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Shree Sarvottam Strotra 25 November 2012 The 12th shlok of Shree Sarvottam Strotra consists of 6 names of Shree Mahaprabhuji. 21. VAISHVA-NARAH 22. VALLABH-AKHYAH 23. SADRUPAH 24. HIT-KRUT-SATAMAH 25. JAN-SHIKSHA-KRUTEY KRUSHNA-BHAKTI-KRUTAH 26. NIKHIL-ISHTA-DAH 21. VAISHVA-NARAH Picture: Shree Mahaprabhuji throwing the medicine into the plate of fire. Meaning: The one who resides in the mouth of Purna-Puroshattam in the form of Agni Page 1 of 9 By Shriroop Parikh (Fire). In Chhandogya Upnishad it is mentioned, “Atmanam Viashvanaram Upastey” meaning Vaishvanar is Atma (The main thing or essence). In Upnishad it is also mentioned, “Indiraya Nalini Mandiraya Vallabho Vasudevah” meaning Vasudev has been re-incarnated as Vallabh. The Agni in the mouth of Bhagwan is Vaishva-nar. In that divine form of Agni our Shree Mahaprabhuji is born. Since this Agni resides in the mouth of Bhagwan, it is also known as His speech. But at the same time Shree Vallabh's speech is also classed as Shreenathji's speech. Since Shree Mahaprabhuji is the form of Agni, He destroys the darkness (of ignorance) and brings light (of true knowledge). He removes the ignorance, born by lack of knowledge, in the mind and heart of various Jeevs by giving them the light of true knowledge (of God and Bhaktimarg). Due to this reason he is known as Vaishva-nar. When ignorant Jeevs go in the shelter of Shree Mahaprabhuji he removes the mistakes, of those Jeevs, by burning it with his Agni Swaroop – in-turn making the Jeev utterly pure. Agni has an element called “Ak”. Ak element is helpful for velocity (or gaining motion). Agni is responsible for “Bhagwad prapti” (achieving Bhagwan), The context here – To bring the daivi Jeevs in front of Brahma (also in the param fal dasha – utmost fruitfulness state) so that they gain their fruit (of Bhakti) is only possible by Agni (Shree Mahaprabhuji) Shree Mahaprabhuji has given the darshan (or shown) of his Agni swaroop when he was born in Champaran, to the brother of Damodardas Harsani, to Mohammed Beghda of Gujarat and lastly, when departing for Nijdham, in Kashi in the mid-flow of Gangaji in form of Tej-punj. One time Shree Mahaprabhuji was suffering from Stomach ache. One vaishnav brought him some medicine. Now to show that he is Agni swaroop, Shree Mahaprabhuji asked for a plate full of fire and threw all the medicine in it. He also confirmed that this gave him relief from his Stomach ache and also showed to his Sevaks that he is form of Agni. This is shown in the above picture. This name signifies “Yash” Dharma. 22. VALLABH-AKHYAH Meaning: The one whose name is Vallabh (Priya). Since Shree Mahaprabhuji is the form of Agni, he is very bright by nature. Bright meaning very radiant. Fire can burn but if the same fire gives light, it is loved. By creating this name Shree Gusaiji is removing a big doubt from the minds of Nij-Sevaks. Mahaprabhuji has been given the names Vaishvanar, Vaheen, Hutaasan, etc because that is His true form. These names have been accepted by Shree Mahaprabhuji himself. But Agni, it burns, scorches and gives pain. One cannot go near this type of Agni. So how can we go near our Acharya, Shree Mahaprabhuji who is the form of Agni? - This type of doubt can arise in one's mind. Page 2 of 9 By Shriroop Parikh In order to clear this doubt Shree Gusaiji created this name “Vallabhakhya”. He further says that Agni does scorch and burn but one who does Picture: Keshav Bhatt and his pupil Madhav Bhatt listening to Shree Mahaprabhuji's Katha in Vrundavan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------take care of it (Agni) will gain the light from it. Agni will also cleanse them (Pushti Jeevs) without burning them. When the Agni scorches the skin, it is hated but when the same Agni gives light, it is loved. Similarly Shree Vallabh, the Agni form, burns the Aasuri Jeevs, but gives light to his Sevaks (Pushti Jeevs). Light from Agni has a tenderness and also gives happiness. Due to this it is loved. Same way Shree Mahaprabhuji is loved and hence he was given this name. Page 3 of 9 By Shriroop Parikh When Madhav Bhatt came to Vrundavan, along with his Guru Nimbakacharya Keshav Bhatt, to listen to Shree Mahaprabhuji's Katha – Shree Vallabh gave darshan of his Manohar Priya Swaroop to Madhav Bhatt. From then onwards Madhav Bhatt stayed with Shree Mahaparbhuji for the rest of his life, offcourse after getting agya from his own Guru. This name signifies “Shree” Dharma. 