KCJ Spring Newsletter 2011 - The Kennel Club of Jersey


KCJ Spring Newsletter 2011 - The Kennel Club of Jersey
Kennel Club of Jersey
Spring 2011
The 23rd Channel Islands Dog of the Year was held at the Royal Showground
with Ch/Am Ch/Jsy Ch Harmonyhillsatinfunnycideman at Chakona winning Dog
of the Year and Jsy Ch Thelbern The Tangerine Man being Reserve. This was a
repeat of the previous year, the first time this has ever happened.
Congratulations must also go to Peter Walker, who made up 3 Jsy Champions
at the last Championship show. This brings the total number to 18 since 2005.
Russell Marett
[email protected]
Channel Islands Dog of the Year
2010 Winners (Finalists listed online)
Dog of the Year: Turner’s Ch/
Am Ch/Jsy Ch Harmonyhillsatinfunnycideman at Chakona,
Aus Shepherd
Reserve: Alsford’s Jsy Ch
Thelbern The Tangerine Man,
January Members Show Winners
Puppy of the Year: Newcombe’s Icewind Spring Sunlight,
Reserve: McMillan’s Badlesmere Bold Tactic, Bull Terrier
Veteran of the Year: Poidevin’s Sundark Salce, Shetland
Reserve: Marett’s Gayteckels Highflyer PdH, Cesky Terrier
Brace of the Year: Cox’s Tiroen True Blue & Tiroen Take My
Breath Away, Irish Setters
Reserve: Lawrence’s Penwartha Under Fire & Penwartha
Apache Arrow, GSDs
Winter Championship Show Winners
Secretary’s Updates—AGM
It was a full room for this year's AGM with 64 members in attendance. Below is a summary of the business carried out, for those
that were unable to attend.
Apologies for Absence - 16 apologies received
Steven asked if there was anyone from the floor who would be willing to stand as Show Secretary. There were no takers so the
vacant post of Show Secretary will be discussed at the 1st Committee Meeting in April.
Introductions of those standing for Committee and close of Ballot
Approval of the Minutes of the AGM held 24th March 2010- These were approved
Matter Arising
Steven hoped that the resume on the back of the ballot papers had helped voters make their decisions & thanked Caroline
Scott for the suggestion last year.
The States Vet had been contacted about the issue of Shock Collars but had not taken any action. However, it was pleasing to
note that Le Marquand Brothers had stopped selling these collars.
Discussions with RJH&AS had taken place about a Committee Room. Currently the building works are on hold due to the current climate. Once they resume we will continue talks.
Code of Ethics had been well received & the parishes had agreed to distribute with the Dog Licences. Health screen information has been added to registrations when received by the registrar.
We now have 3 Associate Members - PAT Dogs, Guide Dogs for the Blind (Jersey) & the Animal Shelter. They have all got
links on our Website & will advise us of any events for publication. Following on from a question about whether Guide Dogs for
the Blind health screen their breeding stock, we can confirm that they do. Currently they are the largest single breeder of dogs
with the Kennel Club, although once trained their pedigree certification is not passed on.
Dog hair continues to be an issue in the hall. Please put a mat down when you are grooming your dogs.
Affiliates Working Group has met twice. Through this forum various items have been discussed with the licensing process being
revamped, the new KCJ Agility Rules have been adopted & currently we are working on the Obedience rules.
DEFRA Consultation for Dangerous Dogs has closed & the results are being reviewed
President’s Report - taken as read
Secretary’s Report - taken as read. The only correction is that the Alsatian (GSD) Training Club (Jersey) is now called Jersey
Dog Training Association. Bob Michel has kindly stepped forward to become the new Membership Secretary.
Registrar’s Report - taken as read
Show Secretary’s Report - taken as read. Steven advised that there are now 4 new points trophies - Junior Handler, Reserve
Junior Handler, Senior Handler & Reserve Senior Handler. Points would be taken from the 6 local shows and will be awarded at
Dog of the Year in February.
Treasurer’s Report, and Approval of Accounts 1st January – 31st December 2009 & 1st January – 31st December 2010.
Both accounts were passed. Steven thanked Nigel for all of his hardwork & gave him a bottle of whiskey to express the club's
Election of the Auditors - Agreed to continue with current Auditors - Rosscot
Committee proposals:
That an Honorarium be paid to the Officers for this year. Secretary £300, Treasurer £300, Registrar £300, Show Secretary £300
- Passed
That the President shall, in the future, receive the same Honorarium as the Officers. The committee feel that the President
should receive the Honorarium to cover some of their annual expenses - Passed
That the Membership rate for 2012 remains at £12.50 with Joint Membership Rate remaining at £10.00 per Member. The associate joining & Junior Membership would also remain unchanged. Joint Members live at the same address, and receive only
one set of Newsletters, Schedules and Notices - Passed
That the Registration Regulations rule 20 a) shall be amended from 'has already produced six litters and/or' to 'has already produced four litters and/or'. This will keep us in line with the proposed Kennel Club changes, to take effect from 1st January 2012
- Passed
That the Code of Ethics be amended to include 'not to breed from a bitch that has had two previous litters born by caesarean
section'. This change would cone into effect on 1st January 2012 - Passed
Members Proposals:
Carla Mackay proposes that the Registration Guideline 'k' in KCJ 1 Litter Registration be relaxed to allow for the repetition of a
word, within a single litters registration, be allowed, as long as the repeated word is not used as, or appears to be, an affix
This proposal was defeated, so the regulation will remain the same. It was advised that the Registrar did show some flexibility &
allow 2 dogs from a litter to have a repeated word.
