Whitewater Valley REMC
Whitewater Valley REMC
Commercial/Industrial Incentive Application Four Easy Steps to receive your local electric cooperative incentive: Whitewater Valley REMC Whitewater Valley REMC provides cash incentives to help businesses purchase and install electric energysaving equipment. The incentives are available to all businesses, regardless of the number of employees. These programs help you more effectively manage energy use and lessen the impact of increasing power costs. We can offer these programs to reduce the demand for power at a much lower cost than building new power plants. This fillable Acrobat form contains applications for the installation of energy efficient lighting, motors and HVAC equipment. A custom application is also included for those measures that do not fit in to any of these categories. A custom compressed air application is available on another form. Please contact us for that specific application. Incentive Worksheets: Lighting Incentive Worksheet custom icon lighting icon custom icon Motors Incentive Worksheet custom icon motor icon lighting icon • Customer has a valid Whitewater Valley REMC commercial account in our electric service territory. NO If your total incentive request is less than $1,000 then pre-approval is not required. Within 60 calendar days of installation completion date, submit your application and a copy of your paid invoice showing the date, place of purchase, quantity, model/ part numbers and unit price of the equipment installed. YES If your total incentive request is greater than $1,000 then preapproval is required. Before you purchase and install the equipment, submit your application and a copy of the vendor’s quote. • Equipment must be new and installed in a commercial, industrial, institutional, educational, or governmental building. 2. Is the equipment you intend to buy eligible? • Refer to the Technical Specifications for planned measures. 3. Complete and sign the application. • Incomplete applications will delay review and payment. Please be sure to provide all requested information. • The customer’s printed name on Page 2 will act as an electronic signature. Only the electric customer may sign and submit this application. Applications submitted by vendors will be void. • Attach manufacturer’s technical specification sheets (“cut sheets”) for each type of eligible equipment purchased. Please note: • Each customer is eligible for maximum total incentive payments up to $50,000 per calendar year. • Payment will be made only if all requirements and specifications are met. FORM SUBMITTAL: After completing this fillable form you may print and save it. To SUBMIT it electronically (recommended) fill out all required sections and then click the GREEN button after any section. hvac icon hvac icon HVAC Incentive Worksheet motor icon 4. Does your project require pre-approval? 1. Is your project eligible? hvac icon Custom Incentive Worksheet lighting icon Click here for measure codes and technical specs, or go to TeamUpToSave.com/ci. motor icon hvac icon Other options: Print and Mail to: C&I Program Coordinator, Hoosier Energy P.O. Box 908 Bloomington, IN 47402 Email to: [email protected] Print and Fax to: (888) 455-9291 Please read Rules and Requirements at TeamUpToSave.com/ci. Thank you for your interest and participation in our Commercial/Industrial Incentive program. For program information or questions, call (812) 322-7279. Page 1 Commercial/Industrial Incentive Application Whitewater Valley REMC This incentive application form is valid when received from Jan. 1, 2016 through Dec. 31, 2016. This program is being coordinated by Hoosier Energy REC, Inc. SECTION 1: CUSTOMER INFORMATION Company Name Electric Account # Mailing Address City State Zip Contact Name (print) Email* Phone Customer signature Date By typing your name above, you agree that you are electronically signing this application. Customer hereby certifies that: 1. the form submission is by the electric customer who is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in this application; 2. all equipment installation is complete and operational prior to submitting payment request; and 3. all Rules and Requirements of this program have been followed as found on teamuptosave.com/ci. Further, the customer acknowledges that participation in this incentive program shall impose no liability on Whitewater Valley REMC and Hoosier Energy REC, Inc. In particular, Whitewater Valley REMC and Hoosier Energy REC, Inc. shall not be liable for the work performed by the customer’s engineer, contractor, or vendor. Pre-approval required for payments greater than $1,000. *By providing your email address, you are granting Whitewater Valley REMC and Hoosier Energy REC, Inc. permission to send further emails regarding our programs and services. SECTION 2: PAYMENT INFORMATION Total Amount Requested Total Material Cost $0.00 Attention to: Tax Status: o Corporation o Exempt o Other Federal EIN or SSN: SECTION 3: JOB SITE INFORMATION (where equipment was installed) Job Site Name Operating Hours/Year Job Site Address (physical location) Project Contact Telephone City State Zip Code Project Contact Name Installation Completion Date Project Contact Email Type of business where equipment was installed (Check ONE): q Agriculture q Grocery/Convenience Store q Church q Lodging q Manufacturing q Office q Retail q Restaurant q Other, Please Specify q School q Warehouse SECTION 4: CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER INFORMATION (equipment contractor/installer) Contractor/Installer Business Name Contractor/Installer Street Address City State Contractor/Installer Contact Person Contact Telephone Contact Email Zip Code SECTION 5: APPLICATION CHECKLIST To ensure an efficient and accurate processing of the application, please make sure you have provided the