taking the lead - Maryland Institute College of Art


taking the lead - Maryland Institute College of Art
Maryland Institute College of Art
2 0 0 7 A n n u a l R e p o r t / Gi f t R e p o r t
2 0 0 6 – 0 7 : Ta k i n g t h e l e a d
Two new research-focused centers at MICA—
the Center for Design Thinking, led by Ellen
Lupton, and the Center for Design Practice, led
by Mike Weikert—are engaging MICA students
in real-world projects and research to advance
knowledge & practice in the field.
The MICA graphic design programs’ connections
to cutting-edge design was reflected in two
exhibitions in spring 2007—the only U.S. stop for
a major exhibition of the work of revolutionary
Dutch designer Jan Van Toorn, whose residency
at MICA was supported by the Mondrian Founda-
tion—accompanied by an interactive exhibition
by Ellen Lupton, On Display: Inside the White
Cube, which critically examined and challenged
the way museum installations are organized,
designed, and produced.
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More than 35 students from MICA and Morgan
State University in MICA’s Exhibition Development
Seminar, led by curator-in-residence George
Ciscle, produced the seminar’s ninth major exhi-
bition—At Freedom’s Door: Challenging Slavery
in Maryland at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum and
the Maryland Historical Society.
Internationally renowned artists in residence
Lesley Dill ’80 and Willie Birch ’73 collaborated
with students and faculty. Their residencies were
key elements of the exhibitions Paper in Flight:
20 Years of Hand-Papermaking Magazine and
Celebrating Freedom: The Art of Willie Birch,
which was accompanied by a major symposium
and lecture series, After the Storm: Art, Culture &
Politics Beyond Katrina.
MICA is the only college in Maryland to offer a
major symposium in celebration of Constitution
Day. The second annual event, in September
2006, was Executive Power, Democracy, and
the U.S. Constitution and featured experts
discussing executive power, the separation of
powers, and the role of international law in U.S.
government policy.
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In fall 2006, MICA welcomed 493 undergraduate
and 127 graduate students. Entering freshmen
came from 39 states and 8 foreign countries;
26% were minorities. The top three institutions
with which MICA shared undergraduate crossapplications were Rhode Island School of Design
(RISD), Pratt Institute, and School of Visual Arts.
Entering graduate students came from 30 states
and 4 foreign countries; 25% were minorities.
Our top graduate cross-application institutions
were RISD, Yale University, and the School of
the Art Institute of Chicago.
The Joseph Meyerhoff Center for Career Develop-
ment’s Career Day and networking session drew
150 students to explore a wide array of career
opportunities. Approximately 1,000 new jobs were
posted this year on MICAnetwork.com, and 190
students participated in internships—57% in
Baltimore/Washington, 28% in New York, and
15% across the country.
A key focus of student life planning and programming in 2007 was the College’s institution-wide
Diversity and Inclusion Initiative, which engages
students, faculty, and staff in ongoing dialogue
about ways to make MICA a welcoming place
for all to study, teach, and work. An ongoing
emphasis on student leadership expanded
opportunities for students to build essential
skills, and recognized student leaders.
A highlight of the year in student events is
MICA’s annual fashion show, sponsored by
MICA’s Black Student Union and benefiting the
Mentoring Network, which offers personal support for African-American students. In April 2007,
Moda Mondiale drew a sold-out crowd to Falvey
Hall to see the best fashions by MICA students,
showcased by student models and performers.
For the second year, an Atrium Showcase featured clothing and accessories by MICA students
for sale to the general public.
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L e tt e r from t h e P r e s i d e n t
Since 2000, when the Board of Trustees
of our Diversity and Inclusion Initiative—resulted
approved The Plan for the 21st Century, MICA
in a 39 percent increase in applications from
has had a clear goal: to become the leading
students in under-served populations for fall
institution for the education of artists in the
2007 entrance. Support for faculty development
nation. The Plan was very aggressive, touching
has helped us to attract and retain faculty like
on every area of our program and operations.
director of graduate graphic design Ellen Lupton,
who this year received a lifetime achievement
In 2007, it became clear that we had achieved
award from the AIGA, an amazing honor that
the core goals of The Plan. We had anticipated
has most often been bestowed upon venerable
expanding our student body by 50 percent, to
designers at the end of long careers.
1,800, over approximately a decade. This growth
would provide enrollments for a wide array of
Brown Center’s Falvey Hall made us an essential
new programs and offerings that would allow us
destination for cultural and educational
to define the art college of the future in the 21st
programming. We offered 170 exhibitions in
century. We weren’t granted a leisurely pace of
2007 in Meyerhoff, Decker, Pinkard, Rosenberg,
growth, however, and we topped 1,800 students
and Middendorf galleries, and in departmental
in fall 2006. MICA had become the “hot” college
for art and design, and we found that we were
screenings through our partnership with the
competing for top students not only with the best
Maryland Film Festival; and more than 100 talks
art colleges, but with internationally renowned
and performances by visiting artists and critics,
comprehensive universities.
and symposia and panel discussions on the
most pressing topics of visual art, contemporary
Over the past seven years, we added new,
culture, and arts education.
innovative, undergraduate degree programs in art
history and digital arts, and graduate programs in
Significant support from visionary donors made
community arts and graphic design. We signifi-
possible this unprecedented expansion of MICA’s
cantly expanded professional development and
curriculum, campus, student body, endowment,
leadership opportunities to prepare students to
and national impact. Your support allowed us to
be leaders in their fields after graduation.
break new ground in the education of artists and
to play a major role in the economic health and
We also created a campus to support our future
quality of life in our community.
direction: expanding and enhancing facilities in
traditional fine arts and digital arts, and adding
I am proud of what we have accomplished since
landmark buildings through new construction
2000, and energized by the pace of innovation
(Brown Center) and the restoration of historic
that we continue to maintain. I look forward to
structures (Meyerhoff House), bringing our
leading this College to even greater achievement
campus to 26 buildings; enhanced the residential
and impact. MICA has taken the lead. Thank you
and student life environment with new residences
for helping us get here, and please join me as
in Meyerhoff House; and expanded open and
we take on new challenges.
green spaces with the addition of Ben & Zelda
Cohen Plaza in the heart of campus, and, most
recently, of Douglas Frost Plaza, a key element
of the restoration of the Mount Royal Station.
Finally, we broke ground on The Gateway, a new
Fred Lazarus IV
landmark at the northern edge of campus slated
to open in fall 2008.
New scholarship support has made a MICA
education accessible to the more than 70
percent of our students who require financial
assistance. A particular focus in recent years on
enhancing student diversity—a key component
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L e tt e r from t h e c h a i rm a n
Leadership is always built upon a strong
participants in MICA’s Community Arts Corps,
foundation. As I look back over the past seven
during full-time service as artists-in-residence
years at MICA, I believe that our greatest
in Baltimore community organizations.
contribution in laying the groundwork for the
College’s future leadership has been the growth
Another innovative community-based curricular
of the endowment, from $30 million to $55.5
initiative, the ground-breaking exhibition At Free-
million at the end of fiscal 2007. This growth
dom’s Door: Challenging Slavery in Maryland,
is thanks to many generous gifts from alumni,
received support from contributors including
parents, trustees, and friends of the College.
the Wm. Baker Jr. Memorial Fund, T. Rowe Price
Just as our outstanding success in attracting
Foundation, M&T Bank, the Lois and Irving Blum
the best students pointed to a new era in MICA’s
Foundation, Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Founda-
national reputation, our fundraising activities in
tion, and the Maryland Humanities Council. The
2007 made it clear both that those closest to
exhibition was produced by students in MICA’s
the College continue to invest in its mission and
Exhibition Development Seminar collaboratively
vision, and that our base of support is expanding
with the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland
as we set our sights on the future.
African American History and Culture and the
Maryland Historical Society.
The Annual Fund, which first totaled $1 million
the year The Plan for the 21st Century was
This past year saw significant gifts from new
adopted, topped $2 million for the first time in
donors, including the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation,
fiscal 2007—a 26.5 percent increase over 2006.
for scholarships for the College’s prestigious Pre-
And major gifts from national foundations were a
College Summer Residency program in Tuscany,
testimony to the College’s leadership nationally.
and the Leonard Greif family, to establish a
In 2007 we received major support from the
scholarship in photography.
Hearst Foundation and the New York-based
Gladys Brooks Foundation, for example.
And finally, major gifts received in 2007 from
long-time supporters will make a difference in the
Numerous gifts addressed priorities of the Col-
lives of MICA students for many years to come.
lege’s Diversity and Inclusion Initiative. The NEA
The College’s second endowed faculty chair,
John Renna Scholarship, funded by a bequest to
established by a gift from Genevieve McMillan of
the National Endowment for the Arts to support
Cambridge, Massachusetts, will expose students
high-need, under-served art students, provided
to diverse and international perspectives by
gifts to seven art colleges, with MICA receiving
bringing distinguished visiting artists to campus.
the largest award. The Gelman Trust funded four
A gift from Betty Cooke ’46 and Bill Steinmetz
full-ride, four-year scholarships with an empha-
’50 will support the multi-purpose theater in the
sis on Latino students. The Eddie C. and C. Sylvia
College’s new residence and student life center,
Brown Scholarship was established by a chal-
The Gateway.
lenge gift from the Brown family, matched by gifts
from MICA trustees and other funders, to provide
I am pleased to be among those who have helped
full-ride scholarships to deserving students from
bring MICA to its current level of leadership. I
under-served populations.
invite you to join me in continuing to raise the
bar for this extraordinary institution.
We also received significant support for our
community arts programs. The New York-based
Nathan Cummings Foundation is supporting a
national community arts convening and research
project. MICA’s national leadership in community
Neil A. Meyerhoff
arts was also recognized by a grant from the
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Maryland Governor’s Office on Service and
Volunteerism/Americorps, which brought to
$800,000 the total MICA has received over four
years for stipends to graduate students in the
MA in Community Arts program, as well as other
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J e n n i f e r C op e l a n d
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For Jennifer Copeland ’07, the standard answer she
gave, almost from the moment she could talk, to the
question “what do you want to be when you grow up,”
was “artist.” Her high school offered few art classes,
but she took everything available and worked on her
own. She started taking community college art courses
after graduation, and a teacher there encouraged her
I have
be open to so
many other
not just From
within the
but from the
and the many
where we
to apply to MICA. “I came in as a sophomore general
fine arts major, art history minor, and halfway through
the semester they promoted me to junior. Every class
and every teacher was a revelation, introducing new
concepts, new tools.” Today, Jennifer is pursuing her
MFA in sculpture at the University of Pennsylvania on
a prestigious Jacob K. Javits Fellowship.
Her most life-changing experience at MICA was her
participation in the four-semester Exhibition Development
Seminar, producing the exhibition At Freedom’s Door:
Challenging Slavery in Maryland. “That class,” she explained,
“was a learning experience, not just academically, but also
personally. Working with 34 other students to put on an
exhibition was an incredible challenge. It was more than a
full-time job. I’m definitely more organized now, and I have
learned, more than anything, to listen and learn, to be open
to so many other perspectives, not just from within the
class, but from the museums, and the many communities
where we worked.”
She was a member of the curatorial team, working closely
with MICA curator-in-residence George Ciscle. “We worked
with the class to build the foundation of the exhibition—
selecting the core works and artists who would be included,
artists who would be invited to create commissioned works.
Everything the other teams did began with our work.” The
experience piqued Jennifer’s interest in curatorial and
Jennifer worked closely with the
staff of the Joseph Meyerhoff
museum studies, but when she began looking at graduate
schools, she wanted to get back into the studio: “My time
Center for Career Development
at MICA was not long enough. I wanted to continue my
in her successful application
education as an artist. Right now I’m a sponge, and the
for the Javits, one of the most
more I can learn the better for me, for my work, for my
competitive graduate fellowships
in the country. She was the
growth as an artist.”
seventh MICA graduate to receive
this fellowship, which offers up
to $30,000 per year to cover full
tuition, and a stipend, for up to
four years of graduate study. In
2007, there were 800 applications
and an estimated 46 winners. She
was a finalist for the $25,000
Jacques and Natasha Gelman
Travel Fellowship at MICA, the
largest undergraduate travel
award available to student artists.
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Genevieve McMillan
From her Cambridge, Massachusetts loft, Genevieve
“Ginou” McMillan plays a quiet, but crucial, role in the
world of art, film, and women’s studies. The loft is filled
I am very
interested in
having these
the spirit and
interests of
Reba as an
individual and
with an extensive collection of African and Oceanic art,
interspersed with the lyrical canvases, woodcuts, prints,
drawings, and mobiles of the artist Reba Stewart.
“Reba Stewart and I shared a love of travel,” she explains.
“I began life in a small, provincial town in the southwest of
France, and my travels opened my eyes to new worlds of
art.” Reba Stewart’s journey, as a woman and as an artist,
began in rural Michigan, where she ran away from an
abusive father as a young teenager. She moved to Miami
with a foster family, and in 1948, made her way to Boston,
to study on a scholarship at the School of the Museum of
Fine Arts. As an undergraduate, she traveled regularly to
Mexico. As a young artist, she was awarded a fellowship
that allowed her to study in Japan, and she returned by way
of Hong Kong, Singapore, Bombay, Cairo, Milan, and Paris.
While studying at Yale’s School of Art and Architecture,
she met Eugene “Bud” Leake. Later, as president of MICA,
he recruited Reba to the College, in 1963. Here, she is
remembered as a vibrant and wonderful teacher known
for her passion—for teaching, for her studio, for her life.
She died after contracting malaria during a trip to Africa
on sabbatical in 1971. While her work was still evolving
at the time of her early death, she nonetheless left an
admired and coherent body of work, which can be seen
in museums and in numerous distinguished public and
private collections.
Ginou became involved with MICA through her patronage
of Reba. After Reba’s death, Ginou deeded to MICA a
property in Puerto Rico. The College used the proceeds
from the sale of the property to establish the Reba Stewart
Scholarship, which has been awarded to more than 50
young women since the early 1980s.
Internationally recognized artist Denyse
Thomasos is the first Genevieve
This past year, Ginou made a $1 million gift to establish
McMillan/Reba Stewart Chair in
the Genevieve McMillan/Reba Stewart Chair in Painting—
Painting. The Trinidad-born, Canadian-
MICA’s second endowed chair. According to Ginou, “I am
raised, Yale-educated, New York-based
painter creates enormous site-specific
very interested in having these residencies perpetuate
paintings that cover the walls and
the spirit and interests of Reba as an individual and
ceiling of galleries in which they are
artist. Women artists and multi-cultural perspectives are
installed. She spent two years traveling
important to me, as they were to Reba.” Thanks to her
the world to collect references for her
2004 exhibitions Tracking: 30 Years
gift, and Reba Stewart’s legacy, MICA students will have
in Canada, 30 Years in Trinidad, at the
access to these perspectives for generations to come.
Gallery of Bishop’s University in Quebec,
and Tracking: A Journey Through the
East, at the St. Vincent University Gallery
in Halifax. Associate professor of fine
arts at Rutgers University, she has
received many prominent national and
international awards and residencies.
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E l l e n Lupto n
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“Over the last five years,” says Ellen Lupton, director of
graduate graphic design at MICA, “I’ve become focused
on getting people who aren’t designers to care about
There is
a great
to expand the
respect and
knowledge of
what we do
as designers
through the
of everyday
design. At an art school, the faculty is focused on training
professional artists. But art and design are amazing tools
for every citizen, as a way to express oneself and be
effective in the world.” Lupton’s 2006 book D.I.Y.: Design
It Yourself, a collaboration with her MFA students at
MICA, addressed that audience directly, and became a
national phenomenon.
“The book we’re doing now, Indie Publishing: How to
Design & Publish Your Own Book, is aimed at anybody who
wants to be an author. It’s a guide for writers, poets, artists,
and individuals who want to make books using a range
of methods, from hand bookbinding to print-on-demand
and commercial offset printing,” she said. “Design is
empowerment. There is a great opportunity to expand the
respect and knowledge of what we do as designers through
the hands-on empowerment of everyday citizens.”
In early 2007, MICA announced the formation of the Center
for Design Thinking. “The Center is not a physical space,
but an opportunity,” she explained. It grew out of Lupton’s
desire to formalize the publishing activity that was already
underway in the graphic design department. The work of
the Center receives annual support from Arnie and Kit
Snider P’99.
Lupton has just co-authored with fellow faculty member
Jennifer Cole Phillips a textbook, Graphic Design: Structure
and Experiment, which includes contributions by MICA
students and faculty in both the graduate and undergraduate
design programs. The book is co-published by MICA and
In spring 2007, Ellen Lupton received
Princeton Architectural Press and will be released in May,
one of the highest honors in her
2008. A national conference for design educators is planned
profession—the AIGA Gold Medal,
which recognizes lifetime achievement
at MICA in fall 2008.
and contributions to the field. Much
of her impact has come from her
“We hope the Center will enable other faculty at MICA to
voluminous writing and publishing,
initiate publishing projects, using the design program’s
the hallmark of which is high-level
theoretical thinking expressed
expertise,” added Lupton, noting that the Center for
clearly and engagingly through
Design Thinking offers an important opportunity both to
innovative media, like her website
research and experiment with design, and to disseminate
designwritingresearch.org, and her
popular Design-Your-Life.org blog,
the knowledge being generated through a range of MICA
as well as through books such as
programs—from urban health collaborations between
Designing with Type, used by designers
Johns Hopkins researchers and MICA designers, to
and educators world-wide. She is
groundbreaking work in community arts and creative
curator of contemporary design at
the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design
Museum in New York and a frequent
contributor to the AIGA’s online journal
at aiga.org and other publications.
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L e o n a r d L . Gr e i f , J r .
Leonard L. Greif, Jr., was known for the beautiful, often
imaginative portraits he took of Baltimore’s brides,
debutantes, and professional leaders over a career
Our father
was always
interested in
as an art form,
and it was
important to
him to share
his enthusiasm
with others.
spanning more than 40 years. The window of his studio
at the Village of Cross Keys displayed the results. His
portraits appeared in the Baltimore Sun and occasionally
in The New York Times. They have also lined corridors and
offices at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Whether he was shooting a distinguished corporate
executive or a nervous bride, according to his daughter,
Carol Greif Sandler, the key to his success was a genuine
interest in people, “He took the time in his studio to make a
real connection with his subjects, and he wanted to capture
them at their best. His charm, wit, banter, and joie de vivre
put people at ease and produced memorable pictures.”
He and his wife, Ann, frequently entertained at large
parties at their Baltimore home—he singing in a baritone
voice, his wife playing the piano. According to son Geoffrey
Greif, Leonard “spoke French and German and loved to
travel. Photography was always a hobby, and he took many
photographs during his travels.” Another son, Stephen
Greif, added, “He was interested in learning and wanted
us to learn as much as we could about the world.”
After serving in the Coast Guard during World War II, Leonard
Greif joined the family business, a Baltimore-based clothing
manufacturer. But it wasn’t a good fit, according to his wife,
who noted that he preferred to work on his own. He was
soon in New York, taking photography courses, and then
returned to open his portrait studio in Baltimore.
Over the years, Leonard Greif often donated cameras
and other equipment to MICA’s photography department,
and after his death, through The Greif Family Fund of The
Associated Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, his
family gave $100,000 to endow a scholarship here. “Our
father was always interested in photography as an art form,
and it was important to him to share his enthusiasm with
The Leonard L. Greif, Jr. Scholarship
in Photography will be awarded to an
outstanding senior photography student,
with the first recipient announced during
MICA’s commencement ceremony in May
2008. MICA’s photography department
allows undergraduate students the opportunity to explore all areas of photography,
from alternative processes to traditional
black and white, color, and digital
photographic imaging. Many graduates
work in such fields as studio, commercial
illustration, medical, architectural, nature,
magazine, digital, and editorial photography; others go on to careers as museum
curators, teachers and fine artists.
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others. By establishing this scholarship in his name, we
hope to encourage students at MICA to continue in this
effort,” explained Stephen Greif.
Clockwise from top left: Geoffrey, Stephen, and Ann Greif, and Carol Greif Sandler
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Ar n e l l L e w i s L a n d
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The Arnell Lewis Land Art
Scholarship at MICA will support
female students interested in
general fine arts, painting,
ceramics, drawing, illustration
and sculpture from the states of
Georgia, Maryland, Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, and
Florida. William Everett and Arnell
Lewis Land have long been avid
supporters of the arts and higher
education. Dr. Land, who died in
2002, was a chemist and chemical
engineer who worked primarily
Arnell Lewis Land grew up in the 1920s in Brunswick,
with the U.S. Navy, where he was
Georgia, a coastal town midway between Savannah,
director of explosives research
Georgia, and Jacksonville, Florida. Although her natural
and development and served as
talent in drawing and painting was clear early in her life,
chairman of the Ammunition and
High Explosives Panel.
she was never able to study art formally. Yet she lived the
life of an artist, painting watercolors and oils at the home
she shared with her husband, William Everett Land.
artwork by
MICA students
and learning
about the
she quickly
surmised that
this is one of
the “best art
Although Dominique Hellgeth shares Mrs. Land’s rural
Southern roots—she grew up in Cumming, Georgia, north
of Atlanta—and her love of painting landscapes, the MICA
sophomore has had many opportunities to study art. She
was encouraged at her high school to take extra art classes,
and by her art teacher and mentor to enter her paintings in
local exhibitions. Today, she studies in what is arguably the
best undergraduate painting department in the country.
In 2006, Mrs. Land asked her tax advisor to identify an
outstanding art college in the Baltimore/Washington, D.C.,
region that she could support in her estate plans. She did not
know of MICA, but after reviewing artwork by MICA students
and learning about the College’s curriculum, she quickly
surmised that this is one of the “best art colleges.”
Mrs. Land worked with MICA to create a scholarship
endowment to be funded by her estate, which would increase
access for young, Southern women to the kind of education
and training she was never able to enjoy. Dominique is the
first recipient of the Arnell Lewis Land Art Scholarship.
In the meantime, through annual gifts, Mrs. Land is making
the scholarships an immediate reality. This gave her the
opportunity to meet Dominique and learn about the many
possibilities open to a young woman in art today. The
two artists spent a pleasant visit exchanging thoughts on
painting techniques and materials.
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K e n Kr a fc h e k
When faculty member Ken Krafchek ’95 began to focus
his energies on community arts a decade ago, there was
no place in the MICA curriculum for that work. “Today, this
is my sole focus. This is my art,” he said, “My colleagues
also recognize that this is a legitimate pursuit for artists.”
Integrating into a college curriculum a field whose core
tenet is valuing the artistic voice of the community can
be daunting, he said: “MICA was adaptable and creative
enough to expand its vision of the role of the artist.”
