RED School, JhaJJaR Holidays Homework Class


RED School, JhaJJaR Holidays Homework Class
R.E.D. School, JhaJJaR
Holidays Homework
Class – IV
Note: Use a separate four line note book for holidays’ homework.
1. Read Block 1 to 5 from content book.
2. Write at least 5 words from dictionary within a week find its meaning. And make sentence.
3. Example : Beamed – Smiled happily – He beamed when he saw his favourite toy.
4. Learn and revise work book-1 (work done till now)
5. Make a word chain at least 10 words. The last two letters of the words should be from the
first two letters of the next words. For ex.
6. Metal – almost – stranger – eruption
7. Write 15 pages English handwriting in holiday’s homework notebook.
8. Make a story using one of the pictures given below. And don’t forget to give the title to
the story.
9. Write the collective nouns used to describe a collection of
10. Paste at least 5 articles from the newspaper and circle the adjectives and underline the
nouns from it.
11. Read any one book from the following list and complete the following project:
i) Mr. Pink Whistle series
ii) Merry Mister Meddle
iii) Shuffle the shoemaker
iv) Snowball the Pony
v) Mr. Twiddle in Trouble again
vi) Don’t be silly, Mr. Twiddle!
vii) Secret Seven
viii) Magic Stories Series
ix) Wishing Chair Series
x) The Enid Blyton book of Brownies
xi) The Enid Blyton book of Bunnies
xii) Naughtiest girl by Enid Blyton
a) Which is your favourite character from the book which you have read? Write your answer
describing the character along with the qualities it possesses. Use rich vocabulary from the
book you read. (80 words)
b) Find out 20 unfamiliar words from the book that you have read and write its meaning.
c) Complete the story map after reading the story.
Title : __________________________________________________________________________________
Author : ________________________________________________________________________________
Setting :
Characters : _____________________________________________________________________________
Problem :
Solution :
 fganh ikBekyk esa ls ikB 1 ls 6 i<+kas o “kCnkFkZ ;kn djksA
 ikB 1 ls 3 ;kn djksA
 O;kdj.k ikB&Hkk’kk vkSj O;kdj.k] fojke&fpg~u] o.kZ&fopkj ikB dk vH;kl djks vkSj
i;kZ;okph] laKk] fo”ks’k.k i<+ksA
 15 lqys[k fy[kasA
 ^isM+kas dh mi;ksfxrk* ;k ^i;kZoj.k laj{k.k* fo’k; ij 1@4 pkVZ ij iksLVj cukvks vkSj ,d
Lyksxu fy[kksA
 ;fn vki ,d fnu ds fy, vn`”; gks tk,¡] fdlh dks fn[kkbZ u nsas] rks vki D;k&D;k djasxs\
 Ckxhps dk fp= cukdj mlesa tkfrokpd] O;fDrokpd o Hkkookpd laKk n”kkZvks o muds uke
fy[kksA ¼A4 “khV ij½
 iqjkuh if=dkvkas ls ik¡p n`”; dkV dj dkWih esa fpidk,¡ rFkk mudk o.kZu vius “kCnkas esa
dhft,A fyf[k,A
dgks dgkuh eqgkojkas dh tqckuhA
uhps ,d NksVh lh dgkuh nh xbZ gSA dgkuh ds js[kkafdr “kCnkas ds LFkku ij mfpr eqgkojs dk
iz;ksx djrs gq, dgkuh dks jkspd cukdj nksckjk fy[kksA eqgkojs uhps fn, x, gSaA dgkuh dk mfpr
“kh’kZd Hkh fy[kksA
nax jg tkuk] mUuhl&chl dk varj] vk¡[kkas esa /kwy >kasduk] /kqu dk iDdk] ihB FkiFkikuk]
ncs ik¡o] eq¡g esa ikuh vkuk] gks”k mM+ tkuk] xys yxkuk] vk¡[kkas ds rkjs] vkleku flj ij
mBkuk] Qwyk u lekukA
jksfgr vkSj jkgqy vius ek¡&cki ds cgqr I;kjs FksA nksukas dh mez eas cgqr FkksM+k varj FkkA jkgqy
cgqr n`<+&fu”p;h Fkk] ogha jksfgr fdlh ckr ij /;ku ugha nsrk FkkA ,d fnu ek¡ us muds fy,
[khj cukbZA [khj ns[krs gh nksuksa mls [kkus ds fy, epyus yxsA ek¡ us dgk] ^^[khj vHkh cgqr xje
gSA BaMk gksus ij [kk ysrkA** ;g dgdj ek¡ iM+ksl esa pyh xbZA jkgqy viuk dke iwjk djus esa
yx x;kA fdarq jksfgr dks pSu dgk¡! og [khj [kkus ds mik; lkspus yxkA jkgqy dks /kks[kk nsdj
