Honor Roll of Donors - Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation


Honor Roll of Donors - Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation
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A Message From the President
The Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Foundation continues to embody its
mission to improve the quality of life
for people living with OI through
education, awareness, mutual support
and research to find better treatments
and a cure. We are eternally grateful
for all of the volunteers, staff and
board members who have worked
extremely hard this year to allow us to
continue the work that we do to
support the OI community.
The Foundation's Clinical Care
Strategies in Osteogenesis Imperfecta
scientific meeting in March of 2007,
which was co-funded by the Children's
Kenneth D. Finkel
Brittle Bone Foundation and the
Buchbinder Family, will have a
tremendous impact on how the medical
community cares for patients with
osteogenesis imperfecta. This meeting focused on research data that informs
clinical decision making. The results were recommendations for quality medical
care for people of all ages and all types of OI. More than 60 clinic directors and
researchers came together for this meeting: an unprecedented partnership of many
of the best minds working in OI.
A record number of research grant proposals were received this year. These
proposals represent nearly three times the number of OI Foundation proposals
received last year. This level of OI-centered research will only speed the course of
treatment and a possible cure for osteogenesis imperfecta.
The Foundation also has been busy on the education front, revising and
updating 12 fact sheets and creating 14 new ones. In addition, work has begun on
Emily’s First Day!, a story book and teachers guide featuring a child with mild OI.
As you read about our accomplishments of FY 2007, please know that without
you none of this would have been possible. Thank you for making the OI Foundation and its mission a priority in your life.
Kenneth D. Finkel
President, OI Foundation Board of Directors
© 2007 Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation. All rights reserved.
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OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) causes brittle bones which break very easily. A cough or sneeze can break
a rib, rolling over can break a leg. When a child is born with OI, parents struggle to handle a child who is in
constant pain. Hugging, diapering, dressing, or simply picking the infant up can cause a fracture. Throughout a person with OI's lifetime, (s)he will have numerous broken bones and surgery to try to correct bone
deformities and straighten the bones so (s)he can live independently.
Fractures, which can number in the hundreds over the lifetime of a person with severe OI, lead to
other challenges. Casts. Braces. Surgery. Wheelchairs. Absence from school or work. Long periods of
recovery. And the effects of OI go beyond fractures. People with OI may also have early hearing loss, spinal
curvature, brittle teeth, and respiratory problems.
Fortunately, OI does not compromise intellectual ability or mental health, and people with OI can
succeed in school and the workplace, develop satisfying social and family relationships, and live independently. To pursue these goals, they face many challenges-limited mobility and physical pain, societal
prejudices and architectural barriers. The Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) Foundation helps people face the
challenges of coping with OI so that they can live satisfying and successful lives.
Most cases of OI originate with a faulty gene that affects the formation of type 1 collagen, the major
building block of bone and other connective tissues. This causes the body to manufacture either too little
type 1 collagen or poor quality type 1 collagen.
There are seven recognized types of OI, representing a wide variation in severity. People with the
mildest form of OI, Type I, may have just a few or as many as several dozen fractures in a lifetime, be of
normal or near-normal height, and may experience hearing loss, dental problems, and other complications.
Babies born with the most severe type of OI, Type II, often have respiratory problems in addition to very
fragile bones, and may die at or shortly after birth. OI Type III causes those affected to have dozens or
even hundreds of fractures in a lifetime-including fractures present at birth-as well as very short stature
and other health problems caused by bone deformities. Type IV OI usually falls somewhere between Type I
and Type III in severity. Types V, VI, and VII, novel forms of OI, have only recently been identified and are
similar to Type IV in severity. They are characterized by abnormalities in the structure of the bone but do
not have a collagen defect.
The OI Foundation Mission
The nonprofit Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) Foundation, Inc., was founded in 1970 when a group of
parents of children with OI joined together to provide mutual support, enhance public and professional
awareness of OI, and promote research. The Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation, Inc. (OI Foundation) is the
only voluntary national health organization dedicated to helping people cope with the problems associated
with osteogenesis imperfecta.
Over almost four decades, the OI Foundation has grown into a partnership of 100,000 members,
supporters, donors, volunteers, researchers, medical professionals and a small staff who work together to:
Fund research to find treatments and a cure;
Educate and inform;
Facilitate mutual support; and
Raise public awareness and foster support for the Foundation's mission
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Page 3
From the Auditors
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Page 4
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Page 5
From July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, the OI Foundation made great strides forward in its mission areas reaching more people with critical information, facilitating progress in OI research, building awareness, and
fostering connections between people and families in the OI community.
• In FY07, research investment of $356,567 included
$313,421 in fellowships and seed grants, $7,185 for
a meeting to organize the Linked Clinical Research
Centers project and $35,961 for the sixth OI
scientific meeting. Fellowships and seed grants
were co-funded by the Children's Brittle Bone
• The sixth OI scientific meeting, "Clinical Care
Strategies in Osteogenesis Imperfecta" was held in
Rosemont, IL, from March 26-28, 2007. During the
meeting, more than 60 clinic directors and researchers discussed and finalized the recommendations for quality medical care for people with OI of
all ages and types. This brings us closer to the goal
that people with OI will be able to receive evidence-based quality care, instead of "best guess
• Studies describing the discovery of two recessive
forms of OI were published in 2006. Roy Morello,
Ph.D., a Michael Geisman Research Fellow, identified a recessive form of OI, and his work was
published in the prestigious medical journal, Cell,
in October 2006. Then, in December 2006, the New
England Journal of Medicine published a study led
by Joan Marini, M.D., Ph.D., that showed that a
previously unexplained form of lethal OI results
from a genetic defect in CRTAP, or cartilage
associated protein.
• 570 people participated in the 15th Biennial
National Conference on OI in Omaha, NE from July
20-22, 2006. This included 31 scholarship recipients and 240 first-time attendees. During this
three-day event, people with OI and their families
enjoyed access to 46 medical and information
sessions and a variety of social activities, including
a trip to the Henry Doorly Zoo. With the help of
Children's Hospital in Omaha, the Foundation also
provided a Continuing Medical Education (CME)
program on OI to 130 medical professionals.
• The Foundation revised and updated 12 fact sheets
and created 14 new facts sheets on topics of
concern to people with OI, including Adoption &
Foster Parent Information, Vertebral Fracture
Prevention, Cochlear Implants, and Osteonecrosis
of the Jaw (ONJ).
Page 6
Left to right: Heller An Shapiro, former Executive Director;
Michael Johnston and Jamie Kendall, outgoing Board members;
Ken Finkel, President. Not shown: outgoing Board members
Tracy Mulroy and Russell Sneiderman.
• A volunteer advisory committee of adults, parents,
children, and educators with OI was organized to
make recommendations on the story outline and
teachers guide for Emily's First Day!. This story
book features a child with Type I OI. Modeled after
the OI Foundation's successful Jason's First Day!
(which features a child with moderate or Type IV
OI), this book is designed to be read aloud in prekindergarten, kindergarten and first grade classes
to introduce OI and the concept of being different
to the students. This new resource will be available
some time in 2008.
• Articles about osteogenesis imperfecta appeared in
People magazine and Reader's Digest this year, as
well as 15 local publications and four Internet ones.
The OI Foundation responded to eight requests for
information from media, compared to seven in
• The Foundation began a redesign process for its
website, thanks to the support of the Bergman
family. A committee of volunteers provided input
on design, and content. The proposed changes will
make information easier to access and add several
interactive features. The new site will debut in
early 2008.
Mutual Support:
• The OI Foundation supports families through its
National Resource Center and Information on
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Demand service. Phone calls, letters and e-mails
are answered individually by trained staff. More
than 6,000 inquiries were responded to this year.
Questions come from new parents, family members, health care providers and from adults increasingly concerned about their own OI-related
health problems.
• The foundation web site continues to provide
better information to more and more people. This
year more than 162,000 people visited our web
• Breakthrough, the Foundation's quarterly newsletter, continues to be available free of charge,
thanks to some generous donors. A monthly enewsletter is distributed to more than 6,600
• People of all ages participate in our weekly chat
rooms on Sunday evenings. Key Pals a pen pal
program allows children to connect with other kids
who live with OI.
• Volunteers all over the country have contributed
thousands of hours this year to raise funds and help
their peers by hosting 36 support and network
groups in 25 states. In addition, 167 support
volunteers in 43 states provide phone support to
others in the OI community.
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Active Support & Network Groups
Throughout The Nation:
(Goodyear) Arizona
(Mesa) Arizona
(Northern) California
(Southern) California
(Ft. Myers/Tampa) Florida
(Jacksonville) Florida
New Jersey
New York
(Southwest) Ohio
(Northeast) Ohio
(Northern) Ohio
(Pittsburgh) Pennsylvania
(Central) Texas
(Dallas) Texas
(Houston) Texas
(San Antonio) Texas
Page 7
Education and Support
New Materials from the OI Foundation
These publications are available on the OI Foundation web site www.oif.org or by contacting the
Foundation at (301) 947-0083, 1-800-981-2663, or [email protected].
New Fact Sheets
Social & Emotional Issues
Adaptive Equipment
Adoption & foster parent
Adults & Fracture Care
Cochlear Implants
Learning to Drive
Planning a Family
Summer Camps
Swimming for Fun & fitness
Understanding Recessive OI
Vertebral Fracture Information
Vertebral Fracture Prevention
What is Osteonecrosis of the
Jaw (ONJ)?
What is Scoliosis?
Revised and Updated
in 2007
OI: An Introduction for Medical
Professionals, Individuals &
Adults: Maintaining Health
Bone Mineral Density
Bone Structure
Dental Care
Fast Facts about OI
Hearing Loss and OI
Home Modifications
Preparing for a Child's Surgery
Rodding Surgery
Understanding Type I OI
Coming in 2008
Emily's First Day!
A picture book about a child with
type I OI who is starting school
Guide to OI for Pediatricians
and Family Practice Physicians
A free booklet from the OI
Foundation and the NIH
New OI Foundation Web Site
Same address, but with a whole
new look and many new interactive features
CaringBridge Helps You Keep in Touch
When you really need the
support of friends, neighbors and
relatives, you often don't have the
time to share information.
CaringBridge is a free, nonprofit
web service that connects family
and friends to share information, love and support during a
health crisis, treatment and
recovery. CaringBridge lets you
use the Internet to easily share
your experiences with a selected
group of friends and family, and
receive messages in return.
The OI Foundation is
partnering with CaringBridge to
bring you this free, internet
service that can help you stay
connected. Founded in 1997,
CaringBridge now connects more
than 15 million people each year.
The service is always free, private
and personalized, and it takes just
a few moments to set up your own
CaringBridge website.
Page 8
CaringBridge's mission is to bring
together a global community of
care powered by the love of family
and friends in an easy, accessible,
and private way.
A recent article by Shelly Reese
on nurse.com describes a mother
who benefits from CaringBridge
during her daughter's frequent
hospitalizations. In the middle of
the night during her daughter
Sophia's frequent hospitalizations,
she'll head down to the family
resource center and update
Sophia's CaringBridge site. She
posts photos of Sophia on the
website and keeps an online
journal tracking her good days as
well as her bad ones. "When it's 2
AM and I'm in the hospital with
Sophia and I'm really struggling, I
can go on CaringBridge and see
someone's message and that
really makes me feel less
isolated. It's been really useful in
my own healing."
If you would like this kind of
support, then check out the easy
directions for building and
maintaining your web page, as
well as letting people know about
your page. Information is available
by clicking on the CaringBridge
logo on the OI Foundation web site
www.oif.org. For more information about CaringBridge, visit
their web site
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Richard Wenstrup, M.D., Elected Medical Advisory Council Chairperson
Richard J. Wenstrup, M.D., who began his term as chair of the Medical Advisory Council on July 1, 2006,
is Chief Medical Officer at Myriad Genetics, Inc. in Salt Lake City, UT. Previously, he served as Director of
Connective Tissue Clinics and Director of the Molecular Genetics Diagnostic Laboratory, Division of Human
Genetics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital.
Dr. Wenstrup is currently testing the use of ribozymes to inactivate mutant collagen genes, and studying
the cellular effects of abnormal collagen deposition in osteoblast cells. He earned his M.D. at the University of
Cincinnati Medical School, and has previously served in a number of academic appointments, including
Director of the Connective Tissue Diagnostic Facility, at the Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, Duke
University. Dr. Wenstrup has been a member of the OI Foundation Medical Advisory Council since July 2005.
