revisiting soil resource limitation: resource predictors of tree growth
revisiting soil resource limitation: resource predictors of tree growth
REVISITING SOIL RESOURCE LIMITATION: RESOURCE PREDICTORS OF TREE GROWTH AND FOREST PRODUCTIVITY CHANGE ACROSS ECOLOGICAL GRADIENTS By Thomas Wyatt Baribault A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Forestry Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior 2011 ABSTRACT REVISITING SOIL RESOURCE LIMITATION: RESOURCE PREDICTORS OF TREE GROWTH AND FOREST PRODUCTIVITY CHANGE ACROSS ECOLOGICAL GRADIENTS By Thomas Wyatt Baribault Multiple soil resources could limit aboveground net primary production (ANPP) and individual tree growth, but most studies have focused on growth as a function of nitrogen (N) availability in temperate forests and phosphorus (P) availability in tropical forests. In addition to soil resource availability, individual tree growth is affected by competition among neighboring trees, but relationships of local-scale soil resources to tree growth have not been assessed in conjunction with competition. I hypothesized that temperate tree diameter growth and ANPP are correlated with soil base cation availability as well as N. Similarly, tropical tree diameter growth and sitelevel basal area increment (BAI) should be correlated not only with soil P, but also with the base cations. Furthermore, I hypothesized that the relative effect on diameter growth of competition between neighboring trees strengthens if plant interactions are determined by a tolerancecompetitiveness tradeoff. Alternately, competition should be important at all sites if plant interactions are governed by species‘ relative abilities to most efficiently exploit available soil resources. Finally, I hypothesized that diameter growth, leaf nutrient content, and photosynthesis should increase in response to fertilization of individual temperate forest trees with calcium (Ca) and / or N. To address these hypotheses, I tested correlations between growth and production and a suite of resources including water, multiple measures of inorganic N availability, phosphate (PO4), total P, and extractable base cations (Ca, potassium (K), magnesium (Mg)), in northern hardwood forests distributed across a multi-resource gradient and in lowland wet tropical forests growing across a strong soil P gradient. I also developed individual-based growth models as functions of local neighborhood index and fine-scale estimates of soil resources for single species in both biomes and a variety of functional groups from the tropical sites. In temperate forests, wood productivity was strongly correlated with soil Ca at lowfertility sites but with N at high fertility, whereas leaf production was correlated with N across all sites. Diameter growth of individual temperate trees was unrelated to soil resource availability or competition among species dominant at low-fertility sites; for species dominant at high-fertility sites, diameter growth was related to several soil resources (Ca, K, N), and demonstrated strong correlations with local neighborhood indices. Across tropical sites, individual diameter growth and site mean BAI were correlated with both base cations and total P. The Fabaceae (legumes) showed extremely weak correlation of individual growth to soil resources, and no relationship of site mean BAI to resources. In contrast, the Arecaceae (palms) and species with low wood density exhibited robust correlations of BAI to total soil P, while BAI was correlated with soil base cation availability for non-legume dicots and species with higher wood density. My results were consistent with limitation of temperate forest productivity by N or Ca; anthropogenic N deposition may therefore have mixed effects, with increasing production in N-limited systems but decreasing production in base cation-limited systems. Also for temperate forests, an increase in the strength of competition in species common at high fertility suggests that communities may be structured according to a tolerance-competition tradeoff. In lowland tropical forests, legumes may partially escape soil resource limitation, while growth of other functional groups may be limited by either soil P or base cations; consequently, base cations could be potentially limiting resources globally. This dissertation is dedicated to my parents, who inspired me by their example, and especially to my wife, for whose love and support I am immeasurably grateful. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I must thank Dr. Richard Kobe not only for his staid guidance throughout my time at Michigan State University, but for his initial willingness to accept me as a student. Dr. Kobe is not typically a gambling man, so I appreciate the risk that he assumed by accepting a chemist into an ecology graduate program. I will always value the diversity of experiences Dr. Kobe made available to me—course- and field-work in Costa Rica, abundant opportunity for fieldwork in Michigan, and the environment of personal accountability fostered in his lab group. Perhaps most importantly, I am grateful for his patience whilst teaching me how to write. I would also like to thank my committee members, Drs. Stuart Grandy, David Rothstein, and Michael Walters, for their mentoring. My fourth chapter rests on a practical foundation due to Dr. Walters‘ recommendations, and Dr. Rothstein was always both helpful and encouraging while my first chapter slowly took shape. One of the most important contributions of this dissertation, fine-scale assessment of soil resource heterogeneity, was achieved at the encouragement of Dr. Grandy. Additionally, I am indebted to Dr. Andrew Finley for his assistance with geospatial modeling and GIS work, and for commiseration. From Dr. Kobe‘s lab group, I thank Dr. Sarah McCarthy-Neumann for cheerfully helping me through numerous graduate school phases. Ellen Holste, M.S., was a reliable colleague and a generous friend. Her work ethic made the fifth chapter of this dissertation possible. I have watched David Minor progress from an excellent undergraduate student to experienced field researcher, and I value both our past work and leisure. Jesse Bramer provided invaluable assistance over many years. I thank Max Erickson for his helpfulness, honesty, rationality, and remarkable capacity for technical innovation. Finally, I thank Dr. Phu Nguyen and Carol Graysmith for their assistance, openness, and compassion. v TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................... xv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 Soil resource limitation of forest productivity ............................................................................ 2 Competition and soil resource availability .................................................................................. 5 Dissertation objectives ................................................................................................................ 7 CHAPTER II SOIL CALCIUM, NITROGEN, AND WATER ARE CORRELATED WITH ABOVEGROUND NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION IN NORTHERN HARDWOOD FORESTS ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 12 Methods ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 22 Discussion ................................................................................................................................. 26 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... 34 CHAPTER III NEIGHBOR INTERACTIONS STRENGTHEN WITH INCREASED SOIL RESOURCES IN A NORTHERN HARDWOOD FOREST ........................................................................................ 43 Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 44 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 46 Methods ..................................................................................................................................... 51 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 60 Discussion ................................................................................................................................. 66 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... 43 CHAPTER IV CALCIUM, NITROGEN, AND MICRONUTRIENT FERTILIZATION OF INDIVIDUAL CANOPY TREES IN NORTHERN HARDWOOD FORESTS .................................................. 84 Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 85 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 87 Methods ..................................................................................................................................... 91 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 97 Discussion ............................................................................................................................... 101 vi Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. 108 CHAPTER V TROPICAL TREE GROWTH IS CORRELATED WITH SOIL PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, AND CALCIUM, BUT LEGUMES MAY ESCAPE LIMITATION ........................................ 115 Abstract ................................................................................................................................... 116 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 118 Methods ................................................................................................................................... 122 Results ..................................................................................................................................... 130 Discussion ............................................................................................................................... 136 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. 141 CHAPTER VI SYNTHESIS ............................................................................................................................... 156 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 157 Competition and soil resource correlations transform across soil resource gradients ............ 157 Implications of heterogeneous resource limitation at multiple spatial scales ......................... 159 Conclusions and future directions ........................................................................................... 162 APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................. 166 APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................. 172 APPENDIX C ............................................................................................................................. 185 APPENDIX D ............................................................................................................................. 198 BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................... 222 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1. Annual productivity increments were calculated between 1999 and 2007 for ANPPW, ANPPL, and total ANPP ............................................................................................................... 35 Table 2.2. Model formulae, where RS indicates resource and A, B and/or C are estimated parameters ..................................................................................................................................... 37 Table 2.3. AICc comparisons for top ANPPW models of each resource ...................................... 38 Table 2.4. AICc comparisons for top ANPPL models of each resource ....................................... 39 Table 3.1. Basic statistics, spatial distribution, and relative basal area for the ten most common species across our sites.................................................................................................................. 73 Table 3.2. Principal results summarized by species. .................................................................... 74 Table 3.3. Supported models for realized growth framework ...................................................... 75 Table 3.4. Site-level correlations of mean individual basal area growth, mean diameter, stem density, and mortality rate with the soil resource metrics ............................................................ 77 Table 4.1. Basic statistics—including sample size, diameter, annual diameter growth, and basal area increment (± standard error)—for five treatment groups for each of four common species ..................................................................................................................................................... 109 Table 4.2. Fertilizer treatments and application rates ................................................................. 110 Table 4.3. Results from one-way ANOVA comparing mean values of response variables across treatments for each species ......................................................................................................... 111 Table 4.4. Results from two-way ANOVA comparing mean values response variables across Ca, N, Ca+N, and control treatments for each species ...................................................................... 112 Table 5.1. Summary of results for stem growth as a function of soil resources for all species together, for functional groups, and for wood density categories............................................... 142 Table 5.2. Summary of results for stem growth as a function of soil resources for single species ..................................................................................................................................................... 143 Table 5.3. Results of fitting models of individual tree growth as a function of diameter, soil resources, and neighborhood index for species for which more than 50 focal individuals were available ...................................................................................................................................... 144 viii Table 5.4. Results of fitting models of individual tree growth as a function of diameter, soil resources and neighborhood indices for all species combined and categorized by functional group and size class .................................................................................................................... 146 Table 5.5. Results of fitting models of individual tree growth for species grouped by wood density as a function of diameter, soil resources, and neighborhood index ............................... 147 Table A.1 Site mean values, with standard error, for inorganic N pools (NO3 and NH4), soil N dynamics (N-min rate and nitrification), and total C and N content .......................................... 166 -1 Table A.2. Site mean values for soil acidity and Al (cmol kg ), base cations (Ca, Mg, K), and P -1 (all presented as cmolcharge kg soil) ........................................................................................ 167 Table A.3. Site median values for soil moisture and mean values for soil texture, with standard deviation intervals where available ............................................................................................. 168 Table A.4. Soil resource correlation matrix, with correlation coefficients (r) for each pair-wise comparison .................................................................................................................................. 169 Table A.5. AICc comparisons for significant or top non-significant models relating the fraction of total ANPP comprising ANPPW to soil resources, species composition, and stand density . 170 Table B.2. Site occupancy by species ......................................................................................... 174 Table B.3. Soil resource availability by site ............................................................................... 175 Table B.4. Biological interpretation of neighborhood model parameters and model variations 176 Table B.5. Theoretical potential growth model selection and parameters .................................. 177 Table B.6. Summary statistics for USFS FIA plot data from northern Lower Michigan ........... 178 Table B.7. Model framework comparison: realized growth versus theoretical potential growth179 Table B.8. Parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals for species whose growth was either unrelated to neighborhood or related to a neighborhood that did not account for neighbor species (terms (5) or (6)) ............................................................................................................. 180 Table B.9. Estimated model parameters for species-dependent neighborhoods ........................ 181 Table B.10. Mean growth (as basal area increment, cm2 year-1) for each species at each site; standard deviation is in parentheses ............................................................................................ 182 Table B.11. Mean diameter (cm) for each species at each site; standard deviation is in parentheses .................................................................................................................................. 183 ix Table C.1. Site attributes, including mean soil Ca and inorganic N content, stem density, dominant species, stand age, and location .................................................................................. 185 Table C.2. Soil resource content before and after fertilizer application, aggregated for all species ..................................................................................................................................................... 186 Table C.3. Soil pH before and after fertilizer addition, aggregated for all species .................... 187 Table C.4. Mean values per treatment for each species for chlorophyll fluorescence yield and maximum .................................................................................................................................... 188 Table C.5. Leaf nutrient content of base cations and P .............................................................. 189 Table C.6. Content of N and C in leaves .................................................................................... 190 Table C.7. Percent canopy openness........................................................................................... 191 Table C.8. Diameter growth and BAI for each species, comparing treatments with and without Ca, and with and without N ........................................................................................................ 192 -1 Table C.9.1. Parameters for simple linear regression of annual diameter growth (cm year ) as a function of predictor variables in which the relationship between growth and the predictor differed significantly in a treatment versus the control category ................................................ 193 Table C.9.2. Parameters for simple linear regression of annual basal area increment (BAI) (cm 2 -1 year ) as a function of predictor variables in which the relationship between growth and the predictor differed significantly in a treatment versus the control category ................................ 194 -1 Table C.10.1. Parameters for multiple linear regression of diameter growth (cm year ) as a function of initial diameter and another predictor variable for treatment categories with significant slope parameters for both independent variables ...................................................... 195 Table C.10.2. Parameters for multiple linear regression of basal area increment (BAI) (cm 2 -1 year ) as a function of initial diameter and another predictor variable for treatment categories with significant slope parameters for both independent variables .............................................. 196 Table D.1.1. Stand-level parameters, including mean diameter, diameter and basal area increments with minimum and maximum values provided parenthetically, and density and mortality rates ............................................................................................................................. 198 Table D.1.2. Stand-level mean resource measurements, with standard deviation ...................... 199 Table D.2. Model parameters, their biological interpretation, and the consequences of modifying the full models by constraining or changing certain parameters ................................................ 200 x 2 Table D.3. Parameter estimates and R values for significant linear regressions of stand-level 2 -1 mean growth of all species (mean basal area increment (cm yr )) as a function of soil resources ..................................................................................................................................................... 201 Table D.4.1. Resource covariance for all species together and for functional groups ............... 202 Table D.4.2. Resource covariance for wood density groups ...................................................... 203 2 Table D.5. Parameter estimates and R values for linear regressions of stand-level mean growth 2 -1 (basal area increment (cm yr )) as a function of soil resources for functional groups ............ 204 Table D.6. Model parameters and 95% confidence intervals (parenthetically) for functional groups .......................................................................................................................................... 205 2 Table D.7. Parameter estimates and R values for linear regressions of stand-level mean growth 2 -1 (basal area increment (cm yr )) as a function of soil resources for species with more than 50 focal individuals .......................................................................................................................... 206 Table D.8. Model parameters and 95% confidence intervals (parenthetically) for individual species for which more than 50 focal individuals were available .............................................. 207 2 Table D.9.1. Parameter estimates and R values for linear regressions of stand-level mean 2 -1 growth (basal area increment (cm year )) as a function of soil resources for wood density categories, excluding the Fabaceae ............................................................................................. 208 2 Table D.9.2. Parameter estimates and R values for linear regressions of stand-level mean 2 -1 growth (basal area increment (cm year )) as a function of soil resources for wood density categories, including the Fabaceae ............................................................................................. 209 2 Table D.9.3. Parameter estimates and R values for linear regressions of stand mean growth 2 -1 (basal area increment (cm year ) as a function of soil resources for wood density classes within functional groups ........................................................................................................................ 210 Table D.10. Model parameters and 95% confidence intervals (parenthetically) for wood density groups .......................................................................................................................................... 211 Table D.11. Model parameter mean estimates based on 101 sub-samples from the resource posterior predictive distribution .................................................................................................. 212 Table D.12. Predicted growth across the range of resource estimates for functional groups, wood density categories, and species for which growth was related to a soil resource ....................... 213 xi Table D.13.1. Correlations (Pearson‘s r) between site-mean inorganic N and other resources for all species and for the three single species—S. exorrhiza, I. deltoidea, and P. decurrens ......... 218 Table D.13.2. Sample sizes by site for each functional group .................................................... 218 Table D.14. Sample sizes by site for each wood density group ................................................. 219 Table D.15. Sample sizes by site for species with more than 50 focal individuals .................... 220 xii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1. ANPPW expressed as functions of soil resources ...................................................... 40 Figure 2.2. ANPPL expressed as functions of soil resources........................................................ 41 Figure 2.3. Productivity partitioning to wood and leaves expressed as functions of ANPP and several soil resources .................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 3.1. Normalized neighborhood index as a function of neighbor (a) displacement and (b) diameter......................................................................................................................................... 78 Figure 3.2. Individual growth as linear (equation 3) or lognormal (equation 4) functions of diameter......................................................................................................................................... 79 Figure 3.3. Predicted diameter growth as a function of soil resource, holding diameter constant at the mean value for each species .................................................................................................... 80 Figure 3.4. Predicted diameter growth plotted as a function of soil water with neighborhood and diameter held constant (a, b), and as a function of neighborhood with soil water and diameter held constant (c, d) ........................................................................................................................ 81 Figure 3.5. Canopy diffuse non-interceptance as a function of each measured soil resources..... 82 Figure 3.6. Predicted diameter growth as a function of neighborhood ......................................... 83 Figure 4.1. Change in soil resource content aggregated across all species before (April 2008) and after (October 2008) fertilizer application .................................................................................. 113 Figure 4.2. Diameter distributions for each species .................................................................... 114 Figure 5.1. Site mean basal area increment for all species as functions of soil resources .......... 148 Figure 5.2. Site mean basal area increment for six taxonomic groups as functions of soil resources ..................................................................................................................................... 149 Figure 5.3. Site-mean basal area increment for individual species as a function of soil resources ..................................................................................................................................................... 152 Figure 5.4. Site mean stem area growth for wood density categories, excluding legume species, plotted versus soil resources ....................................................................................................... 154 Figure D.12.2.i. Predicted individual diameter growth based on 101 estimated soil resource datasets plotted against total soil P for the Arecaceae ................................................................ 214 xiii Figure D.12.2.ii. Predicted diameter growth based on 101 estimated soil resource datasets plotted as a function of total soil P for species with lowest wood density ............................................. 215 xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AIC: Akaike‘s Information Criterion, or AICc when corrected for small sample size ANPP: Aboveground net primary productivity ANPPL: Aboveground net primary productivity, leaf partition ANPPW: Aboveground net primary productivity, wood partition BAI: Basal area increment, annual 2+ Ca: Calcium, Ca Dbh: Diameter at breast height (1.37m), alternately diam. + K: Potassium, K 2+ Mg: Magnesium, Mg N: Nitrogen, either atmospheric or total plant-available soil inorganic pool 4+ NH : Ammonium 3- NO : Nitrate P: Phosphorus PPD: Posterior predictive distribution α: Exponent modifying diameter of neighbor trees β: Exponent modifying displacement of neighbor trees δ: Divisor of focal tree diameter λ: Species-specific coefficient modifying separate neighbor trees σ: Secondary divisor of focal tree diameter term + ΣN: Sum of inorganic N, or NH4 + NO3 - xv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Soil resource limitation of forest productivity At a global scale, forest productivity is controlled by climate (Clark et al. 2010, Mund et al. 2010), soil type and resource availability (Vitousek et al. 2010), and species composition (Jacob et al. 2010). Individual tree growth is ultimately limited by broad-scale factors like climate and soils (Gradowski & Thomas 2008), but also by finer-scale processes, including competition (Coates et al. 2009) and plant-soil feedbacks (McCarthy-Neumann & Kobe 2010). Temperate forest production increases in response to supplemental nitrogen (N) (Will et al. 2001), supporting the general consensus that temperate forests are N-limited. Similarly, tropical forest productivity can increase in response to supplemental phosphorus (P) (Meason et al. 2009, Sayer & Tanner 2010), leading to the conclusion that tropical forests are P-limited. Furthermore, Nlimitation of forest production may be globally distributed (LeBauer & Treseder 2008). Although these general categorizations of resource limitation are often accurate (Finzi 2009), forest ecosystems embody a diversity of species assemblages and varying degrees of soil resource heterogeneity (Townsend et al. 2008) that complicate efforts to assess resource limitation. Ecological and biogeochemical complexity of forest systems suggests that soil resource limitation may not conform to simple dichotomous classifications (Vadeboncoeur 2010). The expectation that a single soil resource limits production across large geographical extents discounts local- to regional-scale variation in geological history, plant colonization patterns, and extant species composition (Chesson 2003). Geologically recent soil development in many temperate regions motivates the expectation that these soils contain low N levels, and N limitation in these systems can be corroborated by N addition studies (LeBauer & Treseder 2008). By comparison, more ancient soil origins in many tropical regions support extensive loss of soil P via leaching and immobilization, with P limitation in some tropical forests confirmed by 2 P addition studies (Vitousek et al. 2010). Nonetheless, several factors may change these expected resource limitation patterns. Some temperate soils may exhibit P deficiencies, causing productivity of forests growing on such soils to be limited by soil P availability (Gradowski & Thomas 2006). Alternately, N limitation in temperate forests could be partially alleviated by increased N use and resorption efficiency (Hidaka & Kitayama 2009) or by N absorption through leaves (Vallano & Sparks 2008). In tropical systems, P limitation can be mitigated by atmospheric deposition or as a consequence of parent material with relatively high P content (Porder et al. 2006). Although much research has focused on the potential for N or P limitation, many of the same processes and conditions could contribute to limitation by base cations. As with P, nearly all soil base cation content derives from parent material (Giesler et al. 1998, Blum et al. 2002, Berger et al. 2006) and is thus inherently limited, with minimal contribution from atmospheric deposition. Soil base cation availability is governed by the stoichiometry of weathering rates (Blum et al. 2002), leaching and immobilization (Perakis et al. 2006, Singh & Agrawal 2008), and cycling through plant tissues and microbial mass (McLaughlin 2009). The potential for base cation limitation of forest productivity exists on soils that experience relatively low weathering rates or slow nutrient cycling due to species composition (Fujinuma et al. 2005) or climate (Hilley & Porder 2008, Yadav et al. 2008). Calcium (Ca) may be particularly important because its ions are immobile in the phloem (Brown et al. 1999), which precludes resorption from senescing leaves and fine roots (Park et al. 2008) thereby increasing demand. Additionally, base cation limitation may be a consequence of repeated whole-tree harvest regimes (McLaughlin & Phillips 2006). 3 Base cations fulfill physiological functions as fundamental and indispensable as either N or P, supporting the idea that any of these soil nutrients may limit tree growth. As a structural element, N is necessary for photosynthesis (chlorophyll and RuBisCO), proteins, and nucleic acids (Masclaux-Daubresse et al. 2010). Phosphorus is a structural element, is required as NADPH for electron transfer in photosynthesis, and is most important as a component of ATP (Javot et al. 2007, Amtmann & Blatt 2009). Base cations are implicated in a variety of ecological and physiological functions. Soil Ca is often correlated with stand- and individual-level growth, and this relationship can be measured in forests that are leaching Ca over time (St Clair et al. 2008), sites distributed across Ca gradients (Bailey et al. 2004, Schaberg et al. 2006, Bigelow & Canham 2007), or as a consequence of fertilizer addition (Kobe et al. 2002, Juice et al. 2006). Indirectly, soil Ca can also influence production by stimulating nitrification (Hobbie et al. 2007, Page & Mitchell 2008), N mineralization, and decomposition (Holzmueller et al. 2007, Watmough 2008), with tree growth responding to elevated inorganic N availability. Productivity is also related to availability of other base cations (Park et al. 2008, Rosberg et al. 2006, Sverdrup et al. 2006, Wilmot et al. 1996). Higher magnesium (Mg) availability increases photosynthesis (Vizcayno-Soto & Cote 2004), while greater soil potassium (K) availability improves efficiency of water use (Bradbury & Malcolm 1977), nutrient uptake (Stevens et al. 1993), and leaf retention (Nowak et al. 1991, Hodson & Sangster 1998). In numerous instances, fertilizer addition has shown that production in tropical forests may not be limited by soil P (Hedin et al. 2009, Tripler et al. 2006), while production in temperate forests may not be limited by inorganic N availability (Gradowski & Thomas 2006, Wilmot et al. 1996). Moreover, many studies that have investigated resource limitation are restricted to testing for effects of N versus P, neglecting to test whether other resources influence 4 growth (LeBauer & Treseder 2008). When many resources are tested (including N, P, and base cations) for their effects on tree growth, each resource has been shown to increase the growth response (Rosberg et al. 2006). Thus, a comprehensive first step to identifying the resource or resources that limit plant productivity in an ecosystem is to assess the relationship of tree growth to availability of a broad array of resources, not strictly N or P. Competition and soil resource availability Individual tree growth can be affected to similar degrees by soil resource limitation (Gradowski & Thomas 2008) and by competition with neighboring trees (Canham et al. 2006). The comparable magnitude of these effects necessitates measuring the influence on tree growth of both soil resource availability and individual-level competition. Substantial evidence also identifies changing intensity and importance of competition across soil resource gradients (Craine 2005, Brooker & Callaway 2009); resource and competitive effects interact, so plant growth must be compared to both factors. The simplest systems that demonstrate interaction between resources and competition are monospecific plantations. Trees planted at high density on soils with low resource availability grow more slowly than trees planted at lower density (Erskine et al. 2005), while soils with higher resource availability can support faster growth rates even at increased stem densities (Alves et al. 2010). Natural stands incorporate additional complexity of species composition, which may shift significantly across resource gradients (Ares & Fownes 2001, Pyke et al. 2001, Reich et al. 2010). Moreover, competitive interactions can differ by species (Coates et al. 2009), meaning that tree growth is simultaneously influenced by soil resource availability and local neighborhood configuration, including the distance between individuals and neighbor species identity (Canham et al. 2006). 5 Relative effects of soil resource limitation and competition have been measured most rigorously in plantations where stem density and spatial configuration are strictly controlled (Binkley et al. 2010) or in herbaceous communities with rapid growth rates and easily manipulated species composition (Wedin & Tilman 1993). Dual- and multi-species forest plantations provide simplified models for studying both the spatial configuration of neighborhoods and effects of neighbor species identity (Boyden et al. 2005); often, growth is suppressed to a greater degree by intraspecific interactions than interspecific ones (Boyden et al. 2008), and displacement from competing neighbors is positively correlated with growth (Canham et al. 2004). In contrast, scarce data exist to compare soil resource limitation to competition in natural, uneven-aged forests comprising many species and spanning resource gradients. Most studies concerning neighborhood effects (e.g. He & Duncan 2000, Uriarte et al. 2004) have not also explicitly tested effects of soil resource availability. In the few instances in which tree growth has been modeled as a function of neighborhood and soil resources, availability was weakly characterized (Canham et al. 2006) or not distinguished from neighborhood effects (McPhee & Aarssen 2001, Coates et al. 2009). To appropriately measure relative effects on tree growth of soil resource availability, competition, and neighbor species identity, growth models must be informed by all three factors. Across many lines of research concerning soil resource limitation of forest productivity, resource availability is often measured at scales substantially coarser than individual trees or local neighborhoods. Characterizing soil resource availability for individual trees in large datasets becomes logistically challenging (Bigelow & Canham 2007, Finzi 2009), but high resource heterogeneity at meter to tree scales (Reynolds et al. 2007, Townsend et al. 2008) may necessitate greater sampling densities. If individual growth rates are strongly related to soil 6 resources within the diameter of the root system, measuring resources at coarser scales, as often occurs (Lundholm 2009), would fail to identify the relationship. Similarly, if species colonize or recruit into sites based on soil resource availability (Snyder & Chesson 2004), the colonization or recruitment patterns may only be identifiable if resources have been measured at sufficiently fine spatial scales. On the other hand, extensive root systems (Coll et al. 2008, Hertel et al. 2009) or common mycorrhizal networks (Simard 2009) may effectively homogenize soil resources across scales that include many individuals. It is ultimately important to measure soil resource availability at scales commensurate with individual trees and their local neighborhoods, since the scale at which resources relate to tree growth is poorly established. Dissertation objectives The purpose of this dissertation is to reevaluate potential soil resource limitation and competitive effects across soil resource gradients in both northern temperate hardwood and lowland wet tropical forests. Although N and / or P availability is typically implicated in limiting productivity, other soil resources perform similarly vital physiological functions and are equally likely to be in short supply. This research characterizes relationships of stand- and individuallevel tree growth to an array of potentially limiting soil resources, including N, P and base cations. Any effects of soil resources on individual tree growth manifest within a neighborhood comprising surrounding trees and their influence on availability of space, light, and soil resources. The other principal facet of this dissertation research, therefore, is determining the influence of neighborhood interactions on tree growth. 