Cotanchobee Winter - Tampa Bay History Center


Cotanchobee Winter - Tampa Bay History Center
In is Issue
President’s 2
Cigar City Gala......................... pg. 3
The 1834 3
Artifact 4
Adult 5
Children’s 6
Children’s 7 11
Board of 11
History Center 11
Suited for Space lands at the History Center
In 1961 President John F. Kennedy declared the
United States would land a man on the moon and
return him safely to Earth before the end of the
decade. To achieve this ambitious goal, astronauts
would need not only a spacecraft to launch them
safely into space, but a spacesuit that would protect
them as well. Without the proper clothing to keep
them alive while traveling, living,
and working beyond the bonds of
Earth, space exploration would
not be possible.
Suited for Space, on loan from the
Smithsonian Institution Traveling
Exhibition Service (SITES) and
the Smithsonian’s National Air and
Space Museum, explores the evolution of spacesuit development from
the first quarter of the 20th century
until the dawn of the shuttle era.
The exhibition features large-scale photographs
of suits worn by astronauts from Project Mercury
through the Skylab program, as well as suits used
in testing and training. The photographs were
taken by Smithsonian photographer Mark Avino,
who, in collaboration with Ronald Cunningham,
also produced new X-ray images that provide a
unique view of the interiors of the spacesuits.
While the fragility of these spacesuits prevents
them from traveling, the exhibition will feature a
replica Apollo spacesuit on loan from NASA and
10 objects from the National Air and Space
Photos above are courtesy of the Tampa Bay History Center
Museum’s collection, including a glove, a boot and
several helmets. Avino’s photographs provide a
visual timeline of the spacesuits’ development
over the years.
Suited for Space includes images of suits that
made history—like the one Buzz Aldrin wore on
the moon—and those that never left the ground
such as the Mark V spacesuit designed for Project Mercury. The
design of the Mark V suit included an over-sized shoulder
joint that provided an expanded
level of mobility. However, with
three astronauts sitting side-byside in a capsule the size of the
front seat of a small car, the suit
was not feasible for the Apollo
As a Smithsonian Affiliate Institution, the History Center receives priority
scheduling for SITES exhibitions as well as the
opportunity to borrow select items from the
Smithsonian for display in our galleries.
“We’re delighted to host our first SITES
exhibition and we think that Florida’s close ties to
NASA and the space program make it a great fit
for us,” said Rodney Kite-Powell, the History
Center’s Saunders Foundation Curator of History.
Suited for Space is at the History Center through
April 27.
Sharing Stories at TBHC
This past November, the
galleries of the Tampa Bay
History Center echoed with
the question, “Where were
you fifty years ago?” It was
important to mark the 50th
anniversary of President
John F. Kennedy’s visit to
Tampa—the first visit of a
sitting president—and it
was wonderful to watch
people share their stories
of seeing him that day. Those who were not around at the time
appeared equally riveted by the recollections of this important day
in our community’s history.
Of course, the euphoria of seeing the president was eclipsed four
days later when he was assassinated in Dallas. That day also brought
back vivid memories and elicited more stories as our guests reflected
on the events surrounding November 22, 1963.
While observing interactions between visitors as they
discussed these historic events, our staff was once again
reminded of the important role the Center plays in preserving the
memory, identity and culture of our region. The idea of documenting
President Kennedy’s visit to Tampa was Lynn Marvin Dingfelder’s.
A former television reporter, producer and writer, Lynn wanted to
create a documentary film chronicling JFK’s visit to Tampa. She
canvassed the community, collecting stories and interviewing
dignitaries, average citizens, law enforcement and even members of
the President’s protection detail. Her documentary is a wonderful
piece that captures the events of the Tampa visit in a personal and
powerful way.
When Lynn approached us about producing an exhibit to complement
the film, we eagerly agreed. The film and the exhibit have served
as teaching tools for preserving this important historical moment. But
perhaps more importantly, they brought the community together to
reflect and share stories…exactly what well-told history should do.
My deepest thanks go to Lynn, her team and sponsors for their
good work, and to the community for sharing these heartfelt
C. J. Roberts
Frank E. Duckwall President and CEO
2013 Cigar City Gala – La Florida! Marks 500 Years in the Sunshine State
Save the Date! This year’s Tampa Bay History Center Gala will
be held on Friday, October 10, 2014.
