the bulletin - St. John XXIII Catholic Church
the bulletin - St. John XXIII Catholic Church
ST. JOHN XXIII Catholic Church 13060 Palomino Lane, Fort Myers, FL 33912 | P 239-561-2245 | F 239-561-3713 | Novemberr 29, 2015 Born in our Darkness St. John XXIII Catholic Parish in Fort Myers, Inc. a Florida non-proÀt corporation November 29, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE Daily Masses: Monday-Saturday, 8:00 am Rosary-7:30 am (Mon.-Sat.) Divine Mercy after 8 am Mass Weekend Masses: Saturday Mass 4:00pm Vietnamese Mass 8:00 pm Sunday, 7:15 am, 9:15 am, 11:15 am, 5:00pm Spanish Mass: 1:15 pm Àrst Sunday each month Reconciliation: Saturday after 8:00 am Mass First Friday Adoration: Friday 8:30-9:00 am Pastor Rev. Robert Tabbert [email protected] Parochial Vicars Rev. Russell Ruggiero [email protected] Rev. John Cao CMC [email protected] Deacons Deacon Rich Klish [email protected] Deacon Nick Jurasevich [email protected] CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-Noon | 1:00-4:00 pm 239-561-2245 The Mission of St. John XXIII Catholic Church is to actively engage all those who desire to more fully accept and live out the message of Christ, welcoming and respecting all people regardless of background, history, race or color, as we strive to nurture spiritual growth and personal holiness on our journey to become more responsible stewards of God’s gifts. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, November 28 8:00 AM +Judith B. Fernandez by Marc & Lucy Bingcang 4:00 PM +Jacqueline Matthews by Roberta & Bill Starita 8:00 PM +Augustine Vu by Carol Nguyen First Sunday of Advent, November 29 7:15 AM +Marino & Dominic Ceccoli by their family 9:15 AM +Marilyn Stolarik by Robert 11:15 AM +Michelle Tuffy by her family 5:00 PM +Jacqueline Starita- Matthews by her parents Monday, November 30 8:00 AM +Terry Pantano by St. John XXIII Thrift Store Tuesday, December 1 8:00 AM Natalia Factora’s Birthday by her family Wednesday, December 2 8:00 AM +Robert Golding by Rick & Marianne Ludlam Thanksgiving Thursday, December 3 8:00 AM +Dan Murphy III by his grandfather, Dan Sr. Friday, December 4 8:00 AM +Jackie Sardock by Dorothy & Joe Slabosz Saturday, December 5 8:00 AM +Angelina T. Magcalas by Tom & Bette 4:00 PM +Claire Solomon Copeland by her children & grandchildren 8:00 PM +Dominic Nguyen by Carol Nguyen Sunday, December 6 7:15 AM +Eileen Larkin by Jim & Judy Delany 9:15 AM +Jacqueline Matthews by Roberta & Bill Starita 11:15 AM +Albert Kirchner by St. John XXIII Pastoral Team 5:00 PM +Lisa Paci¿co by Peggy Stobb PLEASE NOTE Because of our growing population, Mass requests will be limited to 8 per year. To reserve a Mass, you must call or come into the of¿ce to speak with staff directly. Other options available are: Tabernacle Candle, Missal Memorial, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and All Souls envelopes. Download Our New Parish App! Our new St. John XXIII app is now available to download for iPhone and Android smart phones. Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notiÀcations, an easy-toaccess event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also, enjoy several other additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more! Help foster a stronger parish life at St. Johh XXIII and better engage the New Evangelization. Download our app today at or search your phone’s app store for myparish. You can also text the word “APP” to 88202! Pastoral Team Business Manager Holly Atkins [email protected] 239-561-2245 _________________________ Communications Danielle O’Brien [email protected] 239-561-2245 _________________________ Maintenance Supervisor Rob Erp 239-561-2245 _________________________ Dir. of Faith Formation Chris Biel [email protected] 239-561-7499 _________________________ Bookkeeper Ana Thompson [email protected] 239-561-2245 _________________________ Coordinator of Parishioner Engagement Jennifer Engelman [email protected] 239-561-2245 _________________________ Director of Music Ministries Robert Kirchner [email protected] 239-561-2245 _________________________ Thrift Store Manager Cynthia Conzatti [email protected] 239-433-4097 15200 S. Tamiami Trail Fort Myers, FL 33908 ______________________ PART TIME Receptionist MaryAnn Deas [email protected] 239-561-2245 _________________________ OfÀce Assistant Brenda Gregory [email protected] 239-561-2245 _________________________ Faith Formation Assistant Trisha Fields [email protected] 239-561-7499 _________________________ Admin. Assistant Barbara Lange [email protected] 239-561-2245 _________________________ Youth Ministers Meghan & Aaron McCarthy [email protected] 239-561-3022 _________________________ November 29, 2015 Blessing & Prayer for Advent Wreath Saturday,November 28 Prayer Walk at Abortion Clinic 9:15am Vigil Mass 4:00pm Vietnamese Mass 8:00pm _____________________________ Sunday, November 29 First Sunday of Advent Vietnamese Selling Egg