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FALL 2011
Clairbourn: Fresh and Innovative Education
Robert W. Nafie, Ph.D.
We have received such positive feedback on our new publication format. Thank
you for your communication, your input, and your encouragement. From its very
beginnings, the Clairbourn community has been celebrating in print the joy and
progress of its students. Whether we call it The Clairbourn Clarion, Under the
Clairbourn Tree, Branching Out, or Clairbourn Magazine, the record of success
and achievement is unmistakable. And once again, the copy you hold in your
hand now represents the rise of a new generation of Clairbourn leaders preparing to take their place in a challenging and dynamic age. They will be ready, and,
thanks to your continued support and involvement, we will be ready to teach them
in new and exciting ways.
In the decade since September 11, 2001, our nation and our world have witnessed
a sea change shift. While the core values remain the same, our students must become leaders and reach out to an ever more diverse planet. They must embrace
new attitudes and skills that bring understanding and healing to the world, and,
I am proud to say, Clairbourn students are well on their way. As you will read in
this issue, even our youngest classes are using the latest tools in the classroom
to encourage imagination, creativity, and artistic expression. Fresh and innovative
solutions will be needed in the years ahead, and Clairbourn students and faculty
members, at all grade levels, are continually exploring new ways to encourage
and develop these critical components of leadership.
Thank you for being part of Clairbourn’s great tradition of excellence. Another
successful year is in the making!
Robert W. Nafie, Ph.D.
The purpose of Clairbourn School
shall be to demonstrate in a practical
way the unlimited nature of all
true instruction through educational
opportunities which are harmonious
with the teachings of Christian
Science and in accordance with
accepted professional standards
of educational excellence.
Makes Perfect
SuperB uzz !
Students in the Junior
Pre-K class learn by
making a movie.
Conductor Rachael
Worby inspires eighth
grade girls.
Annual Report
School financials
with an overview
of accomplishments
and progress.
Graham Bothwell
speaks on utilizing our
Campus Kaleidoscope
Spotlight on Success
2011 Graduation with High School Choices
Alumni News
Class of 2007 College Choices
Save the Dates
Annual Report 2010-2011
On the cover:
Fourth-graders Logan Palmer,
Bayne Bossom, and Aidan McIlvery.
Super Buzz!
Imagine the interview, years
from now, where a Clairbourn
alum, admired for his/her success
and achievements is asked, “How
did you get your start? What were
some of your early influences?”
And the reply is given, “I remember
writing and acting in a movie with
my classmates at the age of three
in preschool. That activity taught
me how to express myself creatively
and developed important habits of
concentration and problem solving.”
Can you imagine the interviewer’s
response? “A movie? Who makes a
movie in preschool? How on earth
were you able to do that?”
While the interview is hypothetical,
the answer is very real. Clairbourn’s
preschool provides student-directed
learning opportunities. The teachers
are always exploring new ways to
convey lessons, concepts, and skills
to the students. When students were
fascinated by trucks, the class was
encouraged to build a cardboard
pizza truck where they made and sold
real pizza. When they became interested in shoes, they visited a shoe
store and recreated it in their dramatic
play. And when they were enchanted
by plants and seeds, they planted a
Mr. Schaberg helps the JPK students develop a storyline and characters for the movie.
Opposite: Preschool Assistant Kyle Schaberg shows student Jack Paciorek the movie camera.
So last spring, when the students
had been talking about movies, their
teacher Miss Beckstrom asked them
if they’d like to turn the stories they
were writing into a movie. Making a
movie would allow students to build
writing skills, develop creativity, and
build confidence by acting in front of
a group. They would also learn selfdiscipline, patience, taking direction,
and learn the difference between real
and pretend. This was to be a low
budget $200 film and also would be a
quick shoot with little time for retakes
or rehearsals. Filming only took place
during the students’ free time so
it wouldn’t conflict with their other
Daisy Duda and Kamen Farquhar draw out
ideas for how the sets should look.
Leo Feng paints a decorative backdrop for one of the scenes.
Superhero Benjamin Mozilo gets ready to fly in front of a special
effects green screen.
educational priorities and schedules.
preschoolers’ ideas to the big screen,
Miss Beckstrom explains, “Three and
four-year-olds have quite the imaginations! The students created a story
called “SuperBuzz!” about a group
of princesses who are having a party
when, all of a sudden, a witch and
warlock appear. They are captured
and locked in a cage. As they cry for
help, a superhero in training hears the
call. He enlists the help of his superhero friends to rescue the princesses.
Through a series of adventures they
discover that music will set them free.
After the rescue is complete, harmony
Princesses Ava Teng, Meliana Ito, and Sophia Feldman in a well-acted scene where they
each react differently to their capture by the evil witch.
returns to the kingdom and the princesses’ party resumes to the delight
of all. As you can imagine, that’s a lot
of story and a lot of characters for a
ten-minute film, but in the end we fit
it all in and it worked!”
“Once the project got underway,
the students took to it like fish to
water. They were extremely focused
and hardworking when it was time
to act or create the sets, props, and
costumes. They learned to follow the
rules of being quiet and cooperative
on set, and they learned to be patient
in make-up. They also learned all
about the movie-making equipment
surrounding them. One student, Izzy
Lanstra, fell in love with the behindthe-scenes part of making the movie,
and started to play ‘film director’ at
home and at school.”
Preschool Assistant Kyle Schaberg
has interned at Warner Bros., has
worked at Dreamworks Animation,
and did post production work for the
movie Piranha 3-D. So, he was wellequipped with the knowledge to
shoot all the scenes, employ green
screen technology for special effects,
and set up the lighting and sound.
Mr. Schaberg, along with Preschool
Assistant Lee Rankin, also scored and
recorded music for the film. Additional
help for the movie came from
preschool parents, Robert and Susan
Ito, who supplied the professional
video, audio, and lighting equipment. Another preschool parent and
industry professional, Kurt Farquhar,
added additional score to the film.
Once filming wrapped, the kids
wanted to know who was going to see
Izzy Lanstra, playing Witcha the Witch, gloats over her successful capture of the princesses.
their movie, so the class talked about
how a movie is released, screened,
and promoted. They decided to have
a movie premiere, and the students
came up with invitations and made
drawings for them. A press kit was
also created to be distributed to key
people at the school. The movie was
screened to a packed house in the
MPB complete with a red carpet,
popcorn, and “star” chairs for the
student actors. The audience loved
the film, laughed at the outtakes, and
parents cried with joy over all that
their children had accomplished.
Superheroes Michael Fortanasce, Kamen Farquhar, Anthony Chang, and Nathan Kar.
THE CAST: Anthony Chang as Webman (special power: running really fast), Brandon Cheng as Lightning (special power: flying),
Kamen Farquhar as Spider Kamen (special power: running really fast), Mikey Fortanasce as Rocket Boy (special power: flying),
Nathan Kar as Super School (special power: running really fast), Garrett Marshall as Thunderbolt (special power: running really
fast), Ben Mozilo as Weapon Boy (special power: flying), Quest Swan as Fly Catcher (special power: flying and super hearing), Leo
Feng as piano player Meditation Man, Jack Paciorek as piano player Jack the Grinch, Daisy Duda as Princess Marabelle, Sophia
Feldman as Princess Rose, Meliana Ito as Princess Alex, Ava Teng as Princess Ava, Eesha Vaghasia as Princess Eesha, Emily Zhao
as Princess Emily, Izzy Lanstra as Witcha the Witch, Garrett Marshall as warlock Witch Boy, Piper Kibbe as superhero professor
Water Girl (special power: water control), Stand in For Garrett Marshall – Quest Swan
THE CREW: Clairbourn School: Executive Producer, Kyle Schaberg: Producer, Director, Director of Photography, Camera
Operator, Editor, Screenplay, Script Supervisor | Ruth Beckstrom: Producer, Assistant to the Director, Art Director, Camera
Assistant, Still Photographer, Property Master, Key Makeup Artist, Boom Operator, Dialect Coach | Lee Rankin: Producer, Original
Music, Property Master, Child Wrangler, Assistant to the Director, Location Scout | The Bumblebees Junior Pre-K Class: Original
Story, Costume Design, Set Decorations, Storyboard Artists | Lynda Beckstrom: Boom Operator, Super Hero Set Design | Parents
of the Bumblebees: Key Hair Stylist | Jerry Gordo: Cart Driver
The term preschool is a hold-over from the past
when the benefits of general group interaction
were seen as an extra preparation for school
itself. While the term still communicates the age
range of the students (3-5), it too often misleads
the public in thinking that these years aren’t part
of the formalized education of young people
today. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Clairbourn maximizes the learning opportunities
that are available during the developmental years
(ages 0-8). In these early years, the rate and range
of student development varies, and we have
designed a comprehensive program that encourages students to grow at a pace customized
specifically for them. The teachers in the Seiter
Family Early Childhood Center are specifically
trained to recognize, appreciate, and encourage
the individual growth of each child.
So what’s to be learned in these early grades?
Why is it important? How do the teachers
encourage this kind of learning? Success in school,
like success in life, depends on establishing and
maintaining habits of listening, concentration,
persistence, and social responsibility. Without
these elements, and others, success will be intermittent and weaker than would otherwise be the
When do these habits begin? How can they be
maintained? Like all habits, these patterns begin
slowly and build over time through reinforcement,
but they begin at much earlier ages than previously
thought. Successful college or university students
haven’t just recently acquired their study skills.
They are most likely following a pattern set early
in life and carefully nurtured. These attitudes and
habits are the ones the Seiter Center teachers are
looking for, and the ones they reinforce. Effective
habits can become second-nature over time and
tend to persist.
Many other important concepts critical to school
success begin in the early childhood years.
These include the important qualities contained
in Clairbourn’s Code of Ethics: Honesty,
Responsibility, Respect (for yourself and others),
Spirituality, and Citizenship. Additionally, we
might add imagination, estimation, initiative,
obedience, patience, kindness, forgiveness, and
so much more. These qualities are naturally found
in all children, but with insightful encouragement,
these qualities are expressed in unique ways, as
can easily be seen in the article about the JPK
movie project, SuperBuzz!, appearing alongside
this article.
We are very proud of the exceptional work being
done throughout Clairbourn at all levels. We see
outstanding qualities emerging in all our students
with consistent habits of scholarship. However,
if you hadn’t noticed, most of these important
qualities take root in preschool. These are the
foundational building blocks of success in school
and in life, now…and in the future!
Robert W. Nafie, Ph.D.
Campus Kaleidoscope
Rachael Worby sharing, with eighth grade girls and their mothers, her inspiring personal journey of becoming one of the first female
conductors in the country.
“T he More I Practice The Luckier I Get!”
A Talk by Rachael Worby, Conductor of the MUSE/IQUE orchestra
As a seventh-grader, Rachael Worby was quite talented
at playing the piano, but found herself desperate and
determined to give up her relentless practice schedule for
good. The ensuing war with her mother, which she lost,
was dramatic to say the least. But considering the real gift
her mother was trying to give her—the gift of discipline
and skill through daily practice—it was all worth it. When
Worby finally figured out as an adult that she wanted to be
a conductor, she found she had the crucial discipline and
persistence needed to break into an almost impenetrable
all-male field. Today she enjoys a spectacular, awardwinning conducting career and is credited as being one of
the first women conductors in America. She has conducted
orchestras across the nation and internationally and
currently conducts the new, highly-creative MUSE/IQUE
orchestra which she started in Pasadena.
Her climb to prominence and fame was tough in an age
where she had no female role models to show her the way
and no support from a male-dominated industry. Part of
Worby’s mission today is to present herself as a role model
for girls to inspire them to reach their goals. She also
wants them to understand the value of hard, consistent
work and stresses, “The more I practice, the luckier I get!
My life is not a miracle! The need is to be disciplined and
to keep it up. To work hard at something is overwhelming.
Every day requires renewed faith in who you are and your
intentions. Discipline is what really counts in this life. If you
do something more than anybody else, you’ll do it better
than anybody else. That’s the gift of discipline!”
Campus Kaleidoscope
Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini speaking to the elementary grades on how a homework assignment led her into a successful career as an author
and illustrator.
Discovered Talent MakeS a Difference
Author and Illustrator Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini Talks at Clairbourn
“What would happen if you got to do all of your favorite
things for homework?” asked author Kristin Joy PrattSerafini to a group of students at her book talk assembly.
In her own case, a homework assignment led her to a flourishing career as an award-winning author and illustrator.
She found that, when she was doing what she loved, the
grade no longer mattered, time disappeared, and, even
though it was homework, she was having fun. In her talk,
she alerted students to watch for those signs because they
are clues to finding your passion or purpose in life.
Her first book started out as an independent homework project in ninth grade where she was required to do
something interesting with reading and writing. Since she
liked to draw pictures, she decided to illustrate Watership
Down, an adventure book about rabbits. She couldn’t get
enough of it and soon decided to do a whole book by
herself at the age of 16.
Since she was fascinated by the tropical rainforest habitats she was studying, she decided to make an ABC book
that would also convey the need to preserve the forest. She
started by drawing the word rainforest with the last letter
“t” depicted as a chopped-down tree. The project took
her 100 hours to complete. Her teacher loved it so much
that she required her to find a publisher for it. Not only
did she get published, but some of the money from the
book sales went to help The Children’s Eternal Rainforest
in Monte Verde, Costa Rica, which has preserved 54,000
acres of rainforest. Thanks to that original homework
assignment, Serafini now has 18 books to her credit—five
of which are environmental awareness books for children.
Clairbourn’s Spring Time Warp Concert
Thanks to a very clever time machine and a mad scientist to operate it, Clairbourn students in the annual Spring
Program were launched through time on a wild musical
adventure. Destinations ranged from prehistoric times
to the present with specific stops in the 1800s, 1930s,
1950s, and 1960s. All the grades worked hard to learn the
songs and the moves to each number. Student acts from
different eras included the Beach Boys and the Supremes,
the Kindergarten Cowboys, and students performing as
present day pop stars Justin Bieber (Conner Corley) and
Taylor Swift (Emily Coolidge). A Beethoven character was
even on hand to introduce the Clairbourn Symphony and
String Ensemble. As the mad scientist jumped towards each
destination in time, student reporters from CTV Channel
3 news shared important happenings from each decade.
Music Director Rosemary Kiertzner, Violin Teacher Ann
Mize, Production Manager Lynda Beckstrom, and Pianist
Ann-Louise Christensen are all to be thanked for their
hard work in putting on this annual event along with the
students for their enthusiastic and delightful performance.
The Spring Program opens with Ben Fogel playing a mad scientist.
Clairbourn’s Time Warp Carnival
Clairbourn students required a real time warp to see and
do everything offered at the Time Warp Carnival following
the Spring Program. This year the field was packed with
fun activities for all ages like the dunk tank, bungee rides,
water tag, the bounce house, a super slide, crafts, a face
painter and beauty bar, a cake walk, karaoke, field games,
a prize booth, and much more. Everything from the food
to the decorations and all the planning was coordinated
by Carnival Co-Chairs Trish Coane, Lisa Garrison, and
Sherri Notley who delivered a fantastic, fun, and memorable event.
Logan Houck, Nicholas Myers, and Bradley Marelich performing as
the Beach Boys.