7 Objective i (Chapters II, III, V): Assess correlations and functional relationships of soil resources, including N, P, Ca, K, Mg, and volumetric water, to stand- and individual-level annual growth rates. Although it is expected that N will be correlated with growth in temperate forests and P will be correlated with growth in tropical forests, it is hypothesized that growth will also be related to soil base cation availability. Strong positive relationships of growth to a soil resource are consistent with, but do not conclusively demonstrate limitation (see Objective ii). Objective ii (Chapter IV): Test resource limitation in four common temperate tree species growing across a gradient of multiple soil resources. It is hypothesized that both soil N and base cation availability will be correlated with tree growth (see Objective i), such that addition of either or both nutrients will increase annual basal area increment, photosynthetic rate, and / or leaf nutrient content. Comparing the relative influence of N versus base cations is necessary to establish whether soil N, as has been claimed by past research, truly limits production in northern hardwood forests. Objective iii (Chapters III, V): Measure effects of local neighborhood on individual tree diameter growth, and compare relative influence of neighborhood versus resource effects across soil resource gradients. Competition among individual trees is expected to exhibit a size- and distance-dependent nature, with growth suppressed more by intraspecific than interspecific interactions. It is hypothesized that soil resource availability influences the importance of competition, potentially affecting individual-level interactions or emerging as a site-level effect. 8 CHAPTER II SOIL CALCIUM, NITROGEN, AND WATER ARE CORRELATED WITH ABOVEGROUND NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION IN NORTHERN HARDWOOD FORESTS Baribault, T.W., Kobe, R.K., Rothstein, D.E. 2010. 2010. Soil calcium, nitrogen, and water are correlated with aboveground net primary production in northern hardwood forests. For. Ecol. and Manage. 260, 723-733. 9 Abstract Multiple soil resources could limit aboveground net primary production (ANPP) in temperate forests, but most studies have focused on nitrogen (N) availability. We tested a suite of resources including water, multiple measures of N, phosphate (PO4), and extractable ions (calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg)) as correlates of ANPP across a glacial landform gradient in northwestern Lower Michigan. Our goals were to identify resource correlates of ANPP that could potentially limit productivity, to characterize productivity partitioning to leaves (ANPP L) and wood (ANPPW) across the gradient, and to test soil resource correlates of partitioning. We measured soil resource availability and annual ANPP at 13 sites, and fit models of ANPPW and ANPPL as functions of each resource. We used Akaike‘s Information Criterion to assess empirical support for models with different functional forms. ANPPW was best correlated with Ca, with a relationship that was asymptotic beyond the four lowest-productivity sites. Both Mg and K covaried with Ca; Mg was also supported as an ANPPW correlate. Soil water and sum of ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3) (ΣN) explained substantial ANPPW variance, but with weaker support than for Ca. ANPPL was best correlated with ΣN; NO3 received support, while Ca received less support but still explained substantial ANPPL variance. These results suggest a potential role for Ca in regulating ANPP, at least in low-productivity sites, while reaffirming the importance of both N and water availability. Partitioning of annual production to ANPPW as a fraction of total ANPP was related to Ca and soil water, but only weakly to ΣN. Production was partitioned equally between ANPPL and ANPPW at low fertility, but ANPPW exceeded ANPPL 10 by 24% at maximum productivity. Given this shift in partitioning, measuring only ANPPW but assuming that ANPPL scales proportionately would overestimate ANPP at higher fertility sites. Although correlative, our results suggest that ANPP is constrained by some combination of N, Ca, and water, and provide motivation for experimental manipulations of these resources to better understand forest responses to human influences. If northern temperate forests are strictly N-limited, as suggested by much of the literature, then anthropogenic N deposition should enhance ANPP. In contrast, if ANPP is limited, or co-limited, by Ca or by soil water, then anthropogenic change (altered precipitation, base cation leaching), could counteract production gains from N deposition. KEYWORDS: Forest productivity, resource correlation, productivity partitioning, calcium, nitrogen, water 11 Introduction Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) in temperate forests is often positively correlated to soil nitrogen (N) availability (Pastor et al. 1984, Zak et al. 1989, Goodale & Aber 2001, Idol et al. 2003, Hogberg et al. 2006, Joshi et al. 2003), and supplemental N can increase ANPP (Will et al. 2001, Finzi 2009). Additional N from atmospheric deposition, in combination with increased global atmospheric CO2 concentrations and temperatures, is projected to enhance ANPP (Mohan et al. 2007). Nitrogen deposition may alter nutrient regimes in many ecosystems by alleviating N limitation (Gradowski & Thomas 2008); however, N deposition could also promote leaching of calcium (Ca) and other base cations (Izuta et al. 2004, Perakis et al. 2006), and paradoxically of N itself (Brookshire et al. 2007). Since N limitation in temperate forests is broadly assumed (Finzi & Canham 2000), tests of resource limitation often include only correlations of production to N, even when other resource measures (e.g. soil texture) are available (Pastor et al. 1984, Zak et al. 1989). In theory, productivity could be reduced by deficiency of any resource, so it remains unknown whether N limits ANPP more than other resources because other resources have rarely been evaluated. Nitrogen cycling and productivity often co-vary (Hall et al. 2006, Johnson 2006, Mayer 2008), but production may influence N cycling as much as N cycling influences production. For example, across an elevation–atmospheric N deposition gradient in the northeastern U.S., N mineralization is strongly correlated with ANPP but ANPP is unrelated to mineral N availability, which is controlled by both mineralization and atmospheric deposition (Joshi et al. 2003). In Patagonian steppe systems that span a precipitation gradient, ANPP is related to soil moisture and N, but N availability is controlled by soil moisture (Austin & Sala 2002). Furthermore, N resorption from fine roots (Kunkle et al. 2009) and senescent leaves (Kobe et al. 2005), and 12 direct N absorption by leaves (Sparks et al. 2008), could partially decouple N metabolism from soil N availability (Migita et al. 2007). In general, leaf production (ANPPL) may regulate soil N if litter quality exerts strong control over decomposition, N mineralization, and nitrification rates (Page & Mitchell 2008, Vesterdal et al. 2008). Recognizing that N availability is regulated by a cycle of N-vegetation feedback, landscape gradients in soil N could be a function of—in addition to being a reason for—variation in vegetation cover and ANPP (Hobbie 1996, Aerts & Chapin 2000). Emerging evidence highlights the influence of Ca availability on productivity of deciduous forests in northeastern North America (Bigelow & Canham 2007, Gradowski & Thomas 2008, Park et al. 2008). Soil Ca availability is less likely than N to be a consequence of production because Ca is weathered from parent material (Berger et al. 2006, Blum et al. 2002, Giesler et al. 1998), but it is influenced, at least in late succession ecosystems, by mineralization and decomposition rates (Holzmueller et al. 2007, Watmough 2008). Diminished soil Ca reduces growth and disease resistance in Acer saccharum on acidic soils (St Clair et al. 2008). Furthermore, Ca availability is strongly related to individual tree growth across natural (Bailey et al. 2004, Schaberg et al. 2006, Sverdrup et al. 2006) and experimentally manipulated Ca gradients (Bigelow & Canham 2007, Dauer et al. 2007, Kobe et al. 2002, Kulmatiski et al. 2007), and correlates with fine root production (Park et al. 2008, Reich et al. 1997). Fertilization with Ca in the field can elicit positive growth responses in seedlings (Kobe et al. 2002), saplings (Long et al. 1997, St Clair & Lynch 2005, Juice et al. 2006), and canopy adults (Gradowski & Thomas 2008). Conversely, limited Ca availability contributes to low ANPP (Hallett & Hornbeck 1997, McLaughlin & Wimmer 1999), while reduced productivity accompanies leaching of soil Ca by acidic rain (Singh & Agrawal 2008). Moreover, Ca is immobile in the 13 phloem (Brown et al. 1999), so Ca uptake requirements likely exceed those of phloem-mobile elements like K, Mg, P, or N. Production also could be related to availability of other base cations (Park et al. 2008, Rosberg et al. 2006, Sverdrup et al. 2006, Wilmot et al. 1996). Greater availability of Mg increases photosynthesis (Vizcayno-Soto & Cote 2004), which is the primary physiological basis for elevating ANPP. Increased K availability improves water use efficiency (Bradbury & Malcolm 1977), nutrient uptake (Stevens et al. 1993), leaf retention (Nowak et al. 1991), and leaf longevity (Hodson & Sangster 1998), while decreasing leaf mortality and senescence (Covelo & Gallardo 2002, Ericsson & Kahr 1993). Higher K availability also is associated with increased resistance to beetle infestation (Ylimartimo 1990), reduced tissue necrosis (Fluckiger & Braun 1998), and reduced lateral root mass (Triboulot et al. 1997). Potassium and Mg are readily re-translocated via phloem (Brown et al. 1999), and resorption rates for both elements are high, further highlighting physiological importance. Soil texture can provide an integrated measure of base cation availability (Knox et al. 1995), and predict wood production (ANPPW) approximately as well as N (Pastor et al. 1984, Zak et al. 1989, Reich et al. 1997); soil moisture often constrains production (Knox et al. 1995), so we included both volumetric soil water and soil texture in our set of measured soil resources. Species composition could further affect productivity, since some species (e.g. Acer saccharum, Quercus rubra) grow faster than others (e.g. Quercus alba, Fagus grandifolia) under equivalent resource conditions (Comas & Eissenstat 2004). As well as mediating the growth response to resource availability, species composition could actively deplete or augment various resources, whether through differences in resource uptake (Fujinuma et al. 2005) or litter cycling rates (Dijkstra 2003). 14 In addition to total production, partitioning to leaf, stem, and root production would be expected to vary across resource gradients (Vanninen & Makela 2000, Sternberg & Shoshany 2001, Vogel et al. 2008, Kobe et al. 2010). In many studies, productivity partitioning to stem growth in seedlings responds idiosyncratically to increased soil N or base cation availability (Berger & Glatzel 2001, Kobe et al. 2010), but partitioning to stem mass is consistently a function of size for both seedlings and adults (Peichl & Arain 2007). It is unclear whether partitioning of annual aboveground growth (as opposed to aboveground total mass) at the adult stage is controlled primarily by tree size, nutrient availability, or an interaction of these factors. We assume that growth and mass behave similarly, on the grounds that mass represents accumulated growth, such that partitioning to annual stem growth increases with tree size. Objectives Our overall objective was to determine the strongest relationships of production to soil resources in order to identify potential limiting resource candidates. We measured tree growth over an eight-year interval at 13 sites that spanned a soil fertility and productivity gradient. A comprehensive set of soil variables including N, base cations, texture, and moisture was tested for correlation to ANPP. We expected a relationship of production—particularly ANPPL—to N, but also suspected that production might be associated with base cation or water availability. Our second objective was to test whether partitioning of production across the gradient was related to soil resource availability. Based on allometric relationships, we expected wood production to constitute a progressively larger fraction of total production as productivity increased; we also expected that partitioning of production should be related to the soil resources identified from the first objective. 15 Methods Study sites This study was conducted in mixed hardwood stands of the Manistee National Forest in the lower peninsula of Michigan, USA (~44º12‘N, ~85º45‘W), a region with well-defined associations among glacial landforms, soil fertility and forest community composition (Zak et al. 1989, Host & Pregitzer 1992). Net N-mineralization, nitrification rates, nitrate, and ammonium pools increase from outwash through ice-contact and moraine landforms (Zak et al. 1989) (Table A.1). Base cation concentrations also increase across the landform fertility gradient, although phosphate follows no discernible pattern (Table A.2). From outwash through moraine, total ANPP, ANPPW, and ANPPL increase approximately two-fold (Table 1). Soil properties (Table A.3) that characterize landform are closely associated with characteristic species compositions (Host & Pregitzer 1992, Host et al. 1988). Stands were 80 to 100 years old second-growth, and have been undisturbed since the 1920‘s. Species composition shifts from dominance of Q. alba and Quercus velutina on outwash plains through Q. rubra on intermediate sites, to A. saccharum 2 on moraines (Table 1). All sites were within an area of 960 km (maximum distance between sites of 38.1 km, average distance 15.76 km, maximum elevation change 230 m) and are expected to have very similar climate. Mapped stands were established, wherever possible, in transects of dimensions 240m x 41m. Most sites conformed to this configuration, but topographic variation, roads, or edaphic transitions at four sites required non-standard plot dimensions. Two sites (12, 13) were adjacent halves of one standard plot, separated due to different resource availability and species assemblage. Site (4) differed in shape (two 120m x 41m rectangles with ends overlapping at a 63° angle) and encompassed a slightly larger area. 16 Site (8) had a reduced area (40m x 21m) for tree diameter measurements. Leaf traps (n = 10, 1m x 1m) were placed at 20 m intervals along a central transect within every mapped stand. Productivity measurements Stems of all mapped trees were measured using diameter tapes in 1999, 2005, and 2007. Growth increment was calculated as the change in diameter measured at 1.37 m height over the eightyear interval from September 1999 to August 2007 for trees ≥ 10 cm diameter. Stem increment for in-growth was calculated as the difference between measured diameter and the 10-cm threshold. An intermediate census in 2005 enabled calculation of growth increment over the 1999-2005 interval for trees that died between 2005 and 2007. Of 6990 individuals, 57 (0.8%) had diameter growth ≤ –1 mm during the eight-year interval, and were included in the calculation of site-level productivity to minimize upward bias of ANPP due to measurement error. Trees that grew after 1999 but died before 2005 or 2007 were included. Trees that died during the interval but did not grow, or that lost diameter (due to bark loss or localized wood -1 -1 decomposition), were excluded. Annual wood mass increment (ANPPW, Mg ha year ) (Table 1) was estimated using species-specific allometric biomass equations available in TerMikaelian and Korzukhin (1997). Several allometric equations were available for each species, so where possible we used equations developed for Lake States trees. For F. grandifolia and Tsuga canadensis, which are relatively uncommon at these sites, it was necessary to use equations developed for New Jersey trees. Equations developed for West Virginia were applied to Q. alba, and for northern Kentucky to Q. velutina. Leaf litter was collected from the 2006 growing season. All leaves had fallen at sites dominated by A. saccharum or Q. rubra (sites 3 – 13) by early November 2006, and were completely collected by 12.Nov.2006. Approximately 10% of leaves remained attached through 17 winter at sites dominated by Q. alba (sites 1 and 2), so leaf litter was collected on 12.Nov.2006 and again on 2.March.2007 for these sites. Collected litter was oven-dried at 70°C for ≥ 3 days before weighing (following Pastor et al., 1984). Litter production for each site (ANPPL) was -1 -1 calculated as mean leaf mass from the 10 litter traps scaled to Mg ha year (Table 1). Resource measurements Soil Moisture Soil volumetric water was measured to 30 cm depth by time domain reflectometry (Environmental Sensors Inc., Sidney, BC). Measurements were made in August 1998, April, May, and September 1999, and August and October 2000 at 10 m intervals along a 200m central transect at each site. Given the relatively small number of sampling dates, we used median soil moisture for analysis at each site in order to avoid potential effects of extreme values that might disproportionately influence mean soil moisture. Data for all sites were collected during rainless periods over an interval of not more than two days per each sampling date. Soil texture Soil samples were collected in October 2005 at three points per site (40, 100, and 160m along each central transect), and for three composite strata (0-50cm, 50-100cm, and 100-150cm). Samples were dried for 24 hours at 105°C, sieved (2mm mesh), and 100g (±0.01g) subsamples were suspended in 5% sodium hexametaphosphate to a final volume of 1L. Following Gee and Bauder (1986), sedimentation of sand was measured by hydrometer after 40 seconds and of silt after 2 hours; clay remained in suspension. Percentages of sand, silt, and clay were calculated for each sample. We also used a composite sample of the three 100-150cm samples for each site to measure the particle size profile. Analysis was conducted with a Mastersizer 2000E laser particle size analyzer (Malvern Instruments Ltd., Worcestershire, UK) on chemically dispersed samples. 18 To correct for the consistent underestimation of the clay sized (<2 µm) fraction by these instruments, the clay/silt division separating standard texture classes was set to 6 µm, which most closely mimics particle size data using sieve-pipette methods, based on prior data (R. Schaetzl, pers. comm.). Soil nutrients All soil nutrient analysis was conducted on cores (5 cm diameter, 10 cm depth) collected in December 1999. Cores included the portion of the organic horizon in which tree roots were observed, but excluded leaf litter. Samples were gathered at 10 m intervals along the central transect at each site, with sets of 4 consecutive cores pooled into 5 composite soil samples per site. Samples were transported to the lab in a cooler, sieved (2 mm mesh), and refrigerated for two days prior to analysis. Potential net N mineralization and nitrification rates were determined by aerobic + - incubation. Initial concentrations of NH4 and NO3 were measured in a 10-g sub sample of each + composite. Soils were shaken for 30 minutes in 2 M KCl to extract inorganic N, and then [NH4 ] - and [NO3 ] were measured with an Alpkem Series 500 autoanalyzer (OI Analytical Alpkem, College Station, TX). A second set of 10-g sub samples was incubated aerobically in darkness at 25°C for 28 days. Constant moisture content was maintained by periodic addition of deionized + - water, and post-incubation concentrations of NH4 and NO3 were measured with the autoanalyzer. Potential N mineralization was calculated as the difference between final and + - initial ΣN [NH4 + NO3 ], and potential net nitrification was calculated as the difference 19 - between final and initial [NO3 ]. Soils were sampled during an exceptionally warm December, so microbial activity may not have attenuated for the season. 2+ + - Magnesium, Ca , K and phosphate (PO4 ) were extracted from 5-g sub samples with a 2+ 2+ + Mehlich III solution (Carter 1993). Concentrations of Mg , Ca , and K in extracts were measured with Direct Current Plasma (DCP, SMI Corp., Glouchestershire, UK) atomic emission - spectrometry, and the Alpkem Series 500 autoanalyzer was used to measure PO4 . Total soil carbon (C) and N content were measured from 5-g sub samples that were ground into powder by a ball mill. Duplicate 25-mg secondary sub samples were compared against atropine standard by combustion in a C-N analyzer (Carlo Erba NA 1500 Series 2, Lakewood, NJ). Extractable + 3+ acidity ([H3O + Al ]) was measured by extraction in 1M KCl followed by titration against NaOH. Statistical analysis Using the nonlinear routine in SYSTAT (v. 12, SPSS Corp., Chicago, IL USA), we fit models of ANPPW and ANPPL as functions (Table 2) of single soil resources (Table 3, 4). A SYSTAT loss function was defined as the negative natural log likelihood of a Gaussian probability density function. For each resource, we evaluated four functional forms for the relationship between ANPP and that resource. In the simplest case, ANPP was modeled as a linear function of resource availability (Table 2), assuming that ANPP would increase proportionately with resources across the measured domain. More complex models, including a Michaelis-Menten function, a two-parameter sigmoid function, and a three-parameter sigmoid function, represented scenarios in which ANPP could reach an upper bound within the measured resource domain 20 (Table 2). Production was negatively related to soil acidity and PO4, but these relationships were so weak that it was unnecessary to test any further functional forms (e.g. exponential decay). We also tested several paired resources using multiple linear regressions and a double MichaelisMenten function (Kobe 2006). None of these models achieved significant parameter estimates, and many possible resource pairs were not justifiable due to multi-collinearity, so we report no further on these. Models were compared using Akaike‘s Information Criteria (AIC) corrected for small sample size (AICc) (Burnham & Anderson 2002). Models within two AICc units of the minimum AICc are considered to have strong empirical support. We calculated coefficients of 2 determination (r ) as the square of the correlation coefficient between observed and predicted productivity. To further explain variance in productivity, we fit monotonic (linear or MichaelisMenten) models of every soil resource to the residuals of each best-supported model for ANPPW and ANPPL. To investigate potential stand history effects on productivity, we fit linear models of stand age and mortality rate to the residuals of the three best models. Species composition effects were explored using linear models comparing production fractions or basal area by species to ANPP and resource availability. We quantified species composition by calculating the basal area contributed by each species, and compared relationships of model residuals to each species‘ proportional basal area. Production partitioning patterns were characterized in two ways. First, we compared the slope values of linear models of each partition as a function of total ANPP to measure any change in partitioning with increasing ANPP. Second, using either log-normal or linear models, we tested whether the fraction of total ANPP represented by ANPPW was related to soil resources, species composition, and stand density. 21 Results Summary of productivity and resource availability ANPP increased nearly twofold from 5.4 Mg ha -1 -1 -1 year at the least productive outwash site to -1 9.2 Mg ha year at the most productive moraine site (Table 1). Production was lowest at -1 -1 outwash sites and increased through ice-contact sites (5.4 - 7.0 Mg ha year ), while mesic icecontact through moraines, which constituted a majority of sites, had similar production (7.6 - 9.2 -1 -1 Mg ha year ) (Table 1). Production of different tissues followed similar rankings, with -1 -1 -1 -1 maximum ANPPW (5.3 Mg ha year ) and ANPPL (4.1 Mg ha year ) measured on -1 -1 -1 -1 moraines, whereas minimum ANPPW (2.6 Mg ha year ) and ANPPL (2.8 Mg ha year ) occurred at the outwash sites (Table 1). Productivity reached its maximum at high fertility, but stem density peaked at intermediate fertility (Table 1). Soil resource availability increased along the gradient from outwash through ice-contact, intermediate moraine, and moraine sites, with some covariance among a subset of resources (Table A.4). Notably, base cations were correlated with NO3, NH4, and nitrification rate, and covariance among the base cations themselves was extensive (Table A.4). ANPPW increased with availability of base cations, nitrogen, and water in soil Among all measured resources, extractable Ca was the best correlate of ANPPW (ΔAICc = 0), 2 and explained much of the observed ANPPW variance (r = 0.72) (Table 3, Fig. 1a, b). There -1 was a sharp productivity increase associated with Ca to 0.45 cmolcharge kg , while above that threshold ANPPW approached an asymptote of 4.8 Mg ha 22 -1 -1 year with some minor scattering 2+ around that value (Fig. 1a). ANPPW was also related to Mg 2 (ΔAICc = 1.0, r = 0.70), but there was strong covariance of Mg and Ca (Table 3, Table A.4). Soil moisture and ΣN were weakly supported as ANPPW correlates (Table 3), but the positive relationships of ANPPW to soil moisture (Fig. 1c) and N (Fig. 1d) nevertheless suggest a potential role for these resources. Loss 2 of standing mass due to tree mortality increased with ANPPW (r = 0.40) if site 4, with atypically high density and mortality of mature Populus grandidentata (an early succession species), was excluded from analysis. No residual variance from any model was related to stand age or measured soil resources. ANPPL increased with availability of N in soil 2 2 For ANPPL, ΣN (ΔAICc = 0, r = 0.61) was the best correlate, while NO3 (ΔAICc = 1.2, r = 0.51) was also a supported correlate (Table 4, Fig. 2a, b). Somewhat weaker support was found 2 2 for Ca (ΔAICc = 2.2, r = 0.42) and nitrification rate (ΔAICc = 3.7, r = 0.36) (Table 4), but there was considerable scatter in these relationships (Fig. 2c, d). No soil resource was correlated with residuals from the ΣN, NO3, or Ca models, nor was leaf production significantly related to stand density, age, or mass lost through mortality. Species composition and stand density affect productivity Soil resources (Ca, ΣN, water) explain up to 72% of ANPPW variance and 61% of ANPPL variance, leaving between 28% and 39% of productivity variance unexplained. Aside from soil resources, perhaps the most striking difference among sites is species composition, so we tested whether species proportional basal areas were correlated with residuals from production-resource relationships. Residuals of the ANPPW-Ca model were unrelated to any species‘ basal area. In 23 contrast, the residuals of the ANPPL-ΣN model were negatively related to the basal area of Q. 2 2 rubra (r = 0.54) and Acer rubrum (r = 0.46). Stem density was positively correlated with 2 residuals from the ANPPW-Ca model (r = 0.29). Post hoc, we measured soil particle size distributions (% fine sand, Table A.3), but this measure of soil texture was not correlated with productivity or stand density. With the goal of maximizing explained variance, we tested combinations of resourceproduction models and their residuals as functions of stand density and species basal areas, where independent variables were not strong co-variates. Residuals of the ANPPW-Ca model 2 were related to stand density (r = 0.29), and Ca and density together explained 80.3% ANPPW variance. For ANPPL, maximum variance (81.7%) was explained via a combination of the ΣN model and its residuals as a function of Q. rubra basal area. Species composition itself, but not stand density, was related to availability of some resources. Relative basal area of A. saccharum 2 2 (r = 0.73) and Tilia americana (r = 0.89) were strongly related to Ca availability. Nitrate was 2 + related to A. saccharum basal area (r = 0.78) but not to any other species; NH4 was unrelated to basal area of any species. ANPPW increased disproportionately with total ANPP and soil resources Wood and leaf production were roughly equal at both outwash sites and at one ice contact site, whereas at maximum total ANPP, ANPPW exceeded ANPPL by 22% (Fig. 3a, Table 1). Both productivity fractions increased as a function of total ANPP, but the proportion of ANPPW 2 2 increased faster (r = 0.95, slope = 0.71, 95% CI: (0.60, 0.82)) than the proportion of ANPPL (r 24 = 0.75, slope = 0.29, 95% CI: (0.18, 0.40)). As a fraction of total ANPP, ANPPW was most 2 strongly related to Ca (ΔAICc = 0, r = 0.59), was related with some support to soil water 2 2 (ΔAICc = 2.3, r = 0.51), and was weakly related to ΣN (ΔAICc = 9.4, r = 0.02) (Table A.5). The relationship of ANPPW partition to both Ca and soil water was best described by a lognormal function because the fractional value reached a maximum within the observed domain of ANPP (Fig. 3b, c). In contrast, only a monotonic function could justifiably characterize the relationship of ANPPW partition to ΣN, and the linear model was most parsimonious (Fig. 3d). Productivity partitioning was negatively related to aggregate relative basal area of species other 2 2 than Q. rubra (ΔAICc = 3.3, r = 0.39), positively related to stand density (ΔAICc = 3.6, r = 0.37), and not significantly related to mean tree size, but none of these variables provided a better correlation than Ca or soil water (Table A.5). Resources, tree size, and species composition were confounded, so we could not use our data to rigorously evaluate whether productivity partitioning to leaves versus wood resulted simply from site differences in tree size and species composition, or instead from resource effects. 25 Discussion Extractable Ca correlated with ANPPW better than any other measured soil resource, supporting our expectation that base cations should be productivity correlates. Production at low-fertility sites was chiefly responsible for driving the relationship between ANPPW and Ca, however, while production at higher-fertility sites was relatively invariant and unrelated to any measured resource. In addition, ANPPW was positively related to soil moisture and to ΣN, each accounting for a substantial amount of variance despite receiving weak support. This result was also expected based on evidence in the literature supporting water and N as production correlates. For ANPPL, ΣN was a better correlate than any other resource, supporting the expectation that N should be particularly important for leaf production due to its central role in photosynthesis. Had we tested only N and not a broad suite of soil resources, we would have found significant relationships between N availability and both components of ANPP, but disregarded a stronger relationship of ANPPW to Ca and a reasonably strong relationship of ANPPL to Ca. We achieved our primary objective by identifying three soil resources that are the most likely candidates for limiting productivity. Our second objective was partially achieved since we found the expected pattern that ANPPW increased more rapidly than ANPPL as a function of ANPP. This result has important implications for the use of wood production, or standing biomass, as an approximation for total production. Overall, our results suggest that it will be important to experimentally test whether Ca, N, soil water, or some combination of resources is responsible for limiting production in these forests. The lack of resource manipulations in our study, a characteristic shared by many studies 26 examining ANPP-soil resource relationships (Zak et al. 1989, Reich et al. 1997), precluded distinguishing among Ca limitation, N, or water limitation, or the possibility of sequential limitation, where Ca limits ANPPW at the four least productive sites but N or water limit -1 production once a threshold of 0.5 cmolcharge Ca kg soil has been exceeded. The ANPPW-ΣN and ANPPW-H2O models over-predicted ANPPW at the outwash sites (1 and 2) and one icecontact site (3) (plots not shown), suggesting either that the relationship between production and water or N is strongly non-linear at low resource levels or that other factors, such as Ca availability, may constrain production. Across sites with higher productivity, ANPPW was roughly constant across an order of magnitude change in Ca availability (Fig. 1a, 3a), suggesting that production at these sites may be controlled by water and N, both of which have been identified as correlates of ANPP or tree growth at the same sites by previous studies (Zak et al. 1989, Kobe 2006). ANPPW increased with availability of base cations, nitrogen, and water in soil Wood production was best correlated with Ca, with Mg the next-best correlate, while soil water and ΣN were weak correlates (Table 3). Availability of Ca at our lowest-fertility sites (Table -1 A.2) was comparable to levels at Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire (0.1 cmolcharge kg ) (Nezat et al. 2008), where Ca limitation is a concern. However, a direct comparison of production at Hubbard Brook to production at our low-fertility sites was complicated because species assemblages were entirely different. Calcium could stoichiometrically limit ANPPW if there were insufficient Ca to incorporate into wood tissues. Direct limitation could also occur if insufficient Ca availability reduced efficiency of photosynthesis, stomatal regulation, phloem 27 transfer of nutrients, or some other physiological process integral to growth. Although correlative, the strong relationship between ANPPW and Ca would be consistent with direct limitation of ANPPW by Ca across the four sites with lowest production. For sites where -1 -1 -1 ANPPW exceeded 4 Mg ha year or where Ca exceeded ~0.5 cmolcharge kg , production was essentially unrelated to Ca. At the higher-productivity sites, it is conceivable that Ca could indirectly influence ANPP through stimulating nitrification (Hobbie et al. 2007, Page & Mitchell 2008), but we found no evidence that wood growth at those sites was related to increased NO3 or ΣN. In fact, there is minimal variance in site level growth for these sites, and none of the soil resources we tested were significant correlates of production for this subset. ANPPW was also related to Mg, following a very similar relationship as Ca (i.e., rapid approach to an asymptote). There is little physiological justification for stoichiometric limitation of ANPPW by Mg, since wood tissue contains substantially less Mg than Ca (Fujinuma et al. 2005). If Mg availability limits ANPPW, the effect could be mediated by photosynthesis, and would be restricted to the four lowest-productivity sites across which ANPP changes with increasing Mg. Higher soil water availability could increase Ca weathering (McLaughlin 2009) and promote ANPPW, resulting in a spurious correlation between ANPPW and Ca. Sites with rd th th relatively low water availability (3 and 4 lowest), however, had relatively high ANPPW (7 rd and 3 highest) (Fig. 1c). We offer the caveat that at all sites, TDR measurements of soil moisture to 30cm depth and analysis of texture to 1.5m depth (Table 3, 4; Table A.3) did not 28 account for the possibility of deeper fine textured bands that retain water or nutrients (McFadden et al. 1994). ANPPL increased with availability of nitrogen in soil Leaf production was best correlated with ΣN, in agreement with results from many forest systems (Will et al. 2001, Xia & Wan 2008, Iversen & Norby 2008). In contrast to the asymptotic relationship of ANPPW to Ca, the relationship of ANPPL to increasing ΣN was dynamic across the entire environmental gradient that we sampled (Fig. 2a). If measured during the growing season, pools of available N represent the difference between microbial Nmineralization activity and plant N uptake, not total mineral N availability. We measured N from soils in December 1999 during an atypically warm autumn (air temperature on the sampling day was ~16ºC). Soil microbes were likely still active, so ΣN probably represents the full capacity of soil to convert organic matter to mineral N. While the data could support direct N limitation of ANPPL, the possibility remains that soil N was a consequence of ANPPL, with higher N availability at sites dominated by species that produce rapidly-decomposing litter. To determine whether ANPPL was the cause or effect of soil N availability would require N fertilization and measurement of microbial activity in the field. Species composition and stand development could also influence the relationship between ANPPL and soil N. ANPPW increased disproportionately with total ANPP The proportion of ANPP represented by ANPPW becomes progressively larger across the gradient (Fig. 3a), with ANPPW varying more than two-fold across sites whereas ANPPL varied only 1.5-fold. Some studies (e.g. Zak et al. 1989) use ANPPW as a proxy for ANPP, but this 29 substitution would be problematic for systems—like those studied here—in which ANPPL does not increase in proportion to ANPPW. Greater growth partitioning to wood with increasing ANPP could be influenced by at least three factors: resource availability (Wikstrom & Ericsson 1995, Wu et al. 2008), species differences in productivity partitioning (TerMikaelian & Korzukhin 1997, Jenkins 2004), and ―allometric effects‖ (Weiner 2004) where larger trees partition more production to wood. Partitioning to wood production was related to Ca and soil water (Fig. 3b, c), but only weakly to ΣN (Fig. 3d). The relationships of partitioning to Ca and soil water were not monotonic, but were better supported than correlations between partitioning and species composition, stand density, or tree size (Table A.5). Based on allometric equations (TerMikaelian & Korzukhin 1997, Jenkins 2004), ANPPW increases more rapidly with diameter than ANPPL for all species in this study; thus, partitioning to wood generally increases with tree size. Several factors, however, were confounded in our data (and in similar datasets): as nutrient availability increased, species composition changed (Host & Pregitzer 1992, Kobe 2006) and trees tended to be larger (Table 1), so we cannot test the relative influence of these variables. Species composition and stand density were correlated with productivity Both species composition and stand density were significantly correlated with residuals of production-resource models. Although we identified an effect of Q. rubra relative basal area on ANPPL, this was probably an allometric effect rather than a consequence of species differences in anatomy or physiology (Meerts 2002, Freer-Smith & Kennedy 2003). Sites with greater 2 proportional Q. rubra basal area contained smaller trees (r = 0.75 for Q. rubra basal area versus mean diameter of other species), which produce fewer leaves and total mass than larger trees. 