2. Wakkumbura H.P., Deepthica S.H.K., Weerasingha W.A.R.P.
2. Wakkumbura H.P., Deepthica S.H.K., Weerasingha W.A.R.P.
! Alrrrveda for poly cystic o,varian syndrome T*T:1. a randomized clinical trial ttP. \ttkkuhhttr t. . jt. lt. ,.{ ,t. /, l1,'.cnsilq//, H De.pthikx!, D. R. Sr,,jyanl Abstract 'y!,,,yi:ri,ir:_,:t;3?ff ii,i"i'il:xl?f ::,T"":*"#a.:::sr:il ;'ikfu *i,H*iit*'*i{ift qit$$:ilffi fr e$i$;n"6l.r#il1g3itii_4li$jffi ;6ir$t'.,':ii#nfi*r*:ifrT*:i:'f;.i{;:ii,,ffi .,i:r:ffi i:?:,Tfi m:n*:*"ir_,x*r, $liiiliirp;lfi $!;:il;r.ffi rlf i*qli:a"f ff t:ldjli-,i*:ffi iil,lii;?ii]?;#',i#*.1tnff Kevwords : !:!"1;'::"t;;;t:Jy aopxhr \i.rk.rtuadr.hi Arured. \1i.ti'anxr(lrti AJnjn{& Crrnpnlu l]mril: [email protected] ;t:,ru;iil*{l*i:n:::* nd ro m e' Avnfv e dic ntedicine, himutism, rnsinure lhtv€Ftrv d |'elarila. yakkdx, sd llnka Telching Hospna/. txkkrtj Sri Llnka. Introd.uction omei Ovafy Disease. PCOS is thc mosl cls t ic ov a r ia n s.t, n dro ne (PCIOS) is believed ro bc onc of P o I :' the most colnmon hormonal abnofmalities found in wonten. Depending on the cr-iteria uscd to definc thc syndrome, pCOS may atlect between 59,," l0% of worren of |eprorluctir c agc Thc prcsence oI fotvc)\ttc o\anes Jlonc is nol enough to achieve a diagnosis of PCO.S. This is becarLsc multiplc ova an cysts are detected in as nany as 20 25% ofnormal uornen on ultrasound examination. lrving Stein and Michael Leventhal firsl identilied this disorder in 1935. PCOS is generally considered a syndro,ne rather than a disease (though it is somctimcs called )mmon )sgarch hamuli ycystic aerence ch was ears of )nnaire en DC dbacks rports. to test given arison. can be )atrelrts Ltment. nstrual 'ment. jutism, Polycystic O\ arian Diseasc) because it-manifcsts itself througli a group oI stgns and symptonts that can common cause of menstrual irregularitics in wornan in aqc groun of l5 to 45 )'ears.ln thc qomei who a.e srLffering eithcr froln infertilit,,). recurrent miscarriagc, or we ighl gain. PCOS is rcsponsible for 54,11, of the problems. It is characterized by multiple slnall cvsts on rhe ovarlcs, lltenstLual irregularities and features ol_ excess androgen productton such as rlrurtls.rT (cxcess facral or body hair). rnale or fcmale pattcm balding, d.rart ha.t is igrens and acne.r Not all womcn affccted with PCOS havc all thrce feetures but to make a diagnosis of pCOS. at lcast tu,o of these thrce characteristics must bc present. ln lerms of menstrual ifiegularity, rnenses may be irregular; there may be oligamenorrhoea (rcduced I req uency of menstruation) or anrenorrhoea (periods of six months or morc wrthout menstruatior). As wcll as these diagnostic leatures PCIOS is associatid with obesitv. particularly central obcsity, iusulin occur in any combinttion. rathcf than having one known cause or prescntation. k is typicallv defined as thc association of hyperandrogenisln with chronic ano!ulation in ivornen \,,rthoUt sp(cifi c uIdet Iyrng drseil\r resr stancc! hypertension. raiscd blood lipids and ntetabolic syndrome. ul ihc ddrenill o| prtuitarl glrnds According to Ayurveda pCf)S is a disofdcl involving pitta, kdlh(r, A wonan rvith PCOS may entcr her cldca years \\.ith an incrcased .1sk of type Il diabctes and hcarl clisease.r The cause of pCOS is m( d,:1.r, d n b h u,", a h.r_rr.o1dj. and hu krcr/arthdrctdh ctlr, and it is stmilef to kaphaldGt dnthi. GranIhi ret'ers to knotty elcvation.: It refers poorlv understood. A gene tic (inherited) link is Iikely. but has s not yct been identified. One key lactor 1n the dcvelopment of pCOS rs thought to be insulin rcsistance. The cells ol the bodv become rcsistant to insulin, fiiling to rcspond normally. The