following: q Completed and Signed Application, Sections 1 – 4, Separate applications must be completed for each installation address. q Incentive Worksheet Completed. q Manufacturer’s Technical Specification Sheets are Attached, as required by the Technical Specifications. q Materials or Vendor Quote Invoice Attached, Must include itemized information including quantity, make and model number, and unit pricing for items installed. For Office Use Only: Pre-Approval by Pre-Approval Date Approval for Payment by Approval for Payment Date Page 2 Commercial/Industrial Incentive Application Whitewater Valley REMC Click here for measure codes and technical specs, or go to TeamUpToSave.com/ci. Commercial/Industrial Lighting Systems Incentive Worksheet custom icon motor icon hvac icon Item Measure Code Job Type* Fixture Type** Existing Example FHPF RET Quantity of Fixtures New 4-lamp 4’ T12 4-lamp 4’ 32W T8 Existing 10 Incentive/Unit Total Incentive New 10 $13 $130 1 2 3 4 5 Total Fixture Incentive $0.00 * Job Types: RET = retrofit of functioning equipment, ROB = Replacement of failed or non-functioning equipment, NEW = Addition of new equipment where none existed. ** Fixture Type: Briefly describe the type of fixtures including quantity and type of lamps (e.g. 4-lamp 4’ T12 or 1-lamp 400W metal halide) Click here for measure codes and technical specs, or go to TeamUpToSave.com/ci. Commercial/Industrial Lighting Controls Incentive Worksheet Item custom icon Ex. motor icon 1 Measure Code OSWC NEW Watts Controlled Fixture Type Job Type 125 4-lamp 4’ T8 Sensor Quantity 5 Incentive/Unit $18 Total Incentive $90 hvac icon 2 3 Total Fixture Incentive Please use for lighting project description and additional info (optional): custom icon Incentive Worksheets: motor icon custom icon lighting icon HVAC Incentive Worksheet lighting icon Motors Incentive Worksheet hvac icon Custom Incentive Worksheet lighting icon Page 3 Commercial/Industrial Incentive Application Whitewater Valley REMC custom icon lighting icon Commercial/Industrial Motor Incentive Worksheet Click here for measure codes and technical specs, or go to TeamUpToSave.com/ci. hvac icon A. Three phase electric motors, 10 HP to 500 HP End use code + Manufacturer/ Model# RPM ODP or TEFC Annual Operating hours Efficiency * Existing HP New HP Qty Subtotal = HP x Qty Incentive per HP Incentive NEMA Premium® Enhanced NEMA Premium % 0.0 $4 % 0.0 $4 % 0.0 $4 % 0.0 $4 % 0.0 $6 % 0.0 $6 % 0.0 $6 % 0.0 $6 ® Total Section A B. Variable Frequency Drives (VFD), 1 HP to 200 HP Controlled End use code + Manufacturer Model # Annual Operating hours HP Controlled Qty Subtotal = HP x Qty Incentive per HP 0.0 $30 0.0 $30 0.0 $30 0.0 $30 Incentive Total Section B (Section A + B) ** Nominal efficiency at full load + Motor End Use Application Codes Please select one of the typical motor end use (codes) below, and include it on your application. Process Conveyors Cooling Pumps HVAC Air Handling Process Non-Cooling (PNC) Belts (B) Process Cooling (PC) Waste Water Pump (WP) Air Handlers (AH) HVAC Condensing (HC) Cooling Pump (CP) Supply Fans (SF) Heating Pump (HP) Exhaust Fans (EF) Please use for motor project description and additional info (optional): custom icon Lighting Incentive Worksheet Incentive Worksheets: custom icon lighting icon motor icon lighting icon HVAC Incentive Worksheet Custom Incentive Worksheet lighting icon Page 4 Commercial/Industrial Incentive Application Whitewater Valley REMC custom icon lighting icon motor icon hvac icon Click here for measure codes and technical specs, or go to TeamUpToSave.com/ci. Commercial/Industrial HVAC Incentive Worksheet Incentives on a Per Ton Basis Equipment Type* Manufacturer and Model Number** SEER HSPF EER COP Tons/Unit (cooling) A Quantity B Incentive/Ton +C Incentive = AxBxC Total Section A * Equipment Type: AC-U Air Cooled Unitary Packaged AC Air Cooled Split System AC AC-S HP-U Air-to-Air Heat Pump Packaged HP-S Air-to-Air Heat Pump Split System GEO Geothermal Heat Pump Incentives on a Per Unit Basis Equipment Type* Manufacturer and Model Number** SEER HSPF EER COP Btuh/Unit (cooling) Quantity A Incentive/Unit +B Incentive = AxB Total Section B Total (Section A + B) * Equipment Type: AC-U1 Air Cooled Unitary Packaged AC, Single Phase AC-S1 Air Cooled Split System AC, Single Phase HP-U1 Air-to-Air Heat Pump Packaged, Single Phase HP-S1 Air-to-Air Heat Pump Split System, Single Phase PTHP Packaged Terminal Heat Pump SPMS Single Phase Mini-Split Heat Pump T-STAT Programmable Thermostat ** Split systems must include model numbers for outdoor unit and indoor unit + See Technical Specifications for Incentive amounts Please use for HVAC project description and additional info (optional): custom icon Lighting Incentive Worksheet Incentive Worksheets: custom icon lighting icon lighting icon Motors Incentive Worksheet hvac icon Custom Incentive Worksheet lighting icon Page 5 Commercial/Industrial Incentive Application Whitewater Valley REMC Commercial/Industrial Custom Incentive Worksheet lighting icon Use only for measures that do not fit in any of the prescriptive categories. Project Description Please give a brief description of the proposed project. Attach spec sheets, price quotes, manufacturer/vendor calculations for energy savings, and any additional information. motor icon hvac icon Existing Equipment Description Hours of Operation (per day, week): Calculated or Measured Annual Kilowatt Hours: Calculated or Measured Monthly Kilowatt Demand: New Equipment Description Hours of Operation (per day, week): Estimated Annual Kilowatt Hours: Estimated Monthly Kilowatt Demand: custom icon Lighting Incentive Worksheet Incentive Worksheets: custom icon lighting icon lighting icon Motors Incentive Worksheet hvac icon HVAC Incentive Worksheet lighting icon Page 6
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