Art allows
people and
to find
their voice,
them to
change their
lives, their
MICA’s leap into community arts began in 1998, with
seed funding from the Wallace Foundation that created
Community Arts Partnerships (CAP) programs across
the country. MICA’s program was one of the most active,
and served as the springboard for rethinking the role
of community-based learning for artists. As CAP was
interwoven throughout the culture of MICA, it tapped
enormous student and faculty interest, gave the College
an opportunity to have a positive impact on the people in
communities around its campus, and has helped awaken
regional awareness of the power of art in communities.
“Most of us take for granted the idea that we are entitled to
self-expression,” said Krafchek. “There is a direct connection
between self-expression and individual enlightenment, and
from there to communal empowerment. It raises social
justice issues when we grant some people access to creative
expression and deny it to others, by eliminating some or all
of the arts from the schools, for example. Art allows people
and communities to find their voice, empowers them to
change their lives, their futures.”
The national community arts
To prepare community artists for effective practice, Krafchek
convening and research project
worked within MICA’s Center for Art Education to design
will provide a platform for faculty,
students, and community-based
the country’s first master’s program in community arts
practitioners to meet and generate
focused on the visual arts. MICA has received significant
new ideas, share resources
support for its community arts programs from the Jacob
and models for best practices
and Hilda Blaustein Foundation, and through grants from the
in the field, define and solve
problems, identify and conduct
Maryland Governor’s Office of Service and Volunteerism/
new research, develop leadership
Americorps. Krafchek’s team is preparing for a national
in the field, and cultivate new
convening and research project on community arts. The
partnerships. Research and other
writing from the project is being
first annual convening will take place at MICA in spring
published on the Community
2008, with support from a $100,000 grant by the Nathan
Arts Network website and on the
Cummings Foundation.
project website at www.mica.edu/
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L e n or e T a w n e y
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In fall of 2006, approximately a year before the artist’s death
at the age of 100, MICA learned that the internationally
renowned fiber artist Lenore Tawney H’92 was making
a $25,000 gift to create a scholarship in fiber at the
College. According to The Lenore G. Tawney Foundation,
Ms. Tawney was “pleased with the growth of the fiber
department at MICA in recent years and gratified to think
that, through this scholarship support, she will be able to
Lenore Tawney
is a legend
in the fiber
field, and it is
an incredible
for our fiber
students to
be able to
receive this
provide assistance to future students.” Her last visit to the
MICA campus had been in 1992, to receive an honorary
degree and for a solo exhibition of her work.
MICA’s chair of fiber, Annet Couwenberg, was delighted
at this recognition from the artist who is credited with
creating the genre of fiber art, observing, “Lenore Tawney is
a legend in the fiber field, and it is an incredible opportunity
for our fiber students to be able to receive this scholarship.”
Lenore Tawney is known as having redefined the possibilities
for sculpture and weaving in the second half of the twentieth
century, according to Holland Cotter in The New York Times,
and for blurring the boundaries between “craft” and “art.”
He wrote: “In the late 1950s and early 1960s…Ms. Tawney
united them decisively and controversially.”
She was born in Lorain, Ohio, in 1907. In the 1940s she
studied art in Chicago with Lazlo Moholy-Nagy and with
the modernist sculptor Alexander Archipenko. After
studying tapestry in 1954 at the Penland School of Crafts
with Finnish weaver Martta Taipale, she began to devote
herself entirely to experimentations with weaving. She
moved from Chicago to Manhattan in 1957, first to a loft
on Coenties Slip, near the South Street Seaport, where
her neighbors included Ellsworth Kelly, Jack Youngerman,
Robert Indiana, and Agnes Martin.
Awarded annually, the Lenore Tawney
Scholarship in Fiber is available
to emerging fiber artists at MICA
Lenore Tawney’s monumental works, which she called
“woven forms,” first gained worldwide attention in a 1963
who illustrate exceptional talent.
exhibition at the American Craft Museum. She received a
The scholarships are funded by the
major career retrospective in 1990 at the American Craft
annual earnings generated by the
Museum, now the Museum of Arts and Design, and her
endowment. MICA’s fiber department
emphasizes appreciation and
work is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the
examination of textile structure, the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago,
expressive and physical charac-
and the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum.
teristics of a pliable, flexible plane,
and its use—a fine arts, sculptural
focus that was made possible and
is deeply influenced by the work of
Lenore Tawney. While exploring both
two- and three-dimensional methods,
many fiber students at MICA create
works involving installation, interactive
performance, video, and other crossdisciplinary approaches.
m i c a ’ 0 7
B row n a n d G e l m a n S c h o l a rs
Brown Scholar Deunte Ford attended the Mississippi
School of the Arts, a residential art magnet program two
hours from her home. There, she maintained a perfect 4.0
GPA, was class valedictorian, devoted countless hours to
community service, and was president of the National Art
I strongly
that one’s
purpose must
be greater
than just to
make art. One
must want
to achieve
else, and art
is the way to
go about it.
Honor Society. At MICA, she plans to be an environmental
design major and envisions building community and
bringing people together through her designs.
Ebony Robinson, from Memphis, Tennessee, also a Brown
Scholar, maintained a 3.4 GPA while commuting two hours
each way to a magnet art high school and supporting her
family as a fast food employee. She received one of five
National Gold Portfolio Scholarships, with juror Faith
Ringgold observing that “She is going to be big, and an
artist to be reckoned with.” Robinson describes her work as
“informal paintings of me, women I’ve met…Some…show
the characters in stereotypical roles while others explore new
roles for them. The women tend to wear facial expressions
like masks [that leave] so much to be interpreted.”
Gelman Scholar Christina Barrera was a top art and
academic student from Dreyfoos School for the Arts in
West Palm Beach, Florida, where her vibrantly colored
paintings and drawings helped propel her to graduate
in the top 6 percent of her class. She volunteered more
than 600 hours of community service while maintaining a
4.55 (weighted) GPA in honors and Advanced Placement
courses. At MICA, Barrera plans to major in general fine
arts with a minor in literature. Originally from Colombia,
she lives in Florida with her single mother, an elementary
school teacher.
MICA is in the third year of a Diversity
& Inclusion Initiative, encompassing
Filmmaker and animator Pablo Monterubbio-Benet,
another Gelman Scholar, uses images to tell narratives
all aspects of the College and
that incorporate the culture of Mexico. He attended the
emphasizing the importance of a
Chicago Academy for the Arts, where he maintained a 3.4
well-rounded, global perspective in
educating artists for the challenges
GPA, and enrolled in summer classes in film and video at
of the contemporary world. Two gifts
the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and animation
this year supported a key goal of this
classes at the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana in
initiative: to make a MICA education
Mexico City. He will major in experimental animation
accessible for talented artists of
all backgrounds. The Eddie C. & C.
at MICA with a minor in culture and politics. “I strongly
Sylvia Brown Scholarship program is
believe that one’s purpose must be greater than just to
a four-year, full-ride scholarship that
make art,” he said. “One must want to achieve something
covers tuition, room, and board, which
can total $40,000. A grant from the
Jacques and Natasha Gelman Trust
established full-ride scholarships for
students of diverse backgrounds. The
quality of the students profiled here,
who were the first beneficiaries of
these gifts, shows the direct impact
such visionary funding can have both
on students, and on the College.
m i c a ’ 0 7
else, and art is the way to go about it.”
Left to right: Ebony Robinson, Pablo Monterubbio-Benet, Christina Barrera, and Deunte Ford
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2007 Gift Report
P L A N F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY – C A P I TA L D O N O R S
The following donors have made commitments
ranging from $5,000 to $6,000,000 toward building,
endowment, and program initiatives of The Plan
for the 21st Century.
Marcella Louis Brenner W’32, H’01
Estate of William Beverly Bristor, Jr.
In memory of Ruth Jenkins Bristor ’35
Sylvia & Eddie Brown P’02
George & Anne Bunting
Ben & Zelda Cohen Foundation
Rosalee Davison ’60
Charlotte Weinberg
Betty Cooke ’46 & William O. Steinmetz ’50
Rosalee ’60 & Richard Davison
Virginia & Alonzo* H’85 Decker
Alice Falvey Greif & Roger Greif
Estate of Florence Gaskins Harper ’34
Willard & Lillian Hackerman &
The Whiting Turner Contracting Co.
JoAnn & David ’66 Hayden
Philip E. Klein
In memory of Harriet Klein ’67
Genevieve McMillan
Jane* H’94 & Robert H’94 Meyerhoff
Neil & Sayra Meyerhoff
Charles & Dana Nearburg P’07
Corporations, Foundations & Other Organizations
The Concordia Foundation
France-Merrick Foundation
State of Maryland
The Starr Foundation
$500,000 – $999,999
Estate of Jane Decker Asmis
Estate of Margaret Bachman ’32, ’33, ’39, ’55
The Hoffberger Foundation & LeRoy E.
Katherine & Arnold H. Snider P’99
Corporations, Foundations & Other
Alex. Brown & Sons Charitable Foundation
The Wallace Foundation
$250,000 – $499,999
Jacqueline & Stephen Boesel
Estate of Dorothy Williams Bunting
Fay Chandler ’67
The Jane & Worth B. Daniels, Jr. Fund
Estate of Reuben Kramer ’32 & Perna Krick ’31
Robert Lienhardt
Doris Rief ’86, P’86
Corporations, Foundations & Other Organizations
John J. Leidy Foundation
The Joseph & Harvey Meyerhoff Family
Charitable Funds
Middendorf Foundation
National Park Service/Save America’s
Treasures Grant Program
The Henry & Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
W – Widow/er
$100,000 – $249,999
$25,000 – $49,999
Thomas & Patricia Barry
Katharine Gust Blakeslee ’82, P’04
Kara Brook ’86
In memory of Reuben Brook
M. Gwen Davidson & Nancy Haragan
Rosetta & Mathias DeVito
In honor & memory of Edwin A. Daniels, Jr.
Charles Ellerin ’41
Greif Family Fund
Geoffrey Greif
Stephen Greif
Ann Greif
Carol Greif Sandler
Wendy & Benjamin H. Griswold IV
Fredye & Adam Gross
David ’61 & Diana Jacobs
Alvin Krongard
In memory of Patricia Krongard ’77, ’90
Macht Philanthropic Fund
Estate of Jean C. Miller ’42
Alvin & Louise Myerberg Family Foundation, Inc.
Anne S. Perkins
Sheila & Richard Riggs
Estate of Amalie R. Rothschild ’34
Estate of Don F. Turano ’59
Robert Ashton*
In memory of Arthur Mitchell ’66
Patricia & Michael Batza
Aurelia & Perry J. Bolton
Lynn & Tony Deering
In honor & memory of Edwin A. Daniels, Jr.
Imogene Drummond ’83
Mary M. Fredlund ’72
Ann M. Garfinkle & Joseph Brent
Barbara Keyser*
Jonna & Fred Lazarus
Stephen & Miriam Levy P’00, friends & family
In memory of Marc David Levy ’00
Darielle & Earl Linehan
Lenore G. Tawney* H’92
Adena & David Testa
Corporations, Foundations & Other Organizations
The William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund
The Jacob & Hilda Blaustein Foundation
Gladys Brooks Foundation
Jacques & Natasha Gelman Trust
Governor’s Office of Service and Volunteerism
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Legg Mason, Inc.
Mercantile Bankshares
T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation, Inc.
Friends of Rochefort-en-Terre
The Rouse Company
In honor & memory of Edwin A. Daniels, Jr.
The Alvin & Fanny Blaustein Thalheimer
Treasures from MICA’s Attic Benefit Sale
Ray Allen & Irena S. M. Makarushka
Rhea Arnot ’92
Jeanne Baetjer
In honor of Katharine Baetjer Pilgrim
Gregory, Lisa & Scott Barnhill
In honor of Margaret Kathryn Barnhill
Theresa Lynch Bedoya
Louisa Cooper Dubin
In memory of Eleanor Chalfant Cooper
Carol ’86 & Douglas Frost
Gwen C. & Richard C. Hackney, Jr.
Samuel Himmelrich, Jr.
In honor of Barbara & Samuel Himmelrich
Suzanne Levin Lapides ’69 & Michael Lapides*
Joyce & Hugh McCormick
Ellen Lupton & J. Abbott Miller
Jeanette Opalensky
Frances LeBoutillier Rivoire P’01 &
Anne Catherine Rivoire ’01
In memory of Anne Virginia Pugh LeBoutillier
& Charles LeBoutillier
Rosen-Gold Family Philanthropic Fund
Adrien M. Rothschild ’70
Estate of Randolph S. Rothschild
Evelyn Schroedl ’40
Virginia & Roland Smith
Arthur & Nancy Waxter
Fred E. Worthington* ’57 & Anne R. Gossett
$50,000 – $99,999
Suzi Keats Cordish
George H. Dalsheimer
Estate of Edwin A. Daniels, Jr.
Freda Eichelberger* ’81
Lois Blum Feinblatt
Estate of Sadie B. Feldman ’30
Neal M. Friedlander, M.D. & Virginia K. Adams
Estate of Catherine F. Garis
Barbara & Samuel Himmelrich
Wendy Jachman ’71 & Jennifer Myerberg
Estate of William D. Kennedy ’65
Nina Leake Richardson & Nora Leake Cameron
In honor of Nora B. Leake* & Eugene W.
Leake* H’78
Charles H. Salisbury, Jr.
Walter Sondheim*
Stockman Family Foundation
Eleanor H. Trowbridge*
Anne Winstead Woody ’57
In memory of Bill Woody & Tom Miller ’67, ’87
Corporations, Foundations & Other Organizations
DLA Piper
Lockhart Vaughan Foundation
The Sheridan Foundation
H – Honorary Degree recipient
* – Deceased
Corporations, Foundations & Other Organizations
Ayers/Saint/Gross, Inc.
David Edward Furniture Ltd.
Harry L. Gladding Foundation
Hecht-Levi Foundation
Wolfgang Egger P’03
$5,000 – $24,999
Corporations, Foundations & Other Organizations
Baltimore Steel & ACM Erectors
Tina & Charles Most P’07
David S. Brown Enterprises, LTD
Procter & Gamble Cosmetics Foundation
Ziger/Snead Architects & Charles Brickbauer
m i c a ’ 0 6
2 7
2 0 0 6 L eadership D inner : C elebratin g M I C A ’ s C ontributions
to C ommunity , and T hose W ho M a k e I t P ossible
photos: may glanville
Under a gala tent on a crisp October evening, 170 revelers gathered for MICA’s
2006 Leadership Dinner. In addition to celebrating a record-breaking fundraising
year, those who attended gained a deeper insight into the contributions MICA
makes to the health of the Baltimore when Robert McNulty, president and
CEO of Partners for Livable Communities, shared insights into the importance
of the arts in communities.
Also during the evening, president Fred Lazarus and board chairman Neil A.
Meyerhoff announced that the new plaza at the north end of Mount Royal Station
would be named in honor of Douglas L. Frost, in grateful recognition of his 40
years of service to the College (see related story on page 34).
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(1) Walter D. Pinkard, Jr., Fred Lazarus
IV (2) Richard Davison, Alvin Myerberg,
Phil Rever (3) Rosalee Davison ’60,
J. Davidson Porter, Victoria Gellner
Boone (4) Sandy Gerstung, Sayra
Meyerhoff (5) Virginia Decker, Neil
Meyerhoff (6) Gail Deery, Lesley Dill
’80, Mina Takahasha (7) Marcella
Louis Brenner H’01, Alice Greif
(8) Tonya Ingersoll ’02, Joy Bannern,
Willie Birch ’73 (9) Christopher,
Tenny, Douglas & Carol ’86 Frost
(10) Jeff and Deborah Briggs
(11) Michel, Claire & Lu Pierson
(12) Robert McNulty (13) Beverley
Compton, David Wright, David Ashton
(14) Sally Michel, Meg Page
The most significant source of support for current purposes is the nearly
$2.2 million in gifts to the 2007 Annual Fund. This amount is equivalent to a
5 percent payout on an endowment fund of more than $42 million. The Annual
Fund is a key component in MICA’s capital fundraising.
Please note that for 2007, we have applied a new standardized style guide
for these lists. We make every effort to honor donors’ wishes in the way they
are listed, so please let us know if you would like us to change the way you
are listed on our donor rolls.
All contributors who made annual
gifts and pledges of $25,000
and above
Jacqueline & Stephen Boesel
George & Anne Bunting
Fay M. Chandler ’67
Betty Cooke ’46 & William O.
Steinmetz ’50
Alice Falvey Greif
Lillian & Willard Hackerman
LeRoy E. Hoffberger
David ’61 & Diana Jacobs
Lainy Lebow-Sachs & Leonard Sachs
Neil & Sayra Meyerhoff
Robert E. Meyerhoff H’94
Evelyn Hammack Wargo Estate ’42
Corporations, Foundations
& Other Organizations
Artafare 2007
The William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund
City of Baltimore
The Jacob & Hilda Blaustein Foundation
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
The Nathan Cummings Foundation
Jacques & Natasha Gelman Trust
The Winifred M. Gordon ’28 Foundation
The John J. Leidy Foundation, Inc.
The M&T Charitable Foundation
Market Place Commercial Limited
Parks & People Foundation
Roberta Polevoy Fund of Baltimore
Community Foundation
Surdna Foundation, Inc.
T. Rowe Price Associates
Foundation, Inc.
All contributors who made annual
gifts & pledges of $15,000–$24,999
The Lois & Irving Blum Foundation
Lois Blum Feinblatt
Marcella Louis Brenner W’32, H’01
M. Gwen Davidson & Nancy Haragan
Rosalee ’60 & Richard Davison
Charles & Dana Nearburg P’07
Corporations, Foundations & Other
Baltimore Office of Promotion and the
Arts (BOPA)
Family League of Baltimore City, Inc.
All contributors who made annual
gifts & pledges of $10,000–$14,999
Karin ’84 & Bill Banks
Deborah & Jeffery Briggs
The Cordish Family Fund
Suzi and David Cordish
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
The Jane & Worth B. Daniels, Jr. Fund
Virginia Decker
Costas Grimaldis
Anne B. & Roger G. Powell P’07
Evelyn Schroedl ’40
Corporations, Foundations & Other
The Evergreen House Foundation
The Maryland State Arts Council
The Toby Fund
All contributors who made annual
gifts & pledges of $5,000–$9,999
Katharine Gust Blakeslee ’82, P’04
Walter W. & Margaret P. Brewster Fund
The Charlesmead Foundation
Lynn & Anthony W. Deering
Stiles Tuttle Colwill
Thomas Cripps
Christopher P. D’Anna
Mary and Dan Dent
Rosetta & Mathias DeVito
Neal M. Friedlander, M.D. & Virginia
K. Adams
Sandra Gerstung
Fredye & Adam Gross
JoAnn & David ’66 Hayden
Wendy ’71 & Howard Jachman
Mary & Thomas Jasek P’10
Isabel Klots
Morton & Toby Mower
Alvin & Louise Myerberg Family
Foundation, Inc.
Marian & Brian Nash
Dorothee Peiper-Riegraf & Hinrich
Peiper P’07
Anne S. Perkins
Rebecca B. & Christopher Roberts
Nancy & John Sasser
Nellie ’49 & Truman Semans
Katherine & Arnold Snider P’99
Mitchell & Christiane Wade P’10
Susan Wallace ’73
Penelope & Peter West P’05
Corporations, Foundations & Other
The Ira J. Basler, Jr. & Mary K. Basler
Brown Advisory
Alex Brown Investment Management
DF Dent & Company, Inc.
Frank Parsons, Inc.
Investment Counselors of Maryland
Maryland Artists Equity Foundation/MAEF
Maryland Higher Education Commission
Legg Mason, Inc.
Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Co.
Fund at the Baltimore Community
MICA Alumni Association
Parkhurst Dining Services
The Lawrence A. Sanders Foundation Inc.
Helen & John Brede P’08
E. John Schmitz & Sons
Venable Foundation, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
W – Widow/er
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston
Ziger/Snead Architects
Jamie Snead & Steve Ziger
All contributors who made annual
gifts & pledges of $2,500–$4,999
S. B. Cooper ’72
Mary & Charles Costa
Nancy Dorman & Stanley Mazaroff
Wendy & Benjamin H. Griswold IV
Ellen Halle
Martha Head
Barbara & Sam Himmelrich
Tonya ’02 & Kempton Ingersol
Julia & W. Lehr Jackson
Lynn & Ross Jones
Philip E. Klein W’67
Flo & Roger Lipitz
Martha Macks-Kahn & Peter Kahn
Stephen A. Massad, P’07
Anne Mehringer & Terry Beaty
Michael R. Molla & G. Bradley Weesner
Allen Moore
Vincent Peranio ’68 & Dolores Deluxe
Sheila & Richard Riggs
Salisbury Family Foundation
Lisa Sallow
Ellen & Dino Sangiamo
Anne Stone
Susie Snowdon
Carlton Walker
Corporations, Foundations & Other
Alex Cooper Auctioneers, Inc.
Jon Levinson P’03
Canton Gallery
Eastern Savings Bank
Framin’ Place of Mount Washington
Hecht-Levi Foundation
Legg Mason Charitable Foundation
Loane Brothers, Inc.
The Lloyd E. Mitchell Foundation
The Thomas F. and Clementine L.
Mullan Foundation
C. Louise Flanigan ’34
Thomas F. Mullan III
The Nuckolls Fund for Lighting Education
The Procter & Gamble Cosmetics
Foundation, Inc.
Rudolph’s Office & Computer Supply, Inc.
Women For Mutual Security
Lenora Foerstal
Zumtobel Lighting, Inc.
All contributors who made annual
gifts & pledges of $1,000–$2,499
Janice & Harold Adams P’92
Priscilla Alexander P’81
Alumni Benefit Exhibition
Rhea Arnot ’92 & Helmut Jenkner
Gloria L. & Joseph Askin
Patricia & Thomas Barry
Patricia & Michael J. Batza, Jr.
Polly & Bruce Behrens
John Bergman
Anne Berman
Edward McCormick Blair
Betty ’52 & John H. ’51 Bloecher
Sandra & Mike Blondell
Aurelia & Perry J. Bolton
Esther B. Bonnet
Helen & Frank Bonsal
Jake Boone
H – Honorary Degree recipient
* – Deceased
Marc ’76 & Victoria Boone
Patti Boyle
Charles Brickbauer
Hobart C. Buppert II
Jim ’82 & Ann Burger
Caplan Family Foundation
Constance R. Caplan
Linda & Mark Caplan
Karen Lee Carroll
Chapman Family Fund
Katherine M. Chapman ’68
Sherry & Stuart Christhilf
Suzanne F. Cohen
Beverley C. Compton, Jr.
Ted ’70 & Rebecca Crosby
Mary-Jo ’66 & Robert Dale ’61, ’70
Robert V. P. ’62 & Janice M. Davis
Sarah & Mark Davison
Jo DeWeese & John Lewis P’07
Dupkin Educational & Charitable
Foundation, Inc
Richard Eliasberg
Deborah ’84 & Philip English
Wilbur S. Ervin P’72, P’78
Farrell Family Foundation Inc.
