January 2015 - Online - Wilshire Boulevard Temple
January 2015 - Online - Wilshire Boulevard Temple
WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE BULLETIN Volume 102, Number 1 • January 2015 Letter From Temple President Barry Edwards I t seems like only days ago we were together at High Holy Day services, yet somehow it is already January. Before the year ends, I want to share some important news and invite your feedback. We are continually working to make your experiences with the Temple enjoyable and enriching. President Barry Edwards Currently, we are reviewing—with the intention of improving—the entire High Holy Day experience, from seating options to the times of the services, parking, and more. We welcome any suggestions you may have to help us rethink the way you experience the High Holy Days at the Temple. Feel free to send an email with your suggestions to Donna Nadel, Executive Chief of Staff, at [email protected]. In addition to Rabbi Karen Fox, whose retirement we celebrated so lovingly on December 7th, three longtime staff members will be retiring soon: Nan Brostoff, Rabbi Leder’s executive assistant, on December 31st, Nancy Levine, our controller, on December 31st, and Nancy Daum, the cantors’ assistant, at the end of February. We are so very grateful for all they have done for our Temple family during their 91 collective years of service. The Temple clergy and staff celebrated Nan and Nancy Levine at their annual Chanukah celebration. On February 20th, we will honor Nancy Daum at Shabbat services followed by a special oneg at the Irmas Nefesh Shabbat service led by Campus. All four of Rabbi Susan Goldberg these amazing women will forever be a part of Wilshire Boulevard Temple, and we hope to see them often at the Temple in the future. I invite you to join me at the many and varied opportunities we offer for learning, growing, and enjoyment, such as monthly Torah study sessions with Rabbi Leder and Rabbi Susan Nanus; the high-energy Shabba Dabba family continued on page 2 Save these dates MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. SHABBAT Friday, January 16 Irmas Campus 6:00 p.m. Deborah Lipstadt speaks on Jewish Women’s Theatre presents: THE NEW ANTI-SEMITISM HE SAID… SHE SAID Sunday, January 18 Glazer Campus 6:30 p.m. Sunday, January 25 Irmas Campus 2:00 p.m. Torah Portion Torah Online: wbtla.org/torahonline To Be a Hero Shemot, Exodus 1:1-6:1 A s we begin the Book of Exodus we meet Moses, perhaps the single greatest hero in the Torah. But there are two other heroes in Parashat Shemot without whom Moses never would have existed—two midwives named Shiphrah and Puah. The Torah explains that Pharoah ordered the midwives to kill the male Jewish children they delivered in order to reduce the Israelite population. Shiphrah and Puah refused. Moses should have been killed at birth, but Shiphrah and Puah saved his life. As Rabbi Jill Hammer explains in The Jewish Book of Days, “Shiphrah and Puah encounter life at its most fragile and act to save life whenever it is in their power.” The rabbis of the midrash underscore the heroic nature of the midwives’ refusal to obey Pharoah’s command when they remark that Shiphrah and Puah are considered to be identical to Yocheved, Moses’ mother. All three women are equally responsible for giving Moses life. Cover Story (Continued) service the first Friday of the month at the Glazer Campus, and the joyful, musical Nefesh Shabbat service the third Friday of the month, also at the Glazer Campus. Don’t forget about our upcoming, moving Martin Luther King Jr. Shabbat on January 16th at the Irmas Campus, to name just some of the highlights. As the new year begins, please accept my heartfelt thanks for all that you and your family do for and give to Wilshire Boulevard Temple. I, my fellow trustees, and our professional staff are committed to making certain that the Temple remains a place of great connection for you and your family. Let us know what you like, what you want more of, and how we can make your Jewish journey a powerful and meaningful one. Wishing you all the best in the coming year and always, Barry Edwards President, Board of Trustees It would have been much safer for Shiphrah and Puah to simply obey the Pharaoh’s orders. How easily they could have convinced themselves that they could not make a difference. But Shiphrah and Puah decided to do the hard thing. They disobeyed an order and put their own lives at risk to do what they believed was right and just. And because of them Moses survived, and our people survived. Most of us will never have to decide whether to follow orders and murder or disobey orders and preserve life, but sooner or later each of us faces tough moral questions and each of us must decide whether or not to stand up to injustice. May we draw inspiration from the Torah’s heroines Shiphrah and Puah and have the courage to follow our conscience and convictions. Rabbi M. Beaumont Shapiro Our Temple Family Welcome to new Temple members… Kerry and Robert Benderson and their children, Samuel and Zeja…Eden and Shawn Ghatan and their son, London…Wendy and Joseph Klein and their children, Rachel and Josh…Jill Gilman and Seth Klein and their children, Drew and Peyton…Viviana Levi and her children, Andy and Alexis…Susan Ekins and Jerry Weintraub… Congratulations to… Shana Gerson and Steven Dunner on