25 Years of Heartfelt Home Building


25 Years of Heartfelt Home Building
25 Years of Heartfelt Home Building
Flower City Habitat for Humanity is a non-denominational Christian
housing ministry welcoming people of all faiths or no faith to help eliminate substandard
and poverty housing in Rochester, New York.
During our 25th anniversary year, FCHH stepped up activities aimed at engaging
youth in our mission through our second annual Summer Youth Immersion along with a
campaign to establish Habitat campus chapters in numerous local high schools.
The Dream
About FCHH
To create additional Habitat
for Humanity communities in
Rochester’s inner city, replacing
old housing stock with new,
decent, affordable homes where
families may thrive. To achieve
this, we must expand sources for
house sponsorship, thus enabling
us to increase our annual building
Founded in 1984, Flower City
Habitat for Humanity has built
or renovated more than 175
homes in Rochester, NY. Several
thousand volunteers, in partnership with our homeowner families, provide the labor to build
houses five days per week, year
round. Since FCHH accepts no
government funding, we rely on
financial contributions from individuals, churches, businesses and
corporations, organizations and
foundations to fund our work.
In August, FCHH CEO Arthur Woodward (standing) directs Youth Immersion students
to study our map of the JOSANA neighborhood to better grasp the immense scope of
poverty and economic decay there. Students had the chance to work on several JOSANA
houses that week.
Youth Immersion students
worked alongside
future homeowners in
JOSANA and discovered
that working in the
neighborhood broadened
their understanding of
why Habitat’s home
building work is needed to
encourage re-birth.
On the Cover:
How better to acknowledge our 25th
anniversary than to share with you the
joy felt by homeowner April Randall
at her October wall-raising at 167
Whitney St. She celebrated the start of
construction of her home with dozens of
RIT students and faculty.This full house
sponsorship was a first for the university’s
Habitat for Humanity club - with
wide student participation in its green,
sustainable design and construction.
Read more about the project at
Families in Rochester, NY are
required to contribute 450 hours
of “sweat equity” as they build
the homes of others as well as
their own. Mortgage principal
payments are recycled back into
building or renovating additional
Our neighborhood restoration
projects have played a crucial
role in creating positive changes
in Rochester neighborhoods that
include Fulton Ave., Cuba Place,
Rauber St., Trust St. and JOSANA/Paetec Park.
About Habitat
for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity has been
dedicated to eliminating poverty and substandard housing
worldwide since 1976. The global
housing ministry has built more
than 350,000 houses around the
world, providing more than 1.75
million people in 3,000 communities with safe, decent, affordable shelter. Financial supporters
combined with volunteers working alongside partner families and
staff make this accomplishment
possible. Habitat builds decent,
affordable homes that are purchased by qualified, low-income
families through zero-interest,
zero-profit mortgages.
Dear Friends,
This report celebrates 25 years of Flower City
Habitat for Humanity’s work in Rochester. During
that time, thousands of people from all walks of
life have volunteered to build houses, staff comTom Rogers
Arthur Woodward
mittees and assist with all the many tasks associated with running a complex organization. We
have worked with churches, temples, small businesses, large corporations, banks, foundations and individuals
too numerous to imagine to raise the money needed to build homes. In fact, our Habitat community has
raised over $8 million to ensure that low-income working families can experience the joy and benefits of
home ownership.
With your support, we have built more than 175 houses and can be proud that streets and neighborhoods
once considered crime-ridden and dangerous are now thriving. When we finished Cuba Place, the contrast
was so clear that homeowner Ron Hills commented that the new Cuba Place was like living in the suburbs!
The most important people at Habitat are our homeowners. Our unique system of sweat equity truly
empowers families who work with others to build their homes and then build theirs. The comment we
most frequently hear from homeowners is how surprised they are that so many people want to help, and
how grateful they are to see so many helping hands. From our studies, we know that owning a home has a
profound impact on life and school success.
As an organization, we cannot rest on our laurels. We have entered the world of social media to reach the
younger generation. We are actively developing high school and college campus chapters to engage students
in our work. We are developing innovative fundraising programs to help our churches and other constituent groups raise money that will later fund houses. We have become a partner with BOCES-2, working with
their construction program to build a house every year!
We continue to be mindful that while we can be proud of our success, we need to do more. With your
continued collaboration, we will serve more and more families and move forward to eliminating poverty
housing in Rochester.
Volunteer Bill Eggers from Nixon Peabody, LLP paints with future homeowner Tanasha
Greene at 314 Campbell St. during Leaders Build 2009.
One of the most compelling of our accomplishments over these past 25 years is how
we bring together a diverse group of people for a common goal. Since summer 2001,
we’ve conducted an annual Leaders Build corporate event where company presidents
and CEOs get to experience building with Habitat.These VIP volunteers work side by
side with future homeowners, as equal partners.They gain an understanding of what it
means to our homeowners to achieve their dream of homeownership, while seeing how
our work brings about re-birth in neighborhoods like JOSANA, Upper Falls, Brown Street,
and Fulton Avenue.