Neville Uden proposes that no two members from the same household sit on the main Committee of the Kennel Club of Jersey
at any one time.
This was discussed & it was felt that with our small size this was not practical. There was some discussion about whether people from the same household should hold Officers positions at the same time. It was pointed out that no two members from the
household were on the Club's Accounts. This proposal was defeated.
Constitutional Review.
As the constitution is now 10 years old it was felt that it should be reviewed. A couple of examples were given - splitting the
role of President & Chairman and reviewing the timeline for AGM paperwork. Steven asked for volunteers to stand on a Sub
Committee to review the Constitution & make recommendation for any changes. Steven will chair the Sub Committee with myself recording the suggested changes. Members that volunteered to assist were Andre Rees, Andrew Baudains, Wendy Wright
& Peter Walker.
Please send any suggestions or items you want reviewing to Steven.
Any Other Business.
Vet Check for 15 breeds at Crufts 2012. Steven advised that from next year vet checks would take place at Crufts.
After a short break the scrutineers returned with the results of the Election
The election was conducted by Ballot with the Officers being elected by receiving over 50% of eligible votes & the eight Ordinary Members that received the highest number of votes
Post-AGM Update
At the first Committee meeting we welcomed the new members to the Committee – Jamie Laffoley, Carla Mackay & Caroline
Scott. The meeting was long as there is always plenty to cover, so I hope this did not put them off too much.
As the Show Secretary position was not filled at the AGM we have split the role into 8 jobs that the Ordinary Members of the
Committee could perform. Carla Mackay has been appointed Acting Show Secretary by the Committee.
Sub Committees can be found on the right.
The club has now purchased 2 pay as you go mobiles which will be used by the Secretary & the Show Secretary. This will
mean that when people leave the post it will be a smoother transition as phone numbers will not change & the phone can simply be handed over. The numbers are as follows:Secretary – 07797 964577
Sub Committee Members
Show Secretary – 07797 964557
Carla Mackay – Schedules
The following 3 new champions were approved by the Committee:Caroline Scott – Entries
Dobermann – Jsy CH Tuwos Fallon
Jamie Laffoley – Trophies
Kerry Blue Terrier – Jsy CH Arkama Rockafella at Kebulak
Christine Marett – Rosettes
Lhasa Apso – Jsy CH Kutani Codebreaker for Zanamop
Peter Walker - Points collation
Well done to Peter Walker for making up 3 champions at the same show.
Collette Allen – Handling
At the next show our usual paid helpers will not be available for packing
Ro Cox – Advertising
the show away, so any assistance at the end of the show will be greatly
Neville Uden - Raffle
Steven Edwards, Elinor McFadden
& Sam Kezourec will offer assisDuring a show when you have finished showing, please be considerate
tance and guidance as needed
when packing away not to cause too much noise while judging is still
being completed.
Neville Uden
Collette Allen with assistance from
Steven Edwards, Elinor McFadden
& Sam Kezourec
A few of us attended a Pet First Aid seminar that was run by Scallywags.
Ro Cox with Russell Marett collatThere is the possibility that we would be able to run this seminar for KCJ Press
ing the Newsletter
members. Would any members like us to arrange this course for the
Neville Uden with Steven Edwards
membership to attend?
& Angie Seedhouse attending the
Working Group
Please send any suggestions for the Constitutional changes to Steven
Edwards in writing, to be received by 20th May, so they can be considered Veterinary
Carla Mackay with Ro Cox running
at the meeting.
the Eye Clinic
Secretary Cover Caroline Scott
Remember this is your committee, so if you have any suggestions that
Steven Edwards
you want putting forward at the meetings please contact any member of
the committee.
Treasurer Cover Steven Edwards
For the June Show please note that the wet weather cover will be the
Marquee & not the hall.
Training &
Angie Seedhouse with Bob Michel
being Membership Secretary
Angie Seedhouse
Holiday Rescue
Early in the morning, after exhibiting at SKC (August), we started heading up towards Aberdeen for a breed
show. We were heading up the A90 dual carriage way when we saw something white crossing the road towards us. Fletch slowed the motorhome as at first we thought it was a cat crossing the road. When we were
closer we could see it was a small Jack Russell. Fletch quickly stopped the motorhome in the road (hazard lights
flashing), while I jumped out to try to catch the dog. I calmly moved towards her trying to make sure that I did
not end up chasing her back into the road again. Luckily she eagerly came to me. I scooped her up & jumped
back in the motorhome.
On checking her, all she wore was a pink patent leather collar with no disc. She was cold & wet but at least she
looked uninjured. She snuggled into me as we now needed to find a Police Station or Animal Centre. At the next
junction we left the A90 & headed for the services to ask for directions to the nearest Police Station. Fletch was
given instruction for Queens Ferry Police Station. As we pulled up outside the small station there were 2 police
officers outside washing the police cars. They looked at us questioningly as we got out the vehicle parked on the
double yellow lines in front of them.
