September 04, 2016 - St. Paul Catholic Community
MASS SCHEDULE Daily: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM (Rosary held after Mass) Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM (En Español) Sunday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM Sacrament of Penance Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 PM (or by appointment) Parochial Administrator Rev. Mark Wajda Parochial Vicar Rev. Mark Librizzi Hispanic Ministry Rev. Gianni Agostinelli Deacons Michael McGinnity Sam Damiano Michael Balchus Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM email: [email protected] LUKE: 14:25-33 MISSION STATEMENT St. Paul Catholic Community builds disciples, grows our faith and serves others in Christ’s name. Collection for last weekend Collection: Capital Maintenance: $14,462.47 $ 2,867.50 This Week’s collection: Building Fund Next Week’s collection: Ten For Today Questions of the Week Question for Youth: Jesus says that in order to be one of his followers, we must be close to him. When do you feel closest to Jesus? Question for Adults: Today's Gospel is demanding. How do you, as a modern man or woman, "denounce your possessions?" What does this mean for you? St. Paul Catholic Community Commemorative Prayer Service “Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted.” Mother Teresa September 11, 2016 at 7:00 PM Honoring those who have given their lives in the line of duty and for all police officers, firefighters and first responders risking their lives for us every day. All local Police, Firefighters and First Responders are invited to attend. San Pedro will be offering “Joyful Again!” a retreat for all widowed men and women on October 1& 2, 2016 at San Pedro Retreat Center in Winter Park. “Joyful Again!” is a two-day retreat for widows and widowers who want to resolve the grief they feel inside and begin to live again after the death of their spouses. For more information, contact: Sharon Groholski 386-717-4452. Panda Classic Would you like to help the students at St. Paul Catholic School? Would you like to have a fun time with friends? The Panda Classic Golf Tournament is being held on Friday, October 21, 2016 at Harbor Hills Country Club, 6538 Lake Griffin Rd, Lady Lake, FL. To register your attendance as a golfer or sponsor, visit the school office at 1320 Sunshine Avenue, Leesburg, FL. Or you may print a registration/Sponsor form on the school website at and mail it with your payment to the school. Parish Ministries Sunday, September 4 Readings: Wisdom 9:13-18/Philemon 9-10,12-17/ Luke 14:25-33 7:00 am Mass / Church 9:00 am Mass / Church 11:00 am Mass / Church Monday, September 5 - Office Closed Readings: 1 Corinthians 5:1-8/Luke 6:6-11 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Church Tuesday, September 6 Readings: 1 Corinthians 6:1-11/Luke 6:12-19 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Church 1:30 pm Intercessory Prayer Meeting / FEC 215/217 Wednesday, September 7 Readings: 1 Corinthians 7:25-31/Luke 6:20-26 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Novena / Church 1:00 Pm Gathering Group / FEC 215/217 7:00 pm Hispanic Prayer Group / FEC 215/217 Thursday, September 8 Readings: Micah 5:1-4 or Romans 8:28-30/ Matthew 1:1-16,18-23 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Church 12:00 pm CCW General Meeting / Holy Family Room 2:30 pm 11 am Choir Rehearsal / Church 4:30 pm Parish Council Meeting / FEC 215/217 6:30 pm 9 am Choir Rehearsal / Church 7:30 pm Hispanic Prayer Group Steering Committee / FEC 224 Friday, September 9 Readings: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-27/Luke 6:39-42 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Church 6:00 pm Hispanic Prayer Group– Life in the Spirit