We are thankful to the Board of Directors and the
Leadership Council for their contribution of time and talent.
Tom Rogers, Chairman
David Rodriguez,Vice Chair
Jeff Lewis, Treasurer
Ann McCormick, Secretary
Arthur Woodward, CEO
Dana Abramson
Bob August
Christopher Booth
Russ Bullock
Kevin Duhammel
William Hamlin
William Koch
Ed Lipski
Harry Messina
Gary Passero
Tim Scahill
Sharon Stiller
Dan Turner
Leadership Council
The focus of our Leadership Council is to set policy as it relates to homeowners
and to oversee general operations and community outreach. Current members include:
Tom Rogers
Chairman of the Board
Arthur Woodward
President & CEO
Donna Murano, Chair
Jan Barrett
Dianne Brown
Kathryn Castle
Francine Conwell
Terri Ercole
Jeff Gerstenberger
Ray Griswold
Ruth McNamara
Dawn Pruszynski
Meredith Reiniger
Beth Tugwell
Barbara West
and Sponsors
At our 5th annual Leaders Build
Luncheon, FCHH presented our Golden
Hammer Award to John Billone Jr.,
President of Flower City Management
and Development, and Vice President
of Billone Mechanical Contractors in
recognition of leadership in economic
and community development.This was
our first LB luncheon event held right in
the heart of one of our neighborhoods,
under a large tent at the corner of
Whitney and Campbell Streets.
FCHH CEO Arthur Woodward
gets training in the use of
social media. During our 25th
year we carefully navigated our
way into the world of social
media in order to reach new
constituents (mostly 20-40 yr.
olds) who use Facebook,Twitter,
LinkedIn, etc. as their primary
form of communication. Follow
us, fan us, friend us! Find these
links on our homepage at
Our Youth Committee had a busy year,
planning a host of events for future
homeowner families. Committee
members Terri Ercole and Beth Tugwell
talk to future homeowners and children
at Tacos and a Book where they ate, read
books from the FCHH library, mixed and
mingled.These events encourage children
of future homeowners to participate in
sweat equity by reading and completing
an activity sheet.That program is called
Building with Books.
FCHH Volunteers
Several thousand volunteers aid us in accomplishing a tremendous amount of work each
year. As individuals or in groups, volunteers
build houses, work in our ReStore, assist in the
office, on our board and leadership council, on
committees, and for special events and projects.
We thank all of our “unpaid staff” from 2009 for
their valiant contribution of time.
2009 Volunteer Groups
The Bonadio Grp
Brighton Courtyard by Marriot
Davie Kaplan, CPA
Diamond Packaging
GE Capital
Terry Giangreco, DDS
Global Crossing, Inc.
Harter, Secrest, & Emery, LLP
Harris RF Communications
Lenel Systems
Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Paychex FP&A
Sutherland Global Services
Starbucks of Rochester
State Farm Insurance
Tasteful Connections
Turner Engineering
Xerox Corp.
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Anthill Housing Co-op
Aroesty Family
City of Rochester, Bldg and Zoning Dept.
Clean Slate- Rochester
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
DV 50
East Rochester Youth
Kimble Family
Mathias Family
National Soc. of Black Engineers
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Project FUTURE
QUEST Elementary Faculty
RBA Women’s Council
Rochester’s New Rotaries
Rochester Women’s Network
Sargent Group
Sigma Lambda Upsilon
Valoris Group
Xerox Young Professionals
High Schools & Colleges
Bike & Build
Brighton HS Interact Club
Edison Tech HS IIT
Greece Odyssey Academy
Greece Olympia HS
Greece Athena HS
McQuaid Jesuit HS
MCC Liberty Partnership Pgrm.
MCC SEGA Student Events
Nazareth Academy
Our Lady of Mercy High School
Penfield HS Varsity Baseball
RCSD Firefighter Trainees
RIT Arnold Air Soc.
RIT Pi Delta Psi
Roberts Wesleyan College
Rush-Henrietta High School Maint. Dept.
SUNY Brockport Alpha Xi
SUNY Brockport Circle K Int.
SUNY Brockport HFH Campus Chapter
Univ. of Rochester HFH Campus Chapter
Univ. of Rochester Sigma Nu
Univ. of Rochester Medical School
Congregations / Non-Sponsoring
Church of the Transfiguration
Hope Lutheran Church
Peace of Christ Parish
United Methodist Church of Webster
2009 House Sponsors
The following companies, groups and faith-based
communities provided generous support in 2009
both financially and with volunteer labor for their
sponsored project.We call this “the perfect partnership.”
Full House Sponsors
RIT Habitat for Humanity Club
(167 Whitney St.)
Greece Churches (356 Campbell St.)
Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Bethany Presbyterian Church
Greece Baptist Church
Greece United Methodist Church
Hope Lutheran Church
Messiah Lutheran Church
ROC House (349 Campbell St.)
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
Harris RF Communications
M&T Bank
Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
State Farm Insurance
Sutherland Global
Tasteful Connections
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
(235 Campbell St.)