Mary & Jeffrey Rasmussen P’10
Ronald ’64 & Fran Fidler
Anne Mastrangelo ’77 & Aaron Fink
’77, P’08
Cynthia & Richard Foley P’07
Mr. & Mrs. John Gilmore Ford ’60
Susan B. & Michael R. Franco
Carol ’86 & Douglas Frost
Harriet ’43 & Clement Gardiner
Ann M. Garfinkle & Joseph Brent
Joanna D. Golden
Phyllis Green
Gwen C. & Richard C. Hackney, Jr.
Barbara Halle
David Hart & Joseph Costa
Chris Hartlove ’85 & Abby Lattes
F. B. Harvey Fund
Janet Marie Smith & F. Barton
Harvey III
Sybil & Donald Hebb
Sandra & Tom Hess
Bibiana & Nicholas Heymann P’10
David & Barbara B. Hirschhorn
Genya & Samuel B. Hopkins
Jim Hughlett
Harriet & Francis Iglehart
Lisa Reich & L. Robert Johnson P ’00
Joan & John Kane P’04
Gloria B. & Herbert M. Katzenberg
Kevin Kearney ’74
Leslie King-Hammond & Jose Mapily
John & Evelyn Kossak Foundation, Inc.
Steven Miles Kossak ’74
Suzanne Levin Lapides ’69
Jonna & Fred Lazarus
Carol & Seymour Levin
Eleanor & David Macedonia P’03
Macht Philanthropic Fund
Ruth R. Marder
The Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundatio
Marguerite & Umberto VillaSanta
Julie McConnell
Marilyn Meyerhoff
Mary Jo & Harry Meyerhoff
Sally Michel
Claire & Lee Miller
Mary & James Miller
The Murthy Foundation Inc.
Sheela Murthy & Vasant Nayak
Stuart Newman P’08
Lee Owen
Melanie Pai P’10
Patricia & Robert Parker P’09
Cynthia & I. Manning Parsons
Richard J. Pelicano P’05 Scholarship
m i c a ’ 0 7
2 9
Martha & Terry Allen Perl
Mary-Ann & Wally Pinkard Fund
Jonas Purisch
Luise V. Reichert ’76, ’81
Brenda Brown-Rever & Philip Rever
Cindy & Lawrence G. Rief
Carla Heider Rosenzweig ’73
Phyllis & William Rosser
Annette & Joseph Rubin
Debra ’92 & Joe Rubino
Nancy Rubins ’74
Irma & Abby Sangiamo
Robin & Lawrence J. Sapanski P’05
Margaret Saunders ’49
Elizabeth & Stephen T. Scott P’06 ’07
Jacob S. Shapiro Foundation
Robert A. Shelton, Esq.
Mark ’90 & Tammi Stempel
Cynthia Stroud ’78
Marisue & George Tallichet P’07
Susan & R. Hutchings Vernon
Margaret & Patrick C. Walsh
Mirian & Brendan Ward P’10
Barbara White
Caren Yglesias & John Livengood P’09
Judy Zagozen ’73
Robert A. Zimmerman ’66
Sallie Fraenkel Zuch & Michael Zuch P’08
Corporations, Foundations & Other
ADR Builders, Ltd.
Jane & Gary Stokes P’08
American Council on Italian Matters
Arista Custom Furniture, Inc.
Associated Italian American Charities
of Maryland
Atlantic Corporate Interiors, Inc.
Creative Print Group
East Coast Building Services, Inc.
Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, Inc.
Martin Greenbaum Company
Grieves, Worrall, Wright and
O’Hatnick, Inc.
International Association of Lighting
Ensign C. Markland Kelly, Jr. Memorial
Joseph & Harvey Meyerhoff Family
Charitable Funds
The Joseph Mullan Company
Provident Bank of Maryland
TSP, Inc.
Wilhelm Commercial Builders
All contributors who made annual
gifts & pledges of $500–$999
Carol & Tom Allen
Florence & Eric Anderson P’07
Ann Applegarth
Jeanne Baetjer
Theresa Lynch Bedoya
Marc & Leonor Blum
Colleen & Ronald Bouma P’08
Peter W. ’87 & Ruth H. Brooke
The Sana and Andy Brooks Family Fund
Christine & John Bruns P’04
Jacob Burns Foundation, Inc.
Lynda Shenkman Curtis ’81
Carolyn Campbell ’72
Kim Carlin
Judy Chicago & Donald Woodman
George Ciscle
Gail Corbett
Barbara Dale
Babette S. Dalsheimer
Robin & George H. Dalsheimer
Mary Carol ’62 & Roger Davis
Barbara & Louis Denrich
Jephta & Daniel Drachman
Suzy & Edward K. Dunn III
Maria Elisabeth Eddison Estate
William Eddison ’60
Edelman Family Foundation
Carol & Alan Edelman
Laurie & Alex Fisher
Janet Goldner
Mimi Gross
David Hamilton ’62
Peggy & John Heller
George Holback ’74
Al Hurwitz ’41
Michael Iampieri
Allan William Isaacson ’70
Maria Ankewitz Jacob ’69
Anne & Henry H. Jenkins II
Josie & Gerald Katz
Estate of William L. Kinter
Hilka Klinkenberg
Josephine Kohn Foundation
Martin J. Kotler ’75
Mary Ann Lambros ’63, P’87, P’01
Richard M. Lansburgh
Maurice Lazarus
Sungmi Lee ’05
Jon Lipitz
Barbara Z. Lipman ’78
Regina Derwin Lofland ’62
Vincent Lowe
Maripat & Jeffrey Luntz
Ellen Lupton & J. Abbott Miller
Madolin Maxey ’70
Marcie Campbell McHale ’89
Natalie McIntyre ’78
Judy & James Melton
Katherine Merle-Smith ’42
Joyce Miller
Barbara Nessim
Joan C. ’77 & Paul H. Netherwood, Jr.
Nancy and Tom O’Neil
Vals Osborne
Bodil Ottesen
Mary Jane & Ralph Palmigiano P’08
Raymond J. Piechocki
R. Gant Powell, Jr. ’07
George S. Rich Family Foundation Inc.
Pootah & George S. Rich
Ann & Oregon Rogers
Libby Rouse
Patricia Rouse
Monica & Arnold Sagner
Diana & Jeffrey Samet
Ida Barak & Thomas Sauermilch P’08
Suzanne Schlenger
Sigmund M. Hyman Foundation, Inc.
Karin Smith
Carolyn & John Snow
Anne Robertson South ’66
Tylden Westcott Streett ’57
Karen Stults
Lynn & Bruce Surry
George Theofiles ’69
Dody & Steve Tribble P’10
Georgiana S. Tyler ’76
Jane Wattenberg & Samuel Chase P’09
Kate Wechsler
Elizabeth & Brian Weese
Betty Childs Wells ’48
Stephanie & Jay Wilson
Louis Wollman
Shencheng Xu ’01
Corporations, Foundations
& Other Organizations
Adalman Goodwin Foundation Inc.
The Art Seminar Group
Baker-King Fund
Chesapeake Region Safety Council
Photos: Paul Burke
T he Gateway : M I C A ’ s N ewest L andmar k R ises
Just as the Mount Royal Station’s renovation anchored the south end of MICA’s
campus, and in the mid 1960’s offered an infusion of hope for the community
that surrounded it, MICA’s newest structure, The Gateway, serves as a bridge
between MICA and the thriving Station North Arts & Entertainment District,
which is offering new hope for the Charles North and Midtown Belvedere
neighborhoods. For MICA students, the new building will be home and home
base as they launch their careers. Its amenities include apartments for 217
student residents, arrayed around a private open courtyard, and adjacent to
a glass-clad studio tower. Public spaces accessible at the ground level will
include a landscaped plaza, a major gallery devoted to student work, a multiuse performance space, a lounge/coffeehouse, and the new home of the
Joseph Meyerhoff Center for Career Development.
According to Fred Lazarus, “The Gateway epitomizes the impact that MICA
has had on the revitalization of Baltimore—starting with our campus, which
recognizes the importance of taking a creative approach to development in an
urban setting. MICA has a responsibility, as a nationally prominent institution
in Baltimore, to reach beyond our campus to make a positive impact in the
3 0
m i c a ’ 0 7
city, through our nationally recognized Community Arts Partnerships program,
through our work in support of art education in the schools, and by attracting
to the city the best and the brightest students and faculty, many of whom put
down roots, and all of whom make a difference while they’re here.”
Funding for The Gateway was secured through a bond issue. The purchase
of the site was made possible through a $1 million gift from New Yorkbased MICA trustee Alice Greif. The Lockhart-Vaughan Foundation has
given $70,000 toward landscaping and Phil Klein has committed $100,000
to name the foundation in memory of his late wife Harriet ’67. Betty Cooke
’46 and William O. Steinmetz ’50 made a $1 million gift in support of the
performance space. MICA also received a $2.6 million gift, $1 million of
which is toward The Gateway’s operating endowment, from Charles and
Dana Nearburg of Dallas, Texas. The inner courtyard is named in honor
of their son, Everett Charles Nearburg, known by all as Rett, who was an
interactive media student at MICA when he died after an eleven-and-ahalf-year battle with Ewing’s Sarcoma. A plaque in the courtyard will also
recognize the Class of 2007 gift from parents and students.
Comegys Bight Charitable Foundation
Virginia & Thomas Collier
DML Technical Search
Hilb, Rogal & Hobbs
Harley W. Howell Charitable Foundation
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson
Irving Kohn Foundation, Inc.
Ethel M. Looram Foundation, Inc.
Anne & Robert Deford
Mercantile Bankshares Corporation
Milton Inn
Ida & Joseph Shapiro Foundation, Inc.
All contributors who made annual
gifts & pledges of $250–$499
Robert Alholm ’82
Nanny & Eric Almquist P’10
Lisa & David Andrews
Cynthia & Timothy Armbruster
Tracy Bacigalupo
Constance & Thomas Baker
Erin & Douglas Becker
Rheda Becker
Gail & Emile Bendit
Bonnie Benwick & Thomas Donnelly P’08
Nora & Melvin Berlin
Pamela & Mark Berman
Edward Bernard
Nancy Patz Blaustein
Jordan Block ’05
Mildred Blum
Paul Boone Sr.
Ledley & Lambert Boyce P’10
Janet Beller Brandenstein ’79
Barbara & Ed Brody
Christine & Dorsey Brown
Janet B. Browne ’41
Betsy & Charles Bryan
Judy & Hill Carter
Deborah Chambliss
Denise Chilis
Cynthia Ciarpella P’09
Hedley Clark
Monica & Joseph Cook
The Cosell Family
Walter Cugler, Jr
Culver Family P’08
Dolores ’00 & W. Bowdoin H’04
Davis, Jr.
Arthur & Isadora Dellheim Foundation Inc.
Andrea & Bernard Denick
Peter Dubeau ’83
Sharlana Edgell ’69
Mark Einstein
Ronald J. Elbert ’58
Betty Enselein
Genine & Josh Fidler
Clara & Charles Fox P’10
Beverly & Charles Freeland
Kathy & Bruce Fried
Ruth Fulcher ’41
Edie & James Garrett
Katherine & A. C. George
Daniel Gilbert ’81 & William Wernick
Elizabeth Glaser
Gordon Glenn
Risa Glickman & Raphael Linder P’08
Sally Gold & Elliot Zulver
Brenda & David Goldman
Diane Pappas & Larry Goldstein
John Goodrich P’08
Sonia B. Gordon P’72
David Gracyalny
Patricia & Charles Greco P’07
Jerry Green
Kim Hammond
Susan Cary-Hanson &
Stephen Hanson P’07
Licien King Harris ’77 & Barr Harris
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hart
Gina & Dan Hirschhorn
Mona Hoff
Anne & Donald Hooker
Carol & William Hylton
Ann-Laurie & Fred Hyman P’08
Sally & Jackson Iliff
Claire & Mohammad Inayatullah
Jay Jackson
Ann & Sanford Jacobson
Jay Jenkins ’84
Sarah & Paul Johnson P’08
Henry Tipton Jones ’69
Lola & Robert Jones P’00
Wendy Jones & Peter Sims P’08
Marcy & Robert Katz
Virginia Larsen & Stephen Parker P’10
Kenneth C. Lundeen Fund
Townsend & E. Robert Kent, Jr.
Margot Starr Kernan
Ethel Kessler ’71
Irene ’66 & Nicholas ’66 Kirilloff
Jennie & John Kixmiller P’10
Marjorie & Frederick Knoop
Joan Kolker
Lily & Fernand Kong P’09
Amy Krulak
Avendui & Andrew Lacovara
Tracy Lambros ’87, ’91 &
Will Backstrom
Claire Larkin ’88 & David Graham
Sandy Lawler & Mike Welter
Leven C. Leatherbury ’47
E. Ray Leppo ’58
Carlton Leverette ’71
Susan & Jon Levinson P’03
Peter Liebhold ’80
Cristin Aileen Link ’00
Sarah & Henry R. Lord
Jo & Bill Love
Carey Lovelace
Bobbi & Randy Maltsberger P’08
Kimberly Manfredi-Blades ’88
Douglas R. Mann
Natasha & Trail Mathias
Janice McCulley
Joan & Peter McGill
Guy McKhann P’88
John McNeely P’06
Birgit McQueen ’81
Susan Meier
Midge & John Menton
Jack Miller ’67
Sally & Decatur H. Miller
David Minker
Michelle ’07 & David Modell
Michael Mutscheller ’82
Cathy Neuman & Richard Gross
Patty Neumann & Marc Hurwitz
Richard Emery Nickolson ’68
Charles O’Donovan
Jean O’Farrell P’10
Susanne M. Owings ’68
Nick Paciorek ’85
Nicholas Papanicolaou P’10
Sallye Perrin & John von Briesen
Julie & Michael Pieper P’09
Carter & Samuel Polakoff
E. J. Pollard & Lee Boatwright
Angela Dubbert Pond ’65
Barbara Portnoy & Alan Levine
Virginia Pusey
Kathleen Abbott Pushkin & Gary Pushkin
Judith & Donald Richardson P’09
Susie & William Rienhoff
Mary & Paul Roberts
David A. Robinson ’71
Linda & Zelig Robinson Jr.
Sam Robinson ’78
Allen W. Rohlfing
Patricia & Robert Romano P’09
Anne & Kenneth Ross P’05
Gerard Ryan
W – Widow/er
Nancy Monte Santo ’50
Judy & Ned Scheer P’96
Bill Schmidt ’72
Carolyn Scott-Davis & Marvin Dixon P’10
Roberta & Andrew Seidman
Lenore & Charles Seliger
Leslie Shepard
Barbara & David Sirota
Sylvia Sleigh
Diane & Ralph Smalley P’09
Mary & John Snead P’06
Lenel Srochi-Meyerhoff & John Meyerhoff
Jan Staller ’75
Sharon & Eric Stedfeld P’08
Harriet Stein & Mende Lerner
Ernest Stempel
Helene & Albert Stephan P’10
Andrea & James Stieff
Catharine Stimpson
Carolyn Stratford Younce
Frances Swietlicki ’62
Charles G. Tildon, Jr.
Amy Raehse & Thomas Tomasko
Ingrid & Ruben Travieso P’07
Scott Wable
Barbara & Nelson Weeks
Helen & Michael Weiss
Mary Lou & Steven Wilder
Beverley & Robert Whitworth P’07
Lisa Woods ’87
Justine Woolner-Wise ’77
Chris & Jim Wright
Deborah & Paul Young-Hyman
Corporations, Foundations & Other
Carroll Independent Fuel Co.
Fireline Corporation
The Helmand Restaurant
Patricia & Qayum Karzai
Jenkins Baer Associates Inc.
New Age Builders, Inc.
Michael Runk Plumbing & Heating
Star Consultants Inc.
The Three Arts Club of Homeland, Inc.
Triple Enterprises, Inc. Belle Hardware
All contributors who made annual
gifts & pledges of $100–$249
Patricia & William Abeles
Eric Abrecht ’91
Alice Margolin Adler ’53
Nelson H. Adlin ’52
Mary & Peter C. Agre P’08
Claudio-Albarran Family P’08
Julianne & George Alderman
E. Winifred Alt ’38
Jacqueline & Richard Amico P’08
Nancy Ancel
Patricia Marsh Anderson ’89
Dorothy M. Anderson
Mildred Bottner Anderson ’60
Jennifer Andiorio
Dolores M. Andrew ’82
Anne & Mahlon Apgar IV
Stacy Arnold ’83 & Lee Boot ’82
Bonnie & Edwin Artell, Jr. P’06, P’08
Irene E. Aspell ’78
Tom Atkins
Barbara ’80 & Lewis ’78 Azzinaro
Phyllis Bachand ’92
Loretta M. Bachman ’70
Wonsook Baik ’04
Keiko & Jeffrey Bailey P’06
Mayer & William Baker
Elizabeth H. Balthis ’53
Will Barnet
Matthew J. Barteluce ’03
Sara & Dan Barteluce P’03
H – Honorary Degree recipient
* – Deceased
Frances Barth
J. M. Baughman ’80
Betsy & Mark Beaugard P’06
Margaret & Michael Beer
Gale Kauffman Bell ’66
Margaret & William Bell P’92
Kerrie L. Bellisario ’92
Shelley & Haym Benaroya P’08
Mary Benedict
James Bentley ’84
Judy & Allen Bentley P’02
Carolyn ’72 & Michael ’73 Berardesco
Marie & Robert Bergbauer P’09
Toni Berger ’81
Christy Bergland ’67
Richard Berkeley
Sara Berry ’98
Tysonn Y. Betts ’96
Leesha W. Bills ’77
Valerie Binder ’72
Darla Bjork & Nancy Azara
Edna Blackwell
Maggie Blanck ’86
Christopher Bohaska
Gertrude E. Berger-Borrell ’75
Alexander Ormond Boulton ’74
Harry Bowser, Jr. ’63
David N. Boyajian ’82
Dorothy C. Boyce Fund
Dotsie Boyce
Mary & Phil Boyle
William Breighner ’71
Alice M. Bristor ’65
Amy Broderick ’00
M. J. Brodie
Norma Broude
Frona Brown
Katherine & Jay Brown
Robert R. Browne, Jr. ’52
Elizabeth A. Bryan
Joyce Bucci ’73
Lisa & Leonard Burger P’00
Maria David Burrington
Deborah Callard
Jack Calvert P’05
Marie Cappiello
Eleanor & Anthony Carey
Lloyd S. Cargile ’60
Amber Carky ’08
Juanita & Norman Carlberg
Francis Carlson ’72
Narda ’83 & Rodney ’83 Carroll
Candice & Robert Carter P’06
Elaine Cash
Robyn Chadwick ’75
Barbara J. Chapman
Carol Chen
Ralph Chieffo ’78
Erin Chrest
Wally Coberg
Teresa Cole ’83
Patrick Calvin Coleman ’89
Patricia Collins & Edward Bancroft P’08
Gregory Comstock ’75
David Conn ’67
Marie & William Cooper
Laurel & Douglas Costa P’02
Simeon Costea ’95
Gail Coupal-Allen ’73
Annet Couwenberg
Rose Ann & John F. Cranz P’08
Clark Crolius ’71 & Victoria Nolan
Dorcas & Ralph Crosby P’07
Betsie Cullen ’75
Margaret & Frank Cusack P’01
Jane Dalrymple-Hollo ’81
Linwood Dame
Melinda & Arthur Davis
Ruth Anne Davis
John Dean ’77
Firmin DeBrabander
Terry Wiest Dechene ’81
Curt Decker
m i c a ’ 0 7
3 1
Mildred & Patrick L. Deering
The Jay DeFeo Trust
Clutch Deimler P’07
Marybeth & Mark DeLotto P’10
Claudia Demonte
Mary Dempsey
Lesley Dill ’80
Clare Dohna ’78
Richard J. Dougherty ’70
Thelma & David Driskell
Diane & Dennis Dunn, Jr. P’01
Michael Dunne ’71
Susan Dunnigan ’84
Phyllis Eakin
Cynthia & James Ebelacker P’07
Cathy Eckdall ’78
Cally Rockwell Edwards
Rachel Beth Egenhoefer ’02
Margaret & George Egenhoefer P’02
Allen Ezkenazi P’08
Jill Lazarus Eurich & Donald Eurich
Juliet A. Eurich & Louis B. Thalheimer
Eleanor Lobe Fax ’41
Joan & Paul Feldman
Sherry Fetell
Manuela & Carlo Filiaci
Barbara Fineblum ’79
Jay Fisher
Karen Fitchett
Kevin Fitzgerald ’77
Pamela Bowring Flam ’81
Jo Fleming ’79
Pamela Floyd ’77
Greg Foertsch ’95
Gail & David Frank P’08
Remmi Franklin ’74
Karen & Joseph Freburger P’07
Louise Freedman ’80
Rosemary & Albert Frenzel P’85
Robin Frey P’09
Joan Friedel ’61
Anne A. Fullenkamp ’97
Melanie & Mark Fullerton P’10
Pamela Galito ’80
Jill & Ira Gansler
Richard Gatchell
Anne Gauldin
Susan & Mark Gauthier P’07
Naomi Gerber P’09
Joseph Gerlak ’76
Jane & Ralph Geuder
Iva & Sherlock Gillet
Douglas S. Gillette ’71
Susan & Britton Glisson P’07
Ilene Goldberg ’68
Harriet & Herbert Goldman
Robert Goldman
Mary Gomprecht ’87
Paul Goodman
Daisy W. Goodwin ’78
Hilry Gordon ’72
Patricia Gottemoeller
Robert A. Gracie ’66
Susan Graeber ’83
Linda & Robert Grambau P’08
Rhoda & Daniel Greenberg
Michael Greene
David L. Greif II
Nanette & Irvin Greif, Jr.
Susan M. Groseclose ’81
W. Arthur Grotz Foundation, Inc.
Susan & Paul Guaneri P’10
Anne Gummerson ’75
Nancy Hudgel Gurganus ’70
Paula Gustafson ’75
William Haas ’80
Margaret Hahn ’81
Jane Hammond
Anne Hanger ’74
Marilyn & Rodney T. Hara P’07
Emery Harper
Margaret Harper
Brian M. Harris ’80
3 2
m i c a ’ 0 7
Ruth Harris
Linda Harrison-Parsons ’90
Patricia & Mark Havey P’06
Ric Haynes ’68
Fontaine Hebb ’81 & John Slorp
Ann M. Heether ’62
Kathy & Glenn Helme
Ina C. Helrich ’67
Robert Helsley ’69
Janice E. Milner Hemphill ’84
Jane Stricklen Hennegar ’47
Heidi & William* Henson P’04
Sue Hess
Muriel S. Hettleman ’39
Joye Burkett Hicks ’51
Terriann & Donald Hilbinger P’08
Dawn & John Hinkle P’08
Patricia Homer & Randall LaLonde
P’03, ’04
Nelda Horwitz ’82
Kerr Houston
Robyn Huber
Marcia & Douglas Hucker P’08
Gary Hughes ’52
Elizabeth & Robert E. Hull P’08
Amy Hunter
Rosita Cangelosi Hurka ’51
Curtis Hutchinson ’84
Susan & Philip Iglehart
Shirley Irons
Gail & Jay Israel P’07
Christino Jackson, Sr.