FEC 215/217 Saturday, September 10 Readings: 1 Corinthians 10:14-22/Luke 6:43-49 2:30 pm Sacrament of Penance 4:00 pm Mass / Church 7:00 pm Spanish Mass / Church Sunday, September 11 Readings: Exodus 32:7-11,13,14/1Timothy 1:12-17/ Luke 15:1-32 or 15:1-10 7:00 am Mass / Church 9:00 am Mass / Church 11:00 am Mass / Church For Youth & Young Adult activities, refer to Youth Ministry Page in Bulletin. CCW - All women of the parish are welcome to perform works of charity and work for the general welfare of the Church. Contact: Joan Woodson - 352.321.4043 Next Meeting: September 8 @ noon. Gathering Group—Social Group –meetings weekly on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. Contacts: Lucille Ross - 352.323.1853 Paulette Sawyer - 352.323.1244 Meetings to begin again in the fall. Look here for the next meeting date. Gifted Hands—A knitting ministry established to give comfort to those in nursing homes, hospital and shut-ins. Meetings monthly on the 4th Friday of the month at 1:00 pm. Contacts: Cherlyn - 352.365.9589 Rebecca - 352.728.4835 Next meeting: September 23 @1:00 pm. Respect Life—Novena intention following the 8:30 a.m. Mass every Wednesday. Adoration & Rosary after 8:30 am Mass 1st Wednesday of the month. Team meetings: Monthly on the first Friday of the month at 9:30 am. Contacts: Mary Clare - 901.371.7489 Pam - 352.365.2624 Rosary Makers—Summer Schedule monthly meeting first Wednesday at 9:30 am. Contacts: Mary - 352.638.2747 Dianne - 352.874.0058 Fall schedule: Every Wednesday at 9:30 am. Next Meeting: September 7. Word on Fire– Step Back, Slow Down, Notice your Life. Contacts: Tony & Patty Bennett - 352.460.2271 La Comunidad Católica de la Parroquia de San Pablo Nuestro Ministerio Hispano Sacerdote: P. Gianni Agos!nelli Santa Misa: sábado a las 7:00 pm Confesiones: Antes de la Misa Bau!smos, Bodas y Quinceañeras: Padre Gianni (352) 787-9208 Catequesis: lunes-6:00 pm-Salón 215, Myrta Aviles (352) 787-0126 Coro: Miguel (Maiki) Rodríguez (352) 630-1192 Grupo de Oración: miércoles7pm Salón Social-Raul A. Perez (352) 217-6568 LAZARUS, Clínica Médica Gratuita: ubicada en la Misión Católica Hispana San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado,210 Wonders St., Wildwood.Para Citas (352) 748-4567 o (352) 603-9315 (celular) Cursos de Inglés gratuitos: los martes y jueves,6-7:30 pm en San Pablo en (Leesburg) y los lunes y miércoles en la Misión Católica Hispana de San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado, 210 Wonder St., Wildwood. Lilly (352) 638-4559 STEP-UP – Los padres que han recibido las cartas de aprobación (Awards Le"ers) !enen que registrar los niños en la escuela, y pagar un mínimo de $50 por cada niño que se registre. Los que deseen aplicar por primera vez ya lo pueden hacer. LA CLINICAS GRATUITAS DE CARIDADES CATÓLICAS DE LA FLORIDA CENTRAL ESTA BUSCANDO VOLUNTARIOS La Clínica de Salud Gratuita Lazarus en Wildwood de Caridades Católicas de la Florida Central está buscando voluntarios: MD, PA, RN, OBSTETCIA, Técnicos de Electrocardiograma, Endocrinólogos, Cirujanos Ortopédicos, Educadores de Salud certificados, Enfermeras Generales y Enfermeras Registradas en cada una de nuestras clínicas. Durante el Año de la Misericordia, por favor ayúdennos a traer la misericordia de Dios a los enfermos y a los que luchan con problemas económicos . Nuestros clientes no tienen seguro ya están viviendo a un 200% bajo el nivel de pobreza. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con: [email protected]. R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Do you feel the Holy Spirit gently leading you to learn more about the Catholic faith? Do you belong to another faith tradition and have questions about Catholicism? Searching for answers? Please consider joining our RCIA group. Gatherings are informal and your friend, spouse or fiancé is welcome to join you if you would like them to. Through weekly group gatherings, faith is deepened in both small and large group sharing. You will be supported on the journey by parish sponsors, faith-filled parishioners who are eager to share their own faith journey with you. The teachings of Jesus and our Church, along with Scripture, are all part of the content of the gatherings. Any adult interested in becoming a Catholic is invited to walk a journey of faith that leads to full initiation into the Catholic Church. Full initiation involves the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Won’t you join us? For information, go to our website, click Faith Formation, then Becoming Catholic for more details or contact: Sister Ruth Platte 352-787-6354 ext.251 or email [email protected]. MEDICAL CLINIC SEEKING VOLUNTEERS Catholic Charities of Central Florida is seeking MDs, PAs, RNs, OBGYNs, EKG Technicians, endocrinologists, orthopedic surgeons, certified health educators, general and nurse practitioners to volunteer at the Lazarus Free Medical Clinic located at the San Pedro de Jesus Maldonado Mission in Wildwood. During this year of Mercy, please help us to bring forth God’s mercy to those who are ill and are struggling financially. Our clients are uninsured and living at 200% or below the poverty level. To learn more about serving at the Lazarus Free Medical Clinic, please contact [email protected]. Our next meeting is September 7. 2016. The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. AND PRAY THE ROSARY DAILY! If you cannot make rosaries, please consider a donation to the Rosary Makers. For more information, contact MARY at 638-2747 or DIANNE at 874- 0058. EVERY ROSARY IS A BLESSING. Gifted Hands We will be meeting again on September 23 at 1:00 PM in the Holy Family Room. Gifted Hands is a ministry of the parish established to give comfort to those in nursing homes, hospitals and shut-ins. For more information you may call: Cherlyn @ 365-9589 or Rebecca @ 728-4835. We Care About Women When we pray at abor!on clinics, we are not there to save “only” the babies. We are there also to save women from themselves, from a forever regret, and even from cancer. The Coali!on of Abor!on/Breast Cancer reports: “28 out of 37 worldwide studies have independently linked induced abor!on with breast cancer. 13 out of 15 studies conducted on American women report increased risk. Most of the studies have been conducted by abor!on supporters.” The Novena inten!on on Wednesday, 9/07, is for Respect Life. Please come to Mass and the Angelus, followed by Adora!on and the Rosary. The Council of Catholic Women invites all ladies of the parish to our September meeting. We are looking forward to a year of spirituality, learning and the special bonding with our Catholic sisters. Please come to the Holy Family Room on Sept September 8 at noon to celebrate with us. Bring your favorite potluck dish with serving utensil. See you there! I Believe in God and the Power of Prayer! Join with St. Paul’s Prayer Group Tuesday, September 13, @ 7:00 pm in the Holy Family Room. September Special Ch Christian Recording Artist & Composer Margo B. Smith will be leading the music for our Prayer Meeting. Don’t miss it! All members of the Community of St. Paul, as well as Al guests and visitors, are welcome for an evening of music and prayer followed by refreshments. The Knights of Columbus #133000 Wildwood presented the school with a check for $2,000.00 for the scholarship fund. The KOC representatives were Mike Grindel - Grand Knight, Jon Hoscheit and John Magee and principal Jacquelyn Gehrsitz. Suzanne Sendlebach Mr. & Mrs. John & Elizabeth Gross