He chaired the Scientific Review Committee at its inception in 1999, developing a thorough medical review
process to make grant funding recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Recessive Form of OI Discovered by Foundation-funded Researcher
Medical Advisory Council members collaborate to speed results
(Excerpted from the November 2006 issue of Breakthrough)
An important article on the genetics of OI was
published in the October 19, 2006 issue of Cell, a
prestigious medical journal. Research by OI Foundation Michael Geisman Research Fellow Roy Morello,
Ph.D., identifies a recessive form of OI. This will
greatly improve OI diagnosis and family counseling
for people with a family history of lethal or severe OI
(similar to Types II and III), or Type VII OI who do not
have a collagen mutation.
The research studied a protein called CRTAP
(Cartilage Associated Protein) that is important for
bone formation. Dr. Morello's mouse studies first
showed the importance of this protein for bone,
leading the way for human genetic studies. When the
researchers found that CRTAP was in the same
chromosomal location as Type VII OI, the genetic
connection was made. When CRTAP is in low supply, it
causes the mild bone fragility of Type VII OI. When it
is absent, it causes more severe symptoms that are
similar to Types II and III OI.
Important discoveries often are the result of
teamwork. OI Foundation Medical Advisory Council
members Francis Glorieux, M.D., Ph.D., Shriners
Hospital for Children, Montreal; Peter Byers, M.D.,
University of Washington; and Joan Marini, M.D.,
Ph.D., National Institutes of Health contributed to
this research. Dr. Glorieux discovered the Type VII
form of OI. Dr. Byers provided severe OI tissue
samples. Independent research from Dr. Marini
identified mutations in the identical gene in several
cases of recessive lethal OI. Discussions begun during
the OI Foundation's scientific meetings contributed to
these collaborations.
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Donations to the OI Foundation Research Fund
from members of the OI community were a crucial
part of these important discoveries. Dr. Morello's
research was funded in part by a Michael Geisman
Research Fellowship from the OI Foundation and the
Children's Brittle Bone Foundation.
Up to now, research indicated that almost all
cases of OI were caused by a dominant genetic
mutation in the Type I collagen genes, meaning that
only one copy of the OI gene would be necessary for a
person to have OI. This new research found that
lethal or severe OI can also be associated with a
recessive form of inheritance caused by changes in
the CRTAP gene. In this situation, the parents do not
have OI, but they both carry a mutation for it in their
genes. For a child to have OI, he or she must inherit
the OI-causing CRTAP mutation from both parents.
When a child has recessive OI, there is a 25 percent
chance per pregnancy that the parents will have
another child with OI. Siblings of a person with a
recessive form of OI have a 50 percent chance of
being a carrier of the recessive gene.
New diagnostic tests based on this research have
been developed at Baylor College of Medicine in
Houston, TX, and at the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) in Bethesda, MD. Research continues into the
possibility of other recessive forms of OI.
CRTAP is Required for Prolyl 3-Hydroxylation and
Mutations Cause Recessive Osteogenesis Imperfecta,
Roy Morello et al. Cell 127, 291-304, October 20,
Page 9
Historic Sixth Annual Scientific Meeting Will Improve Medical Care
The Foundation's sixth
annual scientific meeting,
Clinical Care Strategies in
Osteogenesis Imperfecta,
exceeded its goals. Prior to the
meeting, working groups met to
develop recommendations for
quality medical care for people
with OI of all ages and types.
During the meeting, more than
60 clinic directors and researchers discussed and finalized the
recommendations. Several local
families shared their personal
experiences with medical care.
The dialogue was productive,
focusing on defining the best
medical care for people with OI.
When the recommendations are
completed and published in a
Orthopedic Surgeons at the Clinical Care Strategies in Osteogenesis Imperfecta
few months, people with OI will
scientific meeting share ideas about surgical technique in OI. Standing from left to right:
Laura Tosi, M.D., Children's Hospital National Medical Center; Peter Smith, M.D., Shriners
be able to receive evidenceHospital for Children, Chicago; Paul Esposito, M.D., Omaha Children's Hospital and Univ. of
based quality care, instead of
Nebraska Medical Center Metabolic Bone Diseases Clinic; Cathleen Raggio, M.D., Hospital
"best guess care."
for Special Surgery and Center for Skeletal Dysplasias & OI Clinic, New York; and Fred
Shapiro, M.D., Children's Hospital, Boston. Seated from left to right: Francois Fassier, M.D.,
One of the most valuable
Shriners Hospital for Children, Montreal; and Paul Sponseller, M.D., OI Clinic at the Kennedy
results that comes from holding
Krieger Institute, Baltimore.
annual scientific meetings is
improved collaboration and
communication between many
of the best minds working in OI and bone research
highest standard of care, and advancing the standard
today. An essential part of this meeting occurred
of care and improving potential for a cure through
when participants met in small groups to share their
patient related research.
most difficult cases. Everyone learned from the
Major support for this meeting was provided by
discussion and suggestions that were made.
the Buchbinder Family Foundation. The Buchbinder
The Foundation's Linked Clinical Research
Family Foundation pledged $250,000 over five years
Centers (LCRC) took a big step forward as standard
to make future annual meetings possible. Now Clinic
intake forms were developed and criteria for becomDirectors and Researchers can plan to collaborate and
ing a Center was agreed on. A pilot test linking the
work together annually to improve care and speed up
first four Centers is expected to begin in Fall 2007.
research for people with OI.
Sponsored by the OI Foundation and the Children's
Brittle Bone Foundation, the LCRC will improve the
quality of life and lifespan of adults with OI by
defining the standard of care for people with OI,
developing a means by which people with OI in
different parts of the U.S. all have access to the
Page 10
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Donor Profile
P.J. and Jennifer Kimball
When our wonderful granddaughter, Molly, was
little girl who has taught us so much and has truly
born two years ago, none of us was prepared for her
brought us all closer - another of those miracles.
challenging OI diagnosis. She was a little baby with a
We have made the OI Foundation a priority in our
complicated medical course that none of us knew how charitable giving, because of all that the OI
to navigate. Her great-grandmother said: "Stay
Foundation has done for us and our family. Our
tuned for the miracles. I'm sure they will come. They
extended family also embraces giving to the
may not be in the size or shape you were expecting,
Foundation and makes contributions in lieu of
but I'm sure they
birthday or
will come." Our
Christmas gifts daughter and sonthis warms our heart
in-law got up to
speed as quickly
Recently, we began
as they could, but
working on a major
it was a very
fund raising effort
confusing and
for the OI
difficult time.
Foundation, in hopes
Trying to find
that our efforts will
professionals who
benefit other
had experience
families with OI,
with OI was a
giving them the
trial. One of
same vital support
that we have
received. The ability
mentioned the OI
to gain fact-based
answers to questions
website and that
about OI and read
was how our
about or talk with
Standing from left to right: PJ, Jennifer and Tripp Kimball; Seated from left to
relationship with
other OI patients, is
right: Jim, Molly, and Sarah Sullivan.
the OI Foundation
exciting and
began - this was
one of those miracles. The Foundation gave us a
Readers might find Molly's blog an interesting
wealth of information and resources. We bought
little adventure. Sarah and Jim Sullivan, Molly's
books, downloaded information sheets from the OI
parents, have created this site, and it is:
website and read voraciously.
We were excited to learn about the OI
We look forward to the progress that we as a
Conference and
family make in
immediately began to
understanding Molly's
plan how to get the
condition, and we look
We have made the OI Foundation a
entire family and both
forward to following the
priority in our charitable giving,
sets of grandparents to
progress that the OI
Omaha in July 2006.
Foundation provides for
because of all that the OI Foundation
This OI Foundationcontinuing research in OI.
has done for us and our family.
sponsored conference
The OI Foundation is
gave us an opportunity
another one of those
to meet families who
were living and thriving with OI and to connect with
professionals who might help guide Molly's care. The
PJ and Jennifer Kimball
conference was comforting, informative and FUN!
(a.k.a "Poppy and Mimi")
When you have a baby who is given a weighty
diagnosis, sometimes all you can see initially is the
disorder. Now two years later, we see a happy, fun
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Page 11
Supporters of the OI Foundation showed no shortage of creativity in developing a variety of interesting
events designed to build awareness of OI in their communities and generate critical financial support.
From July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007, these volunteers reached thousands of people through 22 fundraising
events across the nation, raising more than $500,000 in net proceeds to benefit the Foundation's mission.
Golf Tournaments - Golf tournaments have proven to be a successful way for volunteers in the OI community
to do something they love, while introducing local businesses and larger corporations to osteogenesis
Riley's Gathering Place Golf Outing, Wood Dale, IL - Patrick Fromelt and Anthony Benish
Miracle Michael Fund Charity Golf Outing, Naperville, IL - John and Beth Shultz
North Jersey District UPS United Way
Golf Invitational, Hamburg, NJ - Dean
Britt and Tony Gerbasio
Bennett Clayton Foundation Charity
Golf Event, St. Peter, MN - Paula Coomer,
Erin DeBlieck and Brenda DeBlieck
Kroger OI Foundation Charity Golf
Tournament and Auction, Roanoke, VA Joe Antolini, Art Jaklitsch, Norm Slocum,
Kristen Antolini, and Pete Williams
OI Foundation DC Metro Golf Tournament, Ashburn, VA-Karen Orejuela, Roger
Bache, Jacqueline Bourgeois, Michael
McDonald, and David Vurdelja
OI Charity Golf Tournament, Miami, OK
- Mike, Tina, & Dakota Berry and Jim,
Leah & Jacob Everett
Southern California Petroleum Industry
Charity Association Golf & Tennis
Roan McRae, who served as Tournament Chairperson in 2005,
Tournament, Pasadena, CA - Thomas
purchased this painting by 12-year-old Nicole Hofhine for $1,200 at
Ritchie, Frank Fossati, Heidi Glauser,
the SCPICA event auction on Oct. 27, 2006.
Michelle Hofhine and Marybeth Parke
Other Fundraising Events - These walk-n-wheel events, seafood festivals, dinners, luncheons, and other
activities bring families dealing with OI together, serving as the basis for new friendships and sometimes,
even for a new OI Network or Support group.
Bingo Night for OI, Ledyard, CT - Paula Furber
Bash by the Bay Seafood Festival, Margate City, NJ - Chery Sacchetti
24-Hour OI Blog-a-thon, Nationwide - Joe Schmidt
New Jersey Beefsteak Dinner, Garfield, NJ - Rosemarie Kasper, Jo Ann Berkenbush, and Beverly
Daughters of Penelope Fashion Show & Luncheon, Bethesda, MD - Lil Bakalis, Joanne Stathes, and
the members of Arion Chapter 298
Dinner and Gospel Benefit Concert, Pleasant Grove, Al - The Pleasant Grove Church of the
Nazarene, in honor of Stephen Hudson
Old Country Store Christmas Eve Breakfast, Jackson, TN - Clark, Juanita & Elizabeth Shaw and
Deborah Laman
Red Hatters Afternoon Tea Party, St. Louis, MO - Mary Caldwell
Mary Poppins theater event and reception, New York, NY - Jeffrey & Andrea Stewart, Eleanor
Seepes, and Robin Wright
OI Beef and Beer Benefit, West Chester, PA - Greg, Leigh, & Mallie Holman and the team at Advanced AV
Fine Wines, Strong Bones, Washington DC - Roger & Gayle Bache, Jacqueline Bourgeois, Vivianne
Couts, Tim Dombro & Jamie Kendall, Kyle & Tracy Mulroy, Lyn Reid, and David Vurdelja.
Massachusetts Making Strides for OI Walk, Silent Auction, and Family Fun Day, Framingham, MA Christine Wyman Rossi
Page 12
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Bone China Tea - Our phantom tea party event set a new fundraising record, topping $40,000 for the first
time ever! Forty-nine volunteer 'hosts' brought in gifts totaling $42,393 from 794 donors. Bone China Tea was
chaired by Susie and Jenny Wilson.
$5,000 and up!
