the Bible Thursday | December 1 | 1:00 pm Friday | December 2 | 9:15 – 10:00 am Debbie Cosgrove Founded in 1888 by Jews from Southern Germany, Park East Synagogue built this striking Moorish Revival Style building two years later. Meet the Sisterhood group inside Park East Synagogue, 67th Street near Lexington Avenue, at 12:45 pm. All are welcome; no charge. Study the lives of well-known and unknown women who populate the Biblical narrative. Sponsored by Men’s Club RSVP to Helene Agress at 212-362-1233. Bagel Brunch and Speaker Caregiver Support Group and Text Study Stay after morning minyan for a speaker and breakfast. Cost: free for Men’s Club members; $5 for non-members. Thursday | December 1 | 6:30 – 7:30 pm Take part in inspired text study with Rabbi Rein and caregiver support discussion. Explore changing relationships, share experiences and exchange essential resources with other family caregivers. This monthly group is open to PAS members who serve as caregivers for family members and to anyone who is a caregiver for a PAS member. For more information, contact Rabbi Rein at [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x124. Sunday | December 4 | 9:00 am RSVP to Charles Yellen at [email protected]. Sponsored by Sisterhood Backstage Tour of the Metropolitan Opera Sunday | December 4 | 1:30 pm Visit production areas of the Met not usually seen by the general public and learn how the opera company works. Meet the Sisterhood group in the lobby of the Metropolitan Opera House at Lincoln Center at 1:00 pm. All are welcome. Cost: $16/person. Space is limited. RSVP to Helene Agress at 212-362-1233 by December 1. www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 December 2011 Kislev / Tevet 5772 9 ADULT EDUCATION & EVENTS For additional descriptions of the classes and events listed here as well as fees, if any, and instructions on how to register or RSVP, please look at the Fall Program Calendar or on www.pasyn.org under Adult Education. Monthly/Bimonthly continued Sponsored by the Edmond de Rothschild Library Sponsored by Sisterhood Evening Book Discussion Group Yiddish Fest Monday | December 5 | 8:00 pm Facilitator: Pat Davidson Book: The Free World by David Thursday | December 8 | 7:00 pm Bezmozgis Israel in the American Jewish Imagination: Dr. Steven M. Cohen Tuesday | December 6 | 7:00 pm Steven M. Cohen, a sociologist of American Jewry, is Research Professor of Jewish Social Policy at HUC-JIR and Director of the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU Wagner. He serves as Research Director of Synagogue 3000, Senior Counselor to the Chancellor at JTS and Director of the Florence G. Heller / JCCA Research Center. Previously he taught for 14 years at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Cohen is a co-author of Sacred Strategies: Transforming Synagogues from Functional to Visionary, which was a finalist for a National Jewish Book Award in 2010. Cohen is also the author, with Arnold Eisen, of The Jew Within, and with Charles Liebman, of Two Worlds of Judaism: The Israeli and American Experiences. His earlier books include American Modernity & Jewish Identity and American Assimilation or Jewish Revival? His current research interests focus on the emerging patterns of Jewish identity and community among Jews in their 20s and 30s. Sponsored by Men’s Club & Rabbi Judah Nadich High School To register, go to www.pasyn.org/Adult Education and click on Whether your Yiddish is fluent or rudimentary, please join us to explore Yiddish culture and enjoy Yiddish conversation. Events in the list on the left side of the page. Those without internet access, call 212-369-2600, x121. Cost: $36. Sponsored by Young Couples Group Annual Latke & Vodka Hanukkah Party – With Toy Collection Wednesday | December 7 | 7:00 pm | The Smith, 956 2nd Ave. Hanukkah parties aren't just for kids! Let's celebrate together over latkes, with vodka and other libations. Please bring new non-electronic toys for children ages 3-5 to support our toy drive in partnership with UJA Federation of NY! The toys will be given to children in the Head Start programs at The Educational Alliance. Cost $36/person. To RSVP contact Matt Check at [email protected]. 10 Anticipate the joy of Hanukkah with the warmth, humor and irony of Yiddish culture. Singer Eleanor Reissa will entertain us with Yiddish songs. Sylvia & Zane Liff will share stories from the Yiddish world of Eastern Europe and America. A freiliche khanike! A lichtige khanike! Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Project Ezra Hanukkah Party Sunday | December 11 | 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Join Men’s Club, students of the Rabbi Judah Nadich High School and Mitzvah of the Month for our annual Hanukkah lunch with elderly Jews from the Lower East Side. Volunteers needed! You don’t have to be a member of Men’s Club or a high school student. RSVP to Jason Dolinsky at [email protected] or to Jason Oppenheimer at [email protected]. Sponsored by Sisterhood Daytime Book Discussion Group Monday | December 12 | 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Facilitator Renée Waldinger Book: The Rise of David Levinsky by Abraham Cahan Sponsored by Sisterhood Sholem Aleichem Yiddish Club Tuesday | December 13 | 1:00 – 2:30 pm For more information, call Florence Solomon at 212-369-3856. Shabbat Dinner Series Caffeine for the Soul: Morning Torah Study Friday | December 16 | 9:15 – 10:00 am Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove Join Rabbi Cosgrove and other members of the PAS community for a cup of coffee, Jewish texts and a substantive learning