Annual Report 2013 - Thief River Falls Education Foundation


Annual Report 2013 - Thief River Falls Education Foundation
Annual Report
“Promoting Excellence in Education”
Entrance To Lincoln High School
Knox • Washington • Northrup • St. Hilaire • Mark Twain
Lincoln • Franklin • Challenger
Education Foundation
Annual Report 2
Thief River Falls
Education Foundation
230 LaBree Avenue South
Thief River Falls, MN 56701
218-681-8711 ext. 2228
(cell) 218-686-9625
email: [email protected]
Board Members
Paul Ihle, President
Steve Olson, Vice President
Dave Onkka, Secretary/Treasurer
Mike Barry, Director
Gloria Bjorkman, Director
Al Buhl, Director
Del Nelson, Director
Leslie Morris, Director
LeeAnn Lund, Director
Rick Trontvet, Director
Tom Kenville, Director
Marcus Langevin, Student Ambassador
Jodi Larson (9/2011-10/2012) and Vanessa Martell (1/2013),
Executive Directors
Karen Sich, Administrative Assistant
The Thief River Falls Education Foundation exists to promote
innovative educational opportunities in School District #564 through
partnerships involving alumni, parents, educators, businesses,
and the greater community.
Est. 1990
The Thief River Falls Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit organization
Special thanks to Digi-Key for sponsorship of this annual report
Thank you so much to all our supporters and volunteers.
Annual Report 3
The Board and Staff of the Thief River Falls Education Foundation would like to
thank all of its donors and volunteers for their generosity over the past years. The
donation of dollars and time have allowed the Foundation to meet its goal of
enhancing a student’s education by providing opportunities that are not otherwise
available to that student.
The opportunities include, among many other things, advance scientific equipment in classrooms, advance reading opportunities, enhanced musical opportunities, and presentations and instruction by outside parties to further educate and
inspire students. We believe this demonstrates that the Foundation has been successful in meeting its goal. However, this has only been possible due to the generosity of our donors. We sincerely hope you will continue to remember us in the
Our new Executive Director, Vanessa Martell, has continued in the footsteps of
her recent predecessors, Denise Laymon and Jodi Larson. Vanessa has no lack
of enthusiasm in her position. She also has lots of fun. If you have questions,
comments, or suggestions regarding the Foundation, Vanessa would like to hear
from you.
The Foundation has conducted events to both let people know about the
Foundation and to raise funds. The events include golf tournaments, a mystery
dinner theatre, community events, and other similar activities. We appreciate
those who participate in these events. We would encourage suggestions as to
other events we can sponsor or co-sponsor.
The Foundation has opportunities for those who are capable of volunteering time.
Our Staff, Vanessa and Karen, appreciate the time that is volunteered and fully
acknowledge that they could not accomplish what needs to be done without that
volunteered time.
The Foundation will continue moving forward. We sincerely hope that we will continue to receive the generous donations of dollars and time that have allowed us
to move forward.
Again, thanks for all of your donations of dollars and time that have greatly
enhanced the education experience of the students in the Thief River Falls education system.
Paul Ihle
Annual Report 4
Financial Report
Annual Report 5
Financial Report
T.R.F. Education Foundation
Statement of Financial Position
June 30, 2013
Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Accrued Expenses
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
FY03 FY04 FY05
FY06 FY07 FY08
FY09 FY10 FY11
Annual Report 6
Gifts at Work
Grants from the Foundation provide new and
enhanced educational opportunities.
The Thief River Falls Education
Foundation supports excellence, creativity and innovative teaching and
learning in the Thief River Falls Public
Schools through the grant program.
Twice a year, grants are awarded to
faculty for classroom projects and
equipment. The grant program is
designed to strengthen and enhance
the quality of education students
Vital partnerships with alumni, friends
of education, faculty, staff, and the
community allow the Foundation to
support students in pursuing academic
excellence through your generosity.
2012-2013 donations received
at the Foundation funded major
projects like Master Classes with Mark
Wood and iPads for the Science
Department at Challenger Elementary
School. The students also benefited by
grants awarded
to fund guided reading books,
a drum shield kit and orienteering
course equipment.