Remember -donations for the Parish Thrift Shop when cleaning out your closets for the fall. We always need new merchandise. For furniture or appliance pickups, call 352-787-3388 and ask for Rick. This ministry is a wonderful volunteer opportunity. Join us to benefit the community at large and fellowship with each other! Store Hours Monday-Friday 9 am—4 pm Saturday 9 am—1 pm 1st Sunday of the Month 9 am—1 pm New items arrive daily. Come in and see us! St.. Paul Paul’ss Foo Food od Pantry ry asks that our parishioners who live in Area 5 bring food to the pantry or drop it off at church next Sunday. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE PERISHABLE FOOD IN CHURCH. As always, thank you for your generosity, and if you bring food and it is not your area’s week, that is also appreciated. We are in need of jelly, fruit, vegetables, beans, canned chicken, tuna & canned pasta .The Food Pantry is also in need of dish soap, laundry detergent and personal care items. Flowers on the Altar are in Loving Memory of Rev. Walter J. Dockerill Jr. Knights of Columbus Saint Paul Council 5644 MEETING SCHEDULE All visiting Knights are welcome Knights of Columbus Hall 2116 Griffin Rd., Leesburg 1st Wednesday of each month/Social 6:00 pm Dinner/7:00 pm Program 3rd Wednesday of each month/Business Meeting 6:00 pm Dinner/7:00 pm Business Grand Knight: Larry Huhn 352-728-4979 4th Degree Assembly #1675 2nd Wednesday of each month Knights of Columbus Hall 7:30 pm Faithful Navigator: Carl Woodworth 352-455-7715 Ladies Auxiliary President: Ellen Spirytus 35 352-315-9626 Come and join the Knights for Co breakfast on the 1st and 3rd brea Sundays of each month Sund 8 AM to 11 AM Knights Hall. Upcoming Breakfast Dates: Upco September 18 \ No Breakfast on Sept Labor Day Weekend Labo The Knights will have an installation of officers and dinner on September 10 at 5:30 pm. The cost is $5.00 and tickets may be purchased by contacting Larry Huhn at 728-4979. Knights Of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary invites you to join them on a 1/2 day Victory Casino Cruise on Tuesday, Oct. 11 2016. Bus leaves St. Paul’s at 8 AM. $47 PP includes transportation to and from Port Canaveral, boarding, lunch and $20 in match slot play. For information and reservations, contact: Cindy Diemer 267-0739 or Patti Banning 787-5549. OPEN TO ANYONE 18 AND OLDER Please pray for the following people who are in need of our prayers… Nadine & Tracy Adams, Bill & Dorraine Asparro, Diane Avitabile, Bob Baraglia, Renee Beausoleil, Margaret Blanchard, Gerald Boskey, Alec Boswell, Margaret Boyle, Hank Braidwood, Rita Carollo, Mike Carragher, Dean Casala & Family, Philip Chappel, Alice & John Cheatham, Fred & Be"y Chesney, Jason Connor, Wendy D., John Daddona, Louis Damiani, Liz DaGrassa, Brianne Dart, Be"y DeBar, Dan Debrowski, Gerald Dellinger, Dicus Families, Armando de Moya, Kelly & Jim Dezego, Sco" Elam, Peter Esposita, Bob Frost, John Fullerton, Santos Garcia Jr., Joseph Giarle, Jackie Giasson, Hilde Glaser,Gunther Glaser, Greg Grimes, Debra Gruber, Jim Hand, Ann Hanson, Pat Hempfield, Arleeda Hickey, Arthur Hofman, Junia Horta, Sharon Hutchison, Andy Iturbe, Cecilia James, Beverly & Charles Jensen, Jim Jesmer, Arlene Johnson, Denzil Kastner, The Kelly Family, Brian King, Bob King, Patricia Kriss, Helen Kuhn, Miki Rich Kuhn, Mayl Langley, Peggy Leloff, Eileen Levin, Be"y & Warren Lindner, Bev Little, John Lynn, Reese Madden, Frank Maher, Marion Maloy, Lori Mango, Mike Ma"ox, Donna Marcil, Jack & Mavine McCoy, Chuck McHarg, Tom McLaughlin, Brian McLaughlin, Helen Mercedes, George Merklinger, Joseph Meyer, Danielle Millnor, Joan Mirovsky, Ann Moncur, Barbara Montague, Earnest Morris, Thomas Mournighan, Edward Mozina, Nickoli Family, Patricia