LUKE 9:18-24 - St. Paul Catholic Community
MASS SCHEDULE Daily: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM (Rosary held after Mass) Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM (En Español) Sunday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM Sacrament of Penance Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 PM (or by appointment) Parochial Administrator Rev. Mark Wajda Parochial Vicar Rev. Mark Librizzi Hispanic Ministry Rev. Gianni Agostinelli Deacons Michael McGinnity Sam Damiano Michael Balchus Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM email: [email protected] LUKE 9:18-24 MISSION STATEMENT St. Paul Catholic Community builds disciples, grows our faith and serves others in Christ’s name. Collection for last weekend Collection: $ 13,364.50 Ten For Today 2,559.50 Mission: 8,173.00 This Week’s collection: Holy Father-Peter’s Pence Next Week’s collection: Capital Maintenance Our Catholic Appeal 2016 Assessment: $258,000.00 Pledged: $244,052.70 We are still working towards our assessment and we need your support! QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK Question for Youth: What special qualities do you have that make you a follower of Jesus? Question for Adults: How do you wear Christ? Flowers on the Altar are in Memory of Harry Spirytus Substitute Teacher Job Opportunity In Loving Memory Loss in our Church Family Name Date of Death Michael Hicov Janice Roy 6/8/16 6/2/16 Catechist needed for 5th Grade Classes taught in English. Also, aides needed for Grades 1-8. Bi-Lingual a Plus. Contact Sr. Ruth for details at 352-787-6354 x 251. St. Paul School is looking for a substitute teacher for this school year. Successful candidates will cover assigned classes on a temporary basis at a busy elementary school. Job Responsibilities: · Take attendance and supervise assigned students. · Administer lesson plans as requested by the absent teacher. · Fulfill other duties assigned to the absent teacher (recess, lunch duty, etc.). Qualifications · College degree required in an appropriate field. · Teaching experience required. · Previous experience in a Catholic school setting is preferred. · Pass the Safe Environment training and fingerprinting through the Diocese. Candidates are asked to submit a cover letter and resume to the Principal, Jacquelyn Gehrsitz, at [email protected]. Sunday, June 19 - Father’s Day Readings: Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1/Galatians 3:26-29/ Luke 9:18-24 7:00 am Mass / Church 9:00 am Mass / Church 11:00 am Mass/Church Monday, June 20 Readings: 2 Kings 17:5/8,13-15,18/Matthew 7:1-5 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Church 7:00 pm Hispanic Prayer Group Workshop / FEC 215 Tuesday, June 21 Readings: 1 John 5:1-3/Matthew 22:34-40 8:30 am Mass V Rosary/ Church Wednesday, June 22 Readings: 2 Kings 22:8-13;23:1-3/Matthew 7:15-20 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Novena / Church 7:00 pm Hispanic Prayer Group / Soc. Hall We are in need of volunteers for our Food Pantry. Please call the Church Office (787-6354) to volunteer your time! Knights of Columbus Saint Paul's Council 5644 donated $2,000.00 each to three Lake County Organizations: Lake Hills School, Special Olympics of Florida and Camp boggy Creek at their June Social. Pictured above from left to right are: Sharon Couture (Camp boggy Creek); Ernest Little (Deputy Grand Knight); Joan Giovanni (Special Olympics Florida); Larry Huhn (Grand Knight); Robin Meyers (Lake Hills School); and Tom Diemer (Past Grand Knight). Thursday, June 23 Readings: 2 Kings 24:8-17/Matthew 7: 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Church 2:30 pm 11 am Choir Rehearsal / Church 6:30 pm 9 am Choir Rehearsal / Church 7:30 pm Hispanic Prayer Group Steering Committee/FEC 224 Friday, June 24 Readings: Isaiah 49:1-6/Acts 13:22-26/Luke 1:57-66,80 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Church Saturday, June 25 Readings: Lamentations 2:2,10-14,18-19/ Matthew 8:5-17 2:30 pm Sacrament of Penance 4:00 pm Mass / Church 7:00 pm Spanish Mass / Church Sunday, June 26 Readings: 1 Kings 19:16,19-21/Galatians 5:1,13-18/ Luke 9:51-62 7:00 am Mass / Church 9:00 am Mass / Church 11:00 am Mass/Church For Youth & Young Adult activities, refer to Youth Ministry Page in Bulletin. Gifted Hands Fortnight for Freedom Each year dioceses around the country arrange special events to highlight the importance of defending religious freedom. Star!ng June 21 to July 4, we ask you to gather, learn, pilgrimage, and pray, pray, pray daily! The Fortnight for Freedom Opening Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop William Lori on Tuesday, June 21 at 7:00 pm. The Closing Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Donald Wuerl, with Bishop David Zubik of Pi&sburgh delivering the homily, on Monday, July 4 at noon. Both Masses will be televised na!onwide on EWTN and the Catholic TV Network. If we can be forced by the government to provide coverage for contracep!on, abor!on and steriliza!on, then we are not free in our conscience or our prac!ce of religion, and all other freedoms are fragile and at risk. The Novena following Mass on Wednesday, June 22, is for Dignity of the Family. We will be breaking for summer and there will be no mee!ngs in June, July or August. We s!ll need yarn dona!ons and you may drop off your dona!ons at the Parish Office or you may call Cherlyn Bradley at 365-9589 or Rebecca Whalen at 728-4835. Gi$ed Hands is a ministry of the parish established to give comfort to those in nursing homes, hospitals and shut-ins. We thank you for your support! YEAR OF THE ROSARY FOR MERCY We are now on a once a month schedule. The next meeting is July 6. Does your child need prayers? Put him/her into the arms of the Blessed Mother. She will never fail to give you back your child. As you pray the Rosary, change the “Hail Mary” to say “Holy Mary, Mother of God,” pray for (your child’s name here), now and at the hour of (his/her) death. Amen. If you cannot make rosaries, please consider a donation to the Rosary Makers. For more information, contact MARY at 638-2747 or DIANNE at 874-0058. Join us for Coffee & Donuts after the 7 & 9 am Sunday Masses. C&D will be on hiatus for July, August and September. The pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima is available for loan for 1 week inter vals for those wanting to have it in their home. If you are interested, please call Mary Moreau at 352-315-0902. FAITH FORMATION Registration - 2016-2017 Grades 1-8 , th Classes will begin Monday August 29 . For this first class we ask that parents and children come to the School Cafeteria at 6p.m. At 6:15 we will begin with prayer, introduction of teachers, and dismissal of children to classes. Parents of newly enrolled children will stay for an orientation until 7:20 p.m. in the School Cafeteria. Registration Form turned in & FEE PAID by July 22nd 2016 DISCOUNT: $30/Per Child or Family Fee/$75 (3 or more children) Registration after July 22nd, 2016: $40/Per Child – Family Fee/$95 (3 or more children) Questions: call the Faith Formation Office at 787-6354 ext. 238 Thank You. Sr. Ruth Platte, Director of Faith Formation R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Do you feel the Holy Spirit gently leading you to learn more about the Catholic faith? Do you belong to another faith tradition and have questions about Catholicism ? Searching for answers? Please consider joining our RCIA group. Gatherings are informal and your friend, spouse or fiancé are welcome to join you if you would like them to. Through weekly group gatherings, faith is deepened in both small and large group sharing. You will be supported on the journey by parish-sponsors, faith filled parishioners who are eager to share their own faith journey with you. The teachings of Jesus and our Church, along with Scripture, are all part of the content of the gatherings. Any adult interested in becoming a Catholic is invited to walk If you are a regular visitor or an unregistered member, we request that you please register. You can be a seasonal member and be registered in more than one parish. If you wish to sponsor someone for any of the sacraments, you must be a registered practicing member of the parish; otherwise, we have no record of you. If you wish to volunteer, you must be registered, etc. NOTE; Blue envelopes are not used to register. Please fill out a registration form found at the back of the church.