reflection and transition


reflection and transition
November 2014
Comments From the President,
Rich Kramer, President
Fundraising Report, Barbara
Kramer and Carol McCamish
From the Foundation,
Jennifer Nicely
Thanksgiving Blessings
Sister Judy Raley, SCN
A Thanksgiving Reflection
David Dierck, Lifeline
Jean’s Jazz, Jean Payne
Meet Betsey Runyan
Recipe Time, Jo McCalley
Scholarship Recipient, Tim
Touring Costa Rica,
Pat and Carolyn Robinson
Information Desk—Memorial
Do You Know???
Laura Maxine Sparkman
For All Our Senior Citizens
Hidden Tennessee
Puzzle Time
Tennessee Trivia
Auxiliary Partners with DubLi
Announcements & Important
Dear Fellow Volunteers,
Recently it occurred to me that seemingly nothing happens anymore without a meeting taking
place. There are meetings at school, at our
workplaces, and at church. There are meetings
to plan meetings followed by a meeting to discuss what transpired at the meeting! This is the
lifestyle we have become accustomed to and it
holds true for those of us who serve on the
Auxiliary Board as well.
I thought it might be interesting as well as informative for all of you to know what goes on
at our meetings which are typically held every
other month on the second Friday beginning at
8:30am. First the Executive Board gathers
(trying not to overuse "meeting" or any form of
the word) with the following members in attendance:
Director of Volunteer Services
Coordinator of Volunteer Services
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Financial Officer
Occasionally there are "Guest" attendees who
have asked to address the Executive Board with
a new idea, request or proposal. Following an
acceptance of the previous months minutes the
board then addresses the following agenda
items: Old Business, New Business and
"Other" which can include upcoming events,
happenings about the various campuses, new
volunteer opportunities, or a myriad of other
subjects too numerous to include in this article.
There is always lively discussion and often the
one hour time allotment can be a challenge.
Once the Executive Board meeting has concluded then the entire Auxiliary Board assembles in the conference room from 9:30-11:00.
This group will number somewhere around 2530 individuals from the various campuses of
Memorial and the agenda is expanded to
include the following additional subjects:
Administrative Representatives:
( i.e. Rick Napper, Jennifer Nicely, Brad
Pope, Jean Payne)
Special Programs: ( i.e. Lifeline. Chats
Standing Committees: ( Membership,
Public Relations, Bylaws, Fundraising,
Hospital Update
Again at this meeting as in the Executive
we also discuss Old Business and New
Business. While all of this can sound a
little overwhelming, I am happy to report
that my experience as a board member for
the past five and one half years is that
these meetings are not only necessary but
a key strategic part of the Auxiliary’s continued operations. When you consider that
there are over five hundred individuals at
several facilities donating 80,000 plus
hours of their time annually, accurate
communication is vital towards maintaining an organized and focused program.
It should also be mentioned that the Auxiliary Board meeting is open to volunteers
who would like to "sit in" and simply see
what takes place. We are always looking
for prospective board members and this
might be a way to find out if this is for
you. Please feel free to contact me if you
are interested in attending.
Finally I want to wish an early "Happy
Thanksgiving" to all of you. Thank you
for your continued service and dedication
to our beloved hospital.
Rich Kramer
Auxiliary President
Auxiliary Fundraising Report
Our fundraising efforts for the month of September were focused on a vendor from many sales ago. Retail Concepts was at both
our Hixson and Glenwood campuses in mid-September.
They brought a wide selection of coats, purses, watches and fragrances for our customers to buy.
Though not one of our most successful sales, they did offer a great bargain to those that did shop. We were still able to add to our
bottom line because of those sales.
October brings us the Books R Fun sale. Final sales figures are not yet in, but this sale is always very popular with the employees
and volunteers.
And that leads us into our most popular sale, Masquerade $5 Sale, coming in December. Mark your calendars for December 4 at
Hixson and Glenwood and December 5 at Glenwood. The name says it all “$5”. If you’ve never been, everything is $5! With the
holidays right around the corner you can get those last minute gifts at a price you will love! Really, everything is just $5! So spread
the word, tell your family members, friends and even perfect strangers that this is the place to shop for gifts! Black Friday may have
bargains, but we will have them too! And with every purchase a portion of your sales goes back to the Auxiliary and eventually into
the hospital.