A palm tree-lined Florida landscape and 16th century-era historical
reenactors welcomed guests to the 2013 Cigar City Gala – La Florida!,
commemorating the 500th anniversary of Ponce de Leon’s arrival to our
The vision of co-chairs Mary Lib and George Howell and honorary
chair Judge E. J. Salcines came to life with a 16th century Spanish court,
costumed conquistadors and a digital presentation of historic images of
Florida and its early explorers. The Gala took patrons back in time to an
age of discovery and adventure. “It was important to all of us for the Gala
to honor Florida’s rich Hispanic heritage and this significant milestone in
Florida history,” said George Howell.
The Gala was a culinary adventure, too. The elaborate buffet ― generously underwritten by the Gonzmart Family and The Columbia Restaurant
― offering traditional Spanish tapas, the Columbia’s famed paella
Valenciana, and decadent Spanish desserts. Revelers sipped Cava and a full
array of spirits, while cigars, compliments of J.C. Newman Cigar Co., were
offered on the terrace overlooking Harbour Island and the Riverwalk.
Spanish guitar from Tom Jemmott greeted Gala patrons, while the after
party crowd danced to the R & B sounds of the Shawn Brown Band. As
guests departed, they received a special commemorative gift along with a
congratulatory letter to the History Center from Ramon Gil-Casares, the
Ambassador of Spain.
The 1834 Society
One of our most important initiatives of 2013 was to expand the
Center’s 1834 Society. The 1834 Society is made up of individuals who
have included the History Center in their estate plans. The Society takes
its name from the year that Hillsborough County was formed by an act
of Florida’s Territorial Legislature on January 25, 1834. Thanks to the
generosity of our supporters, the History Center has created an endowment that currently funds a significant portion of our annual operating
budget. Unless otherwise directed by the donor, legacy gifts to the Center are utilized to support this endowment, which will ensure that the
Center has the resources needed to offer new programs, host traveling
and temporary exhibits, publish scholarly materials, and accomplish
other important activities in the years ahead.
“Those of us who have been blessed have a responsibility to give
back to our community in both time and financial resources. Knowing
one's history makes us appreciate even more what our ancestors
Lead Sponsor:
The Gonzmart Family & The Columbia Restaurant Group
Platinum Sponsors:
Lightning Foundation
TECO Energy
Gold Sponsors:
The Alston M. Barrow Family
Caspers Company
Hill Ward Henderson
Holland & Knight LLP
Raymond James
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP
Tampa Bay Rays
Tom and Lee Touchton
Mary Lib and George Howell
Mallory Howell
Jessica and Cain Diehl
Courtney and C. Vance Smith
Honorary Chair:
Judge E. J. Salcines
2013 Gala Ambassadors:
June Annis, Chair
Maruchi Azorin Blanco, Pat Carter, Elizabeth Carrere,
Celia Ferman, Sandra Gardner, Harrison Giddens,
Natalie Goodwin, Rosemary Henderson, Sue Isbell, Lyle Klich,
Lee Leavengood, Lyda Lindel, Mary Jane Martinez,
Susan Mueller, Suki Murphy-Thomas, Liz Reynolds,
Mary Kay Ross, Adajean Samson, Nancy Silverfield,
Nancy Skemp, Lee Touchton, Ann Turner,
Linda Ward, and Gail Whiting
endured to make this country what it is
today. After many years of researching, I
was able to prove that my third great
grandfather, Adam Garren, was at Fort
Brooke. He served in the Second Seminole
War under William Lauderdale and has
five great grandchildren living in the
Scott L. Peeler, Jr.
Tampa area. On another side of my family
my roots go back before Florida statehood. The town of Williston in
Levy County was named for a part of my mother's family. She was
Emily Willis Peeler and a charter member of the Tampa Bay History
- Scott L. Peeler, Jr.
Tampa Bay History Center 1834 Society Member
For more information about the 1834 Society, or if you have
included the History Center in your estate plans, please contact
Lisa-Perry Richardson, Director of Advancement, at 813-675-8991.
Winter Edition 2014
Artifact Spotlight
Charting the Land of Flowers
William Stork’s 1767 New Map of East Florida
By Sara Baker, TBHC Volunteer
William Stork’s Map in TBHC’s map exhibition—the New Map of
East Florida—is important for several reasons. First, it’s one of only
two pieces in the entire exhibit that is actually part of TBHC’s own
collection. But it’s also unique in that there are only three known copies
of this map in the world, and the other two reside in the British Library.
It was drawn in 1767 by William Stork, one of many British surveyors
and cartographers at the time of the British era in Florida (1763-1783),
and is likely a copper engraving because the plate marks can be seen.