Robert Jackson
Joseph Jacobs
Ruth Jacobs
Vickie & John Jany P’08
Leslie & Timothy Jenison P’07
Sona & William Johnston
Jean Jones P’09
Ann & Sam Kahan
Joan Kaiser ’47
Gail & Leonard Kaplan
Jon Kaplan
Kathleen Karram ’85
Elaine Kasmer ’75
Rachel Katz ’96
Barry ’73 & Susan Katz
Kenneth Katzen
Carroll H. ’60 & Donna Kehne
Stephen Keith ’70
Scott G. Kelly ’87
Karen Kerski ’77
Sant Khalsa ’73
Nancy & Ernest Kiehne
George King ’77
Pamela King
Robin & Richard Kirby P’08
Philippa & Karl Klessig P’05
Karen Klinedinst ’84
Jeffrey Klug
Shigeru & Shizuko Kobayashi P’06
Karl Koch ’91
Stanley Kogan
Adam Konowe
Yael Konowe ’90
Priscilla Kossoy ’82
Kathleen ’75 & Michael ’76 Kotarba
Cheri & Ron Krauser P’07
Jan & Mike Krawczyk P’05
Susan P. Krieger ’65, ’74
William Kroh
Stanley Kroiz ’67
Marsha Kuntz P’09
Linelle LaBonte ’71
Alesia & Tom Lacina P’08
Barbara Lamdin ’72
Martha R. Lancaster ’85
Cynthia & Stephen Langer P’07
George Lavdas
Nancy Lawler
Dorothy Lee W’50
Kyle & Benson Legg
Christina Lego ’74 & Jefferson Shingleton
Ted Leigh ’89
Patricia & John Leith-Tetrault
Joan Kramer Lerner ’77
Beatrice L. Levi
Sara W. Levi
Rachel Levinson ’03
Leslie Lillien Levy ’69
Jenny Liao ’06
Arthur Lien ’76
Carol Loeb
Kevin Scott Lohr ’92
Alan & Chun Louie P’09
Therese & Donald Lundy P’10
Barbara Lynch
Constance Mace
John MacGibbon
James Machniak
Amy Macht
Ann & Clark F. MacKenzie
Frances Mackey ’66 &
David Youngstrom P’99
Cathy & Don MacMurray
Katharine Madzelan ’78
Raymond Majerski ’03
Kathleen H. Malanowski ’83
Gary Allen Marcus ’65
Jeanne Markel & Chris Wedge P’06
Glenn Marshall ’63
Bruce Marzahn ’68
Andrew Mastriani ’01
Drew Matott
Mary Matson ’93 & Matt Even ’93
H. McCullin ’ 58, ’61
Harry McDaniels ’73
Diana & Michael McGing P’07
Carol & George McGowan
Ed McGowin
John McLaughlin ’75
Elizabeth McLeod ’72
Candy & Howard Means P’98
Ihrie Means ’98
Anne & Mark Meinrath P’08
Christopher Mellott
Lynne Menefee ’79
Marjorie T. ’78 & Jack Merriman P’81
William & Elizabeth Metzger P’08
Sharon Michaels
Linda & Roger Michel
Russ Milburn P’08
G. G. Miller ’71
Karen Miller
Dorothy & David H. C. Milliner P’07
Artie Milton ’89
Susan & William Mitchell
David G. Mock
Sandra Moffet
Karen Molloy ’75
Doreen & Carlton Morgan P’10
Stacey Saltzman Moriarty ’82
David Morrison
Judith A. Morrison ’74
Judy & Jeffrey Morton
Stephanie Garmey Moseley ’83 &
Quentin Moseley ’72
Peter & Elizabeth Moser
Allyson Mott-Williams ’83 & Edward
Williams ’84
Marilyn & Stephen Muirhead
Jane & James Mulhern P’07
Mary & John J. Mulhern P’94
Hope & John Mullen P’08
Barbara Munday & Joseph H. Koonz,
Jr. P’07
Galen & Jeffie Mussman P’08
Jennifer Myerberg
Sharon & Jon Nachison P’06
Eileen & John Nack P’84
Grazia & Marc Narkus-Kramer P’00
Emil W. Naschinski ’76
Katherine Neckel ’00
Christine Neill ’71
Marjorie Noll ’80
Linda & Phillip O’Connell P’08
Anna Olcerst ’04
Ferris Olin
Christine ’72 & David ’73 O’Neill
Mimi Oritsky ’75
Caroline Orner ’80
Kathy & Peter Ostermiller P’10
Meg & Brad Pahmier P’02
Lawrence C. Pakula
Linda & Stanley Panitz
Barbara & John Parker P’03
Summer Parker
Jerome Parks
Jane & John Payne
Joel Pearson
Mary Perentesis ’63
Thomas P. Perkins
Mary Pike ’50
Isabelle Mariany Pillis ’39
Robert Pitman ’84
Tamara & Morton* Plant
James Porter
Linda & Earl Porter P’10
Leslie Portney ’83
Thomas H. Powell
Janice Proctor ’36
Charlotte Purdum ’91
Francine Quitko
Marsha & John Ramsay
Deborah Raven ’76
Jeffrey Reed ’76
Charles Reilly ’07
Monique & Charles Reilly P’07
Stephanie Reimers ’95
Joan Reutershan
Emilee & Jon Reynolds
Elizabeth Rhodes ’65
David & Deborah Rigby P’08
Elizabeth Riggle
Faith H. ’61 & Francis G. Riggs
Ronald X. Roberson ’77
Rochelle & Bruce Roberts P’09
Barbara & Harrison Robertson, Jr.
Christine & Fernando Rodriguez P’07
Marta Rodriguez ’02
Elaine Romagnoli
Barbara & Christopher Romano P’06
Jann Rosen-Queralt & Philip Campbell
Richard Roth ’69
Moira Roth
Audrey Rothschild
Sheryl & Richard Rowlands P’07
Ernest Rubenstein P’81
Anthony W. Rutka ’71
Mary Ann Ryan P’08
Barbara Sacks-Kully ’55
Gloria Mermelstein Sandler ’62
Amado Sandoval
Christine & Paul Sarbanes
H. Walter Sarbaugh ’51
Claire Lou Sarubin ’50
Lisa Schachner
Pamela Schachter P’09
Judith & Dale Schneider P’09
William Schuck
Jeri L. Schwartz P’06
Angela Schwarzkopf ’83
Sallie & Ken Schwenke P’07
Connie & Thomas Scott P’09
Linda & John Seifert
Joseph Seipel ’73
Robin & Robert Seiz P’07
Claudia Sennett ’66 & Douglas A. Kelso
Thomas Sevier P’07
Barbara T. Shaffer ’95
Debbie Jaslow Shatz & Charles Shatz
Catherine J. Shelley ’70, P’03
Adele Shepard ’70
Judith Shepherd
Joyce Tramer Shuger ’35
Henry P. Shuler ’73
Jody & Robert Shyllberg P’09
Audrey Siegert ’44
Maryanne & Michael Siegert
Betty Sifleet ’64
Tammra ’65 & Arnold Sigler
Lynn Silverman
Donna & Frank Simmonds P’07
Marley Simon ’75
Judith Simons ’69
Pauline Siple ’84
Clarissa Sligh
Victoria & David Slovan P’08
Gregory Smearman ’82
Beth Craddock Smith &
Cabell Smith P’04
Kathie & Bruce Smith
Linell Smith & Tom Hall
Melanie & Flavious Smith, Jr. P’07
Nancy B. ’64 & Wesley ’62 & ’64 Smith
Edwin Snider ’99
John Snyder ’78
Mary Snyder
Joan Sobkov
Kathleen & Albert Spadaro P’07
David Spector
John M. Stanley ’69
Linda Stein
Barbara & Frederick Steinmann
Ann Carter Stonesifer & Geary Stonesifer
Sandra Straus
John ’63 & Leona Sutton
Betty & Edgar Sweren
Diana & Marcel Talbot P’09
Robert Taubman
Bruce Teare ’72
Suzanna & Robert Thieblot
Sally & B. Marvin Thomas P’90
Vicki & Mark Thompson P’04
Mary Tilghman
Jonathan Tobias ’91
Ann & William Toohey P’08
Claire Torpey ’82
Susan & Harold Trapkin P’08
Edward Trimble
Amy & Ives Tucker P’07
Jeanine Turner
Patrick Turner
Ruth Shreeve Uhrig ’39
Steven Ungar ’84
Nancy & John Van Ness P’01
Stephen VanDeCastle ’77
Lyndie Vantine ’89
Yolanda & David Vigil P’07
Lewis Waggaman ’40
Ruth Wagner ’46
Betty Walke ’82
Dawn & Gregory Ward P’07
Joyce & Thomas Ward
Rachel Ward ’07
Robert Wassell ’75
Colleen Woytowitz Waters ’75
Mike Webb ’96
Ronald Webb ’68
Raoul Weiller
Isobel L. Weiner ’52
Leslie ’70 & Laura ’70 Weiner
Michael Weiss ’96
Michelle Whelley
Leslie & Warren White P’03
Mary & Scott Wieler
Margret & Thomas Wierenga P’07
Jane & Herbert Wilgis
Alanea & George Williams P’08
R osalee D avison ’ 6 0 H onored as
V olunteer F undraiser
The Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Maryland Chapter awarded the
2007 Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year to Rosalee Davison ’60. In
nominating her for the award, MICA President Fred Lazarus noted, “Rosalee
brings wonderful experience to the table, and a very rare and refreshing
quality: She enjoys fundraising!” She has served on MICA’s Board of Trustees
since 1997.
David trozzo
At the May 2007 event, Rosalee Davison explained the satisfaction of raising
funds for causes she cares about, observing that the charm of the fundraising
process is “the moment when you enable someone to believe in and commit
to something you care about….It is about sustaining an institution and about
the people who will benefit from the work of that institution.” She cited her
parents as role models—“I was born during the Depression and we were
not wealthy when I was growing up, and yet I remember my parents, quietly,
helping less fortunate family members”—and her husband Richard, “my
partner of 54 years” is also her “partner in many philanthropic and volunteer
endeavors. Sometimes I volunteer him; sometimes he volunteers me. I am
certain that our marriage has lasted so long because we share the same
ideals and values.”
Davison’s award was presented by Carole Sibel (right), a member of the
Award Selection Committee.
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
W – Widow/er
Peter Williams ’87
Nancy O’Donovan Wilson ’81
Alexander Wissel ’00
Leo Wittstadt
Daniel R. Woodhead P’89
Margaret & W. M. Carey Woodward
Nancy Lee Wright P’08
Robert Wyatt ’77
Donna Young ’82
Bonnie & Richard Zacher P’02
Ann Zaiman ’99
Felicia Zannino-Baker ’87
Glenn Zweygardt ’69
Corporations, Foundations & Other
A+ Sevier Insurance Training
Abrecht Design, Inc.
Alumni Homecoming
The Austin Group
The Brass Elephant
Robert R. Browne Art Studio
Celestial Lighting
Circle Temporary Services, Inc.
The Classic Catering People
Cohen Azzinaro Associates
Culver Consulting
Paul Goodman Co.
Greenberg Van Doren Gallery
Anne Gummerson Photography
IXIA Restaurant Lounge and Bar
Leesha Lee
Lincoln Financial Group Foundation
M.I.T. Cleaning
Mount Royal Tavern
North Fork Women for Women Fund, Inc.
Number Ten Foundation, Inc.
The Papermoon Diner
Paradigm Dynamics, Inc.
Susan Perrin Art Consultant
James Posey Associates, Inc.
The Rothschild Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Sunderland Interiors
Susan Sunderland DeFelice ’86
Tomcat Enterprises, Inc.
Toni Berger Designs
Torpey Design
Will Barnet Associates, Inc.
All contributors who made annual
gifts & pledges up to $100
Khadijah & Muhammad Abdussabur P’04
Ita Aber
Jenny L. Abrantes ’74
Regina & Steven Achey P’07
Jim Adcock ’70
Anne M. Adriance ’78
Karen W. Agee
Cynthia Ahlstrom ’92
Mary Beth Akre ’85
Annmarie Cooper Albert ’85
Patricia Alexander ’81 &
Kevin Edward Labadie ’81
Bonnie Allan ’88
Lois Allen P’00
Russell Allen ’63
Sally Allinson
Kathy Allman ’74
Anne ’84 & Littleton ’83 Alston
Jean & William Ambrose P’01
Monica Amor
Claudia Amory ’85
Treso Anastasiades
Janet Anderson P’08
Donna ’83 & Gerald ’83 Andeskie
Jeanne Wilson Antosiewicz
H – Honorary Degree recipient
* – Deceased
Evelyn M. Apichella ’71
Can Arabacioglu ’05
Stuart Arbarbanel ’76
Joan Arbeiter
Daniel Arbello ’05
Denyse & William Archard P’08
Karl Ardo ’72
Annemarie & Richie Arlington P’05
Jocelyn Braxton Armstrong ’80
Sarah Burr Arnold ’73
Whitney Artell ’06
George Atherton ’52
Mary G. Atherton ’64
Fairinda Lamb Atkinson ’50
Mildred Atkinson
Lela & Rudy Autio
Susan Badder
Jennifer Bagheri ’06
Heidi Bahr ’02
Carol Elaine Bailey ’68
Duncan Bailey ’69
Gloria Bailey
Pamela Baker ’98
Barbara Bandel
Bruno Baran ’76
Christine Barber ’42
Peter Barenboim
Richard Barnet
Greg Barnhart ’71
Donna & Peter Barnum P’06
Deborah Barr ’75
Miriam La Rance Barrett ’99
Patrick Barrett ’69
Meta Barton
David Bartosevich ’80
Frances Herman Bartow ’42
Barbara & James Bartsch P’02
Kit Basquin
Brina Bass-Pintzuk ’69
Kathy & Bob Bastian P’08
Mimi Bates ’94
Woody Batts ’01
Susan Baxter ’78
Desmond Beach ’02
Jan & John Bean P’09
Barbara C. Beaulieu ’93
M. Elaine Beck ’49
Tom Beck ’75
Geraldine & Robert Becker
David Bedingfield
Susan Bee
Catherine Behrent ’92
Jane Bell ’74
Rita Bender ’89
Arthur Beneckson ’92
Linda Bennett ’77
Georgia Benson ’53
Louis V. Benvenga ’69
Phyllis Berger ’93, ’98
Margaret ’54, ’77 & Donald ’54 Berger
Lane Berk
Susan & Robert Berndt P’06
Jean Bernhards ’85
William Berry ’03
Sylvia Rosen Beser ’44
Betty Bethards
Calvin Coleridge Bethea ’91
Julienne Bethea
Edda & Michael Bickler P’04
Claudia Bismark & Wade Wilson
Camellia A. Blackwell-Taffel ’77
Betsy Blades
Catherine Blake
Debora A. Cook Blind ’76
Ann Bliss ’76 & John ’74 Brecht P’03
Ellen & Robert Blumenthal P’03, P’06
Rebecca Bochatey ’98
Keith Bogart
Moira & Michael Bogrov
Catherine & John Bogus P’98
Denise & John Bohl P’05
Augustina Bohon ’56
John Bohon
m i c a ’ 0 7
3 3
J. Edward Bollinger, Jr. ’67
Tom Bonacci ’82
Helen Bond ’47
William J. Bond ’62
Andy Bonner ’07
David Borucki ’83
Nancy Bowen
Mary S. Bowerman ’49
Denelle Bowser
Katherine Boyce ’61
Judith & Alan Boyer P’09
Ellen Boyzan ’88
Richard Bozzelli
Robin & Tom Braddock P’07
Johnnell Branch
Harriet Brandenburg
Karen & Thomas Breed P’08
Peg Clawson Brier-Lyons ’77
Mary & Earl Brinton
Jean Brinton-Jaecks ’72
Wendy Broadhead ’02
Theresa & Michael Brodie P’07
Don Bromer & Frank Hopkins
Charlotte Brooks ’81
Patricia & Charles Brooks
Robyn Brooks ’80
Cynthia Jawitz Brower ’73
Anthony Brown ’83
Huey Brown ’44
Julie Brown ’80
Michael Brown ’79
Vonda & Roland Brown P’07
Lucy Williams Browne ’77
Diana Brownell ’86
Lisa Bryan
Susan & Victor Brzozowski P’02
Edie Marie Buchanan ’82
Jessica Davis Buckley ’02
Derrick Buisch ’89
Bruce Bundock ’74
Kate Bunk
Alexandra Burch ’07
Kathryn Burke ’80
Ruth Burke ’80
Elizabeth & Ronald Burlin P’09
David Butkiewicz ’94
Drury Price Bynum ’91
William C. Byrne ’61
Vickie Byron ’78
James Calafiore ’85
Timothy Caldwell ’83
Eloisa & Hector Calixto P’08
Sandra Camomile ’96
Aaron Campbell ’00
Colin Campbell ’04
Susan Campbell P’07
M ount R oyal S tation R ededication L oo k s B ac k over a R ich H istory
which he had provided creative and conceptual direction and insights for
the College, and one of the last major projects he completed before his
death this summer.
The Station renovation was made possible by gifts and grants from: Save
America’s Treasures, a partnership of the National Park Service, the U.S.
Department of the Interior, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation; The
State of Maryland; The France-Merrick Foundation; Middendorf Foundation,
Inc.; Lillian and Willard Hackerman; the Whiting-Turner Contracting Company;
Wendy and Ben Griswold; Alex. Brown & Sons Charitable Foundation, Inc.;
John J. Leidy Foundation, Inc.; and the Harry L. Gladding Foundation.
Paul Burke
MICA celebrated the completion of a two-year, $6.3 million renovation of
the 111-year-old Mount Royal Station on Friday, April 27, 2007. Mount Royal
Station also serves as a centerpiece for the Mount Royal Cultural District and
is a nationally recognized landmark—an Official Project of Save America’s
Treasures, a select group of historic resources chosen by the National Trust
for Historic Preservation to represent America’s treasures in need of support.
The Station is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and received
National Historic Landmark status in 1976.
Also unveiled was Frost Plaza, a new outdoor space named in honor of
Douglas Frost, MICA’s vice president for development for 40 years. The plaza’s
centerpiece is a three-panel display on the history of the station, the impact of
the railroad industry on the development of Baltimore, and the importance of
the station in stabilizing and revitalizing the cultural district. Douglas Frost’s
commitment to the station spans his tenure at the College: a capital campaign
for its initial renovation was his first major project, and he oversaw the effort
that raised funds for this renovation. Long the College’s unofficial historian,
Frost developed the content for the historic display—designed by Barton,
Matheson, Willse & Worthington—that draws upon research he is undertaking
to write a full history of the College.
Fred Worthington, long-time MICA Trustee, served as creative director on
the Station timeline project. It was the last in a long series of projects for
3 4
m i c a ’ 0 7
(1) Frost Plaza, named in honor of vice
president for development, emeritus
Douglas Frost, was the setting for
the rededication celebration. (2)
Doug Frost and Aurelia Bolton look
over the timeline, which traces the
historical significance of Mount Royal
Station and MICA’s stewardship of
the national landmark building.
(3) Middendorf Gallery, created with
funding from the Middendorf Foundation, occupies the area that had
been the Station’s grand entrance
during its days as a B&O passenger
terminal. (4) Trustee Fred Worthington
’57 was presented MICA’s Medal of
Honor for more than three decades
of service to the College at the event.
He designed signage for the revitalized Station, including a mural in the
lobby depicting the station’s place
in the golden age of railroading, and
the historic timeline. (5) Faculty and
students welcomed guests for tours
of the fiber department studios in the
second floor space created in the
original renovation to house MICA’s
Decker Library.
Photos: Nancy Froelich
“MICA’s campus stretches from North Avenue to Preston Street, and
Mount Royal Station is our connection with our neighbors in the Mount
Royal cultural district. Its 1966 renovation spurred the redevelopment of
this part of the city, and it remains a symbol of an urban renaissance that
brought to this area such treasures as the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall. Mount
Royal Station is important to the College, the community, and the country,”
said Fred Lazarus. The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s president
Richard Moe observed that “since it opened in 1896, Mount Royal Station
provides a living connection to the golden era of rail travel in the United
States. MICA’s stewardship over the past four decades has been a model
for all institutions of higher learning to follow.”