og pqids ls jlksbZ?kj es x;kA tSls gh mlus irhys ls [khj fudkyuh pkgh] iwjk irhyk mlh ij
vk fxjkA xje [khj fxjrs gh jksfgr ph[kus&fpYYkkus yxkA “kksj lqurs gh jkgqy jlksbZ esa vk;kA
mlus ns[kk fd mlds HkkbZ ds “kjhj ij yky&yky ?kko cu x, gSaA igys og cgqr ?kcjk x;kA
fQj mlus vius HkkbZ dks mBk;k vkSj iM+ksl ds MkWDVj vady ds ikl x;kA jkgqy dh fgEer
ns[kdj MkWDVj vady gSjku jg x,A jkgqy us tYnh&tYnh jksfgr ds “kjhj ls [khj lkQ dh vkSj
mlds xans diM+kas dks mrkj fn;kA MkWDVj vady us jksfgr dks nokbZ yxkbZA brus esa jkgqy jksfgr
ds fy, ?kj ls lwrh diM+s ys vk;kA MkWDVj vady us jksfgr dks “kkc+k”kh nhA ?kj vkdj ek¡ us tc
;g ckr lquh rks os ?kcjk xbZaA MkWDVj vady ls jkgqy dh iz”kalk lqudj os cgqr [kq”k gqbZaA mUgkasus
jkgqy dks cgqr I;kj fd;kA vius HkkbZ dks cpkus ds fy, jkgqy us cgqr esgur dhA
1. Make a separate notebook and do the following questions.
a) Identify atleast ten difficult words with their meanings and write it in notebook from
block 7 to block 11.
2. Activity/Project work
a) Paste atleast ten wrappers (5 each) of food stuff obtained from plants and animal with
the names of plant and animal they are obtained from.
b) Make a collage using petals of different flowers and write the names of flowers you
have used and their two importance.
c) Prepare a science magazine on theme “Environment”.
Use coloured sheet to make your science Magazine. Make a nice cover use your
imagination and creativity. The content should be of 7-8 pages only. Some of the things
that you could put in your magazine are : Information about one famous environmentalist, his/her picture and information about
his/her work.
 News clipping and articles about the environment
 Some (3-4) amazing/interesting facts
 Information about pollution in the River Yamuna or any other polluted place near yours
house. Visit that place with your parent and write about it in your magazine.
 Write 5 things that you must keep in mind to keep the environment clean.
“Give your Magazine a Suitable Title”
(Social Studies)
Note: Use a separate four line note book for holidays’ homework.
Activity/Project Work
1. On the following outline map of India, mark and name the
(a) Four main directions.
(b) One sea, one ocean, one bay
(c) Three neighbouring countries of India.
2. Solve the puzzle:
(i) Model of the Earth
(ii) The largest ocean
(iii) Flat picture of the Earth
(iv) The largest continent
(v) The direction at the top of the map
(vi) An ocean
(vii) A continent
(viii) The direction at the bottom of the map
3. Choose a state of India. Find out about the people, the food they eat, the clothes they
wear, their folk songs, folk dances and languages they speak. Collect pictures on these &
write them on a chart paper.
Notebook work
4. Write 10 page of writing from on English newspaper in holidays homework notebook.
5. Learn glossary from Block 1-5
6. Write different between political and physical map of India by seeing in the ATLAS. Paste
physical and political map in your Notebook.
7. Find out new words from block 6, 7, 8 with their meaning and write them in holiday
homework Notebook.
(Computer Science)
Q1. Identify the following picture and categories as hardware and software.
Q2. Write the full form:1. CPU: __________________________________________________________________
2. MU: __________________________________________________________________
3. CU: ___________________________________________________________________
4. PC :___________________________________________________________________
Note: Read Lesson 1, 2,3.
Learn difficult words, word meaning, Match up, True/False, Fill ups, Q/A and the assignment of
lesson 1 and lesson 2.