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Fairport
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Penfield
Christ the Good Shepherd Church
Concord Lutheran Church
Faith Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Hope Lutheran Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Pinnacle Lutheran Church
Reformation Lutheran Church
St. John Lutheran Church, Lyons
St. Martin Lutheran Church
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Pittsford
Lutheran Church of the Transfiguration
Trinity Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Penfield Churches (566 Jay St.)
Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
First Baptist Church of Penfield
Faith Lutheran Church
Penfield Presbyterian Church
Penfield United Methodist Church
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Rochester
Rochester Christian Reformed
St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church
Webster Presbyterian Church
ACES/LEED-Certified (Architects & Engineers
Collaborating for Shelter)
(314 Campbell St.)
Partial House Sponsors
Univ. of Rochester Habitat for Humanity
Campus Chapter (119 Whitney St.)
Rochester Lumber Co. (356 Campbell St.)
FCHH Corporate
Advisory Council
Chairman: Tim Scahill, Layer 8 Group
Michelle Ashby
Tipping Point Media
Jeff Praino
Citizens Bank
David Cornell
Cornell’s Jewelers
Deborah McLean
Nixon Peabody
Jim Hewes
Canfield & Tack
Patrick Quigley
Harter Secrest
James Miller
Christopher Rodi
Woods Oviatt
Dennis Olbrich
Eastman Kodak
Sam Villanti
Ultimate Technology
Statement of
Revenues & Expenses
What a thrill and delight it was
in October to visit with FCHH
founder Roger Cross. He toured
(and admired) our 3-year old
ReStore and the neighborhoods
where we’ve built over the past
few years. He never imagined
how much the affiliate he
founded here in 1984 would
blossom, grow and thrive! We
appreciated his expression
of pride in our organization’s
accomplishments. Roger lives
the good life in retirement in
Penney Farms, Florida where he
works with the local Habitat for
Humanity affiliate.
Flower City
Habitat for Humanity, Inc.
(Unaudited for the Year Ended December, 2009)
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Volunteers from Home
Properties (in t-shirts) work
with future homeowner Tanasha
Greene to clean foundation
forms at 314 Campbell St.
during our 2009 Women Build
I++++++++++++++++++ CDLMHDFFH
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* FHLB is a non-governmental organization of member banks, some of whose funds support affordable housing initiatives
A $5,000 grant from Lowe’s
enabled FCHH to host several
women’s groups during Women
Build Week leading up to
Mother’s Day weekend. They
worked on Campbell St. homes,
met homeowners and saw the progress being made in the JOSANA neighborhood. In
addition, a clinic on framing was conducted at Lowe’s - Webster for women to develop
skills they could use on the Habitat construction site.
Note: Flower City Habitat for Humanity is a human services charitable organization
under 501(c)3 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are fully deductible
under the law. The accounts of Flower City Habitat for Humanity, Inc. are audited annually by the accounting firm Rizzo and DiGiacco, CPA’s. Copies of the audits are available
for review at FCHH. The latest financial report filed with the Office of Charities Registration may be obtained by contacting: The Office of Charities Registration, Department
of State, 162 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12331.
Many thanks to our 2009 contributors:
The following groups, individuals or businesses made either a monetary or in-kind contribution between
January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009. We hope this list is complete: however please let us know if we’ve missed anyone.
Corporate Members
Collins Engineers Inc.
Diamond Packaging
Edgemere Development Inc.
FRA Engineering
Gardner Plus Architects, PLLC
Herrick-Saylor Engineers
Home Properties of New York, Inc
Hunt Engineers, Architects &
Labella Associates
Lenel Systems International, Inc.
Passero Associates, P.C.
Ravi Engineering & Land Surveying, P.C.