Annual Report 7
Lincoln High School
TRFitness class equipment
10 iPads, cases & apple TV for Geography Department
Close Up
Drum Shield Kit
iMac computer with 27” screen
Franklin Middle School
iPad accessories for 7th grade Math classroom
Smart Music iPad apps
Challenger Elementary School
30 iPads, covers and apps for Science Department
Non-fiction guided reading books
Updated books for independent reading libraries
Orienteering course equipment
Junior Golf Program
Master Classes with Mark Wood
Thief River Falls
Education Foundation
Annual Report 8
Scholarships are funded entirely by the families, individuals or organizations that
have endowed them. The TRF Education Foundation Scholarship Committee
awards scholarships based on merit, need, academic and professional experience, as well as preferred criteria established by those funding the scholarship.
You may express your commitment as additional donations are welcome to any of
the specific named scholarships or you may establish a new scholarship.
Curtis Lyle Charlson Memorial Scholarship
Tony Dorn Sr. Student Athlete Scholarship
Al Gustafson Memorial Scholarship
David Lee Johnson Memorial Scholarship
N. Quentin and Elizabeth McBride Jones Athletic Perseverance Award
Myles Olson Memorial Scholarship
Prowler Boys Basketball Alumni Scholarship
Ralph and Senora Skay Memorial Award
Loren “Bones” Stadum Athletic Memorial Scholarship
Fred Jensen Memorial Scholarship
Carl and Melva Lee Memorial Scholarship
Cliff Swanson Memorial Business Scholarship
Ted Hellie Teaching Scholarship
MeriJo Paschke Education Scholarship
Russell Memorial Scholarship
Thora Skomedal Scholarship
Ruth Stenson Memorial Vocal Scholarship
Jennifer and Jolyn Vigen “Special Education” Award
Milan Borsheim Memorial Scholarship
Class of 1977 Scholarship
Farmers Union Oil Company Scholarship
Alice and Roy Lee Scholarship
Web Maves Family Scholarship
Don L. Olson Memorial Scholarship
St. Hilaire Lions Club Scholarship
John Schmitz Memorial Scholarship
Mark Welter World Citizen Award
Class of 1990 Nicole Knutson Memoral Scholarship
Teddy Dorn Nursing Scholarship
Frances A. Eide Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Norm Peterson and Barry Wilson (Peterson) Scholarship
Dr. George T. Van Rooy Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Michael Holmer Memorial Scholarship
Jerry Jenkins Memorial Scholarship
Northwest Minnesota Housing Coop Scholarship
Temp-Rite Heating & Air Conditioning Scholarship
Peter Hess Memorial Teachers Recognition Award
Leaders of Tomorrow Award
Margaret Saetre Leadership Award
Annual Report 9
Thief River Falls Education
$23,600 awarded to
45 students/staff through named scholarships.
Annual Report 10
The Foundation assisted with seven local reunions,
and the annual Thief River Falls Get Together in Arizona.
Cla 963
Class of 1953
Class of 1973
20 ss
03 of
Class of 1993
Annual Report 11
The Foundation maintains a database with over 15,000 Lincoln High
School graduates and friends of education entries. Keep your contact
information updated so you are informed about class reunions, events
and classmates’ activities.
A social networking website:
where you may keep in contact with classmates.
Follow us: TRF Ed Foundation
E-Focus newsletters are emailed monthly and Focus newsletters are
mailed three times a year to keep you informed of activities of classmates, staff, school district and foundation events.
Website: Up-to-date information is available at
Volunteers: Volunteers are important to the economic and social
well being of our community.
Annual Report 12
Giving a memorial is a special way to remember and honor someone. Your support can make a difference in the lives of future generations. An acknowledgement card will be sent in your name to the family of the deceased or honoree. A
thank you card will also be sent to you and your gift is tax deductible, in accordance with IRS regulations.
564 Club
Staff members of District #564 share in the support provided by the Thief River
Falls Education Foundation. The proceeds received through the 564 Club will be
held in a special account for future grant awarding.