Joanna Cannon ’66
Adrienne Cantler ’96
Aurora Capone-Soll ’82
Christine Capuano ’96
Marta Beckstrom Cardarelli ’72
Vickie A. Carlson P’08
Roy Ann Swift Carney ’69
Janice Mary Carpenter ’92
Kathleen Carr ’92
Allen Carter ’02
Elyse Carter ’74
Emily Cartlidge ’07
James Cary
Ron Carty ’75
Mary & James Casey P’04
M. Kathy & Louis Cashiola P’01
Aileen ’94, ’95 & Juan ’99, ’00 Castro
Elvira Causey ’81
Lucille Browne Chamberlain ’50
Sally & William Charleroy P’00
Yen-Wen Chau ’00
Donna Chetelat ’78
Frank J. Chetelat ’74
William Chickillo ’74
George K. Chlada ’60
Nick Chow ’07
Dwayne Christian ’85
Linda Bowser Chubb ’83
Phyllis & Bruno Ciancio P’06
Natalie Ruth Cimbol ’55
Nancy A. Ciparro ’89
Eleanor Clabaugh ’47
Arnold David Clapman ’62
Cynthia & Alan Clark P’08
Julie Clark-Jones & Philip Jones P’03
Patricia & George Clark
Karen & Stephen Clayton P’06
Kristen Cleaveland ’07
Denise & Billy Clevinger P’07
Elizabeth & David Clough P’10
David Cloutier ’05
Anna M. Zebley Cocco ’48
Zita & Michael Codi P’07
Elizabeth & James Coffey P’06
Brenda Cohen P’00
Joan ’73 & Irv Cohen
Ruth & Lester Cohen
Eileen Cohn
Bernadette Cole ’82
Pamela Cole ’70
Johanne T. Coleman ’81
Robyn Coller
Colleen & Jay Combs P’08
Terry & Norris Commodore P’00
Jim Condron ’04
Cory Cone ’07
Janet Hosier Connelly ’86
Harry Connolly ’75
Mary Connor ’77
Jason Conradt ’94
Blanche Cook
Christine Cook ’74
Rodney Cook ’75
Susan & David Cook P’01
Elizabeth Cooke-King ’73
Kristen Cooper ’03
Marianne & John Cooper P’03
Victoria Cooper ’80
MaryAnn Cooperman P’06
Hannah Cooper-Riaz ’73
Sharon & Marshall Cooperson P’05
Brandon Copeland
Jennifer Copeland ’07
Ellen Corddry ’79
Colles Corprew ’76
William Corr ’02
Georgia & John Corso P’05
Clare Coss
Liz & Dan Cotter P’08
Anne Adams Coulbourn ’50
Elizabeth Coulson ’62
Carolyn Adreon Councell ’58
James Coursen ’68
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
Cynthia Courter ’84
Gary Cousin ’88
Chris Couture
D. H. Covey ’94
Gina Covi ’94
Margaret & Kenneth Cox P’07
Barbara H. Craig ’59
Gregan Crawford ’86
Kathryn Crawley P’10
Sheryl Cucchiella ’82
Betsie & Gilbert Cullen
Sita & Peter Culman
James B. Culp, Sr. ’54
Beverly & Mark Curry P’01
Kate Cusack ’01
George Dabols ’64
Bonnie L. Dahbura ’90
Catherine Dailey ’65
Trang Dam ’01
Diana Sheqogue & Steven Damron P’07
Gussie Danches ’92
Kathleen & Bernard D’Andrea
Pamela Danko-Stout ’74
Dorothy L. D’Anna ’76
Jean Dato-Probert ’84
Iris & Errol Daum P’06
Ruth & Frederick Davey P’09
Lois David ’60
Tania D’Avignon ’64
Anneke Davis ’82
John Davis ’96
Joyce Davis P’05
Linda Day-Clark ’94 & Carlton Clark ’86
Jean Dean ’70
Maggi DeBaecke ’69
Achamyeleh Debela ’81
Julia Deford ’86
Bill DeHuff ’78
Kenneth Deily ’73
Dana Deininger ’05
Janelle Delicata ’75
Suzanne Wheeler Demeo ’76
Lisa DeMings ’89 & Alex Nosevich ’89
Barbara & Roger Demos P’01
Robin & John Denick
Mary & Richard dePerrot P’08
W. Cary de Russy ’64
Donna & Michael DeSena P’08
Charles Devaud ’56
Nancy Devierno ’74
Peter B. Devries ’69
Patricia Dewitt-Grush ’65
Millie DiBlasi ’55
Robert Diercks ’67
Steven DiGiovanni ’87
Muriel Dimen
Dianne ’86 & Paul ’84 Dion
Aimee Dixon ’96
Paul & Roberta Dobbins P’03
Carmella Doty ’99
Patti Dougherty ’84
Louise & William Dove P’0
Adele & James Dowell P’02
Mildred D. Dreier
Laure Drogoul ’81
Arthur Drought ’79
Marcella Drula ’71
Lori & Daniel Dube P’07
Louis Dubrowski ’57
Dan Dudrow ’67
Mrs. Dorothy Duke ’49
Ronald Dunaway ’84
Laura G. Dutton P’06
Benjamin Dyer ’99
Jeanette & William East P’09
Melvin Ebright P’07
Courtney Anne Egan ’93
Howard Ehrenfeld ’76
Beth Otter Ehrhart ’81
Wendy Ehrlich ’75
Jeani Eismont ’65
Jane Elkinton
Cheri Emerick P’09
W – Widow/er
James Emge P’08
Rebecca & Eleazar Enecio P’08
Connie & Jim Epperlein P’04
Courtney Erhardt ’02
Donna & Jack Erlichman
Carol & Donald Esch P’02
Frederica & J. Francisco Escobar P’10
Amy Evans ’93
Carol & Richard Even
Ruth Marie Evosevich ’97
Paula Ewin
Royce Faddis* ’79
Frederick Fahdt ’53
Vernon E. Fains ’86
Guy Steele Fairlamb ’64
Camilla Fallon ’79
Catherine Fallon ’37
Annie Farrar ’04
Cari B. Fastic ’01
Peggy & William Fastic P’01
Norman W. Favin ’59
Lorraine Fedder ’71
Ethel Felber
Deborah Feldman P’07
Natalie A. McCubbin Fenwick ’65
John Ferguson ’71
Robert Ferguson ’67
Mary S. Ferguson ’48
Liz & Ralph Ferrigno P’09
Brigitte Voelkel Fessenden ’77
Robin Ficara ’78
Gail Crews Fields ’72
Lewis Fifield
Adrienne Figus ’07
Irvin Finifter ’51
Annabelle & James Fink
Sylvia Fischbach-Braden ’81
Shawn Fischer ’83
Jonathan S. Fisher ’78
Eileen & Adam Fisher P’92
Scott M. Fishpaw ’95
Jennie & Stephen Fitzkee P’00
Melissa Fleck ’90
Jennie Fleming ’98
Victoria Foltz ’67
Anthony Foronda ’93
Jolene Forrester ’84
Daniel E. Forsythe ’02
Adam Foskey ’07
Patricia & John Foster P’09
Sally Louise Foster
Mary Jo & John Foti P’08
Margaret Founds ’64
Adam Fowler ’01
Timothy Fox P’08
Roberta & John Fragale P’07
Betsy Dannenberg Frahm ’73
Ava Frank ’77
Diane Frankel ’70
Elsie Summers Frantz ’41
Robin Sigworth Fraumeni ’83
Michelle Frazier ’04
Beth & Terry Frederick
Patricia Frederick
Teresa Frederick ’46
Mary M. Fredlund ’72
Michael J. Friedman ’67
Kathryn Fritze P’08
Thomas Frock ’69
Ida Fuell ’73
Edith & Frank Furstenberg
Norma Galinn ’75
Alice Schloss Gamse ’50
Andrew M. Garreis
Karen Gasel ’67
Robin Gaynes-Bachman
Rita & Lawrence ’60 Geisendaffer, Jr.
Rita Geisendaffer
Marianne Gellman ’69
Mona Genadry ’88
Michael Gentile ’79
Marjorie George ’64
Frances Gerety ’72
H – Honorary Degree recipient
* – Deceased
Evelyn Giabijan
Carmelle Gibbons ’83
Shonnell Gibson ’98
Evan T. Gifford ’83
Rhonda & Randall Gilly P’07
Mary & Owen Gilman P’09
Shani Ginsburg
Joe Giordano ’66
Christine Girod ’87
Joanne & Lance Glaeser P’10
Dolores Hartka Glass ’51
Helen Glazer ’78
Rebecca & Kevin Glover P’07
Baroness Ghislaine D. Godenne
Joyce Goetz
Edwin Gold ’55
Gary Goldman ’58
Barbara Goldner
Joseph G. Gonzalez
Lillian Gensick Gorak ’74
Adam Gordon
Jaimy Gordon
Linda Gordon
Sandra B. Gordon
Spencer Gordon
Rachel Ruth & Paul Gorgen P’08
Dorothy Kammer Gorman ’52
Susan & Edward Gorsuch P’07
Elena & Pavel Gostev P’08
William Grady ’76
Elizabeth Graeber ’07
Maria Grandinette ’78
Erika Grant ’84
Donna Grauel ’76
Curley Graves ’65
Ellen & Stephen Gray P’07
Susan & Frank Grazier P’04
Howard Greenberg ’69
Ellen Weinberg Greenfield ’63
Karen Gordon Greengard
Frieda Greer
Tonya Gregg
Kathleen Greka ’78
Joanne Grey P’03
Bettye Balland Griffin ’45
Mary Griffin
Betty Williamson Griffith ’52
Betty & Ross Griffith P’94
Sabra & Samuel Butler Grimes P’05
Edward Grocock ’86
Shirley Gromen ’76
Sherrie & Anthony Groshong P’10
Sharon M. Grossman ’77
Barbara E. Gruber ’97
Magdalena Guenschel ’57
Sophia Guidi
Jessica Guinan ’07
R. A. Gulomb ’75
Stanley Gumnit ’55
Mary Ellen Gunther ’66
Babette & Henry Gutman
Mitchell Gyson ’82
Ottilie ’69 & John Mason ’78 Habercam
Helen Habermann
James M. Hackley ’70
Paul Hagen ’51
Edward Hainke ’59
Michael Hall ’74
Barbara Hammer
Carol Hamoy
Martha Hand ’66
Craig Hankin ’79
O. Kenneth Hankins ’66
Catherine Hanna
Rebecca Jane Hanna-Diener ’86
Sarah Hanson ’07
Muhammed Haque
Ellen Glenn Harden ’54
Howard Harden ’53
Larry Harden ’79
Doris Harding ’83
Maria & Harold Hardinger P’07
John Rodney Harrington ’77
m i c a ’ 0 7
3 5
Hilary Harris ’70
Lisa Hartley P’02
Bernadine & Owen Hartlove
Janet Bauer Hartman ’73
Carol Harwell ’79
Ann & Walter Hatke P’06
Helene Haviland ’75
Hilda Van Rossum Hawkins ’58
Mary & Newton Hayden P’10
Harry J. Hayes ’75
Paul Hayes ’03
Renee & Harris Hayman
Debra Haywood
Lauren Haywood ’86
Judy Heck
Pat Heffron-Cartwright & Steven
Cartwright P’05
Deborah Hellman ’71
Elizabeth Middleton Hermann ’81
Jeanette & Jeff Herr P’07
Philip F. Herrick, Jr. P’02
Laura Parrish Heyward ’71
Jennifer Hickman P’09
Gwen Carol Highto ’78
Michael Hill ’82
Lisa Hillman ’88
Beedle & Patrick Hinely P’08
Annie Hitchens ’01
Dan F. Hiveley ’98
Nadia Hlibka ’85
Monica Hobbs P’07
Thomas R. Hobbs
Randall Hoel ’79
Richard C. Hoff ’68
Donald Hoffman ’57
Ted Hoffman ’89
Holly Hofmann ’86
Bonnie Holland ’67
Debra ’69 & Robert ’69 Holland
Ruth Holland
Viola Holmes ’79
Fran Holt ’86
Joseph Holt
Shannon Honeycutt ’95
Richard Honn
Amanda Gingery Hostalka ’96
Kim Howard Gray
Shirley K. Hubalek ’83
Mary Huddleston P’99
Mary Huey
Frederick M. Huffman, Jr. ’68
Rhonda Hughes
Jacqueline Hulkower P’06
Shayne Hull ’94
Grace Hulse ’81
Richard Humphreys ’65
Frederick Hunt ’78
Dixie Hurd P’08
Lauren Hurd-Loran ’76
Patricia Hurline ’66
Olga K. Hutchins
David Hutzler
Geryld J. Huxsoll ’75
Frank Hyder ’72
Roslyn & Nelson Hyman
Esther Hyneman
Otto H. Illian ’71
Rosa Ingrassia & Charles Arnold P’09
Cindy Intorre
Jane Irish ’77
Lawrence M. Irvine ’66
Madeline Irvine ’82
Mildred Monat Isaacs ’44
Denise & Christopher Jacklin P’07
Lana Jackson ’96
Mary Jacobs ’47
Marjorie D. Jaffe ’40
Wanda James ’88
Joyce ’70 & Ross Jandorf P’04
Julie Jankowski ’03
Joanne Janowiak ’62
Ron Janowich ’72
Patricia Stern Jardine ’68
3 6
m i c a ’ 0 7
Thomas Jardine ’73
Brooks Johnson ’76
Conrad D. Johnson ’78
Mary Eileen Johnston P’06
Ann O. Jones ’49
Dorothy L. R. & Elliott C. Jones P’04
George C. Jones ’94
Judy Franz Jones ’65
Susan M. & Richard R. Jones P’99
Jules Joseph ’07
Ann Iannuzzo Joyce ’75
Gisela Jules ’74
Susan Justice ’73
Jeanne Kachidurian P’09
Karen Kaftol ’78
Claire Kaler ’75
Jennifer Kalis ’99
Reuben Katz ’94
Hal Katzen ’77
Karen L. Keating ’86
Adriane Keepler
Joan Kefover ’70
Mary Jo Kehne ’83
Dielesy & Daniel Keiffer P’08
Doris Keil-Shamieh ’86
Anne & Dick Kellagher
Francis P. Kelly ’64
Linda Kelly ’74
Marie & John Kelly P’07
Sean Kelly ’90
Suzette Kelly ’77
Jerome Kennedy
Bonnie & Robert Kenselaar P’06
Janet Eileen Kerchner ’78
Carmel & Dave Kessler P’07
Gail & Edward Kessler P’98
Glen B. Kessler ’98
Maureen Kessler ’07
Meghana Khandekar ’07
Shobhana & Suresh Khandekar P’07
Joseph Kim ’06
In Hye Kim ’07
Catherine B. King ’48
Kimberly Kevin King ’77
Linda White King ’74
Constance & Frank Kirby
David Smith Kirby ’89
Edward Kirchner ’62
Jim Kistler ’67
Michael ’92 & Andrea Klauss
Anita L. Klein
Helen Kleinman
Anne L. J. Klinefelter ’53
Barbara Kloc ’77
Kathy & James Klotz P’06
Edrie Bradley Knight ’47
Jackie Knipp ’85
Robert Knudsen ’95
Gregory Koehnlein ’70
Gary E. Koeppel
Patricia & Brian Koffman P’09
Robert Kolinski ’89
Ferne Kandel Kolodner
Jessica Koman ’89
Marie Kommalan ’50
Ellen Grace Koontz ’71
Mary Jo Kotwas
Janice A. Krach ’74
Mandy Kramer ’00
Miram & Irving Kramer
Carolyn ’63 & David ’69 Kramer
Esther Krasevac
Frances Kratzok ’76
Patricia & Gary* Kreger P’08
Judith Kremen
Kathleen F. Kreul ’92
Michael Kulynycz ’70
James David Kundrat ’85
Diana Kurz
Betty Denner Kyriacos ’55
Blair Laden ’45
Betsy Lafferty
Linda Laing ’76
Alicia Lam ’00
Cynthia Duncan LaMaster ’78
Philip Lambdin ’74
Nicholas Lambros ’63
Fran Lanci ’42
J. Kelly Lane ’85
Miharu Lane ’71
Nancy Lane ’83
Michael Langenstein ’71
J. Q. Lanphear
Beverly H. Lapinski ’77
Mimi Lauducci ’85
Barbara Lawless P’08
Judy Lawless ’88
Annette Lawrence ’90
James Thomas Lawrence ’69
John G. Lawson ’82
Joseph LeBlanc
Keely Berry LeBlanc ’86
Reyna & Douglas Lederman
Kam H. Lee
Raymond Lee ’74
Roberta Phillips Leimkuhler ’63
Alice & C. Samuel Leishure
Carolyn & Stanford Lembeck
Naida Leon ’74
Christina Drews Leonard ’90
Ingrid & James Leonard
Kevin Leonard ’02
Lisa & Armando Lepore P’07
Joan W. Lesser ’60
Robin Levin ’70
Ruth S. Levy
Meryl Levy-Kryza ’65
Karen Lewand
Natasha Lewandrowski ’07
Pamela Li ’83 & Samuel Holmes ’84
Kathleen & Robert Liddle P’07
Julie Lin ’99
Maureen Flanigan Lindler ’82 & Robert
Philip Lindsey ’95
Warren Linn
Shirley Ecker Lippy ’56
David A. Little ’83
Jennifer Littleton ’94
Kathleen Lockhart ’76
Adele Loew
Cristina ’71 & David ’71 Loizeaux
Carolyn Anderson London ’68
Harvie E. Loomis ’71
Adelaida Lopez-Wellman & Lonnie
Wellman P’09
Claire ’48 & Hal ’49 Lott
Kim Loughlin ’83
Mary & Francois Loup P’10
Charles Robert Lovett ’49
David Lovinger ’90
Patsy Lowe
Bernadine ’67 & Wayne ’63 Lucas
Kathleen & Richard A. Lucente
M. Teresa & James Lupinek
Denise & Anthony Lutrzykowski
Dennis Lutz ’69
Trish Lyell ’84
Randall Lyhus ’79
Carol Lyons ’86
John MacConnell ’07
Carol E. S. MacDonald ’75
Sharon & Bruce MacDonald P’08
Emily Macenko
Carol A. MacEwen ’64 & ’71
Arthur W. Machen, Jr.
Joan B. Machinchick ’73
Tanya & Brian Mack P’09
Rima Macksoud ’88
Theresa E. Madden P’06
Jean Maddux
Michelle Maffett P’06
Margaret Maher
Gabriel Major ’67
Alicia Malinowski ’91
Linda Einberg Malmgren ’82
Joannne Mangione ’82
Jean ’85 & James ’71 Manning
Ruth Maraglio
Carol Margolin ’71
James & Bridget Maron P’06
Allegra Marquart
Mary Anne Z. Marsalek ’79
Ulysses Marshall ’95
Cristina Martinez P’01
Sharona Gamliel ’74 & Richard
Martinkus ’74
Marta Martray P’04
Christopher Mathias ’81
Amanda Matles ’04
Connie Matricardi ’86
James M. Matson ’74
Denise E. Matuk-Kroupa ’77
David Maxim
Carol Lipinski Maxwell ’58, ’62
Melita Baumgartner Maxwell ’65
John Lawson McCall ’86
Sally M. McCann ’74
Kathleen McCarthy & Erwin Morton P’09
Robin McCondichie-Secrest ’81
Martha McCormack P’08
Joan McCrumb
Susan S. McCue ’81
Chris McCullough ’94
Susan T. McElhinney ’71
Thomas D. McFarland ’73
Oliver McGee ’62
M. Dorothy West McGinnes ’50
Dolores ’65 & Patrick ’65 McGuire
Miriam & Samuel McKee
Stacey McKenna ’00
Abigail & Howard McKenzie P’08
Tripina McMillan ’81
Dennis G. McMullin ’63
Gail & Robert McNeill P’98
Daisy C. McTighe ’70
Camille ’69 & Michael ’70 Medinger
Regina ’83 & Warren ’83 Mejo
Elaine Gerlock Mendoza ’72
Hugh Merrill ’73
Jennifer Merriman ’94
William R. Merritt, Jr. ’68
Marcia Metzler ’82
Micki Guralnick Mez ’72
Margaret Miccio’78
Mary & Peter Michos P’04
Kay Mihalik P’07
Paul Miles ’91
Marguerite Miller ’99
Megan Miller
Thomas W. Miller ’70
Mark Milloff ’77
Lanisa Minchella ’04
Paul Mintz ’53
R. Mark Mitchell
Ariel Mitchell ’07
Lynda Mitic
Ona May Miyamoto ’48
Nancy Miyauchi P’07
Madeline Modica ’89
Michael Molner ’74
Judy & Barry Mones ’68
Michael P. Mongelli ’59
Mary Monico ’71
Vincent Monico ’71
Diana Montgomery ’78
Judith Moonelis
Caiphus Moore ’96
Janet Wilson Moore P’06
Sandra Moore P’08
Toni Moore ’67
Lisa ’75 & Mark ’80 Moreland
Anne & Paul Morelli P’04
Jacqueline Morgan ’77
M. Larry Morgan ’66
William & Mary Morgan P’08
Eve Morra ’82
Peter Morrin & Carolyn Brooks
Gregg Morris ’75
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
Julie Pfaffinger ’92
Lynn Piquett ’71
Lynette Pirrung ’73
Don Pistorio ’69
Mac & Wickie Plant
Evelyn & Mitchell Pollack ’51
Scott Ponemone ’79
Susan & Randy Poore P’08
Robert Porter ’63
Joan Ports ’05 & Chris Attenborough ’05
Nancy & William Potts P’03
Dorothy Powell ’79
Candy & Phil Powell P’07
Evelyn Hynes Powers ’88
Linda Epstein Praley ’83
Linda Press
Christopher Priore
Judith Lehman Proffitt ’76
Jean Promutico ’66
James Protzman ’86
Martin Puritz ’49
Justin Pyles ’99
Jacqueline Quigley-Lanphear ’87
Kathleen Moore Radcliffe ’77
Aviva Rahmani
Robin Ellershaw Ramsay ’74
Susan Randle P’01, P’08
Dawn S. Randles ’79
Jonas R. Rappeport
Marie & Greg Raschdorf P’07
Nancy & Richard Raybourne P’08
Mary Rayme ’88
Helen’40 & George* ’39 Rea
Debbie & Charles Recker P’07
Jolita Rector ’90
Betty Reeves
Cherie Regensburg ’69
Mary & George Remington P’08
Rosemary & Peter Rex P’02
Louise Reynolds ’89
Paula ’76 & Wayne ’75 Reynolds
Joan Reynolds P’07
Mary Rhatigan ’80
Vivian Ricco ’07
Janna ’95 & Matthew ’92 Rice
Peter Gray Richards ’69
Deborah Lovelace Richardson ’76
Sandra & Peter Richel P’06
Virginia Lupton Riley ’33
The Rivoires P’01
Roland L. Robinson
Loretta & John Rockel P’06
Carla & Michael Rockliff P’06
Carol Rodino P’05
Cynthia & Mark Rodriguez P’09
Maura & Thomas Rogers P’06
Patricia & Timothy Rogers P’07
Zvezdana Rogic ’05
Alice Rae Rohart ’60
Karla Rohland ’86
Eunice Scheibe Rollings ’52
Eunice Rose ’50
Morris Rosen ’57
Dora Rosenberg
Constance O. Rosenthal ’54
Lis Roskos ’07
S. Joel Rosner ’79
Olga S. Rosser ’45
Heather Rothnie ’98
Elaine Roussos ’73
Barbara Roux
Dorothy Rowland ’64
Roger Ruggeri
Elizabeth R. Ruhl ’61
Sally & John Ruppert P’08
Cecil A. Rush ’47
Beatrice Russ ’50
Emma Lou H. Russell ’49
William A. Russell ’40
Joan & Marty Ryan
Lorraine Sachs ’67
Virginia Sachs ’71
Michael Salconi ’76
W – Widow/er
M I C A ’ s F irst - E ver S tudent P honathon
C ontributes to a R ecord A nnual F und
Mike walley-Rund
Laurie Mosello P’06
Sandra Prinn Moyer ’82
Halyna Mudryj ’79
Kay Muldoon-Ibrahim ’61
Victor Mullan
Richard A. Muller ’71
Mary Mark Munday ’91
Oliver Munday ’07
Mary & Michael Munion P’04
Suzie Munson ’07
Lee & Michael Murphy P’05
Megan Marie Murphy ’94
Jane Murray ’48
Kathy & Dan Mussen P’02
Brian Myers
Natalie Nadozirny ’98
Michael Nagle P’09
Sharon Nathan ’90
Jane Mc Grath Neary ’78
Maripat Neff ’79
Mary Mudd Nehrling ’48
Anthepy & Mitch Nelson
Lexi Nelson ’89
Melinda & Kurt Nemitz
Arline & Louis Neumann P’93
Joan Newcomer ’75
Franklin H. Nichols ’79
Phyllis Nimeroff ’73
Linda & Frederick Nixon P’07
Elmira North ’42
Vincent Novak ’00
Wallace Nowlin ’50
Lucille Nurkse
Barbara Nussdorfer-Eblen ’76
Christi O’Connell
Richard O’Connell ’55
Mary Louise Arnold O’Connor ’57
Sue Ofe ’83
Leslie Olson ’07
Maren Olson ’96
Dara O’Malley ’83
Jeanette Opalensky
Mary Deacon Opasik ’89
Jacqueline M. O’Regan ’85
Youngmi ’02 & Chris ’03 Organ
Nina Orlando ’07
William & Eleanor Oster P’04
Lyn Ostrov ’79
Mary Hayward Ostrowski ’80
Marjorie & Kaufman Ottenheimer
Karen & Richard Otto P’03
David & Patricia Owen
Judith ’65 & Richard M. ’65 Owens
Robert Padilla
Sneha Pai ’07
Matilda Y. Pair ’76
Anabelle Pang ’07
Dottie Panos ’46
Christopher Paprocki ’07
Vera Parenti-Ancone & Peter Ancone
Young Hee Park ’83
Katie Parker ’98
Elizabeth Parks ’77
Tara Parr ’75
Cheryl Kitz Partridge ’70
Peter Paul ’55
Frankie Payne ’80
Henrietta Pearsall
Sharyn Peavey ’95
Mark Peeling ’83
Janille & Patrick Pegorsch P’03
Cornelia Peiper ’07
Myra Perel ’81 & Garry ’71 Cerrone P’96
Heather Perry-Amos ’94
Electra Petallides-Humphries & Chris
Marci Peterhans P’08
Ann Maria Peters ’81
James Peters ’77
Katherine Peterson ’01
Naomi & Marshall Peterson
Linda Petrush ’85
For 21 days, a team of students staffed the phones in the Advancement Office,
sharing glimpses into their lives as MICA students with 8,749 alumni, current
and former parents, and friends of the College from all generations. It was the
first time that MICA’s annual phonathon calling was staffed entirely by students.
