verifi® by Progenity


verifi® by Progenity
verifi® by Progenity
A Guide to Non-Invasive
Prenatal Screening
Prepare for life.
Congratulations on your pregnancy.
As an expectant mother, you have many
things on your mind and you probably want
to know all you can about your future family.
This is where the verifi® prenatal test by
Progenity can help.
What is the verifi® prenatal test
by Progenity?
It is a non-invasive prenatal test that can
determine with a high degree of accuracy
whether your baby may have certain genetic
disorders, such as Down syndrome. The test
requires only a blood draw, and is safe for
mother and baby. It’s a simple test that can
help you plan with confidence.
What conditions can this
test detect?
The test screens for the most common
chromosomal abnormalities, which can cause
serious birth defects, intellectual disability, or
other problems in the baby. These disorders
are not typically inherited. Instead, they are
usually caused by a random error during
formation of the egg or sperm, or during
the earliest stages of the baby’s development.
This test will also tell you the sex of your
baby, if you want to know.
The verifi ® test by Progenity
screens for:
• Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), which is caused
by an extra copy of chromosome 21
• Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18), which is caused
by an extra copy of chromosome 18
• Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13), which is caused
by an extra copy of chromosome 13
The test can also detect abnormalities of the sex
• Turner syndrome (Monosomy X), which is caused
by a missing X chromosome in females
• Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), which is caused by
an extra X chromosome in males
• Jacobs syndrome (XYY), which is caused by an
extra Y chromosome in males
• Triple X syndrome (XXX), which is caused by an
extra X chromosome in females
If your healthcare provider recommends it, the test
can also screen for the following conditions, which
are not routinely tested:**
• Trisomy 9, which is caused by an extra copy of
chromosome 9
• Trisomy 16, which is caused by an extra copy
of chromosome 16
• Common microdeletions such as DiGeorge
syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Prader-Willi
syndrome, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome and
Cri-du-chat syndrome — which are all caused
by the loss of a small piece of a chromosome
For more information about these disorders,
please visit
What will the results tell me?
Your results will tell you and your healthcare
provider whether the genetic disorders being
tested were detected in your pregnancy.
If your results are normal, this means that
the disorders were not detected, which can
provide significant reassurance.
In the case of an abnormal result, your
healthcare provider will discuss what that
means for your pregnancy and will offer a
diagnostic procedure to confirm the result.
Knowledge of a positive result can help you
and your medical team plan for appropriate
treatment at birth or before. It can also
help you gather the appropriate medical,
financial and emotional resources.
Like all tests, this test has limitations. It
can only detect the specific chromosomal
abnormalities tested. It doesn’t eliminate the
possibility of all other genetic disorders, birth
defects, or health conditions. Although this
test is highly accurate, false negative and false
positive results are possible in rare cases.
When can I be tested?
You can have the test at 10 weeks of pregnancy,
or any time after that.
How does the test work?
During pregnancy, some of the baby’s
DNA crosses the placenta into the mother’s
bloodstream. DNA is the blueprint of life—it
holds all of the genetic information needed
for our bodies to function. DNA carries this
genetic information on chromosomes. Healthy
humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Any
more or less can lead to problems.
For this test, a sample of your blood is
drawn and the DNA from you and your
baby is analyzed. The test checks for
chromosomal abnormalities that could
affect the baby’s health.
Baby’s DNA in mother’s blood
Fetal DNA
Maternal DNA
For more information about the
verifi® test by Progenity, visit
Scan this code with your
mobile phone to watch a
video about non-invasive
prenatal testing.
Peace of Mind for Patients
At Progenity, we believe all patients should
have access to the highest-quality genetic tests
without the burden of exorbitant medical costs.
That’s why we offer the Peace of Mind program,
which provides payment assistance for patients
who are facing financial difficulties. To discuss
your options, please call us toll-free at
+1 855-293-2639, option 4.
5230 S. State Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Tel +1 855-293-2639
Progenity is a CLIA-licensed clinical laboratory and
is accredited by the College of American Pathologists
(CAP). The information contained in this brochure is
provided by Progenity as an educational service for
physicians and their patients.
© 2014 Progenity, Inc. All rights reserved.
Progenity TM is a trademark of Progenity, Inc.
verifi® is a trademark of Illumina, Inc. and/or its affiliate(s) in the U.S.
and other countries.
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