What`s Up Phlock - Arizona Parrot Heads
What`s Up Phlock - Arizona Parrot Heads
What’s Up Phlock The Arizona Parrot Head Club Newsletter Volume 11, Number 4 October-November-December, 2005 Gone To The Dogs The Board of Directors of both Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. (PHIP) and the Paradise Charitable Foundation, Inc. (PCF) have created a fund in response to Hurricane Katrina. The Parrot Heads In Need (PHIN) Fund was set up to assist those members of chartered Parrot Head Clubs who lost it all in the recent devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. All contributions are tax deductible. All donations will be used to assist members of Parrot head Clubs who lost it all. Yep, it’s a motley crew! To donate by mail, make check payable to Paradise Charitable Foundation, make in the memo field "PHIN Fund" and mail a check to: The Arizona Parrot Heads descended upon Phoenix Greyhound Park for our annual evening of betting, drinking, socializing and telling lies. Most importantly, we were also there to raise money for Adopt A Greyhound. PHIN FUND c/oParadise Charitable Foundation 828 Wackeman Court Westerville, OH 43081 The evening answered the question, “Which Parrot Head is least likely to follow directions?” You may be frightened to know it’s one of our engineering types, Sam “Rocket Man” Rainwater. He got reprimanded for taking pictures in the forbidden flash zone and for starting the “Fins Up” action during our photo shoot on the track. We had a race dedicated to us and posed with the winning dog – yeah, we were pretty cool! Or, at least we thought we were. Checks are preferred (saves processing fees) but you can donate by Credit Card with the PayPal Link found at http://www.paradisefoundation.org/phinfund.cfm. In this issue: Gone To The Dogs PHIN Fund Headbeak Speaks Q2 Club Financials Bowling Phools Volunteers Needed Parrot Grande Riddles in the Sand Birthdays Calendar New Members Photo Credits Club Contacts We also learned that the retired dogs have no clue as to which dog is going to run. Jeff Brown learned that lesson for all of us. Guess those dogs are retired for a reason! The total donated from the evening was $571.50 which was matched by Paula and Marcus Masiulewicz and Paula’s employer for a great total of $1,714.50! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who donated and especially to Paula and Marcus (he ate the cheap kibble there for a while to cover his part of the donation). We’ll see you all next year as you’re not going to want to miss this fun! 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3-5 6 7 7 8 8 8 What’s Up Phlock October-November-December, 2005 The HEADBEAK Speaks Financial Report Pete Ferralli By Dianne Deimeke, Club Beancounter As a Parrothead club member we are deep in our devotion in helping our community and assisting those that need a helping hand and we like the music of Jimmy Buffett. The statement of “We party with a purpose” is more than just a statement to many of us. Those of you that are deeply involved in many of our club activities know full well that we take this logo to heart and try our best to help those in need. I have friends, colleagues and family members that say that I am crazy for some of the antics that we do at our events. The Sag Harbor Hooter Girls, “The Soggy Bottom Pirates”, the “Flamingo Queens and Pimp Daddy”, Gumbo Sluts”, “The Goat God”, Captain Fin Head” and many of the other bizarre skits that we perform and the costumes we wear in the pursuit of having phun, elevating the excitement level of the event and raising money for our charities. An event that we attended in July of this year in Galveston, Texas was one event that will remain with me forever, and solidifies why we, and I personally, “do what we do”. Halfway into 2005, the club is in great financial shape. Dues and merchandise revenues continue to roll in and as of this writing we have 99 new members. We have great new tie-dye red, white, and blue club shirts for sale, so remember to contact Bob Martin for all of your Parrot Wear needs! Arizona Parrot Head Club Statement of Activities For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2005 Club Support and Revenues Dues-Renewals Dues-New Members Merchandise Sales Interest Total Revenues A small contingent of Arizona Parrotheads traveled to an event called “Riddles in the Sand”, sponsored by the Galveston PHC. At this event we met a young man, 19 years of age, in a wheel chair. Franklin was his name. He suffers from Muscular Dystrophy and has about 2 years to live. This young man loves Buffett, knows all the words of the songs and was a “true Parrothead” and inspiration to the meaning of life. When we were asked to perform our ‘Hooter Girl” routine to help to raise money for this young man and his family, we were honored by the request. Yes, we were crazy, and a bit over the top, but, when I realized that our participation helped to raise a few dollars to send Franklin and his family to Disney World, a trip that may be his last. I was proud of what we did. We also gave him the thrill of