Bonnie Landrum & Mike Johnston
$2,000 - $4,999
Carmellya, Breman Jr., & Alana
Alec Cabacungan
Beth Gero
Susan Wilson
$1,500 - $1,999
Elise Ludwig
Chris & Cyndi Nolan
Andrea & Addie Wisniewski
$1,000 - $1,499
Judi Clarke
The Finkels
Melinda Marston
Robin & Mickey Rowland
$500 - $999
Jessica Bernstein
Gail, George, & Michelle Bunker
Shelby, James, & Jessica Carter
Amy & James Dias
The Furbers
Sylvan Ganz
The Glickmans
Carmela Hurt
Jonna Jones
Karen Vowell
$250 - $499
Megan Asmus
Adam & Donna Ayers
Emily Enright
Don Gardner
Shellie Gruenwald
Jackie Roberts
Diane Ross
Elle Sawyer
Kay West
Kerry & Susan Wright
Up to $249
Audrey Chambliss
Bev Coffin
R.L. Correllus
Jenna Cummings
Jamie Kendall
Kathleen Knuf-Felte for Emma
Robert & Phyllis Martin
Kimberly McKee
Linda Morehouse
Michelle Moscardelli
Maureen Naughton
Edward & Doris Painter
Sandy & Emily Scalzo
Deb Selig
Halley & Peggy Szpaichler
Debbie Wiederhold
Jennie Wilkie
Matching Gifts from your Employer
Double the Impact of your Gift!
The OI Foundation has made it easier to determine if your company matches charitable
Many companies sponsor matching gift programs to encourage employees to support their favorite
charitable organizations. The OI Foundation is now providing donors with instant online information
about their employers' matching programs. With more donors making gifts online, this program
makes it easy to identify which companies match employee giving to charitable organizations.
Simply visit www.matchinggifts.com/oif on the Foundation's website, and key in your employer's
name to learn instantly if your gift can be matched by your organization. You will also be able to view
your company's match policy, including minimum and maximum gift amount eligibility, gift ratio,
procedure for getting the gift matched, and any special comments.
If you have any questions about this or any other aspect of matching gifts, contact Director of
Development John O'Brien at [email protected] or 1-800-981-2663.
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Page 13
Foundation launches OI National Walk-n-Wheel Program
This year, the Foundation launched a national walk-n-wheel program,
Making Strides for Better Bones, following in the footsteps of a number
of talented volunteers who previously organized their own very successful
Now all of these fundraisers will be organized under one banner,
meaning the Foundation will provide event organizers with brochures,
pledge sheets, web pages for raising pledges, sponsor information, Tshirts, water bottles, and support from staff and veteran volunteers.
Making Strides for Better Bones will accomplish three primary
• Build awareness of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI);
• Promote activities that lead to better bones; and
• Raise money to support the Foundation's research, education,
awareness, and mutual support activities.
Two-year-old Jack Rossi joined the
Making Strides for OI walk-n-wheel
event in Framingham, MA on June 24.
Organized by his mother, Christine
Wyman Rossi, this event raised almost
$50,000 for the Foundation.
"As people in the OI community start new events, we have a real
opportunity to put OI on the map. Doctors, educators and neighbors will
gain new understanding and familiarity with OI, and new awareness of how much people with OI can
accomplish," explained former Executive Director Heller An Shapiro.
To learn more, visit www.oif.org/oiwalk, or contact Associate Director of Development Stuart Tart at
[email protected] or 1-800-981-2663.
New York Theater Guests Enjoy Meeting
with Mary Poppins Cast Members
Approximately 84 friends of the OI Foundation gathered
in New York City on April 13 to watch the Broadway
production of Mary Poppins and to support our work.
After the show, guests enjoyed a private question-andanswer session with two Mary Poppins cast members. This
was arranged by actress Kristin Carbone, who played Mrs.
Banks that evening and also serves as an understudy for the
role of Mary Poppins.
Guests also attended a Mary Poppins-themed reception,
hosted by Ernst & Young at 5 Times Square.
At the reception, they dined on traditional English fare,
including miniature beef Wellingtons, fish & chips, miniature
meat pies, English tea sandwiches, scones, English triffle,
and other treats. Servers contributed to the atmosphere by
dressing in black with black make-up on their faces to look
like chimney
Jamie Kendall, Immediate Past President, auctions
off a Mary Poppins poster, signed by the cast.
Former Executive Director Heller An Shapiro holds
Past President
the poster.
Jamie Kendall
conducted a live auction of two pieces of memorabilia from the
show: A Mary Poppins umbrella, signed by the cast, with a parrot
on the handle, and a framed show poster, also autographed by the
cast. Together, these two items fetched $875.
This third annual New York theater outing was organized by
Board members Jeffrey Stewart and Caren Loguercio and
volunteers Andrea Stewart, Eleanor Seepes and Robin Wright.
Board member James Sharples also attended.
Volunteers Robin Wright and Ellie Seepes tend
bar at the Mary Poppins pre-show reception.
Page 14
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Foundation Honors Three with Unbreakable Spirit Awards
On May 12, 2007, the OI
Foundation presented Unbreakable Spirit Awards to Indianapolis
attorney Greg Fehribach, People
Senior Writer Jill Smolowe, and
the Daughters of Penelope, Arion
Chapter 298.
The Daughters of Penelope
is an organization primarily
made up of women of Greek
descent that is focused on
philanthropic, educational and
cultural activities. Members of
Arion Chapter No. 298, located
in Silver Spring, MD, have
demonstrated a real commitment
to helping children with OI by
naming the OI Foundation as the
beneficiary of its annual fashion
show luncheon during the past
two years.
These ladies have gone even
further to help the OI community
by involving other Daughters of
Penelope chapters in supporting OI
research, informational resources,
and services to families. In fact,
chapter leaders successfully
persuaded their
district to adopt
the OI Foundation as its
district charity
during 20062007.
As an
attorney and a
consultant on
design issues,
Greg Fehribach
Greg Fehribach
works in Indianapolis and
nationwide to make public buildings accessible for everyone living
with OI and other disabilities that
affect their mobility. By sharing his
talents, expertise, and life experi-
Board president Ken Finkel congratulates Greg Fehribach on his Unbreakable Spirit
Award, while former Executive Director Heller An Shapiro looks on.
ence, he has opened up wonderful
moving portrait of how a lifelong
resources like the Indiana
medical disorder
State Museum, the
like osteogenesis
Indiana governors'
imperfecta (OI)
residence, and
impacts a family
Conseco Fieldhouse
emotionally, finanto tens of thoucially, and medically.
sands of Americans
Ms. Smolowe's clear
who otherwise could
prose provided an
not enjoy them
accurate description
fully. He is a past
of the disorder,
member of the OI
showed people
Foundation's Board
where they can turn
of Directors.
for help, and raised
In its August
awareness of this
Jill Smolowe
21, 2006 edition,
rare condition
People magazine
among the American
published a powerpublic.
ful feature article,
written by Jill Smolowe, about the
struggles faced by a family whose
young daughter lives with OI.
Titled Keeping Hope Alive, this
article provided readers with a
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Page 15
Notes to Financial Statements
June 30, 2007 and 2006
The Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation (the Foundation) is a Georgia
non-stock corporation incorporated in 1970 with the primary purpose
of improving the quality of life for people affected by this bone
disorder through research into treatments and a cure, education,
awareness, and mutual support.
The underlying categories represent the major program areas of the
Public Awareness - The Foundation strives to build public awareness
and generate additional support among people with OI, community
organizations, public agencies, and medical professionals. The
Foundation offers medically verified information on osteogenesis
imperfecta, from medical issues to daily living strategies, via phone,
internet, fax, and mail. The Foundation also reaches out with print
publications, press releases, DVDs, e-newsletters, and the web site.
The Foundation has a 30-second Public Service Announcement designed
to be aired on local television stations.
Education and Support - The Foundation publishes four books for
families and children, and three for medical and school professionals;
three instructional DVDs, with companion guides, for families; fact
sheets on frequently requested topics; audiocassettes with expert
advice; Guides to OI for Occupational and Physical Therapists and
Nurses; a quarterly newsletter, a monthly e-newsletter, and over 30
fact sheets. In addition, the Foundation's website at www.oif.org
contains up to date information on all aspects of living with OI.
Foundation staff and volunteers respond to more than 6,000 inquiries
a year, and use these contacts to assess the need for additional
resources. Topics covered include schooling, pain management,
psychological needs of the family, child abuse, fracture management,
physical fitness, hearing loss, dental needs and aging. The Foundation
is continually developing new information resources in response to the
needs of families, adults, and professionals working with those
affected by osteogenesis imperfecta.
Conference - The Foundation's principal education event is the
Biennial National Conference on OI, which provides more than 550
people with OI and their families with medical, research, and coping
information. For many, it's the first opportunity to meet others who
are living with OI.
Page 16
Research - The Foundation funds grants to support research training
of people who aspire to develop long-term and relevant career
understanding in order to treat or cure osteogenesis imperfecta;
seed grants to researchers to prepare preliminary data as a basis for
potential application to external major research funding resources or
other long-term collaborative research efforts; research-related
activities adopted by the Board of Directors involving medical
symposiums, meetings, conferences, continuing medical education
(CME) seminars, and advocacy efforts to encourage research by
federal agencies; and indirect administration of research funds,
including actual costs to administer and advance all of the above
research efforts of the Foundation. In 2004, the Foundation began
funding a long term project to develop linked clinical research centers
to improve quality of care and increase research results. Included in
the centers project is an osteogenesis imperfecta registry to improve
knowledge of the natural history of osteogenesis imperfecta.
Basis of Accounting
The financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of
accounting in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles. Accordingly, revenues are recognized when earned and
expenses are recognized when incurred.
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles requires management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and
disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those
Cash and Equivalents
The Foundation considers all highly liquid investments purchased with
an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.
Inventory is recorded at cost using the first in, first out (FIFO) method
of inventory valuation.
Prepaid Expenses
The Foundation records expenses incurred in advance for general
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
June 30, 2007 and 2006
operations and the biennial national conference as prepaid expenses.
Pledges Receivable
Pledges receivable represents amounts which have been promised but
not yet received. Pledges are recorded at the original value less an
estimate of uncollectible pledges. Pledges beyond one year are
discounted to reflect the present value of the pledge.
Accounts Receivable
Accounts receivable are recorded at the original invoice value less an
estimate for allowance for doubtful accounts. Management determines the estimate of allowance for doubtful accounts by applying
historical trends to the aging of accounts receivable. Accounts
receivables are directly written off when deemed uncollectible. If
ultimately collected, they are recognized as revenue in the period
collected. Based on Managements estimate of collectible accounts
receivable, the allowance for doubtful accounts as of June 30, 2007 and
2006 was zero and zero, respectively.
Fixed Assets
The Foundation has a capitalization policy for qualifying assets in
excess of $300. Furniture and equipment are reported at cost.
Assets and capital lease purchases are depreciated over a two to ten
year estimated life using the straight-line method. Depreciation
expense for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 was $10,320 and
$10,465, respectively.
Investments are recorded at market value. Realized and unrealized
gains and losses on investments are reported on the statement of
activities as they occur.
Research Grant Awards
Research grants awarded prior to year end, but not distributed are
recorded as grants payable and expensed accordingly.
Deferred Revenue
The Foundation records income for conference fees which have been
paid in advance as deferred revenue.
Gifts and bequests of property
Gifts and bequests of property are recorded at the earlier of the date
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
received or when the bequest is no longer subject to probate and its
value can be reasonably estimated. Gifts and bequests are valued at
their estimated fair market value on the date they are recorded.
Net Assets
Net assets are reported by the Foundation in accordance with
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 116 and 117. Accordingly,
net assets have been reported using the following categories.
Unrestricted net assets represent resources over which the Board
of Directors has discretionary control, and are used to carry out
operations of the Foundation in accordance with their bylaws.
Designated net assets, also known as the Endowment Fund, have
been reserved by the Board of Directors. For the years ended
June 30, 2007 and 2006 the balance of the Endowment Fund
investment was $1,735,365 and $1,515,106, respectively.
Temporarily Restricted
Temporarily restricted net assets represent contributions and
grants, which have been restricted by donors for specific programs
or activities. Restrictions, which have been met by the passage of
time or expenditure of net assets, are reported as revenues
released from restrictions on the statement of activities.
Temporarily restricted funds received and utilized in the same
operating period are reported as unrestricted revenue on the
statement of activities. For the years ended June 30, 2007 and
2006, the Foundation received $900,140 and $661,407, respectively,
in temporarily restricted contributions and grants. As of June 30,
2007 and 2006, temporarily restricted net assets were $638,720
and $473,064, respectively.
Permanently Restricted Funds
Permanently restricted net assets represent contributions which
have been restricted by donors indefinitely. The permanently
restricted net assets have been identified by the Foundation and
the Endowment Fund. Investment income generated from the
principal of the permanently restricted net assets has been
designated by the Board of Directors for reinvestment in the
Endowment Fund. For the year ended June 30, 2007 the Foundation did not receive any permanently restricted contributions. As
of June 30, 2007 and 2006, permanently restricted net assets were
Page 17
Notes to Financial Statements
June 30, 2007 and 2006
$54,488 and $54,488, respectively.