Phonathon raised $67,775, and made a significant contribution to an Annual
Fund that broke all records when it reached nearly $2.2 million to close out fiscal
year 2007—26.5 percent ahead of fiscal 2006. The importance of Phonathon,
and the impact of student callers, is highlighted by a few statistics: 65 percent
of 2007 annual fund gifts and pledges from alumni and 61 percent from parents
came from Phonathon; the average Phonathon gift was $10 higher, and total
Phonathon participation 10 percent higher than a year earlier.
Deborah Salisbury ’73
Janet Goodman Saltzman ’51
Jean Salvucci-Guerini ’88
Sofya & Boris Samoylov P’08
Donna Sams ’81
Gloria & Andrew Sanders P’09
Thomas Sant P’00
Bruno Santini P’08
Sondra G. Sarles ’68
John Sauers ’55
Ann & David Saunders
Barbara & Frederick Sauter P’01
Frederick Sauter ’01
Enfrodisia & William Schaff P’96
Nancy Scheer ’90
David Scheirer ’04
Anita Batzer Scheiwe ’65
Linda Scher P’10
Kandy Scherr ’80
Carl Schlemmer ’52
Hannah Schmidt ’77
Sharon Schmiedel
John Schneider ’75
LaRue Schneider ’48
Barbara Schnell ’91
Mira Schor
Rachel Schreiber
Allan Schulman
Nancy Schuttler ’74
Van Fossen Schwab
Georgia Schwartz ’93
Thomas Schweizer
Joanne S. Scott ’83
Marcia J. Scott ’82
Marjorie Scott ’90
Steven Scott
Jeanne & Winston Seetoo
Joseph Seidle
Charissa Seipp ’89
Curtis Sewell
Nancy Sexton ’48
Mary Ellen Shaeffer ’55
Alan Shapiron ’57
Louise Sharp ’69
Gertrude I. Shear ’80
Tige Sheehan ’83
H – Honorary Degree recipient
* – Deceased
Piper Shepard
Mark Shepersky ’89
Shauna Shepersky
Alan Sherkow P’08
Drew Shiflett ’78
Joseph Shock
Michelle Shroyer ’97
Daniel Shub ’76
David Shulhafer P’05
Julieta & Eric Siegel P’08
Norman Silva ’96
Jillian Silveira ’82
Claire Dvorak Simanski ’68
Frank Simmonds ’07
Danny Simpson ’77
Annette Zimmerman Singer ’38
Jennifer L. Singer
Minou Sinios ’07
Irena-Maija Slesers ’58
Rhea Sluchan ’74
Denise Smallwood ’70
Monica Smith ’94
Mary Smith ’64
Yvonne Hartmann Smith ’62
Allyson Smith ’04
Mimi Smith
Bonnie J. E. Smith ’74
Patrick Smyczek ’07
Anna Sobaski ’92
Nina Sobell
Serge Socolar ’87
Ellen DeVincentis Sodaro ’42
Romaine & Frank Somerville
Nancy & Mark Sorden P’10
Ruth Young Sorge
Carla Spawn-Van Berkum &
Andrew Spawn
Eleanor Spind ’66
Kordula & Tilo Stahl
Regina Stancill ’66
Diane Starr P’10
Alice Stauffer ’45
Frank Steck ’68
Steven Stegner
Janet Steinberg ’81
Mary Stelzer ’61
m i c a ’ 0 7
3 7
Helen & Gary Sterle P’09
Harman A. Sterner ’61
Kate Stevens ’93
Rachel Stevens ’85
Rebecca Stevens ’85
Wilma Stevens ’70
Clare & Van Leuven* Stewart
Alan Stewart
Harry Stewart ’69
Betty Barber Stickell ’62
Norma & Scott Stiner P’08
Leonard Streckfus ’80
Timothy Street ’70
William R. Stroh ’44
Bill Stromberg ’52
Stephanie & James Strunge P’04
Joanne Stryker ’77
Jeffrey Sturges ’89
Merle Sturm ’46
Jacqueline Sullavan ’89
Joseph Sullivan
Bridget McGarry Sunderlin ’84
Mark Supik ’77
Barbara Sutorius
Penny & David Swank P’04
Anne Swartz
Tari Swenson & Chris Curtis
Susan L. Swiatek ’86
Joney H. Swift ’76
Remy Synar ’88
Laura Mitchell Szweda ’80
Patricia Taback ’70
Sarah Tal ’75
Melvin E. Tansill ’62
Robert Sherrill Tarleton ’62
Linda Tarry & Floyd Stilley P’09
Clytie A. Taylor ’71
Harold M. Taylor ’66
Jim Taylor ’83
Patricia & Richard Taylor P’03
Hazel B. Teal ’78
Janet & Timothy Tessler P’06
Mary E. Theis & John A. Blomberg P’08
Kyle Alan Thomas ’04
Marilyn & Wayne Thomas
Virginia C. Thomas ’35
June Thome ’96
Deirtra Thompson ’05
Gregory Thompson ’04
Mary Llewellyn Thompson ’52
Carrie Thoroman ’07
Rebecca & Michael Tifford P’01, P’02
Donna Tivald P’09
Charlene Tombs P’06
Patricia Toolan ’76
Melanie Townsend ’82
Sarah & David Towson P’04
Patricia & Herman Trabbic
Gail & Ronald Trautz P’08
Sigrid H. Trumpy ’69
David Turnbaugh ’71
Pamme F. Turner ’72
Cynthia Turner ’80
Mary Tustin ’57
Joan Erbe Udel ’55
Emily Mercer Uhlrich ’51
Willliam Underwood ’77
Linda Uphoff ’82
Walter Urie ’73
Teresa Vadala ’99
Wendy Vadillo-Lathey P’07
Pavel & Taifen Vaklinova P’05
Charles N. Valenti ’41
Pauline & Normand Valiquette
Thomas VanHorn P’03
Deborah Vaughn ’74
Annie Velletri ’92
John Ventimiglia ’67
Joy Vernacchio ’82
Paul Vicino ’74
Nancy Vieira ’92
Carlos Vigil ’07
Barbara & Jeffery Vincent P’06
3 8
m i c a ’ 0 7
Stella Overman Virts ’36
John Viverette ’56
Roger Voelker ’78
James W. Voshell ’65
Madeline Wade ’74
Elizabeth E. Wagner ’02
Ronald Walker ’79
Alicia & Mark Walker P’01
Jane Gladstone Wall ’61
Pamela H. Wallace ’82
Jennifer Wallace P’08
Jane A. Walsh ’93
Felicia Walsh ’80
Lisa Agnes-Walsh
Robert Wantz ’82
Harry Ward ’40
Patricia Roca Ward & Robert Ward
Nancy Warren-Gotsch ’71
Ken Warwick
Eleanor M. Waters ’54
Susan Waters-Eller ’78
Karen Watkins & Paul Lewis P’10
Ann Dingman Watson P’06
A. L. Shreve Waxter, Jr. ’77
Julia B. Waxter ’70
Aissatou Weaver ’80
Patrick Webb ’76
Howie Lee Weiss ’75
Nancy & John West P’06
Amy Whitcomb ’99
Carol White ’79
Christopher White ’79
Barbara White
Keon White ’01
Elsie B. Whitman ’86
Marie Trinite Whittie* ’45
Karen Wiedman P’07
David Brian Wiinikka-Lydon ’95
Charlotte L. Wilderson ’65
Francine Marie Wilhelm ’99
Margaret M. & Richard S. Willen P’02
Didier William ’07
Janet Williams
Ken & Paula Williams
Mark Williams
Meredith Williams
Monica Williams ’65
Jennifer Wilson ’98
Nathalie Wilson ’07
Patricia & Donald Wilson
Richard Wilson ’71
T. J. Wilson ’76
Theresa Wilson P’05
William Wilson ’69
Kylis P. Winborne ’69
Martin Winder ’79
Bruce Albert Wintjen ’70
Alexander Wissel & Family
Robert Wissmann
Diana E. Witt ’75
Elaine Wizda
Jane Hutton Wolf ’61
Judith Wolf ’93
Jonathon Wolfe
Kathleen Wolfe P’09
Mary Riggs Wolfe ’76
Kevin Wolff ’93
Stewart Wolff
Wesley Wolinski ’68
Elaine & Gordon Wolman
Sook Wong ’04
Judith Hale Wood ’63
Lucy Sollers Wood ’65
Suzanne Wood ’86
Hiram Woodward
Elizabeth Woolever ’81
Lori Worley ’90
Elizabeth & Mark Worsdale P’03
Deborah Wright
Sheryn & Richard Wright
Peter Yackulics ’72
Sharon Yates
Annette Tanenbaum Yatovitz ’55
Alice Yeager ’85
Carol Yeager ’70
Hui-Jo Yoon ’01
Sing Yue ’78
Laurie Zagon-Sorrentino ’71
Margaret Rose Zannino-Mastellone ’49
Noelle Zeltzman ’67
Noelle ’67 & Michel Zeltzman P’02
Irene & Alexander Zeyfman P’08
Marjorie Klyne Ziegler ’51
Joanne ’74 & Richard ’75 Busslow
Ziello P’05
Bernadine M. Zienkiewicz ’73
Katrina Zook ’07
Corporations, Foundations
& Other Organizations
American Visionary Art Museum
Joan Arbeiter Studio
City Cafe
Design Powers, Inc.
Dewitt Studios
Dukem Ethiopian Restaurant
Federated Lighting, Inc.
Robin Ficara Fine Art
Fredlund & Company
Mona Genadry Interior Design
Greencastle Inc.
Jay’s Deli & Catering
Robert Knudsen Builders, Inc.
La Terra
Lake Claire Design Studio
J. M. Littleton Enterprises
Dan Meyers Photography
John Wesley Miller Companies
Municipal Publications
Naconcepts, Inc.
Novelty Lounge, Inc.
Outpost Design
The Owl Bar at the Belvedere
Betty Reeves’ Design Studio, Inc.
Sales Partner Alliance
Rhonda Schaller Studio
Strawberry & Co.
Christopher White Studios
The following corporations and
foundations provided matching gifts
to the 2007 Annual Fund.
Agnes Berger
Gertrude E. Berger-Borrell ’75
John Brendsel’s Grandfather
Kara Brook Group, Ltd.
Kai Brouard ’78
Ralph Chieffo ’78
Caroline Bucci
Joyce Bucci ’73
Joseph Cardarelli
James Cary
Colin Arthur Connor
Lloyd S. Cargile ’60
Betty Sifleet ’64
Richard Crawley
Kathryn Crawley P’10
Bernie Dackman
Kara Brook Group, Ltd.
Jeffrey Dorman
Joyce Goetz
William Sherman Dutterer ’67
Jean Bernhards ’85
Victoria Gellner Boone
Fay M. Chandler ’67
Esther Hyneman
Freda Elizabeth Eichelberger ’81
Vernon Boozer
Ida Combs
Alsace Coover
Freda Crystal Vending Company
Cecelia Degraves
Betty & Emanuel Gedeon
Gloria & Clarence Lamb
Suzanne & Paul Metzler
Fred Mueller
James Mueller
Edith Muth
Jeanette Opalensky
Lynn Opalensky
Cecelia & Frank Rongione
Jerome Zaben
Thia Everhart
Ethel Felber
Deborah Wright
Althea Martin Fahy
Sales Partner Alliance
Catherine M. Fallon
Catherine Hanna
The Abell Foundation, Inc.
Biogen Idec Foundation
Constellation Energy Group Foundation
Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown
Fidelity Foundation
LandAmerica Foundation
Open Society Institute
Susquehanna International Group
T. Rowe Price Associates
Joseph Ficara
Robin Ficara Fine Art
Margaret F. S. Glace
Regina Derwin Lofland ’62
MICA received gifts in memory of
the following alumni, trustees, and
friends. Memorial gifts provided unrestricted or endowment resources
for scholarships and special program initiatives or general operating
[ Given in Memory of
Given by ]
Lydia Fleury
Margaret Founds ’64
Albert Theodore Frenzel ’95
Rosemary & Albert Frenzel, Jr. P’95
Adam Gafos
Anthepy & Mitch Nelson
H. Donald Glaser
Mrs. H. Donald Glaser, Sr.
Winifred C. Gordon ’28
The Winifred M. Gordon ’28
H. Edward Smith ’65, ’69
Betty Walkeworks LLC
Sigmond Bear
Richard Berkeley
William N. Hadaway ’51
Carolyn Campbell ’72
Jaimy Gordon
Adam Gordon
Hilry Gordon ’72
Sonia B. Gordon P’72
Spencer Gordon
Karen Gordon Greengard
Lynn Jones
Charles T. “Ted” Bellingrath
Sales Partner Alliance
Ms. Helen Hedian
Mary Perentesis ’63
Dana W. Atchley III
Nancy Warren-Gotsch ’71
George H. Atherton
Mary G. Atherton ’64
Barry Louis Holniker ’81
Elizabeth Municipal Publications
Khammi Nicole Hurd ’08
Dixie Hurd P’08
Edda M. Jakab ’84
Roslyn & Nelson Hyman
Richard Kalter
Nancy Monte Santo ’50
Sheldon D. Kelly
Barbara Sacks Kully ’55
A. Claire Larkin
Claire Larkin ’88 & David Graham
Eugene W. Leake
Nancy Devierno ’74
Craig Hankin ’79
Merrill Lee ’50
Dorothy Lee
Marc David Levy ’00
Alan Dorenfeld
Frona & Allan Kroopnick
Eileen Rome
Eileen Yoffe
Morris Louis ’32
Marcella Louis Brenner W’32, H’01
Maria Concettina Lovett
Charles R. Lovett
Morris Pearlman
Jody Kesner
Arlene Raven
Ita Aber
Treso Anastasiades
Darla Bjork & Nancy Azara
Richard Barnet
Will Barnet Associates, Inc.
Kit Basquin
Susan Bee
John Bergman
Nora & Melvin Berlin
Keith Bogart
Nancy Bowen
Norma Broude
Carol Chen
Judy Chicago
Blanche Cook
Gail Corbett
Clare Coss
The Jay DeFeo Trust
Lesley Dill ’80
Muriel Dimen
Phyllis Eakin
Paula Ewin
Sherry Fetell
Manuela Foliaci & Carlo Filiaci
Mary Garrard
Anne Gauldin
Robin Gaynes-Bachman
Shani Ginsburg
Barbara Goldner
Janet Goldner
Rhoda & Daniel Greenberg
Mimi Gross
Sophia Guidi
Barbara Hammer
Jane Hammond
Carol Hamoy
Muhammed Haque
Margaret Harper
Emery Harper
Electra Petallides-Humphries
& Chris Humphries
Shirley Irons
Joan Arbeiter Studio
Marcy & Robert Katz
Hilka Klinkenberg
Diana Kurz
Sungmi Lee ’05
Carol & Seymour Levin
Carey Lovelace
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
Ruth Maraglio
Julie McConnell
Ed McGowin
Joyce Miller
David Minker
Judith Moonelis
Jeffrey & Judy Morton
Barbara Nessim
North Fork Women for Women Fund
Novelty Lounge, Inc.
Lucille Nurkse
Ferris Olin
Vals Osborne
Christopher Priore
Aviva Rahmani
Joan Reutershan
Rhonda Schaller Studio
Elizabeth Riggle
Elaine Romagnoli
Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, Inc
Moira Roth
Annette & Joseph Rubin
Lisa Schachner
Mira Schor
William Schuck
Charles & Lenore Seliger
Drew Shiflett ’78
David & Barbara Sirota
Sylvia Sleigh
Mimi Smith
Nina Sobell
Linda Stein
Catharine Stimpson
Sandra Straus
Lynn & Bruce Surry
Anne Swartz
Kate Wechsler
Shencheng Xu ’01
George A. Rea ’39
Helen Meigs ’40
Charles Reichert
Luise V. Reichert ’76, ’81
Mr. Riesett
Kara Brook Group, Ltd.
Nan Lee Roberts ’39
Earl & Mary Brinton
Jean Brinton-Jaecks ’72
Katherine & Jay Brown
Marie & William Cooper
Carol ’86 & Douglas Frost
Joseph Holt
Anne & Dick Kellagher
Jonna & Fred Lazarus
Summer Parker
Ernest Stempel
Luann Rogers ’88
Oregon & Ann Rogers ’88
Mary Anne Rosinsky
Carol ’86 & Douglas Frost
Amalie R. Rothschild ’34
Margot Starr
Salvatore Scarpitta
Michael Weiss ’96
Janet Fielding Scholes
Mrs. E. Read Beard, Jr.
David Hart & Joseph Costa
Marietta & Edmond Nolley
Josh Sallow
Lisa Sallow
Frederick A. Smith
Alsace Coover
Crown Service, Inc.
Eleanor Crusader’s For Christ
Cecelia Degraves
Gloria & Clarence Lamb
Constantine Nikolaides
Cecelia & Frank Rongione
Jerome Zaben
W – Widow/er
John B. Sutton ’63
Gail Coupal-Allen ’73
Julian Utevsky
Carol Loeb
Scott R. Wollman
Louis Wollman
Peter P. Zahorecz
Nancy Lawler
Annual Fund and Campaign tribute
gifts are received by MICA from
individuals who wish to honor special
occasions such as birthdays, graduations, or anniversaries; to recognize
a friend’s personal or professional
achievement; or to say thank you for
a kindness or service rendered.
[ Given in Honor of
Given by ]
Amanda M. Achey ’07
Regina & Steven Achey P’07
Alexis R. Alexander ’10
Marvin Dixon & Carolyn Scott-Davis
Annie’s Graduation ’07
Gail & Jay Israel P’07
David Liam Archard ’08
Denyse Archard P’08
Charles T. “Chucker B” Bellingrath,
Jr.* ’85
Sales Partner Alliance
Alexandra Bartlett Burch ’07
Susan Campbell P’07
Lisa Burger
Anne & Jim ’82 Burger
Charles Julian Capistrano Calixto ’08
Eloisa & Hector Calixto P ’08
Joseph Cardarelli
John Ferguson ’71
Caitlin Sarah Cartwright ’05
Pat Heffron-Cartwright & Steven
Cartwright P’05
Rodney Cook ’75
Royce Faddis* ’79
George H. Dalsheimer
Babette S. Dalsheimer
George Dalsheimer’s Special Birthday
Sandra Moffet
M. Gwen Davidson
F. B. Harvey Fund
Virginia Decker
Carolyn & John Snow
Lauren A. DeSena ’08
Donna & Michael DeSena P’08
Elizabeth Scott Dove ’91
Louise & William Dove P’91
Matthew R. Even ’93
Richard & Carol Even P’93
Jordan Therese Foley ’07
Richard & Cynthia Foley P’07
Fredye and Adam Gross
F. B. Harvey Fund
Douglas L. Frost for MICA History
Book Fund
Patricia & William Abeles
Karen W. Agee
Cynthia & Timothy Armbruster
Susan Badder
Theresa Lynch Bedoya &
Timothy App
H – Honorary Degree recipient
* – Deceased
Margaret & Michael Beer
Ellen & Robert Blumenthal
P’03, P’06
Marc ’76 & Victoria Boone
Marie Cappiello
Juanita & Norman Carlberg
Betty Cooke ’46 & William O.
Steinmetz ’50
The Cordish Family Fund
Suzi and David Cordish
Mary & Charlie Costa
Rebecca & Ted Crosby
Robin & George H. Dalsheimer
M. Gwen Davidson &
Nancy Haragan
Melinda & Arthur Davis
Dolores ’00 & W. Bowdoin Davis, Jr.
Robert V. P. ’62 & Janice M. Davis
Rosalee ’60 & Richard Davison
Diane & Dennis Dunn, Jr. P’01
Lewis Fifield
Jay Fisher
Cynthia & Richard Foley P’07
David Gracyalny & Wendy Jacobs
Greenberg Van Doren Gallery, LLC
Wendy & Ben Griswold IV
Debra Haywood
Heidi Henson P’04
Sandra & Thomas Hess
Barbara & Sam Himmelrich
LeRoy E. Hoffberger
Genya & Sam Hopkins
Amy Hunter
Kessler Design Group, LTD
Ethel Kessler ’71
Joan Kolker
Mary Ann Lambros ’63, P’87, P’01
The John J. Leidy Foundation, Inc.
Patricia & John Leith-Tetrault
Carlton Leverette ’71
Sally & Jackson Lliff
Vincent Lowe
Margaret Maher
Bridget & James Maron P’06
Allegra Marquart
Madolin ’70 & Martin Maxey
Marcie McHale ’89
Sayra & Neil Meyerhoff
Michael Molla & Brad Weesner
Nancy Monte Santo ’50
Christine Neill ’71
Meg & Bradley Pahmier P’02
Dorothee Peiper-Riegraf &
Hinrich Peiper P’07
Susan Perrin Art Consultant
Anne B. Powell & Roger G.