— Thank you! For those who are registered and do not currently receive Church envelopes, but are using the blue envelopes, please fill out the form below to receive Church envelopes. This would be greatly appreciated. I/WE would like to receive envelopes. (PLEASE PRINT) Name: ___________________________________ Address:__________________________________ a journey of faith that leads to full initiation in to the Catholic Church. Full initiation involves the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Won’t you join us? For information, go to our website, click Faith Formation, then Becoming Catholic for more details or contact: Sister Ruth Platte 352-787-6354 ext.251 (or email [email protected]). Phone Number:___________________________ The Council of Catholic Women presents the Patrio!c Rosary on July 4th following the 8:30 AM Mass. Please plan on par!cipa!ng in this beau!ful way of praying for each state and for our en!re country. God Bless America! La Comunidad Católica de la Parroquia de San Pablo Nuestro Ministerio Hispano Sacerdote: P. Gianni Agos!nelli Santa Misa: sábado a las 7:00 pm Confesiones: Antes de la Misa Bau!smos, Bodas y Quinceañeras: Padre Gianni (352) 787-9208 Catequesis: lunes-6:00 pm-Salón 215, Myrta Aviles (352) 787-0126 Coro: Miguel (Maiki) Rodríguez (352) 630-1192 Grupo de Oración: miércoles7pm Salón Social-Raul A. Perez (352) 217-6568 LAZARUS, Clínica Médica Gratuita: ubicada en la Misión Católica Hispana San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado,210 Wonders St., Wildwood.Para Citas (352) 748-4567 o (352) 603-9315 (celular) Cursos de Inglés gratuitos: los martes y jueves,6-7:30 pm en San Pablo en (Leesburg) y los lunes y miércoles en la Misión Católica Hispana de San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado, 210 Wonder St., Wildwood. Lilly (352) 638-4559 STEP-UP – Los padres que han recibido las cartas de aprobación (Awards Le&ers) !enen que registrar los niños en la escuela, y pagar un mínimo de $50 por cada niño que se registre. Los que deseen aplicar por primera vez ya lo pueden hacer. Apple Tree Weekend July 9-10, 2016 Stop by the trees in the vestibule and help our school with its apple tree campaign to improve Catholic Education. On the apples will be supplies that the students/teachers need. If you can help, please take an apple and donate the requested item. As always, your help is gratefully received. Formación en la Fe Inscripción 2016-2017 Grados 1-8 , Las clases se inician el lunes 29 de agosto. Para esta primera clase pedimos que los padres y niños v engan a la cafetería de la escuela a las 6p.m. A las 6:15 vamos a empezar con la oración, la introducción de los profesores, y el despido de los niños a clases. Los padres de niños matriculados por primera vez permanecerán para una orientación hasta las 7:20 p.m. en la cafetería de la escuela. Formulario de inscripción entregado y cuota pagada hasta el 22 de julio de 2016 Descuento: $30/Por niño o tarifa familiar/$75 (3 o más hijos) Inscripción después del 22 de julio de 2016: $40/por Niño - Tarifa familiar/ $95 (3 o más hijos) Preguntas: llame a la Oficina de Fomación en la Fe al 787-6354 ext. 238 !Gracias¡ Don’t forget donations for the Parish Thrift Shop when cleaning out your closets for summer!!! For furniture or appliance pickups, call 352-787-3388 and ask for Rick. This ministry is a wonderful volunteer