We advised that we had found the dog on the A90 & the WPC looked
at the small dog & asked her, ‘You been dicing with death this morning?’ She then took down a description of the dog & details of when &
where we had found her, while we checked her over again & removed
a thorn that was stuck in her chest. Fletch asked if they had a scanner
but they did not, so we put her in their small kennel with a parting gift
of a tripe stick.
Later in the day Fletch received a phone call from the WPC to advise
that the owners had come looking for her, but she had already been
sent to a kennel, so they would have to wait to pick her up the next day. The owners had also asked to pass on
their thanks to us for rescuing her.
While in Scotland we also stayed near Rosemarkie (Inverness) where you could watch seals & dolphins from the
shore. The dolphins were no more than 25 metres away at times.
10 Peeves that dogs have about humans
1. Blaming your farts on me....not funny....not funny at all
2. Yelling at me for barking. I’M A DAMN DOG!
3. Taking me for a walk, then not letting me check stuff out. Exactly whose walk is this anyway?!
4. Any trick that involves balancing food on my nose. Stop it!
5. Any haircut that involves bows or ribbons. Now you know why we chew your stuff up when you’re not home.
6. The sleight of hand, fake fetch throw. You fooled a dog! Whooo Hoooooo what a proud moment for the top of the food
7. Taking me to the vet for ‘the big snip’, then acting surprised when I freak out every time we go back.
8. Getting upset when I sniff the crotches of your guests. Sorry, but I haven’t quite mastered that handshake thing yet.
9. Dog sweaters. Hello??? Haven’t you noticed the fur?
10. How you act disgusted when I lick myself. Look, we both know the truth. You’re just jealous.
Run by The Kennel Club of Jersey —— Saturday 2nd July & Sunday 3rd July
at Trinity Youth Centre, Trinity
For over 30 years the BVA has operated a hereditary eye disease screening program.
The main purpose of the scheme is to ensure that there is no evidence of hereditary eye disease in dogs. Owners are advised to submit dogs for annual eye tests, since some diseases have late onset of clinical signs.
Veterinary Referrals also available
Please book in early with preferred day and either morning or afternoon - firm times will be arranged nearer the time -
For more details and to book a place please contact
Ro Cox - 01534 625363 [email protected]
Match Results
Puppy 6-9 Months
Puppy 9-12 Months
Junior 6-18 Months
Open Dog (Sporting)
Open Dog (Non-Sporting)
Open Bitch (Sporting)
Open Bitch (Non-Sporting)
Junior Handling
Cesky Terrier
Japanese Chin
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
Japanese Chin
Jade Perez
January - Judge: P Walker
Lastarean Grace And Favour for Gayteckels
Silver Starbow Ellipse at Kipipiriking
Teckelgarth Faith
Nisyros Frank Chinatra
Katesclan Montgomery Rant
Rudoli Beachomber
Katesclan Flora McDonald
Yama Tiara Maxgold
Thelbern The Black Democrat of Rudoli
C Marett
J Lawson
T & C Scott
S Curwood
R Phillipe
J Schofield
R Phillipe
S Curwood
J Schofield
Best Puppy & RBIM
Best in Match
Match Results February - Judge: R Becquet (UK)
Puppy 6-9 Months
Puppy 9-12 Months
Junior 6-18 Months
Open Dog (Sporting)
Open Bitch (Sporting)
Open Bitch (Non-Sporting)
CC Winners
Veteran CC Winners
Junior Handling
Shetland Sheepdog
Lhasa Apso
Shetland Sheepdog
Golden Retriever
Japanese Chin
Staffordshire Bull T
Jade Perez
Rannerdale Sophie with Ribans
Thelbern Here Comes The Son
Petwalk Wen-Do-Do That
Rannerdale Sophie with Ribans
Katesclan Montgomery Rant
Eeri Lovely Rita
Lancerian Pleasant Cilea
Jsy Ch Thelbern The Tangerine Man
Rockstaff Kaos at Granitangel
C Allo Allen
T Alsford
P Walker
C Allo Allen
R Phillipe
F Officer
L McFarlane
T Alsford
M Fletcher &
Best Puppy
Best in Match
Res Best in Match
A Seedhouse
Match Results March - Judge: J Laffoley
Puppy 6-9 Months
Puppy 9-12 Months
Junior 6-18 Months
Open Dog (Sporting)
Open Dog (Non-Sporting)
Open Bitch (Sporting)
Open Bitch (Non-Sporting)
CC Winners
Junior Handling
English Setter
Cocker Spaniel
Am Cocker Spaniel
Shetland Sheepdog
Staffordshire Bull T
Jade Perez
Canonsett Deja Vue at Beauvoir
Jozalah Once More
Jaclee Here Comes The Son for Petwalk
Rannerdale Lady of Grace with Ribans
Bondar Entourage for Petwalk
Zumarnik Delighted for Petwalk
Pipijay Spirit In The Sky for Petwalk
Shiloh Clen Molly at Dimkas
Granitangel Zircon
A Baudains
Best Puppy
C Nichols
P Walker
Best in Match
C Allo Allen
P Walker
P Walker
P Walke
Res Best in Match
B & S Rousseau
M Fletcher & A Seedhouse
Match Results April - Judge: N Uden
Puppy 6-9 Months
Puppy 9-12 Months
Junior 6-18 Months
Open Dog (Sporting)
Open Dog (Non-Sporting)
Open Bitch (Sporting)
Open Bitch (Non-Sporting)
CC Winners
Veteran CC Winners
Junior Handling
Pharaoh Hound
Shetland Sheepdog
Pharaoh Hound
Golden Retriever
Lhasa Apso
BSD Groenendael
Jade Perez
Islephar Isesu for Petwalk
Rannerdale Lady Of Grace
Recall Blue Bell
Islephar Isesu for Petwalk
Katesclan Montgomery Rant
Zumarnik Delighted for Petwalk
Pipijay Spirit In The Sky for Petwalk
Shiloh Clen Molly at Dimkas
Jsy Ch Kutani Codebreaker for Zanamop
Charbonny Decision for Kumataz
P Walker
C Allo Allen
L Huelin
P Walker
R Philippe
P Walker
P Walker
B & S Rousseau
P Walker
R Cooper
Best Puppy
Res Best in Match
Best in Match
FOR YOUR DOG - Jersey-based web shop opening soon
Due to open in May. For Your Dog is a new locally owned online retailer providing dog food and accessories with a difference and at competitive prices. With free, island wide, door-to-door delivery service there is no need to fill up your
shopping trolley with those big, heavy bags of dog food and you no longer have to carry them to and from the boot of your
car. You don't even need to leave the house!