Turner Engineering PC
Xerox Capital Services
Foundations and Associations
ACEC NY Mid-Hudson Region
Allstate Giving Campaign
American Council of
Engineering Companies
August Family Foundation
Baron Family Foundation
Bike & Build
Cornell/Weinstein Family Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Matching Gifts Program
Last Man Standing Club
Link Foundation
Margaret Webster Fund
Rochester Area Community Foundation
Rochester Home Builders’ Association
Seventh District Federated Garden
Spencerport Garden Club
The M&T Charitable Foundation
United Way of Greater Rochester
United Way of Southern Pennsylvania
Westport Fund
Cement Mixer Gala Sponsors
Excellus BlueCross Blue Shield
Buckingham Properties
Layer 8 Group
Leaders Build Sponsors
AM&M Financial Services
UTC Retail
American Dream Society
(Annual Contribution of $1000+)
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Aslin
Ms. Iris Auerbacher
Mr. Robert August
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Baron
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barrington
Mr. William Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bensley
Mr. & Mrs. Christoper Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Bouk
Mr. George Brehm
Mr. & Mrs. Newman Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Bullock
Mr. R. Carlos Carballada
Mr. & Mrs. John Carver
Ms. Kimberly Cashin
Ms. Kathy Collins
Mr. Thomas Covell
Mr. & Mrs. Don Cushing
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Discher
Ms. Sue A. Draves
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Eckert
Mr. Ted First
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Gerstenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hammonds
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hasman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hursh
Mr. & Mrs. James Isaac
Mr. Tom Keebler
Mr. David Knill
Mr. & Mrs. William Koch
Dr. & Mrs. James Koller
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Krenzer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kubiak
Mr. & Mrs. Don Lasher
Mr. Douglas Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lipski
Mr. Michael McBride
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart McCarty
Mr. & Mrs. David D. McNair
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Murano
Mr. & Mrs. Ed O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Parrone
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Parulski
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Passero
Mr. Frank Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Ring
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rixner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Ned Roman
Ms. Gretchen Shafer
Mrs. Wilma Sickels
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Soucier
Matthew Spencer & Rita Gupta
Mr. Richard Sprenkle
Mr. & Mrs. John Tyler, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Verhulst
Mr. Timothy Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Whitfield
Mr. Steve Wilde
Mr. & Mrs. Burton David Wilson
Dr. Arthur Woodward
Mr. Eric I. Zeller
Brick Builder ($500-$999)
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Adams
Ms. Joan Buttner
John Cake & Julie McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Clement
Mr. & Mrs. David Conrad
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Duhamel
Ms. Beverly Ellingwood
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Gardner
Ms. Teresa Gianni
Ms. Penny J. Haley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hemmenway
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hendershot
Mr. Thomas A. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Hough
Mrs. Marjorie S. Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. William Isaac
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kaminsky
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Karsten
Mr. Steven Kasper
John R. Laing & Kathleen King
Mr. Nelson B. Leenhouts
Mr. & Mrs. James Lyness
Mr. & Mrs. William Mason
Mr. Peter L. Militello, ACSW
Ms. Jane Neinast
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Neivert
Mr. & Mrs. F. Robert O’Loughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rachfal
Meredith Reiniger & Dee Dee
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Ronald
Eugene Schneider & Gloria Baciewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sperr
Mr. Thomas R. Sprague
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Tardugno
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Touhsaent
Michael Violante & Allison Zack
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Weniger
Mr. Stephen Wershing
Steve Witkowicz & Susan Hume
Louise Woerner & Don Kollmorgen
Mr. Thomas Wolanski
Mr. Mike Wolford
Mr. & Mrs.Victor Yates
Mr. & Mrs. John C.Young
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zaremski
Mr. Adam Zebrak
Floor Planner ($250-$499)
Ms. Mona Alongi
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Barrett
Mrs. Margaret Bartlett
Mr. Phillip Benkert
Mr. & Mrs. James Briggs
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton C. Cloen, Jr.
Ms. Francine Conwell
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Critchley
Mr. & Mrs. David DiGiacco
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fairbrother
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. George
Mr. John Greve
Mr. Jay T. Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Huston
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Kaemmerlen, III
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Knox
Mr. Steven W. Law
Ms. Martha LeCars
Joseph Lippert & Patti Clark
Mr. & Mrs. David Lippitt
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Long
Wayne Magaw & Nancy Lopez
Mr. Edwin Mageary
Mr. Michael Manning
Ms. Lindsay A. Maurer
Mr. Thomas W. Mayberry
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McLear
William Eggers & Deborah McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McNabb
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Messina
Leon Metlay & Nina Klionsky
Ms. Emily Morry
Mr. & Mrs. John Muenter
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Muller-Girard
Mr. Jeffrey Netzband
Mr. Dennis Olbrich
Postler & Jaeckle Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. David Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ruszczyk
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Scahill
Mr. James Scanzaroli
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Seidel
Mr. Robert T. Shone
Ms. Margaret Siebers
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Singao
Mr. Stephen R. Sloan
Mr. & Mrs. David Smith
Ms. Catherine L. Sperrick
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Taylor
Ms. Beverly Tulloch
Mr. Brian Volkmar
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Vukman
Mr. Dave Wait
Ms. Caren Weaver
Oliver Willy & Linda Liszewski
Mr. Hans P. Witte
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Woedy
Ground Breaker ($100-$249)
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Albright
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Allen
Mr. Richard Allen
Ms. Betty Allinger
Duane Basch & Nancy Allinger - Basch
Ms. Marion Anderson
Mr. David Angeline
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Arney
Mr. Ed A. Assenheimer
Mr. Keith R. Austin
Mr. David Balthaser
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Bellenger
Mr. Herbert L. Besaw
Ms. Teresa O. Bianchi
Ms. Barbara Billingsley
Ms. Barbara Binder
Brian Bischoping & Susan Schwartz
Mr. Rollo E. Black
Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Black
Ms. Barbara Bogner
Mr. John T. Bohr
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Bosdyk
Mr. Richard C. Bradt
Mr. Robert S. Braunschweiger
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Braunschweiger
Ms. Lois Brower
Ms. June Brush
Mr. Gerald Bucklin
Ms. Eileen Buholtz
Mr. Bill Burks
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Carey
Ms. Elaine S. Carter
Mr. Salvador Casiano
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Castrogiovanni
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Chirinko
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Christiansen
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Chrzanowski
Mr. David Clark
Mr. John Clarke
Mr. Andrew Claus
Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Clements
Ms. Mary Ellen Collinge
Ms. Mary Ann Conley
Mr. Robert D. Constantine
Mr. & Mrs. David Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Cooper
Mr. David Cornell
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Costello
Ms. Patricia Covell
Mr. William Cox, Jr.
