FALL 2008 - to view our main website


FALL 2008 - to view our main website
FALL 2008
Robert W. Nafie, Ph.D.
Clairbourn’s campus is back in full-swing and
better than ever for the 2008-2009 school
year. The Seiter Family Early Childhood
Center is now up and running and marks the
completion of Clairbourn’s spectacular West
Campus Renovation Project, which included
the Randall Hall and Victoria Andrew Hall
elementary classroom buildings. The new
preschool greatly enhances the beauty
and cohesiveness of the campus and is
already being enthusiastically enjoyed by
the youngest cougars. More details about
the Seiter Center and its grand opening
celebration can be found in the following
pages, as well as an in-depth feature on
Clairbourn’s Art Program as it progresses from
preschool through eighth grade. Readers will
also get a look inside the famous Middle
School elective, “Check Six,” which reenacts
historical WWII aerial combat battles. In
addition, there is graduation news, plenty
of alumni updates, and Clairbourn’s 20072008 Annual Report. I invite you to sit back
and enjoy this fall issue designed to be a
harbinger of the good news that is Clairbourn
• features
The Seiter Family Early Childhood Center
Middle Schoolers Check Out ‘Check Six’
Art Smart: An Interview with Shirley Bonaparte
“Turning Obstacles into Opportunities”
Clairbourn’s Graduation Speech
Dr. Nafie’s Graduation Remarks
Class of 2008 High School Choices 20
Spotlight on Success
Alumni News
2007-2008 Annual Report
The purpose of Clairbourn School shall be
to demonstrate in a practical way the unlimited
nature of all true instruction through educational
opportunities which are harmonious with the
teachings of Christian Science and in accordance
with accepted professional standards of
educational excellence.
Branching Out is published twice a year
by the Communications Department
of Clairbourn School.
8400 Huntington Drive
On the cover:
Kindergarteners, Makenna Kibbe, Charlie
Sutherland, William Tsao, Jaeger Ehrgott,
and Kate Tsao on a pyramid of hay bales at the
Underwood Family Pumpkin Farm in Moorpark.
San Gabriel, CA 91775
Director of Alumni & Communications | Nancy Ward
Director of Development | Kristin Bennett
Design | Cynthia Holmes, Studio 33 Design
The Seiter Family Early Childhood Center
Pre-Kindergartener, Aidan Tran, had a wonderful time at the Seiter Center opening climbing the new play structures.
he happy voices of preschool children singing the
traditional grace before snack can still be heard
at Clairbourn, but learning, singing, climbing,
sliding, digging, and painting now take place at the
wonderfully joyful and vibrantly alive new Seiter Family
Early Childhood Center.
The Seiter Center connects Clairbourn’s well loved
traditions and its eighty-year commitment to early
childhood education with innovative technology and
fresh imaginative facilities. The new state-of-the-art
facility has expansive and flexible classroom spaces—
each of which includes
SMART Board® technology
(which is an electronic
version of a traditional chalk
board) and a host of books,
learning tools, and play
Teacher, Jaime Hawks,
Seiter Center Campaign Chairs recently
illustrated the
Josie and David Beringer.
story of Jonah and the Whale on the classroom SMART
Board® for her class chapel, modeling how to create a
story line with images.
The new state-of-the-art facility has
spaces—each of which includes SMART
Board® technology and a host of books,
learning tools, and play items.
The Director of the Early Childhood Department,
Mrs. Karen Paciorek, enthusiastically reports that young
students are digging, climbing, sliding, cycling, and
creating dramatic play as they explore and discover the
outdoor area of the Seiter Center. This new play yard is
designed to stimulate cognitive, motor, and social skills.
It includes a sand river, bike path, a mini Manor House
play room, the Trellis Theatre for performing and playacting, and a covered lunch patio which students are
the seiter
Leila Wu, Henry Barker, Tiffany Chang, and Ethan Bacio, along with their
classmates, sang “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” as part of the
Seiter Center Opening Ceremony.
Pre-Kindergartener, Henry Barker, explored the bike paths in the new
preschool play yard.
The entire Seiter family was on hand to celebrate the completion of the new preschool facility. (Back row, right to left): Mrs. Linda Seiter, Mr. John Seiter,
Mrs. Kristi Seiter Simmons, Mr. John Simmons, Mrs. Shannon Seiter Williamson, Mr. Jonathan Williamson, Elizabeth Williamson, Kassie Simmons, (Front
row, right to left) Claire Williamson, Collin Williamson, JT Williamson, and Caroline Simmons.)
the seiter
Junior Pre-Kindergarteners enjoy a juice and cookie snack on the new preschool lunch tables. Back row from left to right: Victoria Barry, Christopher
Fung, and Henry Fogel. Front row from left to right: Alexandra Houck, Maya Balle, and Piper Kibbe.
enjoying every day. The Early Childhood Department
teachers and staff are equally delighted in their special
teacher’s area which has a kitchen that includes a
dishwasher and microwave, and a laundry area with a
sparkling new washer and dryer.
The Open House celebration for the Seiter Center was
held on May 20th of 2008, to celebrate the final piece
Clairbourn is deeply grateful to all who
supported this building campaign and
lent their organizational, planning,
and cheerleading efforts to ensure
its success…
of the West Campus Renovation Project. The evening
included a ribbon cutting ceremony, a preschool
student performance of “He’s Got the Whole World in
His Hands,” and a delightful picnic dinner in The Quad
followed by plenty of time for everyone to tour the new
facility and for the young people in attendance to breakin the new play equipment.
Before dinner, the festivities began with a warm
welcoming speech from Headmaster Dr. Robert Nafie,
followed by Clairbourn’s President of the Board of
Trustees, Laurie Johnson, who honored key supporters
of the project including lead gift donors, John and Linda
Seiter; Campaign Chairs, Josie and David Beringer;
Trellis Theater donors, Keith and Nancy Zubchevich;
West Campus Renovation Project donors of Randall Hall
and Victoria Andrew Hall, the Randall and Williamson
families; the 2007-2008 CFA President, Mary Beth
Nelson; and past and current Early Childhood Directors,
Barbara MacMullin, Stacie Williams, and Karen
Paciorek. Other Seiter family members in attendance
included Jonathan and Shannon Seiter Williamson and
their children, Elizabeth, JT, Collin, and Claire; John
and Kristi Seiter Simmons and their children Hunter,
Kassie, and Caroline.
Clairbourn is deeply grateful to all who supported
this building campaign and lent their organizational,
planning, and cheerleading efforts to ensure its success
as well as ensuring that the beloved tradition of early
childhood education continues as it meets technology
and innovation.
An FW-190A-8 plane is positioned and ready for action in the Middle School elective Check Six.
Middle Schooler’s Check Out
t is 1944, and speeding through the air at 350 miles
per hour, a group of American World War II pilots,
flying over France, deftly maneuver into position behind
the enemy aircraft. The skirmish is brief but dramatic.
Round after round is discharged from the gunner’s barrel
into the wing of the target, shredding it to pieces. After
a series of cat and mouse chases, the enemy’s plane is
soon dispatched and the mission is accomplished for
now...but wait! It is actually 2008, and this whole scene
just took place on a sunny afternoon inside Clairbourn’s
own Multipurpose building! These war hero pilots
are actually middle school students taking a school
elective called Check Six—a three dimensional board
game played with 1:72 scale model aircraft that allows
participants to reenact, in exact historical detail, real
aerial battles from WWII.
Teacher, Paul Barker, learned the game Check Six
in the U.S. Air Force as a N.C.O. (Non-Commission
Officer Sergeant). The simulation was used to teach how
planes operate, to show principles of aerodynamics, to
demonstrate maneuvers and also to deliver historical
lessons on aerial combat. By using model airplanes
‘Check Six’
supported on rolling and adjustable poles, and
historical data, separate moments of an air battle could
be staged accurately to depict the charted position,
altitude, speed, and role of each plane in the battle. This
simulated game allowed the military to teach its pilots
up-close the characteristics of aircrafts, how they work
off each other and the importance of staying in groups
to fight together.
Students in the Check Six elective are learning
many of these same lessons. They start by gaining an
David Orndorff, checks his plane’s location against the historical data
and charts.
understanding of the capabilities and limits of their
assigned aircraft, including how fast the plane can
travel, roll, dive, and climb, how many armaments it
can carry, the maximum turn radius, and how much
structural damage it can withstand. Then they carefully
position their aircraft on the railing support poles
according to their battle data and begin reenacting
raids, fighter sweeps, air superiority interdictions, and
pinpoint missions to take out radar stations. The data for
the class is taken from declassified battle statistics from
missions in North Africa, Pearl Harbor, Britain, Poland,
and France from 1939 to 1945.
Mr. Barker explains, “It’s not a game, it’s a simulation.
When you understand the mechanics of the game, it
is as close to flying as possible.” In WWII these pilots
would often fly for eight hours and then have one
minute of actual combat. In the game, each player’s
turn represents five seconds of actual flight time in an
aerial battle. Between all the players, it takes about 20
to 30 turns to cycle through one minute of combat.
Students also fill out record sheets to accurately track
the historical flight data, and perform calculations for
their plane’s speed at certain altitude levels.
Some students even take the initiative to read actual
historical accounts on their own. For instance, several
students decided to read up on JGI, the famous German
airwing. These students learned so much about the
plane that when former war pilot, Col. Walker ‘Bud’
Mahurin, visited their class to talk with the students, he
Angus McKay and Tyler Zubchevich get their planes ready for their next
moves in the game.
Teacher, Paul Barker, assists the students in making careful adjustments to
each student’s plane in the battle reenactment.
was astonished at their technical knowledge and depth
of questions about aircraft capability.
Mr. Barker pitched the elective back in 1996 to
headmaster, Dr. Nafie, who being a pilot readily agreed
to the proposal. The elective was so popular that soon
afterwards a Check Six club was started on campus which
met monthly to reenact different phases of the war. The
game even spread to St. Francis High School when an
alum built his own aircraft and game mechanism so he
could start his own club. Since then, all the clubs have
gone, but the elective has become a legendary favorite
among middle schoolers, and now Mr. Barker has around
300 model airplanes he built himself to use in the class.
Looking back on twelve years of teaching the elective,
Mr. Barker has seen that students have a tendency to
fall in love with the whole Check Six experience, and it
becomes something they stay connected with long after
they graduate from Clairbourn.
During the Library illustration unit, second graders explore mixed-media by using soft pastel and dried glue to create their own designs like this one
with a floral motif.
Art Smart:
This interview is the second article in a series exploring
the deeper aspects of Clairbourn’s curriculum. In addition
to the music program which was covered in last Spring’s
issue of Branching Out, we will be exploring science,
math, sports, language arts, reading, and more in future
N. Ward: I’d like to begin by asking, what are the educational benefits of exposure to art and creativity, and
why is it so important to offer to the youngest students?
S. Bonaparte: I think that the activity of creativity, which
builds an understanding of design elements and how to
utilize them, allows us to strengthen children’s ability to sort
out the world for themselves, and gives them a chance to
express their own ideas.
Early childhood education programs show how much
children learn and develop confidence and a sense of
place in the world when they have choices and access
to developmental experiences. Among the first things children do when they are young, besides talking and walking, is scribbling. Scribbling turns into drawing. These
“schemas” or creative diagrams illustrate the child’s mental
framework, responses to stimuli, and reveal how a child
organizes his/her thoughts.
If you think about what a schema is and what a child
has to do to create a schematic drawing, you might come
to the conclusion that the child is actually creating their
own world. A child can’t just automatically see the world
as an adult sees it. They don’t have the same hands-on
experience or mental framework. This framework is still
developing, and so what the child draws and how the
elements in the drawing are interrelated become very revealing of how they see the world and themselves in the
art program
world. It is important to allow the child to do this and support them.
N. Ward: How does Clairbourn’s art program facilitate
this goal of allowing children to understand themselves,
the world around them, and develop their own creative
ideas about it?
S. Bonaparte: In the earliest grades, it starts with the
preschool teachers providing daily access to art-related
activities and different types of medium like Play-doh®,
paint, and drawing materials. By playing with and exploring art materials, students gain an understanding of how
to use them and soon develop a desire to produce their
own ideas. It is at this production stage that they develop
rudimentary skills of pausing, evaluating, and reworking
their project. In the classroom, children are given time to
create and vocalize their ideas by describing what they
made and how it makes them feel.
As the students move through ascending grades, their
understanding of the world and their relationship to it is
enhanced by certain academic units that have an integrated artistic component. For example, first-graders studying
the solar system make their own collaged paper planets.
Second-graders bring the Rainforest Unit to life by constructing a jungle out of paper leaves and animals that
were created in art class. Even the subject of endangered
animals takes on a very personal form of expression when
third-graders make their own three-dimensional clay animal placed in a diorama and draw endangered animal
habitats with colored pencil. Each of these projects transforms the student’s learning experience by incorporating
their own feelings and ideas about the subject.
N. Ward: What special methods are used in the art
room to teach drawing for example, and what does a
student’s typical experience of learning this subject look
like as he/she moves up through the grade levels?
S. Bonaparte: Well for example, first-graders learn
about the basic visual elements used in drawing shapes
and creating designs through the Mona Brookes’ method.
By third grade, intense contour drawing is introduced, by
fourth grade drawing skills are continued with the circle
and tube method of drawing the human body. By fifth
grade, more professional techniques for drawing the human face are introduced. Then in Middle School, students
have the option to continue their drawing education or explore other interests. Similar progressive lessons are taught
in all grades for clay sculpture, painting, color theory, paper engineering, and design.
In Middle School, a wider array of subjects is offered
as electives such as watercolor and oil painting, ceramics,
photography, jewelry making, collage and mixed media,
antique art decoupage, and design and color theory.
N. Ward: How does the subject of art appreciation
come into play during the students’ time in the classroom?
S. Bonaparte: In preschool, students start out right away
with early exposure to the work of professional artists.
Each year, students have a block where they are shown
various art pieces and are then allowed to choose as a
group an artist’s style to emulate. In addition, through the
“By playing with and exploring art materials, students gain an understanding
This butterfly objet d’art is made with a crayon and watercolor resist
and has been embellished with sequins.
of how to use them and soon develop
a desire to produce their own ideas.”
art program
First-graders studying the solar system make their own planets out of construction paper and design felt-puppet aliens to go with them.
Hunter Bononi Artist in Residence Program, Clairbourn’s
Early Childhood classrooms are treated to a visit from an
artist who comes each year to share their work and present an art lesson to the children. At Book Fair time, visiting
children’s book illustrators come to talk about their artistic
process with appropriate grade levels.
In grades one through five, we also incorporate small
art appreciation lessons at the beginning and end of class
by displaying artwork via printed posters or on the web
using SMART Board® technology. Some art lessons start
out by analyzing a painting thereby furthering the students’
understanding of the thought process and skills underlying
the art piece. Other lessons in art appreciation come from
a series of books used in the classroom called, How Artists
Use…, by Paul Flux, which cycle through the subjects of
color, perspective, shape, line and tone, and pattern and
In addition, a full art appreciation course is a requirement at the middle school level. In this course, they are
given an intensive introduction to art history, study the role
of the artist in society, and learn how pertinent social,
political, economic, and historical factors should be considered when analyzing works of art and artists. Then, as
opportunity occurs, we take the class on a field trip to a
local art museum, such as the Norton Simon or the Huntington Library.
N. Ward: For students who are especially interested
in art, what opportunities do they have to expand their
S. Bonaparte: If I know a student has a particular interest, such as the characters in Manga graphic novels, I
may look for a drawing or instruction book on that subject.
Or if students are taking the figure-drawing block in fourth
grade, I may open up the theme from a self-portrait to allow depictions of their favorite superhero or video game
character. The same project, for another student, could
even morph into a design and color study if the student
was inclined in that direction. I also try to allow as much
self-directed drawing time as possible. By letting students
have choices of subject, materials and media, and by offering them an excellent reference library, they are given
the necessary tools and freedom to expand on their interests. Students also have the opportunity to partcipate in the
Annual Art Show held in the Multipurpose building during
the Spring Carnival. This popular event is very meaningful
to students, parents, and friends of the school who have a
love for the arts.
N. Ward: What about the students who don’t seem to
art program
Emily Shantz works on colorizing a parrot for her Rainforest project.
show an immediate or discernable talent for art. How
would their experience differ at Clairbourn?
S. Bonaparte: When it appears that a child may not
show interest, talent, or ability in a subject, that’s when
the Christian Science point of view at Clairbourn is particularly relevant. By understanding that, “…Soul [God] is
never without its representative…” (p. 427-3, Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy)
as teachers, we can reason that these students represent
God’s very own activity—not personal human ability. That
gives us divine authority for knowing they can’t be missing
anything needed for artistic expression. Every child therefore has a right to express, with enjoyment and fulfillment,
the qualities of God such as beauty, harmony, balance,
individuality, creativity, innovation, intelligent problem-solving, and so on.