their recent marriage, and to grandmother, Jeanne Gerson…Talia Inlander and Daniela Gerson on their recent marriage… Ashley Englander and Jason Kaplan on their recent marriage… Madison Montgomery and Randall Kaplan on their recent marriage, and to his children, Arianna, Bianca, and Charlie… Condolences to… Friends and family of Irving Cohen…Michael and Allyce Balsom on the death of his father, Alfred Goldman, and to grandchildren, Brooke and Michelle… Cydney and Ken Kirschbaum and their children, Hayden and Avery, on the death of her aunt, Betsy E. Marcus…Deana Rosenthal on the death of her beloved husband, Alvin Rosenthal, and to Robert and Catherine Rosenthal and grandson, Matthew; Kenneth Rosenthal, Leslie and grandson, Michael…Beth and Rodney Freeman and their children, Jenna, Gabriel, Maya, and Ava on the death of her aunt, Bonnie Sue Schwartz…Alisa and Craig Farkas on the death of her mother, Patricia Weiner, and to grandchildren, Courtney and Aaron… Susan Williams on the death of her mother, Michelle Zuckerman, and to granddaughter, Arden Williams… And to all immediate and extended family. 2 Israel Vote for Religious Freedom in Israel T here’s nothing wrong with being Amish, but if it were the only religion in the world, most people would rather be secular. Unfortunately, without the help of non-Orthodox American Jews, many Israelis will continue to live in a nation where only Orthodox Judaism is recognized as completely valid and therefore feel they must choose secularism. Believe it or not, the most important help you can provide to create a better Israel right now is your vote, and it’s just a click away. Without our votes, we will leave to the next generation an Israel that offers either Orthodoxy or nothing. In 2015 the American Zionist Movement (AZM) will hold elections to determine American Jewish representation to the World Zionist Congress. The Congress provides a forum for all the world’s Jews to come together and deliberate issues affecting both diaspora Jews and the state of affairs in Israel. One hundred and forty-five seats in the Congress are dedicated to American Zionist organizations. The number of seats that ARZA, the Reform Movement’s Zionist organization, gets, will determine the amount of money directed and spent in Israel supporting non-Orthodox Judaism: more seats, greater funds—and less support going to extremist groups who do not believe that Jews like you and me should have religious freedom in Israel. These elections are the most powerful way for American Jews to promote and encourage the ideals of justice, equality, and democracy in Israel, as well as to help build the kind of Jewish state and the kind of Judaism we all know are possible. A state that recognizes, respects, and funds all types of Jewish institutions and guarantees the right of every Israeli to practice Judaism as he or she believes. Without our votes, we will leave to the next generation an Israel that offers either Orthodoxy or nothing. For details regarding how and when to vote, go to www.reformjews4israel.org/about-us. Please… Rabbi Steven Z. Leder Senior Rabbi Adult Opportunities Rabbi Heschel and Dr. King “A t the first conference on religion and race, the main participants were Pharaoh and Moses. The outcome of that summit meeting has not come to an end.” With these words, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel opened his address at the 1963 National Conference on Race and Religion in Chicago. There, Rabbi Heschel first met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The two became friends working together until King was assassinated five years later. Though from very different backgrounds, both Rabbi Heschel and Dr. King came from prominent religious families and were groomed to take up the mantle of leadership of their forebears. Both believed passionately in a God of compassion and righteousness, who called on humankind to serve as cocreators of a world suffused with these values. And both were masterful at awakening people’s consciousness and stirring them to action, marching arm in arm in Selma, Alabama, as Rabbi Heschel put it, “praying with our feet.” Though Rabbi Heschel did not live to see a national holiday established in honor of his dear friend, he would have been deeply gratified to see Americans of all backgrounds joining together to renew their great dream of a nation united in justice, peace, and reconciliation. It is in this spirit that we invite you to join us on Friday, January 16, at 6:00 p.m. at our Irmas Campus for a special Shabbat commemoration of Dr. King, featuring Shabbat prayers, readings, poetry, and a musical celebration by the Central Bible Church Gospel Choir. Please join our AfricanAmerican neighbors and follow the example of Rabbi Heschel as we pray, sing, and celebrate our shared legacy of peace, love, and understanding. Rabbi Susan Nanus Director of Adult Programs 3 Brawerman Elementary School Thanks and Giving T hanksgiving at Brawerman Elementary School exemplifies our integrated curriculum, combining secular and Jewish values, an important component of the school culture. Not only is the American tradition of Thanksgiving— offering gratitude for blessings we have received—a very Jewish idea, but the holiday also provides a wonderful opportunity to carry out the equally Jewish idea of sharing our bounty with those less