Rolls & Spring after 9:15 & 11:15 Masses _____________________________ Monday, November 30 Men’s Gospel Forum/CCR 7:00am Craftie Ladies at the Villas 1:00pm K of C Social/Installation 6:30pm _____________________________ Tuesday, December 1 Bereavement 1:00pm Spanish Rosary 6:00pm Advent: An Evening of ReÁection 6:30pm Boy Scouts at Villas 7:00pm _____________________________ Wednesday, December 2 Blessed Little Angels at Centennial Park 10:00am Faith Formation 4:15 & 6:00pm Middle School Youth Group 6:00pm _____________________________ Thursday, December 3 Thursday Morning Friends Group 8:45am Choir Rehearsal Faith & Wine Lee County 6:30pm _____________________________ Friday, December 4 First Friday Adoration 8:30am Manor Care Mass 10:00am Christmas Wine & Cheese Event 4:00pm Girl Scouts- Off Campus 6:00pm _____________________________ Saturday, December 5 K of C Selling Christmas Magnets First Reconciliation 10:00am Craftie Ladies Craft Fair Vigil Mass 4:00pm Vietnamese Mass 8:00pm _____________________________ Sunday, December 6 K of C Selling Christmas Magnets Hospitality Sunday Archbishop to Celebrate 11:15am Mass Craftie Ladies Craft Fair 5:00pm Mass High School Youth Group 6:30pm _____________________________ During the Advent season families should spend time together preparing for the approaching celebration of the birth of Christ. An Advent wreath can be a great focal point for family prayers and holiday celebrations. An Advent wreath is a wreath of laurel, spruce or similar foliage with four candles that are lighted successively in the weeks of Advent to symbolize the light that the birth of Christ brought into the world. Traditionally three of the candles are purple, the color of kings and off penance. A rose-colored candle is used to mark the Third Sunday of Advent as a time to rejoice over the closeness of Christmas and the coming of Christ. Children love the beauty of the simple traditional ceremony. Lighting candles in an Advent Wreath is a simple way to start a tradition of family worship in the home. Those who participate will cherish the experience all their lives. Prayer: Each day your family should gather around the Advent wreath, generally before the evening meal. The proper number of candles are then lighted and a prayer is said. Blessing of the Advent Wreath: It starts at the evening meal on the Saturday before the Àrst Sunday in Advent with the blessing of the wreath. (The head of the household is the one designated to say the prayers, following which various members of his family light the candles. If the group is not a family, then a leader may be selected to say the prayers and others appointed to light the candles.) The following prayer can be used. Leader: Our help is in the name of the Lord. All: Who made heaven and earth. Leader: O God, by whose Word all things are sanctiÀed, pour forth Your blessing upon this wreath and grant that we who use it may prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ and may receive from You abundant graces. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. The wreath would then be sprinkled with water. Then follows the prayer which is said before the evening meal each night of the Àrst week in Advent: Leader: O Lord, stir up Thy might, we beg Thee, and come, That by Thy protection we may deserve to be rescued from the threatening dangers of our sins and saved by Thy deliverance. Through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. The candle is allowed to burn during evening meals for the Àrst week. | PAGE 3 | Gospel ReÁections | Jack Conroy Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 The “End-Time.” Each of the Synoptic Gospels have “Apocalyptic” sections. This is a literary genre, highly developed in the world of Hellenistic Jewish literature of the First Century. The underlying idea is that the world is so infected by evil that only God can restore the primordial Justice and Righteousness that ought to be the model of behavior. The 7th Chapter of the Book of Daniel is one model for this reading, where the Prophet sees what will happen in the End Time, where God will destroy evil, and where one like a “Son of Man” will come on clouds, and to whom will be given power and glory. Now Luke uses the phrase “Son of Man” 25 times in his Gospel, referring to Jesus. Hence, there is no question that Luke intends for his readers to understand that this person is not only a charismatic leader and healer, but is the One who will return at the End to bring about the renewal of the earth. Today, the “End Time” is not a pressing concern for most people; but the idea of Christ’s mission to renew the face of the earth is central to our Faith. But instead of waiting for Christ to return on clouds, we see ourselves as His vehicle in history. The “End Time” is now, when God uses us to restore Justice. Prayers for Our Service Personnel PFC Andrew Kanopkh Sgt. Phil Dellibovi Tech Sgt Jeffrey