experience. Sponsored by Singles Committee Singles Hanukkah Party Monday | December 19 | Time, TBA Sponsored by Sisterhood Lunch/Film/Discussion: Broadway: The American Musical, Part 4 Tuesday | December 20 | 1:00 pm Follow American musical theater from 1943 to 1960, when some of the greatest musicals were created, many of them by Jewish lyricists and composers. Sponsored by WEG Moonbeams | in honor of Rosh Hodesh Tevet Thursday | December 22 | 7:30 pm Read the story of Judith from the Apochrypha and learn about the role of women in Hanukkah celebrations throughout history. RSVP to Joann Rosoff at [email protected] or 212-348-4531. Sponsored by Young Professionals Group Hanukkah Happy Hour Thursday | December 22 | 7:00 – 9:00 pm Celebrate the third night of Hanukkah with friends, sufganiot, and good spirits. RSVP to Craig Demarest at [email protected]. The Shabbat Dinner Series provides congregants with an opportunity to join together in prayer, share a meal as a community and learn from noted scholars and rabbis on topics of social, intellectual and spiritual interest. The Musical Kabbalat Shabbat service begins at 6:15 pm, followed by dinner at approximately 7:30 pm. Judith Shulevitz Friday | December 2 “What the Sabbath Does, and Why It Works” Judith Shulevitz is a cultural critic and award-winning magazine editor. Her book, The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time (Random House) came out in paperback this year. The New Yorker called it "a swift, penetrating book intent on shattering the habits of mindless workaholism and the inability to recognize the blessings of rest, reflection, spirit, and family." For more information, see the Fall Program Calendar, p. 8, or visit www. pasyn.org. RSVP by the Monday before the dinner. Register online at www. pasyn.org/lifelong-learning/adult-education; click Shabbat Dinner Series on the left side of the page. Those without internet access may call 212-369-2600, x121. Space is limited. Cost: $35/members; $45/ general. www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 December 2011 Kislev / Tevet 5772 11 Youth Education And Events CS School Program Schedule Saturday, December 3 | 9:15 am – 12:00 pm | Gimel-Dalet-Hey Shabbat Experience Wednesday, December 7 | 5:30 – 7:00 pm | Vav B’nei Mitzvah Orientation for parents Saturday, December 10 | 9:15 – 12:00 pm | Gimel-Dalet-Hey-Vav Shabbat Experience Monday, December 12 | 4:00 – 7:30 pm | Parent/Teacher Conferences| NO SCHOOL Tuesday December 13 | 4:00 – 7:30 pm | Parent/Teacher Conferences| NO SCHOOL December 17 – January 2 | Winter Break – Congregational School resumes on Tuesday, January 3. Tavim Youth Choir | Mondays | 5:00 – 5:40 pm Tavim is open to anyone in third grade and up. The group learns music for Shabbat, holidays and just for fun. This month Tavim will perform at the Family Hanukkah Celebration on Sunday, December 11. For more information, please contact Gil Smuskowitz at [email protected]. Young Family Education YFE Shabbat Programs Shabbat Morning Saturday | December 10 | 11:15 am – 12:00 pm All of the services for families with young children include Shabbat songs, dancing, a short story, and other activities; all end with Kiddush and a light snack. Children are expected to attend these services with an adult. Tot Shabbat – For families with children ages 0 – 3 | Room 508 Shorashim – For families with children ages 3 – 4 (pre-K) | Room 308 Nitzanim – For families with children ages 5 – 7 | Room 408 Shabbat Services and Dinners for Families with Young Children — Birthday Blessings, Too! Friday | December 9 | Service 5:00 pm | Dinner approx. 5:30 – 6:30 pm Families with children ages zero to six are invited to join our clergy for a family-friendly Kabbalat Shabbat service, followed immediately by a child-friendly buffet dinner and short program. Children with December birthdays will receive a birthday blessing and a small gift. Space is limited. Cost: $35/members, $45/non-members, $15/children. To register for Shabbat events, go to pasyn.org and click on Young Family Education. Under Upcoming Events, click on the link for the registration form. Dinner cancellations with refund (or credit towards another dinner) are possible up to the Wednesday before the event. Kids’ Shabbat Book Basket Sponsored by the Rothschild Library 12 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin On Shabbat, look for the book basket near the ushers in the Sanctuary. There are Jewish books for children of all ages to look at while sitting quietly in their seats. Let your children enjoy the books during services and return them so that others may read them next week. Young Family Education YFE Holiday Program Family Hanukkah Celebration Sunday | December 11 | 1:30 – 3:30 pm Families with children aged 3–8 are invited to help build a giant hanukkiah out of Lego™ bricks. There will be age-appropriate crafts to occupy younger siblings, too. We’ll have a Hanukkah sing-along with lively accordion and banjo accompaniment, and then light the giant hanukkiah. The Tavim Youth Choir will lead us in the blessings. Afterwards, refreshments! See RSVP instructions below. Register now for Spring Semester YFE Toddler Programs Cost per child per semester: PAS members - $630 Nonmembers - $730 Register now for Spring Semester YFE Afterschool Programs Registration limited to current participants until January 3. Open registration after January 3. PAS Preschool After School Choose between two sessions: Mondays | February 6 – May 21 | 1:15 – 2:45 pm | Ages 3 1/2½ – 4 1/2½ (must have turned 3 by June 1, 2011) Tuesdays | February 7 - May 22 | 2:15 – 