fortunate. For our Thanksgiving observance, students at Brawerman West brought groceries to fill baskets that they then donated to Home-SAFE (Services Aiding Family Equilibrium, established by the L.A. National Council of Jewish Women). Kindergartners with their Grade 6 buddies assembled the baskets—all the fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner, including a decorative tablecloth and a coupon for a turkey—and wrote greeting cards for the baskets’ recipients. Classroom activities centered around the history of the holiday, the practice of giving thanks, and carrying on family traditions. At West, Grade 1 students compared their celebration to the first Thanksgiving in America, while Grade 3 students wrote letters to a special person in their lives, someone for whom they were particularly thankful. Incorporating this year’s Grade 2 theme, From Generation to Generation, Brawerman East Grade 2 students interviewed their own family members and created “tradition garlands” to decorate tables. East students also prepared for the all-school feast and in order to express their thanks, invited clergy, security staff, and the maintenance crew to share the holiday lunch. It is clear that Thanksgiving, as celebrated at Brawerman, reflects treasured Jewish values—real experiences of Thanks and of Giving. Religious School Camp Retreat—A Mom’s-Eye View I f you heard screaming one Thursday night in November, it may have been my 12-year-old declaring that she was absolutely not going to the Religious School retreat at Camp Hess Kramer. None of my sales tactics—“But you’ll have a great time, make friends, eat great food, the chef there can do wonders with a chicken!”—were working. Then my 10-yearold chimed in. Great! I had two disgruntled tweens. I didn’t cave. I put my girls on the bus as scheduled. Rabbi Raff, head of the Religious School, and Jeff Brody, retreat coordinator, assured me that they’d have a great time, an experience they’d long cherish. But as the buses pulled away, I couldn’t help worrying: what if they’re miserable and make no friends? I spent the weekend with Ben & Jerry’s while time seemed to stand still; finally, Sunday arrived. When the bus 4 doors opened, I immediately spotted my girls, each with a smile bright enough to light up the world. My 12-year-old was covered in purple paint and my freckled-faced 10-year-old was waving a banner that read WBTY Deux and Jr. WBTY Camp Hess Kramer. After a fabulous five minutes of hugs, their excitement found words: “Mom, I did this ropes course and jumped down—it was awesome! Mom, let me show you this crazy dance we learned! We hiked to the menorah and I spoke to God —I think He was a star! It was so cool.” My kids, who fought not to go, couldn’t wait to share each precious moment of their weekend. Thank you, Religious School. You were right. It was an experience they’ll never forget. Amy Lord McRae Glazer and Mann Early Childhood Centers Torah Talk T he teaching of Jewish traditions and values is a primary thread running through the Early Childhood Centers’ program. Each week we have Torah Talk at the Glazer and Mann Family Early Childhood Centers as part of our Jewish learning. One of the rabbis recounts a Torah story for the children, told at their level, and the children are captivated. The Harim class at the Irmas Campus had their first Torah Talk of the year in the chapel. Rabbi Shapiro began by asking the children why they were all gathered there. Logan’s hand shot up and he responded, “We are here for God.” Thus began the discussion in which Rabbi Shapiro explained that they would be meeting each week to examine the physical Torah as well as hear stories that are written inside it. When the rabbi removed one of the Torahs from the ark and the teachers unrolled part of it, Sam noticed that one side of the Torah was significantly larger than the other. Rabbi Shapiro showed the children that one side was bigger because we had just started reading the Torah from the beginning since it was just after Simchat Torah. Back in the classroom, Sam pointed out the ark in the dramatic play center, noting that, like the sanctuary’s ark, it too had a Torah inside and that the words in both looked the same, although the classroom’s Torah was much smaller. Questions arose: Does the size of the Torah make a difference? Are Torahs all the same? Does putting it in the ark make it special? Logan had told us that we were in the chapel for God, but do we need to be in the chapel for God? Or read the Torah for God? As the children meet with a rabbi each week and study the Torah, we will find answers to these questions, and many more. Tikkun Olam Legal Aid for Caring Guardians O n October 26, I was lucky enough to participate in a free legal clinic for lowincome neighbors of the Temple. I joined a group of 20 other volunteer lawyers, all Temple members, at Our volunteer lawyers received training at the the Glazer Campus legal clinic session. as part of the Temple’s Tikkun Olam outreach, which will expand with the opening of the Karsh Family Social Service Center in 2016. Our goal that Sunday morning was to initiate the legal guardianship process for families in need. A court-ordered guardianship allows an adult other than a parent to care for a child and have the legal rights to make day-to-day decisions for that child. Our partner for