opportunity. Join us to benefit the community at large and fellowship with each other! Store Hours Monday-Friday 9 am—4 pm Saturday 9 am—1 pm 1st Sunday of the Month 9 am—1 pm Notice We will be closed July 1 - July 17 for summer vacation and will reopen on Monday, July 18th. SHELTER PROJECT HOPE Shelter Project Hope has a low income apartment available: 2 bdrm./1 bath, with a washer & dryer. The apartment requires a $400 security deposit, first month rent, and a $100 NON-REFUNDABLE cleaning fee. The rent is $400 /month. Utilities must be turned on under resident’s name. Residents do not have to be members of St. Paul. This is a NO SMOKING and NO ANIMALS apt. Tentative clients must complete an application and an interview before the Board for consideration. Applications available at the church office. For more information, contact Tom Diemer at 352-267-9502. St. Paul’s Food Pantry asks that our parishioners who live in Area 1 bring food to the pantry or drop it off at church next Sunday. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE PERISHABLE FOOD IN CHURCH. As always, thank you for your generosity, and if you bring food and it is not your area’s week, that is appreciated also. We are always in need of fruit, canned chicken, tuna & canned beef stew. Knights of Columbus Saint Paul Council 5644 MEETING SCHEDULE All visiting Knights are welcome Knights of Columbus Hall 2116 Griffin Rd., Leesburg 1st Wednesday of each month/Social 6:00 pm Dinner/7:00 pm Program 3rd Wednesday of each month/Business Meeting 6:00 pm Dinner/7:00 pm Business Grand Knight: Larry Huhn 352-728-4979 4th Degree Assembly #1675 2nd Wednesday of each month Knights of Columbus Hall 7:30 pm Faithful Navigator: Al Banning 352-787-5549 Ladies Auxiliary President: Mary Lou Mroczkowski 352-323-8669 Come and join the Knights for breakfast on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month 8 AM to 11 AM Knights Hall Note...there will be no breakfast held on Father’s Day June 19. The Knights of Columbus monthly Chicken Dinners resume, starting again on June 26. Meals are available from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm. The cost is $8.00 in advance or $10.00 at the door. Tickets are now on sale in the Church Office. Gathering Group up We will be breaking for the summer and meetings will resume in the fall...For further information, you may call Lucille Ross at 323-1853 or Paulette Sawyer at 323-1244. Please pray for the following people who are in need of our prayers…Nadine & Tracy Adams, Bill & Dorraine Asparro, Diane Avitabile, Bob Baraglia, Renee Beausoleil, Sarah Beasley, Margaret Blanchard, Gerald Boskey, Alec Boswell, Margaret Boyle, Hank Braidwood, Valerie Bush, Rita Carollo, Mike Carragher, Dean Casale & Family, Alice & John Cheatham, Fred & Be&y Chesney, Carlos Collazo, Jason Connor, Judy Coon, Greg Crimes, Wendy D., Louis Damiani, Howard Dangel, Brianne Dart, Dan Debrowski, Gerald Dellinger, Discus Families, Armando de Moya, Kelly & Jim Dezego, Barbara Dlugas, Peter Esposita, Bob Frost, Santos Garcia Jr., Joseph Giarle, Jackie Giasson, Debra Gruber, Jim Hand, Ann Hanson, Pat Hempfield, Arleeda Hickey, Arthur Hofman, George Holbrook, Junia Horta, Sharon Hutchison, Andy Iturbe, Beverly & Charles Jensen, Jim Jesmer, Arlene Johnson, The Kelly Family, Brian King, Bob King, Dorothy Krawczyk, Patricia Kriss, Helen Kuhn, Mayl Langley, Norma Lehosky, Eileen Levin, Be&y & Warren Lindner, Bev Little, John Lynn, Reese Madden, Marion Maloy, Lori Mango, Mike Ma&ox, Jack & Mavine McCoy, Chuck McHarg, Tom McLaughlin, Tara McLhenney, Brian McLoughlin, Linda Mellow, Helen Mercedes, Joseph Meyer, Danielle Millnor, Joan Mirovsky, Barbara Montague, Earnest Morris, Thomas Mournighan, Edward Mozina, Patricia Nolan & Family, Sigh Olden, Elizabeth O’Leary, Jim O’Loughlin, Kenneth Peloquin, Syrie Pe&a, Pfahler Family, Janice Phelps, Russ Phillips, Fr. Vincent Pierino, Joe & Diane Pompilio, Ruthann Pope, Stephanie