Mr. Robert Crandall
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Crump
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Csubak
Tom Cummings & Beverly Ludke
Mr. William D’Anza
Mr. Joe Dambra
Mrs. Linda W. Davey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeCory
Ms. Joann Deblinger
Mrs. Mollie Deboer
Mr. Aaron Deever
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Depalma
Mr. Seth W. Depoint
Dr. & Mrs. T. Jeffrey Dmochowski
Mr. & Mrs. William Donaldson
Ms. Elizabeth Dopp
Dr. Eric Dreyfuss
Luba Drouin & Kevin Kobey
Mr. John Duford
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Dupont
Greg Hofmann & Kim Johnson
James Erwin & Kari Horowicz
Mr. Eric D. Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Florance, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Forward
Friends of Bob Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Garfield
Mr. & Mrs. James Giacobbi
Mr. Robert P. Gibson
Mr. Andrew S. Giller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gillmor
Ms. Gretchen Gmelin
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Goeke
Ms. Elaine Greene
Mr. Gregory W. Gribben
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gunter
Ms. Arlene Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Hart
Ms. Jennifer L. Hearne
Mr. Lawrence I. Heller, ESQ
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Herrman
Ms. Linda Hewitt
Ms. Janet Billik Heyen
Mr. & Mrs. Sean T. Higman
Mr. Sanjay N. Hiranandani
Mr. Greg Hofmann
Mr. James Hofmann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Homeier
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hopkins
Mr. Paul Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Horn
Ms. Zoe Anne V. Horowicz
Ms. Karen Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. Rolla Huff
Mr. Daniel Hurley
Ms. Cathy Hutter
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff A. Ingerick
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Ingersoll
Mr. David Isaac
Ms. Katherine Jakubowski
Mr. & Mrs. Hendrik Keesom
Ms. Jill Kemp
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kenyon
Mr. Steven Ketch
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Knapp
Ms. Suzanne Knauf
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Koenig
Mr. Don Kollmorgen
Mr. Tom Krahl
Mr. & Mrs. James Kraus
Ms. Helen Kristal
Mrs. Fina Kroenberg, Ph.D
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Kuempel
Ms. Irene Kusmierz
Mr. Salvatore LaBella
Ms. Kathryn Lahey
Mr. Michael Leach
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Least
Ms. Deborah June Leenhouts
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Lewis
Ms. Julianna Lin
Richard Lunt & Carmel Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Lurie
Mr. Stephen Lurie
Ms. Mary Jean MacEwen
Ms. Sandra Maddicks
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Malone
Mr. & Mrs. James Manuele
Mr & Mrs. John C. Marchant
Mr. Jay Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Massie
Mr. & Mrs. James Maurer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Maurer
Mr. Thomas J. Mayberry
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mazzo
Ms. Patricia McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McEvoy
Ms. Martha L. McGlory
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McMeekin
Dr. & Mrs. Neal McNabb
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mehalso
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Meixell
Mr. & Mrs. John Messenger
Ms. Hilda Milham
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Miller
Mr. Sean W. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey R. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Borden Mills, III
Ms. Gaylene Mitchell
Ms. Janice Mohrman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morgan
Ms. Celanire Morgan
Mr. Tony Mugnolo
Ms. Jeanette Musliner
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Myers
Dr. Michael Nazar & Catherine Callery
Mr. David Nead
Ms. Janet Nelson
Mr. Raymond Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Newell, Jr.
Deborah McLean, Esq.
Dr. Ella Noble
Mr. Shane Noble
Mr. Michael Norris
Ms. Hannah M. O’Grady
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Olscamp
Mr. Ian Oreilly
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Oreilly
Ms. Jane Osborne
Mrs. Gretchen Pallischeck
Dr. Patricia Palmer
Mr. Thomas M. Palumbo
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Penwarden
Ms. Kim Pepe
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Peris
Jeri Pickett
Mr. Richard Pospula
Mr. & Mrs. John Powarzynski
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Provino
Mr. Bill Pullis
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Pum
Mr. Patrick Quigley
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stotz
Mr. & Mrs. David Strong
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Struzzi
Mr. John Swanger
Ms. Wendy Sydeski
Mr. Woodleif Thomas
Mr. Andy Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Toyer
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Treash
Scott M. Tripler & Patricia Somerville
Mr. Scott Tubbs
Ms. Jennifer Tupper
Turner Engineering PC
Mrs. Constance Valk
James Vallino & Charlene Varnis
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Vittum
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Waldman
Ms. Linda Warner
Ms. Ruth Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Wayland-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Weidert
Mr. & Mrs. William Weir
Michael Wentzel & Sharon Dickman
Mr. Robert Westfall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wheeler
Ms. Kenisha Wiggins
Wilkins Family
Dr. & Mrs. T. Franklin Williams
Ms. Deborah M. Williamson, DBA
Ms. Diane Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wright
Ms. Dorothy Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rachfal
Mr. Edward J. Raynor
Mr. Kenneth Redman
Mr. Ed Reif
Ms. Marilynn Reif
Ms. Margaret E. Richards
Ms. Noreen Riordan
Mrs. Marguerite Robertson
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Rook
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rude
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Russell
Mr. Ed Russell
Mr. Kevin Salva
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schenkel
Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon Schoch
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Schraver
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sciolino
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sciremammano
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Scott
Mrs. Eileen Scott
Mr. David Sewhuk
Ms. Jean Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shewan
Ms. Caron Shore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Slaughter
Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Smith
Ms. Sheila Soehner
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Staropoli
Mary Staropoli & Douglas Ackley
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Stein
Mr. Leo Stornelli
We are grateful to all who have donated $99 and below. In the
interest of good stewardship of all contributions we are now listing
our remaining donors on our website at www.rochesterhabitat.org
under Publications located in About Us.