the clinic was the Alliance for Children’s Rights, a nonprofit organization that provides free legal services for children. The day began with introductions. We quickly realized that our varied legal practices included experience in intellectual property, trust and estates, family law, and litigation. Ironically, the one thing we had in common was that none of us had experience in guardianship law. However, the Alliance staff attorneys prepared us well to interview our client families. After our training, and a quick lunch together, we broke into pairs and met with our clients, heroic families seeking to assume care and provide stability for children because their biological parents are unable or unwilling to care for them. As attorneys, we were in a position to assist these families in taking the first step toward a legally permanent relationship with the children in their care. It was a gratifying day for everyone involved. On January 25, 2015, at the Glazer Campus, we will partner with Asian Americans Advancing Justice for a citizenship clinic. If you are an attorney and would like to volunteer, please contact Denise Magilnick at [email protected] or (424) 208-8930. Jody Kasten 5 Building Lives at Glazer Campus Help Build the Karsh Center I magine all the activity that will take place on the north end of campus—meeting the needs of our Temple families and our neighbors. Please help us complete these essential additions— gifts of all sizes are welcome and crucial to our success. Contact Karen Schetina in our Development office at [email protected] or (213) 835-2153 for more information. Thank you! Have you visited the Glazer Campus recently? The Karsh Family Social Service Center, occupying the ground floor of the parking pavilion with its rooftop sports complex, is very much underway! We urgently need your help to finish it. Please get in touch. Community News Celebrating Rabbi Karen Fox Sharing Our Lives Here are a few of the special moments captured at the retirement party for Rabbi Fox on December 7. We are excited to let you know about a new initiative we are launching to deepen the sense of community for all Wilshire Boulevard Temple members. Starting early in 2015, we will regularly send out email notifications to our entire congregation with news of the births of children and grandchildren and the deaths of immediate family members. The emails will contain as much or as little information as a family chooses to share, including, if desired, funeral and shivah details. If you prefer not to receive these email notifications, you can simply “opt out” by clicking the opt-out link at the bottom of the email. Rabbi Fox receives blessings from Temple clergy (right) and from women rabbis and congregants (above). We are confident that by sharing major life-cycle events with our Temple community, we will be able to support each other better through times of sorrow and more fully celebrate each other’s joys. With dear old friends and colleagues, Steve and Nadine Breuer 6 If you have any questions about this new effort, please don’t hesitate to contact Jodi H. Berman, Director of Leadership and Engagement, at [email protected] or (424) 208-8970. Upcoming Events For our complete calendar of events, please visit wbtla.org/events TORAH AND LUNCH WITH RABBI LEDER Friday, January 9, 12:00 p.m. Century City Join Rabbi Leder for lunch and Torah study. Bring your lunch; Rabbi Leder brings the wisdom of our ancestors. No prior knowledge of Torah or Hebrew is necessary. Series, $36. Future Torah study dates: February 6, March 6, April 17, May 1. MOVIE SCREENING: UNACCEPTABLE LEVELS Thursday, January 22 The Green Team Presents Movie Night: Unacceptable Levels. A film about the chemicals in our bodies, how they got there and what we can do about it. Joanna Barra, [email protected], (424) 208-8949 wbtla.org/unacceptablelevels Jamie Geller, [email protected], (213) 835-2121 wbtla.org MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. SHABBAT Friday, January 16 6:00 p.m. Don’t miss this special Shabbat commemoration of Dr. King, now a popular tradition at Wilshire Boulevard Temple. With readings, poetry and a musical celebration by the Central Bible Church Gospel Choir and their congregants, followed by an “I Have a Dream” Oneg Shabbat. Phil Wallace, [email protected], (424) 208-8932 wbtla.org DEBORAH LIPSTADT SPEAKS ON THE NEW ANTI-SEMITISM A Program in partnership with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Sunday, January 18 6:30 p.m. What are the challenges and threats facing the Jewish people today? How different is it in America, Europe, Israel, or the world? Will anti-semitism ever be eradicated? Renowned Holocaust historian Deborah Lipstadt, author of Denying the Holocaust and The Eichmann Trial, discusses and analyzes the situation. Followed by a Q&A with Dr. Lipstadt. 