K. Green Staff Sgt. Chris Dominski Staff Sgt. Shaun McBride Richard Tahaes 1st Lt. Paige Hortman Kathleen Hudepohl Sgt. Jared Gaudet Captain Andrew Duguay Master SGT Peter Parison Andrew Herman PFC Michael P Hughes Capt. Bradley D. Laux LCPL Andrew Eldridge Staff Sgt. Dennis Cosgrove Michael Klem PFC Bryan Bard SPC Michael Jednak Lt. Col. Jarett D. Broemmel SPC Craig A. Schneider LCP James Palenik Marine Private Tyler Petersen Sgt. Justin Pingicer, Army Anthony Padula Christian Troutner, US Navy Major Bart Boma Marine PFC Ryan Silva Lt. Col. Brady Sexton Pvt. Matthew Lyons CPL Nicholas Lyons, USMC LCPL Nick Mundo Drew Fesmire LCPL Thomas Kavanaugh USMC PFC Kristen Thompson Sean Ball 2nd Lt. Jacob Mundo, U.S. Army Prayer List Please remember in your prayers all of our parish family and friends who suffer physically, emotionally or spiritually, especially: Peggy Rotz Lynne Haughey Vincent Galati Lena Volovic Walter, Jeanne & Peggy Stobb Pat Finnegan Kristin Lipp Larry Gesiakowski Bill Bosco Barbara Raney Antoinette Bosco John Brooklyn Rick Bryan Bob Ryan Mike Sherwood Dolores Letender Jerry D. Wade Greg & Denise Jorgansen Joanie Niemits Charles Moore Candy Foehl Marge Bandi Angela Blinkiewicz Jean McDonald Ken Melvin Edward Leonard Long Joyce Ferranti Melissa Masterson Christine Sullivan Kent Durante Kathy Feitig Joseph John Richard Mason Evan & Elizabeth Mary Florence Nash Jennifer, Michael, Victoria & Roger Poliette Hannah Shirley Thompson Cathy LeBreck Lisa Ordmandy Shirley Seng Henry Krotche Mary Buchholz Dan Pieper Carol Johnson Shirley & Frank GrifÀth Charlotte Jane Stinson Greyson Leno John Michael Sean Bertrand Judy Sulzmann Tom Emborsky Timmy Phillips June Shea Shirley Seng Allen Shevach Helen Tolliver Doris Mackin Ted Feindt Robert Weliver Patrick Lewis Betty Clarke Sandy Bourdeau Howard Johnson Gregory Digiovanni Val Arnold Philip Degiovanni Betty Haddock Joey Cibella Joyce Fuller Elof Erickson Ryan Novajasky Joseph San Filippo Names will remain on the prayer list for approximately one month. If you’d like the name to continue, please call once per month to remind us to keep it listed 239.561.2245. The best way to ensure your loved ones are consistently prayed for within our greater E-Prayer Community - email Betsy Engelbrecht at [email protected]. Their names will be circulated to an ever-growing list of people who will pray for them by name! Lord God, Almighty Father, creator of mankind and author of peace, as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess, we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces. Give them courage, hope and strength. May they ever experience your Àrm support, gentle love and compassionate healing. Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light. To you be all glory, honor and praise, now and forever. Amen. Prayers for Eternal Life Life is changed, not ended. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord! Amalia (Molly) Iadevaio The Tabernacle Candle In memory of: Alfred B. Atkins Requested by: St. John XXIII Pastoral Team | PAGE 4| Welcome New Parishioners! General Announcements • • • • • • • • • • • • Have you listened to our NEW podcasts? Listen to inspirational messages from Father Bob and homilies from Mass. Visit our site weekly at ‘Like’ our Facebook page! For all the latest happenings and inspirational messages ‘Like’ us on Facebook. Search ‘St. John XXIII Catholic Church’. Sign up for our weekly newsletter! Visit our website,, scroll down to “Stay Connected” and enter your email address. Mark Your Calendars! It is with great excitement to announce that Archbishop Bernadito Auza, Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations will celebrate the 11:15am Mass on December 6th. We hope to see you and your family on the special day! If you’ve never been baptized or you were baptized Catholic, but never received your First Eucharist, come participate in Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). RCIA is a process decreed by the Catholic Church to bring non-Catholic adults into the Church. It also initiates baptized Catholics, who have not completed their Sacraments, into full communion with our Church community. We welcome those who are not baptized, those baptized in another Christian tradition and Catholics who have not yet received Holy Eucharist. The Rite begins with Inquiry Sessions Wednesday evening in the Parish OfÀce. All are welcome who want to know about our Catholic faith. For more information, please contact Barbara Catineau at 275-6454 or the Parish OfÀce. St. John XXIII Children’s Choir now forming! Open to boys and girls from ages 8 to 12 years old.Rehearsals are held after 11:15 Mass on Sundays. For those interested, please contact Beth Herrera at [email protected] or Joana Cruz at [email protected]. Please note!! If you make monetary contributions by credit card, card companies are issuing new cards with microchip technology. Please contact the Parish