San Francisco Day School - Breakthrough San Francisco


San Francisco Day School - Breakthrough San Francisco
San Francisco Day School
Annual Report 2013-2014
SFDS Mission Statement
San Francisco Day
School educates,
nurtures, and inspires
girls and boys of diverse
backgrounds to
achieve their highest
academic and creative
potential, to embrace
ethical values, and to
become active
contributors to their
San Francisco Day School
Table of Contents
From the Head of School
From the Presidents of the Board of Trustees
New Trustees
From the Treasurer
Financial Overview 2013-2014
Supporting San Francisco Day School
From the President of the Parents Association
Parents Association
Annual Fund
Endowment Gifts and Funds
CultureFest 2014: The Disco Ball
From the Executive Director of Breakthrough San Francisco
Faculty Profiles
Alumni Profiles
Alumni Updates
High School and College Matriculations
Acknowledgments and Credits
2013-2014 Annual Report
From the
Head of School
For someone who has
spent the majority of
his life dedicated to
education and teaching,
I could not have asked
for a finer or more
rewarding experience at
this stage of my career.
I am truly grateful and
have cherished my time
at this school, within
this extraordinary
Dear SFDS Families,
2012-2013 was a momentous year for
me both professionally and personally,
as I announced my retirement effective
June 30, 2015. For someone who has
spent the majority of his life dedicated
to education and teaching, I could
not have asked for a finer or more
rewarding experience at this stage of
my career. I am truly grateful and have
cherished my time at this school,
within this extraordinary community.
Last year, our school took on a number
of ambitious projects aimed at
enhancing San Francisco Day School:
a comprehensive master facilities plan,
$15 million endowment target, and
an assertive Annual Fund campaign
striving for 100% participation in 100
days. As we worked together to
advance these goals, I was reminded
of how fortunate SFDS is to have a
community with such a passionate
desire to make a difference. This spirit
is not just embraced by teachers,
but also by our parents, alumni,
grandparents, and friends who seek
opportunities to have an impact
today and for those who will follow.
I saw our families attend morning
meetings and coffees, raising
thoughtful questions and offering
words of support to new parents.
I watched parents give generously
of their time, volunteering in the
cafeteria, library, and admissions,
driving students to and from athletic
events and field trips, and supporting
SFDS events throughout the year.
And of course, our entire school has
benefited from our parents’ support of
San Francisco Day School
our discounted tuition program. Each
of you has truly made a difference at
our school and in our community.
Please know how appreciative I am for
all that you do and the many forms
your contributions take. Your spirit of
volunteerism and philanthropy helps
to uphold the academic excellence at
SFDS and the creative, challenging,
and nurturing environment that
develops our students into adults
who make a difference, too.
Thank you to each and every member
of our community–students, parents,
teachers, staff, alumni, parents of
alumni, grandparents, and friends. No
one factor can account for the success
of our school, but one thing is for
certain – without the generous spirit
of our entire community, San Francisco
Day School would not be the school
it is today.
With heartfelt gratitude,
David E. Jackson , Ed.D.
Head of School
From the
Board Presidents
Board of Trustees
Carl Kawaja, Co-President
Laura Spivy, Co-President
Katie Albright
Orlando Bravo
Lesley Bunim ‘91
Reed Colley
Tommy Davis ‘96
Sandy Dean
Humberto A. Galleno
Fif Ghobadian
Dawn Hartman, PA President
John Hayashi
David E. Jackson
Malcolm John
Janet McKinley
Ken McNeely
Gabrey Means
Alicia Nogales
Jenny Pearlman
Ann Roberts
Topher Solmssen
Christy Tripp
Grace Won
Molly Wood
Last June, we celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2014, which included
Laura’s oldest son, Spencer. As board co-presidents and parents, we both have
many proud moments, but sharing the privilege of presenting students with their
diplomas from San Francisco Day School is a special moment that will always be
remembered. Both of our families have enjoyed watching our children blossom
from eager, young adolescents into passionate, articulate, and kind-hearted
students ready for new experiences and challenges. It comes as no surprise,
as we know how hard our teachers work to ensure our children are prepared to
thrive in the world beyond the walls of SFDS.
Once again, 2013-2014 was a busy yet fulfilling year for San Francisco Day School.
The school year kicked off with our first Annual Fund effort aimed at achieving
100% participation in 100 days, and we were thrilled to reach 94% parent
participation and over $1.2 million with this inaugural effort. Next we tackled two
ambitious projects borne out of our strategic plan: a $15 million endowment
campaign, and a master plan for future facilities. Our community embraced both
opportunities to secure the future of our school – this year we are within striking
distance of the endowment goal, and we have established three thoughtful
facilities scenarios for review and consideration. These projects could not have
been successful without the enduring gift of giving and support of the entire
SFDS community.
Last year, Dr. Jackson announced that he will be retiring as of June 30, 2015.
For over seven years, Dr. Jackson has served SFDS with insight, enthusiasm, and
unwavering dedication. Thanks to his tremendous leadership, our academic
program is outstanding, our endowment stands at record levels, annual giving is
strong, and our school is debt-free. Dr. Jackson has been a remarkable Head of
School and partner to the Board. We will miss Dr. Jackson and the educational
legacy that he leaves our school with will continue to positively impact our
students in the years to come.
Finally, it is with pleasure that we welcome our new trustees: Rita Abraldes,
Cathy Dean, Lexie Fisher George ’00, Raj Moorthy, Thatcher Thompson, and
Adriana López Vermut.
Thank you to our many committed donors and volunteers, whom we
acknowledge and celebrate in this annual report. Through your valuable time
and resources, you make it possible to give our students an exceptional education.
Your impact is truly significant.
Carl KawajaLaura Spivy
Board of TrusteesBoard of Trustees
2013-2014 Annual Report
New Trustees
Rita Abraldes
Cathy Cockrum Dean
Raj S. Moorthy
Thatcher Thompson
Adriana López Vermut
Lexie Fisher George ’00
Rita Abraldes is a co-founder of
Charanga Restaurant, bringing
innovative Pan-Latin cuisine to San
Francisco’s Mission District. In 2007,
she opened Paladar Café Cubano, a
Cuban lunch café. Rita is also the
food and dining consultant for R3lish,
a start-up company that seeks to
strengthen the connection between
business owners and their clients. She
received her undergraduate degree in
U.S. History from Vassar College and
a graduate degree in History from
Stanford University. She has taught
history at local community colleges
and to high school students at the
College Preparatory School in Oakland.
Rita’s engagement in the school
community includes volunteering
for admissions tours and active
participation in the Parent Group on
Diversity and SEED. She served as a
tutor in the Breakthrough Program
at SFDS. Rita and her partner, Brie
Williams, have a son in second grade
at SFDS and a daughter in preschool.
Cathy Cockrum Dean has 15 years
of managerial experience in financial
services, industrial manufacturing, and
high technology. For the past five
years, Cathy has served on the national
Board of Directors for Reading Partners,
as this organization has grown from
serving 850 to 7500 students annually,
and she recently concluded her first
year as the national Board Chair. Cathy
is in her tenth year as a parent at SFDS,
and has been active in a variety of
activities at the school including as a
member of the advisory board for
Breakthrough at SFDS. Cathy has also
served as a room parent, co-chair of
the Parent Group on Diversity, and
co-chair of Parent Education. Cathy
received her AB from Brown University
and her MBA from Harvard Graduate
School of Business. She and her
husband Sandy have two children
at SFDS and a daughter who
graduated in 2014.
Raj S. Moorthy is a co-founder and
Partner at Pivot Point Capital (PPC)
and brings experience and expertise
derived from more than fifteen years of
public market and private equity
investing. Prior to co-founding PPC, Raj
worked in private equity at the Audax
Group. He concentrated on identifying
and executing operationally focused
leveraged buyouts. At PPC, Raj leads
the investment team of this small cap
focused hedge fund. Previously, he
worked at Advanta Partners, where he
completed leveraged buyout and
growth capital investments in the
business and information services
sectors. He also co-founded and
served as CFO for a European
technology-based start-up. He began
his career in the mergers & acquisitions
group of Credit Suisse First Boston. Raj
received his BA with honors from
University of Western Ontario and his
MBA from Harvard Business School.
Raj and his wife Sasha have two
children at SFDS.
Thatcher Thompson is an equity
investment analyst at Capital Group
where his primary responsibility is
overseeing research for small- and
mid-cap business services companies
in the United States. He has over
twenty years of investment experience
and has been with Capital Group for
eight years. Prior to joining Capital
Group, Thatcher was a managing
director of equity research at CIBC
World Markets, a vice president of
equity research at Merrill Lynch, and he
also worked at Dain Bosworth. In
2013-2014, Thatcher co-chaired the
Annual Fund at San Francisco Day
School. Thatcher holds a bachelor’s
degree in accounting from Gonzaga
University. He also holds the Chartered
Financial Analyst designation. Thatcher
and his wife Jill have a daughter in the
fourth grade at SFDS, a daughter who
graduated from SFDS in 2013, and a
son currently attending Town School.
Adriana López Vermut started her
professional work in the world of
start-ups and entrepreneurship. She
worked at Viamericas, a money transfer
start-up in research and business
development and then as a research
associate for SpaceVest, a venture
capital firm funding technology
start-ups. In 2008, Adriana crossed over
to the entrepreneurial side and
launched Pica Pica Arepa Kitchen in
Napa, CA. She has since opened
another location in the Mission District.
Adriana is a Board Member for Aim
High, a non-profit organization
working with middle-school children
to prepare them for high school
through intensive summer programs.
She is also a Trustee at A.C.T. (American
Conservatory of Theater) as part of
their Education Committee. Adriana
studied cultural anthropology at the
University of Pennsylvania. Adriana and
her husband Aaron have four children,
two of whom attend SFDS.
Lexie Fisher George ‘00 is currently a
fifth-grade reading teacher at KIPP
San Francisco Bay Academy. After
graduating from San Francisco Day
School in 2000, Lexie attended
Lick-Wilmerding High School and then
matriculated to Middlebury College.
Lexie graduated as an art history
major and discovered a passion for
education. After leaving college, she
joined Teach for America, an
organization that places recent college
graduates to teach in low-income
schools across the United States. She
served a two-year commitment as a
fifth and sixth grade writing teacher
at a charter school in Brooklyn. Lexie
received a Masters degree in education
at Hunter University in New York. She
has served as Co-President on the
SFDS Alumni Board since 2013.
San Francisco Day School
2013-2014 Annual Report
From the Treasurer
The generous support
of our community has
provided exceptional
opportunities for our
students and teachers,
and has placed SFDS
in a strong financial
position. Thanks to the
thoughtful oversight and
diligent management
of our development,
finance, and investment
committees, the School
has a solid balance sheet
and continues to be
Over the past thirty-plus years, I’ve
had the good fortune of experiencing
San Francisco Day School as a student,
alumna, and the first alumna member
of the Board of Trustees. As I conclude
my tenure as a trustee, I see a
school that is financially secure and
committed to its mission to serve
students through excellence in
education. It has been my privilege
to work with Dr. Jackson and our board
in the capacity as treasurer to envision
and build the SFDS of the future.
The generous support of our
community has provided exceptional
opportunities for our students and
teachers, and has placed SFDS in a
strong financial position. Thanks to
the thoughtful oversight and diligent
management of our development,
finance, and investment committees,
the School has a solid balance sheet
and continues to be debt-free.
In 2013-2014, SFDS maintained
outstanding giving levels, as the
community stepped up to support the
first “100% in 100 Days” Annual Fund
campaign. 94% of our families
participated in this effort and raised an
impressive $1.25 million for our school.
We also received $128,200 in current
use gifts. In addition, our families
contributed over $300,000 through
our Parents Association fundraisers,
including the Library Media Center
Party and CultureFest 2014: The Disco
Ball. Thank you to our community
for upholding our commitment to
discounted tuition, differentiated
instruction, and providing essential
professional development and
compensation to our teachers – your
support is vital to the life of our school.
San Francisco Day School
The School also continues to focus
on securing long-term financial
sustainability, a major component
of our strategic plan. Last year our
community took us nearly to the finish
line for our endowment campaign by
giving $1.36 million. We ended the
year with over $14 million, putting our
total endowment over $23 million. This
is an unprecedented fifth consecutive
year that our endowment has grown,
thanks to generous gifts and trusted
guidance from our investment
As we proceed to examine the
financial feasibility of our master plan
scenarios for future facilities, we will
continue to manage our investments
and financial portfolio with vigilance.
Looking ahead, we will continue to
control expenses to keep tuition
increases to a minimum while
preserving the excellence of our
educational program.
We thank our community for its
generous support this year – it has
been a pleasure to participate in the
life of the School in this way, and I
look forward to its future successes.
and Expenses
Revenues $13,757,600
Expenses $13,716,400
n Tuition and Fees 80%
n Salaries and Benefits 66%
n Fundraising 13%
n Discounted Tuition 13%
n Endowment and Interest 7%
n Instructional 7%
n Administration 5%
n Facilities 5%
n Provision for Plant/Depreciation 4%
2013-2014 Gifts Received for Annual Support
Annual Fund Lesley Bunim ’91
Treasurer 2013-2014
Directed Gifts (Current Use) $128,200
Directed Gifts (Tech/Facilities) $131,250
Event Fundraising & Parents Association $319,800
Total Voluntary Support $1,831,050
2013-2014 Annual Report
San Francisco Day School has enjoyed
remarkable success in raising funds to support
the growth of its programs and facilities.
The School encourages every member of
the community to continue this tradition of
philanthropy and be a partner in helping to
preserve the financial health of the School.
San Francisco
Day School
San Francisco Day School
Annual Fund
Special Events
and Gifts
Planned Giving
San Francisco
These gifts help
bridge the gap
between tuition and
the actual cost of an
SFDS education.
The Annual Fund
includes parent,
alumni, parent of
alumni, grandparent,
trustee, and faculty
Tuition and Special
This includes events
and programs
such as eScrip,
Library Party, and
CultureFest, our
major annual
fundraiser to support
the Discounted
Tuition program.
Effort for a
Specified Goal
Potential: Endowing
Excellence for SFDS
launched in 2011
and is specifically
focused on
growth and longterm financial
Endowment and
Special Funds
Planned gifts may
include bequests,
trusts, and property
transfers. Planned
giving donors are also
valued members
of the SFDS Dolphin
As part of its
sponsorship of
the Breakthrough
program, SFDS
contributes to the
organization’s annual
operating expenses.
also relies on gifts
from foundations,
and individuals.
Day School
parents comprise a
significant portion of
Breakthrough’s donor
base and are urged
to support the
organization’s work
toward educational
2013-2014 Annual Report
Letter from
the President of the
Parents Association
Dear SFDS Community,
In many ways, 2013-14 was a typical year.
Our children started the year excited,
fully engaged, and ready to continue on
their educational journey as lifelong
learners. Our parents were equally
enthusiastic and contributed countless
volunteer hours. They also raised
incredible amounts at our annual
fundraisers that benefited our Library
Media Center and discounted tuition
program. I’m eternally grateful to our
faculty and parents for everything that
they do for our children each and every
year. They are the heart and soul of SFDS!
Last year also provided wonderful new
opportunities for community
engagement. In addition to being fully
involved in the day-to-day experiences
of school life, our community was
included in master facilities planning
and a search for our next head of
school. We – all of you – rose to the
occasion and embraced these new
ways to participate. Thank you so
much for your extra efforts!
In the fall, SFDS hosted facilities
planning workshops, inviting faculty,
students, staff, parents, trustees, and
neighbors to give their thoughts.
Founding families, alumni parents, and
alumni also joined in the fun - it was
amazing to see our broad community
come together and engage one
another. Without question,
collaboration defined the process!
Our shared commitment to pedagogy
and community enabled us to develop
a master plan so we can continue to
provide our children with the best
education possible for decades to
come. Thanks to all for participating in
this creative and iterative exercise.
In January 2014, Dr. Jackson
announced his retirement effective
June 30, 2015. As expected, the
community was sad, but also
supportive of his decision to enjoy the
next phase of life. A committee
comprised of administrators, faculty,
and trustees led a search for our next
head of school. Generations of our
community – founding, alumni,
current and newly admitted families –
eagerly participated in our thoughtful
search. With the support of our
community, we selected and
announced our next head of school,
Dr. Mike Walker.