7:00 p.m. PRO-BONO LEGAL CLINIC: ADVANCING JUSTICE CITIZENSHIP WORKSHOP Sunday, January 25 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tikkun Olam teaches us to share responsibility in transforming the world. As part of our ongoing outreach efforts, we are proud to partner with Asian Americans Advancing Justice, the nation’s largest legal and civil rights organization for Asian-Americans, to host a free citizenship clinic for the neighbors in our community. If you are an attorney and would like to volunteer your time for this special event, please contact Denise Magilnick. Denise Magilnick, [email protected], (424) 208-8930 wbtla.org THE JEWISH WOMEN’S THEATRE PRESENTS: HE SAID…SHE SAID Sunday, January 25 2:00 p.m. A provocative show full of surprises and laughs as men and women bare all about food, family and fooling around. This nationally acclaimed theatre company makes us laugh, cry, and look at life from new perspectives. Come early for coffee and dessert, and meet the actors and writers after the show. COST: $18.00 Phil Wallace, [email protected], (424) 208-8932 wbtla.org Phil Wallace, [email protected], (424) 208-8932 wbtla.org NANCY DAUM RETIREMENT CELEBRATION Friday, February 20 6:00 p.m. Please join us for a Youth Choir Shabbat service, followed by a special oneg shabbat honoring Nancy Daum, long-time cantors’ assistant, upon her retirement from Wilshire Boulevard Temple. Jamie Geller, [email protected], (213) 835-2121 wbtla.org GLAZER CAMPUS IRMAS CAMPUS CALL/EMAIL REGISTRATION REQUIRED OPCC SANTA MONICA ONLINE REGISTRATION REQUIRED CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION FREE OF CHARGE 7 26 25 Food Pantries Religious School Conferences—After School Jewish Women's Theatre Pro-Bono Legal Clinic Judaism by Choice Martin Luther King, Jr. 19 12 5 Monday The New Anti-Semitism No Religious School MLK, Jr. Judaism by Choice Food Pantries 18 Religious School Resumes Judaism by Choice Food Pantries 11 Judaism by Choice Food Pantries 4 Sunday Religious School-WNPRegular Day 29 Movie Screening: "Unacceptable Levels" 22 15 8 For more information, including time and location, on all of the events in this calendar, visit wbtla.org/events Religious School Conferences Instead of Classes Israeli Dancing Spousal Bereavement Support Group Religious School K-7 Conferences Instead of Classes 28 Israeli Dancing Spousal Bereavement Support Group 27 21 Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Israeli Dancing 20 Spousal Bereavement Support Group 14 Israeli Dancing Spousal Bereavement Support Group 13 7 1 Thursday Shabbat Service Shabbat Service Shabbat Shacharit Tot Shabbat Torah Study 31 Jr. WBTY Shul-In WBTY Event - Off-Site Torah Study 24 Shabbat Shacharit Torah Study 17 Shabbat Shacharit Glazer Campus: 3663 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 90010 Irmas Campus: 11661 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles 90064 OPCC Annenberg Access Center, Santa Monica Service time different than usual - please check online Shabbat Services 30 Shabbat Services Women's Torah Study with Rabbi Nanus 23 Religious School—New Orleans Trip Nefesh "Food for the Soul" Martin Luther King, Jr. Salon Shabbat 16 Shabbat Services Women's Torah Study with Rabbi Nanus Torah Study Tot Shabbat 10 Torah Study 3 Saturday 2015 Torah and Lunch with Rabbi Leder 9 Shabbat Service 2 Shabba Dabba Friday January Wednesday 6 Tuesday CALENDAR OF EVENTS WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE Tributes RABBI EDGAR F. MAGNIN FUND In Loving Memory of: Lawrence Adelman by Joe and Gail Lowenstein Sam Adlen by Paula Hoffman Celia Adler and Julius Adler, M.D., by Claire and Ellis Landsbaum Marie Berman by Susan and David Moyer Claire J. Cantor by Linda Cantor Bernard Citron by Cecile Bartman Albert Dorskind by Dorskind Family Foundation Anson I. Dreisen by Janet Dreisen Rappaport Charles Engler by Myrna Engler Francine Fainman by Eileen Seidlin Madeline Goodwin by Rini and Arthur Kraus Madeline Goodwin by Andrea and Steve Lurie Richard Heller by Lawrence Heller David Katz by Rita Harris Verona Kellman by Barnet Kellman Karl Kossower by Anita Mason Erna Lovice by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiller Caroljean P. Osterweil by Shirley Phillips Isador Pugach by Helene Mishlove Dora L. Roddy by Jean Rosenbaum-Katz Sanford Rosenbaum by Jean Rosenbaum-Katz Irwin Rosenbloom by Barry Rosenbloom Henry Rosewald by Barry Rosenbloom Francine Salter by Arthur Salter James L. Shanedling by Jennifer, Adam, and Tanner Herschman Richard Sonnenberg by Barnett and Susan Bergman Henry Tronick by Steven Tronick Morris Weinstein by Linda and Gene Weiss Howard Weinstock by Lorin Michaels WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE REDEVELOPMENT FUND Amanda and Nick Nesbitt Linda and Peter Rhein In Honor of: Our wedding by Madison and Randy Kaplan The Wintrob Family by Susan Brauneiss, Marc Gamsin, and Family MAXWELL H. AND RUTH DUBIN MEMORIAL FUND In Loving Memory of: Beloved mother, Ruth Dubin, by Maxine Kleinberg and Family CLERGY FUND In Honor of: Peggy and Stephen Davis by Sheila and Stuart Wien Rabbi Steve Leder and Cantor Don Gurney for officiating at the wedding of my niece Shana Gersona and Steve Dunner by Linda Gerson Delaney Howard Weinstock by Lara Kaplan In Loving Memory of: Harold Berlfein by Jan Burns and Family Helen Breitbart by Jared, Sydnee, Jordan, and Samantha Breuer Helen Epstein by Monte Gordon Nathan Fleischer by Leland and Miriam Green Bertha Lapidus by Jerry Gotlieb ANN AND SAM BERNSTEIN CHILDREN’S LIBRARY FUND In Loving Memory of: Linda Komorsky Liker by Lisa and Stephen Chorna Nancy Schmidt by Peggy and Stephen Davis FOOD PANTRIES FUND Jeanne Gerson Gai Klass and Michael Stern Suzanne Rubin and Family In Honor of: Bob Gerard by Betty Cohen In Loving Memory of: Morris Abrams by Robin and Mark Vogel Ruth Farr by Helen Sherwin