
[email protected] | 021 4895 225 | 021 4895 267
Table of contents:
I-BANK SERVICE ................................................................................................................................................... II
I-BANK LOGING ............................................................................................................................................ II
MAIN MENU ............................................................................................................................................ II
ACCOUNTS .................................................................................................................................................. III
CARDS ......................................................................................................................................................... III
CHEQUES .................................................................................................................................................... III
PAYMENTS .................................................................................................................................................. IV
TOOLS ......................................................................................................................................................... VI
M-BANK ................................................................................................................................................................ I
REGISTRATION .................................................................................................................................................. I
LOGIN I MENU .................................................................................................................................................. I
PAYMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... I
PAYMENTS FROM TEMPLATE ...................................................................................................................... II
[email protected] | 021 4895 225 | 021 4895 267
The new e-banking service Vojvodjanska bank is
designed for Individuals - Bank customers who
have already used or will use this service in the
future. Our aim was to have new service with
simpler activities, easy and fast and at the end
user friendly to customer. Access to different
Internet browsers and operating systems is
provided. We hope you’ll find that new visual
design is much clearer with access to information
much attractive. After logging on the first page
users will have available most commonly used
activities according to our analysis.
On the first page, beside necessary documents for
registration for I-bank service, you can also find
security tips, support contact details as well as
standard links for banks info on social networks.
In the upper right corner there is a possibility for
choosing language.
Current account turnover and balance
Additional information on the number of
the outstanding checks and limit the
current account;
Currency list information;
Funds transfer to RSD accounts;
Payment using SMS code;
Loans payments;
Payments of obligations for Visa credit
Figure 1
On the home page customer have information
about user the current account balance and
account number, last transactions that have been
executed on current account and the date and
time of the last successful login to application
(Figure 2).
On this page you will have available Vojvodjanska
bank current offering.
Non-resident customers cannot use transactional
part of the service at the moment.
You login in I-Bank application with user name
and password that you have received from the
Bank. After entering a user name and password
and confirmation with “Login “ you have access to
I-Bank service home page (Figure 1).
Figure 2
On the home page, in the main menu, are defined
the following options: Payments, Accounts, Cards,
Checks and Tools.
[email protected] | 021 4895 225 | 021 4895 267
By choosing ACCOUNTS option on the drop-down
menu will be displayed the current accounts on
which the client has access through I-bank service
(Figure 3).
Figure 5
Figure 3
By selecting the account, turnover for last three
months will be presented on screen (Figure 4). By
positioning on Value date different range of
turnover on the account can be selected (1 day,
week, month...). By selecting Details next to
transaction, detailed overview of single
transaction will be presented. Transaction can be
printed by click on Print button.
Izborom određene kartice na ekranu de se u polju
Detalji pojaviti osnovne informacije o vlasniku
kartice, broju kartice, tipu kartice, datumu isteka i
statusu kartice. Na desnoj strani de biti
informaciju o stanju raspoloživih sredstava po
kartici (Slika 6).
On this page there is a possibility for filtering the
data by choosing the field Open filter .
Date can be filtered by the transaction type
(credit, debit, all), by the amount, by debtor or
creditor or by the payment details. For filtering
the data one or more conditions can be selected
depending on customer wish or need.
Figure 6
By selecting specific card on the screen in Details
field, basic information about the cardholder, card
number, card type, expiration date and card
status will be presented. On the right side of the
page information about available balance on cards
will be shown (Figure 6).
Figure 4
If you select Booked transactions field you will
have the data about card turnover in last three
By choosing CARDS option on the drop-down
menu all debit and credit cards of the customer
will be displayed (Figure 5).
By choosing CHEQUES option on the drop-down
menu customer’s current account will be
presented. By selecting field Issued cheques data
[email protected] | 021 4895 225 | 021 4895 267
about number of active cheques, cheque serial
number and data of issuing will be shown (Figure
Data are shown for three months period, and
other range for overview of issued cheques can be
selected by positioning on field Value date.
Specific cheque number can be easily found by
selection option Open filter .
Payments are operation in which customer
instructs the bank to transfer funds from his
selected account to creditor’s account stated in
payment order (Figure 9).
Payments for individuals are provided with
following options:
Prepare new payment
Prepare from template
By selecting option Prepare payments payment
order form will be shown. Filling form is to be
done in same way as payment order in paper
Order data – details:
Debit account/Debtor – data about account
number and debtor are on the left side of the
order and they are filled automatically.
Figure 7
By selecting option Cheques transactions data
about transactions with cheques in last three
months will be shown. You will have presented
information about cheque serial number, booking
date, and cheque amount (Figure 8). Filtering
option is available as well and it can be started by
selecting function Open filters
, by amount,
cheque number, booking date, and date of
Payment details – description of the purpose of
order, based on purpose of transfer
Purpose of transfer – Purpose of transfer can be
used from updated codes list. Code 289 is most
commonly used for all payments. For tax
payments code 253 is obliged. Tax payments are
controlled based on ministry of finance requests.