Christopher Johnson was the 2010-2011 “Headmaster for a
Day” thanks to his parents’ winning bid for the experience
at Clairbourn’s Spring Benefit. Christopher fulfilled all his
official duties at transportation and chapel, inspected the
classrooms, met with the staff, toured the Manor House,
rode the maintenance cart, conducted official business in
the headmaster’s office, and took three of his friends out
to an executive lunch at the Souplantation.
Aidan McIlvery, Conner Corley, and Julia Valenzuela heading off to
another fun carnival attraction.
Clairbourn sixth grade students helped with an angel sculpture decorating project started by the Hillsides foster care
and special education facility in Pasadena. The sculpture
was originally part of the “Community of Angels” exhibit,
from 2001, where decorated angel sculptures were put on
display around the city. The angels were later auctioned
off and one was eventually donated to Hillsides. With the
artist’s permission, Hillsides was allowed to redecorate the
angel. Their design concept was to take broken pieces of
CDs and cover the angel in a mosaic pattern. The rainbow
light reflected from the CDs would teach students that, like
the angel, they too reflect light and good into the community. After completing as much of it as they could, Hillsides
brought the angel to Clairbourn and our sixth-graders
and attendees of the Spring Carnival all got to work on
the angel and brought it up to an almost completed state
before it was returned to Hillsides.
Sports Awards
The following students were named MVPs last
spring for their sports participation and include:
Aileen Cho and Daniel Erdody decorating the Hillsides angel.
Gabriella Foreman, Mary Farley, Andy Langen, and
Nick Merritt for swimming, Jimmy Miller and Malcolm
Zeger for golf, Brian Gleason, Alex Stamos, Chris
Stamos, and Cole Nelson for baseball, Eric Bradley,
Nathan Cory, and Daniel Erdody for boys volleyball, and Jadie O’Connor, Sarah Montgomery, Mary
Farley, Electra Williams, Mallory Myers, and Noelle
Shoemake for softball.
Lettered Athletes:
Last spring, the following students lettered for
participating in three or more “A” team sports:
Christopher Johnson, as “Clairbourn’s Headmaster for a Day,” takes
care of official business in the headmaster’s office.
Andrea Ramirez, Crystal Wu, Noelle Shoemake, Taylor
Marks, Sarah Vail, Jackie Hwang, Michael Ibarra, Bryan
Gleason, Michael Torres, Stephane Splichal, Jack Steele,
Devin Lu, Raymond Barry, David Harvey, Max Vasquez,
Eric Bradley, and Alex Stamos who also received the
sports announcer/writer award.
Music in the Afternoon
Parents were treated to a showcase of talent at the “Music
in the Afternoon” concert last June put on by Music
Teacher Rosemary Kiertzner and Violin Teacher Ann Mize.
Students performed in grade-level groupings with some
performing also in the Clairbourn Band, the Clairbourn
Symphony Orchestra, and the Clairbourn Middle School
String Ensemble. Fourth Grade Band soloists included
Delila Brown, Olivia Brown, Brian O’Neil, Ben Sacks,
Hope Codiga, Sasha Codiga, and Caroline Dragos. Fifth
Grade Band soloists were Jacob Valenzuela, Kelly Yang,
Jeff Haegelin, Elon Mahone, and Xian Shively. Other
solos were performed by Kento De Napoli and Sarah
Soza on violin, Colin Shumate on saxophone, Jack Steele,
Malcolm Zeger, and Christopher Myers on clarinet, Alex
Smith on trumpet, and Colin Coane on alto saxophone.
Duets were additionally perfomed by Sasha and Hope
Codiga on clarinet, Olivia Brown and Ben Sacks on saxophone, and Jacqueline Hwang and Audrey Vu on flute.
Audrey Vu was named the Most Outstanding Seventh Grade
Music Award Winners
The following students were recognized for their
musical achievements at the end of the 2010-2011
school year.
Most Outstanding 4th Grade Musician – Sarah Soza
Outstanding 4th Grade Musicians – Brian O’Neil and Olivia Brown
Most Improved 4th Grade Musician – Jillian Willis
Outstanding 4th Grade Musicians, Violin – Chloe Kessel
and Kento DeNapoli
Most Outstanding 5th Grade Musician – Oren Wei
Most Improved 5th Grade Musicians – Emily Su, Andrew Cheng,
and Matthew Yam
Most Outstanding 5th Grade Clarinet – Christopher Myers
Most Outstanding 5th Grade Alto Saxophone – Colin Coane
Most Outstanding 5th Grade Flute – Kelly Yang
Most Outstanding 5th Grade Trumpet – Alex Smith
Most Outstanding 6th Grade Musician – Justin Yu
Most Outstanding 7th Grade Musician – Audrey Vu
Most Outstanding 8th Grade Musician – Colin Shumate
Outstanding Middle School Musicians – Rebecca Wang
and Tian Griffin
Most Improved Middle School Musicians – Crystal Wu
and Sarah Montgomery
Colin Shumate was named the Most Outstanding Eighth Grade
President’s Award Winners
The following students received the President’s Award
for Educational Excellence at the Clairbourn Awards
Ceremony: Grace Fraser, Cassidy Jung, Tillie Pederson,
and Andrea Ramirez. To be eligible for this academic
achievement award, issued by the Department of
Education, students must be on the Headmaster’s List
every quarter for all three years in middle school (maintaining a 4.0 grade average in all of their academic
subjects) and receive no less than an ‘S’ in citizenship.
Book Award Winners
President’s Award winners: Andrea Ramirez, Grace Fraser, Tillie
Pederson, and Cassidy Jung.
Students who showed passion in certain academic
subjects and who proved to be positive contributors to
the class received the following book awards last spring.
Gillian Hanna and Jimmy Miller for English, Thea McKay
and Bryan Gleason for history, Electra Williams and
Malcolm Zeger for Spanish, Audrey Vu and Taylor Marks
for French, Erin Price and Devin Lu for math, Alison O’Neil
and Sierra Bononi for science, Tillie Pederson for drama,
and Eric Bradley and Michael Torres for the Dean’s Award.
Outstanding Graduate Award Winner
Book Award winners pose for a group picture.
Andrea Ramirez was named as Clairbourn’s 2010-2011
Outstanding Graduate. Andrea was selected by nomination of the faculty after consideration of her record at
previous schools, her record at Clairbourn, and the significance of her contribution to the school’s overall goals.
In the classroom, she was consistent, on time, and accurate with her work. She also built strong friendships with
students and participated widely in all aspects of school life
including athletics, dramatic arts, fine arts, school service,
student government, and philanthropy. She maintained
the highest standards for academic excellence receiving
in middle school a total of 38 A’s and 25 A+’s with no B’s.
Each quarter she earned a place on the Headmaster’s
List—a total number of 12 times. Since being eligible
to earn the “E” or Excellent grade in citizenship, she
consistently received that mark on her progress reports.
Her qualities of leadership, commitment, quiet manner,
serious study, and a host of accomplishments have set the
bar for Clairbourn students at all levels.
Outstanding Graduate Andrea Ramirez with her parents, Fernando
Ramirez and Juliana Duran, and her sister, Natalia Ramirez.
Alex Robertson Memorial Award Winner
Cassidy Jung was named the winner of the Alex Robertson
Memorial Award for her unique combination of academic
and athletic skills. Since coming to Clairbourn in kindergarten, she successfully conquered her academic subjects
and maintained Honor status and Headmaster’s List status
throughout her middle school years. She earned the
respect and admiration of her teachers, and is a proven role
model. In athletics, she participated in all major sports and
earned her Clairbourn letter. She demonstrated individual
skill, dedication, and unselfishness in her sports conduct.
She is regarded as one of Clairbourn’s most capable
athletes. Outside of Clairbourn, she is also a highly skilled
gymnast. Her achievements are only surpassed by her
humble and gracious manner that is visible for all to see.
John Eric Beckstrom Memorial Scholarship
Marisa Dragos received the $1,000 John Eric Beckstrom
Memorial Scholarship for consistently demonstrating diligence in academics, loyalty in friendship, joy in learning,
and patience for hard work—all of which show she has
the standard of Christian Science firmly in heart. Since
entering Clairbourn in Junior Pre-Kindergarten, she
earned the respect and admiration of her teachers and
fellow students. She has been active in sports and has
been recognized for her outstanding sportsmanship
and exceptional skill. In consideration of her citizenship,
the school praises her exemplary record of concern and
consideration for others.
Alex Robertson Award winner Cassidy Jung with her parents, Curtis
and Lynn Hatashita-Jung.
Lola Wallden Memorial Scholarship
Yasmeen Gray received The Lola Wallden Memorial
Scholarship which includes a $500 credit towards tuition.
The Trustees established the Lola Wallden Memorial
Scholarship Fund, in memory of our former teacher and
head of school, Mrs. Wallden, to recognize a fourth or
fifth grade student who has demonstrated hard work
and persistence—qualities that Mrs. Wallden deemed
even more important and worthy of praise than scholastic
success. No one brought more desire, determination, and
tenacity to her work than Yasmeen. In the opinion of the
faculty, Yasmeen’s work ethic makes her a student with
something to teach us all.
John Eric Beckstrom Scholarship winner Marisa Dragos and her
parents, Dr. Damon and Mara Dragos, and her sister, Caroline.
Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Award
Lauren Montgomery was named the recipient of the
Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Award. Former
teacher Ann Pearson always saw the good in her students
and loved their spirit. This award is given each year to a
Clairbourn sixth grader who best embodies the attitude,
behavior, and achievements that Ann Pearson valued.
Since coming to Clairbourn in Pre-Kindergarten, Lauren
has greatly impressed the faculty with her outgoing and
gentle nature, hard work, and respect for cultural diversity. Lauren has consistently demonstrated team-building
qualities and has demonstrated outstanding scholarship.
Nijjar Sportsmanship Award Winner
Lola Wallden Scholarship winner Yasmeen Gray with her mother,
Margarita Ductoc.
Ann Wakefield Pearson Award winner Lauren Montgomery with her
mother, Carmen Montgomery-Castañeda.
Christian Yeghnazar was the 2010-2011 winner of the
Nijjar Sportsmanship Award designed to recognize a fifth
through seventh grade student who has demonstrated
dedication, persistence, team spirit, and outstanding good
sportsmanship while playing for Clairbourn School on a
sports team. Since entering Clairbourn in kindergarten, he
has shown a desire for physical activity and athletics of all
types. He has shown the kind of dedication and commitment needed to constantly improve. In addition, he has
modeled patience and encouragement and promoted the
talents and strengths of his teammates.
Nijjar Sportsmanship Award winner Christian Yeghnazar.
Fourth Row: Colin Shumate, Devin Lu, Raymond Barry, Bryan Gleason, Cole Nelson, Nicholas Merritt
Third Row: Malcolm Zeger, Michael Torres, Stephane Splichal, Michael Ibarra, Alexander Stamos, Zibo Gong, James Miller, Jack Steele
Second Row: Cassidy Jung, Crystal Wu, Kelly Yu, Taylor Marks
Front Row: Mallory Myers, Andrea Ramirez, Grace Fraser, Jacqueline Hwang, Noelle Shoemake, Sarah Vail, Sierra Bononi, Tillie Pederson
Utilizing Our
REMARKS GIVEN by Graham Bothwell
(excerpts and highlights)
you’ll do one day. Let me predict that
when you eventually get to my age,
55, you’ll still be saying that one day
you’ll do those very same things.”
Dr. Nafie, faculty and staff, parents
and other visitors, students, and
especially the class of 2011, what a
privilege it is to be here at Clairbourn
again. The graduation experience
always gives me a feeling of excitement not shared by any other school
My talk today deals primarily with a
couple of different aspects of opportunity. Most of you in the graduating
class have been at Clairbourn since
your earliest years of schooling and
have benefitted from the opportunities presented. But, where you are
going from this point has a great deal
more to do with your individual motivation and initiatives than what you’ve
experienced so far.
you actually do with it. You are not
too young to be thinking about what
you will do with your opportunities,
because they will come, no matter
I own one of those old-fashioned
books called a dictionary, and I
looked up the word “graduate.” One
of the definitions is this: “To pass
from one stage of experience, proficiency, or prestige to a usually higher
one.” Basically, it speaks about being
fully outfitted for the next step, for
which you now have all the tools you
need! But ultimately, opportunity
has meaning only in terms of what
Let me give you an example. I recall
being in my teens, not much older
than you. I would occasionally talk with
an individual whom I admired. He was
the chief engineer in a big factory with
a couple of hundred people working
for him. One day he said to me, “Look
at me. I’m 55 years old, and you’re
about 40 years younger than I am. Let
me give you a prediction. Consider
the things that you’re telling yourself
Graduation speaker and former
Clairbourn trustee, Graham Bothwell
Unfortunately, it’s too often the case.
Hopes and aspirations can so easily
sit dormant, unfulfilled, unless we
ourselves do something about it. I
greatly respected my engineer friend,
and I never forgot what he said. I
tried not to fall into the trap that he
predicted for me. So let me tell you
about just one experience that arose
directly from his remark.
My family was musical, and during
my high school years, I developed a
desire one day to play in a symphony
orchestra. It wasn’t till much later,
when I was in my mid 20s, that I unexpectedly became reacquainted with
a professional oboist I’d known. I
bought an oboe and I took lessons
from her. I was not a brilliant oboist,
but the small city where I lived had a
largely-amateur orchestra with about
60 players, and they had a place for
me. I played Mozart, Beethoven,
Bruckner, Mahler, and beyond. I knew
in my very first concert as part of that
ensemble that I’d achieved my goal,
Sierra Bononi and Grace Fraser share a
goodbye hug.
Graduates Michael Ibarra (second from right) and Alex Stamos (far left) with his parents,
Connie and Nick Stamos, and his brother, Christopher (center).
and didn’t need to pursue it further.
In fact, after a year or two, I moved
elsewhere and did other things. I had
used the opportunity and accomplished what I had dreamed about
doing. That was immensely satisfying.
to attain a goal that someone else
expects of us, or maybe even that
we’ve set for ourselves. Don’t be
fooled by this trap. Never accept that
you are somehow caught in a circumstance with inadequate opportunity.
And don’t be fooled by the trap that
my engineer friend predicted for me.
We each might individually express
differently what I’m about to say, but
each of you has a permanent spiritual
connection with God that will speak to
you in your consciousness, directing
and guiding, as you go along.
But, no matter where you are headed,
the best opportunities are the daily
ones for building a character filled
with goodness, even-handedness,
love for one another, responsiveness,
appreciation, joy, helpfulness, being
reliable, being friendly and open,
always honest, always willing to listen
to the other person’s opinion, and a
host of other ingredients for progress.
Now, sometimes we may find
ourselves frustrated when it seems
that someone else is more favored
than we are, or that it’s impossible
Above all, never believe that
opportunity is lost. We all face
roadblocks at some point, but that is
never a reason to give up. So many
folks have discovered that one door
may close but another will open.
That’s where you can be alert and
prepared, having strived for those
basic but vital character goals that
allow you to proceed when the big
opportunity presents itself.
Each of you in our 2011 graduating
class stands at a threshold, a new
experience that will shape your future.
There will be opportunities for each of
you to flourish, and you can recognize
them and put them to good use.