Ramey, Kathy Rasch, Tabitha Redente, Leo Remeniuk, Peggy Rick, Rosemary Rick, Carmen Rodriguez & Family, Jay Nicholas Ryan, Eduardo Sainz, The Seldon Family, Richard Shearen, Anna Skarbek, Kathleen Skoblicki, Beverly Smith, Kathy Smith, Nancy Soto, Carla Spaulding, Michael Stellabo&e, Jackie Strayer, Vincent Taranto, Gretchen Taylor, Sister Therese, Dorothy Timmons, Tony Schon, Patricia Torogrossa, Catherine & Edward Urbonas, Ann Vendi&e, John Andrew Villa, Judy Viner, Chris!na Virgil, Angela Wajda, Kelly Wallask, The Wayne Family, Ann Weaver, Brenda Whitney, William Whitney, Paul Wolf, Fran Wollman, Karen & Dana Yeager, Baby William Zedler, Eve & Willard Zimmer, Vince Doyle Family; All Chris!ans around the world suffering persecu!on, the Incarcerated, our Military Service Men & Women. CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FREE MEDICAL CLINICS SEEKING VOLUNTEERS Catholic Charities of Central Florida is seeking volunteer MD’s, PA’s, RN’s, OBGYN’s, EKG Technicians, endocrinologists, orthopedic surgeons, certified health educators, general and nurse practitioners at each of our clinics. For more info, contact: at Lazarus Free Medical Clinic in Wildwood, [email protected] or at St. Luke’s Free Medical and Dental Clinic in Eustis, [email protected]. Let’s welcome our newest members to our parish family. Sra. Mirtila Rodriguez Parish Staff 1330 Sunshine Avenue, Leesburg FL Phone 352-787-6354 Fax 352-787-5971 Extension Velia Lopez-Rodriguez, Business Manager 234 Cherilyn Braidwood, Parish Secretary (Volunteer) 221 Hank Braidwood, E-Bulle!n (Volunteer) 229 Jeffrey Shaw, Music Director 223 Sister Ruth Pla$e, SLW Director 251 Religious Educa!on/Adult Faith Forma!on Jacque Kimble, Cris!na Pinion Rel. Ed Secretaries 238 C. K. Graham, Youth & Young Adult Ministry/Liturgical Coordinator 269 Barbara Marino, Execu!ve Assistant to Pastor/Bulle!n Editor 230 Dcn. Sam Damiano, Pastoral Care 336 Beverly Smith, Secretary, Pastoral Care 335 Jacquelyn Gehrsitz, School Principal 323 Mariles Hodge, Secretary, School 300 Michele Pinder, Business Manager, Admissions. 321 Babi Hernandez, Manager, Gi$ Shop 330 Rick Murton, Manager, Thri$ Shop 327/328 Joe Powell, Jim Kertz, Pete Pell, Jim Schofield, Maintenance Staff Food Pantry 1321 Sunshine Ave. Leesburg 352-787-3012 Open 9 - 12 Monday, Wednesday & Friday Catholic Charities of Central Florida, Inc. Emergency Family Assistance 1321 Sunshine Ave. Leesburg 352-460-0700 - Call for appointment. Parish Council MEMBERS FOR DESIGNATED AREAS Chairman: Dick Bowersox 728-2162 Vice Chair: Mary Lou Mroczkowski 323-8669 Rose Bowersox 728-2162 Cindy Diemer 751-0499 Joan Woodson 321-4043 Jim Frank (Lake Port Square) 728-6285 Claire Souliere 728-3674 Tom Diemer 751-0499 Bill Sendelbach 314-0017 Sally Schulte 728-1446 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 Parish Finance Committee Rev. Mark Wajda Linda Clark Deacon Sam Damiano John Barzyk John Feldman Joseph Keenan Gerold Willing 1320 Sunshine Ave., Leesburg FL Accredited Pre-K - 8th Grade Principal: Jacquelyn Gehrsitz 352-787-4657 School Finance Rev. Mark Wajda Rev. Mark Librizzi Linda Clark David Merryman Mike Merrill Lena Williams Gerold Willing PTO Board Pam Copeland Chris!ne Ramos Melinda Miller Illiana Miranda Jessica Melendez School Board Members Rev. Mark Wajda Rev. Mark Librizzi Jacquelyn Gehrsitz Rey Hernandez Gordon Kennedy Estelle Mournighan Linda Clark Jerry Bidwell Lena Williams Anna Cowin William Burns Bryan Hayes Lisa S!glich Frank Webber Maria Iturbe Saint Paul's Gift Shop 1321 Sunshine Ave. Leesburg, FL 34748 352-365-6804 Saint Paul's Thrift Shop STORE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday 3:00 pm 7:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm STORE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am -1:00 pm Closed Mondays 1321 Sunshine Ave. Leesburg, FL 34748 352-787-3388 1st Sunday of Month 9am—1pm
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