As a Christian Scientist, I am working to bear witness
to how these qualities are being revealed in each child,
and helping the children to see and celebrate these qualities in themselves and others. I’m sure every art teacher
is intuitively doing this, but as Christian Scientists, we are
acknowledging this more forthrightly and are trained to
nurture spiritually these qualities. As I work with the highest
concepts of teaching, I see that we don’t have to give laFALL 2008 BRANCHING OUT
bels to the children. Every child is growing in their expression of the spiritual qualities that belong to them from God.
I’ve seen many examples of children’s art skills blossom in
Middle School when their parents were sure their child
had no artistic ability.
N. Ward: What are some of the special advantages of
the art program at Clairbourn?
S. Bonaparte: Having a permanent art studio on campus where we can hold classes is a distinct advantage.
At some schools art teachers don’t have a home base
and wheel an “art cart” between classrooms. At Clairbourn we have a beautiful well-lit, clean, and organized
art studio with plenty of work space including a ceramics kiln, a still-life collection, and our own art reference
library in the room (which is a true rarity at many schools).
We also have the advantage of continuity of instruction.
By having one main art teacher for Kindergarten through
eighth grade, there is greater opportunity to track student’s
development and progress and to deliver a consistent curriculum. Also, as mentioned before, the Christian Science
perspective that acknowledges each student’s God-given
access to and unlimited potential in any area of endeavor
is another distinct advantage.
N. Ward: Does Clairbourn’s art program include activities that could be considered craft projects, and if so,
what value do they have?
S. Bonaparte: This is a very interesting question. I think
there is an apparent dividing line in place between craft
and fine art. We don’t do too many craft projects at Clairbourn. With that said, when the art teacher’s goal is to
Emily Gifford, Madison Corwin, and current parent Margaret Gifford
enjoy the artworks on display at the spring Art Show in the Multipurpose
art program
present artistic principles at work, sometimes what looks
like a craft project might be the best way to deliver the
lesson. The important part is not always what type of art is
being produced, but how the student’s concept expands
out from the creative problem to be solved and how their
abstract concepts of art-making develop. For example, the
pinch pot project in the lower grades is designed to help
the students see their own potential beyond the present
project. Students are shown that their simple pinch pot,
when inverted and combined with other clay shapes like
spheres and cylinders, can be turned into an animal form
such as a clay turtle. The clay turtle shape then becomes
a type of canvas for a dramatic line and color paint project in another phase of the class. This example shows
that what looked like a clay pinch pot craft project was
actually part of a larger integrated lesson of demonstrating how basic curved, straight and irregular shapes can
first be used in an abstract, non-representational way, and
then be utilized in combination to form something more
complex and expressive.
N. Ward: Can you tell us a bit about your own artistic
background, education, and teaching experience?
S. Bonaparte: My undergraduate degree is in Art History from Eisenhower (a progressive liberal arts college
that offered a special four-year world-studies curriculum).
My master’s degree is a Master’s in Teaching Art from
the Rhode Island School of Design, with an emphasis
on stained glass under Dale Chihuly. Before deciding to
Fifth-graders studying ceramics make a pumpkin-theme clay
Middle school charcoal still-life study
using light and shadow to portray
Art Teacher, Shirley Bonaparte
use my degree, I pursued careers in layout design and in
Christian Science nursing. I also worked for four years in
Clairbourn’s preschool, where I learned hands-on what
it means to work with children in a developmentally appropriate way. I consider that experience foundational to
my present teaching approach. I’m continually furthering
my own art education by taking workshops, classes, and
study coursework in many areas including watercolor,
pastel, and fiber arts. It is especially rewarding when I
can pass along some technique or concept I’ve recently
learned to my students.
N. Ward: Is there anything you’d like to say to summarize your feeling about the importance of art education
at Clairbourn?
S. Bonaparte: The goal of the art teacher is to engage
the student—spirit, mind, heart, and body. When this happens, the student develops the capacities to create, to
develop critical thinking skills, to appreciate other works of
art, and to recognize more of his/her own unique and innate self-expression. In the article, “Why the Arts Deserve:
CENTER STAGE” published in The School Administrator
magazine, author Richard J. Deasy says of teaching the
arts, “Students become goal-oriented and self-directed.
Getting the results takes discipline, persistence, and resilience.” I agree! Isn’t this what we want for each child at
Graduate of 2008 Award which is the school’s highest
honor. This award is given each year to the student with
the most distinguished record for leadership, scholastic
achievement, school service, participation, and overall
good attitude.
Memorial Award For Scholar/Athlete to honor his stellar
academic achievements and spectacular sportsmanship.
JAMIE KWONG WAS Was presented with the
John Eric Beckstrom Memorial Scholarship Award. The
$1,000 prize goes to the student each year who most
closely embodies the qualities of a Christian Scientist,
regardless of religious persuasion.
Outstanding Graduate, Meredith Myers, with her parents Megan
and Richard Myers.
Sportsmanship Award of $500. This award honored
Solina’s outstanding citizenship and leadership on the
sports field.
Memorial Scholarship. A trophy and $500 were presented
to Noelle in honor of her tireless work-ethic and can-do
attitude towards her academic studies.
Pearson Humanitarian Scholarship of $500 for expressing
best the qualities of beloved former Clairbourn teacher,
Ann Pearson.
Scholar/Athlete Award winner, Alan Chang, and his mother Cathy Chang.
Corey Jung, Anastasia Velicescu, Meredith Myers, Miles
Brenninkmeijer, Alisha Jain, and Melieck Robinson were
named as winners of School Service Awards at the 200708 Awards Ceremony.
Coach John Paciorek is a featured contributing
writer for DugoutCentral.com, a website where fans and
scouts can discuss baseball. It all started with Thomas
Wayne, a writer for the website, who decided to do an
article called “The Amazing One Game Career of John
Paciorek” and a follow-up piece called “An Interview
With John Paciorek.” He wrote about how “Paciorek, in
Eric Beckstrom Scholarship winner, Jamie Kwong, with Mrs. Lynda
Beckstrom and Mrs. Amy (Beckstrom) Patzlaff.
Nijjar Sportsmanship Award winner, Solina Beringer with her brothers
Travis and Daniel and parents David and Josie Beringer.
Congratulations to all the 2007-2008 School Service Award winners!
Lola Wallden Scholarship Winner, Noelle Shoemake, with her mother
Kris Shoemake.
Coach Paciorek is a celebrity sports figure and writer for DugoutCentral.
Ann Pearson Scholarship winner, Aaron Samuelson with his parents Julia
and Ron Samuelson.
Fifth Grade violinists performed in the spring Coffee Concert.
his Major League debut and in the one and only game
of his Major League career, went 3 for 3 with a pair of
walks, four runs scored and two RBI which may be the
single greatest one game career in the history of baseball,
and quite possibly in the history of competitive sport.” Due
to back injuries, Paciorek’s professional baseball career
ended, but his teaching career for the past 33 years at
Clairbourn was born. Coach Paciorek also has a passion
for writing about baseball, and now he writes a wellreceived weekly column for DougoutCentral.com.
Many thanks to music teachers Mrs. Rosemary
Kiertzner and Ms. Ann Mize who directed students in a
spectacular “Coffee Concert” for students and parents
this last May. Fourth, fifth and Middle School students
performed in class groups, in small ensembles and/or
performed solos on a variety of wind and string instruments.
Of special note was a violin solo “Gigue” from Sonata in
D Minor, F.M. Veracini, performed by Caitlin Emslie, a
violin duet of “Minuet 2,” J.S. Bach, performed by Laura
Lundegard and Arin Phillips, and a performance by Colin
Shumate and Cameron Wen on Alto Sax, with Sarah
Grandalski on Drums of “Pink Panther,” by Henry Mancini
and arranged by Aruthur Fackenpohl, and a performance
of the “Theme from Super Mario Bros.” by the fifth grade
clarinets with Malcolm Zeger playing a clarinet solo.
Clairbourn seventh-grader, Corey John, had
the honor of being selected out of 300 swimmers from
the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center to give Olympic hopeful,
Jason Lezak, a going away pep-talk before he left for the
Olympic Trials this summer. Jason won a gold medal at the
Olympics in the men’s 4x100 relay and famously helped
Michael Phelps win his 8 gold medals. Corey gave Jason
his own stuffed “Spirit Bear” to wish him well.
Last year’s 2007-08 Annual fund was a big
success! Chaired by Mary Urquhart and Sam Case,
it reached the goal of 100% participation for the first
time ever. Over $377,000 has been raised—an all
time record. Grade Level Captains from the campaign
included Trish Coane, Lisa and Milan Garrison, Marina
Chang, Tricia Searcy, Beth Price, Hugh Mac Dhubhain,
Corey John with Olympic Gold Medalist, Jason Lezak at the Rose Bowl
Aquatics Center.
Jill Pearson, Denise Bieker, Cynthy Moffatt, and Debbie
held at the Valley Hunt Club in May of 2008, marked
the end of a very successful CFA year for the Families
Association officers and volunteers. Clairbourn has an
enviable record in the area of parent involvement, and this
last year showed it all. CFA President Mary Beth Nelson
provided everything needed to coordinate the complex
CFA volunteer efforts successfully. During the luncheon,
Mrs. Nelson presented an oversized check to Dr. Nafie
for $216,000 from the Clairbourn Families Association’s
fundraising efforts during the year.
a Dip’n Dots® fundraiser to support Project Baby Greens
run by San Marino High School student, Sarena Hayer.
She solicited the help of Clairbourn students for her
community service project to help provide healthy food to a
village in India as a part of the world-wide developmental
organization, Village Volunteers. A total of $327.25 from
Clairbourn was donated to the cause.
Christine Urquhart, Madeleine Mackey, and Harley Barrera
competed in the IEL (Inter-Scholastic Equestrian League)
with other private and public schools at Hansen Dam on
October 26th. As a team, Clairbourn tied for 8th place in
the novice division out of about 60 schools. Christine was
the champion of the Novice Hunter Division. Madeleine
competed in Freshman Hunter, and Harley competed in
Novice Equitation.
Dr. Nafie’s 30 th year This 2008-2009 school year
2007-2008 CFA President, Mary Beth Nelson, presented a giant
check to Dr. Nafie representing $216,000 of the CFA’s total gift
of over $260,000.
marks the 30th year of service for Dr. Robert W. Nafie
as headmaster of Clairbourn School. His long span of
leadership and vision comes with an equally long list of
major accomplishments to herald. This list includes providing
an entirely new direction to the school, shepherding the
school’s many building projects designed to renew and
unify the campus infrastructure, replacing what had been
a pre-packaged curriculum with an excellent independent
school curriculum, and personally overseeing the education
of over 2,400 students.
As headmaster, he has often gone above and beyond
the call of duty to fill in where necessary on campus to
keep things running smoothly. Dr. Nafie came to Clairbourn
from Duluth, Minnesota, where he served as Executive
Director of the Washington County Developmental
Learning Centers of Duluth and Eveleth, Minnesota. He
holds several degrees—a B.A. in Economics and History
and a B.S. in Education from the University of Minnesota,
a Master of Science degree in Educational Administration
from the University of Wisconsin, and a Doctorate degree
from Claremont College.
Clairbourn has a new Cougar! This summer, the
Clairbourn’s new cougar was illustrated by artist David Coleman with
graphic elements designed by Cynthia Holmes at Studio 33 Design.
original cougar mural from the 1980s, which has served
the Multipurpose building for over twenty years, was
retired in favor of a more modern image that depicts
cougar pride, fair-play, and strength. The new sports logo
was coordinated by Marketing Director Nancy Ward and
was created by professional artists, David Colman (who
drew and illustrated the cougar) and Cynthia Holmes (who
designed the shield and type treatment of the graphic).
Today, I want to talk with you about opportunity…and for lunch. At the head of the food line was a large pile of
more specifically how to turn obstacles into opportunities. apples. A teacher had written a note on them that said:
Webster defines an obstacle as ‘something
“Take only ONE. God is watching.” Furthat interferes with or prevents action or
ther on down the lunch line, a student had
progress.’ He defines opportunity as ‘a situplace a note on a large pile of chocolate
ation or condition favorable for attainment
chip cookies that said, “Take all you want.
of a goal.’ Right now, you are at the standGod is watching the apples.”
point of opportunity. You are at a turning
We need to do the right thing by setting
point where everything in front of you presour own standards of good behavior, and
ents an opportunity: joining a new school,
making sure that we follow through and do
making new friends, taking challenging
them. Do the right thing when no one is
courses, trying out for a sports team or a
watching or will ever know about it. You
choir, becoming involved in student govwill always know.
ernment...Some of you might be think of
In my experience, I have had to express
Cynthia J. Holmes
those things as major challenges, or things
courage many times. The most recent and
that make you afraid. It all has to do with Former Clairbourn Teacher probably most compelling is when I decided
the way you look at them—your perspective. Winston
Churchill once said, “The pessimist sees difficulty in every
opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” I want to encourage you all to be optimists in your
life. I have found through my experience, that there are
four essential qualities that can help us change our perspecitve and can turn seemingly insurmountable obstacles
into wonderful opportunities.
These four qualities are: courage, compassion, persistence, and gratitude. Each of these qualities is inherent in
all of us. We possess them and can cultivate them more
and more throughout our lives. They are part of our core—
our true nature as expressions of the Infinite Creator. Let’s
take a look at each one of these qualities individually.
COURAGE is a quality of mind which enables you to
encounter danger or difficulties without fear. Courage is
what enables you to put your dreams into action and face
the challenges that would prevent you from progressing.
You have to have courage in order to “do the right thing.”
You’ve heard those words a thousand times as you were
growing up and probably a few more times while here at
Clairbourn. But they offer valuable advice. Always ‘do the
right thing.’
There’s a joke I heard about some children who were
lined up in the cafeteria of a private elementary school
to leave my career as a teacher. I had invested 4 years of
college studying to become a teacher, spent 9 years perfecting my teaching ability, and had earned my Master’s
degree in education. I had a good paying job, was respected by my peers, and was really feeling comfortable
in the life I had chosen. To all outward appearances it
would have been crazy to think about making a career
change at that point in time. But something deep down
inside of me wanted
“Each of these qualities
a new challenge. I
had a different view is inherent in all of us.
of what I wanted my We possess them and can
life to be.
cultivate them more and
I had been takmore throughout our lives.”
ing night courses in
graphic design up at the Art Center College of Design
in Pasadena and thoroughly loving what I was learning.
I found that I had a talent in this area, and one of my
teachers there was encouraging me to pursue it further. I
applied as a full-time student to the graphics program for
the next fall and was accepted. This was when the true
test of courage kicked in. I had to come up with the financing to leave my steady job, be willing to tell Dr. Nafie and
my colleagues that I was no longer going to be teaching
here, and face my own fears about going back to school
Graduates Maddie Corwin, Laura Santoro, Sagar Vaidyanathan, Melieck Robinson, Spike Larr, and Doug Topping share a final group hug
at the reception party.
knowing that I’d be among some of the older students attending there. In analyzing where my courage came from
to make this change, I realize that it came from a very
calm confidence inside of me that I was doing the right
thing, that there was a greater plan for me that included
only good...that all I had to do was listen to that inner
voice and trust. There’s a statement in the Bible that I often
refer to when I’m faced with something that scares me. It’s
from the book of Proverbs. It says,
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto
thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge
Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”
Well, I did trust, and that move into my career as a graphic
designer has been one that has been filled with progress
for me. Courage is what allowed me to follow my dream
and not be satisfied with what was comfortable.
COMPASSION is having a strong desire of good for
others, not just for ourselves. I want to share a story with
you that took place at the Seattle Special Olympics a few
years ago. For the 100-yard dash there were nine contestants, all of them so-called physically or mentally disabled.
Each of them set up at the starting line, and when they
heard the sound of the gun, they took off. Shortly afterward, however, one little boy stumbled. He fell and hurt
his knee, and then he began to cry. When the other eight
children heard him crying, they slowed down, and turned
around. Every single one of them ran back to him. One
little girl with Down’s Syndrome bent down and kissed the
boy and said, “This’ll make it better.” Well, the little boy
got up. He linked arms with the rest of the runners and joyously walked to the finish line. They all finished the race at
the exact same moment! Everyone in the audience stood
up and applauded and cheered for a very long time. It
touched the hearts of everyone in that stadium. You know
why? Because deep down, we all know that what really
matters in this life is not just winning for ourselves—it is
helping others to win too—even if it means slowing down
and changing our own course now and then. That’s compassion!