Merle Arin
Marcy Helling
Denice Nelson
April Ballard
Scott Hetherington
Amanda Okeson
Sharon Baron
Cara Jago
Margaret Olson
Kenny Beauchane
Staci Jenson
Sara Olson
Jodi Bergman
Robert Johnson
Darla Prickett
Sara Johnson
Lora Rantanen
Sharon Johnson
Carter Rogalla
Amy Brandt
Larry Langevin
Leslie Rogalla
Scott Brekke
Laine Larson
Becky Rogalla
Jennifer Darchuk
Loren Leake
Amy Tabatt
Julie Desrocher
Stacey Leake
Robert Wayne
Lynn Dyer
Brenda Leier
Mike Wienen
Leslie Fisher
Jeff Loe
Shane Zutz
Reid Froiland
Pat Marolt
Tony Greene
Sarah Marquis
Elizabeth Heikkila
Jeff Mumm
Annual Report 13
An endowment is a permanent fund bestowed upon the Thief River Falls
Education Foundation to be used for a specific purpose. It could be used for
special projects, to underwrite a specific program, or for operations. All of these
endowments are funded entirely by the families, individuals, or organizations
that have endowed them.
Visit the Foundation website at:
for complete information on each individual fund.
Swenson Endowment Fund
Gladys Person Memorial Endowment
Alumni Century Endowment
Gene & Gretchen Beito Endowment
Andy & Mollie Williamson Memorial Endowment
Hess Family Endowment
Orin & Marge Green Family Endowment
Full Stride Fund
Prowler Pride Fund
Delores & Wallace Torkelson Endowment
Endowment funds are easy to establish and they last indefinitely. They can be
launched now with current gifts, or created later through a will bequest or other
deferred gift. Another possibility is to start an endowment now and add to it later
through a bequest. Of course, the advantage of getting an endowment started
now is that you can enjoy the experience of seeing your gift at work while you
are alive.
Education Enhancement Funds
This is an opportunity to see your dollars reach many students and have an
impact on their educational experiences. Every six months the teachers and
staff of School District 564 have an opportunity to request funds through a grant
process, to help them with projects, equipment, or resources that will assist them
in their own classrooms to better serve our students. You and your loved one
can be a part of that opportunity.
Hempel Fine Arts Fund – Emphasis in Fine Arts
DeLap Family Fund – Emphasis in Library, Athletics, Citizenship and Science
Class of 1949 – emphasis in General Education
Annual Report 14
The individuals and businesses listed here have graciously contributed financially to the TRF Education Foundation from July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013. Every
effort is made to correctly list the names, but in the event we have made an error,
please contact the Foundation office. We appreciate all of your generous contributions. Your partnership has a positive impact on youth.
Partners In Education
July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013
1974 Prowlers
Emma (Bakke) Aaker
Edward G. Aakhus
Leroy & Lucy Aasland
John & Julie (Gustafson) Adams
Brunell (Sorenson) Allerson
Deb (Puppe) Altepeter
Richard D. Amren
Cristy Amundgaard
Cecil & Maryel Anderson
Charles L. Anderson
Helen (Olson) Anderson
Murray Anderson
Virginia (Walsberg) Anderson
Lisa M. (Anderson) Anteau
James W. Arhart
Jan M. Armstrong
Lisa A. Arnold
James A. Arras
Andrea Ault
Don Baken
Don & Sonia (Mortrud) Balmer
Carla (Waale) Barnell
Mike & Kathy Barry
Frank Barzen
Shirley (LaPorte) Bateman
Donald E. Battleson
Kenny & Pat Beauchane
Kathy Beito
Gretchen Beito
Beito Foundation
Bob & Ginger Bendickson
Tim & Yvonne Benedict
Marisa A. (Johnson) Benson
Clayton J. Berg
Muriel (Geving) Berg
Raymond & Janet (Klefstad) Berg
Kirsten (Klopp) Berglof
Bergstrom Electric, Inc.