Let me close with that well-known
but mighty quotation from the Bible,
from Proverbs: “Trust in the Lord with
all thine heart; and lean not unto thine
own understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and he shall direct
thy paths.” (Prov. 3:6) Your reason
for being is to prosper. The future is
Nick Merritt with his parents and extended family who turned out to celebrate his graduation.
Noelle Shoemake and Sarah Vail.
Cole Nelson with his mother Mary Beth
Nelson and grandmother Jacqueline Dudash.
Tillie Pederson with her parents, Dr. Dick and Anita Pederson, and her sister, Anyssa.
The Shoemake family: Kris, Jocelyn, Isahn,
Kendall, Noelle, and Ashley.
Cole Nelson, Michael Ibarra, Nick Merritt, Michael Torres, and Bryan Gleason enjoying their
last chance to socialize before the ceremony.
Graduates Crystal Wu, Taylor Marks, Mallory
Myers, and Cassidy Jung.
Raymond Barry
Taylor Marks
Stephane Splichal
Maranatha High School
La Salle High School
Maranatha High School
Sierra Bononi
Nicholas Merritt
Alex Stamos
La Salle High School
Loyola High School
La Salle High School
Grace Fraser
James Miller
Jack Steele
Mayfield Senior School
Loyola High School
St. Francis High School
Bryan Gleason
Mallory Myers
Michael Torres
Polytechnic High School
Mayfield Senior School
La Salle High School
Zibo Gong
Cole Nelson
Sarah Vail
Maranatha High School
St. Francis High School
Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy
Jacqueline Hwang
Tillie Pederson
Crystal Wu
San Marino High School
Immaculate Heart High School
Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy
Michael Ibarra
Andrea Ramirez
Kelly Yu
International School of Zug & Lucerne
Flintridge Preparatory School
Cassidy Jung
Noelle Shoemake
Malcolm Zeger
Flintridge Preparatory School
Claremont High School
St. Francis High School
Devin Lu
Colin Shumate
St. Francis High School
San Marino High School
La Salle High School
Julie (Pattison) Fernandez* wrote in to the alumni website,
“I am a member of CHART...Chino Hills Auxilliary Radio
Team. My sister Sharon and I got our Ham Radio licenses in
May 2010 and have taken over our parent’s call signs. Mine
is W6POP which belonged to our dad, Jack Pattison...and
Sharon’s is K6DPX which was our mom Shirley’s. We love
volunteering with them around the city.”
Tony Evans* is a software engineer living in St. George,
Utah. He recently joined Clairbourn’s alumni website.
Kym Alexander-Niergarth and her husband, Charlie, live
in San Diego, California, where she works as a nurse.
Gilbert Fry attended Clairbourn from Junior Pre-K through
ninth grade and went to Arcadia High School, followed by
Occidental College for his B.S. degree. He then went to
USC where he got a masters in geology. After graduating,
he moved to Dallas, Texas, for a job with Mobil Oil and
then moved again to New Orleans to search for oil and
gas in the Gulf of Mexico. In New Orleans, he met his wife,
Alice, and they returned to California where they settled in
Irvine. He took a job with the environmental firm TRC and
worked on projects cleaning up contaminated soil and
groundwater. He has two daughters, Chloe (13) and Haley
(11), who are into sports, music, and singing.
Erin Lownes-Santos has three children and lives in
Sunland, California, where she works as a scheduler for Cal
Net Technology Group.
Steve Hess* is a local sales manager for Gold Coast
Broadcasting in Ventura, California, and is also the sales
manager for Rincon Broadcasting in Santa Barbara.
Laura (Miller) Liddell* recently joined Clairbourn’s alumni
website. She and her husband, Darin, have three children
and live in Tooele, Utah. For many years, Laura has worked
as a public servant for a variety of government agencies.
John Cleaves* is living in Los Angeles and is a supervisor
of trial technology consulting at the law firm of Latham &
Watkins. His most recent accomplishment is an iPad app
called JuryTracker designed to standardize jury observation for attorneys. It helps them take notes, share reports
with their trial team, track their time, and identify key
jurors. John attended UC San Diego and received a B.A. in
economics and history, and then graduated in 1992 from
the University of Houston Law Center.
Chris Ballmer and his wife, Shelly, live in Ventura, California,
with their two children, Luke (15) and Ami (14). His parents,
Suzy and Bruce Ballmer (Suzy is a former Clairbourn
trustee and library aide), just moved up to Ventura as well,
and they enjoy watching Chris surf from their beachfront
townhouse which is about 100 feet from the water.
Julie (Benniardi) Gunara* graduated from Flintridge Prep
and then attended USC for college. She now works as a
designer at MGI. In 2010, her interior design work for the
Table 8 restaurant in Jakarta, Indonesia, was recognized
with a Hospitality Design Award.
Log on to our website:
Once you
are registered, you can check out the latest
news on all of your Clairbourn classmates!
Kenneth Takata just joined Clairbourn’s alumni website.
He is currently living in Monterey Park and works in the
travel industry.
* An asterisk next to a class year means that the alum
attended but did not graduate from clairbourn.
J.P. Paciorek* came in first place at the first annual San
Marino Home Run Derby held at San Marino High School
in April. The event was held to raise money for the San
Marino Little League and San Marino High School Baseball.
Trinie Dalton* lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Matt
Greene, and she is a professional writer and author. Her
books include Wide Eyed (Little House on the Bowery), A
Unicorn is Born, and MYTHTYM which LA WEEKLY called,
in 2008, “One of the art books of the year.” Her most
recent book is called Baby Geisha, a collection of stories
which will be out in January. In addition to writing books,
she also writes magazine articles and teaches writing and
art to undergrad and graduate students.
Laurie (Fortier) Sarafian* has been busy raising her two
children, Charlie and Kate, who are now seven and four.
She is back into acting and recently appeared on the show
“No Ordinary Family” on ABC. She also had a special role
in “CSI NY” where she donned elaborate makeup to play
a con artist disguised as an 80-year-old man. Back in 2007,
Laurie was directed by her husband, Deran Sarafian, in an
episode of “House M.D.” where she played a character
named “Darnell.” Her husband, Deran, is a successful
director, and in addition to “House M.D.” has worked on
many well-known shows including “CSI,” “CSI: NY,” “CSI:
Miami,” “Without a Trace,” and “The District,” among
many others. His uncle is also the famous director Robert
Kristina Person recently joined the Clairbourn alumni
website. She currently lives in Los Angeles and works for
the First United Methodist Church of Glendale.
Wendy Lynn (Winet) Boyd* and her husband, Ally, are
new parents! They had a boy in September of 2010 and
named him Elijah Stephen Boyd.
Amy McCormick ‘95* married Nicholas Vokey in June at the Pasadena
home of Tracy and Ken McCormick.
Hilton Robinson visited campus in October. He is back
in L.A. getting his M.B.A. at USC. Previously he was living
in Washington D.C. working for Deloitte as a consultant.
He and his wife, Olga, also have a two-year-old daughter
named Anastazie.
Amy McCormick* married Nicholas Vokey at Tracy and
Ken McCormick’s ’66* house in Pasadena on Saturday,
June 25th. People attending the wedding affiliated
with Clairbourn, both past and present, included Jon
McCormick ‘93*, Katie Hampton ’08*, and Charlie
McCormick ’16*. Even Ken attended Clairbourn at one
stage in his young life! Dr. and Mrs. Nafie were also in
attendance. Alum Brent Sherman ‘82 from the Kitchen for
Exploring Foods catered her wedding.
Jonathan Lambert* and his wife, Shannon, are the proud
parents of a baby boy named Elijah Richard Lambert. He
and have just received an M.A. in mental health counseling
from NYU.” Pallavi is currently an organizational development and learning intern at NYU’s Langone Medical
Center. Previously she has worked as a mental health
counseling intern, a research assistant for the Child and
Family Policy Center at NYU, and a substance abuse counselor at Lafayette Medical Management. Pallavi previously
attended UC San Diego where she graduated with a B.A.
in communication and literature/writing.
Jamie Henricks* has a B.S. in health and fitness from Texas
Christian University and her masters in library and information science from UCLA. She recently worked as a project
archivist at Flintridge Preparatory School. In her spare
time, she teaches computer to seniors and also volunteers
at a local museum.
Andrew Lyzenga ‘97 in Sendai, Japan, helping to clean up after the
was born on October 2, 2011, weighed six pounds, and
was 19 inches long.
Andrew Lyzenga helped with tsunami recovery in Japan
and shared with Clairbourn, “I had a few days off of work at
the beginning of May, so I went to Sendai with a construction company that I am acquainted with to do some
volunteer work. We worked on houses, repairing roofs,
removing dirt and various trash, and cleaning furniture and
floors that were still usable. The area that was hit by the
tsunami was pretty unbelievable and a large contrast to
the rest of the city which was relatively undamaged by the
Joe McCullough* is working in Century City as a portfolio
management associate for Morgan Stanley Private Wealth
Management. He got his B.A. in economics from Bucknell
University in 2006.
Pallavi Yetur recently wrote in to the alumni office to share,
“I’d just like to update you and the Clairbourn community
on my finishing graduate school! I reside in New York city
Alan Rutledge* attended Polytechnic and has a degree
from UC Berkeley. He started working at Internet startups
during his high school years. Since then, he has worked at
Microsoft, at a mobile photo-sharing startup purchased by
iLike in 2006, at a startup that created Google’s advertising
technology, and at Idealab working on alternative energy,
wireless, and robotics projects. He is also the founder of
Navify which allows Wikipedia users to see videos, images,
and comments on Wikipedia’s pages.
Tom McCullough* is a business technology analyst at
Deloitte Consulting in Los Angeles. He graduated from
the USC Marshall School of Business in 2010.
Andrew Nemeth graduated from CSU Dominguez Hills
with a B.S. degree in biology. He now has a four year
contract to teach high school science for L.A. Unified.
Lauren Quezada
is now living in Bala Cynwyd,
Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia, where she is
working as a GeoKids Fellow at the Wagner Free Institute
of Science. Each week she teaches science to third and
fourth graders from inner city schools. She also teaches
dance to students ranging in age from four to seventyseven at the Aloha Style hula school in Narberth. Her
mother, Nani Aiu-Quezada, is the Kumu of the school.
In her spare time, she is working on her M.S. degree in
biology at Saint Joseph’s University.
Jordan Dorenfeld just joined Clairbourn’s alumni website.
After graduating from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo with a B.S.
in business administration, he now works as a business
development manager for Cacique USA.
Diana Dou is now in grad school at UCLA and is enrolled
in their ACCESS program for interdisciplinary biosciences.
Andrew (Drew) Smith attended San Marino High School
where he played varsity water polo for three years. He
also attended the Water Polo Junior Olympics in Florida
and spent two summers in San Jose, California, to swim
for the MidValley Water Polo Club. This past spring, Drew
graduated from Whittier College with a bachelors degree
in business marketing. He is also the bassist and finance
manager for a band called Death Punch.
Andrew Smith ‘02 shows off his diploma from Whittier College.
Andy Taylor graduated from the University of Portland in
2010 with a B.A. in political science. He then worked as a
radio program director at KDUP 1580 AM (as a translator
from Turkish to English), at Sivil Toplum Gelistirme Merkezi
(a company that specializes in civic and social organization), and has worked as a public policy intern at the Los
Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. He currently works
in Washington D.C. for U.S. Congressman Michael McCaul
as a legislative assistant.
Jessica Elmore ‘03 and Makenna Taylor ‘03 at their Principia
College graduation ceremony.
Jessica Elmore graduated from Principia College in June
with a degree in elementary education and theatre and
with a minor in dance. Her senior year, she performed in
A Tale of Two Cities as “the seamstress” in addition to
some ensemble parts. In August she moved to Kansas
City, Kansas, where she teaches fourth grade at the Mize
Elementary School in Shawnee Mission. She loves her
students, the school, and everything about teaching. She
is settling in well to her new city and is glad that she is
only four hours away from her brother, Jake ‘07, who is a
freshman at Principia College in Illinois.
Makenna Taylor graduated from Principia College where
she majored in mass communications and studio art. She
is now back in Los Angeles and is working as a substitute
teacher at Clairbourn.
Peter Larr graduated from the University of San Diego
in May with a major in environmental studies and a
minor in business administration. While there, he was the
Associated Students director of sustainability and also
vice president of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. In June,
Peter and two friends took a three-week road trip across the
United States visiting fraternity brothers and their families
from Nevada to Florida. It was an exciting ending to four
wonderful years of college. Peter is now living in Arlington,
Virginia, with a friend from La Salle, and together they are
enjoying exploring the East Coast and the Washington
D.C. area. Peter now works for AV Remodeling as an
apprentice carpenter. The owner of the firm has a master’s
degree in environmental science and many of his projects
are “green construction.” Peter is excited to be learning
the trade from the ground up since he would like to be
involved in the green construction business.
Zak Salehipour graduated last spring from USC’s Marshall
School of Business with a B.S. that included an emphasis
in cinematic arts. He had several internships throughout
his college years in the entertainment business, including
NBC’s “The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien” (for the
entire run of the show) and had an internship at FOX TV
working on the finale of “American Idol.” He was able to
invite his brother, Darius, to see the finale, and they enjoyed
VIP tickets to the after party. Both brothers felt the starstudded extravaganza was the perfect way to celebrate
their graduations this year. Then, as a production assistant
for the producer of “American Idol” in FOX TV’s Division
of Reality and Game Shows, he worked on “Hell’s Kitchen”
as well as a few other reality shows. He is now working fulltime for the Management 360 talent firm in Beverly Hills as
an assistant to several managers. He has a wide variety of
duties; though his primary job is script and novel reading
and synopsis writing so the stories can be considered for
movie or television production. Eventually, Zak aspires to
be a producer in the area of comedy development.
Graduate Peter Larr ‘03 with his parents Nancy and Bill Larr at the
University of San Diego.
Nick Mackey is a senior at Boston College this year after
spending his junior year abroad at the London School of
Chloe Mackey is training at The Joffrey Ballet School
in New York by day and attends college at Marymount
Manhattan by night.
DrewAnn Andrews graduated from La Salle High School
where she received Academic Achievement Awards in the
Fall and Spring of 2010 and was on the Honor Roll in 2010
and 2011. While at Webb (her high school as a freshman
and sophomore) she was on the varsity diving team. She
also performed community service at Huntington Hospital
for two years. DrewAnn now attends the University of
Daniel B eringer graduated Magna Cum Laude with
National Honor Society membership from La Salle High
School. He was also on the Royal Court for Homecoming.
He now is pre-med at Miami University of Ohio and was
given a Redhawk Excellence Scholarship.
Connor Bullock, as part of the Maranatha High School
Mixed Ensemble, sang the national anthem at the
Hollywood Charity Horse Show event to help raise money
for children’s charities. Actor William Shatner hosted the
event and later posed for a picture with the singing group.
Connor also performed with other Maranatha theater
students at the Pasadena Playhouse’s Theatre Festival in
May where he sang and danced in a scene from Seven
Brides for Seven Brothers. Then, over the summer, he
traveled to Europe for an art abroad and visited many of
the famous visual and performing arts centers and landmarks in Germany and England. He now attends college
at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy.
Kenny Caldwell graduated from La Salle High School and
now attends the University of Alabama.
Emily Carter* graduated from the Bishop Blanchet High
School in Seattle, Washington, with three semesters of
Second Honors and one semester of First Honors. She
played varsity soccer all four years, was Second Team
All League her junior year, and received an Honorable
Mention her senior year. She also played junior varsity
tennis her junior year and varsity tennis her senior year.