PERSISTENCE means to hold firmly and steadfastly to
a purpose or undertaking, despite obstacles, warnings,
or setbacks. I want to share with you another true story.
It’s about a man who led an extremely challenging life.
Financially, he struggled for years to make ends meet,
and after several years of marriage, his wife left him. He
had to figure out how to work full-time and still care for his
very young son. In desperation, he applied for a stockbroker internship where only 1 out of 20 interns would have
the chance to get a full-time job. During his internship, he
faced some enormous life challenges. At one point he
became homeless, and he and his son had to sleep in
shelters. Despite all of the odds that were stacked against
him, he persisted in achieving his goal. He studied hard
every moment he could. Eventually, he was the one intern
who was accepted into the full-time position. His life completely turned around, and he became a very successful
man. The man’s name is Chris Gardner. His persistence
inspired people so much that they made a movie about
his life-story. Perhaps you’ve seen it. It’s called “The Pursuit
of Happyness” and stars Will Smith. There’s a quote I love
from the movie where Will Smith is talking to his son. He
says, “Don’t ever let somebody tell you...You can’t do something. Not even me…You have a dream...You have to
protect it. When people can’t do something themselves,
they wanna tell you, you can’t do it. If you want somethin’, go get it. Period.”
Persistence. We don’t always succeed on the first try—
certainly not by the world’s standards—but it’s not the
honors and the prizes which ultimately nourish our souls.
It’s the knowing that
“...it’s not the honors and
we have done our
which ultimately
best...we have given prizes
it our all. We have nourish our souls. It’s the
persisted. If you knowing that we have done
keep doing what our best...we have given it
you know is right
our all. ”
and good eventually you will achieve your goals. More often than
not, the height of our success is determined by the
depth of our commitment.
GRATITUDE is a feeling of deep appreciation for kindness or benefits received. Gratitude is an attitude. It is a
choice...and we should make it a habit. When we look
for the good in a situation, it automatically changes our focus from seeing challenges, to recognizing opportunities.
There is a statement in Science and Health with Key to
the Scriptures by the discoverer of Christian Science, Mary
2008 Graduating Class (1st row): Gina Manwani, Krupa Patel, Laura Santoro, Carly Mann, Maddie Corwin, Miranda Stein, Jenny Torres, Caitlin
Emslie, (2nd row): Meredith Myers, Sagar Vaidyanathan, Eric Bocanegra, Corey Jung, Justin Bu, Daniel Garcia, Melieck Robinson, Cole Davies, Alisha Jain,
(3rd row ): Spike Larr, Jordan Marks, Steve Agajanian, Arman Aivazian, Doug Topping, Alex Law, Jonathan Kwong, Alan Chang, (4th row): Erick Snyder,
Calvin Lu, Daniel Mock, Angus McKay, Payton Wakimoto, Miles Brenninkmeijer, and Jeff Garavaglia.
Payton Wakimoto, Erick Snyder, Jeff Garavaglia, and Angus McKay celebrating their graduation from Middle School.
Jennifer Torres and Carly Mann shared a quick hug before they joined
the procession of graduates into the Multipurpose building.
Baker Eddy, that I have turned to many times throughout
my life. It’s about gratitude. She says,
“Are we really grateful for the good already received?
Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have,
and thus be fitted to receive more.”
I have found that being grateful for the good I already
have, usually opens my eyes to see the opportunities that
already exist, but that I was blind to before. Shortly after I
started my graphic design business, I had an opportunity
to test this out. I had several jobs coming in, but nothing
that was very regular or that I could count on to keep me
in business for the long term. I started thinking about all of
the good that I had in my life. I even made a list of those
things....my family, my dog, the beautiful house I live in, my
education...Further on down that list, I wrote down Clairbourn. I realized I was deeply grateful for all the friends
I had made here, the students that had brought me so
much joy, the families that I still keep in touch with even
today. My heart was literally overflowing with love and
gratitude for this place. It wasn’t until then, that it dawned
on me that I could possibly still be of service here. Well,
I contacted Dr. Nafie. I showed him some of my portfolio
and to spoke with him about how I might be of help to
the school. He was ready to change some of the graph-
ics and publications that Clairbourn was using, and my
knowledge and love for this school made my design firm
the perfect fit. My expression of gratitude opened my eyes
to see that I had an opportunity to give back to Clairbourn
in a totally different way...and one that I am continually
grateful for.
So today we have explored four qualities that are helpful in turning obstacles into opportunities: courage, compassion, persistence, and gratitude....Use these innate
qualities to help shift your focus from seeing the obstacles
life presents, to seeing the opportunities that lie waiting for
you to discover.
Today is a day of great joy and celebration. Now is the
time to reflect back on the lessons you have learned here,
to revel in your accomplishments, and to dream about
your future. I have no doubt that great things are in store
for this class. You leave here today well-prepared for the
challenges you will face. See them as unexpected opportunities that you are ready to uncover. In all that you do,
throughout your life, I wish you the strength and the grace
to make those choices which will allow you to become
the best person you can be. Go forward and make a
difference in whatever paths you choose—and warmest
congratulations to you all—The Class of 2008.
FAREWELL TO THE CLASS OF 2008: Dr. Nafie’s Graduation Remarks
Well, the time has come to bid farewell and Godspeed
to the Class of 2008. This class has shown the ability
to work hard, to play hard, to learn the lessons that are
put in front of you, and to draw close to each other as a
learning community in your own unique style. The sense
of caring and support among you has been a joy to
see. Your class has shown its academic capability, its
athletic capability, its caring capability, and its healing
capability. As graduates, you are going on to excellent
high schools, and I know that you will carry with you
these valuable capabilities.
Some of you have been here since preschool. Some
of you remember the old preschool and Gardner
buildings, the kindergarten cottage, and the old
transportation benches. Some of you were here in the
Fall of 2001 when our nation was rocked by terrorist
attacks. The country was in need of consolation and
healing. We did our part in that work by knowing that
God does not abandon His children. He provides a
way out of any difficulty, even terrorism. And soon, the
country will be in need of your leadership. The years
ahead are ones of preparation. The question is: Will
you be ready?
Part of the answer is that already you have all the
tools you will ever require. Ever. What you don’t have
yet, is all of the information you will require, but life is a
journey, and you use your tools to gather the information
as you travel along.
The trick in life is something called wisdom. Wisdom
is where understanding meets judgement. And to be
truly ready for leadership, you’ll need this. And here’s
where Clairbourn can be a big help to you.
It will not be difficult for you to remember Clairbourn’s
daily Chapel. When you do recall Chapel, remind
yourself that it included time for prayer. Prayer, or
reflection, is the door through which wisdom enters your
thinking. Remember that you have a spiritual identity,
direct from God, and that as His child, you reflect His
nature. By taking a moment to pray before important
decisions, you will find that instead of merely reacting
to situations, you will be responding appropriately
through considered choice. With practice, it will
become second-nature to you; and by following the
insights you gain in prayer, it will lead you to wisdom.
Begin your future days with your own Chapel, and let
me know your results.
You have already provided leadership for our younger
grades. Thank you for your example. Your record of
academic achievement has been strong, and everyone
is moving on to a quality high school experience, wellprepared for success.
Earlier this year, we had a special assembly on the
subject of ethics…and we learned that ethical decisions
are those that are both right and good. Many experts
feel that we are living in what is called a transparent
world. By that they mean, that the choices you make
are visible to people, worldwide, immediately and
leave a permanent record in this electronic age.
Make good choices, both when you think no one is
looking, and when you think everyone is looking. The
criminal makes choices because he thinks no one is
looking; the hypocrite makes choices because he thinks
everyone is looking. Both are dishonest, and both
are unethical. I leave you with two quotes: William
Shakespeare says, “To thy own self be true”, and Mary
Baker Eddy says, “Honesty is spiritual power.” Either
way, these truths will set you free to realize your true
We will miss you all very much. Til our paths meet
again, I bid you a safe journey and much success.
Farewell to the Graduating Class of 2008…
Clairbourn’s 82nd!
Steven Agajanian The Webb School
Caitlin Emslie
Westridge School
Calvin Lu
San Marino High School
Melieck Robinson Maranatha High School
Arman Aivazian St. Francis High School
Jeffrey Garavaglia St. Francis High School
Carly Mann Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy
Laura Santoro The Webb School
Eric Bocanegra
St. Francis High School
Daniel Garcia St. Francis High School
Gina Manwani
La Salle High School
Erick Snyder La Canada High School
Miles Brenninkmeijer La Salle High School
Alisha Jain Mayfield Senior School
Jordan Marks La Salle High School
Miranda Stein Mayfield Senior School
Justin Bu Temple City High School
Corey Jung St. Francis High School
Angus McKay La Salle High School
Doug Topping School in Canada
Alan Chang St. Francis High School
Jonathan Kwong La Salle High School
Daniel Mock The Cate School
Jennifer Torres La Salle High School
Madison Corwin Maranatha High School
Spike Larr The Principia Upper School
Meredith Myers Mayfield Senior School
Sagar Vaidyanathan La Salle High School
Cole Davies
Alhambra High School
Alex Law La Salle High School
Krupa Patel Mayfield Senior School
Payton Wakimoto St. Francis High School
Caitlin Emslie, Madison Corwin, and Miles Brenninkmeijer show off their smiles just before the big graduation ceremony.
Margaret (Lombard) Heimer ‘35 and Elizabeth
(Eaves) Hardie *’35 (both original Clairbourn students
who attended in the late 1920s and were classmates of
Claire Bourne) visited the Manor House to participate in
a videotaped conversation with teacher, Paul Barker, and
Headmaster, Dr. Nafie, to recall their earliest memories of
attending the school. Hugh Penton*’36, of Oceanside,
joined in the conversation by speaker-phone. The group
enjoyed a lunch together and spent time reviewing old
yearbooks, photos, and brochures from their days at the
Ann Hollinger ‘62 is now living in Colleyville,
Texas, and just joined the Clairbourn alumni website!
Rosemary Evans *’67 has been named the Interim
Head for the Westridge School in Pasadena. In addition
to being an alumna of Westridge, Evans has enjoyed a
long teaching career of over 24 years including teaching
English at Westridge, and has served in many other highlevel capacities including department chair positions,
assistant head for academic affairs, and the middle school
director for many years. She holds a B.A. degree from
Bates College in Maine and an M.A. degree in teaching
from Simmons College in Boston.
attend Cal Poly Pomona and the University of California,
Riverside, finishing with a masters in Integrated Pest
Management (plant protection and nutrition). For the last
30 years he has worked to develop natural products for
use in Agriculture, Forestry, and Ornamental Horticulture.
He has also served as the president and an active member
of the Western Plant Growth Regulator Society for over 20
years. He also founded the Woodlandstock Benefit to help
the developmentally disabled community in Yolo County,
California. The organization put on concerts played by
local and famous musical acts, and now they record CDs
to sell for the benefit.
Carolyn Stewart *’69, now lives in Tucson, AZ.
She came by campus in May to meet up with former
classmates and to enjoy the alumni booth and activities at
Clairbourn’s Spring Carnival.
Ellen (Foster) Sandt *’70 is now working for
the County of Los Angeles as a deputy chief executive
Sharon Pattison-Fradella *’74, lives in Chino Hills,
California, and works at the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation
Lance Beem *’68 and
his wife, Leslie, live in Granite
Bay, California. He recently
joined the alumni website
and posted his memories of
attending Clairbourn for the fifth,
sixth, and seventh grades from
1963 to 1966. He specifically
remembers the hour and a half
early-morning and late-afternoon
bus rides with driver Mr. Skaggs
who would take them to and from
West Covina. After Clairbourn,
he attended Edgewood High
School, followed by Mount Sac
Jr. College, and then went on to
Early alums, Margaret (Lombard) Heimer and Elizabeth (Eaves) Hardie, both from the class of 1935, joined
Dr. Nafie for a video-taped luncheon to share their memories of the early days of Clairbourn School.
Alum and current parent, Frank Balle *’85 at the Spring Carnival
spirit booth with wife, Gretchen, and daughter Maya.
Children of Lara Bissier ‘85; (top) daughter – Lia, (bottom left) son
– Karsten, and (bottom right) daughter – Anya.
as their payroll manager. She returned to campus in May
with Julie Fernandez ‘70 to enjoy the Clairbourn Spring
Carnival and to check out the yearbooks full of memories
at the alumni booth. (See photo on page 35).
alumni website. He lives in San Luis Obispo, California,
with his wife, Amy.
Donn Christensen *’78 and his wife Mimi have two
first-graders, Katie and Tommy, that now attend Clairbourn.
(see photo on page 35).
Elaine Ahumada ‘80 has a doctorate in Public
Administration and is the dean at California Baptist
University in Riverside. She lives with her husband, Adrian
Stevens, and their three and a half-year-old daughter, Ari, in
Pomona, California. Her husband works as the campaign
manager for Cal Sate University, San Bernardino, College
of Education. When they’re not working they love to travel,
entertain, and spend time with family and friends.
Mark Sensenbach ‘82 just joined the Clairbourn
Michael Anderson *’83 owns his own contractor/
construction business in Bellingham, Washington.
Kristin (Kotchnik) Higman *’84 and her daughter,
Matilda, were in Paris this last spring where Kristin
sponsored an international baton tournament and parade
at Euro Disneyland.
Frank Balle, Class of *’85 and his wife, Gretchen,
are new Clairbourn parents. Their daughter, Maya, is in
Junior Pre-Kindergarten.
Lara Bisserier ‘85 and her husband, Lars, live in
Tiburon, California, where they now have three beautiful
children; Lia who is almost five, Anya who is two and a
half, and Karsten who is 13 months. Lara reported on the
alumni website that she attended the University of Irvine for
her bachelors in music and the Conservatory of Music in
San Francisco for her masters in music. She also sang for
the San Francisco Opera for two years. This October, their
family will be moving to Denmark.
Anne (Nafie/Stahmer) Boughton *’85 married Dale
Boughton at the Tivoli Gardens in Laguna, California, on
June 7th 2008.
Matthew Egan ‘86 and his wife, Andrea, live in
Glendora, California where Matthew works in government
for the City of Glendora.
Sheri (Ruiz) Muro ‘86 reported on the Clairbourn
alumni website, “I am a stay-at-home mother of four (ages
2,4,6 and 8). My husband, Peter, is a firefighter for the
City of Los Angeles. I recently started my own business at
home making personalized and photo jewelry. It’s called
Kith & Kin which means Friends and Family. Check us out
on the web at www.kith-kin.com. I am involved in our
children’s school with PTA and volunteering. I am team
mom, room mom, and coach for lord knows how many
different teams and classrooms.” Sheri graduated from San
Diego State in 1994 with a degree in Political Science.
Molly (Spiegel) Bollier ’92 with her daughter, Madeline, at the
Spring Carnival.
commercial kitchen equipment.
*HEY MID-1980’S ALUMS…Be sure to check out
the reunion this December that Sheri (Ruiz) Muro
is organizing for the 8th and 9th grade graduating
classes of 1985, and the 8th grades of 1986
and 1987. See more details on page 40 of this
Sarah (Nafie) Williams ‘86 and her husband, Dennis, are
expecting a baby due in early November. Sarah works as
an attorney, and they live in Highland Park.
Lucy (Huang) Chang *’88 and her husband, Tim,
have two daughters, Tiffany (who is enrolled in Clairbourn’s
Pre-Kindergarten) and Kimberly (who was born in March
of 2007). Their family runs Charter Enterprise, LLC which
was makes sheet metal products and castings for products
such as BBQ accessories, fire pits, stainless BBQs, and
Jenna (Castro) Gehring *’88 lives in Seattle,
Washington, with her husband Matthew.
Tiffany Lind Jump *’88, and her husband, Bill, welcomed
a son, Miles Payton Jump, into their family on April 23,
Jeff Jallo ‘91 was in the June issue of Affordable
Housing Finance Magazine on a list of 15 Young Leaders
in affordable housing. He works as a project manager for
Hampstead Companies which acquires and rehabilitates
existing low income housing properties in California,
Montana, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, and Maryland.
Molly (Spiegel) Bollier ‘92 is married and living
in Charlotte, North Carolina. She came back to campus
with her daughter, Madeline, in May to enjoy Clairbourn’s
Spring Carnival.
Shannon Murphy ‘96 and Alexis (José) Bisbee ‘96 with her son, Aiden,
at the Spring Carnival alumni booth.
Tom Cowart *’98 and his wife, Becky Wingert , stopped by Clairbourn
for a visit on their honeymoon.
youths helping them to stay out of detention centers and
foster care and helping them to adopt better behaviors
and make positive decisions. Carli has a bachelor’s
degree in Psychology from UC San Diego with a minor
in Sociology.