Thank you to everyone that shops at our sales, even if you only browse. And especially “Thank You” to the volunteers that work
the sales. The last two will be busy and fast paced, yet you always handle it with expertise! We appreciate your time and commitment in making our sales a success. We couldn’t do it without you!
Barbara Kramer and Carol McCamish—Fundraising Committee Co-Chairs
Memorial Health Care System Auxiliary Board
Rich Kramer
Ooltewah/Primary Health
Zoila Davis
Vice President
Phyllis Parks
Cancer Center
Linda Layman
Corresponding Secretary
Kathleen Craven
Cardiac Services
Tim Cooper
Recording Secretary
Phyllis Smith
MHH Information Desk, MHH
Judy Davidson
Financial Officer
Karleen Dixon
ER, Endoscopy, Lab, Radiology,
CHI Imaging, CDU, Fundraising
Tish Barlew
Carol McCamish
MHH Emergency Center
Nola Brumit
Carol McCamish
Information Desk
Dotty Manis
Barbara Kramer
Carol McCamish
ICU Information Desk
Judy Hall
Membership/Public Relations
Karleen Dixon
Phil Haymaker
Special Events/Scholarship
Phyllis Parks
Service Excellence Rounding,
Nutrition, Infection Control,
Tony Giggy
Patient Entrance/Cart Drivers
Brenda Carson
Memorial Hixson Infection Control,
ICU Waiting Room
Kathy Hixson
MHH Golf Cart Drivers/POB
Bob Greuter
Pre-Testing, Infusion, Phase II
Howard Sheorn
From The Foundation
Jennifer Nicely, Foundation President
The Foundation’s Annual Report recapping our 2014-15 fiscal year has just been published.
Each year we take this opportunity to thank and recognize the thousands of individuals,
companies, churches, foundation and groups who choose to support Memorial.
As volunteers you embody the spirit of giving. You choose to give your most valuable resource – your time. Many of you are also members of the Auxiliary, which makes tremendous financial gifts through your shared fundraising manpower. And others also choose to
make personal contributions. Whether you fit into one, two or all three of these categories,
you are critical to the role Memorial plays in our community.
You will find a copy of the Annual Report at volunteer check in stations throughout the
campuses, an electronic copy will soon be found on the Foundation web page at or you may call our office at 495-4438 if you would like us to
mail you a copy. I hope you will take a moment to browse through the report, find your
name and help us celebrate all who gave this year. Together we make a difference in
hundreds of thousands of lives each year. Thank you for all you do!
The picture to the left
was drawn by a
patient waiting in the
Outpatient Services
Entrance area. She
drew it for volunteer,
Dan MacKinnon. He
did such a wonderful
job helping her that
she wanted to honor
him in a small way.
The words inside the
book say, “Dear Jesus,
we salute you for
giving to us, “Dan.”
Thank you, Lord, for
such an amazing
volunteer. He goes
that extra mile.” Way
to go, Dan!!
CHI Memorial
Sister Judy Raley, SCN
Thanksgiving Blessings
The Gift of Thanksgiving
The 12th century mystic Meister Eckhart tells us, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” I
find this especially pertinent at this special time that our country sets aside as a national holiday of thanksgiving. This day reminds us
to live each day with grateful hearts and thank you on our lips. Saying thank you acknowledges that all we have is gift. God is the
giver of all that we are and all that we have, and God wants us to use our gifts to serve others.
During my visit to Rome last April, I had the privilege of attending the audience with Pope Francis. What a blessed time to be in St.
Peter’s Square with thousands of people from all over the world who were gathered in prayer in the presence of such a gracious,
humble and holy man. I will never forget his talk on family life and what he called three magic words. Pope Francis looked up from
his script and said that there are three magic words which should govern every relationship: “Please.” “Thank you.” “I’m sorry.” He
then asked the assembled crowd to repeat the words with him not only once but three times. I continue to treasure the memory of the
fervor and enthusiasm with which these words echoed throughout the crowd.