his life and probably some of the other Parrothead club members at the event. We really partied for a Purpose. Expenses Activities Expense Merchandise Costs Donations-club funds PHIP Dues Newsletter & Office Expense Postage & Mailing Total Expenses NET CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $ 2,260 1,720 1,398 5 $ 5,383 535 1,158 125 259 1,587 44 $ 3,708 $ 1,675 Elections – Nominations Are Open! Nominations for AZPHC office terms for 2006 are now officially being accepted. This year’s Election Chair is Patti Kochanek. All offices are open for a one year term that will start on January 1, 2006. So remember it’s not what you do and how you do it, it’s the results that count. Sometimes it takes some crazy people to get the job done, but in the end it is the results that are important. If you would like to run for an office, or nominate someone else, you can either email Patti at [email protected] or snail mail her at: 3617 W. Park Central Ave. Orange, California 92868 Nominations must be received by Patti by midnight on October 15, 2005 to be valid. We will also be presenting By-Law changes for your approval this year. The Sag Harbor Hooter Girls “Precious”, Peaches”, “Pumpkin” & “Pebbles” -2- What’s Up Phlock October-November-December, 2005 Bowling Phools Parrot Grande – 2005 Our annual collection of “Overheard and Seen at Parrot Grande” is a little slim this year. Perhaps there was more alcohol involved? Nah, couldn’t be! Just more people having fun and forgetting to tell the tales. Forty-seven naturally gifted athletes descended upon the bowling alley on September 13th for some heated competition. However, it was some bowling alley away from where the Arizona Parrot Heads were gathered, that’s for darn sure! Here’s what was reported: For all the trash talking that went on before the bowling started, one would have expected a lot of honest to goodness good bowlers. Not so. Not even close to the truth. So this is your couch? You brought your couch down here?! There were lots of gutter balls and even more violations of bowling etiquette as granny shots were taken, people got snuck up on as they were on their approach and there was even some spanking with an Adirondack chair slat. Did Tom make it past 9pm? Nancy looked like a deer in headlights when you did that suck and blow with her. Overheard by the lovely but innocent girl working at the Oasis snack bar on the golf course as the Flamingo Queens rode by, "You bitches want to eat here or what?" The poor snack girl didn't know what to think. Some of the Award Winners (1st – 3rd: we’re not sure, sorry!): Lowest Score: Wastnawa Most Gutter Balls: Annette Maynard (maybe she should stick to poker) Best Bowling Shirt: Jeff Brown (an actually very cool shirt unlike that awful parrot thing he loves so dearly) Overheard by Sharon Weber to Steve Weber---" I can't suck and blow at the same time!" Ouch. Tina, leaning over the table in the auction room and saying "F#&* me! F#&* me!" Looking for a Few Good Men – and Women! And now, a pictorial presentation to represent the event. AZPHC is need of a few people to volunteer to take over some duties that the 2005 BOD members are currently handling. Here’s where we’ll need some help, a little about the jobs and the person currently doing them if you want to ask questions about them. Scrapbook: Collect the pics, create the pages, write up the captions and bring the books to events. Holding scrapbooking parties helps keep things current. Dianne Deimeke Website: Keep pages updated, load pictures, program for event registrations. Existing html knowledge would be great here. Doug Murray The balconies were awesome! Mini-Mart: Research, negotiate pricing and buy the stuff we sell (T-shirts, etc.). Keep the inventory and sales history and bring stock to meetings and events. Bob Martin You don’t have to be a BOD member and any of these duties can be shared so if you have a buddy you want to work with, cool. Many hands make light work and all that jazz. Please contact a current BOD member if you’re interested in helping out. Thanks. Oh, no! A Land Shark got Nancy! -3- What’s Up Phlock October-November-December, 2005 Here’s a happy group! You’ll never see Parrot Heads this orderly again! How many of these did Trish have? Made from salvaged pirate ship wood. (Not really, but it wouldn’t have been surprising!) Um, OK, whatever, please don’t explain. Didn’t everyone get Pooh Bear PJ’s at check in? Please don’t explain this one, either! I ain’t never! Looking at this was a little hard on the eyes on Saturday AM. The things grown men do… -4- What’s Up Phlock October-November-December, 2005 Jerry makes for a sad looking Flamingo Queen. The new kids were probably saying, “Did you think they were going to be this crazy?” Thar be pirates! Dancing phun. Pete filibustering. Funny, it’s usually The Goat who passes out on the couch! Er, sleeps, not passes out. -5- What’s Up Phlock October-November-December, 2005 Friday evening is the costume party…or so we thought…we were the only ones in costume! Riddles theme this year was “Don’t Stop the