You might wonder why this map’s title refers to East Florida when
the west coast is plainly visible. The reason is that soon after the British
took possession of Florida they split the territory into two colonies:
East Florida, which encompassed only the peninsula of Florida, with
its capital in St. Augustine; and West Florida, which included a
Panhandle that extended all the way to the Mississippi River.
Printed four years after the transfer of Florida to England, this
broad-purpose map would have been an early attempt by the British
to conceptualize what they owned in East Florida. The British
ultimately wanted colonists to migrate to their new possessions so this
map would have served the general purpose of illustrating the new
territory. “Although there are some neat notations on the map,” says
Rodney Kite-Powell, “there really wasn’t much to highlight at that time.
Plus, it wasn’t very accurate. There’s a mountain range in the middle
of Florida, Tampa Bay is in the wrong place, and Hillsborough Bay
hadn’t been named yet; Stork labeled it ‘Spirito Santo (Holy Spirit) Bay.’
But the east coast is well done. Stork did the best he could, and
actually…it’s an attractive map and phenomenal that he got as much
right as he did”
Like most events in history, it’s the anecdotes that pique the greatest
interest. As was mentioned, cartographer William Stork drew the map
and he dedicated it to The Right Honourable the Earl of Hillsborough
—the first Lord Hillsborough—for whom the Hillsborough River and
Bay were later named. “But here’s the thing,” notes Rodney,” Lord
Hillsborough was never given any land in Florida, nor did he ever come
to Florida, or to any of the colonies.” Why, then, was this map
dedicated to the earl, and why were places named after him? Because
at that time the Earl Lord Hillsborough, who lived in Ireland, was
Secretary of State for the British colonies and mapmakers in England
were always on the lookout for ways to curry favor with their higher-ups.
(Another example is Egmont Key, named for the Earl of Egmont.)
And indeed, Lord Hillsborough was such an important man in his
day that many locations in the U.S. were named after him (i.e.
Hillsborough, N.C., Hillsborough, N.H., Hillsboro Inlet, an abbreviated
version). “There are all kinds of Hillsboroughs!” declares Rodney, “but
remember, there was no Hillsborough County until 1834, which was
named years later after the river and the bay.”
Another interesting story about Lord Hillsborough involves
Benjamin Franklin who, before the revolution in about 1762, was sent
to Ireland to meet with the British Secretary of State/earl. At that time,
Franklin was on the fence about whether or not the colonies should
rise up against the British. However, after spending just a short time
with the earl, Franklin realized that if this guy was the one in charge,
there was no choice but to revolt! And that’s the message he brought
back when he returned home.
Now the Hillsborough story takes a more modern turn. In the 1950s,
the Sixth (or Seventh) Earl of Hillsborough and his wife visited Tampa
during Gasparilla and it was then that they presented the New Map of
East Florida to Hillsborough County, in appreciation of the county
being named for their family. Then some 50 years later, in about 2000,
the then-current Earl of Hillsborough, a 45-year-old man named Nick
Downshire, was planning a trip to Florida with his family and wanted
to pay a visit to Hillsborough County. “He got in touch with us,”
recounts Rodney, “and we planned to show him the map, which he had
never seen. But before he got here, his uncle the Marquis of Downshire
had died, and that title was then conferred upon Nick. And so, Nick’s
8-year-old son became the new Earl of Hillsborough, and when the
family arrived in Florida, I got to meet the new lord …a little kid! I
wonder if he even remembers his visit to Hillsborough County.”
This article originally appeared in TBHC’s Volunteer Voice newsletter, Issue 13, fall
Charting the Land of Flowers: 500 Years of Florida Maps is currently on
exhibit at the History Center through Feb. 16.
Winter Edition 2014
Winter Edition 2014
We are grateful to these members, who joined or renewed between August 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013
Sustaining Founder Members
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferman, Jr.
The Saunders Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Christian
Mrs. Anne Brooker Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Spurlino
Mrs. Charles M. Davis
Mr. Fred P. Frankland
The Honorable John F. Germany
Mr. Peter D. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Jones
Mr. Roger Robson
Dr. Jay and Ann McKeel Ross
Mr. and Mrs. L. Lowry Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Blain
Mr. Theodore F. Chive
Mr. and Mrs. Hal C. Flowers
Mrs. Jane C. Hall-Witt
Mr. William F. Hand
Mr. Richard A. Harrison and Ms. Koni Cassini
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Henderson III
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Howell III
Mr. and Mrs. H. Tyson Lykes II
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Madden
Mr. Christopher E. McDonnell
Mrs. Ellen H. McLean
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Murray, Jr.