Marvin Freedman by Belle Landa and Family Florence R. Graubart by Linda and Jeffrey Graubart Rose Harris by Helen Sherwin Tillie Krevin by Helen Lewis Harry Kunin by Stan and Adrienne Rubin Linda Liker by Betty Cohen Sheryl Sherman by Pamela and Daniel Marcus and Family Samuel Sherwin by Helen Sherwin Tsyra Shevitz by Helen Sherwin PRAYER BOOK DEDICATION AND PUBLICATION FUND In Loving Memory of: Sara Ansill by Jill Gottlieb KLEIN FAMILY FUND FOR MANN FAMILY EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Jenna and Jason Grosfeld GERI AND RICHARD BRAWERMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL In Loving Memory of: Mark Fox by Karen and Scott Silver Linda Komorsky Liker by Lizzie and Gil Harari; Harriet and Shelly Markman ANNE AND NATHAN SPILBERG ANNUAL LECTURE ON JEWISH LIFE In Honor of: Sherry Heyman’s birthday by Susan and Bruce Levin RABBI HARVEY J. AND SYBIL A. FIELDS EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Loving Memory of: Doris Gotlieb by Jerry Gotlieb Sarra Kurtsman by Alla and Leonard Becker Sarra Kurtsman by Zoya and Efim Rudin Harry Rosenberg by Dorothy Royce Sarah Sager by Leslie and David Bluestone MUSIC PUBLICATION FUND In Honor of: Cantor Gurney, Seth Ettinger, and Nancy Daum by Jayne Behman Howard Weinstock by Lara Kaplan JORDAN EHRLICH FUND FOR PROGRAMS IN BUSINESS ETHICS In Loving Memory of: Jordan Ehrlich by Jared, Sydnee, Jordan, and Samantha Breuer THE CARING COMMUNITY FUND In Loving Memory of: Dorothy Merchasin by Carol Lloyd, Robert Merchasin, and Marcia Katz EACH ONE HELP ONE In Loving Memory of: Shirley Glick by Joyce and Bob Wolf Frederick A. Wolf, M.D., by Joyce and Bob Wolf WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE CAMPS In Honor of: The marriage of Lindsay Guren and Brett Goldberg by Donna Goldberg Smith AL GOODMAN MEMORIAL CAMPERSHIP FUND In Loving Memory of: Larry Seewack by Rhoda Goodman SILLS FAMILY CAMPERSHIP FUND In Loving Memory of: David J. Golden by Robin and Bob Sills Nathan Sills by Robin and Bob Sills KEHILLAH COMMUNITY CAMP FUND Jill and Greg Adler Robin Aronson Norma Bubar Rhea Coskey Jessica Frankel Macy and Ryan Fujiu Jeanne Gerson Steven Gilfenbain Joanne and Jeffrey Grant and Family Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Haft Laurie and James Hurl Colette and Michael Kramer Ian Murray Donna and Paul Nadel Mr. and Mrs. Shamy Noily Phillip Pansky Mary Zoe Phillips Lya and Mark Pinkus Mark and Sharon Pollock Bill, Kirith, and Stella Prady Linda and Peter Rhein Dr. and Mrs. David Wark Jolie and John Whitesell In Honor of: The marriage of Lisa and Stan Getz by Linda and Zan Calhoun In Loving Memory of: Mannie Kugler by Management Arts, Inc. SAUER FAMILY CAMP FUND In Loving Memory of: Our mother and nanny, Jennie Sauer, by Steve, Micki, Jonathan, and Molly Sauer; Marlene Sauer; Angie, Mike, Robert, and Joey Corritone; Dana, Jon, Andrew, and Micah Goldstein FOOD PANTRIES Thank you to those individuals and families who have chosen either to underwrite ($1,000) or sponsor ($500) a week of food. If you are interested in joining this effort, please contact Rabbi M. Beaumont Shapiro at (424) 208-8930 or email [email protected]. Mitzvah go’reret mitzvah—doing a mitzvah leads to doing more. Thank you to Canter’s Deli, Brooklyn Bagel, Noah’s Bagel Larchmont, and Western Bagel West L.A., for their weekly donation of bread to our Food Pantries. RABBI ALFRED WOLF CAMP FUND Mark Troy In Honor of: Shabsa Landa by Belle Landa and Family Herman Lewin by Belle Landa and Family In Loving Memory of: Henrietta Breitbart by Jared, Sydnee, Jordan, and Samantha Breuer Maurice Chayo by Karin and Doug Schaer My wonderful mother, Ann Cooper, by Marcia and Joel Markowitz My wife, Sylvia David, by Eric David Hanna Wolf by Linda and Larry Wolf We appreciate your generous donations. An $18 minimum donation is required for each acknowledgment card. 9 The Big Give Michael Abrams & Randye Soref Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Adashek Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Adler Kimberly & Nathan Agam & family Sharon and David Akhtarzad & family Mr. & Mrs. Barry Alexander Kathy Farkas & Chris Angel Mr. and Mrs. Orie Argamany Zoe and Elijah Aron Mr. & Mrs. David Babbush Tasha and Andy Baum & family Beat Advisory LLC Mrs. Jayne Behman Marlene Berro Bernstein Family Dr. & Mrs. Robert Berson Jenna and Todd Binder & family Gabrielle and Michael Bizar Margy Yuspa & David Blackman Mr. & Mrs. Alan Block Judy Boasberg & Mark Landry Licia and Paul Boaventura-Delanoe Tal Kahana and Theodore Bookstaver Joan Borgman Carol & Dan Bovill Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Breuer David & Samantha Bricker Mr. & Mrs. Steven Brown Glen Brunman and Jamie Young Susan Bryman Pamela Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Rick Burns Cardinal Communications USA Ms. Susan Casamassima Stacie and Aaron Cohen & family Jean F. Cohen Yona Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Brad Conroy & family Mr. & Mrs. Carl Covitz Ellen J. Creamer Nahal & Kevin Danesh & family Ben & Susie David Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Davis Nancy Lushing Hofit De Levie Christopher Donohoe Dana and Brent Dufine & family Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Dula & family Mr. & Mrs. Robert Edelstein Doris and Sam Engelman Mark Epstein & Laura Ullman Epstein Choiwan