Roger & Betty Aerni
Jan Barrett
Harry Beilfuss
Harry & Nancy Beilfuss
Joseph Benkert
Rev. Raymond Booth
Alan Borowiec
Brian & Anne Bubnic
Jane Burdick
Lila Bush
Sydney Roy & Esther Cable
Jim Calamita
Elena Deutsch & Carol Novak
Jerry Casey
Roger Cross
Harold Deisenroth
David Derue
Kenneth & Sally Dodgson
Vicki Edwards
Pat & Lowell Edwards
Hausladen Family
Doug Forken
Helen Fried
Garretts Family
Bill & Carol Gavett
Jeff Gerstenberger
Jeff, Julie & Alex Gerstenberger
Judith Stewart Gohringer
Kathleen Green
Kathy & Russ Green
Anne & Richard Haller
Family of Arlene Hanley
Lisa Harrison
Fred Harvey
Sr. Sue Hoffman
Bill & Mary Horne
Megan & Everett Hunt
Art James
Norm & Judy Karsten
Ann & Les Kennedy
Brian Kimble
Mr. Richard Aerni
Dewitt Road School PTSA
Richard Segan & Ellen Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McMeekin
Mr. Phillip Benkert
Ms. Karen Mancuso
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rixner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rixner
Mr. & Mrs. David Plankenhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Max M. Boudakian
D.A. Tubman & Susan Cable
Ms. Caren Calamita
Tipping Point Media
Mr. James Bridges
Mr. Thomas Witmer
Mr. John Jadlos
Mr. Gary B. Schaefer
Ms. Jean Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Feasel
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Parker
Ms. Joan Hausladen
Ms. Beth Ehret
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Herz
Ms. Marilyn DeVuyst
Ms. Janice Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Thomassen
Dr. & Mrs. David Stewart
Ms. Elysabeth Hall
Ms. Elysabeth Hall
Ms. Carol Lefevre
Ms. Arlene Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Thompson
Ms. Katherine Pullman
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kusmaul
Mr. & Mrs. W. Robert Melville
Ms. Christie Smith
Mr. Scott Warburton
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Bufano
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Auger
Bruce Bareham & Linda Grocki-Bareham
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bohn
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bundschuh
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Carducci
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Conderman
Ms. Frances Damico
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Daubendiek
Rev. & Mrs. Arthur Dueker
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Franzwa
Brian Kimble (continued)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Frillici
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Frye
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. William Gessner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gillen
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Gregoire
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heim
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Heximer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Janosky
Ms. Katie Kimble
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kimble
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ksczanowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lambrecht
Mr. & Mrs. John Mack
Mr. & Mrs. John Marianetti
Mr. & Mrs. Dave McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGonigal
Ms. Mary McNiece
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Napierala
Mr. Timothy O’Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Oyer
Mr. & Mrs. Arlo Pullman
Mr. Michael Raha
Mr. & Mrs. William Reddy
Mr. Jim Schiffmacher
Ms. Helen Sill
Mr. Joel Slesak
Mr. & Mrs. David Smith
Mr. Jeff Sonneville
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Stojkovic
Mr. & Mrs. David Thesing
Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Thom
Mr. & Mrs. William Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Trottier
Ms. Marliese Waheibi
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Walter
Mr. & Mrs. Don Wetsel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Williams
Mr. & Mrs. William Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. James Isaac
Keith Calkins & Joan Constanzer
Mr. Peter Merrill
Mr. Larry Witmer
Ms. Jane Neinast
Ms. Jane Neinast
Ms. Jane Neinast
Ms. Jane Neinast
Ms. Jane Neinast
Ms. Michelle Valoris
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Pacala
Ms. Sydney Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Drew Saum
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rachfal
Mr. David J. Meyer
Aidan Stanley
Elizabeth M. Stewart
Barbara Sykut
John Thomas
Scott Tripler
