Welcome to Homecoming 2015 to Homecoming 2015


Welcome to Homecoming 2015 to Homecoming 2015
SCHEDULED TO SERVE – October 18, 2015
Song Leaders
Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer
Communion Prayers
Offering Prayer
Serving Communion
Gary Hale, Tony Ortiz, Jon Reynolds, Duke Walker
Gary Hale
Trans: Tito Ortiz
Billy Smith, I
Trans: Tito Ortiz
Wendell Jones
Trans: Carlos Lara
Wilfredo Salvatierra
Trans: Jorge Larrea
Jon Vongsaphay
Trans: Laotian
Cameron Morris
Steve Herron
Keith Patterson
Sam Petersen
Grant Phillips
Randy Phillips
Kale Pomeroy
Shane Pomeroy
Brian Schafer
Bryan Alvarado
Cristian Alvarado
Ronnie Derrick
Will Muse
Carson Lash
Bryan Schow
Kham Hoang
Dan Dozier
Gary Hale
Trans: Jorge Larrea
Trans. Carlos Lara
Lena Hampton
Denise London
Robert London
Dan Robinson
Mary Robinson
Norma Chadwell
Randy Cousin
Pam Demonbreun
Lois Dixon
Lolita Kinnard
Sound & PowerPoint
Scott Roberts
Jamie Walters
Jennifer Wilmore
Dale Petersen
Coordinator of Prayers:
7:00 p.m.
Bob Matschinegg
Count Offering
Food Pantry
Needs for Oct.
Oct. 18
♦ M & M’s
Oct. 20
Children will worship in the big
assembly today with their families.
(Oct. 11, 2015)
Sunday A.M. ............................................562
Bible Study..............................................313
Sunday P.M. ...........................................244
Offering ...includes 1176.30 on-line..........14,420.62
Weekly Budget............................. .14,000.00
Year-to-date adj..............................4,297.84
Baptisms YTD............................................17
Placing Membership.................................36
Rural Hill
Church of Christ
♦ Wednesday Dinner
Oct. 21
Oct. 28
♦ Room-in-the-Inn begins
Nov. 2
See Gary Hale or call him at the
office (615-361-1908).
♦ Ladies Retreat
Nov. 6-8
♦ Wednesday Dinners conclude
♦ Life Groups conclude for 2015 Nov. 15
♦ Harvest Sunday/Service Night
Nov. 22
Dan Dozier
Gary Hale
Jon Reynolds
Wilfredo Salvatierra
John Vongsaphay
564 Bell Rd.
Antioch, TN
Web Site:
follow this QR code
for on-line giving
Life Groups...
...Connect with others
...Grow spiritually
...Share Jesus
Antioch (Singles)
Antioch (Empty-Nesters)
Auditorium at our building
Hispanic at our building
Hispanic in homes
Welcome to Homecoming 2015
If you are a visitor and looking for a church home, please consider Rural Hill.
Burch Anderson
Rex Barker
Steve Chadwell
Mike Green
Wendell Jones
Mike McClardy
Billy Smith
Randall Tidwell
Larry Wilkinson
An exciting way to...
During the 7-week
“Transformation” series, Life
Groups will meet in homes (or
at the building) every Sunday
evening except on
Homecoming Sunday, Oct. 18.
We hope you will get connected
with a Life Group
for that time.
♦ Trunk or Treat/Haunted Woods Oct. 24
Jiffy Mix
Sunday Bible Study 10:30 a.m.
(upstairs foyer)
Shronda Watkins
Sunday P.M.
No evening service due to
extended day activities
Beef Stew
Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship
Babies (upstairs foyer)
Shauna & Myla Cartwright
Toddlers thru age 3 (upstairs room 201-202)
Seima & Astrid Gutierrez
October 18, 2015
♦ Homecoming
If you can’t be here, please swap your time with
someone else on the schedule.