Kathleen Killian ’93 was spotted at Joe’s Place in
Duarte with her father by Third Grade Teacher Sharon
Sinclair. They both were there to hear the same keyboard
artist perform with a band. Kathleen, who knows several
languages, has been working as translator in Los Angeles,
and is now moving to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for a
Amy Shirk ‘94 is working as an athletic healthcare
trainer, at Hilo High School in Hilo, Hawaii.
Shannon Murphy ‘96 and Alexis (José) Bisbee
‘96 with her son, Aiden, visited the Clairbourn Spring
Carnival alumni booth. Shannon is currently working in
the film industry.
Carli Chung ‘95 is currently working as a services
supervisor for the San Diego CHOICE program. Previously
she worked with AmeriCorps as a youth service worker,
and it was through that organization that she discovered
the CHOICE program and never looked back. She now
works with at-risk youth, many who have been through the
juvenile justice system, to rebuild their futures. Her work
entails providing guidance, daily support, family and
community intervention, and life skills training to young
people. Carli has also personally developed a new
family services component that provides education and
support to parents. The CHOICE program was started in
1996 and has transformed the lives of many San Diego
Michael Nijjar ‘97 just obtained his master’s degree
in Real Estate Development from USC. While there, he
played on the USC Trojan hockey team.
98 Vanessa Casillas ‘98 was honored in La Salle’s Lancer
Magazine summer issue for her “…five letter track career
running the 100m, 1600m relay, and finishing second in
the CIF high jump championships at La Salle.”
Tom Cowart *’98, who attended Clairbourn from PreKindergarten through Kindergarten, came back to visit
Clairbourn with his new bride, Becky Wingert, who
worked at Clairbourn in 2005 as a Summer Spree Intern.
They now live and work at Principia College in Elsah,
Grant Lyon *’98 is a comedian and very proud of his
Clairbourn education. He recently participated in the Mile
High Comedy Competition which is a take-off on the reality
show “Last Comic Standing.” It was over several weeks at
multiple venues around Colorado. The Final Night was at
Wits End in Denver, in August of 2008, and he won the
Breesa (Everett) Haman ‘99 got married to
singer and songwriter, Kieth Haman, in 2007 and lives in
Carlsbad, California. She recently joined the Clairbourn
alumni website.
Emergency Department, and Opthamology/Hematology
departments. This coming summer, I have been accepted
into the Amgen Scholars program and will continue to
conduct research in the Davis lab—this time with cancer
cells and siRNA. The most exciting part is I get to learn
to use this really cool microinjector that injects picomolar
quantities of dye, fluorescent markers, and/or siRNA into
individual cells.
Annie Bigelow ‘03 is the dorm rep for her class
at Wellesley College. In her spare time she works at
Kit Clark ‘00 during his senior year at Colby
College where he majored in geology, was voted “Top
Teacher’s Assistant” and also consistently made the Dean’s
List with a full course load. He also was funded by a
National Science Institute grant to spend a summer in
South Africa’s Daroo Basin studying the African Permian/
Triassic extinction boundary along with the chairman of
the geology department. They presented their findings to
the Geological Society of America in Denver, Colorado.
Leah Pipes ‘03 was cast in Episode 1, “Allison from
Palmdale” in the 2008 season of “Terminator: The Sarah
Connor Chronicles.” She played, Jody, a runaway girl
that Cameron encounters in jail.
Arlo Brooks ‘04 was given the Excellence Award for
Visual and Performing Arts as a senior at La Salle High
School this past spring.
Jake Hollis ‘00 recently graduated from
Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania, with
a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Business
Lauren Bieker ‘04 graduated from La Salle High
School this past spring and is now at Gonzaga University
with an Achievement Scholarship. She is majoring in
Business Administration and Entrepreneurial Studies.
William Wagner’s ‘00 memory was honored at Claremont
McKenna College with a memorial barbecue area
dedicated on September 15, 2007. In November, he
was also posthumously named co-winner of the John Zinda
Award to honor the senior player who demonstrates high
ideals of performance, leadership, integrity, sportsmanship,
positive attitude, and academics.
Diana Dou ‘02 reported during her sophomore year at Cal Tech in May of 2008, “This past
summer, I was awarded a SURF (Summer Undergraduate
Research Fellowship) with Prof. Mark E. Davis. I studied
the kinetics of unmodified and chemically modified siRNA
in the silencing of the endogenous apoB gene. After SURF
ended, I spent 3 weeks shadowing doctors in CHLA in
the Immunology/Allergy, General Pediatric Surgery,
Max Dupill ’04 visited his step-brother, Nicholas Rivelle,
in the Kindergarten classroom on Grandparents Visiting Day.
a National Commended Scholar, elected to membership
in the National Honor Society, and nominated for the
National English Award. She also played Varsity Soccer
for three years and participated in Varsity Swimming
for two years. Her crowing achievement was playing
Carnegie Hall in May of 2007 where she performed the
“Andante Pastoral” solo for flute.
Katie Hampton*’08 and Alexandra Baptise ’05 at the Spring Carnival.
Jordan Dawn ‘04 came to Clairbourn’s Grandparents
Visiting Day in 2008 as the official “grandparent”
attending her sister’s classes and school activities. Jordan
was accepted to both Northwestern and UCLA to study
engineering, and chose to attend UCLA. Her picture
was published in the local paper in March of ’08 for an
Obama rally where she held signs and organized about
50 people to help her “Barack” the vote.
Max Dupill ‘04, a graduate of St. Francis High School,
had his choice of several college scholarship offers
including a Holy Cross Scholarship to the University of
Portland, a Scholarship to Seattle University, and a Dean’s
Scholarship to Dominican University. He chose to attend
Willamette University as the Compass Scholarship winner
where he is currently studying History and Education. In
March of 2008, Max returned to Clairbourn’s campus
on Grandparent’s Visiting Day as the acting grandparent
for his step-brother, Nicholas Rivelle, in Kindergarten, and
spent time enjoying the various classroom activities.
Tiffany (Lind) Jump’s baby, Miles
Payton Jump.
Arman Aivazian ‘08 visited campus
in September with his classmates
from St. Francis high school.
Kevin Chow ‘04 was named Liberal Arts Scholar of his
graduating class at La Salle High School.
Melody Chu ‘04 graduated from Flintridge Prep with a
National Merit Letter of Commendation and was elected
to membership in the Cum Laude Society. She currently
attends Cornell University.
Laura Colvin *’04, graduated this spring from Ridgewood
High school in Ridgewood, New Jersey, and is now back
in Southern California at USC studying English and Film.
Her high school accomplishments include being named
Ava Farshidi ‘04 is now attending UC San Diego and
is studying Political Science. As a graduate of Mayfield
Senior in 2008, she received the AP Calculus Class
Award, the AP Spanish Class Award, the English Class
Award, membership in the National Honor Society, and
life membership in the California Scholarship Federation.
Allison Ficht ’04 was one of several young women
honored for their charity work by the National Charity
League at the Annual Recognition Luncheon given at
the Langham Hotel in Pasadena this past June. She was
additionally honored, for the sixth year in a row, with the
League’s 100-Hour Award and was given three Mission
Bell Awards. Her other accomplishments include serving
Front row: Paige Dyrek, Corinne Botsford, Kim Thompson, Brent Bennett, Jensen Hu, Briana Swinney, Alejandra Vasquez, Caley Moffatt, Emily Miller.
Back row: Evan Robinson, Andrew Bieker, an unidentified friend of Tim (UFOT), Schafer Chulay, (UFOT), (UFOT), Kevin Matthews, Tim Reed, (UFOT).
Justin Posthuma, not pictured, also attended.
as Ticktocker Council President, winning the Presidential
Points of Light Award from Huntington Hospital, and she
served as grade-level president at Mayfield Senior.
Chris Garcia ‘04 just graduated from St. Francis High
School this last Spring and now attends LMU Loyola where
he is studying Finance.
Royce Lam ‘04, after graduating from St. Francis
High School, and is now attending Berkeley where he is
studying cell biology.
Serendi Lau *’04 in her senior year at Flintridge Prep, won
the Fine Arts Award for Drawing and Painting.
Andy Yan Lee ‘04 graduated from St. Francis High School
this past spring where he won the Academic Award in
Biology and Physics. He was awarded several college
scholarships including the La Canada Thursday Club
Scholarship, The Glendale Scholarship Endowment,
and the Wilder Trustee Scholarship at the University of
Rochester. Andy will major in Biological Sciences at
Rochester’s School of Medicine’s 8 year program.
Barry Lee ‘04 is now in the pre-law program at the
University of California, Riverside. Barry graduated from
Arcadia High School in the Spring of 2008.
Nick Mackey ‘04, graduated from Loyal High School
earlier this Spring and is now at Boston College where he
is studying Economics.
Alice McCullough ‘04 just graduated from Mayfield
Senior, and during her final year she won the school’s
Dance Award, was named MVP for Track, MIP for
Soccer, and competed in CIF Finals for Track. She also
volunteered at the Saban Research Institute at Children’s
Hospital Los Angeles, and was an honored debutante
for her hospital community service at the Las Madrinas
Ball last July. Currently she is a pre-med student at Texas
Christian University.
Brittany Nakatani ‘04, who attended Kentucky
Country Day High School, is now attending Bellarmine
Caley Moffatt ’06, Alejandra Vasquez ’06, Jessica Reed ’07, and Hannah Davich ’07, paid a visit to Chapel in June of 2008.
University in Louisville, Kentucky with a major in Exercise
Science. After three years of school she will apply to the
Physical Therapy program. Her other activities include
playing Division II soccer at Bellarmine, and so far for the
season, she is the leading scorer with six goals!
Nick Posthuma ‘04 graduated from St. Francis High
School and now attends Cal State Fullerton where he is
studying Kinesiology.
Jazmin Quimiro ‘04, is now at Whittier College
studying Biology with a pre-med emphasis. She recently
graduated from Alverno High School.
Jordan Randall *’04 had an exciting senior high school
year working in photography at Flintridge Prep. He was
an AP art student, produced an AP art portfolio of 24
works based on a theme, and had a showing of his work
on campus. He also played on the boys 2008 Varsity
Swim Team for Prep and helped to win the league title
for the 200m freestyle relay. Jordan is now at Chapman
University, and his plans involve continuing his study of
Alex Reitnouer ‘04 became an Eagle Scout this past
year, and now he attends Washington State University as
a scholar-athlete offensive lineman for the football team.
His high school football accomplishments at St. Francis
were impressive and included 38 tackles and two sacks
at defensive end, being a two-way player, lettering in
football and track twice, being named St. Francis’ and the
Mission League’s Most Valuable Lineman, given first-team
All-CIF Southern Section honors, and named first-team AllArea and first-team All-Mission League on the offensive
Scott Studenmund *’04 graduated from Flintridge Prep in
June 2008, and he is a National Merit Finalist. He is
now attending Pitzer College and was recruited to play
for the Pomona-Pitzer football team. Scott began playing
football his junior year, and his senior year he was named
the Outstanding Defensive Player on Flintridge Prep’s
football team. In addition, he was selected first-team AllLeague and second-team All-Area for football. Scott has
also been a top sprinter in the Prep League during all four
years of high school. For Varsity Boy’s Track his senior
Blake Dawn ’07, Daniel Beringer ’07, and Spencer Myers ’07 came back to campus to enjoy the Spring Production.
year, he received the Coach’s Leadership Award. He
has many fond memories of Coach Paciorek’s excellent
coaching across all sports during the ten years he spent
at Clairbourn.
Jennifer Sun ‘04 received the Varsity Tennis Coach’s
Award, was named MVP for Varsity Badminton, and
achieved Cum Laude Society membership. As a graduate
of Polytechnic, she is now studying at Princeton University
where she is studying Molecular Biology and English.
Brian Tran ‘04 just graduated from the Sage Hill School
in Orange County and now attends the University of San
Diego where he will major in Business and Theater.
Jennifer Traver *’04 is now attending Southern Methodist
University in Dallas, Texas, where she is majoring in
Benjamin Weissman ‘04 is a recent graduate of Polytechnic
and is attending Dickinson College with a major in premed and a minor in music.
Lindsey Wopschall ‘04 was a featured senior in the
Summer 2008 issue of La Salle High School’s Lancer
Magazine. She shared highlights of her favorite moments
attending La Salle including her softball championship
game in 2006, winning Top Banana at the UCLA cheer
camp in 2007, and working for the Adopt-a-Family
program at Christmas time. Her recent accomplishments
include being named California Athlete of the Year, and
receiving a Best Buy Scholarship. She currently attends
Gonzaga University.
Alexandra Baptiste ‘05 competed on the Flintridge
Prep Varsity Girls’ Track and Field Team which finished
third at the Prep League meet held at the Claremont
McKenna College this past May, and she was named
as an outstanding performer during her team’s awards
ceremony. In addition, Alexandra was named as one of
30 finalists for the 2009 Rose Parade Court and Queen
positions. Alexandra also attended Clairbourn’s Spring
Program and Carnival with Katie Hampton *’08 (See
photo on page 26).
Brandon Wen, Pamela Nankani, Kristin Gunther, and Jasmine Manwani from the Class of 2007 at the Spring Carnival alumni booth.
Sarah Chen *’05, Jessica Traver *’05, and Alexandra
Baptiste ‘05, were among 30 finalists for the 2009 Rose
Parade Court and Queen position. They were selected
from hundreds of girls that tried out for the honor.
Jocelyn Shoemake ‘05 participated in a robotic
competition that was a joint effort between the Claremont
Unified School District and the Claremont Colleges. She
was part of a group of six students from middle school
through high school who worked on building a robotic car
on weekends. Their mentors were professors from Harvey
Mudd College, a JPL staff member, and teachers from
the high school in Claremont. The competition was held
on April 25th, and they were tested on three categories
including the speed of the car, line following, and their
presentation of how the car was developed. Her group
took first in the speed and presentation category and
second overall. They were presented with an award from
the Board of Education from the district of Claremont.
Caley Moffatt ‘06 wrote the following update
on Clairbourn’s Alumni website: “I am currently a junior
at Mayfield Senior. All I’ve heard is that this year is going
to be extremely difficult, but so far it’s been going really
well! I am co-captain of our JV volleyball team at school,
and will be picking up dance again in November when
the season is over. I changed dance studios last winter,
and my new studio has been so much fun! I’ve had the
opportunity to experiment with different types of dance;
not just ballet. This year, I’ve also gotten involved with ASB
(Class Pres and Alejandra is VP!) I’m also volunteering
at Huntington Hospital which has been a really great
experience. Overall, I miss everyone & Clairbourn. Best
The Class of 2006 held a reunion on June 8, 2008 at
Tim Reed’s ‘06 meadow for an annual end of the school
year gathering. The group enjoyed hamburgers, hot dogs,
throwing the football, playing whiffle ball, swimming,
canoeing on the lake, and catching up. Moms and dads
came too! (See picture on page 27).
Hannah Davich ‘07 from Westridge,
Moffatt ‘06 from Mayfield Senior,
Jessica Reed ‘07
Hope McMorrow ‘07 lettered in volleyball, achieved a
4.0, and was honored with the Work Ethic Award during
her first year at Maranatha High School.
Brandon Wen,
Taylor Weissman,
Justin Farshidi, and
Andy Medina, all
from the Class of 2007, came to the Clairbourn Talent
Show in June. Justin, Lindsey and Taylor also came to
graduation to celebrate with their friends from the Class
of 2008. Additionally, Justin Farshidi ’07 was a notable
performer on the Junior Varsity Golf team for Flintridge Prep
during his freshman year of high school.
Jason Chou *’08 has moved to Central Hong
Kong where he is attending high school at Hong Kong
International School.
Justin Farshidi ‘07 and Andy Medina ’07 at the Spring Talent Show.
from Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy,
Vasquez ‘06 from Mayfield Senior, and Haley Phillips
*’10 from Westridge, paid a visit to Chapel in June to say
hello to all their Claibourn friends.
Blake Dawn,
Daniel Beringer, and
Myers, from the Class of 2007, came back for the 2008
Spring Carnival and Program at Clairbourn. Daniel
Beringer ‘07, currently at La Salle High School, also paid
a visit to Clairbourn’s Chapel on Grandparents Visiting
Day back in March of 2008.
Morgan Little ’07 recently auditioned to perform with
the Pasadena POPS in their Side-By-Side-By-Symphony
program. He was one of 39 young musicians chosen
from among the 100 students who tried out. The program
allowed Morgan to receive two private lessons and
coaching from an orchestra member, attend a workshop
at the Pasadena Jazz Institute, and then perform side by
side with the POPS musicians during the final weekend of
the summer season at Descanso Gardens.