and David Essey Michelle and Babak Monsef Samara and Ken Fabrick & family Mr. & Mrs. Mark Feldstein & family Jenn & Todd Feldman & family Leland & Erica Felsenthal & family Mr. & Mrs. Joe Finci Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Finkle David Fishman & Robin Zucker Marilyn Fleiss Lisa and Todd Friedman & family R. Friedman Tamara Funk Julie Monkarsh Gadinsky Mr. Alex Gantz Julie Gerber & Family Gladston Family Jon & Elana Gimbel & family Mr. & Mrs. Randall Gingold Leslie & Andrew Gladston Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Glucksman Mr. & Mrs. William Glucksman Kathy Misrock and Adam Goldstein Guy Goldschmidt & Cari Levin Joan Goldfeder & Jonathan Gross Sarah Rettinger & Jonathan Goldman & family Laura Stein and Samuel Goldfeder Kim and Todd Goldstein & family Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Gordon Monte Gordon The Gordons Jen Gordon Suzanne Gorlick Robert and Lindsay Grant & family Grant Family G Grossman Mr. & Mrs. William Grueber Judy Reidel & Alan Hamburger Eric Hamermesh Joan Harrison & Michael Janofsky Robert S. Harris Hausberg Family Ryan Herman Cheryl Hertz Susan Heyman-Grad and Steven Grad Mr. & Mrs. David Hilliard Mr. Barry Horowitz David Israel & Jamie Heitner Mr. & Mrs. Glen Janken Gary Jones and Stacey Snider Todd and Jami Kaltman David Kaminow Lara Kaplan Ms. Paula Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kaplan Barbara Karrol Ms. Maxine Keith Dr. & Mrs. Paul Kelson Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Kerner Joan and Warren Kessler Diana & Edmond Khanian & family J. Klein Robert Klyman and Dena Bloom Mrs. Shirley Kodmur Maria Rabassa & Jim Kohn Lisa Kalin and Drew Kugler Kuperstock Family Brooke and Ken Lande & family Kathy and Kevin Laxer Randy and Daniel Lee Amy & Charlie Hill Talia & Martin Lesak & family Susan and Bruce Levin Marsha & Fredrick Levin Levitt Family Mr. James & Dr. Suzann Levine Mr. & Mrs. Steve Levine Jessica and Greg Liberman & family Genna and Robert Liebesman Felicia Rosenfeld & David Linde Avril and Dwayne Love Nancy and Steve Lovett Lauren and Brad Lundy & Family Loris & Kory Lunsford Elina B. Madison Elena & Donny Makower Ronit Shapow Malloy and Paxon Malloy Ziba and Shahbod Mansoury & family Michael Markovitch The Matloff Family Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mayer Stein & McNamara Family Mary Ann McNamara Hope Wintner & Ted Meisel Stacey Melman Brian & Roya Milder Hillary and Lance Milken Laura & Mike Million Samantha & Jason Milner & family Mr. & Mrs. Marc Myers Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nadel Mr. & Mrs. Allan Night Mara Lopez Nishita Caleb Omens Karen & Richard Ormond Adam Panish Ellen Pansky and Leland Reicher Alisha and David Pedowitz David Pekelney Greg Pimstone & Lauryn Harris & family Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Plotkin Mr. & Mrs. Zvi Plotnik Jennifer and Chris Pocino & family Judith Resnick Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rhein Sara and Grant Ross Cyndi Sarnoff-Ross & Michael Ross Leah and Jacob Rothman & family Jonathan and Gina Rudnick Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rudolph Stephanie & Craig Rutenberg & family Ms. Francine Sanders Betsy & Scott Sandler Mr. & Mrs. Rene Santaella Mr. & Mrs. David Sarnoff Karin & Doug Schaer & family Ted Schachter and Susan Gordon Lauren and Anton Schiff & family Stephanie and Spencer Schneider Amanda and Eric Schrier & family Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schutzer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schulman Claudia and Mark Schwartz & family Michael Scott & Barbara Fisher Mrs. Kurt Seelman Sesar Family Brent and Abbe Shapiro Sarah & Adam Sher & family Michael & Alicia Shewmaker Isabell and Rafi Shpelfogel & family Jennifer and Rony Shram & family Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sidley Tamar Meszaros and David Silberstein Karen and Stan Silver & family Sara and Larry Sloan & family Kelly, Matt, Sophie, Sasha & Jonah Sloan Jenny and Ryan Smiley & family Dr. & Mrs. Michael Soffer Jessica and Mark Sokol & family Mr. & Mrs. Michael Solomon Max & Levi Spigel Ruth and Stanley Stalford & family Jacques & Jody Stambouli Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stein Leanne Stein Sandra Stein Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Sufrin Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Tamkin Lauren & Benedikt Taschen Natalie and Steven Taylor & family Miss Jennifer Terris-Feldman Tizabi Family Deborah & David Tractenberg David and Deborah Trainer Heidy & Sean Trombi Tuchman, Weissmann Family Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Tuch Randee & Jon Turtle Dani and Alex Umansky & family Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Uslan Shana and Charles Veiseh Michelle and Peter Vogel Michael Wachs Judith and Lawrence Walley Philomena Wallace Deborah Siegel and Craig Weinstein Nina Weinstein Janice and David Weissman Mr. & Mrs. Donn Weise Ms. Jill Weiss Rusty and Julie Weiss Jeremy & Hila Wenokur Mark & Jennifer Werndorf BB Winn Marlo and Jeremy Wolf Shirin and Peyman Yadegar Mr. & Mrs. Pouya Yadegar Mr. & Mrs. Yosef Zadok Kate Adler and Marcelo Ziperovich Jenny and Ronen Zipkin Nadine & Zach Zysman In honor of The Adelman Family by Tevin Adelman & Jen Shankman Eli, Chloe, Irena & Orie Argamany by Mr. and Mrs. Orie