Follow us on
From Gary Hale
No doubt when most of us hear or
see the word “home” we get a warm
feeling in our hearts. Even when it is
combined with another word like
Homecoming. The words home
and homecoming both immediately bring to mind
relationships. What in life is more important than
relationships? I hope all of us will be blessed today
by our time of worship and our time enjoying
relations that we usually refer to as fellowship time.
I pray we all go home today feeling a little closer to
our Lord and to each other. I also pray we go
home today more determined than ever to serve
and honor the Lord with our daily lives. When one
firefly lights up in a dark field it is very noticeable.
When several light up at once it is amazing. Let’s
all strive to make the Lord’s church at Rural Hill
I would like to extend a personal invitation to join
us for the Trunk or Treat, bonfire and haunted
woods this Saturday night at our home, weather
permitting. I’m very excited that Spencer Wilmore
is organizing a group of teens to make the woods
come alive like never before. Let’s have a great
group of cars this year for the Trunk or Treat and a
lot of children in costume to enjoy the treats! Look
for all the details on the next page.
Today’s Order of Worship
This Is The Day
Firm Foundation
Step By Step
I Will Call Upon The Lord
I’ll Fly Away
Trust & Obey
Old Rugged Cross
Nothing But The Blood (vs 1): Lord’s Supper Bread
Nothing But The Blood (vs 2) Lord’s Supper Juice
Nothing But The Blood (vs 3): Offering
Special Announcements
When We All Get To Heaven
Closing Prayer
From Wilfredo Salvatierra
Hoy domingo es " Homecoming"
que en español seria " Regresando a
Casa". Esta es una palabra que tiene
mucho sentido y sentimiento en el
área de los que regresan a un hogar,
a una familia, no tanto a una casa materia o lugar
si no mas trascendental, es regresar a un hogar, es
Incorporarte y participar en todas las bendiciones
que tiene un Hogar o una familia.
Esto me recuerda Lucas 15:18-20 sobre el hijo
prodigo que reconocío que estaba fuera del hogar
en todo los sentidos. Estaba viviendo fuera,
comiendo fuera, durmiendo afuera y sobre todo
había abandonado sus principios morales de su
hogar, había cortado toda comunicación con su
familia y sobre todo se había alejado del amor del
padre. Al reconocer regreso y el amor del padre lo
esperaba con los brazos abierto, corre hacia el y lo
recibe. Pero se encuentra con la mala actitud, fría y
despiadada de un hermano que cree que nunca se
había ido de casa y nunca había fallado tan solo
por estar allí físicamente, pero nunca estuvo
emocional ni mucho menos espiritualmente
conectado con la familia. Te pregunto, estas en tu
casa y la casa de Dios emocionalmente y espiritual
mente? Estas esperando con ansias y amor a los
que están fuera y alejados de Dios? Regresa a tu
familia emocional y espiritual. Vuelve a casa!
in 2 new
Wilfredo at a
in Dallas, TX
Sunday, October 18
We will have One Morning Worship
in the Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m.
(Combined English/Spanish)
followed by class at 10:30.
There will be one adult class in the auditorium and
one adult Spanish class in the
Hispanic Worship Center.
All teens will join the adults in the
auditorium for singing.
Children will go to their regular classes.
A potluck dinner will follow. Meat will be provided.
It would be helpful to have some of the younger
folks take their food to the shelter since we may
have an overflow crowd. Bring a sweater.
Family Fun Activities are planned after dinner:
Bounce House, Volleyball, Soccer, & Frisbee Golf
The event will conclude by 2:00 p.m.
We’d love to have some of our former members
join us so please be inviting them.
M & M’s (Mature Members +55)
will meet this Tuesday night at 6:00 p.m. here in
the fellowship hall for a potluck dinner.
Wednesday Dinners
October 21: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Santa Fe Soup, Potato Cheese Soup, Grilled Cheese
Sandwiches, Tossed Salad, Dessert, & Tea
Only one more meal, Oct. 28, after this one.
Trunk or Treat/Hale’s Haunted Woods
Trunk or Treat is planned Saturday evening, October 24,
at the Hales’ home, 4118 Twin Oaks Lane, Antioch.