She now attends Santa Clara University.
Chelsea Cheng graduated from Flintridge Prep and now
attends Cornell University where she is studying engineering.
Kristen Clark played varsity tennis for all four years in
high school. She graduated from Maranatha and is now
attending Arizona State University where she will study
early childhood education.
Kimberly Combs attended Mayfield Senior and San
Domenico for high school. She now attends San Franciso
State University where she is studying exercise science.
Blake Dawn just graduated from St. Francis. While in high
school, Blake played soccer for the United States Soccer
Academy, and he now attends the University of New
Hampshire on a soccer scholarship where he will serve as
the starting goalkeeper.
Andrew DeWitt graduated from Loyola High School and
is now studying business at Boston University.
Jake Elmore, upon graduating from Glendora High School,
was honored with California Scholarship Federation and
National Honor Society membership. During his high
school years he also earned Eagle Rank in Boy Scouts, and
in April he sang with the National Youth Choir at Carnegie
Hall in New York and at Disney Concert Hall. He now
attends Principia College and is majoring in business and
Justin Farshidi received a senior 2011 Student Service
Award from Flintridge Prep in June. He was chosen for
this honor by his fellow students for best expressing the
Prep values of kindness, respect, and generosity. He also
received the Golf Coach’s Award, served as senior class
president, was elected prom king, acted as Flintridge
Prep’s master of ceremonies, and was a Rebels sports
announcer. He also went to Nicaragua with four other
students as part of an exchange program. He now attends
USC where he is studying business and international relations. Says Justin, “There’s no place like home, which
means there’s no place like Clairbourn.”
Adam Grosbard, during his four years at Flintridge Prep,
performed in many plays, wrote and directed an original play, and received the Leadership Award for Drama.
He most recently performed in the senior play called
“Leading Ladies” which was filled with comedic situations
and references to well known books, plays, and films like
Huckleberry Finn, Twelfth Night, and Some Like it Hot. He
also played on the varsity football team, was president
of the Collective Political Club, and opinion editor of the
Flintridge Press newspaper. He now attends Southern
Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and is studying
English, education, and drama.
Alex Johnson graduated from Campbell Hall and is now
attending De Paul University as a journalism major with a
scholarship to their communications school. He reported
to the alumni office, “I have been working at CBS Radio in
NYC for the past two summers writing album reviews and
Morgan Little ‘07 honored Clairbourn by performing on his cello for students, parents, and staff at Chapel in June.
interviewing artists. My biggest write-up was from a Sting
concert in NYC where I took pictures, talked to Sting, and
had my article published on over thirty websites across the
country. I was invited back this summer, and hopefully it will
turn into a full time job out of college (fingers crossed!). I
also spent a month in Tanzania living and working at an
orphanage. While there, I helped to build the orphanage
and taught students during my time off. It was an incredible experience. One of the greatest moments of my life
was seeing these students, who only spoke Swahili, understand what I was teaching them.”
Morgan Little treated Clairbourn students, parents, and
staff to a short cello performance at Chapel last June.
He now attends the Manhattan School of Music after
a successful high school experience at the Los Angeles
School for the Performing Arts. There were 300 people
who auditioned for the 12 cello spots at the Manhattan
School of Music, and Morgan was one of the successful
Hope McMorrow finished up her senior year at Maranatha
as their Homecoming Queen with a perfect four-year record
of receiving Scholar Athlete Awards and Art Awards. In her
spare time she also captained the varsity volleyball team
and volunteered with the Granada School deaf class for
first graders. She now attends Cal. State Northridge where
she will focus on deaf studies and pre deaf education.
Andy Medina graduated from Loyola with highest honors
and was named a National Hispanic Merit Scholar, an AP
Scholar, and was co-captain of both varsity cross country
and track teams. He also is a member of the 2009 and 2010
CIF Track Champions. Andy is now attending Harvard
where he will study economics or psychology.
Allison Moore graduated from Blair High School and is
now studying film at UC Riverside.
Spencer Myers graduated Cum Laude from La Salle and
now attends Santa Clara University where he is studying
political science.
Zach Murphy* graduated from Polytechnic this spring and
now attends Dartmouth College.
Pamela Nankani, as a senior, played in a powerpuff football game for charity at La Salle High School in June. Her
efforts on the field helped to raise $1,000 for the earthquake afflicted Christian Brothers High School in Japan.
She now attends Pasadena City College after graduating
from La Salle High School.
Shannon Naylor received the following recognition and
awards upon graduating from San Marino High School in
the spring: Best Defensive Player for JV softball, English
Scholar, National Merit Commended Scholar, Promethean
(a designation given to the top 30 students in the graduating class), International Honors Thespian (a drama
recognition for over 5,000 volunteer drama hours in
high school), and she received the drama department’s
first ever Directors Award. During her four years in high
school, Shannon authored, co-authored, directed, and
co-directed several one act plays, performed in more
than eleven theatre productions, and had the lead role
in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. She
also recently performed as “The Queen of Happy” in a
SMHS’s original Shakespeare-themed play called “2 Be?”
written by Blake Williams. The cast performed the play
twice at SMHS and then was flown overseas to perform
at the Fringe Festival in Scotland. Upon acceptance at
Principia College, Shannon was offered both a Trustee
and a Founder Scholarship (although she can only use
one). At Principia, Shannon plans to explore communication studies with a minor in theatre studies.
Anna Olafson* graduated from Westridge and now
attends New York University where she is studying journalism.
Anna Ramirez, in her senior year at Flintridge Sacred
Heart Academy, auditioned and was accepted into the
Senior Salt dance company. After a year of training, she
performed in the spring dance concert entitled, “Lights,
Camera, DANCE!” where all the routines were inspired
by Hollywood film genres. She also worked as the stage
manager for the school’s theatre production of “The
Miracle Worker.” In addition, she played on the water
polo, volleyball, and softball teams, and excelled at
academics receiving First Honors for four semesters. For
college, she was accepted to the School of Engineering at
both Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and Cal Poly Pomona, and
will attend the former in the Fall of 2012.
Jessica Reed, as a senior at Flintridge Sacred Heart
Academy, received a Leadership Medal at the school’s
end of the year graduation ceremony. She also served as
the ASB Vice President, Kairos Leader, and was a percussionist for the Pasadena Young Musician’s Orchestra. She
now attends USC’s Thornton School of Music where she is
a music industry major.
Darius Salehipour graduated from La Salle and now
attends the Academy of Art University. His senior year at
La Salle, he participated in the school’s robotics program
and competed at the VEX Robotics competition last April.
Student teams were asked to design and build robots that
could complete the task of putting a donut-shaped object
over a post. The school’s A-Team ranked 16th and the
C-Team ranked 13th out of 420 teams in the competition.
Phillip Samuelson graduated from Loyola High School this
spring. His accomplishments include playing on the varsity
tennis team and achieving CSF Lifetime Membership. He
now attends Gonzaga University.
Dylan Sasabe graduated Magna Cum Laude from La Salle
with membership in the California Scholarship Federation.
He now attends Northeastern University and was given a
Dean’s Scholarship.
Kendall Shoemake graduated from Claremont High
School with a 4.0+ GPA and was captain of the football
team. He now attends Principia College where he received
a full tuition scholarship.
Alec Shumate graduated Summa Cum Laude from La
Salle High School and received the Merit Award in Social
Studies, National Honor Society and California Scholarship
Federation membership, and served as a Senior Senator.
He will attend Chapman University with a Presidential
Isabel Sotomayor graduated from Waverly High School
and now attends The American University of Paris where
she is studying psychology.
Coco Stathatos was a star on the soccer field at Maranatha
high school. As a sophomore, she was 2nd Team All
League, as a junior she was 1st Team All League and 3rd
Team All-CIF, and for her senior year she was 1st Team All
Justin Farshidi ‘07, Adam Grosbard ‘07, Brandon Wen ‘07 and Riley Wasson ‘07* helping out Librarian Anita Knight with her summer Book
Fair set up.
League. She now attends the University of Arizona and
made the soccer team.
take a year off to explore those interests and then plans to
study English literature and computer science in college.
Tamara Thomas attended Alverno High School and
Keystone National High School. She now attends Principia
College where she will focus on mass communication
Brandon Wen attended the annual Key Club district
convention held in Anaheim in April and won the
“Outstanding President” award for his service as Flintridge
Prep’s Key Club past president. Brandon also received
a Kiwanis Service Scholarship and was named a Cum
Laude Society Member, California Scholarship Federation
Lifetime Member, and a National Hispanic Scholar.
Brandon also put on a performance art show in May to
showcase his senior independent study fashion collection.
The fashion show was filled with dramatic designs and was
additionally a commentary on the struggle of the soul from
light to dark and back to liberation. Brandon now attends
Cornell University and is studying apparel design.
Pete Tolan graduated Cum Laude from La Salle High
School with National Honor Society and California
Scholarship Federation membership. He now attends
Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. He will focus on
environmental studies, economics, and/or English.
Doug Vargas* attended Flintridge Prep and Bridges
Academy for high school. While at Bridges, he was head of
the Key Club, he designed and implemented a database
for the school, created a computer operating system, and
created a website for his family’s law firm. He also gave
a graduation speech. He shared with the alumni office in
June, “I’ve been continuing my love of literature, and have
become passionate about programming, web design,
computer systems, game design, and film.” Doug will
Riley Wasson*, Adam Grosbard, Brandon Wen, and Justin
Farshidi, as seniors, came back to Clairbourn for several
days in May to fulfill their Flintridge Prep school service
requirement. They helped out on campus with sports and
library projects. Riley graduated from Flintridge Prep and
now attends New York University as a pre-med student.
Jonathan Kwong ‘08, Jordan Marks ‘08, and Kimberly Paciorek ‘09
attending the Class of 2011 graduation.
Meredith Myers ‘08 at the Spring Carnival.
Rachel Wilson capped off her career at Mayfield Senior
with a Maureen Mary Shea Scholarship Award, National
Honor Society membership, and California Scholarship
Federation membership. She also served as the varsity
swim team captain and the varsity water polo team captain,
and was the MVP for both teams. She was class president
her junior year and also served as ASB vice president.
She works as a swim instructor for the Rose Bowl Aquatic
Center and enjoyed an internship with the Natural History
Museum of Los Angeles. She now attends Occidental
College where she will study diplomacy and world affairs
in addition to swimming for the Oxy swim team.
2012 Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy school year. She
also performed as a dancer in June alongside fellow
Clairbourn alum Anna Ramirez in the Flintridge Sacred
Heart Academy spring dance concert entitled, “Lights,
Camera, DANCE!” This year she is also playing on the
FSHA varsity girls’ volleyball team.
Jonathan Kwong and Jordan Marks, both seniors at La
Salle High School, came to graduation to wish the class of
2011 well on their new adventures.
Serendi Lau*, a senior at Flintridge Prep, was just named a
National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist.
Carly Mann was elected as an Associated Student Body
(ASB) officer, filling the role of secretary, for the 2011-
Meredith Myers performed on guitar at Mayfield Senior’s
“Music in May” concert and photography exhibition.
Performers in this annual event are showcasing everything
they learned over the year in the Vocal and Instrumental
Music Conservatory program.
Connell Studenmund* played varsity soccer at Flintridge
Prep where she helped the team win the league championship and helped them make it to the CIF Division III
playoffs quarterfinals last season. For her efforts, she was
named a co-MVP and made first team All-CIF SS Div. III.
At Prep’s Award Assembly, she was also given the ACL
Student-Athlete of the Year Award. She also helped to
organize a powderpuff Football Classic against Mayfield
Senior last spring to raise money for the Japan earthquake
fund. Her team won 13 - 0 and they raised $550.
Madison Blaney ‘10 and Eliza Bigelow ‘10 at the Spring Carnival.
Garrett Mak ‘08 and Amber Park with their tennis trophies.
Jenny Torres, as a junior, played in a powderpuff football
game against seniors for a charity fundraiser at La Salle
High School in June. Her efforts on the field helped to
raise $1,000 for the earthquake afflicted Christian Brothers
High School in Japan. The juniors took home the win with
a 12 – 6 victory.
Katie Price performed as a clown in Flintridge Prep’s
theatre production called “Spark Nose: An Evening of
Clown Book Reports.” Students in the show worked for
months performing theatre exercises to develop their
own unique clown character. During the performance they
weren’t allow to speak or make sounds to convey meaning,
and they were required to maintain eye contact with the
audience while performing. Katie’s character, “Shiloh,”
delivered a report on the Twilight book series.
Matthew Volk* and Eric Yin*, both seniors at Polytechnic,
were just named National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists.
Gabby Chan* performed on stage as a dancer in
“Phenomenal Girls,” the 2011 Westridge Dance Concert.
She also was a ZOOM program leader this summer where
she helped to plan math, science, foreign language, and
technology enrichment activities for fifth and sixth grade
PUSD students enrolled in the Westridge Skills enrichment program.
Harrison Jung helped the Junior Varsity boys’ basketball
team at Flintridge Prep have a great season last year. He
served as team captain and was named MVP.
Eliza Bigelow will be attending Santa Catalina School in
Monterey next fall. She has left Vivian Webb School to
follow her dreams.
Brody Brown* has been volunteering at the Lineage
Dance Company for Club 21—a program that helps kids
with Down syndrome learn to dance.
Caitlyn Callahan placed third in the first annual San
Marino Home Run Derby held last April on the San Marino
High School campus. The event was held to raise money
Liam Riley ‘10 and Ryan Link ‘10 visiting Chapel last May.
Chris Brummett ‘11* came by the Spring Carnival to see former
teachers and friends.
for the San Marino Little League and San Marino High
School baseball. Caitlyn’s varsity softball team also made
it to the second round of CIF Playoffs this year.
personalized notes to be included in care packages and
helped to raise $400 to cover the postage for the packages.
Raymond Chung* was honored for his volunteer community service, along with 56 other San Gabriel Valley high
school students, as part of Congressman David Drier’s 2011
Youth Volunteer Award Program (YVA). At the June event,
students shared their stories and met the congressman.
To qualify, each student had to submit to YVA an application, a recommendation letter, an essay on volunteerism,
and talk about their volunteer activities in an interview with
community leaders.
Garrett Mak, attending high school at La Salle, was named
to the Pasadena Star-News All-Area Boys Tennis Team. His
team received a CIF Academic Championship for having
an average GPA of 3.783 for the 2010-11 school year and
they finished second in the Del Rey League. Garrett was
the Del Rey League champion.
Emily Gifford competed this summer against 6,000 other
hopefuls in two fencing events—the USA Fencing Summer
National Championships and the North American Cup.
Her efforts qualified her for the Junior Olympics to be held
in Salt Lake City, Utah, in February.
Carly Kessel participated in a service project last spring to
aid female soldiers from California. As part of her friend’s
Girl Scout Gold Award project, Carly helped to write
Arin Phillips* enjoyed her freshman year at Prep playing
on the girls’ varsity water polo team. She continues volunteering with NCL and volunteered over 600 hours this past
Haley Phillips* plays volleyball and basketball at
Westridge. She received MVP status as a setter on her
volleyball team and made varsity basketball as a freshman.