In addition to providing this wonderful service, For Your Dog brings to Jersey a completely new range of dog-related
products, ranging from confectionary to luxurious leather sofas.
Keep checking their website for updates www.fydog.co.uk
Full results can
be found online
Best in Show
Reserve Best in Show
Best Puppy in Show
Reserve Best Puppy in Show
Best Junior in Show
Best Novice in Show
Best Veteran in Show
Reserve Best Veteran in Show
Best Brace in Show
January Members Show Results
Lhasa Apso
Irish Setter
Pharaoh Hound
Standard Poodle
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Japanese Chin
Irish Setter
W/H Dachshund
Japanese Chin
Gundog Group
Irish Setter
American Cocker Spaniel
Labrador Retriever
Golden Retriever
PG1 Irish Setter
PG2 Labrador Retriever
Hound Group
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
L/H Dachshund
Min L/H Dachshund
PG1 Pharaoh Hound
PG2 Min L/H Dachshund
PG3 Whippet
Judge Mr S Bardwell
Kutani Codebreaker for Zanamop
Tiroen True Blue JW
Islephar Isesu for Petwalk
Vanitonia If You Please
Limier Didier at Gayteckels
Nisyros Frank Chinatra
Tiroen Tourbillon
Gayteckels Seaexpectation at Renlott PdH
Sleepyhollow Student Printz at Glendyke
Lanceian Pleasant Chika
Tiroen True Blue JW
Mycalleys Happy Harry
Rocheby Brigadoon at Beauvoir
Katesclan Strip The Willow
Tiroen Time Lord
St Saviour Beau
Pipijay Spirit In The Sky for Petwalk
Limier Didier at Gayteckels
Owlery Sparticus with Petwalk
Garbosa Cocoa at Woodflame
Islephar Isesu for Petwalk
Woodflame Tilly Mint
Silver Starbow Eclipse at Kipipiriking
R Cox
P Walker & M Noel
A Baudains
R Phillipe
R Cox
B McKean & B McMahon
P Walker
C Marett
P Walker
D & K Cottrell
P Walker
D & K Cottrell
J Lawson
Terrier Group
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Kerry Blue Terrier
Cesky Terrier
Bull Terrier
PG1 Cesky Terrier
M Fletcher & A Seedhouse
P Walker
C Marett
J Fairley
C Marett
J Laffoley & S Edwards
A Pinto
Granitangel Zircon
Arkama Rockafella at Kebulak
Lastarean Kral of Zidout
Razzle Me Dazzle
Lastarean Grace And Favour for
Scottish Terrier
Yeloffal For The Boyz
West Highland White Terrier Mackaly Jack In The Box
Pastoral Group
Australian Shepherd
Rough Collie
Shetland Sheepdog
Australian Shepherd
Allmark Tina Turner JW
A Allen, J Collins, R Harlow & N
Kizzanne Shining Star
D Wharton
Penwartha Christmas Star
H & S Moulin
Shandlemain Kissed By Magic at Ribans C Allo Allen
Rannerdale Sophistication
C Allo Allen
Bordertime In Ya Dreams
L MacFarlane
Penwartha Jade
R Biles
Working Group
Docrema Fortune Cookie
Norfolk Beauty
M Bayes
T & C Scott
Toy Group
Japanese Chin
PG1 Pomeranian
PG2 Japanese Chin
Rudoli Beachcomber
Ksarina Something Going On
Nisyros Frank Chinatra
Zumarnik Delighted for Petwalk
Thelbern Here Comes The Son
Glendyke Dream Alliance
J Schofield
E Dale & P Michel
S Curwood
P Walker
J Schofield
J & L MacFarlane
Utility Group
Lhasa Apso
Shih Tzu
Toy Poodle
Standard Poodle
PG1 Standard Poodle
PG2 Shih Tzu
Kutani Codebreaker at Zanamop
P Walker
Debeaux From Russia Wiv Love at Forepaws Cooper
Meantmore Loiter In The Wings
C Smithers
Vanitonia If You Please
R Le Masurier & P Walker
Vanitonia If You Please
R Le Masurier & P Walker
Anthrosyl Golden Treasure
A Martinez & S Cooper
P Walker
R Cox
P Walker
R Le Masurier & P Walker
C Marett
S Curwood
R Cox
L Goodall
L McFarlane
Good Citizen Stakes
Japanese Chin
Lanceian Pleasant Adin
L MacFarlane
Special Vintage
Shetland Sheepdog
Myndoc Wytchcraft at Mohnesee
V Johnson
Brace of Jersey Puppies
Scottish Terriers
Yeloffal For The Boyz/Yeloffal Bit
Of Rough
J Laffoley & S Edwards
Le Crapaud Stakes