Nolan & Family, Sigh Olden, Elizabeth O’Leary, Jim O’Loughlin, Syrie Pe"a, Gene Pe't, Pfahler Family, Janice Phelps, Russ Phillips, Fr. Vincent Pierino, Joe & Diane Pompilio, Ruthann Pope, Carolyn Popp, Stephanie Ramey, Kathy Rasch, Tabitha Redente, Leo Remeniuk, Peggy Rick, Rosemary Rick, Mary Robertson, Carmen Rodriguez & Family, Richard Ruzzo, Jay Nicholas Ryan, Eduardo Sainz, Richard Shearen, Grace Shirey, Anna Skarbek, Kathleen Skoblicki, Jane Smedley, Nancy Soto, Carla Spaulding, Michael Stellabo"e, Jackie Strayer, Vincent Taranto, Gretchen Taylor, James Tewart, Sister Therese, Dorothy Timmons, Catherine & Edward Urbonas, Ann Vendi"e, John Andrew Villa, Judy Viner, Chris!na Virgil, Angela Wajda, Kelly Wallask, The Wayne Family, Ann Weaver, Suzanne Well, Brenda Whitney, William Whitney, Karen & Dana Yeager, Baby William Zedler, Eve & Willard Zimmer, Vince Doyle Family; All Chris!ans around the world suffering persecu!on, the Incarcerated, our Military Service Men & Women. The pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima is available for loan for 1 week inter vals for those wanting to have it in their home. If you are interested, please call Mary Moreau at 352-315-0902. In Loving Memory Loss in our Church Family Name John (Jack) T. Schein Phyllis Wanta Date of Death 08/24/16 08/29/16 Main Street Dentists, Inc. Gregory J. Panzo, M.D. The Cataract / Implant Specialist Lasers / Glaucoma Jon D. Mehr, D.D.S. Martha Bridges Mehr, D.D.S. Offices located in Mount Dora, Leesburg, Apopka, The Villages/Stonecrest & Santa Fe Crossing Monday - Thursday • 7:30am -3pm 606 W. Magnolia St., Leesburg 352-735-2020 Toll Free 1-888-820-7878 352-787-4800 352-787-7741 Professional & Personal Care Irish Pub & Restaurant New Uninsured Patient Exam with X-ray and Basic Cleaning for $100 Located in the Downtown Tavares Waterfront Entertainment District 115 S. Rockingham Ave. Lunch & Dinner Daily Discount for Uninsured Patients $200 Custom Whitening Trays Ishbel Nieves-Reyes, DMD 26540 Ace Ave, Leesburg, FL 34748 Tel: 352-326-4404 • Fax: 352-326-3877 352-343-2157 On Facebook O’Keefe’s Irish Pub 33050 Professional Dr. Leesburg, FL 34788-3750 352-787-6800 JOIN THE TEAM AT LAKE PORT SQUARE! For available employment opportunities, contact Human Resources Pediatrics Alex M. Uson, M.D., P.A. Board Certified Fellow - American Academy of Pediatrics 701 Lake Port Boulevard • Leesburg, FL 1039 W. Dixie Ave. • Leesburg, FL 34748 352-728-8525 Tel: (352) 323-0094 Parishioner (352) 326-3262 Palm Plaza Shopping Center 723 N. 14th St LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. 16-0030-I David A. Wollenschlaeger, D.M.D. Wayne W. Tutt Agent 352-259-0666 [email protected] 4430 NE 83RD RD. WILDWOOD, FL 34785 (352) 748-1949 An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association PARISHIONER Palm Ridge Plaza CR101 11962 CR 101 Ste 303, The Villages, FL 32162 Cabinet Source LONE OAK CEMETERY Cell: 352-598-6324 Now offering burial & cremation sites dedicated to the Catholic faith. For information please call: 352.326.9085 Dream, Imagine & Create 2606 South St. Leesburg, FL 34748 office 352-728-3806 • fax 352-326-3283 Jimmy Griffith Just Ask RENTAL (The Original) 10% OFF 326-4202 HOME HARDWARE CENTERS Palm Plaza Shopping Center p: 728-1888 [email protected] f:728-2145 (EXCLUDING SPECIALS, BEER & WINE) 755 N. 14th St. • Leesburg, FL Mon-Sat 11am-9:30pm • Closed Sundays Albert R. Ducharme, O.D., P.A. Optometric Physician Edward K. Sowden, Jr. Kathleen M. Sowden, RG 1320 Shelfer St. Leesburg Sq. Shopping Ctr. Phone (352) 343-3632 [email protected] 728-1700 1128 Bichara Blvd. La Plaza, Grand Bay West The Villages, Lady Lake Help with: Writing Checks Balancing Checkbook Shopping • Take to Dr. Appointments Bonded • Parishioners 750-2414 PARISHIONER NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? THIS SPACE IS Flickering Lights? We’ll take care of it. • EXPERT TROUBLESHOOTING • SERVICE • ALL REPAIRS EW N 10% Discount with St. Paul bulletin Jam Jamie “The Electrician”, LLC (352) (352) 396-1252 396-12 | Lic/Insured Lic#13015025 396-12 DUNSTAN & SON PLUMBING CO. INC. PLUMBING REPAIR & REMODELING 352-787-4771 LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Est 1922 1127 WEST MAIN ST. LEESBURG, FL 34748 John W Snyder, President CFC057100 COUPON REQUIRED GREEK • ITALIAN • PIZZA LEESBURG, FLORIDA • (352) 365-6804 BOOKS, BIBLES, MISSALS, ROSARIES, STATUARY, ETC. YOUR ONLY STOP FOR UNIQUE CATHOLIC GIFTS! GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE. “THE ORIGINAL - AND STILL THE BEST!” 10% OFF Any Purchase 1205 N. 14th Street Leesburg, FL 34748 352-787-2344 Store Hours: 7 days a week 11am - 10pm We Deliver $10 Minimum Excluding specials & alcohol. Leesburg location only. Published by Messner Publications, Inc. For Advertising Information Call 1-866-651-2111 • Agencies BUILDING CONTRACTOR 16-0030-O Mid-Florida Emmett Sapp Builders, Inc. Parish Staff 1330 Sunshine Avenue, Leesburg FL Phone 352-787-6354 Fax 352-787-5971 Extension Velia Lopez-Rodriguez, 234 Business Manager JoAnn Roberts/Yesenia Fajardo, 221 Recep!onists Cherilyn Braidwood, 229 Parish Secretary (Volunteer) Hank Braidwood, 229 E-Bulle!n (Volunteer) Jeffrey Shaw, 223 Music Director Sister Ruth Pla#e, SLW 251 Director Religious Educa!on/Adult Faith Forma!on Jacque Kimble, Cris!na Pinion 238 Rel. Ed Secretaries C. K. Graham, Youth & Young Adult 269 Ministry/Liturgical Coordinator Barbara Marino, Execu!ve 230 Assistant to Pastor/Bulle!n Editor Dcn. Sam Damiano, 336 Pastoral Care Beverly Smith, 335 Secretary, Pastoral Care Jacquelyn Gehrsitz, 323 School Principal Mariles Hodge, 300 Secretary, School Michele Pinder, 321 Business Manager, Admissions. Babi Hernandez, 330 Manager, Gi* Shop Rick Murton, 327/328 Manager, Thri* Shop Joe Powell, Jim Kertz, Pete Pell, Jim Schofield, Maintenance Staff Food Pantry 1321 Sunshine Ave. Leesburg 352-787-3012 Hours: 9 am - 12 Monday & Friday 4-7 pm Wednesday Catholic Charities of Central Florida, Inc. Emergency Family Assistance 1321 Sunshine Ave. Leesburg 352-460-0700 - Call for appointment. Parish P arish Council Council MEMBERS FOR DESIGNATED AREAS Chairman: Dick Bowersox 728-2162 Vice Chair: Mary Lou Mroczkowski 323-8669 Rose Bowersox 728-2162 Cindy Diemer 751-0499 Representa!ve Needed Area 1 Jim Frank (Lake Port Square) 728-6285 Claire Souliere 728-3674 Tom Diemer 751-0499 Bill Sendelbach 314-0017 Sally Schulte 728-1446 Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 Parish Finance Committee Rev. Mark Wajda Deacon Sam Damiano John Barzyk John Feldman Joseph Keenan Gerold Willing 1320 Sunshine Ave., Leesburg FL Accredited Pre-K - 8th Grade Principal: Jacquelyn Gehrsitz 352-787-4657 School Finance Rev. Mark Wajda Rev. Mark Librizzi David Merryman Mike Merrill Lena Williams Gerold Willing PTO Board Pam Copeland Chris!ne Ramos Melinda Miller Illiana Miranda Jessica Melendez School Board Members Rev. Mark Wajda Rev. Mark Librizzi Jacquelyn Gehrsitz Gordon Kennedy Estelle Mournighan Jerry Bidwell Craig Williams Anna Cowin William Burns Bryan Hayes Frank Webber Maria Iturbe Saint Paul's Gift Shop 1321 Sunshine Ave. Leesburg, FL 34748 352-365-6804 Saint Paul's Thrift Shop STORE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday 3:00 pm 7:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm STORE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am -1:00 pm Closed Mondays 1st Sunday of Month 9am—1pm 1321 Sunshine Ave. Leesburg, FL 34748 352-787-3388
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