30 Smaller diameters of individuals of other species in the presence of Q. rubra could indicate competitive or plant-soil feedback effects (McCarthy-Neumann & Kobe 2010). Stand density may also partly explain why all models consistently under-predicted productivity at two atypical sites (5 and 9) (Fig. 1b, 2b). The high productivity of these sites arose from both higher stand densities (20% greater, Table 1) and higher individual-tree growth rates. The other attribute most obviously shared by these two sites was their location at the northwestern edge of our study area, which could be associated with unmeasured differences in underlying parent material, establishment history, initial stocking density, or land use prior to secondary forest re-growth. Comparison with previous Great Lakes studies The weak relationships between ANPPW and metrics of N availability differed from previous research conducted at our sites (Zak et al. 1989) and at similar sites in the Great Lakes region (Pastor et al. 1984, Reich et al. 1997). We estimated ANPPW based upon changes in tree size over a relatively short interval, whereas Zak et al. (1989) estimated ANPPW as the quotient of standing wood mass and stand age. With the latter approach, productivity is increasingly underestimated with greater stand age because the growth of trees that die prior to census is discounted (Clark et al. 2001). This underestimate is more severe at high-productivity sites because mass lost to mortality is positively related to ANPP (data not shown). We re-calculated wood production for our dataset as standing wood mass/stand age (ANPPW,A), which 2 substantially underestimated ANPPW (slope = 0.60, r = 0.68) across all sites. 31 Setting aside effects of how ANPP is measured, ANPPW,A was weakly related to N 2 2 mineralization rate (r = 0.18), which contrasts with the much stronger relationship (r = 0.85) in Zak et al. (1989). This incongruous result is not likely related to lab methodology because potential N mineralization was estimated in both studies from a single ex situ incubation and resulting site ranks by N mineralization were identical. In contrast, Zak et al. (1989) regressed mean values of N mineralization and ANPPW,A of nine forest ecosystem types, with each mean value calculated from up to nine stands. Using means in the regression reduces site variation within ecosystem type (e.g. Zak et al. (1989) reported standard errors up to ±18% for N-min and ±30% for ANPPW within ecosystem type) and could explain the discrepancy between studies in the strength of the relationship between N availability and productivity. Conclusions In this study, Ca, N, and soil moisture were all important correlates of ANPP. Overall, Ca was the best correlate of ANPPW, but this relationship reached an asymptote at relatively low soil Ca content. In contrast, ANPPW was related to ΣN and soil moisture across the entire domain of both resources, but these resources over-predicted ANPPW for low-productivity sites. Most temperate forest ecosystems are thought to be N-limited (Finzi & Canham 2000), but we hypothesize that Ca, N, and soil water could jointly control production, with variable importance depending on soil type and species composition. We are more confident that ANPPL was related to N availability, but cannot discern whether this was a causative or cyclical relationship. With several resources possibly controlling ANPP, and with different potential limiting resources for ANPPW versus ANPPL, edaphic conditions and biological responses could interact counter 32 intuitively. For instance, greater N availability from atmospheric deposition or fertilizer application should elevate production overall by enhancing photosynthesis (Iversen & Norby 2008). If, however, N deposition causes Ca leaching (Izuta et al. 2004), then the greater photosynthetic output expected from elevated N availability could fail to increase ANPPW due to Ca limitation. Alternately, if ANPPW is regulated by soil moisture rather than Ca availability, N deposition is unlikely to increase future production because most climate models (McMahon et al. 2009, Rowell 2009) predict decreasing soil moisture levels for central North America. In such situations, ecosystem models that forecast productivity based on soil N dynamics (e.g. Schimel et al. 1996, Schimel et al. 1997) would mistakenly predict positive rather than negative ANPP. Overall, our results show that multiple soil resources are correlated with ANPP, emphasizing that a broad range of resources should be tested for their influences on ANPP, and that long-term resource manipulation experiments are still necessary to determine resource limitation in these forest systems. 33 Acknowledgements We thank the following persons for assistance with field and lab work: M. Erickson, J. Bramer, D. Minor, A. Edmonson, B. Bell, and M. Petrova. This manuscript was improved by helpful suggestions from M. Walters, A. S. Grandy, S. McCarthy-Neumann, E. Holste, and two anonymous reviewers. We appreciate the expertise of Dr. R. Schaetzl (Michigan State University Department of Geography) and his help with soil texture measurement. The research was supported by the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station (NRSP-3, the National Atmospheric Deposition Program), the Michigan State University Rackham Foundation, and the National Science Foundation (DEB 0448058). 34 Table 2.1. Annual productivity increments were calculated between 1999 and 2007 for ANPPW, ANPPL, and total ANPP. Species composition shifts predictably across landform, but outlying individuals can be found at some sites. Stand age should be interpreted as elapsed time since significant, stand-replacing disturbance, with a mean of 87 years of minimal local anthropogenic disturbance. Basal ANPPW ANPPL ANPP area Density Dominant 95% Age a -1 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 b dbh(cm) (years) Location ID (Mg ha ) (Mg ha ) (Mg ha ) (m ha ) (Stems ha ) Species 1, O 2.62 2.80 5.42 22.69 582 Qa, Qv, Pb 45.8 88 44°14‘N, 85°56‘W 2, O 2.73 2.78 5.51 23.07 510 Qa, Qv, Qr 49.7 80 44°14‘N, 85°57‘W 3, I 3.93 3.09 7.02 31.29 555 Qv, Qr, Ar 51.1 97 44°16‘N, 85°53‘W 4, I 3.19 3.34 6.53 30.23 486 Qr, Ar, Pg 51.8 111 44°17‘N, 85°53‘W 5, mI 5.09 3.52 8.61 38.10 725 Qr, Qv, Ar 44.3 83 44°19‘N, 85°52‘W 6, mI 4.34 3.16 7.50 36.46 623 Qr, Pg, Ar 58.4 90 44°12‘N, 85°48‘W 7, pM 4.40 3.73 8.13 33.10 568 As, Qr, Ar 48.3 79.0 44°11‘N, 85°45‘W c 8, pM 4.88 2.99 7.87 636 As, Fg, Ar 37.9 77 44°20‘N, 85°29‘W NA 9, iM 5.32 3.80 9.12 39.80 712 As, Fg, Qr 56.8 80 44°22‘N, 85°49‘W 10, M 4.62 3.77 8.39 39.97 642 As, Fg, Ta 59.6 84 44°15‘N, 85°45‘W 11, M 4.71 3.75 8.45 36.24 544 As, Fg, Ta 52.6 76 44°13‘N, 85°40‘W 12, M 4.31 3.19 7.49 36.10 612 As, Ta, Qr 55.9 92 44°13‘N, 85°45‘W 13, M 5.16 4.05 9.22 33.59 506 As, Ta, Qr 66.9 92 44°13‘N, 85°45‘W a Landform codes: O: outwash; I: ice contact; mI: mesic ice contact; pM: poor moraine; iM; intermediate moraine; M: Moraine. b Species codes: Ar: Acer rubrum; As: Acer saccharum; Fg: Fagus grandifolia; Fa: Fraxinus americana; Pb: Pinus banksiana; Ps: Pinus strobus; Pg: Populus grandidentata; Qa: Quercus alba; Qr: Quercus rubra; Qv: Quercus velutina; Ta: Tilia americana. The three most prevalent species are listed in order of abundance; other species occurred in small proportion. 35 c Site area used for production calculations under-represented species prevalence and was excluded from basal area analysis. 36 Table 2.2. Model formulae, where RS indicates resource and A, B and/or C are estimated parameters. Mathematical effects of each parameter are presented, with a corresponding biological interpretation. Models (1), (2), and (3) used two parameters, reducing their AIC penalty in comparison to model 4. Model 1. Parameters A: Slope B: Minimum ANPP Biological interpretation Linear positive or negative effect of resource, unlimited ANPP across the resource domain; non-zero minimum ANPP 2. A: ANPP upper bound B: Low-resource ANPP Non-linear positive effect of resource on ANPP; ANPP may respond linearly to resource increase or reach its upper bound within the domain 3. A: ANPP upper bound B: Slope parameter governing where on the domain the upper bound is reached (≈ zero steep, >>zero shallow) Positive saturating relationship of ANPP to resource; rapid asymptotic behavior permits ANPP to reach its upper bound at low resource levels A: Asymptotic ANPP (upper bound) B: Median resource value; point on domain corresponding to most rapid ANPP increase C: Slope parameter (≈ zero steep, >>zero shallow) Positive saturating relationship of ANPP to resource; rapid asymptotic behavior with permits maximum ANPP a low resource availability, but also restricts minimum ANPP to greater than zero ARSB A RS A RS B AeB RS 4. A (RS B) C 1e 37 Table 2.3. AICc comparisons for top ANPPW models of each resource, with supported models presented in bold. Ca explained the greatest percent variance and received strongest support. Models with soil water and ΣN received little support, but both explained more than 40% ANPPW variance. Parameter estimates with 95% confidence intervals are presented as A, B, and/or C, which match 2 parameters listed in Table 1. Parameter number is k, with r and 95% confidence intervals around each parameter instead of p-values. Independent Variable d Soil H2O Texture + Acidity, Al Ca 2+ + Model 2 r k ΔAICc A (95% C.I.) B (95% C.I.) 1 1 1 0.464 3 4.215 0.478 (0.137, 0.820) 0.038 3 11.805 -0.069 (-0.296, 0.159) 0.235 3 8.831 -0.962 (-2.113, 0.189) 4 0.722 4 0.000 4.774 (4.297, 5.251) 0.196 (0.084, 0.309) -1.131 (-4.996, 2.734) 4.930 (2.615, 7.244) 4.994 (3.976, 6.012) 1 0.109 3 10.813 14.49 (-12.99, 41.97) 2.431 (-1.068, 5.929) 2+ 4 0.700 4 1.002 4.695 (4.236, 5.154) 0.110 (0.097, 0.123) - PO4 C C:N N NH4 1 1 1 3 1 0.095 0.003 0.097 0.069 0.319 11.021 -2.603 (-7.942, 2.736) 12.271 0.119 (-1.234, 1.472) 10.993 -0.041 (-0.125, 0.043) 11.379 4.839 (3.215, 6.462) 7.122 0.759 (0.023, 1.495) 4.822 (3.535, 6.11) 4.021 (1.314, 6.728) 5.175 (3.228, 7.123) 0.011 (-0.016, 0.037) 2.700 (1.122, 4.279) NO3 3 0.223 3 9.041 5.533 (3.757, 3.757) 0.182 (-0.036, 0.399) ΣN Nitrification N-min rate 1 3 1 0.408 3 4.596 0.229 3 8.929 0.023 3 12.013 0.589 (0.118,1.060) 5.060 (3.907, 6.213) 0.949 (-3.16, 5.058) 2.543 (1.106, 3.979) 0.028 (-0.006, 0.062) 3.900 (2.269, 5.531) K Mg d 3 3 3 3 3 C (95% C.I.) d 0.144 (0.021, 0.267) 0.016 (0.001, 0.032) Model received little support (ΔAICc > 4), but nonetheless explained at least 40% ANPPW variance 38 Table 2.4. AICc comparisons for top ANPPL models of each resource, with supported models presented in bold. ΣN was the best predictor of ANPPL, although NO3 was also supported. Ca and nitrification rate received less support, but still explained substantial ANPPL variance. Parameter estimates with 95% confidence intervals are presented as A and/or B, which match 2 parameters listed in Table 1. The k value represents parameter number; r and 95% confidence intervals around each parameter are presented in place of p-values. Independent Variable Model Soil H2O Texture + Acidity, Al 2+e Ca + 2 k ΔAICc A (95% C.I.) B (95% C.I.) 1 3 1 0.198 3 0.044 3 0.268 3 6.298 8.772 5.294 0.145 (-0.049, 0.339) 3.630 (2.769, 4.491) -0.477 (-1.001, 0.046) 1.746 (-0.449, 3.941) 0.644 (-1.426, 2.714) 3.750 (3.287, 4.212) 3 0.422 3 2.222 3.687 (3.366, 4.007) 0.055 (0.010, 0.099) r 3 0.234 3 5.894 4.902 (2.709, 7.096) 0.046 (-0.009, 0.101) 2+ 3 0.294 3 4.834 3.781 (3.300, 4.262) 0.023 (-0.001, 0.047) - PO4 C C:N N NH4 3 1 1 1 1 0.022 0.024 0.078 0.058 0.317 3 3 3 3 3 9.066 9.036 8.298 8.586 4.378 3.461 (3.009, 3.914) 0.148 (-0.474, 0.770) -0.017 (-0.057, 0.022) 2.249 (-3.788, 8.285) 0.352 (0.009, 0.694) 0.004 (-0.013, 0.021) 3.092 (1.848, 4.337) 3.767 (2.853, 4.681) 3.160 (2.512, 3.809) 2.663 (1.929, 3.397) NO3 ΣN e Nitrification N-min rate 3 1 3 1 0.513 0.605 0.355 0.031 3 3 3 3 1.217 0.000 3.662 8.944 4.278 (3.634, 4.923) 0.333 (0.154, 0.512) 3.850 (3.367, 4.333) 0.515 (-1.387, 2.416) 0.162 (0.061, 0.264) 2.414 (1.869, 2.960) 0.021 (0.002, 0.039) 3.190 (2.436, 3.945) K Mg e Model received some support (2 < ΔAICc < 4); may be a significant correlate of ANPPL. 39 -1 -1 ANPPW (Mg ha yr ) -1 -1 -1 Predicted ANPPW (Mg ha yr ) -1 -1 ANPPW (Mg ha yr ) Ca (cmolc kg ) -1 Soil water (%) NO3 + NH4 (mg kg ) Figure 2.1. ANPPW expressed as functions of soil resources. (a) ANPPW was best correlated with Ca, with the best-fit model shown by the solid line and 95% confidence intervals by dashed lines. (b) Observed ANPPW compared to predicted values from the Ca-ANPPW model. Considerable ANPPW variance was explained by soil water (c) and by ΣN (d), but these relationships received relatively weak support compared to base-cation models. 40 -1 -1 ANPPL (Mg ha yr ) -1 -1 -1 Predicted ANPPL (Mg ha yr ) -1 -1 ANPPL (Mg ha yr ) NO3 + NH4 (mg kg ) -1 -1 Ca (cmolc kg ) NO3 (mg kg ) Figure 2.2. ANPPL expressed as functions of soil resources. (a) ANPPL was best correlated with ΣN, with the best-fit model shown by the solid line and 95% confidence intervals by dashed lines. (b) Observed ANPPL compared to predicted values from the ΣN-ANPPL model. Substantial ANPPL variance was explained by Ca (c) and by NO3 (d), but compared to the ΣNANPPL model these relationships received relatively little support. 41 ANPPW / total ANPP -1 -1 ANPP partition (Mg ha yr ) -1 -1 -1 Total ANPP (Mg ha yr ) ANPPW / total ANPP ANPPW / total ANPP Ca (cmolc kg ) -1 Soil water (%) NO3 + NH4 (mg kg ) Figure 2.3. Productivity partitioning to wood and leaves expressed as functions of ANPP and several soil resources. (a) The solid line is the best-fit ANPPW line (open circles), while the dash line is the best-fit ANPPL line (triangles). The fraction of total ANPP represented by ANPPW was related to Ca (b) and soil water (c) by log-normal functions, and weakly to ΣN (d) by a linear relationship. 42 CHAPTER III NEIGHBOR INTERACTIONS STRENGTHEN WITH INCREASED SOIL RESOURCES IN A NORTHERN HARDWOOD FOREST 43 Abstract 1. The relationship between soil resource availability and competitive interactions remains unresolved, especially in forest ecosystems. If competition shifts from below- to above-ground across soil resource gradients, then competitive interactions should constrain growth across all soil fertility levels. Alternatively, competition may be less important under stressful conditions associated with low soil resources. 2. We developed individual-based growth models as functions of local tree neighborhood and direct measurements of soil resources for 10 common tree species from sites established across a soil resource gradient in northwest Lower Michigan, USA. We hypothesized that tree growth should increase with soil resource availability (rarely measured at a local scale), but decrease with the density, size, and proximity of neighboring trees. 3. Correlations of growth to neighborhood effects were strongest for species occupying primarily high-resource sites. Correlations of growth to soil resources were positive for species associated with high and intermediate fertility. In contrast, correlations of growth to soil water were negative for species associated with low fertility, suggesting that competitiveness of these species decreased with higher soil resources and concomitant decreases in irradiance. Growth was positively associated with focal tree diameter in all species. 4. For two species common at sites with high resources, interactions with conspecific neighbors had the strongest influence on growth, and the overall effect of the neighborhood was competitive. 5. Relationships between mean site-level tree growth and soil resources were much stronger than individual growth-local resource relationships. Weaker species-specific, individual-level trends likely arose from limited species distributions across each soil resource domain. 44 6. Synthesis. Neighborhood interactions were more prevalent in species associated with high soil fertility sites, where canopy interceptance of irradiance was high. Furthermore, the high fertility species that responded most strongly to neighborhood competition were shade intolerant. For species dominant at low fertility, where canopy transmission of irradiance was relatively high, neighborhood interactions were absent or negligible. The growth of low-fertility species was negatively correlated with soil water, but decreasing site-level canopy openness with soil water suggests that low-fertility species were out-competed for irradiance as soil resources increased. Thus, irradiance likely mediated the stronger competitive interactions at high fertility sites. KEYWORDS: Base cations, geological gradient, interspecific / intraspecific competition, nitrogen, neighborhood models, resource heterogeneity, tree diameter growth 45 Introduction Competition for resources between individual plants can structure communities (Davis et al. 1999, MacDougall & Turkington 2004), but how competitive interactions change across soil resource gradients is unresolved (Brooker & Kikividze 2008, Craine 2005). Resource competition could substantially influence plant growth at all fertility levels (Tilman 1988), with allocation to resource acquisition structures decreasing in proportion to resource availability (Aikio et al. 2009, Casper et al. 1998, Chen & Reynolds 1997). Alternately, resource competition could be most significant when resources are abundant (Grime 1979, Grime 2001, Coomes et al. 2009), while competition could decrease as plants are required to tolerate the stressful conditions associated with low resource availability (Coomes & Grubb 2000). Mitigation of competitive interactions with decreasing soil resource availability may lead to the dominance of facilitative interactions in low-resource environments (Lortie & Callaway 2006, Maestre et al. 2009). Neighborhood models of individual tree growth typically have not explicitly included soil resources and have used either purely phenomenological neighborhood indices (Wright et al. 1998, Uriarte et al. 2004, He & Duncan 2000) or have incorporated only crown-model estimates of light attenuation by neighbors (Canham et al. 1999, Canham et al. 2004, Coates et al. 2009). The rare studies that did consider soil resources did so indirectly by inferring fertility from vegetation (Canham et al. 2006) or assuming that residual variance of aboveground interactions could be ascribed to soil resources (Coates et al. 2009, McPhee & Aarssen 2001). Soil resource availability for individual trees is difficult to characterize because of meter- to tree- scale (and coarser) spatial heterogeneity in resources (Finzi et al. 1998, Bigelow & Canham 2002, Reynolds et al. 2007, Townsend et al. 2008, Lundholm 2009). Measuring effects of soil resource 46 availability on individual tree growth requires local-scale resource measurements and distinguishing soil resource effects from other factors that influence growth, including ontogeny and neighborhood interactions. In addition to soil resource effects, individual growth may be influenced by interactions with neighboring trees (including competition for light), and by ontogenetic effects whereby growth rate is a function of tree size (Stoll et al. 2002, Potvin & Dutilleul 2009). Ontogenetic and neighborhood effects may be confounded in mature, relatively undisturbed forests. Small trees grow slowly in closed-canopy forests because they are suppressed and shaded by canopy trees (Coomes & Allen 2007, Vanhellemont et al. 2010). When growth is modeled as a function of tree size and neighborhood effects, the slow growth of suppressed small trees may be attributed to their size rather than to the neighborhood, especially if neighborhood indices have low effective variability (Woods 2000, Thorpe et al. 2010). Separating ontogenetic from neighborhood effects may be achieved by extrapolating a theoretical potential maximum growth for an individual of a given size and introducing neighbor and resource effects to reduce this maximum growth to the observed change in diameter (Canham et al. 2004, Uriarte et al. 2004); this method requires broad effective neighborhood variability (Coates et al. 2009). With increasing soil resource availability, competitive interactions between neighboring trees could intensify due to depletion of irradiance (Canham et al. 1999, Kunstler et al. 2011). Higher soil resource availability increases leaf thickness, size (Chen et al. 2010), and leaf area index (Granier et al. 2000), thereby decreasing canopy openness and increasing competition for photosynthetically active radiation (Dolle & Schmidt 2009). Light depletion due to reduced canopy openness may also be a consequence of changing species assemblages (Simioni et al. 2004, Dent & Burslem 2009) or intraspecific, resource-dependent variation in canopy 47 characteristics (Henry & Aarssen 2001, Lefrancois et al. 2008). In the absence of direct measurements of species-specific irradiance depletion across soil resource gradients, accurately separating light effects from other effects of crowding may be impossible. Instead, we examined the possibility that the interceptance of irradiance mediates changing competitive interactions across a soil resource gradient by examining among-site variation in canopy openness. From a theoretical perspective, individuals of all tree species could exert similar effects on the growth of neighbors (i.e. ecological neutrality per Hubbell 2001), certain species could compete more effectively (Caplat et al. 2008, Poorter & Arets 2003) and disproportionately suppress neighbor growth, or a combination of neutral and asymmetric interactions could occur (Adams et al. 2007, Vergnon et al. 2009). Neighborhood interactions have traditionally been assessed as size- and distance-dependent functions (Berger & Hildenbrandt 2000, Stadt et al. 2007), assuming that closer and/or larger trees should influence focal tree growth more substantially than smaller and/or farther-displaced trees. Simple size- and distance-dependent neighborhood indices overlook the possibility of competitive asymmetry, effectively treating all species as equivalent competitors. Abundant evidence for differences among species pair-wise interactions and competitive capability (Stoll & Newbery 2005, Coates et al. 2009, Engel & Weltzin 2008, McCarthy-Neumann & Kobe 2010) suggests that neighborhood analyses should account for neighbor species identity(Coates et al. 2009, Uriarte et al. 2004). Differential neighbor species influences can be accommodated by allowing neighbor species to contribute disproportionately to a phenomenological index (Zhao et al. 2006) or by assigning speciesspecific canopy transmittance in quasi-mechanistic indices (Canham et al. 1999). The major purpose of this study was to address how competitive interactions change with soil resource availability by examining individual tree growth in relation to local soil resource 48 availability and interactions with neighboring trees. Debate persists over the ecological relevance of the importance versus intensity of competition (Brooker & Kikividze 2008). For this study, importance of competition was assessed relative to the amount of total variance in growth that could be explained by tree diameter or by local soil resource availability; it was not our intention to assess the absolute importance of competition (e.g. Freckleton et al. 2009). Any soil resource required for plant physiological function could potentially limit individual growth if sufficiently rare, but we focus on Ca, water, and N, which have been identified as correlates of stand-level productivity at these (Zak et al. 1989, Baribault et al. 2010) and other sites (Finzi 2009, Hogberg et al. 2006, Joshi et al. 2003) or established as limitations to growth through experimental manipulations (Gradowski & Thomas 2008, Park et al. 2008, Finzi 2009, McDowell et al. 2009). We build upon established methods for characterizing neighborhood interactions (Berger & Hildenbrandt 2000, Canham & Uriarte 2006, Vettenranta 1999, Wimberly & Bare 1996, Zhao et al. 2006) and extend these methods by including soil resource availability (calcium (Ca), soil - + water, sum of nitrate (NO3 ) and ammonium (NH4 ) (ΣN)), and potential nitrogen (N) mineralization) interpolated for each focal tree. As in similar studies, our phenomenological index of neighborhood interactions implicitly measures net tree-tree interactions, including competition for light (Canham et al. 2004), belowground competition (Coomes & Grubb 2000), tree species effects on soil resource availability (Fujinuma et al. 2005), indirect effects of tree species on soil biota and chemistry (McCarthy-Neumann & Kobe 2010), as well as contributions from other unmeasured factors. Joint consideration of neighborhood interactions, individual-tree soil resource availability, and site-level measures of light interceptance could help resolve how competitive interactions change across broad variation in soil resources. We tested four 49 hypotheses using the 10 most common deciduous species from 13 sites across broad soil resource gradients that vary with glacial landforms in northwest Lower Michigan: Hypothesis 1: Individual tree growth is negatively related to interactions with neighboring trees and positively related to local soil resource availability. Hypothesis 2: Competitive interactions are more important for species common at high-resource sites than for species common at low-resource sites. Hypothesis 3: Intraspecific neighbor interactions are stronger than interspecific interactions. Hypothesis 4: Site mean growth and individual-level growth are related to the same soil resources, with similar strengths of correlation. 50 Methods Study sites Data for this study were collected in 13 mixed hardwood stands of the Manistee National Forest in the lower peninsula of Michigan, USA (~44º12‘N, ~85º45‘W). These sites were specifically selected to span the broadest possible ecological gradient, with two or three sites representing each major forest ecosystem type (Zak et al. 1989) and its associated species assemblage (Host & Pregitzer 1992) in the region. Stands were 80 to 100 year-old second growth, and experienced minimal anthropogenic disturbance since the 1920‘s. All 13 sites were within an area of 960 km 2 (maximum distance between sites of 38.1 km, average distance 15.76 km, maximum elevation difference 236 m) and are expected to have very similar climate. Mapped stands were established, wherever possible, in plots of dimensions 240m x 41m, with all stems >10cm dbh included in the original census. Most plots conformed to these dimensions, but a sharp change in topography near site 4 necessitated a different plot shape (two 120 m x 41m rectangles connected by their ends at a 63° angle), while a road at site 6 required the longer dimension to be extended to 260 m. Sites 12 and 13 were adjacent halves of the one full-size plot that differed in species composition (e.g. absence of Populus grandidentata at site 13 vs. 23% total P. grandidentata stems at site 12 (see Table B.2 in Supporting Information)) and soil resources. Forest community composition in this region has been associated with particular glacial landforms and soil fertility levels (Zak et al. 1989, Host & Pregitzer 1992, Baribault et al. 2010), with lowest resource conditions at outwash sites and maximum resource availability on moraines (Table B.3). Nitrate and ammonium pools, along with potential N-mineralization rate, increased from outwash through ice-contact and moraine landforms (Table B.3). Extractable Ca concentrations and soil volumetric water content also increased across the landforms (Table B.3). 51 Species composition shifts from dominance of Quercus alba and Quercus velutina on outwash plains through Quercus rubra on intermediate sites, to Acer saccharum on moraines (Table 1, Table B.2). Some species occurred across as many as 11 sites (Acer rubrum, Q. rubra), whereas other species were only present in three (Fagus grandifolia) or four (Tilia americana) sites (Table B.2). Individual growth measurements Stems of all mapped trees were measured at 1.37 m height using diameter tapes in 1999, 2005, 2007, and 2009. Growth increment was calculated as the change in diameter over the decadelong measurement interval for trees ≥ 10 cm diameter. For trees that grew into the ≥ 10-cm class during the census interval, growth was calculated as the difference between measured diameter and the 10-cm threshold; these in-growth trees also were included as neighbors. Intermediate census dates in 2005 and 2007 enabled calculation of growth increment over the 1999-2005 or 1999-2007 intervals for trees that died during 2005-2007 or 2007-2009; interval length was adjusted as appropriate. Individuals that grew after 1999 but died before 2005, 2007, or 2009 were included. We excluded from the growth analysis any trees that died during the interval but had not grown. Such trees could have contributed to local interactions via shading and resource uptake, so they were included as neighbors. Trees with final diameter < 10 cm were not measured and thus are not included in the analysis. In our data, the 10-20cm class showed near-zero growth, suggesting that strong competitive effects were experienced by most stems < 20 cm diameter. Each species had multi-stemmed individuals. Treated as separate individuals, the close proximity of neighboring stems could have disproportionately influenced their contributions to the neighborhood index. Thus, we estimated two sets of growth models where multi-stemmed 52 individuals were treated as separate trees or as a single tree with basal area equal to the sum of the individual stem basal areas. For nine species, <4% of the stems were members of multi-stem aggregates and the two sets of models and final model selection were unaffected; for these species, we report results based on treating multiple stems as separate individuals. For T. americana, in contrast, 12% of stems belonged to aggregates, and both model performance and selection changed substantially. Treating stems as individuals resulted in a positive growth response to the neighborhood index, due to the strong influence of close-proximity stems on the neighborhood index. Thus, for T. americana, multi-stem trees were treated as a single individual, both as focal trees and as neighbors, in its growth model. As neighbors in heterospecific growth models, results were indistinguishable for composite versus separate stems, and the latter were used consistently. Resource measurements Soil volumetric water was measured to 30 cm depth by time domain reflectometry (Environmental Sensors Inc., Sidney, BC). Measurements were made in August 2009 at 5-m intervals along a central 200-m transect at each site. Data for all sites were collected during a rainless period and over an interval of less than two days. Soil nutrient analyses were conducted on composite samples each comprising three soil cores (2 cm diameter, 15 cm depth) collected in June 2009. Cores included the A horizon, the AE horizon if present, and the portion of the organic horizon in which tree roots were observed, but excluded leaf litter. Samples were gathered at 10-m intervals along a central transect at each site, and at 20-m intervals along longitudinal transects displaced 5 and 10 m from the central transect. Samples were air dried prior to analysis. 53 Potential net N mineralization was determined by aerobic incubation. Initial + - concentrations of NH4 and NO3 were measured in a 6-g subsample of each composite. Soils + - were shaken for two hours in 2M KCl to extract inorganic N, and then [NH4 ] and [NO3 ] were measured with a colorimetric assay using a fluorescent plate reader (ELx808 Absorbance Microplate Reader, BioTek Instruments, Inc, Winooski, VT). A second set of 6-g subsamples was incubated aerobically in darkness at 25°C for 28 days. Constant moisture content was maintained by periodic addition of deionized water, and post-incubation concentrations of NH4 + - and NO3 were measured by the same method. Potential net N mineralization was calculated as + - the difference between final and initial inorganic N [NH4 + NO3 ]. Base cations were extracted from 4-g subsamples shaken for 15 minutes in an acidic Mehlich III solution (Carter 1993). Concentration of Ca 2+ in extracts was measured with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (Optima 2100DV ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer, Perkin-Elmer, Shelton, CT). For Ca, soil water, ΣN, and N mineralization, we imputed the value of each at the coordinates of each tree stem in the dataset using a distance weighted average from the R package yaImpute (Crookston & Finley 2007). Resource availability for each tree was influenced by the five nearest points at which the resource was measured, and including additional points did not change the imputed resource values to at least the fifth decimal place. Uncertainty in resource estimates due to the imputation was not ascertained. Irradiance was measured as diffuse non-interceptance using a LAI 2000 (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, NE) at 30cm above ground 54 level in 2-m intervals along the center of each site during August 2004. The mean and standard error of diffuse non-interceptance (Table B.2) were used in site-level analysis. Analysis For each species, we modeled individual diameter growth (Gd) as a function of (i) tree diameter, (ii) interactions with neighboring trees, and (iii) each of the soil resource metrics. The model likelihood was based on a normal probability density for growth, which was confirmed by normally distributed residuals. We predicted mean tree growth for a given soil resource level and neighborhood using models that were additive, Gd = Diameter effect – Neighborhood effect + Soil resource effect (eq. 1) and multiplicative, Gd = Diameter effect Neighborhood effect Soil resource effect (eq. 2) Most investigators have adopted only multiplicative functions similar to equation 2 (Canham & Uriarte 2006); we saw no a priori reason to exclude an additive model (equation 1) from testing. The default was to test the full model (equations 1 or 2) for each species, but we also tested reduced models for which we provide a biological interpretation in Table B.4. For the additive model (equation 1), diameter effect was linear, requiring estimation of a single parameter: Diameter effect = A dbh (eq. 3) 55 where A is the slope of the relationship between growth and diameter. For the multiplicative model (equation 2), diameter effect was a lognormal function: Diameter effect = exp 0.5ln dbh 2 (eq. 4) where δ represents the diameter at which maximum growth rate is expected to occur based on the data, and σ controls the rate the function achieves that maximum value. All neighborhood indices were size- and distance-dependent functions of the number of neighbors within a set or estimated radius. For additive models, the species-independent neighborhood was: dbh exp n Neighborhood effect = B i 1 i disti (eq. 5) where B is a coefficient to control the relative contribution of the neighborhood overall, α is an estimated exponent controlling the influence of neighbor diameter, and β is an estimated exponent controlling the influence of distance to the focal tree. The sum is calculated for i = 1…n neighbors within either a fixed radius of 10 m or within a radius (≤ 10m) estimated from the data. For multiplicative models, the neighborhood effect was itself an exponential: n Neighborhood effect = exp B dbhi exp i 1 disti (eq. 6) using the same definitions for B, α, and β. The final neighborhood indices, in which species identity was parameterized, were extensions of equations 5 and 6: 56 s n B dbh exp i ij Neighborhood-species effect = i 1 j 1 distij (eq. 7) or Neighborhood-species effect = s n exp B i dbhij dist ij i 1 j 1 (eq. 8) where the index is calculated for j = 1…n neighbors of species i = 1…s. A species-specific coefficient λi, where 0 < λi < 1, was estimated for each neighbor species. As with equations 5 and 6, B, α, β were assumed to be equal for all neighbor species in order to minimize the number of estimated parameters. In equation 8, the exponential decay with neighbor distance was simplified by placing the distance effect in the denominator and using β as an exponent. We tested whether neighborhood effects disproportionately reduced growth of small trees by replacing the coefficient B with a term that varied with focal tree size (Coates et al. 2009). This term was never significant, however, so we report no further on size dependency of neighborhood effects. Soil resource effects were modeled both independently from the neighborhood index and as an interactive term. For the additive model (equation 1), an independent soil resource effect was included as another linear term: Soil resource effect = C resource (eq. 9) where C is an estimated scalar coefficient and the soil resource is expressed in units of ppm. For the multiplicative model (equation 2), an independent soil resource effect was included as a product, 57 C Soil resource effect = resource (eq. 10) where C is an estimated exponent. Soil resources were also modeled as an interactive term with all of the different neighborhood indices (5-8), where the soil resource value was included as a quotient of the coefficient B on the neighborhood index. To better separate neighborhood from size effects, we estimated a theoretical potential growth for each species as a scalar coefficient on a model relating growth to tree size (following Coates et al. 2009). Our data lacked instances of small trees growing rapidly in areas of low neighborhood index, i.e. small trees released from competition, so we used USFS Forest Inventory Analysis data (Bechtold & Patterson 2005) for the northern lower peninsula of Michigan to estimate potential growth for smaller trees of each species. This potential growth framework was not supported, so we report further details about methods and results in Appendix B.1. To test for possible unmeasured effects of site, residuals from the best model for each species were compared across sites (Figure S1). Residuals did not diverge by site; thus, growth models did not include a separate term for site effects. Parameter estimation and model comparison Growth was estimated separately for each of the 10 deciduous species in the dataset for which we measured more than 20 focal individuals. The simplest models required estimation of two parameters and a variance term, while the most complex models required estimation of eight parameters and variance. Model parameters were estimated with maximum likelihood using a simulated annealing algorithm (Metropolis sampler) implemented in Delphi (Version 3.0, Borland Corporation, Austin, TX), running each model for 50,000 steps. We calculated the 95% 58 confidence interval for each parameter through likelihood profiling. Whereas parameter estimation was performed in Delphi due to its efficiency, subsequent analysis was performed in R (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2009, From the correlation of model-predicted growth versus observed growth, we calculated the square of the 2 Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r ), which we used to determine goodness of fit. The slope values of these predicted versus observed relationships were used to check whether the model over- (slope > 1) or under-predicted (slope < 1) individual growth. All models for a given species were compared using Akaike‘s Information Criteria corrected for small sample size (AICc) (Burnham & Anderson 2002). Models within two AICc units of the minimum AICc are considered to have equivalent empirical support, whereas models with ΔAICc > 2 are not wellsupported by the data. The ΔAICc includes a penalty for additional model parameters. Site level analysis To test our fourth hypothesis—that individual growth-resource patterns scale up to the site level—we used simple linear regression to assess the relationships of site-level properties, including mean tree growth, mean tree size, stand density, and mortality rate to soil resources. The goodness of fit for linear models of site-level variables as functions of soil resources was 2 measured by the coefficients of determination (R ) and 95% confidence intervals on slope and intercept parameter estimates. 