23. SADRUPAH Meaning: One whose Roop(form) is always Sat(Truth/Existence) that makes Him of a beautiful form. Picture: The first Bhagwad agya to Shree Mahaprabhuji by Shree Shreenathji on the banks of Gangaji. Page 4 of 9 By Shriroop Parikh Shree Raghunathji, the 5th son of Shree Gusaiji, explains the various meanings of this name: 1) One who is of a Beautiful Form. 2) One who enlightens the heart of a Sant. 3) One whose form is indestructible. 4) One who shows you the true form of the worldly things. One who says - “Sarva Khalvind Brahma” - meaning this world and everything in this world is not Maya and Mithya but it is an Ansh of Brahma. Shree Gokulnathji, the 4th son of Shree Gusaiji, says Anand-roop is Sadroop Sad-roop means Sat-roop. One whose form is Sat-roop is Sad-roop. There are two meanings of Sat: 1) Sat means Truth. Because it is Truth, it is Beautiful(Sundar); because it is Sundar, it is Brahma. Hence Shree Mahaprabhuji being Sat-roop also makes him Brahma-roop. 2) Another meaning of Sat is Existence(Astitva). One whose form's Astitva is always there and always will be. So one whose existence is indestructible is Sadroop. God's Sachhidanad Swaroop's “Sat” is Shree Mahaprabhuji. Shree Mahaprabhuji's body is not made up of Laukik “panch bhut” but is made up of Sat meaning Alaukik “panch bhut”. The laukik panch bhut are “Form of Work/Duty” where as alaukik panch bhut are “Form of Reason/Cause”. Hence this Sat-roop of Shree Acharyaji is “Form of reason” it is alaukik and Nitya(always existing). This is the Human equivalent form of our Shree Acharyaji. All these three names - “Vaishvanar, Vallabhakya and Sadroop” are related to each other. These three names form the Sachhidanad Swaroop of Shree Mahaprabhuji. From Vaishvanar we get Chhit swaroop, from Vallabhakhya we get Anand swaroop and from Sadroop we get Sat(Truth/Existence) Swaroop. This name signifies “Gyan” Dharma. 24. HIT-KRUT-SATAMAH Meaning: One who does good deeds for Bhakti(Sat-Purush) Sat-purush is one who has full faith in God and Dharma and has gone to their shelter. Shree Mahaprabhuji takes care of these Sat-purush(s). He takes care of them by fulfillings their Bhavs and Manoraths. Few Jeevs, even though they are Sat-purush, they can't do their own good due to various reasons. Reasons like bad company, bad thoughts, bad/selfish deeds, greed of money and power, etc. Due to this they might do ruin their own bhagya. Daivi jeevs are always Sat-purush by birth, but due to the bad influence of Kaliyug they end up ruining(Ahit) themselves by losing the Sat tatva. When this happens this jeev starts looking for Shree Mahaprabhuji's shelter. Thinking positive and good about this Jeev, Shree Mahaprabhuji removes all the mistakes done by that Jeev. Makes him pure and innocent so that Brahma-sambandh can be done with Shree Shreenathji. By doing this Shree Page 5 of 9 By Shriroop Parikh Mahaprabhuji gives the full right to the Jeev to do Krushna Seva and in this way thinks and gives what is best for the Jeev. Picture: Top left showing Kaji's Yantra affecting Brahmins on Vishrant Ghat. Top right showing Kaji's Yantra having no effect on Shree Mahaprabhuji. Bottom half showing Shree Mahaprabhuji's Yantra on Yoginipur(Jonpur) capital's main gate. ----------------------------------“Shreeyo hi param kaashta sevak-asta-dasha yadi” Because Shree Mahaprabhuji is Sadroop he has also given Alaukik strength to his sevaks. Prabhudas Jhalota gave mukti(freedom) to Ahirini, Govardhandaas gave Bhakti to Madhavdaas, Bulamishrey gave blessings of a boy to the wife of Lahor's well-known Kshatriya. Page 6 of 9 By Shriroop Parikh Madhav Bhatt Kashmiri brought to life the dead son of richman in his village. By these incidents we can see that even by his own Sevaks he tries to do good of others. In this way Shree Mahaprabhuji is the hit-karta of Satpurush in various ways. This name signifies “Vairagya” Dharma. 