Income Taxes
The Foundation is a nonprofit organization, which is exempt from
federal income taxes under the provision of Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code. However, the Foundation is subject to
unrelated business income tax for activities conducted outside its tax
exempt purpose. During 2007 and 2006, the Foundation did not
conduct unrelated business activities.
Functional Allocation of Expenses
The costs of providing the various programs and other activities have
been summarized on a functional basis in the Statement of Activities.
Accordingly, certain costs have been allocated among the programs
and supporting services benefited.
Donated Services and Materials
Contributions of services are recognized if the services received
create or enhance nonfinancial assets or require specialized skills, and
are provided by individuals possessing those skills and would typically
need to be purchased if not provided by donation. Contributed
services and promises to give services that do not meet the above
criteria are not recognized. During 2007 and 2006, the Foundation
received $4,714 and $59,663 in donated materials or services,
In addition, the Foundation has estimated that total volunteer time
donated during the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 was
approximately $444,498 and $524,701, respectively, valued at $17.55
per hour. These services are not recorded in the accompanying
financial statements as they did not meet the requirements as noted
above in the previous paragraph.
The value of investments was as follows:
June 30, 2007
$ 1,043,682 $ 1,153,789
Corporate bonds
$ 1,743,013 $ 1,836,894
Page 18
June 30, 2006
970,479 $ 993,295
$ 1,603,554 $ 1,603,350
The market value of stocks is estimated based on quoted market
prices for those investments. None of the investments are held for
trading purposes.
Pledges receivable were as follows:
Pledges due in less than one year $
Due in one to five years
Total pledges receivable
Less: Allowance for doubtful pledges
Net pledges receivable
June 30,
( 13,856)
June 30
$ 159,512
( 10,328)
$ 149,184
The Foundation was named as a beneficiary of a charitable remainder
trust upon the death of the annuitant. As a result, $15,500 was
invested in a perpetual trust administered by a third party. The
Foundation has the right to receive income earned on the asset. The
principal asset is permanently restricted.
The Foundation entered into a thirty-six month agreement for the
lease of office space commencing December 1, 2007. The lease
provides for monthly payments of $6,618. The lease provides for
annual escalation increases at a rate of 3% per annum. Rent expense
for the years ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 was $85,042 and $82,565,
The Foundation has entered into several agreements for office
equipment and support services. Future minimum payments under all
lease agreements are as follows:
During 2005, the Foundation entered into an agreement with a human
resources leasing group to provide all related human resource
services for employees. The agreement is on a month to month basis
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Lifetime Members
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Antolini
Ann Armstrong
Asset Allocation & Management Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ayers
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bache
Melvyn & Elena Baez
James & Gina Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. Armand Benassi
Jo Ann Berkenbush
Mrs. Marcia Bernstein
Diane Bessler-Hackett
Ms. Judith Clarke Blackwood
Frank Blankemeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boyar
Mr. & Mrs. John Braitmayer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brendel
Fred & Harriett Bridges
Dr. & Mrs. William Brock
Charles & Paula C. Brunell
Andy & Ronda Bryson
Dominick Bucci
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Buck
Mr. & Mrs. George Bunker
Peter Byers, M.D.
C'Jack Realty Associates
Tom, Diane & Jennifer Camp
Tom & Patricia Camp
Mr. & Mrs. David Cannington
Kathleen Caruso
Jeanne Charnas
Dr. John Cheronis & Shirley
Ms. Linda Chinn
Walter Ciejek
James Clinansmith
Robbin & Shannon Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. George Collett
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Cook
Victoria Cramer
Robert & Peggy Davey
Michael & Mary Delfosse
Joel DeLisa, M.D.
Donald R. Dillon
Donald & Colleen Dillon
Edalca Holdings, Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eichenberg
Merrick Elfman & Therese
Kendall & Barbara Everson
Eleanor Faber
Peter Fahey
Family Investments, Ltd.
William & Bernice Fehribach
Mr. & Mrs. Eloy Fernandez
Oteiza Figaredo
Kathleen Finegan
Kenneth D. & Ann D. Finkel
Sherry Frost
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Furber
Mrs. Gemma Geisman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Glauser
Kris & Kerry Glicken
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hammond
Barbara Ann Hanson
Odille Hansen
Ms. Barbara Ann Hanson
William Harmon
Wilbur & Nancy Harris
Prof. Sergiu Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Headley
Susan Hekstra
Sarah Hersh
Lou & Terri Holtmann
Billie Horne
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hughes
Sherry B. Ingram
Tom & Joan Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Carl James
Sarah Jameson
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Johnson
Michael Johnston & Dr. Bonnie
Chaplain & Mrs. Roy Johnston
Dr. & Mrs. James Joy
Mr. Nelson Julius
Rosemarie Kasper
Eleanor Resnick Katz
Susumu Kawamura
Mr. & Mrs. James Kendall
Jamie Kendall
Dr. & Mrs. James Kilman
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Kipperman
Notes to Financial Statements
June 30, 2007 and 2006
and may be cancelled by the Foundation with 30 days written notice.
The Foundation maintains cash balances in a financial institution which
is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for amounts
up to $100,000. The Foundation is exposed to concentrations of credit
risk at times when cash balances exceed the FDIC limit. The
Foundation has not experienced any losses and believes they are not
exposed to significant risk.
During July 2007, the Foundation entered into an agreement for
website redesign. The total amount of the agreement shall not
exceed $40,000 and is payable in installments as work progresses. In
accordance with the Foundation's accounting policies, the cost
associated with the website redesign qualifies for capitalization.
Accordingly, the costs of the website redesign will be amortized over
the useful life of five years using the straight-line method.
During fiscal year 2007, the Foundation received a five-year pledge to
fund the cost of the website redesign. The pledge is temporarily
restricted and will be released in accordance with the Foundation's
net asset policy as expenses related to the website are incurred.
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Steve & Bonnie Kipperman
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Kowis
Kroger Food Stores
Beverly Krudys
Dan & Cher Krudys
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kruse
Dan & Nancie LaDuke
Corinne Landrum
Kathy Lange
Henry & Ruth Lapkin
Patrick Leach
Michael & Rachel Ledbetter
Ms. Anna Miriam Lennartson
Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Lennartson
Mr. William Lewellen
Ms. Dorothy Lindberg
Mr. & Mrs. John Mandeville
Debra Martin
Joseph & Peggy Martorano
Lee & Elaine Matson
Ms. Mary Ellen McCollom
Ms. Susan McLinn
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Montgomery
Ms. Bridget Moore
Robert & Laura Motycka
Laurel Newmark
Katherine Nicht
Mr. Roy Oliver
Open Doors for the Handicapped
Mr. Daniel Aguirre Pace
Mary Parke
Edward & Kendrick Pascoe
Gary Patti
Mark & Kimberly Peck
Mr. Michael Pelkey & Mrs. Angela
Cheryl & Rebecca Perritt
Paul & Ramona Petry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phillips
Aileen G. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Poupard
Colleen Priest
Richard, Theresa & Jonathan Reed
The Reese Family
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Reeser
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Richard
Marcos G. & Yazmin J. Ronquillo
Jeff & Cathy Roques
Mr. & Mrs. John Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ross
Mr. & Mrs. David Safianoff
Ada Mae Saxton
Marita Schmidt
William Schmidt
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Schnall
Cheryl Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Clark Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Simmonds
Grace Sisco
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Smith
Michelle Smith
Peter Smith, M.D.
Patricia Snow
William & Arlene Solof
Southern California Petroleum
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Sperling
Dr. Earl Stanley
Thomas & Sandra Stapleton
Shirlee Stern
Sarah Catherine Stone
Gladys Strauch
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Strauch Jr.
Mr. Dan Syrstad
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Thomas
Larry & Alice Tomas
David Vernick, M.D.
John & Catherine Voorde
Mr. Jeffery E. Wacaster
Sarah Wassmuth
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph West
Donald Whedon
Mr. & Mrs. Bob White
Jennifer White
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Williamson
Jennifer Wilson
Susan Wilson
Ben Woner
Eddie & Pam Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Zenger
Mr. & Mrs. David Zenger
Page 19
Board of Directors
Professional Affiliation
Home Residence
Roger Bache (Treasurer)
Rockville, MD
Anthony Benish
Cook-Illinois Corp.
Downers Grove, IL
Jacqueline R.F. Bourgeois
Womble Carlyle Sandridge and Rice
Alexandria, VA
Anna C. Curry
Troutman Sanders
Atlanta, GA
Ken Finkel (President)
National Automotive Lines, Inc.
Indianapolis, IN
Parker Folse, III (1st Vice President)
Susman Godfrey, LLP
Bainbridge Island, WA
Randy D. Graise
Randel Enterprises
Southfield, MI
Greg Holman
ConAgra Foods
West Chester, PA
Caren Loguercio, Esq.
New York State Supreme Court
Mount Sinai, NY
Christine Wyman Rossi (Secretary)
EMC Corporation
Framingham, MA
Chery Sacchetti
Community Volunteer
Margate City, NJ
Robert (Sandy) Sandhaus, M.D., Ph.D. National Jewish Medical & Research Ctr. Bow Mar, CO
Neeru Sharma
General Motors
Sterling Heights, MI
James Sharples
Level Travel
Coatesville, PA
Jeffrey Stewart (2nd Vice President)
S2 Group
Rye, NY
Denise Tarantino
Efficient Frontier Express
New York, NY & CA
Sharon Trahan
Fusion Living
Shoreview, MN
Richard J. Wentrup, M.D. (MAC Chair) Myriad Genetics, Inc.
Salt Lake City, UT
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation Staff
All staff members also can be reached by phone at (800) 981-2663 or (301) 947-0083.
Tracy Smith Hart
Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]
Marie Maffey
Information & Resource Specialist
[email protected]
Jenny Stup
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Tom Costanzo
Director of Finance and
[email protected]
John O'Brien
Director of Development
[email protected]
Desiree Swain
Database Manager
[email protected]
Erika Ruebensaal
Associate Director of Events
[email protected]
Stuart Tart
Associate Director of Development
[email protected]
Mary Beth Huber
Information & Resource Director
[email protected]
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation
Medical Advisory Council
Chair, Richard J. Wenstrup, M.D.
Peter Byers, M.D.
Hollis Chaney, M.D.
Holly Cintas, PT, Ph.D.
Lynn Gerber, M.D.
Francis Glorieux, M.D., Ph.D.
James K. Hartsfield, Jr., D.M.D., Ph.D., M.D.
Deborah Krakow, M.D.
Joan Marini, M.D., Ph.D.
Page 20
Darwin Prockop, M.D., Ph.D.
David Rowe, M.D.
Jay Shapiro, M.D.
Peter Smith, M.D.
Laura Tosi, M.D.
David Vernick, M.D.
Matthew Warman, M.D.
Michael Whyte, M.D.
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
Breakthrough Society
$100,000 or more
Cumulative lifetime giving
Henry and Gilda Buchbinder
The Charitable & Research Fn., Inc.
Children's Brittle Bones Foundation
Connecticut Walk-a-thon
Robert & LaDorna Eichenberg
Fine Wines, Strong Bones
Parker & Carol Folse, III
Estate of Randy Kohler
Kroger Food Stores
Massachusetts Making Strides for OI
Walk, Silent Auction, and Family Fun Day
Harold A. Sofield Society
$50,000 or more
Henry & Gilda Buchbinder
Sam & Amanda Bergman
The Charitable & Research Fn., Inc.
Children's Brittle Bone Foundation
Parker & Carol Folse, III
Kroger Food Stores
Frank & Denise Quattrone Foundation
S.C.P.I. Charity Association
Mildred "Midge" Peck Society
Fine Wines, Strong Bones
MA Making Strides for OI Walk,
Silent Auction, and Family Fun Day
New Jersey Making Strides for OI
Miracle Michael Fund
United Way of Tri State Inc.
Legacy Circle
Estate of Janet Arnold
Bash by the Bay
Bennett Clayton Foundation
for Children with OI
DC Metro Golf Tournament
Degna Spoldi Private Family
Eichenberg-Larson Charitable Foundation
New Jersey Beefsteak Dinner
OI Charity Golf Tournament, OK
Riley’s Gathering Place Golf Outing
John & Carolyn Tipton
UPS United Way North Jersey District
Annual Golf Invitational
United Way of Greater Kansas City
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
William G. McGowan Charitable Fund
Miracle Michael Fund
New Jersey Beefsteak Dinner
New Jersey Making Strides for OI
Frank & Denise Quattrone Foundation
S.C.P.I. Charity Association
UPS United Way North Jersey District
Annual Golf Invitational
UPS employees
Achievement Circle
Advanced Audio Visual Sales, Inc.