I’m proud and grateful to be part of
such an energetic and involved
community. Your commitment,
passion, and enthusiasm for SFDS
inspire me! Reflecting on the year, I
know that working together we can
continue to make our great school
even better.
San Francisco Day School
I want to give special acknowledgment
and thanks to the 2013-14 Executive
Committee. You “are” amazing partners
– “are” because you are phenomenal
individuals with a true sense of
community. Also, I know you will
always be great friends and
collaborators for me (and many
others)! Without question, your efforts
made SFDS better and more inclusive.
It was such a privilege to work
alongside you during this exciting time.
Vice-President: Sue Rochman
Treasurer: Bridget O’Rourke
Secretary: Regan Pritzker
Diversity Chair: Susan Wilkens
Volunteer Chair: Lael Sturm
Thanks again to all of our amazing
families and your immeasurable
contributions to our community!
With much warmth and
heartfelt gratitude,
Dawn Hartman
Parents Association President 2013-15
SFDS Parents Association
San Francisco Day School
extends our deepest
appreciation to the
parents and families who
so generously offered
the gift of volunteerism
this year. Without your
valuable time and talent,
SFDS would not be the
community it is today.
It is thanks to your
efforts that we were able
to come together for
school events, successful
fundraisers, and to
celebrate the educational
achievements of our
students. We sincerely
thank you for your
Executive Committee
Library Party/Library Breakfast
President Dawn Hartman
Vice-President Sue Rochman
Treasurer Bridget O’Rourke
Secretary Regan Pritzker
Diversity Chair Susan Wilkens
Volunteer Chair Lael Sturm
Shannon Bennett, Kian Beyzavi,
Courtney Cooney, Jill Thompson
Samantha Cho, Rick Kuno,
Amie Nenninger, Skye Pillsbury,
Christopher Wilkens
Sanders Pitman, Kelly Stiles,
Elizabeth Traub
Library Volunteer Program
Jim Fisher
Ginny Conner, Allison Kim
Parent Education
Chris Irsfeld Dawkins, Lance Fulford
Parent Group on Diversity
Katrina Madsen, Susan Wilkens,
Christine Wong
Jennifer Derringer
Parent Group on
Learning Differences
Chris Irsfeld Dawkins, Kristin Glickman,
Bridget O’Rourke
Kristin Glickman, Sandra Kim,
Sue Rochman
Community Outreach
Nicole Murray, Hassan Zaidi
Claire Alt, Erica Desouza
Family Photo Night
Monica Khushf, Blythe Lang
Grandparents &
Special Friends Day
Mary Haber, Beth Mulcahy
School Store
Amelia Hirsch, Roja Kamali,
Joe Latone
Staff Appreciation
Holiday Party
Nicole and Michael Krassner
Staff Appreciation
Monthly Treats
Ann Martinez
Welcome Back Picnic
Kurt Gantert, Matt Rivitz
Graduation Reception
Wendy Miller, Maria Ruibal
2013-2014 Annual Report
Annual Fund 2013-2014
San Francisco Day School
is sincerely thankful to
the Annual Fund donors
for their kind generosity
to the School.
Presidio Spires ($50,000+)
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Silver Dolphins ($25,000+)
Orlando Bravo
Jane and Roger Mortimer
Ann and Brian Roberts
Laura and Greg Spivy
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Jenni and Hassan Zaidi
Treasure Islanders ($15,000+)
Annual Fund
Mardi Dier
Megan Howard
Thatcher Thompson
Kian Beyzavi
Lynn Bunim
Scott E. Case
Ed Conner
Josh Frieman
Laura Hespe
Patrick Jennings
Katherine Ladd
Jeremiah Lane
Vitus Leung
Rick Matcovich
Marisa McCarthy ‘95
Wendy Miller
Don Pillsbury
Nehal Raj
Maria Ruibal
Barbara Scavullo
Jacques Soenens
Hassan Zaidi
Sara and Tom Byrne
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Katie and Reed Colley
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Laura and John Fisher
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Jennifer and Stephen Kawaja
Andrea Evans and Christopher Lehane
Inder Dhillon and Ken McNeely
Meagan and Daniel Nye
Kelle Young and Arvind Rajan
Barbary Coasters ($10,000+)
The Honorable Madeleine K. Albright
Claire and Eric Alt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conner
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Mrs. Doris Fisher
Lareina Yee and Humberto Galleno
Chrissy and Chris Ginieczki
Kelly and Michael Halper
Tracy and Patrick Jennings
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Wendy Berry Mendes and Michael Mendes
Sasha Novakovich and Raj Moorthy
Skye and Don Pillsbury
Varsha Rao and Cameron Poetzscher
Lisa Bransten and John Rumsey
Gabriella Sarlo
Bettina Steffen and Scott Setrakian
Adriana Lopez Vermut and Aaron Vermut
Yerba Buenas ($7,500+)
Anonymous (3)
Trish Tierney and Chris Flanagan
Margaret Howe and Conrad Herrmann
Monique and Martin Kobinger
Jenny Pearlman and Jack McDonald
Maria and Claude Ruibal
Claudia Lewis and Woody Scal
Embarcaderos ($5,000+)
San Francisco Day School
Joy and Jonathan Alferness
Melissa Buckley and Rajesh Atluru
Jiyeon and Steven Choi
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Brian Dunn
Melissa Chadwick Dunn
Jennifer Lively and Eric Edmondson
Melinda Ellis Evers and William Evers
Randi and Bob Fisher
Nicole Rimpel and Lane Foard
Amelia and Steve Hirsch
Leslie and George Hume
Allison and Vince Kim
Naomi Meyers and Jeremiah Lane
Beth Mulcahy and Thomas Martin
Janet and Tom McKinley
Wendy and Jay Miller
Deirdre and Scott Nonaka
Jenny and Nehal Raj
Sheryl and James Reuben
Heidi Hess and James Rucker
Noelle and Mika Salmi
Laura Sanchez
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Courtney Cooney and Topher Solmssen
Susan and Christopher Wilkens
Buena Vistas ($3,000+)
Anonymous (2)
Katrina Madsen and Elizabeth Andrews
Carol Cunningham-Barron and Hal Barron
Sydney Goldstein and Charles Breyer
Yuhong Du and Hai Chen
Wendy Xa and Stefan Chin
Yvonne Wu and Howard Chung
Ginny and Ed Conner
Tommy Davis ’96
Aiko and John de Souza
Mardi Dier
Chun Ding
Alexis Woods and Daniel Donahoe
Josephine Lai Duque and Carlos Duque*
Joseph Goldstein-Breyer ‘98
Kate Goldstein-Breyer ‘93
Alexandra and Steven Gordon
Elisa and John Hayashi
Laura and Charles Hespe
Gina Moreno-John and Malcolm John
Risa Stack and Paul Joyce
Christine Wong and Denny Kwon
Laura Catena and Daniel McDermott
Kimberley Tompkins Pettigrew and
Stephen Pettigrew
Michelle and Andrew Potts
Toma Ramirez
Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
Rohini and Ravi Sadarangani
Blair and Rick Shane
Sona Sippy-Sondhi and Vijay Sondhi
Ms. Nancy Wald
Gina and Michael Warren
Frances Ho and George Yu
Twin Peaks ($1,000+)
Anonymous (3)
Valina and Bryan Agbabian
Kian Beyzavi and Hamid Amiri
Sally and Gordon Atkinson
Ann and Jim Avery
Ann and Christopher Barber
Diana Wolf and Darren Bianchi
Alisa Won and David Biesemeyer
Cheryl and Greg Blaine
Kelly Stiles and Laura Bongiorno
Devon Boyle
Su-Moon Paik and Robert Brown
Mary Rose Fernandez and Ron Brown
Sherri and Edward Bullard
Lesley Bunim ’91
The Cahan Family
Ladan and Shirzad Chamine
Tamanna Choudhri and Kent Chatterji
Carla Baird Crane and David Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Croft III
Beth and Andy Daecher
Erica Desouza
Rebecca and Andy Diamondstein
Lisa Neimeth and Peter Dickstein
Lisa Giannone and Michael Dillingham
Vanessa Maren and Dean Donovan
Lisa Kessler and Glenn Egrie
Betsy and Roy Eisenhardt
Martha Siegel and Adam Elsesser
Kathleen and Tom Fazekas
Maria and Joseph Feigenbaum
Jenna and Steven Feinberg
Carol and Howard Fine
Eric Guerin and Jim Fisher
Sakurako and William Fisher
Dana and Josh Frieman
Martha French and Anthony Fusco
Claudia Futter-Denton
Dr. and Mrs. Humberto Galleno
Gabrielle Toledano and Kurt Gantert
Anne and Nick Germanacos
Fif Ghobadian
Lisa Inman and Alisa Gilden
Kaatri and Douglas Grigg
Mary Haber
Susan Bailey-Harnden and David Harnden
Jennifer and Howard Holderness
Megan and Matt Howard
Lilah Hume ’00
Amy and Rob Hurlbut
Phyllis and David Jackson
Frances and Gerry Jue
Roja and Masoud Kamali
Mr. and Mrs. Van Kasper
Kamini Ramani and Omar Khan
Nicole and Michael Krassner
Caroline and Eric Kress
Robert Williams and Richard Kuno
Katherine and Alexander Ladd
Andrea Sello and A. Clay Leighton
Sandra Kim and Vitus Leung
Shanon Loftus
Sean Martin
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Nancy Dudum and Mark Messer
Noe and Mel Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Murray
Jean and Ken Nakamura
Christine Kim and William O’Connor
Jennifer Ozanne
Kay and Abhay Parekh
Mrs. Marnie Pillsbury
Victoria Traina-Polatnick and David Polatnick
Mary and Patric Powell
Johanna and Brian Roberts
Rohini and Ravi Sadarangani
Gay Outlaw and Robert Schmitz
Matt Seashols
Danielle and BJ Siegel
K. Samantha Cho and Joseph Song
Annie and Craig Stoll
Marjorie and Andrew Swain
Christy Tripp
Bridget O’Rourke and Jeffrey Tucker
Ramsey Walker
Ms. Inja Wang
Melissa and Victor Wang
Emily and Michael Wilkins
Marcia and Danny Wong
Mrs. Kay Harrigan Woods and Mr. Frank Woods*
Kristen Growney and Ronald Yamamoto
Masonic Partners ($1+)
Anonymous (14)
Barbara and Fred Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adeeb
Meghan Adler
Vanessa and Matthew Alexander
Jennie Anderson ’93
Nicholas Anton
Marcella Anwandter
Catherine Aragon
Brie Fracchia Archini ’91
Sara Dunn and Michael Baldonado
Bernadette and David Barker-Plummer
Tauseef Bashir
Jennifer Battat
Mrs. Patricia Beck
Sarah Hale and Evan Becker
Jesse Biroscak ’97
Leah Rosenkrantz and Jeffrey Bluestone
Jill and Philip Bouchard
Randall W. Bowman
Cassie Heaton Bowse ’90
Debby and Gifford Boyce-Smith
Jessica Lee Boyles
Deborah Brenner-Liss
Melissa Brown
Mrs. Linda Bryant
Mrs. Jill Buckley
Candy Shue and Peter Buckner
Lynn Bunim and Alexander Fetter
Jamieson Bunn
Courtney Norris and Alex Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett
Beth Callaghan
Wendy Yamamura and Michael Cavanaugh
Adam Chaitin-Lefcourt ’99
Juliet Chaitin-Lefcourt ’04
Gail Chang
Michelle Chen and Seak Chao
Lisa Busby and Hovey Clark
Eleanor Coffelt
Sue and Brian Collentine
Bella Columbus ’12
Ms. Marlene Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooney
Kerry and Ed Cooper
Elizabeth Hodder Corbus and Barclay Corbus
Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Corbus
Lisa Coris
Corinne and Christopher Corrigan
Karen Covington
Mary Cranston
Susan Cranston ’92
John Crew
Damian Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. John Cryan
Phuong Le and Nicholas Da Silva
Katharine Daugherty
Christine Irsfeld Dawkins and Douglas Dawkins
Nichole and Danny De Leon
Daniel DeLuca
Richard Denton
Christina Huizar and Paolo Diaz
Mrs. Joan Donovan
Jody and Michael Driscoll
Lance Dublin
Carmel Conway and Stephen Duffin
Ms. Marilyn Dunn
Michael Duryee-Browner ’03
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egrie
Jesse Eisenhardt ’93
Charles W. Elliott
Sylvie Elliott
Amanda Elliston
Clare Albanese and Amy Errett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everest
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Evers, Sr.
Rodney Ewing
Ellen Burgin and Peter Fair
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fair
Ms. Shirley Feigenbaum
Nicole and Mark Fein
Suzanne and Elliott Felson
Marsha Cohen and Robert Feyer
Cynthia Traina and Steven Fillipow
Nonna Volfson and Lev Finkelstein
Remy A.M. Fisher ’06
Ms. Ann French
Elizabeth Gedney and Daniel Polk
Kim Gitnick
Jolinda and Kenneth Gladstein
Kristin and David Glickman
Sandee Blechman and Steven Goldberg
Alli and Kevin Goldstein
Grady Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. David Gottlieb
Karen Cook and Carter Graham
Andrea Green
Tamara and Onil Gunawardana
Minette and Isac Gutfreund
Tam Blood and Margarita Gutierrez
Jan D’Alessandro and Mark Haffenreffer
Ms. Tanako Hagiwara
Kate Halper ’09
2013-2014 Annual Report
Lizzie Halper ’11
Beau Harris
Cissy Harris
Gray Harris ’90
Jay Harris ’97
Beth Hatem
Julie Hennessy
Karen and Mark Hensley
Lindsay Anderson and Brian Herrick
Beth Berliner and Larry Hirschhorn
Brent Hoff
Mr. and Mrs. James Holden
Kim Holland
Parker Hume ’92
Amie Nenninger and Bill Hynes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hynes
Torri Jackson ’94
Max Jan ’99
Carol Edgarian and Tom Jenks
Matt Kahn ’91
Chris Kallmyer
Rebecca Lewis and Chris Kanelopoulos
Pimpapun Ubolpong and Jordan Kanis
Shannon Bennett and Durrell Kapan
Ellen Towell and Howard Karel
Kate Philpott and Rich Kenny
Monika Khushf
Annie Dittmore Klebahn and Perry Klebahn
Mary Ann Cryan and John Kollins
Betty Miller and Marvin Kolotkin
Deborah Hull and Nat Koren
Dede and Daniel Kramer
Caroline Kremer ’05
Michelle Kuroda
Will Kushner
Paula Thompson and Michael Laird
Louise Davis Langheier ’95
Grace Lazarus ’03
Louis Lee
Lucinda Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis
Elinor and Martin Liberman
Mary and Robert Lin
Patti Low
Michelle and Angus MacDonald
Heather and Michael Mancini
Andrew Manton
Karen and Harry Maring
Ilona Marshall
Ann and Robert Martinez
Mr. R.J. Matcovich
Courtney Mattison ’00
Leslee Subak and Linda McAllister
Kathryn McKinley ’01
Sara McKinley ’95
Thomas McKinley ’98
Melissa Mendiola
Kevin Mendoza
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mitchell
Joyce Tom and Leonard Moon
Caroline Tsen and James Morris
Laura and Loren Moyé
Rachael Mundon
San Francisco Day School
Nicole and Matthew Murray
Elizabeth Finlayson and Jim Nadel
Ellen and David Newman
Mary O’Brien
M. Renée Otero
Nancy Hoopes and Alison Pachynski
Maria Padilla
Anne Paine
Ms. Ann T. Pastreich
Marta Madrigal and Joshua Pastreich
Mamie and Jason Pepper
Sabina Piersol
Lance Fulford and Sanders Pitman
Kali Polk-Matthews
Anthony Powell
Katie Quach
Mr. and Mrs. Raman Raj
Radhika Ramanan
Jose Ramirez
Scott Raymond ’92
Jorge Recinos
Shahab Rejali
Alice and Daniel Reynolds
Karen Richards
Maria and Arturo Rios
Blythe Lang and Matt Rivitz
Nora Roach
Robin Romdalvik and Susan Rochman
Dillon Rogers ’92
Carol Ann and J. Nielsen Rogers
Adam Rosenblatt ’92
Alison and Jonathan Ruff
Ms. Julianne Rumsey
Mariange Russell
Lynda Sanjurjo-Rutter and Daniel Rutter
Judith Sansone
Carolyn Sasser
Margarita Cabrera-Scarlata and Karim Scarlata
Kelly Taggart Scavullo and Andrew Scavullo
Elizabeth Schenck
Phoebe Doering and Sotweed Schneble
Noam Scott
John Sheehan
Rebecca Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sherman
Christina Shih
Karlo Ng and Andy Shin
Leah Shoaff
Deborah Kamali and Kevan Shokat
Andrea Shuel
Vanessa Cho and Matt Simmons
Wendy and Bob Singley
Debbie Landres and Ethan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sohn
Crystal and Christopher Sokolov
Mr. and Mrs. Hans J. Solmssen
Helen Manber and Bradley Solomon
Margaret Song
Vishal Sood
Mr. and Mrs. John Specht, Jr.