3:45 pm | Ages: 4 – 5 (must be age 4 by January 1, 2012) Taught by the pros from the DramaZone, these classes are all about movement, games and fun. No experience necessary. All music is appropriate and child-friendly. Cost: $700 for PAS members and nonmembers. See registration instructions below. Bilingual Birdies Registration limited to current participants until January 3. Open registration after January 3. See registration instructions below. Kitah Rishonah (First Class) Tuesdays | February 7 – May 22 | Ages: Newborn – 18 months Choose between two sessions: 10:00 – 11:00 am 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Have a formative Jewish experience with your child through music. We will sing kid-friendly songs for Shabbat, holidays and everyday. HaMishpachah Sheli (My Family) Thursdays | February 9 – May 24 | Ages: 18 months – 3 years Choose one of three sessions: 9:30 – 10:30 am 10:30 – 11:30 am 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Explore Jewish themes and holidays through stories, song, movement, arts and crafts, and free play. Wednesdays | February 8 – May 23 | 2:15 – 3:00 pm Ages: 4 – 5 (must be age 4 by January 1, 2012) Children learn basic vocabulary and short phrases in Hebrew through live music, movement, dance, puppetry and games. Cost: PAS members – $630/child. Non-members – $730/child. See registration instructions below. Krav Maga Thursdays | February 16 – May 24 | 2:30 – 3:00 pm Ages: 4 – 5 (must be age 4 by January 1, 2012) Come join us for some rumbling, tumbling and exercise through Krav Maga, a system of hand-to-hand combat used by the Israeli Defense Forces. Classes emphasize values like determination, goal-setting, endurance, persistence and patience. The moves are taught through challenging and competitive games, which combine technical learning and discipline in a safe environment Instructors are former Israeli Special Forces soldiers who understand the importance of being a positive role model for their young students. Cost: PAS members - $630/child. Nonmembers - $730/child. See registration instructions below. To register for all events, go to pasyn.org and click on Young Family Education. On the left side of the page, click on the link for the registration form. Dinner cancellations with refund (or credit towards another dinner) are possible up to the Wednesday before the event. pasyn.org www.pasyn.org Learn about PAS history, staff, and lay leadership; update your PAS account and stay connected to the PAS community at www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 December 2011 Kislev / Tevet 5772 13 Youth Activities & RJNHS Outreach Judaism: An Evening with Rabbi Tovia Singer Wednesday | December 14 | 6:00 – 8:00 pm Grades 8 – 12 and parents Our High School event of the month is a discussion led by Rabbi Tovia Singer, renowned lecturer and Israeli radio host. Rabbi Singer is one of the leading voices countering the efforts of missionaries and other forms of proselytizing that specifically target Jews. The program will focus on the presence and effect of Jews for Jesus on college campuses and how our students can best respond. Parents are encouraged to attend with their children. Food will be served. PAS Food Pantry Food package preparation: Wednesdays | 3:00 – 5:00 pm Food distribution: Fridays | 3:30 pm – beginning of Shabbat Founded, run and coordinated entirely by students, this is the largest such food pantry in the entire country. Parent and Teen Shabbat Study Session with Rabbi Cosgrove Saturday | December 3 | 4:00 – 5:00 pm Make Shabbat afternoon a special time. Join the rabbi for Torah discussion and tasty snacks. Project Ezra Hanukkah Party Sunday | December 11 | 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Students of the Rabbi Judah Nadich High School will join Men’s Club and Mitzvah of the Month to serve lunch and entertain our guests at our annual Hanukkah party for elderly Jews from the Lower East Side. Volunteers needed! Let Jason know that you can come. UJA @ PAS New! Social Work Support for PAS Members and Families Aliza Scharf-Bendov, LCSW JBFCS social worker Aliza Scharf-Bendov will provide onsite services including crisis intervention; loss and bereavement counseling; addiction and recovery services; and support for divorced individuals, single parents, workers affected by the economic downturn and unexpected career transitions, families suffering from acute and chronic illness and parents who have children with mental health needs. Onsite social work support is made possible by a UJA Partners in Caring grant. For more information or to make an appointment, contact Aliza at 646-498-9352 or [email protected], or Rabbi Rein at [email protected] or at 212-369-2600, x124 14 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Community Service Hours for Students Are you a middle or high school student with community service hours to complete during this school year? There are many ways for students to volunteer at UJA-Federation agencies throughout the city. Volunteer opportunities can be one-time or ongoing depending on the young person’s interests and school requirements. To learn more, please contact Bruce Weiser at UJA-Federation at 212-836-1844 or [email protected]. Kol Nidre Appeal 5772 O n behalf of the Officers and Board of Trustees, thank you to everyone who donated to our annual Kol Nidre Appeal through October 26, whose names are listed below. Your generous gifts support all aspects of the Synagogue, from daily worship to services for families with young children, from Lunch & Learn in the Rothschild Library to the camaraderie of teens