59 Results Summary Species associated with low versus high soil fertility had divergent growth responses to neighborhood and local soil resource availability. Our division of species into associations with low or high fertility sites was based on strong relationships between species composition and glacial landform (Zak et al. 1989, Host & Pregitzer 1992). Neighborhood interactions were most influential, and soil resources most important, among species dominant at sites with high resource availability (Fig. 1, Table 2), supporting both our first and second hypotheses. There were positive relationships of growth to soil resources in four species, and negative relationships of growth to neighborhood index in five species (Table 2). The multiplicative model framework exhibited the best performance for eight species, while the additive framework was best supported for the remaining two species (Table 3). No obvious factor (e.g. species, site type, taxonomy) distinguishes these species groups. Among species common at low fertility sites, a negative correlation between individual growth and soil water for three species suggests increasing competition (likely for irradiance) with increased soil resources (Table 2). Individual growth was positively related to soil N for one low-fertility species (P. grandidentata) (Table 2). For only one of these species (A. rubrum), growth was weakly related to neighborhood (Fig. 1, Table 2), supporting our second hypothesis that competitive interactions are weaker at low-resource sites. Prediction bias of the best model for each species was typically low; slopes of 0-intercept regressions between predicted versus observed growth were always greater than 0.9. Growth in all species was positively related to focal tree diameter (Fig. 2). 60 We found competitive asymmetry in species-specific neighbor interactions in two of the ten species (Table 2), partially supporting our third hypothesis. Consistent with our expectation, intraspecific interactions were always of greatest magnitude, with extensive variation in the importance of interspecific interactions (Table B.9). Although soil resources are strongly correlated with stand productivity (Zak et al. 1989, Baribault et al. 2010), they were more weakly correlated with individual tree growth, contrary to our fourth hypothesis. Soil resources explained up to 8.6% of variation in growth whereas neighborhood explained up to 19% and focal tree size explained 17% to 67%. In contrast, site means of basal area increment and diameter growth were more strongly correlated with soil 2 resources (0.28 ≤ r ≤ 0.54). Because species composition changes across the resource gradient, the correlations of mean basal area increment to resources may arise from both direct resource effects on growth as well as indirect resource effects through changes in species composition. Neighborhood generally was not correlated with growth of low-fertility species Of the five species that were most prevalent on sites with lower soil fertility, growth of four species, Q. alba, Q. rubra, Q. velutina, and P. grandidentata, was unrelated to neighborhood (Fig. 3, Table 3, Table B.8). Growth of A. rubrum, typically associated with low to moderate 2 fertility, was negatively related to neighborhood (r increase of 2.2% above diameter effect), -1 with expected growth approximately 1 mm year in the lowest-index neighborhood, but less -1 than 0.1 mm year in a high-index neighborhood (Fig. 4, Table 3, Table B.8). 61 In general, growth of low-fertility species was negatively correlated with soil water, which likely indicated growth responses to greater shading. The only species for which a soil resource was positively correlated with growth was P. grandidentata. Inclusion of ΣN explained 6.7% more growth variance than diameter alone -1 (Table 3, Table B.8); growth was expected to increase from 1.8 to 3.2 mm year across the domain of ΣN (Fig. 3). Growth of Q. velutina, typically found in greatest abundance at the lowest fertility sites, was related neither to resources nor neighborhood (Fig. 2; Table 3, Table B.8). Growth was negatively correlated with soil water for Q. alba, Q. rubra, and A. rubrum (Figs. 3 and 4, Table 3, Table B.8). Water explained 2.0-3.4% growth variance in these species -1 (Table 3); growth from minimum to maximum water decreased from 1.3 to 0.9 mm year for A. -1 rubrum, 3.4 to 2.2 mm year for Q. rubra, and 1.4 to 0.7 mm per year for Q. alba (Fig. 3). The highest recorded volumetric water (21%) would not suppress growth in any of these species. Consequently the apparently negative effect of water likely encapsulates shade-induced decreases in growth: site-level canopy openness was negatively correlated with soil water (r = 0.69 for A. rubrum, r = -0.46 for Q. alba, r = -0.72 for Q. rubra). In contrast, neighborhood was not correlated (r = -0.058) to soil water for A. rubrum, the sole low-fertility species for which neighborhood was significant, indicating that shading effects across sites were not captured by the neighborhood index. A tree of a given species could have similar neighborhood indices (sizes of and distances to neighbors) at two sites, but experience different levels of shading due to interand intra-specific variation in light interception by neighbors (Montgomery 2004). Across sites, mean canopy openness decreased from 12% to 1% with increased soil resource availability (Fig. 62 5). Within sites, there was extremely low variability in canopy openness and much greater variability in soil resource availability (Fig. 5). In high-fertility species, growth generally decreased with neighborhood and increased with soil resources Among the five species that predominated at sites of higher soil fertility, growth was negatively related to neighborhood index for four species (F. americana, F. grandifolia, A. saccharum, and P. serotina). The species most intolerant of shade, F. americana and P. serotina, showed the strongest and third-strongest neighborhood effects, respectively (Table 3). While neighborhood index formulations varied among species (Table 3), neighborhood effects explained from ~3.6% (interacting with soil water) in A. saccharum to 19% total variance in F. americana (Fig. 6, Table 3, Table B.8). Additionally, growth of F. grandifolia was positively related to soil water (Fig. 4), P. serotina with soil water and Ca (Fig. 3), and A. saccharum with soil water through an interaction with neighborhood index (Fig. 6, Table 3). For F. americana, expected growth decreased substantially across the neighborhood -1 domain, from 5.5 to 2.7 mm year (Fig. 6). For F. grandifolia, holding neighborhood constant at its mean value, growth was expected to change across the soil water gradient from 0.5 to 1.2 mm -1 -1 year (Fig. 4). Evaluated at mean water availability, a growth rate of 1.1 mm year could be expected in the least suppressive neighborhood, compared to nearly zero growth in the most suppressive neighborhood (Fig. 4). For P. serotina, mean growth increased from 1.4 to 3.4 mm -1 year across the range of Ca; neighborhood index explained 4.6% variance in addition to Ca -1 (Table 3), and reduced expected growth from 1.5 mm year in the lowest neighborhood to 0.6 -1 mm year in the highest (figure not shown). 63 In A. saccharum, the effects of neighboring trees on growth were diminished at higher soil water. At minimum soil water availability, growth was expected to decrease from 1.6 to 0 -1 mm year across the range in neighborhood index, while at maximum soil water expected -1 growth decreased from 1.6 to 1.2 mm year with increases in neighborhood (Fig. 6). Similarly, growth in a minimum neighborhood configuration was expected to increase from 0 to 1.5 mm -1 -1 year across the range in soil water, but only from 0 to 1.2 mm year in a maximum neighborhood configuration (Fig. 6). Conspecific neighbors had the strongest effects on focal tree growth For A. saccharum and F. grandifolia, accounting for species of neighboring individuals explained more growth variance than a species-neutral neighborhood model (Table 3, Table B.8); for both species, conspecific neighbors had the strongest magnitude of effect. For A. saccharum, interactions with T. americana suppressed growth most strongly after intraspecific interactions (Fig. 6, Table B.9). For F. grandifolia, interactions with A. saccharum suppressed growth most strongly after conspecific interactions; influence of other species was negligible (Fig. 4, Table B.9). Strong growth-resource relationships emerge at the site level Site-level growth-resource relationships were stronger than individual growth-resource relationships (Table 4). Whereas the strongest correlation of individual growth to any single soil 2 resource occurred for P. serotina and Ca (partial r = 0.086), all relationships of site mean basal area to site mean soil resources were stronger. By simple linear regression, mean BAI was 2 2 2 significantly (p < 0.05) related to ΣN (R = 0.539), volumetric soil water (R = 0.500), Ca (R = 2 0.378), and potential N mineralization rate (R = 0.278). Mean basal area increment was 64 significantly related to all four soil resources, but mean diameter growth was related only to ΣN. Neither stem density nor mortality rate was related to any resource (Table 4). The influence of soil resources on site-level mean growth may be due to changes in species composition associated with landform/ site-fertility. Outwash sites (11 and 12), characterized by lower resource availability (Table B.3), were dominated by Q. alba and Q. velutina (Table B.2), both species with relatively low mean growth rates (Table B.10) and diameters (Table B.11). In contrast, at poor and intermediate moraines with higher resources (Table B.3) where Q. rubra dominates (Table B.2), mean growth rates (Table B.10) and mean diameters (Table B.11) were greater than for the outwash sites. Thus, the relationship of site-level growth to soil resources was mediated by concurrent changes in species composition. Moreover, the individual-level analyses were based on single species, and the majority of individuals of a given species typically occupied less than half of the sites (Table B.2), representing a sharply restricted domain of resource availability, which may have precluded detecting stronger growth-resource correlations. 65 Discussion Competition and soil resource effects increase in importance across the fertility gradient Competitive interactions generally strengthened as soil resource availability increased (our second hypothesis, and consistent with Grime 1979, Grime 2001), as supported by two lines of evidence. First, neighborhood interactions were important for four of the five species dominant at sites with high resource availability but were only weakly correlated with growth for one (A. rubrum) of the five species dominant at lower-resource sites. For the high fertility species, diameter growth was positively related to soil resources but negatively related to neighborhood, supporting our first hypothesis. Evidence for increasing neighbor interactions was derived from growth models for single species, but the individual trees used to calibrate these models were sampled from the range of environments across which each species occurs. Species composition changes across the sampled soil resource gradient (Baribault et al. 2010), however, so species and resource effects were confounded. We cannot definitively determine whether stronger neighborhood interactions arose from shifts in traits unique to the species that typically occupy sites of high soil fertility (Kranabetter & Simard 2008) or direct effects of increasing resource availability (Janse-ten Klooster et al. 2007, Liancourt et al. 2009). Nevertheless, correlations between soil resource availability and interceptance of irradiance suggest that stronger competitive interactions at higher soil fertility are mediated through greater shading. Greater shading at high fertility likely arises as a result of changes in species composition (Canham et al. 1994) as well as mineral nutrient effects on leaf production within species (Chen et al. 2010). Second, the negative correlation of growth to soil water in three species (Q. alba, Q. rubra, and A. rubrum) common at lower-fertility sites was likely due to increased shading as soil water increased and also supports competition increasing with resources. Additionally, these 66 three species are intolerant of shade (Kobe et al. 1995). Suppression of growth by increasing water availability is unlikely across the range of water levels that we measured (McDowell et al. 2009); in fact, higher water availability is associated with increased growth of seedlings / saplings (Kobe 2006, Schreeg et al. 2005). Across all sites at which these species occurred, canopy openness was negatively correlated with soil water (and other soil resources, Fig. 5), but neighborhood was unrelated to soil water for A. rubrum (the only low-fertility species for which neighborhood was supported). A given neighborhood index, which is based on the diameter and local density of trees, could be associated with a range of irradiance levels at different sites because of inter- (Canham et al. 1999) and intra- (Dolle & Schmidt 2009) specific variation in light transmittance through tree crowns. Neighborhood indices with explicit light attenuation functions have not accounted for the potential influence of soil resources on species-specific light transmittance (Lefrancois et al. 2008, Chen et al. 2010). Species dominant at low soil fertility may have escaped light limitation because canopies transmitted higher irradiance (Fig. 5) and stem densities were substantially lower (Table 1). Slower growth of low-fertility species growing at sites with higher water and soil nutrient availability (Schreeg et al. 2005) could have resulted because such sites were dominated by species with denser canopies (Canham et al. 1994, Burton et al. 2009) that reduced light transmittance. Weak or absent neighborhood effects in species dominant at low soil fertility may have been principally a consequence of species distributions (Coates et al. 2009)—there were too few individuals of low-fertility species growing at high-fertility sites to detect a correlation between growth and neighborhood effects due to shading. When shade-intolerant A. rubrum and Q. alba did occur under higher fertility conditions, they likely established when irradiance levels were higher (Wang et al. 2010), as indicated by the larger diameters of individuals of these 67 species. These results are consistent with the interpretation that these species fail to effectively compete at sites with more plentiful soil resources (Brooker & Callaway 2009, Craine 2005) and supports that low fertility species are eliminated from high fertility sites due to growth sensitivity to shading. Overall, our results add further evidence to the idea that the distribution of these species across soil resource gradients arises from a species tradeoff between survival in low soil resource conditions and growth in high-resource environments (Schreeg et al. 2005, Gaucherand et al. 2006, Gravel et al. 2010), where low-fertility species are eliminated by shading. The neighborhood effects that we detected for species associated with high soil fertility also may have been mediated through light competition. Irradiance was uniformly lower at sites with higher soil availability of water, Ca, and N (Fig. 5), suggesting increased competition for light (Lintunen & Kaitaniemi 2010). It is important to note that the two most shade intolerant species associated with high soil fertility, F. americana and P. serotina (Kobe et al. 1995), exhibited some of the highest neighborhood effects (Table 3). Although our analysis likely underestimates neighborhood effects for all species (see below), the stronger importance of local-scale soil resource availability for species common at high soil fertility is consistent with increasing competitiveness in the presence of abundant resources (Reiter et al. 2005). Thus, our results provide evidence that apparent effects of soil resources on competitive interactions may have been driven principally by changing levels of irradiance. Intraspecific neighbor interactions were consistently more influential than interspecific interactions in two of the five species for which growth was related to neighborhood index, consistent with our third hypothesis. More closely-related individuals should theoretically be in more intensive competition for the same resources (Uriarte et al. 2002, Canham et al. 2006, Zhao et al. 2006) and thus unable to partition available resources with highest efficiency (Boyden et 68 al. 2008). In addition, high local conspecific density in intraspecific pairs could increase effects of natural enemies or differential species-based chemical feedbacks (McCarthy-Neumann & Kobe 2010). For A. saccharum, negative intraspecific interactions were nearly 30% more important than interspecific interactions, and for F. grandifolia 14%. Even with evidence of suppressive intraspecific interactions for only two species, competitive asymmetry has important implications for silviculture. Both in multi-species plantations (Boyden et al. 2005, Forrester et al. 2006) and in selection management of natural systems (Gronewold et al. 2010, Schwartz et al. 2005), it would be useful to promote residual stand structures (Bauhus et al. 2009) consisting of the least antagonistic neighbor interactions. Despite limited variation in disturbance, neighborhood effects were detectable We suspect that neighborhood effects were partially masked in our sites because of the limited range of variation in neighborhood conditions; the growth of most trees, particularly of small diameter, was probably suppressed by interactions with neighbors (Uriarte et al. 2004). Despite limited variation in neighborhood densities at our minimally disturbed stands, neighborhood still explained substantial growth variation for some species. For F. americana, neighborhood explained 19% growth variance, likely because this shade intolerant species responded more strongly to neighborhood variability than the shade tolerant species with which it co-occurs. Our -1 -1 sites were relatively static with low mortality (~2 stems ha year ), limited gap formation, and restricted opportunity for trees to be released from competition. Abundant evidence shows that release from competition will dramatically increase growth (Stan & Daniels 2010, Noguchi & Yoshida 2009). Greater variation in neighborhood conditions generally results in greater measured effects of neighborhood on growth (Uriarte et al. 2004, Vanhellemont et al. 2010, Zhao et al. 2006, Olano et al. 2009, Simard 2009, Thorpe et al. 2010). For example, in forests of 69 mixed northern temperate species encompassing unmanaged stands and 30-60% basal area removal, neighborhood explains 25.8-77.3% total growth variance (Coates et al. 2009). Some of the difference in growth variation associated with neighborhood can be attributable to the statistics used to measure goodness of fit. We used the square of the Pearson 2 correlation coefficient (r ) to measure goodness of fit, but many other studies (e.g. Coates et al. 2 2009, Uriarte et al. 2004) use the coefficient of determination (R ) based on a simple linear 2 regression through the origin of predicted versus observed values. The interpretation of R for models with the origin as the intercept is problematic (Myers 1986), however, and leads to unrealistically high estimates of amount of total variance explained. For example, predicted 2 versus observed values for the supported model of Q. velutina generated r = 0.273 (Table 2), 2 but the origin-intercept regression of those same values produced R = 0.920. Thus, it is difficult to directly compare our results with previous studies. Individual level relationships did not scale up to site level patterns Past research at our sites identified N (Zak et al. 1989), Ca, and soil water (Baribault et al. 2010) as strong correlates of site-level productivity, but our current results do not support similarly high correlations of individual growth with any of these resources for any species, contrary to our fourth hypothesis. At the individual level, growth is determined by resource availability and acquisition, which is related both to tree size and to local neighborhood (Canham et al. 1999). In contrast, productivity or growth at the site level is controlled by the aggregate growth rate of all the trees at a site and by stem density and mortality. Significant relationships of growth to resource availability likely were more difficult to detect for single species than for all species because most species had restricted distributions 70 across sites (Table B.2). For example, 65% of all Q. alba individuals occurred only at sites 11 and 12 (Table B.2), where the range in Ca availability was < 3% of the total range, soil water 56% of its range, and ΣN 8% of its range (Table B.3). Our results are consistent with other studies that have found that individual growth is most strongly correlated with tree size (Andreassen & Tomter 2003, Laubhann et al. 2009, Monserud & Sterba 1996), and that site mean growth is often substantially correlated with soil resources (Bedison & McNeil 2009, Devine & Harrington 2009, McDowell et al. 2009, Pastor et al. 1984, Reich et al. 1997, Wallace et al. 2007, Zak et al. 1989) Both stochastic variability in growth and measurement error introduced by diameter tapes could contribute to variance in individual growth (Clark et al. 2007, Wyckoff & Clark 2005), but this individual-scale noise exerts less influence at the site level, allowing a stronger correlation of mean site growth to soil resources. In addition, the discrepancy between the individual and stand also may be due to difference in spatial scales between measured soil resources and the area over which a tree acquires resources (Das & Chaturvedi 2008, Kalliokoski et al. 2008, Yanai et al. 2008). Mycorrhizal networks also could connect trees across a broad area (Simard 2009), decoupling local soil resources from plant available resources. Conclusions Two lines of evidence from this study support that the importance of competition increases across resource gradients. First, competitive neighborhood interactions (H1) were important primarily for species dominant at sites of high resource availability (H2). Second, increasing soil water was associated with slower growth in three species dominant at low-resource sites, signifying decreased competitiveness (H2) for light at higher-resource sites. The magnitude of predicted neighborhood effects varied widely, but included complete suppression of growth at 71 some of the highest neighborhood indices. Intraspecific neighbor interactions were strongest in two species (H3), though divergent species distributions likely precluded identifying other species effects. Competitive neighborhood effects were prevalent in species associated with high soil fertility, but largely absent for species associated with low soil fertility. Acknowledgements We thank S. Grandy, D. Rothstein, and M. Walters for insight about sampling, resource analysis, and model design. D. Coomes, E. Holste, D. Minor, B. Bachelot, A. Maguire, D. Rozendaal, and two anonymous reviewers provided helpful feedback in preparing the manuscript. Indispensable field and laboratory assistance was provided by M. Erickson, D. Minor, J. Bramer, A. Maguire, A. Pierce, and A. Stinson. In addition, we thank A. Finley and B. Walters for access to USFS FIA data. The research was supported by the Michigan Agriculture Experiment Station (NRSP-3, National Atmospheric Deposition Program) and NSF (DEB 0958943). 72 Table 3.1. Basic statistics, spatial distribution, and relative basal area for the ten most common species across our sites. At least 90% of the stems for each species occurred across five or fewer sites. All species had similar minimum diameter because our census intentionally excluded trees smaller than ~10 cm. Sample size (n) refers to the number of focal trees for each species. Species Acer rubrum Acer saccharum Fagus grandifolia Fraxinus americana Populus grandidentata Prunus serotina Quercus alba Quercus rubra Quercus velutina Tilia americana code acru acsa fagr fram pogr prse qual quru quve tiam n 554 676 110 30 84 27 486 589 184 183 Sites > 10% total B.A. 3, 4, 9, 13 1, 2, 5, 8,10 1, 5, 8 1, 7, 8 1, 4, 7, 9, 13 2, 5, 6, 8 3, 9, 11, 12 2, 3, 4, 5, 13 3, 11, 12 1, 6, 7 73 mean 17.5 18.2 18.6 30.0 31.9 29.3 19.9 34.3 28.2 28.8 dbh min 9.5 9.2 9.1 10 10 16 9.3 13.3 11.6 14 max 49.7 58.5 45.9 55.7 57.6 53.3 55.6 87.4 61.1 51 Rel. B.A. 0.099 0.135 0.023 0.015 0.047 0.013 0.114 0.389 0.084 0.081 Table 3.2. Principal results summarized by species. Species are categorized by the soil fertility of sites at which each species is dominant, ordered (top to bottom) from high-resource moraines through low- resource outwash plains (Table B.2), and by shade tolerance. The existence and direction of significant correlations of growth to diameter, neighborhood, and/or soil resource effects are indicated with ‗+‘ or ‗–‘ symbols; if neighbor species identity was important this is denoted with ‗ ‘. Species Acsa Tiam Fram Prse Fagr Acru Pogr Quru Quve Qual Predominant site type Moraine Moraine Moraine Int. moraine Poor moraine Ice-contact Ice-contact Ice-contact Outwash Outwash Shade tolerance v. tolerant tolerant intolerant moderate v. tolerant moderate intolerant intolerant intolerant intolerant Effect and direction of relationship Neighbor Diameter Neighborhood H2O ΣN Ca species + – + + + – + –* + + – + + – – + + + – + + – 2 * Relationship supported by strongest r and a support threshold of ΔAICc < 2.5. 74 Table 3.3. Supported models for realized growth framework. The amount of growth variance predicted by complex models (those that included at least one term in addition to diameter) was typically higher than the variance explained by diameter alone. This 2 2 improvement (Add. var. expl.) represents the difference between diameter-only r and the r of the top supported model. If the diameter-only model was supported, then it is not presented separately. Modifications (Table B.4) to full models, which are denoted by the same equation numbering scheme found in the methods, are identified in superscript. General model type (additive or multiplicative) is indicated in Model column with numbers corresponding to equation numbers in the methods. Similarly, neighborhood type in the Ngb column corresponds to equation numbers. 2 Best and supported models Diameter-only models r 2 Model Ngb. Res. k n ΔAICc Model Add. var. expl. ΔAICc r acru 1 5 H2O 6 557 0.000 0.348 0.022 13.03 0.326 acsa 2 8 H2O 6 682 0.000 0.635 0.036 70.96 0.599 fagr fram fram fram fram pogr prse prse prse qual 1 1* 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 5†‡ --5¶ 6† ------6 --- H2O --------ΣN Ca 6 6 3 4 5 4 4 4 6 4 113 30 30 30 30 84 27 28 27 489 0.000 0.000 1.031 1.436 1.903 0.000 0.000 0.106 2.428 0.000 0.422 0.573 0.383 0.393 0.391 0.239 0.758 0.720 0.799 0.261 0.163 0.190 16.68 0.259 4.57 5.36 0.172 0.672 22.95 0.241 Species H2O Ca H2O 75 0.010 0.008 0.067 0.086 0.048 0.127 0.020 Table 3.3 (cont‘d) quru 2 --quve 2¶ --tiam 2 --tiam 2 --* Log-normal diameter effect H2O ----Ca 4 4 3 4 591 184 180 180 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.706 0.623 0.273 0.388 0.392 †β=0 ‡ Estimated radius ¶ Equivalent to potential growth 76 0.034 0.004 55.54 0.589 Table 3.4. Site-level correlations of mean individual basal area growth, mean diameter, stem density, and mortality rate with the soil resource metrics. Sample size was 13 for all 2 relationships. Correlation strength presented as R , with parameter estimates for slope and intercept, both with 95% confidence intervals. Res. Mean BAI Mean Size Density Mortality 0.435 0.322 0.014 0.001 0.546 0.581 0.344 0.297 0.441 0.268 0.026 0.003 0.039 0.047 0.008 0.005 slope 2.18 (0.43, 3.93) 3.10 (-0.072, 6.28) -24.3 (-166, 117.1) -0.06 (-1.52, 1.40) 0.37 (0.13, 0.61) 0.10 (0.04, 0.16) 0.31 (0.01, 0.6) 0.46 (-0.038, 0.95) 0.15 (0.03, 0.26) 0.46 (-0.08, 1.00) -4.97 (-26.6, 16.6) 0.46 (-5.29, 6.20) -6.46 (-29.1, 16.2) -0.07 (-0.29, 0.15) 0.01 (-0.05, 0.07) -0.02 (-0.26, 0.21) intercept 7.00 (6.10, 7.90) 22.51 (20.88, 24.15) 598 (525, 670) 2.41 (1.66, 3.17) 5.68 (4.20, 7.15) 6.28 (5.23, 7.34) 7.08 (6.10, 8.05) 21.06 (18.02, 24.09) 21.46 (19.44, 23.48) 22.60 (20.89, 24.31) 617 (485, 749) 582 (482, 682) 603 (531, 676) 2.78 (1.44, 4.13) 2.28 (1.26, 3.30) 2.44 (1.69, 3.20) R Ca H2O ΣN N min. Ca H2O ΣN N min. Ca H2O ΣN N min. 2 77 Figure 3.1. Normalized neighborhood index as a function of neighbor (a) displacement and (b) diameter. For F. americana, the neighborhood index was defined only across a radius of 7.86 m and was restricted to zero at larger distances. 78 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) Figure 3.2. Individual growth as linear (equation 3) or lognormal (equation 4) functions of diameter. 79 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) -1 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) NO3 + NH4 (mg kg ) Figure 3.3. Predicted diameter growth as a function of soil resource, holding diameter constant at the mean value for each species (solid lines with symbols). Diameter held constant at minimum and maximum diameter values is presented as dashed lines. 80 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) Figure 3.4. Predicted diameter growth plotted as a function of soil water with neighborhood and diameter held constant (a, b), and as a function of neighborhood with soil water and diameter held constant (c, d). Mean values for constant terms are represented by solid lines with symbols; maximum and minimum values for constant terms are represented by dashed lines. 81 -1 -1 NO3 + NH4 (mg kg ) -1 Pot. N Min. (mg kg day ) Figure 3.5. Canopy diffuse non-interceptance as a function of each measured soil resources. Uncertainty quantified as standard error bars for both vertical (diffuse non-interceptance) and horizontal (soil resource) axes, with diffuse non-interceptance presented on a log scale. Sampling intensity differed, with 80 – 100 samples for diffuse non-interceptance, 110 samples for soil water, but less than 80 samples for soil nutrients. 82 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) Figure 3.6. Predicted diameter growth as a function of neighborhood. For A. saccharum (a), predicted growth holding diameter constant at its mean value was calculated using minimum (1%, dotted line), mean (7%, solid line with symbols), and maximum (16% dashed line) measured soil water values. For F. americana (b), diameter held constant at its minimum and maximum values is presented as dashed lines, the mean value as the solid line with symbols. 83 CHAPTER IV CALCIUM, NITROGEN, AND MICRONUTRIENT FERTILIZATION OF INDIVIDUAL CANOPY TREES IN NORTHERN HARDWOOD FORESTS 84 Abstract Northern hardwood forest productivity and tree growth in the Manistee National Forest, Michigan, USA, are correlated with soil calcium (Ca), inorganic nitrogen (N), and water availability across simultaneous gradients of each resource, yet it remains uncertain which of these resources is responsible for limiting aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP). Despite correlations of growth with multiple resources, resource limitation in temperate forest systems has typically been investigated in the context of N limitation. We initiated a full factorial fertilization experiment to compare effects of additional soil Ca and N on growth of mature canopy trees from the four most common species (Acer saccharum, Quercus rubra, Acer rubrum, and Quercus alba) at these sites. Five fertilizer treatments—Ca, N, Ca + N, Ca + N + P + potassium (K) + micronutrients, and control—were applied to approximately equal numbers of individuals from each species. For a subset of trees, soil resource availability was measured before and after fertilization to assess effectiveness of the treatments. Diameter growth was measured over three growing seasons, and leaf production was measured via canopy photographs after the second growing season. Also at the end of the second season, canopy leaves were removed to measure chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf nutrient content. As a consequence of fertilization, content of Ca, magnesium (Mg), N, and P increased in leaves, though not consistently across species or treatments. Neither diameter growth nor leaf production changed significantly after fertilization, but non-significant changes in mean basal area increment were consistent with the prediction that growth should increase in response to Ca at sites with low soil fertility and in response to N at sites of high soil fertility. Non-significant changes in diameter growth consistent with predictions suggest that the experiment could produce significant results with some additional years of fertilization. 