Aneesha Srikar
Nancy Stearns
Matt Stratton ’92
Jessica Downs and David Stull
Tristen and Lael Sturm
Homa Hanjani and Hadi Tabatabai
Adrian Takyi
Salima Taplin ’00
Pallavi Sharma and Vishal Tayal
Isabel Taylor
Marissa and Charlie Thieriot ’92
Shirley and Buzz Thompson
Damon Todd
Margie Conard and Dana Tommasino
Elizabeth and Daniel Traub
Alice Tripp ’05
Mimi Downes and Granger Tripp
Jeff Turner
Stephanie Tybinka
Francesca Vietor
Mr. and Mrs. James Wadsworth
Mia Walker
Rosa Wang-McClung
Chloe and Stephen Wei
Mary Kay Melvin and Christopher Weltzien
Andrew Wesman ’02
Max Wesman ’97
Judie and Howard Wexler
Brie Williams and Rita Abraldes
Holly Holter and Jay Williams
Sally and Steven Winn
Christine Winoto
Susan and Richard Wollack
Janet and Art Wong
Khena Wong
Dagny Maidman and Molly Wood
Alice Woodman-Russell
Erin and Craig Yamamura
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yasukochi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yee
Abby Snay and Edward Yelin
Sara Myers Yoo ’91
Deborah Bain and Joel Young
Christina and Philip Zimbardo
Marc Zussman
Corporations and
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Basic American Foods Matching Gifts for
Bayhurst Foundation
The Buckingham Research Group
The Capital Group Companies Charitable
Deutsche Bank of Americas Foundation
Disney Employee Matching Gifts Program
Electronic Arts
General Atlantic Service Company
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Google, Inc.
The James Irvine Foundation
Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Matching
Gift Program
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Levi Strauss & Co. Foundation
NYSE Euronext Foundation
The San Francisco Foundation
Susquehanna International Group, LLP
TPG Global, LLC
Vanguard Charitable Fund
Visa GivingStation
The Walmart Foundation
Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program
Please note that matching gifts are generously
donated by corporations on behalf of their
employees and do not necessarily represent an
endorsement of SFDS and its mission.
At the close of the 2013-2014
academic year, 94% of current
parents contributed gifts to the
SFDS Annual Fund. We extend our
deep gratitude to those parents
who generously support the Annual
Fund, year after year.
Barbara and Fred Abbott
Valina and Bryan Agbabian
Joy and Jonathan Alferness
Claire and Eric Alt
Kian Beyzavi and Hamid Amiri
Nicola Miner and Robert Anderson
Katrina Madsen and Elizabeth Andrews
Aimee Arost
Melissa Buckley and Rajesh Atluru
Ann and Jim Avery
Pam and Larry Baer
Sara Dunn and Michael Baldonado
Ann and Christopher Barber
Bernadette and David Barker-Plummer
Carol Cunningham-Barron and Hal Barron
Tauseef Bashir
Jennifer Battat
Sarah Hale and Evan Becker
Diana Wolf and Darren Bianchi
Alisa Won and David Biesemeyer
Cheryl and Greg Blaine
Kelly Stiles and Laura Bongiorno
Jill and Philip Bouchard
Devon Boyle
Orlando Bravo
Susan and Samuel Britton
Su-Moon Paik and Robert Brown
Mary Rose Fernandez and Ron Brown
Candy Shue and Peter Buckner
Courtney Norris and Alex Burnett
Sara and Tom Byrne
The Cahan Family
Beth Callaghan
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Ladan and Shirzad Chamine
Gail Chang
Michelle Chen and Seak Chao
Tamanna Choudhri and Kent Chatterji
Yuhong Du and Hai Chen
Wendy Xa and Stefan Chin
Jiyeon and Steven Choi
Yvonne Wu and Howard Chung
Lisa Busby and Hovey Clark
Eleanor Coffelt
Katie and Reed Colley
Ginny and Ed Conner
Kerry and Ed Cooper
Elizabeth Hodder Corbus and Barclay Corbus
Lisa Coris
Corinne and Christopher Corrigan
Karen Covington
Phuong Le and Nicholas Da Silva
Beth and Andy Daecher
Theresa and Philip Dah
Christine Irsfeld Dawkins and Douglas Dawkins
Nichole and Danny De Leon
Aiko and John de Souza
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Lane and John Dent
Richard Denton
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Erica Desouza
Rebecca and Andy Diamondstein
Christina Huizar and Paolo Diaz
Lisa Neimeth and Peter Dickstein
Mardi Dier
Lisa Giannone and Michael Dillingham
Chun Ding
Alexis Woods and Daniel Donahoe
Vanessa Maren and Dean Donovan
Jody and Michael Driscoll
Carmel Conway and Stephen Duffin
Brian Dunn
Melissa Chadwick Dunn
Josephine Lai Duque and Carlos Duque*
Jennifer Lively and Eric Edmondson
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Lisa Kessler and Glenn Egrie
Charles W. Elliott
Sylvie Elliott
Martha Siegel and Adam Elsesser
Gillian and Peter Emblad
Clare Albanese and Amy Errett
Melinda Ellis Evers and William Evers
Ellen Burgin and Peter Fair
Kathleen and Tom Fazekas
Maria and Joseph Feigenbaum
Nicole and Mark Fein
Jenna and Steven Feinberg
Cynthia Traina and Steven Fillipow
Nonna Volfson and Lev Finkelstein
Eric Guerin and Jim Fisher
Trish Tierney and Chris Flanagan
Nicole Rimpel and Lane Foard
Dana and Josh Frieman
Martha French and Anthony Fusco
Claudia Futter-Denton
Lareina Yee and Humberto Galleno
Gabrielle Toledano and Kurt Gantert
Amy and Gil Gershoni
Fif Ghobadian
Lisa Inman and Alisa Gilden
Chrissy and Chris Ginieczki
Jolinda and Kenneth Gladstein
Kristin and David Glickman
Alli and Kevin Goldstein
Alexandra and Steven Gordon
Jennifer Guittard and Tim Grace
Andrea Green
Beth and Brian Grossman
Tamara and Onil Gunawardana
Laura Gustafson
Tam Blood and Margarita Gutierrez
Mary Haber
Jan D’Alessandro and Mark Haffenreffer
2013-2014 Annual Report
Kelly and Michael Halper
Dawn and Scott Hartman
Elisa and John Hayashi
Margaret Howe and Conrad Herrmann
Mark Hertsgaard
Laura and Charles Hespe
Amelia and Steve Hirsch
Brent Hoff
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Jennifer and Howard Holderness
Megan and Matt Howard
Amy and Rob Hurlbut
Amie Nenninger and Bill Hynes
Carol Edgarian and Tom Jenks
Tracy and Patrick Jennings
Gina Moreno-John and Malcolm John
Risa Stack and Paul Joyce
Frances and Gerry Jue
Roja and Masoud Kamali
Rebecca Lewis and Chris Kanelopoulos
Pimpapun Ubolpong and Jordan Kanis
Shannon Bennett and Durrell Kapan
Elizabeth Brogna and Michel Kapulica
Ellen Towell and Howard Karel
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Jennifer and Stephen Kawaja
Kamini Ramani and Omar Khan
Monika Khushf
Allison and Vince Kim
Annie Dittmore Klebahn and Perry Klebahn
Emily Taguchi and Robert Klingensmith
Monique and Martin Kobinger
Mary Ann Cryan and John Kollins
Deborah Hull and Nat Koren
Nicole and Michael Krassner
Caroline and Eric Kress
Robert Williams and Richard Kuno
Michelle Kuroda
Will Kushner
Christine Wong and Denny Kwon
Katherine and Alexander Ladd
Naomi Meyers and Jeremiah Lane
Louis Lee
Andrea Evans and Christopher Lehane
Sandra Kim and Vitus Leung
Alicia Nogales and Greg Little
Shanon Loftus
Patti Low
Michelle and Angus MacDonald
Karen and Harry Maring
Sean Martin
Beth Mulcahy and Thomas Martin
Ann and Robert Martinez
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Leslee Subak and Linda McAllister
Laura Catena and Daniel McDermott
Jenny Pearlman and Jack McDonald
Inder Dhillon and Ken McNeely
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Wendy Berry Mendes and Michael Mendes
Kevin Mendoza
Nancy Dudum and Mark Messer
Wendy and Jay Miller
San Francisco Day School
Joyce Tom and Leonard Moon
Sasha Novakovich and Raj Moorthy
Caroline Tsen and James Morris
Jane and Roger Mortimer
Rachael Mundon
Noe and Mel Murphy
Nicole and Matthew Murray
Elizabeth Finlayson and Jim Nadel
Jean and Ken Nakamura
Deirdre and Scott Nonaka
Meagan and Daniel Nye
Christine Kim and William O’Connor
Regan Pritzker and Christopher Olin
Jennifer Ozanne
Nancy Hoopes and Alison Pachynski
Maria Padilla
Marisa Chun and Dean Paik
Kay and Abhay Parekh
Marta Madrigal and Joshua Pastreich
Mamie and Jason Pepper
Kimberley Tompkins Pettigrew and
Stephen Pettigrew
Skye and Don Pillsbury
Lance Fulford and Sanders Pitman
Varsha Rao and Cameron Poetzscher
Elizabeth Gedney and Daniel Polk
Kali Polk-Matthews
Michelle and Andrew Potts
Anthony Powell
Prasuna Paluru and Chethan Prabhu
Jenny and Nehal Raj
Kelle Young and Arvind Rajan
Marisa and Ravi Rajapakse
Radhika Ramanan
Toma Ramirez
Sheryl and James Reuben
Alice and Daniel Reynolds
Blythe Lang and Matt Rivitz
Ann and Brian Roberts
Johanna and Brian Roberts
Robin Romdalvik and Susan Rochman
Heidi Hess and James Rucker
Alison and Jonathan Ruff
Maria and Claude Ruibal
Lisa Bransten and John Rumsey
Lynda Sanjurjo-Rutter and Daniel Rutter
Rohini and Ravi Sadarangani
Noelle and Mika Salmi
Laura Sanchez
Judith Sansone
Gabriella Sarlo
Claudia Lewis and Woody Scal
Margarita Cabrera-Scarlata and Karim Scarlata
Kelly Taggart Scavullo and Andrew Scavullo
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Gay Outlaw and Robert Schmitz
Phoebe Doering and Sotweed Schneble
Matt Seashols
Bettina Steffen and Scott Setrakian
Blair and Rick Shane
John Sheehan
Rebecca Sheehan
Danielle and BJ Siegel
Vanessa Cho and Matt Simmons
Diana Kapp and David Singer
Debbie Landres and Ethan Smith
Jennifer and Jacques Soenens
Crystal and Christopher Sokolov
Courtney Cooney and Topher Solmssen
Helen Manber and Bradley Solomon
Sona Sippy-Sondhi and Vijay Sondhi
Margaret Song
K. Samantha Cho and Joseph Song
Laura and Greg Spivy
Annie and Craig Stoll
Jessica Downs and David Stull
Tristen and Lael Sturm
Marjorie and Andrew Swain
Laura and Joseph Sweeney
Homa Hanjani and Hadi Tabatabai
Pallavi Sharma and Vishal Tayal
Marissa and Charlie Thieriot ’92
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Damon Todd
Margie Conard and Dana Tommasino
Elizabeth and Daniel Traub
Christy Tripp
Bridget O’Rourke and Jeffrey Tucker
Zefania Preza and Bram Van Riet
Adriana Lopez Vermut and Aaron Vermut
Francesca Vietor
Mia Walker
Ramsey Walker
Melissa and Victor Wang
Gina and Michael Warren
Chloe and Stephen Wei
Mary Kay Melvin and Christopher Weltzien
Susan and Christopher Wilkens
Emily and Michael Wilkins
Rita Abraldes and Brie Williams
Christine Winoto
Marcia and Danny Wong
Carol and Henry Wu
Kristen Growney and Ronald Yamamoto
Erin and Craig Yamamura
Frances Ho and George Yu
Jenni and Hassan Zaidi
Parents of Alumni,
Grandparents, and Friends
SFDS extends its deep appreciation
to those parents of alumni,
grandparents, and friends of
San Francisco Day School who
continuously support the Annual
Fund. Our students and faculty are
beneficiaries of this loyal extended
support, which upholds the
outstanding academic program at
Alumni Parents
Sally and Gordon Atkinson
Leah Rosenkrantz and Jeffrey Bluestone
Debby and Gifford Boyce-Smith
Deborah Brenner-Liss
Sydney Goldstein and Charles Breyer
Sherri and Edward Bullard
Lynn Bunim and Alexander Fetter
Wendy Yamamura and Michael Cavanaugh
Sue and Brian Collentine
Carla Baird Crane and David Crane
Mary and Harold Cranston
John Crew
Thomas J. Davis IV
Lance Dublin
Betsy and Roy Eisenhardt
Marsha Cohen and Robert Feyer
Carol and Howard Fine
Randi and Bob Fisher
Laura and John Fisher
Sakurako and William Fisher
Sandee Blechman and Steven Goldberg
Kaatri and Douglas Grigg
Minette and Isac Gutfreund
Susan Bailey-Harnden and David Harnden
Cissy Harris
Karen and Mark Hensley
Beth Berliner and Larry Hirschhorn
Leslie and George Hume
Kate Philpott and Rich Kenny
Betty Miller and Marvin Kolotkin
Paula Thompson and Michael Laird
Lucinda Lee
Andrea Sello and A. Clay Leighton
Elinor and Martin Liberman
Mary and Robert Lin
Heather and Michael Mancini
Janet and Tom McKinley
Laura and Loren Moyé
Ellen and David Newman
M. Renée Otero
Victoria Traina-Polatnick and David Polatnick
Mary and Patric Powell
Karen Richards
Maria and Arturo Rios
Carol Ann and J. Nielsen Rogers
Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
Christina Shih
Deborah Kamali and Kevan Shokat
Wendy and Bob Singley
Shirley and Buzz Thompson
Mimi Downes and Granger Tripp
Judie and Howard Wexler
Holly Holter and Jay Williams
Sally and Steven Winn
Susan and Richard Wollack
Janet and Art Wong
Abby Snay and Edward Yelin
Deborah Bain and Joel Young
Christina and Philip Zimbardo
Marc Zussman Grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adeeb
The Honorable Madeleine K. Albright
Mrs. Patricia Beck
Mrs. Linda Bryant
Mrs. Jill Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conner
Ms. Marlene Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Corbus
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Croft III
Mr. and Mrs. John Cryan
Mrs. Joan Donovan
Ms. Marilyn Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egrie
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everest
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Evers, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fair
Ms. Shirley Feigenbaum
Ms. Ann French
Mr. Paul Fusco
Dr. and Mrs. Humberto Galleno
Mr. and Mrs. David Gottlieb
Ms. Tanako Hagiwara
Mr. and Mrs. James Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hynes
Mr. and Mrs. Van Kasper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis
Mr. R.J. Matcovich
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Murray
Ms. Ann T. Pastreich
Mrs. Marnie Pillsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Patric T. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Raman Raj
Ms. Julianne Rumsey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sohn
Mr. and Mrs. Hans J. Solmssen
Mr. and Mrs. John Specht, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wadsworth
Ms. Inja Wang
Mrs. Kay Harrigan Woods and Mr. Frank Woods*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yasukochi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yee
Suzanne and Elliott Felson
Mrs. Doris Fisher**
Anne and Nick Germanacos
Dede and Daniel Kramer
Nancy Stearns
Dagny Maidman and Molly Wood
**Alumni Grandparent
SFDS is truly grateful to those
alumni who stay connected and
remain loyal to the School through
the Annual Fund. Your faithful
support helps us continue to strive
for excellence.