relaxing in the Youth Lounge, from adult education classes to Mitzvah of the Month activities. The annual Kol Nidre Appeal is one of our most important synagogue-wide fundraising campaigns; the funds that are raised help the synagogue operating budget in countless ways, making possible our continuing spiritual renewal and growing sense of community. This year we face continued financial challenges because: • Membership dues account for 40% of our operating budget, and tuition accounts for another 40%, leaving 20% to be raised from contributions. • We continue to make significant capital expenditures in order to preserve and improve our facilities. • The economic situation continues to put financial pressure on many of our members. As always, we appreciate your generous donations. Jewish tradition teaches that every member of a community is expected to contribute to the welfare of the community. Even those who benefit from communal funds are expected to contribute in order to help others. We hope that everyone who is able to do so will continue to step up for those who are less able to now but who have supported the Synagogue in the past and will again in the future. In the spirit of these traditions, we look for 100% participation in the Kol Nidre Appeal. Again, heartfelt thanks to those who have already given. If you have not yet taken the opportunity to make a Kol Nidre pledge, we look forward to hearing from you. B’shalom, Howard Rubin Martin Halbfinger Peter Buttrick & Anne Wattenberg Buttrick Ross Abelow & Susan Cantor Gregory & Alison Abovsky Brian & Stephanie Abrahams Stuart & Debra Abramovitz Robert & Deanna Adler Joseph & Jessica Ainsberg James & Suzanne Aisenberg Steven & Evelyn Alden Roberta Amon Harris & Susan Joy Amster Drew & Danielle Anderman Robert P. & Carol Antler David & Neva Anton Jonathan Arfa & Barbara Bernstein Ian & Naomi Arons Glenn & Debra August Martin Axman Andrew Bab & Jennifer Shurdut Bab Jean Pakter Bachman Cary & Frieda Baer Howard & Rachelle Balaban Andrew & Marcy Barkan David & Janice Barnard Joel & Gail Baron Joseph & Raneet Barr Brett & Natalie Barth Emilio & Reina Bassini Marc Becker & Caryn Seidman-Becker Richard & Rachel Becker Michael Bederman & Anna Gerb Uri Behar & Batya Levi Behar Michael & Lika Behmoaras Barry & Judith Beil Susan Bender Roy & Nicole Ben-Dor Leonard Polonsky & Georgette Bennett Max & Dale Berger Arie Berggrun & Melissa Waterstone Milton & Jena Berlinski David & Marilyn Berman Harold Bernanke David & Lynn Berney www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 Daniel & Vivian Bernstein Donald & Jo Ellen Bernstein Ernestine Bernstein Lou Bernstein & Barbara Weinstein Mark & Arlene Bernstein Kenneth & Ann Bialkin Clifford & Sheri Bleustein Alan & Nancy Block Ethan & Heather Bloom Jeffrey & Jeanne Bloom Kenneth & Alissa Blumberg Charles & Ellen Bock Mark & Francine Bogdanoff Ariel Boyman & Lauren Wagner Boyman Bernie & Connie Breslin Jane Bressler Robert & Amy Bressman Thomas & Renee Brodie John & Gayle Brody Stanley & Gail Bulua Steve & Sharon Bunkin H. Paul & Edna Burak Clive & Bonnie Chajet Jonathan Charney Charles & Bonnie Charrow Michael Chasen & Geralyn Lederman Carol Chavkin Jeffrey & Katherine Chavkin Wallace & Esta Chavkin Leonard Chazen & Linda Rappaport Beryl & Rima Chernov Joel & Sherry Cherwin Matthew & Bonnie Chook Carol H. Cohen Connie Cohen Edward & Betsy Cohen Ed Cohen & Nadine Habousha Cohen Jesse Cohen & Jennifer Sheridan Jonathan & Martha Cohen Lawrence & Lisa Cohen Marion Cohen Michael & Ilona Cohen Perry & Margo Cohen Co-chairs, Kol Nidre Campaign Robert Cohen Ronald Cohen & Donna Kramer Ruben & Ranika Cohen Sherry Cohen Geoffrey & Marcia Colvin Harvey & Eva Comita Stephen & Anita Comite Arturo & Caren Constantiner David & Kathy Cook Samuel & Barbara Cooper Paul & Anne Corwin Elliot & Debbie Cosgrove Aaron & Leslee Cowen Wilbur Cowett Lawrence Cyrlin & Nicole Speier Ronald & Linda Daitz David Dane James & Laurie Davidowitz Ralph & Lucia Davidson Michael & Sandy Davis Morton & Joanne Davis Juliet Diller James Dinan & Elizabeth Miller Larry Hite & Sharon Dolch-Hite Jason & Nancy Dolinsky Jame & Stefanie Donath Harvey & Suzanne Drachman Mark & Judith Drucker James & Nancy Druckman Michael & Allison Dubrow Edmund Dunst Maurice Edelson & Jennifer Altman David & Susan Edelstein Howard Edelstein Roger & Carol Einiger Edwin & Elaine Sollar Eisen Brian & Erin Eizenstat Marc & Donna Ellenbogen Kenneth Ellis Jonathan & Jodie Elyachar Bonnie Englebardt Helen Erlich Susan Erlich December 2011 Kislev / Tevet 5772 15 Kol Nidre Appeal 5772 continued Fran Evans Ruth Ezra Lawrence & Francine Fabian Barton Farber Ronald Feiman & Hilary Ronner Bernie & Phyllis Feinberg Tobette Feinberg Elizabeth Feiner Herb & Harriet Feiwel William & Joan Felder Maxwell & Rhetta Felton Eric Feuerstein & Rebecca Raphael Jerome & Estelle Finkelstein John & Carol Finley Mark & Rachael First Steven & Allison Fisch Elizabeth Fischer Michael Fischer Alexander & Enid Fisher Edward & Vivian Fisher Allen & Lynn Fishman Jeffrey & Sheryl Flug Patrick & Lori Fodale Adam & Marissa Forsted Barry & Karen Frankel Jon Frankel & Erin Richard Frankel David & Karen Freedberg Edgar & Barbara Freitag Andrew & Jill Frey Bernard & Leslie Friedman David & Erica Friedman Jeffrey & Stacy Friedman Marilyn Friedman Richard Alan & Susan Friedman Robert & Micki Friedman Steven & Cheri Friedman Eugenie Fromer Michael & Beth Fruchtman Wayne & Patti Fuchs Phyllis Gallahou Robert & Lauren Garber Lane & Marilyn Garcy Clifford & Alexandra Gelb Esther Gelber Sarah Gelber Eliot & Limor Geller Mitchell & Paula Gendel Harold Geringer