Irish Setter
Tiroen Take My Breath Away JW
R Cox
Judge: Mrs C Marett
Best Junior Handler
Jade Perez
Reserve Best Junior Handler
Tehya-Leigh Mildren
Best Adult Handler
Lorraine Stewart Smith
Full results can
be found online
Winter Championship Show Results
Gundog Group
Mr M Gadsby
Labrador Retriever
English Springer Spaniel
American Cocker Spaniel
Cocker Spaniel
English Setter
Irish Setter
Golden Retriever
Spanish Water Dog
Rocheby Brigadoon at Beauvoir
A Baudains
Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrinedee D De Carteret
Mycalleys Happy Harry
P Walker & M Noel
Shenmore Spruce at Derrindee
D De Carteret
Canonsett Deja Vue at Beauvoir
A Baudains
Tiroen Timeless Classic
R Cox
Denmarella Here Cums The Sun
R & F Caunce
Hollutrix Yemomi Del Lyntonridge L Ozanne
Hound Group
Dr S Hemstock
Irish Wolfhound
L/H Dachshund
Pharaoh Hound
Pharaoh Hound
Min L/H Dachshund
Petwalk Que Sera Sera
Ame De Loup Des Coeurs De Lune
Owlery Sparticus with Petwalk
Islephar Isesu for Petwalk
Islephar Isesu for Petwalk
Recall Blue Bell
Woodflame Courageous Colin
Ransley Simply Magic
Terrier Group
Dr S Hemstock
Kerry Blue Terrier
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier
Glen Of Imaal
Cesky Terrier
Scottish Terrier
West Highland White Terrier
Arkama Rockafella at Kebulak
P Walker
Granitangel Zircon
M Fletcher & A Seedhouse
Bullyview Poetry Emotion
A Steel
Romainville Dodhran
L Smith
Lastarean Grace And Favour for Gayteckels C Marett
Yeloffal For The Boyz
J Laffoley & S Edwards
Mckalay Jack In The Box
A Pinto
Shetland Sheepdog
Border Collie
Shetland Sheepdog
Bearded Collie
Australian Shepherd
Rannerdale Sophistication with Ribans C Allo Allen
Icewind Spring Sunlight
A & J Newcombe
Locheil George Clooney
S Fisher
Penwartha Just In Time
B & B Lawrence
Rannerdale Sophistication with Ribans C Allo Allen
Penwartha Just In Time
B & B Lawrence
Moonspell Fleur Des Isles
R Martel
Bordertime In Ya Dreams
L McFarlane
Alaskan Malamute
Siberian Husky
Alaskan Malamute
Tuwos Fallon
Icetrax Boss In Motion
Jsy Ch Lapatka Spirit Wolf
Norfolk Beauty
Icetrax Boss In Motion
Japanese Chin
Japanese Chin
Rudoli Beachcomber
J Schofield
Ksarina Somethings Going On
E Dale & P Michel
Zumarnik Delighted for Petwalk
P Walker
Sleepyhollow All That Jazz at Glendyke J McFarlane
Thelbern Toi Boi
T Alsford
Glendyke Dream Alliance
J & L McFarlane
Ringland Tango In The Heat
R Simon
Lhasa Apso
Tibetan Terrier
Toy Poodle
Shih Tzu
Lhasa Apso
Tibetan Terrier
Shih Tzu
Kutani Codebreaker for Zanamop
P Walker
Araki Rumour Has It
R Martel
Meantmore Loiter In The Wings
C Smithers
Debeaux From Russia Wiv Love at Forepaws S Cooper
Hopeinn Parti Politics for Petwalk
P Walker
Kybo Rio Royal
R Martel
Anthrosyl Golden Treasure
A Martinez & S Cooper
Working Group Pastoral Group
Mr P Jolley
Mr M Gadsby
Toy Group
Mr P Jolley
Best in Show: Judge Mr P Jolley
Lhasa Apso
Kutani Codebreaker for Zanamop
Petwalk Que Sera Sera
English Setter
Canonsett Deja Vue at Beauvoir
Lhasa Apso
Hopeinn Parti Politics for Petwalk
English Setter
Canonsett Deja Vue at Beauvoir
English Setter
Canonsett Deja Vue at Beauvoir
Australian Shepherd
Am Ch Briarsbrook Jack Be Quick
Jsy Ch Ksarina Designers Dream PdH
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Granitangel Zircon & Granitangel Rough Diamond
Utility Group
Mr P Jolley
Best in Show
Reserve Best in Show
Best Puppy in Show
Reserve Best Puppy in Show
Best Junior in Show
Best Novice in Show
Best Veteran in Show
Reserve Best Veteran in Show
Best Brace in Show
J Brodie Dyer
R Damboise & G Deluet
P Walker
P Walker
P Walker
L Huelin
D & K Cottrell
R & P Louro
P Walker