Think about how you feel when someone says, “Thank you.” I know it makes me feel that what I have said or done meant something
to that person. This happens as I round on patients who often say, “Thank you for coming by and checking or bringing ice or listening
to me or praying with me.” These expressions of gratitude are blessings to me, and I truly receive more that I give. I am grateful to be
part of our wonderful group of Volunteers whose untiring and committed service at Memorial blesses so many each day.
As you gather with family and friends this Thanksgiving, I invite you to count the ways you have blessed others and been blessed by
them. Most of all count the blessings you have received from our loving God and give thanks to the One in whom “…we live and
move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) May Pope Francis’ three magic words echo in your hearts and around your Thanksgiving
Sister Judy Raley, SCN
Are We Thankful?
Yes! Gratitude is the heart’s
memory, and he who can give
thanks for a little will always
find he has enough.
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
From the Cheerio CHATS Staff
Roses to Louise Wright
Thanksgiving blessings and Christmas
treasures to our volunteer, Louise Wright.
She is a happy volunteer and enjoys her
work and the people with whom she works.
She is a devoted Rook player. Louise has
put in over 5,500 hours in volunteering.
Thank you for your service to others.
A ThAnksgiving ReflecTion…And news AbouT go sAfe
Memorial Hixson Lifeline…..David Diercks
You will be reading these thoughts as we are in
to be mindful of each impatient or insensitive
Thanksgiving Season 2014. In these lines I offer my
thought I have and replace it with a “thank you”
thanks – now and everyday - to all those who face
thought instead.
each daily moment with determination and commit-
ment, regardless of whatever physical pain, mental
pain, or physical/mental limitations they face.
I have been telling you about the new “go
anywhere” Go Safe Lifeline system. As you read
I try to be sensitive to those I encounter who face
this article, we may have the new Go Safe system
each day with conditions that require extra effort. But
in stock and ready to install. If not, we will be very
I admit that I am often less-than-sensitive to their extra
close to receiving them.
effort when I am rushing to meet my self-imposed
schedule. So I am pausing right now to be very mind-
In late-August, I attended a Go Safe training
ful of the inner strength that keeps those facing ad-
session in Nashville and actually was able to put
versities going. And I say “I am thankful for your ex-
the pendant around my neck and witness a
demonstration. Here are the facts I know:
Many years ago, in my first chaplaincy position, I
1. The pendant weighs little more than our
current help pendants.
2. Go Safe will connect through its home unit
when the wearer is home. When away from
home (anywhere in the United States and Hawaii), the pendant works wirelessly.
3. The pendant has its own speaker, enabling
two-way conversation wherever the wearer is
4. The pendant will use 6 locater programs,
including Enhanced GPS and available wireless networks, to identify the wearer’s location.
5. The Go Safe will include the fall detection
feature currently available in the Auto-Alert
6. We do not yet have a final price point for
Go Safe, but we know that it will be more expensive because of its advanced technology.
developed a friendship with a patient who was frequently in the hospital with congestive heart failure.
Over the years he became more confined to bed,
but he always had a smile and continued to write poetry. I vowed to follow his example if I should face
similar circumstances. I still have many, many examples every day of similar resolve. So, I say thank you
to each of those who, despite major pain or limitation, put one foot in front of the other with or without
the help of cane or walker, to go to the post office,
keep appointments or meet their friends. I say thank
you to those with terminal illness who don’t count how
many days are left, but how to make the most of today. I say thank you to the one who is confined to
bed and requires significant assistance, but still greets
the day with a smile. I say thank you to all the caregivers, family members and friends who willingly tap
If you have not heard more recent announce-
their energy sources to provide loving and caring sup-
ments about Go Safe by the time you read this
I have committed myself to living each day mind-
fully. In my mindfulness, I do not want to overlook a
single example of “life lived to the fullest.” I also want
J ean’s J azz
“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them is the
true measure of our Thanksgiving.”
W. T. Purkiser
At Memorial we have many blessings, and we are blessed beyond measure in the beautiful way YOU, our wonderful volunteer team, use your many blessings and gifts to serve and uplift others. I am so thankful for you,
your dedication and your generosity!