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Troutman
Marguerite Wiesner
David & Joan Wood
Mr. John Eisenberg
Dr. & Mrs. David Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tramontano
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kindig
Ms. Jane Neinast
Ms. Wilma Brucker
Mr. Christopher Wood
Patti Blanchfield
Richard Burlingame
William T. Davis
Pauli Dawson
Patricia Gargano
Roger Hager
James Hammerton
Mike Heagerty
Barbara Hoffman
Elaine Holm Sullivan
Beatrice S. Horn
Ms. Mary McNiece
Mrs. Faith Burlingame
Mrs. Lois Davis
Mr. Peter Lyman
Ms. Helen Neidert
Mrs. Lois Hager
Mrs. Thelma Hammerton
Mr. Charlie Szilagyi
Ms. Mary Ann Payne
Erdman Anthony
Ms. Louise Epstein
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dell
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jackson
Mrs. Robert Maslowski
Miss Carol Meier
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Messina
Ms. Jeanette C. Mowers
Ms. Kathleen Murty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Randall
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Yasses
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Adams
Delta Masters Chapter Beta Sigma Phi
Ms. Bonnie Ann Maye
Ms. Nancy Michel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Napierala
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Adeline Campanaro
Ms. Margaret Dellapietra
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Manzoni
Sr. Susan Hoffman
Mrs. Constance Valk
Mrs. Suzanne Robinson
Mrs. Nancy H. Frey
Mr. David Morgan
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Rook
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Malinconico
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Luken
Mrs. William Swift
Dr. & Mrs. Jules Cohen
Ms. Helen Neidert
Ms. Susan Floyd
Mr. J. Robert Maney
Wachovia Securities, LLC - MBD Team
Rick Kuempel
Barbara LeFevre
Robin & Luke Lorenzo
McQuaid HFH Chapter
Randy Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Neinast
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neinast
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Neinast
Mary Neinast
Mr. & Mrs. David Neinast
School #50 Office Staff
Mrs.Virginia Pacala
Lowell & Courtney Pettit
Beverly Pullis
Janice Rachfal
Paul & Betty Ropp
Peter G. Jackson, Jr.
Paula Kennan
Elizabeth Kitzing
Mildred Maye
Stephen Michel
Roger Napierala
Michael J. Nenno
Thomas Oglia
Sharon Rasmussen
Carl Reynolds
Alan D. Robinson
Mrs. Adele Siegel
Jamie Smith
Helen Snyder
Matt Stenross
Rick Struzzi
William Swift
Earl F. Telschow
Lucy Rose Tubiolo
Tom Tyson
Christopher Wheeler
The following companies provided significant
donations of materials to our ReStore:
ABVI Goodwill
B&L Wholesale Supply
Barrett Wood Products
Best Tile
Direct Buy
EJ DelMonte Corp.
Flower City Glass
Genesee Reserve Supply
Home Depot
Matthews & Fields Lumber
Nathaniel General Contractors
Nixon Peabody, LLP
Pace Windows & Doors
Parts Plus
Patio Enclosures
Pella Windows
Phoenix Enterprise
Quality Homes
RC Shaheen
Rochester Management
RIT Campus Housing
Roberts Wesleyan college
The Glassman, Inc.
Tile Wholesalers
True Value Hardware
Vella Bath & Kitchen
VP Supply Corp.
Warren Paint & Decorating
Wilmorite - Eastview
2009 United Way
Donor Choice Contributors
We are grateful to those donors who designated Flower City HFH to
receive all or a portion of their 2009 United Way contributions.
FCHH received $39,204 in funding.Thank you.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Barrett
Ms. Teresa Bianchi
Ms. Barbara Bogner
Mr. & Mrs. Christoper Booth
Mr. Allison Bourne
Ms. Anita Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Bullock
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Carpenter
Ms. Carole Castle
Mr. William Castle
Mr. James M. Christian
Ms. Francine Conwell
Mr. Paul Cote
Ms. Sandra Dagan
Ms Shannon Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Doody, CPA
Ms. Diane Fiorino
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Forth
Mr. & Mrs. James Fredette
Mr. John Fredlund
Dr. Barbara Gawinski
Ms. Kelly Glover
Ms. Janice O. Goldman
Mr. Gregory Griebel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gunter
Mr. Dwight Harrienger
Mr. Darrell Haynes
Ms. Jess Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hettrich
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff A. Ingerick
Ms. Carla Johnson
Ms. Letha Joiner
Mr. Jeff Jozefski
Mr. David Kaltenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Keating
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Killings
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Knox, Jr.