Argamany Zach & Ethan Blackman by Margy Yuspa & David Blackman Brawerman Elementary School by Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Breuer Lola Marcus by Pamela Burnett Traci Fleiss by Marilyn Fleiss Nadine & Maxine! by Julie Monkarsh Gadinsky Samuel, Henry & Grace Glucksman by Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Glucksman Misrock and Goldstein Families by Kathy Misrock and Adam Goldstein Paige & Olive Herman by Mr. Ryan Herman The Israel Family by David Israel & Jamie Heitner My grandsons, Gavi & Noah Greene by Maxine Keith The Laxer Family by Kathy and Kevin Laxer Cantor Seth Ettinger by Randy and Daniel Lee Rabbi Beau Shapiro by Marsha & Fredrick Levin Quincy and Farrah Levine by Mr. James & Dr. Suzann Levine The Trow Family by Elina B. Madison Ethan Malloy by Ronit Shapow Malloy and Paxon Malloy Sam Melman-Nordheimer by Stacey Melman Ella Giroux by Mr. & Mrs. Marc Myers Grayson Ross by Sara and Grant Ross Our children by Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rudolph Mia & Lillie Schachter by Ted Schachter and Susan Gordon Jacob, Gavin & Charlie Schutzer by Alexis and Jason Schutzer Curt Stern by The Taschen Family Estelle Wachs, Leslie & Robert Siegel, Jarad Siegel, Shara Siegel by Michael Wachs Zach, Ella & Chad Weiss by Rusty and Julie Weiss Yadegar Girls by Shirin and Peyman Yadegar In loving memory of Thomas Meadoff, M.D. by Marlene Berro Solomon Aghai, Gordon Breitman & Carole Miller by The Milder Family Helene Gittleson Lopez, mother and grandmother by Mara Lopez Nishita Edith Braun Sufrin by Christine and Ron Sufrin the BIG GIVE 11 Wilshire Boulevard Temple 3663 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90010 FIRST-CLASS MAIL PRESORTED U.S. POSTAGE PAID LOS ANGELES, CA PERMIT NO. 785 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Clergy Rabbi Steven Z. Leder, Pritzker Chair of Senior Rabbinics Rabbi Elissa Ben-Naim Rabbi David Eshel Rabbi M. Beaumont Shapiro Rabbi Bruce Raff, Head of Religious School Rabbi Rochelle Tulik Rabbi Susan Goldberg Rabbi Susan Nanus, Director of Adult Programs Cantor Don Gurney Cantor Seth M. Ettinger Board of Trustees Barry Edwards, President Brian Shirken, Vice President Steve Sugerman, Vice President Rick Powell, Secretary Philip de Toledo, Treasurer Alan Berro, Dena Bloom, Steven Brown, Stephen Davis, Scott Edelman, Simon Furie, Barbara Grushow, James Hyman, Toni Schulman, Alberto Valner, Dan Wolf Richard Pachulski, Immediate Past President Ronn Davids, Counsel Honorary Board Members Lionel Bell, Howard M. Bernstein, Audrey Irmas Administration Howard G. Kaplan, Executive Director Carol Bovill, Director, Early Childhood Centers Nadine Bendit Breuer, Head of Elementary School Cheryl Mandel Garland, Membership Services Director Douglas F. Lynn, Director, Camps & Conference Center The Wilshire Boulevard Temple Bulletin is published monthly by Wilshire Boulevard Temple wbtla.org Printed on recycled paper. Please remember to recycle it again! (213) 388-2401 Schedule of Shabbat Worship & Study FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 Shabba Dabba Rabbi Goldberg and the Band 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Service Rabbi Shapiro and Cantor Ettinger 6:00 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 Torah Study Genesis Vayechi 47:28 – 50:26 Rabbi Goldberg 9:00 a.m. No Shabbat service at either Campus FRIDAY, JANUARY 9 Shabbat Services Rabbi Goldberg and Cantor Ettinger Youth Choir 6:00 p.m. Rabbi Eshel and Cantor Gurney Youth Choir 6:00 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 Tot Shabbat Songleader Jason Mensches 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Services Rabbi Leder and Cantor Gurney 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Services Rabbi Goldberg and Cantor Gurney 10:30 a.m. Rabbi Shapiro and Cantor Ettinger 10:30 a.m. Rabbi Eshel and Cantor Ettinger 10:30 a.m. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 Shabbat Services Rabbi Leder and Cantor Ettinger 6:00 p.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Salon Shabbat Rabbi Shapiro and Cantor Gurney 6:00 p.m. Nefesh “Food for the Soul” Rabbi Goldberg and the Band 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 Torah Study Exodus Vayera 6:2 – 9:35 Student Rabbi Sarah Rensin 9:00 a.m. FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 Shabbat Services Rabbi Leder and Cantor Ettinger 6:00 p.m. Rabbi Eshel and Cantor Gurney 6:00 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 Torah Study Exodus Bo 10:1 – 13:16 Avi Cohen 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Service Rabbi Leder and Cantor Gurney 10:30 a.m. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 Shabbat Services Rabbi Shapiro and Cantor Ettinger 6:00 p.m. Rabbi Eshel and Cantor Gurney 6:00 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 Torah Study Beshalach 13:17 – 17:16 Avi Cohen 9:00 a.m. Tot Shabbat Rabbi Goldberg 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Services Rabbi Shapiro and Cantor Gurney 10:30 a.m. Rabbi Eshel and Cantor Ettinger 10:30 a.m. No service at Irmas Campus Torah Study Exodus Shemot 1:1 – 6:1 Avi Cohen 9:00 a.m. GLAZER CAMPUS All Shabbat and worship information can be found online at wbtla.org 3663 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles 90010 IRMAS CAMPUS 11661 W. Olympic Blvd Los Angeles 90064