As I reflect upon Thanksgiving and my “thankful list,” you all are right there at the top. I cannot imagine a Memorial without you. You all put our mission and ministry into action every day. We have been blessed with the
ability to expand our campuses these past few years creating more opportunities for volunteers to serve. While
this has been exciting and historic, it has also been challenging in some ways. I am so thankful and grateful
you answered the call and I mean that literally too. Every time we called upon you with an “opportunity” to
serve, you were ready to help as needed. Many of you added extra weekly shifts and many let us know to call
you any time to fill in as needed. You have and continue to share your blessings and inspire me and countless
others making an amazing difference. Recently, Paul Weaver RN, Director of Service Excellence, had the privilege of going to New Orleans to accept 7 national HealthStream awards for Memorial Health Care System.
These HealthStream Excellence through Insight Awards were awarded to areas who had the highest patient
satisfaction in the HealthStream database nationally in calendar year 2013, and are a great honor to receive.
The service you provide helped contribute to this recognition.
In addition to being thankful for our terrific volunteers, I am also most thankful for amazing staff member Donna
Wilson who has also answered the call and taken on many more responsibilities since our beloved Tonyia Johnston’s retirement in June. Donna has stepped in to help with our many new “opportunities” to serve and always
with excellence and a wonderful team approach and a smile.
Another blessing we have received this month is the welcome addition of Guest Services Manager Betsey
Runyan who will be a tremendous asset to our team. Betsey comes to us with over 25 years of guest services
management experience and will be working closely with volunteers and staff focused on efforts to continue and
enhance processes in providing and supporting outstanding service excellence to those we serve. She is excited to join the Memorial family and looking forward to meeting each of you.
As we are approaching the holiday season, we are excited to introduce you to an exciting and unique online
fundraising opportunity. This new program pays you to shop, in cash and a portion of every purchase you make
goes back to CHI Memorial Auxiliary as a donation (see complete story on page 17).
In closing, I hope you and all your loved ones share a Happy Thanksgiving and would like for each of you to
mark your calendars to attend our annual Christmas Reception held on December 7. We will be honoring and
celebrating you in a most festive way. Look for your invitation coming soon in the mail.
“Amazing People Do Not Just Happen”
Meet Betsey Runyan, New Guest Services Manager
Betsey Runyan has met and been guided by some
amazing people in her life, and knows that she was
specially prepared for her new role as manager of
Guest Services at Memorial. She will be working directly with volunteers and staff on the Glenwood campus at our Information desks at our entrances, diagnostic desk, Endoscopy, and Surgery Waiting.
retire from one career and venture out into a new
area was difficult. “I went to my pastor and prayed; I
talked to people, and felt quite sure it was the right
thing for me to do.” She worked her last day at Red
Lobster on October 31 and started her new role at
Memorial on November 3 at Orientation.
“During the discussion of the core values of Memorial and the difference between a job and a ministry, I knew for certain that I am in the right place
for the right reasons. Any doubts I may have had
disappeared, and I knew in my heart that this ministry is part of God’s plan for me. I felt a beautiful
peace and had to smile.”
Born in Decatur, Tennessee, Betsey attended the
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, majoring in
communications. While still in college, Betsey worked
as a server at Red Lobster, and after graduation was
offered a position in management, which she loved
and excelled at for 32 years. For the first 15 years,
she moved a lot, serving in different restaurants
throughout the Southeast. For the past 17 years, she
has been managing the Red Lobster at Hamilton
Place, working with amazing people who were like
family to her. “I was very much in customer services,
working and training staff to please our guests,” Betsey says. “I am thankful for the opportunities I had to
learn and grow in service to others. I worked with
amazing people who became like family to me.”
“In my first few days at work, I have been overwhelmed by the kindness and the amazing people
who work and volunteer here. I love hearing the
stories about what brought people here. I have also
met people in the halls who knew me when I was a
child or when I was in college, people who worked
as servers for me. I know God is guiding me.”
Several things inspired Betsey to come to Memorial. An experience in Memorial’s Emergency Center 15
years ago planted a seed in her heart. “I had just
learned of the loss of someone dear to me and was
visibly shaken. A lady knelt down beside me and held
my hand for more than an hour before family members arrived,” Betsey says. “I don’t know who she was
or what she said. All I remember is that she was there
for me and held my hand. I believe she was sent to
me. God was taking care of me through her.”