Ms. Zelma Kostyshak
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Letter
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Liebert
Mr. & Mrs. Alasdair MacKinnon
Mr. Edwin Mageary
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Mageary
Ms. Annalisa McCann
Ms. Karen McQueen
Ms. Janine Miller
Ms. Judy Montanari
Ms. Pamela Mott
Mr. Mark Moyer
Ms. Margaret A. Nead
Mr. Robert Nenno
Ted & Kathy Nixon
Mr. Shane Noble
Ms. Lorry O’Leary
Mr. Michael P. Osadciw
Mr. Daniel Palermo
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Penwarden
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Poduska
Mr. Robert L. Prince
Mr. Robert Quiel
Ms. Patricia Raposa
Mr. Casmic J. Reid
Mr. Thomas L. Richmond
Ms. Diane R. Rohn
Mr. Nicholas Bowman Scinta
Ms. Deloris L. Smith
Mr. Steven S. Smith
Mr. David S. Staerr
Mr. Phillip A. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Adam J. Stull
Dr. & Mrs. Terry R. Taber
Mr. Misael Teron
Ms. Sue Timian
Mr. Michael H. Towsley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Turner
Mr. Clinton Tyler
United Way of New England
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Upson
Mr. Brian Volkmar
Ms. Caren Weaver
Mr. Peter White
Ms. Noelle D. Whitehead
Mr. Christopher B. Wilson
Mr. James Winter
Dr. Arthur Woodward
Ms. Michele A.Yax
2009 In-Kind Partners
The following companies partnered with us to provide no-cost or
lower-cost materials or services for our construction program.
ABR Wholesalers
ADT Security Systems
Advanced Piping
B&L Wholesale Supply
Becker Glass Block
Bedrock Construction
Besroi Roofing & Siding
Bradco Supply
Coler Natural Insulation
Dave Cooper/Dave’s Diggs
Designworks Architecture
EG Sackett
Erdman Anthony
Flower City Glass
Fraser-Willey & Associates
Ferguson Enterprises
Gardner Plus Architects, PLLC
Hanes Supply
Isaac Heating & air Conditioning
JJ Construction
Jachles Imperial Flooring
Leo J. Roth
Little Falls Scaffolding
Loria Electric
Majed Elrayess
Matthews & Fields Lumber Co.
Mobile Mini
Monroe Tractor & Implement Co.
Mr. Rooter
Northrup Materials
O’Connell Electric
Oldcastle Materials
Parrone Engineering
Passero Associates
Pike Construction
Residential Steel Services
Regional Roll-Off
Rochester Home Builders
Rochester Lumber Co.
Rochester Paint Supply
Stantec Constulting Groups, Inc.
Tambe Electric
Turner Engineering
Upstate Roofing
VJ Stanley, Inc.
Victor Excavating & Landscape
VP Supply
Weckesser Brick
William B. Morse Lumber Co.
Youngblood Disposal Service
Misc. In-Kind:
Canfield & Tack Printing
Great Lakes Custom Products
Jack’s Place
Jimmie Highsmith Jr.
Layer 8 Group
Nolan’s Rental
Raise the Roof
Tasteful Connections
Tipping Point Media
VanDamme Associates, Inc.
Volunteer Legal Services
The following Hammer & Saw Skilled volunteers
were recognized at our June, 2009 Annual Dinner:
5 Year Level Award:
Tom & Liz Chrzanowski, Mark Eckert, Gene Ligtenberg and Frank Serr
10 Year Hammer Award:
Al Santos, Dave Schafer
15 Year Saw Award:
Otto Muller-Girard
Recognized for 5 Years of Service or more on committees,
board or leadership council were:
Jan Barrett, Tom Covell, Jeff Gerstenberger, Donna Murano, Dawn
Pruszynski, Meredith Reiniger, Tom Rogers, Francine Conwell, Beth
Tugwell and Dan Turner
House Builder Award
Lois Rixner
Roger Cross Leadership Award
Nixon Peabody LLC
President’s Award
Ruth McNamara
Volunteers Ruth McNamara and Lauren Frasier share a
drink and a laugh at our Annual Dinner in June, 2009.We
presented Ruth with our president’s Award for her many
years of outstanding contributions as chair of our Family
Selection Committee. Lauren is a skilled volunteer assisting
with supervision of construction volunteers each Saturday.
Thank you ladies!
During our 25th anniversary year, we celebrated some old friends without
whom we could not have reached this milestone. A plaque now greets visitors
to the FCHH office bearing the names Harry and Nancy Beilfuss to officially
dedicate our building in their name. Long-time and dedicated friends are hard
to find and we are forever grateful to them for their many contributions of time
and treasure.
Our Staff
Arthur Woodward, PhD., CEO
Bill Bartlett, Construction Manager
Teresa Bianchi, Development Manager
Carole Castle, Housing Services Coordinator
John Coco, ReStore Assistant Manager
Kelly Glover, Controller
Sr. Sue Hoffman, High School/College
Program Coordinator
Frank Killings, ReStore Driver
Edwin Mageary, Site Supervisor
Erwin Mageary, Site Supervisor
Shane Noble, ReStore Manager
Lorry O’Leary, Administrative Assistant
Tiffany Paine, Development Associate
Brian Volkmar, Driver
Diane Walker, Communications Manager
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Permit No 510
Rochester, NY
755 Culver Road
Rochester, New York 14609
Ph (585) 546-1470
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Restore (585) 697-2012
755 Culver Road
Rochester, NY 14609
Compiled and edited by Diane Walker, Communications Manager
Please remember Flower City Habitat for Humanity in your will.