Steven & Rita (Strand) Berry
Tiffanie Bieganek
Bruce & Vickie Bjorgaard
David & Gloria (Bushaw) Bjorkman
Marty (Minor) Blaine
Mike & Kelsy (Richards) Blowers
Gail (Thieling) Bollmann
Mark & Cindi (Russell) Bondy
Brenda Booth
Chris & Missy (Lampe) Borgen
Gloria F. (Johnson) Borm
Ellen R. (Haug) Bradley
Joseph A. Bradley
Brady, Martz & Associates, P.C.
Rayne J. Brandt
Jan (Finstad) Breiland
Greg & Sue (Sorum) Brekke
Chad Broadwell
Gary Bruggeman
Tracee (Joppru) Bruggeman
Kristy L. (Helm) Buck
Al & Susan (Swanson) Buhl
Della (Cork) Burstad
Alan & Carol (Swenson) Cabot
Jennifer (Olin) Callahan
Robert J. Carlisle
David & Patricia (Swedenburg)
Annual Report 15
Partners In Education
Pete & Deb (Reierson) Carlson
Ruth M. (Ballingrud) Carpenter
Marilyn A. Charlson
Nick & Amy (Isaacson) Chiodo
Toni Chiodo
Clyde Christensen
Jean H. Clark
Carl & Jamie Clark
Class of 1949
Class of 1953
Class of 1958
Class of 1959
Class of 1960
Class of 1965
Class of 1965
Class of 1981
Class of 2001
David & Jeanne (Czeh) Cloutier
Shirley (Ulferts) Cody
Larry Conely
Michael Conners
Dana A. (Torkelson) Connett
Muriel Copp
Charlie & Kittie Cornell
Sandra K. (Sandvig) Crane
Elvera M. Cullen
Annabelle (Peterson) Cuppett
Dr. Marchell Cuppett
Terri Cuppett
Wayne Czeh
Fred & Marion (Hogenson) Dablow
Annette A. Daedlow
Dr. Earl Dagg
Jim Dagg
Nate Dalager
Lorraine (Peterson) Dallmann
Debra (Olson) Daniels
Mark David
Helen (Sorenson) Davidson
Richard Davidson
Margaret (Langelett) Dawson
Carol (Peterson) DeLap
Jean DeLap
Bill & Julie Desrocher
Diamonds & Designs, Inc.
Jean (Senstad) Dickinson
Debra A. Dietz
Digi-Key Corporation
Tom & Judy Dimich
Sandra (Hoff) Dittus
Tom & Sue Dondelinger
Phyllis (Engelstad) Dooley
Lynn Dorn
Tony Dorn Jr
G. Murray & Gail M. (Stromsmoe) Dow
Wallace D. Drotts
DSC Staff, Adminstrators, School Bd
Chester A. Dyrud
Clark Dyrud
Loiell & Mary Dyrud
E & M Motels, Inc.