Caitlin Emslie ‘08 was awarded her Silver Award in
a council-wide Girl Scout ceremony earlier this year. Of
the 9,000 girls involved in scouting from the local council,
less than 200 achieved this honor. The Silver represents the
highest award a scout can earn at the cadette (grade 7-9)
level. Caitlin was also recently accepted into the PYSO,
the Pasadena Youth Symphony Orchestra to play violin.
Of the 1,000 who applied, only 30 were accepted.
Arman Aivazian,
Eric Bocanegra,
Jeff Garavaglia,
Daniel Garcia, and
Corey Jung, from the Class of 2008 visited Clairbourn
as a group on October 3rd during a day off from St. Francis
High School. They spent time visiting their former teachers,
including Mrs. Taylor, and catching up with friends still on
Katie Hampton *’08 came by the alumni booth at the
Spring Carnvial to say “Hi” and share her updates.
Formerly at Westridge, she now attends high school at
the Middlesex School in Massachusetts. (See photo on
page 26).
Brandon Wen ‘08, now at Flintridge Prep, came to the
Clairbourn Spring Carnival this last May with a group of
his classmates, and shared with the alumni director that he
took a fashion design class at the Art Center.
Jeff Garavaglia, Eric Bocanegra, Daniel Garcia, Corey Jung, and Payton Wakimoto from the Class of 2008 returned from St. Francis High School
to visit with Mrs. Taylor in her classroom in October.
Eric Yin *’08 visited with his former Clairbourn classmates and Dr. Nafie
on a day off from high school.
Julia *’10 and Amanda *’09 Matthiessen visited chapel in June of 2008.
Eric Yin *’08 came by the Clairbourn campus on a day
off from Polytechnic with his mom on June 2nd 2008 to
reunite with his former graduating classmates.
Courteney Case ‘09 is now living in Prospect,
Kentucky, near Louisville. She wrote into the alumni
website, “I really miss Clairbourn!!!!!”
Gabby Chan *’09 ran for student council office for
the second time in a row and won! She is now the ‘08’09 Westridge Middle School President. Gabby spent her
summer visiting Coronado with friends and volunteering
at YouthInkwell. Gabby is also featured on a L.A. Laker’s
tribute video on you tube. Check it out at http://youtube.
Amanda Matthiessen *’09, and her sister, Julia *’10,
came by Clairbourn in June of 2008 to visit Clairbourn’s
Chapel and say hello to friends.
Briana Chu *’10 playing a duet at Chapel with Shirley Bonaparte.
Briana Chu *’10 came back to Clairbourn this past
June to treat students at Chapel to a piano duet with Art
Teacher, Shirley Bonaparte.
Madison Bender, Reagan Caldwell, Jacqueline
Chen, Laura Davich, and Laura Medina from the Class
of 2011, all now at Westridge, got their picture in the
Pasadena Outlook for their Girl Scout volunteer work at
Huntington Hospital in May of 2008. Responding to
the request of emergency room staff members, the troop
prepared and delivered 500 activity bags to be given to
children who are without a diversion while they wait for
their parents to receive care.
Sharon (Stump) Sinclair, teacher at Clairbourn for more
than 40 years, and her husband Woody, are the newest
members of the Gardner Society which honors those who
have remembered Clairbourn School in their estate plans.
symbol is for alums registered with
Current third grade teacher, Sharon (Stump) Sinclair and her husband
Woody are the newest members of the Gardner Society.
* This symbol means the alum did not attend
the school during their graduating year.
at the Tivoli Gardens in Laguna, California, on June 7th
Allison Lyzenga ‘95 to Jacob Loshin at the Cal Tech
Atheneaum in August of 2008.
Tiffany Lind Jump *’88, and her husband, Bill—a son,
Miles Payton Jump, April 23, 2008.
Lara Bisserier ‘85 and her husband, Lars—a son,
Former Clairbourn teacher, Janet (Helmer) Firth, visited the campus
in June of 2008.
Jess Corral – former parent
John Denison ‘59
Doris Griffin – former faculty and trustee
Jim Stolaroff – former trustee, former parent
Former History teacher, Wyatt Storm with administrative staff members,
Janice Elmore and Amy (Beckstrom) Patzlaff.
Janet (Helmer) Firth flew out from Aurora, Colorado,
to visit Clairbourn and see friends and family in June of
Wyatt and Amy Storm, along with their children Natalie
and Aidan, came out for a visit from Texas for a few weeks
this summer so Wyatt could complete a job assignment in
downtown Los Angeles. All of them stopped by Clairbourn
at various times to say, “Hello” to old friends.
Amy (Beckstrom) Patzlaff ’85 to Jeff Patzlaff at the Tivoli
Terrace in Laguna, California, on March 29th, 2008.
Anne (Nafie/Stahmer) Boughton *’85 to Dale Boughton
Amy (Beckstrom) Patzlaff ’85 married Jeff Patzlaff in March of 2008.
Frank Balle *’85
Alexandra Baptiste ‘05
Alexis (José) Bisbee ‘96
Molly (Spiegel) Bollier ‘92
Donn Christensen *’78
Kim Combs ‘07
Blake Dawn ‘07
Jordan Dawn ‘04
Julie Fernandez *’70
Kristin Gunther ‘07
Harris Hall *’85
Katie Hampton *’08
Alden Kiertzner ‘99
Jasmine Manwani ‘07
Shannon Murphy ‘96
Spencer Myers ‘07
Pamela Nankani ‘07
Sharon Pattison-Fradella *’75
Stephanie Rice *’74
Alec Shumate ‘07
Rod Snyder ‘75
Carolyn Stewart *’70
Pearl Sun ‘96
Brandon Wen ‘07
Class of 2007 alums, Rachel Wilson, Kristin Gunther, Andy Medina and
Taylor Weissman wear jungle masks from the Spring Carnival.
Pearl Sun ‘96 visited with her mother Frances Sun.
Julie Fernandez *’70 and Sharon Fradella *’75 enjoyed old yearbooks at
the alumni booth.
Alum and current parent, Donn Christensen, shows off his middle school
picture from the 1978 yearbook.
Class of 2009
Nick Traver
Class of 2008
Steve Agajanian
Arman Aivazian
Eric Bocanegra
Miles Brenninkmeijer
Justin Bu
Alan Chang
Jason Chou
Maddie Corwin
Cole Davies
Caitlin Emslie
Jeff Garavaglia
Daniel Garcia
Alisha Jain
Corey Jung
Jonathan Kwong
Spike Larr
Alexandre Law
Calvin Lu
Carly Mann
Gina Manwani
Jordan Marks
Angus McKay
Daniel Mock
Meredith Myers
Krupa Patel
Melieck Robinson
Laura Santoro
Erick Snyder
Miranda Stein
Jenny Torres
Douglas Topping
Sagar Vaidyanathan
Payton Wakimoto
Class OF 1991
Class of 1982
Sergio Paredes
Mark Sensenbach
Class of 1989
Class of 1980
G. David Huntoon
Elaine Ahumada
Class of 1988
Class of 1977
Jenna (Castro) Gehring
Daniel Kim
Victor Mena
Kris Mohandie
Class of 1987
Class of 1970
Noelle Dorman
Erin Kearney
Scott Sayre
Class of 1968
Class of 2006
Jensen Hu
Class of 2003
Class of 1986
Lance Beem
Sheri (Ruiz) Muro
Joseph White
Class of 1962
Ann Hollinger
Jasmine Poon
Class of 1985
Class of 1999
Breesa (Everett) Haman
Lesli Ann Agcaoili
Lara Bisserier
Lisa Kearney
George Dodge
Class of 1994
Amy Shirk
Class of 1955
Class of 1983
Laurie Corwin
Michael Anderson
Become an “A” list alum! The minute you graduate,
people hunger for information about you – just like they
do with celebrities. Don’t disappoint your fans! Register
with Clairbourn’s Alumni Website where you can find
friends, post pictures, and tell us about your latest news.
Just go to http://alumni.clairbourn.org and register.
Once approved, you can log-in and begin posting to
the website.
Class of:
School attending/business or profession:
Clairbourn Alumni! We would love
to know what you are doing. Join
the new Alumni Online Community!
Go to http://alumni.clairbourn.org
or use this card to send your information to:
T he Alumni Office
Clairbourn School
8400 Huntington Drive
San Gabriel, CA 91775
Te l : 626.286.3108
Fax: 626.286.1528
[email protected]
All submitted digital photos should
be 300 dpi (jpg, tif, or pdf) or
regular photos should be original
glossy 4x6 prints.
Clairbourn alums returned to campus to welcome Clairbourn students to their high schools. They shared great tips and insights. Participants included:
Alan Chang, Max Dupill, & Daniel Garcia from St. Francis High School; Alec Shumate, Lauren & Andrew Bieker from La Salle High School;
Rachel Tanner & Hope McMorrow from Maranatha High School; and Chloe Mackey from Mayfield Senior School.
P lease let me know how I (we) may carry on Clairbourn
School’s legacy through a planned gift or bequest.
I/we wish to donate $
to the following funds: (please check)
008–2009 Annual Fund in support
of this year’s educational activities
r. Robert T. & Dr. Jane A. Cheatham
Family Music Endowment Fund
dvantage Fund supporting
Christian Science students
obert W. Nafie Endowment Fund
in support of our Headmaster’s
special projects
You may charge your contribution:
American Express
Account #
Exp. Date:
Card Signature:
Current Parent
Former Parent
Alumni (Class of
You may also give online at www.clairbourn.org
For more information about supporting Clairbourn please contact:
Kristin Bennett, Development Director at 626.286.3108 x121
or [email protected]
Thank you for your support of CLAIRBOURN SCHOOL. 8400 HUNTINGTON DRIVE SAN GABRIEL, CA 91775
Lauren Bieker
Jordan Dawn
Ava Farshidi
Chris Garcia
Royce Lam
Nick Mackey
Nick Posthuma
Jazmin Quimiro
Winston Reynolds
Brian Tran
Lindsey Wopschall
David Allen Maudie Banta
Lauren Bieker
Arlo Brooks
Kevin Chow
Melody Chu
Laura Colvin
Jordan Dawn
Max Dupill
Joshua Elmore
Ava Farshidi
Allison Ficht
Bryan Fox Chris Garcia
Rmax Goodwin Cameron Hotchkis Lisa Huang
Royce Lam
Andy Yan Lee
Barry Lee Stephanie Leung Mollie Little Albert Loong Nicholas Mackey Michael Martinez Alice McCullough
Emily Morton Brittany Nakatani Charles Poon Nicholas Posthuma Jasmine Quan-liu Jazmin Quimiro
Jordan Randall
Alexander Reitnouer Winston Reynolds
Alexandra Schuck Katherine Schwartz Elizabeth Strub
Scott Studenmund
Jennifer Sun
Joyce Tai Brian Tran
Jennifer Traver
Benjamin Weissman Lindsey Wopschall
South Pasadena High School
Westridge School
La Salle High School
La Salle High School
La Salle High School
Flintridge Prep High School
Ridgewood High School, New Jersey
Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy
St. Francis High School
Glendora High School
Mayfield Senior School
Mayfield Senior School
Polytechnic School
St. Francis High School
Flintridge Prep High School
St. Francis High School
Westridge School
St. Francis High School
St. Francis High School
Arcadia High School attended high school in Hong Kong Westridge School
San Marino High School
Loyola High School
La Salle High School
Mayfield Senior School
Westridge School
Kentucky Country Day School
San Marino High School
St. Francis High School
San Marino High School
Alverno High School
Flintridge Prep High School
St. Francis High School
Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy
The Webb School
Westridge School
Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy
Flintridge Prep High School
Polytechnic School
Polytechnic School
Sage Hill School Westridge School
Polytechnic School
La Salle High School
Tulane University
Miami University, Ohio
Gonzaga University
Southern Oregon University
University of California, Los Angeles
Cornell University
University of Southern California
University of California, Los Angeles
Willamette University
California State University, Fullerton
University of California, San Diego
Connecticut College
New York University
Loyola Marymount University
Pitzer College
San Francisco State University
Boston University
University of California, Berkeley
University of Rochester
University of California, Riverside
Northwestern University
Maryland Institute
Boston University
Boston College
University of California, Riverside
Texas Christian University
Pitzer College
Bellarmine University
University of California, Santa Barbara
California State University, Fullerton
University of California, Irvine
Whittier College
Chapman University
Washington State
Fordham University
Mount St. Mary`s College
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, San Diego
Pitzer College
Princeton University
Tufts University
University of San Diego
Southern Methodist University
Dickinson College
Gonzaga University
Class of 1985 — Class of 1986 — Class of 1987
(The class of 1985 includes anyone who was in the 8th or 9th grade in 1985)
Saturday, DECEMBER
6:00 p.m.
, 2008
Sheri (Ruiz) Muro’s house, 827 Hugo Reid Drive Arcadia, CA 91007
Be sure to contact Sheri (Ruiz 86*) Muro to make sure you’re on the list.
[email protected], 626.446.5954
http://alumni.clairbourn.org (Check here for more details closer to event)
Clairbourn School
Annual Report
Trustee Report:
“What a joy to be part of
this educational facility
where parents, students,
faculty and staff as well
as friends of the school
all work together to make
Clairbourn a community
of excellence!”
~ Laurie Johnson, President
The Clairbourn Board of Trustees: Michele Abernathy, Bill Ward, Alice Holmes, Laurie Johnson, Glenn
Johnson, Jeannine Kiertzner, and Donna Ballenger
2007–2008 OPERATING
Equipment & Capital Assets
General Operations
Instructional Program
Salaries & Benefits
Tuition Assistance
he Board of Trustees is most grateful for all the good that has been
evidenced at Clairbourn School this past year, including the opening of
the Seiter Family Early Childhood Center. Each contribution has resulted
in this wonderful facility that will serve our youngest “Clairbourn Cougars” for
generations to come! Thank you to every donor and especially to John and
Linda Seiter.
This has been a rich and full year. We watched with joy as our graduates left
with diplomas in hand for their next adventures in their new schools. We extend
a warm welcome to new students and families as they join our community. This coming year will see the 30th anniversary of Dr. Robert Nafie’s
service as Head of School! Dr. Nafie, his senior administrators, along with
the dedicated teachers and staff, are a strong team and their tireless efforts
have resulted in a year of strong academic and foundational learning.
What a joy to be part of this educational facility where parents,
students, faculty and staff as well as friends of the school all work together to
make Clairbourn a community of excellence! The Trustees thank all of you for
joining with us in this effort.
Laurie L. Johnson
President, Clairbourn Board of Trustees
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ~ 2008
:School Report
Headmaster, Dr. Robert Nafie, conducting the opening ceremonies for the Seiter Center Ribbon Cutting in May of 2008.
ear Friends,
It is with a great sense of joy and gratitude that I send to you yet
another report of Clairbourn School progress. There is reason for
gratitude in every arena of school activity: facilities, finance, program, personnel, and leadership. As our school moves forward, these areas will continue to
show the contribution our school is making to America’s future leaders.
As you may already know, we have cut the ribbon on the new Seiter Family
Early Childhood Center, and this important new resource is already making
a perceptible difference in the quality of our program offering for preschoolers.
The welcoming layout and the imaginative play elements communicate
immediately that Clairbourn is a place where the child in us all is cherished
and nurtured. Congratulations and thanks are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John
Seiter and the literally thousands of others who have contributed to the renovation of Clairbourn’s amazing west campus, our original home.
As a special note, I would like to point out, with pride, that our 2007-–2008
Power of One Annual Fund campaign achieved 100% participation from our
parents—a Clairbourn first! We are grateful for the leadership and inspiration
given by campaign chairs, Sam Case and Mary Urquhart. Bravo!!
I hope you enjoy reading our Annual Report, and that you celebrate with us
another year of progress—our 82nd.
2007–2008 OPERATING
Annual Fund, CFA Donation
& Unrestricted Gifts
Investment Income
Other Programs
Tuition & Fees
Thank you for your interest in our school,
Robert W. Nafie, Ph.D., Headmaster
2007 ~ 2008 ANNUAL REPORT
Annual Fund Report: FROM THE CHAIRS
Sam Case and Mary Urquhart, Co-Chairs
Annual Fund 2007–2008
Annual Fund 2007-2008
Volunteer Grade Level Captains
For the first time ever in Clairbourn’s history, 100% of our current families
and 100% of the faculty and staff directly benefited the school by giving to
the Annual Fund. Along with gifts from alumni, past parents, grandparents,
friends, corporate matching organizations, and charitable foundations, this
year’s campaign raised the largest ever Annual Fund gift for the school totaling
It was truly an amazing year for giving. We have all of you to thank for the
success of this campaign. The collective giving of each contributor demonstrated The Power of ONE­—one community in support of one goal—to benefit
all in the Clairbourn family.