Mr. William F. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Thompson
Ms. Lavinia H. Touchton
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hulon Williams III
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus J. Williams IV
Founder Members
Corporate Patron Members
CapTrust Advisors, LLC
Benefactor Members
Patron Members
Sponsor Members
Mr. and Mrs. Girard F. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Barclay
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carswell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Clarke, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Leopoldo Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Giddens
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. John Gormly
Mr. and Mrs. Drew A. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Hendee
Ms. Linda Jeker
Dr. and Mrs. Galen B. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Kaney
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Lupo
Ms. Lois Plaag and Mr. Sam Rosales
Mr. and Mrs. Harley E. Riedel II
Lt. General and Mrs. C. Clark Rogers, Jr.
The Honorable E.J. and Mrs. Elsa Salcines
Mr. L. David Shear, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Simmons
Mr. C. Norman Stallings, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Starkey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Stichter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Touchton III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Wolf
Mrs. Barbara A. Woods
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Yelverton
Mrs. Marilyn J. Alessi
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Alles
Mr. Peter Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Bean
Ms. Marilynn Bearss
Mr. Richard K Behnke
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell W. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Bogue, Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. Dewey E. Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Calafell
Mr. and Mrs. Enrico M. Camporesi
Ms. Janis G. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Ramond A. Chiaramonte
Dr. Alfred M. Comerford and
Mr. Gary A. Luvara
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooley
Mr. Kip Eldridge and Ms. P.J. Summerville
Ms. Cheri Ellison
Ms. Toni Everett
Ms. Veronica Everett
Ms. Connie M. Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. John Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaver
Dr. and Mrs. James Griffin
Mrs. Perry C. Harvey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Hill III
Mr. Eric Jarvis
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jordan-Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Kamm
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Katzen
Mrs. David C. G. Kerr
Mr. Kenneth Kister
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Krist
Mr. and Mrs. C. Logan Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lavandera
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Linsky
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lisi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Lykes III
Mr. Arturo S. Macias
Mr. Andrew McGhee and
Dr. Kristen Kitts
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McWhirter, Jr.
Ms. Evelyn Kay Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Militello
Mr. John C. Mills, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. More
Dr. Susan S. Northcutt
The Honorable J. Rogers Padgett
Mrs. Lee F. Pallardy
Ms. Helen Parkhill
Mrs. Jodi Pecoraro
Dr. Robert Pelaez
Mrs. Joy A. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Rachelson
Mr. Charles Rager and
Dr. Paula Blomenberg
Mr. and Mrs. D. Lawrence Rayburn
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sahlman
Mr. and Mrs. L. Gray Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Soash
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Stagg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Straske
Ms. Anne C. Sulli
Ms. Jennifer Swindal
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Testa-Secca
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Thomas
Mr. Michael R. Turbeville
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Walters
Dr. and Mrs. A. Frank Weitzman
Mrs. Mary Audrey Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wise
Mrs. Betty Wood
Mr. Terry A. Zitek
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Ambler
Mr. and Mrs. S. David Anton
Mr. James W. Apthorp
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Babbitt
Dr. Lee Barks
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Barlow
Mrs. Kathy Barrera
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Baudot
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Baumann
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Bell
Ms. Jitske M. Bergman
Mr. Tom Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Bessenger
Mr. and Mrs. Remster Bingham
Mr. Douglas Bishop
Dr. and Mrs. Alan J. Bliss
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bonet
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Brogdon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Brookover
Mr. Richard Brown
Dr. Jennifer Brunty
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Bullian
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Callahan
Ms. Carmen A. Cancel
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Cancio
Mr. and Mrs. John Carbonneau
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carlstedt
Ms. Beverly Cartenuto
Mr. and Mrs. James Challener
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chappel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Clarendon
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Connor
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Cotton
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Craighead
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Creed
Ms. Jessica Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Czyzyk
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Dalton
Ms. Sherrie Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Rob DeFreese
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Della Rocca
Mr. and Mrs. O. Fred Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. George Scott Doster
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry DuFrain
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eager
Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott
Ms. Katherine Essrig
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Eubanks
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fairbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Feliciano
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Foster
Mr. and Mrs. George Fougeron
Mrs. Tabitha Free
Mr. and Mrs. William Frye
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ganichot
Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo G. Geerken
Mr. and Mrs. John Gicking
Mr. and Mrs. R. Fenn Giles
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gittleman
Mr. and Mrs. James Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Grandoff III
Ms. Angela F. Guagliardo
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hamdaoui
Mr. and Mrs. Shadel Hamilton
Mr. Guy Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hardage
Mr. and Mrs. William Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Hartnagle
Supporter Members
Family Members
Family Members (Cont.)
Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hausinger
Katherine Heckert
Mr. Robert Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Herndon
Mr. Harry Heuman
Ms. Eileen Hines and Mr. Stephen Priest
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hinz
Ms. Gail Hirsch
Dr. Teri Hlavacs
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hoening
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hough
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Howat
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Huskey
Mr. and Mrs. Al Jackson
Dr. Dana M. Coberly and
Dr. Brad L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jump
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jurinski
Wesley Kahelin
Mr. Arthur Keeble
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Keen
Ms. Louise E. Kelley
Ms. Karen Kress
Mr. and Mrs. Phil LaBrecque
Mr. and Mrs. Jon S. Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levin
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Alex K. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lionetti
Ms. Nicole Loiselle
Ms. Elisenda Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Louty
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lozano
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luedtke
Mr. and Mrs. Criaig Lukavec
Mrs. Isabel Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mallory
Dr. Teri Malo
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mann
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marshburn
Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Martin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Masser
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maziarz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M McKeon Jr.
Mr. Edward Medeiros
Mrs. Mellen and Dr. Dormois
Mr. and Mrs. Robby Messer
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Morey
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Musselman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Norona
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oberdorfer
Mr. and Mrs. John Palenchar
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Penn
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Price
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Raney
Mr. and Mrs. J. Larrie Reed IV
Mr. and Mrs. John Renteria
Mr. and Mrs. David Ringo
Ms. Andrea Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Rocha
Ms. Barbara Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Karol Rosochowicz
Mrs. Michelle Salgado
Ms. Charlotte Schiaffo
Ms. Karen Schleenbaker
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Schonher
Mr. and Mrs. Ciro Gerard Scotto
Mr. Eric Senzon and
Ms. Courtney McBride
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Shumacker
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Silvera
Ms. Karen Slack
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Slaton
Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Solomon
Mr. Brian C. Springer
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Stieben
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stys
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Susar
Mr. Jeff Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Rene Tamargo
Ms. Anna Taylor
Karrie J Toranzo
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Torres
Mrs. Joel Valdes
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Vandal
Mr. and Mrs. John Varlese
Mr. Victor J. Vilar
Mr. James Edgar Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Weiss
Mr. Morris Whitaker and
Ms. Cassie Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique A. Woodroffe
Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Wyatt II
Ms. Tanya Wydick
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Zacharias
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Zavala
Mr. and Mrs. Jo Ann Beebee
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bekiempis
Dr. Nancy Bell and Mr. Ron Rotella
Mr. Patrick Bracken
Dr. Stephen Breslow and
Dr. Kathryn Van Spanckeven
Ms. Anna Ruth Burnside and
Mr. Vincent Sultenfuss
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Champagne
Ms. Nancy Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Clarke, Jr.
Ms. Susan Cuesta
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Cuffe
Mr. Manuel J. Del Campo
Ms. Cindy K. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. David Dorsey
Mr. and Ms. Brendan Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. James Epperson
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel A. Fernandez
Ms. Adelaide Few
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fon
Mr. Dirk J Francois
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Freeman
Col. Gerard J. Gendron Jr. and
Ms. Linda Gendron
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Gewirtz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillies
Dr. Paula Golson
Ms. Susanna F. Grady
Mr. and Mrs. William Gruman
Ms. Susan Hall
Ms. McKenzie Hall
Mrs. Norma Harris
Ms. Bryttani Hasty
Mr. Fred Hearns
Dr. and Mrs. Mario Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hooper
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Huckabay
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ingandela
Mr. and Mrs. James Jennewein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Labovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Mike L'Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael LeVine
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Lierman
Mr. Gordon G. Macdonald
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Magriby
Ms. Lori Makin-Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. David Malone
Ms. Connie Mansfield and Mr. Les Scharf
Mr. Ray Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Masturzo
Mr. and Mrs. C. Parkhill Mays, Jr.
Mr. Don C. McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. John McCollor
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mendez
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Milas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller
Dr. Dixie Mills
Mr. Bill Moline
Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Offenbach
Ms. Elizabeth Marie Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Prosser
Dr. Ara Rogers and Mr. Richard Rogers
Mr. Anthony Ruvalo and Ms. Mary Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. Ryals, Jr.