Eagle’s Club
Kermit & Betty (Swan) Eastman
Burnell (Kast) Eggler
Dorothy (Miller) Eide
John M. Eisbrener
Yvonne Ekdahl
Bruce E. Eldevik
Stephen Embury
Mark & Linnae (Hanson) Enge
Katherine (Thomas) Engel
Arnold Engelstad
Coreen (Larson) Erickson
James Ewing
Avis M. Fagerlund
Farmers Union Oil Company
Richard S. Farmes
Marlys K. (Flink) Fast
Barry Fellman
Carol (Melby) Fingerson
James E. Fisher
Luther Fjelstad
Sandra Fladeland
Leroy & Beverly Flickenger
William A. Fogarty
Dale & Arleen Folger
Tammy D. Folger-Sutter
Larry P. Fonnest
Annual Report 16
Partners In Education
Zachary & Carmen Fore
Beth Forkenbrock
Dorie Forkenbrock
Arlyne (Robinson) Forsberg
Ardis (Stoughton) Foster
Franklin Faculty
Friends of the Orchestra
Reid Froiland
Barry & Susan Froiland
Mildred Furuseth
Mathilda (Paulson) Gebhardt
Earl & Loreen Gibson
Mary Jane (Olson) Gibson
Allen & Karen (Austin) Gilbertson
Dr. Don & Ruth Goodrich
Joshua & Melissa Gornowicz
James L. Goulet
Cheryl (Amren) Granlund
VyAnn (Meltz) Grant
Wayne E. Granum
Tom & Paula Greelis
Dennis R. Green
Marjorie Green
Tony D. Greene
Janet (DeLap) Griffith
Dave & Elaine Grovum
Michael Gulbranson
Orley & Elaine Gunderson
Jeffrey Gustafson
Ralph & June (Couts) Gustafson
Stephen E. Gustafson
Pauline Gustafson
Dana (Miller) Haagenson
Arvid C. Haas
Fodda Haj
Howard Halbasch
Lee Roy Halbash
Hank & Dolly Hallstrom
Audrey M. Halvorson
Harold Halvorson
Ronald Halvorson
Frank Hamerlinck
Ron & Sharon (Anderson) Hamre
Warren Hanestad
George A. Hankerson
Katherine Hanson
Kim (LeMoine) Harbott
Wayne Harder
Tom & Donna Harlow
Mildred (Breiland) Hartleben
Jerry Hasnedl
Holly (Narverud) Haugen
Jack & Carol (Bennett) Haugen
Ruth, Kimberley & Melody Haugen
Christina Hawkinson
Lynda (Mattson) Hawkinson
Daniel H. Helle
Diane Hellie
James Hellie
Jean Hellie
Cody & Misty (Bjugan) Hempel
Jeff & Nancy (Halbasch) Hendrickson
Jerald & Arlys (Hanson) Hendrickson
Patricia Hetland
Connie (Botten) Hillstad
Leslie & Alice Hofstad
Matthew, Ashley, Andrew
& Mark Hogan
Joan Q. Hogan
Sharon (Wendel) Hoglo
Cheryl Hoium
Jody Holand
Wayne & Bette (Czeh) Holmgren
Barb (Thompson) Holthusen
Sharon (Verbout) Hook
Linda Hornseth
Jane (Amundgaard) Hotzler
Jeanette (Lager) Hubbard
Lorraine B. (Baken) Hulse
John Hustad
Paul & Carol (Elleson) Ihle
Audrey (Sorenson) Isaacson
Mark & Robyn (Dallmann) Isaacson
Alice Jacobsen
Deborah Jacobson
Susan (Simenson) Jankovich
Jim Jaranson
Dana L. (Vettleson) Jenkins
Annual Report 17
Partners In Education
Mark Jenkins
Joyce (Lokken) Jensen
Renae (Filpula) Jensen
Cindy F. (Steen) Jindra
Jean A. (Sandberg) Johansen
Dan & Lori Johnson
Evie Johnson
Ivanette (Hanson) Johnson
Lloyd H. Johnson
Marjorie A. (Swanson) Johnson
Pearl (Peterson) Johnson
Paul D. Johnson
Paul W. Johnson
Peter H. Johnson
Robert & Mary Johnson
Ronald & Linda Johnson
Shirley A. Johnson
Ruby M. Johnston
David Jones
Jeanette (Anderson) Jones
Ken Jones
Thomas Q. Jones
Andrew Joppru
Jeff Joppru
Richard Joppru
Don & Grace (Torgerson) Jorde
Grace (Torgerson) Jorde
Ellen Jorde-Lindseth
Gerald Jorgenson
Larry G. Jorgenson
Cynthia A. Jorstad
Dorothy Jury
Kent & Gayleen Kainz
Garth & Colleen (Johnson) Kaste
Gene Kauppila
Kristy (Peterson) Kelley