Powell P’07
Virginia Pusey
Emilee & Jon Reynolds
Frances & Robert Rivoire P’01
Sally & John Ruppert P’08
Margaret Saunders ’49
Karin Smith
Anne’66 & Anthony South
Carla & Andrew Spawn
Frederick Steinman
Tylden Westcott Streett ’57
Clytie A. ’71 & Robert Taylor
Suzanna & Robert Thieblot
Penelope & Peter West P’05
Barbara White
Jane & Herb Wilgis
Margaret & W. M. Cary Woodward
Sharon Yates
Breon Gilleran ’81
Robert Ward & Patricia Roca Ward
James Douglas Gillispie ’04
DML Technical Search
Alexander Edward Glaeser ’10
Lance & Joanne Glaeser P’10
m i c a ’ 0 7
3 9
B road - R an g in g S upport for
I nternational E ducation at M I C A
MICA offers more study abroad opportunities than any other art college—
administering or partnering with programs in Canada, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica,
Japan, Korea, Morocco, The Netherlands, Nicaragua, Poland, Scotland, Spain,
Sweden, and Switzerland. Scholarship support helps to maintain a global
perspective both by encouraging international experiences for MICA students,
and welcoming students from around the globe to the Baltimore campus.
Fred Lazarus IV
Linell Smith & Tom Hall
Monica & Arnold Sagner
Diana C. Menefee
Lynne Menefee ’79
Sayra & Neil Meyerhoff
Beverly & Charles Freeland
Claire Hecht Miller & Lee Miller
Jill & Ira Gansler Philanthropic Fund
Jacob C. Moore ’08
Sandra Moore P’08
Katherine Elizabeth Morgan ’08
William and Mary Morgan P’08
National Foundation for Advancement
in the Arts
Jerome Parks
Laura Ann Neumann ’93
Arline & Louis Neumann P’93
Amanda Laurie Elizabeth Otto ’03
Richard & Karen Otto P’03
Elizabeth Anne Parker ’10
Virginia Larsen & Stephen Parker P’10
Peter Evans / Alamy
Henry A. Roben
Evelyn Hammack Wargo Estate ’42
Micaela L. Roberts ’09
Rochelle & Bruce Roberts P’09
Eva Rodriguez ’07
Christine & Fernando Rodriguez P’07
Sorrento, Italy
Chris D’Anna
MICA’s partners in global education range
from individual donors to parents and alumni
to major national foundations. Providing
scholarship support for MICA students are
members of the Pelicano family’s Dominic
Pelicano Memorial Scholarship for Sorrento
Summer Study; individuals including Chris
D’Anna, at left, whose D’Anna Summer Study
Abroad Scholarship supports study in Italy
and Greece; and the Winifred M. Gordon ’28
International Programs Award. Pre-college
students studying in MICA’s summer program
in Tuscany for high school students receive
generous scholarship support from the
national Jack Kent Cooke Foundation.
Scholarships for international students at MICA are funded by David ’61 and
Diana Jacobs, the Starr Foundation, and the Korean Alumni Chapter. These
gifts help to attract students from 46 countries to MICA.
Providing support for MICA student artists in pursuing substantial art projects
involving international travel are numerous competitive, highly prized travel
awards: the Jacques and Natasha Gelman Foundation, which funds the
largest travel fellowship offered at art colleges nationally; the Meyer Traveling
Fellowship for a photography senior; the F. Grainger Marburg Traveling Award;
and the Henry Walters Traveling Fellowship for graduate students.
Meaghan Elizabeth Ross ’05
Anne & Kenneth Ross P’05
Cynthia Stroud
The David Jacobs Family Foundation
Julia Catherine Helm Taylor
Patricia & Richard Taylor P’03
George Udel
Joan Erbe Udel ’55
David Blaze Verchick
Ruth Harris
VIVA MICA & Launching the Korean
Alumni Chapter
Wonsook Baik ’04
Zachary Ryan Wade
Mitchell Wade P’10
Robert M. Weiss
Laura G. Dutton P’06
Alexander E. Wissel ’00
Alexander Wissel & Family
Your Years at the Maryland Institute
Joyce Tramer Shuger ’35
Sherry Zukoff
Jack & Donna Erlichman
Geraldine & Robert Becker
Joanna Davison Golden
Jill & Ira Gansler Philanthropic Fund
Lenore Hoover
Therese & Donald Lundy P’10
Elizabeth Diggs Graeber ’87
Susan Graeber ’83
Adam S. Hulkower ’06
Jacqueline Hulkower P’06
Ellen Halle
Gloria B. & Herbert M. Katzenberg
Elissa Lembeck Jacobs ’90
Stanford & Carolyn Lembeck P’90
Sarah Cary Hanson ’07
Susan Cary-Hanson & Stephen
Hanson P’07
Isabel H. Klots
Aurelia & Perry Bolton
Stiles T. Colwill
Wendy & Benjamin Griswold IV
Mary Ann Lambros ’63, P’87, P’01
I. Manning & Cynthia Parsons
Margaret & Patrick C. Walsh
Leah Hebert
Lernes & Margaret Hebert
Kirsten D’Andrea Hollander ’88
Kathleen & Bernard D’Andrea P’88
Jodi Hoover ’99
Dr. & Mrs. Edgar Sweren
4 0
m i c a ’ 0 7
Osamu Kobayashi ’06
Shigeru & Shizuko Kobayashi P’06
Lotte Kreppin
Lisa Schachner
Sally Allinson
American Visionary Art Museum
Rhea Arnot ’92 & Helmut Jenkner
Mildred Atkinson
Susan Badder
Peter Barenboim
Anne Berman
Sandra & Mike Blondell
Jake Boone
Victoria Gellner Boone
Patti Boyle
The Brass Elephant
Deborah & Jeffery Briggs
Canton Gallery
Celestial Lighting
Chesapeake Region Safety Council
City Café
Hedley Clark
The Classic Catering People
Wally Coberg
Stiles Tuttle Colwill
Creative Print Group
Thomas Cripps
Barbara Dale
M. Gwen Davidson & Nancy Haragan
Sarah & Mark Davison
Dukem Ethiopian Restaurant
Federated Lighting, Inc.
Lewis Fifield
Framin’ Place of Mount Washington
Frank Parsons, Inc.
Neal M. Friedlander, M.D. & Virginia
K. Adams
Evelyn Giabijan
Ted Frankel & Bill Gilmore
Joanna D. Golden
Jerry Green
Costas Grimaldis
Sandra & Tom Hess
Kerr Houston
Michael Iampieri
International Association of Lighting
IXIA Restaurant Lounge and Bar
Wendy ’71 & Howard Jachman
David ’61 & Diana Jacobs
Jay’s Deli & Catering
Jon Kaplan
Gloria B. & Herbert M. Katzenberg
Leslie King-Hammond & Jose Mapily
Jeffrey Klug
Amy Krulak
Suzanne Levin Lapides ’69
Jenny Liao ’06
Loane Brothers, Inc.
Market Place Commercial Limited
Drew Matott
David Maxim
Neil & Sayra Meyerhoff
Claire & Lee Miller
Milton Inn
Allen Moore
Joan C. ’77 and Paul H. Netherwood,
Jr. ’77
The Owl Bar at the Belvedere
The Papermoon Diner
Parkhurst Dining Services
Joel Pearson
Vince Peranio ’68 & Dolores Deluxe
Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Powell P’07
James Protzman ’86
Barbara Roux
Nancy Scheer ’90
Schmitz Press
Steven Scott
Lynn Silverman
Frank & Romaine Somerville
Anne L. Stone
Snowdon Susie
Barbara Taylor
TSP, Inc.
Carlton Walker
Mark Williams
Hiram Woodward
Steve Ziger & Jamie Snead
Robert A. Zimmerman ’66
Zumtobel Lighting, Inc.
Contributors listed in this Donor List
participated between June 1, 2006,
and May 31, 2007, by making gifts to
the Annual Fund. We have made every
effort to enssure accuracy of this Donor
List. If we made an error, please accept
our apology. You may contact the
Annual Fund office at 410-225-2491,
and we will correct our records.
A rtafare 2 0 0 7 B enefits M I C A ’ s P resident ’ s F und
for C ommunity P rojects
MICA’s eighth biennial Artafare benefit gala was
a stellar, sold-out event. Artafare’s seven themed
dinner party rooms were collaborative works,
matching the creative imagination of some of Baltimore’s best hosts and hostesses with the amazing
talents of MICA students. They worked together for
a week to transform studios and classrooms into
fantasy masterpieces. Live and silent auctions featuring outstanding art works contributed by many
of MICA’s most celebrated artists enlivened the
evening with high-spirited bidding. Dessert and
dancing until after midnight in the elegant Main
Building Court closed the evening, which raised
more than $128,000 for the President’s Fund for
Community Projects, plus an additional $85,000 in
(1) Let Us Entertain You;
(2) An Elegant Evening at Southfork;
(3) Lights, Camera, Baltimore;
(4) La Cantina de Diego y Frida;
(5) Blue; (6) Cyber Speakeasy;
(7) Ziggy Stardust Memories
Photos: Max Glanville and Keith Weller
Individual Sponsors
Neil & Sayra Meyerhoff
Betty Cooke ’46 & William O.
Steinmetz ’50
Virginia K. Adams & Neal M.
Friedlander, M.D.
Corporate Sponsors
Alex Brown Investment Management
Brown Investment Advisory
D.F. Dent and Company, Inc..
Investment Counselors of Maryland, LLC
Legg Mason
Schmitz Press
Venable LLP
Whiteford Taylor Preston LLP
Rhea Arnot ’92 & Helmut Jenkner
Anne Berman
Mike Blondell
Jake Boone
Patti Boyle
Jeff & Deborah Briggs
Gwen Davidson & Nancy Haragan
Sarah & Mark Davison
Ted Frankel & Bill Gilmore
Neal M. Friedlander, M.D. & Virginia
K. Adams
Joanna Golden
Wendy ’71 & Howard Jachman
David ’61 & Diana Jacobs
Leslie King-Hammond & José Mapily
Suzanne Levin-Lapides ’69
Claire & Lee Miller
Media Sponsor
Style Magazine
Major In-Kind Sponsors
Canton Gallery
Loane Bros., Inc.
Parkhurst Dining Services
4 2
m i c a ’ 0 7
Vince Peranio ’68 & Dolores Deluxe
Roger & Anne Powell P’07
Jamie Snead & Steve Ziger
Anne L. Stone
Barbara Taylor
Carlton Walker
Robert Zimmerman ’66
Fredye Gross, Chair
Sherry Christhilf
George Ciscle
Suzi Cordish
Susan Franco
Anita Klein
Jon Levinson, Auctioneer
Alex Cooper Auctioneers
Ala Carte by Daniel Raffel
Blondell’s Accent on Events
The Brass Elephant
By Carlton and Company
The Classic Catering People
Courtesy Parking
Creative Print Group
Frank Parsons Paper Co.
Linwood’s Catering
Milton Inn
Sascha’s Catering
Theresa Segreti
Sterling Silver
Wells Discount Liquors
Robert A. Zimmerman ’66
Artafare’s Artistic Crew of Amazing
MICA Students
Chul-Hyun Ahn ’02
Alzaruba ’90
Timothy App
Gloria Askin ’83
Will Backstrom
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
(1) Ginny Adams, Jonna Lazarus,
Neal Friedlander; (2) Diana & David
’61 Jacobs; (3) Sarah Davison,
Joanna Golden; (4) Roger Powell P’07,
Fred Lazarus; (5) Nancy Haragan,
Gwen Davidson; (6) Bill Gilmore, Ted
Frankel, Melissa Warlow; (7) Steve
Ziger, Curt Decker, Mary Dempsey,
Chris Gladora, Jamie Snead;
(8) Vince Peranio ’68, Dolores
Deluxe; (9) F: Suzanne Levin-Lapides
’69, Wendy Jachman ’71, Anne Stone,
Rhea Arnot ’92, R: Helmut Jenkner,
Howard Jachman; (10) Clockwise
W – Widow/er
from top: Mike Blondell, Carlton
Walker, Jake Boone, Barbara Taylor,
Patti Boyle, Anne Berman; (11) Doug
& Erin Becker, Suzi Cordish, Karen
Bokram; (12) David & Michelle ’07
Modell; (13) Anne & Wilson
Taliaferrro; (14) Jon Levinson P’03;
(15) Chris Blades, Kimberly
Manfredi-Blades ’88; (16) Joyce
Scott ’90, Robert Zimmerman ’66,
Betty Cooke ’46, Bill Steinmetz ’50;
(17) Dr. Kim Hammond & Carol
Elerdiny; (18) Michael & Susan Franco;
(19) Barbara & Sam Himmelrich;
H – Honorary Degree recipient
Photos: Nancy Froelich
Donald Baechler ’78
Douglas Baldwin
Sarah Barnes
Frances Barth
Robin Bergman ’80
Linda Bills
Ellen Burchenal ’82
Jim Burger ’82
Linda & Don Burna
Pablo Cano ’82
Karl Connolly ’94
Rodney Cook ’75
Betty Cooke ’46
Annet Couwenberg
Shelly Daly
Paul Daniel ’75
Rosalee Davison ’60
Maggi DeBaecke ’69
Mary Demarco
Linda DePalma ’76
M. K. Dilli
Dolphin Press at MICA
Dan Dudrow ’67
Joan Erbe ’55
Aaron Fink ’77
Barbara Han
Grace Hartigan
Deborah Hartwick
Betty Heald
Karen & Jim Hill
Kevin Hluch
Margaret Hluch
Jason Hughes ’05
David Humphrey ’77
Cindy Intorre
Wendy Jachman ’71
Gary Kachadourian ’79
Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher
Joann Kandel
Mark Karnes
Leslie King-Hammond
Jeff Koons ’76
Martin Kotler ’75
Tracy Lambros ’87, ’01
Warren Linn
Susie Lipscher
Kate MacKinnon
Sangram Majumdar
José Mapily
Jonathan Maxwell ’91
Vicki McComas ’78
Neil Meyerhoff
Jenae Michelle
Raoul Middleman
Ed Nadeau ’86
Christine Neill ’71
Barry Nemett
Youngmi Song Organ ’02
Gregory Otto ’69
Elaine Ozol
Meg Page
Stephen Perrin
Pamela Phillips ’69
Spoon Popkin ’90
Penny Potter ’80
Paula Reynolds ’76
Linda Gravine Ridings
Samuel Robinson ’78
C. W. Roelle ’98
Kirsten Rook ’91
Piper Shepard
Jo Smail
H. Edward Smith* ’65, ’69
William O. Steinmetz ’50
Leonard Streckfus ’80
John Waters
Michael Weiss ’96
Susanne White ’82
Sharon Yates
* – Deceased
(20) Zelig & Linda Robinson,
Marian Nash; (21) Neil Meyerhoff,
David Cordish, Linda DePalma ’78,
Fred Lazarus, Suzi Cordish;
(22 & 23) Brunch at the Cordish
home overlooking Greenspring Valley
m i c a ’ 0 7
4 3
Endowed funds at MICA were valued at just over
$56 million as of May 31, 2007. The list below
contains all funds that comprise the endowment.
Newly established funds in support of The Plan
for the 21st Century are marked with an °.
Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards
Professional Development
Special Programs: Visiting Artists,
Exhibitions, Lectures, Seminars
Academic/Co-Curricular Progams
George H. Dalsheimer Fund for Faculty
Alfred & Trafford Klots Artist Residency
Program in Rochefort-en-Terre, France
Joseph Meyerhoff Center for Career
Neil and Sayra Meyerhoff Fund for Staff and
Student Development
Stanley Rosen Memorial Fund for Faculty
Dr. Richard B. Kalter Program
Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Special Programs
Amalie Rothschild ’34 Residency Program
The Rouse Company Program
Fay’s Fund
George A. Lucas Fund
Elizabeth Shannahan McShane ’26
Book Fund
Dr. Edward Pitts Endowment
The Starr Foundation International Programs
Graduate Programs
Hoffberger School of Painting
Rinehart School of Sculpture
Shirley Eaton Fund
James Stephenson Fund
Faculty Chair
Florence Gaskins Harper ’34 Chair in
Art Education
Genevieve McMillan/Reba Stewart Chair
in Painting°
Brown Center
The Gateway
Kramer House
Main Building
Robert and Jane Meyerhoff House
Bruce Weller
Jerome Abrams ’46 Memorial Scholarship
ACT-SO Scholarship
AEGON USA, Inc., Scholarship
Lois and Irving Blum Foundation Scholarship
Jules M. Bodarky Scholarship
Marcella Brenner W’32, H’01
Distinguished MAT Scholar Award
Ruth Jenkins Bristor ’35 Scholarship
Reuben Brook Memorial Scholarship
Gladys Brooks Foundation°
Chesapeake Antiquarian Photographic
Society Scholarship
The Concordia Foundation Scholarship
Betty Cooke ’46 Scholarship
Sgt. Ralph Roland Demuth Memorial Scholarship
Mathias J. DeVito Scholarship
Freda Eichelberger ’81 Scholarship in Drawing
Freda Eichelberger ’81 Scholarship in Painting
Freda Eichelberger ’81 Scholarship in Sculpture
Samson Feldman ’25 Scholarship in
Art Education
Samson Feldman ’25 Scholarship in Illustration
William Ferguson Merit Scholarship
France-Merrick Community Arts
Partnerships Fellowship°
Margaret Glace Scholarship in Art Education
Leonard L. Greif, Jr. Scholarship in Photography
O’Neill Troy Hammond ’69, ’75
Memorial Scholarship
A. Claire Gaskins Harper ’41 Scholarship
Francis Burns Harvey Merit Scholarship
William Randolph Hearst Foundation°
Lucile Hecht Memorial Scholarship
Emanuel Herman ’39 Prize
William Mayo Herring ’41 Scholarship
Hoffberger Foundation Fellowship Award
Barry Holniker ’81 Memorial Scholarship
Harriet ’67 & Philip E. Klein Scholarship
The Maryland Institute Knott Scholarship
Perna Krick ’31 & Reuben Kramer ’32
Award of Merit
Patricia Lion Krongard ’77, ’90 Art Education
Scholarship and Award Fund
Nora & Eugene Leake Scholarship in Painting
The Lenore Fund
Marc Levy ’00 Memorial Scholarship
Seymour Mandelbaum Merit Scholarship
Meyer Photography Traveling Fellowship
Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Scholarship
Jean C. Miller ’42 Scholarship
Arthur Mitchell ’66 Scholarship
Edward C. Morton, Jr. Memorial Award
Louise N. Myerberg Family Scholarship
Rett Nearburg ’07 Endowed Scholarship
Christopher J. Overholser ’65 Scholarship in
Graphic Design
Christopher J. Overholser ’65 Scholarship
in Illustration
Gertrude Pentland Scholarship
Mildred Caplan Perl ’39 Scholarship
James E. Peterson ’49 Scholarship
William M. Philips ’54 Memorial Scholarship
Amalie Rothschild ’34 Rinehart Award
C.V. Starr Scholarship
Reba Stewart Memorial Scholarship
The Lenore Tawney Scholarship in Fiber°
Fanny Blaustein Thalheimer Scholarship
Don Turano ’59 Fund
Walter G. ’38 & Betty ’39 Wilkinson Memorial
Dale Burton Wood ’30 Memorial Scholarship
in Fiber
Dale Burton Wood ’30 Memorial Scholarship
in Illustration
Bill Woody/Tom Miller ’67, ’87 Scholarship
4 4
m i c a ’ 0 7
S teve B oesel : T he importance of M I C A ’ s endowment
Bruce Weller
Steve Boesel has served on
the Investment Committee,
a subcommittee of the Finance
Committee on the Board of
Trustees, since 1999. Recently
retired from his position at T.
Rowe Price, Steve understands
the importance of optimizing
MICA’s endowment investment
to assure financial stability for
the future of the College.
MICA’s endowment was established in the 1800s, but was
just over $100,000 when Bud
Leake became president in
the early 1960s. When Fred
Lazarus assumed the presidency in the late 1970s, the
endowment had reached only
$1 million. Today, the endowment has grown to $56 million
and plays a critical role in
maintaining MICA’s position among the nation’s top colleges of art and design.
The endowment now provides an income stream to a variety of programs in
excess of $2.2 million.
According to Steve Boesel, the importance of endowment is clear: “Endowment
funds provide financial stability. While the income stream supports current
programs, they have the additional benefit of growing in value over time as
the endowment increases through new gifts and investment earnings.”
This stability allows MICA to award scholarships to outstanding and
deserving students, maintain state-of-the art facilities, attract and retain
the best faculty, and strengthen programs. More important, the endowment
provides support to these areas according to the needs of the College
rather than the availability of external funding.
Because endowment is so important to the present needs and longterm future of the College, it has been a major component of campaign
fundraising since 2000. More than $25 million in gifts and planned gifts
have been earmarked for the endowment.
“One of the reasons that my wife and I decided on an endowment gift, is
that they are gifts that last forever,” Steve commented. “These gifts are
invested, and only a percentage of the income is used to fund programs.
We have the satisfaction of knowing that our gift will be there in perpetuity,
strengthening the College.”
Management of the endowment is provided by the Finance Committee of
the Board of Trustees and an investment subcommittee chaired by Charles
Salisbury, who work with a group of external investment firms and provide
the necessary Board oversight. In addition to Steve, other members of the
committee include: George Bunting, Gwen Davidson, Sheila Riggs, Neal
Friedlander, Neil Meyerhoff, Richard Hackney, and Nancy Sasser.
Thanks to the committee’s strong oversight, and effective management,
MICA’s endowment outperforms both the market and its benchmarks on
a consistent basis. For the five-year period ending June 30, 2007, MICA’s
endowment return was 11.9 percent per year. The average annualized
Policy Benchmark return for that period was 9.9 percent and the S&P 500
index was an average of 10.7 percent per year.
Gifts to MICA’s endowment are clearly a good investment.
named annual scholarships , fellowships , and awards
Annual gifts to support scholarship at MICA
totaled more than $600,000 as of May 31, 2007.
Newly established funds in support of The Plan
for the 21st Century are marked with an °.