85 KEYWORDS: Calcium, fertilizer, leaf nutrients, nitrogen, northern hardwoods, photosynthesis, resource limitation 86 Introduction Tree growth and forest productivity in northern temperate hardwood forests are typically limited by (Magill et al. 2004, van den Driessche et al. 2008) or correlated with (Reich et al. 1997, Joshi et al. 2003) N availability, leading to the conclusion that most temperate plant ecosystems are nitrogen (N)-limited (Vitousek & Farrington 1997). Growth is often correlated with other resources, however, particularly base cations (Demidchik & Maathuis 2007, Fujinuma et al. 2005), suggesting that these elements could also potentially limit growth and productivity. Most studies concerned with resource limitation in northern hardwood forests have been designed to test for N limitation (Magill et al. 2004) or demonstrate that phosphorus (P) limitation is less prevalent than N limitation (Will et al. 2006, Finzi 2009). A variety of studies have tested whether base cations may limit tree growth (Rosberg et al. 2006, Gradowski & Thomas 2008), yet relatively few studies (e.g. Bigelow & Canham 2007, Kulmatiski et al. 2007) explicitly test whether growth is limited by N or by base cations. A first step in identifying resource limitation is to demonstrate that growth is correlated with the resource in question; in northern temperate hardwood forests, growth can be related to a variety of resources (Newman et al. 2006, Mallik et al. 2008). Diameter and height growth are strongly related to Ca availability across natural gradients (Bailey et al. 2004, Schaberg et al. 2006, Sverdrup et al. 2006), and diminished soil calcium (Ca) content reduces growth and disease resistance in Acer saccharum on acidic soils (St Clair et al. 2008). Nitrogen availability is related to aboveground net primary production (ANPP) (Austin & Sala 2002), N mineralization rates and litter quality (Joshi et al. 2003, Hobbie 1996, Aerts & Chapin 2000), and community composition and stand development (Hall et al. 2006, Johnson 2006, Mayer 2008). Production also could be related to availability of other base cations (Wilmot et al. 1996, 87 Rosberg et al. 2006, Sverdrup et al. 2006, Park et al. 2008). Greater availability of magnesium (Mg) increases photosynthesis (Vizcayno-Soto & Cote 2004), which is the primary physiological basis for elevating ANPP. Leaf nutrient content may differ in trees suffering from resource limitation; N:P less than ~14 can be symptomatic of N limitation (Blevins et al. 2005, Donaldson et al. 2006, Mead et al. 2010), while N:P greater than ~16 can indicate P limitation (Verhoeven et al. 1996, McGroddy et al. 2008, Soethe et al. 2008). Additionally, higher C:N can be expected when N is limiting (Vilela et al. 2003). Growth-soil resource correlations suggest resource limitation (Finzi & Canham 2000), but growth must also respond to increased resource availability to conclusively demonstrate resource limitation (Vilela et al. 2003). Fertilization with Ca in the field can elicit positive growth responses in seedlings (Kobe et al. 2002), saplings (Long et al. 1997, St Clair & Lynch 2005, Juice et al. 2006), and adults in dominant canopy positions (Gradowski & Thomas 2008, Rosberg et al. 2006). Similarly, fertilization of forest trees with N leads to increased specific leaf area and nitrogen content, photosynthetic rates, and ultimately ANPP (Henderson & Jose 2005, Will et al. 2006). Although additional N availability can increase tree growth, excessive N deposition can actually reduce or even completely halt growth, and can increase mortality (Magill et al. 2004). Tree growth increases in response to fertilization with other resources (P, Mg, potassium (K), etc.) both with (Borders et al. 2004) and without simultaneous addition of N (Will et al. 2006, Rosberg et al. 2006). For stands in the current study, productivity is more strongly related to extractable soil Ca than to inorganic N or volumetric water content (Baribault et al. 2010). However, the relationship of wood production to soil Ca was asymptotic, with rapid increases in wood production across a relatively small increase in soil Ca and then relatively constant production at 88 higher soil Ca availability (Baribault et al. 2010). An asymptotic relationship of ANPP to inorganic N was documented across sites of which our sites are a subset (Zak et al. 1989). In contrast, ANPP increased linearly as a function of soil inorganic N and water based on measurements from 1999 to 2009 (Baribault et al. 2010). The growth response to resource availability is additionally complicated by a complete shift in species composition across the resource gradient, with Quercus alba (Qual) dominant at the lowest-productivity sites, replaced by Quercus rubra (Quru) and Acer rubrum (Acru) at sites of intermediate fertility, in turn replaced by A. saccharum (Acsa) on sites with highest resource availability (Host & Pregitzer 1992). Thus, growth of Q. alba at sites with low Ca availability was strongly correlated to soil Ca, whereas growth of Q. rubra, A. rubrum, and A. saccharum at sites with higher Ca availability was more strongly correlated with inorganic N. Furthermore, Q. rubra and A. rubrum are relatively shade intolerant species that typically have higher growth rates than highly shadetolerant A. saccharum (Finzi & Canham 2000). The change in species dominance may be controlled by a species tradeoff between survival ability under low-resource conditions and effective competitive ability in high-resource conditions (Grime 2001). Where soil resource availability is severely limited, species evolve a resource-conservative, efficient physiology (Canham et al. 1996, Desilets & Houle 2005) that precludes growth responses to high resource availability (Schreeg et al. 2005). A more competitive strategy is promoted where resources are abundant (Liancourt et al. 2009), so species adapted to low-resource conditions are excluded by virtue of their inferior competitive ability (Sanchez-Gomez et al. 2008). An alternative model to explain community composition compares species‘ abilities to draw limiting resources down to minimum levels (Tilman 1988). Species that preempt the supply of a given resource dominate (Craine 2005). For example, A. 89 saccharum may acquire greater quantities of all soil nutrients due to higher fine root production at sites where resources are abundant (Park et al. 2008). The purpose of this study was to identify which soil nutrients limit tree growth across a productivity and species composition gradient in northern hardwood forest in which ANPP has been shown to correlate with both soil Ca and inorganic N content. We implement a factorial resource addition of Ca and ammonium (NH4), with an additional treatment that also included P, K, and micronutrients. Productivity is also correlated with soil volumetric water content in these stands (Baribault et al. 2010), but we do not conduct water additions because of logistical constraints. We test three hypotheses concerning how growth of the four most common species, which constitute more than 80% of individuals at our sites, responds to fertilizer addition: Hypothesis 1: Fertilization with Ca increases diameter growth and leaf production for Q. alba, the species dominant at sites with low soil Ca, while growth of A. saccharum, dominant at sites with high soil Ca, responds to N but not Ca fertilization. Species dominant at sites of intermediate soil Ca (Q. rubra and A. rubrum) increase growth after fertilization with both Ca and N. Hypothesis 2a: The relative magnitude by which diameter growth and leaf production increase following fertilizer treatment for Q. alba is lower (consistent with the ability to tolerate lowresource conditions) than for A. saccharum (consistent with superior competitive ability in highresource environments). Growth of Q. rubra and A. rubrum increases the most in response to fertilizer addition, consistent with these species‘ shade intolerance and high potential growth rates. Hypothesis 2b: The relative magnitude by which diameter growth and leaf production increase following fertilizer treatment for Q. alba is higher than for other species, consistent with the 90 interpretation that growth for this species is severely resource-limited and has the greatest potential to increase. Hypothesis 3: Diameter growth response to fertilizer addition is mediated by increased leaf nutrient content (particularly N and Mg), which presumably enhances photosynthesis. Methods Study sites Trees in this study were distributed across 11 mixed hardwood stands of the Manistee National Forest in the lower peninsula of Michigan, USA (~44º12‘N, ~85º45‘W). Stands were minimallydisturbed, second-growth forests between 80 and 100 years old. Climate is expected to be very similar across all sites (Schaetzl et al. 2005), with a maximum inter-site distance of 38.1 km and maximum elevation change of 236 m. Glacial landforms are strongly associated with particular soil fertility levels and community composition in this region (Table C.1). The range of sites represents gradients of Ca and inorganic N that increased from outwash plains through icecontact and moraine landforms (Table C.1). Quercus alba was the most common species at outwash plains, while Quercus rubra and Acer rubrum were common at ice-contact and poor moraine sites; the highest-fertility moraines were occupied primarily by Acer saccharum (Baribault & Kobe, unpublished manuscript). Tree selection and fertilizer application Trees were selected for fertilizer addition from the four most common species, A. saccharum, Q. rubra, A. rubrum, and Q. alba, which together represented (~80%) of all individuals in mapped stands adjacent to the study area (Baribault et al. 2010). Individuals with emergent canopies exposed to irradiance were selected based on the rationale that they would be more likely to 91 respond to fertilizer addition than would smaller-statured (i.e. shaded) trees (Gradowski & Thomas 2008). Canopy emergent trees varied in diameter from approximately 20cm to more than 80cm (Table 1). Trees were selected across as many sites as possible, though relatively few individuals were available at some sites where species were locally rare (Table C.1). There were four fertilizer treatments (Ca, N, Ca and N (Ca+N), and Ca, N, and micronutrients (Ca+N+µ)) and a control for each species (Table 2). Calcium alone was applied as CaSO4·2H2O (gypsum), while N alone was applied as (NH4)2SO4 (Northstar Minerals, Okemos, MI). Calcium and N were applied together at the same rates for the Ca+N treatment. For the Ca+N+µ treatment, P, K, and micronutrients, including Mg, manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn)), were applied in addition to Ca and N. In this treatment, Ca and N were applied at the same rates as in the other treatments, but with slightly reduced proportion of Ca from gypsum and N from ammonium sulfate. The balance of Ca was provided by the micronutrient mix (Micromax®, The Scotts Company), while the balance of N was provided in the form of N-P-K blend fertilizer (The Scotts Company 12-12-12, Table 2). For each species, control groups were established that contained the same number and spatial distribution of trees in the treatment groups. Fertilizers were applied using hand-held 2 rotary broadcasters, evenly distributing the material in a ~4-m radius (covering 50 m ) surrounding each tree. Half of each treatment was applied in mid-May and the remaining half in -1 mid-June of 2008, 2009, and 2010. Only light precipitation (< 1 cm day ) followed (within four days) most treatments, although some heavier precipitation occurred during the June 2009 application. 92 Soil resource measurements To demonstrate that the fertilizer addition had the intended effect of increasing the target soil resources (Fig. 1, Table C.2) without altering pH (Table C.3), soil samples were collected in May 2008 (immediately prior to the first fertilizer addition) and again in October 2008, after the first year of fertilization. Samples were taken from 33 A. saccharum, 31 Q. rubra, 26 A. rubrum, and 39 Q. alba trees, with approximately equal representation for each treatment. Three soil cores (5 cm diameter, 20 cm depth) were collected at equidistant points 2 m from the base of each tree at each sampling date and thoroughly mixed into a composite sample. All nutrient analyses were conducted on composite samples, which were air dried prior to analysis. Potential net N mineralization was determined by aerobic incubation. Initial + - concentrations of NH4 and NO3 were measured in a 6-g subsample of each composite. Soils + - were shaken for two hours in 2M KCl to extract inorganic N, and then [NH4 ] and [NO3 ] were measured with a colorimetric assay using a fluorescent plate reader (ELx808 Absorbance Microplate Reader, BioTek Instruments, Inc, Winooski, VT). A second set of 6-g subsamples was incubated aerobically in darkness at 25°C for 28 days. Constant moisture content was maintained by periodic addition of deionized water, and post-incubation concentrations of NH4 - and NO3 were measured by the same method. Potential net N mineralization was calculated as + - the difference between final and initial inorganic N [NH4 + NO3 ]. Base cations were extracted from 4-g subsamples shaken for 15 minutes in an acidic 2+ 2+ + - Mehlich III solution (Carter 1993). Concentrations of Ca , Mg , K , and PO4 in extracts 93 + were measured with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (Optima 2100DV ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer, Perkin-Elmer, Shelton, CT). Growth measurements Diameters of all trees were measured at 1.37 m height using diameter tapes in spring 2008 (before leaves emerged), fall 2009, and fall 2010 (both after leaves started to senesce). For 24 individuals, diameter could not be measured at 1.37 m due to obstructions, and was thus measured at the lowest possible height above the 1.37 m point. Diameter growth increment was calculated as the quotient of the change in diameter and the measurement interval—both the 2year and 3-year intervals were used for analysis. Several trees showed slightly negative growth rates (as low as -0.2cm) due to bark loss or developing deformities; for these individuals, growth was rounded to zero. Data from five trees were unusable due to mistaken fertilizer application or mortality and were consequently excluded from the dataset. Leaf nutrient content and chlorophyll fluorescence Leaf tissue samples (up to three leaves per tree) were removed in early September 2009 before annual senescence had started. Leaves as close as possible to the exposed top of the canopy were selected, and brought to the ground using a shotgun; chlorophyll fluorescence yields (ΔF/Fm) and maxima (Fv/Fm) were measured immediately in the field using a photosynthesis yield analyzer (MINI-PAM, Walz, Effeltrich, Germany), with three readings taken at different points on each leaf (Table C.4). Samples were then oven-dried at 60°C for three days and stored for up to 4 months prior to analysis of nutrient concentrations. Dried leaves were ground into powder using a ball-bearing mill (Kleco, Visalia, CA, USA). Sub-samples of approximately 0.5g were dissolved in 5mL concentrated HNO3 for 24 hours, then heated in a block digester (AIM600 94 Block Digestion System, A.I. Scientific Pty Ltd, QLD, Australia) for 8 hours at temperatures up to 180°C. Any liquid volume loss was adjusted back to 5mL with additional concentrated HNO3, after which extracts were diluted to 100mL with ddH2O, and Ca, K, Mg, and P contents were measured using ICP spectrometry (Table C.5). Separate sub-samples (0.1 - 0.2 mg) were used to measure total C and N content (Table C.6). These samples were analyzed by dry combustion and gas chromatography (Costech, ECS 4010 CHNSO analyzer, Valencia CA, USA), with elemental content checked against an apple-leaf standard (NIST). Canopy openness Percent canopy openness was assessed from photographs of individual tree crowns. Photographs were taken 1.5m above the ground and 2.5m from the north and south sides of each tree using a EOS 5D Mark II (Canon, USA) and a diagonal fisheye lens (15mm F2.8 EX DG, Sigma, Ronkonkoma, NY, USA), with the top of the lens oriented north for every photograph. The Sidelook software package ( was used to transform the color photographs into black and white images (Nobis & Hunziker 2005). The software package GLA ( was then used to estimate canopy openness for the portion of each photograph that corresponded to the tree crown. Two estimates of percent canopy openness were calculated for each photograph to reduce the amount of error associated with manually differentiating individual tree canopies from surrounding foliage. A single value of percent canopy openness for each tree was calculated as the average of the two estimates from the northand south-side photographs of each individual (Table C.7). Analysis All data analysis was conducted in R (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2010, One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to identify whether 95 mean values of potential response variables differed between treatments, including addition of -1 Ca; N; Ca+N; Ca+N+µ, and a control. Response variables included diameter growth (cm yr ), 2 -1 basal area increment (BAI, cm yr ), leaf nutrient content (Ca, K, Mg, P, N, C, C:N), chlorophyll fluorescence (mean and maximum), and percent canopy openness. In the case of a significantly different mean value (p < 0.05), Tukey‘s HSD test was applied to identify which treatment group(s) differed. Data from the micronutrient treatment were excluded, and the remaining dataset analyzed using two-way ANOVA to check for interaction effects between Ca and N; the same response variables were tested in this factorial analysis. Again, Tukey‘s HSD test was used to identify any differences among treatment means. Further tests for potential differences in growth responses (diameter and basal area) among treatments were conducted using linear regression. In simple linear regressions, BAI was modeled as functions of initial diameter, leaf nutrient contents, chlorophyll fluorescence, and percent canopy openness. In multiple linear regressions, diameter growth was modeled as functions of initial diameter and one of the aforementioned predictor variables. A treatment was considered to be significantly different from the control group if there was < 29% overlap in the 95% confidence intervals of the slope parameter(s) of the treatment and control groups (Austin & Hux 2002, Kobe et al. 2010). Growth and / or BAI were significantly related to predictor variables in several instances, but reasonable biological interpretations of these relationships were difficult to justify. Thus, we present these results as supplementary material and do not discuss them further. 96 Results Fertilizer addition changed content of added resources in soil For the base cations and P, soil content of the resource in question typically increased following the fertilizer application. Soil Ca content increased substantially with addition of Ca and Ca+N, -1 increased modestly upon addition of Ca+N+µ and N, and decreased substantially (40.6 mg kg ) in the control groups (Fig. 1, Table C.2). Soil K content increased in the N, Ca+N, and Ca+N+µ -1 treatments (between 1.6 and 2.6 mg kg ), but decreased by similar magnitude for the Ca treatment and control groups (Fig. 1). Soil Mg content increased only following the Ca+N+µ -1 -1 (6.8 mg kg ), with decreases between 1.3 and 12.0 mg kg in other treatments and the controls -1 (Fig. 1). Similarly, soil P content increased only in Ca+N+µ treatment (1.99 mg kg , Fig. 1). In contrast to P and the base cations, soil inorganic N content typically decreased after treatment with N. For all treatments, including the control, soil NH4 decreased between 3.7 and 17.1 mg -1 -1 kg ; soil NO3 decreased between 3.5 and 26.8 mg kg in all treatments except the control, -1 where NO3 increased trivially (0.31 mg kg , Fig. 1). The fertilizer treatments did not affect soil pH—the maximum pH increase was 0.26 and the maximum decrease 0.12 (Table C.3). Some leaf nutrient contents responded to fertilizer addition Several leaf nutrients differed between fertilizer treatments, though these differences were not always intuitive or explicable. Based on one-way ANOVA, in A. saccharum, leaf Mg content was significantly higher (p < 0.05) following addition of Ca, N, or both resources in comparison to addition of Ca, N, and micronutrients (including Mg) or to the control (Table 3). For A. saccharum, leaf P content increased significantly with addition of Ca (p < 0.05), while for Q. 97 alba, leaf P content decreased significantly (p < 0.01) with addition of Ca + N (Table 3). In A. rubrum, leaf N:P was significantly greater than in the control (15.6 vs. 11.0, p < 0.01) with addition of N, suggesting the onset of P limitation following N amendment. In contrast, leaf N:P in Q. alba was significantly greater than the control (23.9 vs. 15.4, p < 0.001) after addition of Ca + N (Table 3); both values were consistent with P limitation. Other leaf nutrient ratios (e.g. C:N, N:Ca) were not significantly different after fertilizer treatment for any species based on one-way ANOVA. Based on two-way ANOVA, an interactive effect of Ca and N was significant (p < 0.01) for leaf Ca content in Q. rubra (Table 4). Leaf N content was significantly higher in treatments with N (p < 0.05) for A. rubrum. Leaf P content significantly increased with addition of Ca in A. saccharum (p < 0.005) and N in A. rubrum (p < 0.05), while addition of N was associated with significant decrease of leaf P content in Q. alba (p < 0.0005, Table 4). Consistent with the third hypothesis, leaf C:N significantly decreased with addition of N (p < 0.05) for Q. alba (Table 4). Consistent with the one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA showed that leaf N:P increased in both A. rubrum (p < 0.001) and Q. alba (p < 0.00001) following N and Ca+N treatments, respectively (Table 4). Mean growth increased non-significantly following some treatments For no species were there significant differences in diameter growth or basal area increment following the fertilizer treatment. Similarly, no species showed significantly increased leaf production, although a severe outbreak of forest tent caterpillar (Malacosma disstria) completely defoliated all A. saccharum and most Q. rubra and A. rubrum trees in 2008 and 2009. A leaf production response may have been impossible to detect given such an extreme event; indeed, defoliation may have substantially reduced diameter growth for these species. Considering 98 strictly the mean diameter growth or BAI, without accounting for significance levels, results were largely consistent with the prediction from hypothesis 1, which predicted that Ca should elicit the largest effects in species dominant at low-Ca sites. For Q. alba, treatments that contained Ca (Ca, Ca+N, Ca+N+µ) had non-significantly (NS) higher mean basal area increment 2 -1 (10.6, 10.4, and 11.0 cm year , respectively) than did treatments that did not contain Ca (N, 2 -1 control; 9.9, 9.3 cm year , respectively, Table 1). For Q. rubra, the mean of the Ca treatment 2 -1 2 -1 (28.1 cm year ) was higher (NS) than the control mean (27.0 cm year , Table 1). For A. rubrum, treatment means for Ca, N, and Ca+N+µ were higher (NS) than the control (18.0, 14.8, 2 -1 15.2 versus 12.3 cm year , Table 1). For A. saccharum the Ca and Ca+N+µ treatment means 2 -1 2 -1 (5.0 and 4.5 cm year ) were lower (NS) than the control (5.4 cm year ), consistent with the prediction that Ca should be less important at higher fertility (Table 1). The N and Ca+N 2 -1 treatment means (7.1 and 5.9 cm year ), but not the Ca+N+µ treatment mean, were higher (NS) than the control. These results were mostly consistent with the prediction that N availability should be of greater consequence at higher fertility (Table 1). Finally, there were no significant differences in mean diameter growth or BAI comparing treatments with Ca (Ca, Ca+N, Ca+N+µ) to those without Ca (N, control) or treatments with N (N, Ca+N, Ca+N+µ) to those without (Ca, control, Table 8). Non-significant growth changes associated with fertilizer addition were consistent with tolerance-competition tradeoff Although there were no significant differences in diameter growth or BAI among treatments, the magnitude by which growth increased following fertilization was consistent with a tradeoff 99 between ability to tolerate low-resource conditions (but inability to respond to resource pulses) versus superior competitive ability in higher-resource environments (hypothesis 2a). Growth of Q. alba, which was dominant at low-fertility sites, increased (NS) 13% over the control after fertilization with Ca, and after fertilization with Ca+N+µ, growth increased (NS) 18% (Table 1). In contrast, growth of A. saccharum—dominant at high-fertility sites—increased (NS) 31% after fertilization with N (Table 1). Of the species more common at sites of intermediate fertility, A. rubrum demonstrated the largest increase (NS) in growth (47%) following fertilization with Ca, while Q. rubra showed the smallest increase (NS) in growth (4%) after fertilization with Ca (Table 1). These results were partially consistent with hypothesis 2a: Q. alba growth increased (NS) proportionately less after fertilizer addition (Ca) than A. saccharum (N), but maximum growth responses (NS) of Q. rubra (Ca) and A. rubrum (Ca) were highly dissimilar. It may be premature, however, to discount support for our hypotheses based on measurements for Q. rubra because of the substantial defoliation experienced by most individuals of these species. It is possible that Q. rubra may respond strongly to fertilizer addition in future years when trees are not defoliated. In contrast, results did not support hypothesis 2b, which predicted that Q. alba should show the strongest proportional response to fertilizer addition. To test whether site fertility level influenced growth in substantially different ways at low versus high fertility, we partitioned the data into high- and low-fertility sites for each species and recalculated the 1-way ANOVA. Neither among the low- nor high-fertility sites did mean growth rates or leaf nutrient contents differ between treatments. Leaf nutrient content, but not chlorophyll fluorescence, increased with fertilization Our third hypothesis predicted that higher photosynthetic activity (measured by proxy as chlorophyll fluorescence) resulting from increased leaf nutrient content should be the basis for 100 diameter growth response to fertilization. Results did not support this hypothesis—although leaf nutrients increased in some instances following fertilizer application (Tables 3, 4) there was no accompanying increase in chlorophyll fluorescence. Discussion Resource limitation across soil fertility gradients Fertilizer addition increased leaf nutrient content in several treatments and changed soil resource content across all species, yet we could conclude neither that the fertilizer treatments increased soil resource availability nor that tree physiology responded to the treatments. Soil resource availability was measured as standing pools, which experience relatively rapid turnover and are depleted by plant and microbial uptake (Leduc & Rothstein 2010) and leaching (Bigelow & Canham 2007). In addition, we did not account for potential secondary effects of base cation addition, such as decreasing inorganic N availability (Groffman et al. 2006). Our hypotheses were concerned with changes in diameter growth and leaf production, but significant differences in these parameters were not observed, lending no support to the hypotheses. Hereafter, we explore each hypothesis based on non-significant differences between treatments and controls, showing that the results, though not statistically significant, were consistent with several predictions. Across plant ecosystems, the resources that limit productivity, including soil nutrients, irradiance, and water are correlated with growth (Knox et al. 1995, Reich et al. 1997), yet resources that do not limit growth are often correlated nonetheless (Joshi et al. 2003, Mayer 2008). In previous studies, we identified correlations of ANPP and diameter growth to several soil resources, notably Ca, N, and soil water (Baribault et al. 2010). These results were consistent 101 with resource limitation, but because correlative evidence is not sufficient to demonstrate limitation, it was necessary to manipulate resource availability (Will et al. 2006, Finzi 2009). To reiterate, mean growth following fertilizer addition did not differ significantly from control groups for any species, but non-significant differences were consistent with the potential for resource limitation identified by correlative evidence, in accordance with our first hypothesis. At sites with low soil Ca, where ANPP was strongly correlated with extractable Ca, Q. alba was the dominant species. Following fertilizer addition, the largest non-significant increases in BAI for Q. alba occurred in treatments that included Ca. In contrast, at sites with high availability of both Ca and N where ANPP was correlated with N but not Ca, A. saccharum was the dominant species. Only fertilization with N alone increased BAI substantially (not significantly) above the control. With our second hypothesis, we sought to address the nature of plant competition across resource gradients by assessing predictions of either of two prominent theories (Tilman 1988, Grime 2001). If competitive ability and growth rate plasticity must be compromised in order to tolerate low-resource conditions (MacDougall & Turkington 2004), then plants growing at low soil fertility should respond weakly to fertilizer addition (Schreeg et al. 2005). Alternately, if plants occupy locations based on their ability to exploit low levels of available resources, the magnitude by which growth increases in response to fertilizer addition should be greatest for species occupying principally low-resource sites (Craine 2005). Although our results did not show significant mean differences in diameter growth, basal area increment, or leaf production following fertilizer treatment, the non-significant BAI changes were most consistent with the first case—that is, a tradeoff between tolerance of low-resource conditions and ability to effectively compete when resources are abundant (Weigelt & Jolliffe 2003, Gaucherand et al. 102 2006). The magnitude by which BAI increased in Q. alba following fertilization with Ca was considerably lower than the increase observed in A. saccharum after fertilization with N. A. saccharum, the species dominant at sites with the highest soil resource availability, demonstrated a larger response to fertilization consistent with superior competitive ability and the capacity to efficiently exploit resources (Davis et al. 1999). In contrast, Q. alba, dominant at sites with low resources, failed to substantially increase growth rates even when resource limitation was partially alleviated by fertilizer addition. Despite observing significantly elevated content of several leaf nutrients after at least one fertilizer treatment for each species, our third hypothesis was not supported because these changes were not associated with significant increases in either chlorophyll fluorescence or diameter growth. Two resources in particular, N and Mg, can lead to higher photosynthesis because they are constituents of RuBisCO and chlorophyll, with more of both molecules required to increase carbon fixation (Burselm et al. 1995, Walters & Reich 1997). Higher leaf N was observed only in A. rubrum fertilized by ammonium sulfate, and higher leaf Mg occurred only in A. saccharum, though after fertilization with Ca, not Ca+N+µ. In contrast to single nutrients, ratios between different leaf nutrients, notably C:N and N:P, may reveal resource limitation in the absence of significant growth responses (Blevins et al. 2005). A significant decrease in C:N for Q. alba following N fertilization is consistent with reduced N limitation (Vilela et al. 2003). Further supporting lessened N limitation, N:P in Q. alba increased to 23.6 following the Ca+N treatment; N:P < 14 may correspond with N limitation, while N:P > 16 suggests P limitation (Koerselman & Meuleman 1996, Romme et al. 2009). In A. rubrum N:P increased from 11.0 in the control to 15.6 after fertilization with N—though not with Ca+N or Ca+N+µ—again consistent with a shift away from N limitation (Blevins et al. 2005). 103 Overall, however, we cannot conclude that fertilizer application predictably increased leaf nutrient content, and must also consider the possibility that fertilization could have decreased N availability in all treatments and Mg availability in all treatments except Ca+N+µ (Fig. 1). For example, adding ammonium nitrate to leaf litter can decrease inorganic N availability because nitrification by litter microbes causes NO3 retention in the litter layer, leading to net N immobilization and N2O production (Raat et al. 2010). To identical effect, increased N immobilization is associated with litter from Quercus species (Piatek et al. 2009), which were dominant from outwash through intermediate moraine sites. Extractable soil Ca, in contrast, is positively associated with inorganic N availability (Page & Mitchell 2008), suggesting that effects of simultaneous N and Ca addition could cancel one another. Moreover, leaf nutrient content may be partially decoupled from soil resource availability for species with low leaf nutrient content but high resource use efficiency (Rodenkirchen et al. 2009) and resorption rates (Cote et al. 2002). Finally, nutrient availability could more immediately affect fine root dynamics, including growth (Park et al. 2008) and senescence (Kunkle et al. 2009), with changes in leaf nutrients arising in the longer term (Nilsen & Abrahamsen 2003). Factors contributing to non-significant changes in diameter growth and leaf production Among several potential reasons for lack of a significant growth response to fertilizer addition, duration of the study likely had considerable consequences. Many fertilizer application studies proceed for at least three years, even in fast-growing tropical plantations (Xu et al. 2002), and up to a decade or longer in temperate silviculture (Neilsen & Lynch 1998, Bauer et al. 2004). For example, Tsuga heterophylla and Thuja plicata plantations fertilized with N and P upon establishment grow faster after a decade of fertilizer addition but growth response continues to increase after 15 years (Blevins et al. 2006), demonstrating that fertilizer effects accrue over the 104 long term. In contrast, shorter-term response to fertilizer in mature stands can be restricted to increased leaf, fine root, and seed production, with no measurable diameter growth (Davis et al. 2004). Limited sample size (maximum 25 trees per treatment, minimum eight) and the diameter of trees selected could have influenced the power to detect significant increases in growth and the physiological capacity of trees to respond to fertilizer addition, respectively. Despite being represented by trees with the smallest mean diameter and a size distribution skewed toward smaller individuals (Fig. 2), A. rubrum showed BAI greater than A. saccharum and Q. alba, and diameter growth nearly equivalent to Q. rubra, even given the much larger mean diameter of that species (Table 1). Our rationale that larger trees are best situated to take advantage of increased leaf nutrient content by virtue of their canopy position and irradiance interceptance may not be justified (Gradowski & Thomas 2008, Jones et al. 2009). If smaller individuals, even those with crowns mostly below the main canopy level, are nonetheless capable of responding to fertilizer input (Rakhteenko 1981, Carlson et al. 2008), it may be necessary to add such individuals to the study. On the other hand, A. rubrum typically grows more quickly across all size classes than do more shade tolerant species (e.g. A. saccharum) or species characteristic of low-resource sites (e.g. Q. alba) (TerMikaelian & Korzukhin 1997), so smaller trees of the other three species may not be capable of achieving these higher growth rates, with or without the advantage of fertilizer. Within species, differences in diameter distributions between treatments and corresponding controls may have affected observed non-significant differences in BAI. For example, the largest BAI in A. saccharum occurred in the N treatment, but mean diameter of trees in this treatment was larger (39.4 cm) than in the control (36.1 cm), potentially accounting for the faster growth rate (Table 1). Larger diameters in treatment groups versus the control may 105 also account for larger BAI following fertilizer addition for Q. alba (Table 1). In contrast, larger BAI was observed in Q. rubra and A. rubrum for some treatments (e.g. N, Ca+N+µ for A. rubrum, Ca for Q. rubra) despite smaller mean diameter in the treatment group than in the control. Accounting for this effect of initial tree diameter may be accomplished either by analysis of co-variance or by linear regression using diameter as a predictor; given the non-significant differences observed in the current data, such analysis would be more useful for a future dataset containing additional years of tree growth. A final issue that could have affected the experiment is scale at which soil resources are heterogeneous. In many forest systems, soil resources vary considerably over short distances, such that trees separated by only a few meters can experience substantially different levels of e.g. soil Ca or inorganic N (Holste et al. 2010). For example, at site 8 where mean soil Ca content in -1 an adjacent mapped stand was 90 mg kg , one A. saccharum individual was growing on soils -1 -1 with Ca content of 65 mg kg , while another grew at 135 mg kg . At site 10, mean adjacent soil -1 Ca content was 1160 mg kg , but soils at individual A. saccharum trees varied from 945-1230 -1 -1 mg kg . Fertilization increased soil Ca content by an average of 13 mg kg , potentially a 20% increase for A. saccharum at site 8 but a trivial 1.4% increase for trees at site 10. Thus, the influence of fertilization could substantially differ both within and across sites, reducing the likelihood of detecting effects in the aggregate, and necessitating a regression-based approach that accounts for resource availability for every individual. A second possibility is that the soil resource environment experienced by individual plants is unrelated to the resource content in soil directly contacting the organism, as can occur with extensive common mycorrhizal networks (Simard 2009). Both ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are capable of integrating 106 into networks with large spatial extent that could effectively homogenize nutrient availability for all trees connected to the network (van der Heijden & Horton 2009). Conclusions Application of Ca, N, P, K, and micronutrient fertilizers to individual forest trees increased the content of most of these elements in surrounding soils, with the notable exception of N (NH4 and NO3), availability of which decreased after nearly all treatments. Diameter growth and leaf production did not significantly increase after three years of fertilizer addition. Nevertheless, the non-significant changes in basal area increment followed our prediction that tree growth is related to soil Ca at sites with low Ca availability but to inorganic N at sites with high soil Ca and N content (H1). In addition, the non-significant basal area changes were consistent with theoretical predictions that tree growth after fertilization should increase most in trees occupying high-fertility sites, while trees tolerant of low-resource conditions should fail to respond as vigorously to increased resource availability (H2). Results did not support our prediction that diameter growth should increase with greater photosynthetic output made possible by higher leaf nutrient content, despite elevated leaf nutrients following some treatments (H3). Non-significant changes in growth were consistent with predictions from two of our hypotheses after only three years of fertilizer application, portending significant changes in growth. Continuation of this study, perhaps expanded to include smaller trees, will be an important step toward resolving issues of nutrient limitation and plant competition across strong soil resource gradients. 107 Acknowledgements Indispensable field assistance was provided by M. Erickson, D. Minor, E. Holste, J. Bramer, A. Pierce, and A. Stinson. We thank M. Walters, D. Rothstein, and S. Grandy for their recommendations during the planning of this experiment and for comments on the manuscript. This research received support from the Michigan Agriculture Experiment Station (NRSP-3, National Atmospheric Deposition Program) and NSF (DEB 0958943). 108 Table 4.1. Basic statistics—including sample size, diameter, annual diameter growth, and basal area increment (± standard error)—for five treatment groups for each of four common species. Treatment Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control A. saccharum N 21 21 18 16 17 Q. rubra A. rubrum Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control 37.60 ± 2.10 39.41 ± 2.58 37.88 ± 1.98 35.75 ± 1.99 36.13 ± 2.35 24 17 18 16 22 15 19 8 20 8 Diameter (2007, cm) 49.33 ± 2.39 34.17 ± 1.99 48.98 ± 3.34 30.89 ± 1.66 45.83 ± 2.16 30.53 ± 1.43 45.74 ± 2.27 29.73 ± 2.00 49.96 ± 2.54 31.18 ± 2.75 0.09 ± 0.02 0.11 ± 0.02 0.10 ± 0.02 0.08 ± 0.01 0.09 ± 0.02 Diam. growth (cm year ) 0.34 ± 0.03 0.30 ± 0.04 0.33 ± 0.02 0.29 ± 0.03 0.35 ± 0.01 0.23 ± 0.04 0.32 ± 0.03 0.30 ± 0.06 0.33 ± 0.02 0.25 ± 0.05 4.96 ± 1.24 7.06 ± 1.21 5.85 ± 1.17 4.52 ± 0.72 5.41 ± 1.06 BAI (cm 28.06 ± 3.66 26.20 ± 3.27 25.91 ± 1.85 24.77 ± 3.38 27.00 ± 2.61 Q. alba 24 25 23 18 21 32.42 ± 1.75 30.84 ± 1.73 32.99 ± 1.78 34.11 ± 2.44 31.80 ± 1.62 -1 Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control 2 0.20 ± 0.02 0.20 ± 0.01 0.20 ± 0.02 0.21 ± 0.02 0.18 ± 0.01 -1 year ) 18.01 ± 3.47 14.81 ± 2.14 11.82 ± 2.89 15.22 ± 3.78 12.27 ± 2.47 109 10.6 ± 0.99 9.88 ± 0.82 10.4 ± 1.18 11.0 ± 1.00 9.32 ± 1.06 Table 4.2. Fertilizer treatments and application rates by fertilizer compound (top) and by element (bottom). -1 -1 Application rate (kg ha yr ) Ca, N, Ca N Ca, N µ Fertilizer compound a CaSO4 600 b (NH4)2SO4 380 600 562 380 95 c N-P-K Micromax®, d (Scotts) 665 140 Element Ca 139.6 0 139.6 139.2 N 0 106.4 106.4 106.4 a CaSO4 ·2H2O (gypsum) contains 23.28% Ca by mass. b c d (NH4)2SO4 contains 21% N by mass. N-P-K contained, by mass, 12% of each element. Micromax (Scotts) contained, by mass, 0.1% Boron, 6.0% Ca, 1.0% Copper, 17% Iron, 3.0% Mg, 2.5% Mn, 0.05% Molybdenum, 1.0% Zinc. 110 Table 4.3. Results from one-way ANOVA comparing mean values of response variables across treatments for each species. Mean values reported only when at least one treatment category showed a difference from the others. Species Response -1 Leaf Mg (mg g ) -1 Ca A. saccharum 1.90 ± 0.18 b Leaf P (mg g ) A. saccharum 1.74 ± 0.23 1.48 ± 0.06 Leaf N:P Q. alba2 A. rubrum Q. alba 15.3 ± 0.72 1 Treatment group mean Ca, N Ca, N, µ N b b 11.9 ± 0.75 a a 1.53 ± 0.11 a,b 1.11 ± 0.09 1.26 ± 0.09 a a,b 15.6 ± 1.28 21.2 ± 2.06 1 b a, b Mean values with different letters are significantly different, p < 0.05 111 1.51 ± 0.06 1.52 ± 0.16 a,b a,b 1.12 ± 0.09 15.0 ± 1.12 a a, b 23.9 ± 2.37 b Control 1.36 ± 0.06 1.66 ± 0.19 1.40 ± 0.10 a a,b a,b a, b 12.0 ± 0.80 19.1 ± 2.17 a, b a 1.37 ± 0.14 1.22 ± 0.12 a,b 1.47 ± 0.06 b a 11.0 ± 1.02 15.4 ± 0.59 a Table 4.4. Results from two-way ANOVA comparing mean values response variables across Ca, N, Ca+N, and control treatments for each species. Mean values reported only when at least one treatment category or interaction effect showed a difference from the others. 1 Response -1 Leaf Ca (mg g ) Leaf N (%) -1 Leaf P (mg g ) Leaf C:N Leaf N:P 1 Species Difference Q. rubra A. rubrum Treatment group mean Ca, N Ca N Ca x N N 5.86 ± 0.21 1.59 ± 0.05 5.98 ± 0.25 1.83 ± 0.11 A. saccharum A. rubrum Q. alba Q. alba A. rubrum Ca N N N N 1.74 ± 0.23 1.40 ± 0.09 Q. alba N 15.3 ± 0.72 b b 1.48 ± 0.06 22.30 ± 0.5 a 12.0 ± 0.75 a a,b 1.11 ± 0.09 1.24 ± 0.08 a,b 1.26 ± 0.09 20.98 ± 0.5 15.6 ± 1.28 21.2 ± 2.06 b a,b 5.29 ± 0.22 1.76 ± 0.59 a,b 1.52 ± 0.16 1.27 ± 0.10 a 1.12 ± 0.09 21.27 ± 0.5 15.0 ± 1.12 a,b 23.9 ± 2.37 b Mean values with different letters are significantly different based on Tukey‘s post-hoc test, p < 0.05 112 Control Interaction 5.20 ± 0.30 1.63 ± 0.05 p < 0.05 NS a,b 1.22 ± 0.12 1.54 ± 0.13 b 1.47 ± 0.06 22.04 ± 0.5 11.0 ± 1.02 15.4 ± 0.59 a a NS NS NS NS NS NS ΔK (mg kg ) -1 -1 ΔCa (mg kg ) -1 ΔNO3 (mg kg ) -1 ΔP (mg kg ) -1 ΔMg (mg kg ) -1 ΔNH4 (mg kg ) Ca N Ca+N All Ctr Ca Treatment N Ca+N All Ctr Treatment Figure 4.1. Change in soil resource content aggregated across all species before (April 2008) and after (October 2008) fertilizer application. Vertical bars represent standard error. 113 Density Diameter (cm) Figure 4.2. Diameter distributions for each species. A. rubrum (mean 31.6 cm ± standard deviation 6.9 cm) was represented by substantially smaller individuals than A. saccharum (37.5 ± 9.6 cm) and Q. rubra (48.0 ± 11.4 cm), and by marginally smaller individuals than Q. alba (32.3 ± 8.6 cm). 