Joan (Evenstad) Kelver
Tom K. Kenville
Joleen (Gibson) Kezar
Cynthia A. (Solem) Kilen
Irene (Johnson) Kinna
David & Karen Kirkeby
Julie (Lendobeja) Kirshbaum
Pamela (Torkelson) Kittridge
Ron & Diane (Storhaug) Kleinvachter
Anneke (Hanestad) Klosterman
Margaret Kne
Frank Knutson
Rodney & Sandy Knutson
Susan (Owen) Koland
Errin & Lynnae (Broten) Kolden
David B. Kollitz
Everett Kompelien
Dale A. Koop
John C. Kotaska
Anthony Kozojed
Michelle “Bucket” Kraemer-Paulson
John Krankkala
Dennis E. Krause
Carole (Forsberg) Krueger
Dick & Pat Kruta
Sharon Kuester-Naplin
Ron Kvikstad
L. V. Contractors, Inc.
Kristen R. (Blazek) LaBass
Rob LaCoursiere
Melba (Johnston) Laidley
Sam & Jenni (Eriksen) Lane
Myrna (Lindblom) Lane
Larry & Robin Langevin
James & Penny Langland
Shelly Langlie
Katherine (Hruby) Langstraat
Laura M. (Jorde) LaPointe
Steven & Judy (Thrane) Lappegaard
Brian Larson
Chuck Larson
John A. & Sharon (Krystosek) Larson
Laine D. Larson
Marion Larson
Mark & Jean Larson
Sharon M. (Krystosek) Larson
Steve & Linda (Burger) Larson
Denise Laymon
Derek R. Lee
Emery Lee
Larry & Cheryl (Narverud)
Lee Myrtle (Jelle)
Annual Report 18
Partners In Education
LeeLee Plumbing & Heating Co.
Kent Lemoine
Les’s Sanitation
Ron & Judy (Jensen) Lindberg
Kathleen B. (Berg) Lindgren
Bryce Lingen
Carol (Bjorkman) Linthacum
Carolyn Lofgren
Roberta Looker
Blair & LeeAnn (Hanestad) Lund
Lois Lund
Dave Lunde
Mike & Shirley (Sabol) Lundgren
Lunseth Plumbing & Heating, Co.
John Lynskey
Joan (Winter) Magnuson
Kevin & Gloria (Kauppila) Malwitz
Brenda (Laidley) Marben
Marilyn (Nelson) Marshall
Vanessa (Anderson) Martell
Buzz & Kaye (Dorn) Marvin
Esther J. Mattson
James T. Matson
Richard Mattson
Robert C. Mattson
Nancy (Newton) McGraw
McKinnon Co., Inc.
Cleo (Monson) McWhorter
Murray & Carol Melander
Judy (Spray) Melby
Mark J. Metusalem
Tom Mickelson
Verona (Lee) Mikkelson-Flaat
Sherry Miller
Julie (Sevre) Miller
Jesse & Kelly (Clark) Mitchell
Margaret Moeglein
Elizabeth A. (King) Mooney
Dorothy (Bakke) Moore
Robyn (Jenkins) Morey
Francis & Pat (Larson) Morone
Brooks Mostue
Frank J. Mousley
Patrick G. MuntIrma B. (Martinson)
MunzShaun (Oen) Muzzy
Bob & Ivy (Taggert) Myhrer
Stacy L. (Ratliff) Myhrer
Allen L. Narverud
Arnie & Gladys Narverud
Darlene B. (Wold) Nebel
Brad Nelson
Debra Nelson
Del Nelson
Dale & Denice (Anderson) Nelson
Gary L. & Barb (Bulger) Nelson
Laura (Yonke) Nelson
Jon Ness
Shawn & Darlene Newland
Dawn M. (Numedahl) Niles
Valera Noel
Katie (Carlson) Noel
Barbara Noel
Jan & Diedre Nordin
Northwest Minnesota Housing Coop
Sheryl Novacek
Carol Novak
Gary & Arlene (Skibicki) Novak
Northwest Minnesota Arts Council
Natalie (Wilson) ObeeObermiller
Nelson Engineering
Elizabeth Odette
Dale Oftelie
Amanda Okeson
Clara Olson
Jeff A. Olson
Kern A. Olson
Margaret E. Olson
Richard A. Olson
Sara Olson
Sharon (Hendrickson) Olson
Steve & Amy (Enge) Olson
Susan J. Olson
Sylvia (Borchert) Olson
Whitey & Jeanne Olson
Greg Omdahl
Dave & Cindi Onkka
Joe T. & Dawn Ose
Kenneth & Lillian Ose
Annual Report 19
Partners In Education
Ron & Ruth (Dupree) Ostby
Mark & Renee Ostgarden
Gail & Royal Oyster
Sherry (Solseng) Page
Paint & Glass Interiors, Inc.