OfÀce (561-2245) if there are any changes to your card, including expiration dates, so there is no interruption in your contributions. Beef O’Bonus! Our promotion with Beef O’Brady’s Fiddlesticks is back! Tell your server, you are from St. John XXIII and they will give 10% of your check back to the parish! Thanks, Beef O’s! We remind you that if there is ANYONE asking for money around the Church outside of Mass at our exits, ignore them. We have been contacted by the police regarding a group of professionals who travel to various churches. Be generous in giving to our Poor Boxes. That is where and how we can assist those who are truly in need. Thank you IStorage Fiddlesticks! It’s obvious space is tight right now, but thanks to IStorage Fiddlesticks at 13701 Indian Paint Ln, we can safely store some of our items. A special thank you to IStorage in Fort Myers for providing the parish with a storage unit at no cost for our year-round needs and for an additional two units during the holidays. Car Stops for Sale! We were able to remove our concrete car stops in some of the grass areas of our parking lot. We have 200 car stops that we are willing to sell at a good price for anyone interested. Please call our ofÀce 239-561-2245 for more information. Hai Nguyen & Nina Tat Richard & Carol Graver James & Kathleen Messina Those who are new to our Parish this year, and those who’ve been coming for years without being registered, we need your help in staying organized and planning for our future needs. Having an accurate database of our Parishioners will help us know where and how we need to grow. Thank you to everyone who registered with our Parish. If you have not received a welcome letter, please call the Parish OfÀce to conÀrm your registration. Thank you! All new parishioners, and those interested in registering in our Parish, are invited to attend the New Parishioner Orientation; the next Session is Januaray 17th at 12:30pm. This is your opportunity to become informed and active members of the Parish and participate in our various ministries. Registering at St. John XXIII is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic community. Please let the parish ofÀce know your email address OR you can even update it on the Parish Website! Frequently, those seeking to celebrate Marriage, Baptisms or serve as sponsors for ConÀrmation or Baptism request a letter stating that they are parishioners. To receive such a letter, one must be registered in the parish, attend Mass regularly, and be committed to stewardship of time, talent and treasure. One means of verifying participation is through the use of parish offertory envelopes. If you choose not to participate in the support of the parish or are unable to contribute at this time, please at least note your prayerful support on your envelope and place it in the weekly offertory basket. Advent & Christmas Scedule Tuesday, December 1 Advent Evening of ReÁection ~ 6:30 PM Monday, December 7 Vigil Mass for Holy Day ~ 6:00 PM Tuesdray, December 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception~ Holy Day 8:00 AM Mass Advent ReÁectopm 9 AM – 11:30AM 12:00 PM Mass 8:00 PM- Vietnamese Mass Tuesday, December 15 Advent Reconciliation Service with Individual Confession 7:00 PM Wednesday, December 16 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Individual Confession Thursday, December 24- no 8:00 AM Mass Christmas Eve 4:00 PM Mass (Children’s Pageant) 6:30 PM & 9:00 PM Mass 11:00 PM- Vietnamese Mass Friday, December 25 Christmas Day Masses 7:15 AM, 9:15 AM and 11:15 AM Thursday, December 31 8:00 AM Weekday Mass 6:00 PM Vigil for Holy Day Friday, January 1, 2016 Feast of Mary Mother of God ~ Holy Day 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM Mass 5:00 PM- Vietnamese Mass Beginning January 2, 2016 ~ resume Saturday Vigil Masses at 3:30 PM & 5:30 PM | PAGE 5| Do you need to receive low-gluten hosts? Please go to the Sacristy before Mass and let the Sacristans know. They will accommodate your needs. Thank you! This week in Faith Formation This week in Youth Ministry Contact Chris Biel | 561-7499 | [email protected] j Contact Aaron & Meghan McCarthy | [email protected] This week in Faith Formation: • Classes will be held this Wednesday, December 2nd Classes for the month of December are as follows: • 2nd: Faith Formation • 5th: Saturday at 10:00 AM/ First Reconciliation, • 9th: Faith Formation • 16th: Faith Formation • 23rd: No Class - Faith Formation Merry Christmas • 30th: No Class - Faith Formation Happy New Year Announcements: • Thanks to all the families who helped contribute to our Annual Thanksgiving food drive. In addition to bringing in a food item, the children raised $365! 