She continues volunteering with NCL and enjoys working
at the Sierra Madre Pool.
Liam Riley visited chapel with Ryan Link and Caitlyn
Callahan in May of 2011.
Michael Ibarra ‘11 and Jack Steele ‘11 visited Chapel with Malcolm
Zeger ‘11 in October.
Sierra Bononi is on the La Salle varsity girls’ volleyball
team as a freshman this year.
Chris Brummett* came back on campus to enjoy the
Spring Carnival and to visit with friends last May. Also,
while on the eighth grade football team at Flintridge Prep,
he was named Defensive Player of the Year. His team came
in fourth place last season and qualified for the playoffs.
Ronni Carbajal-Cuccia* received one of two eighth grade
2011 Student Service Awards from Flintridge Prep in June.
She was chosen for this honor by her fellow students for
best expressing the Prep values of respect, generosity,
and kindness.
Michael Ibarra, Jack Steele, and Malcolm Zeger visited
campus in October on a day off from St. Francis, and
helped out with some P.E. classes after visiting classrooms.
Mina Kasama* just graduated from Holy Angels School
and is now attending Southwestern Academy in San
Marino for high school.
Mina Kasama ’11* graduated from Holy Angels School in June.
Aidan Mackey* is attending The Rudolf Steiner School
(a Waldorf School) in New York. He is well on his way to
becoming a professional skateboarder and is sponsored
by Vans Shoes and Alien Workshop (a board shop). He is
all over the Internet—especially YouTube.
Ross Chase* won first place for Middle School Biology in
the Flintridge Prep Science Fair as a seventh-grader for his
plant growth project. He also played on the soccer team
and won the Most Improved Award.
Christine Huang* took part in a Humane Society assistance project in June that supplied the animal shelter with
hand-made blankets, pet food, toys, and leashes.
Amy McCormick ’95* married Nicholas Vokey on Saturday,
June 25, 2011.
Hey Alums!
Download PDF yearbooks from
on our alumni website!
Ila Rose Malczynski, born to Preschool Teacher Jaime Hawks in May.
Wendy Lynn Winet Boyd ’90* and her husband, Ally,
had a boy in September of 2010 and named him Elijah
Stephen Boyd.
Preschool teacher Jaime Hawks and her husband, Tim
Malczynski, had a daughter named Ila Rose Malczynski
born May 3, 2011.
Jonathan Lambert ’97* and his wife, Shannon, had a boy
named Elijah Richard Lambert on October 2, 2011.
Dr. James (Jim) Arvo, father of Julian Arvo, in sixth
grade, and husband to Ms. Erin Shaw. Jim was an
Associate Professor of Information & Computer Science
and Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at the
University of California, Irvine.
Angela ‘12* and Ashley Fung ‘15*
Mitch Reynolds ‘08* and Angus McKay ‘08
Ally Graves ‘11*, Laura Medina ‘11*, and Mary Van Schaick ‘11*
Arthur Chang ‘12*
Laura Santoro ‘08 and Krupa Patel ‘08
Stephanie Rice ‘74*, Rod Snyder ’75, John
Brown ’78, John Marshall ‘82*, Craig Steele
‘86*, Caitlin Emslie ’08, Angus McKay ’08,
Meredith Myers ’08, Krupa Patel ’08, Mitchel
Reynolds ’08*, Laura Santoro ’08, Erick Snyder
’08, Eliza Bigelow ’10, Madi Blaney ‘10, Brody
Brown ‘10*, Elizabeth Chang ’10, Kendall Cory
’10, Jamie Kwong ‘10, Amanda Li ’10, Ebony
Martin ’10, Kylie Salkin ’10, Chris Brummett
‘11*, Ally Graves ’11*, Laura Medina ‘11*, Mary
Van Schaick ‘11*, Arthur Chang ‘12*, Angela
Fung ‘12*, Christie Huang ‘13*, Katie Bender
‘14*, Ashley Fung ‘15*, and Lance Tam ‘16*.
celebrity siGHtings
Amanda Li ‘10
Sabrina Rademaker and Erick Snyder ‘08.
Ebony Martin ‘10
Lance Tam ‘16* with his mother, Dr. Irene Ho.
Elizabeth Chang ‘10 and her mother, Elaine Hung-Chang.
CLASS OF 2007: College Send-Off Reunion ATTENDEES
Alums and their parents from the Class of 2007 gathered on The Quad for a college send-off reunion breakfast
in June. Clairbourn invited them back to celebrate their recent high school graduation and to honor them at the
student Awards Assembly. Each alum also received a Clairbourn tool kit to use in college.
Math Teacher Mary Lyzenga with her former students Andy Medina, Rachel Wilson, and Kristin Gunther.
Alums iN AttendANCE:
Daniel Beringer
Blake Dawn
Jake Elmore
Justin Farshidi
Adam Grosbard
Kristin Gunther
Morgan Little
Hope McMorrow
Andrew Medina
Pamela Nankani
Jessica Reed
Phillip Samuelson
Kendall Shoemake
Alec Shumate
Isabel Sotomayor
Tamara Thomas
Douglas Vargas*
Lindsey Weissman
Taylor Weissman
Brandon Wen
Rachel Wilson
Parents in attendance
Josie Beringer
Janice Elmore
Gail Gunther
Heidi McMorrow
Rande and Jess Sotomayor
Suzanne Thomas
Dr. Glenn Weissman
Rose Wen
Phillip Samuelson, Daniel Beringer, and Blake Dawn.
English Teacher Janet Taylor with Taylor Weissman.
Class of 2007 parents Heidi McMorrow, Dr. Glenn Weissman, Josie Beringer, Gail Gunther, Rose Wen, Janice Elmore, Suzanne Thomas, and
Rande and Jess Sotomayor.
DrewAnn Andrews Andrew DeWitt Allison Moore Kendall Shoemake
University of Redlands
Boston University
UC Riverside
Principia College
Derek Barker
Walker Dula*
Zachary Murphy* Alec Shumate
Columbia College
Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College
Chapman University
Daniel Beringer
Jake Elmore Spencer Myers Isabel Sotomayor Miami University of Ohio
Principia College
Santa Clara University
Edwin Brewer
Justin Farshidi Pamela Nankani The American University
of Paris
University of Southern
Pasadena City College
Katherine Gardiner*
Principia College
University of Southern
Anna Olafson*
Connor Bullock American Musical and
Dramatic Academy
Kenny Caldwell University of Alabama
Adam Grosbard Emily Carter*
Southern Methodist
Santa Clara University
Chelsea Cheng
Cornell University
David Chou* Carnegie Mellon University
Kristen Clark Arizona State University
Kim Combs San Francisco State
Blake Dawn University of New Hampshire
Hannah Davich University of Washington
Kristin Gunther Virginia Tech
Alexander Johnson
DePaul University
Gregory Mak
Trinity University
Jasmine Manwani Loyola Marymount
Shannon Naylor Mary Grace Orndorff*
University of Chicago
Anna Ramirez
Principia College
Pete Tolan
Hamilton College
Riley Wasson* New York University
California Polytechnic State
University, San Luis Obispo
Lindsey Weissman Jessica Reed
Taylor Weissman
University of Southern
College of Charleston
Darius Salehipour
Cornell University
Academy of Art University
Phillip Samuelson Gonzaga University
Cal State University,
Dylan Sasabe
Harvard University
University of Arizona
Tamara Thomas New York University
Hope McMorrow
Andrew Medina
Nicole (Coco) Stathatos Wheaton College
Brandon Wen
Rachel Wilson
Occidental College
Elise Young*
Scripps College
Northeastern University
Leon Schoenfeld Santa Barbara City College
Clairbourn Class of 2007 college-bound high school graduates: Hope McMorrow, Isabel Sotomayor, Blake Dawn, Jessica Reed, Kendall
Shoemake, Adam Grosbard, Doug Vargas, Andy Medina, Morgan Little, Alec Shumate, Jake Elmore, Phillip Samuelson, Lindsey Weissman,
Brandon Wen, Kristin Gunther, Taylor Weissman, Rachel Wilson, Justin Farshidi, Daniel Beringer, Pamela Nankani, and Tamara Thomas.
For Class Years: 2002–2011. Bring your holiday spirit
and let’s celebrate the holidays together. Invite your
classmates, parents, and friends to join you!
When: December 17, 2011
Where: Manor House
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Class of 2008 Reunion
Breakfast for Alums
and Past Parents
Spring Program
& Carnival
Alums, bring your friends
& family for a day of fun!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Spring Program starts
at 10:30 AM. Carnival
starts at noon.
Come celebrate your
high school graduation
with Clairbourn.
When: June 13, 2012
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Class of 2011
Raymond Barry
Bryan Gleason
Zibo Gong
Michael Ibarra
Cassidy Jung
Devin Lu
Taylor Marks
Jimmy Miller
Mallory Myers
Cole Nelson
Tillie Pederson
Andrea Ramirez
Noelle Shoemake
Colin Shumate
Stephane Splichal
Alex Stamos
Jack Steele
Michael Torres
Sarah Vail
Crystal Wu
Kelly Yu
Malcolm Zeger
Jobie Townshend-Zellner ‘72*
Bill Conn ‘74
Kym Alexander-Niergarth ‘75
Steven Robin ‘75*
Laura (Miller) Liddell ‘76*
Kenneth Takata ‘78
Joseph Chen ‘83*
Kristina Person ‘89
Rodney Zee ‘93
Jordan Dorenfeld ‘01
Samuel Pun ’06*
Former Faculty
LaDorna Bunt
a strong future…TOGETHER!
Dear Clairbourn Families,
As we conclude another successful year at Clairbourn School, the board would like to say to the parents, teachers, and
staff, “Thank you for your loving and helpful support in making this another great year!” We sent off our eighth grade
graduates of 2011 well prepared to go forward and enjoy a rewarding experience at the high school of their choice.
The continued program of ethics has been successful beyond our expectations. All of our students benefit from this
special enrichment program, and the results have a rippling effect—touching Clairbourn families and our extended
community. We appreciate the loyal support each family has dedicated to this effort and trust that you are feeling the
blessings of this endeavor.
The Board of Trustees continues to be grateful for the enthusiastic support of all of our parents in our efforts to provide
the very best opportunities for our students. The generous contributions made throughout the year, both of your time
and financial support, is deeply appreciated and recognized.
We will look forward to working with each of you, as we pursue excellence in education, for the 2011-2012 school year.
Alice J. Holmes, President
THE board of trustees
2010–2011 OPERATING
Tuition & Fees
$5,978,175 – 87%
Annual Fund, CFA Donation
& Unrestricted Gifts
$585,605 – 9%
Investment Income
$62,423 – 1%
Scott Coolidge
Audrey Werner
Glenn Johnson
Margaret Breazeal
Sid Bingham
Donna Ballenger
Other Programs
$238,653 – 3%
Alice Holmes
Annual Report: head of school
Dear Clairbourn Community,
I am pleased to present the Annual Report for the 2010-2011 school year. Even under challenging economic conditions,
Clairbourn has proven once again to be an exemplary model of educational service to the families of greater Pasadena
and the west San Gabriel Valley. Thanks to the generous support of our trustees, current families, former families,
current students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends, Clairbourn has continued its record of excellence and innovation in
a Christian Science tradition of ethical and spiritual values.
I am pleased to report that in all areas of our school’s activities, Clairbourn has maintained its foundation of proven
educational expectations combined with updated technologies aimed at the next generation of students. From the
youngest Junior Pre-Kindergarten novices to our oldest eighth grade leaders, Clairbourn is combining the global power
of the Internet with the individualized tailoring of one-on-one instruction to shape a dynamic instructional path for each
of its students. When housed in a nurturing and caring culture of core values, that build lasting friendships and strong
memories, the Clairbourn model is truly unique.
Thank you for helping to forge a strong partnership in the education of our future business, social, and political leaders.
No investment is more important.
Robert W. Nafie, Ph.D.
2010–2011 Operating
Salaries & Benefits
$4,357,606 – 63%
General Operations
$868,649 – 13%
$369,870 – 5%
Instructional Program
$587,775 – 9%
Tuition Assistance
$447,033 – 7%
Equipment & Capital Assets
$233,923 – 3%
Dr. Nafie with students Alex Vail, Yasmeen Gray, and Mercedes De La Torre.
Dear Clairbourn Families,
Thank you all for making the 2010-2011 Annual Fund campaign very successful.
In keeping with the theme of last year’s campaign: your participation indeed
provided necessary “nourishment” to our kids’ education!
We achieved an overall participation level of 97.2% including 100% participation from the Clairbourn administration, Board of Trustees and, thanks to
the efforts of our teacher representative Laurie Corwin, the teaching staff.
Notwithstanding an extremely difficult economic climate, we raised $316,360.
Although we did not obtain the 100% participation required to obtain the
anonymous $10,000 matching gift, we were truly fortunate and blessed to have
received an extraordinarily generous contribution of $6,800 from the McMullan
family (see “Gift House” article on facing page) as well as an additional contribution of $1,000 from the Clairbourn Families Association (CFA).
Mark Miller and Nancy Kennerly
All Annual Fund gifts, from large to small and those in-between, are extremely important. Remember: There is a gap
between the cost of tuition and the actual costs of the education opportunities afforded our kids. This is true at every
single private school that we know of. For instance, at Loyola, that gap is $4,900; at Clairbourn the number is approximately $3,100. Enrichment programs, such as classes in art, drama, computer, music, and foreign languages, exist
because of the funding provided by the Annual Fund. It also supports classroom technology, financial aid, and Early
Childhood Department teacher aides’ salaries. These programs make the education experience at Clairbourn truly
It was our pleasure to chair last year’s campaign, and the experience confirmed what Nancy and I have believed for
10+ years…Clairbourn is truly a special place supported and nurtured by a unique and dedicated staff, trustees, and
families. We enjoyed getting to know so many of you and the opportunity to enhance such a wonderful institution. We
encourage you to participate in this year’s Annual Fund and remember: Give early and give generously—there can’t be
a better cause than supporting your kids’ education and their positive life experiences!
Mark Miller and Nancy Kennerly
P.S. We would like to extend a note of gratitude to last year’s Development Director Kristin Bennett and to all of the
grade captains who volunteered their time, talents, and treasure toward this successful campaign!
Annual Fund Grade Captains 2010-2011
JPK Raquel & Rodney Swan
Cara Barker & Jessica Lee
Liv & Ray Gritton
Sherri Notley & Jane Marks
4 Gabi & Robert Sacks
Michael & Elizabeth Serhan
Michelle Welsh & Jill Fung
5 Luci & Tom Myers
8 1 Kerry Reiling & Peter Lowin
6 Casey & Manny Grace
2 Melisa Lewis Wilson
Lisa & Mike Bononi
Annual Report: GIFT HOUSE
Tricia McMullan (center) presenting a check to Dr. Nafie, Mark Miller (2010-2011 Annual Fund Chair), and Carmen Montgomery-Castañeda
(2011-2012 Annual Fund Chair).