Ashok & Meena Patel
Susan D. (Adamson) Paulson
Robert F. Pearson
Kathryn (Charlson) Pederson
Pennington Main
Betty J. (Nelson) Peppell
Glen PetersIrving Peterson
Larry D. Peterson
Keith E. Peterson
Mavis (Guttu) Pfeiffer
Joe & Sue (Morben) Philipp
Phillip’s Iron & Metal, Inc.
Alyce (Allerson) Pollick
Patricia A. (Berg) Ponnay
Waye R. Pound
Jon & Paula (Wilkens) Praska
Marc & JoAnn (Kraemer) Pream
Merv & JoAnn Prestebak
Marion (Winger) Prichard
Darla Prickett
Prowler Alumni Basketball Association
Mike Purdy
Jan (Kauppila) Rabideaux
Tyler & Beth (Carpenter) Radniecki
Duane Rafteseth
R. R. Rainford
Dale J. Randorf
Lora (Wagner) Rantanen
Beverly (Austad) Ranum
Red Lake Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Darcy Reese
David Reeve
Bruce C. Restad
Diane M. (Miller) Retka
Lylian (Swanson) Richards
Calvin A. Ripley
Jerry Robicheau
Pamela R. (Finney) Rochlin
Susan (Forkenbrock) Roemer
Carter & Leslie (Ammerman) Rogalla
Gary A. Rolandson
Ken & Lynn (Norman) Rolandson
Beverley (Hornseth) Rongen
Helen (Hendrickson) Rude
Ronald B. Runger
Sharon (Knutson) Russell
Kathy (Hanson) Rustad
Siri (Spong) Rustad
Warren Saetre
Saint Hilaire Lions Club
Nancy Sandahl
Enid (Mellem) Sande
Elaine (Powell) Scarborough
Sandra Schob
John & Lorraine (Lietzow) Seaverson
Lisa (Howe) Semanko
John P. Sherack
Karen Sich
Jim Sims
David Sisler
Wallace & Mary (Sherack) Sjaaheim
Richard Sjoberg
Gary Skibicki
Jim Skoglund
Marilyn S. (Skarstad) Small
Marilyn (Bakken) Smalley
Darryl G. Smith
Gary D. Smith
Leslie & Marlene (Langevin) Snetting
Terry & Rita Soine
Vernon & Arden (Ballingrud) Solheim
Robert O. Sollom
Sherry Sorenson
Mike & Lori (Odegaard) Sorteberg
Shelby & Gary Sorvig
Kassi Sparby
Mike Spears
Norma Spong
Barb (Holm) St. George
St. Hilaire Lions Club
Donna M. (Johnson) Steffen
Becki (Ferber) Sternal
John D. Stewart
Annual Report 20
Partners In Education
Bonnie (Knight) Stewart
Don & Sheron (Rice) Stewart
Lillian Stewart
Edward T. Stokke
Durelle (Newbury) Storhaug
Bruce A. Storhaug, O.D.