114 CHAPTER V TROPICAL TREE GROWTH IS CORRELATED WITH SOIL PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, AND CALCIUM, BUT LEGUMES MAY ESCAPE LIMITATION 115 Abstract 1. Tropical forest productivity, a significant component of the terrestrial carbon cycle, is widely assumed to be limited by soil phosphorus (P) availability. Biogeochemical processes that deplete soil P also deplete calcium (Ca), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg), yet it remains unclear whether tropical tree growth is more strongly related to soil P or base cation availability. 2. We hypothesized that: A) tree growth is positively related to soil base cation and P availability and negatively related to local competition; B) growth of Fabaceae is weakly correlated with soil resources due to advantages of N2 fixation; C) growth of species with low wood density is more strongly related to soil resource availability than species with high wood density. 3. Diameter growth and soil resource availability were measured in five mapped stands situated across natural soil resource gradients in lowland wet tropical forest (La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica). Soil resource availability was estimated for each tree using a spatial hierarchical Bayesian method. Individual tree growth was modeled as a function of diameter, local neighborhood, and soil resources. Separately, site-level mean tree growth and resource availability were modeled using linear regression. 4. Individual diameter growth and site mean basal area increment (BAI) correlated with soil base cations and P, but rarely with N; individual growth correlated negatively with neighborhood index for only three species. Growth of Fabaceae was unrelated to soil resources both at individual and site levels. When species were categorized by wood density, growth was related to soil P or base cation availability. 5. Synthesis. Several resources could potentially limit tropical forest productivity as tree growth was similarly correlated with soil P and base cations, but tree functional groups responded differently. Members of Fabaceae showed negligible growth relationships with soil resources, 116 suggesting that N fixation may indirectly alleviate mineral nutrient limitations. The growth of (non-legume) species with low wood density was strongly correlated with soil P, whereas growth of species with higher-density wood was correlated with base cations. Thus, tropical tree growth may be limited by base cations and/or P, with the degree and type of resource limitation dependent on tree functional group. KEYWORDS: Base cations, legumes / Fabaceae, functional groups, neighborhood model, plantsoil interactions, phosphorus limitation, quantitative trait, resource limitation 117 Introduction Tropical forest productivity is a significant component of terrestrial carbon cycling (Luyssaert et al. 2007, Sitch et al. 2008), but accurately predicting tree growth in tropical forests is complicated by fine-scale biogeochemical heterogeneity (Townsend et al. 2008, Holste et al.) and species diversity (Clark et al. 1999). Productivity in tropical forests may be limited by soil phosphorus (P) availability (Porder et al. 2007, Vitousek et al. 2010), nitrogen (N) (Vitousek & Farrington 1997, Harrington et al. 2001, LeBauer & Treseder 2008), base cations (calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg)) (Andersen et al. 2010), water (Valdespino et al. 2009), or irradiance (Graham et al. 2003). In wet tropical forests in particular, studies often focus on whether soil P dynamics limit aboveground net primary productivity (Tanner et al. 1998), while the possibility that other soil resources influence growth has not been eliminated (Schuur & Matson 2001). Evaluating a broad range of potentially limiting resources is important for understanding resource-based productivity constraints, particularly because macronutrients critical to plant physiology are equally likely to be lost from ecosystems (Asner et al. 2001, Corre et al. 2010, Wood et al. 2005). Soil weathering and high rates of nutrient leaching can deplete phosphate (PO4) in some tropical forest soils (Hedin et al. 2003) and have similar effects on soil base cation and N content (Porder & Chadwick 2009, Porder et al. 2006). Physiologically, P participates in a wide variety of processes (Plassard & Dell 2010, Comas et al. 2002), but the base cations also perform indispensable functions (McLaughlin & Wimmer 1999), as does N (Millard & Grelet 2010). Since all soil macronutrients are subject to leaching and/or immobilization, a comprehensive test for potential resource limitation of tree growth should investigate a broad array of resources. 118 Individual tree growth is influenced both by intrinsic factors—ontogeny (Peichl & Arain 2007) and genotype (Boyden et al. 2005, Boyden et al. 2008)—and by extrinsic factors such as climate (Clark et al. 2010), disturbance regime (Uriarte et al. 2004), resource availability (Gradowski & Thomas 2008), interactions with surrounding trees (Coates et al. 2009), and fungal (Hagerberg et al. 2003) or bacterial (Leblanc et al. 2005) mutualisms. Rarely, however, do individual growth models incorporate soil resource data measured at appropriate scales (Laubhann et al. 2009). A principal contribution of this study is to explicitly test how growth is related to several soil resources measured at a scale commensurate with individual trees. These estimates of individual-scale soil resource availability augment an established strategy for modeling ontogenetic and neighborhood effects on tree growth (Canham et al. 1999, Canham et al. 2006, Coates et al. 2009, Uriarte et al. 2004). Neighborhood effects characterize net local tree-tree interactions, including light competition (Canham et al. 2004), belowground competition (Coomes & Grubb 2000), plant-soil feedbacks (Fujinuma et al. 2005), (McCarthyNeumann & Kobe 2010), and other unmeasured size- and distance-dependent factors. Soil resources are often measured at coarse spatial scales (Lundholm 2009), typically sacrificing high spatial resolution for expedited processing or improved temporal representation. Some recent work has attempted to measure resources at scales appropriate to individual trees (Gradowski & Thomas 2008, Holste 2010), but it is nonetheless a considerable logistical challenge to collect and analyze the thousands of soil samples required to properly assess individual-level resource availability across stands. Evolving geostatistical methods, however, facilitate interpolating resource availability at any scale from a relatively sparse sampling lattice (Finley et al. 2007). Using increased computational capacity and new implementations of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms in a Bayesian framework (Gelman 2006), it is possible to 119 estimate spatially dependent processes, like resource availability, and to measure the uncertainty associated with the estimation procedure (Banerjee et al. 2004). High alpha diversity, particularly in wet tropical forests, limits analysis of growth responses at the level of individual species because many species are too rare to provide a sufficient sample size (Gimaret-Carpentier et al. 1998, Lieberman & Lieberman 2007). The ultimate simplifying assumption is ecological neutrality (Hubbell 2001); if most species respond essentially the same way to resource availability and neighborhood interactions, then strong relationships of growth to these variables should emerge when data are analyzed without division. The opposing assumption, that every species differs ecologically in measurable ways, motivates analysis of growth for individual species, as typically conducted for temperate (Canham et al. 2006) or relatively low-diversity tropical systems (Uriarte et al. 2004). Phylogeny (Swenson & Enquist 2009) or suites of functional traits (Swenson & Weiser 2010) also could define groupings of species that may grow similarly in response to environmental factors. As a distinct group, nearly all of the Fabaceae develop symbioses with N-fixing bacteria, while endogenous N fixation is usually absent in other groups (Hedin et al. 2009). The N fixation capability may alleviate P limitation if N-fixing species can utilize N for rhizosphere phosphatase production that increases micro-scale PO4 availability by dissociating recalcitrant forms of P (Treseder & Vitousek 2001). Thus the expectation is that growth of Fabaceae species should be insensitive to N and P relative to other functional groups (Pearson & Vitousek 2002, Menge et al. 2008, Cusack et al. 2009). Furthermore, species differ in terms of maximum possible height / canopy position. Tree height governs physiological parameters such as transpiration (Sperry et al. 2008) and the amount of carbon dedicated to support structures (King 120 2005, Buckley & Roberts 2006, Cole & Ewel 2006), and consequently carbon requirements for respiration in non-photosynthetic tissues (MacFarlane & Kobe 2006, Elser et al. 2010). Quantitative traits such as wood density (wood specific gravity) are strongly associated with growth rate (Swenson & Enquist 2008), and species with different growth rate capabilities may have different resource requirements (Ogle & Pacala 2009). In particular, species with lowdensity wood, and faster growth rates, and higher leaf turnover might require more soil resources during rapid construction of foliar and other tissue (Oelmann et al. 2010). In contrast, species with higher density wood, which are often shade tolerant (Poorter et al. 2010) and exhibit slower growth rates (Fownes & Harrington 2004, Kelly et al. 2009), may tolerate lower nutrient levels over short time scales (Easdale et al. 2007) due to greater nutrient use efficiency (Hidaka & Kitayama 2009, Soolanayakanahally et al. 2009). Thus, growth of shade tolerant species with high wood density could appear unrelated to soil resource availability (Baltzer et al. 2005). The major purposes of this study are to test for correlations between a broad suite of soil resources and individual and site-level tree growth and to compare relative strengths of these correlations to identify potentially limiting soil resources. In particular, we hypothesized that: Hypothesis 1: Tree growth is positively related to soil P and base cations (Ca, K, and Mg). Hypothesis 2: Individual growth is negatively related to local neighborhoods defined by sizeand distance-dependent functions of neighboring trees. Additionally, we also expected variation in growth-resource relationships among functional groups. Specifically, we hypothesized that: Hypothesis 3: Individual and stand-level growth of Fabaceae are unrelated to soil N and P (due to N fixation and use in phosphatase) but strongly related to base cations. 121 Hypothesis 4: Across species, growth-soil resource relationships strengthen as wood density decreases. Methods Field site This study was conducted in five wet tropical forest sites at La Selva Biological Station in northeastern Costa Rica (10°26‘N, 84°00‘W), an area that receives mean annual rainfall of 4306 mm (http:/81/ distributed relatively evenly across the year. Sites were established across a gradient in soil P (Table D.1), with three sites located on weathered volcanic ultisols and two sites located on entisols and inceptisols of recent alluvial deposition (McDade & Hartshorn 1994). The original intention was to position sites in undisturbed, primary forest (Vriesendorp 2003), but it was later realized that nearly 90% of one alluvial site (4) was actually secondary forest less than 60 years old. In this site, both mean growth and mortality rates in some taxa (e.g. Arecaceae) were slightly higher than at the other alluvial site, but standard deviations from this site were well within the range of standard deviations across all sites (Table D.1). In addition to representing a soil P gradient, the sites also encompass a gradient in base cations and an opposing gradient in soil inorganic N availability (Table D.1). Each site included an area 240m x 41m with the long dimension oriented at a randomly selected azimuth. In 2000, all woody stems larger than 5 cm diameter at 1.3 m height (excluding lianas) were measured (using diameter tapes) and their locations were mapped (Vriesendorp 2003). In 2009, each site was expanded to encompass an area 280m x 81m, with the original sites occupying the center of the new areas. All stems larger than 5 cm diameter at 1.3 m height were measured and mapped in this new area. 122 Growth measurements Growth was measured three times following the original 2000 census, in 2005, 2007, and 2009, with diameter increment calculated as the difference between the later and earlier measurements. Encroaching buttress growth compromised the reliability of the original measurement, so growth data used for this study were derived from the intervals between 2005-2009 or 2007-2009. For dicot species with no buttress structures, diameter was measured at the same height above the ground and at the same position on the stem in each census. Stem position was marked with a nail (or multiple nails for trees of very large diameter), and the measurement was taken 10cm above the nail to avoid any associated scarring. For individuals with extensive buttress structures, measurements were taken above the termination of buttresses (Metcalf et al. 2009). For 96 trees, or 1.8% of the total, buttress structures had grown above the 2005 measurement point in later censuses, and it was necessary to infer the 2005 diameter. This inference was accomplished by measuring diameter above the buttress at two heights separated by a distance of 1m, then projecting the 2005 diameter based on the assumption that the change in diameter was constant across height. For some species in the Arecaceae, it was possible to measure diameter at the same height above the ground, but several species had stilt root structures that progressively lifted the measurement point. For these species, diameter was measured at the same location on the stem regardless of how that point changed relative to ground level. In 2009, trees that had been smaller than 5 cm diameter in 2005 (in-growth) were measured and mapped. Diameter increment for in-growth was conservatively estimated as the difference between measured diameter and 5 cm. Of the trees alive in 2005, 3.2% had died by 2009; for those trees, diameter increment was calculated based on the 2005-2007 interval if the trees were alive in 2007. Trees that were alive in 2005 but had died by 2007 (0.2%) were excluded from the analysis. 123 Soil sampling and resource measurements At each site in June 2008, soil samples were taken from 254 locations. Along a central transect, 2 200 samples were taken from consecutive 1m quadrats. Outside of this transect, samples were located at 5-m intervals on the long site axis and at alternating 10-m intervals on the short axis, with 14 additional locations randomly selected in each site. Each composite sample consisted of three cores (2 cm diameter, 20 cm depth) separated horizontally by 33 cm. Samples were air dried for one week or until they achieved constant mass, then shipped from La Selva to Michigan State University for processing. The samples typically formed into solid clay masses which were coarsely ground so that roots, other biological debris, and stones could be removed. Samples were then finely pulverized in an electric grinder prior to resource measurements. + - Ammonium (NH4 ) and nitrate (NO3 ) were measured in a 2M potassium chloride extract of 10g soil in 50 mL of solution. The NH4 pool in solution was measured following Sinsabaugh et al. (2000), and the NO3 pool was measured according to Doane and Horwath (2003). Both colorimetric assays were measured using an absorbance spectrometer (ELx808 Absorbance Microplate Reader, BioTek Instruments, Inc., Winooski, VT). A 28-day room temperature incubation of soil at ~10% moisture content was conducted, but we do not include potential N mineralization and nitrification rates here because of variability in moisture conditions during the 28 day lab incubation. 2+ + 2+ The base cations (calcium (Ca ), potassium (K ), magnesium (Mg )), extractable - phosphorus (P), and phosphate (PO4 ), were measured in a weak acid Melich III extract (Mehlich 1984, Carter 1993, Loide et al. 2005) consisting of 6g soil in 42 mL of solution. Subsamples (15 124 mL) of the extract were used to measure Ca, K, Mg, and P with an Optima 2100DV ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer, Shelton, CT). A colorimetric assay was used to measure PO4 (Frank et al. 1998). Only extractable P was used in the analysis, however, because the soil PO4 pool is extremely labile in these soils (Vincent et al. 2010) and extractable P more likely captures the amount of P available to plants over longer time scales; nevertheless, PO4 and extractable P were highly correlated (r = 0.920). Local-scale soil resource estimation Resource availability was directly measured at 254 points in each of the five sites, but these locations were not always sufficiently close to focal trees to represent local availability. Thus, we inferred resource values to each tree location using a spatial Bayesian model and a non-spatial model in the package spBayes (Finley et al. 2007) implemented in R (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2009, For both spatial and non-spatial methods, we tested effects of several geographic variables (elevation, slope, aspect, curvature, flow length, flow direction) calculated in GRASS (GRASS development team, and QGIS (Quantum GIS development team) from a LIDAR digital elevation map of La Selva (Kellner & Asner 2009). Geographic factors were selected as independent variables based on a stepwise regression starting with all factors and retaining only those that were related to each resource as determined by Akaike‘s Information Criterion (AIC) (Burnham & Anderson 2002). Multicollinear geographic factors were not permitted. For a given resource, all of the other resources were additional covariates. Each of the four resource estimation models—spatial framework with geographic variables, spatial without geographic variables, non-spatial framework with geographic variables, 125 and non-spatial without geographic variables—was fitted using 75,000 iterations of the spBayes Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Model performance was assessed by comparing G, P, and D values (Gelfand & Ghosh 1998), which measure goodness of fit, complexity penalty, and dimensionality, respectively, from the spBayes routine spDIAG (Finley et al. 2007). For the model with the best support for each site, resource availability was estimated as the mean value of the posterior predictive distribution (PPD) at the coordinates of each tree using the spBayes routine sp.predict (Finley et al. 2007). Each PPD was constructed by sampling 1000 regularly spaced estimates from the converged MCMC chains, allowing 50,000 iterations for convergence. Individual growth analysis Data were analyzed at several levels, including all species together (representing ecological neutrality), species with at least 50 focal trees (15 species), three functional groups further divided into two size classes each (Fabaceae, canopy and smaller; Arecaceae, subcanopy and smaller; non-legume dicots, canopy and smaller), and five wood density classes. For each of these divisions, we evaluated individual diameter growth (Gd) as a function of (i) tree diameter, (ii) a neighborhood index, and (iii) each of the soil resources (Ca, K, Mg, P, NH4, NO3), and a species- or category-specific coefficient P: Gd = P Diameter effect Neighborhood effect Soil resource effect (eq. 1) where P was a scalar value representing theoretical maximum growth for each species (Canham et al. 2006), and each remaining term was an exponential decay function constrained between 0 126 and 1 that could either reduce or have no effect upon P. This theoretical potential growth scalar for each species was estimated simultaneously with other model parameters: Gd = P exp 0.5ln dbh 2 (eq. 2) where δ represents the diameter at which maximum growth occurs (consistent with the data), σ controls the rate at which the function achieves the maximum. Neighborhood effect was calculated as a size- and distance-dependent function (Berger & Hildenbrandt 2000, Canham & Uriarte 2006, Vettenranta 1999, Wimberly & Bare 1996) of the number of neighbors: n Neighborhood effect = exp B dbhi exp i 1 disti (eq. 3) where B is a coefficient to control the relative contribution of the neighborhood overall, α is an estimated exponent controlling the influence of neighbor diameter, and β is an estimated exponent controlling the influence of distance to the focal tree. The sum was calculated for i = 1…n neighbors within either a set radius of 20 m or within an estimated radius (≤ 20m) determined by the data. The soil resource effect was modeled as: Soil resource effect = 1 – exp(C resource) (eq. 4) where the exponential decay is subtracted from 1 so that lowest resource availability results in the lowest growth. In addition to the full model (1), we tested a variety of simpler models, 127 including each of the effects (i), (ii), and (iii) alone, and every possible pair of effects (Table D.2). Uncertainty based on the resource estimation procedure was quantified for individual-level growth using 100 randomly selected datasets, calculating the range of parameter values and predicted growth for the top model formulation for each category. Parameter estimation and model comparison Growth models were fit to all species, individual species with more than 50 focal trees, six functional groups, and five wood density classes. Model parameters were estimated with maximum likelihood using a simulated annealing algorithm (Metropolis sampler) implemented in Delphi (Version 3.0, Borland Corporation, Austin, TX), running each model for 50,000 steps. Growth was treated as a normal random variable in the likelihood function, with mean growth specified by equation 1 and variance estimated as a parameter from the data. Residuals were normally distributed, justifying the normal probability density function. The 95% confidence interval for each parameter was calculated by likelihood profiling; the square of the Pearson 2 correlation coefficient (r ), used to determine goodness of fit, was calculated from the correlation of model-predicted growth versus observed growth. For each model within a category, we 2 calculated the difference in r between it and the model that contained solely diameter effects; this quantity represented the amount of total variance explained by non-diameter effects. The models for each analysis group were compared using Akaike‘s Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc) (Burnham & Anderson 2002), which includes a penalty for model parameters in order to select the most parsimonious model. Models with AICc values within 2 units of the minimum AICc are considered to have equivalent empirical support, so we report only models that have ΔAICc < 2. 128 Site mean growth analysis We also tested relationships of site-level mean basal area increment (BAI) to mean resource availability. We used simple linear regressions because small sample size (n = 5 sites) precluded fitting more complex functions. To account for differences in tree size among sites, site mean growth was calculated as the average BAI of all of the focal individuals at each site (Table D.1). Similarly, site mean resource values were calculated as the average of all of the estimated resource values at each tree coordinate. Calculating distinct site-level mean growth and soil resource values for each functional group was necessary because each tree was associated with different soil resource conditions; different functional groups could experience different mean resource levels even within a single site. In several instances where estimated intercepts were not significantly different from zero, data were presented on the original scales, as opposed to centered (Chatterjee & Hadi 2006), to facilitate comparison to other species / groups. To propagate uncertainty from our resource estimation procedure, we calculated regression models of BAI as a function of site-mean resource values for all 1000 datasets constituting the PPD for each significantly-correlated resource. 129 Results Overview For many analytical categories, site mean BAI and individual tree growth were positively related to soil P and base cations, results which generally supported our first, third, and fourth hypotheses (Tables 1, 2; Figs. 1-4). In support of our first hypothesis, base cations (Ca, K, Mg) and P were often correlated with growth (Tables 1, 2). Individual growth was rarely correlated with local neighborhood, however, providing negligible support for our second hypothesis (Tables 1, 2). At both the individual tree and site levels, the Fabaceae showed virtually no relationship of growth to resources, whereas other functional groups had stronger growthresource correlations (Tables 1, 3, 4; Fig. 2). This result was consistent with our third hypothesis. Among groups of species classified by wood density, only for the lowest-density species was growth related to soil P, in accordance with our fourth hypothesis (Table 1, 5); for species in higher wood density groups, growth generally was correlated with base cations (K or Mg). Unexpectedly, focal tree diameter was not always the strongest correlate of individual tree growth, and accounted for ≤ 19.3% total variance (Tables 3, 4, 5). Stand-level growth correlated positively to soil P, Ca, and K, negatively to N and Mg Grouping all species together, relationships of mean BAI to soil resources across sites supported 2 2 our first hypothesis, with growth related to P (R = 0.958), K (R = 0.790), and marginally 2 related to Ca (R = 0.744) (Figure 1, Table D.3). Sites located on the older volcanic soil types had lower growth rates and considerably lower levels of P; the difference in Ca and K between volcanic and alluvial sites was less pronounced (Table D.1). For all species together, the base cations and P co-varied; many resources were also correlated in several other data classifications, 130 occasionally leading to multiple growth-resource correlations in some data categories (Table D.4). At the site level, dividing the dataset into functional groupings, results were consistent with P, K, and / or Ca limitation, with P most important for the Arecaceae but base cations for the non-legume dicot species. Mean BAI of subcanopy Arecaceae was related to extractable P 2 2 -1 (R = 0.868), with growth expected to vary from 2 to 12 cm yr across the range of soil P. 2 2 Mean BAI of smaller palms was related to P (R = 0.961) and to Ca (R = 0.843, Figure 2, Table D.5, D.6); P and Ca were strongly correlated (r = 0.975, Table D.4). BAI of non-legume dicot 2 canopy species was related to K (R = 0.864), and was expected to increase from 12 to 21 cm -1 2 2 yr across the K gradient. For subcanopy and smaller species, growth was related to K (R = 2 0.822) and Ca (R = 0.816, Table D.4), which themselves were correlated (r = 0.795, Table D.4); 2 -1 BAI was expected to vary from 3.5 - 7.5 cm yr (Figure 2, Table D.5). Site-level mean BAI for single species was generally aligned with functional group results. Among the Arecaceae, mean BAI in four species (S. exorrhiza, I. deltoidea, C. warscewiczii, P. decurrens) was related to at least one resource, including N, P, and base cations (Figure 3, Table D.7, 8). For the non-legume dicot species, mean BAI for three species (R. deflexiflora, F. parvibractea, W. coccinea) was related to the base cations and P, but not to N (Figure 3, Table D.7). Growth of Fabaceae was unrelated to soil resources Supporting our third hypothesis, site mean BAI of the Fabaceae was unrelated to soil resources, either for canopy or smaller species (Figure 2, Table D.5). Site mean BAI for the single legume 131 species with sufficient sample size to warrant species-level analysis, Pentaclethra macroloba, was not related to any soil resource (Table D.7). Similarly, individual diameter growth for the Fabaceae was unrelated to P or inorganic N, and only very weakly related to K. For canopy Fabaceae, K was significantly correlated with growth but explained only 2.1% more variance than diameter alone (Table 4). For subcanopy and smaller statured species, diameter alone was correlated with growth (Table 4). For P. macroloba, despite having the largest sample size of any species (n = 368), growth was nominally correlated 2 with Ca (r = 0.026, Table 3). Individual growth correlated positively but weakly to soil P, base cations, and N Treating all species as one group, individual diameter growth was related only to initial diameter nd and soil K (Table 4, Table D.6, 2 lowest ΔAICc = 18.5, for Ca), and the model explained little 2 variance in growth (r = 0.081). Examining growth by functional group, the Arecaceae had 2 relatively strong correlations of individual growth to soil P (r = 0.105), while non-legume dicot 2 growth was correlated with K (r = 0.044). For subcanopy palm species, P explained 10.5% total variance (Table 4). Growth of treelet and understory palms demonstrated a similarly robust correlation to P (Table 4). For all other species, growth was weakly related to resources, with a maximum of 4.4% additional total variance explained by soil K for species that could attain canopy stature (Table 4, Table D.6). For single species, diameter growth was often related to base cations or P, consistent with our first hypothesis (Table 3, Table D.8). Although growth of the Arecaceae as a group was related to P, growth of individual palm species was related to a variety of factors. Extractable P 2 was correlated with the growth of Iriartea deltoidea (r = 0.13, Table 3), one of the largest and 132 2 most common palm species in the study, and Prestoea decurrens (r = 0.059, Table 3). Growth 2 of the large palm species Socratea exorrhiza was correlated with K (r = 0.019), but for another 2 large palm, Euterpe precatoria, was positively correlated with NH4 (r = 0.116, Table 3). Among non-legume dicot species, growth was unrelated to resource or neighborhood for Dendropanax arboreus (Table 3); soil K was correlated with growth of Warszewiczia coccinea 2 2 (r = 0.107) and Rinorea deflexiflora (r = 0.065), while soil Ca was correlated with growth of 2 Capparis pittieri (r 0.109, Table 3). Individual growth was rarely related to neighborhood index Contrary to the prediction of hypothesis 2, neighborhood index was not correlated with growth across all species or for any functional groups, and was only rarely correlated with growth of single species. Welfia regia (a subcanopy palm) growth was related to the number of neighbors 2 within a radius of 6m (r = 0.100), and Cryosophila warscewiczii (a treelet palm) growth was 2 related to a diameter- and distance-dependent neighborhood with a set radius of 20m (r = 0.154, Table 3; Table D.8). Growth of only one non-legume dicot species (Coussarea hondensis) was 2 related to the number of neighbors in a 7-m radius (r = 0.134, Table 3; Table D.8). For all three species, growth was negatively correlated with neighborhood index. Growth of species with low-density wood correlated more strongly with soil P Among wood density categories, the base cations and P were all correlated with BAI. Extractable P and K were correlated with BAI of species constituting the minimum wood density class, with 2 -1 growth expected to increase from 5.5-13.5 cm yr across the resource gradient (Figure 4). 133 Consistent with our fourth hypothesis, these relationships were slightly stronger (assessed by goodness of fit for simple linear regression) for the minimum density class than for other categories (Table D.9). For the higher density classes, site-mean BAI was related to Mg and Ca, while for species of unknown wood density—likely representing many low-density species, based on taxonomic groupings—BAI was again related to P (Figure 4). Since growth of the Fabaceae was not correlated with soil resources, they were excluded from the above wood density analyses (Figure 4). Including the Fabaceae still resulted in 2 significant correlations to the same soil resources and minor decreases in R values (Table D.9). Furthermore, when functional groups were separated into wood density classes, there were no significant BAI-resource relationships for the Fabaceae. In contrast, despite small sample sizes at this level of analysis, both the Arecaceae and the non-legume dicots showed at least one significant growth-resource relationship (Table D.9). Considering individual diameter growth, the group of species with lowest wood density showed considerably stronger correlation of diameter growth to P than species with higherdensity wood (supporting hypothesis 4), but in all cases resources explained little variation in growth (Table 5, Table D.10). Extractable P explained 5.8% growth variance—440% more than diameter alone—for the lowest density species (Table 5). By comparison, no more than 0.9% of total variance could be attributed to soil resources for any other group of known density (Table 5). For species with unknown wood density, growth was related to Ca (Table 5). Uncertainty propagated from resource estimation The spatial Bayesian model provided estimates for both the mean resource level and uncertainty in resources. To test the robustness of growth-resource relationships, we propagated resource uncertainty through the models. At the site level, the envelope of possible predicted growth was 134 typically limited to a narrow range around the mean predictions (Figs. 1, 3, 4). Within a data analysis class, the uncertainty resulting from estimating values of P was typically larger than that of base cations. For example, with all species grouped together, the range of predicted BAI as a 2 -1 function of P at the center of the resource domain was approximately 4 cm year , while the 2 -1 range of predicted BAI as a function of K was only 2 cm year (Figure 1). These differences were often even more pronounced for other data categories (Figs. 2, 3, 4). For the functional groups, species, and wood density classes for which resources explained at least 5% total variance in individual diameter growth, we calculated predicted growth given the uncertainty in resource measurements (Table D.11, D.12). As expected, uncertainty in growth-resource relationships due to uncertainty in resource estimates was generally greater in data categories with lower sample sizes (Figure D.12). 135 Discussion Growth and productivity in wet tropical forests are typically considered to be limited by P availability (Vitousek et al. 2010), but results were consistent with limitation by P or base cations, supporting our first hypothesis. Although individual tree growth was weakly related to soil resources and neighborhood, there were very strong relationships between site-level mean growth and soil resources. For all species together, site-level mean growth was strongly related to soil P, K, and Ca. Deficiencies in P or the base cations are common on older soils subject to high rates of leaching (Vitousek & Farrington 1997, Porder et al. 2007), so our results were consistent with expected resource limitations on these types of soils. Extractable P represents a longer-term pool more relevant to plant growth (Valdespino et al. 2009), likely contributing to 2 the very strong relationship of basal area growth to extractable P (r = 0.95). In contrast, soluble K and Ca represent more dynamic resource pools (Tripler et al. 2006), potentially contributing to the slightly weaker relationships of growth to these resources. Based on strength of relationship, there may be more support for P limitation, but we cannot discount the possibility of base cation limitation. Similar to all species as a group, individual tree growth was related to Ca and P for two species each, and to K for four species, as well as inorganic N for two species, but none of these relationships explained more than 13% of total growth variance. Local neighborhood was negatively correlated with growth for only three species and explained between 10 and 15% total growth variance, suggesting, contrary to our second hypothesis, that competition was relatively unimportant (Uriarte et al. 2004). We believe, however, that competition and neighborhood interactions likely exert much greater influence on growth (Canham et al. 2006, Guariguata & Ostertag 2001, Hood et al. 2004) than detected here. In forests with minimal disturbance, as with our data, growth of all trees, especially those in the 136 subcanopy, could be heavily suppressed by neighbors (Coates et al. 2009). Thus, lack of variation in neighborhood conditions, particularly the absence of non-suppressed trees, may have precluded detection of neighborhood effects. Individual diameter growth and site mean BAI were related to soil resources for palm and non-legume dicot species but not for legumes; a likely explanation for this apparent legume escape from P limitation is diversion of fixed N2 to production of rhizosphere phosphatase (Olander & Vitousek 2000, Wang et al. 2007) that dissociates plant-available PO4 from recalcitrant sources (Adams et al. 2010). The extensive N fixation that occurs in tropical forests appears paradoxical because N2 fixation should be down-regulated under conditions of excess N availability (Hedin et al. 2009, Menge et al. 2010). Our results suggest that legume stem growth was limited by neither N nor P, and that growth was correlated with soil P only for non-legume species and functional groups. Increased inorganic soil N content and plant-available P facilitated by legume N2 fixation and phosphatase production also could contribute to an imbalance in base cation availability (Treseder & Vitousek 2001) relative to N and P, particularly for legumes (Hogh-Jensen 2003). Site mean legume growth was unrelated to soil base cations, however, and we cannot identify a clear mechanism that explains how N2 fixation could alleviate base cation limitation (Smethurst 2010). In fact, N2 fixation in certain temperate forests contributes to base cation leaching at ecosystem scales due to elevated soil NO3 (Compton et al. 2003); we identified negative correlations of soil base cation content to inorganic N (Table D.13) consistent with leaching of these mineral resources, potentially by increased soil N content or legume presence (Cahn et al. 137 1993, Emmett 1999). Furthermore, either possibility—alleviation of base cation limitation related to N2 fixation or increased limitation as a consequence of leaching—may be difficult to detect in our dataset because variability in site-level mean basal area increment for legumes was limited (Table D.12). Although growth rates for canopy Fabaceae exceeded those of every other functional group (Table D.12), it is unclear whether this resulted from alleviation of P / base cation limitation or a different mechanism. In contrast to the legumes, we found two lines of evidence consistent with N accumulation and base cation limitation for other functional groups. The primary support for base cation or P limitation was the positive correlations of BAI to these resources for the Arecaceae and non-legume dicots, and for single species within these functional groups. Second, soil resources whose abundance does not limit plant growth should be negatively correlated with any limiting resources, as increasing levels of the limiting resource allow plants to further draw down supplies of resources available in excess (LeBauer & Treseder 2008). For all species grouped together, soil NH4 and NO3 were negatively correlated with all the base cations and with extractable P (Table D.13). For three individual species (S. exorrhiza, I. deltoidea, and P. decurrens) for which the strongest growth-resource relationships were negative correlations with NH4 and NO3 (Table D.7), inorganic N was in turn negatively related to soil base cations and extractable P (Table D.13), which is consistent with these latter resources limiting tree growth. Evidence consistent with P and K limitation was strongest for species with lowest wood density, in accordance with our fourth hypothesis which predicted that faster-growing species should be more resource-limited (Stape et al. 2008). We also, contrary to prediction, found strong correlations between growth and base cation availability for species with higher wood 138 density. Evidence consistent with P limitation at the site level existed only for presumably fastergrowing species of low wood density (Oelmann et al. 2010), while results for slower-growing species with higher wood density (Kelly et al. 2009) were consistent with base cation limitation. However, while species with low wood density may be fast growing from the perspective of diameter or basal area increment, they may not be fast growing from the perspective of mass increment. Furthermore, if stoichiometry of wood tissue is consistent across wood density classes, then mass increment would more strongly influence demand (Easdale & Healey 2009)(Easdale & Healey 2009)for mineral nutrients than diameter or basal area increment (Easdale & Healey 2009, Smethurst 2010). Thus, we calculated a proxy for mass increment as the product of mean BAI and mean wood density for a 1-cm high cross-section of annual growth at the point of diameter measurement. Based on this index, the fastest mass growth (10.79 g year 1 - -3 ) actually occurred in the highest wood density class (0.7-1.2 g cm ), followed by the 0.4-0.55 -3 -1 1 g cm class (2.28 g year ); slowest mass growth (1.59 g year ) occurred in the lowest density -3 class of 0.2-0.4 g cm . We do not, however, have the information necessary to calculate whole tree mass increment, which may differ from stem cross section mass increment due to variation in tree height and branching patterns (Chave et al. 2005) and within-tree variation in wood density. Nevertheless, a shift from P limitation in early-succession, low-density species to base cation limitation in late-succession, shade-tolerant species with high wood density could indicate differences in either stoichiometric resource limitation or resource use efficiency between earlyand late-succession species (Gleeson & Tilman 1994, van Kuijk & Anten 2009). 