Clairbourn Benefits from Local Realtor’s ‘Gift House’
(Article courtesy of Outlook Newspapers. Originally published in the Pasadena Outlook, Oct. 20,2011)
by Charlie Plowman, Publisher
To commemorate the educational experience enjoyed by their daughter at Clairbourn School, eighth-grade parent
Tricia McMullan recently presented Clairbourn Headmaster Dr. Robert Nafie and the school’s Annual Fund a check for
$6,800. The donation was the result of McMullan’s novel and generous idea of the “Clairbourn Gift House.” In response
to Clairbourn’s 2010-11 Annual Fund campaign drive, McMullan, a real estate agent at Coldwell Banker’s Pasadena
office, came up with the idea of donating her portion of the commission if a Clairbourn friend or family (or referral)
allowed her to represent them in the sale of their home.
“This was an opportunity for our my husband, Peter, and I to say thank you to the school for our daughter Julia’s
wonderful experience,” Tricia McMullan said. “Clairbourn’s experience was wonderful, with its nurturing environment,
educational standards and outstanding leadership.” Said Dr. Nafie: “This is a tremendous addition to our Annual Fund
and helped us meet our goal. Tricia came to us with the idea of selling the house and giving the proceeds to Clairbourn.
She is a fabulous person. She and Peter are an example of parents who are highly involved in their professions, but they
make Clairbourn School very high on their list of priorities.”
The “gift house” concept was a first for Clairbourn. As luck would have it, the 2010-11 Clairbourn Annual Fund chairs,
Mark Miller and Nancy Kennerly (the parents of eighth-grader Jessie Miller), asked McMullan to represent a family
member in the sale of a local home. Through McMullan’s efforts, the sale was completed and she donated the entirety
of her listing commission to Clairbourn’s Annual Fund.
The Gift House idea and effort was part of the 2010-11 Annual Fund campaign members and the school’s former development director, Kristin Bennett. The home sellers, represented by McMullan, were Justin and Tammy Kennerly.
annual fund: Annual Report
Clairbourn School is very grateful for the families and friends who supported the Annual Fund 2010–11.
Listed below are gifts received for this fund from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.
Members of the President’s Circle have contributed $10,000.
Nancy Kennerly & Mark Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William Price
Mr. Thomas Soulanille & Ms. Ann Cutting
Rodney & Raquel Swan
Mr. Harry Tsao & Ms. Carol Chen
founder’S CIRCLE
Members of the Founder’s Circle have contributed $5,000 to $9,999.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bononi
Mr. Don Ho & Prof. Rachel Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bossom
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Chang
Mr. Shawn Mackey
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Lynn Duda
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McMullan
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frick
Richard & Christine Valenzuela
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gleason
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wetzel
trustee’S CIRCLE
Members of the Trustee’s Circle have contributed $2,500 to $4,999.
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Mahlon Vail
Mr. & Mrs. David Codiga
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Williamson
Mr. Yu Gong & Mrs. Yao Li
Mr. Christopher Wilson
Mr. Steve Haegelin & Ms. Juli Khoe
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hang
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn L. Johnson
Dr. Milton Kiyabu & Dr. Sylvia Anne Suzuki
Tracy & Ken McCormick
John & Julie McIlvery
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Pasadena Community Foundation
Mr. Joachim Splichal
Bill & Paula Steele
Mr. Allen Teng & Dr. Annie Teng, PharmD.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Y. Tsai
Laura & David Unanue
Annual Report: annual fund
headmaster’S CIRCLE
Members of the Headmaster’s Circle have contributed $1,000 to $2,499.
Mr. & Mrs. John Au
Bruce & Kari Fraser
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reiling
Mrs. Margaret Bagley
Manny Grace & Casey Caffee-Grace
Gabi & Bob Sacks
Mrs. Donna Ballenger
Jim Griffin & Sarah Heck Griffin
Mrs. Tricia Searcy
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Dr. & Dr. Raymond Gritton
George & Carolyn Seitz
Mr. & Mrs. George Bennett
Mr. Sam Ip & Ms. Lorraine Wong
Dr. David Shupe & Ms. Stella Tsoi
Mr. & Dr. David Bronson
Mr. Curtis Jung
& Mrs. Lynn Hatashita-Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Silveri
Mr. & Mrs. Rene’ Kern
Mr. & Mrs. J. Sobieski
Mr. & Mrs. Carson Cheng
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Kessel
Mrs. Christine Splichal
Mr. Yuqian Cheng
Mr. John Kwang & Ms. Jee-Leng Wee
Mr. Pashih Oliver Su & Mrs. Shente Fu
Chevron Matching Gift Program
Dr. & Mrs. Warren Lam
Koon & Emerald Tay
Ms. Lillian M. M. Chim & Mr. John Yu
Mr. & Mrs. William Larr
The Robinson Foundation
Mr. Robert Cho & Mrs. Janet Cho
Mrs. Jessica Lee
Time Warner Matching Grants Program
Clairbourn Families Association
Steven Lin & Waltz Lin
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tse
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Coolidge
Mr. & Mrs. Y.K. Low
Union Bank of California Foundation
Mr. Alex Cory
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mak
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Dr. John Desjarlais & Dr. Christine Brown
Mr. Bhart Manwani
Mary & Bill Urquhart
DirecTV Matching Gift Center
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dong
Mr. & Mrs. James Moffatt
Mr. Nianyong Wang
& Mrs. Patty Liu-Wang
Dr. Vinay Duddalwar & Dr. Geeta Iyengar
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mozilo
Dr. Hongsheng Wei & Dr. Lynn Wang
Stephen & Juliana Erdody
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Myers
Tom & Grace Wen
Dr. & Mrs. Andres Falabella
Robert W. & Leslie A. Nafie
Western Asset
Jason & Grace Fan
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Ms. Melisa Lewis Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Farley
Mr. & Mrs. James Notley
Mr. & Mrs. John Wreede
Dr. Lei Feng & Dr. Chen Zheng
Stephen & Brenda O’Neil
Arturo Yoshimoto & Lea Hayashi
Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts
to Education Program
Alina & Kenny Ossen
Mr. Zhao & Mrs. Ma
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Flagg
Deede Phillips, Class of 1935
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Foreman
Mrs. Ralph Powell
Dr. Anchung Chang
& Dr. Shu-jiao Joanne Lin
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Smith
Perricone Family Foundation
annual fund: Annual Report
cougar’S CIRCLE
Members of the Cougar’s Circle have contributed $500 to $999.
Mr. Warren J. Arnett
& Mrs. Celine Hong
Mr. Mao Xiang Sheng & Mrs. Joyce Huang
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher & Donna Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jen
Mr. Orrin Shively & Ms. Marina Chang
Mrs. Lynda Beckstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kong
Mr. Leo Song & Mrs. Rose Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bowman
Mr. Beaver Kwei & Mrs. Gemma Lau
Emma Tay, Class of *2019
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Callahan
Dr. Ralf Langen & Dr. Jeannie Chen
Mrs. Nancy Ward, Class of *1984
David & Lara Cesped
Allen & Emilie Lanstra
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Welsh
Livia Aryananda & John Chang
Anching & Randy Linsalato
Mrs. Audrey Werner
Mr. Robert Cheng & Mrs. Rebecca Hu
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lowin
Mr. & Mrs. Yan Ming Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Chiu
Mr. Alex Yap & Ms. Teresa Sun
Mr. David Chow & Dr. Jenny Yam
Ms. Anna Graves
& Mr. Hugh Mac Dhubhain
Bill & Annie Chui
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marchetti
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Zeger
Mr. Kenneth Coon
& Mrs. Christy Taylor Coon
Dr. William Marelich & Dr. Kim Elsesser
Dr. Meng Zhao & Ms.Caroline Liu
Mr. Yaqing Zhou & Mrs. Lingyan Li
Catherine & Jay Ehrgott
Mr. Jonathan Menell
& Mrs. Lorraine Cory Menell
Mr. & Mrs. John Elmore
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Espinoza
Matt & Kristin Palmer
Chris Fogel & Jennifer Kale
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Pasqualetto, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fung
Mr. Yuman Pirzada
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Halferty
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Polen
Janna Hawes
Christopher & Carolann Butler-Poole
Laurie Mead & Jim Healy
David & Stephanie Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Hernan Hernandez
Mr. Anthony Rossi
Capt. Tomi Siu-Ming Hong
Mr. & Mrs. John Seiter
Mr. Dave Yeh & Mrs. Susie Lee-Yeh
Fannie Mae SERVE
Matching Gift Donations
Wachovia Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Wells Fargo Educational
Matching Gift Program
Annual Report: annual fund
friend’S CIRCLE
Members of the Friend’s Circle have contributed up to $499.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Algermissen
Bing Yan Chen & Xiaoxoe Dong
Mrs. Marilyn Guyer
Mrs. Lei Ansel
Mr. William C. Chu & Mrs. Fei H. Tu
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hanna
Ms. Rebecca Aragon-Santoro
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Chu
Mr. Jim Hartfield & Ms. Dana Hartfield
Mrs. Lisa Arciniega
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark
Jim Arvo & Erin Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Clarke
Mr. Randy Harvey
& Mrs. Maryann Hudson Harvey
Laurel Asher
Trish & James Coane
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Hasbrouck
Miss Brittany Baggs
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cogswell
Mrs. Jennifer Hata
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Bakke
Mr. Mark Cole & Mrs. Tanja Darrow-Cole
Laura Hatch Lindsay, Class of 1969
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Balle
Bradley Combs & Heather Combs
Ms. Jaime Hawks
Mrs. Sue Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Conner
Jennifer Barberie, Class of *1988
Cathy Conover Veges, Class of *1970
Mr. Gregory Heltsley
& Mrs. Carmen Ductoc
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barker
Mrs. Jo Anne Cooke
Hilary & Jonathan Barner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Corley
Octave & Margarita Barreau
Mrs. Laurie Corwin
Bernard & Denise Barrera
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Dawn
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Beagle
Mr. & Mrs. Edward De La Torre
Ruth Beckstrom, Class of 1988
Dr. & Mrs. Michael De Napoli
Ms. Cora Bell
Heather Denison
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bender
Mrs. Mimi DeVasto
Mrs. Eleanor Bennett
Mr. Robert Dewitt & Ms. Roxanne Christ
Mr. & Mrs. David Beringer
Mr. & Mrs. James Dietle
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin T. Bigelow, Jr.
Mr. Byron Douglass
Mrs. Melinda Blackway
Dr. & Mrs. Damon Dragos
Heather Blair-Pearce, Class of 1970
Ms. Margarita Ductoc
Mr. & Mrs. Gerson Bonaparte
Mrs. Margarita Ductoc Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Bothwell
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Duda
Mr. Eric Bradley & Ms. Rocio Ramos
Mr. & Mrs. William Duwe
Mrs. Margaret Breazeal
Raul & Veronica Echemendia
Mr. & Mrs. Carson L. Brummett
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Faraj
Mr. & Mrs. Seamus Burlingame
Kurt & Chelle Farquhar
Mrs. Elanne C. Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Calnon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flanders
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carter
Mr. & Mrs. James Gardner
Dr. & Mrs. Juan Casillas
Ms. Maria Garibay
Ms. Erika Castellon
Ms. Kimberly P. Gauthier
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Castañeda
Anne Gifford, Class of 1992
Mrs. R. Alicia Cerna
Mr. & Mrs. Luis Gomez
Ms. Debbie Chan
Mr. Andy Gooden & Dr. Emmy Yoshida
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Chang
Mr. Jerry Gordo
Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Chen
LtC. & Mrs. Richard Gordon Ret USAF
Dr. & Mrs. Cheng-Yuan Chen
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Guyer
Mr. & Mrs. L.B. Hendrickson
Mr. & Mrs. James Hendrix
Cynthia J. Holmes
Mrs. Alice Holmes
Bruce Horowitz & Linda Parker Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Houck
Jennai Hufstader, Class of 1999
Mr. H. L. Hung
Mr. Roger Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Darey Huo
Mr. Ted Hwang
Ms. Susan Hyde
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Icart
Mr. Robert Ito & Mrs. Susan Pereira-Ito
Mrs. Lonny Jacobs
Ms. Maureen Lennon & Mr. Fred John
Ms. Elizabeth Jones
Mina Kasama-Araiza, Class of *2011
Ed Keiper, Class of 1979
Mr. & Mrs. Teng Hik Khoe
Mr. & Mrs. Courtney Kibbe
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kiertzner
Mr. & Mrs. Suyeol Kim
Mr. Chris King
Mr. & Mrs. Kim Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Kelly Kriebs
Wei Kwan & Dora Kwan
Mr. Fred Lam & Mrs. Qing Zou
Mr. Minh Lam & Mrs. Nina Tao
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Lampton
annual fund: Annual Report
friend’S CIRCLE continued…
Members of the Friend’s Circle have contributed up to $499.