25. JAN-SHIKSHA-KRUTEY KRUSHNA-BHAKTI-KRUTAH Meaning: One who does Krushna Bhakti to teach his own disciples (the marg of Bhakti) Picture: At Damodardaas Sambhalvala's house, Shree Mahaprabhuji is offering, for the very first time with Raj-Vaibhavi Seva, Paan Bida to Shree Dwarkadhishji. ----------------------------------------In order to teach his own disciples, Shree Mahaprabhuji used to do Krushna seva. In order to educate the daivi jeevs Shree Mahaprabhuji created the Page 7 of 9 By Shriroop Parikh Seva-kram. Shree Mahaprabhuji, who is Anand-may in his swaroop, had already achieved Swaroop-anand(Shree Shreenathji). There are 3 stages to obtain Swaroop-anand – Prem, Aasakti and Vyasan. In this Prem is the first stage/phase. In-order to achieve that stage Seva is the necessary, almost a must. The next stage is Aasakti. To reach this stage, one has to keep on doing seva whether it is possible or not. But once the Vyasan stage is reached/achieved one doesn't have to do seva. Disciples of Shree Mahaprabhuji like Raja Aashkaran and Gajjan Dhaavan after reaching this stage have never done Krushna-Seva again. Even though they were not doing external routine activities of Seva, but their chitt was always in Krushna. [Ask yourself, when can I say to Krushna – 24/7 I think of You !] What is Seva? “Chetastat Pravanam Seva” Meaning your complete Chitt/Chetna are threaded/strung in Seva. Now just think, if the external Seva is not necessary for these disciples, how can it be necessary for their Guru, Shree Mahaprabhuji, who has already achieved and is on a higher stage of fidelity(Tadrupta) [From/by Mind, to be one with the form of Shree Shreenatji]? The reason for this name is simply for clearing the doubt of a true and faithful sevak who might ask this question. One whose Chitt, Mind and Inner-being(Heart) is engrossed in Shree Shreenathji, such Shree Mahaprabhuji doesn't need to do external Seva. But just to show how Seva is done, to his own disciples trying to reach the first stage(Prem), Shree Mahaprabhuji used to do Prabhu-Bhajan, KrushnaBhakti and Seva. Shree Mahaprabhuji stayed at Damordas Sambhalvala's place in Kanauj to do Shree Dwarkadhish's seva. He also taught and explained the ways of Seva, Bhog, Raag and Shrungar. In Pushti sampraday, the beginning of Raj-Vaibhav yukt Seva was done from Damordas Sambhalvala's place by Shree Mahaprabhuji. This name signifies “Dharmi-Swaroop” 26. NIKHIL-ISHTA-DAH Meaning: One who(Shree Mahaprabhuji) is the giver of everything that one(Pushti Jeevs) desires. The one who gives Nikhil (Everything/every-single) Isth(Desire) of his Bhakts such Shree Mahaprabhuji. Nikhil means, everything of Pushtimarg – Seva, Bhajan, Seva-bhaav, Sneha-bhaav, Samarpan-bhaav and Daasatva-bhaav. Whatever is Ishta, means whatever is right and good for the Nij-Sevaks. All that Da, means giving. The reason of this kindness and giving this to Sevaks is because Shree Mahaprabhuji would like to give this necessary knowledge to all the NijPage 8 of 9 By Shriroop Parikh Sevaks in his marg (Pushti marg). If they don't have this knowledge how will they walk on the Pushti Path? If there is no one to explain, how will they (Nij-Sevaks) practice things without understanding? Picture: After Damodardaas Sambhalvala's Lok-tyag, he gives Shree Thakorji and Seva-Sampatti to Shree Mahaprabhji. Daasi taking a plung in Yamunaji and reaching Gaulok dham with her deh(body). --------------------------------------------------Hence Shree Mahaprabhuji gives(Da) whatever(Nikhil) is necessary and right(Ishta) for the Nij-Sevak. This name signifies “Aishwarya” Dharma. ----------------- Jai Shree Krushna Page 9 of 9 ----------------- By Shriroop Parikh
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