The position in Guest Services at Memorial
seemed to offer the opportunity to give back, to make
a difference. “I want to be the person God uses to
hold someone’s hand,” Betsey says. The decision to
with Jo McCalley
Jo keeps busy and does so in many ways. She likes reading, walking, computer games, crossword
puzzles, and listening to music. She does not travel much, only to see family. She says she is a
“homebody,” and her home has moved eight times in six years.
Jo says, “Life can begin at age 40.” That’s when she started skiing and playing tennis (She has competed in the USTA League). When she remarried, she started following sprint car racing all over the
She does take some time for television shows like NCIS, NCIS LA, HGTV, Fox News, and Downton
At the age of 80, she is content with her life and has learned through her faith in Jesus not to worry
about tomorrow. God is already there.
Good for Thanksgiving Day
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups peeled, diced golden delicious apples
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix flour, salt, and baking soda together.
In a separate bowl, mix the remaining ingredients together. Add flour
mixture and blend until just moistened. Spoon batter into greased muffin tins, 3/4 full, and bake for 30 to 35 minutes. Let the muffins rest in
the pan for several minutes before turning out. Dust with powdered
sugar. “Oh, so good!”
Laughter In Appalachia
A small boy in Appalachia
swallowed some coins and was
taken to a hospital. When his
grandmother called to ask how he
was, a nurse said, “No change,
I want to share my deepest appreciation for the
scholarships I have received from the Auxiliary while
pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business
Administration. I presently serve the Memorial ministry as
a Senior Project Manager. I was blessed to be deeply
involved in the planning and design of the Guerry Heart and
Vascular Center, working closely with the architects to
select interior finishes that would promote a sense of calm
and further the healing of those who turn to Memorial for
care. I also serve in a leadership position with the real
estate and development needs of the organization, and
work with our physician enterprise to ensure the
availability of a wide network of physician offices by
locating real estate to suit their needs and oversee the
planning and design of each.
I look forward to graduating in spring 2015; and the
funds so generously provided by the Auxiliary have been
invaluable in offsetting the cost of my education. I know
that education is a lifelong pursuit, and my goal is to
complete a Master of Arts degree in Business
Administration. My continued growth and development in
service to Memorial is in part due to the generosity of so
many Auxiliary members, and I thank you sincerely.
She was known as Lemonade
Lucy because she refused to
allow alcohol in the White House.
Who was this First Lady and
when did this happen?
Answer: 1877-1881
The wife of President Rutherford
Birchard Hayes was named Lucy.
She became known as
Lemonade Lucy.
Class Dismissed!
P a t a n d Ca ro l y n Ro b i n s o n
Normally our trips are by cruise ships, but our land tour of Costa Rica was very interesting and nothing
like other trips we have taken. We had visited some of the port cities of the country by cruise ship but had
never gone inland. When we received the travel brochure from Grand Circle Travel out of Boston,
Massachusetts, we were looking for something different. The company is a reputable travel company that
only accepts clients 50 years and older. After looking through the brochure at many of their tours, all of
which sounded interesting and reasonably priced, we decided on taking a two-week land tour of the entire
country of Costa Rica with an additional five-day side trip to the jungles that was offered.
We flew to San Jose, which is the capital of the country. We were met by our guide, who would be with
us for the next 19 days. We were taken to our hotel where we rested before meeting the others in our tour
group for dinner. After a brief introduction, we listened to a talk about what we would be doing and what we
could expect while we were visiting this country. We were up early the next morning to have breakfast with
the group and get ready for our tour of the city. The breakfast included, among other things, black beans
and rice with fried plantains. We soon learned that every meal while there would include the black beans
and rice along with the fried plantains. After the breakfast, we were off for a full day of site seeing. We
visited the beautiful Opera House which had come from Europe in pieces and had then been reassembled.
That night I was looking out the window at the hotel and saw two cars speeding for the only parking
spot available. One of them got the spot, but the other car stopped, and the drivers both got out and began
fighting. As the fight ended, the loser was the winner of the parking spot.
Our tour left San Jose heading West. It would take us from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean.