body compensates for this by increasing in suli n to nodular or glandular srvelling \a.ith ha.d. knotty and rou-qh appcarence. i other names for P o /y t.v.t t it Ovary Svndrone arc Ste in - Leven th e I Syndrome. h yp eran d roge n i c c h ro n ic anovulation. functional ova rian production. hypcr androgen ism. arld pol),cystic ieading to h],perinsulinacmia (excess insulin 81 in the blood). fhis in turn is thought to be lcad to the othcr probierns of PCOS: excess ardrogcn production and abnormai production of lhe sex horrnoncs responsible for feguLating the mcnstrual cycle. Invcstigations for polycystic oval ian syndrome may include: Clucose tcsting \&ith a glucose tolcrancc te st. Blood lipld (cholesterol) levels,llormone tests,\.vhich nlay include thyroid honnone, prolachn, lots of problens. Girls with PCOS arc more likely to ha,',e infet tilit!, exccssive hair gtou'th. acne- obesity. diabctcs, heart diseasc, high blood prcssure, abnolmal bleeding from thc utcrus and cancer. The problcm ofthis rcsear'ch is to sce whether the f)C Panta, acronym for "Dhashanuli Clh in n aru ha", a widcly sed medicjnc in tradition al s),stem. could be used as an eft'ective drug in the ma agcmcnt ofPCOS- testosteaone and sex n ormone binding globulin, Tr-ans Vaginal ultrasound examination looking at the ulerLts and ovarics ls inportant to exclude thickening ol lhe litting of the womb, and to look lbr the classic'polycystic' dppearance of Materials and. Methods Aim of thc study Aim of lhc study was io identif) the elficacy ol DC tfeatmcnt in P.)lycy.ttic Ordriati Syndrome by testing follicular maturation and decrencnt oI ofter symptoms of disease by conducting a clinical the ovarics. In Westcrn rnedicine, therc is no definitive treatlncnt for PCOS. Management is largely symplolllatlc. The managemeit of PCOS is study. complex and life long. Stud) design lt invohes addressing both acute rssues (irregular menstruation, in/ertiIity This is a raidomiy sclected cljnical study.50married i'emale patients were randomly selected from the gynaecology clinic ol the Gan:rpaha rirs&lisfi), and the chronic issuc of insulin r'esistance. Ayurrveda can nakc a signilicant conttibution to the \rellbcing o1'woinen $ith PCOS by ollering fdlrrd soothing diet, lifestyle, and lr.4rld soothing hcrbs. and W-ickrarnarachchi Ayurveda tcaching hospital, Yakkala. Formuia $as introduced to above group \\'ithin duration of three rnonths. Diagnostic criteria Research Problem Pol1t7y911s ovdrr tlndrane ls Three rccognized criterja were rLsod to select the study samplc including: ( 1) \\"hether the patient r'" as suft'edng a cornmon hcalth problem that cen alfect teenagc girls and wonen. Although no one really knows \\'hat causcs PCOS, lt see s to bc related to an imbelance in a gir-l's hofi'noncs. tf PCOS is nol treated properly; it can put a girl at risk tbr lrom o/igamenorthea andiot LlnarLtldlion, (2) clinical a nd/o r b io chem ic al signs of hyperandrogcnism. and (l) positive polycystic ovaries through Trans VaginaL ultrasound scan." a2 '', :.:r'::!,i11TS,{ _________-_!'|rl! Inclusiou Criteria Marricd uunren abo\c lE or a_ge \\,ho \\crc diagnoscd\ears and conllrlned as Pob) Clstic. Ovdrian J,1 nLtn, nte after unrlcrrrk jng the aoove procedure. ,10 out rLttormation regardrng polv I t \tt. Ut drton Sntdrome ind Dt ranra. prepantiofl ofDC panta *as oone irccording to the not.ms anrl methods oI panta p3r iba s ha at rn(,phrrrnac) of Exclusion Criteria Women ahove and internet $,ere refened to find vears, previousiv rnou n eardior ascular diseeses' tn' rotd discrs(s. ne,rplaqms. e n d o m e t r io s is, a iib. t".. n)fcr1ctrs jou ( blood pressure vU t+ornm Hg t. renal irr]pairment (serum creatinrnc> 120 pmol/l) ano \{omen uerr on cn\ long terlr Inedtcatr!'ns ft,r at Ieasl O mnnths pnor to the study rere excluded rrom the study. Nlethodology Both Ayurveda ancl westem text Gampaba wrc.rramarachchi At uri eda r ns rrru te rcwAI). Subiectud to select,on crirena. 