Ms. Cara Santucci
Mr. and Mrs. Sena
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schiller
Mr. Wallace Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. John Simmers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Snuggs
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sokalski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steijlen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steinbrueck
Ms. Nancy Stevens
Ms. Helen Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Urbanski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Urette
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Voris
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Voege
Mr. and Mrs. Charles White
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams
Mr. Kyle Wright
Ms. Phyllis Duggar Alexandroff
Ms. Mildred F Ballenger
Rev. Betty Batey
Ms. Cynthia Bauer
Ms. Beth Bennett
Ms. Shelley Blood
Mrs. Caroline T Bobbyshell
Mr. Jack Bolen
Dr. Moira Burke
Mr. James R. Butner
Mr. Frank Comerford
Ms. Elizabeth Corwin
Ms. Madeleine K. Courtney
Mr. Peter A Cowdrey, Jr.
Mr. Steven Cueto
Ms. Belinda Dumont
Ms. Nan Duncan
Mrs. Carole R. Fields
Ms. Barbara Fite
Mr. Tim Floreth
Mr. Ronald Friedman
Mr. Ian S. Giovinco
Mr. Richard Herring
Mrs. Anne H.W. Johnson
Mrs. Fred R. Martin III
Mr. Peter P. McCann
Mrs. Peggy M. McEniry
Ms. Catherine Peek McEwen
Mr. Arthur M. Miksis
Mr. Spero Moutsatsos
Ms. Elizabeth Neily
Mr. John Neukamm
Mrs. Diane North
Ms. Caroline Painter
Ms. Kimberly Riggs
Ms. Mickey Rolland
Ms. Linda Sadler
Dr. Paul J. Schmidt
Mr. Richard Elliott Schugar
Ms. Elizabeth Shalett
Ms. Margaret Smart
Ms. Lorraine Smith
Mr. Cory Stahl
Mr. Michael B. Stein
Mr. Geoffrey W. Stephens
Mr. Tim Tew
Ms. Anne Thal
Ms. Sue S. Tihansky
Mr. Nev Tisdale
Ms. Patricia S. Van Dyke
Dr. Constance Walker
Mrs. Alicia Ward
Miss Mary E. Williams
Ms. Joyce Wise
Ms. Gail Wise
Mr. William H. Wyatt
Mr. Marion T. Yongue and
Mr. Evan C. Earle Jr.
Ms. Darlene Bamberger
Dr. James C. Batten
Ms. Gloria E. Berkowitz
Mrs. Kathryn Boettinger
Ms. Clyde S. Borrell
Mr. Royall Brown
Ms. Darlene Choe
Ms. Lorraine C. Clementi
Mrs. Deborah Custer
Ms. Betsy Gentry
Mrs. Renee Trump Hensler
Mr. Shamar S. Jordan
Mr. Karl E. Keister
Mr. Charles E. Klug
Ms. Allison Martin
Dr. Charles McGraw
Mr. Martin Miller
Mrs. Sallie Miller-House
Dr. Timothy Moyer
Mr. Mark Mueller
Mr. Bob O'Keife
Dr. Laura Pequeno
Mr. John L. Perry
Mrs. Karen Potts
Mr. David Rogoff
Ms. Terri Roop
Ms. Virginia Rudolph
Mrs. Eileen Ryan
Mrs. Rebecca E. Schweighardt
Mrs. Virgil Smith
Mr. Roger Ulrich
Ms. Anne B. Watkins
Mr. James H. Weiss
Mrs. Virginia Weiss
Ms. Miriam Zack
Companion Members
Individual Members
Associate Members
Winter Edition 2014
We are grateful to the following donors, who made gifts to the History Center between
August 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Arthur
The Frank E. Duckwall Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferman, Jr.