Along the way we visited coffee as well as banana plantations. We got to sample both the coffee and the
bananas. Many on the tour purchased the coffee to take home. The bananas we tried were a smaller
variety than the ones we get in the grocery stores here but they tasted the same.
We stayed at several resorts on our journey. One night while having dinner the tour guide told us that if
we hurried we could view an active volcano erupting. By the time we arrived at the viewing place it was
dark, and we had a great spot to watch as the volcano belched fiery boulders out of the crater. We were
surprised that there was very little lava flowing over the sides. Lucky for us we were a safe distance from
where the flaming boulders landed.
At another place we were taken to see a dormant volcano. To get to the top required climbing the
mountain. Carolyn said she did not think she could make it walking so we told the guide we would just stay
on our bus. After the rest of the group left to walk to the top, the guide asked us if we wanted to see it.
When we said yes, he said we could ride in the ambulance to the
top. We did not say anything to the others but their looks
expressed what they were thinking.
We took tours by boat and saw howling monkeys, the two-toed
sloth and a three-toed sloth along with many types of beautiful
colored birds. Another adventure along the way was taking a
rafting trip down a shallow river. After a brief instruction on how
not to fall out, we were off and heading down the river. To our
surprise we could see crocodiles sunning themselves along the
banks and a few in the water searching for a meal. It was
exciting, but we are not sure if we want to do that again anytime
As the tour was nearing an end, we reached the Pacific Ocean.
While touring the area, we got to see some Tilapia fish farms.
They offered a Zip-line tour in the forest but we declined that one.
After the two week tour was over we had to prepare for a flight
into the jungle where we would stay for the next five days. There
were three other couples that were taking the extra five day side
trip. We were told we could only bring 35 pounds of baggage each
and the remainder would be waiting on us after the tour was over.
Before boarding our small eight seater airplane, we were each
weighed so they could seat us on the plane and make sure it had
the proper balance.
After taking off, we flew for a couple of hours. The pilot
announced that we would be landing. As we looked out the
window we could only see a beach and a river. We landed on the
beach and were escorted to a motor boat which would take us to
the resort in the middle of the jungle and accessible only by plane
or boat. After arriving, we were assigned our cabins. The door to
the cabin was off the floor by four inches. Since we had seen
some very large iguanas and bugs six-inches long on the grounds
we plugged the opening with the blanket off the bed. The shower
was a walled, open air structure that did have hot water.
Every day we would go on tours by boat, and we saw most of
the wildlife and fauna native to Costa Rica. Our meals were
excellent and still included black beans and rice along with the
fried plantains. The five days would soon come to a close and we
took a boat out of the jungle to a pickup area to catch a bus back
to San Jose. We found the trip to be very exciting and educational
– one we will not forget.
Pat and Carolyn Robinson are
World Travelers, having visited
all seven continents and having
circled the globe three times by
cruise ship. Pat retired from
TVA and Carolyn retired from
the University of Tennessee at
Chattanooga.. They have over
1,400 days sailing on cruise
ships all over the world and
enjoy sharing their interesting
and funny experiences. In the
past, they have written a column
for the Hixson Community News
in the Chattanooga Times Free
Press called “World Traveling
with the Robinsons.” They have
a story telling program title “See
the World for A to Z” which they
offer to civic clubs, churches,
and senior groups. They have
presented the program while
sailing on board Holland
America. They have also been
invited twice to present the
program at the Life Expo at the
Trade Center and at the “We
Care Weekend.” They are
members of the Memorial de
Sales Society, Legacy Society,
and Friends of Memorial, as well
as, Lifetime Auxiliary Members.
They do not charge for their
talks but do ask for a donation
for the MaryEllen Locher Breast
Center at Memorial. To book a
talk, call the Foundation Office at
Memorial Hospital at
495-GIFT (495-4438).
I n f o r m at i o n D e s k
Memorial Hixson
Anyone entering the main lobby of Memorial
Hixson Hospital and walking down the hallway
on Tuesdays will be greeted at the Information
Desk by three special ladies who have been
providing directions, answering phones, and
delivering menus to patient rooms for years. If
patients need help filling out their menus, the
ladies assist with that also. They do much more
to share the spirit of Memorial, but those are
their main duties, and they have been as reliable as Lou Gehrig of the New York Yankees,
who never missed a game until he had played
over 2100 in a row.