Your ONE gift to the Annual Fund directly contributed to the operating budget
for this year and supported all aspects of the Clairbourn experience including
financial aid, elective classes such as art, drama, computer labs, music, and
foreign languages, and Early Childhood classroom aides. In this particular
campaign some extraordinary gifts were made to the Annual Fund enabling a
surplus of funds to be directed to help restore the Sport Court and Robertson
Field following the move of the Early Childhood Department from their temporary classrooms to the new Seiter Center. Additional technology needs beyond
what were budgeted for were also funded.
We would like to extend our deep appreciation to the parents who volunteered as Annual Fund Grade Captains and to Kristin Bennett, our Development Director for all the hard work and dedication they showed towards our
campaign. We had so much fun working together with you to support our
school. Thank you for your camaraderie, for your generosity, and for your
humorous spirit. We will always remember this year as special as we worked
together to show The Power of ONE.
Once again, a heart felt thank you to everyone for your awesome and
amazing gifts to the Annual Fund 2007–08. The year was truly magical, and
we are humbled by the overwhelming support of our school that each and every one of you showed. Each and every child will forever be touched by what
we have all accomplished with this year’s biggest ever Annual Fund success!
Sam Case and Mary Urquhart
2007–2008 Annual Fund Chairs
JPK & PreK: Trish Coane
3rd Grade: Tricia Searcy
7th Grade: Denise Bieker & Cynthy Moffatt
K: Tracy McCormick
4th Grade: Beth Price
8th Grade: Debbie Agajanian
1 Grade: Lisa & Milan Garrison
5 Grade: Hugh Mac Dhubhain
2nd Grade: Marina Chang
6th Grade: Jill Pearson
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ~ 2008
Clairbourn School expresses great gratitude for the
families and friends who have supported the Annual
Fund 2007–08. Listed below are gifts received for
this fund from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008.
$10,000 and Above
Trish and James Coane
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Orndorff
Payden & Rygel
Mr. and Mrs. William Price
Mr. Thomas Soulanille and Ms. Ann Cutting
Mr. Harry Tsao and Ms. Carol Chen
Mary and Bill Urquhart
$5,000 – $9,999
Mrs. Lena Antoci
Stephen & Mary Birch Foundation, Inc.
Boeing Gift Matching Program
Mr. and Mrs. Titus Brenninkmeijer
Mr. and Dr. David Bronson
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Michael Case
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Chang
Mr. and Ms. Milan Garrison
Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Han
Mr. and Mrs. Ching Fang Hsu
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lam
Anching and Randy Linsalato
Mr. and Mrs. David Lundegard
John and Julie McIlvery
Mr. Jay Mock and Ms. Nancy Daves
Mr. and Mrs. James Moffatt
Bill and Paula Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Warren
$2,500 – $4,999 Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bononi
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. David Codiga
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fung
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gleason
Mr. Steve Haegelin and Ms. Juli Khoe
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Han
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huang
Mr. Curtis Jung and Mrs. Lynn Hatashita-Jung
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Mackey
Tracy and Ken McCormick
Nancy Kennerly and Mark Miller
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Myers
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Searcy III
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Vail
2007 ~ 2008 ANNUAL REPORT
Richard and Christine Valenzuela
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. Peter Williams and Dr. Cleo Williams
Mr. Christopher Wilson
Headmaster’s Circle
$1,000 – $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. David Abernathy
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Agajanian
Mrs. Patsy Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bacio
Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bieker
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bothwell
Mr. Kee Chan and Mrs. Henny Ang
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Wen Shan Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chase
Ms. Lillian M. M. Chim and Mr. John Yu
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Christensen
Clairbourn Families Association
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corley
Mr. Alex Cory
DirecTV Matching Gift Center
Mr. and Mrs. David Doll
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dorkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Espinoza
Farmers Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Fitch
Mr. and Mrs. Burt H. Garavaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Grandalski
Jim Griffin and Sarah Heck Griffin
Mr. Charles Haegelin
Mr. Jim Hartfield and Ms. Dana Hartfield
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Houck
Dr. and Mrs. Morgan Huang
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jameson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Rene’ Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Kessel
Ms. Bonnie Khang-Keating
and Mr. Richard Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kong
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Kucheria
Mr. John Kwang and Ms. Jee-Leng Wee
Mr. and Mrs. William Larr
Ms. Melisa Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lim
Mr. and Mrs. David Link
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mak
Mr. and Mrs. Shyam Manwani
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marks
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Matthiessen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McMullan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Medina
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Robert W. and Leslie A. Nafie
Ms. Mary Beth Nelson
Mr. Dale Ortmann
Matt and Kristin Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Pasqualetto, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pistone
The Robinson Foundation
George and Carolyn Seitz
Martha and Miles Shanks
Mrs. Ning Huang
Mr. K.F. Stone Shih and Mrs. Sandy Liu
Mr. Orrin Shively and Ms. Marina Chang
John Paul and Kristi Seiter Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Smith
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tse
Laura and David Unanue
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Walklett
Dr. Hongsheng Wei and Dr. Lynn Wang
Dr. Alison Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Williamson
Mr. John Wong and Ms. Yimling Thai
Mr. and Mrs. John Wreede
Mr. and Mrs. Yan Ming Yang
Mr. Alex Yap and Ms. Teresa Sun
Lea Hayashi and Arturo Yoshimoto
COUGARs Circle
$500 – $999
Michele Abernathy, Class of *1985
Mrs. Margarita Barreau
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Barrera
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Donna Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bender
Mr. and Mrs. David Beringer
Mr. and Mrs. Carson L. Brummett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Callahan
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Juan Casillas
Mr. and Mrs. Carson Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chiu
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Dawes
Dr. John Desjarlais and Dr. Christine Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dong
Catherine and Jay Ehrgott
Mr. and Mrs. John Elmore
Stephen and Juliana Erdody
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Farhat
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Flagg
Chris and Jennifer Fogel
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks Gifford
Mr. Brian Holman and Ms. Mary Tarduno
Mr. Ted Hwang
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jen
Dr. and Mrs. George Jung
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Khawaja
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Knight
Annual Fund: THE REPORT
COUGARs Circle
$500 – $999
Dr. Ralf Langen and Dr. Jeannie Chen
Mr. Alan Law and Mrs. Stephanie Phung
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Lee
Dr. Wei Li and Dr. Mei Chen
Mrs. Robert Lovett
Ms. Anna M. Graves
and Mr. Hugh M. Mac Dhubhain
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maddox
Mr. Steven Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Martinez
Ms. Lily Matias
Mr. and Mrs. William McKay
Mr. Jonathan Menell
and Mrs. Lorraine Cory Menell
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mullane
Tom and Luci Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Myers
Mr. Gareth Neumann
Mr. Douglas Ng and Mrs. Shan Shan Chan
Mr. Chi Shing Ng and Mrs. Ming Yuk Chim
Mr. and Mrs. James Notley
Stephen and Brenda O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pan
Dr. and Mrs. Dick Pederson
Mr. Fernando Ramirez and Mrs. Juliana Duran
Mr. Pedro Rosado
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sacks
Dr. David Shupe and Ms. Stella Tsoi
Mr. Steve Slater and Ms. Dorinda Marticorena
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Tie
Mr. and Mrs. David Ting
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Topping
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tran
Union Bank of California Foundation
Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wakimoto
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Chi Jui Wang
Mrs. Nancy Ward, Class of *1984
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Welsh
Rose and Stephen Wen
Russell and Sally White
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Willis
Mrs. Janna Windsor
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wing
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Yu
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Zareno
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Zeger
Mr. Zhi-Quan Zhao and Mrs. Li Zhang
up to $499
Mr. and Mrs. Aram Aivazian
Dr. Suzanne Anderson
Mrs. Lei Ansel
Ms. Rebecca Aragon-Santoro
Jim Arvo and Erin Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bagley
Mr. and Mrs. James Balbin
Mrs. Donna Ballenger
Jennifer Barberie, Class of *1988
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barker
Hilary and Jonathan Barner
Mrs. Lynda Beckstrom
Ruth Beckstrom, Class of 1988
Mrs. Eleanor Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Bigelow, Jr.
Mrs. Melinda Blackway
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Blair
Heather Blair-Pearce, Class of 1970
Ms. Heidi Rous and Mr. Thomas Blaney
Mr. and Mrs. Gerson Bonaparte
Mr. and Mrs. John Borges
Mary Lou Brenneman, M.D.
Ms. Shannon Brown
Mr. Darryl Bryant
Dr. and Ms. Dean Bu
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Calnon
Calyon Corporate and Investment Bank
Ms. Mihaela Campan
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cargill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Case
Mrs. Ramona Castro
Ms. Debbie Chan
Mr. and Mrs. John Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Chen
Mr. and Mrs. John Cheng
Mr. Allen Chong and Mrs. Mondana Najafabadi
Mr. John Chou and Dr. Cindy Chou
Mr. David Chow and Dr. Jenny Yam
Mrs. Vernelle Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Bacchus Chu
Mr. Dong Chung and Mrs. Hui-Zhen Feng
Cecile Cochran, Class of 1963
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cogswell
Mr. Mark Cole and Mrs. Tanja Darrow-Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Combs
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Conner
Mrs. Jo Anne Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coolidge
Mrs. Laurie Corwin
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick and Elizabeth Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crumrine
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Cuccia
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Culpepper
Mrs. Kimberly P. Cuneo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Curley
Mr. Stephan Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Dawn
Mr. John De Napoli
Dr. and Mrs. Michael De Napoli
Dr. and Dr. Demetrios Demetriades
Stephanie Dencik, Class of *1986
Mrs. Mimi DeVasto
Mr. and Mrs. James Dietle
Dr. and Mrs. Damon Dragos
Ms. Margarita Ductoc
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dupill
Edison International
Gay Ellen Egetter Hanlon, Class of 1950
Mr. and Dr. Robert Emslie
Michele Esbenshade, Class of *1987
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fan
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flanders
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedland
Mr. Lawrence Gahr
Mr. Paul Gans
Ms. Viviana Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Garcia
Ms. Maria Garibay
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Geraci
Mr. Mark Giljum and Ms. Charise Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Gomez
Mr. Andy Gooden and Dr. Emmy Yoshida
Mr. Jerry Gordo
LtC. and Mrs. Richard Gordon Ret USAF
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Grace
Ms. Kristanna Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gunther
Eric Gunther, Class of 2003
Kristin Gunther, Class of 2007
Mrs. Jiu Hua Guo
Mrs. Marilyn Guyer
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Guyer
James F. Halferty, Class of *1987
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Halferty
Harris and Stephanie Hall
Mrs. Cynthia Hall
Ms. Jaime Hawks
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Heltsley
Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. James Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Hernandez
Mrs. Faye Hollenbeck
Mrs. Alice Holmes
Mrs. Muriel K. Horacek
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hotmer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hsu
Mr. Darey Huo and Mrs. Penny Low-Huo
Mrs. Margaret Ibarra
Indymac Bank
Intel Foundation Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Kiyoshi Iwai
Mrs. Lonny Jacobs
Mr. and Dr. Amresh Jain
Ms. Maureen Lennon and Mr. Fred John
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Johnson
Laurie Johnson, Class of 1955
Jasmine Joshi, Class of 1994
James Kasama and Francisca Araiza-Kasama
Mrs. Marilyn Keiper
Ed Keiper, Class of 1979
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kiertzner
Mrs. Jeannine Kiertzner
Mr. Chris King
Allison Knight, Class of *1998
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Kelly Kriebs
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kwong
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lanstra, Jr.
Richard Latham, Class of 1954
Mr. and Mrs. Jung Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Li
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ~ 2008
Mrs. Hui-Jen Lin
Mr. and Mrs. James Loper
Robert Lovett, Class of *1979
Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Lu
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Lyzenga
Mrs. Barbara Mac Mullin
Ms. Dannalou Machi
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mak
Dr. and Mrs. David Martin
Lauren Martinez, Class of 1999
Dr. Al McCready
Mrs. Nancy Call McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McElrea
Mr. and Mrs. John McHugh
Hope McMorrow, Class of 2007
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Merritt
Ms. Jorie Messman
Bonnie Mills, Class of *1974
Ms. Ann Mize
Mizuho USA Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Casteneda
Mrs. Edith Nafie
Mr. and Mrs. Suresh Nagavalli
Mr. and Mrs. Chandru Nankani
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Naylor
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Nelson
Mrs. Willma J. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Oceguera, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Oceguera
Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Connor
JR & Chip Ossman
Mrs. Elizabeth O’Toner
Mr. Jack Owen and Mrs. Leslie Baker- Owen
Mr. and Mrs. John Paciorek
Mr. and Mrs. Girish Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Pankaj Patel
Amy Patzlaff, Class of 1985
Ms. Lakeiya Payne
Cynthia Pearson, Class of 1996
Mrs. Frances Pedley
Raul and Jae Perez
Mrs. Lucy Perricone
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pipes
Planet Green
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Polen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pool
Mr. Christopher H. Poole
and Mrs. Carolann Butler-Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poon
Mr. and Mrs. John Posthuma
Mrs. Ralph Powell
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Raidy, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raines
Ms. Lee Rankin
Robert Rasmussen, Class of *2003
Mr. William Reach and Mrs. Jeonghee Rho
David and Stephanie Rice
Mr. Stephen Rivelle and Mrs. Jennifer Hata
Ms. Linda Robinson
Ms. Barbara J. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Roclord
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rogers
Ms. Leslie Rosenthal
2007 ~ 2008 ANNUAL REPORT
Dr. and Mrs. David Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan
Mr. Dimitris Sakellariou
and Mrs. Vasileia Sakellariou
Mr. Dennis D. Salkin
Mrs. Melissa Salkin
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Samuelson
Ms. Sara Santos
Mrs. Nancy Sensenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Serhan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Shantz
Mr. and Mrs. Vikas Shinde
Mr. and Mrs. Isahn Shoemake
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shumate
Mrs. Barbara Siegmund
Mrs. Suzanne Sinclair
Ms. Virginia E. Smiley
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Sotomayor
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Spagnoletto
Mrs. Gloria Stahmer
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stamos
Kevin and Molly Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stirling
Mr. and Mrs. James Stolaroff
Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Storm
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Su
Ms. Clementine Suiffet
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Swiatek
Dr. Benjamin Tam and Dr. Irene Ho
Target Take Charge of Education
Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Mr. George M. Thomas
Time Warner Matching Grants Program
Mr. and Mrs. George Torres
Christina Trager
Garry and Jennifer Tsaur
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ullom
Dr. and Mrs. P.P. Vaidyanathan
Mr. James Van de Voorde and Mrs. Connie Osher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vargas
Mr. Martin Vasquez
and Ms. Christine Balderas-Vasquez
Verizon Extra Credit for Schools
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Volk
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Waite
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Walker
Ms. Jan Wantland
Mr. Bill Ward
Barbara Wenzel, Class of 1979
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. Terry Wong and Mrs. Muoi Tran
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wu
Mr. Albert Wu and Miss Hung Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yam
Ms. Rachel Yocum
Mr. Chih-Kuo Yu and Mrs. Melia Widjaja
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Yuan
Mrs. Kim Yukawa
Junior Pre-Kindergarten
Class of 2018
100% Participation
Class of 2016
100% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Feldman
Mr. Andy Gooden and Dr. Emmy Yoshida
Ms. Bonnie Khang-Keating
and Mr. Richard Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Kelly Kriebs
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lanstra, Jr.