Baylee Aaron Taylor Memorial Foundation
Michael & Susan Boyar
Ms. Judith Clarke
Cook-Illinois Corp.
Ms. Leslie Devereaux
Randy & Heather Guss
Jamie Kendall and Tim Dombro
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Daniel & Joan Mulcahy
Edward and Kendrick Pascoe
Albert & Linda Rosecan Charitable Foundation
Susman Godfrey, L.L.P.
Technical Needs North, Inc
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Central Indiana
Veris Consulting, LLC
Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice
Optimism Circle
Argon ST, Inc.
Bluegrass Orthopaedics & Hand
Mr. Peter Boes
Jacqueline & Julien Bourgeois
Cleveland, Waters and Bass, P.A.
Delta Solutions & Technologies, Inc.
Mr. Donald Dillon
Hilb Rogal & Hobbs
Brian & Kristin Lenahan
The Logan Foundation
Page 21
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
Thomas & Rachael McCarthy, III
Merck Partnership For Giving
Silver Hill Lions Club
Tomlinson Industries/The Meyer Co.
Ted & Sharon Trahan
United Way Of The Plains
United Way of The National Capital Area
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
Estate of Peter Willmann
Resiliency Circle
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Alexander
Mr. Donald Arendarczyk
Arlington Community Foundation
Aurora Health Care Employees
Roger & Gayle Bache
Baxter International Foundation
Anthony & Jennifer Benish
Mrs. Diane Bessler-Hackett
Mr. Woody Binnicker, Jr.
Woody & Janice Binnicker
Mark & Martha Birdwhistell
Mrs. Patricia Boyd
John & Nancy Braitmayer
Mrs. Frances C. Bruno
William & Tere Canida
Cardholder Management Services
George & Pat Collett
Ms. Laura Conlon
Constans Culver Foundation
Controlled Systems HVAC, Inc.
Credit One
CT Bingo Fundraiser
Peter and Nancy DeLegge
Therese Wareham & Merrick Elfman
Ester Eisenberg Charitable Trust
Eutawville IGA
Peter & Helen Fahey
Howard & Graceann Felson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Finkel
General Motors Foundation
Mr. Henry Glickel
H. Lee & Sandy Godfrey
Wilbur & Nancy Harris
Paul & Carol Henderson
Mr. Robert Heyne
Hilb Rogal & Hobbs
Mr. Lawrence Hitch
Page 22
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Holman, Jr.
JM Caribbean Distributors, Inc.
Mrs. Eileen Johnson
Ms. Catherine Kenvin
LT Business Dynamics PC
Jeffrey and Claudia Lee
Michael & Caren Loguercio
Long Fence and Home
Mr. & Mrs. John Lucas
Donald & Cindarae Malin
The Mario & Theresa Spola Family
Eric & Mary McNutt
Meg Asset Management, Inc.
Meyner and Landis LLP
Wayne & Patricia Miller
Mondrian Investment Partners (U.S.)
Eckart & Marina Nuernberger
Orrin T. Shapiro Memorial Fn., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Pera
Permobil, Inc.
John & Lisa Peterson
Herman & Carla Phillips
Pleasant Grove Church of the Nazarene
Prairie States Terminal, Inc.
Pro Clean Service Co.
Resolute Capital Management
Ms. Leslyn Green Rigoni
Riley's Gathering Place, Inc.
Ms. Amy Rossi
Mickey & Robin Rowland
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Schnall
Ms. Theresa Sears
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Seay
James & Heather Sharples
Simmonds & Klima, Ltd.
Marion Sobey Estate
Space & Defense Systems, Inc.
Mr. Robert Steigerwald
Ms. Shirlee Stern
Jeffrey & Andrea Stewart
Stifel Nicolaus
Mr. James Stolpa
TD Banknorth, N.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Taccone
Ms. Denise Tarantino
Temple Beth Torah
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Thomas
U.S. Titles, Inc.
United Way of Caroline County,
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
United Way of Bergen County
United Way of Central Maryland
United Way of Kitsap County
United Way of Northeast Florida
Washington Mutual Employee
Washington Strategic Consulting,
Mr. Mark Wawro
John & Elizabeth Woods
Dan & Heidi Wright
Encouragement Circle
Adam Cab
Aqua Treat, Inc.
Automated Financial Systems, Inc.
A. Richard & Elaine Bailey
Michael & Ellen Bendel-Stenzel,
John & Ellen Benish
Carl & Julie Bergman
Ms. Bonnie Bolden
Mitchell & Sandra Bragin
Mr. Rick Brenner
Buffalo's Southwest Cafe
Camden County Energy
Capital Area United Way
Mr. Mark Carson
Mr. Michael Casey
Chase Bank, NA
Ed & Aileen Clarke
Mr. Joseph Clemente
Mr. Roger Cleveland
Ms. Christina Cogdill
Mr. Jesse Cohn
Ms. Rosie Coleman
Commerce Bank
Ms. Vivianne Couts
Ken & Diane Dietterich
Mr. Brian Duprey
Entertainment Publications
Patrick & Sharon Fromelt
Ms. Heather Garrison
Ms. Ann Marie Geiger
Gerard Sheet Metal Fab., Inc.
The Gillette Company Matching
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Michael & Theresa Gray
Ms. Ilyse Greenberg
Jeffrey & Teri Greene
Kevin & Ellen Haley
Ms. Odille Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Heldt
Larry & Terrie Henry
Mr. William Higgins
Walter & Joyce Holman, Sr.
J A Bisignaro Mechanical Equipment
Joanna Jankowicz Foundation
Bonnie Landrum & Michael
Ms. Rosemarie Kasper
Ms. Karen Kiarsis
L-3 Communications
Ms. Louise LeBlanc
Ms. Sylvia Leaf
Timothy & Lisa Lindon
Louis & Ida Katz Foundation
Mr. Frank Lundy
Mr. Charles MacDonald
Margate PBA No. 65
Michael and Nancy Marotta
Mr. Randal Marshalek
Ms. Susan Matelich
Eric & Isabelle Mayer
Christopher & Melinda McMahon
Merchants Terminal Corporation
Ira & Barbara Miller
Mr. Scott Miller
J.C. & Neil Milner
Mountain Resort Properties, Inc.
Ms. Kristen Nelson
Mrs. Laurel Newmark
Mr. Dennis Olson & Ms. Nita
Mr. Michael Otworth
Phoenix Physical Therapy, PLLC
John & Judith Potorski
Powers Family Trust
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
Rehabilitation Equipment
David & Nancy Reid
Ms. Anne Marie Renick
Miss Purita Reyes
Mr. John Ribakusky
John & Christine Wyman Rossi
Mr. William Ryan
SPK Associates
Sacred Heart Academy
Thomas & Susan Salice
Scott & Susan Sander
Ray & Marlene Schatz
Mark & Nancy Schroeder
Ms. Susan Scoughton
Michael & Sarah Sheehan
Sidney & Barbara Simmonds
Mr. Michael Skok
Jeffrey & Sharon Stedman
Peter & Gretchen Strauch, Jr.
TNT Electric
Ms. Jeanne Temple
Terrace Supply Company
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Terance & Doris Thayer
Joe & Denise Thedford
Thomas H. Lee Partners, L.P.
Mr. Frank Ullman
United Way of Pierce County
United Way of Yellowstone
United Way of Orange County
United Way of SE PA
United Way of Tucson & Southern
UnitedHealth Group Employee
Wachovia Foundation-Matching
Mr. James Wagner
Walmart #507
Jay & Diann Watson
Martin & Susan Wayne
Gregg & Paula Weinberg
Mr. George J. Weise
George & Joan Whipple
Ms. Robin Wright
Supporting Members
A-Village Refrigeration
Abbott Laboratories Employee Giving
Mr. Daniel Abel
Mr. Joseph Abitante
Able Products, Inc.
Joan Ablon, Ph.D.
Robert & Jeanne Ablondi
Mr. William Acklin
Ms. Kathleen Adamczyk
Ms. Karen Adame
Mr. Mario Agosin
Mike & Jill Aiello
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alexander
Lester & Patricia Allen
Ms. Marie Allizon
Mrs. Regina Altieri
Pacifico Amaro, M.D.
Charleen Amato, D.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Amato
Mr. David Amenhauser
Ms. Carol Andersohn
Joe & Martha Antolini
Aon Foundation
Joe & Trina Armand
Mr. Chad Armstrong
Mrs. Christina Arnold
William & Diana Artosky
Mr. Alexander Ashachik
Robert & Lynda Asmus
David & Diane Aument
Austin Hewitt & Sons, Inc.
Auto Xpress Service Center, Inc.
Automation Equipment Sales
Robert & Donna Ayers
BBRG, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John Bachman
Page 23
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
Mr. Lee Bailey
Mr. Gregory Ballinger
Bank Of New England
Bank of America Matching Gifts
John & Emily Barker
William & Debra Barnes
Ms. L. Barbara Barrett
Ms. Trearty Bartley
Martin & Isabelle Barylski
Everett & Velvet Bass
Ms. Velina Batchvarov
Allan & Aimee Bauer
Frank & Brooke Bauer
Dave & Joyce Baughman
Mrs. Jennifer Baumeister
Mr. Vernon Bay
Mrs. Mary Beach
Eric Adolph & Teresa Beam
Thomas and Mary Beckman
Mr. & Mrs. David Bednarcik
Mr. Harry Beisswenger
Mr. Stevens Belknap
Mr. Robert Bell
Mr. Michael Bellas
Michael & Donna Bellerose
Ms. Beverly Bembridge
John & Phyllis Benanti
John & Kimberly Bench
Steve & Suzanne Bennett
Mr. Wayne Benoit
Jason & Patricia Bentley
Gerald & Emily Berendt
John & Carolyn Berger
Ms. Jo Ann Berkenbush
James & Donna Bernie
Mike & Tina Berry
John & Catherine Bertorelli
Ms. Jane Bertschinger
Ms. Hattie Best
Steven & Jacquelyn Biagini
Mr. Mabry Binnicker
Ms. Pamela Binnicker
Ms. Sandra Binnicker
Mr. Christopher Bishop
Mr. Edward T. Blackwell
Mr. Thomas Blackwood
John & Ellen Blair
John & Laurie Blaisdell
William & Julia Blanchard
Mr. Samuel Blasco
Mr. Robert Blattenberg
Ms. Amy Bliek
Blitz U.S.A., Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Boes
Mr. Paul Boes
Ms. Lenora Jean Bolden
Tom Buffkin & Kelven Book
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Booth, Sr.
Mr. Edward F. Borden, Jr.
Mr. James Bork
Ms. Linda Boryczka
Mr. David Bourne
Ed & Mary Bouton
Box Hill Barbershop
Ms. Leslie Bradford
Page 24
Ms. Lucy Braid
Vincent & Joy Brannon
David Brasel & Andrew Haukebo,
Martin & Linda Brenerman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Brennan
Brennan & Clark LTD., L.L.C.
Max & Virginia Brenner
Mr. Mark Brezinski
Federico & Dolores Briseno
Ms. Kim Brost
Mr. Ken Brown
Ms. Lavonne Brown
Ms. Rebecca Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Stanford Brown
Ms. Becky Bruce
Ms. Jean Bruemmer
Ms. Margaret Brugeman
Ms. Bethany Bryant
Grady & Jewel Buchanan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buck, Sr.
Buffalo Run Casino
Matthew Johnson & Susan Bundock
Mrs. Linda Buonadies
Ms. Susan Burkhardt
Henry Chamberlain & Lisa Burns
Ms. Lydia Burroughs
Ms. Patricia Burrowes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Butler
Stephen & Joanne Butler
Butler Print & Laminating, Inc.
C.S.S.T., Inc.
Gil & Alma Cabacungan
Mr. Anthony Cacich
Ms. Patricia Cadenhead
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP
Ms. Barbara Califf
Mr. Richard Califf
Pat & Pauline Callahan
Calvi Electric Company
Mr. Matthew Cambra
Ms. Barbara Cambria
Mr. Michael Cammisa
Paul Leutgeb & Diane Camp
Anthony & Deborah Campbell
Mr. Matthew Campbell
Camperland Of Oklahoma, LLC
Ms. Brenda Caplan
Ms. Olive Capriotti
Mr. John Capuano
Arturo & Kelly Caraballo
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Carapezzi
James & Linda Carmichael
Thomas & Gigi Carroll
Patrick & Sharon Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Casper
Ms. Kittie Cassity
Ms. Lisa Chapdelaine
John & Virginia Chapel
Chavant, Inc.