Carnival”…so it was decided early on in the planning stages, that we would go as “Carmen Miranda”…not just us girls, but also the boys! So there were 6 outfits to design and make! Yikes! I must admit they came out fabulous! We all looked fabulous and when we made our fashionably late “grand” entrance, those Texas pholks just stopped dancing and parted the dance floor! They were awe struck…even the band, Hanna’s Reef, made comments about “Arizona has arrived”! Everyone wanted their picture taken with us…you would have thought that we were celebrities! We had a great time as always with our Texas phriends in Galveston Bay. Our new best friend Tommy La Croy and his cousin Barbara showed up about midnite to continue the party into the wee hours of the morning at Chick-a-Sheit and Pam’s condo. All I can say is “Galveston Bay is a whole other world”! Riddles in the Sand 2005 Kathy Ferralli On a hot Thursday morning at the end of July, the traveling Goodwill Ambassadors of the Arizona Parrot Head Club once again embarked on another adventure to Galveston Bay for Riddles in the Sand! We knew we would have a good time, after all, we had a great time last year and they asked us to come back! This year they not only requested that the “Flamingo Queens” return, but to also bring along the “Sag Harbor Hooter Girls” to sell “jello shots” at registration on Friday afternoon. So we did. We boarded our flight and were settled in and the singing starts! We were being serenaded by someone with headsets on and he is just bobbing away, singing so the entire plane could hear him…”you da one…you da one baby, you da one”! I won’t name names…you just had to be there! We finally arrive safe and sound in Houston, gather up all the luggage, head on over to the car rental counter to pick up our mini-van and wondering if all this luggage is going to fit in the van with six people? Well with a little work we were packed and I mean packed into the mini van for our 45 minute drive to Galveston Bay. Our first stop in Galveston is for lunch at Bistro LaCroy, after all we had to see Tommy LaCroy, our new best friend that we met last year! He was so excited to see us! The first thing he asked about was the “concert light”. We had a delightful lunch with Tommy and the food was outstanding. They ain’t never seen the likes of this in Texas! After lunch we head to our hotel to check in and some of the Galveston pholks are waiting for us with cold beers! Ya gotta luv that Texas hospitality! We finally get the luggage out of the mini van and into our little condo that has 2 bedrooms and a walk in closet with bunk beds! Saturday morning found us rolling out of bed early for the “mud slides & donut” breakfast. We (Carmen Miranda’s) were asked to lead the conga line along with Snake & Gypsy on their “jet ski” to the pool for the pool party! So we did, but it was way to early for me, I just wanted to sleep. It was getting hot & humid, so we hit the pool for awhile, then off to go shopping on the Strand in downtown Galveston, had lunch again at Bistro LaCroy, then back to the condo to rest up a bit before the festivities begin Saturday nite. Saturday nite finds us back in the ballroom listening to the music of Latitudes, a great husband & wife duo from South Carolina. They wrote a song about Riddles in the Sand to the tune of Toby Keith’s “I love this bar”. The Hooter girls were mentioned in this song, along with Carmen Miranda and “those pholks from Arizona”! How cool is that? Change of plans…the pre party that we thought started at 9 pm is now starting at 6 pm…holy cow…we got to get movin’. The boys head to Wal-Mart for staples…beer, diet coke, munches, & jello. The gals do the unpacking and packing for the evening. The pre party this year is at Boudereaux on the Bayou Bar. A great outdoor bar on the water with a ton of mosquitoes, but the drinks are reasonable, the sunset was beautiful, and we were with our Galveston friends having a great time listening to the music of Andy & the Dreamsicles. A couple of the Galveston Gals were formally initiated into the “BB Club” Sunday morning finds us packing up for a trip back to Phoenix, but first we must go to the Sunday party at the Gravity Bar in Galveston with the Bad Monkeys from Dallas Texas. It was good to spend our last hours in Galveston with our Texas phriends listening to the music, dancing a few last dances, and talking about when we will meet again. Some pholks we will see at Meeting of the Minds and some at Phins to the West 2006, and we will be back at Riddles in the Sand 2006! If you are looking for a fun party with some great pholks, great music, and wonderful Texas hospitality…Riddles in the Sand 2006 is the place to be! Friday morning found us making “suck & blow jello shots” for the Hooter girls to sell at registration later in the day, and just sitting around telling lies again. Registration starts at 2 pm and the Hooter Girls are ready with the “suck & blows”. After a demonstration by “Peaches & Pebbles” (Doug & Pete) narrated by Sandi on the “proper” way to indulge in a “suck & blow” pholks