F. No. CD-t I -1 4/2t2015_CD_t I Government of lndia Ministry of Womeng Child Development Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi_110 001 Dated: 25.02.2016 To The Chief Controller of Accounts, Principal Accounts Office, Ministry of Women & Child Development New Delhi subject: Release of sixth and final installment of grants-in-aid (sr component) to the state of Karnataka for imptementatiln rCbs lsr.rey during zitts-te- reg. sir, . "i , me m prementation ptan (Ap p) proposa I of fr,:X",i""iro;:u_lf .lir:ji:gTm ;?' " il'i #i :"# :'l'J JJ ;' ;5'#Jff:l"T Programme 5 ili il ffi i??,?" J?(EpC) !: x ,""ti J: :t-? ?f detailed deliberations/examination, the Aplp Committee ing." After "'& j,:il,^"^d::q:.9+;i;il;;ilff ;"J,11ffi :"T#:il::;l?;,ti jF lJ,,ff"?g:iff"T:? iTJ:"#;j,1'J j,_j j:t,^"s,t":1"*1"*lt:ii'1ii;#il:?lH;,:1,iliilL:T"'Jj o,:i'.n:1" r* sr.rp ;ffi'il:?ll_i:%:y:j-'lfjl_{. lakh I ve the a I "i#i,r""";Hil:,'"r'l3i::$rrr"fl: 3' out of the total Gol share amounting to Rs. 32923.g8 lakh, Rs. 24oo6.1olakh has already been released to the state in last five instalments. An amount of Rs. 35324.20.akh [barance of 2015-16 i.e. Rs. 8917.i8 rakh (Rs. gigii.8a rakh- Rs. z+obe.ro rakh)+ p5. 26406'42lakh (excess expenditure incurred by the st"te Jrrin g 2014-1s)l is being released to the state. This amount has to be distributed in tre roirowrng manner: 02358-05.01.31 (Gen. 02-796-24.02.31 6119.45 4 Accordingly, I am directed to convey the sanction of the president to the payment Rs' 61'19'45'000 t3ltr (lunees sixty of one crore rvin"i""n lakh and Forty Five thousand only) as sixth and final instalment o'f grants_in_aid during 2l1l-l6towards GOl,s share on supplementary nutrition under tne rcodscr.'"r" to il..'" diX," of Karnataka. 5' The expenditure is'debitable to the '3601,,- Grants-in-aid to state Governments (Majc1 Head) in oemana Major Head No. 10g of Ministry of women & chird Development; 02- iirants ror state scnem"" ti"o Major Head); 02.796_ Tribar Area sub Plan (Minor Head); z+-- 1gn lnt"grateo ChiiJ'oeveropr"ni s*ices (rcDS); 24'O2-supplementary Nutrition under lcDS; zq.oz.it--arants-in-aid Generat 2o1s-2016 (Plan). 6. rhe amount of srant_in_aid is finaly adjustabte in the Accounts office' MiniJtry of women a c'tlo o"u"iopr"ni,'o, ?:gn, q.nq-Bffiggtfffil"," wing, GrorffffiTlgrrra *qc rilmrrr Ministry of Women & Child Devt't F_:s**le3#lffF!_ -2- d \ shastri Bhawan' New Delhi' The payment of the state wourd Reserve Bank of lndia, Nagprt. be arranged through the ih5 *ate Rccounia,it'6"nurrt wiil send intimation regarding receiot of grant-i-n-aid to it..,L.erincip1 p;ft ilcounts office, Ministry of wornen & chitd Deveropment, 5hastri e;a;;;,; wing, crouno Froor, New Derhi. 7' The states shall maintain separate accounts and furnish information expenditure incurred on .upptemuntary on actuar nutrititn ;;";y.. quarter. The information expenditure on suoplementary'nrttition on lt'6ririoio,r irn"'rr.t o"'rr'rnirt.,"d by 15th July and for the oe1ofl from liqr i'' Lriy i"_9p,^ s"pi"Lil", o, ,1s,n octooei from 1't october io si;i o"."ro"iHv'is;-L"i#; ,nolro, the period fiJ, l,tJanuary to s1i, March by 1Sth S|JLBJ#if"Ht?"ftr*:nj;,.{'r out the'eniru"'""t or centrar or each ;il ".,i.t,n," 3o'urJT?;T:[T;r.;nJ,;H the concurrence of rFD vide their Dy.No.cD- ,_14t2t201s_ Yours faithfully, undersecretarytothe copy forwato"o to'rr,, 1. The Secretary d_ealing rrocrin^ r^,;{.1 ,^n^ Govt. of with ICDS Karnataka. 2. The Secretary, Depair"nt of ffualth Govt. of Karnataka. 3. The Secretary, Deptt. of iinance, Govt. of 4. The secretary, Deptt. pr"nnrg Govt. of Karnataka. Karnataka. 5. The Directors dearing wiflr "r rcob Govt. of Karnataka. 6 The Directors, Depttlor H"rrtr.r-s"rvices Govt. of Karnataka. ?^ TheAccountantsb"nur"i-X*nataka. ^ I 9 t":.: ilnB:fflor tBs,H of Audit, c;"il Rlu"nrur, AGCR Buitdins, t p ffi ;'*q$e,l:i l 3h'"t Estate, of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure, ( Ptan Finance Division ), North Btock, New i,:J?#3;"!3,[?"tJ:f;."J"iift/atsE " Guard Fites/Sanciion Unit/US(Budset)/ps to JS(RK)/ Dir (KBS)/ Dir ioro"-i'" 1l-18 pay 19' & Accounts oni."r, nrinistry of women & chird Deveropment, New Derhi ww'rrrorr,/Govt. of lndiā¬ nelhi