Mr. Gary Lee & Ms. Linda Chang
Mrs. Frances Pedley
Mr. & Mrs. Cesar Torres
Ms. Sherina Lo
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Pipes
Mr. & Mrs. George Torres
Mr. & Mrs. James Loper
Mrs. Marilyn Polich
Christina Lindberg Trager
Mr. & Mrs. Teddy Lu
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pool
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Tran
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Lyzenga
John & Nattha Quan
Mrs. Trang Truong
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Maass
Chris & Edward Raines
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ullom
Ms. Dannalou Machi
Dr. & Mrs. Clayton Varga
Mrs. Barbara MacMullin
Mr. Fernando Ramirez
& Mrs. Juliana Duran
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Maddox
Mrs. Lee Rankin
Mr. Martin Vasquez
& Ms. Christine Balderas-Vasquez
Mr. & Mrs. Elic Mahone
Mrs. Miriam Recinos
Ms. Anna Vaughan
Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall
Ms. Catalina Rivas
Mr. Ba Vu & Dr. Thanh Nguyen-Vu
Mrs. Howard McAloney
Mr. Stephen Rivele
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Walker
Julie McAloney Skaff, Class of *1974
Kendall & Suzana Roclord
Mr. & Mrs. David Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Russell McCarley
Giancarlo Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Chi Jui Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Tom McGovern
Mr. & Mrs. William Romaine
Dr. Bill Ward
Mr. & Mrs. William McKay
Ms. Julia Rowey
Mrs. Louis Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Merritt
Dr. & Mrs. David Rutledge
Mr. Peter Williams & Dr. Cleo Williams
Ms. Jorie Messman
Mr. & Mrs. David Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Willis
Bonnie Mills, Class of *1974
Mr. Don Sandlin
Dr. & Dr. Howard Winet
Ms. Ann Mize
Ms. Sara Santos
Kerrie Won, Class of *1996
Mr. Roberto Moreno & Mrs. Laura Barelli
Mr. Kyle Schaberg
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Myers
Mrs. Nancy Sensenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Wong
Mrs. Edith Nafie
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Serhan
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Wu
Mr. & Mrs. Chandru Nankani
Molly Serhan, Class of 2009
Mr. Albert Wu & Miss Hung Lim
Ms. Mary Beth Nelson
Mr. Christopher Shattuck
& Mrs. Barbara Reyes De Shattuck
Steven Yam & Ly Kouch
Mr. & Mrs. Isahn Shoemake
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Yeghnazar
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shumate
Dr. & Mrs. Francis Yu
Mrs. Suzanne Sinclair
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Yuan
Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Mr. Jin Zhang & Mrs. Boahua Chen
Lawrence & Ramona Soza
Chevron Matching Gift Program
Mr. & Mrs. Marco Spagnoletto
Edison International
Mrs. Gloria Stahmer
Free Cause
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Stamos
Mattel Children’s Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Stirling
Premier Product Sales, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Su
Target Take Charge of Education
Mr. & Mrs. William Newkirk
Mr. Chi Shing Ng & Mrs. Ming Yuk Chim
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Oberon
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Oceguera
Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Connor
Mrs. Elizabeth O’Toner
Mr. & Mrs. John Paciorek
J.P. & Bridget Paciorek
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Pan
Mr. & Mrs. Girish Patel
Amy Patzlaff, Class of 1985
Ms. Lakeiya Payne
Mr. Edward Pearson
Cynthia Pearson, Class of 1996
Dr. & Mrs. Dick Pederson
Ms. Clementine Suiffet
Mr. & Mrs. David Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Thomas
Mr. George M. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. James Yates
Annual Report: annual fund
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Oberon
Rodney & Raquel Swan
Mr. Christopher Shattuck
& Mrs. Barbara Reyes De Shattuck
Mr. Koon Eng Tay & Dr. Emerald Tay
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Stirling
Livia Aryananda & John Chang
Laura & David Unanue
Mr. Harry Tsao & Ms. Carol Chen
Mr. Robert Cheng & Mrs. Rebecca Hu
Dr. & Mrs. Clayton Varga
Dr. Meng Zhao & Ms.Caroline Liu
Mr. Nianyong Wang
& Mrs. Patty Liu-Wang
Junior Pre-Kindergarten
83% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Lynn Duda
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Farquhar
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Feldman
Dr. Lei Feng & Dr. Chen Zheng
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Susan Ito
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Lanstra, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mozilo
J.P. & Bridget Paciorek
Rodney & Raquel Swan
98% Participation
Mrs. Trang Truong
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Welsh
Tom & Grace Wen
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Yeghnazar
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Bakke
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Balle
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher & Donna Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Calnon
Grade 1
Mrs. R. Alicia Cerna
95% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. David Cesped
Mr. & Mrs. John Au
Mr. Bryan Chen & Mrs. Snow Dong
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Carson Cheng
Mr. Kevin Boumajdi & Ms. Alice Hsu
Mr. Quian Cheng & Mrs. Hong Li Mou
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bowman
Mr. Byron Douglass
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Lynn Duda
Mr. Robert Cho & Mrs. Janet Cho
Dr. & Mrs. Andres Falabella
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Coolidge
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bossom
Jennifer & Chris Fogel
Dr. John Desjarlais & Dr. Christine Brown
Mr. Kevin Boumajdi & Ms. Alice Hsu
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frick
Mr. & Mrs. James Dietle
Mr. & Mrs. Seamus Burlingame
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fung
Dr. Vinay Duddalwar & Dr. Geeta Iyengar
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Chiu
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hang
Mr. Robert Cho & Mrs. Janet Cho
Mr. & Mrs. Hernan Hernandez
Mr. Raul Echemendia
& Mrs. Veronica Carrillo
Mr. Bill Chui & Mrs. Annie Chui
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Houck
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Faraj
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Coon
Mr. & Mrs. Courtney Kibbe
Mr. Andy Gooden & Dr. Emmy Yoshida
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Flagg
Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Kelly Kriebs
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Guyer
Mr. Andy Gooden & Dr. Emmy Yoshida
Dr. & Mrs. Warren Lam
Mr. Don Ho & Prof. Rachel Yang
Mrs. Jessica Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Icart
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Maddox
Mr. Sam Ip & Mrs. Lorraine Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mozilo
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kong
Mr. & Mrs. William Newkirk
Michelle & Lloyd Lampton
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Oberon
Mr. Gary Lee & Ms. Linda Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Oceguera
Steven Lin & Waltz Lin
John & Nattha Quan
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mak
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Silveri
Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James Notley
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Stirling
Mr. Allen Teng & Dr. Annie Teng
Mr. Zhao & Mrs. Ma
93% Participation
annual fund: Annual Report
Grade 1 continued…
95% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hang
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Heltsley
Mr. Wei Kwan & Mrs. Dora Kwan
Mr. Minh Lam & Mrs. Nina Tao
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lowin
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mak
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marchetti
John & Julie McIlvery
Mr. Roberto Moreno & Mrs. Laura Barelli
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. James Notley
Alina & Kenny Ossen
Matt & Kristin Palmer
Mr. Michael Reiling & Mrs. Kerry Reiling
Ms. Catalina Rivas
Mr. Marshall M. Searcy III
Mrs. Tricia Searcy
Mr. Pashih Oliver Su & Mrs. Shente Fu
Mr. & Mrs. Cesar Torres
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Tran
Mr. & Mrs. Corey Waite
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Walker
Mr. Albert Wu & Miss Hung Lim
Mr. Alex Yap & Ms. Teresa Sun
Mr. Dave Yeh & Mrs. Susie Lee-Yeh
Lea Hayashi & Arturo Yoshimoto
Mr. Yaqing Zhou & Mrs. Lingyan Li
Trish & James Coane
Mr. Mark Cole & Mrs. Tanja Darrow-Cole
Bradley Combs & Heather Combs
Dr. John Desjarlais & Dr. Christine Brown
Catherine & Jay Ehrgott
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Fan
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frick
Manny Grace & Casey Caffee-Grace
Mr. Steve Haegelin & Ms. Juli Khoe
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Houck
Mr. & Mrs. Darey Huo
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jen
Mr. & Mrs. Courtney Kibbe
Mr. Beaver Kwei & Mrs. Gemma Lau
Mr. Fred Lam & Mrs. Qing Zou
Mr. Bhart Manwani
Dr. William Marelich & Dr. Kim Elsesser
Mr. & Mrs. Russell McCarley
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Oceguera
Mr. Ali Pirzada
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Polen
Christopher & Carolann Butler-Poole
Mrs. Miriam Recinos
David & Stephanie Rice
Kendall & Suzana Roclord
Capt. Siu-Ming & Mrs. Celine X. Hsu
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Y. Tsai
Mr. Harry Tsao & Ms. Carol Chen
Mr. & Mrs. David Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Walker
Mr. Christopher Wilson
Ms. Melisa Lewis Wilson
Grade 2
100% Participation
Mrs. Lei Ansel
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Bakke
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Calnon
Dr. Anchung Chang & Dr. Shu-jiao Lin
Dr. & Mrs. Cheng-Yuan Chen
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Chen
Mr. Quian Cheng & Mrs. Hong Li Mou
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Wong
Mr. Yaqing Zhou & Mrs. Lingyan Li
Grade 3
100% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bender
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bossom
Mr. & Dr. David Bronson
Mr. & Mrs. David Cesped
Livia Aryananda & John Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Chiu
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Corley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dong
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Flagg
Jennifer & Chris Fogel
Dr. & Dr. Raymond Gritton
Mrs. Jennifer Hata
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Heltsley
Mr. & Mrs. Hernan Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Houck
Mr. Suyeol Kim & Mrs. Jaeyeon Kang
Mrs. Jessica Lee
Anching & Randy Linsalato
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Maddox
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mak
Tracy & Ken McCormick
John & Julie McIlvery
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Myers
Matt & Kristin Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Pan
Mr. Stephen Rivele
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tse
Laura & David Unanue
Richard & Christine Valenzuela
Mr. & Mrs. Corey Waite
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Yam
Lea Hayashi & Arturo Yoshimoto
Annual Report: annual fund
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Ms. Lena Antoci
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Algermissen
Mrs. Margarita Barreau
Bernard & Denise Barrera
Jim Arvo & Erin Shaw
Ms. Debbie Chan
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. David Beringer
Mr. David Chow & Dr. Jenny Yam
Mr. & Mrs. David Codiga
Ms. Debbie Chan
Mr. & Mrs. James Dietle
Mr. Mark Cole & Mrs. Tanja Darrow-Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Carson Cheng
Dr. & Mrs. Damon Dragos
Dr. & Mrs. Michael De Napoli
Trish & James Coane
Mr. & Mrs. James Gardner
Dr. & Mrs. Damon Dragos
Mr. & Mrs. Edward De La Torre
Manny Grace & Casey Caffee-Grace
Dr. & Dr. Raymond Gritton
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dong
Jim Griffin & Sarah Heck Griffin
Mr. Jim Hartfield & Ms. Dana Hartfield
Ms. Margarita Ductoc
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Healy
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Fraser
Mr. & Mrs. René Kern
Mr. & Mrs. James Hendrix
Mr. Steve Haegelin & Ms. Juli Khoe
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kiertzner
Mr. & Mrs. Darey Huo
Mr. Suyeol Kim & Mrs. Jaeyeon Kang
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Johnson
Ms. Anna M. Graves
& Mr. Hugh M. Mac Dhubhain
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Kessel
Mr. & Mrs. Elic Mahone
Dr. Ralf Langen & Dr. Jeannie Chen
Mr. & Mrs. Tom McGovern
Tom & Luci Myers
Ms. Sherina Lo
John & Julie McIlvery
Dr. & Mrs. Dick Pederson
Mr. & Mrs. Y.K. Low
Stephen & Brenda O’Neil
Mr. Fernando Ramirez
& Mrs. Juliana Duran
Mr. & Mrs. James Moffatt
97% Participation
Alina & Kenny Ossen
Kendall & Suzana Roclord
Ms. Julia Rowey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sacks
Mrs. Tricia Searcy
Mr. Marshall M. Searcy III
George & Carolyn Seitz
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Soza
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Willis
Mr. Jin Zhang & Mrs. Baohua Chen
100% Participation
Mr. Orrin Shively & Ms. Marina Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Smith
Mr. Thomas Soulanille & Ms. Ann Cutting
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Stamos
Bill & Paula Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Su
Mr. & Mrs. Mahlon Vail
Richard & Christine Valenzuela
Dr. Hongsheng Wei & Dr. Lynn Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Yam
Mr. & Mrs. Yan Ming Yang
94% Participation
Mr. John Kwang & Ms. Jee-Leng Wee
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Casteneda
Mr. Chi Shing Ng & Mrs. Ming Yuk Chim
Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Connor
Mr. Marshall M. Searcy III
Mrs. Tricia Searcy
Mrs. Joyce Huang
Dr. David Shupe & Ms. Stella Tsoi
Mr. & Mrs. J. Sobieski
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Chi Jui Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wetzel
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Yeghnazar
Dr. & Mrs. Francis Yu
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Yuan
annual fund: Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Girish Patel
Dr. & Mrs. Dick Pederson
Ms. Lakeiya Payne
Mr. & Mrs. William Price
Mr. Fernando Ramirez
& Mrs. Juliana Duran
Chris & Edward Raines
Mr. & Mrs. Isahn Shoemake
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Serhan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shumate
Mr. & Mrs. J. Sobieski
Mr. Joachim Splichal
Mr. Leo Song & Mrs. Rose Wang
Mrs. Christine Splichal
Christina Lindberg Trager
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Stamos
Mr. Martin Vasquez
& Ms. Christine Balderas-Vasquez
Bill & Paula Steele
Mr. William C. Chu & Mrs. Fei H. Tu
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Coolidge
Mr. Ba Vu & Dr. Thanh Nguyen-Vu
Mr. & Mrs. Mahlon Vail
Mrs. Laurie Corwin
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Wu
Mr. Alex Cory
Mr. Peter Williams & Dr. Cleo Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Zeger
faculty & staff
Grade 8
100% Participation
Grade 7
100% Participation
Ms. Rebecca Aragon-Santoro
Mrs. Lisa Arciniega
Eric Bradley & Rocio Ramos
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Callahan
Ms. Erika Castellon
Mr. & Mrs. George Torres
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Dawn
Catherine & Jay Ehrgott
Stephen & Juliana Erdody
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Espinoza
Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Farley
100% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Foreman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher & Donna Barry
Cara Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bononi
Paul Barker
Ms. Lillian M. M. Chim & Mr. John Yu
Jonathan Barner
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Fraser
Lynda Beckstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gleason
Ruth Beckstrom
Mr. Yu Gong & Mrs. Yao Li
Kristin Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Heltsley
Mr. Ted Hwang
Melinda Blackway
Bruce Horowitz & Linda Parker Horowitz
Mrs. Margaret Ibarra
Gerson Bonaparte
Dr. Milton Kiyabu & Dr. Sylvia Suzuki
Mr. Curtis Jung
& Mrs. Lynn Hatashita-Jung
Shirley Bonaparte
Mr. & Mrs. Teddy Lu
Annie Conner
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Marks
Heather Combs
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Merritt
Laurie Corwin
Nancy Kennerly & Mark Miller
Nancy Kennerly & Mark Miller
Heather Denison
Mr. & Mrs. Chandru Nankani
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Myers
Mimi DeVasto
Stephen & Brenda O’Neil
Ms. Mary Beth Nelson
Janice Elmore
Dr. & Mrs. Shaun Grady
Dr. & Dr. Raymond Gritton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hanna
Mr. Jim Hartfield & Ms. Dana Hartfield
Mr. Randy Harvey
& Mrs. Maryann Hudson Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. William McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McMullan
Mr. Jonathan Menell
& Mrs. Lorraine Cory Menell
Brittany Baggs
Michelle Cogswell
Annual Report: annual fund
Kimberly Gauthier
Suzanne Thomas
Jerry Gordo
Nancy Ward
corporate matching GIFTS
Chris Guyer
Denise Wreede
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Marilyn Guyer
Mr. John Kwang and Ms. Jee-Leng Wee
Mary-Kaye Halferty
Chevron Matching Gift Program
Janna Hawes
Jaime Hawks
100% Participation
DirecTV Matching Gift Center
Mrs. Donna Ballenger
Dr. David Shupe and Ms. Stella Tsoi
Mrs. Margaret Breazeal
Edison International
Mr. Scott Coolidge
Mr. Armando Ahumada
Mrs. Alice Holmes
Fannie Mae SERVE Matching Gift Donations
Mr. Glenn Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Polen
Dr. Bill Ward
Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program
Mrs. Audrey Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Smith
Jennai Hufstader
Lonny Jacobs
Elizabeth Jones
Joanna Kibbe
Rosemary Kiertzner
Chris King
Anita Knight
Nancy Larr
Mattel Children’s Foundation
Mary Lyzenga
Dannalou Machi
Ann Mize
Robert Nafie
Laurel Asher
John Paciorek
Susan Barber
Karen Paciorek
Hilary Barner
Amy Patzlaff
Jan Flanders
Eleanor Powell
Barbara MacMullin
Lee Rankin
Cynthia Pearson
Caren Ryan
Marilyn Polich
Sara Santos
Nancy Sensenbach
Jorie Messman
Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jen
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Mr. & Dr. David Bronson
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Mr. Shawn Mackey
Time Warner Matching Grants Program
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Chen
Union Bank of California Foundation
Ms. Melisa Lewis Wilson
Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Kyle Schaberg
Mr. & Mrs. George Seitz
Kristen Shoemake
Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program
Suzanne Sinclair
Mrs. Debbie Spiegel
Sharon Sinclair
Mr. & Mrs. George Seitz
Gloria Stahmer
Western Asset
Clementine Suiffet
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Lynn Duda
Janet Taylor
California Community Foundation
Isabel Foundation
Pasadena Community Foundation
Perricone Family Foundation
Robinson Foundation
the library fund: Annual Report
Dear Friends of the Library,
This year’s Book Fair was truly a “novel” adventure at “Camp Read-a-Lot.” Under the amazing, capable leadership of
chairpersons Juliana Erdody and Deena Willis our students enjoyed a wide array of reading camp activities. Parents
came early to read stories. The students were treated to author visits from five different authors, including Rosemary
Wells, Lisa Yee, Betty Birney, and Heather Vogel Frederick. For the younger students, a skateboarding author paid a
visit. There was even a “Postcards from Camp” art contest to portray a favorite book. Camp songs, camp treats, and
wonderful books abounded.