D Ingroville
S Warn
T & C Scott
D Ingrouville
P Walker
J Brodie Dyer
A Baudains
P Walker
A Baudains
A Baudains
J Harvey
E Dale & P Michel
M Fletcher & A Seedhouse
Judge: Dr S Hemstock
Piggy Bank Stakes
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Granitangel Zircon
M Fletcher & A Seedhouse
Judge: Mr M Gadsby
Special Vintage
Cesky Terrier
Malsville Lincoln Ridley
C Marett
Exhibitors Iceberg
Kizzanne Shining Star
D Wharton
Good Citizen Stakes
Cesky Terrier
Gayteckels Highflyer PdH
C Marett
Judge: Mr K Cochrane
Best Junior Handler
Jade Perez
Reserve Best Junior Handler
Tehya Leigh Mildren
Best Adult Handler
Christine Marett
Off The Rock
Australian Shepherd
L McFarlane
J McFarlane
A Allan, J Collins, R Harlow & N Gregory
N Roebuck & M C Hannigan
J Laffoley & S Edwards
Bordertime In Ya Dreams
Gemthorne Theme For A Dream
Allmark Tina Turner JW
Jsy Ch Jangels Just A Gigolo at Jahera
Gatrin MacAdair at Yellofal
Yeloffal For The Boyz
1st JB
3rd YD, 2nd PGD
2nd LB
2nd PGD
Red PB
Border Collie
Cesky Terrier
L Ozanne
R Cox
A Baudains
A Allan, J Collins, R Harlow & N Gregory
D & C Turner
L McFarlane
S Fisher
A & J Newcombe
M Bayes
D Wharton
C Marett
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
L/H Dachshund
Toy Poodle
Japanese Spitz
Japanese Chin
C Marett
P Walker
S Mottershaw
T & C Scott
K & N Watkins
R & K Bisson
P Morgan
L McFarlane
Yorkshire Terrier
Y Windsor
J Collins
Dexbenella Sariska at Lyntonridge
Jsy Ch Tiroen Taylormade PdH ShCM
Rocheby Brigadoon at Beauvoir
Allmark Tina Turner JW
Harmony Hill Heres The Deal with Chakona
Am Ch Briarbrook Jack Be Quick
Locheil George Clooney
Icewind Spring Sunlight
Jsy Ch Docrema Millionaire PdH
Kizzanne Shining Star
Lastarean Kral of Zidout
Malsville Lincoln Ridley
Gayteckels Highflyer PdH
Lastarean Grace And Favour for Gayteckels
Limier Didier at Gayteckels
Owlery Sparticus with Petwalk
Eeri Bhi Moonlight at Elangeni
Teckelgarth Faith
Montana Hot Stuff
Leymun Kami Tako at Anseroyal
Tukyak Brodie
Glendyke A Touch Of Magic
Lanceian Pleasant Chika
Davonnes Irresistible Gold
Areown Eliza Dolittle
3rd SJB
Res VD
3rd MLD
3rd SJB
1st YB
Res VD
3r SJB
3rd OD, 1st GCDS
2nd VB
3rd VB
1st PB, BPIB
3rd LD
3rd PGB
1st LD
1st LD
2nd LD
Res VD
1st GCDS
1st SJB
Afghan Hound
Scottish Terrier
English Springer Spaniel
Irish Setter
Labrador Retriever
Australian Shepherd
Societe Canine du Bourbonnais
J Brodie Dyer
Petwalk Que Sera Sera
4th OD
Coventry Ladies Kennel Society Adult Handling Finals
C Marett
46-60 Years
Glen of Imaal
Scottish Terrier
L Smith
J Laffoley & S Edwards
Cesky Terrier
C Marett
1st OD
1st MPB
2nd PB
1st PB, BPIB
3rd VB Stakes
R Marett
YKC Handling 17-24 Years
Romainville Bodhram
Yeloffal Rough And Ready
Yeloffal For The Boyz
Lastarean Kral of Zidout
Lastarean Grace And Favour for Gayteckels
Gayteckels Highflyer PdH
Petwalk Wen-Ya-Do That
Kutani Codebreaker for Zanamop
2nd JD, 1st MD, 1st ND
1st MLD
National Terrier
Midland Lhasa Apso Club
Lhasa Apso
P Walker
Irish Setter Club of Belgium
Irish Setter
R Cox
Tiroen True Blue JW
4th OD
T True Blue JW & T Take My Breath Away JWRes Best Brace in Show
T True Blue JW, T Take My Breath Away JW
& T Timeless Classic
Best Group in Show
C Marett
Lastarean Kral of Zidout
Lastarean Grace And Favour for Gayteckels
Malsville Lincoln Ridley
Cesky Terrier Club
Cesky Terrier
3rd OD
3rd PB
1st VD/B, BVIS
Association of Dog & Cat Homes Conference
Last year the Kennel Club of Jersey was invited to attend the Association of Dog & Cat Homes Conference which was being
hosted by the JSPCA at the Hotel de France. Due to the Icelandic ash cloud this was postponed until this year.