Henry & Karen Glanternik Jerry Gliklich & Jane Salmon Anita Gluck Scott & Ruth Gold Edward & Myrna Goldberg Joseph & Eleanore Goldberg Charles Goldblum & Tirzah Schwarz Daniel & Daniela Goldin Harrison & Diana Goldin Dorothy Goldman James Goldman Geoffrey & Jennifer Goldschein Howard & Marjorie Goldschein Barbara Goldsmith Herman Goldsmith Mark & Marcia Goldstein George & Barbara Gertel Goltzer Jerry & Susan Goodman Leonard & Constance Goodman Mark & Judith Goodman William & Jody Gorin Michael & Caroline Gottschalk Michael & Emily Christenfeld Grad Laurence & Rebecca Grafstein Hayim & Danielle Grant Richard Green & Elaine Gilde David & Laureine Greenbaum Allen & Marilyn Greenberg 16 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Doris Greenberg Michael & Vicki Greenberg Sylvan Greenberg Ira & Linda Greenblatt David Greenfield Alan Greenwald Jared & Beth Greisman Efraim Grinberg David & Miriam Grossberg Morton & Judith Grosz Peter Gruenberger & Carin Lamm Gruenberger Katherina Grunfeld Steven Gutwillig & Michele Green Martin & Irene Haber Martin & Lynn Halbfinger Alan & Louise Hamilton Kimberly Harounian Ben & Jessie Harris Maury & Laurie Harris William & Ellen Harrow David Helfgott & Anita Cela Andrew & Heather Heller Gordon & Lisa Heller Leon & Susan Heller Mel Herman & Judith Jankoff-Herman Philip & Erica Hermann Arthur & Janet Hershaft Ronald & Michelle Herzlinger George & Helene Hines Mark & Dena Hirsch Alan Hirschfeld & Emily Roberts Steven Hirth Bruce & Arlene Hochberg Michael & Nancy Hodin Allison Hoffman Andrew & Jennifer Hoine Shelley Holm Stephen & Pamela Hootkin Carol Hyman David Ishayik Michael Jacobs Marvin & Tina Josephson Sheila Josephson Carol Judelson Stephen & Helen Judlowe David & Barbara Julie Marvin & Louise Kagan Michael Kalisman & Gayle Taubman Kalisman Amos & Floy Kaminski Howard & Joyce Kaplan Jeffrey & Robin Kaplan Neal & Barbara Kaplan Barbara Kapnick Terry & Lois Karnovsky Kent Karosen Jarred & Rachel Kassenoff Fred & Karen Kastenbaum Bernard & Phyllis Katz Carolyn Katz Henry & Stacy Katz Neil & Barbara Kaufman Rosamond Kaufman Ronald & Susan Kaufmann Ira & Yvette Kay Gershon & Carol Kekst Jeffrey Keller & Stacey Berg Keller Marc & Heidi Kieselstein Richard & Dana Kirshenbaum Zelma Kiwi Joshua & Blair Klaff Samuel & Francine Klagsbrun Adam & Erica Klein Alan & Lauren Klein Linda Klempner Arnold Komisar Paul & Vivienne Koreto Joshua & Nancy Korff Andrew & Tamara Kornstein Phyllis Kossoff Tamara Kossoff Allen & Denise Kozin Earl & Janet Kramer Jeff & Susan Wiener Krevat Douglas Krugman & Lynn Zises Alice Kulick Brian Kushner & Phyllis Levinberg Gregory & Alexandra Kwiat Irv & Audrey Landau Guy & Rosanne Lander Dorothy Lang Stephen & Randi Langford Arthur & Kathy Marlin Langhaus Florence Lapidus & Karen Lapidus Philippe Laub Frank Lederman David & Joan Lefkowitz Debra Lehrman Kevin & Stephanie Leichter Ann Leichtling Leonard & Joan Leiman David & Michelle Leitner Isaac & Susan Lemor Leona Leon Evan & Wesley LePatner Laurence & Susan Lerner Jack & Rose Less Joan Lessing David & Gabrielle Levene Ralph & Nina Levene Martin & Joan Levine Levenson Roger & Heather Levenson Ruth Levenson Stephen & Stephanie Levey Alan & Alison Levine Marvin & Linda Levine Michelle Levine Paul & Joyce Levine Peter & Janet Levine Laila Levitas Marian Levitt Judith P. Lewis Adam & Janet Lichtenstein Zanvel & Sylvia Liff Barton Lilenfield Ellen Liman Samuel & Linda Lindenbaum Michael & Wendy Lipsky Cindy Lipton Marvin & Renee Lipton Scott & Kathryn Litner Judith Lobel Miriam London Jeffrey Loria Sivia Loria Sabina Lozovsky Joel & Helene Lupatkin Larry Lurin & Eileen Lewis-Lurin Brian & Rachel Lustbader Ivan & Andrea Lustig Matt & Andrea Lustig Howard & Allison Lutnick Ann Lyons Morton Mackof & Ellen Braverman Marjorie Magner Lorraine Malden Aaron & Randie Malinsky Steven & Heidi J. Mandel Steven & Andrea Mandelsberg Franklin & Terry Mark Morris & Susan Kolin Mark Steven & Jana Markowicz Robert & Rita Matthews George & Corinne McCormack Gary & Dana Meltzer Daniel & Heather Mendelow Steven Merdinger Scott & Norma Mero Sandra Meron Jonathan & Sandy Merrill Jeffrey & Lisa Messinger Joel & Lynne Mesznik Amy Millard Robert & Sheila Miller Gerald & Mary Sue Millman Fredric Mintz & Leslie Berman Mintz David & Robin Mitchell Lawrence & Ellyn Mittman Shary & Sherie Moalemzadeh Abby Modell Aram & Sherine Moezinia Greg & Alexandra Mondre Jeff & Audrey Mordos Donald Morgan III & Israela Morgan Belle Moser Nathan Moser & Rita Ungar Moser Jeffrey & Hilary Moses Steven & Beth Moses Howard Muchnick & Susan Schwartz Richard & Felice Muchnick Edward Munves Jr. & Norma Munves Henry & Doris Murad Philip & Marlene Muskin Charles & Carol Mutterperl Mark & Gwendolyn Myers Gary & Felicia Nachman Richard & Nicole Nackenson Judith Nadelmann Edie Nadler Stephen Nadler & Ellen Kavee Yusuf & Jaya Nahmiyas Sidney & Ruth Nearenberg Jeffrey Newman Barton & Nancy Nisonson Ross Markman & Rise Norman Michael & Audrey Weiss Norwich Bernard Nussbaum & Nancy Kuhn Larry Nussbaum & Jayne Thylan Martin & Kane Nussbaum Michael & Sharon Oberman Morris & Nancy Offit Sylvia Olnick Peter Oltchick & Amanda Bell-Oltchick Stuart & Judi Oltchick Morris Orden Susan Orenbuch Seth Orlow & Myra Freed Steve Ostrow & Arlette Tawil Jeffrey Palca David & Ronnie Parker Darren & Carrie Paul Nathaniel & Debra Paull Martin & Doris Payson Harlan & Debra Peltz Arthur & Ilene Penn Seth & Susan Perelman Jonathan & Candace Perkin Dana Perlman Steven & Melanie Perlstein Cynthia Pfeffer John & Rachel Philipp David Phillips & Ellen Zweig-Phillips Adam & Marni Pinkow Morris M. & Laurie Podolsky David & Vicki