Kimmins Terrier Foundation
Lowry Murphey Family Foundation
Mr. David R. Murphey III
Drs. Kiran and Pallavi Patel
The Saunders Foundation
Ms. Patricia C. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Burton
Dex Imaging
Mr. and Mrs. John Osterweil
Mr. Nicholas Peters
J. Thomas and Lavinia Witt Touchton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whiting, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alston M. Barrow
Nancy and Bob Bolt
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Casey
Caspers Company
Culbreath Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Ekizian
Florida Humanities Council
Holland and Knight, LLP
Lightning Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Lykes III
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Newman
Raymond James Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Rodriguez, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Vinik
Mr. and Mrs. R. Carlton Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Annis
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Barnett
Cardinal Point Management LLC
Mrs. Warren M. Cason
Mr. and Mrs. Lucius M. Dyal, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Farha
Mr. and Mrs. John Gormly
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Hendee
Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Hill III
Mr. J. Fraser Himes
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Isbell
The Honorable Tom and Mrs. Lee
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Martinez
New York Yankees Tampa Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Raney
Mr. and Mrs. Morton N. Richter
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Rydberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Samson
The Honorable Alex Sink
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Urette
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ward, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whiting, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Barkett
Mr. and Mrs. Thilo D. Best
Mrs. John F. Boushall
Mr. John A. Brabson
Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Byrd
CapTrust Advisors, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin W. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Clarke, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Fred Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Edge, Jr.
Ms. Toni Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Preston L. Farrior
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gage III
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Giddens
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gonzalez III
Mr. and Mrs. James Goodwin
Mrs. Jane C. Hall-Witt
Mr. Richard A. Harrison and Ms. Koni Cassini
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hatchett
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Hill III
Junior League of Tampa, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Krusen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lindell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Linsky
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lykes
Mr. and Mrs. H. Tyson Lykes II
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mueller
Dr. Kathleen Leber and Dr. Vince Perron
Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Ramsey III
Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Rauenhorst
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Rettig, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Reynolds
Ms. Lisa-Perry Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Ridley
Mr. and Mrs. Harley E. Riedel II
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy P. Ross
The Honorable E.J. and Mrs. Elsa Salcines
Mr. Jerome Schine
Dr. and Mrs. Joel C. Silverfield
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Spurlino
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steijlen
Mr. and Mrs. Fell Stubbs
Dr. and Mrs. Dirk W. R. Suringa
Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Taylor III
Ms. Suki Murphy-Thomas and Mr. Michael Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Thompson
Ms. Lavinia H. Touchton
Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Turner III
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Williams, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hulon Williams III
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus J. Williams IV
Mr. and Mrs. C. Steven Yerrid
Mr. Feras Albashir
Mr. Darin Bahl
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. David Beecham
Mr. Scott Berk
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Blowers
Ms. Amanda Brill
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Bryan
Mr. Kevin Caldwell
Mr. Paul Carastro
Dr. R. F. Chambliss
Mr. and Mrs. John Colman
Mr. Santiago Corrada
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Creed
Mr. Anthony Damico
Dr. and Mrs. Miguel de la Garza
Mr. and Mrs. Brett D. Divers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dye
Mr. and Mrs. Ross S. Elsberry
Ms. Jenine Ennab
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Farrior, III
Ms. G. Wynelle Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. John Giordano
Ms. Caroline Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Drew A. Graham
Ms. Rosemary H. Henderson
Hill Ward Henderson
Ms. Terry Hoft
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Holtsinger
Mr. and Mrs. James Jennewein
Mr. and Mrs. Guy King III
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Kirstein
Mrs. Virginia Hawes Knight
Ms. Susan La Motte Lane and Ms. Caroline Coley
Ms. Jean C. Longo
Mr. Miller J. Mathews
Mrs. F. Graham McKeel
Mrs. Ellen H. McLean
Mr. Mark Mengberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Millsap
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Mogyorosy
Mosaic Fertilizer LLC
Ms. Rachel Nasrallah
Dr. Susan S. Northcutt
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Northern
Mr. Anthony Palermo
Ms. Anna Maria Palermo
Colonel and Mrs. Alton B. Parker
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Parrino
Ms. Laurie Reed
Mr. Royce Reed
Ms. Elizabeth Ridley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skemp
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Stainton
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Stephens
Ms. Josie Taylor
Captain and Mrs. John C. Timmel
Mr. and Mrs. David Townsend
Ms. Louisa T. Van Eepoel and Ms. Elena Knight
Mrs. Mattie T. Vega
Ms. Nell Ward
Mr. and Mrs. James Waters
Mrs. Robbie Williams
Mr. Nathaniel Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wise
TBHC Foundation, Inc.