They began their volunteer work with the Red
L-R Beverly Horton, JoAnne Taylor,
and Maxine Sparkman (seated)
Cross program, but changed to the Memorial
Auxiliary Volunteers a short while ago, and we were pleased to have them join our group and participate in our volunteer programs such as the Awards Banquet and the Annual Christmas luncheon.
Maxine Sparkman came first in 1982, or during Ronald Reagan’s first term in office, even before the hospital was
completely finished, JoAnne Taylor arrived a few years later in 1988, and Beverly Horton began about 2008. JoAnne says that she looks forward to Tuesdays when she can see her friends at the hospital. Beverly states that
she likes people and helping everyone that approaches the Information Desk. Beverly also volunteers one day
each week in Imaging which is also a vital, busy department.
When Maxine began, only two or three of the present day hospital employees remain on duty, and there was no
Physician’s building or Heart Institute building, and only three physicians worked out of offices on the second floor.
Their combined hours including their Red Cross years would equal many years of fulltime employment, and has
saved Memorial untold dollars with the work they perform, freeing staff for other duties.
They work so well together, and share the duties with such a pleasant manner, and make a great impression on a
visitor trying to find where a family member is located, or where to go for a particular test, and always with a smile.
When the term “teamwork” Is mentioned, they demonstrate how it should be done by staff and other volunteers.
Each apparently has their own strengths that they bring and they complete the duties accordingly.
They bring a bowl of candy for special occasions, and sometimes the special occasion is that it is Tuesday, and it
was special!!! They place it on the counter for all who pass, and it is a popular item with staff and guests alike,
and sometimes even other volunteers!! We have many dedicated volunteers at Memorial, but you would be hard
pressed to find three who are more dedicated and reliable, with the longevity as a team at the same location.
Do You Know???
Groan, Groan, and Groan
Laura Maxine Sparkman
I did a theatrical
performance about puns.
It was a play on words.
Birthday December 4
Maxine is from Sparta, Tennessee, and
has a family of four children, nine grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.
When not volunteering, she loves to read
and work puzzles.
One more groan….
They told me I had Type A
blood, but it was a typo.
She has been volunteering for quite
a while and enjoys her work. Her job consists of answering the phone, taking flowers to the patient rooms and taking patients to their cars when they are dismissed.
Nutrition For A
Best of all, she loves to cook, and
though she doesn’t do as much of that as
she once did, she still bakes bread, especially sourdough bread. People love her
good homemade bread. Knowing that, she
gives most of it away – if the family doesn’t
get to it first.
Healthy Heart
Eat More Fish
Include in your diet two fish
meals a week. Canned tuna
Her favorite foods are fried green beans
and soup from the Olive Garden, and she
loves gelato ice cream.
and salmon are easy options.
Try cooking fish on the grill,
When not baking, she loves to read and
always has a good book nearby. She says
she had “Fame” on her 80th birthday.
broiled in the oven, or warmed
in the microwave. Choose
Keep volunteering, Maxine, and helping
all the people at Memorial Hixson.
fish when you dine out.
Precious Gifts for Christmas
For All Our Senior Citizens
Winter can be a stressful time for
us, and we need to take time to stay
safe and warm and healthy. How?
The Gift of Love
The Gift of Family and Friends
The Gift of Happiness for All
Prevent the flu. Get vaccinated the flu vaccine is widely available.
Avoid contact with people who
are sick, and wash your hands
May these be yours at Christmas
and all through the year!
Prevent falls. Always walk
carefully. Wear shoes that have
proper traction. Avoid slippery
patches of ice, water, or snow.
Those of us who have
osteoarthritis are at a higher risk of
falls, and we need to get plenty of
calcium and vitamin C and
exercise regularly.
From the staff of your Cheerio CHATS
Stay positive. It is easy to get the
blahs in the winter. Volunteer and
be with people who need your
help. Stay in touch with family and
friends. Listen to music you like
and sing along.