were standing in line waiting to purchase a “suck & blow” from the Hooter Girls. Peaches, Pebbles, Precious and Pumpkin did their job well selling the “suck & blow” jello Shots for charity. They raised a little over $250 for the Galveston Bay Charity! And they have been asked to return again next year!!! -6- What’s Up Phlock October-November-December, 2005 Growing Older But Not Up… Calendar of Events October 2: Shelley Schroff October 4: Parri Longworth October 5: Jim Hill, Tony Edgcomb October 6: Sandy Biggers October 7: Steve Davis, Connie Bohnenkamp October 8: Ed Kochanek October 9: Dennis Klus October 11: Cathy Brown October 14: Woody Joyner, Andrea Cantwell October 16: Patrick Stone October 17: John Milner October 19: George Pabst October 20: Karen Davis October 22: Maria Dillon, Robbie Larson October 27: Jeanne Wolfe November 1: Doug Hanesford November 2: Rick Dudley, Diane Venrick November 3: Brenna Lopez, Steve Coombs, Sharon Kincaid November 4: Tom Connors November 5: Tom Vitolo November 7: Becky Nisbet November 8: Mary Harrigan, Mark Butler November 9: Patti Edwards November 11: Brad Holmes November 12: Lynne Osorio November 13: Judy Flynn November 15: Paul Wallander November 16: Carrie Grant, Victor Sisneros November 18: Karin Petrassi, Janice Parsons, Jennifer Butler November 19: Jean Estrada November 20: Nikki Lee November 25: Rick Alston November 26: Sarah Edwards December 2: Ginna Roviello December 3: Anne Erwin, Newman Crane, Sue Rohn December 6: Donna Miller December 8: Mark Solper December 9: Sarah Tyler December 10: Dan Baldwin December 11: Stan Rylands, Ricky Ray, Paul Aguirre December 12: Kathy O’Malley December 14: Dennis Sugden, Chuck Crance December 15: Kathy Ferralli December 16: Bob Schleicher December 19: Elaine Genenbacher December 20: Russ Althof, Tamyra Althof December 21: Beth Rylands December 24: Chuck Erwin December 25: Jimmy Buffett December 28: Sherwin Kaufman December 29: Tom Davis, Greg Pierce December 31: Keith Richard October 15, 2005 – Happy Hour at O’Brien’s The action will start around 6PM at our favorite neighborhood bar. O’Brien’s is located at 7829 N 35th Ave., Phoenix (SE corner of 35th Ave. and Northern) 602-841-3980 October 21-23, 2005 – Jello Shot Express to Vegas Jimmy’s playing in Vegas and we’re booking the party bus for the weekend. If you’re interested, please contact Kathy Ferralli, [email protected] or 480-961-8868. This is a great trip – always lots of fun! November 3 – 6, 2005 – MOTM – Conky Tonkin’ in Key West Registration is closed. Plan on attending next year! November 5, 2005 – Alzheimer’s Memory Walk We may be doing a donation only – details TBA. November 5, 2005 – Feeding the Needy Details TBA. November 11, 2005 – Happy Hour at Greasewood Bring your jacket and your matches as we play with fire in the great outdoors. We’ll start gathering some time after 5PM (if you get there first, save us the tables between the stage and the woodpile!). Greasewood is at 27500 N Alma School Rd., Scottsdale (Take Pima north to Happy Valley then go east. Turn north at the 4way stop that is Alma School. It’s on the right across from the Four Seasons) 480-585-7277 December 10, 2005 – Club Holiday Party We’ll be at the Bauman Party Palace. Only problem is, we don’t know for sure where that’s going to be! As we get closer to the date, we’ll see if the Queen and the Goat have moved yet and give you the relevant details. For now, just mark your calendar. We’re always adding new events so check out www.parrotheads.org and our hotline at 480.895.370 -7- What’s Up Phlock New AZPHC Members Welcome to our Parrot Head Phamily! Cindy Kenney, Michael Kenney, Joy McGhee, Patty Azar, Michael Coontz, Erin Roach, Les Roach, Jennifer Butler, Mark Butler, Connie Hillyer, Dianne Venrick, Steve Venrick and Sharon Weber. Photos for the newsletter and website this quarter courtesy of Kimberly Paternoster, Paula Masiulewicz, Steve Cantwell, Sandi Murray, Doug Murray, Sam Rainwater, Tammy Bauman, Craig Broadhurst and one stolen from Crime Dog’s blog. January-February-March, 2005 Contact Us: AZPHC Board President: Pete Ferralli Vice-President: Doug Murray Regional Vice-President: Lou Eagley Secretary: Roger Shive Treasurer: Dianne Deimeke Members at Large: Tina Davis Kathy Ferralli Bob Martin Kathy Pfister 480.961.8868 [email protected] 623.825.8625 [email protected] [email protected] 480.699.1749 [email protected] [email protected] 480.961.8868 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Other Contacts Social Committee: Tina Davis Membership Committee: Kathy Ferralli & Sandi Murray Charity Committee: Rick Metivier Newsletter: Kathy Pfister Arizona Parrot Head Club PO Box 16093 Phoenix AZ 85011-6093 480-961-8868 http://www.parrotheads.org The Arizona Parrot Head Club is a Non-Profit Corporation for people interested in Jimmy Buffett’s music and tropical spirit. The Club’s purpose is to assist in community outreach programs and to provide members with a means of social interaction. 8 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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