John and Julie McIlvery
Mr. and Mrs. James Notley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosales
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Searcy III
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tran
Mr. Albert Wu and Miss Hung Lim
Mr. Alex Yap and Ms. Teresa Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bender
Mr. and Dr. David Bronson
Mr. and Mrs. John Chang
Mr. Lawrence Chiu and Mrs. Monica Chiu
Mr. John Chou and Dr. Cindy Chou
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick and Elizabeth Crockett
Dr. John Desjarlais and Dr. Christine Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dong
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Flagg
Chris and Jennifer Fogel
Harris and Stephanie Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Heltsley
Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Houck
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Linsalato
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maddox
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mak
Dr. and Mrs. David Martin
Tracy and Ken McCormick
John and Julie McIlvery
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Myers
Matt and Kristin Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pan
Mr. William Reach and Mrs. Jeonghee Rho
Mr. Stephen Rivelle and Mrs. Jennifer Hata
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stirling
Dr. Benjamin Tam and Dr. Irene Ho
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tse
Laura and David Unanue
Richard and Christine Valenzuela
Mr. James Van de Voorde and Mrs. Connie Osher
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Waite
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Walklett
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wing
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yam
Lea Hayashi and Arturo Yoshimoto
Class of 2017
100% Participation
Mrs. Lei Ansel
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Calnon
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cargill
Trish and James Coane
Mr. Mark Cole and Mrs. Tanja Darrow-Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Combs
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Dawes
Catherine and Jay Ehrgott
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fan
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Farhat
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hotmer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Houck
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hsu
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kong
Mr. and Mrs. Jung Lee
Mr. Bhart Manwani
Mr. and Mrs. John McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Oceguera
Mr. Jack Owen and Mrs. Leslie Baker- Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Polen
Mr. Christopher H. Poole
and Mrs. Carolann Butler-Poole
David and Stephanie Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Roclord
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sutherland
Mr. Harry Tsao and Ms. Carol Chen
Garry and Jennifer Tsaur
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Walklett
Mr. Christopher Wilson
Ms. Melisa Wilson
1st grade – Class of 2015
100% Participation
Ms. Lena Antoci
Mr. and Mrs. James Balbin
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Barrera
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. David Codiga
Mr. Mark Cole and Mrs. Tanja Darrow-Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coolidge
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corley
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Dawes
Dr. and Mrs. Michael De Napoli
Dr. and Mrs. Damon Dragos
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fung
Mr. and Ms. Milan Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Geraci
Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Han
Mr. Jim Hartfield and Ms. Dana Hartfield
Mr. and Mrs. James Hendrix
Mr. Darey Huo and Mrs. Penny Low-Huo
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Kessel
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGovern
John and Julie McIlvery
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mullane
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pistone
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poon
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Roclord
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sacks
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Searcy III
George and Carolyn Seitz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stubbs
Garry and Jennifer Tsaur
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Welsh
Dr. Alison Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Zareno
2nd grade – Class of 2014
100% Participation
Dr. and Ms. James Arvo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bender
Mr. and Mrs. David Beringer
Ms. Debbie Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Carson Cheng
Trish and James Coane
Ms. Margarita Ductoc
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fraser
Mr. Mark Giljum and Ms. Charise Stewart
Ms. Kristanna Grant
Mr. Steve Haegelin and Ms. Juli Khoe
Dr. and Mrs. Morgan Huang
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Khawaja
Ms. Anna M. Graves
and Mr. Hugh M. Mac Dhubhain
Dr. and Mrs. David Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Medina
Tom and Luci Myers
Mr. Douglas Ng and Mrs. Shan Shan Chan
Dr. and Mrs. Dick Pederson
Mr. Fernando Ramirez and Mrs. Julianna Duran
Mr. Dimitris Sakellariou
and Mrs. Vasileia Sakellariou
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Shantz
Mr. and Mrs. Vikas Shinde
Mr. Orrin Shively and Ms. Marina Chang
Mr. Steve Slater and Ms. Dorinda Marticorena
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Smith
Mr. Thomas Soulanille and Ms. Ann Cutting
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stamos
Mr. and Mrs. William Steele, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Su
Garry and Jennifer Tsaur
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Vail
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ~ 2008
Richard and Christine Valenzuela
Dr. Hongsheng Wei and Dr. Lynn Wang
Mr. Terry Wong and Mrs. Muoi Tran
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yam
Mr. and Mrs. Yan Ming Yang
3rd grade – Class of 2013
100% Participation
Ms. Lena Antoci
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bacio
Ms. Debbie Chan
Mr. Allen Chong and Mrs. Mondana Najafabadi
Mr. David Chow and Dr. Jenny Yam
Mr. and Mrs. James Dietle
Dr. and Mrs. Damon Dragos
Ms. Viviana Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Grace
Jim Griffin and Sarah Heck Griffin
Dr. and Mrs. Morgan Huang
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jen
Mr. and Mrs. Rene’ Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kiertzner
Mr. John Kwang and Ms. Jee-Leng Wee
Dr. Ralf Langen and Dr. Jeannie Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lee
Dr. Wei Li and Dr. Mei Chen
Mr. Adam London
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Matthiessen
Mr. and Mrs. James Moffatt
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Casteneda
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Naylor
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Nelson
Mr. Chi Shing Ng and Mrs. Ming Yuk Chim
Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Searcy III
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Shantz
Mrs. Ning Huang
Dr. David Shupe and Ms. Stella Tsoi
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Tie
Garry and Jennifer Tsaur
Mr. James Van de Voorde and Mrs. Connie Osher
Mr. and Mrs. Chi Jui Wang
Mr. Terry Wong and Mrs. Muoi Tran
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yeghnazar
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Yu
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Yuan
4th grade – Class of 2012
100% Participation
Ms. Rebecca Aragon-Santoro
Mr. and Mrs. James Balbin
Mr. Darryl Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chase
Mr. David Chow and Dr. Jenny Yam
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coolidge
Mrs. Laurie Corwin
Mr. Alex Cory
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Dawn
2007 ~ 2008 ANNUAL REPORT
Catherine and Jay Ehrgott
Stephen and Juliana Erdody
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Espinoza
Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Fitch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fung
Mrs. Jiu H. Guo
Mr. Jim Hartfield and Ms. Dana Hartfield
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Heltsley
Mr. and Dr. Amresh Jain
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Johnson
Ms. Bonnie Khang-Keating
and Mr. Richard Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Kucheria
Mrs. Hui-Jen Lin
Mr. and Mrs. William McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McMullan
Mr. Jonathan Menell
and Mrs. Lorraine Cory Menell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Chandru Nankani
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Girish Patel
Ms. Lakeiya Payne
Mr. and Mrs. William Price
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raines
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Serhan
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Tie
Mr. and Mrs. David Ting
Mrs. Christina Trager
Mr. Martin Vasquez
and Ms. Christine Balderas-Vasquez
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Welsh
Dr. Alison Wilcox
Mr. Peter Williams and Dr. Cleo Williams
5th grade – Class of 2011
100% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Donna Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bononi
Mr. and Mrs. Carson L. Brummett
Dr. and Ms. Dean Bu
Ms. Lillian M. M. Chim and Mr. John Yu
Mr. and Mrs. David Codiga
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Cuccia
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedland
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Ching Fang Hsu
Ted Hwang and Beverly Tai
Mrs. Margaret Ibarra
Mr. Curtis Jung and Mrs. Lynn Hatashita-Jung
James Kasama and Francisca Araiza-Kasama
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lam
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Lu
Ms. Anna M. Graves
and Mr. Hugh M. Mac Dhubhain
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Mackey
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Medina
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Merritt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Myers
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Nelson
Ms. Mary Beth Nelson
JR & Chip Ossman
Dr. and Mrs. Dick Pederson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poon
Mr. Fernando Ramirez and Mrs. Julianna Duran
Ms. Leslie Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Isahn Shoemake
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shumate
Mr. Thomas Soulanille and Ms. Ann Cutting
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stamos
Mr. and Mrs. William Steele, III
Mr. and Mrs. George Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Vail
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Volk
Rose and Stephen Wen
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wu
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Zeger
Mr. Zhi-Quan Zhao and Mrs. Li Zhang
6th grade – Class of 2010
100% Participation
Mrs. Margarita Barreau
Mr. and Mrs. David Beringer
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Bigelow, Jr.
Ms. Heidi Rous and Mr. Thomas Blaney
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Callahan
Mrs. Ramona Castro
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chang
Mr. Dong Chung and Mrs. Hui-Zhen Feng
Mrs. Laurie Corwin
Mr. Alex Cory
Dr. and Dr. Demetrios Demetriades
Ms. Margarita Ductoc
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Grandalski
Ms. Kristanna Grant
Mr. Joseph Haley
and Mrs. Manuela I. Zarate-Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Han
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huang
Ms. Maureen Lennon and Mr. Fred John
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Kessel
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kwong
Dr. Ralf Langen and Dr. Jeannie Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Li
Mr. and Mrs. David Link
Mr. Adam London
Mr. and Mrs. David Lundegard
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mak
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Matthiessen
Mr. Jonathan Menell
and Mrs. Lorraine Cory Menell
Tom and Luci Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Orndorff
Matt and Kristin Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Pankaj Patel
Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson
6th grade – Class of 2010 continued
100% Participation
Raul and Jae Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Phillips
Mr. Dennis D. Salkin
Mrs. Melissa Salkin
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Samuelson
Martha and Miles Shanks
Mr. and Mrs. William Steele, III
Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Warren
7th grade – Class of 2009
100% Participation
Dr. Suzanne Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Barrera
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bieker
Ms. Mihaela Campan
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Michael Case
Mr. Kee Chan and Mrs. Henny Ang
Mr. and Mrs. John Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. David Doll
Ms. Margarita Ductoc
Catherine and Jay Ehrgott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedland
Ms. Maria Garibay
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huang
Mr. Curtis Jung and Mrs. Lynn Hatashita-Jung
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Khawaja
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Mackey
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McElrea
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meaglia
Mr. and Mrs. James Moffatt
Mr. and Mrs. Suresh Nagavalli
Mr. and Mrs. John Paciorek
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Pasqualetto, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Price
Mr. Pedro Rosado
Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Serhan
Mr. K.F. Stone Shih and Mrs. Sandy Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Isahn Shoemake
John Paul and Kristi Seiter Simmons
Mary and Bill Urquhart
Mr. Peter Williams and Dr. Cleo Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. John Wong and Ms. Yimling Thai
Mr. and Mrs. Yan Ming Yang
Mr. Chih-Kuo Yu and Mrs. Melia Widjaja
8th grade – Class of 2008
100% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Agajanian
Mr. and Mrs. Aram Aivazian
Ms. Rebecca Aragon-Santoro
Mr. and Mrs. Titus Brenninkmeijer
Dr. and Ms. Dean Bu
Mr. and Mrs. Wen Shan Chang
Mrs. Laurie Corwin
Ms. Suko Davies and Mr. Stephan Davies
Mr. and Dr. Robert Emslie
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fan
Mr. and Mrs. Burt H. Garavaglia
Ms. Viviana Garcia
Mr. and Dr. Amresh Jain
Dr. and Mrs. George Jung
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kwong
Mr. and Mrs. William Larr
Mr. Alan Law and Mrs. Stephanie Phung
Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Lu
Mr. Steven Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Shyam Manwani
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marks
Ms. Lily Matias
Mr. and Mrs. William McKay
Mr. Jay Mock and Ms. Nancy Daves
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Girish Patel
Ms. Linda Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Snyder
Kevin and Molly Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Topping
Mr. and Mrs. George Torres
Dr. and Mrs. P.P. Vaidyanathan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wakimoto
faculty & staff
100% Participation
Miss Ruth Beckstrom
Mrs. Kristin Bennett
Ms. Melinda Blackway
Mr. and Mrs. Gerson Bonaparte
Miss Shannon Brown
Mrs. Michelle Cogswell
Mrs. Annie Conner
Mrs. Laurie Corwin
Mrs. Kimberly Cuneo
Mrs. Mimi DeVasto
Mrs. Janice Elmore
Mr. Jerry Gordo
Mr. Chris Guyer
Mrs. Marilyn Guyer
Mrs. Mary-Kaye Halferty
Mrs. Liz O’Toner
Miss Jaime Hawks
Mrs. Lonny Jacobs
Mrs. Rosemary Kiertzner
Mr. Chris King
Mrs. Anita Knight
Miss Allison Knight
Mrs. Mary Lyzenga
Mrs. Barbara Mac Mullin
Ms. Dannalou Machi
Miss Jorrie Messman
Mrs. Ann Mize
Dr. Robert Nafie
Mrs. Cynthia Naylor
Mr. and Mrs. John Paciorek
Mrs. Amy Patzlaff
Mrs. Ralph Powell
Mrs. Lee Rankin
Mrs. Caren Ryan
Miss Sara Santos
Mrs. Nancy Sensenbach
Mrs. Kristen Shoemake
Mrs. Sharon Sinclair
Mrs. Suzanne Sinclair
Mrs. Gloria Stahmer
Miss Clementine Suiffet
Mrs. Janet Taylor
Mrs. Suzanne Thomas
Ms. Jan Wantland
Mrs. Nancy Ward
Mrs. Janna Windsor
Mrs. Denise Wreede
Miss Rachel Yocum
board of trustees
100% Participation
Ms. Michele Abernathy
Mrs. Donna Ballenger
Mrs. Alice Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnson
Ms. Laurie Johnson
Mrs. Jeannine Kiertzner
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Barner
Mrs. Lynda Beckstrom
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ~ 2008
e have reached the finish line! Strolling around the campus we see
Clairbourn back to its “ol’ self” but with the addition of the beautiful Seiter Family Early Childhood Center.
The temporary classrooms are gone, the athletic field has been beautifully
restored and the Seiter Center is up and running. Children are splashing in
the water feature, digging in the sand and napping in those cool, quiet classrooms. And that outdoor theater—WOW!
A final tip of the hat to Linda and John Seiter for their generosity and vision,
to the countless families, staff and alumni who gave dollars and sweat, and to
the Zubchevich family for funding the Zubchevich Trellis Theater.
Josie and David Beringer, Co-Chairs
The Seiter Family Early Childhood Center
Co-Chairs of the Phase III, West Campus
Renovation Project, Josie and David Beringer,
pictured with their two sons, Daniel and
Travis. (Daughter, Solina, not shown).
2007 ~ 2008 ANNUAL REPORT
the west campus renovation
project, Phase iii is the last phase of a
ten-year Capital Campaign. Phase I saw the completion
of Randall Hall. Phase II the completion of Andrew Hall,
the Reception Office, and the Transportation Pavillion.
Cornerstone Gift
Gift of $500,000
Mr. and Mrs. John Seiter
Gifts over $300,000
Clairbourn Families Association
Gifts over $250,000
Gifts of $10,000 – $50,000
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bononi
The Coburn Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Codiga
Mr. and Mrs. Ching Fang Hsu
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huang
Tracy and Ken McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Orndorff
Mr. and Mrs. William Price
Mrs. Barbara Steele
Mary and Bill Urquhart
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williamson
Keith and Nancy Zubchevich
Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999
Joann N. and Bruce W. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Wen Shan Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Davich
Mrs. Janice Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Williamson
Gifts of $2,500 – $4,999
Bill and Paula Steele
John Paul and Kristi Seiter Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bothwell
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Searcy III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Woody Studenmund
Gifts of $1,000 – $2,499
Michele Abernathy, Class of *1985
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Agajanian
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bacio
Mrs. Lynda Beckstrom
Bellsouth Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. David Beringer
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Bigelow, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bossaerts
Mr. and Mrs. Titus Brenninkmeijer
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Christensen
Mr. William Conn
Mr. Robert Dewitt and Ms. Roxanne Christ
Mr. and Mrs. John Elmore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fung
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Geraci
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks Gifford
Jim Griffin and Sarah Heck Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hancock
Dr. and Mrs. Morgan Huang
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jameson
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lam
Mr. and Mrs. William Larr
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lee
Mr. Jay Mock and Ms. Nancy Daves
Robert W. and Leslie A. Nafie
Miss Jane Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schloessmann
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Stevenson
Richard and Christine Valenzuela
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Weissman
Mr. and Mrs. Yan Ming Yang
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yeghnazar
cougarS Circle
Gifts of $500 to $999
Mr. Herbert A. Alejo
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. James Balbin
Mrs. Donna Ballenger
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Donna Barry
Mrs. Elanne C. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Michael Case
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chang
Trish and James Coane
Mr. Alex Cory
Stephen and Juliana Erdody
Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Farley
Mr. Paul Gans
Ms. Maria Garibay
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gunther
Ms. Judith H. Hedrick
Mr. Ted Hwang
Mrs. Margaret Jen
Dr. and Mrs. C. George Lai
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Lee
Keat Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Mackey
Dr. Lute Maleki and Mrs. Julie Schoenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marks
Dr. and Mrs. David Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. McMorrow
Mr. and Mrs. James Moffatt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murphy
Tom and Luci Myers
Ms. Mary Beth Nelson
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Matt and Kristin Palmer
Mr. Christopher H. Poole
and Mrs. Carolann Butler-Poole
David and Stephanie Rice
Mr. Pedro Rosado
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Shantz
Mrs. Ning Huang
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Stathatos
Ms. Beverly Tai
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Vail
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wang
Mrs. Nancy Ward, Class of *1984
Dr. Alison Wilcox
Mr. Peter Williams and Dr. Cleo Williams
Mr. Christopher Wilson
Mrs. Janna Windsor
friendS Circle
Gifts up to $499
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ballmer
Jennifer Barberie, Class of *1988
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barker
Hilary and Jonathan Barner
Ruth Beckstrom, Class of 1988
Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett
Mrs. Eleanor Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Berryman
Mary Lou Brenneman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Carson L. Brummett
Mr. Darryl Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Caffee
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Callahan
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Juan Casillas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Bacchus Chu
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cogswell
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coolidge
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Corral
Mrs. Laurie Corwin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crone
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Cuccia
Ms. Martha Cummings
Dr. Roseline M. Dauphin-Baptiste, M.D.