Golden Gate Society
($250+ or $100+ if graduated
in the last 10 years)
Lesley Bunim ‘91*
Bella Columbus ‘12
Tommy Davis ‘96*
Jesse Eisenhardt ‘93*
Remy A.M. Fisher ‘06
Joseph Goldstein-Breyer ‘98
Kate Goldstein-Breyer ‘93
Lilah Hume ‘00*
Parker Hume ‘92*
Torri Jackson ‘94
Kathryn McKinley ‘01*
Sara McKinley ‘95*
Thomas McKinley ‘98*
Scott Raymond ‘92
Dillon Rogers ‘92*
Matt Stratton ‘92
Salima Taplin ‘00
Alumni Giving Circle
Jennie Anderson ‘93
Brie Fracchia Archini ‘91*
Jesse Biroscak ‘97
Cassie Heaton Bowse ‘90
Adam Chaitin-Lefcourt ‘99*
Juliet Chaitin-Lefcourt ‘04*
Susan Cranston ‘92
Michael Duryee-Browner ‘03
Kate Halper ‘09
Lizzie Halper ‘11
Beau Harris
Gray Harris ‘90
Jay Harris ‘97
Max Jan ‘99
Matt Kahn ‘91
Caroline Kremer ‘05
Louise Davis Langheier ‘95*
Grace Lazarus ‘03
Courtney Mattison ‘00
Adam Rosenblatt ‘92
Charlie Thieriot ‘92
Alice Tripp ‘05*
Andrew Wesman ‘02
Max Wesman ‘97
Sara Myers Yoo ‘91*
*3+ years as a consecutive donor
Honorary and Memorial Gifts
The Board of Trustees acknowledges
with deep appreciation the faculty
and staff who support the School
each year.
San Francisco Day School is grateful
for the contributions made in honor
and in memory of parents, students,
faculty, and friends of SFDS.
San Francisco Day School
In honor of Wyatt ’18 and Travis ’20 Alt
Mrs. Phyllis Kalista
In honor of Kirin Atluru ’18
Mrs. Jill Buckley
In honor of the graduation of Amanda Avery,
Sarah Dean, Olivia Edmondson, Jack Halper,
Matt Halper, Maya Olin, Kavita Parekh,
Ananya Sadarangani, and Isabel Scal
Caroline, Sheryl, and Jim Reuben
In honor of Lesley Bunim ’91
and her board service (2007-2014)
Lynn Bunim and Alexander Fetter
In honor of Lily Battat ’15
Anne and Nick Germanacos
Annie Dittmore Klebahn and Perry Klebahn
2013-2014 Annual Fund
Class Participation
Nora Roach
Leah Rosenkrantz
Alison Ruff
Mariange Russell
Carolyn Sasser
Elizabeth Schenck
Noam Scott
Andy Shin
Leah Shoaff
Andrea Shuel
Christopher Sokolov
Vishal Sood
Aneesha Srikar
Tristen Sturm
Adrian Takyi
Isabel Taylor
Jeff Turner
Stephanie Tybinka
Rosa Wang-McClung
Khena Wong
Alice WoodmanRussell
Joel Young
Meghan Adler
Vanessa Alexander
Lindsay Anderson
Nicholas Anton
Marcella Anwandter
Catherine Aragon
Randall W. Bowman
Jessica Lee Boyles
Melissa Brown
Jamieson Bunn
Lisa Busby
Eleanor Coffelt
Sue Collentine
Christopher Corrigan
Karen Covington
Damian Crosby
Katharine Daugherty
Danny De Leon
Daniel DeLuca
Jessica Downs
Michael Duryee -Browner ’03
Amanda Elliston
Rodney Ewing
Elizabeth Gedney
Kim Gitnick
Eric Gladstone
Grady Gordon
Carter Graham
Andrea Green
Sarah Hale
Homa Hanjani
Beth Hatem
Julie Hennessy
Brian Herrick
Kim Holland
David E. Jackson
Chris Kallmyer
Rebecca Lewis
Michael Mancini
Andrew Manton
Ilona Marshall
Melissa Mendiola
Loren Moyé
Meagan Nye
Mary O’Brien
M. Renée Otero
Anne Paine
Kate Philpott
Sabina Piersol
Katie Quach
Jose Ramirez
Jorge Recinos
Shahab Rejali
Karen Richards
In honor of Nancy Clark
Barbara and Robert Scavullo
In honor of Michael Dudum ’10,
recipient of the 2014 Reed Award
Saint Ignatius College Preparatory
In honor of Dillon ’15 and Bailey ’18 Fazekas
Kathleen and Tom Fazekas
In honor of Sasha Finkelstein ’21
Nonna Volfson and Lev Finkelstein
In honor of Rio’s classmates in first grade
Anthony Powell
In honor of Dana and Josh Frieman
Suzanne and Elliott Felson
In honor of Nicolas ’17 and
Sebastian ’21 Galleno
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yee
In honor of Catharine Paik ’16
Marisa Chun and Dean Paik
In honor of Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
Adam Rosenblatt ’92
In honor of Tyler Seashols ’22
Matt Seashols
In honor of the seventh grade
Annual Fund campaign
Jill and Philip Bouchard
In honor of Blair Shane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shane
In honor of Laura and Greg Spivy
Victoria Traina-Polatnick and David Polatnick
In honor of Ella ’20 and Toby ’23 Sturm
Mr. and Mrs. David Gottlieb
In honor of the third grade class
Noam Scott
In honor of Christine Winoto and
Jonas Rosenman ’20
Grace Won and Richard Holden
In Memoriam*
In memory of Hildy Burness
Lilah Hume ’00
In memory of Deborah Davis
Thomas J. Davis IV
Tommy Davis ’96
In memory of William Donovan
Mrs. Joan Donovan
In memory of Sheila Gadsden
John Crew
In memory of Caroline Jones
Devon Boyle
In memory of Michael Peterson
Sue and Brian Collentine
In honor of Katy Gaul
William Willson
In memory of Lucienne Rombaut
Zefania Preza and Bram Van Riet
In honor of Samantha Kasper Glickman ’17
Mr. and Mrs. Van Kasper
In memory of Daniel Rosenman
Grace Won and Richard Holden
In honor of Zach Gordon ’20 and family
Nancy Wald
In memory of Michael Sachar
Wendy and Bob Singley
Susan and Richard Wollack
In honor of David E. Jackson
Nancy Stearns
In honor of Wendy Holcombe and
Carl Kawaja
Doug Ulman and family
In honor of Teddy ’18 and Lilli ’20 Means
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Croft III
In honor of Jane Mortimer
Grace Won and Richard Holden
In memory of Ann Scavullo
Kelly Taggart Scavullo and Andrew Scavullo
In memory of May Lin Woo, grandmother
of Michelle Low ’03
Randall W. Bowman, Mariange Russell, Noam
Scott, and Stephanie Tybinka
*Gifts in memory of Tommy Battat
appear on page 40.
2013-2014 Annual Report
Directed Gifts
Other Contributions
San Francisco Day School is
tremendously thankful to a
small number of donors who
have generously supported
the School through these
directed gifts over the past
several years. These current-use
gifts are in addition to Annual
Fund contributions, and are
designated by the donor to
support special programs.
2014 Raise Your Paddle:
Technology at SFDS
SFDS strives to provide our
students with the right technology
to support their project-based
learning. Thanks to the $70,750
raised through Raise Your Paddle at
CultureFest, more classrooms have
been upgraded with up-to-date
audio-visual equipment. On behalf
of our faculty, staff, and students,
thank you for your generosity.
Differentiated Instruction and
Learning Resource Program
Claire and Eric Alt
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Doug Ulman
Discounted Tuition
Leah Rosenkrantz and Jeffrey Bluestone
Randall W. Bowman
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Mariange Russell
Noam Scott
Laura and Greg Spivy
Stephanie Tybinka
Institute for Teaching
and Learning
The Cahan Family
Grace Won and Richard Holden
San Francisco Day School
Valina and Bryan Agbabian
Melissa Buckley and Rajesh Atluru
Carol Cunningham-Barron and Hal Barron
Diana Wolf and Darren Bianchi
Kelly Stiles and Laura Bongiorno
Devon Boyle
The Cahan Family
Tamanna Choudhri and Kent Chatterji
Katie and Reed Colley
Ginny and Ed Conner
Karen Covington
Phuong Le and Nicholas Da Silva
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Erica Desouza
Rebecca and Andy Diamondstein
Christina Huizar and Paolo Diaz
Lisa Giannone and Michael Dillingham
Alexis Woods and Daniel Donahoe
Carmel Conway and Stephen Duffin
Lisa Kessler and Glenn Egrie
Martha Siegel and Adam Elsesser
Melinda Ellis Evers and William Evers
Ellen Burgin and Peter Fair
Eric Guerin and Jim Fisher
Lareina Yee and Humberto Galleno
Chrissy and Chris Ginieczki
Margaret Howe and Conrad Herrmann
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Gabrielle Hull
Amie Nenninger and Bill Hynes
Tracy and Patrick Jennings
Elizabeth Brogna and Michel Kapulica
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Michelle Kuroda
Beth Mulcahy and Thomas Martin
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Wendy and Jay Miller
Sasha Novakovich and Raj Moorthy
Jane and Roger Mortimer
Christine Kim and William O’Connor
Jennifer Ozanne
Mamie and Jason Pepper
Skye and Don Pillsbury
Ann and Brian Roberts
Johanna and Brian Roberts
Noelle and Mika Salmi
Judith Sansone
Carolyn Sasser
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Crystal and Christopher K. Sokolov
Sona Sippy-Sondhi and Vijay Sondhi
Laura and Greg Spivy
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Adriana López Vermut and Aaron Vermut
Chloe and Stephen Wei
Mary Kay Melvin and Christopher Weltzien
Susan and Christopher Wilkens
Emily and Michael Wilkins
Erin and Craig Yamamura
Phyllis and Larry Despain
Satindar Dhillon
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Alison Bailey Vercruysse and Craig Vercruysse
Global Service Learning
Anonymous (2)
Ann and Christopher Barber
Su-Moon Paik and Robert Brown
Ladan and Shirzad Chamine
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Kamini Ramani and Omar Khan
Lisa Bransten and John Rumsey
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Laura and Greg Spivy
Mia Walker
Music Department
Jessica Downes and David Stull
Library Media Center
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adeeb
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Adelberg
Valina and Bryan Agbabian
The Honorable Madeleine K. Albright
Vanessa and Matthew Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Alferness
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alley
Claire and Eric Alt
Ms. Dorothy Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Asseo
Ms. Ann Barber
Bernadette and David Barker-Plummer
Carol Cunningham-Barron and Hal Barron
Mrs. Patricia Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Blaine
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blood
Leah Rosenkrantz and Jeffrey Bluestone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bockenfeld
Devon Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. James Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bryan
Mrs. Linda Bryant
Mrs. Jill Buckley
Jamieson Bunn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgin
Courtney Norris and Alex Burnett
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Joelle Chartier and Ellen DiGiacomo
Ginny and Ed Conner
Ms. Marlene Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Len Coris
Mr. and Mrs. John Cryan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daecher
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Derringer
Erica Desouza
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Diamondstein
Christina Huizar and Paolo Diaz
Ms. Anne DiGiuseppe
Alexis Woods and Daniel Donahoe
Mrs. Joan Donovan
Ms. Marilyn Dunn
Josephine Lai Duque and Carlos Duque*
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Ms. Susan Egan
Lisa Kessler and Glenn Egrie
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egrie
Martha Siegel and Adam Elsesser
Ms. Jan Sansone and Mr. Nurtan Esmen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everest
Melinda Ellis Evers and William Evers
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fair
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feigenbaum
Ms. Shirley Feigenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Finkelstein
Eric Guerin and Jim Fisher
Martha French and Anthony Fusco
Ms. Patricia Sayer Fusco
Mr. Paul Fusco
Dr. and Mrs. Humberto Galleno
Gabrielle Toledano and Kurt Gantert
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gedney
Mr. and Mrs. Aristides Georgantes
Mr. and Mrs. David Glickman
Alexandra and Steven Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. David Gottlieb
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Green
Ms. Jo Anne Growney
Ms. Tanako Hagiwara
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hammer
Dawn and Scott Hartman
Mr. William Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Heldt
Margaret Howe and Conrad Herrmann
Laura and Charles Hespe
Amelia and Steve Hirsch
Mrs. Irene L. Ho
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hodder
Brent Hoff
Mr. and Mrs. James Holden
Jennifer and Howard Holderness
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurlbut
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hynes
Risa Stack and Paul Joyce
Frances and Gerry Jue
Mr. and Mrs. Hitoshi Kamimoto
Pimpapun Ubolpong and Jordan Kanis
Shannon Bennett and Durrell Kapan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kapp
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kawaja
Kate Philpott and Rich Kenny
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kessler
Annie Dittmore Klebahn and Perry Klebahn
Monique and Martin Kobinger
Deborah Hull and Nat Koren
Ms. Florence Kress
Caroline and Eric Kress
Ms. Martha Holderness and Mr. Karl Kuhlmann
Ms. Jacqueline Kuno-Ross
Ms. Mascha Kushner
Christine Wong and Denny Kwon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lavin
Sandra Kim and Vitus Leung
Ms. Belle Frieman and Mr. Norman Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis
Mrs. Judith Little
Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh Low
Ms. Leanne MacDougall
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin
Beth Mulcahy and Thomas Martin
Mr. R.J. Matcovich
Jenny Pearlman and Jack McDonald
Inder Dhillon and Ken McNeely
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Wendy Berry Mendes and Michael Mendes
Melissa Mendiola
Ms. Ervinia Miller
Wendy and Jay Miller
Ms. Mary Miner
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mitchell
Joyce Tom and Leonard Moon
Mr. and Mrs. James Morris
Ms. Mary Ann Mulcahy
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Murray
Deirdre and Scott Nonaka
Mr. Kermit Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Vaso Novakovich
Christine Kim and William O’Connor
Regan Pritzker and Christopher Olin
M. Renée Otero
Ms. Dorothy Outlaw
Ms. Cynthia Pao
Michelle Phillips
Kate Philpott and Rich Kenny
Kali Polk-Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Patric T. Powell
Anthony Powell
Ms. Ann Denny and Mr. Mort Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. Raman Raj
Jenny and Nehal Raj
Sheryl and James Reuben
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Auguste E. Rimpel
Blythe Lang and Matt Rivitz
Johanna and Brian Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rohlen
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Rudick
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolpho Ruibal
Ms. Julianne Rumsey
Lynda Sanjurjo-Rutter and Daniel Rutter
Ms. Kathy Eklund and Mr. Eric Sansone
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Schloz
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Seeman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shane
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sherman
Ms. Ruth Sixstone-Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sohn
Mr. and Mrs. Hans J. Solmssen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. John Specht, Jr.
Laura and Greg Spivy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spivy
Annie and Craig Stoll
Adra Valentine and Jason Stone
Marjorie and Andrew Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tom
Ms. Harriet Tucker
Zefania Preza and Bram Van Riet
Ms. Shahla Vossough
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Walther
Ms. Inja Wang
Mrs. Georgia Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weltzien
Mary Kay Melvin and Christopher Weltzien
Susan and Christopher Wilkens
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams
Rita Abraldes and Brie Williams
Ms. Florence Williams
Mrs. Kay Harrigan Woods and Mr. Frank Woods*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yasukochi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yee
Frances Ho and George Yu
Jenni and Hassan Zaidi
2013-2014 Annual Report
Endowment Gifts
and Funds
The SFDS endowment consists
of an investment pool of many
diverse funds. Endowed funds
are created through gifts made
to provide long-term funding for
designated purposes, or monies
set aside by the board of
trustees. Those interested in
establishing a named endowed
fund may do so if they meet
certain minimum contribution
requirements. Funds may be
specified for a designated
purpose, or donors may elect to
have their fund provide current
use dollars to be used at the
discretion of the School. In
addition, donors may
supplement existing funds with
a gift of any amount. Although
each fund is distinct in
designation or restriction,
endowed funds are commingled
in an investment pool.