139 Conclusions We identified strong correlations of site mean growth (BAI) to soil P and base cations, particularly among the Arecaceae and non-legume dicot species and for several wood density categories, but generally not for legume species. Whereas P has often been implicated in limiting productivity of tropical forests, soil K was correlated with growth for more species and functional groups, both at the site and individual levels (H1). In addition, competition appeared to have limited influence on individual tree growth (H2), although data from a variety of disturbance regimes could provide a different conclusion. For the legumes, both individual diameter growth and site mean BAI were unrelated to soil resources (H3), consistent with alleviation of resource limitation (for example, by rhizosphere phosphatase production supported by N2 fixation). We emphasize that our results were based on natural variation in soil resources and that resource limitation must ultimately be resolved using fertilizer addition experiments. Many such fertilization studies, however, are designed to test for P limitation or are based on factorial N and P additions. In contrast, although our results identify P as a possible limiting resource, our strong correlative support for limitation by the base cations, particularly K, suggest that base cations also should be more rigorously examined for their potential in limiting tree growth and wood production in wet tropical forests (e.g. P x base cation fertilization experiments). While we stress the potential importance of the base cations, our results also suggest that P is the most probable limiting resource for growth of species with low wood density (H4), which tend to be early succession species. Thus, P availability may determine the rate of early successional dynamics on tropical soils. Overall, our results support that tropical tree growth may be limited by base cations and/or P; furthermore, the degree and type of 140 resource limitation may depend on functional group differences in wood density and potential for N fixation. Acknowledgements Many thanks to E. Holste for her extensive work on the soil resource dataset. We also thank S. Grandy, D. Rothstein, and M. Walters for insight about resource analysis and model design. Two anonymous reviewers provided useful feedback during preparation of the manuscript. Essential field assistance was provided by A. Hurtado, M. Cascante, and R. Garcia. This research was supported by NSF (DEB 0075472, 0640904, 0743609). 141 Table 5.1. Summary of results for stem growth as a function of soil resources for all species together, for functional groups, and for wood density categories. Strongest relationships occurred 2 at the site level, for which goodness of fit is presented as R . 1 Analysis category All species FC F<C AS A<S NLDC NLD<C 0.2-0.4 g cm Mg P NH4 NO3 0.985 0.868 0.961 0.843 0.864 0.816 0.822 -3 0.55-0.7 g cm 0.815 -3 0.912 0.851 -3 -3 Unknown g cm 1 K 0.790 0.4-0.55 g cm 0.7-1.2 g cm Ca 0.799 -3 0.780 Functional group and size class abbreviations: FC: Fabaceae, canopy; F<C: Fabaceae, smaller than canopy; AS: Arecaceae, subcanopy; A<S: Arecaceae, smaller than subcanopy; NLDC: nonlegume dicot species, canopy; NLD<C: non-legume dicot species, smaller than canopy; numerical categories and ‗Unknown‘ represent wood density classes. 142 Table 5.2. Summary of results for stem growth as a function of soil resources for single species. All of the strongest relationships again occurred at the site level (with goodness of fit presented 2 as the R value), but for three species neighborhood effects (defined only at the individual level) were significantly correlated with growth (Table 3). 1 Analysis category were pema soex ride irde capi fapa eupr crwa dear caar prde coho waco gome other Ca K Mg P NH4 NO3 0.916 0.873 0.871 0.980 0.839 0.876 0.963 0.997 0.953 0.981 0.820 0.960 0.997 0.949 1 Species abbreviations: Welfia regia (were); Pentaclethra macroloba (pema); Socratea exorrhiza (soex); Rinorea deflexiflora (ride); Iriartea deltoidea (irde); Capparis pittieri (capi); Faramea parvibractea (fapa); Euterpe precatoria (eupr); Cryosophila warscewiczii (crwa); Dendropanax arboreus (dear); Casearia arborea (caar); Prestoea decurrens (prde); Coussarea hondensis (coho); Warszewiczia coccinea (waco); Goethalsia meiantha (gome). 143 Table 5.3. Results of fitting models of individual tree growth as a function of diameter, soil resources, and neighborhood index for species for which more than 50 focal individuals were available. Total variance explained by supported models is compared to the diameter-only model to identify any additional variance explained by neighborhood or resources (Add. Var.). If the best supported model is the diameter-only model, then no additional variance can be explained by other factors. Top model Species Funct. group Res. Diameter-only k n ΔAICc r 2 Add. Var. r 2 ΔAICc 6 168 0.000 0.124 0.100 0.024 13.490 1 AS 2 FC Ca 5 368 0.000 0.126 0.026 0.100 0.822 2 AS K 5 193 0.000 0.146 0.019 0.127 1.970 2 NLD<C K 5 91 0.000 0.172 0.065 0.107 4.530 2 AS P 5 360 0.000 0.277 0.130 0.147 56.985 2 NLD<C Ca 5 72 0.000 0.149 0.109 0.040 6.334 3 NLD<C 4 83 0.000 0.011 2 AS 5 55 0.000 0.309 0.116 0.193 4.618 4 A<S 7 112 0.000 0.251 0.154 0.097 11.451 3 NLD<C 4 57 0.000 0.054 were pema soex ride irde capi fapa eupr crwa dear NH4 144 Table 5.3 (cont‘d) 2 NLD<C NO3 5 207 0.000 0.076 0.024 0.052 3.031 2 AS P 5 106 0.000 0.060 0.059 0.001 3.766 1 NLD<C 6 64 0.000 0.226 0.134 0.092 4.671 2 NLD<C 5 96 0.000 0.111 0.107 0.004 7.471 3 NLDC 4 51 0.000 0.066 5 2101 0.000 0.105 0.006 0.099 11.608 caar prde coho waco gome 2 other K K 1 Count of neighbors, estimated radius 2 Diameter and resource effects; no neighborhood 3 Diameter effect only; no resource, no neighborhood 4 Size and distance-dependent neighborhood, radius = 20m; no resource 145 Table 5.4. Results of fitting models of individual tree growth as a function of diameter, soil resources and neighborhood indices for all species combined and categorized by functional group and size class. Total variance explained by supported models is compared to the diameteronly model to identify any additional variance explained by neighborhood or resources (Add. Var.). If the best supported model is the diameter-only model, then no additional variance can be explained by other factors. Top and supported models Diameter-only Analytical category All species FC F<C AS A<S NLDC NLD<C Res. k n ΔAICc r 2 Add. Var. r 2 ΔAICc K K 5 5 4 4184 446 151 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.091 0.111 0.227 0.010 0.021 0.081 0.090 79.56 7.728 NO3 P P K Ca K 5 5 5 5 5 5 151 887 119 726 726 1752 1.863 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.543 0.000 0.228 0.190 0.080 0.098 0.085 0.362 0.001 0.105 0.075 0.044 0.031 0.294 0.085 0.005 0.054 105.56 7.560 5.785 0.068 55.769 146 Table 5.5. Results of fitting models of individual tree growth for species grouped by wood density as a function of diameter, soil resources, and neighborhood index. Total variance explained by supported models is compared to the diameter-only model to identify any additional variance explained by neighborhood or resources (Add. Var.). If the best supported model is the diameter-only model, then no additional variance can be explained by other factors. Top and supported models Wood density -3 (g cm ) 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.55 0.55-0.7 0.7-1.2 Unknown Diameter-only Res. k n ΔAICc r 2 Add. Var. r 2 ΔAICc P P K Ca Ca Ca 5 5 5 5 4 5 956 964 1111 1111 98 1043 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.256 0.000 0.000 0.071 0.037 0.006 0.004 0.182 0.151 0.058 0.009 0.002 0.000 0.013 0.028 0.004 55.942 10.062 8.234 0.016 0.135 17.037 147 2 R = 0.958 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) p = 0.004 p = 0.044 2 R = 0.790 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) P (ppm) K (ppm) Figure 5.1. Site mean basal area increment for all species as functions of soil resources. Basal area increment was significantly related to soil P (a) and K (b). Solid lines represent simple linear regression of growth as a function of mean soil resource with an estimated intercept, 2 presented with associated R and p values. Cross symbols represent the envelope of predicted growth based on 1000 resource datasets sub-sampled from the posterior predictive distribution of each resource. 148 0.003 pp ==0.508 p = 0.028 R =< 0.868 0.001 0.961 RR ==0.16 R = 0.843 2 22 2 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) p = 0.021 0.972 P (ppm) P (ppm) Ca (ppm) Figure 5.2. Site mean basal area increment for six taxonomic groups as functions of soil resources. Lines represent simple linear 2 regression of growth as a function of soil resource, with associated p and R values. Growth of subcanopy palm species was related to P (a), while growth of treelet and understory (< subcanopy) palms was related to Ca and/or P (b, c). Among non-legume dicot species (Other), mean diameter growth of canopy species was related to K (d), and of subcanopy, treelet, and understory (< canopy) species to Ca or K (e, f). Notably, growth of Fabaceae was unrelated to resources regardless of size class (g – i), shown here as functions of the soil resources most strongly correlated (none significantly) to individual growth. Cross symbols represent the envelope of predicted growth based on 1000 resource datasets sub-sampled from the posterior predictive distribution of each resource. Envelopes were not calculated for Fabaceae because regressions were not significant. 149 p = 0.972 p = 0.508 p = 0.036 R < 0.001 R = 0.16 R = 0.816 2 2 2 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) Figure 5.2 (cont‘d) K (ppm) K (ppm) 150 Ca (ppm) -1 p = 0.034 p = 0.740 R = 0.864 R = 0.822 R < 0.04 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) p = 0.022 2 Figure 5.2 (cont‘d) 2 2 K (ppm) 2 NO3 (ppm) 151 P (ppm) 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) K (ppm) 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) P (ppm) NO3 (ppm) NH4 (ppm) Figure 5.3. Site-mean basal area increment for individual species as a function of soil resources. Growth was positively related to P, Ca, and K, but negatively related to NO3, NH4, and Mg. For species with growth related to more than one resource, the same symbol and line type are used in all relevant panels. See Table D.6 for model parameters and goodness of fit assessment. 152 2 -1 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) Figure 5.3 (cont‘d) Ca (mg kg ) -1 Mg (mg kg ) -1 153 -1 2 R = 0.912 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) 0.2 – 0.4 g cm (ppm) p = 0.011 -3 0.2 – 0.4 g cm (ppm) p = 0.036 2 2 R = 0.815 P (ppm) 0.4 – 0.55 g cm (ppm) p = 0.026 K (ppm) -3 0.7 – 1.2 g cm (ppm) p = 0.041 2 -3 2 R = 0.851 R = 0.799 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) -3 Mg (ppm) Ca (ppm) Figure 5.4. Site mean stem area growth for wood density categories, excluding legume species, plotted versus soil resources. Lines represent simple linear regression of growth as a 2 function of soil resource, with associated p and R values. For the two lightest density groups, P, K, and Mg were correlated with growth (a, b, c). In the second-highest density group (d, e), growth was related to K and Ca. Cross symbols represent the envelope of predicted growth based 154 Figure 5.4 (cont‘d) on 1000 resource datasets sub-sampled from the posterior predictive distribution of each resource. p = 0.047 2 R = 0.780 2 -1 Mean Δ basal area (cm yr ) Unknown density P (ppm) 155 CHAPTER VI SYNTHESIS 156 Summary In broadest terms, this dissertation reassessed the relative influence on tree growth of soil resources, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and water. Whereas temperate forests are generally classified as N-limited systems and tropical forests as P-limited, results from both biomes (Chapters II and V) identified strong correlations of stand-level growth and productivity to soil base cation availability. The possibility of base cation limitation of temperate forest productivity was investigated (Chapter IV) by fertilizing individual forest trees with Ca and / or N and comparing resulting growth responses. In addition to soil resource effects, individual tree growth is influenced by interactions with neighboring trees. Neighborhood models often, however, discount soil resource heterogeneity at both coarse and fine scales; simultaneous comparison of local-scale neighborhood and soil resource effects (Chapter III, V) revealed that both may influence growth to a similar extent, depending on species composition and site-level soil resource availability. Competition and soil resource effects transform across soil resource gradients Plant communities may be organized according to competitive hierarchies (Canham et al. 2006), niche partitioning (Silvertown 2004), residual effects of colonization (Chesson 2003), or a variety of tradeoffs and interactions among these processes. In north-temperate hardwood forests, I found that aboveground net primary productivity of wood tissue (ANPPW) was strongly correlated with soil Ca across sites with low resource availability overall, whereas ANPPW was related to soil inorganic N content and volumetric water across sites with higher overall soil resource availability (Ch. II). 157 The relative importance of potential soil resource effects at high fertility versus weak or absent resource effects in species associated with low fertility suggests niche partitioning along soil resource availability axes (Turner 2008). Simultaneously, changing competitive effects were likely also important (Canham et al. 1999). Species distributions may be controlled by relative ability to exploit available resources (Wedin & Tilman 1993) or by a tradeoff between ability to tolerate scarce resources versus ability to compete given abundant resources (Grime 2001). In temperate hardwood species most prevalent at low- or intermediate-fertility sites, I found that individual diameter growth was essentially unrelated to competition as measured by local neighborhood index (Ch. III). In contrast, diameter growth was, for the most part, negatively related to competition among species dominant at high-fertility sites (Ch. III), consistent with a tradeoff between tolerance of low-resource conditions and competitiveness at high-resource sites. Tolerance of low resources and competitive exclusion of species common at low-resource sites was not explicitly measured, so these results could not definitively reveal a tolerancecompetition tradeoff. Nonetheless, my results were consistent with seedling performance data based on reciprocal transplants at the same sites that showed precisely this tradeoff (Schreeg et al. 2005). In tropical forest stands distributed across a soil P gradient, however, neighborhood effects were not measurable for most species (Ch. V). Inability to detect correlations of diameter growth to local neighborhood index does not necessarily mean that competition was absent from the system (Coates et al. 2009). In fact, competition was probably intense (Guariguata & Ostertag 2001), particularly for subcanopy trees, but nonetheless undetectable because all neighborhood indices corresponded with suppressive conditions (Ch. III, V). Competitive effects were likely obscured in a similar fashion in the temperate forests; in both biomes a more accurate 158 measure of competition could be assessed in stands encompassing a wider range of disturbance regimes and developmental stages (Coates et al. 2009). Implications of heterogeneous resource limitation at multiple spatial scales Forest productivity is widely assumed to be limited by single soil resources across entire bioregions (LeBauer & Treseder 2008), typically by P in tropical forests (Vitousek & Farrington 1997) and N in temperate forests (Finzi & Canham 2000). Results from my dissertation research suggest that not only may tree growth and forest productivity be limited by soil base cation availability in addition to N and / or P, but also that resource limitation may vary at fine spatial scales (Ch II, III, V). In northern hardwood forests, ANPPW was most strongly correlated with soil Ca in stands growing on soils low in both Ca and inorganic N, while ANPPW and leaf production (ANPPL) were correlated with soil N in stands on soils with abundant Ca and N (Ch. II). Across all sites, both ANPPW and ANPPL were correlated with soil volumetric water (Ch. II). Thus, rather than clear support for N limitation across sites, as suggested by e.g. Zak et al. (1989), results suggested that production could be sequentially limited by N and base cations, or limited by soil water instead of either nutrient. First, N-limitation could be restricted to high-resource sites, with Ca-limitation operating at low-resource sites. I tested this scenario by factorial addition of N and Ca to individual trees across sites. Preliminary results, including leaf nutrient content and non-significant increases in diameter growth rates, suggest that Quercus alba, dominant at low-resource sites, responds to addition of Ca, whereas Acer saccharum, dominant at high-resource sites, responds to N addition (Ch. IV). I also tested correlations of individual tree diameter growth to local-scale soil resource 159 availability (Ch. III), finding that growth rates of species dominant at low fertility were largely independent of soil resource availability, while growth of high-fertility species was correlated with several resources, including Ca, K, N, and water. Results from the fertilizer addition experiment will eventually resolve how resource limitation changes across the fertility gradient; I expect those results to become significant as the experiment proceeds (Neilsen & Lynch 1998, Bauer et al. 2004), especially since the first two years of the experiment coincided with complete defoliation of A. saccharum by Malacosma disstria caterpillars across sites. A second possibility is that growth and productivity are ultimately controlled by soil water availability (Richards et al. 2010), and that correlations of growth to soil Ca and N are spurious. Although we cannot easily manipulate soil water conditions, failure to identify any significant growth response to Ca versus N addition could indirectly support limitation of productivity by soil water. If N is not, as my results suggest, the only limiting resource in north temperate hardwood forests, there are several implications for forest ecology and management. Large-scale models of forest productivity (e.g. Schimel et al. 1997) that incorporate soil N availability as their sole resource predictor could be inappropriate. For example, high levels of atmospheric N deposition (Gradowski & Thomas 2006, Gress et al. 2007, Finzi 2009) would increase productivity if forests are N-limited, but Ca leaching caused by N deposition (Perakis et al. 2006) would decrease productivity if forests are Ca-limited. Alternately, global climate change in which precipitation decreases and temperatures increase across North America (Lutz et al. 2010) would result in decreased forest productivity if tree growth is water-limited, yet models based on Nlimitation could fail to predict this outcome. 160 Reflecting my temperate system results, tropical tree diameter growth and stand-level mean basal area increment (BAI) were not simply correlated with soil P (Ch. V), as should occur if tropical production were P-limited (Vitousek et al. 2010). Global carbon cycling models that assume P limitation in tropical forests (Lukac et al. 2010) may under-predict the importance of tropical forest productivity relative to other biomes if production is in fact regulated by other soil resources (e.g. base cations) or principally by climatic factors (Clark et al. 2010). Whereas growth-resource correlations shifted across sites in my temperate results, potential resource limitation patterns in tropical stands depended to a greater extent on species and functional group identities (Ch. V), in agreement with other tropical research (Baker et al. 2003). For the Fabaceae, growth was unrelated to soil resources at both the individual and site levels and across wood density classes, evidence that this functional group escaped soil resource limitation (Ch. V). Abundant N from symbiotic fixation could be allocated to production of rhizosphere phosphatase, enhancing uptake of PO4 from recalcitrant mineral pools (Olander & Vitousek 2000). Whatever the ultimate reason for weak relationships between legume growth and soil resources (Menge et al. 2010), my results imply that tropical forests with a greater proportion of legumes may exhibit weaker resource limitation or, conversely, higher levels of productivity on low-resource soils (Stape et al. 2008). A management application of this result could be to increase the relative proportion of legumes in species assemblages used for tropical forest restoration (Siddique et al. 2008). Other functional groups and trait (wood density) classes showed extremely strong correlations of site-level BAI to mean soil resource availability (Ch. V), consistent with soil resource limitation. For both the Arecaceae and species with low wood density (excluding Fabaceae), BAI was related most strongly to total soil P; among the non-legume dicot species 161 and species with higher wood density (again excluding Fabaceae), BAI was related to soil Ca and K (Ch. V). Early-succession forests typically contain a higher proportion of fast-growing species with low wood densities (Doust et al. 2008); my results suggest that productivity in such forests could be P-limited. In contrast, late-succession forests often contain a greater contingent of slower-growing, shade-tolerant species with high-density wood (Gough et al. 2010), and production in such forests could be more limited by soil base cation availability. Consequently, P limitation in early succession second-growth tropical forests may be a significant impediment to establishment and optimum productivity, but these problems could be alleviated by promoting regeneration of legumes and species with higher wood densities (Binkley et al. 2003). In tropical forests managed under selection systems (de Freitas & Pinard 2008) it could be advantageous to maintain higher residual basal areas of species with low wood densities where soils contain abundant total P, but to retain more basal area of species with high wood density on soils with low total P. Conclusions and future directions This dissertation reinforces the growing recognition that a dichotomous classification of P limitation in tropical forest ecosystems versus N limitation in temperate systems can be an unrealistic simplification. I identified potential Ca and / or soil water limitation in addition to N limitation in north temperate hardwood forests growing across a gradient of multiple resources. In lowland wet tropical forests growing across a strong soil P gradient, I identified potential base cation limitation in addition to P limitation, while also showing that soil resource limitation likely does not affect the Fabaceae. This evidence, however, was conservatively interpreted as potential resource limitation because it derived from correlations between tree growth and soil 162 resource availability. Actual resource limitation must be confirmed by documenting a growth response to fertilizer application. My field experiment to test N versus Ca limitation in four common temperate species is ongoing, but after only three years has shown that leaf nutrient contents increase and that diameter growth increases, though not significantly, in response to fertilization. The potential for base cation limitation that I identified in both temperate and tropical forests needs to be confirmed by the continuation of the fertilization experiment that I implemented at the temperate sites, and by a parallel manipulation in tropical forests. Additionally, the nature of neighborhood effects across soil resource gradients deserves further study, both to measure a wider array of neighborhoods and to clarify how plant competition interacts with soil resource availability. 163 APPENDICES 164 APPENDIX A 165 APPENDIX A Table A.1 Site mean values, with standard error, for inorganic N pools (NO3 and NH4), soil N dynamics (N-min rate and nitrification), and total C and N content. Inorganic and total N content were measured on differing numbers of samples, which are listed under n (N) and n (C,N). Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 n (N) 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - NO3 -1 (mg kg ) 0.52 ± 0.13 0.58 ± 0.12 0.59 ± 0.16 0.60 ± 0.10 0.57 ± 0.12 0.50 ± 0.16 0.54 ± 0.04 0.53 ± 0.12 0.89 ± 0.54 0.82 ± 0.32 1.99 ± 0.59 0.76 ± 0.22 2.28 ± 0.81 + NH4 -1 (mg kg ) 1.46 ± 0.46 1.41 ± 0.35 1.32 ± 0.73 1.57 ± 0.85 1.84 ± 0.88 1.07 ± 0.48 2.94 ± 0.44 2.43 ± 0.53 2.70 ± 1.78 2.66 ± 1.34 1.74 ± 0.44 2.92 ± NA 2.54 ± 0.98 N-min Rate -1 -1 (mg kg day ) Nitrification -1 -1 (mg kg day ) n (C,N) Total N (%) Total C (%) C:N 0.30 ± 0.07 0.42 ± 0.06 0.40 ± 0.02 0.33 ± 0.09 0.37 ± 0.10 0.29 ± 0.07 0.52 ± 0.16 0.37 ± 0.07 0.6 ± 0.15 0.57 ± 0.49 0.13 ± 0.03 0.25 ± 0.04 0.25 ± 0.08 0.11 ± 0.01 0.11 ± 0.01 0.11 ± 0.02 0.10 ± 0.01 0.11 ± 0.01 0.11 ± 0.01 0.17 ± 0.05 0.14 ± 0.02 0.14 ± 0.05 0.43 ± 0.20 0.58 ± 0.10 0.78 ± 0.75 0.79 ± 0.22 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 6 0.10 ± 0.02 0.08 ± 0.01 0.06 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.02 0.06 ± 0.04 0.09 ± 0.02 0.12 ± 0.04 0.06 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.03 0.15 ± 0.03 0.17 ± 0.00 0.17 ± 0.04 2.11 ± 0.34 1.96 ± 0.34 1.76 ± 0.11 1.72 ± 0.25 1.45 ± 0.32 1.64 ± 0.73 1.77 ± 0.08 2.05 ± 0.32 1.74 ± 0.15 1.47 ± 0.84 2.12 ± 0.69 2.83 ± 0.02 2.81 ± 0.81 22.16 24.80 29.76 32.49 30.94 25.59 20.86 16.93 27.62 12.14 14.04 16.76 16.13 166 -1 -1 Table A.2. Site mean values for soil acidity and Al (cmol kg ), base cations (Ca, Mg, K), and P (all presented as cmolcharge kg soil). Sample size (n) refers to the number of composite samples per site, each of which comprised four soil cores. Standard errors are - presented for the base cations and PO4 , but not for acidity and Al because one titration was conducted per sample. Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 n (Al) Acidity, Al 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 1 4 0.11 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.08 0.10 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 n (base cations, PO4 ) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 - Mg Ca K PO4 0.12 ± 0.06 0.11 ± 0.05 0.17 ± 0.03 0.10 ± 0.05 0.16 ± 0.04 0.23 ± 0.07 0.17 ± 0.05 0.26 ± 0.09 0.15 ± 0.04 0.62 ± 0.19 1.03 ± 0.44 0.68 ± 0.36 0.83 ± 0.35 0.25 ± 0.12 0.20 ± 0.09 0.46 ± 0.11 0.43 ± 2.19 0.49 ± 1.30 0.69 ± 2.70 0.73 ± 3.55 1.98 ± 9.01 0.63 ± 2.34 4.51 ± 1.52 6.25 ± 1.77 4.66 ± 2.65 5.45 ± 2.76 0.10 ± 0.04 0.11 ± 0.04 0.10 ± 0.02 0.12 ± 0.02 0.12 ± 0.07 0.12 ± 0.02 0.10 ± 0.01 0.10 ± 0.01 0.13 ± 0.07 0.16 ± 0.03 0.16 ± 0.05 0.15 ± 0.06 0.13 ± 0.03 0.29 ± 0.22 0.14 ± 0.09 0.32 ± 0.27 0.32 ± 0.22 0.17 ± 0.13 0.18 ± 0.16 0.17 ± 0.14 0.05 ± 0.02 0.13 ± 0.11 0.41 ± 0.39 0.22 ± 0.13 0.34 ± 0.32 0.12 ± 0.06 167 Table A.3. Site median values for soil moisture and mean values for soil texture, with standard deviation intervals where available. Soil volumetric moisture is expressed as volume water per volume soil. Texture as (% silt + clay) was measured for several samples, but texture as (% fine sand) was measured for only one sample per site, precluding calculation of standard deviation. Texture as (% silt + clay) was used for the primary analysis (Table 3, 4), while texture as (% fine sand) was used for a post-hoc test. Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 n 160 172 172 176 174 156 126 126 176 151 128 79 72 Median vol. 3 -3 soil water (m m ) 0.094 0.095 0.113 0.107 0.104 0.128 0.995 0.123 0.119 0.113 0.116 0.117 0.137 N Texture (% silt + clay) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 9.3 ± 0.8 9.7 ± 0.8 11.2 ± 1.0 12.3 ± 2.4 9.2 ± 2.9 12.7 ± 2.1 8.8 ± 0.8 13.0 ± NA 9.8 ± 1.4 11.5 ± 1.8 14.2 ± 5.0 11.5 ± 5.0 11.5 ± 5.0 168 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Texture (% fine sand) 19.9 14.5 14.8 23.5 20.7 9.1 26.0 12.3 30.6 28.0 31.6 32.4 32.4 Table A.4. Soil resource correlation matrix, with correlation coefficients (r) for each pair-wise comparison. Resource 2 Vol. H2O 2. Texture -0.112 1.000 + -0.493 0.027 3. Acidity, Al 2+ 0.530 0.046 4. Ca + 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.000 -0.959 1.000 0.395 0.473 -0.775 0.757 1.000 2+ 0.521 0.151 -0.926 0.988 0.775 1.000 7. PO4 8. C 9. N 10. C:N 11. NO3 - -0.222 0.477 -0.293 0.197 0.557 0.188 1.000 -0.049 -0.082 -0.005 0.546 0.275 0.251 -0.194 0.138 -0.066 -0.110 0.177 -0.683 0.266 0.209 -0.199 0.791 0.148 0.219 -0.305 0.551 0.336 0.287 -0.271 0.834 -0.067 0.071 -0.137 -0.133 12. NH4 13. ΣN 14. N-min rate Nitrification 0.231 -0.519 -0.496 0.432 0.207 0.331 -0.044 0.070 0.485 -0.223 0.513 -0.273 -0.131 -0.084 -0.749 0.373 -0.899 0.770 0.472 0.727 -0.110 0.200 0.154 -0.136 0.741 0.811 1.000 -0.435 -0.209 -0.508 -0.029 -0.225 -0.236 0.213 -0.434 0.000 0.065 0.923 0.710 0.911 0.211 0.208 0.215 -0.284 0.751 0.637 0.817 5. K 6. Mg 14 169 1.000 0.813 1.000 -0.482 -0.879 1.000 0.253 0.200 -0.195 1.000 0.050 -0.028 0.208 1.000 1.000 -0.448 Table A.5. AICc comparisons for significant or top non-significant models relating the fraction of total ANPP comprising ANPPW to soil resources, species composition, and stand density. For Ca and soil water, log-normal models were necessary to accommodate a maximum reached within the domain. These log-normal models used the following function: (A*exp(-0.5*((Ln(R/B)/C)^2))), where A, B, and C were estimated parameters and R was the soil resource. Species composition was tested as relative basal area of each species, but the only proportionate basal area to which the ANPPW fraction was related was the relative basal area of species other than Q. rubra. Parameter estimates with 95% confidence intervals are presented as A, B, and/or C for the log-normal function, and as 2 A or B for the linear function, with the parameters listed in Table 1. The k value represents parameter number; r and 95% confidence intervals around each parameter are presented in place of p-values. Independent variable/ Model Ca log-normal Soil water log-normal linear ΣN linear Species composition linear Stand density linear r 2 k ΔAICc A (95% C.I.) B (95% C.I.) C (95% C.I.) 0.592 4 0.000 0.598 (0.566, 0.631) 1.736 (1.320, 3.535) 3.184 (2.453, 5.556) 0.514 0.361 4 3 2.297 3.845 0.579 (0.554, 0.604) 0.021 (0.004, 0.037) 12.57 (11.48, 13.66) 0.318 (0.131, 0.504) -0.511 (-0.687, -0.335) 0.018 3 9.435 0.013 (-0.01, 0.04) 0.514 (0.432, 0.595) 0.389 3 3.267 -0.09 (-0.16, -0.02) 0.608 (0.562, 0.654) 0.374 3 3.578 3.6e-4 (8.3e-5, 6.3e-4) 0.339 (0.017, 0.505) 170 APPENDIX B 171 APPENDIX B Appendix B.1. Theoretical potential growth modeled using a composite of collected and USFS FIA data Theoretical potential growth model formulation—Methods The FIA data included very few large trees. Combining the two datasets, we identified the subset of trees with the top 5% of growth rates in each 10-cm diameter class (Gd,COMPOSITE) and used these individuals to calculate the potential growth coefficient: Gd,COMPOSITE = P exp 0.5ln dbh 2 (11) where δ and σ are the same as in equation 4, and P is an estimated coefficient for each focal species. Theoretically, P may be interpreted as the growth rate of a tree free of neighbor interactions, growing in optimum resource conditions, and of diameter at which maximum growth occurs for the given species (Canham et al. 2006, Coates et al. 2009). To model realized growth as a reduction to potential growth, effects of tree size, neighborhood, and soil resource were constrained to values between 0 and 1 in a multiplicative equation: Gd = P Diameter effect Neighborhood effect Soil resource effect (12) with each of these terms defined in a similar fashion as above, except that each term was an exponential decay. As above, we tested the full model (equation 12) for each species, but also tested several reduced models (Table B.4). The diameter effect was identical to the lognormal expression in equation 4. In contrast, we used only the neighborhood indices (equations 5 and 6), both as exponents (using equation 5 as an example): Neighborhood effect = n exp B dbhi exp i 1 172 disti (13) The same interpretations as in the main text apply for B, α, and β. For the species-dependent neighborhood index (exponential decay with equation 6 as the exponent), the interpretation of λi remains unchanged. The soil resource effect was separate from the neighborhood effect, Soil resource effect = 1 – exp(C resource) (14) where the exponential decay is subtracted from 1 so that increasing resource availability decreases the contribution of the size effect (i.e. reduces potential growth less). Performance of the potential growth framework was compared to that of the realized growth framework by assessing overall differences in AICc (Table B.7). Theoretical potential growth model formulation—Results Models from the realized growth framework had stronger (A. saccharum, A. rubrum, F. grandifolia, Q. alba, Q. rubra, and T. americana) or equivalent (F. americana, P. grandidentata, and P. serotina) empirical support than models from the potential growth framework for all species except Q. velutina (Table B.5). Under both frameworks, diameter was the only correlate of Q. velutina growth (Figure 1; Table 3, B.5). Differences between realized growth and extrapolated potential growth were most extreme for small diameters below the range of our data, but driven by the smaller trees in FIA data (Table B.6). Thus, for the main text of this paper, we focus on results from the realized growth modeling framework that does not rely on the FIA data and uses only data that we collected. 173 Table B.2. Site occupancy by species. No single species was present across the entire landform gradient, although Q. rubra and A. rubrum were present at 11 of 13 sites. Distributions of some species were disjoint: A. saccharum and T. americana never co-occurred with Q. alba. Typically, a few sites contained the majority of individuals for each species. Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total stems acru acsa Percentage stems of a species at a site fagr fram pogr prse qual quru ---2.9 15.2 23.1 9.3 1.0 4.4 0.1 12.5 0.6 ---1.7 29.1 1188 13.5 16.1 ---0.1 15.6 6.6 7.7 20.7 ---19.1 ------0.6 1699 15.7 3.4 ---1.7 48.7 1.7 0.8 26.3 0.8 0.4 ------0.4 236 48.0 1.0 ------5.0 5.0 11.0 24.0 ---6.0 ---------100 10.2 ---2.3 21.5 ------23.7 0.6 20.3 0.6 2.8 0.6 17.5 177 ---10.0 ------24.0 28.0 6.0 20.0 2.0 2.0 ------8.0 50 174 ------12.0 3.8 ------------16.1 ---35.0 30.3 2.9 1034 0.2 19.1 12.8 25.8 13.4 1.5 1.3 2.2 7.0 ------2.1 14.6 1227 quve tiam ---0.2 16.9 3.9 ------------1.7 ---50.1 26.3 1.0 415 41.9 ------------10.5 13.3 34.3 ---------------420 Table B.3. Soil resource availability by site. Mean soil resource measurements for each site. Values represent the mean of all imputed points used in the growth analysis. Standard deviations (±) are presented instead of standard error because sample sizes differed substantially. Site* n 2+ Ca (ppt) Soil H2O (%) -1 ΣN (mg kg ) -1 -1 N min. (mg kg day ) 1, O 591 0.08 (±0.02) 3.78 (±2.56) 4.39 (±2.22) 0.91 (±0.38) 2, O 492 0.07 (±0.02) 2.88 (±2.32) 4.03 (±2.12) 0.61 (±0.34) 3, I 536 0.12 (±0.05) 4.48 (±1.64) 7.38 (±5.69) 1.19 (±0.61) 4, I 468 0.11 (±0.06) 3.28 (±1.62) 7.78 (±4.57) 1.23 (±0.60) 5, mI 690 0.13 (±0.04) 3.17 (±2.18) 14.9 (±8.68) 0.62 (±0.47) 6, mI 616 0.18 (±0.09) 5.42 (±4.16) 15.4 (±12.2) 2.15 (±0.98) 7, pM 563 0.15 (±0.07) 6.17 (±1.27) 10.4 (±6.48) 1.32 (±0.56) 8, pM 346 0.20 (±0.10) 6.36 (±1.72) 4.81 (±1.91) 1.78 (±0.66) 9, iM 678 0.09 (±0.09) 4.89 (±2.88) 8.28 (±5.76) 0.97 (±0.52) 10, M 622 0.84 (±0.47) 5.46 (±1.23) 28.0 (±10.2) 3.52 (±2.07) 11, M 553 1.16 (±0.39) 8.98 (±2.72) 31.3 (±8.10) 9.07 (±4.41) 12, M 318 0.71 (±0.43) 9.58 (±2.17) 20.9 (±12.5) 2.43 (±1.26) 13, M 215 0.71 (±0.43) 9.69 (±1.18) 25.3 (±16.2) 3.13 (±1.35) *Landform codes: O: outwash; I: ice contact; mI: mesic ice contact; pM: poor moraine; iM; intermediate moraine; M: Moraine. 