Priscilla Alexander Scholarship
Alumni Association Scholarship
Alumni Award for Student Leadership
American Council on Italian Matters
The Association of Italian American Charities
Baltimore City Young Peoples Studio
The Ira J. Basler, Jr. and Mary K. Basler
Memorial Scholarship
The Joseph Cardarelli Poetry Prize
D’Anna Summer Study Abroad Scholarship
Evergreen House Foundation Scholarship
C. Louise Mullan Flanigan ’34 Scholarship
Dr. Joan Gaither YPS Scholarship
Jacques and Natasha Gelman Travel Award
Allen Ginsberg Poetry Prize
Winifred M. Gordon ’28 International
Programs Awards
The Graduate Painting Award
Billy N. Hadaway ’51 Memorial Scholarship
Robert B. Harris Memorial Scholarship°
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
W – Widow/er
Hughlett Fine Arts Scholarship
Dr. Al Hurwitz ’41 Scholarship in Art Education
Dr. Al Hurwitz ’41 Prize in Art Education (MAT)
David Jacobs ’61 International Scholarship
For Visual Arts
Korean Alumni Association Scholarship°
Rheda Luntz Josephs Memorial Scholarship
John J. Leidy Foundation Scholarship
The Toby Devan Lewis Fellowship Award°
Morris Louis ’32 Scholarship
M&T Scholarship
Carrie Macedonia ’03 Memorial Scholarship
Maryland Artists Equity Fund Baltimore City
Pre-College Scholarship at MICA
Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation Scholarship
F. Grainger Marburg Traveling Award
Master of Arts in Community Arts Fellowship
MICA Staff and Faculty Scholarship
Tom Miller ’67, ’87 Memorial Scholarship
Murthy Digital Arts Award
Dominic Pelicano ’05 Memorial Scholarship
Mildred Caplan Perl ’39 Memorial Scholarship
Roberta Polevoy Fund Scholarship of the
Baltimore Community Foundation
Josh Sallow Memorial Scholarship
Josh Sallow Young Peoples Studio Award°
Santa Farinella Sangiamo General Fine Arts
H – Honorary Degree recipient
* – Deceased
Thomas Sangiamo Scholarship
The Shipleys of Maryland Award
Mark Stempel ’90 Thesis Prize in
Environmental Design
Helen C. Stevens Scholarship
Surdna Pre-College Scholarship
Surdna Fellowship for Summer MFA
in Studio Art
Three Arts Club of Homeland, Inc. Award
Verizon Scholarship
Henry Walters Traveling Fellowship
m i c a ’ 0 7
4 5
The Mount Royal Society has been established
to help ensure Maryland Institute College of Art’s
future strength by encouraging alumni, friends,
parents, faculty, and staff to include MICA in their
estate plans—and to recognize those who do so.
Please join the Mount Royal Society. It would be
wonderful to have you among our members. If you
have already included the College in your estate
plans, please notify us so that we may accord you
membership. Please call Genya Hopkins, Director
of Gift Planning/Senior Development Officer, at
410-225-2414, for further information.
Bruce Weller
Anonymous (31)
Pat Alexander ’81
Dolores M. Andrew ’82
Gregory E. Anthony ’80
Linda S. Bowser-Chubb ’83
Margaret Clawson Brier-Lyons ’77
George L. Bunting, Jr.
Ann M. Ciola ’74
Harold Cohen ’57*
Johanne T. ’81 & Philip Coleman
Betty Cooke ’46
Carolyn Adreon Councell ’58
Berte D’Arrigo ’43
Virginia Decker
4 6
m i c a ’ 0 7
Alonzo Decker H’85*
Imogene Drummond ’83
Charles Ellerin ’41
Sadie B. Feldman*
John Gilmore Ford ’60
Douglas L. Frost
Alice Falvey Greif
Anne K. Griffith
Fredye W. Gross
Ann Garfinkle & Joseph Brent
Florence Gaskins Harper ’34*
Grace Hartigan H’73
Robert J. Helsley ’69
Barbara L. Himmelrich
James A. Holechek ’53 ’69
Rosita C. Hurka ’51
Theodore E. Klitzke
Harriet A. E. Kohl
Reuben Kramer ’32*
Scott Gregory Kelly ’87
Ann Miller Krestensen ’60
Philip W. Lambdin ’75
Leslie Lillien Levy ’69
Robert C. Lienhardt
Jennifer M. Littleton ’93
Regina Lofland ’62
Kurt Marcantonio ’72
Gary Allen Marcus ’65
Allegra Marquart
Madolin Maxey ’70
Elizabeth Thomas McLeod ’72
Neil A. Meyerhoff
Nancy Ann Monte Santo ’50
Leslie Page Morgan ’80
Margaret Morrison
Marian & Brian Nash
Anne S. Perkins
Terry Allen Perl
Harrison M. Robertson, Jr.
Nancy P. Rosnow ’72 &
Richard R. Baldwin
Amalie Rothschild ’34*
Evelyn D. Schroedl ’40
Philip Stapp ’28*
William O. Steinmetz ’50
Jan Pierce Stinchcomb ’82
John B. Sutton ’63
John Arnold Viverette ’56
Betty Wells ’48
Chick West ’65*
Robert J. Wirth ’50*
Fred E. Worthington ’57* & Anne R. Gossett
Martin E. Yaker ’70
Robert A. Zimmerman II ’66
M I C A P lanned Givin g A dvisory C ouncil
Marc Blum, Esq.
Of Counsel
Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger &
Hollander, LLC
John Cogar, Esq.
Senior Vice President of Private Wealth
PNC Bank
John Gilpin, Esq.
Senior Vice President
Bank of America, Private Bank
Sandra Gohn, Esq.
DLA Piper
Jeffrey K. Gonya, Esq.
Venable, LLP
M. Gwen Davidson
MICA Trustee
Brown Advisory
Frederick Matson Hopkins, Esq.
Legg Mason Trust
John Davis
Real Estate Consultant
David Keister, Esq.
Executive Vice President
Suntrust Bank
Carl Eastwick, Esq.
Semmes, Bowen and Semmes
Julian Lapides, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Julie Finney
Account Executive/ CFP
PSA Financial
A. MacDonough Plant, Esq.
Stewart, Plant & Blumenthal
Ann M. Garfinkle, Esq.
Chair of Planned Giving Advisory Council
MICA Trustee
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, LLC
George K. Reynolds III, Esq.
Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.
Bruce Weller
Marilyn Hope Fisher, Esq.
Kramon & Graham, P.A.
Jill Robinson, Esq.
Brown Advisory
Bonnie A. Travieso, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Any gift to any program counts toward the fundraising effort for The Plan.
There are many ways to support the area or program of your choice. Your gifts help to ensure the
College’s continued excellence. The professional
Development staff at MICA can offer information
on the following options and can help select the
best way to meet your needs while making a
difference at the College. You should also consult
with your legal and tax advisors.
Cash gifts are always encouraged and are the
simplest way to make a gift to MICA. They may
be directed to any program or area of your
choice and can be for outright expenditures, or
added to the endowment so that the income
from investing it will be available for MICA’s
use toward important priorities.
full fair-market value of the stock or land, and
there are some very favorable tax benefits to
such gifts.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A life income gift is a wonderful way for you
to participate in The Plan and yet retain the
security of an income stream for your lifetime,
and for others that you care about. A number
of trust arrangements offer flexible features that
are effective in achieving financial and estate
planning objectives.
Life Tenancy Gift
A gift of a remainder interest in a personal
residence, farm, or vacation property provides
a way to make a major gift to MICA, while retaining the use and occupancy of the property
for the rest of your life.
Appreciated Assets
Charitable Lead Trust
Holdings such as corporate securities and real
estate that have appreciated in value make
great gifting assets, especially when you are
making a major gift. MICA credits you for the
These trusts provide income to the College
for a fixed period. The assets are then returned
to you, the donor, or to another person
you designate.
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
W – Widow/er
H – Honorary Degree recipient
* – Deceased
Charitable Bequest
Gifts from an individual’s last will and
testament have long been an integral part of
the American philanthropic tradition. Bequests
in wills or trusts are an effective way to create
a lasting memorial and to assure the continued
level of excellence you have come to expect
from Maryland Institute College of Art.
Tax Benefits
Charitable gifts generate tax deductions—
both income and estate. While we urge you
to consult with your own tax advisor as to how
a gift impacts your tax obligation, we do have
knowledgeable people and resources available
to help explain the general tax benefits of a
particular type of gift.
For more information about making a gift to
MICA, please contact the Development Office
at 410-225-2324, or visit our Web site at
www.mica.edu and select Giving to MICA from
the main menu, or click on Contact Us.
m i c a ’ 0 7
4 7
mica by the numbers
students and faculty
financial statistics
Full-time Enrollment
(Undergraduate & Graduate)
(in dollars)
In 2006, MICA students hailed
from 45 states and 59 foreign
countries. Since 1990, the
percentage of out-of-state and
international students has risen
from 55 to 80 percent.
(Full-time equivalent)
physical plant
Endowment Growth
(in millions)
Total Campus Square Footage
(in thousands)
4 8
Operating Budget
(in millions)
m i c a ’ 0 7
*Does not include The Gateway,
under construction at 1601 Mount
Royal Avenue, or leased properties.
C omprehensive C ampai g n total : $ 6 5 , 4 5 0 , 0 0 0
annual fund
capital fundraising
Annual Fund Growth
(in thousands)
Capital Fundraising Growth
(in millions)
& 70s
Source of Gifts to the 2007 Annual Fund
% of 2007 total dollars ($2,186,760.59)
Sources of Gifts
A 13%
Corporations & National
Individuals & Family
Note: Alumni gifts arrayed in several
categories account for 22 percent.
*Includes gifts from faculty, staff,
associations, organizations, and
proceeds from benefit events.
Note: Trustee gifts arrayed in several
categories account for 20 percent.
Gifts to the 2007 Annual Fund Supported:
Unrestricted gifts are applied to
educational priorities across every
area of the College wherever the
need is greatest, as determined by
the College leadership.
Restricted funds are designated
by the donor to support a specific
program, department, or project. For
example, in FY’07 restricted gifts
provided resources for the Community Arts Partnerships program, the
Decker Library, and visiting artists in
the painting department, Rocheforten-Terre, and other programs.
Capital and Endowment Gifts
Current Restricted
Current Unrestricted
29%Endowment & Similar
Scholarships include named undergraduate and graduate scholarships,
fellowships, and awards given on an
annual—not endowed—basis (see
page 43 for a complete 2007 list)
as well as gifts to the general
scholarship fund, which supports the
financial aid awarded by MICA.
Gifts-in-kind are goods (equipment,
books, and products) which are
accepted by the College because
they have a value to or provide budget
relief for programs. Additionally, hosts’
expenses for officially approved
charity functions, such as Artafare,
are considered gifts-in-kind.
8%Plant Funds The Gateway
E 27%
Plant Funds Brown Center
Plant Funds Mt. Royal Station
Endowment Detail:
1601 Building
D 10%
Brown Center
E 19%
Meyerhoff House
How capital funding was used:
2000 – 2007
Meyerhoff House, Brown Center,
Falvey Hall, Cohen Plaza, The Gateway,
and Endowment for Scholarships,
Faculty, Chairs, Programs, and
Main Building Renovation, Commons,
Bunting Center, Endowment
Mount Royal Station
Renovations, College Center,
1960s – 1970s
Mount Royal Station
Renovations, Endowment,
Fox Building
m i c a ’ 0 7
4 9
Ronald E. Fidler ’64,
Council Chair
Owings Mills, Maryland
Rhea Arnot ’92
Baltimore, Maryland
Chris Baker ’00
New York, New York
Christina Batipps ’03
Baltimore, Maryland
Kerrie Bellisario ’92
Attleboro, Massachusetts
Tysonn Betts ’96
Cincinnati, Ohio
Maggie Blanck ’86
Brooklyn, New York
Emily L. Blumenthal ’03
Baltimore, Maryland
Lee R. Boot ’82
Baltimore, Maryland
David B. Brewster ’86
Halifax, Vermont
Peter W. Brooke ’87
South Royalton, Vermont
Hope Brooks ’84
Kingston, Jamaica
Garry F. Cerrone ’71
Baltimore, Maryland
Robyn Chadwick ’75
Baltimore, Maryland
Fay Chandler ’67
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Betty Cooke ’46
Baltimore, Maryland
Stuart Cooper ’72
Columbia, Maryland
Robert V. P. Davis ’62
Baltimore, Maryland
Maggi Way DeBaecke ’69
Media, Pennsylvania
Imogene Drummond ’83
Garrison, New York
Peter Dubeau ’83
Baltimore, Maryland
Susan Fetterolf ’79
Oley, Pennsylvania
Luis Flores ’80
Baltimore, Maryland
Greg Foertsch ’95
Baltimore, Maryland
Dan Gilbert ’81
Baltimore, Maryland
Paula Gillen ’78
Brooklyn, New York
Richard A. Glaze ’78
Los Altos, California
5 0
m i c a ’ 0 7
Gregory Gray ’76
New York, New York
Clytie Taylor ’71
Salisbury, Maryland
Charlie Hahn ’98
Baltimore, Maryland
Linda E. Wachtmeister ’73
Scottsville, Virginia
Chris Hartlove ’85
Baltimore, Maryland
Susan Wallace ’73
Ottsville, Pennsylvania
Jeanne Hoel ’96
Los Angeles, California
Ron Webb ’68
York, Pennsylvania
Ria Jacob ’69
Crownsville, Maryland
Betty Wells ’48
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Kevin Kearney ’74
Sebastopol, California
Alex Wissel ’00
Owings Mills, Maryland
George King ’77
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Robert A. Zimmerman ’66
Parkville, Maryland
Sally King-Nero ’81
New York, New York
Council Members Emeritii
Martin Kotler ’75
Washington, D.C.
Rosalee C. Davison ’60
Baltimore, Maryland
Annette Lawrence ’90
Denton, Texas
Harriet Gardiner ’43
Thurmont, Maryland
Giselle Lewis ’05
Randallstown, Maryland
Dorothy Gillespie ’41
New York, New York
Jennifer Littleton ’93
Lutherville, Maryland
Ethel Kessler ’71
Bethesda, Maryland
Regina Derwin Lofland ’62
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Carlton Leverette ’71
Baltimore, Maryland
Richard Mandy ’69
Baltimore, Maryland
Suzanne Levin-Lapides ’69
Baltimore, Maryland
Brian Martel ’93
Plano, Texas
Doris S. Rief ’86
Baltimore, Maryland
Allyn Massey ’89
Baltimore, Maryland
William O. Steinmetz ’50
Baltimore, Maryland
Madolin Maxey ’70
Providence, Rhode Island
Fred E. Worthington ’57*
Baltimore, Maryland
Elizabeth Thomas McLeod ’72
Alto, New Mexico
Chelsea Munion ’04
Fairfax, Virginia
Kate O’Connor ’98
Los Angeles, California
Mary Cross Parker ’63
Sanibel, Florida
Madeline Murphy Rabb ’66
Chicago, Illinois
James Rieck ’87, ’03
Baltimore, Maryland
Ronald X. Roberson ’77
Columbia, Maryland
Sam S. Robinson ’78
Stevenson, Maryland
Carla Heider Rosenzweig ’73
Brooklin, Maine
William E. Sheppard ’72
Baltimore, Maryland
Judith A. Simons ’69, ’03, ’05
Monkton, Maryland
Class of 2007
Class of 2008
Class of 2009
Daniel Chow
Oakland, California
Colleen & Ronald Bouma
Oak View, California
Jackie Carroll-Garcia
Durham, North Carolina
Nanny & Eric Almquist
Belmont, Massachusetts
Rose Anne & John Cranz
Fort Worth, Texas
Gloria & Terry Cruice
Troy, Michigan
Monique & Jeffrey Escher
Scarsdale, New York
Dorcas & Ralph Crosby
Washington, D.C.
Sherry Helmke & Bob Culver
Omaha, Nebraska
Jane Wattenberg &
Samuel Chase
San Francisco, California
Cynthia & Richard Foley
Houston, Texas
Antonia & José Dougan
Geneva, Switzerland
Karlene Lopez Galbraith &
Douglas Galbraith
Miami, Florida
Anne Mastrangelo ’77 &
Aaron Fink ’77
Brookline, Massachusetts
Ellen & Larry Goldstein
Potomac, Maryland
Robin & Richard Kirby
Norcross, Georgia
Jeanne Marie Kachidurian
Greenwood Village, Colorado
Jo DeWeese & John Lewis
Louisville, Kentucky
Patricia DiBella Kreger &
Gary Kreger*
Hopewell, New Jersey
Margaret & Dane Merchant
North Plainfield, New Jersey
Diana & Michael McGing
Maineville, Ohio
Dorothee Peiper-Riegraf &
Hinrich Peiper
New York, New York
Russell Milburn
Lexington, Kentucky
Sande & Don Neil
Hoover, Alabama
Anne & Roger Powell
Owings Mills, Maryland
Jane & Gary Stokes
Towson, Maryland
Wendy & John Prince
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Sallie Fraenkel Zuch &
Michael Zuch
Chappaqua, New York
Monique & Charles Reilly
Larchmont, New York
Sara Feldman
Los Angeles, California
Beth & Terry Frederick
Sewell, New Jersey
Sandra & Gary Haas
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Sang Liu
Monkton, Maryland
Frederica & Francisco Escobar
Dallas, Texas
Mary & Thomas Jasek
Menlo Park, California
Karen Watkins & Paul Lewis
West Chester, Pennsylvania
Therese & Donald Lundy
Bethesda, Maryland
Petra & Thomas Osborne
Boynton Beach, Florida
Toni & Keith Wolper
Medford, New York
Linda & Paul Sullivan
North Palm Beach, Florida
Janet & Jim Thoroman
Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Bruce Weller
Harriet & Stephen Yake
Severna Park, Maryland
P – Parent/s
GP – Grandparent/s
W – Widow/er
H – Honorary Degree recipient
* – Deceased
m i c a ’ 0 7
5 1
Board of Trustees
Neil A. Meyerhoff
Baltimore, Maryland
Fred Lazarus IV
Baltimore, Maryland
Stephen W. Boesel
Ruxton, Maryland
Jeffery L. Briggs, DMA
Hunt Valley, Maryland
George L. Bunting, Jr.
Monkton, Maryland
Suzi Keats Cordish
Lutherville, Maryland
M. Gwen Davidson
Baltimore, Maryland
Rosalee C. Davison ’60
Baltimore, Maryland
Mathias J. DeVito
Baltimore, Maryland
Ronald E. Fidler ’64
Owings Mills, Maryland
Aaron S. Fink ’77, P’08
Boston, Massachusetts
Neal M. Friedlander, M.D.
Baltimore, Maryland
Ann M. Garfinkle, Esquire
Washington, D.C.
Alice Falvey Greif
New York, New York
Wendy G. Griswold
Glyndon, Maryland
Fredye Wright Gross
Baltimore, Maryland
Richard C. Hackney, Jr.
Ellicott City, Maryland
David Hayden ’66
Upperco, Maryland
Barbara L. Himmelrich
Baltimore, Maryland
Tonya Ingersol ’02
Hunt Valley, Maryland
Wendy M. Jachman ’71
Owings Mills, Maryland
W. Lehr Jackson
Baltimore, Maryland
David Jacobs ’61
Los Angeles, California
Ross Jones
Timonium, Maryland
Charles E. Nearburg P’07
Dallas, Texas
Dorothee Peiper-Riegraf P’07
Baltimore, Maryland
Anne S. Perkins
Baltimore, Maryland
George D. Peterson
Baltimore, Maryland
Roger G. Powell P’07
Baltimore, Maryland
Sheila K. Riggs
Baltimore, Maryland
5 2
m i c a ’ 0 7
Nancy R. Sasser
Baltimore, Maryland
William O. Steinmetz ’50
Baltimore, Maryland
Fred E. Worthington ’57*
Baltimore, Maryland
Sallie Fraenkel Zuch P’08
Chappaqua, New York
Douglas R. Mann
Vice President for Finance &
Chief Financial Officer
Michael Molla
Vice President for Operations
J. Davidson Porter
Vice President & Dean for
Student Affairs
2007 Annual Fund Volunteers
Cindy Intorre
Constituent Data Processor
Lydia Kenselaar ’07
Development Assistant
Mary Ann Lambros ’63, P’87, P’01
Associate Vice President,
Advancement Planning &
Special Projects
Emily Macenko
Coordinator, Alumni Relations
Charles L. Costa
Lutherville, Maryland
David Jacobs ’61
George H. Dalsheimer
Baltimore, Maryland
Ronald E. Fidler ’64
Alumni Chair
Brenda McElveen
Communications Office Manager
& Administrative Assistant to
Media Relations
LeRoy E. Hoffberger
Baltimore, Maryland
Anne & Roger G. Powell P’07
Parent Co-Chairs
Jessica Pane
Gift & Data Specialist
Robert A. Shelton, Esquire
Baltimore, Maryland
Charles G. Tildon, Jr.
Baltimore, Maryland
Eleanor H. Trowbridge*
Washington, D.C.
Finance Committee and
Investment Sub-Committee
Neal M. Friedlander, M.D.,
Finance Committee Chair
Charles H. Salisbury, Jr.,
Investment Subcommittee Chair
Stephen W. Boesel
George L. Bunting, Jr.
M. Gwen Davidson
Ann M. Garfinkle, Esquire
Richard C. Hackney, Jr.
Sheila K. Riggs
Nancy R. Sasser
Neil A. Meyerhoff, Ex-Officio
Fred Lazarus IV, Ex-Officio
Douglas Mann, Ex-Officio
Campaign Steering Committee
George L. Bunting, Jr., Co-Chair
Anne S. Perkins, Co-Chair
M. Gwen Davidson
Rosalee C. Davison ’60
Neal M. Friedlander, M.D.
Alice Falvey Greif
LeRoy E. Hoffberger
Nancy R. Sasser
Neil A. Meyerhoff, Ex-Officio
Fred Lazarus IV, Ex-Officio
Michael R. Franco, Ex-Officio
Michael R. Franco
Vice President for Advancement
Douglas L. Frost
Special Counsel for Development
Vice President for Development,
Jennifer Andiorio
Senior Development Officer,
Corporate, Foundation, and
Government Relations
Victoria Gellner Boone
Associate Vice President,
Michelle Brown
Executive Assistant, Advancement
Elizabeth Bryan
Annual Fund Assistant
Catherine Burrier
Director of Development
Kim Carlin
Associate Vice President,
Erin Chrest
Grants and Research Manager
Monée Cottman
Media Relations Writer/Publicist
Stephen Sattler
Director of Publications &
Editorial Services
Jane E. Schwartz
Manager of Prospect
Management & Research
Karen Stults
Executive Director of
Development, Giving Programs
Mike Walley-Rund
Writer/Project Coordinator
Michelle T. Weatherly
Special Projects Assistant
Mikhael Mei Williams
Director of Media Relations
Josh Seipp-Williams
Publications/Web Specialist &
Image Database Coordinator
Christy Wolfe
Budget & Production Manager,
Carolyn Stratford Younce
Director of the Annual Fund
410-225-2324 and 410-225-2339
410-225-2312 and 443-423-1022
Kim Howard Gray
Advancement Assistant/Facilitator
David R. Hart
Executive Director of
Development, Donor Relations
MICA Officers
Margaret Henry
Development Office Manager
Fred Lazarus IV
Lisa Hillman ’88
Development Services Manager
Raymond Allen
Vice President for Academic
Affairs & Provost
Kevin Hoffman
Director of Web & Electronic
Theresa Lynch Bedoya
Vice President & Dean for
Admission and Financial Aid
Genya Hopkins
Senior Development Officer,
Gift Planning
Michael R. Franco
Vice President for Advancement
Lucille Hughes
Director of Alumni Relations
Thomas G. Hyatt
Vice President for Technology
Systems & Services
Amy Hunter
Executive Assistant
Principal photography: Bruce Weller
Uncredited additional photos courtesy
of donors
Design: Claude Skelton Design, Inc.
© 2007 Maryland Institute College of Art
Division of Advancement
Maryland Institute College of Art
1300 Mount Royal Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21217-4191