Thanks to sound management
by the SFDS investment
committee our endowment
return on investment was 14.3%.
Taking a 4.5% draw yielded
$949,000, which was applied to
the operating budget. We are
positioned well going forward,
with 66% of our portfolio in
equity, 27% in fixed income,
6% in real estate, and 1% in cash
or cash equivalents.
New Endowment Gifts
New gifts and pledges in FY 2014
totaled $1,360,000. Since embarking
on a campaign to increase our
endowment in 2010-11, SFDS has
raised over $14 million in gifts and
pledges. We are grateful for the
endowment gifts from families and
friends of the School to support
our effort in maintaining a strong
financial standing well into
the future.
Anonymous (2)
Nancy Adler and Arnold Milstein
The Honorable Madeleine K. Albright
Andi Belloff-Arrick and David Arrick
Lorraine Rorke Bader
Cassie Heaton Bowse ‘90
Orlando Bravo
Deborah Brenner-Liss
Susan and Samuel Britton
Su-Moon Paik and Robert Brown
Mikki Bourne and David Bunim
Sara and Tom Byrne
Katie and Reed Colley
Tommy Davis ‘96
Thomas J. Davis IV
Mary DeVries
Mrs. Joan Donovan
Carol Dugger
Ben Dugger Lerer ‘99
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Melinda Ellis Evers and William Evers
Lareina Yee and Humberto Galleno
Anne and Nick Germanacos
Kelly and Michael Halper
Elisa and John Hayashi
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Gina Moreno-John and Malcolm John
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Monique and Martin Kobinger
Louise Davis Langheier ‘95
Christine and Stan Mattison
Jenny Pearlman and Jack McDonald
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Nancy Dudum and Mark Messer
Meagan and Daniel Nye
Varsha Rao and Cameron Poetzscher
Lisa and John Pritzker
Ann and Brian Roberts
Carol Ann and J. Nielsen Rogers
Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
Lisa Bransten and John Rumsey
Barbara and Robert Scavullo
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Diana Kapp and David Singer
Courtney Cooney and Topher Solmssen
Laura and Greg Spivy
Nancy Stearns
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Christy Tripp
Adriana Lopez Vermut and Aaron Vermut
Dagny Maidman and Molly Wood
Current Use Endowment
Endowing Excellence for SFDS
Established in 2011 with gifts from
families and friends of the School,
following the adoption of the 20112012 strategic plan, “The Power of
Potential”. This campaign is specifically
focused on endowment growth to
increase the long-term financial
sustainability of SFDS. Portions are
allocated for Discounted Tuition,
Institute for Teaching and Learning, and
Differentiated Instruction programs.
Additional gifts to the campaign are
included in other endowed funds.
Cornerstone Campaign —
Imagine our Tomorrow
Established in 2001 with gifts from
families and friends of the School to
boost the School’s endowment for
faculty salaries, program support, and
discounted tuition.
The David E. Jackson Fund
Established in 2014 with gifts from SFDS
families to honor the leadership of Head
of School David Jackson and his
commitment to deepen the
implementation of the School’s mission
and founding values. Income from the
fund supports faculty professional
development, differentiated instruction,
and discounted tuition at SFDS.
The Endowment for
San Francisco Day School
Established in 1993 with gifts from
parents, grandparents, faculty, alumni,
students, and friends to the Next Steps
campaign and supplemented since then.
This fund is unrestricted with the income
to be used at the discretion of the
San Francisco Day School
SFDS Enrichment Fund
Established in 2011 with an anonymous
gift to the Endowing Excellence
campaign to support faculty salaries,
programs, and discounted tuition.
Faculty Support
The Endowment for Faculty Salaries
Established in 2000 with an anonymous
gift in honor of the SFDS faculty.
Jim Telander Fund
Established in 2004 with gifts from SFDS
families to augment the Cornerstone
Campaign’s first endowment initiative to
increase teacher compensation.
Kawaja Family Fund for Professional
The fund, established in 2011 with a gift
from Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja,
provides income to support faculty
professional development through the
Institute for Teaching and Learning at
SFDS. Additional income from the fund
may support the School’s general
operating budget.
The Nancy S. Boettiger Endowment for
Established in 1991 with gifts from
parents, grandparents, faculty, and
friends to honor the leadership and
vision of founding head, Nancy Simon
Boettiger (1981–1991). Income provides
support for faculty salaries.
Nye Family Fund for Faculty
Established in 2013 by Meagan and Dan
Nye, income from the fund provides
support for curricular research and
program development, workshops, and
teacher training.
Discounted Tuition
Day School Discounted Tuition
Established in 2008 with an anonymous
family gift. This fund has grown in recent
years through subsequent family
contributions to the Endowing
Excellence campaign.
Gerson Bakar Financial Aid
Endowment Fund
Established in 1986 with a gift from
Mr. Bakar.
Gregg Hedlund Fund
Established in 1998 with gifts from
families, parents, faculty, and friends in
memory of Gregg Hedlund, father of
Nick Hedlund ’01. Income from the fund
supports discounted tuition.
Hearst Student Aid Endowment Fund
Established in 1986 with a gift from the
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
and later supplemented by additional
gifts from the Foundation.
Michael Peterson Fund
Established in 1997 with gifts from
faculty, parents, and students in memory
of fifth grade teacher, Michael Peterson,
member of the faculty from 1995–1997.
Income supports discounted tuition.
Miriam and Peter Haas Endowment Fund
The School’s first endowed fund was
established in 1982 with a gift from
Miriam and Peter Haas to provide
income for discounted tuition.
Olivia and Julia Pollak Financial Aid Fund
Established in 2011 by Mr. and Mrs. Harry
W. Havemeyer in honor of their
granddaughters, Olivia ’08 and Julia ’11.
Income from the fund will support the
School’s tuition assistance program.
SFDS Tuition Support Endowment Fund
Established in 2000 with an anonymous
William Knox Holt Scholarship Fund
Established in 1988 with a gift from the
William Knox Holt Foundation. Income
from the fund supports discounted
Program Support
The Cultural Enrichment Fund
Established with an anonymous gift in
1998. Income is intended for special field
trips, workshops, performances, and
guest speakers to enrich the curriculum
for the students.
The Jerold C. Kindred Educational
Symposium Endowment
Established in 1995 with gifts from
family and friends in memory of
founding trustee Jerry Kindred. Income
supports enrichment programs for
faculty, students, and parents.
The McKinley Family Endowment for
Faculty Enrichment and Learning
Resources Grant
A fund established by Sara ’95, Thomas
’98, and Kathryn ’01 to provide funds to
faculty for continuing education, special
programs, or training in technology, and
for investments that encourage or enrich
technology in the curriculum. The fund
also provides special grants to support
the Differentiated Instruction program.
SFDS Fund for Diversity Initiatives
Income from the fund supports the
SFDS cornerstone of promoting
diversity and inclusiveness in our
community. In addition to funding
diversity, equity, and inclusion
educational programs, the fund
provides support for multi-cultural
curriculum enhancement, faculty
professional development, and
attracting and retaining a diverse
student-body and faculty.
Eighth Grade Endowment Fund
Initially funded by students in the Class
of 2010 to establish a gift tradition for
future graduating classes. Income from
the fund is intended to support an
eighth grade culminating experience,
including, but not limited to, a service
learning trip (such as Puerto Rico), an
international experience, or cultural
Sally’s Day Off Fund
Established in 1991 with a gift in honor
of Day School founder Sally Rosenblatt.
Income to be used for Sally’s Day Off, a
day of celebration for eighth graders and
their faculty. Supplemented by gifts from
Sally and Toby Rosenblatt and The James
Irvine Foundation.
Endowment Gifts
and Funds
Campaign Co-Chairs,
Ken McNeely and Katie Albright
San Francisco Day School
Endowing Excellence
Campaign – Donors to Date
Thank you to those donors who
made gifts and pledges to our
endowment campaign, “Potential:
Endowing Excellence for SFDS.” Since
its 2011 launch, support for the
campaign has skyrocketed to
secure long-term financial stability
for SFDS, all the while empowering
our students to realize their own
potential. We are deeply grateful for
your support.
Anonymous (5)
The Honorable Madeleine K. Albright
Claire and Eric Alt
Andi Belloff-Arrick and David Arrick
Diana Nelson and John Atwater
Lorraine Rorke Bader
Jennifer and Tommy* Battat
Cassie Heaton Bowse ’90
Orlando Bravo
Deborah Brenner-Liss
Susan and Samuel Britton
Su-Moon Paik and Robert Brown
Mikki Bourne and David Bunim
Lesley Bunim ’91
Lynn Bunim and Alexander Fetter
Sara and Tom Byrne
The Cahan Family
Carolyn Klebanoff and Fred Cohen
Katie and Reed Colley
Penny and James Coulter
Delphine and Allen Damon
Thomas J. Davis IV
Tommy Davis ’96
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Mary DeVries
Mrs. Joan Donovan
Carol Dugger
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Melinda Ellis Evers and William Evers
Randi and Bob Fisher
Mrs. Doris Fisher
Laura and John Fisher
Sakurako and William Fisher
Lareina Yee and Humberto Galleno
Anne and Nick Germanacos
Fif Ghobadian
Kelly and Michael Halper
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Havemeyer
Elisa and John Hayashi
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Gina Moreno-John and Malcolm John
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Katie Hall and Tom Knutsen
Monique and Martin Kobinger
Louise Davis Langheier ’95
Ben Dugger Lerer ’99
Alicia Nogales and Greg Little
Anette Marweld
Christine and Stan Mattison
Leslee Subak and Linda McAllister
Jenny Pearlman and Jack McDonald
Inder Dhillon and Ken McNeely
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Wendy Berry Mendes and Michael Mendes
Nancy Dudum and Mark Messer
Nancy Adler and Arnold Milstein
Meagan and Daniel Nye
Regan Pritzker and Christopher Olin
Varsha Rao and Cameron Poetzscher
Janie Havemeyer and Julian Pollak
Olivia Pollak ’08
Lisa and John Pritzker
Susan and Nicholas Pritzker
Ann and Brian Roberts
Carol Ann and J. Nielsen Rogers
Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
Lisa Bransten and John Rumsey
Barbara and Robert Scavullo
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Abby and Gene Schnair
Diana Kapp and David Singer
Courtney Cooney and Topher Solmssen
Laura and Greg Spivy
Nancy Stearns
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Christina and Robert Tillman
Christy Tripp
Laurie and Jeff Ubben
Adriana Lopez Vermut and Aaron Vermut
Dagny Maidman and Molly Wood
Ron Zeff
2013-2014 Total $23,505,300
Gifts to the endowment help
preserve the financial and academic
health of San Francisco Day School.
Investments in SFDS’s endowment
ensure the overall fiscal security of
the School while providing for
faculty salaries, discounted tuition,
and faculty and curriculum
2010 2011
2012 2013 2014
2013-2014 Annual Report
San Francisco Day School
2013-2014 Annual Report
CultureFest 2014: The Disco Ball
CultureFest Chairs
Claire Alt
Erica Desouza
Live Auction
Stouffer Egan
Online Auction
Ginny Conner
Katherine Ladd
On behalf of the board of
trustees, faculty, and staff, we
offer our deepest gratitude
to the many volunteers,
underwriters, and donors who
contributed their time and
talent to support CultureFest:
The Disco Ball. The April 2014
event raised an outstanding
$315,400 for our discounted
tuition program and $70,750 for
“Raise Your Paddle” to support
technology improvements in our
classrooms. Thank you sincerely
for your ongoing support and
unwavering commitment
to preserve socio-economic
diversity at San Francisco
Day School.
Daniel Donahoe
Event MC
Carl Kawaja
Vanessa Maren
Jane Mortimer
Meagan Nye
Grace Won
Valina Agbabian
Joy Alferness
Sara Byrne
Ladan Chamine
Courtney Cooney
Corinne Corrigan
Josephine Lai Duque
Carrie Egan
Jim Fisher
Beth Grossman
Lisa Kessler
Blythe Lang
Nicole Murray
Deirdre Nonaka
Sona Sippy-Sondhi
Gallery Night
Carol Cunningham-Barron
Jim Fisher
Judith Sansone
Sona Sippy-Sondhi
Mary Kay Melvin
Kevin Mendoza
Amie Nenninger
Skye Pillsbury
Raise Your Paddle
for Technology
Meg Adler
Mary Kay Melvin
Jennifer Ozanne
Regan Pritzker
Christopher Sokolov
San Francisco Day School
Raise Your Paddle
Student Video
Joby N.
Jack H.
Matt H.
Ben S.
Thea B.
Katherine W.
Isabel S.
Sarah D.
Charlotte B.
Zach R.