Portman Claudia Poster Marc & Sherri Powers Saul Pressner & Barbara Gmora Robert Price Mark Pruzansky & Sheila Erlich- Pruzansky Alex Pustilnik & Rachel Bluestein Edward & Rosanne Raab www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 Ruth Rabinowitz Ezrael & Karen Rand Joshua & Melissa Raskin Robert Raskin & Carol Goldstein Malcolm & Susan Rattner Ariel & Tal Recanati Bruce & Ellen Ressler Jane Revasch Harriet Rice Robert & Arleen Rifkind David Robbins & Joyce Chang Robbins Adam & Erica Roberts Mordecai Rochlin Helen Rodbell Alain & Ellen Roizen Doug & Lori Roseman Robert & Joan Rosen Joseph & Willa Rosenberg Neal & Yona Rosenberg Seligman & Phyllis Rosenberg James & Sheri Rosenfeld Menachem & Jean Rosensaft Michael & Joana Rosensaft Jason & Beth Rosenthal Jonathan & Suzanne Rosenzweig Sidney Rosoff & Joann Abrams Rosoff David & Margaret Roth Estelle Roth James Rothman & Stefanie Katz-Rothman Robert de Rothschild Ruth Rothseid Ronni Rubin Bolger Howard & Nan Rubin Andres & Suzette Rubinstein Barry Rutcofsky & Mindy Birnbaum Howard & Shereen Rutman Sherry Rutman Frederick & Julie Ruvkun Arnold L. & Lite Sabin Sheldon Sachs Beth Sackler Ian & Wendy Sacks Neil Sadick Jean-Marc & Claudia Saffar Mara Safra Stuart & Stephanie Saft Yossi & Shirley Sagol Marvin & Mimi Sandler Josh & Susan Sands Andre Sassoon Jeffrey Schackner & Allison Wiener Richard Scharf & Dana Golding Gerald & June Schiller Mark & Lisa Schneider Edwin & Diane Schottenstein Mort & Miquette Schrader Brian & Lori Schreiber Paul & Joan Schreiber Martin Gropper & Deborah Schron Douglas & Alyson Schultz Neal & Gwen Schultz Harvey Schulweis Eric & Erica Schwartz Mark & Carolyn Schwartz Malka Schwarz Mark Schwarz Hon. Melvin L. Schweitzer & Ronni Rubin Bolger Herbert & Geraldine Sedler Michael Seiden & Lili Mahlab Florence Seligman Gloria Shafer David & Dana Shani Eytan Shapiro & Lesley-Anne Gliedman Kenneth & Rochelle Shapiro Steven & Deborah Shapiro Harvey & Rita Sharinn Annette Sherman Marc & Joan Sherman Barbara Sherr Mitchell & Penny Shore Daniel Shuchman & Lori Lesser Sylvia Shulman Stephen & Saskia Siderow Lisa Siegal Bryan & Christine Siegel Edward & Elyse Siegel Stanley & Dianne Siegelbaum Mitchell & Beth Silber Sydney Silberman Ramie Silbert Randy & Sheri Siller Robert & Carol Schwartz Sills David & Joanna Silver David & Patricia Silvers Andrew & Daphne Silverstein Rob & Heidi Silverstone Michael & Jacqueline Simmon Daniel Simnowitz & Sara Pildis Simnowitz Daniel Simon & Jessica Feldman Laura Simon James & Marilyn Simons David & Linda Simpson Barry & Helene Singer Sheldon & Doris Siskin Howard & Wendy Slavin Donna & Donna Slotnick David & Alyssa Small David & Jo Ann Small Gerald & Diane Smallberg Chris Smith & Linda Yarden Spencer & Karen Smul Craig & Diane Solomon Florence Solomon Jordan & Julie Solomon William & Terry Solomon Martin & Rochelle Spergel Allen & Rita Spiegel Robert & Dawn Spiera Jay & Stacy Stark Michael & Tamara Stark Jean Steinberg Neil & Amy Steiner Aaron & Zina Stern Ernest & Barbara Stern Ernest & Zina Stern Frances Stewart Steven & Marcia Stone Bernard & Bernice Strassner Hugh Straus Leone Straus Victor & Iris Lane Struber Joshua & Jessica Sullum Terry Dudnick Taffer David & Elizabeth Tananbaum Simon & Heidi Tarsh Arline Buxbaum Tarte Michael & Robin Taubin Alfred Taubman Robert & Debbie Teitelbaum Charles & Judy Wesalo Temel Robert & Roxana Tetenbaum Stephen & Ellen Thomas Robert & Jane Toll Michael & Jill Segal- Toporek Marvin & Helene Torker Ray & Nancy Treiger John & Eva Colin Usdan Martin Usdan Tony Uzan & Sandy Gelbard-Uzan Michael & Elizabeth Varet John & Joyce Varvatos John & Lauren Veronis Louis Vogel & Robin Stevens Vogel Henry & Susan Vogelstein December 2011 Kislev / Tevet 5772 17 CONTRIBUTIONS Kol Nidre Appeal 5772 continued Harry & Stephanie Wagner Jacqueline Wahl Shai & Kate Waisman Renee Waldinger Mark Wasserberger & Ilana Weinstein Steven Wasserman & Randi Goldberg Thom & Vanessa Stark Waye Peter & Jacqueline Weidman Marvin & Lois Weinberg Steven & Tammy Weinfeld Allen & Jo-Ann Weingarten Irving Weinstein & Rona Kurtz Leonard Weintraub Robert Weintraub Selma Weintraub Scott & Nancy Weisberg Bernard Weiss Patricia Weiss David Wermuth & Jennifer Kroman G. Martin & Nina Wexler Shelby White Robert & Jacqueline Willens Richard & Debbie Wilpon H. Richard & Deborah Winn Charles & Deanne Winnick Benjamin & Susan Winter Nathaniel & Helen Wisch Steven & Debra Wisch Steven & Joyce Wolitzer Howard & Jody Wurzel Charles & Jodi Yellen Abraham & Liliane Yurkofsky Kirk Zachary & Susan Smirnoff Rafael & Dale Zaklad Marlene Zausner Brett & Lori Zbar Jonathan & Arlyne Zeichner Annette Zimmerman Gary & Chana Zimmerman Joel Zinberg & Colleen Edwards Adam & Ilane Zivitofsky Bernard & Roberta Zuckerman Neil Zwiebel & Alissa Fox Abraham Zylberberg & Harriet Shapiro Bible Fund Ronnie & David Parker, in memory of his mother Beatrice D. Parker. Ronnie & David Parker, in honor of Beryl & Rima Chernov. Bikur Cholim Anonymous Leah & Barrie Modlin, in memory of Gertrude Arfa, mother of Jonathan Arfa. Rabbi Cosgrove's Discretionary Fund Jonathan P. Arfa. Natalie & Brett Barth, in honor of Carol & Roger Einiger on receiving AJC's National Human Relations Award. Natalie & Brett Barth, in memory of Mel Friedland, father of Jennifer & Ricky Friedland. Sheri & Jimmy Rosenfeld, in honor of Marcia Stone, Kallat Bereshit. Pauline & Milt Zablow, in honor of the upcoming marriage of Dena & Mark Hirsch’s daughter High School Food Pantry Fund Beth Eve Corn, in honor of Evelyn Gelman. Beth Eve Corn, in honor of Gail Silberman. Anne & Paul Corwin, in memory of Susan Lemor's father, Herman Tauber. Leon Demb, in honor of Mike Brenner. Nancy, Robert, Betsey & Jackie Denberg, in honor of Jo Ann Small. 