Ms. Suko Davies and Mr. Stephan Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Dawn
Dr. and Dr. Demetrios Demetriades
Mr. and Mrs. James Dietle
Dr. and Mrs. Damon Dragos
Catherine and Jay Ehrgott
Jake Elmore, Class of 2007
Jessica Elmore, Class of 2003
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ~ 2008
Joshua Elmore, Class of 2004
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Farhat
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flanders
Pat Foster, Class of 1950
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Burt H. Garavaglia
Ms. Viviana Garcia
Mr. Mark Giljum and Ms. Charise Stewart
Girl Scout Troop #330
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Grace
Ms. Kristanna Grant
Mrs. Marquita Griswold
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grosbard
Mrs. Marilyn Guyer
Ric and Staci Hahn
Holly and John Hancock
Elizabeth Hardie, Class of 1935
Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Hendrickson
Mrs. Faye Hollenbeck
Huntington Grove Estates HOA
Mr. Darey Huo and Mrs. Penny Low-Huo
Ms. Susan Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Izmirian
Mrs. Lonny Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jen
Ms. Maureen Lennon and Mr. Fred John
Mr. Curtis Jung and Mrs. Lynn Hatashita-Jung
Mr. and Mrs. Rene´ Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Kessel
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Khawaja
Mrs. Jeannine Kiertzner
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Kelly Kriebs
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kwong
Dr. Ralf Langen and Dr. Jeannie Chen
Mr. Alan Law and Mrs. Stephanie Phung
Mr. and Mrs. Jung Lee
Mr. Dane Little and Mrs. Carrie Holzman-Little
2007 ~ 2008 ANNUAL REPORT
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Lyzenga
Mr. Michael Mac Dermott
Ms. Anna M. Graves
and Mr. Hugh M. Mac Dhubhain
Mrs. Barbara MacMullin
Ms. Dannalou Machi
Ms. Lily Matias
Mattel Children’s Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Matthiessen
Mr. and Mrs. William McKay
Nancy Kennerly and Mark Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Miller
Mrs. MaRee W. Mize
Mrs. Mae Morita
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mullane
Mrs. Edith Nafie
Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Connor
JR & Chip Ossman
Mrs. Elizabeth O’Toner
Robin Owen, Class of 1990
Mr. and Mrs. John Paciorek
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Parkinson
Nicholas Parks, Class of 1986
Amy Patzlaff, Class of 1985
Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson
Dr. and Mrs. Dick Pederson
Mrs. Frances Pedley
Mrs. Lucy Perricone
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Petro
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pipes
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Polen
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poon
Mr. and Mrs. John Posthuma
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raines
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reed
Mr. Richard Robinson and Ms. Jean Rosenbluth
Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan
George and Carolyn Seitz
Mrs. Nancy Sensenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Shantz
Mr. and Mrs. Isahn Shoemake
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shumate
Mrs. Barbara Siegmund
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Mr. Stephen Sinclair and Dr. Marianne Sinclair
Mr. Steve Slater and Ms. Dorinda Marticorena
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Sotomayor
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stamos
Mr. Philip R. Stirling
Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Storm
Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Mrs. Jacque Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas
Mr. George M. Thomas
Ms. Jody Tolan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Topping
Mrs. Kimberley Bullock Valentine
Mr. James Van de Voorde and Mrs. Connie Osher
Mrs. Jamae W. van Eck
Mr. Martin Vasquez
and Ms. Christine Balderas-Vasquez
Ms. Anna Vaughan
Ms. Judith Vogt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Volk
Wachovia Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wakimoto
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Zhiwei Wan
Mrs. Billie R. Watts
Dr. Hongsheng Wei and Dr. Lynn Wang
Mrs. Louis Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wing
Mr. John Wong and Ms. Yimling Thai
Mr. Chih-Kuo Yu and Mrs. Melia Widjaja
Established by the Board of Trustees to honor Dr. Robert
W. Nafie who has served Clairbourn for thirty years. The
following gifts for this fund were received between July
1, 2007 and June 31, 2008. They supported a series of
talks on ethical literacy for parents, students, and faculty
presented by the Institute for Global Ethics.
Gift of $10,000
Mrs. Gertrude Marshall
Gifts from $5,000 – $9,999
Clairbourn Families Association
Mr. and Mrs. Ching Fang Hsu
Krishnan Mohandie, Class of *1977
Gifts from $1,000 – $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dorkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jameson
Deede Phillips, Class of 1935
Gifts from $500 – $999
Dr. and Mrs. Juan Casillas
Mr. Allen Chong and Mrs. Mondana Najafabadi
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. David Codiga
Mrs. Beverly Bemis Hawks DeWindt
Mr. and Mrs. John Elmore
Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. David Kenyon
Mr. and Mrs. William Larr
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schloessmann
Bill and Paula Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yeghnazar
Gifts up to $499
Michele Abernathy, Class of *1985
Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett
Mrs. Margaret Breazeal
Mary Lou Brenneman, M.D.
Mrs. Carolyn Bronkar
Mrs. Elanne C. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Case
Dr. and Dr. Demetrios Demetriades
Dr. John Desjarlais and Dr. Christine Brown
Catherine and Jay Ehrgott
Mr. and Mrs. David Elmore
Stephen and Juliana Erdody
Farmers Insurance
Dr. and Mrs. Hooshang Farshidi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Flagg
Mr. Kenneth Funsten
Mr. and Mrs. Burt H. Garavaglia
Mr. Steve Haegelin and Ms. Juli Khoe
Mrs. Lonny Jacobs
Mrs. Marilyn Keiper
Eric Kiertzner, Class of *1974
Mr. and Mrs. Jung Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert London
Mr. and Mrs. James Loper
Dr. and Dr. Lawrence Majovski
Tracy and Ken McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. James Moffatt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murphy
Mrs. Edith Nafie
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Nelson
Northrop Grumman Foundation
JR & Chip Ossman
Amy Patzlaff, Class of 1985
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raines
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Redford
David and Stephanie Rice
Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Sotomayor
Mr. and Mrs. David Spiegel
Mrs. Gloria Stahmer
Mrs. Barbara Steele
Mr. and Mrs. James Stolaroff
LtC. and Mrs. Richard E. Tracey
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Vail
Ms. Anna Vaughan
Mr. Reg Wardley
Dr. and Dr. Howard Winet
Mr. John Wong and Ms. Yimling Thai
Mr. and Mrs. John Wreede
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ~ 2008
The Grandparents Club 2008
Thank you to the following grandparents for contributing
to the Grandparents Club. Their gift helped build the
Seiter Family Center this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Adair
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Antoci
Patricia and William Barrera
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Blumé
Mary Lou Brenneman, M.D.
Mrs. Elanne C. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carbajal
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Case
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chan
Mr. and Mrs. David Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Christensen
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Codiga
Mrs. Jo Anne Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Curley
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dorkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Don Garman
Mrs. Nancy Gibbs
Mrs. Anna C. Graves
Mrs. Marilyn Guyer
Mr. Joseph Haley
and Mrs. Manuela I. Zarate-Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. William Hartfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jameson
Dr. and Mrs. Chong Khang
Mrs. Jeannine Kiertzner
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kim
Mr. and Mrs. James Loper
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mackey
Mr. and Mrs. John Matthiessen
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McAloney
Mr. and Mrs. Girish Patel
Mrs. Jacquelyn Powers
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruonala
Mr. and Mrs. John Seiter
Mr. and Mrs. George Seitz, Sr.
2007 ~ 2008 ANNUAL REPORT
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Shantz
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snyders
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Spagnoletto
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stubbs
Mrs. Sandra L. Thompson
Mrs. Sandra Tracey
Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Russell and Sally White
Mr. Jonathan Williams
and Mrs. Linda Grant Williams
The Library Fund includes gifts given directly to support
the library, and gifts of books and other items that were
purchased by donors for the Librarian’s Wish List.
Jim Arvo and Erin Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. James Balbin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bender
Mr. and Mrs. David Beringer
Mr. and Mrs. Titus Brenninkmeijer
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Michael Case
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Chang
Clairbourn Families Association
Trish and James Coane
Mr. and Mrs. David Codiga
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Dawn
Stephen and Juliana Erdody
Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gleason
Mr. Steve Haegelin and Ms. Juli Khoe
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hammett
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Han
Mr. and Mrs. Ching Fang Hsu
Dr. and Mrs. Morgan Huang
Ms. Maureen Lennon and Mr. Fred John
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Kessel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kinoshita
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kong
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kwong
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lam
Ms. Melisa Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. David Lundegard
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marks
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Matthiessen
Tracy and Ken McCormick
John and Julie McIlvery
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McMullan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Merritt
Nancy Kennerly and Mark Miller
Mr. Jay Mock and Ms. Nancy Daves
Mr. and Mrs. James Moffatt
Ms. Mary Beth Nelson
Mrs. Nelson’s Bookfair Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Connor
Stephen and Brenda O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Orndorff
Matt and Kristin Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. William Price
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Samuelson
Bill and Paula Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Su
Mr. and Mrs. David Ting
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tran
Mary and Bill Urquhart
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Welsh
Rose and Stephen Wen
Dr. Alison Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Willis
Mr. and Mrs. John Wreede
Lea Hayashi and Arturo Yoshimoto
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Zeger
Keith and Nancy Zubchevich
The Advantage Fund
The Advantage Fund provides tuition support for
Christian Scientists who are enrolled in Clairbourn
Darius Salehipour, Class of 2007
Drs. Michael and Maura Sullivan
J.T. Williamson, Class of *2010
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bothwell
Ms. Betty Fullerton
C.S. Association of Robert Gilbert
Isabel Foundation, Claire M. White, President
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McAloney
Estate of Frank McKee
The Robinson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Mrs. Geraldine Linnes Woodruff
THE Ann Pearson
Humanitarian Award
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Restricted FUNDS
Clairbourn Families Association
Mrs. Nancy Torres-Duggan and Mr. John Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Burt H. Garavaglia
Rotary Club of San Marino
Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Hendrickson
Mr. Shewak Manwani
Estate of Sally Taylor King, Class of 1938
Graduating Class Gift
& Grad Dance
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Agajanian
Mr. and Mrs. Aram Aivazian
Mr. and Mrs. Titus Brenninkmeijer
Dr. and Ms. Dean Bu
Mr. and Mrs. Wen Shan Chang
Mr. Stephan Davies
Mr. and Dr. Robert Emslie
Farmers Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Burt H. Garavaglia
Mr. and Dr. Amresh Jain
Dr. and Mrs. George Jung
Mr. and Mrs. William Larr
Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Lu
Mr. Steven Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Shyam Manwani
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marks
Mr. and Mrs. William McKay
Mr. Jay Mock and Ms. Nancy Daves
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. George Torres
Dr. and Mrs. P.P. Vaidyanathan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wakimoto
The John Eric Beckstrom
Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Lynda Beckstrom
Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett
Judy and Ben Coombs
Mrs. Ralph Powell
Ms. Kathryn Schoerner
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Don Stewart
Mrs. Jane Witman
The Lola Wallden Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strong
Mr. and Mrs. John Wreede
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ~ 2008
In Memory of Joann N. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bothwell
Mrs. Muriel K. Horacek
Scott and Glenna Walker
The Nijjar Sportsmanship
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nijjar
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
In Memory of Paula Jones
Mrs. Lynda Beckstrom
Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett
Judy and Ben Coombs
Mrs. Ralph Powell
Kathryn Schoerner
Mr. and Mrs. Don Stewart
Mrs. Jane Witman
Clairbourn School is deeply grateful for the finan-
In Memory of Ruthann Fitzgerald Hildebrand
Betty J. Fullerton
listed. For the other funds, gifts made between
The Dr. Robert T. & Jane A.
Cheatham Family Music
attempt has been made to ensure that these lists
Mr. Alan Law and Mrs. Stephanie Phung
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
a gift listing is needed. We cherish your gifts.
2007 ~ 2008 ANNUAL REPORT
cial support of parents, grandparents, alumni,
parents of alumni, trustees, faculty, staff, foundations, corporations and friends. Gifts of
every size are valued and are important to the
school. All gifts for the Seiter Family Center are
July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008 are listed. Every
are accurate. Please contact the Development
Office at ext.121 if further information regarding
his past year has been another successful one for the Clairbourn Families Association. The school year started off with pool parties and play dates to welcome our
students and Coffee on the Quad to welcome our parents. These events were followed by a Fall Golf Tournament, Clairbourn Spirit Fall Social and Reading to the Rescue
Book Fair. Spring held our Caddyshack Benefit and Jungle Adventure Carnival.
In addition to these large events, there were the weekly special lunch days, regular scrip
sales, Cougar Corner snack shop sales, and uniform sales all contributing to the funds
raised in support of Clairbourn.
CFA also continued our monthly meetings and speakers, Sugar Plum Breakfast, Holiday
Giving, and we also assisted our after school sports programs. Our CFA board proved to
be a dedicated, hard working group of volunteers. Those hard working volunteers coupled
with the amazing parent volunteers who helped at each and every event led to CFA having
another outstanding year contributing over $260,000 to our school.
I am thankful for the opportunity to have served the Clairbourn community this past year. It was a pleasure to work
with the families and faculty at Clairbourn.
Mary Beth Nelson, President
Clairbourn Families Association
Clairbourn Families Association Executive Board (Front row): Kris Grant: Parliamentarian, Mary Beth Nelson: President, Tracy McCormick: Treasurer. (Back
row): Dr. Nafie: Headmaster, Beth Orndorff: Secretary, Anita Pederson: Assistant Treasurer, Denise Bieker: Room Parent Officer, and Anna Merritt: Vice
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ~ 2008
Greg Geraci helps the Brown family get some
food at the Spring Carnival.
The CFA’s 11th annual benefit “Clairbourn Caddyshack” raised funds for all our little gophers.
Volunteers like Liz Kwong helped make it happen!
Thanks to Donna Balbin and Brenda O’Neil we
have happy memories of double doubles with
cheese. “May I take your order?”
Stephanie Flagg, Sheri Bender, and Kristin Palmer had a swingin’ good time at the Caddyshack Silent
Auction poolside at the Oakmont Country Club.
2007 ~ 2008 ANNUAL REPORT
Jill Pearson and Carmen Montgomery-Casteneda
cheerfully became the new Fall Social Co-Chairs
at the CFA Board Installation Luncheon at the
Valley Hunt Club.
Book Fair
Library Wish List
Annual Fund
Business Directory
Misc. Income
Drama Productions
CFA Dues
Special Lunches
Cougar Corner
Spring Auction
Fall Social
Golf Tournament
Holiday Giving
Graduation Dance
Helping Hand Fund
Phone Message
R.W. Nafie
Endowment Fund
Seiter Center
Play Yard
Sport Court
Holiday Giving
(20 Rectangular)
Library Fund
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ~ 2008
The Gardner Society
Ethel M. Gardner was instrumental in
The following Gardner Society members
the growth and development of Clairbourn
have also provided for Clairbourn School in their
School for more than forty years. She came
estate plans, leaving a lasting legacy for future
to the school in the early 1930s, driving her
generations of children.
two daughters, Virginia and Helen, all the
Ethel M. Gardner
Edwin L. Gardner
Nellie Platt Bailey
Sally Taylor King
Carol S. Thompson
Pearl M. Ott
James and Paula Coburn
Leanna and Walter Leonard
Robert T. Cheatham
Jane A. Cheatham
Marion E. Beck
Robert W. and Leslie A. Nafie
Gloria J. Stahmer
Frank M. McKee
Woodrow and Sharon Sinclair*
Claire Louise Bourne ‘Deede’ Phillips°
Herbert Alejo*
Joann and Bruce Baker*
held six elementary classrooms, bore her
When doing your estate planning, please
name. Upon her passing in March 1974,
consider leaving a percentage of your assets to
the school received word that Mrs. Ethel
Clairbourn School. Charitable gifts often are
Platt Gardner, and her husband, Edwin
opportunities for tax savings. Please consult
way from Hancock Park so that they could
attend Clairbourn. Mrs. Gardner convinced
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Platt, to
provide the school with a location of its
own. In later years, Mrs. Gardner would
oversee the transfer of ownership of the
Sunnyslope property to the school on
the provision that it remain a school in
“harmony with the teachings of Christian
Science.” Still later, Mrs. Gardner served
on the Board of Trustees for the school and
served as treasurer during the war years
and the years following. She watched every
step the school took during her lifetime. For
many years, the Gardner Building, which
Gardner, and her sister, Nellie Platt Bailey,
had all made provisions for the school in
their wills.
The Gardner Society honors the
enduring guidance and support of Ethel M.
Gardner and her lasting legacy.
with your tax advisor or financial planner for
advice. Feel free to contact Kristin Bennett at
626.286.3108 x121 or at kbennett@clairbourn.
org to learn more about creating a lasting legacy
at Clairbourn, or to share the names of those who
deserve to be recognized in The Gardner Society.
* new member ° donation to endowment
8400 Huntington Drive San Gabriel, CA 91775
in this issue: • The Seiter Family Early Childhood Center
• Art Education at Clairbourn
• Graduation News
• The 2007~2008 Annual Report
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