Video Chairs
Gabrey & Tommy Means
Video Team
Christopher Corrigan
Matt Rivitz
Catering &
Event Design
Nicole Krassner
Digital & Print
Amy & Gil Gershoni
Lael Sturm
Spotters Chair
Christine Irsfeld Dawkins
Spotters & Writers
Eric Alt
Ladan Chamine
Gillian and Peter Emblad
David Glickman
Matt Rivitz
Jacques Soenens
Topher Solmssen
Jill Thompson
Wendy Xa
Class Liaisons
Valina Agbabian
Melissa Buckley
Courtney Cooney
Jenna Feinberg
Dawn Hartman
Vanessa Maren
Skye Pillsbury
Regan Pritzker
Alexis Woods
Special Thanks
CultureFest Underwriters
Foxy Cleopatra
Gershoni Creative Agency
Dawn Hartman
La Posta Wines
Mekanism Creative Advertising
Courtney Norris
The Red Slips
Chery Thomas
Veramonte Wines
Alexis Woods
Anonymous (3)
Joy and Jonathan Alferness
Claire and Eric Alt
Pam and Larry Baer
Bernadette and David Barker-Plummer
Leah Rosenkrantz and Jeffrey Bluestone
Kelly Stiles and Laura Bongiorno
Mary Rose Fernandez and Ron Brown
Lesley Bunim ‘91
Courtney Norris and Alex Burnett
Sara and Tom Byrne
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Katie and Reed Colley
Lisa Coris
Beth and Andy Daecher
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Lane and John Dent
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Erica Desouza
Mardi Dier
Chun Ding
Vanessa Maren and Dean Donovan
Brian Dunn
Melissa Chadwick Dunn
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Martha Siegel and Adam Elsesser
Melinda Ellis Evers and William Evers
Lareina Yee and Humberto Galleno
Beth and Brian Grossman
Dawn and Scott Hartman
Laura and Charles Hespe
Amelia and Steve Hirsch
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Jennifer and Howard Holderness
Ill Will
Tracy and Patrick Jennings
Risa Stack and Paul Joyce
Mrs. Phyllis Kalista
Annie Dittmore Klebahn and Perry Klebahn
Monique and Martin Kobinger
Deborah Hull and Nat Koren
Robert Williams and Richard Kuno
Christine Wong and Denny Kwon
Katherine and Alexander Ladd
Naomi Meyers and Jeremiah Lane
Andrea Evans and Christopher Lehane
Beth Mulcahy and Thomas Martin
Inder Dhillon and Ken McNeely
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Sasha Novakovich and Raj Moorthy
Caroline Tsen and James Morris
Jane and Roger Mortimer
Noe and Mel Murphy
Nicole and Matthew Murray
Jenny Pearlman and Jack McDonald
Kelle Young and Arvind Rajan
Susan Rochman and Robin Romdalvik
Maria and Claude Ruibal
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Bettina Steffen and Scott Setrakian
Courtney Cooney and Topher Solmssen
Laura and Greg Spivy
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Adriana Lopez Vermut and Aaron Vermut
Mia Walker
Chloe and Stephen Wei
Susan and Christopher Wilkens
Emily and Michael Wilkins
Faculty Sponsorship
Ann and Christopher Barber
Carol Cunningham-Barron and Hal Barron
The Cahan Family
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Christina Huizar and Paolo Diaz
Alexis Woods and Daniel Donahoe
Tamara and Onil Gunawardana
Margaret Howe and Conrad Herrmann
Megan and Matt Howard
Gabrielle Hull
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Beth Mulcahy and Thomas Martin
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Kimberley Tompkins Pettigrew and
Stephen Pettigrew
Johanna and Brian Roberts
Lisa Bransten and John Rumsey
Claudia Lewis and Woody Scal
Courtney Cooney and Topher Solmssen
Annie and Craig Stoll
Marissa and Charlie Thieriot ’92
Bridget O’Rourke and Jeffrey Tucker
Susan and Christopher Wilkens
Auction Donors
SFDS Community
Meghan Adler
Joy and Jonathan Alferness
Claire and Eric Alt
Nicola Miner and Robert Anderson
Catherine Aragon
Melissa Buckley and Rajesh Atluru
Ann and Jim Avery
Pam and Larry Baer
Carol Cunningham-Barron and Hal Barron
Kelly Stiles and Laura Bongiorno
Jill and Philip Bouchard
Devon Boyle
Susan and Samuel Britton
Su-Moon Paik and Robert Brown
Courtney Norris and Alex Burnett
Sara and Tom Byrne
The Cahan Family
Ladan and Shirzad Chamine
Ellen DiGiacomo and Joelle Chartier
Tamanna Choudhri and Kent Chatterji
Jiyeon and Steven Choi
Eleanor Coffelt
Reed and Katie Colley
Ginny and Ed Conner
Lisa Coris
Corinne and Christopher Corrigan
Damian Crosby
Phuong Le and Nicholas Da Silva
Beth and Andy Daecher
Theresa and Philip Dah
Aiko and John de Souza
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Lane and John Dent
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Erica Desouza
Christina Huizar and Paolo Diaz
Lisa Neimeth and Peter Dickstein
Lisa Giannone and Michael Dillingham
Alexis Woods and Daniel Donahoe
Vanessa Maren and Dean Donovan
Jody Driscoll
Carmel Conway and Stephen Duffin
Melissa Chadwick Dunn
Josephine Lai Duque and Carlos Duque*
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Mrs. Susan Egan
Martha Siegel and Adam Elsesser
Gillian and Peter Emblad
Rodney Ewing
Ellen Burgin and Peter Fair
Maria and Joseph Feigenbaum
Nicole and Mark Fein
Jennifer and Steven Feinberg
Eric Guerin and Jim Fisher
Nicole Rimpel and Lane Foard
Lareina Yee and Humberto Galleno
Gabrielle Toledano and Kurt Gantert
Chrissy and Chris Ginieczki
Kim Gitnick
Kristin and David Glickman
2013-2014 Annual Report
CultureFest 2014: The Disco Ball
Alli and Kevin Goldstein
Grady Gordon
Jennifer Guittard and Tim Grace
Andrea Green
Megan Buttery Green
Beth and Brian Grossman
Jan D’Alessandro and Mark Haffenreffer
Sarah Hale
Dawn and Scott Hartman
Beth Hatem
Elisa and John Hayashi
Brian Herrick
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Megan and Matt Howard
Maca and Agustin Huneeus
Amie Nenninger and Bill Hynes
Risa Stack and Paul Joyce
Roja and Masoud Kamali
Pimpapun Ubolpong and Jordan Kanis
Elizabeth Brogna and Michel Kapulica
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
Jennifer and Stephen Kawaja
Allison and Vince Kim
Annie Dittmore Klebahn and Perry Klebahn
Emily Taguchi and Robert Klingensmirh
Monique and Martin Kobinger
Deborah Hull and Nat Koren
Nicole and Michael Krassner
Robert Williams and Richard Kuno
Christine Wong and Denny Kwon
Naomi Meyers and Jeremiah Lane
Louis Lee
Andrea Evans and Christopher Lehane
Rebecca Lewis
Alicia Nogales and Greg Little
Shanon Loftus
Karen and Harry Maring
Beth Mulcahy and Tom Martin
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Laura Catena and Daniel McDermott
Jenny Pearlman and Jack McDonald
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Jane Echlin and James Miller
Wendy and James Miller
Noe and Mel Murphy
Nicole and Matthew Murray
Elizabeth Finlayson and Jim Nadel
Deirdre and Scott Nonaka
Meagan and Daniel Nye
Mary O’Brien
32 SanPritzker
Jennifer Ozanne
Nancy Hoopes and Alison Pachynski
Mamie and Jason Pepper
Lance Fulford and Sanders Pitman
Anthony Powell
Katie Quach
Jenny and Nehal Raj
Marisa and Ravi Rajapakse
Toma Ramirez
Alice and Dan Reynolds
Karen Richards
Blythe Lang and Matt Rivitz
Robin Romdalvik and Sue Rochman
Leah Rosenkrantz
Alison Ruff
Maria and Claude Ruibal
Lisa Bransten and John Rumsey
Rohini and Ravi Sadarangani
Barbara and Robert Scavullo
Kelly Taggart Scavullo and Andrew Scavullo
Phoebe Doering and Sotweed Schneble
Diana Kapp and David Singer
Debbie Landres and Ethan Smith
Jennifer and Jacques Soenens
Crystal and Christopher K. Sokolov
Courtney Cooney and Topher Solmssen
Sona Sippy-Sondhi and Vijay Sondhi
Samantha Cho and Joseph Song
Laura and Greg Spivy
Annie and Craig Stoll
Tristen and Lael Sturm
Marjorie and Andrew Swain
Laura and Joseph Sweeney
Homa Hanjani and Hadi Tabatabai
Pallavi Sharma and Vishal Tayal
Marissa and Charlie Thieriot ‘92
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Damon Todd
Jason Tognetti
Margie Conard and Dana Tommasino
Zefania Preza and Bram Van Riet
Hope Van Sciver
Adriana Lopez Vermut and Aaron Vermut
Ramsey Walker
Mia Walker
Melissa and Victor Wang
Rosa Wang-McClung
Susan and Christopher Wilkens
Emily and Michael Wilkins
Rita Abraldes and Brie Williams
Kay Woods
Kristin Growney and Ron Yamamoto
SFDS Community Businesses
Rodney A. Artiles
Carmel Valley Ranch
Darioush Epicurus
Delfina Restaurant Group
Kitchen Story
Helen Manber, M.D.
Gabi Moskowitz
Girlfriends Help
Llano Seco
Pica Pica Arepa Kitchen
Protocol Transportation
Saber Lacrosse
Skuut, LLC
Sweet Maple
Thompson Tax & Associates, LLC
Woodward’s Garden
Greater San Francisco Community
4505 Meats
Acme Bread Company
Advanced Wellness
Adventure Cat Sailing Charters
Adventurous Sports
Alaya Boutique
American Gymnastics Club
American River Rafting
Aperto Restaurant
Audi San Francisco
Bambino’s Ristorante
Bay Area Discovery Museum
BellaPelle Skin Studio
Belli Capelli
Berkeley Repertory Theatre
Bill’s Place
Bimbo’s 365
Bird School of Music
Blue Bear School of Music
Book Passage
Brooks Shoes for Kids
Bunnie Reiss
Burritt Room + Tavern at the Mystic Hotel
California Shakespeare Theater
California Farmers’ Markets
Children’s Creativity Museum
Mabel Chong
City Lights Booksellers & Publishers
Cole Hardware
Conrad Donner
The Container Store
Contemporary Jewish Museum
The Dailey Method
DEMA Clothing Boutique
Demo Sport
Divisadero Touchless Carwash
Elite Cafe
Estila Salon
The Exploratorium
Ezra Eismont
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Flair Shopping
Fresh Inc.
Galileo Learning
Goat Hill Pizza
Golden State Warriors
Good Life Grocery
Michelle Graves, L.Ac.
Groove Salon
Haight Street Market
Halleck Vineyard
Hapa Ramen
The Hapkido Institute
Maggie Harding
Hearst Ranch Winery
Hotel Carlton
Hyatt Hotels Corporation
Ingenious Organic Concept Salon
Japanese Weekend Inc
Jewels by Helen
Johnny Botts
Jones Family Vineyards
Kids’ Posh Parties
The Kleid Design Group
Lamborn Family Vineyards
Laurel Inn
Le Colonial
Linda Bulgo’s Musical Productions
Little Tree Art Studio
Lovejoy’s Tea Room
Madrone Art Bar
Magic Theatre
Mane Attraction
Marilyn Jaeger Skincare
The Marine Mammal Center
The Marsh
Helen Marshall
Matching Half
McCalls SF
Heather McFarlin, CMT
Melissa Cope Skincare
Mendel’s Far Out Fabrics on Haight Street
Merigan Sub Shop
Mighty Pilates
Mozzarella di Bufala
The Music Room of San Francisco
Neiman Marcus
ODC School and Rhythm & Motion
Ricky Odbert
Margaret O’Leary
Paresh Martial Arts
Park Chow
Pauline’s Pizza
Peekadoodle Kidsclub
Pet Camp
Piccino Restaurant & Coffee Bar
Planet Granite
Presidio Bowling Center
Presidio Community YMCA
Presidio Fitness
Presidio Golf Course and Clubhouse
Range Restaurant
Real Food Company
Recharge Medical & Day Spa
Jacquelyn Richards
Rims & Goggles
San Francisco 49ers
San Francisco Ballet
San Francisco Fencers Club
San Francisco Giants
San Francisco Gymnastics
San Francisco Opera
San Francisco Rock Project
San Francisco Zoological Society
Schroeder’s Restaurant
Sift Bakery
Slide Ranch
Slow Club
Snippety Crickets
Soccer Kids
Sonoma Traintown Railroad
Sports Basement
SpyCamp at Adventurous Sports
St. Francis Winery & Vineyards
Stanford Jazz Workshop
State Bird Provisions
Sue Fisher King Co.
Sushi Shoh
Susie Cakes
Tante Marie’s Cooking School
The Tech Museum of Innovation
Thomas Hickey Painting
Touchstone Climbing and Fitness
Trick Dog
Union Street Goldsmith
United Studios of Self Defense
Wacky Jacky Sportfishing
The Walt Disney Family Museum
Webster Street Studio
Wee Scotty Sewing School
Kathleen M. Welsh, M.D.
Wondersitter LLC
Yank Sing Restaurant
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
2013-2014 Annual Report
Breakthrough SF
Letter from the
Executive Director of
Breakthrough SF
Dear Friends of Breakthrough,
At our end-of-summer Celebration
this past August, I made an effort
to take it all in: the results of an
incredible summer. In the library,
cafeteria, and classrooms across the
school, students presented work
from their academic classes.
Later, we moved into the gym
for performances and tributes.
As the evening came to an end,
tears flowed.
What is Breakthrough? It is a
communal venture to increase
educational opportunity. It is a test
of our collective determination and
principles. It is a demonstration of
how much can be accomplished
through extremely hard work and
possible – thank you! We would
particularly like to acknowledge San
Francisco’s Department of Children,
Youth, and Their Families, which
invested nearly $100,000 in our
program in FY14. We’d like to thank as
well our Advisory Board members for
their deep and ongoing commitment.
In 2014, Breakthrough served 165
students, nearly all of whom will be
the first in their families to attend a
four-year college. They ranged from
rising fifth graders, fresh off their
application to the program, to our
first-ever class of ninth graders,
enrolled at top-notch high schools
across the city. We will continue to
expand one year at a time, ultimately
supporting students through their
high school graduation, with the goal
of seeing each one matriculate at a
four-year college.
I’d also like to acknowledge our
hard-working program staff. Their
responsibilities have increased
dramatically as our program has
grown, and they’ve responded with
tenacity. Thanks to their work, the
quality of support that our students,
teachers, and volunteers receive
each day is exceptional.
Additionally, we trained 32 college
students through our highly selective
summer teacher residency in 2014 –
outstanding and idealistic young
people from schools nationwide. If
history is any guide, three-fourths will
ultimately pursue work in the
education field. Meanwhile, 146
volunteers worked with our students
in 2014, including more than two
dozen committed seventh and eighth
graders at SFDS. They gained the
satisfaction of helping others while
developing skills they can apply
As we grow, Breakthrough remains in
strong financial position. The 2014
fiscal year was our best yet from a
fundraising standpoint, and we are
deeply appreciative of the many
supporters, listed on the following
pages, who have made this work
San Francisco Day School
Finally, our heartfelt thanks go to San
Francisco Day School. Year in and year
out, SFDS has played a lead role in
increasing opportunity for young
people in this city. In so doing, the
School has not only impacted
thousands of lives directly, but also
served as a model of a private
institution deeply engaged with its
city. The generosity of this community
is both inspiring and humbling.
Thank you, San Francisco Day School.
With appreciation,
Andy Shin
Executive Director
Financial Highlights
Revenues $654,186
Expenses $685,389
n Individuals $291,911
n Program $550,766
n Corporate $59,190
n Administration $134,623
Breakthrough SF Staff
and Advisory Board
Andy Shin
Executive Director
Jenee Scott Palmer
Senior Program Director
Katy Gaul
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Sasha Mungal
Director of Volunteer Programs and
Community Partnerships
Joyous Bey
Program Associate
2013-14 Advisory Board
Barbara Abbott
Vanessa Alexander
K. Samantha Cho
Cathy Dean
Megan Howard
David E. Jackson
Patrick Jennings
Carl Kawaja
Andre Lira Gordenstein
June Marcel
Jane Mortimer
Courtney Norris
Navid Oreizy
Jenny Pearlman
Brian Roberts
Joyce Truong
S. Hassan Zaidi
n Foundation $56,500
n Government $117,498
n Endowment Draw $87,981
n SF Day School $41,106
Breakthrough’s operating reserve was $482,707 at the end of FY2014.
2013-2014 Annual Report
Breakthrough SF
Participant Profile: Isaac
Breakthrough SF supports young people on the path
to college and trains outstanding college students for
education careers.
Isaac, who lives in Western Addition not far from SFDS, applied to Breakthrough
as a fourth grader. “I wanted to have a productive summer where I could
continue learning and be challenged,” he remembers. “Also, I was amazed how
much fun Breakthrough students had while learning.”
Isaac dove right into the academics at Breakthrough – four hours of classes each
day and two hours of homework each night – that summer and in the years to
come. “My most memorable class was taking physics during the summer before
seventh grade,” he says. “We learned about gravity and Newton’s forces, which we
incorporated into our final project, roller coasters. Using flexible tubing, we made
tracks which included loops and jumps. It was definitely challenging but
His physics teacher Lily – a UC Berkeley student participating in Breakthrough’s
summer teacher residency – remembers Isaac as well. “His homework was always
completed with the utmost care and thoroughness,” she says. “He demonstrated
critical thinking, curiosity, hard work and passion – every day.”
While at Breakthrough, Isaac expanded his horizons. He attended a Google Science
Fair, two outdoor education trips, museum trips, college visits, and an overnight
retreat in the Marin Headlands. “I had the opportunity to visit UCSF Medical Center,
Presidio Pharmaceuticals, and even Facebook,” he remembers. “I got to experience
the job of an EMT, see how DNA was extracted, and see what it’s like to be a
software engineer.”
Isaac and the other students in his cohort initially made a two-year commitment to
Breakthrough. When the program expanded, Isaac signed on for six more. His hard
work paid off when, in the fall of his eighth grade year, he received a prestigious
Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship. Awarded each year to a select number of students
nationally, the scholarship recognizes exceptional academic achievement and
strong character and provides a four-year, full-tuition high school scholarship.
Participant Profile: Nerissa
Nerissa has deeply personal reasons for wanting her students to succeed. She
attended Breakthrough Miami as a middle school student and later spent three
summers, during high school and college, teaching there. “I really wanted to
give back to the community that helped me when I was a kid,” she says.
A few years ago, wanting to experience something new, Nerissa switched coasts.
She taught writing at Breakthrough San Francisco, helping her students develop
the strong composition skills essential for future academic success. Her sixth
graders worked to improve their organization, word choice, use of supporting
evidence, and ability to engage the reader.