George & Catherine Chave
Jay & Peg Chiappa
Ms. Yui Chow
Ms. Gayle Christen
Mr. Don Christiansen
Christopher McMahon Contracting
Church of Christ
Mr. Michael Ciccola
Mr. James Cino
Circle M Auto Sales
Bartholomew & Cheryl Cirenza
Cirignano Contracting, Inc.
Dan & Diane Cirilli
Pam Rubin & Larry Clark
Ms. Sharon Clarke
Claymont Holdings, LLC
Ms. Barbara Clayton
Clear Creek Cabinetry
Mr. James Clemens
Andrew & Susan Clifford
Mr. Kenneth Cloeren
Lloyd & Maureen Cochran
Ms. Martha Cochran
Mrs. Christie Cohen
Larry & Ruth Cohen
Mr. Peter Cole
Mr. Paul Colligan
Lynn & Carol Collins
Mr. Eugene Colucci
John & Mary Comford
Community Bank & Trust
Christopher & Anne Companion
Mr. Daniel Cone
Mr. Martin Cone
Mr. James & Canda Conlon
Mrs. Marita Connolly Schmidt
Frank & Patricia Connor
Consigli Construction
Mr. David Cooper
Edna & Ron Copeland
Copiers Plus
Mrs. Juliette Corazon
Mrs. Anne Corbeille
Ms. Jessica Corkery
Ms. Linda Corkery
Mrs. Lisa Megliola Corridan
Andre & Jude Ann Cote
Cottman Transmission
Countryside Motors, Inc.
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Mr. Roy Cranford
Creative Montessori Center
Ms. Kathy Cross
Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cummings
Daniel & Margaret Curley
Mr. John Curran
Dan & Deborah Dagit
D.F. Dahlen, D.M.D.
Eric & Traci Dahlinger
Mr. James Dale
Mrs. Fortunate Dallal
Mr. Ray Damiano
Mr. Joe Daniel
Mr. Christopher Daniels
Mr. Mark Daniels
Daughters of Penelope 337, District 3
Robert & Peggy Davey
Mr. Crayton Davidson
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
Marvin & Bette Davidson
Donn & Mary Anne Davis
John & Marianne Davis
Ms. Kathy Davis
Mr. Randal Davis
Ms. Clare DeCosmo
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick DeGrace
Mr. Jason DeLuca
Ms. Jennifer DeMenezes
Ms. Denise DeVinny
Ms. Ann Dedman
Jed & Peg Deegan
Mr. Steven Delaney
Ms. Teresa Dellinger
Mr. J.L. Demaria
Ms. Alicia Depto
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Derian
Mr. Jay Deubler
Mrs. Patricia Devine
Mr. Chris Diamantis
Ms. Amity Dias
Malinda Dice-Shah, D.D.S., M.P.H.
Digital Media Trends, LLC
Mr. Donald R. Dillon, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dimino
Dimitri J. Ververelli, Inc.
Ms. Genevieve Dimmitt
William & Judith Dinkins
Discover Re Managers, Inc.
David & Sharlene Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Dob
Mrs. Peg Dombro
Doney Medical, Inc.
Mrs. Pamela Donlin
Tim & Marianne Donovan
Gregory & Jean Donzella
Gerald & Sandra Doran
Robert & Margaret Dory
Mr. Mike Dougherty
Bruce & Shari Douglas
Mr. William Downey, III
Mr. Peter Doyle
Ms. Maureen Drach
Mel & Carolyn Drapkin
Mr. Don Dreyer
Ms. Donna Dubs
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Duess
Ms. Martha Dugan
Mr. Joseph Duggan
Richard & Diti Dumas
John & Ellen Dunagan
W. Duncan
Ms. Betty Dunham
Doug & Calvine Dunnan
Mr. Peter Dunne
Thomas & Paula Duringer
Mrs. Doris Dyen
EMC Corporation
Eagle Products
Mr. John Early
Mr. Peter Early
John & Diane Eckstein
Paul & Florence Eckstein
Darrin & Tammi Edgecombe
Jeff & Carla Edmisten
Edward W. Richards & Assoc., P.C.
Ms. Deborah Egidio
Thomas & Dorothy Egidio
Ms. Karol Ehrhart
Ms. Molly Ehrlich
Mr. & Mrs. William Einstein
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Eisenberg
Electronic Security System, Inc.
Gregory & Dorothy Elk
Mr. Mark Elliot
Mr. Eugene Ellis
Peter & Angela Elmore
Stanley & Emily Elmore
Jonathan & Janis Engel
Mr. Dennis English
Ms. Sharon Lee Envall
Mr. David Erbach
Ms. Alice Erskine
Mr. Jeffrey Eslinger
Richard & June Estlin
Amos & Doris Everett
Fred & Ethelyn Faig
Mr. Daniel Falasca
Fallon Community Health Plan
Family Dental Associates
Ms. Myrtle Fantroy
Farr, Miller & Washington, LLC
Mr. Brian Farrell
Mr. Anthony Farrow
Mr. Robert Faske
Fats Inc.
Mr. Rich Fecher
Ms. Kathleen Feely
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Feller
Ms. Nicole Ferrari
Festival of Giving, MA
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Fetterolf
Mr. Jerome Feuiltault
Ms. Jane Fieldcamp
Mrs. Helen Fields
Mr. James Fields
Fifteen Hundred, LLC T/A NIX
Mr. Gary Fike
Mr. Maurice Finkel
Fiona Rose Murphey Foundation
First Presbyterian Church
Lorenz & Stephanie Fischer-Zernin
Fitness Together
Harvey & Hedy Flechner
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Flechsig
Ms. Celia Fleischaker
Mr. John Fleming
Mr. Albertus Flowers
Ms. Susan Flynn
Ms. Debra Forcier
Ms. Karen Forsythe
Frank & Connie Fossati
Ms. Mary Jane Foster
Tom & Sara Foulkes
Lea H. Fowler, DMD
Joel & Cydney Fox
Foxwoods Resort Casino
Mr. David Frankil
Mr. John Franzen
Mrs. Esther Freed
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Freeman Health System
Jeff & Suzanne Freudberg
David & Rhoda Fritz
Ms. Pamela Kay Fromelt
Mr. Duane Frost
Mr. John Frost
Mr. & Mrs. Felton Furber
Future Die Cast & Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Scott Galloway
Dean & Laurie Gallup
Mr. Michael Garcia
Don & Renee Gardner
Mr. Henry Garell
Mr. Brian Garrison
Ms. Elizabeth Garthe
Paul & Catherine Gatto
Rainer Gawlick
Dr. & Mrs. Emanuel Gaziano
James & Mary Geisman
Ms. Steven Geryk
Ms. Kay Gibson
Mr. Robert Gibson
Daniel & Donna Gietl
Gerard & Joyce Gietl
Thomas & Susan Gillespie
The Gillette Company United Way
Mrs. Deb Gingrich
Ms. Marlene Ginsberg-Dichiacchio
Mrs. Martha Glanville
Glasco Insurance & Financial Services
Charles & Heidi Glauser
Deborah & David Glickman
Michael & Carol Goebel
Terrence & Bridget Goggin
The Gold Foundation
John & Barbara Goodrich
Ms. Frieda Gorelick
Mrs. Betty Gorham
Michael & Marjory Gouthro
Mr. Todd Graff
Granby Telephone Co.
Paul & Dina Granger
Ms. Frances Gray
Michael & Susan Gray
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Ms. Virginia Greene
Ms. Diane Greenhalgh
Mrs. Linda Greidanus
Ms. Rhoda Greif
Elmer & Wendy Grenke
Bill & Elnora Griffith
Ms. Peggy Grigg
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Grohs
Mr. Ewel Grossberg
Werner & Gisela Gruenwald
Mr. Robert J. Guerra
Patricia Gietl & Ronald Guidotti
Mrs. Karen Guzak
Jean Haffenreffer
Haggen Corp. Office
Gerald & Kathleen Haggerty, Sr.
Gerard & Kathleen Haggerty
Donald & Barbara Hagy
Mr. Paul Halter
Hardwood Creations
Page 25
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
Jim & Kathy Harmer
Mr. William Harmon
Ms. Marilee Harrald-Pilz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harrington
Mrs. Jean Harris
Hartley & Hartley, LLC
Ms. Deborah Hasbrouck
Mrs. Hattie Hatfield
Mary & Mark Haviland
Hawkins Construction
Ms. Peggy Hawman
Mr. M. Haymes
Ms. Kelly Heaps
Ms. Patricia Heath
Brian & Leeann Heffernan
Mr. James Heggie, III
Ms. Lynn Hemmendinger
John & Jennie Hench
J.C. & Susan Henry, III
Ms. Meghan Henshon
Ms. Dorothy Lee Hernandez
Gerald & Dixie Hertel
Mr. Dean Hesser
Carl & Marie Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. George Hewitt
Mrs. Jenan Hicks
Hilco, Inc.
John & Ruth Hill
Ms. Pauline Hill
Scott & Tracie Hill
Mr. Thomas Hiltner
Frederick & Kimberly Holdsworth
Ms. Juanita Holiday
Mr. David Holman
Greg & Leigh Holman
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Holman, III
Mr. William Holman
Douglas & Marilyn Holmberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Holtzman
Jerry & Cindy Holub
The Home Depot Foundation
Brad & Martha Honnold
Mr. Joseph Horowitz
John & Joyce Hough
Ms. Ruth Hovden
Mr. Raymond Howe
Howie Law Office, PLLC
The Hoyt Organization
Mr. Rick Huberty
Jason & Sandra Huff
Ms. Judith Hufnagel
Ms. Shirley Hughes
Ms. Tara Hughes
Mr. Charles Humston, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Hunsaker
John & Cheryl Hunt
Mr. Michael S. Hurley
Mr. Paul Hurst
Steve & Virginia Hustead
Ms. Judith Hutchison
Mr. Robert Hutter
Mr. David Hynson
Iaconelli Contracting Co., Inc.
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Independent Charities of America
Page 26
Industrial Construction Services,
Richard & Jessica Inskeep
Integris Health
Intelligence Gaming, Inc.
Ms. Geraldine Irola
JTH Financial Services
Nick & Mary Ann Jacobs
Thomas & Elizabeth Jacobs
Ms. Julie Jakopic
Ms. Cindy James
Mr. Robert James
Bill & Rose Janis
Jaro Corp
Mrs. Judith Jarvis
Mr. Arthur Jensen, Jr.
Jerry White Insurance Agency
Jewish Foundation Of Memphis
Mr. Glenn Johnson
Ms. Kelly Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Johnson
Robert & Kimberly Johnson
Theodore & Loetta Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Family of
Dan & Suzanne Johnston
Mr. Raymond O. Johnston
Chaplain & Mrs. Roy Johnston
Jolie Papier, LTD.
Ms. Joan Jonas, PA
Mr. Bruce Jones
Mr. Raymond Jones
Joplin Industrial Electric, Inc.
Lisle Joynt
Mr. McRay Judge, III
Mr. Nelson Julius
K.J. Door Service, Inc.
Wayne & Dalena Kahn
Mr. Matthew Kahovec
Mrs. Danielle Kaidanow
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Kaiser
Paul & Laura Kanitra
Marshall Karro, Attorney At Law
Jeffrey & Phyllis Katz
Howard & Myrna Kayton
Ms. Betty Keah
Mr. Andrew Keegan
Mr. Brian Keets
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelahan
Ms. Jolene Kellogg
Michael & Nicole Kellough
Brian & Judith Kelly
Mrs. Carol Kelly
Ms. Diane Kelly
Ms. Joan Kelly
Ms. Mary Ann Kemnitz
Andrew & Keri Kendall
Mr. & Mrs. James Kendall
Warren & Susan Kendall
William & Pat Kendall
Mrs. Holly Kennedy
Kennedy Krieger Institute
Mr. David Kern
Ms. Bonnie Kershner
Kevin Corcoran Real Estate
P.J. & Jennifer Kimball
Roy & Lorraine Kimball
Dr. Larry Kipperman
Steve & Bonnie Kipperman
Mr. Timothy Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Klapperich
Ms. Lauri Klaus
Kline McAnney American Legion Post
Dr. & Mrs. Eric Knox
Kevin & Lori Knuf
Mr. Robert Koeck
Mr. Robert Kogan
Mrs. Judith Kong
Lea-Rachel Kosnik, Ph.D.