4:00PM Christmas Eve Children’s Mass This week in Youth Group: • There is no High School Youth group on November 29th. • The Middle School Youth group will talk about Practical Knowledge this week. We will learn about basic CPR and survival skills and how it intertwines with their spiritual growth. World Youth Day Pilgrimage: Limited Spots Left - If you are interested in attending this exciting pilgrimage, the time to sign up is now! Spots are going quickly. The Diocese of Venice has already received registration from 140 individuals to join Bishop Frank J. Dewane at “World Youth Day Krakow” in 2016! The opportunity to see and pray with Pope Francis amongst millions of Catholic youth from around the world cannot be underestimated. This trip promises to be a wonderful experience for all who participate as it will be held in the birth country of St. John Paul II, founder of World Youth Day! The trip is scheduled to take place from July 23 to August 2, 2016. For questions and to reserve your group please contact George Smith at [email protected]. Cookies with Santa! Any child of the parish, who would like to participate in our musical reenactment of the birth of Jesus during the Christmas Eve 4:00 PM Mass, please read below. All children in grades 1-6 are welcome to participate. Children must be able to follow directions. Children will be dressed in costume as angels, shepherds, manger animals, kings, Gabriel, Mary and Joseph. Costumes provided. Children will be given the lyrics to the songs at the Àrst rehearsal and be asked to have them memorized. Your child must be available to rehearse on these dates: Wednesday, December 2 5:30-6PM Wednesday, December 9 5:30-6PM Wednesday, December 16 5:30-6PM Thursday, December 17 5:00-6:00PM If your child is interested in participating, please contact Chris Biel at [email protected] or call at 561-7499, no later than December 1st. Parents: We need your help with costumes, helping with the children during practice and during Mass on the 24th. Please let us know if you can help!! Sunday, December 13th Following 9:15 & 11:15 Masses Free! Meet & get your picture taken with Santa Enjoy sipping cocoa and eating delicious cookies with Santa and his elves! *Cookie donations are needed for the event. Contact Chris Biel at 239-561-7499 for details | PAGE 6 | The latest in Adult Education Th ST. JOHN XXIII Jubilee Year of Mercy A Morning of Reflection Catholic Church Advent: Traditions of the Season Tuesday, December 8th 9:00am-11:30am Community Room On this Feast of Our Lady, we will focus on this Àrst day of our Church’s Jubilee Year of Mercy. There will be periods of teaching, guided meditative prayer and communal sharing. The hope is that we will each become more aware of God’s generous mercy and so share more readily with others this ever-present and abundant forgiving love. REGISTER IN THE NARTHEX OR BY CALLING THE PARISH OFFICE Tuesday, December 1st 6:30-8:00pm Community Room Saturday, Dec. 5 1:00-9:00PM Advent, the brief season before Christmas, is rich with many traditions. In this Advent evening, we will explore those traditions as we faithfully prepare to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. Sunday, Dec. 6 8:00-3:00PM & 4:00-6:00PM Deacon Rich Klish will give a presentation on Advent traditions throughout the world, discussing special customs celebrated in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. The Faith Alive Team will share their family traditions surrounding the Advent season. This will be a chance to learn, and perhaps, adopt some new traditions for your Advent! There is no charge for this Advent Evening , but please register by Sunday, November 29. You can sign up in the Narthex or by email: [email protected]. | PAGE 7 | Spanish Announcements Vietnamese Announcements Queremos invitarlos a las actividades en español que se están realizando en la Iglesia, contamos con su presencia para que los grupos se incrementen. Giӡ Thánh LӉ: - ChiӅu Thӭ Bҧy: 4:00 pm; 8:00 pm (Vi͟t) - Chúa Nhұt: 7:15 am; 9:15 am; 11:15 am; 5:00 pm • Liên lҥc: - Lm. Gioan Cao VNJ Nghi 951-258-8734 - Anh NguyӉn Thành Khiêm 239-470-8666 • • Vào mùa ÿông ӣ nhӳng miӅn lҥnh, nhӡ cây cӕi chӍ còn trѫ trӑi có thân cây, nên trên mӝt sӕ cây chúng ta có thӇ nhìn thҩy nhӳng tә chim. Hình ҧnh tә chim là mӝt hình ҧnh ý nghƭa cho Mùa Vӑng, khi chúng ta chuҭn bӏ cho tâm hӗn mình mӝt nѫi ҩm cúng, sҥch sӁ, ÿӇ cho Chúa ngӵ vào. Mӝt tә chim ÿѭӧc làm nên bӣi nhӳng nhánh cây nhӓ cӫa thӱ thách cam go trong cuӝc sӕng, nhӳng hҥt sӓi cӫa kiên nhүn và nhӭc nhӕi; nhӳng cӑng rѫm cӫa phҩn ÿҩu và thăng tiӃn, nhӳng bùn ÿҩt cӫa thân phұn yӃu ÿuӕi con ngѭӡi, và nhӳng cӑng cӓ khô cӫa phó thác và quên mình trong cuӝc sӕng. Trong Mùa Vӑng này, chúng ta hãy làm cho mình mӝt cái “tә” cho Chúa Giêsu hài nhi, bҵng cách thánh hóa mӑi giây phút cӫa cuӝc sӕng, và sѭӣi ҩm cho Chúa bҵng lòng mӃn yêu cӫa chúng ta. Chúa ÿã sinh xuӕng trҫn gian ÿӇ ÿem ѫn cӭu ÿӝ và bình an cho con ngѭӡi. Ѭӟc gì, Mùa Giáng Sinh năm nay, Chúa cNJng sinh vào lòng chúng ta. • • • • La misa en español de Diciembre 6 será celebrada a las 11:15 junto con la misa en Ingles ya que esta será una celebración multicultural debido