Wanting to keep them engaged, Nerissa designed creative lessons and made time
for her students after class, checking in constantly about their academic progress
and personal well-being. At the same time, she set clear expectations and
managed her classroom confidently. Her students responded, working hard and
substantially increasing their scores on an end-of-summer writing assessment. “I
definitely learned the importance of good modeling and repetition,” she reflects.
A recent graduate of Mt. Holyoke College, Nerissa is pursuing an education career
while staying connected to her Breakthrough students. She is currently an
AmeriCorps volunteer with Notre Dame Mission Volunteers in Chicago, assisting
lead math, language arts, and science teachers and working with students on
instructional technology.
“I’m living proof that a high potential, underprivileged child of color has a chance
to go far in life,” Nerissa says. “I know that Breakthrough students are capable of so
much, but I also know that they may not realize how smart they are. They need
someone to believe in them. I want them to graduate from high school and to go
on to college feeling like they are supposed to be there.”
Boosted by this news, Isaac worked very intentionally on the high school
admissions process – crafting personal statements, attending open houses and
shadow visits, studying for the SSAT, and thinking carefully about what he was
looking for. He ultimately accepted an offer from Lick Wilmerding High School,
positioning him well to attend college down the road. He’ll be the first
generation in his family to do so.
San Francisco Day School
2013-2014 Annual Report
Breakthrough SF
Breakthrough SF Supporters
Department of Children, Youth and Their Families
Kimball Foundation
San Francisco Day School
AT&T Foundation
Melissa Buckley and Rajesh Atluru
California Department of Education
Dodge & Cox
Laura and John Fisher
Susan Byrd and Mark Lampert
Ann and Brian* Roberts
The Walmart Foundation
The Walther Foundation
Weinstein Family Charitable Foundation
Courtney Norris* and Alex Burnett
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Katie and Reed Colley
Commonwealth Restaurant
Cathy* and Sandy Dean
Michael Dunn
Randi and Bob Fisher
The Giants Community Fund
Tracy and Patrick* Jennings
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja*
Borah and Sang Kim
Jane* and Roger Mortimer
Seung-Il Shin
Anonymous (2)
Barbara* and Fred Abbott
Breakthrough Collaborative
The Cahan Family
Yvonne Wu and Howard Chung
Kelly and Michael Halper
Stephanie DiMarco and Jim Harleen
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Megan* and Matt Howard
Leslie and George Hume
Katie Hall and Tom Knutsen
June* and Cody Marcel
Meagan and Dan Nye
Kay and Abhay Parekh
Roslyn and Lisle Payne
Stacy and Matthew Perry
Claudia Lewis and Woody Scal
San Francisco Day School
Laura and Greg Spivy
Elizabeth and Andrew Spokes
Jenni and Hassan* Zaidi
Anonymous (2)
Alka and Ravin Agrawal
Joy and Jonathan Alferness
Claire and Eric Alt
Ann and Christopher Barber
Basic American Foods Matching Gifts for
John Buoymaster
Beth and Andy Daecher
Disney Employee Matching Gifts Program
Amy and Joe Dworetzky
Betsy and Roy Eisenhardt
Eric Guerin and Jim Fisher
Anna Gale
Lareina Yee and Humberto Galleno
Gabrielle Toledano and Kurt Gantert
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Dawn and Scott Hartman
Elisa and John Hayashi
Margaret Howe and Conrad Herrmann
Gabrielle Hull
Monique and Martin Kobinger
David Kremer
Katherine and Alexander Ladd
Karen and Harry Maring
Beth Mulcahy and Thomas Martin
Tracy Leeds and Evan Marwell
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Jenny Pearlman* and Jack McDonald
Inder Dhillon and Ken McNeely
Gabrey and Tommy Means
The Moody’s Foundation Matching Gift Program
Varsha Rao and Cameron Poetzscher
Eve Niquette and Charles Pohl
Jenny and Nehal Raj
Saint Ignatius College Preparatory Foundation
Diana Kapp and David Singer
Danna and Alex Slusky
Courtney Cooney and Topher Solmssen
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Susan and David Tunnell
Kelly and Josh Wiseman
Annie and Monty Woods
Frances Ho and George Yu
Linda and Andrew Ach
Diana Nelson and John Atwater
Mary Rose Fernandez and Ron Brown
Kerry and Ed Cooper
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Mardi Dier
Alexis Woods and Daniel Donahoe
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Willy Elman
Melinda Ellis Evers and William Evers
Jenna and Steven Feinberg
Nicole Rimpel and Lane Foard
Elizabeth and Ian Halifax
Laura and Charles Hespe
Sarah Wigglesworth and Asiff Hirji
Marian and Bill Howard
David E. Jackson* and the SFDS Administrative
Kathy Jones
Caroline and Eric Kress
Will Kushner
Joy and Jan Lauber
Meg and Stuart McLaughlin
Nancy Dudum and Mark Messer
Mindstream Analytics
Joyce Tom and Leonard Moon
Nicole and Matthew Murray
Teri and John Olle
Jennifer Ozanne
Nancy Hoopes and Alison Pachynski
Katy Gaul and Alex Reese
Noelle and Mika Salmi
Mark A. Scheel
Karlo Ng and Andy Shin
Paula Birnbaum and Neil Solomon
K. Samantha Cho* and Joseph Song
Jessica and Eric Spaly
Julie Kim and Thomas Stahl
Susquehanna International Group, LLP
Marjorie and Andrew Swain
TPG Global, LLC
Joyce Truong*
Susan and Christopher Wilkens
Anonymous (2)
Tajel Shah and John Abraham
Brie Williams and Rita Abraldes
Vanessa* and Matthew Alexander
Bay Area Wilderness Training
Claire Ernst and Al Bedecarré
Diana Wolf and Darren Bianchi
Leah Rosenkrantz and Jeffrey Bluestone
Shanxia and James Bolton
Lesley Bunim ’91
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Michelle Chen and Seak Chao
Sarah Stein and Michael Cohn
Ginny and Ed Conner
Erica Desouza
Rebecca and Andy Diamondstein
Lisa Odyniec and John Donovan
Gillian and Peter Emblad
Elizabeth Fain
Lance Fulford and Sanders Pitman
Claudia Futter-Denton
Google, Inc.
Jan D’Alessandro and Mark Haffenreffer
Susan Leal and Susan Hirsch
Jennifer and Howard Holderness
Frances and Gerry Jue
Allison and Vince Kim
Mary Ann Cryan and John Kollins
Nicole and Michael Krassner
KT Foundation Matching Gift Program
Michelle Kuroda
Sheila McKeever Larsen and Thomas Larsen
Vivian Bin and Jin Hui Li
Julie and Ian McGuire
Noe and Mel Murphy
Jenee Scott Palmer and Bedford Palmer
Drew Payne ‘97
Blair and Rick Shane
Matt Sheridan
Deborah Kamali and Kevan Shokat
Wendy and Bob Singley
Holly Holter and Jay Williams
Martha and Jorge Arciga
Biruketaiet Zewdu and Asfaw Areda
Leslie Bacho
Xue Zhen Guo and Kai Peng Chen
Phuong Le and Nicholas Da Silva
Erica and Greg Fortescue
Kira Keane
Annie Dittmore Klebahn and Perry Klebahn
Ms. Florence Kress
Mina and Collin Lee
Xiao Yan Wu and Jin Lim Lei
Nancy Lu
Cindy Ian and Wen Mei
Wendy and Jay Miller
Caroline Tsen and James Morris
Ngoc Anh Tran and Thanh Nguyen
Debra Nuñez and Karl Pastella
Gerard Regan
Vicky Simonds and Tom Scharffenberger
Sophie Ziegler and Jonathan Schwartz
Barbara and John Seegal
Shahin and Sajid Shaikh
Joyce and Rick Shane
Danielle and BJ Siegel
Shirley and Buzz Thompson
Mimi Downes and Granger Tripp
Bridget O’Rourke and Jeffrey Tucker
Yu Lan Lai and Peter Tze
Francesca Vietor
Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program
William Willson
Mabel Huang and Raymond Wong
Anonymous (5)
Fetnawati and Fred Batin
Jamieson Bunn
Katie and Alexander Calhoun
Meredyth Skemp and Bobby Cupp
Leni Evangelista
Suzanne Herko and Mark Felton
Daisy Gin
Jolinda and Kenneth Gladstein
Amie Nenninger and Bill Hynes
Gilmar and Ronnie Juarez
Wendy Leung and Fung Hing Lau
Yan Fen Lu and Wallace Lee
Zaiyi Huang and Hong Zhang Lei
Nanci Condado and Jorge Luna
Mark Macadangdang
Leslee Subak and Linda McAllister
Arun Mohan
Anne Paine
Robin Romdalvik and Susan Rochman
Alison and Jonathan Ruff
Stephanie Sears
Brian Silveira
Sarah Chen and Allan Tsang
Anna Valadao
Jane Koegel
Kim Niquette and Winston Krone
Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects
Andrea Evans and Chris Lehane
Rick Mariano
Oliver McCrum Wines
Jane* and Roger Mortimer
The Nature Conservancy
Meagan and Dan Nye
Jennifer Ozanne
Alice and Dan Reynolds
Laura Robertson
Alison and Jonathan Ruff
Noelle and Mika Salmi
San Francisco Day School
Barbara and Bob Scavullo
Scavullo Design Interiors
Vicky Simonds and Tom Scharffenberger
SKS Partners, LLC
University of California at San Francisco Medical
Waterfront Hotel
Zinio, LLC
*denotes Advisory Board Member
In-Kind Support
Barbara* and Fred Abbott
Linda and Andrew Ach
Meghan Adler
Chris Birschbach
Breakthrough Collaborative
Courtney Norris* and Alex Burnett
Vincent Chen
Yvonne Wu and Howard Chung
Conifer Securities, LLC
Consumer Credit Counseling Service
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, University
of the Pacific
Electronic Arts
Gillian and Peter Emblad
Marsha Cohen and Robert Feyer
Goldman Sachs
Tim Grace
Judy Haber
Megan* and Matt Howard
Il Molino di Grace
iSearch Media
Kaiser Permanente
2013-2014 Annual Report
Breakthrough SF
Contributors to the
Thomas H. Battat Fund
This Fund offsets operating costs
associated with Breakthrough’s
expansion, contributing to its
long-term financial sustainability.
It was created in 2014 in memory
of Tommy Battat, a long-time
supporter of Breakthrough and
SFDS parent and trustee, who
was beloved across the world
but especially in his native
San Francisco.
San Francisco Day School
Sandra Amundson
Steve Arrick
Barbara and Larry Babow
Claire Solot and Sinjin Bain
Lee and Frank Battat
Jennifer Battat
Chris and Randy Battat
Leah Rosenkrantz and Jeffrey Bluestone
Jill and Philip Bouchard
Lesley Bunim
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
The Cherner Family
Andrew Coblentz
Suzy Locke Cohen and Marvin Cohen
Jacqueline Compton, CP Kelco U.S., Inc.
G.M. (Jerry) Cople, Sea-Land
Alma Dacanay
Berna E.M. de Everett, H. Tzanetatos Inc / Division
Agencias Lugo
Alexis Woods and Daniel Donahoe
Nancy and Timothy Donahue
Suzanne and Frank Dowling
Constance and Albert Eisenstat
Francine and Allen Feder
Marjorie Feder and Bill Feis
Friends at Fenghua Huanshan Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.
Frish Brandt, Darius Himes, and Jeffrey Fraenkel, Fraenkel Gallery
Judy and Jim Ganulin
Beth Goldstein
Lynn and Gary Goodman
Friends at Hailisheng Group Co. Ltd.
Timothy Hayes
Laura and Charles Hespe
Julie and Bob Hinsch
Beth Berliner and Larry Hirschhorn
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Friends at Huangyan No. 2 Canned Food Factory
William Isackson
Joyce and Bill Jacobson
Roslyn and Don Kahn
Craig Kaplan
Beth and Fred Karren
Robert Kosbie
Vivian S. Kremer
Dale Kresse, W.J. Pence Company
Arlene and Steve Krieger
Susan Kwan
Friends at Lake Valley Golf Club
Susie and Chris Leupold
Craig, Miriam, Eli, and Esme Lipton
S. J. Low, S.J. Low Bros. & Co. PTE, Ltd.
Candace and Robert MacNaughton
Evelyn C. Manies
Friends at Mariani Packing Co. Inc.
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Julie and Alain Mayer
Friends at Megasys, Ltd.
Families and friends at Meijer, Inc.
Nancy Wiltsek and Gregory Mendez
Chris D. Moore
Friends at Ningbo Daxie Tongsheng Color Printing Co., Ltd.
Linda O’Kane
Bernhard Wewengkang and Harold Koh, P.T.
Great Giant Pineapple Company
Linda and Ed Plant
Jennifer Plant
Friends at Printpack
Danilo Purlia
Sharin Rebollido, GTL LIMITED
Friends at Qingdao P & B, Ltd.
Friends at Qingzhou Jinhu Food Co., Ltd.
Carolyn and Warren Richards, Tracy Richards Kofman, Lisa (Richards) Zuegel,
and Kimberly (Richards) Wire and their families
Ed Fahey, Tracy Teale, Sally McColloch, and RINA accountancy corporation
Constance and William Ring
Jan and Larry Rivitz
Ann and Brian Roberts
Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
Simon Shim, Family International Co., Ltd.
Nancy and Howard Sackson
The Board of Trustees, San Francisco Day School
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Friends at Shandong Jiayuan Import & Export Corp., Ltd.
Rick, Blair, Zoë, and Luke Shane
Friends at Shanghai Shin Chin Chong Color Printing Co., Ltd.
Koji Shiraiwa, Transpacific Foods, Inc.
Kelly and Eric Shore
Friends at Silverado Resort and Spa
Wendy and Bob Singley
Alan Spiegelman
Laura and Greg Spivy
Alice Stern
Richard F. Stier
Mia Walker
Thomas Wahlmeyer, RPC Bebo Plastik
Jeffry Weisman
Friends at Yang & Young International Co., Ltd.
Friends at Zhejiang Guangyi Food Co., Ltd.
Friends at Zhejiang Huangguan Foodstuff Co., Ltd.
2013-2014 Annual Report
Faculty Profile
Steve Roberts
Faculty and Staff
Meg Adler
Vanessa Alexander
Annette Allen
Lindsay Anderson
Nicholas Anton
Marcella Anwandter
Cathy Aragon
Erin Acharya
Joyous Bey
Randall Bowman
Jessica Boyles
Aaron Brill
Melissa Brown
Jamieson Bunn
Lisa Busby
Megan Buttery Green
Eleanor Coffelt
Sue Collentine
Chris Corrigan
Karen Covington
Damian Crosby
Michael Cutliff
Karen Dauer
Katharine Daugherty
Danny De Leon
Daniel DeLuca
Duryee-Browner ‘03
Amanda Elliston
Rodney Ewing
Katy Gaul
Elizabeth Gedney
Sandi Gilmore
Kim Gitnick
Eric Gladstone
Grady Gordon
Carter Graham
Andrea Green
Sarah Hale
Homa Hanjani
Beth Hatem
Brian Herrick
Kim Holland
Elise Holston
David E. Jackson
Jesse Lee
Rebecca Lewis
Michelle Low ‘03
Michael Mancini
Andrew Manton
Ilona Marshall
Melissa Mendiola
San Francisco Day School
Faculty Profile
Loren Moyé
Sasha Mungal
Meagan Nye
Mary O’Brien
Dasha Ostrova
Renée Otero
Anne Paine
Jenee Scott Palmer
Ally Parker
Michelle Phillips
Kate Philpott
Sabina Piersol
Katie Quach
Jose Ramirez
Jorge Recinos
Shahab Rejali
Karen Richards
Steve Roberts
Leah Rosenkrantz
Naomi Rudolph
Alison Ruff
Mariange Russell
Carolyn Sasser
Beth Schenck
Andy Shin
Leah Shoaff
Danielle Short
Andrea Shuel
Christopher K. Sokolov
Vishal Sood
Audrey Soriano
Aneesha Srikar
Tristen Sturm
Adrian Takyi
Isabel Taylor
Chery Thomas
Alexandra Tobin
Jason Tognetti
Jeff Turner
Stephanie Tybinka
Hope Van Sciver
Elizabeth Wachtler
Rosa Wang-McClung
Chris Wilcox
Khena Wong
Joel Young
Steve Roberts joined the San
Francisco Day School community in
1998. Today, he wears many hats at
the Day School: physical education
teacher, assistant athletic director,
AV technician, soccer coach, and
seventh grade advisor. He also
coordinates San Fran Jam and
plays guitar for our very own
teacher band, the Red Slips. Last
but certainly not least, Steve is the
founder of a beloved and revered
SFDS tradition: COPA. COPA is
our annual upper school soccer
tournament and is consistently
remembered by alumni as a
favorite SFDS memory.