18 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Nina Frenkel. Henry & Karen Glanternik. Justin Karr, in honor of Lisa Silverstein & Tal Kerret, Arielle, Rachel & Eli. Judy & Jeff Poss, in honor of the Clergy, Mark Fraier and Ronit Aranoff for their support and guidance in helping our daughter Sarah Poss, prepare to become a Bat Mitzvah. JoAnn & David Small, in honor of Marcia Stone as Kallat Bereishit. Meryl Wiener, in memory of her beloved father Meyer Wiener. Library Fund Douglas, Edward & Halle Friedman, in recognition of Marga Hirsch. Myra & Eddie Goldberg, our best wishes to Lisa & Steven Greenfield. Carol Kekst, in memory of Jeannette & Daniel Schapiro. Carol Kekst, in memory of Saul Schapiro. The Rothman Family Liturgical Music Fund Dena & Sumner Lavine, for the honor bestowed on Marcia Stone as Kallat Bereishit. Robin & Michael Taubin, in honor of Marcia Stone, Kallat Bereishit. Welfare Fund Milton Fuchs, in memory of his beloved brother-in-law Leonard Prashker. Synagogue Offerings Jay & Margaret Axelrod, in honor of the 36th wedding anniversary of Vivian & Danny Bernstein. David Berney, in memory of his beloved father Joseph Berney. Vivian & Daniel Bernstein, in memory of Herbert Tauber, father of Susan Lemor. Alan H. Block, in memory of his beloved father Paul G. Block. EJ Borrack, in memory of Edith Zitwer, beloved mother of Mary Sue Zitwer Millman. EJ. Borrack, in memory of Willy Martin, beloved father of Neva Martin Anton. Constance Breslin, in memory of her beloved father, Eli M. Lane. Harriet Brownstein, with gratitude and appreciation. Alan & Deborah Cohen, in honor of the upcoming marriage of Kari Hirsch & Ben Cohen. Samuel Cooper, in memory of his beloved mother, Ray Cooper. Bradley Corben, in memory of his beloved grandfather, Jacob Cohen. Bernard Feinberg, in honor of his birthday. Elizabeth Feiner, in memory of her beloved father, George Cooper. Edgar Freitag, in honor of his birthday. Marilyn Garcy, in memory of her beloved mother, Celia Staum. Dr. James Goldman, in memory of his beloved mother, Katherine Goldman. Dr. James Goldman, in memory of his beloved mother-inlaw, Ida Gilbert. Dr, Ethan Gologor, in memory of his beloved mother, Esther Gologor. Doris Greenberg, in memory of her beloved husband, Charles Greenberg. Dena Hirsch, in memory of her beloved mother, Drazel Penberg. Dale Israel, in memory of her beloved father, Edward Pearlman. Marilyn Katz, in memory of her beloved mother, Lillian Greenberg. Carol Kekst, in memory of her beloved brother, Saul Schapiro. Florence Lapidus, in memory of her beloved husband, Alexander Lapidus. Leona Leon, in loving memory of Fannie Leon on her Yahrzeit. Phyllis Leventhal, in loving memory of her mother, Gladys Braun. Marian Levitt, in memory of her beloved mother, Mildred Pascal. Dr. Barton Lilenfield, in memory of his beloved father, Leo Lilenfield. Sara & Andy Litt, in honor of the birth of the grandson of Dr. Joseph Jacobs. Miriam London, in honor of her birthday. Miriam London, in memory of her beloved mother-inlaw, Selma London. Larry Lurin, in memory of his beloved father, Philip Lurin. Andrea & Ivan Lustig, in memory of Harvey Levine, father of Carolyn Coplan. Andrea & Ivan Lustig, in memory of Sadie Julius, mother of Barbara Julius. Andrea & Ivan Lustig, in memory of Herman Tauber, father of Susan Lemor. Dr. Ann Lyons, in memory of her beloved father, Julius Moskowitz. Audrey & Jeff Mordos, in memory of Harvey Levine, father of Carolyn Coplan. Rise Norman, in memory of her beloved father, Herbert Norman. Frida Riederman, in appreciation for the beautiful Shabbat services at PAS. Mordecai Rochlin, in memory of his beloved brother Benjamin Rochlin. Carl & Arlene Rosen, in honor of Vivian & Danny Bernstein on their 36th anniversary. Estelle Roth, in honor of her birthday. The Rutman Family, in memory of Harvey Levine, father of Carolyn Coplan. The Rutman Family, in honor of the Poss family on the occasion of Sarah's Bat Mitzvah. The Rutman Family, in memory of Herman Tauber, father of Susan Lemor. Shereen & Howard Rutman, in honor of Marcia Stone, Kallat Bereishit. Shereen & Howard Rutman, in honor of James Rosenfeld, Hatan Torah. Sylvan & Joan Schefler, in memory of Herman Tauber, father of Susan Lemor. Florence Seligman, in appreciation of her High Holy Day Aliyah. Eytan Shapiro, in honor of his High Holy Day honor. Edward Siegel, in memory of his beloved father Charles Siegel on his Yahrzeit. Stanley Siegelbaum, in memory of his beloved mother Frances Siegelbaum. Sydney Silberman, in honor of his birthday. Carol Silverstein, in honor of her birthday. Diane & Gerald Smallberg, in honor of Marcia Stone, Kallat Bereishit. Dr. Marilyn Tobias, in memory of her beloved father Henry Tobias. Ray Treiger, in memory of his beloved father Sam Treiger. Jacqueline Wahl, in honor of her birthday. Lois Weinberg, in memory of her beloved father Aaron Harry Paul. Dr. Barbara Weinstein, in memory of her beloved mother Rita Weinstein. Robert Willens, in honor of his birthday. Annette Zimmerman, in memory of her beloved father Abraham Fortgang. Eugene Zinbarg, in honor of his birthday. 