a la visita del Nuncio Apostólico ante las Naciones Unidas el cual estará celebrando esta misa, los invitamos a que asistan a esta histórica visita a nuestra parroquia. Recuerden que estamos comenzando con la actividad de Àn de año donde llevaremos sonrisas a la comunidad de LaBelle como lo hemos hecho en los últimos dos años; Necesitamos su colaboración con juguetes; si usted está interesado en apoyar lo invitamos a ponerse en contacto con nosotros vía nuestro correo electrónico [email protected]. Estamos buscando nuevos Monaguillos (Altar Servers) que puedan servir en la misa en español, los requisitos es que hayan hecho su primera comunión y que tomen el entrenamiento de la iglesia; si usted está interesado y puede voluntariar a sus hijos en esta actividad favor de ponerse en contacto con nosotros a nuestro correo electrónico: [email protected] Los invitamos a que nos acompañen al rezo del Rosario todos los Martes a las 6:00PM dentro de la Iglesia. Quien desee participar en la misa como lector u otras actividades pueden contactarnos también a nuestra dirección de correo. Dirija todas sus inquietudes, peticiones y preguntas Nuestro correo electrónico para cualquier información o petición que deseen: [email protected] Queremos invitarlos a que se unan a la página de Facebook de nuestra comunidad. El link es el siguiente: THÔNG BÁO Sӭ Thҫn Tòa Thánh tҥi Liên HiӋp Quӕc Thăm Giáo Xӭ Chúa Nhұt tuҫn tӟi, ngày 6 tháng 12, 2015, Ĉӭc Tәng Giám Mөc Bernadito Auza, Sӭ Thҫn Tòa Thánh tҥi Liên HiӋp Quӕc, sӁ ÿӃn thăm Giáo xӭ Thánh Gioan XXIII. Trong dӏp này, Giáo xӭ sӁ tә chӭc mӝt Thánh lӉ trӑng thӇ lúc 11:15 sáng, và ÿã mӡi cӝng ÿoàn ViӋt Nam cùng cӝng tác trong viӋc tә chӭc. Bài ÿӑc 2 sӁ bҵng ViӋt Ngӳ, vNJ phөng vө lúc dâng cӫa lӉ, và mӝt vài viӋc khác. Hòa Giҧi Mùa Vӑng ĈӇ chuҭn bӏ tâm hӗn mӯng LӉ Giáng Sinh, trong Mùa Vӑng, sӁ có giҧi tӝi 30 phút trѭӟc và sau LӉ. Giáo xӭ sӁ có giӡ hòa giҧi (Anh ng·) và giҧi tӝi vào chiӅu thӭ Ba, ngày 15 tháng 12, lúc 7:00 chiӅu; và giӡ giҧi tӝi sáng thӭ Tѭ, ngày 16 tháng 12, tӯ 8:30 ÿӃn 9:30 sáng. Phân Công Phөng Vө Thͱ B̫y, 5 tháng 12, 2015 - Chúa Nh̵t 2 Mùa V͕ng Bài ÿӑc 1: Chӏ Cao Trang Bài ÿӑc 2: Anh Trӏnh Ân Lӡi NguyӋn: Anh Trҫn Ĉҥi Giúp LӉ: Em Annie, Jenny, Teresa, Thao Faith & Wine Lee County announces our next event on Thursday, December 3, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Our speaker, Sister Carmella T. DeCosty, will speak on “Wake Up the World...With Joy!” In his Apostolic Letter to all consecrated people, Pope Francis urges us to “Wake Up the World” and reminds us that the strength of the Church is living by the Gospel and bearing witness to our Faith. This mandate is not only for those called to Religious Life, it is demanded of everyone! This event will be held at Church of the Resurrection. We invite women from all parishes to join us for a light dinner, a glass of wine and inspiring topics by Catholic speakers. Free babysitting is available. For more information and to register please visit our website: | PAGE 8 | CHRISTMAS ANGEL TREE Food Drive Recap A big thank you to the parishioners of St. John XXIII who supported this year’s ‘Giving in Thanksgiving” food drive. Because of your generosity, the parish provided Thanksgiving dinner to 240 families, The St. John XXIII Villas and St. Martin de Porres. Special thanks to the Social Justice committee for organizing and executing the the food drive! Help others enjoy Christmas this year! The Angel Tree supports St. John XXIII homebound and families in need, Catholic ho Charities Elderly, Veterans, St. Martin de C Porres Ministry and the St. John XXIII Villas. Po If yo you select an Angel, you can help us by: • R Returning your wrapped gift with the original angel tag (securely attached) to o the t Narthex by December 6th. • S Suggested maximum expenditure of $40 *Thiis year, due to storage issues, we will not have *This any any bicycle requests Tha you for your continued kindness and Thank gen generous spirit for those among us who are struggling and in need. Or Text “APP” to 88202 | PAGE E9| To Benefit The ‘Building Our Legacy’ Capital Campaign CANCELLED Come in your best holiday attire for a lovely experience of an assortment of wines and hors d’oeuvres. A silent auction of fabulous prizes and opportunities will be available to support the Capital Campaign. Music provided by Fletcher Music Center Coffee and non-alcoholic beverages will be served, as well! Tickets are available at the Parish OfÀce or contact Linda Sayres 239-768-2249. ST. JOHN XXIII Catholic Church Parish Center Parish Life Life Center Weekly Financials Groundbreaking Status Editor’s Note: Due to an early bulletin submission date for Thanksgiving, the weekly Ànancial report is not available for the weekend of November 21st & 22nd. Check back next week for a full report of Mass attendance and parishioner monetary contributions. Thank you for your patience. $5.2Million! End of Year Giving If you