Why did you choose to become a
I grew up in a sports family with two
younger brothers, and my mom was
the director of the YMCA. From a very
young age, I worked as a camp
counselor and assistant coach. I have
always enjoyed working with children
and sharing my passion for sports
and physical activity. After college,
I decided to live the skier’s dream in
Lake Tahoe. For five years, I skied every
day and worked in the evenings. When
I moved to Marin, I decided to try
teaching. I began working in schools in
Marin and Sonoma. In 1998, I was lucky
enough to land a job in a community
I love.
How has your experience as a
seventh grade advisor informed
your work here?
Although I began as a sixth grade
advisor, being a seventh grade advisor
has been eye opening. I am so
impressed with the seventh grade
curriculum and am amazed by the
seventh grade teachers who are so
Leah Rosenkrantz
invested in their students’ learning.
I think seventh grade is a critical year
for students to improve their
organizational skills, and I am happy to
be a part of that process. I am always
wowed by how my advisees manage
to juggle everything in their busy
schedules. I enjoy working with this
age group and I love partnering with
our families to help keep their children
on track throughout the course
of the year.
What do you like most about being
part of the SFDS community?
In my 17 years teaching at SFDS, the
community has always felt like a
second family to me. I love the
students, my co-workers are some of
my best friends, and the parents have
been positive, supportive, and caring.
What is something you are looking
forward to in the upcoming year?
I always look forward to the outdoor
education trips. Last year, I was able to
join the fifth graders in the Marin
Headlands, the seventh graders in
Kings Canyon, and the eighth graders
in Puerto Rico. It is always incredible to
observe the students in a different
environment and watch them grow
and mature from these experiences.
I am also looking forward to coaching
the girls’ soccer team this spring. We
have a lot of talent and a team that is
motivated to go the distance!
Leah Rosenkrantz joined the San
Francisco Day School community in
2001 – more specifically, September
11, 2001. As our community reeled
to grasp the magnitude of and
respond to the 9/11 tragedies,
Leah stepped in to provide comfort,
guidance, and support to our entire
community. Since then, Leah has
continued to be there for our
students and families as an
experienced counselor with an
unwavering dedication and a
generous heart. She recently
announced her plan to retire at the
close of the 2014-2015 school year,
and we will miss her dearly.
What brought you to SFDS?
When my husband was being
recruited to UCSF from Chicago,
I visited schools with my children.
One of the schools we visited for my
daughter was SFDS. Immediately both
of us felt so comfortable walking
through the halls. Ultimately our
daughter was offered a space in the
sixth grade class (Class of 2003). The
following year, the school counselor
position became available and Jim
Telander, then head of school, asked
me to apply. I felt so lucky to be
offered the job.
What do you value most about
counseling lower school students?
I think it’s because every day, every
moment is a new discovery for
children. They’re very open and want
to be part of the conversation. The
children at SFDS are sweet, intelligent,
and enthusiastic. They have strong
personalities and bring so much of
themselves to school every day.
They’re fun and they’re funny. It makes
going to work a pleasure. Plus, I think it
actually helps keep me young. Also,
I truly value the perspectives of my
colleagues from whom I learn a
tremendous amount.
You’ve served as a leader in our
community in many different ways,
including Lunch Bunch and the
Adoptive Families Affinity group.
How did these roles emerge and
evolve over time?
Over the years I’ve had the ability and
support to institute many programs.
When I saw the need, I went to the
administration and always was given
permission to pursue whatever would
best meet the needs of our students.
These programs were made successful
because I also had the support of the
faculty, who have been so flexible and
generous with their time. This is how
Lunch Bunch, social skills groups,
Adoption Affinity group, peer
mentoring in the Upper School,
support for children whose families live
in two houses and the grief support
group were created and have
continued over the years.
What will you miss the most when
you retire at the end of the 20142015 school year?
Oh, the whole community: the
children, the families, my colleagues.
mean everything! I always say I am
lucky to have the best job in the school
because I get to be with the children
from Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Nobody else has that privilege.
Everybody else has them through one
grade level, maybe two. I’ve had a
unique position in watching the
children grow and mature over nine
years and that has been really
meaningful to me.
2013-2014 Annual Report
Alumni Profile
Ava Benezra ’07
Ava Benezra ’07 is a student at the
University of Chicago majoring
in Law, Letters, and Society with
a minor in Comparative Race and
Ethnic Studies. She was recently
named a 2014 Truman Scholar,
awarded to outstanding college
juniors engaged in the public
sector. Ava is a leader with an
on-campus campaign to eliminate
racial profiling in her school’s private
police force and conducts workshops
that focus on empowering local high
school students to improve their
relationships with law enforcement.
She is also the student coordinator
for Seeds of Justice, a program
designed to give a selected group
of first and second year university
students the knowledge and skills
they need to create change
in Chicago.
Alumni Profile
How did you become interested in criminal justice reform?
What story or stories are you working on now?
During high school, I became interested in changing the criminal justice system
after working for three years at The Beat Within, a creative writing publication for
youth incarcerated in SF Juvenile Hall, for which I edited submissions and led
writing workshops. The difference in the racial composition of Juvenile Hall and the
private school I attended was striking, but it wasn’t until I engaged with the
experiences of the incarcerated authors that I began to fully appreciate the extent
to which the difference in our races determined the discrepancies in our situations.
Key among these was our dissimilar experiences with our legal system. Whereas I
was usually comforted by the presence of police, there was a palpable mistrust of
law enforcement in the jailed juveniles. And while I knew people in my school that
used or sold drugs, incarceration for these activities never held the same threat in
that community as was the case for the minority teenagers I met. It gradually
became clear to me that their incarceration was rooted not necessarily in the
crimes they committed but in the differences in our demographics.
I just finished up a couple of stories about digital health which aired in October. I’m
also doing a three-part series for NPR about new approaches to treating
schizophrenia. The schizophrenia series has been in the works for months – we
broadcasted shorter, local versions on KQED in August, and I’m really excited to
have it finally air nationally. I’m also working on a series of science video shorts for
PBS Digital Studios called Deep Look, which launches in November.
What types of projects are you working on now?
When I arrived at the University of Chicago, I jumped at the chance to become
involved with the Youth/Police Project—a collaboration between the University of
Chicago Law School’s Civil Rights and Police Accountability Clinic and the Invisible
Institute, where, for the past two years, I have helped plan and lead workshops
with black youth on Chicago’s south side. Our project focuses on empowering
young people to improve their interactions with the police by educating them on
their rights and using discussion and video art as a means of processing the
frequently unpleasant interactions they have with officers. One of the most
overlooked flaws of racial profiling is the huge psychological toll it takes on those
who face it. This is often lost in the broader argument over its constitutionality. It
creates massive disempowerment. The Youth/Police Project also puts considerable
focus on changing policies that allow racial profiling to occur and creating
opportunities for the youth to present their experiences to Illinois state legislators
in support of increased police accountability.
In response to the stories I heard from these local youth, in 2013 I founded the
Campaign for Equitable Policing (CEP), which aims to eliminate racial profiling by
the University of Chicago’s private police department (UCPD). The UCPD is
anomalous among university police forces in that its jurisdiction extends far
beyond campus boundaries; only a fraction of the 65,000 people it polices are
affiliated with the university. Yet, despite its clear public function and full police
powers, the UCPD is not held to the same standard of accountability as are public
police. By using a combination of community education and direct action tactics,
CEP is working to change this.
Amy Standen ’88
Amy Standen ’88 is a science
reporter for KQED. She began her
career in public radio at New York’s
KPFA and has also reported for NPR
and The Environment Report. Amy
has been a producer on Pulse of the
Planet, editor of Terrain Magazine,
editor at Salon, and reporter for
KALW’s Philosophy Talk. A recipient
of the James Madison Freedom of
Information Award, Amy’s work has
also been recognized by the National
Association of Public Radio News
Directors and Northern California’s
Society of Professional Journalists.
What memories of your time at SFDS stand out to you?
Well, certainly the nail-biting suspense of the all-school vote on what our school
mascot would be. (Go Dolphins!) Also Ms. Ahearn’s 7th grade English class, where I
learned that books could be talked about in a critical way. Navigating the social
dynamics of a class of 11 kids where – as the first graduating class – we were
always the oldest. And, thanks to Mr. Ian, nearly every word of The Mikado.
How did you get into your field of work?
After college, I spent a year backpacking in India and listening to a lot of BBC,
which convinced me that public radio was what I wanted to do. The late 1990s
was a great time to start a journalism career, and I got a job as a producer for a
science show based at the New York Museum of Natural History (despite being a
Latin American Studies major). Since then it’s been all journalism, mostly science
and mostly radio, but some print too. I was hired as a science reporter at KQED in
What are some of the challenges you face?
Journalism has become a much smaller field since I started; there are just far fewer
jobs. Being in public radio protects me from that somewhat, since the industry
hasn’t contracted quite as much as print. Public radio isn’t where you make the big
bucks (though we’re rich in mugs and tote bags), but it’s worth it.
What do you most value about your work?
All of it! The ability to pick almost any topic I’m curious about and dig into it. Access
to some of the world’s most fascinating people. The creative challenge of finding
and articulating the core of interestingness in a story. It’s an amazing, endlessly
engaging and demanding job and I feel very lucky to have it.
What memories from your time at SFDS stand out to you?
So many! From embalming pigeons in Mr. Bool’s science class to creating our own
civilizations (complete with an invented language and buried artifacts) in fifth
grade, I always loved the emphasis on hands-on learning I experienced at SFDS. In
particular, though, I remember the mock-Congress project the entire 8th grade did
in Mr. Young’s history class. I still recall that my role was as the Republican House
Whip from Ohio, and that I loved debating, negotiating, and eventually forming
coalitions with my classmates on the other side of the aisle. In fact, it was this
memory that drove me to apply for my first internship at San Francisco City Hall.
San Francisco Day School
2013-2014 Annual Report
Alumni Updates
Adam Rosenblatt ‘92
I co-created and executive produced a
television show called Idiot Test, which
is currently running on Game Show
Network. Our program Dinner at
Tiffani’s will return to the Cooking
Channel in 2015.
Matt Stratton ‘92
I joined Facebook as an in-house
intellectual property attorney in
January 2014, focusing on trademark
and copyright issues. We are having a
lot of fun with our daughter Lily, who is
three and a half years old.
Ariel Boyce-Smith ‘95
Ariel Boyce-Smith ‘95 and Paul Watson
were married on September 6, 2014, at
The Philo Apple Farm. Class of ‘95
guests included Karly Zimmerman,
Riaz Taplin, Amber Hawkes (and baby
Jack), Stevie Howell and Nora Singley.
Ariel’s good friend Nora was the
officiant at the happy event. (see photo
High School Matriculation: Class of 2014
Christopher Drake ‘95
Chris and his wife moved to
Washington, DC in the spring of 2013,
where their son Henry was born in
July. Chris is a lawyer at the D.C. law
office of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP,
where he advises regulated energy
clients on a range of compliance
issues. His wife is a professor of
epidemiology at the University of
Maryland, College Park. They have
plenty to juggle, but every day brings
a new adventure!
Jesse Biroscak ‘97
Jesse is a Captain of Code for San
Francisco, a non-profit group of
community members and
technologists who work together
using technology as a tool to improve
the lives of San Franciscans. He is also a
founder of, the world’s
first Sharing Economy industry group,
with members including Airbnb, Lyft,
SideCar, and Nextdoor.
L to R: Karly Zimmerman, Riaz Taplin, Amber Hawkes and baby Jack, Ariel, Stevie
Howell, Nora Singley
San Francisco Day School
Ryan Brill ‘02
I am currently in Carnegie Mellon’s
Human-Computer Interaction Masters
program in Pittsburgh, PA.
Jessica Fields ‘06
Jessica Fields recently graduated from
Brown University with a B.A. in Health
and Human Biology. She has since
started working at The Choices
Program, a non-profit organization
based at Brown University that
develops high school curricula on
current and historical international
issues. Check out their website at
Olivia Pollak ‘08
I spent this past summer working as a
research assistant in the Mood and
Anxiety Disorders Laboratory at
Stanford University. The lab is run by
Dr. Ian Gotlib, who studies depression
and anxiety, with an emphasis on
information processing biases in
depression and anxiety and the
inter-generational transmission of
psychopathology. More specifically,
the lab studies mothers who are, or
have previously been, depressed and
who have a daughter aged 10 to 14
who has NOT experienced depression.
These girls are, however, considered at
high risk for developing depression,
and the study I have been assisting
with this summer seeks to determine if
a special “training” task on the
computer, involving facial expressions
and positive/negative stimuli, can
decrease these young girls’ sensitivity
to negative or “depressing” stimuli. So
far, it appears as if this training task
does, in fact, significantly reduce stressrelated responses (e.g. increased heart
rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels)
to negative stimuli –physiological
responses more acute in those with
depression. The work in the lab has
been fascinating. I hope to take two
years off after graduating from Yale
and work in a psychology lab that
conducts clinically-related studies.
Ultimately, I hope to get a PhD in
clinical psychology and spend time
both researching and treating
patients in a clinical setting.
Congratulations to the
SFDS Class of 2014! We
look forward to their future
endeavors and achievements
as they embark on their high
school careers.
American School of Paris
The Bay School of San Francisco (3)
Branson School (3)
Drew College Preparatory (4)
The Hotchkiss School
Lawrenceville School
Lick Wilmerding High School (6)
Marin Academy
The Nueva School
Saint Francis High School
Sir Francis Drake High School
St. Ignatius College Preparatory (2)
St. Paul’s School
Stuart Hall High School
University High School (10)
Urban School of San Francisco (9)
2013-2014 Annual Report
College Matriculation: Class of 2010*
Best wishes to the SFDS
Class of 2010 as they
conclude their high school
careers and move on to
pursue new opportunities.
We are proud to have
SFDS alumni attending
the following colleges and
San Francisco Day School
Brown University
California State University, Chico
Dartmouth College (2)
Eckerd College
Georgetown University
Gonzaga University
Kings College London
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Middlebury College
The New School
New York University
Northwestern University (2)
Oberlin College
Princeton University
Reed College
San Francisco State University
Santa Clara University
Skidmore College
Tulane University
University of the Arts
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Pennsylvania (3)
University of Washington
Wesleyan University
Yale University
*Partial listing
2013-2014 Annual Report
and Credits
We extend our profound
gratitude to the many
donors who generously
supported SFDS during
the fiscal year of July
1, 2013 through June
30, 2014. Every effort
has been made to
ensure the accuracy of
the information and
listings in this report.
Please accept our
sincere apologies if any
errors or omissions
have been made. Please
bring oversights to the
attention of the SFDS
development office.
The Annual Report is published
by San Francisco Day School
development office.
Director of Development
Vanessa Alexander
Annual Giving and Alumni Relations
Jamieson Bunn
Michelle Phillips
Database Management
Danielle Short
Dasha Ostrova
MugsyClicks Photography
Orange Photography
Staff and Parent Volunteers
Renee Harcourt
For additional copies or more
information, please contact the
development office at 415-568-3631.
San Francisco Day School admits
students of any race, color, national
and ethnic origin to all rights,
privileges, programs, and activities to
students at the School. It does not
discriminate on the basis of gender,
race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, or
sexual orientation in administration of
its tuition assistance, athletic, and other
school-administered programs.
San Francisco Day School
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350 Masonic Avenue
San Francisco CA 94118
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