HSE ANNUAL REPORT Health, Safety and Environment 2009 Contents • CEO’s Message 2 • Performance 4 • Safety 8 • Health 10 • Environment 12 • Contractor Management 14 • HSE Construction Focused Program 16 • HSE Champions Of The Year 18 • Awards & Recognition 20 • New Challenges 24 It is with great pleasure, honor and pride that I present the 2009 ADMA-OPCO HSE Annual Report. Notwithstanding the challenges brought about by the global downturn and company-wide cost cutting measures, ADMA-OPCO continued to scale new heights in Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) performance. During the course of the year ADMA-OPCO exceeded all HSE targets and achieved numerous feats that were unprecedented in its long history: • Completed more than one year without Lost Time Injury (LTI) • Accumulated 39 Million Man-hours Without LTI • Least number of LTI’s in one calendar year • Least number of Total Reportable Injuries in one calendar year • Most number of winning entries of the ADNOC HSE Awards These accomplishments are remarkable considering that these were achieved while we were heavily engaged in the implementation of our major projects and the development of new fields. CEO’s MESSAGE The long term investments we made in the human aspects of HSE reflected these excellent results. People are the company’s most valuable asset; hence, we put forth proactive programs and behavioral safety tools, which our employees and contractors completely embraced and practiced, thereby maintaining a vibrant HSE culture in all areas of our business. The coming years will see ever more increasing challenges for ADMA-OPCO. Our risk exposure levels will continue to rise and our exceptional HSE performances in the recent years could lead to complacency. It is therefore imperative that while we celebrate our triumphs, we also remind ourselves, all our employees, contractors and third parties to be vigilant and continue our best efforts to meet the challenges for the year 2010. Ali Al- Jarwan Chief Executive Officer HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 2 Building up from the excellent performances in the recent years, ADMA-OPCO continued to break new grounds in reaching landmark achievements in HSE performance. 2009 HSE Performance By The Numbers 0 30 Million 39 Million 466 1 0.03 12 0.40 0 5.6 1 0 Number of Fatalities (two years in a row) Man-Hours worked in one year (highest in ADMA-OPCO history)* Man-Hours Worked Without Lost Time Injury (from 1st Sep 2008 to 11 Dec 2009)* Number of days worked without LTI (from 1st Sep 2008 to 11 Dec 2009) * Lost Time Injury incident (least in history)* Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (the number of LTI’s per million manhours)* Total Reportable Injury Incidents (least in history)* Total Reportable Injury Incident Rate (the number of TRI’s per million manhours) * Reportable Occupational Illness Flaring in Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day (MMSCFD). (7% better than target) Gas Release Incident* Oil Spill Incident HSE KPI Dashboard Performance at a Glance *The best records ever achieved. 0.15 Key Performance Indicators PERFORMANCE The HSE Performance dashboard and table shows ADMA-OPCO’s actual HSE performance against performance contract targets set by ADMA-OPCO shareholders. 0.05 0.25 0.03 NO. OF LTI'S PER 1 MILLION MAN HOURS 0.00 0.25 0.30 1.25 0.00 LTIFR 5 4 100% 100% 5.6 NO. OF TRI'S PER 1 MILLION MAN HOURS 1.50 TARGET ACTUAL REPORTING PROTOCOL HIPO 2 7 2 MMSCFD TRIR 6 3 NO. OF INCIDENTS 1.00 ACTUAL FATALITY 5 0.50 0.40 O O TARGET 0.75 0.20 0.21 0.10 8 3 4 1 5 0 NO. OF INCIDENTS 6 1 0 1 NO. OF SPILLS FLARING GAS RELEASE 0 TARGET ACTUAL TARGET ACTUAL QTY (M3) SPILLS HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 4 Performance Contract with Board Benchmarking Criteria LTIFR Target Stretch Actual Status 0 0 0 Stretch Achieved ! OGP 1.09 0.97 0.99 0.66 0.55 0.55 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) [LTI per million manhours] < 0.21 < 0.10 0.03 Stretch Achieved ! ADNOC 0.34 0.31 0.30 0.25 0.23 0.24 ADMA 0.39 0.26 0.23 0.13 0.14 0.03 Total Reportable Incident Rate (TRIR) [TRI per million manhours] < 1.00 < 0.95 0.40 Stretch Achieved ! High Potential Incidents (HIPO) [% achieving reporting protocol] 100% N/A 100% Stretch Achieved ! Flaring [Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day] < 6.0 < 4.8 5.6 Target Met 1.00 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Fatalities KPI 0.00 4.00 TRIR Gas Releases (Number of incidents) Spills [Number of spills/quantity in cubic meter] 4 <3 1 Stretch Achieved ! 1/1 0/ 0 0/ 0 Stretch Achieved ! 0.50 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 OGP 3.94 3.05 2.92 2.68 2.08 2.08 ADNOC 1.40 1.27 1.08 1.09 0.79 0.68 ADMA 1.98 1.38 1.29 0.76 0.65 0.40 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Historical Performance Benchmarks We measure our success by comparing our actual performance against the industry benchmarks. Assets/ Divisional Performance The following graphs show the historical trend of ADMA-OPCO’s Lost Time Injury Frequency Rates (LTIFR) and Total Reportable Injury Rates (TRIR) compared to the performances of ADNOC and the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP). The graph here shows how each asset/ major division perform against our corporate targets of LTIFR = 0.21 & TRIR = 1.0: 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 5 ABU DHABI MARINE OPERATING COMPANY HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 