50 patients uerc !]rvcn the que{tionnrjre to tind out rnetr s.ttLlrlion bcfore the ttecrment procedurc was conducted. Clinical rrlal was done with the aanclom setectton procedu res at GalnDaha rcKratrarachch Ay,lrrr eda terihille ,v\ nosprlrl. fhe prer Jousli questtonnatre group res giren the u.r^ rantt [o be used or er a perioJ or J moLrths and feedbacl $ as taken inrough questionnaire, laboratorv 11\esttgatton and scan rcpotts Thc sratrstrc0 | softu Jj.e. MINiTAB \aJs tuSed tor analvsis. M€thodolo€y fG--!.'f; :" ',,';,i;i:,':;r -i,i* t,.,,,.,',:,' l!+u&li!a !ll!!!l,!q!! epJrrrion nr DL I ord/f! r. jhl r. :il(il r",r I ] J5 ,lone nr\ .,n! merhon\ rr the ph'Jrm '' ''l L- ,= ,. u _l ] '{l r^rorlrrh"r ri t In' 2r r..tqa\ d l ne i rh tund.rr pfocc(lui. at CNAr h.spilal ] { -] f-ua1{c-!U!!!j!Lt1 n. fk r.' rl., / tr I \en rh! D' fhra ,, U.,*a.,* per od !r t,nUih.JrLl Dr.n rh urrhq!*r!nni i Da!!,a!at$rr4r!r!!!l1! " i* t..i,',t ", ( .,b. r.lLr^ ,n\csrg!tLon nnd scrn rcp.(s i 83 D Lrr J s,- tr3s.lo,re 'rl\tMtNtf\H) tr\rns p ,,8 Jm \Lal\r,.,l l' ti'' Results and Discussion Table l: ADDearance ol each characteristic belbre thc trcatment Appearancc of characlcrislic % 840 IJ t5.0 50 00.0 ! 16 0 ,11 8.1 0 50 Obesitv 12 810 s 50 000 000 HifsutLsm l8 i0 00.0 Ac.nLosls nrgncans l(l 50 00.0 Cystic O!ary 2I :12 50 000 Small f(nlicles 50 100 0 50 00.0 42 lrregular \'1.C ll 0 t9 2.+ 0 58.0 0 1aa.|L F sar" 6 6 krrlluLar Aaenorhoea f.,r Obesiv Htrllish i l: ay i .)v../ Smallb f:1.: iltr.ins C Figure A.rntos. haracterist,c No I lB'. Appearance ofcach charactcristic belbre lhc treatment Table 1 indicated that out of 50 patients who partjcipate.l iirr the study, all ofthcm were having snrall f'ollic1cs. Considering thc enlire syndtorre. dntenorrhoetl has been recorded as ieast indicaied one among ali lhe patients. According to the figure 1, more than 80 perccnl ofiadics nere suffering from Irregular N{enstrual CYclc. obcsity lntl snall follicles Table 2: Appcarance ofcach charactedstic after app."*n.. or.t,rr,.t"ri"ti.-No. t00 lll 0.0 00 0.t) 0.0 0.0 Acrrlhosjs nigrjcilns l ReguJar N4.C Clstic Ovary \4alu.c Fotliclcs 5 80.0 6.0 !0 50 t00.0 50 i00.0 50 100.0 6A 1l tii t) ,10 50 320 100.0 l'1 6ti.0 50 r00.0 8.0 t6 | 2.0 50 r00.0 Jll.0 50 r00.0 2 l the taeatment 62.0 00 Dar9/o ':.1J9a a% HCG+ 'r.&rgh|r.s f rs tish qaftl,Irs rr,]r.i.-! ;.dwlar [4 | rjysli. Olaij] r,r'tature Fotic e5 T Ye, ligure 2: Appearance ofeach characterjstic after the treatment Considcr ing the table 2. appearance Figure 2 deprcts tlte appearance or characteristic s hirsutisnT. ol cac h chiraere ctic;fter thc treatlrent. According to the figure. rngrgjntll\, less than n0 perceit of rrdrcs hJ\ e indicated u eight loss. ocun/ho.r i,\ ) than rlqrla?r., wete tecoi_deaJ rn very low amounfs aftcr the trcalmcnts cnng ycle, s5 7 ,-:;.'\ 3: Table HCC ADDearance of each characte stic before and after treatment F lrrcgula! M C 0 0.0 20.0 4l 81 0 42 8:r.0 680 l:1 l8 t2.{l Acanros's n'gncans 3l 62.0 Cysiic O!ary tl ,11.0 0 00 l 2t.0 l1 62.0 htdl nunbar ol Pnrient' i0 *o oo.r" g 4a./" reEua' M I Oresily Hjsltsm Ata.t.es ()3[ O,3ry tn:a.s - 6iro.e ir,"iim.nl ChaDcteristics Figurc l: Mah] e rnl.les n 6 AterT.