Finance & Operations
C. J. Roberts
Frank E. Duckwall President & CEO
Maria Steijlen
TBHC Board of Trustees
Judy Miller
Administrative Services Manager
Paulette Marsh
Joseph T. Lykes III, President
Retail & Visitor Services
J. Thomas Touchton, Vice President
Rodney Kite-Powell
Katrina Heller
Paul A. Straske, Treasurer
Malerie Dorman
Visitor Services Associates
R. James Robbins Jr., Secretary
Christine Bergmann
C.J. Roberts, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Saunders Foundation Curator of History
Collections Manager
Education & Public Programs
Julie Henry Matus
Curator of Education
Jennifer Tyson
Assistant Curator of Education
Lee Leavengood
Adult Programs Coordinator
Director of Accounting & Human Resources
Accounting Clerk
Supervisor of Visitor Services
Shirley Fraser
Kristen Malone
Barrie Slonim
Jessie Liss-Noda
President, The Witt-Touchton Company LLC
Partner & Managing Shareholder, Hill Ward Henderson
Frank E. Duckwall President & CEO, Tampa Bay History Center
George B. Howell III
Claus Daniel
Edwin Richard “Rod” Rodriguez Jr
Facility Manager
Emanuel Leto
Ross Lamoreaux
Advancement & Membership
Andrew Reymont
Director of Marketing
Facility Technician
Lisa Perry Richardson
Director of Advancement
Partner, Holland & Knight LLP
Senior Vice President- Investments, Merrill Lynch
Robert M. Wolf
President, Galen College of Nursing, Tampa Bay
Non-Trustee Legal Counsel
Frank J. "Sandy" Rief III
Of Counsel, Akerman Senterfitt
Andrea Gallagher
Associate Director of Advancement
TBHC Board of Trustees
Paul Whiting - Chair
Principal, AGW Capital Advisors
June Annis
C.J. Roberts - Frank E. Duckwall
President & CEO
Santiago C. Corrada
Tampa Bay History Center
R. James Robbins - Vice Chair
Partner and Managing Shareholder
Frank J. "Sandy" Rief - Secretary
Of Counsel, Akerman Senterfitt
Steven M. Raney - Treasurer
President and CEO,
Raymond James Bank
Marsha G. Rydberg - Immediate Past Chair
Attorney, The Rydberg Law Firm
Owner, Sutton Place, LLC., Inc.
President & CEO, Visit Tampa Bay
Mark Fernandez
Senior Vice President and Chief of Sales, Tampa Bay Rays
Henry Gonzalez III
Tampa Bay Region President, Platinum Bank
Dr. Anne V. Gormly, Ph.D., Ret.
Dean of Social Sciences, Mathematics and
Education, University of Tampa
Michael Hatchett
Urban Development Manager, City of Tampa
Dennis Holt, Ph.D.
George B. Howell III - Past Chair
Partner, Holland & Knight LLP
Supervisor, Secondary Social Studies and Driver
Education, Hillsborough County Public Schools
J. Thomas Touchton - Founding Chair
The Honorable Tom Lee
President, The Witt-Touchton Company LLC
Tod Leiweke
CEO, Tampa Bay Lightning
Christopher Lykes
Director, Bay Cities Bank
Curtis Stokes
Director of Community Affairs, Fifth Third Bank
David L. Townsend
Assistant Vice President, Mosaic Fertilizer LLC
Rufus Williams IV
Principal, Cardinal Point Management, LLC
Bonnie Wise
Chief Financial Administrator, Hillsborough County
Robert M. Wolf
President, Galen College of Nursing, Tampa Bay
Col. Scott V. DeThomas
Commander, 6th Air Mobility Wing,
MacDill Air Force Base
Florida State Senator, Dist. 24
Education Partners
University of South Florida | School District of Hillsborough County | Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System
Smithsonian Institution Affiliation Programs
Winter Edition 2014
801 Old Water Street | Tampa, Florida 33602 | 813.228.0097
• Take I-275 N/S to Ashley Drive Exit 44
• Turn left on Jackson Street
• Turn right on Morgan Street
• Turn left on Channelside Drive
• Turn right on Old Water Street
• Take Crosstown Expressway to Exit 8 (Downtown East)
• Turn right on Kennedy Blvd.
• Turn left on Morgan Street
• Turn left on Channelside Drive
• Turn right on Old Water Street
• Take Gandy Blvd. to Bayshore Blvd.; turn left
• Take Bayshore Blvd. to the Platt Street Bridge
• Merge right onto the bridge (go underneath the
Tampa Convention Center)
• Platt Street turns into Channelside drive
• Turn right on Old Water Street
Various parking options are available, including the Tampa Bay Times Forum Blue Lot, the Channelside Parking Garage, the Channelside Surface Lot
or park in Ybor City and ride the streetcar.
The Tampa Bay History Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and is funded in part by the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners,
the City of Tampa, the State of Florida Office of Cultural and Historical Programs and the Tampa Bay History Center-USF Program Partnership.