Kenneth Krat, DDS, P.A.
Mrs. Karla Kreklow
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kuester
George and Annette Kugler
Jim & Cindy Kuster
Louis & Bernice Kwiatkowski
Ms. Claire LaRocca
Ms. Carol Lackey
Lake Locations, LLC
Lake View Yacht Club
Ms. Katie Lancaster
Fred & Ann Landay
Mr. Lee Lane
Larry & Deborah Lapkin
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lathrop
Mr. Glennon Laufer
Law Offices Of Amari & Locallo
Law Offices of Michael W. Fleming
Law Offices/Collins & Collins
Lawrenceburg National Bank
Mr. Patrick Leach
David & Virginia Leali
Brendan & Maria Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
Thomas & Patricia Lelich
Sherwood & Britta Lennartson
Ms. Elsie Leon
Lerch, Vinci & Higgins
Richard & Sandra Levan
David & Diana Lewallen
Ms. Deborah Lewis
Ms. Gina Lewis
Ms. Josephine Horst Lewis
Lieberman Management Services, Inc.
Lighting Systems Upgrade, Inc.
Lima Radio Hospital, Inc.
Brian & Tammy Lindstrand
Ms. Nancy Linville
Mr. Kenneth Llano
Mrs. Karen Logterman
Mr. Michael Loguercio, Sr.
Steven & Jill Lohr Chase
Arnold & Jean London
Ms. Laurie Long
May & Jason Long
John & Lucile Carole Lopez
Julio & Belinda Lopez
Donald & Patricia Lott
Mr. Brian Lucas
Mike & Nancy Lucero
Lance & Amie Ludwig
Mr. William Lumpkin
Ms. Laura Lund
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
Ms. Susan Lund
Mrs. Annette Lupo
Dr. & Mrs. Lowell Lutter
Michael and Mabel Lux
Lux Orthotics & Prosthetics, Inc.
Ms. Molly Lynch
Joseph & Dana Lynn
MHF Design Consultants, Inc.
Michael & Laurie MacDonald
Thomas & Kathleen MacDonald
Ms. Danielle MacInnes
Donald & Ellen MacKenzie
Ms. Lisa MacVicar
Alfred & Jacqueline Macaluso
Mr. Brian Mach
Mr. John Machir
Mrs. Imogene Maggard
Ryan & Jennifer Maher
Frank & Carol Malmstedt
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Maloney
Mrs. Betsy Manela
Mr. Joseph Mangiaracina
Mr. Richard Manley
Ms. Wanda Manuel
Mr. Daniel Markey
Bernard & Nancy Markstein, III
Marlyn Sheet Metal, Inc.
Albert & Melinda Marston
Carl & Mary Anne Martin
Mary Lou Hale's School of Dance
Mary Poppins Raffle
Mr. Robert Mason
Ms. Gail Masteller-Kane
Lewis & Barbara Masters
Kent & Sandra Mathis
Mark & Marylin Mathis
Ms. Jean Matle
Mr. Jeremy Mattern
Kevin Sullivan & Sarah Maus
Mrs. Mary Jean Maus
Douglas & Joanne May
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Mayes
Mr. Brian Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. John McBride
Thomas & Mary Ann McBride, Jr.
Tom & Ilene McBride, III
McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, P.C.
Mr. Marvin McCarley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. L. Milton McClure
Mrs. Mary Ellen McCollom
Mr. Michael McCulloch, PC
Mr. & Mrs. William McCurdy
Mr. Michael McDonnell
Matthew & Katherine McDonough
Ms. Sally McElroy
Mr. & Mrs. F. Hampton McFadden, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGarry
Steve & Jennie McKee
Ms. Kelly McKone
Ms. Beth McLain
Mrs. Caroline McLain
Jason & Deborah McLaughlin
John & Janet McMaster
Peter & Kathleen McMenamin
Mrs. Barbara McNeely
Mr. & Mrs. Bill McNutt
Ms. Patricia McPherson
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald McWilliams
Mr. Ronald Mead
Mr. S. Meek
Mr. Tom Melanson
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Mendelsohn
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Lauren Merriman
Mrs. Bernadette Messana
Karl & Theresa Messerschmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Messner
Mr. Vinay Metira
Miami Building Supply, LLC
Ms. Anne Michaud
Micro Design Services, LLC
Mr. David Middlebrook
Ms. Danya Middlesworth
Ms. Jamie Milcarek
Edward Millar, M.D.
James & Debra Miller
Jeffrey & Nancy Miller
Ms. Martha Miller
Thomas and Peggy Miller
Ms. Donna Mills
Mrs. Connie Milstein
Minooka Subaru
Ms. Judith Mischel
Mrs. Becky Mitchell
Mr. Ron Mitchell
Michael Gotzsche & Mary Moench
Mr. James Moffett
Ms. Leslie Mollard
Ms. Pamela Monaghan
Mark & Kathleen Montana
Montville Lions Club II
Mrs. Shirley Moody
Bryan & Marlys Morrison
Mr. Richard Morse
Ms. Anna Mortsfield
Frank & Agnes Moscardelli
Motorcars Honda
Mr. David Mucha
Paul & Nicolle Muehr
Kyle & Tracy Mulroy
Ms. Karen Muransky
Chuck & Christina Murphy
Joseph & Hilary Murphy
Tom & Christy Murphy
Mrs. Carol Ann Murray
Mr. Tom Murray
Myers Park Mortgage, Inc.
Mr. Kevin Nagle
Richard & Dawn Napolitano
Richard & Judy Nardella
Ms. Kelly Naughton
Ms. Anna Navatta
Mr. Martin Neat
Andre & Elaine Nelson
Douglas & Linda Nelson
Neo Chiropractic Clinic
Ms. Georgia Nesselrode
Charles & Iola Newton
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Ms. Judith Newton
Mr. David Nicholas
Tom & Laura Nixon
Lloyd & Joyce Nohl
Gary & Cynthia Nolan
Mr. Clement Noll, Jr.
Norris Insulation, Inc.
North American Electric, Inc.
Northern Trust Company
William & Anne O'Donnell, Jr.
John & Ginger O'Malley
Ms. Margaret O'Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy O'Neill
Mr. John O'Shaughnessy
Ms. Joan Ockay
Ms. Lee Ann Olsen
Mr. Brian Olson
Omaha Weavers & Spinners Guild
Mr. Robert Oppenlander
Henry & Karen Orejuela
Mr. Dave Orstad
Kenneth & Patricia Ortmann
Osborn Drugs, Inc.
PILR LLC Technology Service
Ann & Borden Painter
Mr. Anthony Panagos
Ms. Jennifer Panhorst
Mr. Richard Panico
Mr. James Paolino
Mr. Mark Papich
Mr. Donald Parker
Frank & Anna Parker
Mr. Roger Parker, D.V.M.
Ms. Jenny Parkhill
Mr. Gerald Parkinson
Ms. Laura Parks
William & Anne Paschen
Leland & Nancy Paton
Mr. Stephen Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Patti
Jane & Bill Pearson
Pearson Penguin Putnam, Inc.
Mark & Kimberly Peck
Pellegrino & Felstein, LLC
Pentucket Bank
Jack & Andrea Perkins
Mr. Spencer O. Perlman
Ms. Patricia Perry
Ms. Jenni-Marie Peterson
James & Pamela Petitpren
Mr. Edward Petzer
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Patrick Sullivan & Kathleen Pfleghaar
Mr. Stan Phillips
Terry & Elizabeth Phillips
Ms. Carol Piechoski
Don & Sis Pierce
Tod & Dawn Pike
Josh Pineo & Bandmates
Ms. Deborah Pinheiro
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pinney
Ms. Rudy Piskulick
Mr. Boris Piskun
Mr. Earl Pixley
Play Nice Children's Boutique, Inc.
Page 27
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
Pleasantdale Presbyterian Church
Plumbers & Steamfitters
Melvin & Marion Poliakoff
Mr. John Polomano, Jr.
Ms. Elena Potkonjak-Clymer
Ms. Aileen Potter
Devin Potter
Father Joseph Pranzo
Ms. Alicia Prather
Mr. William Pratt
Eric & Andrea Preissler
Ms. Carol Previte
Ms. Colleen Priest
Pro-Lube Maintenance Cnt
Terrence & Joanne Prorok
Mr. Samuel Pruett
Ms. Jennifer Prybolsky
Marcia Ann Pulich
Donald & Theresa Putnam
James & Rosemary Quinn
Ms. Cecilia Quintero
R & P Construction Of NJ, Inc.
Melanie Rak, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. George Rakolta
Ms. Miley Ramirez
Mrs. Linda Ramos
Rao Designs
Mr. Richard Raschke
Mr. Neal Rauch
Kevin & Linda Ray
Ms. Maureen Ray
Vaughan & Margaret Reale
Red Hat Tea Party
Ms. Diane Redvay
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rees
The Reese Family
Doug and Diane Reeser
Mr. Jeff Reeves
Reeves Tire & Automotive Company
Ms. Louise Rehmann
Rehmann Industries
Kevin & Maria Reichart
Paul & Lyn Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Reuben
Mr. Christopher Reuter
Mr. & Mrs. John Reuter
Charles & Frances Reynolds
Ms. Emily Reynolds
Ms. Patrice Rhodes
Ms. Jane Riback
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ribaudo
Ribaudo's Auto Repair
Mr. Hampton Rich
Ms. Delores Richards
Ms. Joan Richmond
Mr. Richard Richmond
Richmond Brothers, Inc.
Ms. Mary Ridgway
John & Jane Riester
Sigmund & Carol Rimm
Edward & Roxanne Rios
Paul & Joanne Ritacco
Mrs. Jean Robbins
Bo & Shirley Roberts
Guy & Meisie Roberts
Page 28
Mr. & Mrs. Benny Robinson
Howard & Donna Robinson
Ms. Elaine Roccia
Francis & Armi Rodill
Stephen & Tina Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Roll
Marcos & Yazmin Ronquillo
David & Sue Rosen
Samuel Rosenfeld, M.D.
Mr. Larry Rosenthal
Roseview Dairy
Hugo & Renee Rossi
Robert & Louise Rossi
Mr. James Rourke
Bill & Sheila Rowland
Ms. Denise Rozell
Mr. Michael Ruffolo
Mr. Richard Runci
Ms. Marie Rundo
Russel Automotive
Elisabeth Schuler Russell
Ms. Gayla Russell
Mr. Randy Russell
SPX Foundation
Mrs. Chery Sacchetti
Dr. Theodore Safford
Ronit & Adam Sanders
Robert Sandhaus, M.D., Ph.D.
William & Margaret Sandwick
Ms. Joan Sant
Mr. JT Santomieri
Mrs. Maria Santos
John Sardella, D.D.S.
John & Mary Sarkos
Scott & Eleanor Sawyer
Roger & Marilyn Scalzo
Ms. Amy Scarola
Mr. Kenneth Schaffer, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Schaller
Ms. Melanie Schanz
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Scharenbroich
Mr. Louis Scherb
Jack & Janice Schlafle
Eric & Kathleen Schlingloff
Mr. Allan Schlossberg, DMD
Dr. & Mrs. David Schmeling
Pam & John Schmidt
Ms. Virginia Schmidt
Mr. William Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schneider
Scholes Electric & Communications
Rev. Melvin Schoonover
Mr. Travis Schraufnagel
Robert & Rita Schubert
Daniel & Cathleen Schuh
Mr. Michael Schwartz
Ms. Barbara Seaman
Security Bank & Trust Company
Seelig Family Foundation
Ms. Eleanor Seepes
Seiden Foods, Inc.
Mitchell & Maxine Selig
ServiceMaster Residential &
James & Mariann Seybold
Shangri-La Realty, Inc.
Douglas & Diana Shanks
Jeffrey & Kelly Shannon
Sharla Feldscher Public Relations
Gurdev & Vimla Sharma
Ms. Cherylanne Sharp
Mr. Robert Shavelson
Clark & Juanita Shaw
Robert & Susan Polakoff Shaw
Ms. Diane Shen
Ms. Sheri Shiels
Basil & Constance Shorb, III
Mr. Matthew Shorb
Ms. Barbara Sibigtroth
Mary & John Sieber
Ms. Diane Siegel
Jim & Jennifer Signora
Ms. Leslie Sikora
Robert & Patricia Sikora
Mrs. Eva Silver
Ms. Teresa Simpson
Simpson's Express
Simpson's Systems
Craig & Nancy Sinard
Ms. Carol Skram
Mr. Lou Slater
Smart And Associates, LLP
Mr. Archibald Smith
Carlos & Cristina Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Smith
Mr. Christopher Smith
Clark Smith, M.D.