6 SAFETY With a firm conviction that what is good can be better, ADMAOPCO is always on the lookout of ways to improve our safety record in achieving our goal of no harm to people. In 2009, we worked close to 30 million manhours, yet had only one Lost Time Injury Incident and 12 Total Reportable Injury Incidents. These are the best records yet. We accomplished these records through the “One Team” approach by constantly raising HSE vigilance at all our sites. Other notable accomplishments • • • • • • Strengthening & Re-energizing the Asset Risk Register Process. Risk assessments of Major Projects, Brownfield Projects and Marine/ Maintenance activities at all sites. Active participation in Umm Shaif Gas Injection Facility (USGIF) operation readiness plan, commissioning and ready for start –up and verification activities. Integrated Gas Development Project, installation of new Well Head Towers. In-house Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18001) Audit at all sites (recertification). Update of Zakum Central Super Complex Safety Case. • • • Major emergency exercises at Zakum West Super Complex, Umm Shaif Super Complex and Das Island (major evacuation with Critical National Infrastructure Authority). Plant shutdown risk assessment. Risk assessment for Total Abu Al-Bukhoosh 30’’ Main Gas Lines. Active participations in number of Task Forces • ADNOC Codes of Practice (COP) V6.01 Integrity assurance of HSE Critical Safety Equipment. • Marine Operations and Interfaces with Projects. • Shareholders’ Audit at Zakum West Super Complex. • Facility Layout Review For Nasr Field Development Project. • Sector Analysis Workshop for Umm Lulu Field Development Project. • Well Integrity and Christmas tree risk ranking process. • Hazard Identification and Qualitative Risk Analysis Workshop (Organized by Technip/ Genesis Oil and Gas) for New Process Facilities at Zirku Island as Part of Saath Al Raz Boot/ Umm Lulu Fields Development Project (Select Stage). SAFETY HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 8 HEALTH Being the first ADNOC group company to be collaborating with the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi, we aim to be the industry leader in caring about the health of our employees. In 2009, we launched multi-pronged initiatives and campaigns in managing our general and occupational health programs, such as: HEALTH • • • • • • • • • • Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) refresher and drills (simulation) conducted to gauge feedback. Evaluation of catering contract. Occupational Health surveillance at the offshore survival training centre. Presentation papers on Automatic External Defibrillator for the AbuDhabi Emergency Congress. Offshore follow-up and Occupational Health surveillance at Umm Shaif Accommodation Platform for Umm Shaif Gas Injection Facility. Occupational Health surveillance (Noise and Indoor Air Quality) as a joint Key Performance Indicator (KPI) with Logistics (Das Marine). Completed Tick repellant procurement. Regular meetings with HAAD to update all health initiatives following last year’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing. Best practice (Tick Bites presentation shared with Bunduq). ADMA occupational health operations presentation to Higher Colleges of Technology Nursing students. • Successfully launched ADMA-OPCO marathon / walkathon day at Royal Marina. • Occupational Health Risk Assessment Scope of Work completed. • Society of Petroleum Engineers young professional paper contest submission. • Occupational Health and Hygiene Surveillance at Musaffah and Mina Free port for Vessels and Barges. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 10 ENVIRONMENT Our environment strategies are in line with ADNOC objectives and based upon international best practices. Our environmental performance has shown steady improvement and we are poised to achieve the lowest flaring figures in recent years. The projects/studies conducted in year 2009 are the following: • Energy and Emissions Reduction Study project for Das, Umm Shaif & Zakum completed. • Source Emissions Monitoring study project for Das, Umm Shaif & Zakum completed. • Environmental Baseline Study and Environmental Impact Assessment for Das Island (joint ADMA/ ADGAS project) completed. • Conducted Health Safety & Environment Impact Assessments (HSEIA) for: - IGD-US phase-I & phase-II. - GPF-ZK phase –II. - 10 new wellhead towers phase-II ZK. - ZK water injection upgrade. - US gas injection Facilities. - Total Abu Al-Bukhoosh drilling wells. • ADMA-OPCO was re-certified ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System). ENVIRONMENT HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 12 CONTRACTOR MANAGEMENT Representing the bulk of our manpower, our contractors are an integral part of our operations, thus we manage and treat our contractors with utmost importance. The Program of HSE Management System (HSEMS) audit for key contractors is being maintained: • Comprehensive audits of 56 contracting companies were conducted. 83% of companies audited passed 65% score, which is the minimum scored required. The average score achieved was 75%. • 25 new contractors have been audited for the first time as part of the prequalification process during the same period. 