The Conference was held over 16th & 17th March and Steven Edwards, Elinor McFadden, Sam Kezourec and Angie Seedhouse
attended. We were especially interested in attending as one of the guest speakers was Caroline Kisko, the Secretary of the Kennel
After the welcome, the first of the various talks was given by Adrian Burder, from Dogs Trust, entitled – ‗When the going gets
tough – maintaining your income during economic uncertainty‘. Even though this was focused on charities our new Treasurer
found it very informative & gave her some good ideas.
The next talk focused on controlling infectious diseases in the Kennel/Cattery environment.
It was then time for the Caroline Kisko to talk about the Accredited Breeder Scheme and Puppy Farming. During the talk Caroline advised that they now have 7500 Accredited Breeders following another increase at Crufts, which are monitored by 22 breed
advisors. She did ask that if any Dog home did discover any unscrupulous Accredited Breeders they should contact the Kennel
Club so that they could investigate & where needed remove them from the scheme. She also emphasised all the work that is being carried out by the Animal Health Trust which is partially funded by the Kennel Club Charitable Trust. Caroline thanked the
Dog homes for all their good work & pointed out that the various breeds all ran breed rescue.
This was followed by an interesting talk on ‗The Legal Side of Welfare & Ownership Issues‘ given by lawyer Trevor Cooper. He
pointed out the complexity of proving ownership as there is no one document that proves you own the dog. Possession is not
ownership. It was also surprising to discover that it does not matter who owned a dog when an incident occurred it is who ever
owns the dog when proceedings are brought that will be convicted if found guilty.
Unfortunately one of the talks Angie was looking forward to had to be cancelled, which was ‗Use of Rescue dogs by the Armed
Forces‘, but due to events beyond their control they could not attend. However, this was replaced by a very interesting talk on the
Dangerous Dogs Legislation in the UK by Kendal Shepherd. This talk only emphasised the issue of breed specific law that is
currently in place in the UK.
Behaviour Modification talk by Steve Goward of Dog Trust was interesting on how they identify the behaviour, particularly using body language to work out the state of mind of the dog. Then it is identifying the training that is easiest for the dog, as all
dogs differ. Most behaviours can be modified but any coping mechanisms are likely to return if the dog experiences any stress. It
is all about creating a positive learning set.
The day ended on a talk by Maggie Roberts entitled – ‗Dogs are from Mars, Cats are from Venus‘. This showed some of the very
diverse ways in which Dogs & Cats differ. Principally down to the fact that dogs are pack animals & domestic cats are descended
from an African cat that led a solitary existence. She put this very succinctly by saying dogs have owners & cat have staff!
Unfortunately due to the timescales none of the sessions had a question and answer section, but people were available during the
breaks, so it was a great opportunity to network and ask any burning questions.
We all found the various talks interesting even the ones about cats that have not been included above, and felt it was a worthwhile experience.
Stewarding and Recording
Ring stewards and Recorders are the unsung heroes of the dog show world. Breeders and exhibitors prepare
and show the entries and judges are responsible for assessing the entries and making awards. Stewards are
responsible for the smooth operation of their rings, and the comfort of the judges they are assigned to assist.
The role of the Recorders is to enter all the ring results into catalogues so the data can be disseminated and
kept for future reference.
If you would like to learn more about either or both of these roles please speak to Elinor who will be able to explain in more detail. We are grateful to any one who can give us some of their time and it doesn’t have to be at
every show. We would like 2 stewards per ring and offer on-the-job training.
Field Trail - 26th July 2010
As part of its ongoing commitment to the Fit For Function: Fit For Life campaign, the Kennel Club has introduced a
new requirement for Gundog judges prior to their approval to award KC Challenge Certificates for the first
time. The Kennel Club wishes to ensure that Gundog judges at shows fully understand the link between the working
function of a breed and its construction and fitness, and that they judge dogs according to whether they are
healthy and fit for function, as well as adherence to the Kennel Club Breed Standard. In the case of Gundogs, all
breed standards now draw attention not only to health and welfare but also to ‘ the dog’s ability to perform its tra-
ditional work’.
So it was one windy and unfortunately rather damp day , found me heading towards Shap Moor , Cumbria to meet
up with people taking part in a Field Trial Meeting for Pointers and Setters.
Field Trials have developed to test the working ability of Gundogs in competitive conditions. Trials resemble, as
closely as possible, a day's shooting in the field and dogs are expected to work with all manner of game, from rabbits and hares, to partridges and pheasants.
Pointers and Setters at a Field Trial are required to quarter ground systematically with pace and style in search of
game birds, to point game birds, to be steady to flush and shot and, where applicable, to fall. Dogs should not be
gun shy. The dog should work its point out freely, on command, without the handler either touching the dog or moving in front of it.
Not only do the dogs have to be fit and healthy to do a day's work, but you need to be as well. The terrain at Shap
is particularly challenging and I don 't think my knees will ever be the same again!
Thankfully I'd checked the forecast and was fully prepared as I was as usual, carrying half my wardrobe with me in
the car. It is important to blend in with the country side, so it was clothing in neutral tones, stout boots and water
Fortunately I'd had good instructions as to where to meet as it was little off the beaten track.
The meet I went to was held by kind permission of the Executors of the Earl of Lonsdale, on Shap Moor, Cumbria.