Ms. Edith Smith
Mr. Edward Smith
John & Michelle Smith
Peter Smith, M.D.
Mr. Ralph Smith
Willie & Barbara Smith
Raymond & Darlene Sneed
Richard & Andrea Sneed
Mr. & Mrs. Horacio Sobol
Ms. Patricia Sottile
Mr. Michael Sparaco
Mr. John Spencer
Gerry & Maida Sperling
Mr. Harvey Spielman
Marshall & Vicki Spurrier
State Bank and Trust
Ms. Julia Staunton
Edward & Cheryl Stefkovich
Mr. Chris Stephens
John & Kerry Stetz
Ms. Candice Stevens
Ms. Mary Stevens
Stewart's Restaurants, Inc.
Keith & Robin Stobart
William & Charlotte Stouder
Dale & Shirley Stouffer
Mrs. May Strange
Mr. & Mrs. Mackenzie Strathy
John & Kate Strautman
Mr. Matt Strickland
Don & Betty Stroud
Jerome & Sandy Strubhart
John and Mary Strysik
Stanley & Karen Stutz, M.D.
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
Ms. Jaisy Styles
Mrs. Joanne Sullivan
Ms. Maggie Sullivan
Randy & Berta Summers
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Sundberg
Superior Protection, Inc.
Gregory & Laura Jean Supple
Ms. Jennifer Surmeian
Mr. Harvey Susnick
Duncan and Ada Sutherland, III
Mr. Darrell Sutton
Mr. Chris Suyko
Mr. Jonathan Swain
Mrs. Evelyn Rome Tabas
Mr. Stuart Tart
Mr. Floyd Taub
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Taverrite
Ms. Tracy Taylor
Team Systems, Inc.
Mr. Richard Temple
Ms. Jennifer Tenby
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Terhune
Mr. John Thatcher, Esq.
The Animal Clinic, P.S.C.
The Arena Club
The Baupost Group, L.L.C.
The Davinci Group
The First National Bank & Trust
Mr. James Thebery
Kevin & Deborah Thomas
Thomas Company, Inc.
Mark & Mary Thompson
Ms. Judith Thorp
Larry & Marie Thurber
Ms. Melinda Tice
Mark & Erin Tillman
Ms. Larissa Timmerberg
Brad Tinkle, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. David Tisius
Mr. William Tocchi
Mrs. Kerime Toksu
Mr. William Tolonen
Ms. Tricia Tonra
Total Electronics Contracting, Inc.
Ms. Cheryl Tracy
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Trahan
Joe & Tonya Treinen
Trend Manor Furniture Manufacturing
Trenton Avenue Pharmacy, Inc.
James & Linda Trippi
Tristate HVAC Equipment, LLP
Tropicana Casino & Resorts
Mark & Elizabeth Trucco
True Value
Ms. Rachel Trusty
Mr. Robert Turchin
Derrick & Sabrina Turner
Ms. Emma Turner
Mr. Robert S. Turner, II
Twin Oaks Custom Cabinets, Inc.
U.S. Alloys, Inc.
Ms. Susan Ullman
Jon & Liz Umholtz
Unemployment Cost Reduction Corp.
United Way of Alabama
United Way of Buffalo & Erie County
United Way of Camden County
United Way of Central Alabama
United Way of Chester County
United Way of Kentucky
United Way of New England
United Way of Rockland County
United Way of San Diego County
United Way of Waco/McLennan Co.
United Way of York County
United Way of the Capital Area, Inc.
United Way of the Virginia Peninsula
Scott & Trina Uttley
Ms. Audrey Van Der Wende
Ms. Cassandra Van Derslice
G. Robert & Joyce VanSchooneveld,
Will & Ann VanWey
Jacob & Ida Vandalen
Ms. Megan Varon
Ms. Stephanie Varon
Vincent & Linda Vassallo, Jr.
Theodore & Adrian Vecchione
Vector Marketing Corporation
Mark Vitale, D.M.D.
Tracy Vitols
Ms. Rhonda Voelz
Mr. David D. Vurdelja
Wachovia Corporation
Don & Violet Waldecker
Mr. Bob Walden
Walk For Cierra, PA
Walk For Isaac
Ms. Cynthia Wallace
Trent & Gail Walters
Thuan Aik Wan
Ms. Sue Ward
Mrs. Elizabeth Warren
Larry & Kathy Warren
Joe & Jo-El Waterman
Wauna Mill
Weatherby Construction & Renovation
Mr. Tom Wedell
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Weich
Phil & Amy Weiland
Mr. Charles Weilbrenner
David and Cydney Weisberg
Mr. C. Evan Weisman
Welch State Bank
Wellspring Financial
Mr. David White
Mrs. Elke White
Wholesale Beauty Club, Inc.
Ms. Eileen Wiesner
Norman & Joyce Wilcox
Arthur & Judith Williams
George & Deborah Williams
Glenn & Kirsten Williams
Ms. Michelle Williams
Mrs. Jennifer Wilson
Ms. Susan Wilson
Ms. Kathryne Windham
Wisdom's Pump Service, Inc.
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Bob & Alison Wise
Mr. Daniel Wish
John & Andrea Wisniewski
Mark & Cindy Wisniewski & The Frazier
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Witz
Lauren & Virginia Wolfe
Ms. Karen Wolynez
Woodworth Chevrolet-Cadillac-Buick,
Ms. Virginia Worthington
Eric & Margaret Wright
Richard & Mary Ellen Wyman
Ms. Jin Yang
Duck & Hyun Yoo
Mr. Karl Young
Mr. Troy Young
Mr. Alfonso Zamora
Nicholas & Mariann Zampetti, Jr.
Kerry & Erika Zemp
The OI Foundation gratefully
acknowledges the generous
individuals, foundations, and
corporations whose support helps
us fund research and provide
services to people with OI and
their families. These are listings
of donors from July 1, 2006 to
June 30, 2007. We regret any
error or omission, and ask that
corrections be brought to our
Page 29
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
Workplace Giving Donors
We truly appreciate the many people who contributed to the Foundation through the Combined Federal
Campaign, the United Way, state employee charitable campaigns, or company workplace giving programs. We
were notified of these contributions between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007.
We regret any errors or omissions, and ask that corrections be brought to our attention.
Nicole Anderson
Christopher Assmann
Melvyn & Elena Baez
Brian T. Baldwin
Kenneth Bishop
Elizabeth Boes
Jacqueline & Julien Bourgeois
Nickle Brown
Amy Bryan
Catherine Bryan
Robert & Alice Cameron
Paula Cericola
Leilani Chestnut
Kathleen Conley
Marco Conners
Bill, Michelle & Sarah Cramer
Beth Crawford
Andrew Currier
Dan & Deborah Dagit
Linda Depoy
Gregory Deye
Kathleen F Egan
Lorna Estep
Bradley Files
Tammy Garrison
Ann Marie Geiger
Joelle Gordon
Emily Hauenstein
Catherine Hill
Brian Hobbs
Sierra Hodges
Laura Hoffman
Chad Hrdina
Cody Huber
Sandra Johnson
Sheila Jones
Lisa Kennedy
Steve & Bonnie Kipperman
Cynthia Kirkland
Edward & Mary Krepps
James & Linda Kuhn
Melissa Lagasse
Roger Lehnherr
Fred & Jean Major
Joe & Jane Marino
Thomas McGarry
Christopher & Kala Meyering
Johnny Miller
Danny & Jennifer Moffat
Kim Mulder
Jonathan & Sharon Mutnick
Francine Olewinski
Scott Olsen
Cheryl Owens
Michelle Jean Potorsk
James & Rosemarie Quinn
Kim Rogers
Mandel Savoy
Elizabeth Sullivan
Joanne Swanson
Cheryl Sylvester
Lacey Tabeest
Kismet Toksu
Ernest Tollerson
Barry Tyree
Jeanette Van Norden
Jeffrey & Patricia Voss
Joe & Donna Voss
Jill Westeyn
Paul & Beth Whitmore
Don, Debbie & Daniel Wiederhold
Word & Brown Insurance
Twelve-year-old Boy with OI Rallies UPS Employees to Give
Jeffrey Krudys pictured above with UPS
After Jeffrey Krudys was born in 1995, UPS employees responded.
More than 400 employees -- from union mechanics to package
sorters to district managers -- opened their hearts and wallets in
1996 after they learned about his painful bones. And the commitment
to contributing to the OI Foundation continues through transfers to
new states and new jobs within UPS.
Now 12 years old, Jeffrey took a personal role in fund raising for
the OI Foundation. In June 2007, he accompanied former Executive
Director Heller An Shapiro and spoke to groups of UPS employees in
the Kansas District about his life and how their gifts can help the
Foundation. In addition, he shared his story in a brochure on the
special relationship between UPS employees and the OI Foundation.
This brochure was available to employees during the United Way
campaigns in the Kansas District and several other UPS districts
across the nation.
"When my parents needed help, they found it at the OI Foundation," he stated in the brochure. "When I
was a baby, my parents had to learn how to dress me and move me without breaking my bones. And the
Foundation is still helping us with answers to our questions, connections to other families, and research to
find a cure for me."
UPS employees support the OI Foundation in many districts: Florida, Kansas, Long Island, Metro Jersey,
North Jersey, Northern California, and others. In fact, for 10 years, the North Jersey District has made annual
contributions to the Foundation from its annual UPS United Way Golf Invitational. To date, these gifts have
totaled more than $168,000, just from this one event!
Since 1996, UPS employees nationwide have contributed more than $1.1 million to improve the lives of
people with OI.
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OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
Gift Giving Clubs
At the heart of every effective foundation, we find a leadership group that provides strength, character
and purpose, which distinguishes it from all others. The OI Foundation draws strength from nearly 2,000
supporters. In recognition of their extraordinary concern for, and impact on, the OI community, the following
OI Leadership Giving Clubs are established.
Named Giving Societies and Benefits
Encouragement Circle $500-$999
• Special Acknowledgement in the OI Foundation Annual Report
• Acknowledgement letter from Board President
Resiliency Circle $1,000 - $2,499
In addition to all the above
• Special Acknowledgement in the OI Foundation newsletter Breakthrough
• Special invitation to annual donor reception
Optimism Circle $2,500 - $4,999
• In addition to all the above
• Special invitations to OI Foundation sponsored events
Achievement Circle $5,000 - $9,999
• In addition to all the above
• Periodic updates from Medical Advisory Council
Legacy Circle $10,000 - $24,999
• In addition to all the above
• Invitation to Legacy Dinner
Mildred "Midge" Peck Society $25,000 - $49,999
• In addition to all the above
• Society Medal Ceremony during National Conference
Harold A. Sofield, M.D. Society $50,000 - $99,999
• In addition to all the above
• Special invitation to Medical Advisory Council Reception during National Conference
Breakthrough Society $100,000 or more cumulative lifetime giving
• In addition to all the above
• Press release on gift
• Testimonial on OI Website
• OI Foundation lifetime achievement award
The Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation honors Mildred "Midge" Peck and Harold A. Sofield, M.D. by
designating giving societies in their names. Established in 2006, The Midge Peck Society will recognize
individuals and families making annual gifts of $25,000 to $49,999. The Harold A. Sofield, M.D. Society will
honor those making annual gifts of $50,000 to $99,999. These gifts represent a new level of involvement,
which helps bridge the gap between the increasing needs in the OI Community and the services available to
meet them.
Mildred "Midge" Peck Society $25,000-$49,999
In 1970 Midge Peck along with Becky Keller, Renee Gardner and Gemma Geisman founded the OI
Harold A. Sofield Society, M.D. $50,000-$99,999
During the late 1940's , Harold Sofield, M.D., Chief of Staff at the Shriners Hospital for Children
developed a special interest in OI. In 1959 he co-wrote a seminal article describing the placement of
stainless steel rods into bones to stabilize and strengthen them. His treatment proved extremely
useful in the rehabilitation and prevention of fractures; it was adopted throughout the world and still
forms the basis for orthopedic treatment of OI. Dr. Sofield hosted the first meeting of the families
who would form the OI Foundation one year later. He served as the foundation's first Medical
Advisory Council Chairman.
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
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Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation, Inc.
804 W. Diamond Ave., Ste. 210
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Suburban, MD
PERMIT #5857
OI Foundation FY 2007 Annual Report
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