Creditor model and reference – this field is not
obliged and it is filled only if exists on
invoices/bills of billers. It is obliged in payments of
taxes when model is always 97 and reference
needs to be same as on invoice. Most of the
public and utility companies and billers have
written model and reference and it is need to fill
them for right closing of the payments (Telekom,
Infostan, Telenor…).
Amount –payment amount.
Creditor account – account number of individual
or company.
Value date – automatically filled with current
value date, but it can be changed to any date in
the future (for payments on specific date).
Figure 8
[email protected] | 021 4895 225 | 021 4895 267
Figure 9
Figure 11
Prepared order can be sent with click on button
Next. If you need to perform any change in the
order you can select Edit. If order is filled
correctly you should select Pay and payment can
be executed.
After click on button Pay customer is informed
that SMS code for confirmation of payment is sent
on phone number registered in the bank. The
code received on mobile phone should be filled in
the field SMS code and with click on Submit
payment is executed (Figure 10).
By selecting Save as template it is necessary to
assign name to the order for keeping the template
for future payments. Name can be assigned at will
of the customer and it can be name of creditor.
This operation is finished by clicking Save button
If Edit button is selected application is back on
screen for payment preparation, for changing the
wrong data, following with steps mentioned in
previous paragraph.
Figure 12
Next message offers options for executing
payment from template, with or without
authentication by SMS code. By selecting NO
future payments will be executed by SMS code.
Figure 10
After payment the order will get status “sent".
After that there is possibility to open a new
payment by selecting option New payment or to
save existing order for the future payments like
template by choosing Save as a template option
(Figure 11).
Figure 13
[email protected] | 021 4895 225 | 021 4895 267
By selecting YES option registered phone number
will receive SMS code for confirmation that all
future payments for registered creditor can be
done without SMS code authentication (Figure
Communication centre allows customer possibility
to contact the Bank (E-banking operations) in case
of doubts, questions, or the system functioning
Figure 14
By selecting option Prepare from template, list of
payed and saved orders is shown on screen with
option for using the payments like template for
following payments.
Data from Template can changed by selection
option Edit. After changes it can be saved with
Save from template.
Orders sent option presents the list of orders sent
in last three months.
Figure 16
Trusted creditors option offers list of trusted
creditors formed by the customer. Customer can
delete creditors if there is no need for payments for
certain creditor.
Foreign exchange offers foreign currency exchange
list for the specific day.
Informative foreign exchange offers possibility for
FX calculation among selected currencies.
Figure 15
Tools option offers the following features:
Communication centre, trusted creditors, Foreign
exchange, Informative currency converter.
[email protected] | 021 4895 225 | 021 4895 267
To use mobile banking Vojvodjanska Banka (mbanking) is needed:
To install Android or iPhone smart phone
app that can be downloaded from Google
Play or the Apple Store
To apply for a service in the Branch of
Vojvodjanska Banka
To receive registration ID on email address
and activation code on the mobile phone
valid 72h
During this period it is necessary to run the
application and to create the 6-digit m-pin
known only by customer for application
access in the future
Once used registration id and activation
code can not be reused.
Ilustration 2
By selecting SEE ALL on the Accounts list of
accounts will be open, and by further selecting the
account balance and transaction overview per
account (3) will be shown.
To login enter the m-pin that you have created (1)
and than click REGISTER / LOGIN
Ilustration 3
By selecting SHOW ALL CARD review of cards
transactions will be shown. By scrolling left or right
on the top of the screen will change card and
transactions with specific card (3).
By selecting the option on the right side DETAILS
user can add or delete a particular product from the
home page.
Ilustration 1
After signing the display shows the available
balance on the current account/s and list of cards.
Home page displays accounts and cards that are
marked with check box “display on the home page”.
User can add or delete individual accounts, cards
Other options (change of PIN, language, or
contacting the bank,…) can be accessed using a
standard menu that from the upper left corner.
In order to make payments through a menu in the
left upper corner and than select option - Prepare
payments (4)
[email protected] | 021 4895 225 | 021 4895 267
For easy payment templates can be used where
after option PREPARE PAYMENT from a menu,
option TEMPLATE can be chosen. This option
creates an order with already prepared data.
The same order can be changed by entering the
new required data in the fields needed - usually the
amount and model and reference number,
payment details, after which the order can be sent
by already known procedure.
Ilustration 4
Possible selections are NEW PAYMENT by filling the
required fields or using already prepared orders
with option TEMPLATES.
With option NEW PAYMENT payment order will be
open , credit account can be chosen, and then by
selecting and filling the standard fields amount,
payment details, payment code, or the model and
reference number of the payment order.
Payment can be adjusted for the desired value date
in advance, and then click on CHECK PAYMENT (5)
If there is no message successfully sent order an
payment order is not performed.
If you already execute orders you want to pay in
previous period by choosing menu and than by
selecting Sent orders you can accees to order list
From the list you can select the desired order and in
order to speed up the process of re-entering the
same data option Duplicate (6) can be used where
all the data is copied into the field of new prepared
order, where you can change the amount, the
payment details and model and reference number.
After checking the payment order can be sent when
after submitting ORDER SUCCESEFULLY SENT (5) will
be shown.
Ilustration 6
Ilustration 5