Cars will line-up with their trunks open ready to hand out
candy to the little costumed kiddos at 5:00 p.m. A
bonfire and cookout will start at 6:00. The haunted
woods will begin at 6:30. Please bring hotdogs or
kielbasa, buns, chips, soft drinks, desserts and outdoor
chairs. The event will conclude at 8:30 p.m.
There will be no 6:00 p.m. service that night due to
the extended day activities.
Parking: Ezell-Harding has given us permission to
use their parking area for our overflow crowd. If you
are able to park there, that will leave room for older
folks and visitors to park close to our building.
Thanks for your consideration in this.
The Rural Hill church family began to meet in
1913. Today, as we celebrate 102 years of this
remarkable faith journey, we are thankful for the
rich Christian heritage, for those who pioneered in
our community, and for those who continue to
spread the good news and pass the promise to
future generations.
It has been over a century of “transformation.”
“He is able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine.” Eph. 3:20
...our Members & Their Families
Lane Burch is on antibiotics for a leg infection.
Sally Clark has been dealing with back pain and
Laurie Deatheridge is receiving radiation treatments
to further prevent regrowth of the tumor that was
Gladys Fitzgerald will begin treatments soon.
Stephanie Fleming is recovering from a procedure.
She is awaiting a biopsy report.
Kim Florence’s mother is dealing with kidney stones.
Nathan Hale continues to receive out-patient chemo.
Claudia Hinkle’s granddaughter, Sophia Hinkle, is
having health problems. Please keep her and
her family in your prayers.
Malinda Hooper’s mother, Daisy Clark, is at home
recovering from heart-valve replacement.
Zoe Matheny is receiving Hospice care at home.
Edna Mullins is undergoing radiation treatments.
Pete Philalom’s parents are both recovering from
Sarah Sherrod’s husband, Percell Sherrod, is
hospitalized with serious health issues. He is not
up to visitors but appreciates prayers.
Sharon Vaughn is undergoing cancer treatments.
Norma Williams is receiving physical therapy as a
result of a recent fall. Roshunda Williams got a
good report from her MRI but she is still in pain
and on steroids.
#Flawless Retreat
Registration Brochures
are available
near the elevator
Deadline to register is
Next Sunday, Oct. 25
If your schedule doesn’t allow you to be there for the
whole time, then come join us for as long as you can.
Room-In-The-Inn resumes Nov. 2
Many volunteers will be needed.
Sign-ups are underway at the table by the elevator.
Service Night - November 22
Great things are planned. We hope you will join us.
More information will be available soon.
None today due to Homecoming.
Let’s “imagine” our body of believers
serving the Lord
in a “mighty way” in the upcoming years.
Please pray for ....
A plan is underway to resume
1 service Promiseland starting in January. 2nd service
Promiseland will continue its usual schedule. More
information will be forthcoming.
Quincy Walker
Dear Rural Hill,
I just wanted to thank the Rural Hill congregation
for all your thoughts and prayers. I’ve waited a long
time for my kidney and I feel very blessed not to have
to wait anymore. I feel like a new person and I know
your prayers have a lot to do with it. Thanks again
and I love you all.
Quincy Walker
Haywood Elementary Needs Our Help
The school will be hosting their annual event called
Haywood Harvest on Saturday, October 24. They
are in need of donations of blankets, clothing, toys,
household items and miscellaneous for their BIG
give-away. Please bring items to in the foyer by this
Upcoming activities
Oct 24 – Trunk or Treat & Hales Haunted Woods
November 11 – WOW
November 15 – Worship in the Park 6 pm
November 20 – Laser Quest 6-10:30 pm $25
November 29 – Bordeaux Sunday 7:30 – 10:30 am
December 6 – Caroling and Chili Supper
December 9 - WOW
December 11 – Progressive Dinner 5:30 pm
Happy Birthday to...
...Gladys Fitzgerald
who will be 87 years young on October 20.
Youth Birthdays This Week
Alex Davis -
God bless you.
Oct. 18