*rr.rr Appeamnce ofeach chnracrcristic before and a1lef treahne.t Having altcrcd the variables in lcl salne manncr. table 3 was collslructed to compare the features of belore and afier treafunents with respcct to givcn characteristics,{ccording to the tirble nulnber of paticnts shown h i rsutism a]nd .ra.rrto-rl.! nigricans havc bcen remarkably low after the lrcatmcnL Hypothesis Testing ln order to tcst the trcatlnent e ffic ac y, number of paticnts indicated thc given charactcristics befbre According to the figure 3. numbers of patients indicated the characteristics, irregular Menstrual Cl,cle. obesity, ,4ir!& titm. dcdntoti.l -{ 1 ii : j tenl l nigricans and cystic ovary weae lower after the treatment_ lt can be clearly seen that the presence or patrents shtrwing positive HCC ancl maturc follicles after gjving lhe 20.0 treatment 6E.0 and after treatmcnt was considered for comparison. Thc appropriate srgnrrlcance test ts two sample 44.1) l2.0 6.0 28.0 Proporhon test stncc the data are in categorical fonr. The statistical software, MIN]TAB was uscd for aoalysis. Series ol.onc-tail test were Table,l: : tt.) rt, t,)1./ r , |,,)i.t | \tt j. l r| ],.!\,i|: ''i. caried out for each characteristic. Hypothesis Ho: There is iro difference in proporti on s of indicating the relevant characteristic between before and after treatment. Hr : There is a difference in proportion s of indicating the relevant characteristic between before and after treatment. Results oftwo sample proporlion test for each charactedstic. appearance of each characteristjc (%) No. Before iatment atients torlshcs igure 3, aled the enstrual Z statisiic p -vahe (BT) (AT) 0.1) 20.0 20.0 r.54 0.000* 84.0 68.0 16.0 - 1.91 Obesity 0.028* 84.0 4.1.0 -40.0 ,1.17 1 Hifsutisnl 0.000+ 76.0 r2.0 64.0 5 Acanlosis nigricans 6).0 60 J6.0 C!\t;c Ovrry 12.0 18.0 l,l 0.0 62.0 62.0 I HCC+ 2 lrregular M.C l J a Difference (,{T BT) 0 0.000* 5.91 0.000* 1.4 8 0.069 9.03 0.000* :;AtiliLont dt 5% lewl Table 5. Somc.tatislical mea.urentenr. ol the palienl5 dge \\ilh re.pect to parient. shou ing In.lLle tollrclc\ after rhe treaimenL -""'- " Ptesence of mature lollicles Statistical measuremeot l: li i'81)i li'.1 ltr'lllj llri'.1.i,J :ttrr t,t,tt,rr.r1rt,tii.t, rr,r.t\t 1it t".'it ).i:.i,tj, li )if1\r According to the table 5, it cannot be seen consideaable differences of mean and mcdian age of patients with respect to showing mature fbllicles. References 1. Tewari,P (2000), Ayurveda PraSuti-taotra Evam Stri-Roga, Chaukhambha orienttaiia, Golghag Maidagin, India. Conclusion Examining the sign of each Z statistic, following conclusions can be made at 5% level ol significance. Significantly large nunber of patients has shown positive HCG (20%) and mature lbllicles (62%) after the treatment. The numbers of patients, shown 2. India. 3. Monga, A. Ed. (2006), ,+. the characteristics irregular Gynecology by Ten Teaches, I8'r' Edition, Book Power with Hodder Arnold, London. Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRMSponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop Group. (2004). Rcvised 2003 consensus on diaglostic criteria and long- Menstrual Cycle, ob esity, hirsutisn and acdntosis nigricdns aftet lhe treatment a{e significantly lower than thosc of before treatment. There is no sufficient statistical evidcnce to conclude that decreasing trend ofcystic ovary after treatment at 5% significaot level. Usha, V.N.K (2010), Stree Roga Vijnan (A texl book of Gynecology), Chakhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi, 5. term health risks related to the polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility & Sterility, 81(1), 1925. Trivax, B., &Azziz, R. (200'7 ). Dragnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 50(1), 168 l'7'7.
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