Barb (Laidley) Storm
Jim & Jan Strandlie
Doris (Carlson) Stromberg
Joan K. (Johnson) Strong
Lucille J. (Douville) Sudol
Lydia (Balmer) Svendsen
Beverly A. (Myhrer) Swanson
Margaret S. Swanson
Curtis Swanson
Oliver “Skip” Swanson
Trevor Swanson
David C. Swenson
Jane (Breznay) Sykes
Marjorie (Wangenstein) Tegtmeier-Radi
Temp-Rite Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Marlys L. (Madunich) Terrian
The Randall Noper Charitable Trust
Thief River Ford
Deanne & Gladys Thompson
Harold Thompson
Kyja Thorsgard
Thune Insurance Network
Titan Machinery
Kelly J. (Olson) Todd
Jodie Torkelson
Kari E. Torkelson
Danita (Miller) Torkelson
Darlene (Pladson) Torstveit
TRF Quilters Guild
Rick & Karmon (Espe) Trontvet
Tim & Cari (Worner) Trudeau
Roger & Ardy (Anderson) Tunberg
Bonnie Tunberg
Stan & Janice Upham
Kenneth VeVea
Deborah Vigness
Tony & Barb (Hanson) Vik
Andrea R. (Olin) Volk
Lori (Brossoit) Waage
Norman Wagner
Walmart Foundation
Gail E.(Lindberg) Walsh
Birdell (Randorf) Wangsmo
Arvid Wedul
John W. Weigelt
Wells Fargo Foundation
Rosemary D. (Dahlen)Welsh
Mark M. Welter
Jeffrey P. Wendt
Paula Wendt
Dale & Linda (Toomey) Wennberg
Betty (Caldis) Westergren
LeRoy G. Whitson
Virginia G. (Paulsen) Widen
Jerry & Marlyn Wigness
Mary Jo Williams
Jeanne (Tygeson) Williams
Fern (Hanson) Williams
Dorothy E. (Mayer-Oakes) Williams
Marvel Williamson
Bruce Williamson
Daryl P. Williamson
Roger Wilson
James H. Winjum
Darlene (Eliason) Wiseth
Dorothy (Hellquist) Witzel
Vickie L. (Grovum) Woehrle
Sally Wolff Insurance Agency
John Womack
Dawn (Miller) Woodward
Kathy (Omdahl) Wright
Annual Report 21
12th Annual
Swenson Golf Tournament
Twenty-six teams participated in this fundraiser on July 23, 2012.
Annual Report 22
Engraved Pavers
For Lincoln High
School Entrance
Lincoln High
The renovations that are
being made at Lincoln High
School have included a new
main entrance on the south side
of the building. This entrance will
feature a patio with engraved pavers. The engraved
pavers will be installed Spring 2014.
Thief River
Falls Education
Bricks are 4” x 8” with space
for up to two lines of 18 char- Foundation is offeracters each and 8” x 8” with
ing two different
space for up to four lines of 18 sizes of engraved
characters each. The cost for
the small brick is $75 and the
large brick is $150.
This is a fundraiser for the Thief River Falls Education Foundation
that allows you to place your name or honor a loved one at Lincoln
High School. Order forms are available at the Foundation office or
by calling 218-681-8711 ext. 228.
For those of you who have already purchased a paver,
your support is appreciated.
Annual Report 23
Gifts we receive, no matter the size, have a significant impact on transforming students’ lives and assures that the Foundation may continue
with their work. Whether it be through support to the annual fund, making
a planned gift, or volunteering your time, we all have an interest in promoting a world class education. Contact the Education Foundation Executive
Director if you have a special area of interest.
Invest Today…Empower Tomorrow
Name_________________________________________________Class of ______
Friend of Education _____
City _______________________________________State ______ Zip__________
Phone______________________Email __________________________________
Please accept my gift for the following:
Unrestricted Funds___________________________________________________
In Memory/Honor of___________________________________________________
In support of ______________________________________________ Endowment
In support of______________________________________________ Scholarship
Matching Employer Contribution_________________________________________
Enclosed is my tax-deductible gift $_______________________________________
I wish further information regarding gifts to the Foundation in the form of:
o Trusts o Real Estate o Bequests o Stocks o Insurance o IRAs o Annuities
Gifts are accepted by mail, in person or by online methods.
Thief River Falls Education Foundation
230 LaBree Avenue South, Thief River Falls, MN 56701
218-681-8711 ext. 228
218-686-9625 (Mobile)
Email: [email protected]
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230 LaBree Avenue South
Thief River Falls, MN 56701
Knox • Washington • Northrup • St. Hilaire • Mark Twain
Lincoln • Franklin • Challenger
Education Foundation
Thief River Falls,
MN 56701