All these activities supported the continuing development of our library collection. Through the proceeds of the book
sales and through a Library Wish List, newly published books, curriculum sets, technology subscriptions, author visits,
classroom literary enrichment activities, and original artwork, were all added to our library program. We are truly grateful
for the extraordinary and generous support of our families in building our library resources to benefit the entire school
Thank you to the many volunteers who gave their time and energy to the Book Fair in support of our students and
reading. We are deeply thankful for the support our library receives.
Anita Knight, Librarian
Annual Report: the library fund
The Library Fund includes gifts given directly to support the library and gifts of books and other items
that were purchased by donors for the Librarian’s Wish List.
Jim Arvo & Erin Shaw
Mr. Steve Haegelin & Ms. Juli Khoe
Mr. & Mrs. James Notley
Bernard & Denise Barrera
Dr. Abraham Han
Stephen & Brenda O’Neil
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bender
Arturo Yoshimoto & Lea Hayashi
Yuman Pirzada
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Brown
Mr. Don Ho & Prof. Rachel Yang
Mr. & Mrs. William Price
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Darey Huo
Mr. Marshall Searcy
Livia Aryananda & John Chang
George & Carolyn Seitz
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Chang
Mr. Curtis Jung
& Mrs. Lynn Hatashita-Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Carson Cheng
Mr. & Mrs. Rene’ Kern
Mr. & Mrs. J. Sobieski
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Chiu
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Kessel
Rodney & Raquel Swan
Mr. & Mrs. David Codiga
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lee
Mr. Allen Teng & Dr. Annie Teng
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Coolidge
Anching & Randy Linsalato
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Y. Tsai
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Dawn
Mr. & Mrs. Y.K. Low
Mr. Harry Tsao & Ms. Carol Chen
Mr. & Mrs. James Dietle
Mr. Bhart Manwani
Mrs. Ann Tumlin-Carnes
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Lynn Duda
Mr. & Mrs. Ken McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Walker
Bruce & Kari Fraser
Mr. & Mrs. Tom McGovern
Tom & Grace Wen
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frick
John & Julie McIlvery
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fung
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McMullan
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Zeger
Mr. & Mrs. Milan Garrison
Mr. Jonathan Menell
& Mrs. Lorraine Cory Menell
George Seitz Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gleason
Dr. & Dr. Raymond Gritton
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James Moffatt
Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Nafie
Donors of individual books for the library, purchased at the annual Book Fair, are recognized with permanent plaques inside their gift book.
the robert w. nafie endowment fund
This fund was established by the Board of Trustees to honor Dr. Robert W. Nafie’s many years of vision and
leadership as Head of School. It is used to support special events, activities, or resources as selected by Dr. Nafie.
headmaster’s club
Members of the Headmaster’s Club contributed $1,000 and over.
Henry & Beili Chan
Deede Phillips, Class of 1935
Mr. & Mrs. Carson Cheng
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Williamson
Clairbourn Families Association
Dr. & Mrs. Francis Yu
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Pasqualetto, Jr.
blue & gold club
Members of the Blue & Gold Club contributed $500 to $999.
Mr. Robert Lillevick
John Paul & Kristi Seiter Simmons
Tracy & Ken McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. J. Sobieski
Christopher & Carolann Butler-Poole
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wetzel
Mr. & Mrs. William Price
cougar club
Members of the Cougar Club contributed up to $499.
Mr. & Mrs. George Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin T. Bigelow, Jr.
Mrs. Edith Nafie
Mrs. Elanne C. Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. John Paciorek
Dr. & Mrs. Juan Casillas
Matt & Kristin Palmer
Chevron Matching Gift Program
Amy Patzlaff, Class of 1985
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark
Dr. & Mrs. Dick Pederson
Mrs. Jo Anne Cooke
Catherine & Jay Ehrgott
Dr. Lukchai Bhavabhutanon
& Mrs. Srin Phosri
Mr. & Mrs. John Elmore
Mrs. Ralph Powell
Mr. Paul Gans
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Redford
Mr. Steve Haegelin & Ms. Juli Khoe
Mrs. Sandra J. Rice
Mr. Edward L. Henry
Mr. Stephen Rivele
Mrs. Marilyn Keiper
Ms. Barbara J. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. William Larr
Mr. & Mrs. David Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Marks
Robert Scott, Class of 1994
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Marquez
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Stussi
Julie McAloney Skaff, Class of *1974
Mrs. Nancy Ward, Class of *1984
Mr. & Ms. Justo Melendez
Wells Fargo Matching Gift Center
Ms. Jorie Messman
Mrs. Louis Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Minear
Mrs. Audrey Werner
Mr. & Mrs. James Moffatt
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Willoughby
Annual Report: grandparents’ club 2011
Thank you to the following grandparents for contributing to the Grandparents’ Club. These gifts
supported financial aid this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balle
Mrs. Lynda Beckstrom
Mrs. Diane Bowman
Mary Lou Brenneman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown
Mrs. Elanne C. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Art Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Case
Mr. and Mrs. Don Conlan
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dorkowski
Mrs. Margarita Ductoc Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frick
Mrs. Don Garman
Mrs. Anna C. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guyer
Mrs. Marilyn Guyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison
Mrs. Evelyn Heck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Icart
Mr. and Mrs. Teng Hik Khoe
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kim
Mr. and Mrs. James Mahone
Mrs. Howard McAloney
Mrs. Emi Moore
Mrs. Gladys Newkirk
Mrs. Lucy Perricone
Mrs. George Seitz
Mrs. Barbara Steele
Mrs. Sandra Tracey
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wallace
Russell and Sally White
Wells Fargo Educational
Matching Gift Program
restricted funds: Annual Report
the HERITAGE fund
Mr. & Mrs. David Abernathy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Forbush
Mrs. Ralph Powell
Mrs. Donna Ballenger
C.S. Association of Robert Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. William Pry
Mrs. Sue Barber
Isabel Foundation
Mrs. Virginia Redding
Mr. & Mrs. George Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Kiertzner
Mr. & Mrs. James Romano
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Bothwell
Eric Kiertzner, Class of *1974
Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Mrs. Margaret Breazeal
Mr. & Mrs. William Larr
The Robinson Foundation
Mrs. June Buffington
Mr. & Mrs. Graydon Lillie
Ms. Audrey Thompson
Clairbourn Board of Trustees
Mr. Ernest Mandrysh
Mr. Michael Wright
C.S. Association of Bevery Bemis
Hawks DeWindt
Mrs. Elizabeth Marcellus
Mrs. Beverly Bemis Hawks
DeWindt, C.S.B.
Robert W. & Leslie A. Nafie
the ann pearson FUND
Mr. Donald Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Nijjar
Mr. & Mrs. George Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Estate of Frank McKee
Cynthia Pearson, Class of 1996
The Wallden FUND
Mr. & Mrs. John Wreede
Mrs. Vernelle Christensen
the john eric
beckstrom FUND
Mrs. Nancy Torres–Duggan
& Mr. John Duggan
Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Annual Report: restricted funds
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bononi
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Myers
Mr. Yu Gong & Mrs. Yao Li
Bill & Paula Steele
Mr. Ted Hwang
Mrs. Nancy Ward, Class of *1984
Mr. Curtis Jung
& Mrs. Lynn Hatashita-Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Wu
Taylor Marks, Class of 2011
Nancy Kennerly & Mark Miller
restricted gifts
Includes gifts of Technology, Gifts-in-Kind, gifts from alumni, YEARBOOK SPONSORSHIP,
and funds to send Shelter Boxes to Japan
Miss Brittany Baggs
Janna Hawes
Mrs. Donna Ballenger
Mrs. Lonny Jacobs
Hilary & Jonathan Barner
James Kasama & Francisca Araiza-Kasama
Mrs. Lynda Beckstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Courtney Kibbe
Ruth Beckstrom, Class of 1988
Mr. Chris King
David Beebe, Class of 1991
Mr. & Mrs. Kim Knight
Mr. & Mrs. George Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. William Larr
Mrs. Melinda Blackway
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Lyzenga
Mr. & Mrs. Gerson Bonaparte
Mr. Mahdi Madani & Dr. Dima Kamal
Mrs. Margaret Breazeal
Mr. Bhart Manwani
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Casteneda
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Marks
Allison Chang
Delilah Martin
Mr. Bryan Chen & Mrs. Snow Dong
Ms. Jorie Messman
Clairbourn School is deeply
Clairbourn Families Association
Nancy Messman
grateful for the financial support
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cogswell
Nancy Kennerly & Mark Miller
of parents, grandparents, alumni,
Bradley Combs & Heather Combs
Ms. Ann Mize
parents of alumni, trustees, faculty,
Mrs. Laurie Corwin
Mr. & Mrs. James Moffatt
Cougar Corner
Robert W. & Leslie A. Nafie
staff, foundations, corporations, and
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Davis
Mr. & Mrs. John Paciorek
Dr. & Dr. Demetrios Demetriades
Amy Patzlaff, Class of 1985
Heather Denison
Mr. Ali Pirzada
Gifts made between July 1, 2010 and
Mrs. Mimi DeVasto
David & Stephanie Rice
June 30, 2011 are listed in this Annual
Mr. & Mrs. John Elmore
Marlene Rosado, Class of 2009
Report. Every attempt has been made
Stephen & Juliana Erdody
Mr. & Mrs. David Ryan
to ensure that these lists are accurate.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Farley
Mr. & Mrs. William Sayre
Campbell Flagg
Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Sinclair
Ms. Maria Garibay
Mrs. Gloria Stahmer
Mr. Jerry Gordo
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Stamos
Mrs. Marilyn Guyer
Student Council
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Guyer
Ms. Clementine Suiffet
Ms. Sylvia Suzuki
Mr. & Mrs. David Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Thomas
Ms. Jody Tolan
Mr. Harry Tsao & Ms. Carol Chen
Richard & Christine Valenzuela
Mrs. Nancy Ward, Class of *1984
Mrs. Audrey Werner
Mr. & Mrs. John Wreede
William Wu, Class of 2010
friends. Gifts of every size are valued
and are important to the school.
Office at ext.121 if further information
regarding a gift listing is needed. We
cherish your gifts.
cfa president: Annual Report
Dear Clairbourn Families,
As has been said before, most things in life are only as good and as effective as we make them. You, the Clairbourn
Families Association, made this a wonderful year! CFA started the year with play dates, pool parties and Coffees on the
Quad for every grade level—a terrific way for new families to meet and for returning families to catch up. The Fall Social,
a fun-filled, outdoor adventure, set a relaxed and family-centered tone for the whole year. On the same day, CFA’s Camp
Read-A-Lot Book Fair opened its doors for the week, delighting all with fanciful decorations, congenial volunteers, and
wonderful books.
November brought the well-loved annual Cougar Classic Golf Tournament, where it was great to see the addition of
many ladies’ foursomes. On a misty morning in December, we made traditional Sugar Plum gifts for the whole school
at the Sugar Plum Breakfast complete with a roaring fire, delectable food, gorgeous boutique items, and a surprise
visit from Santa Claus! Also in December, CFA demonstrated the true spirit of giving with its annual Holiday Giving
Tree, making the holidays brighter for many needy children. Soon thereafter, our community geared up for the Annual
Spring Benefit. Individual classes, teachers, administrators, staff, Clairbourn families, and friends contributed their time,
talents, finances, and fantastic auction items to create an unforgettable night. The Jonathan Club was transformed into
Austin Powers’ psychedelic 1960s London and everyone had a groovy time! Two weeks later, we traveled through time
at the fabulous Time Warp Carnival replete with many new rides, attractions, and food vendors.
At our monthly meetings, we enjoyed delicious meals while conducting CFA business. We also heard interesting, informative speakers like beloved children’s writer Rosemary Wells, “Helen of Pasadena” author Lian Dolan, and renowned
child development expert Dr. Jean Twenge.
CFA provided many of the services and activities that shape the Clairbourn school year. Cougar Corner served daily
after-school snacks to our students. Each week CFA volunteers held Pizza, Subway, KFC, and In-N-Out Burger days. Rain
or shine, the scrip team sold a wide range of gift cards and organized the Group Gift Program. In sports, a new on-line
sign-up system ensured that our student athletes had rides and snacks for every game. Sidewalk sales for used uniforms
were a big hit with the addition of some fun spirit items. Hard-working room parents coordinated a myriad of activities
for their classes. Technology upgrades boosted CFA’s efficiency in ways that will benefit the school for years to come.
Clairbourn is a special, cherished place for our children
because of Dr. Nafie, the administration, faculty and staff,
the Board of Trustees, and because of you—its dedicated
parent volunteers. And so congratulations on, and thank
you for, a wonderful year. It has been an honor to serve
with you.
With much gratitude,
Brenda O’Neil
CFA President, 2010-2011
Annual Report: cfa board & members
The 2010-2011 CFA Executive Board with their children: Treasurer Gladys Kong with daughters Rachel and Sarah, Assistant Treasurer
Monica Chiu with son Aidan and daughter Alina, Parliamentarian Tracy McCormick with son Charlie, Vice President Cynthy Moffatt with
son Cade, Dr. Nafie, President Brenda O’Neil with son Brian and daughter Alison, Secretary Juli Khoe with daughter and son Kristin
and Jeff Haegelin, and Room Parent Officer Toni Callahan with son Paul and daughter Caitlyn.
Lynn Jung and Sandy Myers at a CFA event.
KFC Day parent volunteers Erin Shaw, Hugh Mac Dhubhain, Juliana Duran, and Ria Smith.
Livia Aryanada, Kristofer Chang, Tracy
McCormick, and Charlie McCormick.
cfa allocation of funds: Annual Report
TOTAL INCOME: $277,482
Book Fair
Golf Tournament
Business Directory
Holiday Giving
Special Lunches
CFA Dues
Cougar Corner
Spring Benefit
Fall Social
Total Expenses
Total gift: $277,482
Annual Fund
Helping Hand Fund
R.W. Nafie
Endowment Fund
Holiday Giving
Library Fund
“Last Man Standing”
Drama Productions
MPB Lighting
+ Bathroom
Field Trips
Tuition Assistance
Graduation Dance
Nancy Ward
Director of Alumni & Communications
Lynda Beckstrom
Director of Development
Cynthia J. Holmes
Design / Layout / Photography
Studio 33 Design
Donna Ballenger
Sid Bingham
Margaret Breazeal, Secretary
Scott Coolidge
Alice Holmes, President
Glenn Johnson
Audrey Werner
Invest in Our Children
Clairbourn School Magazine is published
twice a year by the Communications
Department of Clairbourn School.
8400 Huntington Drive
San Gabriel, CA 91775
Telephone: 626.286.3108
Fax: 626.286.1528
Please take part in this year’s Annual Fund.
Gifts are welcomed through June 30, 2012.
Our goal is 100% participation!
All gifts count.
Make your gift online today at:
8400 Huntington Drive San Gabriel, CA 91775
in this issue: • SuperBuzz! the Movie
• 2011 Graduation
• 2010-2011 Annual Report
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