Stay warm. Bundle up when you
go outside – hat, gloves, scarf,
and a good warm coat – and
good warm socks. Don’t forget to
drink hot tea or coffee and enjoy
good ole hot soup. Stop the drafts
in your home by weather
Remember “Tomorrow, tomorrow,
the sun will come out tomorrow.”
Take care of yourself. There is only
one of you!
Hidden Tennessee
The 1830 Old Mill supplied
electricity to
Forge until
the 1940s
when the
TVA began
the town’s
Puzzle Time
When Does Christmas Begin?
Christmas only begins
when we find the lost,
Heal the broken in spirit,
Feed the hungry,
Release the oppressed,
Pray for all nations and
people of the world,
And make music in our own hearts.
Above all, we must radiate
the love of Christ.
Every day, in every way,
In all we do and all we say.
Then Christmas begins.
Merry Christmas and Welcome to 2015!
What are your goals for the
year 2015? It is coming up
fast. Do you have any specific
long term goals for the new
year? How do you plan on
reaching the goals for 2015
or for long term?
What do you know about Tennessee? Let’s find out.
1. For what reason was Martin Luther King, Jr, in Memphis at the time of his assassination?
2. The Blackwood Breathers Quartet of Memphis was the first gospel group to utilize a bus for
concert tour transportation and the first gospel group to record for which major label?
3. Davey Crockett failed in a scheme to cut a canal between which two rivers?
4. What Tennessee literary quarterly is the oldest in the nation?
5. What was a favorite Choctaw sporting event?
6. The first electric streetcar in Nashville made its inaugural trip on what date?
Visit to learn more about this new and
exciting Auxiliary fundraiser!
CHI Memorial Auxiliary Partners with DubLi
CHI Memorial Auxiliary is partnering with DubLi, a travel, shopping and entertainment destination. Employees, volunteers, physicians and supporters of CHI Memorial will have the opportunity to book travel and shop
online and earn cash back on each and every purchase!
Every time you book travel or shop at the CHI Memorial Shopping Mall, you are supporting patient services
through CHI Memorial Auxiliary. With this new program, you can shop online at the same stores you shop
online at now, and then earn cash back with each purchase. DubLi represents thousands of brand name
stores from around the world, and is committed to find its customers attractive pricing, specials, coupons and
This new program pays you to shop, in cash and a portion of every purchase you make goes back to CHI Memorial Auxiliary as a donation.
There are three levels of membership – Free Membership, Premium Membership and V.I.P. Membership.
Free Membership
By registering as a free member, you can earn cash back and be entered into the monthly sweepstakes drawing for prizes like top-of-the-line electronics and other great giveaways.
Premium Membership
The premium membership is $4.95 per month, and you earn an additional 4% cash back annually for each
travel and shopping mall purchase. This bonus cash back is added to the monthly cash back you earn for all
your purchases.
V.I.P. Membership
For just $99 for a full year’s subscription, you earn 6% additional cash back on your shopping mall and travel
purchases. You don’t have to wait until the end of the year to collect your extra cash back – you receive it
every month. The V.I.P. Membership will also feature exclusive services and promotions designed only for
V.I.P. Members, in addition to even more cash back opportunities through partnerships with the leading
brands. The V.I.P. membership also includes an assortment of bonus benefits, including premium tickets to
international sporting events, airport lounge access passes, FREE international prepaid SIM cards, V.I.P. golf
cards, concierge services, luxurious vacation services and travel tracking rewards.
Sign up or learn more at
Dubli representatives will be on CHI Memorial’s different campuses throughout the coming weeks to answer
questions and sign up associates and volunteers.
If you have any questions, please contact Jean Payne, Director of Volunteer Services, at ext. 7879.
Upcoming Board Meetings
Executive Board Meeting
January 9, 2015
Executive Board Room
8:30 am—9:30 am
January 28, 2015—MHH
January 29 & 30, 2015—GLENWOOD
Full Auxiliary Board Meeting
January 9, 2015
Executive Board Room
9:30 am—11 am
Christmas Reception
December 7, 2014
Notre Dame
High School,
Answers to
Varallo Center
12:00 Noon—
2:00 p.m.
To support the strike of city
sanitation workers
The Hatchie and the Tennessee
The Sewanee Review
Stickball, an early form of Lacrosse
April 30, 1889