would like to give an end of year gift to the CFA or Capital Campaign and have it be documented for 2015, please note these important dates: Stocks & Bonds- December 14th Cash & Checks- December 21st Thank you for all of your support on our Catholic Faith Appeal and Capital Campaign! We are grateful for all gifts to St. John XXIII. If you would like more information, please contact the parish ofÀce at 239-561-2245. $4Million $3Million Your faith has been with you from the start... Most often, when we think of making a gift to the Church, we think of our weekly offertory, which is considered to be a sacriÀcial percentage of one’s income. However, prayerfully consider leaving our Parish in your will in the form of: Securities of Closely-Held Stock, Personal Property, Real Estate or Gifts In-Kind, Charitable Trusts Please call the Parish OfÀce to set an appointment and determine how you can leave a lasting legacy at St. John XXIII. $2Million $1,686,721 Building Our Legacy Money Received Thank you to the parishioners who have Ànancially committed to the parish’s capital campaign to build a Parish Life Center. We have removed the weekly family pledge list from the bulletin and will place it back into the bulletin on a quarterly basis. Below, are this week’s new pledges. $1Million As of Wednesday, November 18, 2015 there are 882 families who have made a pledge! For questions, please contact the Parish OfÀce. Thank you for your prayerful and Ànancial support in the Building Our Legacy Capital Campaign! Amount required to break ground $5,200,000 *80% cash required by DOV Outstanding pledges – 882 Families $1,904,144 Redeemed pledges + contributions received $1,686,721 Remaining cash required $3,513,279 Total Amount Pledged: $3,377,456 | PAGE 11 | Catholic Community Happenings Safe Environment Training. As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsbility, and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults. As they participate in activities within, or sponsored by our diocese, it is our commitment to provide an environment which is safe and nurturing. In accordance with the Diocese of Venice policy to offer continued Safe Environment Awareness to all employees and volunteers, all volunteers must be trained! One should NOT attend if Àngerprints have not been cleared. The next session is at San Antonio in Port Charlotte on December 3 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. MARRIED COUPLES: Seen at church - “Marriages may be made in heaven, but the maintenance needs to be done on earth”. The Catholic Church is afÀrming and supporting you in your chosen vocation – Marriage. Take advantage of this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-Àlled, private weekend away together at the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend -- Dec. 4th, 5th and 6th in the Retreat Center in Venice. Contact (813) 270-7832 for more information about the weekend or apply on-line at Novena of Masses for Life Celebrate Mass on the 25th of each month from the Annuciation to Christmas for a greater respect for all human life. See the schedule of Masses throughout the Diocese of Venice at Prayer Vigil Every Wednesday: There is a great need for many people to be a witness and defend the helpless unborn. Please come to stand and quietly pray with others every Wednesday any time between 9:00am-2:00pm in front of Planned Parenthood on Winkler & College Pkwy. If you need more information, contact Toni at [email protected] or 239-980-0921. Find us on Facebook at “40 Days for Life Fort Myers.” Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation - Wednesday Morning Adult Faith Formation Video-Conferencing Sessions are now underway. The free sessions are available simultaneously through the Institute’s centrally-located video-conferencing sites (see attached Áier for the nearest location). Each of the weekly sessions begin at 9:00 a.m. and continues for approximately 90 minutes. Attendees can go to any location they choose and need not participate in each session. For further information please visit (CLICK HERE for topics, speakers and video-conferencing locations.) ICSF Course 101 Catechetics (FUS Pre-Requisite) - This Àrst pre-requisite course for students entering the Master’s Program at Franciscan University of Steubenville will begin on Thursday, January 14, 2016, and continue every Thursday with the exception of Holy Week. The course, “Catechetics,” is an undergraduate 36 hour course that all students will be required to take upon acceptance into the FUS graduate program. Therefore, anyone who thinks they may apply to FUS now or in the future, would be advised to enroll in the course. The course is also open to anyone, with or without a degree, for non-credit. The course will be videoconferenced from the Catholic Center to at least one parish in each deanery. Please call the Institute at 941-766-7334 for additional information on the course