12 25 PAS Offices closed 26 30 Kislev Rosh Hodesh 7th Hanukkah candle 2:15 pm DramaZone 5:00 pm Tavim 6:30 pm Singles Hanukkah party 19 23 Kislev 10 Kislev 11 Kislev 11:30 am Contemp J Thought 27 1 Tevet Rosh Hodesh 8th Hanukkah candle 5 Kislev 8 12 Kislev 9:15 am Melton 2 9:30 am HaMishpachah Sheli 10:30 am Melton 3 10:30 am HaMishpachah Sheli 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 1:00 pm Park East Syn Tour 2:15 pm Krav Maga 6:30 pm Caregiver Grp 7:00 pm Cong Singers 1 21 25 Kislev 2nd Hanukkah candle 6:00 pm HS R. Tovia Singer 6:45 pm Melton 1 & 2 6:45 pm Context 8:00 pm Melton 3 14 18 Kislev 28 2 Tevet 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 29 3 Tevet 9:15 am Melton 2 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 6:00 pm YPG Happy Hour 7:00 pm Cong Singers 22 26 Kislev 3rd Hanukkah candle 9:15 am Melton 2 9:30 am HaMishpachah Sheli 10:30 am Melton 3 10:30 am HaMishpachah Sheli 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 2:15 pm Krav Maga 7:00 pm Cong Singers 15 19 Kislev 9:15 am Melton 2 9:30 am HaMishpachah Sheli 10:30 am Melton 3 6:00 pm Vav Parents BMtz Mtg 10:30 am HaMishpachah Sheli 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 6:45 pm Melton 1 & 2 2:15 pm Krav Maga 6:45 pm Context 7:00 pm Cong Singers 7:00 pm YCG Latke/Vodka 7:00 pm Yiddish Fest 8:00 pm Melton 3 7 8:00 am Essential Essays 10:00 am Kitah Rishonah 11:30 am Contemp J Thought 1:00 pm Sisterhood Film 2:15 pm DramaZone 6:45 pm Melton 1 & 2 6:15 pm Hebrew 101 6:45 pm Context 20 24 Kislev 1st Hanukkah candle 8:00 am Essential Essays 10:00 am Kitah Rishonah 11:30 am Contemp J Thought 1:00 pm Yiddish Club 2:15 pm DramaZone 6:15 pm Hebrew 101 6:15 pm Intro to Judaism 7:00 pm J Peoplehood 13 17 Kislev 8:00 am Essential Essays 10:00 am Kitah Rishonah 11:30 am Contemp J Thought 2:15 pm DramaZone 6:15 pm Hebrew 101 6:15 pm Intro to Judaism 7:00 pm Israel Am J Imagination 6 6 Kislev Candles, 4:11 pm 3 7 Kislev Parashat Va-yetzei 13 Kislev Candles, 4:11 pm 8:00 am Talmud Torah 6:15 pm Friday Evening svce 30 4 Tevet Candles, 4:19 pm 8:00 am Talmud Torah 6:15 pm Friday Evening svce 23 27 Kislev Candles, 4:15 pm 4th Hanukkah candle 8:00 am Talmud Torah 9:15 am Caffeine for the Soul 3:30 pm Food Pantry 6:15 pm Friday Evening svce 16 20 Kislev Candles, 4:12 pm 8:00 am Talmud Torah 3:30 pm Food Pantry 5:00 pm YFE Service & Dinner 5:30 pm CS Gan/Alef/Bet dinner 6:15 pm Friday Evening svce 9 8:45 am Parashat Hashavua 9:15 am Shabbat services 4:30 pm Minha/Ma’ariv Tevet Va-yiggash 31 5Parashat 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua 9:15 am Sanctuary service 4:30 pm Minha/Ma’ariv 24 24 28 Kislev Parashat Mi-ketz 5th Hanukkah candle 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua 9:15 am Sanctuary service 9:15 am CS Shabbat Experience 4:30 pm Minha/Ma’ariv 17 21 Kislev Parashat Va-yeishev 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua 9:15 am Sanctuary service 9:15 am CS Shabbat Experience 9:30 am Havurah service 11:15 am YFE services 4:30 pm Minha/Ma’ariv 14 Kislev 10Parashat Va-yishlah 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua 9:15 am Sanctuary service 9:15 am CS Shabbat Experience 8:00 am Talmud Torah 11:15 am YFE services 9:15 am Women in the Bible 4:00 pm Teen Study w/ R. 3:30 pm Food Pantry Cosgrove 6:15 pm Musical Kabbalat 4:30 pm Minha/Ma’ariv Shabbat 7:30 pm Cong Shabbat dinner 5:00 pm YFE Havdalah 2 December Any changes are noted when they occur. Daily Shaharit Minyanim Monday-Friday at 7:15 am; Sundays and Legal Holidays at 9:00 am. Minha/Ma’ariv Sunday-Thursday at 5:45 pm. 29 Kislev 6th Hanukkah candle 18 22 Kislev 11:00 am Bk Discuss Grp 2:15 pm DramaZone 11:00 am Project Ezra Brunch 5:00 pm Tavim 1:30 pm Family Hanukkah 6:15 pm Hebrew 102, 103 Event 7:30 pm Hebrew 104 11 16 Kislev 9 Kislev 15 Kislev 5 10:00 am MC Brunch 1:30 pm Met Opera Tour 8 Kislev 2:15 pm DramaZone 5:00 pm Tavim 6:15 pm Hebrew 102, 103 7:30 pm Hebrew 104 8:00 pm Bk Discuss Grp 4 PAS Calendar of Events DECEMBER 2011 Kislev / Tevet 5772 50 East 87th Street, New York, NY 10128 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID New York, NY Permit No. 8526 Elliot J. Cosgrove, Ph.D., Rabbi Steven I. Rein, Assistant Rabbi David H. Lincoln, Rabbi Emeritus Azi Schwartz, Cantor and Music Director Shiree Kidron, Assistant Cantor David Lefkowitz, Cantor Emeritus Steven M. Friedman, Chairman of the Board Brian G. Lustbader, President Beryl P. Chernov, Executive Director Rabbi Neil Zuckerman, Director of Congregational Education Liz Offenbach, Director of Synagogue Programming Rabbi Eve Rudin, Principal of the Congregational School Carol Hendin, Director, Early Childhood Center Matthew Check, Director of Young Family Education Jason Oppenheimer, Director of Youth Activities & Rabbi Judah Nadich High School Marga Hirsch, Director, Edmond de Rothschild Library and Publications Editor Jonathan Schlesinger, Chief Financial Officer John Davis, Facilities Director Lawrence Conley, Director of Media Synagogue Office: 212-369-2600 | www.pasyn.org A Look Ahead | DECEMBER 2011 | Kislev / Tevet 5772 Israel in the American Jewish Imagination: Dr. Daniel Gordis Tuesday | January 10 | 7:00 pm | $ Shabbaton 2012 Jewish Family in the 21st Century: Changes, Opportunities and Challenges Friday – Sunday | January 20 – 22, 2012 | $ Adult Bat Mitzvah Class (see page 7) Mondays | beginning January 23 | 7:30 – 8:45 pm | Marga Hirsch | $ Men’s Club Financial Forum Thursday | Date TBD | 7:00 pm Sponsored by WEG Jewish Music For and About Women Featuring Cantor Shiree Kidron & the Sheba Ensemble Tuesday | January 31 | 7:00 pm pasyn.org/calendar Get up-to-the-minute information about PAS programs, events & schedule of religious services at www.pasyn.org/calendar. 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eginning at the far right, put the candles in the Hanukkiah from right to left, the direction
of Hebrew writing. Light the candles from left to right, so each night you light the newest candle