175 Table B.4. Biological interpretation of neighborhood model parameters and model variations. Model parameters, their biological interpretation, and the consequences of modifying the full models by constraining or changing certain parameters. Models 1 2, 12 2, 12 1, 2, 12 1, 2, 12 1, 2, 12 Parameter A δ σ B α β 1, 2, 12 1, 2, 12 1, 2, 12 γ λ R 1, 2, 12 C 12 P Interpretation Influence of focal diameter on growth Diameter expected for maximum growth rate Rate at which growth increases with diameter Influence of neighborhood index on growth Effect of neighbor diameter on focal tree growth Effect of neighbor distance on focal tree growth Size-dependency of neighborhood effects Species-specific neighbor coefficient Estimated radius within which neighbors influence growth Effect of soil resource (coefficient (1) or exponent (2, 12)) Potential growth extrapolated from dataset or composite data 176 Modification ------B=0 α=0 β=0 Consequence ----R=x ------Growth is independent of local neighborhood Neighborhood not influneced by neighbor size Neighborhood not influneced by neighbor distance ----Neighborhood radius ≠ 10m C=0 --- Growth is independent of soil resources --- Table B.5. Theoretical potential growth model selection and parameters. Supported models for potential growth framework (based on equation 12 (Appendix B.1)) and comparison to realized growth framework (based on equations 1 and 2). The amount of growth variance predicted by complex models (those that included at least one term in addition to diameter) was typically higher than the 2 variance explained by diameter alone. This improvement (Add. var. expl.) represents the difference between diameter-only r and the 2 r of the top supported model. If the diameter-only model was supported, then it is not presented separately. Modifications (Table B.4) to full models, which are denoted by the same equation numbering scheme found in the methods, are identified in superscript. Top realized growth models Species Top potential growth models 2 n Ngb. Res. k AICc r Ngb. Res. k acru 554 5 -2174.59 0.348 --- acsa 682 7 H2O 6 H2O 6 -2873.35 0.635 --- --H2O fagr fram pogr prse 110 30 84 7 6* --- H2O 6 --- 6 ΣN 4 -485.72 -85.03 -288.53 0.422 0.573 0.239 ------- 28 --- -84.42 0.758 --- qual 486 --- -2267.81 0.261 --- quru quve tiam 589 184 183 ----7† Ca 4 H2O 4 H2O 4 --- 4 --- 7 ----ΣN H2O -2305.06 -677.33 -698.75 0.623 0.273 0.463 ------- *β = 0 Realized Potential †α, β = 0 177 2 2 ΔAICc Δr 3 -2163.23 0.324 -11.36 0.024 4 -2851.56 0.618 -21.79 0.017 3 3 4 -467.56 -81.46 -285.74 0.233 0.388 0.231 -18.16 -3.56 -2.79 0.189 0.185 0.008 4 -84.30 0.754 -0.12 0.004 --- 3 -2252.35 0.240 -15.45 0.021 ------- 7 -2300.91 0.622 3 -669.06 0.319 3 -687.89 0.407 -4.15 -8.27 -10.85 0.001 -0.046 0.056 AICc r Table B.6. Summary statistics for USFS FIA plot data from northern Lower Michigan. Mean and maximum diameter and growth are presented with standard deviations. Uniformly, the maximum diameter values in our dataset exceeded those in the FIA data, but maximum growth rates in the FIA data typically exceeded those in our data. Species acru acsa fagr fram pogr prse qual quru quve tiam Mean diameter (cm) 7.2 ± 3.7 7.8 ± 3.9 7.6 ± 5.1 8.5 ± 4.7 7.3 ± 3.7 7.1 ± 4.1 9.1 ± 4.8 9.6 ± 4.9 10.2 ± 5.2 9.2 ± 4.1 Maximum diameter (cm) 29.4 33 36.7 29 27.2 27.7 41.7 38.4 35.9 46.5 Mean growth 2 -1 (cm yr ) Maximum growth 2 -1 (cm yr ) 1.12 ± 1.84 1.11 ± 1.61 0.98 ± 4.99 1.79 ± 2.32 1.64 ± 1.59 1.44 ± 2.24 1.13 ± 2.66 2.21 ± 4.62 2.09 ± 2.60 1.04 ± 10.8 26.99 23.86 9.91 32.32 17.85 22.31 13.71 46.75 18.72 20.72 178 Table B.7. Model framework comparison: realized growth versus theoretical potential growth. Comparison of realized framework growth models in which neighbor species were treated as equivalent (NS, equations 5 or 6) or different (S, equations 7 or 8). Species models occasionally fit better, but typically ΔAICc > 2 and the goodness of fit was worse. When the species model both fit better and received more or equivalent support (ΔAICc < 2), the species model is highlighted in bold. Modifications (Table B.4) to full models, denoted by the same equation numbering scheme found in the methods, are identified in superscript. General model type (additive or multiplicative) is indicated in Model column with numbers corresponding to equation numbers in the methods. Similarly, neighborhood type in the Ngb column corresponds to equation numbers. Equivalent neighbors (NS) Different neighbors (S) 2 k S – NS r 2 Species n Model Ngb. Res. Model Ngb. Res. NS S NS S Δr ΔAICc acru 557 1 5 H2O 1 7 H2O 6 9 0.348 0.329 -0.019 8.79 acsa 682 2 6, 12 H2O 2 8, 12 H 2O 6 10 0.607 0.635 0.028 -7.14 fagr fram pogr prse qual 113 30 84 27 486 1 1* 2 2 2 5 5†,‡ ------- H2O --ΣN Ca 1 1* 2 2 2 7 7†,‡ 8 8 8 H 2O --------- 6 6 4 4 4 10 14 11 12 10 0.318 0.573 0.239 0.758 0.261 0.422 0.636 0.177 0.662 0.143 0.104 0.063 -0.062 -0.096 -0.118 -9.03 35.26 21.19 30.12 -3.52 quru quve tiam 589 184 183 2 2¶ 2 ----6‡,§ H2O ----†β = 0 2 2¶ 2 8 8 8‡,§ ------- 4 4 7 13 9 10 0.623 0.273 0.413 0.580 -0.043 0.295 0.022 0.463 0.050 §α, β = 0 27.77 15.70 -2.16 *Log-normal diameter effect H2O ‡Estimated radius 179 ¶Equivalent to potential growth Table B.8. Parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals for species whose growth was either unrelated to neighborhood or related to a neighborhood that did not account for neighbor species (terms (5) or (6)). Parameters are reported only for the best-supported model for each species. a. Parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals for A. rubrum. Species acru A 0.0099 (0.0095, 0.0103) α 0.32 (0.26, 0.37) B 0.0117 (0.010, 0.014) β 1.59 (2.42, 1.12) C -0.002 (-0.003, -0.001) Variance 0.085 (0.08, 0.091) b. Parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals for F. americana. Species fram δ 225.8 (196, 267.12) σ 2.02 (1.865, 2.162) B 0.010 (0.0084, 0.012) α 0.265 (0.211, 0.324) radius 7.86 (7.52, 8.01) Variance 0.124 (0.087, 0.151) c. Parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals for species for which growth was not related to local neighborhood. δ σ 2727.7 (2452, 2.42 (2.36, 0.57 (0.52, 3088) 75.4) 2.48) 70.3 (66.1, 0.62) 2235.1 (2116, 2.26 (2.23, 2375) 2.28) 174.5 (171.1, 1.11 (1.09, 1.12) * See Table 3 for178.2) resources modified by C Specie s pogr prse qual quru C* variance 0.14 (0.1, 0.17) 0.10 (0.09, 0.12) 0.23 (0.14, 0.36) 0.10 (0.08, 0.14) -0.13 (-0.19, -0.09) 0.06 (0.058, 0.063) -0.14 (-0.16, -0.13) 0.086 (0.08, 0.09) d. Parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals for Q. velutina and T. americana. Species quve tiam A 0.28 (0.26, 0.30) ---- δ 41.7 (38.8, 45.0) 161.2 (154.5, 168.3) .3) σ 0.70 (0.62, 0.78) 0.84 (0.81, 0.86) 180 variance 0.093 (0.085, 0.092 (0.082, 0.105) 0.102) Table B.9. Estimated model parameters for species-dependent neighborhoods. a. Parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals of species for which growth was best explained by models that included neighbor species identity fagr δ 159.2 (155.6, 164.5) A 0.005 (0.004, 0.005) σ 1.123 (1.103, 1.137) B 0.004 (0.003, 0.004) B 0.007 (0.006, 0.009) C 0.006 (0.004, 0.008) Species acsa fagr α 1.319 (1.281, 1.376) 0.817 (0.740, 0.895) β 0.625 (0.518, 0.712) 0.331 (0.403, 0.280) variance 0.076 (0.070, 0.079) 0.064 (0.057, 0.074) Species acsa b. Parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals for neighbor species influence parameters (λ). Strongest pair-wise interactions are presented in bold. To provide a quantitative comparison of each species effect, we normalized the neighborhood parameters relative to the largest value (normalized λ presented in first set of parentheses, confidence interval in second set). For example, intraspecific interactions for A. saccharum have a value of 1. Focal Neighbor Species acsa Species acsa fagr fagr λ 0.878 (1.0) 0.898 (1.0) (0.794, (0.637, 0.999) 1.287) Neighbor Species tiam acsa λ Neighbor 0.627 (0.71) all others 0.78 (0.86) all others (0.397, (0.313, 0.935) 1.126) 181 λ 0.405 (0.46) 0.013 (0.01) (-0.031, (0,0.611) 0.102) Table B.10. Mean growth (as basal area increment, cm2 year-1) for each species at each site; standard deviation is in parentheses. Site acru 1 --2 2.44 (± 2.76) 3 3.35 (± 3.08) 4 3.55 (± 4.47) 5 7.01 (± 8.99) 6 10.39 (± 9.73) 7 9.85 (± 8.73) 8 0.38 (± 0) 9 3.71 (± 4.08) 10 14.06 (± 8.16) 11 --12 6.86 (± 4.46) 13 2.31 (± 2.57) Table B.10, continued. Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 prse --7.35 (± 8.7) ----7.33 (± 8.07) 21.01 (± 18.64) 12.49 (± 0.47) 16.79 (± 12.11) 1.14 (± 0) 16.79 (± 0) ----2.83 (± 2.29) acsa 10.08 (± 11.52) 3.21 (± 3.7) --1.59 (± 1.1) 2.05 (± 3.06) 7.24 (± 10.01) 5.03 (± 7.84) 4.75 (± 6.22) --3.75 (± 4.6) ----3.01 (± 3.4) fagr 5.35 (± 5.9) 4.5 (± 5.81) --6.17 (± 5.73) 3.07 (± 4.81) 1.09 (± 1.39) 0.58 (± 0.07) 5.49 (± 6.64) 3.59 (± 1.28) 0.64 (± 0) ----3.07 (± 0) qual ----3.38 (± 3.96) 4.6 (± 4.43) --------4.77 (± 4.54) --2.94 (± 2.72) 3.32 (± 3.66) 5.83 (± 6.07) quru 20.9 (± 30.56) 14.65 (± 8.89) 13.39 (± 11.73) 11.41 (± 8.56) 19.99 (± 13.95) 32.05 (± 11.6) 29.15 (± 17.84) 41.84 (± 13.41) 14.48 (± 10.06) ----16 (± 9.35) 17.21 (± 13.34) 182 fram 19.07 (± 17.53) 2.05 (± 0) ----22.01 (± 9.09) 16.39 (± 16.37) 8.42 (± 7.22) 11.75 (± 10.87) --4.18 (± 6.6) ------- quve --2.6 (± 0) 13.03 (± 8.95) 15.91 (± 10.49) --------14.08 (± 9.42) --9.31 (± 7.07) 12.34 (± 8.7) 15.67 (± 3.35) pogr 20.82 (± 11.19) --34.26 (± 18.85) 15.19 (± 6.19) ----7.91 (± 3.68) 26.36 (± 0) 17.28 (± 12.1) 6.58 (± 0) 2.88 (± 1.82) 2.78 (± 0) 12.64 (± 6.05) tiam 5.95 (± 6.98) --------5.26 (± 5.15) 8.12 (± 7.28) 8.76 (± 8.67) ----------- Table B.11. Mean diameter (cm) for each species at each site; standard deviation is in parentheses. Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 acru acsa fagr --22.6 (± 10.2) 19.1 (± 8.3) 15.7 (± 4.5) 16.2 (± 6) 14 (± 5.2) 14.7 (± 5.2) ----15.7 (± 5.4) 10.3 (± 0.3) 15.7 (± 10.5) 20.2 (± 7.9) 16.2 (± 5.3) 18.2 (± 7.8) 24.4 (± 6.6) 19.9 (± 11.7) 12.6 (± 2) 25.2 (± 8.2) 18.6 (± 8.4) 12.2 (± 1.4) 12 (± 0) 19.4 (± 7.5) 23.7 (± 8.8) 17.9 (± 7.9) --10.1 (± 0.2) 26.4 (± 7.4) 16.6 (± 4.9) 10 (± 0) ------14.6 (± 3.6) ----16.7 (± 5.7) 15.7 (± 5.2) 12.3 (± 0) fram 31.3 (± 13) 15.9 (± 0) ----33.8 (± 5.9) 29.3 (± 11.7) 22.1 (± 7.5) 29.4 (± 7.8) --27.8 (± 6.1) ------- pogr 36.5 (± 9.5) --39.2 (± 15.1) 32.2 (± 6.1) ----23.7 (± 4.2) 46.2 (± 0) 37.3 (± 8.3) 64.1 (± 0) 11.9 (± 2.7) 17.2 (± 0) 36.1 (± 5.7) Table B.11, continued. Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 prse --25.6 (± 7.1) ----29.2 (± 7.4) 32.2 (± 8.7) 26.4 (± 1.6) 30.5 (± 7.8) 10.8 (± 0) 41.5 (± 0) ----25.3 (± 6.2) qual ----22 (± 6.7) 27 (± 6.1) --------26.9 (± 5.8) --15.6 (± 5.4) 18.4 (± 7.8) 28.4 (± 8) quru quve 38.4 (± 42.4) --33.4 (± 7.3) 27.3 (± 0) 29.1 (± 9.4) 33.4 (± 9.1) 27.3 (± 6.5) 33 (± 7.4) 38.8 (± 10.2) --53.1 (± 11.4) --45 (± 16.9) --56.9 (± 8.1) --34.3 (± 8.5) 33.6 (± 10.6) ------25.2 (± 9.8) 28.5 (± 9.1) 29.3 (± 9.7) 36.1 (± 12.5) 39.3 (± 4.5) 183 tiam 28.7 (± 5.5) --------30 (± 8.2) 31 (± 7.6) 30.7 (± 7) ----------- APPENDIX C 184 APPENDIX C Table C.1. Site attributes, including mean soil Ca and inorganic N content, stem density, dominant species, stand age, and location. Site a ID 1, O 2, O 3, I 4, I 5, mI 6, mI 7, pM 8, iM 9, M 10, M 11, M a Ca -1 (mg kg ) NO3 + NH4 (mg kg ) Density -1 (Stems ha ) Dominant b Species 80 70 120 110 130 180 150 90 840 1160 710 4.4 4.0 7.4 7.8 14.9 15.4 10.4 8.3 28.0 31.3 22.5 582 510 555 486 725 623 568 712 642 544 506 Qa Qa Qr, Ar Qr, Ar Qr, Ar Qr, Ar As, Qr As, Qr As As As, Qr -1 Stand age (years) 88 80 97 111 83 90 79.0 80 84 76 92 Location 44°14‘N, 85°56‘W 44°14‘N, 85°57‘W 44°16‘N, 85°53‘W 44°17‘N, 85°53‘W 44°19‘N, 85°52‘W 44°12‘N, 85°48‘W 44°11‘N, 85°45‘W 44°22‘N, 85°49‘W 44°15‘N, 85°45‘W 44°13‘N, 85°40‘W 44°13‘N, 85°45‘W Landform codes: O: outwash; I: ice contact; mI: mesic ice contact; pM: poor moraine; iM; intermediate moraine; M: Moraine. b Species codes: Ar: Acer rubrum; As: Acer saccharum; Qa: Quercus alba; Qr: Quercus rubra. 185 Table C.2. Soil resource content before and after fertilizer application, aggregated for all species. Treatment Control Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Resource Ca K Mg P PO4 NH4 NO3 Ca K Mg P PO4 NH4 NO3 Ca K Mg P PO4 NH4 NO3 Ca K Mg P PO4 NH4 NO3 Ca K Mg P PO4 NH4 NO3 Soil resource concentration (ppm) Prior Post Change 227.84 ± 72.83 187.21 ± 62.52 -40.63 29.38 ± 6.3 27.14 ± 2.73 -2.24 26.01 ± 2.74 19.55 ± 2.75 -6.46 32.28 ± 2.53 25.21 ± 1.55 -7.07 71.31 ± 14.27 51.65 ± 15.18 -19.66 18.95 ± 1.53 5.38 ± 1.2 -13.57 15.54 ± 8.3 15.85 ± 11.05 0.31 245.18 ± 70.97 258.81 ± 79.84 13.63 26.7 ± 3.85 25.86 ± 2.03 -0.84 27.52 ± 4.17 26.21 ± 5.29 -1.31 27.74 ± 2.02 23.91 ± 1.75 -3.83 67.15 ± 16.36 56.8 ± 16.35 -10.35 18 ± 4.02 6.14 ± 0.78 -11.86 27.57 ± 11.14 24.12 ± 18.48 -3.45 233.97 ± 66.76 234.91 ± 80.03 0.94 26.58 ± 4.87 28.22 ± 3.67 1.63 34.75 ± 6.41 22.8 ± 3.35 -11.95 30.58 ± 2.12 27.45 ± 1.99 -3.13 105.28 ± 19.61 65.71 ± 13.56 -39.57 20.46 ± 3.11 12.41 ± 2 -8.06 41.37 ± 11.07 25.71 ± 15.37 -15.67 159.68 ± 44.76 164.25 ± 36.8 4.57 22.13 ± 2.08 24.77 ± 1.91 2.64 30.48 ± 4.66 20.67 ± 1.78 -9.81 41.07 ± 6.35 28.65 ± 2.41 -12.42 108.69 ± 17.44 68.02 ± 13.62 -40.67 27.34 ± 5.78 10.29 ± 1.49 -17.05 15.07 ± 8.5 5.57 ± 2.77 -9.49 239.97 ± 99.95 240.43 ± 106.13 0.46 30.19 ± 7.96 31.87 ± 1.91 1.68 24.67 ± 2.33 31.49 ± 10.84 6.82 31.5 ± 2.57 33.49 ± 2.96 1.99 73.81 ± 17.4 92.24 ± 9.27 18.43 15.19 ± 2.13 11.53 ± 2.27 -3.66 44.65 ± 17.07 17.82 ± 10.8 -26.82 186 Table C.3. Soil pH before and after fertilizer addition, aggregated for all species. Measured changes indicated that the fertilizer treatment did not effectively alter pH. Treatment Control Ca N Ca, N Ca,N,µ pH, prior pH, post pH, change 4.51 ± 0.13 4.63 ± 0.12 0.12 4.54 ± 0.19 4.59 ± 0.16 0.05 4.52 ± 0.13 4.53 ± 0.13 0.01 4.42 ± 0.13 4.3 ± 0.11 -0.12 4.35 ± 0.23 4.61 ± 0.2 0.26 187 Table C.4. Mean values per treatment for each species for chlorophyll fluorescence yield and maximum. Species Treatment A. saccharum Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Q. rubra Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control A. rubrum Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Q. alba Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Yield (ΔF/Fm) Max. (Fv/Fm) 715.3 ± 19.9 732.7 ± 11.6 735.1 ± 11.8 730 ± 22.5 719.2 ± 18.1 769.3 ± 3.9 768.3 ± 5.3 773 ± 3 753.6 ± 6.2 770.9 ± 3.9 771.2 ± 5.7 768.1 ± 5.6 772 ± 3.7 780.8 ± 3.1 762 ± 7.9 752.3 ± 9.3 763.3 ± 4 752.4 ± 5.9 764.3 ± 5.5 759.5 ± 3.2 2007 ± 104.4 2021.5 ± 72.3 1966.5 ± 60.7 2035.3 ± 114.3 1978.3 ± 91.1 1577.6 ± 51.8 1605.5 ± 82.7 1580.9 ± 51 1518.7 ± 59.7 1613.2 ± 64 2008.3 ± 53.1 1968.2 ± 74 2025.5 ± 55.7 2013.3 ± 55.4 1911.4 ± 110.7 1661.7 ± 46.8 1677.7 ± 40.5 1721 ± 60.8 1712.2 ± 57 1691 ± 51.8 188 Table C.5. Leaf nutrient content of base cations and P. Species Treatment A. saccharum Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Q. rubra Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control A. rubrum Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Q. alba Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control -1 -1 -1 -1 Ca (mg g ) K (mg g ) Mg (mg g ) P (mg g ) 9.84 ± 0.89 8.99 ± 0.64 8.9 ± 0.31 7.94 ± 0.4 7.28 ± 0.58 5.86 ± 0.21 5.98 ± 0.24 5.29 ± 0.22 5.61 ± 0.22 5.19 ± 0.3 6.13 ± 0.43 6.29 ± 0.68 6.23 ± 0.38 6.13 ± 0.46 6.22 ± 0.46 6.6 ± 0.36 6.1 ± 0.27 6.45 ± 0.4 6.49 ± 0.3 5.52 ± 0.32 6.11 ± 0.57 5.78 ± 0.26 6.27 ± 0.46 6.75 ± 0.37 5.78 ± 0.31 7.32 ± 0.23 7.53 ± 0.47 7.25 ± 0.38 7.25 ± 0.43 6.91 ± 0.22 6.23 ± 0.37 6.48 ± 0.49 6.43 ± 0.35 7.59 ± 0.57 5.77 ± 0.33 7.19 ± 0.36 6.59 ± 0.26 6.84 ± 0.37 7.23 ± 0.3 7.18 ± 0.32 1.9 ± 0.15 1.53 ± 0.09 1.51 ± 0.05 1.36 ± 0.05 1.37 ± 0.12 1.35 ± 0.07 1.43 ± 0.08 1.33 ± 0.06 1.35 ± 0.07 1.39 ± 0.06 1.44 ± 0.07 1.5 ± 0.14 1.46 ± 0.06 1.5 ± 0.1 1.55 ± 0.12 1.25 ± 0.07 1.1 ± 0.06 1.15 ± 0.06 1.18 ± 0.07 1.08 ± 0.05 1.74 ± 0.19 1.11 ± 0.08 1.52 ± 0.13 1.66 ± 0.17 1.22 ± 0.1 1.39 ± 0.05 1.35 ± 0.06 1.33 ± 0.04 1.45 ± 0.06 1.35 ± 0.05 1.4 ± 0.09 1.24 ± 0.08 1.27 ± 0.1 1.43 ± 0.1 1.54 ± 0.12 1.48 ± 0.05 1.26 ± 0.09 1.12 ± 0.08 1.4 ± 0.09 1.47 ± 0.06 189 Table C.6. Content of N and C in leaves. Species Treatment A. saccharum Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Q. rubra Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control A. rubrum Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Q. alba Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Leaf N (%) 1.54 ± 0.07 1.63 ± 0.08 1.61 ± 0.05 1.5 ± 0.08 1.51 ± 0.08 2.25 ± 0.04 2.28 ± 0.07 2.27 ± 0.05 2.29 ± 0.08 2.21 ± 0.07 1.59 ± 0.05 1.83 ± 0.11 1.76 ± 0.06 1.68 ± 0.05 1.63 ± 0.05 2.2 ± 0.05 2.31 ± 0.05 2.28 ± 0.04 2.35 ± 0.07 2.21 ± 0.05 Leaf C (%) 44.98 ± 1.33 42.03 ± 1.64 44.46 ± 1.13 44.75 ± 1.49 43.76 ± 1.61 48.06 ± 0.74 48.66 ± 1.65 48.63 ± 0.85 49.57 ± 0.69 50.69 ± 1.82 47.15 ± 0.82 48.23 ± 1.24 46.39 ± 0.91 49.41 ± 4.62 46.4 ± 1.57 48.49 ± 0.33 47.98 ± 0.65 48.13 ± 0.35 49.09 ± 1.35 48.25 ± 0.67 190 Leaf C : N 30.49 ± 1.59 26.54 ± 1.22 27.98 ± 0.91 30.87 ± 1.77 30.53 ± 2.05 21.64 ± 0.57 21.58 ± 0.74 21.76 ± 0.8 22.07 ± 0.82 23.44 ± 1.32 30.32 ± 1.31 27.83 ± 1.81 26.74 ± 0.95 29.5 ± 2.51 28.63 ± 1.16 22.3 ± 0.48 20.98 ± 0.48 21.27 ± 0.45 21.01 ± 0.44 22.04 ± 0.48 Table C.7. Percent canopy openness. Species Treatment A. saccharum Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Q. rubra Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control A. rubrum Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Q. alba Ca N Ca, N Ca, N, µ Control Canopy openness (%) 16.64 ± 2.01 18.95 ± 2.99 13.17 ± 1.85 14.66 ± 3.03 15.4 ± 1.93 8.45 ± 2.02 6.93 ± 1.94 7.9 ± 0.91 12.04 ± 2.42 7.96 ± 1.15 3.85 ± 0.83 3.18 ± 0.4 4.59 ± 0.85 2.55 ± 0.73 4.69 ± 1.72 7.76 ± 0.92 5.88 ± 0.97 5.79 ± 0.95 7.28 ± 0.99 6.45 ± 0.79 191 Table C.8. Diameter growth and BAI for each species, comparing treatments with and without Ca, and with and without N. Presented as mean ± standard error to compensate for differing sample sizes. Species Ca No Ca N No N -1 Diam. growth (cm year ) A. saccharum Q. rubra A. rubrum Q. alba 0.091 ± 0.012 0.337 ± 0.015 0.275 ± 0.026 0.205 ± 0.01 0.102 ± 0.011 0.098 ± 0.01 0.33 ± 0.016 0.334 ± 0.013 0.277 ± 0.026 0.269 ± 0.024 0.192 ± 0.01 0.205 ± 0.01 2 -1 BAI (cm year ) 0.091 ± 0.014 0.335 ± 0.02 0.286 ± 0.032 0.192 ± 0.011 A. saccharum Q. rubra A. rubrum Q. alba 5.121 ± 0.637 26.37 ± 1.769 15.131 ± 1.981 10.618 ± 0.612 6.322 ± 0.818 26.619 ± 2.043 13.961 ± 1.631 9.625 ± 0.65 5.158 ± 0.825 27.578 ± 2.301 16.173 ± 2.513 9.978 ± 0.72 192 5.925 ± 0.638 25.629 ± 1.602 13.743 ± 1.587 10.362 ± 0.577 -1 Table C.9.1. Parameters for simple linear regression of annual diameter growth (cm year ) as a function of predictor variables in which the relationship between growth and the predictor differed significantly in a treatment versus the control category. Species Predictor Treatment Q. rubra Leaf K (mg g ) Q. alba Leaf Mg (mg g ) -1 -1 R 2 Slope Intercept Ca* Control 0.264 0.157 -0.26 (-0.45, -0.07) 0.15 (-0.02, 0.31) 0.69 (0.42, 0.95) 0.13 (-0.11, 0.37) Ca, N* Control 0.380 0.063 -0.03 (-0.05, -0.01) 0.01 (-0.009, 0.03) 0.43 (0.29, 0.57) 0.09 (-0.06, 0.25) 193 2 -1 Table C.9.2. Parameters for simple linear regression of annual basal area increment (BAI) (cm year ) as a function of predictor variables in which the relationship between growth and the predictor differed significantly in a treatment versus the control category. Species Predictor Treatment R A. rubrum Diam. (cm), 2007 Ca, N, µ* Control Q. alba Leaf K (mg g ) Q. rubra Leaf Mg (mg g ) Q. alba Leaf P (mg g ) 2 Slope Intercept 0.860 0.031 1.76 (1.05, 2.46) 0.16 (-0.73, 1.04) -37.0 (-58.3, -15.6) 7.38 (-20.89, 35.65) Ca, N† Control 0.211 0.013 -1.5 (-2.85, -0.15) 0.38 (-1.26, 2.02) 20.83 (11.3, 30.36) 6.39 (-5.63, 18.42) Ca‡ Control 0.176 0.058 -23.5 (-45.97, -1.03) 11.1 (-10.96, 33.17) 59.7 (28.63, 90.77) 11.52 (-19.72, 42.8) Ca, N† 0.208 Control 0.001 Q. rubra C:N Ca, N, µ‡ 0.328 Control 0.014 Q. rubra % Canopy open. Ca† 0.175 N† 0.291 Control 0.001 *Treatment and control slopes had exclusive 95% CI. -6.46 (-12.35, -0.58) -0.66 (-9.06, 7.75) -2.1 (-3.83, -0.38) -0.23 (-1.36, 0.89) -0.76 (-1.49, -0.03) -0.93 (-1.73, -0.13) 0.06 (-1.06, 1.19) 17.81 (10.83, 24.79) 10.1 (-2.49, 22.68) 69.7 (31.13, 108.2) 34.99 (7.83, 62.15) 34.47 (25.11, 43.83) 32.21 (23.77, 40.65) 26.49 (15.88, 37.09) -1 -1 -1 †Treatment slope differs from zero (95% CI excludes zero), but overlaps 95% CI of non-significant slope of control by > 29% ‡Treatment slope differs from zero (95% CI excludes) and significantly differs from the control (overlap of 95% CI is < 29%) 194 -1 Table C.10.1. Parameters for multiple linear regression of diameter growth (cm year ) as a function of initial diameter and another predictor variable for treatment categories with significant slope parameters for both independent variables. Species Predictor Treatment Q. rubra Leaf Mg (mg g ) -1 Ca* Control R 2 Slope (Iniditial dbh) 0.522 0.007 (0.0026, 0.011) 0.349 0.004 (0.0002, 0.007) 195 Slope (Predictor) Intercept -0.224 (-0.3826, -0.065) 0.16 (0.0059, 0.314) 0.29 (-0.03, 0.62) -0.07 (-0.36, 0.22) 2 -1 Table C.10.2. Parameters for multiple linear regression of basal area increment (BAI) (cm year ) as a function of initial diameter and another predictor variable for treatment categories with significant slope parameters for both independent variables. Species Q. rubra Predictor Treatment -1 Leaf Ca (mg g ) -1 A. saccharum Leaf K (mg g ) Q. alba Q. rubra R 2 Slope (Initial dbh) Slope (Predictor) Intercept Ca, N† Control 0.801 0.594 0.67 (0.47, 0.87) 0.78 (0.44, 1.12) 1.96 (0.05, 3.86) 0.53 (-2.36, 3.42) -15.21 (-26.24, -4.19) -14.67 (-35.64, 6.29) N† Control N† Ca, N* Control 0.534 0.001 0.486 0.454 0.706 0.3 (0.03, 0.58) -0.001 (-0.75, 0.75) 0.3 (0.15, 0.45) 0.33 (0.09, 0.57) 0.54 (0.36, 0.71) 2.59 (1.01, 4.18) 0.09 (-1.98, 2.15) 1.16 (0.17, 2.15) -1.77 (-2.94, -0.6) 0.6 (-0.33, 1.53) -20.06 (-34.81, -5.31) 3.68 (-25.62, 32.97) -6.91 (-15.38, 1.56) 11.81 (1.38, 22.23) -12.21 (-21.41, -3.02) -17.66 (-31.96, -3.35) 13.92 (0.63, 27.21) -0.09 (-0.17, -0.01) -0.03 (-0.13, 0.07) -2.94 (-32.45, 26.58) -33.06 (-57.9, -8.22) 65.15 (7.59, 122.71) 17.27 (-63.82, 98.36) -1 Leaf Mg (mg g ) Ca* 0.690 1.11 (0.72, 1.5) Control 0.682 0.81 (0.52, 1.11) Q. alba Chl. Fluor. Ca, N† 0.344 0.33 (0.08, 0.59) Control 0.652 0.50 (0.29, 0.71) *Treatment and control predictor slopes had exclusive 95% CI. †Predictor slope differs from zero (95% CI excludes zero), but overlaps 95% CI of non-significant predictor slope of control by > 29%. 196 APPENDIX D 197 APPENDIX D Table D.1.1. Stand-level parameters, including mean diameter, diameter and basal area increments with minimum and maximum values provided parenthetically, and density and mortality rates. Site 1 2 3 4 5 Diameter (cm) 14.98 (5, 224) 14.96 (5, 140.1) 14.73 (5, 88.5) 15.44 (5, 118.7) 16.30 (5, 168.3) Diameter increment -1 (mm yr ) Basal area increment 2 -1 (cm yr ) Density -1 (stems ha ) Mortality -1 (stems yr ) 2.3 (0, 49.4) 2.5 (0, 35.9) 2.3 (0, 29.4) 4.1 (0, 33.7) 3.3 (0, 39.9) 7.92 (0, 365.5) 8.71 (0, 532.9) 7.83 (0, 221.3) 13.00 (0, 255) 11.31 (0, 209) 881 867 1021 824 663 18.2 16.9 14.8 27.6 20.6 198 Table D.1.2. Stand-level mean resource measurements, with standard deviation (units of ppm). 2+ Ca Site 1 2 3 4 5 106.82 ± 50.5 89.75 ± 40.3 58.9 ± 3.5 153.61 ± 28.0 112.48 ± 2.1 Site 1 2 3 4 5 P 1.99 ± 0.3 1.84 ± 0.8 1.71 ± 0.7 5.08 ± 1.2 3.32 ± 0.1 + K 82.17 ± 7.3 78.61 ± 8.0 67.56 ± 6.4 116.71 ± 14. 8 124.26 ± 1.6 2+ Mg 54.08 ± 17.2 45.64 ± 48.0 35.53 ± 6.9 66 ± 16.9 37.98 ± 3.0 NH4 NO3 159.57 ± 23.7 180.3 ± 48.0 120.93 ± 6.9 95.79 ± 16.9 112.51 ± 3.0 99.52 ± 21.8 110.6 ± 19.93 100.17 ± 14.4 74.26 ± 3.76 61.65 ± 1.68 199 Table D.2. Model parameters, their biological interpretation, and the consequences of modifying the full models by constraining or changing certain parameters. Parameter P δ σ B α β γ R C Interpretation Theoretical potential maximum growth rate Diameter expected for maximum growth rate Rate at which growth increases with diameter Influence of neighborhood index on growth Effect of neighbor diameter on focal tree growth Modification ------B=0 α=0 Effect of neighbor distance on focal tree growth Size-dependency of neighborhood effects Estimated radius within which neighbors influence growth Effect of soil resource (coefficient (1) or exponent (2, 12)) 200 β=0 --R=x C=0 Consequence ------Growth is independent of local neighborhood Neighborhood not influneced by neighbor size Neighborhood not influneced by neighbor distance --Neighborhood radius ≠ 20m Growth is independent of soil resources 2 Table D.3. Parameter estimates and R values for significant linear regressions of stand-level 2 -1 mean growth of all species (mean basal area increment (cm yr )) as a function of soil resources. Mean basal area growth was related to P, K, and Ca, but no other resources. Resource P K Ca 2 R 0.958 0.790 0.744 Slope 1.533 (0.943, 2.123) 0.080 (0.004, 0.155) 0.056 (-0.004, 0.117) Intercept 5.419 (3.608, 7.230) 2.203 (-5.09, 9.500) 3.841 (-2.74, 10.42) 201 Table D.4.1. Resource covariance for all species together and for functional groups. Ca Ca K Mg P NH4 NO3 1.000 0.798 0.824 0.898 -0.430 -0.619 Ca K Mg P NH4 NO3 1.000 0.820 0.843 0.920 -0.504 -0.669 Ca K Mg P NH4 NO3 1.000 0.788 0.792 0.898 -0.394 -0.635 Ca K Mg P NH4 NO3 1.000 0.795 0.827 0.887 -0.438 -0.635 K Mg P All species 0.798 0.824 0.898 1.000 0.320 0.840 0.320 1.000 0.653 0.840 0.653 1.000 -0.625 -0.151 -0.744 -0.936 -0.115 -0.762 Fabaceae 0.820 0.843 0.920 1.000 0.387 0.868 0.387 1.000 0.698 0.868 0.698 1.000 -0.667 -0.237 -0.770 -0.951 -0.190 -0.776 Arecaceae 0.788 0.792 0.898 1.000 0.249 0.826 0.249 1.000 0.610 0.826 0.610 1.000 -0.588 -0.088 -0.702 -0.934 -0.093 -0.777 Non-legume dicot species 0.795 0.827 0.887 1.000 0.320 0.851 0.320 1.000 0.629 0.851 0.629 1.000 -0.630 -0.145 -0.741 -0.937 -0.131 -0.767 202 NH4 NO3 -0.430 -0.625 -0.151 -0.744 1.000 0.796 -0.619 -0.936 -0.115 -0.762 0.796 1.000 -0.504 -0.667 -0.237 -0.770 1.000 0.772 -0.669 -0.951 -0.190 -0.776 0.772 1.000 -0.394 -0.588 -0.088 -0.702 1.000 0.804 -0.635 -0.934 -0.093 -0.777 0.804 1.000 -0.438 -0.630 -0.145 -0.741 1.000 0.795 -0.635 -0.937 -0.131 -0.767 0.795 1.000 Table D.4.2. Resource covariance for wood density groups. Ca K Mg P NH4 NO3 -0.384 -0.610 -0.081 -0.719 1.000 0.798 -0.621 -0.923 -0.123 -0.746 0.798 1.000 -0.400 -0.612 -0.159 -0.693 1.000 0.759 -0.618 -0.948 -0.144 -0.764 0.759 1.000 -0.440 -0.651 -0.165 -0.807 1.000 0.784 -0.610 -0.942 -0.111 -0.779 0.784 1.000 -0.547 -0.615 -0.309 -0.575 1.000 0.834 -0.671 -0.901 -0.233 -0.680 0.834 1.000 -3 Ca K Mg P NH4 NO3 1.000 0.779 0.824 0.864 -0.384 -0.621 Ca K Mg P NH4 NO3 1.000 0.812 0.849 0.925 -0.400 -0.618 Ca K Mg P NH4 NO3 1.000 0.794 0.828 0.881 -0.440 -0.610 Ca K Mg P NH4 NO3 1.000 0.873 0.856 0.980 -0.547 -0.671 0.2-0.4 g cm 0.779 0.824 0.864 1.000 0.290 0.833 0.290 1.000 0.600 0.833 0.600 1.000 -0.610 -0.081 -0.719 -0.923 -0.123 -0.746 -3 0.4-0.55 g cm 0.812 0.849 0.925 1.000 0.386 0.864 0.386 1.000 0.712 0.864 0.712 1.000 -0.612 -0.159 -0.693 -0.948 -0.144 -0.764 -3 0.55-0.7 g cm 0.794 0.828 0.881 1.000 0.322 0.842 0.322 1.000 0.639 0.842 0.639 1.000 -0.651 -0.165 -0.807 -0.942 -0.111 -0.779 -3 0.7-1.2 g cm 0.873 0.856 0.980 1.000 0.497 0.858 0.497 1.000 0.826 0.858 0.826 1.000 -0.615 -0.309 -0.575 -0.901 -0.233 -0.680 203 2 Table D.5. Parameter estimates and R values for linear regressions of stand-level mean growth 2 -1 (basal area increment (cm yr )) as a function of soil resources for functional groups. Compared to other functional groups, the Fabaceae show the weakest relationships of growth to soil resources—no model had significant parameters. Sample sizes presented in Table D.14. Resource R 2 Slope FC—no significant parameter estimates F<C—no significant parameter estimates AS P 0.868 2.699 (0.764, 4.634) A<S P 0.961 0.337 (0.212, 0.462) Ca 0.843 0.013 (0.003, 0.023) NLDC K 0.864 0.121 (0.033, 0.210) NLD<C P 0.958 1.046 (0.644, 1.448) K 0.822 0.057 (0.008, 0.107) Ca 0.816 0.041 (0.005, 0.077) Intercept -2.455 (-8.261, 3.352) -0.284 (-0.683, 0.115) -0.687 (-1.824, 0.451) 4.957 (-3.580, 13.50) 2.150 (0.898, 3.402) -0.317 (-5.073, 4.44) 0.797 (-3.118, 4.713) 204 Table D.6. Model parameters and 95% confidence intervals (parenthetically) for functional groups. Analytical Category FC F<C F<C AS A<S NLDC NLDC NLD<C δ 29.7 (25.8, 34.0) 36.1 (29.9, 44.3) 34.9 (29.2, 43.2) 9.9 (9.5, 10.3) 11.7 (0.7, 49.0) 9.8 (8.4, 11.2) 10.0 (8.6, 11.4) 144 (131, 159) σ 1.03 (0.90, 1.20) 0.96 (0.82, 1.10) 0.93 (0.80, 1.07) 0.38 (0.35, 0.43) 2.55 (0.86, 4.24) 2.99 (2.67, 3.31) 2.98 (2.67, 3.29) 1.98 (1.90, 2.04) P 1.03 (0.94, 1.10) 0.73 (0.60, 0.86) 0.77 (0.64, 0.91) 3.61 (3.34, 3.94) 1.13 (0.82, 1.45) 0.58 (0.53, 0.65) 0.44 (0.39, 0.48) 2.48 (2.33, 2.62) 205 C 0.14 (0.12, 0.17) NA 3.56 (1.73, 5.38) 0.05 (0.05, 0.06) 0.02 (0.02, 0.03) 0.11 (0.10, 0.14) 0.23 (0.17, 0.33) 0.03 (0.03, 0.03) Variance 0.50 (0.46, 0.53) 0.40 (0.36, 0.45) 0.40 (0.36, 0.45) 0.40 (0.38, 0.42) 0.09 (0.08, 0.11) 0.53 (0.50, 0.55) 0.52 (0.50, 0.55) 0.29 (0.28, 0.30) 2 Table D.7. Parameter estimates and R values for linear regressions of stand-level mean growth 2 -1 (basal area increment (cm yr )) as a function of soil resources for species with more than 50 focal individuals. For most species, mean growth was positively related to soil resources, but there were negative correlations of growth to resources for four species. Per-site sample sizes presented in Table D.15. Resource soex NH4 NO3 ride P irde NO3 K P fapa K P Ca Mg crwa P Ca prde NO3 waco K R 2 Slope Intercept 0.916 -0.047 (-0.074, -0.021) 10.477 (6.983, 13.971) 0.873 -0.073 (-0.125, -0.022) 10.984 (6.245, 15.723) 0.980 0.937 (0.528, 1.345) -1.055 (-1.995, -0.116) 0.876 -0.187 (-0.316, -0.058) 0.871 0.17 (0.05, 0.291) 0.839 3.014 (0.59, 5.438) 24.819 (12.728, 36.911) -7.991 (-19.438, 3.457) -0.808 (-8.317, 6.7) 0.997 0.981 0.963 0.953 -5.499 (-6.988, -4.011) -9.846 (-15.793, -3.9) -4.455 (-9.676, 0.767) 100.162 (34.866, 165.5) 0.109 (0.092, 0.125) 5.468 (3.15, 7.787) 0.11 (0.044, 0.175) -2.428 (-4.075, -0.78) 0.960 0.329 (0.205, 0.454) 0.820 0.012 (0.002, 0.023) -0.249 (-0.644, 0.146) -0.645 (-1.849, 0.56) 0.997 -0.019 (-0.021, -0.017) 2.005 (1.838, 2.172) 0.949 0.047 (0.014, 0.08) -1.158 (-4.265, 1.949) 206 Table D.8. Model parameters and 95% confidence intervals (parenthetically) for individual species for which more than 50 focal individuals were available. Funct. Species Group δ σ P AS 4.50 (4.10, 5.00) 0.76 (0.70, 0.83) 0.80 (0.65, 1.01) FC 28.7 (25.5, 33.5) 1.00 (0.85, 1.14) 0.88 (0.81, 0.95) 0.24 (0.18, 0.31) 0.47 (0.44, 0.51) AS 6.70 (5.90, 7.50) 0.46 (0.37, 0.57) 1.83 (1.51, 2.15) 0.03 (0.03, 0.04) 0.4 (0.36, 0.44) NLD<C 24.7 (20.0, 30.3) 0.99 (0.83, 1.21) 0.95 (0.75, 1.15) 0.02 (0.02, 0.03) 0.1 (0.08, 0.11) AS 10.8 (10.3, 11.3) 0.35 (0.31, 0.39) 2.53 (2.28, 2.77) 0.12 (0.10, 0.13) 0.47 (0.44, 0.51) NLD<C 4.70 (3.90, 5.80) 0.73 (0.56, 1.00) 0.80 (0.63, 0.96) 0.02 (0.02, 0.03) 0.09 (0.08, 0.11) NLD<C 7.80 (4.8, 15.3) 0.86 (0.43, 1.28) 0.18 (0.13, 0.24) AS 7.00 (6.60, 7.30) 0.14 (0.09, 0.19) 2.19 (1.57, 2.75) A<S 5.80 (5.70, 5.90) 0.05 (0.04, 0.07) 1.63 (1.27, 2.01) 0.09 (0.08, 0.1) NLD<C 13.0 (9.5, 19.7) 0.67 (0.37, 1.42) 0.42 (0.28, 0.55) 0.39 (0.32, 0.47) NLD<C 77.7 (58.9, 107) 2.12 (1.82, 2.49) 1.56 (1.38, 1.72) 0.52 (0.45, 0.59) 0.3 (0.27, 0.33) AS 1.50 (0.90, 2.50) 1.42 (1.05, 2.29) 0.26 (0.18, 0.35) 0.19 (0.11, 0.28) 0.11 (0.1, 0.13) NLD<C 8.30 (7.40, 9.00) 0.28 (0.22, 0.45) 0.69 (0.58, 0.92) NLD<C 3.30 (1.50, 5.10) 2.06 (1.22, 2.91) 2.16 (1.67, 2.64) NLDC 23.8 (16.6, 35.6) 0.91 (0.58, 1.72) 0.97 (0.74, 1.20) other 60.0 (55.6, 66.3) 1.40 (1.33, 1.47) 0.72 (0.67, 0.75) 0.17 (0.15, 0.20) Funct. Species Group were AS crwa A<S coho NLD<C B 0.18 (0.14, 0.21) 0.05 (0.05, 0.06) 0.07 (0.05, 0.09) α β Radius (m) 5.77 (5.51, 5.84) 1.08 (1.04, 1.12) 1.7 (1.64, 1.75) 1 were 2 pema soex 2 2 ride 2 irde capi 2 3 fapa 2 eupr 4 crwa 3 dear 2 caar 2 prde coho 1 2 waco 3 gome 2 C 0.08 (0.07, 0.09) 0.22 (0.19, 0.26) 0.20 (0.13, 0.26) 0.23 (0.2, 0.29) 0.18 (0.16, 0.23) 0.01 (0.01, 0.02) 0.26 (0.23, 0.3) 0.67 (0.56, 0.83) 6.72 (6.09, 6.85) 207 Variance 0.39 (0.38, 0.4) 2 Table D.9.1. Parameter estimates and R values for linear regressions of stand-level mean 2 -1 growth (basal area increment (cm year )) as a function of soil resources for wood density categories, excluding the Fabaceae. 1 Resource R 2 Slope Intercept -3 0.2-0.4 g cm P 0.898 2.375 (0.900, 3.850) 1.948 (-2.56, 6.453) K 0.792 0.130 (0.008, 0.253) -3.64 (-15.4, 8.131) -3 0.4-0.55 g cm Mg 0.806 0.155 (0.015, 0.294) -1.21 (-8.12, 5.695) -3 0.55-0.7 g cm —no significant parameter estimates -3 0.7-1.2 g cm Ca 0.778 0.247 (0.004, 0.489) Unknown density P 0.790 0.907 (0.048, 1.767) 1 Per-site sample sizes presented in Table D.15. 208 -8.111 (-34.24, 18.0) 4.243 (1.611, 6.874) 2 Table D.9.2. Parameter estimates and R values for linear regressions of stand-level mean 2 -1 growth (basal area increment (cm year )) as a function of soil resources for wood density categories, including the Fabaceae. 1 Resource R 2 Slope Intercept -3 0.2-0.4 g cm P 0.898 2.375 (0.900, 3.850) 1.948 (-2.56, 6.453) K 0.792 0.130 (0.008, 0.253) -3.64 (-15.4, 8.131) -3 0.4-0.55 g cm Mg 0.806 0.155 (0.015, 0.294) -1.21 (-8.12, 5.695) -3 0.55-0.7 g cm —no significant parameter estimates -3 0.7-1.2 g cm K Ca Unknown density P Ca 0.779 0.371 (0.009, 0.734) 0.778 0.247 (0.004, 0.489) -18.16 (-53.56, 17.2) -8.111 (-34.24, 18.0) 0.790 0.907 (0.048, 1.767) 0.783 0.038 (0.001, 0.074) 4.243 (1.611, 6.874) 2.929 (-0.952, 6.81) 1 Per-site sample sizes presented in Table D.15. 209 2 2 -1 Table D.9.3. Parameter estimates and R values for linear regressions of stand mean growth (basal area increment (cm year ) as a function of soil resources for wood density classes within functional groups. Growth was not related to soil resources for any density classes in the Fabaceae. Functional Group Wood Density -3 (g cm ) FC F<C AS no significant parameter estimates no significant parameter estimates 0.2-0.4 P 0.899 Unknown Mg 0.915 0.4-0.55 P 0.954 0.4-0.55 Ca 0.826 0.2-0.4 NO3 0.793 Unknown NH4 0.803 0.4-0.55 P 0.962 0.55-0.7 P 0.927 0.55-0.7 Ca 0.906 Unknown P 0.920 A<S NLDC NLD<C Resource R 2 Slope Intercept 2.615 (1.003, 4.228) 0.048 (0.004, 0.093) 0.331 (0.197, 0.464) 0.012 (0.002, 0.023) -0.646 (-1.252, -0.04) 0.166 (0.015, 0.317) 1.226 (0.778, 1.673) 1.135 (0.552, 1.718) 0.049 (0.02, 0.078) 0.958 (0.438, 1.478) -1.679 (-6.512, 3.153) -1.958 (-4.371, 0.454) -0.257 (-0.684, 0.169) -0.65 (-1.834, 0.534) 81.43 (26.6, 136.305) -0.471 (-21.047, 20.11) 3.03 (1.652, 4.408) 1.965 (0.159, 3.771) 0.049 (-3.077, 3.176) 1.251 (-0.337, 2.84) 210 Table D.10. Model parameters and 95% confidence intervals (parenthetically) for wood density groups. Wood density -3 (g cm ) 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.55 0.55-0.7 0.7-0.85 unknown δ σ P C Variance 39.8 (32.7, 52.6) 49.9 (41.8, 62.6) 15.0 (14.0, 16.0) 15.0 (14.0, 15.9) 9.90 (4.30, 15.6) 81.8 (74.9, 90.8) 1.86 (1.60, 2.16) 1.65 (1.48, 1.90) 2.97 (2.41, 3.53) 2.98 (2.44, 3.52) 2.96 (1.90, 4.03) 1.28 (1.21, 1.34) 0.99 (0.90, 1.07) 0.43 (0.39, 0.48) 0.56 (0.52, 0.60) 0.43 (0.41, 0.47) 0.25 (0.19, 0.32) 0.95 (0.86, 1.02) 0.22 (0.20, 0.26) 0.64 (0.52, 0.85) 0.13 (0.12, 0.16) 0.28 (0.22, 0.41) 0.48 (0.46, 0.51) 0.34 (0.32, 0.35) 0.45 (0.43, 0.47) 0.45 (0.43, 0.47) 0.33 (0.29, 0.38) 0.33 (0.31, 0.34) 211 0.15 (0.13, 0.18) Table D.11. Model parameter mean estimates based on 101 sub-samples from the resource posterior predictive distribution. Minimum and maximum parameter estimates are presented parenthetically. δ Category Functional group Fabaceae, canopy Parameter estimates: mean (minimum, maximum) σ P 29.37 (28.01, 30.48) Fabaceae, < canopy 36.05 (20.98, 69.86) Arecaceae, subcanopy 9.32 (5.07, 16.5) Arecaceae, < subcanopy 15.27 (1.21, 47.02) Other, canopy 19.96 (19.71, 20) Other, < canopy 184.08 (122.63, 199.24) R 1.04 (0.98, 1.07) 0.76 (0.73, 0.89) 3.1 (0.21, 16.27) 0.91 (0.6, 1.23) 0.53 (0.35, 3.52) 2.32 (0.06, 4.96) 1.74 (1.47, 3.06) 2.09 (1.91, 2.14) 1.06 (0.73, 2.92) 0.58 (0.28, 1.03) 0.13 (0.06, 1.68) 0.43 (0.39, 0.56) 0.64 (0.53, 1) 0.46 (0.02, 14.69) 9.48 (1.52, 17.32) 5.59 (0.15, 13.32) 2.68 (0.14, 13.37) 1.45 (0.09, 7.68) Resource K NO3 P P K K -3 Wood density (g cm ) 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.55 0.55-0.7 Unknown Species Pema soex ride irde capi eupr caar prde waco 74.51 (51.82, 79.95) 2.32 (2.11, 2.91) 0.5 (0.44, 0.69) 10.74 (0.42, 22.92) 158.95 (97.42, 199.47) 2.2 (1.94, 2.38) 0.44 (0.38, 0.49) 13.27 (5.96, 23.14) 39.12 (37.6, 41.17) 1.13 (1.09, 1.18) 0.63 (0.62, 0.69) 3 (0.3, 11.95) 112.42 (96.41, 154.43) 1.42 (1.35, 1.57) 0.77 (0.71, 0.86) 5.21 (0.63, 20.19) 27.94 (27.2, 28.55) 6.93 (4.9, 7.36) 36.87 (16.12, 44.86) 10.48 (10.28, 10.84) 4.73 (1.01, 7.03) 0.98 (0.95, 1.02) 0.42 (0.37, 0.69) 1.06 (0.69, 1.36) 0.34 (0.33, 0.37) 0.98 (0.54, 2.61) 0.77 (0.75, 0.78) 0.61 (0.49, 1.75) 0.38 (0.17, 1.48) 0.83 (0.71, 1.17) 0.12 (0.1, 0.16) 10.95 (4.24, 23.15) 3.74 (0.04, 24.73) 1.46 (0.01, 15.58) 8.51 (0.26, 27.73) 5.13 (1.44, 10.82) P P K Ca Ca K K P Ca 0.18 (0.06, 0.43) 1.36 (0.31, 5.75) 4.76 (0.05, 31.47) NH4 106.26 (37.75, 119.66) 2.22 (1.06, 4.41) 0.95 (0.58, 2.92) 1.38 (0.18, 5.07) 7.41 (1.26, 14.79) 1.14 (0.13, 2.5) 0.19 (0.06, 2.31) 4.15 (0.01, 14.56) 4.96 (0.68, 13.78) 1.97 (0.78, 4.29) 0.55 (0.22, 2.21) 1.72 (0.01, 16.56) NO3 P K 6.88 (5.7, 7.29) 212 Table D.12. Predicted growth across the range of resource estimates for functional groups, wood density categories, and species for which growth was related to a soil resource. -1 Category Functional group Fabaceae, canopy Fabaceae, < canopy Arecaceae, subcanopy Arecaceae, < subcanopy Other, canopy Other, < canopy -3 Wood density (g cm ) 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.55 0.55-0.7 Unknown Species Pema soex ride irde capi eupr caar prde waco Diameter growth (cm yr ) Mean Min. Max. 0.759 0.613 0.461 0.097 0.425 0.265 0.723 0.418 0.273 0.058 0.388 0.236 0.889 1.574 0.813 0.461 0.561 0.418 0.378 0.243 0.535 0.229 0.356 0.232 0.520 0.223 0.423 0.252 0.573 0.235 0.758 0.333 0.132 0.624 0.094 0.196 0.629 0.060 0.439 0.746 0.269 0.083 0.495 0.088 0.000 0.391 0.024 0.214 0.769 0.886 0.450 0.718 0.102 1.352 2.174 0.073 1.428 213 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) Arecaceae, > -1 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) P (mg kg ) Arecaceae, < -1 P (mg kg ) Figure D.12.2.i. Predicted individual diameter growth based on 101 estimated soil resource datasets plotted against total soil P for the Arecaceae. Total soil P explained 7.9% total growth variance for subcanopy (>) species, and 6.0% total growth variance for treelet and understory species (<). 214 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) 0.2 – 0.4 g cm -3 -1 P (mg kg ) Figure D.12.2.ii. Predicted diameter growth based on 101 estimated soil resource datasets -3 plotted as a function of total soil P for species with lowest wood density (0.2 – 0.4 g cm ). 215 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) irde -1 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) P (mg kg ) capi -1 Ca (mg kg ) Figure D.12.2.iii. Predicted individual diameter growth based on 101 estimated soil resource datasets plotted as a function of the most strongly related soil resource for single species in which resources explained more than 4% of total growth variance. 216 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) Figure D.12.12.iii (cont‘d) eupr -1 -1 Diameter growth (cm year ) NH4 (mg kg ) waco -1 K (mg kg ) 217 Table D.13.1. Correlations (Pearson‘s r) between site-mean inorganic N and other resources for all species and for the three single species—S. exorrhiza, I. deltoidea, and P. decurrens—for which growth was negatively related to soil N. Species N type Ca K Mg P All species NH4 -0.430 -0.625 -0.151 -0.744 All species NO3 -0.619 -0.936 0.115 -0.762 soex NH4 -0.487 -0.576 -0.141 -0.854 soex NO3 -0.628 -0.899 0.037 -0.880 irde NO3 -0.710 -0.934 -0.193 -0.723 prde NO3 -0.438 -0.807 -0.115 -0.589 Table D.13.2. Sample sizes by site for each functional group. 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