17 Contractors out of 25 scored 65% and above meeting the minimum score required. Four contractors’ scores were in the range of 16% and 51% which did not meet the minimum score for pre-qualification. The companies are given a grace period of six months to improve their HSE MS and will be subjected to a follow-up audit. CONTRACTOR MANAGEMENT Heavy cargo vessel preparing the Collector Separator Platform for Float Over operations HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 14 HSE CONSTRUCTION FOCUSED PROGRAM In 2009, the cumulative manhours worked from for projects and construction reached more than 12 million, yet all HSE targets were met or bettered. By working closely with our shareholders, engineering and major projects partners, contractors and third parties, we sustained the momentum gained and the lessons learned from the previous years. H.E. ADNOC CEO with ADMA-OPCO CEO, SVP (PE) and US team formally opening the UAP • • • 15 A total of 97 contractors HSE MS documents (that comprises both new and on-going contractors) have been reviewed as part of the prequalification process during the same period. Semi-annual HSE MS Audit Summary reports of Contractors for Second Half 2009 for a period between July– December 2009 has been prepared and report communicated to all concerned for action plan and corrective actions follow up. Preparation for the ro out of Unified Prequalification System has reached its final stage. This is to achieve a unified e-Registration and commercial database across all ADNOC groups of companies. And unify/enhance contractors, suppliers and products/ work groups registration and prequalification process and procedures. ABU DHABI MARINE OPERATING COMPANY • • • • • • Gas Processing Facility (GPF) Project Integrated Gas Development Well Head Towers (IGD-WHU ”US”) Project Replacement of 24 Water Injection lines in Zakum and Umm Shaif Fields Flare line modification at Das Island Water Injection Upgrade Project Buried Pipeline Replacement - Das H.E. ADNOC CEO with Senior Management during the inauguration of the newly commissioned UAP In all phases of project execution, Hazard Operability studies (HAZOP) workshops, Hazard Analysis (HAZAN) Safety, Health and Environment Action Monitoring System (HSHEAMS), project Health, Safety and Environment Review (PHSER), Safety Integrity Level (SIL) workshops and Health, Safety and Environment Impact Assessment (HSEIA) surveys and studies were conducted in part, or in full for the following projects: • Umm Shaif Gas Injection Facilities (USGIF) Project • Integrated Gas Development - Habshan (IGD-HAP) project HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 16 HSE CHAMPIONS OF THE YEAR 2009 The objective of the HSE Champion of the Year Program is to recognize and reward those individuals who have contributed valuably towards our outstanding HSE performance. This scheme has proven to promote interest and proactive participation of employees, especially those at the frontlines. Thirteen men from our various sites were chosen for their exemplary actions in 2009. N. M. Sumra Das Island Asset Faisal Al Haisoom Das Island Asset Ali Abd Al Raheem Zakum Asset Radha Krishnan M. Zakum Asset Sameer TK Umm Shaif Asset Khalid Al Shehhi Umm Shaif Asset Awni Al Alami Maintenance Prevented a major gas leak during shutdown preparations by detecting and immediately reporting that the bolts on a spade of the high pressure 36” inlet were loose. Detected gas emitting from the turbine hood of a loading pump during tanker loading, He immediately reported the leak, stopped the pump and isolated the gas line. His actions averted the incident from escalating. Prevented a shutdown by immediately reporting an oil leak inside the engine compartment of a gas compressor. He cleaned the leak, maintained the oil tank level and kept close watch until the leak was rectified. Took the lead in containing a minor fire in a battery charger panel by immediately informing control room and isolating the panel. Showed positive response when he discovered gas leak from GT-3 inlet strainer and immediately rectified the leak safely. Showed excellent HSE awareness in enforcing PTW with contractors on site, also contributed many valuable suggestions during group safety meetings and has motivated his colleagues to be more HSE conscious. Very good HSE initiatives and excellent near miss reporting on board Al Hyleh barge. Abdul Rahman Samin Spotted and immediately reported a very large metallic bouy drifting between Zakum and Umm Al Dalkh. His prompt Integrity Khalid Amur Drilling Amer Bin Jaffer Logistics Uyam Anak Ujai Major Projects Sherif Ismail HSE CHAMPIONS OF THE YEAR Brownfield Project Fayez Al-Hajeri Commercial action prevented a possible collision accident of other vessels. Very good HSE initiatives, commitments and excellent near miss reporting . Also provided good HSE advise and encouragement to his colleagues. Exceptional contribution in raising a significant number of HSE observations and safety issues, as well as in safely clearing of the scrap tubulars in Mussafah base. His exceptional involvement and participation in the promotion of HSE on board Marinia barge was instrumental in averting incidents during the most hazardous scaffolding activities. Showed exceptional performance when he assumed the responsibility of superintendent during SEP 150 jacking system failure also during rescue of barge SEP 250 during unpredicted adverse weather. Safely provided project support work, including the incident-free restacking of 19,500 tons of drilling tubulars in Mussafah Yard. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 18
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