and/or registration at FUS. Prepare your heart for Christmas at OLPH: Carve out sacred time and space to encounter the Savior, incarnate as a vulnerable baby, in deeply personal and transformative way. Follow Mary’s example and allow the Word of God to “take Áesh” within you, so that, through the action of the Holy Spirit, God may become more visible to those around you. Come receive the gift of “Prayer of the Heart”, the gift of praying with your sense and imagination. Dec.8-9 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center. Register at 941-486-0233. More details available at Faith & Ale: All men are invited to join us on Thursday, December 10 at Our Lady of Light Parish. Our guest speaker will be Deacon David Reardon. The title of his message is, God of Surprises, God of Mercy. It is based on the book, The Church of Mercy: A Vision for the Church, which is a series of homilies and essays by Pope Francis. The program begins at 6 PM with pizza and refreshments ($10 donation) and concludes at 8 PM. Reservations are required and can be made on line at or by contacting your fellow parishioner, Jack Quinlan, at 810-434-3406. Upcoming dates: January 21, Father Pay Boyhan from St. Columbkille Parish | February 18 Raymond Arroyo, EWTN Host | March 10, Guy Gruters, Vietnam POW | April 7, Father Larry Richards, Reason For Our Hope Foundation. Year of Mercy - December 8, 2015 marks the start of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, called by Pope Francis to spread the message of mercy throughout the world. The Diocese of Venice will be celebrating the Year of Mercy in various ways. To begin the Jubilee Year, Epiphany Cathedral in Venice and Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Boca Grande will have special “Holy Doors” which will allow pilgrims to receive special indulgences attached to the Year of Mercy. On Sunday, December 13, Bishop Dewane will celebrate a Solemn Rite of Opening for the Holy Door of Mercy at Epiphany Cathedral during the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses. All are invited to attend. More information regarding Year of Mercy activities in the Diocese will be forthcoming. “Cities for Life” Prayer Vigil - A worldwide effort to end the death penalty will be taking place on Monday, November 30, in what is being called a “Cities for Life” campaign spearheaded by the Community of Sant’Egidio in Rome. The campaign is the largest contemporary global mobilization to advocate for a higher and more civil form of justice, renouncing the death penalty. In the Diocese of Venice there will be a prayer service at on Monday, November, 30 at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice, at 6:00 p.m. All are invited to attend. Contact Jeanne Berdeaux at Berdeaux@ or 941-441-1101 for additional information. National March for Life planning session - For those planning to participate in the National March for Life on January 22, in Washington, D.C., please visit All are welcome to join Bishop Dewane for morning Mass at St. Peter’s on Capitol Hill prior to the March for Life. For details, contact Jeanne Berdeaux, 941-441-1101 or [email protected]. Project Rachel Retreat for Hope & Healing after AbortionRegistration is now open for a one-day retreat on Sunday, January 24, at a confidential location within the Diocese. This retreat is designed to help women hurting from past abortions experience the personal love of Christ and find hope for healing. It will offer a loving and confidential environment to hear stories of post-abortion healing, share Scriptural stories of Christ’s healing love, spend quiet time in prayer and receive Sacramental Reconciliation and Eucharist. To allow sufficient time for sharing, the retreat is limited to 10 participants. Pre-registration is required. For further information, contact Fonda on the confidential helpline at 239-719-7210 or at [email protected]. Catholic Days at the Capitol - Registration is now open for the annual 3-day bus trip to Tallahassee on February 16-18. Register for the event and reserve your hotel room by submitting the form at www.Á Questions? Contact Jeanne Berdeaux, 941441-1101 or [email protected]. Annual Christmas Appeal - The 14th Annual Catholic Charities Christmas Appeal is underway and needs your support! The Christmas Appeal takes place now through January 2016. The Catholic Charities Christmas Appeal is our largest annual fundraiser and critical to operating our social service organization. Your gifts provide funding for the many Catholic Charities programs and services available throughout Southwest Florida. To donate please visit or mail a donation to Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., 5824 Bee Ridge Road PMB 409, Sarasota, FL 34233-5065. | PAGE 12 | FLORIDACatholic What do you prefer for your renewal? e-Edition in Print or Both? SUPPORT YOUR CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER RENEW TODAY 1-888-275-9953