As a visitor, following the etiquette of the meet is important; however, the competitors were very friendly and only
too happy to talk about what was going on and what would happen next. They were obviously a group of seasoned
competitors who knew each other well and the banter was good. All the competitors were given numbered armbands
that relate to the dog that they were running which they changed for each of the dogs they ran.
During the briefing we were told what the draw was, which is organised so that there are two dogs running each
time. In the group were two judges and two guns who each followed one of the dogs whist they worked.
During each Stake the Judges asked each dog to work a number of times under various conditions. Judges will be
looking closely at how your dog works, making a note of all its strengths but also of its faults.
Sometimes if one dog had had a good find and gone on point, the judges would then ask a reserve dog or one that
they thought hadn't had a good chance to show what it could do on its first run to have a go.
There is a reliance on the local gamekeepers to help guide the meet to where they are likely to find birds to test
the dogs. Etiquette of keeping out of the way but being close enough to be within range if you get called up is important.
What I found amazing was the total focus of the dogs working; bearing in mind that they had been kept on a lead
behind the line waiting for their turn and watching bids go up in front of them, they were just quivering to go when
it was their turn. None of this going off for a sniff and a play with the other dog - they were single minded on the
job - following directional whistles from their handlers, they would quarter into the wind in front of them searching
the area. One dog would work to the right and one to the left.
When a dog scented birds they went 'on point' holding their position either in a stand or in a down - this they had to
hold until the handler and the gun could get close enough to them. The handler would then give the dog the command to go in to flush out the birds and the gun would then shoot over the dogs head as the birds rise into the air.
(in the case of our field trial, they were firing blanks).
All the time the judges are 'marking' the dogs. There are a number of eliminating faults in each Stake such as whining and barking, hard mouth, running in and chasing, failing to find game that another dog can find.
There is a definite buzz when a dog goes on point and you find yourself holding your breath, waiting to see if the
dog has found birds and if they will hold 'on point' .
In the afternoon, there was a short list of dogs that the judges wanted to see again. The dogs ran off against each
other to find the eventual winner.
I thoroughly enjoyed my day on the moor, these dogs are so fit and it was a privilege to see them doing their job.
Using a dogs brain has always been important to me as my first real introduction to dogs was watching them work
when I was part of a Mountain Rescue team in Cumbria and then again on the moors of Scotland where I was teaching. With living in Jersey and no Moors or mountains to hand, we fell into doing Agility to use our dogs brains . Maybe
one day it is something I'd be in a position to get involved with ... here's hoping.
Show Ring Etiquette
All exhibitors are reminded that that it is
their responsibility to ensure they are wearing the correct ring number with the dog
that is being handled in the ring. Failure to
do so may result in a disqualification.
During the last show there were a couple of
incidents where the wrong ring number was
worn by exhibits.
When not covered directly under a KCJ
Regulations the KC Regulation shall be
looked at guidance: F(1)17.i reads "Every
exhibitor shall ensure that whilst the dog is
being exhibited, its handler shall display the
correct ring number".
To help ensure results are always correct
we will be displaying the ring slips at all
shows so exhibitors can check the records
are correct & report any discrepancies.
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
(Jersey Branch)
We have planned a busy year for 2011 and thought it wise to advise our
many supporters of the dates for all the events planned. The book sales
will again take a front line position but we would value your support for
the other activities.
Friday 10 June – The Paw Trek – start St Ouen‘s Parish Hall, 6.00pm – a
gentle three mile walk for you and your canine friend through the lanes
and footpaths of St Ouen
Saturday & Sunday 8 & 9 October ―BIGGEST‖ Book Sale – Royal Jersey
Showground, Trinity,
9.30 am – 4.00pm both days
All enquiries to:Ken Syvret, MBE., L‘Abri, Le Mont de la Grève de L‘ecq, St Ouen. JE3
2DT, Tel 481043, Fax 481394, e.mail [email protected]
Jersey exhibitors travelling to Guernsey...
Wheatlands are no longer taking dogs in the hotel. They are honouring bookings already taken but are refurbishing. Dogs can, however, stay in the owner's car just not allowed in the rooms.
want to lose
our venue!
DIARY 2011
run by Steven & Collette
Guernsey Spring Open Show
14th-15th Jersey Dog Training Assoc. Obedience
18th-30th Agility for Jersey Show
KCJ Spring Championship Show
18th-19th PAWS Limited Agility Show
March Championship Show
Agility for Jersey Show
Eye Clinic
Show Training starts at 2.30pm, Matches start at 3.30pm
15th May - Show Training and Match
29th May - Show Training
12th June - Show Training and Match
3rd July - Show Training
17th July - Summer Sizzler
31st July - Show Training
14th August - Show Training and Match
28th August - Show Training
DO YOU fancy Judging a Match ?
Never done it before??
Than come along to a Training Session and have a
go and put your name forward
KCJ Summer Championship Show
Top Dogs Companion Show
PAWS Limited Agility Show
Jersey Dog Training Assoc. Obedience
We Need Your Help!!!!
Can you spare a little of your time to help
set up / close down the shows, or stewarding
(training can be given) etc. A lot of work
goes into ensuring the shows run smoothly
and with a little effort from everyone they
can continue to do so.
The Kennel Club of Jersey would like to thank Royal
Canin for their continued sponsorship